Form 4 CCI Museum and Library Survey

Community Catalyst (CCI) Program Evaluation: The Roles of Libraries and Museums as Enablers of Community Vitality and Co-Creators of Positive Community Change

CCI Eval Survey for Museums Libs Other Grantees (C1) V2

Community Catalyst (CCI) Program Evaluation

OMB: 3137-0113

Document [pdf]
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CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

[Note to reviewers of survey: All text within square brackets refers to information that will be pre-populated with projectspecific information prior to survey administration.]
This survey is part of a cross-grantee evaluation of the Community Catalyst Initiative (CCI), funded by the Institute for Museum and
Library Services (IMLS). The evaluation is being led by ORS Impact, an independent consulting firm. You received this survey
because you were identified by members of the CCI project team for [project name] as a person in your organization who knows the
project well. Some of the questions ask for responses that represent all staff in your organization who are involved in the project. We
encourage you to complete the survey along with them and/or to gather ideas from them.
In all results summaries based on this survey, responses will not be linked with any identifying information, such as names of
organizations. Only summaries of combined results will be shared outside of ORS Impact, including with IMLS, ABCD Institute, the
ABCD site consultants who are providing support and coaching to grantees as part of this initiative, and other audiences who may be
interested in the results. Identified information will be shared beyond ORS Impact only if it is required by law, based on a specific
At the end of the survey, there is a place where you can enter comments about your experience of the project, explain any of your
responses, or provide feedback on the survey.
In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in the design or activities of [project
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in the design or activities of [project name]--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

1. Staff in our organization who are involved in the project believe that within community change efforts,
community members--rather than community organizations--should control decision-making related to:
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree or


Strongly Agree

Goal setting (deciding
what needs to change in
the community)
Planning (deciding what
needs to be done to
create the desired
changes in the
Implementation (doing
the planned activities
intended to create the
desired changes in the


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

2. Staff in our organization who are involved in the project believe that:


Neither Agree
or Disagree


Strongly Agree

community change efforts will be more successful if
community members control project-related
decision-making, rather than community
every community has more assets than one person
or group knows about.
community change efforts are more likely to results
in lasting change if they build on community assets,
including assets of individual community members.
community members who can mobilize assets
should be at the center of community change
community assets are discovered through
community change efforts are more likely to
succeed if strategies adapt to address
what community members most want to change.
people's willingness to act on what they care about
is one of the most important assets in a community.


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved [project name] planning or activities
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

3. Staff in our organization who are involved in the project:
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree or


Strongly Agree

are able to change
project strategies or
tactics in response to
new community member
priorities or changes in
the community.
believe community
impact of this project is
more important than
benefit to organizational
feel more accountable
to community members
than to organizational
partners, in the context
of this project


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

4. Our organization's leadership:
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree or


Strongly Agree

believes asset-focused,
collaboration is a good
use of organizational
resources and staff time.
believes investing in
collaboration contributes
to the organization's
positive reputation in the
prioritizes assetfocused, communitydriven collaboration.
has a vision for the
future of the
organization that
includes investment in
publicly voices support
for asset-focused,
collaboration (generally,
versus for the project


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

5. For each question, please select the response that applies to your organization.
Yes, before
Yes, since this this project
Yes, before project started and again after
this project
(and not
the project
No, but plans
(and not since)
to do so

No, and no
current plans
to do so

Our organization invested in professional
development to increase staff skills for doing assetfocused, community-driven collaboration (not
including capacity-building provided as part of this
Our organization devoted a percent of staff member
time to doing asset-focused, community-driven
collaboration (apart from this project).
Doing asset-focused, community-driven
collaboration was made an expectation of one or
more staff member's job (apart from this project).
Our organization tried to get grant funding for doing
asset-focused, community-driven
collaboration (apart from this project).

* 6. In your community is there a group of partners empowered to make decisions related to community
change efforts?
No, but there are plans for convening such a group
No, and there are no plans for convening such a group


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

7. This group of partners empowered to make decisions related to community change efforts...


Don't know

convened prior to this
began convening as part
of this project
will continue to convene
after this project
makes decisions about
community change
efforts other than this

8. Does this group include community members?
Yes, but sometimes there are group meetings with no community members in attendance
Yes, and a least one community member attends most group meetings
Yes, and at least a few community members attend group meetings regularly


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

* 9. In your community, are there standing meetings or regular events where community change efforts are
discussed (other than meetings of the decision-making group asked about above)?
No, but there are plans for creating such standing meetings or regular events
No, and there are no plans for creating such standing meetings or regular events


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

10. These standing meetings or regular events where community change efforts are discussed...


Don't know

happened prior to this
began as part of this
will continue after this
includes discussion
of community change
efforts other than this

11. Do these standing meetings or regular events include community members?
Yes, but sometimes there are meetings/events with no community members in attendance
Yes, and a least one community member attends most meetings/events
Yes, and at least a few attend group meetings/events regularly


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

* 12. Does this project have ways of getting input from community members (other than at regular meetings
and events)?
No, but there are plans for creating such ways of getting input from community members
No, and there are no plans for creating such ways of getting input from community members


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

13. These ways of getting input from community members between project meetings and events...


Don't know

were in place prior to this
were put in place as part
of this project
will continue after this

14. Do community members use these ways to provide input to the project?
Yes, they provide input rarely
Yes, they provide input sometimes
Yes, they provide input regularly

15. What kinds of input do community members provide? (both descriptions and examples are welcome)


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

16. Our organization's policies and practices are flexible enough to allow for responsiveness to new
community-driven priorities or input.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

17. Has your organization made asset-focused, community-driven collaboration a part of other community
change efforts?
No, but it is planning on doing this is the future
No, are there are no plans to do this is the future
Don't know

18. Local entities are interested in investing in asset-based, community-driven collaboration, in the form of:
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree or


Strongly Agree

Funding (money)
Other resources (in-kind


19. Please indicate what your organization contributes to this project (choose as many as apply).
In-Kind Resources (e.g., meeting space)
Paid Staff
Volunteers and Volunteer staff
Data Resources including data sets, collection and analysis
Info/ Feedback
Expertise in a Specific Area/Topic
Community Connections
Fiscal Management (e.g. acting as fiscal agent)
IT/web resources (e.g. server space, web site development, social media)
Other (please specify)


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

The following questions ask you to describe your organization's relationship with the other organizations collaborating on this project,
as identified by the CCI project team. Please provide a response for each organization except your own.

20. How frequently does your organization work with this organization?
Never, we have not
worked with this
Once a year or less

About once a

About once a month

About every week
or more often

[Name of Org1]
[Name of Org2]
[Name of OrgN]

21. What best describes your organization's working relationship with this organization?
We provide or receive
We advise and/or receive resources that contribute
We do not currently work
advice from this
to efforts of this
with this organization

Together with this
organization we codesign efforts and/or
implement co-designed

[Name of Org1]
[Name of Org2]
[Name of OrgN]

22. To what extent does the organization share or support the vision of asset-focused, community-driven
We have not worked
with this

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal

[Name of Org1]
[Name of Org2]
[Name of OrgN]


23. How reliable* is the organization?
*Reliable: This organization is reliable in terms of following through on commitments.
We have not worked
with this

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal

[Name of Org1]
[Name of Org2]
[Name of OrgN]

24. How open to discussion* is the organization?
*Open to Discussion: This organization is willing to engage in frank, open and civil discussion (especially
when disagreement exists) and consider a variety of viewpoints and talk together (rather than at each
other). You are able to communicate with this organization in an open, trusting manner.
We have not worked
with this

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal

[Name of Org1]
[Name of Org2]
[Name of OrgN]


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

* 25. Did your organization receive a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), as
part of the Community Catalyst Initiative?


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about
[NOTE: The remaining questions will be asked only of grantees only and will NOT be included in baseline survey (C2)]

26. Within this project, community members...


Don't know

led decision-making in
the planning and doing
of the project.
influenced decisionmaking in the planning
and doing of the project.

* 27. Does this project have a "common agenda"* that was co-created by community partners?
(*common agenda = common vision/community impact goal)


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

28. Regarding the "common agenda" for this project...


Don't know

Was it co-created with
community members?
Does it include priorities
of community members?
Does it include the
community assets to be
used in order to meet
the project goal(s)?
Is it documented?


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

29. Regarding the project strategies or activities intended to benefit the community...


Don't know

Did they make use of
community member
Did they focus on what
community members
wanted to change?

30. Who helps implement strategies or activities aligned with the project's common agenda or work plan?


Don't know

Our organization
organizations other than
Community members

* 31. Does this project have indicators or measures of success for helping track progress toward project
goals? (sometimes called "common indicators")
No, but there are plans to develop these indicators
No, are there are no plans to develop these indicators
Don't know


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

32. Regarding the "common indicators" for this project...


Don't know

Were they agreed upon
by community partners?
Were they agreed upon
by a set of community
partners that included
community members?
Does your organization
collect data on any of the
common indicators?
Do other organizations
collect data on any of the
common indicators?


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

* 33. Does the project use data for learning and decision-making (including data related and not related to
common indicators)
Don't know


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

In this survey, this is what we mean when we refer to...
Community: The geographical area that is the focus of the [project name]
Community organizations: organizations and institutions within the community that are involved in [project name] planning or
Community members: residents, citizens, actors, members of resident or citizen associations within the community that are involved
in [project name] planning or activities--does not include staff members of community organizations
Community partners: community organizations AND community members (as described above)
Community-driven: based on what community members care about

34. Regarding the project's use of data...


Don't know

Do community
partners use data to
identify what is working
well in the project and
what could be changed?
Do community partners
use data to make
Do discussions of data
and/or related decisionmaking include
community members ?


CCI Evaluation Survey for Museums, Libraries, Other Grantees (C1)

35. How much benefit did your project or project team experience as a result of your ABCD site
Did not
experience this

Little or no

Some benefit

Moderate benefit

High benefit

Very high benefit

making suggestions
related to project
modeling ways to
making introductions to
others they thought
could be helpful
sharing resources (e.g.,
information about a
similar effort)
providing social support

36. Please rate the overall satisfaction of your organization's experience of being coached by the ABCD site
Not satisfied

High satisfaction

Low satisfaction

Very high satisfaction

Medium or mixed satisfaction

37. Did your organization generally receive the right amount of coaching by the ABCD site consultant, in
terms of...
Generally too little

Generally the right amount

Generally too much

frequency of coaching
(how often)
amount of time (per
coaching occurrence)


38. Is there anything else you would like to share?


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2018-11-28

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