Attachment K: Annual Ambulatory Hospital Interview
National Hospital Care Survey
No. 0920-0212; Exp. Date: XX/XX/XXXX: |
Text: |
? [F1] Hello, (Respondent’s name),
This is (insert name). I’m calling on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics concerning their study of hospital outpatient and emergency departments and hospital-based ambulatory surgery locations. You should have received a letter from Charles Rothwell, the director of the National Center for Health Statistics, describing the study. Did you receive the letter(s)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Don’t know |
Text: |
1. |
Continue |
2. |
Inconvenient Time CallBackNotes |
3. |
Other Outcome Exit Case |
Text: |
I'd like to briefly explain the study to you at this time and answer any questions about it. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is conducting a study of hospital-based ambulatory care.
They have contracted with Westat to collect the data. (Facility Name) has been selected to participate in the study. The study is authorized under the Public Health Service Act and the information will be held strictly confidential. Participation is voluntary.
Before discussing the details, I would like to verify our basic information about (facility name) to be sure we have correctly included this hospital in the study. First, concerning licensing: |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
Is this facility a licensed hospital? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No Thank_B1 |
Text: |
Are there 6 or more hospital beds staffed for inpatient use at this hospital, not including “newborn” bassinets? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No Thank_B2 |
OWN101 |
Text: |
Is this hospital nonprofit, government, or proprietary?
1. |
Nonprofit (includes church-related, nonprofit corporation, other nonprofit ownership) |
2. |
State or local government (includes state, county, city, city-county, hospital district or authority) |
3. |
Proprietary (includes individually or privately owned, partnership or corporation) |
Text: |
Is this hospital owned, operated, or managed by a health care corporation that owns multiple health care facilities (e.g., HCA or Health South)? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Is this a teaching hospital? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
Did this hospital either merge or separate from any OTHER hospital in the past 2 years? |
1. |
Merged or separated MERSEP |
2. |
No ESA24 |
3. |
Unknown ESA24 |
Text: |
Was this a merger or a separation? |
1. |
Merger |
2. |
Separation |
Text: |
Does YOUR hospital have its own medical records department that is separate from that of the OTHER hospital? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital?
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital? ♦ Enter number and street
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital? ♦ Enter second line of address or press enter if same/none
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital? ♦ Enter city
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital? ♦ Enter state
Text: |
What is the name and address of this OTHER hospital? ♦ Enter zip code
ESA24 |
Text: |
Does this hospital provide emergency services that are staffed 24 HOURS each day either here at this hospital or elsewhere? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
Does this hospital operate any emergency service areas that are not staffed 24 HOURS each day? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
What is the trauma level rating of this hospital? |
1. |
Level I |
2. |
Level II |
3. |
Level III |
4. |
Level IV |
5. |
Level V |
6. |
Other/unknown |
7. |
None |
Text: |
Does this hospital operate an organized outpatient department either at this hospital or elsewhere? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
Text: |
Does this OPD include physician services? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
Is ambulatory surgery performed at this hospital? This includes ambulatory surgery performed in the general or main operating room. |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
Now I would like to provide you with further information on the study. The National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) is a new survey combining the National Hospital Discharge Survey and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.
(1) NHCS will be the only source of national data on health care provided in hospital emergency and outpatient departments, including ambulatory surgery. (2) NHCS includes a nationwide sample of 581 hospitals. (3) A brief form will be completed for a sample of patient visits. As one of the hospitals that has been selected, your contribution will be of great value in the survey.
Text: |
I would like to arrange to meet with you so that I can better present the details of the study. Is there a convenient time within the next week or so that I could meet with you or your representative? |
1. |
Start Induction |
2. |
Exit Instrument/Make appointment |
Text: |
Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to our meeting. |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
Since your hospital has merged or separated within the last 2 years, I need to get further instructions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to proceed. I will call you back within a week and let you know which parts of your hospital will be in the survey. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
you, but it seems that our information is incorrect. |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
you, but it seems that our information is incorrect. |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
would like to begin with a brief review of the background for this
Press F1 for points to be covered. |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
I would like to ask you a few more questions about your
Text: |
?[F1] Does your hospital have a bed coordinator, sometimes referred to as a bed czar? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
How often are hospital bed census data available?
1. |
Instantaneously |
2. |
Every 4 hours |
3. |
Every 8 hours |
4. |
Every 12 hours |
5. |
Every 24 hours |
6. |
7. |
Unknown |
Text: |
How often are hospital bed census data available? – Other, specify.
Text: |
your hospital have hospitalists on staff? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown EMEDRES |
Text: |
Do the hospitalists on staff at your hospital admit patients from your ED? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does this hospital have an emergency medicine residency program? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
?[F1] Medicare and Medicaid offer incentives to hospitals that demonstrate “meaningful use of health IT.” Does your hospital have plans to apply for Stage 1 of these incentive payments? |
1. |
Yes, we already applied |
2. |
Yes, we intend to apply |
3. |
Uncertain if we will apply HOSPMEDREC |
4. |
No, we will not apply HOSPMEDREC |
Text: |
?[F1] Are there plans to apply for Stage 2 incentive payments? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Maybe |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your hospital currently use an electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) system for ambulatory/outpatient records? Do not include the inpatient record system or billing record systems.
1. |
Yes, our hospital uses an EHR/EMR system for all ambulatory/outpatient records |
2. |
Yes, our hospital has part paper and part electronic ambulatory/outpatient records |
3. |
No, our hospital currently has all paper ambulatory/outpatient records |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Now I’d like to ask you some questions about your hospital’s electronic health records system. Can this system be accessed from the outside by entities not associated with the hospital? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
Unsure (will have to check and get back to interviewer) |
3. |
4. |
Unknown VSREPPER |
Text: |
Would your hospital be willing to allow CDC’s contractor to obtain password access to your hospital’s electronic health records system and load the charting software onto desktop computers at their headquarters?
The contractor’s Data Security Plan complies with all relevant laws, regulations, and policies governing the security of data and protection of confidentiality. |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
Unsure (will have to check and get back to interviewer) |
3. |
No |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Now I would like to make arrangements to obtain the information needed for sampling. I will need to know how your emergency department is organized and obtain an estimate of the number of patient visits expected during the 12 week reporting period. Would you prefer I get this information from you or someone else? |
1. |
Respondent CONTACT_DEPT |
2. |
Someone else CINFO |
Text: |
What is the name of the person I should talk to?
1. |
Enter 1 Continue |
Text: |
Text: |
Enter the department you plan to interview. If necessary, briefly explain the survey to new respondents.
If a department is refusing, enter 4. You will be prompted to select which department is refusing.
Department Status |
1. |
ED Intro_ED |
2. |
OPD Intro_OPD |
4. |
Department refusal Which_Dept |
Text: |
Explain that in order to develop a sampling plan, you would like to collect more specific information about this hospital's emergency department. |
1. |
Enter 1 Continue |
Text: |
(What is the name of the (first/next) emergency service area? /Are there any other emergency service areas?)
Text: |
What type of ESA is (ESA name)?
1. |
General |
2. |
Adult |
3. |
Pediatric |
4. |
Urgent care/Fast track |
5. |
Psychiatric |
6. |
Other |
Text: |
What is the expected number of visits from (Reporting period begin date) to (Reporting period end date) for (ESA name)? |
Text: |
What type of triage system does your ESA use? |
1. Emergency Severity Index (ESI) |
2. Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) |
3. Other, specify |
4. Do not conduct triage ED_EMR |
5. Unknown |
Text: |
How many levels are in (ESA name's) triage system? |
1.Three |
2. Four |
3. Five |
4. Other - Specify |
Text: |
other triage levels |
Text: |
1. |
Continue to EMR questions |
2. |
Skip EMR questions ESA_ONSITE |
Text: |
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your ED.
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
your ED use
an electronic HEALTH record (EHR) or electronic MEDICAL record
(EMR) system? Do not include billing record systems.
1. |
Yes, all electronic |
2. |
Yes, part paper and part electronic |
3. |
4. |
Unknown EMRINSE |
Text: |
In which year did your ED install the EHR/EMR system?
Year: |
Text: |
Does your ED’s current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services? |
1. |
Yes, all electronic |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
What is the name of your current EHR/EMR system? |
1. |
Allscripts EMRINSE |
2. |
Amazing Charts EMRINSE |
3. |
athenahealth EMRINSE |
4. |
Cerner EMRINSE |
5. |
eClinicalWorks EMRINSE |
6. |
7. |
8. |
GE/Centricity EMRINSE |
9. |
Greenway Medical EMRINSE |
10. |
McKesson/Practice Partner EMRINSE |
11. |
12. |
Practice Fusion EMRINSE |
13. |
Sage/Vitera EMRINSE |
14. |
Other - Specify |
15. |
Unknown EMRINSE |
Text: |
Has your ED made an assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities of your electronic health information within the last 12 months? This assessment would help identify privacy- or security-related issues that may need to be corrected. |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Does your ED have the capability to electronically send health information to another provider whose EHR system is different from your system? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED have plans for installing a new EHR/EMR system within the next 18 months? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Maybe |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Recording patient history and demographic information?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EVITALE |
Text: |
Recording patient problem list?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Recording and charting vital signs?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Recording patient smoking status?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Recording clinical notes?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EMEDIDE |
Text: |
Recording patient's medications and allergies?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Reconciling lists of patient’s medications to identify the most accurate list?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Ordering prescriptions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EREMINDE |
Text: |
Are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are drug formulary checks performed?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Ordering lab tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are orders sent electronically?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Viewing lab results?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EIMGRESE |
Text: |
Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient's lab results over time?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Ordering radiology tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Viewing imaging results?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Identifying educational resources for patient’s specific conditions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Identifying patients due for preventive or follow-up care in order to send patients reminders?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Generating lists of patients with particular health conditions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Electronic reporting to immunization registries?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Exchanging secure messages with patients?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Providing patients the ability to view online, download or transmit information from their medical record?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
The next questions are about sharing (either sending or receiving) patient health information
Does your ED share any patient health information (e.g., lab results, imaging reports, problem lists, medication lists) electronically (not fax) with any other providers, including hospitals, ambulatory providers, or labs? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown OBSUNITS |
Text: |
How does your ED electronically share patient health information?
1. |
2. |
Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR) |
3. |
Other electronic method |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Text: |
Is the patient information your ED shares electronically sent directly from your ED’s EHR system to another EHR system?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Not applicable. ED does not have EHR system. |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
what types of providers does your ED electronically
share patient health information (e.g., lab results, imaging
reports, problem lists, medication lists)?
1. |
Ambulatory providers inside your hospital |
2. |
Ambulatory providers outside your hospital |
3. |
Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated |
4. |
Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated |
5. |
Behavioral health providers |
6. |
Long-term care providers |
7. |
Home health providers |
8. |
Do not share |
9. |
Unknown |
Text: |
When patients with identified primary care physicians arrive at the ED, how often does your ED electronically send notification to the patients' primary care physicians?
1. |
Always |
2. |
Sometimes |
3. |
Rarely |
4. |
Never |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
When patients arrive at the Emergency Department, are you able to query for patients' healthcare information electronically (e.g. medications, allergies) from outside sources? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED have an observation or clinical decision unit? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown BOARD |
Text: |
Is this observation or clinical decision unit physically separate from the ED? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
What type of physicians make decisions for patients in this observation or clinical decision unit?
ED physicians Hospitalists Other physicians Unknown
1. |
ED physicians |
2. |
Hospitalists |
3. |
Other physicians |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are admitted ED patients ever "boarded" for more than 2 hours in the ED or the observation unit while waiting for an inpatient bed? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED allow some admitted patients to move from the ED to inpatient corridors while awaiting a bed (“boarding”) – sometimes called a “full capacity protocol?” |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Did your ED go on ambulance diversion in 2013? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
is the total number of hours that your hospital's ED was on
ambulance diversion in 2013? |
Text: |
Is ambulance diversion actively managed on a regional level versus each hospital adopting diversion if and when it chooses? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your hospital continue to admit elective or scheduled surgery cases when the ED is on ambulance diversion? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown NUMSTATX |
Text: |
of last week, how many standard treatment spaces did your ED
have? |
Text: |
of last week, how many other treatment spaces did your ED
have? |
Text: |
In the last two years, did your ED increase the number of standard treatment spaces? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
In the last two years, did your ED's physical space expand? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Do you have plans to expand your ED's physical space within the next two years? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Bedside registration?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Kiosk self check-in?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Computer-assisted triage?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Immediate bedding (no triage when ED is not at capacity)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Advanced triage (triage-based care) protocols?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Physician/Practitioner at triage?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Separate fast track unit for nonurgent care?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Separate operating room dedicated to ED patients?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Electronic dashboard (i.e., displays updated patient information and integrates multiple data sources)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking (i.e., shows exact location of patients, caregivers, and equipment)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Wireless communication devices by providers?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Zone nursing (i.e., all of a nurse's patients are located in one area)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your ED use - Pool nurses (i.e., nurses that can be pulled to the ED to respond to surges in demand)?
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
*** SHOW ONLY ** |
Text: |
** SHOW ONLY ** |
1. |
General |
2. |
Adult |
3. |
Pediatric |
4. |
Urgent care/Fast track |
5. |
Psychiatric |
6. |
Other |
Text: |
** SHOW ONLY ** |
Text: |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
What is (ESA name)'s address? |
Text: |
What is (ESA name)'s telephone number? |
Text: |
Text: |
Text: |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
1. |
Enter 1 to Continue |
Text: |
** SHOW ONLY ** |
Text: |
What was the total number of OPD visits that occurred in your hospital from (Begin date-End date)? Include visits for which no insurance claims were made. |
Text: |
Enter 1 to Continue to the OPD section of the Induction interview. Enter 2 to return to the previous screen and revise patient visit information.
1. |
Continue to OPD section |
2. |
Returns to previous screen CLIN_EVISITS |
Text: |
1. |
Continue to EMR questions |
2. |
Skip EMR questions
Text: |
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your OPD.
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your OPD use an electronic HEALTH record (EHR) or electronic MEDICAL record (EMR) system? Do not include billing record systems.
1. |
Yes, all electronic |
2. |
Yes, part paper and part electronic |
3. |
4. |
Unknown EMRINSO |
Text: |
Are medical records for your OPD clinics centrally located?
1. |
Yes, all clinics |
2. |
Yes, some clinics |
3. |
No |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
In which year did your OPD install the EHR/EMR system? |
Year: |
Text: |
Does your OPD’s current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services? |
1. |
Yes, all electronic |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
What is the name of your current EMR/EHR system? |
1. |
Allscripts EMRINSO |
2. |
Amazing Charts EMRINSO |
3. |
athenahealth EMRINSO |
4. |
Cerner EMRINSO |
5. |
eClinicalWorks EMRINSO |
6. |
7. |
8. |
GE/Centricity EMRINSO |
9. |
Greenway Medical EMRINSO |
10. |
McKesson/Practice Partner EMRINSO |
11. |
12. |
Practice Fusion EMRINSO |
13. |
Sage/Vitera EMRINSO |
14. |
Other – Specify |
15. |
Unknown EMRINSO |
Text: |
Enter name of EHR/EMR system.
Has your OPD made an assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities of its electronic health information within the last 12 months? This would help identify privacy- or security-related issues that may need to be corrected. |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Does your OPD have the capability to electronically send health information to another provider whose EHR system is different from your system? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your OPD have plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Maybe |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Recording patient history and demographic information?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EVITALO |
Text: |
Recordingpatient problem list?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Recording and charting vital signs?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often are these capabilities used:
Recording patient smoking status?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Recording clinical notes?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EMEDIDO |
Text: |
Recording patient's medications and allergies?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Reconciling lists of patient’s medications to identify the most accurate list?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Ordering prescriptions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EREMINDO |
Text: |
Are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Are drug formulary checks performed?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Ordering lab tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown ERESULTO |
Text: |
Are orders sent electronically?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used:
Viewing lab results?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
5. |
Unknown EIMGRESO |
Text: |
Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient's lab results over time?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Ordering radiology tests?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Viewing imaging results?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Identifying educational resources for patient’s specific conditions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your ED has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Identifying patients due for preventive or follow-up care in order to send patients reminders?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
. |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Generating lists of patients with particular health conditions?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Electronic reporting to immunization registries?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Exchanging secure messages with patients?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Indicate whether your OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used.
Providing patients the ability to view online, download or transmit information from their medical record?
1. |
Yes, used routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not used routinely |
3. |
Yes, but turned off or not used |
4. |
No |
5. |
Unknown |
Text: |
The next questions are about sharing (either sending or receiving) patient health information. Does your OPD share any patient health information (e.g., lab results, imaging reports, problem lists, medication lists) electronically (not fax) with other providers, including hospitals, ambulatory providers, or labs? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown CLIN_STRET |
Text: |
How does your OPD electronically share patient health information?
1. |
2. |
Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR) |
3. |
Other electronic method |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Is the patient health information your OPD shares electronically sent directly from your OPD’s EHR system to another EHR system? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Not applicable. OPD does not have EHR system. |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
what types of providers does your OPD electronically
share patient health information (e.g.,
lab results, imaging reports, problem lists, medication lists)?
1. |
Ambulatory providers inside your hospital |
2. |
Ambulatory providers outside your hospital |
3. |
Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated |
4. |
Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated |
5. |
Behavioral health providers |
6. |
Long-term care providers |
7. |
Home health providers |
8. |
Do not share |
9. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your OPD refer any patients to providers outside of your OPD? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown |
Text: |
When your OPD refers a patient to a provider outside your OPD: Does your OPD send the patient’s clinical information to the other providers? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
4. |
Unknown REFINO |
Text: |
Does your OPD send it electronically (not fax)? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
No |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your OPD see any patients referred to your OPD by providers outside of your OPD? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Text: |
Does your OPD send a consultation report with clinical information to the other providers? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
4. |
Text: |
Does your OPD send it electronically (not fax)? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
No |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Does your OPD take care of patients after they are discharged from an inpatient setting? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
3. |
Unknown CLIN_STRET |
Text: |
When a patient is discharged from an inpatient setting: Does your OPD receive a discharge summary with clinical information from the hospital? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
4. |
Unknown CLIN_STRET |
Text: |
Does your OPD receive it electronically (not fax)? |
1. |
Yes, routinely |
2. |
Yes, but not routinely |
3. |
No |
4. |
Unknown |
Text: |
Can your OPD automatically incorporate the received information into your EHR system without manually entering the data? |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
3. |
Not applicable. OPD does not have EHR system. |
4. |
Unknown |
Clin_NAME |
Text: |
*** SHOW ONLY ** |
CLin_Group |
Text: |
** SHOW ONLY ** |
1. |
General medicine |
2. |
Surgery |
3. |
Pediatric |
4. |
Obstetrics/Gynecology |
5. |
Substance abuse |
6. |
Other |
Text: |
** SHOW ONLY ** |
Text: |
Text: |
Text: |
What is Outpatient Department’s telephone number? |
Text: |
Text: |
Text: |
1. |
Yes |
2. |
No |
Text: |
1. |
Enter 1 to continue |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |