RESPONDENT ID# _______________ Project LAUNCH Parent Survey
Ages: 3 to 5 years
We are conducting a study to learn about the social and emotional development of children from birth to eight years of age who live in your community. This study is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Our research asks parents about following topics: children’s health; children’s social and emotional health; parent-child relationships; parent well-being; home environments; and parental social support.
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to fill out a survey about one of your children, who is between the ages of 0-8 years old. It will take about 30 minutes to complete. We plan to conduct this survey annually for two years and hope you will participate in the survey each year.
There are no risks in participating in this research beyond those experienced in everyday life. However, some of the questions are personal and may make you uncomfortable. Your participation in this study is voluntary. You can stop at any time, and you do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. Refusal to take part in or withdrawing from this study will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits you would receive otherwise.
Your responses will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. All findings will be reported in aggregate. If there are any publications or presentations resulting from this research, no personally-identifiable information will be shared because your name will not be linked to your answers. If you choose to withdraw from the study, we will maintain and analyze the data collected up to the time of withdrawal. However, if you request that we destroy all of your data and exclude your responses from the study results, we will honor your request.
Please contact Shannon TenBroeck, a member of the evaluation team at NORC, at (415) 315-2006 with questions, complaints, or concerns about this research. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the NORC Institutional Review Board (IRB) Manager by toll-free phone number at (866) 309-0542.
You must be 18 years of age or older to take part in this research study. If you agree to take part in this research study, please sign your name and indicate the date below. You will be given a copy of this consent form for your records.
_____________________________________________ _____________________
Participant Signature Date
Contacting you about future research:
This study will collect data from the same group of participants once per year for a total of two years. As such, we plan to keep your contact information on file for two years and contact you about participating in future parts of this study.
If you are interested in participating in future parts of this study and agree to your contact information being held in a secure location, please initial below.
Participant Initials
* The informed consent will be incorporated into the web survey. In lieu of a signature, respondents will be asked to click an “I consent” button in the survey.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB number: 0970-0373; Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX
Project LAUNCH Parent Survey, 3-5 years
Child Demographics
Child’s name: ______________________________
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): __ __/ __ __/ __ __ __ __
What is [CHILD NAME]’s sex?
Other – Please specify child’s sex: _____________________
Is [CHILD NAME] of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
Yes – Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
Yes – Puerto Rican
Yes – Cuban
Yes – Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin – please specify: ____________________
What is [CHILD NAME]’s race? (One or more categories may be selected)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian Indian
Other Asian – please specify: ___________________
Native Hawaiian
Guamanian or Chamorro
Other Pacific Islander – please specify: ____________________
Another race – please specify child’s race: ______________________
What language does [CHILD NAME] speak at home?
[list other majority languages in study population]
Other ______________
How many individuals are in your household? (please provide the numbers below)
Adults ____
Children ages 0-5 ____
Children ages 6-12 ____
Children ages 13-17 ____
What is the birth order of [CHILD NAME]?
First born (eldest child)
Second born
Third born
Fourth born
Fifth born
Other, please specify: ___________
Is [CHILD NAME] covered by any form of health insurance or health plan?
Note: : A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself, as well as a government program like Medicare or Medicaid.
If yes, which of the following is [CHILD NAME]’s main source of health insurance?
A plan purchased through your employer
A plan purchased through your spouse's employer
A plan you purchased yourself directly from an insurance company
A plan you purchased yourself through a state or federal marketplace (e.g., [INSERT state-specific marketplace name] or
Medicaid/[INSERT state-specific Medicaid name]
Some other source. Please specify: _____________________________
What is the highest level of education you completed?
Less than high school
High school or high school equivalent (GED)
Some college
2-year college degree (e.g., Associate’s degree)
4-year college degree or higher (e.g., Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD)
Do you have a job either full or part time?
Yes, full time
Yes, part time
Unable to work
What is the total annual income of your household?
Less than $10,000
$10,000 – less than $25,000
$25,000 – less than $50,000
$50,000 or more
Child Health Status
Yes |
No |
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For each condition, please tell me if a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that [CHILD NAME] had the condition, even if your child does not have the condition now. |
Yes |
No |
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Child Physical Health
Preventive care/Screening
# of Times
Yes |
No |
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During the past 12 months, did a doctor or other health care provider have you fill out a questionnaire about specific concerns or observations you may have about [CHILD NAME]’s development, communication, or social behaviors?
(If No, skip to question 24) |
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a. Did this questionnaire ask you about your concerns or observations about how [CHILD NAME] talks or makes speech sounds? |
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b. Did this questionnaire ask you about your concerns or observations about how [CHILD NAME] interacts with you and others? |
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c. Did this questionnaire ask you about your concerns or observations about words and phrases [CHILD NAME] uses and understands? |
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d. Did this questionnaire ask you about your concerns or observations about how [CHILD NAME] behaves and gets along with you and others? |
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Service receipt
Yes |
No |
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(If No, skip to question 25) If Yes, was it… |
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# of Days |
Excellent |
Very Good |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
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Child Social-Emotional Health
During the past 4 weeks, how often did [CHILD NAME] … |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Frequently |
Very Frequently |
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During the past 4 weeks, how often did [CHILD NAME] … |
Never |
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Very Frequently |
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During the past 4 weeks, how often did [CHILD NAME] … |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Frequently |
Very Frequently |
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Parent-Child Relationship
Indicate how frequently each statement describes your beliefs or experiences |
Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Almost always |
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Indicate how frequently each statement describes your beliefs or experiences |
Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Almost always |
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Indicate how frequently each statement describes your beliefs or experiences |
Never |
Sometimes |
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Parent Well-Being
These questions concern how you have been feeling over the past week. Fill in the bubble next to each question that best represents how you have been. |
Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) |
Some or a little of the time (1‐2 days) |
Occasionally or a moderate amount of time (3‐4 days) |
All of the time (5‐7 days) |
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Home Environment
In a typical week, how often do you or any other family members do the following things with [CHILD NAME]: |
Not at all |
Once or twice a week |
Three to six times a week |
Every day |
Refused |
Don’t know |
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Social Support
Here is a list of some things that other people do for us or give us that may be helpful or supportive. Please read each statement carefully and fill in the bubble in the column that is closest to your situation. |
As much as I would like |
Almost as much as I would like |
Some, but would like more |
Less than I would like |
Much less than I would like |
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Services Received
What preschool age group/classroom or elementary school grade is [CHILD NAME] in this year?
Preschool classroom: Infant
Preschool classroom: Age 1
Preschool classroom: Age 2
Preschool classroom: Age 3
Preschool classroom: Age 4
Preschool classroom: Age 5
First grade
Second grade
Third grade
What is the name of [CHILD NAME]’s lead or primary teacher this year?
In the past year have you participated in a program where someone (a nurse, parent educator, home visitor, or someone else) visited your home to offer parental support or child development support?
If NO, skip to question #147. If YES, answer questions #144-146.
Do you remember if the home visitor was from one of these programs? [The list will be tailored to each site]
Note: If you participated in more than one program, please identify the one you participated in most recently.
Parents as Teachers
Nurse Family Partnership
Healthy Families
Another program. Please list the name: _____________________
Don’t know/Can’t remember
Thinking about [THE PROGRAM IDENTIFIED IN #144], how often did the visitor come to your home?
More than once per week
Once per week
Once every two weeks
Once per month
Only one time ever
Other. Please specify:_____________________
know/Can’t remember
Thinking about [THE PROGRAM IDENTIFIED IN #144], how long did you participate in the home visiting program?
One visit
More than one visit, but less than one month
1-2 months
3-4 months
5-6 months
7-8 months
9-10 months
11-12 months
More than 12 months
Don’t know/Can’t remember
In the past year, have you attended any workshops or programs on parenting or child development? (Some examples are Parent Cafes, Triple P, and Nurturing Parenting.) [These will be tailored to each site]
If NO, skip to question #150. If YES, answer questions #147-149.
Was the workshop or program one of the following? [These will be tailored to each site, and will be listed with a brief description]
Note: If you participated in more than one program or workshop, please identify the one you participated in most recently.
Parent Cafes
Triple P
Nurturing Parenting
Another program or workshop. Please list the name: ____________________
Don’t know/Can’t remember
Thinking about [WORKSHOP OR PROGRAM IDENTIFIED IN #147], how many individual workshop or program sessions did you attend in the past year?
Note: By session, we mean each time it met. For example if a program met three times, on three consecutive Saturdays, and you went to all 3, then you went to 3 sessions.
1 session
2 to 4 sessions
5 to 9 sessions
10 to 14 sessions
15 to 19 sessions
20 or more sessions, please estimate total number: _____________________
Don’t know/Can’t remember
Thinking about [WORKSHOP OR PROGRAM IDENTIFIED IN #147], how many months in the past year did you attend at least one workshop or program?
Enter number of months: _______
In the past year, has [CHILD NAME] been to the pediatrician for health care?
IF NO, skip to question #152. If YES, answer question #151.
What is the name of the pediatrician or medical practice? ________________________
In the past year, has [CHILD NAME]’s pediatrician referred [CHILD NAME] to see a therapist or counselor?
Note: By therapist or counselor, we mean a professional who is trained to give guidance on personal, social, or emotional issues. A therapist or counselor may be a mental health counselor, social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist.
If NO, skip to question #154. If YES, answer question #153.
How many times did [CHILD NAME] see the therapist or counselor in the past year based on the pediatrician’s referral?
Note: If [CHILD NAME] was referred to more than one therapist or counselor in the past year, indicate the total number of times [CHILD NAME] visited any counselor as a result of the pediatrician’s referral.
10 or more times
Don’t know/Can’t remember
In the past year, has anyone at [CHILD NAME]’s teacher or school referred [CHILD NAME] to see a therapist or counselor, as defined in question #152?
Note: By
therapist or counselor, we mean a professional who is trained
to give guidance on personal, social, or emotional issues. A
therapist or counselor may be a mental health counselor, social
worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist.
If NO, skip to question #156 (next section). If YES, answer question #155.
How many times did [CHILD NAME] see the therapist or counselor in the past year based on teacher/school referral?
Note: If [CHILD NAME] was referred to than more than one therapist or counselor in the past year, indicate the total number of times [CHILD NAME] visited any counselor as a result of the teacher/school referral.
10 or more times
Don’t know/Can’t remember
Parent’s/Guardian’s Information
We will be conducting this survey with the same parents and guardians two more times—once next year and again the following year. In order to contact you, it is important that we collect some personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.
Your personal information will be used only for the purpose of contacting you about completing future rounds of this survey. Your contact information will be kept strictly private, and it will be stored securely and separately from your survey responses.
What is your full name?
What is your relationship to [SELECTED CHILD]?
Mother (including biological, adoptive, or step-mother)
Father (including biological, adoptive, or step-father)
Legal guardian
Non-relative caregiver
Something else (please specify): ________________________
What is your primary address?
Address Line 1: House # and Street Name
Address Line 2: Optional
Address Line 3: City, State, and ZIP Code
What is your primary telephone number?
( _ _ _ ) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
What type of phone number is it?
Cell or mobile
Other (please specify): __________________
Do you have a secondary telephone?
If No, skip to question 164. If Yes, continue to question 162.
What is your secondary telephone number?
( _ _ _ ) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
What type of phone is your secondary number?
Cell or mobile
Other (please specify): __________________
What is your email address? (Please print clearly)
Is there another person who is very knowledgeable about [CHILD NAME]’s education and development, such as another parent or guardian, relative, or caregiver?
If No, the survey is complete. If Yes, continue to question #166.
What is this person’s relationship to [CHILD NAME]?
Mother (including a biological, adoptive, or step-mother)
Father (including a biological, adoptive, or step-fathers)
Legal guardian
Non-relative caregiver
Something else (please specify): ________________________
What is [CHILD NAME]’s [RELATIONSHIP IDENTIFIED IN #166]’s full name? [Note: We will only contact this person in the event we are unable to reach you in future years of the study.]
First Name Last Name
What is [FIRST NAME OF PERSON IDENTIFIED IN #166]’s address?
Address Line 1: House # and Street Name
Address Line 2: Optional
Address Line 3: City, State, and ZIP Code
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Robert Aycock |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |