Burden Calculation Tables - Updated


Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program

Burden Calculation Tables - Updated

OMB: 2060-0725

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I- RIN Generators
II- Obligated Parties
III- RIN Owners
IV- Exporters
V- QAP Providers
VI - Petition Agg Compliance
Labor Costs

Sheet 1: Totals

Total Hours and Cost

Number of Respondents Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
Rin Generators 7,603 812,932 222,219 22,824,339
Obligated Parties 5,538 815,862 187,160 18,504,024
RIN Owners 5,227 930,841 208,355 20,631,399
Exporters 1,164 158,642 35,835 3,543,965
QAP Providers 48 8,131 1,196 161,839
Petition Agg Compliance 1 1 200 18,600
Total 19,581 2,726,409 654,965 65,684,166

Sheet 2: I- RIN Generators

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 1 - RIN Generators (Assuming 595 Producers and 131 Importers of Renewable Fuels, for a total of 726 RIN Generators)
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1430 Recordkeeping: Retain Export Affidavits related to QAP 0.25 0 0 23.25 110 12 1320 330 30690 CBP
§80.1450(b), 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 37 1 37 28 2,581 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(b), 80.1452(a) Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 37 1 37 37 3,441 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(b)(1)(i)-(xv) Registration: Information to specific products or processes including provisions of certain plans (e.g. MSW separation plan) or processes (e.g. affidavits) - new producers 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 30 1 30 30 2,790 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(b) Registration: Engineering Review for Initial Registrants - new producers 6.00 0.00 48.00 9,486 30 1 30 1,620 284,580 OPTIONAL ENGINEERING REVIEW TEMPLATE
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes) 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 37 1 37 28 2,581 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing engineering reviews (every three years) - 1/3 of existing producers each year 2.00 0.00 16.00 3,162 198 1 198 3,564 626,076 OPTIONAL ENGINEERING REVIEW TEMPLATE
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 726 4 2,904 2,904 270,072 RFS0104: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly RFS Renewable Fuel Producer Supplemental Report (4x/year, as needed); producers only 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 60 4 240 120 11,160 RFS0601: RFS RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCER SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly Co-Products Report (4x/year) 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 726 4 2,904 1,452 135,036 RFS0701: RFS RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCER CO-PRODCUTS REPORT/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly Renewable Biomass Report (4x/year) 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 37 4 148 74 6,882 RFS0801: RFS RENEWABLE BIOMASS REPORT/URF
§80.1449 Reporting: Annual Production Outlook Report 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 595 1 595 595 55,335 RFS0901: RFS PRODUCTION OUTLOOK REPORT/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 10 4 40 40 3,720 RFS1400: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T)/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 10 4 40 40 3,720 RFS1500: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T) - FINISHED BIOFUEL BLENDING/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Quarterly reporting for fuels under 80.1451(b)(i)(ii)(T) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 10 4 40 40 3,720 RFS1600: REPORTING FUELS UNDER 80.1451(B)(1)(ii)(T) - BLENDER CONTRACT/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: EPP Reporting (4x/year) - producers 3.00 0.00 0.00 279 60 4 240 720 66,960 RFS2500: RFS EFFICIENT PRODUCER QUESTIONNAIRE/URF
§80.1451(b) Reporting: Cellulosic Biofuels (D3, D7) annual reporting (1x/year) 3.00 0.00 0.00 279 73 1 73 219 20,367 RFS2700: RFS CELLULOSIC BIOFUEL PRODUCER QUESTIONNAIRE/ URF
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Assignment/Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 726 365 264,990 132,495 12,322,035 w/in EMTS
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 726 4 2,904 1,452 135,036 DOWNLOAD FROM EMTS
§80.1452 Reporting: EMTS RFS RIN Generation Report (4x/year) 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 726 4 2,904 1,452 135,036 DOWNLOAD FROM EMTS
§80.1416 Reporting: Petitions for evaluation of new renewable fuels pathways, including overhead information, description and technical information, and other relevant information. 16.00 0.00 0.00 1,488 4 1 4 64 5,952 NO FORM
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 8.00 0.00 24.00 5,208 726 1 726 23,232 3,781,008 USER GUIDE TO OTAQREG FOR ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE RFS
§80.1466 Reporting: Submission of information regarding independent third paty, credentials, etc. for approval - new RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 0.50 0.00 8.00 1,535 37 1 37 315 56,777 NO FORM
§80.1466 Reporting: Independent third party reports to accompany PTDs - for RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 0.00 0.00 1.00 186 73 12 876 876 162,936 NO FORM
§80.1469(c) Recordkeeping: Quarterly auditor paperwork review (related to QAP) - producers 40.00 0.00 0.00 3,720 112 4 448 17,920 1,666,560 CBP
§80.1472 Recordkeeping: Auditor site visits for QAP 10.00 0.00 0.00 930 112 2 224 2,240 208,320 CBP
80.1474 Reporting: Remedial actions related to QAP and invalid RINs 8.00 0.00 0.00 744 40 1 40 320 29,760 w/in EMTS and/or update to RFS0104 or other underlying form.
80.1474 Reporting: Potentially invalid RIN demonstration 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 10 1 10 10 930 NO FORM
§80.1466 Recordkeeping: Designation, PTD, and load port requirements for RIN-generating foreign producers and importers 4.00 0.00 0.00 372 73 12 876 3,504 325,872 CBP
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: PTD Requirements when party transfers ownership of neat/blended renewable fuels 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 726 365 264,990 13,250 1,232,204 CBP
§80.1454(b), 1464 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports, records related to RIN generation, etc.) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 726 365 264,990 13,250 1,232,204 CBP

812,932 222,219 22,824,339


We used the actual number of registered parties for the basic assumptions.

For new registrants, we assume 5% of the appropriate total number of currently registered. It is difficult to estimate the exact number, although this benchmark seems close in our experience.

For updates to existing registration, we assume 10%.

For Lines 22, 34, and 35, we have returned to the original RFS ICR assumption that daily means calendar days (365) insteand of business days (260). These are marked in salmon highlight.

Lines 34 and 35 split PTDs into general PTD use requirements and retention, the total of these is 0.1 hour.

We have broken the QAP specific items out from recordkeeping and reporting. Lines 5, 17-19, and 29-32 reflect this break out. These are in light blue color coded rows.

Sheet 3: II- Obligated Parties

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 2 - Obligated Parties (Refiners/Importers of Non-Renewable Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, assumes 457 refiners plus 281 importers, total of 738 obligated parties)
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 1.50 0.00 0.00 140 37 1 37 56 5,162 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 37 1 37 37 3,441 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes) 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 74 1 74 56 5,162 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1451 Reporting: invalid RIN retirement reporting (as needed) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 150 1 150 150 13,950 w/in EMTS and/or update to RFS0104 or other underlying form.
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 738 4 2,952 2,952 274,536 RFS0104: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS Annual Compliance Report (1x/year) 6.00 0.00 0.00 558 738 1 738 4,428 411,804 RFS0303: RFS ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT/URF
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions ) 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 738 365 269,370 134,685 12,525,705 w/in EMTS
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 738 4 2,952 1,476 137,268 DOWNLOAD FROM EMTS
§80.1474 Reporting: Potentially Invalid RIN demonstrations and remedial actions (as needed) 2.00 0.00 0.00 186 74 1 74 148 13,764 NO FORM
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 6.00 0.00 16.00 3,534 738 1 738 16,236 2,608,092 USER GUIDE TO OTAQREG FOR ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE RFS
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD Requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 738 365 269,370 13,469 1,252,571 CBP
§80.1454(b) Recordkeeping: Specific requirements for retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 738 365 269,370 13,469 1,252,571 CBP

815,862 187,160 18,504,024


We used the actual number of registered parties for the basic assumptions.

For new registrants, we assume 5% of the appropriate total number of currently registered. It is difficult to estimate the exact number, although this benchmark seems close in our experience.

For updates to existing registration, we assume 10%. We also assume that 10% of registrants may have potentially invalid RIN reporting requirements.

For Lines 11, 15, and 16, we have returned to the original RFS ICR assumption that daily means calendar days (365) insteand of business days (260). These are marked in salmon highlight.

Lines 15 and 16 split PTDs into general PTD use requirements and retention, the total of these is 0.1 hour.

We have broken the QAP specific items out from recordkeeping and reporting. Lines 8 and 13 reflect this break out. These are in light blue color coded rows.

Sheet 4: III- RIN Owners

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 3 - RIN Owners (Assumes 843 RIN Owners)
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 42 1 42 21 1,953 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1467 Registration: Applications (new) for foreign RIN owners 8.00 0.00 0.00 744 1 1 1 8 744 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 42 1 42 42 3,906 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes) 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 84 1 84 63 5,859 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 843 4 3,372 3,372 313,596 RFS0104: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 843 365 307,695 153,848 14,307,818 w/in EMTS
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 843 4 3,372 1,686 156,798 DOWNLOAD FROM EMTS
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 6.00 0.00 16.00 3,534 843 1 843 18,546 2,979,162 USER GUIDE TO OTAQREG FOR ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE RFS
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: General PTD Requirements (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 843 365 307,695 15,385 1,430,782 CBP
§80.1464 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) (daily) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 843 365 307,695 15,385 1,430,782 CBP

930,841 208,355 20,631,399


We used the actual number of registered parties for the basic assumptions.

For new registrants, we assume 5% of the appropriate total number of currently registered. It is difficult to estimate the exact number, although this benchmark seems close in our experience.

For updates to existing registration, we assume 10%.

For Lines 10, 13, and 14, we have returned to the original RFS ICR assumption that daily means calendar days (365) insteand of business days (260). These are marked in salmon highlight.

Lines 13 and 14 split PTDs into general PTD use requirements and retention, the total of these is 0.1 hour.

Sheet 5: IV- Exporters

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 4 - Exporters (Assumes 142 Exporters)
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1450, 80.76 Registration: Overhead, basic information - new registrants 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 7 1 7 5 488 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450, 80.1452(a) Registration: Set up account in CDX, EMTS - new registrants 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 7 1 7 7 651 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(d) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes) 0.75 0.00 0.00 70 14 1 14 11 977 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1451 Reporting: Quarterly RFS Activity Report (4x/yr.) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 142 4 568 568 52,824 RFS0104: RFS ACTIVITY REPORT/URF
§80.1451 Reporting: RFS Annual Compliance Report (1x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 372 142 1 142 568 52,824 RFS0303: RFS ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT/URF
§ 80.1452 Reporting: RIN Transactions 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 142 365 51,830 25,915 2,410,095 w/in EMTS
§80.1452 Reporting: RFS RIN Transaction Report - download from EMTS quarterly and submit 0.50 0.00 0.00 47 142 4 568 284 26,412 DOWNLOAD FROM EMTS
§80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements 6.00 0.00 16.00 3,534 142 1 142 3,124 501,828 USER GUIDE TO OTAQREG FOR ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE RFS
§80.1453 Recordkeeping: PTD Requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 142 365 51,830 2,592 241,010 CBP
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: retention of exporter affidavit, separated out for QAP 0.10 0.00 0.00 9 142 12 1,704 170 15,847 CBP
§80.1454 Recordkeeping: Retention of records (PTDs, copies of registration, copies of reports) 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 142 365 51,830 2,592 241,010 CBP

158,642 35,835 3,543,965


We used the actual number of registered parties for the basic assumptions.

For new registrants, we assume 5% of the appropriate total number of currently registered. It is difficult to estimate the exact number, although this benchmark seems close in our experience.

For Lines 10, 13, and 15, we have returned to the original RFS ICR assumption that daily means calendar days (365) insteand of business days (260). These are marked in salmon highlight.

Lines 14 and 15 split PTDs into general PTD use requirements and retention, the total of these is 0.1 hour.

We have broken the QAP specific items out from recordkeeping and reporting. Line 14 reflects exporter records related to QAP. These are in light blue color coded rows.

Sheet 6: V- QAP Providers

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 5 - QAP Providers (Assumes 4 QAP Providers)
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1450(g) Registration: Overhead, basic information, association of accounts in OTAQREG - new registrants 20.00 0.00 0.00 1,860 1 1 1 20 1,860 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(g) Registration: association with RIN Generator 0.20 0.00 0.00 19 1 1 1 0 19 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(g) Registration: renewals for QAP auditors 13.00 0.00 0.00 1,209 4 1 4 52 4,836 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1450(g) Registration: Updates to existing registrations (as needed when information changes)/renewals 16.00 0.00 0.00 1,488 1 1 1 16 1,488 OTAQREG INSTRUCTIONS
§80.1451 Reporting: Batch Verification (4x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 372 4 4 16 64 5,952 RFS2000: BATCH VERIFICATION/URF
§80.1451(g) Reporting: Agreggate RIN Verification (4x/year) 2.00 0.00 0.00 186 4 4 16 32 2,976 RFS2100: AGGREGATE RIN VERIFICATION/URF
§ 80.1451(g) Reporting: On-Site Audit Report (4x/year) 4.00 0.00 0.00 372 4 4 16 64 5,952 RFS2200: ON-SITE AUDIT REPORT/URF
§80.1451(g) Reporting: Mass Balance 6.00 0.00 24.00 5,022 4 4 16 480 80,352 RFS2400: MASS BALANCE/URF
§80.1454* Recordkeeping: Retain records underlying QAP 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 4 2,000 8,000 80 7,440 CBP
80.1464** Reporting: ATTEST ENGAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 40.00 7,440 4 1 4 160 29,760 USER GUIDE TO OTAQREG FOR ATTEST ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE RFS
§80.1469 [e], (g) Reporting: Initial QAP Submission 40.00 0.00 0.00 3,720 4 1 4 160 14,880 NO FORM
§80.1469(f) Reporting: QAP Updates (occasional) 2.00 0.00 0.00 186 4 4 16 32 2,976 NO FORM
80.1474 Reporting: Potentially Invalid RINs (4x/year) 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 5 4 20 20 1,860 RFS2300: LIST OF POTENTIALL Y INVALID RINS
80.1474 Reporting: PIR NOTIFICATION & FOLLOW UP 1.00 0.00 0.00 93 4 4 16 16 1,488 NO FORM

8,131 1,196 161,839

NOTES: Items in this table have been broken out further, to mirror the expiring QAP ICR.

The expiring QAP ICR assumed a much higher number of QAP providers than have chosen to participate in the program.

There are currently four registered QAP providers, only two of which are engaged in providing services.

We do not anticipate an increase in the number of QAP providers, but have provided an estimate for one new registrants per year in Lines 5-6.

Also of note:

*Line 13 has been updated to restore the inividual response assumptions that were used in the expiring QAP ICR, rather than to provide a generic recordkeeping burden.

**Line 14 was erroneously folded in to Table I and has been broken back out again on the correct table and the expiring QAP ICR assumption of 40 hours accepted.

Sheet 7: VI - Petition Agg Compliance

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 6 - Petitions for Aggregate Compliance Approach
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Applicable Forms
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year
§80.1457 Reporting: Petitions for Aggregate Compliance Approach for Foreign Countries 200.00 0.00 0.00 18,600 1 1 1 200 18,600 NO FORM

1 200 18,600


One petition per year. It is unusual to receive even that number.

Sheet 8: Labor Costs

Labor Costs
Labor Type Labor Cost/hour Labor + Overhead/ houra Portion attributed/hour Employer Cost/hour
Managerial 57.2 115 0.05 5.75
Technical/Professional 52.99 106 0.7 74.2
Clerical 16.03 33 0.2 6.6
Legal 57.25 115 0.05 5.75
Total Employer Cost/hour 93
Purchased Servicesb 186
a Overhead is calculated to be equal to the cost of labor.
b The cost of purchased services (for example, cost of attest auditors) is calculated at twice the Total Employer Cost. This figure makes for an easily understandable estimate, and matches feedback we received from industry on the actual cost of such services.

The estimates used the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures from "National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment & Wage Estimate “Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing” (March 2016).

These were the most recent estimates available at the time of development of the 1st Federal Register notice and were the ones reviewed by industry commenters.

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