FERC 545 549C 30-day notice

FERC 545 549C 30-day notice.pdf

FERC-549C, (Final Rule in RM96-1-041) Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines

FERC 545 549C 30-day notice

OMB: 1902-0174

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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

based on the change in that Index since
June 1993, is $2.75.
Abioye E. Mosheim,
Acting Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2018–26160 Filed 11–30–18; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 284
[Docket No. RM96–1–041; Order
No. 587–Y]

Standards for Business Practices of
Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.



Final rule.

The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission is amending its
regulations to incorporate by reference,
with certain enumerated exceptions, the
latest version (Version 3.1) of business
practice standards adopted by the
Wholesale Gas Quadrant of the North
American Energy Standards Board
(NAESB) applicable to natural gas
pipelines in place of the currently
incorporated version (Version 3.0) of
those business practice standards. The
revisions made by NAESB in this
version of the standards are designed to
clarify the processing of certain business
DATES: This rule will become effective
February 1, 2019. Compliance filings
required by this rule are due on April
1, 2019 and compliance with the
standards incorporated in this rule is
required on and after August 1, 2019.
The incorporation by reference of

certain publications listed in this rule is
approved by the Director of the Federal
Register as of February 1, 2019.

Stanley Wolf (technical issues), Office
of Energy Policy and Innovation,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6841, stanley.wolf@
Oscar F. Santillana (technical issues),
Office of Energy Market Regulation,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6392,
[email protected].
Gary D. Cohen (legal issues), Office of
the General Counsel, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE, Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
8321, [email protected].

Table of Contents

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I. Background ................................................................................................................................................................................
II. Discussion ................................................................................................................................................................................
A. The NAESB WGQ Version 3.1 Business Practice Standards .........................................................................................
B. NAESB’s Process ...............................................................................................................................................................
C. Adoption of Version 3.1 of the Standards ......................................................................................................................
D. Required Compliance Filings ...........................................................................................................................................
III. Implementation Schedule ......................................................................................................................................................
IV. Notice of Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards ................................................................................................................
V. Incorporation by Reference .....................................................................................................................................................
VI. Information Collection Statement ..........................................................................................................................................
VII. Environmental Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................
VIII. Regulatory Flexibility Act ...................................................................................................................................................
IX. Document Availability ...........................................................................................................................................................
X. Effective Date and Congressional Notification .......................................................................................................................

1. In this Final Rule, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission) amends its regulations at
18 CFR 284.12 to incorporate by
reference, with certain enumerated
exceptions, the latest version (Version
3.1) of business practice standards
applicable to interstate natural gas
pipelines adopted by the Wholesale Gas
Quadrant (WGQ) of the North American
Energy Standards Board (NAESB) in
place of the currently incorporated
version (Version 3.0) of those business
practice standards. Under this Final
Rule, interstate natural gas pipelines are
required to file compliance filings with
the Commission by April 1, 2019 and
are required to comply with the
standards incorporated by reference in
this rule on and after August 1, 2019.
2. The implementation of these
standards and regulations will promote
additional efficiency and reliability of
the natural gas industries’ operations
thereby helping the Commission to

carry out its responsibilities under the
Natural Gas Act (NGA).1
3. The NAESB WGQ Version 3.1
package of standards contains a number
of revisions to the NAESB Version 3.0
package of standards. As explained
further below, NAESB adopted two
substantive revisions to its Nominations
Related Standards, one to establish a
standard rounding process for elapsedprorated-scheduled quantity
calculations and a second to revise the
specifications for the information to be
included in a nomination request.
4. NAESB also adopted three minor
revisions to the WGQ Electronic
Delivery Mechanism (EDM) Related
Standards. First, it has increased the
allowable field length in ASCII Comma
Separated Value Files to 3000
characters. Second, NAESB adopted
new Standard 4.3.106 to allow
checkboxes and radio buttons in the
Transmission Service Providers’ (TSP)
Electronic Bulletin Boards (EBB). Third,
NAESB modified its standards to update
1 15

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the operating systems and web browsers
that entities should support on behalf of
users. Additionally, clarifying language
was added to the Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)
5. Other changes adopted by NAESB
included changes to the NAESB WGQ
data sets and other technical
implementation documentation as well
as revisions to the Flowing Gas Related
data sets and technical implementation.
In addition, NAESB revised the
Imbalance Trade data set and revised
two Sender’s Option data elements.
NAESB also adopted revisions to the
Capacity Release Related data sets and
technical implementation and revised
Standard 6.3.1 (i.e., the NAESB Base
Contract for Sale and Purchase of
Natural Gas) to add language directing
users to NAESB’s copyright disclaimer
posted on the NAESB website. Identical
language was added to three additional
NAESB WGQ Contracts.
6. Lastly, NAESB adopted
modifications to add a selfidentification provision that assists end



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
users in determining whether
counterparties are commercial market
participants as defined by the United
States Commodity Futures Trading

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

I. Background
7. Since 1996, the Commission has
adopted regulations to standardize the
business practices and communication
methodologies of interstate natural gas
pipelines to create a more integrated
and efficient pipeline grid. These
regulations have been promulgated in
the Order No. 587 series of orders,2
wherein the Commission has
incorporated by reference standards for
interstate natural gas pipeline business
practices and electronic
communications that were developed
and adopted by NAESB’s WGQ. Upon
incorporation by reference, this version
of these standards will become part of
the Commission’s regulations and
compliance by interstate natural gas
pipelines will become mandatory and
will replace the earlier version of these
standards that the Commission
previously incorporated by reference in
8. On September 29, 2017, NAESB
filed a report informing the Commission
that it had adopted and ratified WGQ
Version 3.1 of its business practice
standards applicable to natural gas
pipelines. The NAESB report identifies
all the changes made to the Version 3.0
Standards and summarizes the
deliberations that led to the changes. It
also identifies changes to the existing
standards that were considered but not
adopted due to a lack of consensus or
other reasons.
9. On August 21, 2018, the
Commission issued a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking proposing to
amend its regulations to incorporate by
reference, with certain enumerated
exceptions, the NAESB WGQ Version
3.1 business practice standards
(referenced above) applicable to natural
gas pipelines.4
10. In response to the Version 3.1
NOPR, Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA) and the Interstate Natural Gas
Association of America (INGAA) filed
comments. TVA expresses support for
2 This series of orders began with the
Commission’s issuance of Standards for Business
Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, Order
No. 587, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,038 (1996) (crossreferenced at 76 FERC ¶ 61,042).
3 Standards for Business Practices of Interstate
Natural Gas Pipelines, Order No. 587–W, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,373 (2015) (Order No. 587–W)
(cross-referenced at 153 FERC ¶ 61,061).
4 Standards for Business Practices of Interstate
Natural Gas Pipelines, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 83 FR 44521 (Aug. 31, 2018), FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 32,728 (2018) (Version 3.1 NOPR).

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the Commission’s proposal to
incorporate by reference NAESB’s WGQ
Version 3.1 business practice standards.
INGAA also supports the Commission’s
proposal in the Version 3.1 NOPR, but
urges the Commission to ensure that
implementation of a Final Rule in this
proceeding does not occur prior to April
1, 2019, after the winter heating season.
INGAA states that implementation of a
Final Rule in this proceeding will
require substantial time and effort from
both pipelines and their customers to
alter business systems, scheduling, and
coordination processes and, thus, it
would be best to schedule
implementation to not occur during the
winter heating season.
II. Discussion
A. The NAESB WGQ Version 3.1
Business Practice Standards
11. The NAESB WGQ Version 3.1
Business Practice Standards made a
number of modifications to the earlier
version of those standards that the
Commission previously incorporated by
reference in 2015 in Order No. 587–W.5
Notable among these modifications 6
were two substantive revisions
concerning the Nominations Related
Standards, which govern shipper
requests to schedule service on natural
gas pipelines. One revision adds a new
provision, Standard 1.3.82, to establish
a standard rounding process (requiring
calculations to at least the seventh
decimal place) for elapsed-proratedscheduled quantity 7 calculations to
provide for needed numerical
uniformity and granularity for users of
these NAESB procedures. The other
Nominations Related Standards revision
was to revise the ‘‘Service Requester’’
element of Standard 1.3.27,8 which
specifies some of the information that
should be included in a nomination
request, from a Mandatory designation
to a Business Conditional 9 designation.
5 Order

No. 587–W, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,373.
abbreviated description of these
modifications is provided at PP 3–6 above.
7 Standard 1.2.12 of the Nominations Related
Standards defines the elapsed-prorated-scheduled
quantity to mean:
That portion of the scheduled quantity that
would have theoretically flowed up to the effective
time of the intraday nomination being confirmed,
based upon a cumulative uniform hourly quantity
for each nomination period affected.
8 NAESB also made conforming revisions to the
related data sets and documents: Standard 1.4.1 of
the Nomination data set, Standard 1.4.5 of the
Scheduled Quantity data set, Standard 2.4.4 of the
Shipper Imbalance data set, Standard 1.4.2 of the
Nomination Quick Response data set, Standard
2.4.1 of the Pre-Determined Allocation document,
and Standard 2.4.3 of the Allocation document.
9 Standard 1.2.2 of the Nominations Related
Standards provides that a Business Conditional data
6 An

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Thus, instead of forcing a specific
upstream or downstream (unthreaded)
nomination 10 to be tied to a specific
contract (using a specific threaded
nomination), upstream nominations
may now be distributed among several
contracts (using a Pathed Non-Threaded
nomination structure), which generally
increases flexibility to customers.
12. NAESB also adopted three minor
revisions to the WGQ EDM Related
Standards, which establish the
framework for the electronic
dissemination and communication of
information between parties in the
North American Wholesale Gas
marketplace. First, NAESB revised
Standard 4.3.80 to increase the
allowable field length in ASCII Comma
Separated Value Files to 3000
characters. The revision increases the
amount of information that can be
conveyed, but reasonably limits it in
conformity with commonly used
software such as Excel. Second, NAESB
adopted new Standard 4.3.106 to allow
checkboxes and radio buttons in the
TSPs’ EBBs to indicate ‘‘Yes’’ and/or
‘‘No’’ responses to data elements, which
NAESB states is more convenient than
the current drop down list. Third,
NAESB revised its standards to update
the operating systems and web browsers
that entities should support to allow
element is one that is based on current variations
in business practice.
10 NAESB’s Nomination Data Dictionary, WGQ
Version 3.1, Standard 1.4.1, retains from the
Version 3.0 standard the field for ‘‘Model Type
Data’’ that identifies which of three types of
nomination structures is being used. These are:
Pathed, Non-Pathed, and Pathed Non-Threaded.
Having these three types of model type data allows
specificity as to the details of the nomination. A
pathed nomination uses one nomination line item
to transact business and, therefore, has one
transaction type. A non-pathed nomination uses
two nomination line items to transact business and,
therefore, has two transaction types. A pathed nonthreaded nomination uses three nomination line
items to transact business and, therefore, has three
transaction types.
NAESB also provides the following clarification
of these concepts in the description of the technical
implementation of business processes included as
part of Standard 1.4.1, where NAESB explains that:
[a] ‘‘Pathed’’ nomination is actually a ‘‘Pathed
Threaded’’ nomination because (1) the physical
path of the pipeline locations and service
contract(s) is fully described in the nomination, and
(2) the logical thread of a specific supplier entity
to a specific market entity at specific pipeline
locations for a specific quantity is also fully
described. ‘‘Non-Pathed’’ nominations are actually
‘‘Non-Pathed Non-Threaded’’ nominations because
(1) physical ‘‘location-to-location’’ paths are not
described in the nominations, and (2) no ties of
specific supply entities to specific market entities
are established. And for ‘‘Pathed Non-Threaded’’
nominations, (1) the physical path of the pipeline
locations, service contract(s), and quantity is fully
described, and (2) no ties of specific supply entities
to specific market entities are established. See
NAESB WGQ Version 3.1 Business Practice
Standards, Nominations Related Standards,
Standard 1.4.1, at 87 (Sep. 29, 2017).



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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

users to take advantage of recent
developments in computer technology
and use. Additionally, language was
added to clarify the SSL/TLS protocols,
which encrypt data to hide information
from electronic observers on the
internet. The revised standard provides
guidance on the timing for adoption of
a new version of SSL/TLS protocols—
new versions of these protocols should
be used within 9 months of the version
becoming generally available. In
addition, the revised standard clarifies
that SSL is a colloquial term that
encompasses both SSL and TLS.
13. Other changes adopted by NAESB
included changes to the NAESB WGQ
data sets and other technical
implementation documentation, which
provide the technical support necessary
to use the NAESB standards effectively.
One such change was to add a new
Business Conditional data element
‘‘Agent’’ and corresponding technical
implementation to the Nominations
related Standard 1.4.1 and the
Scheduled Quantity Standard 1.4.5.
Currently, in the data sets, the Service
Requester is defined as the Shipper or
its Agent; however, language included
in the implementation guides states that
both the Shipper and Agent will be
identified. Thus, this change adds a data
element ‘‘Agent’’ to the data sets to
allow the Service Requestor to identify
both the shipper and its agent if it uses
an agent to nominate and schedule on
the pipeline.
14. NAESB also adopted revisions to
the Flowing Gas Related data sets and
technical implementation, which
address quantitative issues relating
generally to allocation, imbalances, and
measurement of flowing gas.
Specifically, NAESB added three
Business Conditional data elements to
the Authorization to Post Imbalances
data set (Standard 2.4.9). The addition
of the three data elements will allow a
Service Requester to authorize specific
contracts and quantities of imbalances
for specified periods of time to be
15. In addition, NAESB revised the
Imbalance Trade data set (Standard
2.4.11) to reinstate language providing
the confirming party the ability to reject
a trade in the Imbalance Trade data set
when an auto-confirm agreement with a
confirming party is in place. NAESB
states that in its WGQ Version 2.1
publication, before the Imbalance
Trading data sets were consolidated, the
Imbalance Trade Confirmation
contained a Yes/No indicator that the
confirming party could use to indicate
its acceptance or rejection of the trade.
This indicator informed a pipeline
whether the confirming party agreed to

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the terms of the trade that the initiating
trader had posted. When the data sets
were consolidated, this data element
was dropped because it was assumed
that if a confirming party did not agree
with the posted terms it would not
confirm the trade, which was effective
only if the pipeline did not have an
auto-confirm agreement with that
confirming party. Accordingly, to
address situations where there are autoconfirm agreements, NAESB has now
revised Standard 2.4.11 to add a new
Business Conditional data element
‘‘Imbalance Trade Response’’ with an
‘‘Accept/Reject’’ code value. This
Accept/Reject indicator informs the
pipeline whether the confirming party
agrees to the terms of the trade that the
initiating trader had posted.
16. NAESB also revised Standard
2.4.6 to add two Sender’s Option data
elements,11 ‘‘Comments’’ and ‘‘VolumeUncorrected’’ to the Measured Volume
Audit Statement 12 in order to
communicate raw data on volumes in
addition to the final volumes, which are
communicated through the existing data
element ‘‘Volume Corrected.’’ Thus,
users will now be able to indicate what
initial data they received in addition to
how that data was ultimately corrected,
and to provide comments concerning
that data, which relate to what meter
was used to measure the data.
17. NAESB also adopted revisions to
the Capacity Release Related data sets
and technical implementation.
Specifically, NAESB revised Standard
5.4.24 to add a new Business
Conditional data element, ‘‘Waive
Bidder Credit Indicator’’ and
corresponding code values to the Offer
data set. The additional data element
indicates to a Bidder whether the
Releasing Shipper will waive, pursuant
to the TSP’s tariff, the Bidder’s
creditworthiness pre-qualification.
18. Further, NAESB revised Standard
6.3.1 (i.e., the NAESB Base Contract for
Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas) to
add language to the disclaimer to
provide a copyright notification and
direct the reader to the NAESB
Copyright Policy and Companies with
Access to NAESB Standards under the
Copyright Policy posted on the NAESB
website. Identical language was added
11 Nominations Related Standard 1.2.2 provides
that Sender’s Option means that this element is an
option for the sender to send and, if sent, the
receiver should store and use the contents of the
data element.
12 NAESB’s business process and practices
overview of the Flowing Gas Related Standards
states that the Measured Volume Audit Statement
data set is used to report gas measurement
information in support of the allocation, imbalance,
invoice and audit processes.

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to three additional NAESB WGQ
19. Lastly, NAESB adopted
modifications to the cover page of
Standard 6.3.1 to add a selfidentification provision that assists end
users in determining whether
counterparties are commercial market
participants as defined by the United
States Commodity Futures Trading
B. NAESB’s Process
20. NAESB used its consensus
procedures to develop and approve the
Version 3.1 Standards. As the
Commission found in Order No. 587,
the adoption of consensus standards is
appropriate, because the consensus
process helps ensure the reasonableness
of the standards by requiring that the
standards draw support from a broad
spectrum of industry participants
representing all segments of the
industry. Moreover, since the industry
itself must conduct business under
these standards, the Commission’s
regulations should reflect those
standards that have the widest possible
support. In section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (NTT&AA),13 Congress
affirmatively requires federal agencies to
use technical standards developed by
voluntary consensus standards
organizations, like NAESB, as means to
carry out policy objectives or activities
determined by the agencies unless an
agency determines that the use of such
standards would be inconsistent with
applicable law or otherwise impractical.
C. Adoption of Version 3.1 of the
21. In the Version 3.1 NOPR, the
Commission proposed to incorporate by
reference, in its regulations, Version 3.1
of the NAESB WGQ consensus business
practice standards, with the exception
of NAESB’s standards specifying the
terms of optional model contracts and
the eTariff-related standards.14 As
explained above, all of the commenters
supported the Commission’s proposal to
incorporate by reference the NAESB
WGQ Version 3.1 business practice
standards as proposed in the Version 3.1
22. After a review of the comments
filed in response to the Version 3.1
NOPR, the Commission amends Part
284 of its regulations to incorporate by
13 Public Law 104–113, 12(d), 110 Stat. 775
14 Version 3.1 NOPR, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 32,728
at n.1 & P16.
15 INGAA’s suggestions for the implementation
dates for the Final Rule are discussed separately in
section III below.



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
reference the NAESB WGQ Version 3.1
business practice standards, with the
exceptions (as explained in the Version
3.1 NOPR) of the optional model
contracts and the eTariff-related
D. Required Compliance Filings
23. To implement the standards we
are incorporating by reference in this
Final Rule, we will require each
interstate natural gas pipeline to file a
separate tariff record reflecting the
changed standards by April 1, 2019, to
take effect on August 1, 2019, and the
natural gas pipelines will be required to
comply with these standards on and
after August 1, 2019.16
III. Implementation Schedule

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24. As suggested by INGAA, we have
selected an implementation schedule for
compliance with this Final Rule that
delays implementation until after the
winter heating period. We also observe
that none of the comments took issue
with the Commission’s explanation of
its policies on tariff filings and on
waiver requests. Thus, we are not
modifying these policies in this Final
Rule and stand by the explanation of
those policies we made in the Version
3.1 NOPR. The Commission will require
interstate natural gas pipelines to
comply with the revised NAESB
standards that we are incorporating by
reference in this Final Rule beginning
on August 1, 2019. We are adopting this
implementation schedule to give the
interstate natural gas pipelines subject
to these standards adequate time to
implement these changes. In addition,
the interstate natural gas pipelines must
file tariff records to reflect the changed
standards by April 1, 2019.
25. In addition, consistent with the
requirements in Order No. 587–W,17 the
Commission is including the following
compliance filing requirements to
increase the transparency of the
pipelines’ incorporation by reference of
the NAESB WGQ Standards so that
shippers and the Commission will know
which tariff provision(s) implements
each standard as well as the status of
each standard.
(1) The pipelines must designate a
single tariff record under which every
NAESB standard currently incorporated
by reference by the Commission is
16 To aid in compliance, promptly after issuance
of this Final Rule, the Commission will post a
sample tariff record on the Commission’s website
that may be accessed at http://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/elibrary.asp. All interstate natural gas
pipelines are to file their tariff records in
conformance with this sample tariff record.
17 Order No. 587–W, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶31,373
at P 42.

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listed.18 This section should be a
separate tariff record under the
Commission’s electronic tariff filing
requirement and should be filed
electronically using the eTariff portal
using the Type of Filing Code 580. The
Commission will post on its eLibrary
website (under Docket No. RM96–1–
041) a sample tariff record, to provide
filers an illustrative example to aid them
in preparing their compliance filings; 19
(2) For each standard, each pipeline
must specify in the tariff record a list of
all the NAESB standards currently
incorporated by reference by the
(a) whether the standard is
incorporated by reference;
(b) for those standards not
incorporated by reference, the tariff
provision that complies with the
standard; 20 and
(c) a statement identifying any
standards for which the pipeline has
been granted a waiver, extension of
time, or other variance with respect to
compliance with the standard.21
(3) If the pipeline is requesting a
continuation of an existing waiver or
extension of time, it must include a
table in its transmittal letter that states
the standard for which a waiver or
extension of time was granted, and the
docket number or order citation to the
proceeding in which the waiver or
extension of time was granted.
IV. Notice of Use of Voluntary
Consensus Standards
26. Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular A–119 (section 11)
(February 10, 1998) provides that
federal agencies should publish a
request for comment in a NOPR when
the agency is seeking to issue or revise
a regulation proposing to adopt a
voluntary consensus standard or a
government-unique standard. In this
Final Rule, the Commission is amending
its regulations to incorporate by
reference voluntary consensus standards
developed by NAESB’s WGQ. In section
12(d) of NTT&AA, Congress
affirmatively requires federal agencies to
use technical standards developed by
18 See

supra n.14.

19 Id.
20 For example, pipelines are required to include
the full text of the NAESB nomination and capacity
release timeline standards (WGQ Standards
1.3.2(i–vi) and 5.3.2) in their tariffs. See, e.g.,
Standards for Business Practices of Interstate
Natural Gas Pipelines, Order No. 587–U, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,307, at P 39 & n.42 (2010). Each
pipeline’s submittal is to identify which tariff
provision complies with each of these standards.
21 Shippers can use the Commission’s electronic
tariff system to locate the tariff record containing
the NAESB standards, which will indicate the
docket in which any waiver or extension of time
was granted.

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voluntary consensus standards
organizations to carry out policy
objectives or activities determined by
the agencies unless use of such
standards would be inconsistent with
applicable law or otherwise
V. Incorporation by Reference
27. The Office of the Federal Register
requires agencies incorporating material
by reference in final rules to discuss, in
the preamble of the final rule, the ways
that the materials it incorporates by
reference are reasonably available to
interested parties and how interested
parties can obtain the materials.23 The
regulations also require agencies to
summarize, in the preamble of the final
rule, the material it incorporates by
28. The NAESB standards being
incorporated by reference in this Final
Rule consist of seven suites of NAESB
WGQ Business Practice Standards that
touch on a variety of topics and are
designed to streamline the transactional
processes for the wholesale gas industry
by promoting a more competitive and
efficient market. These include the
WGQ Additional Business Practice
Standards; WGQ Nominations Related
Business Practice Standards; WGQ
Flowing Gas Related Business Practice
Standards; Invoicing Related Business
Practice Standards; Quadrant EDM
Related Business Practice Standards;
Capacity Release Related Business
Practice Standards; and internet
Electronic Transport Related Business
Practice Standards. These can be
summarized as follows.
29. The WGQ Additional Business
Practice Standards address six areas:
Creditworthiness, Storage Information,
Gas/Electric Operational
Communications, Operational Capacity,
Unsubscribed Capacity, and Location
Data Download.
• The Creditworthiness related
standards describe requirements for the
exchange of information, notification,
and communication between parties
during the creditworthiness evaluation
• The Storage Information related
standards define the information to be
provided to natural gas service
requesters related to storage activities
and/or balances.
• The Gas/Electric Operational
Communications related standards
define communication protocols
intended to improve coordination
22 Public Law 104–113, 12(d), 110 Stat. 775
(1996), 15 U.S.C. 272 note (1997).
23 1 CFR 51.5. See Incorporation by Reference, 79
FR 66267 (Nov. 7, 2014).



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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

between the gas and electric industries
in daily operational communications
between transportation service
providers and gas-fired power plants.
The standards include requirements for
communicating anticipated power
generation fuel for the upcoming day as
well as any operating problems that
might hinder gas-fired power plants
from receiving contractual gas
• The Operational Capacity related
standards define requirements of the
transportation service provider related
to the reporting and requesting of a
transportation service provider’s
operational capacity, total scheduled
quantity, and operationally available
• The Unsubscribed Capacity related
standards define requirements of the
transportation service provider related
to reporting and requesting a
transportation service provider’s
available unsubscribed capacity.
• The Location Data Download
related standards define requirements
for the use of codes assigned by the
transportation service provider for
locations and common codes for parties
communicating electronically.
30. The WGQ Nominations Related
Business Practice Standards define the
process by which a natural gas service
requester with a natural gas
transportation contract nominates (or
requests) service from a pipeline or a
transportation service provider for the
delivery of natural gas.
31. The WGQ Flowing Gas Related
Business Practice Standards define the
business processes related to the
communication of entitlement rights of
flowing gas at a location, of the
entitlement rights on a contractual basis,
of the management of imbalances, and
of the measurement and gas quality
information of the actual flow of gas.
32. The Invoicing Related Business
Practice Standards define the process
for the communication of charges for
services rendered (Invoice),
communication of details about funds
rendered in payment for services
rendered (Payment Remittance), and
communication of the financial status of
a customer’s account (Statement of
33. The Quadrant Electronic Delivery
Mechanism Related Business Practice
Standards define the framework for the
electronic dissemination and
communication of information between
parties in the North American wholesale
gas marketplace for Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI)/EDM transfers, batch
flat file/EDM transfers, informational

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postings websites, EBB/EDM and
interactive flat file/EDM.
34. The Capacity Release Related
Business Practice Standards define the
business processes for communication
of information related to the selling of
all or any portion of a transmission
service requester’s contract rights.
35. The Internet Electronic Transport
Related Business Practice Standards
define the implementation of various
technologies necessary to communicate
transactions and other electronic data
using standard protocols for electronic
commerce over the internet between
trading partners.
36. Our regulations provide that
copies of the NAESB standards
incorporated by reference may be
obtained from NAESB, whose offices are
located at 801 Travis Street, Suite 1675,
Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 356–
0060. NAESB’s website can be accessed
at https://www.naesb.org//. Copies of
the NAESB standards may be inspected
at the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Public Reference and Files
Maintenance Branch, 888 First Street
NE, Washington, DC 20426, Phone:
(202) 502–8371, http://www.ferc.gov.24
37. NAESB is a private, consensus
standards developer that develops
voluntary wholesale and retail
standards related to the energy industry.
The procedures utilized by NAESB
make its standards reasonably available
to those affected by the Commission
regulations.25 Participants can join
NAESB, for an annual membership cost
of $7,000, which entitles them to full
participation in NAESB and enables
them to obtain these standards at no
additional cost.26 Non-members may
obtain the Individual Standards Manual
or Booklet for each of the seven manuals
or booklets by email for $250 per
manual or booklet, which in the case of
these standards would total $1,750.27
Non-members also may obtain the
complete set of Business Practice
Standards on USB flash drive for
$2,000. NAESB also provides a free
electronic read-only version of the
standards for a three business day
period or, in the case of a regulatory
24 18

CFR 284.12.
25 As a private, consensus standards developer,
NAESB needs the funds obtained from its
membership fees and sales of its Individual
Standards Manual or Booklet to finance the
organization. The parties affected by these
Commission regulations generally are highly
sophisticated and have the means to acquire the
information they need to effectively participate in
Commission proceedings.
26 NAESB Membership Application, https://
27 NAESB Materials Order Form, https://

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comment period, through the end of the
comment period.28 In addition, NAESB
considers requests for waivers of the
charges on a case-by-case basis based on
VI. Information Collection Statement
38. The collections of information for
this Final Rule are being submitted to
OMB for review under section 3507(d)
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 29 and OMB’s implementing
regulations.30 OMB must approve
information collection requirements
imposed by agency rules. The burden
estimates for this Final Rule are for onetime implementation of the information
collection requirements of this Final
Rule (including tariff filing,
documentation of the process and
procedures, and IT work), and ongoing
39. The Commission solicited
comments from the public on the
Commission’s need for this information,
whether the information will have
practical utility, the accuracy of the
burden estimates, recommendations to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected, and
any suggested methods for minimizing
respondents’ burden, including the use
of automated information techniques.
No comments were filed raising any
objections to the burden estimate
presented in the Version 3.1 NOPR.
Accordingly, we will use that same
burden estimate in this Final Rule.
40. The collections of information
related to this Final Rule fall under
FERC–545B (Gas Pipeline Rates: Rate
Change (Non-Formal)) 31 and FERC–
549C (Standards for Business Practices
of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines).32
The following estimates of reporting
burden are related only to this Final
Rule and include the costs to pipelines
to comply with the Commission’s
directives in this Final Rule. The burden
estimates are primarily related to startup to implement these standards and
regulations and will not result in
ongoing costs.
28 Procedures for non-members to evaluate work
products before purchasing are available at https://
Evaluation.pdf. See Incorporation by Reference, 79
FR at 66271, n.51 & 53 (Nov. 7, 2014) (citing to
NAESB’s procedure of providing ‘‘no-cost, no-print
electronic access,’’ NAESB Comment, at 1, available
at http://www.regulations.gov/#!document
29 44 U.S.C. 3507(d).
30 5 CFR 1320.
31 FERC–545B covers rate change filings made by
natural gas pipelines, including tariff changes.
32 FERC–549C covers Standards for Business
Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines.



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations


[Standards for business practices of interstate natural gas pipelines]
Number of
respondents 33

of responses
per respondent

Total number
of responses

Average burden
hr. per response

Total annual burden
hours & total annual
cost 34

Annual costs



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

(5) * (1)

FERC–545B (one-time) ...
FERC–549C (one-time) ...




10 hrs.; $1,020 ..........
22 hrs.; $2,244 ..........

1,650 hrs.; $168,000
3,630 hrs.; $370,260

Total ..........................





5,280 hrs.; 538,560 ...

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The one-time burden (for both the
FERC–545B and FERC–549C) will be
averaged over three years:
FERC–545B: 1,650 hours ÷ 3 = 550
hours/year over three years
FERC–549C: 3,630 hours ÷ 3 = 1,210
hours/year over three years
The number of responses is also
averaged over three years (for both the
FERC–545 and FERC–549C):
FERC–545B: 165 responses ÷ 3 = 55
FERC–549C: 165 responses ÷ 3 = 55
The responses and burden for Years
1–3 will total respectively as follows:
Year 1: 55 responses; 550 hours (FERC–
545B); 1,210 hours (FERC–549C)
Year 2: 55 responses; 550 hours (FERC–
545B); 1,210 hours (FERC–549C)
Year 3: 55 responses; 550 hours (FERC–
545B); 1,210 hours (FERC–549C)
41. OMB regulations require OMB to
approve certain information collection
requirements imposed by agency rule.
The Commission is submitting
notification of this Final Rule to OMB.
33 The number of respondents is the number of
entities in which a change in burden from the
current standards to the proposed exists, not the
total number of entities from the current or
proposed standards that are applicable.
34 The estimated hourly cost (salary plus benefits)
provided in this section is based on the salary
figures for May 2017 posted by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics for the Utilities sector (Bureau of Labor
Statistics, May 2017 National Industry-Specific
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
(May 2017), http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics2_
22.htm#13-0000) and scaled to reflect benefits using
the relative importance of employer costs in
employee compensation from May 2017 (Bureau of
Labor Statistics, May 2017 National IndustrySpecific Occupational Employment and Wage
Estimates (May 2017), https://www.bls.gov/oes/
current/naics2_22.htm). The hourly estimates for
salary plus benefits are:
Computer and Information Systems Manager
(Occupation Code: 11–3021), $96.51
Electrical Engineer (Occupation Code: 17–2071),
Legal (Occupation Code: 23–0000), $143.68
The average hourly cost (salary plus benefits),
weighting all of these skill sets evenly, is $102.36.
The Commission rounds it to $102/hour.

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These information collections are
mandatory requirements.
Title: FERC–545B,35 Gas Pipeline
Rates: Rates Change (Non-Formal);
FERC–549C, Standards for Business
Practices of Interstate Natural Gas
Action: Proposed information
OMB Control Nos.: TBD (FERC–545B),
1902–0174 (FERC–549C).
Respondents: Business or other for
profit (e.g., Natural Gas Pipelines,
applicable to only a few small
Frequency of Responses: One-time
implementation (related to business
procedures, capital/start-up).
Necessity of Information: The
Commission has determined that the
revisions the Commission makes in this
Final Rule to its regulations specifically
will upgrade the business practices and
communication standards of natural gas
pipelines by (1) updating the
Nominations Related Standards to
standardize a rounding process for the
elapsed-prorated-scheduled quantity
calculation, and dictate that the
‘‘Service Requester Contract’’ data
element signify business conditional
nominations, rather than mandatory
nominations, (2) updating the WGQ
EDM Related Standards to make three
minor revisions designed to add clarity,
update the minimum technical
characteristics to account for changes in
technology since the previous version
(Version 3.0) of the WGQ standards, and
update the minimum and suggested
operating systems and web browsers
that entities should support, and (3)
revising the NAESB WGQ data sets or
other technical implementation
documentation while not resulting in
modifications to the underlying
35 In the supporting statement for the NOPR, we
submitted Gas Pipeline Rates: Rate Changes (NonFormal) under the temporary information collection
FERC–545B to ensure timely submission to OMB as
another unrelated item was pending OMB review
under FERC–545 (and only one item per collection
can be pending at OMB). FERC–545B will also be
used for the Final Rule in Docket No. RM96–1–041.

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business practice standards. The
package of standards also includes
minor corrections.
The implementation of these data
requirements will provide additional
transparency to informational posting
websites and will improve
communication standards. The
implementation of these standards and
regulations will promote the additional
efficiency and reliability of the natural
gas industries’ operations thereby
helping the Commission to carry out its
responsibilities under the NGA. In
addition, the Commission’s Office of
Enforcement will use the data for
general industry oversight.
Internal Review: The Commission has
reviewed the business practice
standards of natural gas pipelines
adopted by NAESB and has determined
that the revisions the Commission
makes in this Final Rule to its
regulations are necessary to provide
additional transparency to informational
posting websites and promote the
additional efficiency and reliability of
the natural gas industry’s operations.
These requirements conform to the
Commission’s plan for efficient
information collection, communication,
and management within the natural gas
pipeline industry. The Commission has
assured itself, by means of its internal
review, that there is specific, objective
support for the burden estimates
associated with the information
requirements. Interested persons may
obtain information on the reporting
requirements by contacting the
following: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: Ellen
Brown, Office of the Executive Director],
email: [email protected], phone:
(202) 502–8663, fax: (202) 273–0873.
42. Comments concerning the
collection of information(s) and the
associated burden estimate(s) should be
sent to the contact listed above and to
OMB, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC
20503 [Attention: Desk Officer for the




Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
telephone: (202) 395–0710, fax: (202)
VII. Environmental Analysis
43. The Commission concludes that
neither an Environmental Assessment
nor an Environmental Impact Statement
is required for this Final Rule under
§ 380.4(a) of the Commission’s
regulations, which provides a
categorical exemption for actions that
are clarifying, corrective, or procedural,
or that do not substantively change the
effect of legislation or regulations being
amended, for information gathering,
analysis, and dissemination, or for the
sale, exchange, or transportation of
natural gas under sections 4, 5, and 7 of
the NGA that require no construction of
facilities.36 Therefore, an environmental
review is unnecessary and has not been
prepared as part of this Final Rule.

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES

VIII. Regulatory Flexibility Act
44. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 37 generally requires a
description and analysis of final rules
that will have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The Commission is not
required to make such analysis if
proposed regulations would not have
such an effect.
45. As we stated in the WGQ Version
3.1 NOPR, approximately 165 interstate
natural gas pipelines, both large and
small, are potential respondents subject
to the requirements adopted by this
rule. Most of the natural gas pipelines
regulated by the Commission do not fall
within the RFA’s definition of a small
entity,38 which is currently defined for
natural gas pipelines as a company that,
in combination with its affiliates, has
total annual receipts of $27.5 million or
less.39 For the year 2018, only eleven
companies not affiliated with larger
companies had annual revenues in
combination with its affiliates of $27.5
million or less and therefore could be
considered a small entity under the
RFA. This represents about seven
percent of the total universe of potential
respondents that may have a significant
burden imposed on them. The
36 See 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii), 380.4(a)(5),
37 5 U.S.C. 601–612.
38 See 5 U.S.C. 601(3) citing section 3 of the Small
Business Act (SBA), 15 U.S.C. 623. Section 3 of the
SBA defines a ‘‘small-business concern’’ as a
business which is independently owned and
operated and which is not dominant in its field of
39 13 CFR 121.201 (Subsector 486-Pipeline
Transportation; North American Industry
Classification System code 486210; Pipeline
Transportation of Natural Gas) (2018). ‘‘Annual
Receipts’’ are total income plus cost of goods sold.

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Commission estimates that the one-time
implementation cost of the proposals in
this Final Rule is $538,560 (or $3,264
per entity, regardless of entity size).40
The Commission does not consider the
estimated $3,264 impact per entity to be
significant. Moreover, these
requirements are designed to benefit all
customers, including small businesses
that must comply with them. Further, as
noted above, adoption of consensus
standards helps ensure the
reasonableness of the standards by
requiring that the standards draw
support from a broad spectrum of
industry participants representing all
segments of the industry. Because of
that representation and the fact that
industry conducts business under these
standards, the Commission’s regulations
should reflect those standards that have
the widest possible support.
46. Accordingly, pursuant to § 605(b)
of the RFA,41 the regulations being
promulgated herein should not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.

X. Effective Date and Congressional
50. These regulations are effective
February 1, 2019. The Commission has
determined (with the concurrence of the
Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
OMB) that this rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’
as defined in section 351 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996. This Final Rule is
being submitted to the Senate, House,
and Government Accountability Office.

IX. Document Availability


47. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through
FERC’s Home Page (http://
www.ferc.gov) and in FERC’s Public
Reference Room during normal business
hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time) at 888 First Street NE, Room 2A,
Washington DC 20426.
48. From FERC’s Home Page on the
internet, this information is available on
eLibrary. The full text of this document
is available on eLibrary in PDF and
Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access
this document in eLibrary, type the
docket number excluding the last three
digits of this document in the docket
number field.
49. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the FERC’s website during
normal business hours from FERC
Online Support at (202) 502–6652 (toll
free at 1–866–208–3676) or email at
[email protected], or the
Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202)502–8659. Email the
Public Reference Room at
[email protected].
40 This number is derived by dividing the total
cost figure by the number of respondents. $538,560/
165 = $3,264.
41 5 U.S.C. 605(b).

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List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 284
Incorporation by reference, Natural
gas, Reporting and recordkeeping
By the Commission. Commissioner
McIntyre is not voting on this order.
Issued: November 15, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.

In consideration of the foregoing, the
Commission amends part 284, chapter I,
title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as

1. The authority citation for part 284
continues to read as follows:


Authority: 15 U.S.C. 717–717z, 3301–3432;
42 U.S.C. 7101–7352; 43 U.S.C. 1331–1356.

2. Section 284.12 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1); and
b. Removing from paragraph (a)(2) the
phrase ‘‘http://www.archives.gov/
regulations/ibr_locations.html’’ and
adding ‘‘www.archives.gov/federalregister/cfr/ibr-locations.html’’ in its
The revision reads as follows:

§ 284.12 Standards for pipeline business
operations and communications.

(a) * * *
(1) An interstate pipeline that
transports gas under subparts B or G of
this part must comply with the business
practices and electronic
communications standards as
promulgated by the North American
Energy Standards Board, as
incorporated herein by reference in
paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (vii) of this
(i) Additional Standards (Version 3.1,
September 29, 2017);
(ii) Nominations Related Standards
(Version 3.1, September 29, 2017);
(iii) Flowing Gas Related Standards
(Version 3.1, September 29, 2017);



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
(iv) Invoicing Related Standards
(Version 3.1, September 29, 2017);
(v) Quadrant Electronic Delivery
Mechanism Related Standards (Version
3.1, September 29, 2017);
(vi) Capacity Release Related
Standards (Version 3.1, September 29,
2017); and
(vii) internet Electronic Transport
Related Standards (Version 3.1,
September 29, 2017).
[FR Doc. 2018–26158 Filed 11–30–18; 8:45 am]

Federal Register for official use within
the DON. These internal procedures will
continue to be available at https://
This rule is not significant under
Executive Order (E.O.) 12866,
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review,’’
therefor, E.O. 13771, ‘‘Reducing
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
Costs’’ does not apply.


List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 701

Department of the Navy

Administrative practice and
procedure, Freedom of Information,
Accordingly, 32 CFR part 701 is
amended as follows:

32 CFR Part 701
[Docket ID: USN–2018–HQ–0012]
RIN 0703–AB02

Indexing, Public Inspection, and
Federal Register Publication of
Department of Navy Directives and
Other Documents Affecting the Public
Department of the Navy,
Department of Defense.
ACTION: Final rule.

1. The authority citation for part 701
continues to read as follows:


This final rule amends the
CFR by removing a subpart that
delineates internal responsibilities
regarding indexing, public inspection,
and Federal Register publication of
Department of the Navy (DON)
directives and other documents
affecting the public. It has been
determined that this subpart is no
longer required, as the procedures
outlined in it are internal to the DON.
DATES: This rule is effective on
December 3, 2018.
Helena Gilbert at 703–693–9932.
determined that publication of this rule
in the Federal Register for public
comment is impracticable, unnecessary,
and contrary to public interest since it
is based on removing policies and
procedures that are solely internal to the
DON. Specifically, the subpart this rule
is removing prescribes internal
instructions for making available for
public inspection, and copying, certain
classes of documents; maintaining
current indexes of documents, and
publishing such indexes or making
them available by other means;
receiving and considering petitions of
members of the public for the issuance,
revision, or cancellation of documents
of some classes; and, distributing the

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.

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Subpart E—[Removed and Reserved]
2. Subpart E, consisting of §§ 701.61
through 701.67, is removed and


M.S. Werner,
Commander, Judge Advocate General’s Corps,
U.S. Navy, Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–26134 Filed 11–30–18; 8:45 am]

Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 100
[Docket No. USCG–2018–0540]

Special Local Regulation: Seminole
Hard Rock Winterfest Holiday Boat
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of enforcement of


The Coast Guard will enforce
a special local regulation on December
15, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. through 11:30
p.m. to provide for the safety and
security of navigable waterways during


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the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest
Holiday Boat Parade. During the
enforcement period, all non-participant
persons and vessels will be prohibited
from entering, transiting, anchoring in,
or remaining within the regulated area
unless authorized by the Captain of the
Port Miami or a designated
representative. The operator of any
vessel in the regulated area must
comply with instructions from the Coast
Guard or designated representative.
The regulation in 33 CFR
100.701, Table to § 100.701, Line 14 will
be enforced on December 15, 2018 from
2:00 p.m. through 11:30 p.m.


you have questions about this notice of
enforcement, call or email Petty Officer
Mara J. Brown, Sector Miami Waterways
Management Division, U.S. Coast
Guard: Telephone: 305–535–4317,
Email: [email protected].


The Coast
Guard will enforce a special local
regulation for the Seminole Hard Rock
Winterfest Holiday Boat Parade
published in 33 CFR 100.701, Table to
§ 100.701, Line 14 on December 15,
2018 from 2:00 p.m. through 11:30 p.m.
This action is being taken to provide for
the safety and security of navigable
waterways during this one-day event.
Our regulation for marine events within
the Seventh Coast Guard District,
§ 100.701, specifies the location of the
special local regulation for the Seminole
Hard Rock Winterfest Holiday Boat
Parade, which encompasses a moving
buffer zone of 50 yards around the
parade as it travels along the New River
and Intracoastal Waterway in Ft.
Lauderdale, FL. Only event sponsor
designated participants and official
patrol vessels will be allowed to enter
the regulated area. Spectators may
contact the Coast Guard Patrol
Commander to request permission to
pass through the regulated area. If
permission is granted, spectators must
pass directly through the regulated area
at a safe speed without loitering.
In addition to this notice of
enforcement in the Federal Register, the
Coast Guard will inform the public
through Local Notice to Mariners and
marine information broadcasts at least
24 hours in advance of the enforcement
of the special local regulation.


Dated: November 27, 2018.
M.M. Dean,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Miami.
[FR Doc. 2018–26098 Filed 11–30–18; 8:45 am]



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