Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) Spiritual Metrics Survey

Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) Spiritual Fitness Metrics

0720-AAMO_Appendix C_Survey Items_SF_Revised Version_20181016.xlsx

Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) Spiritual Metrics Survey

OMB: 0720-0063

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Religious Orientation
God Image
Vertical Test Pool
Horizontal Test Pool
Mixed (Vertical) Test Pool
Mixed (Horizontal) Test Pool
Atheist Test Pool
Military Test Pool
Military Atheist Test Pool
Stressful Event Combat Exposure
Stressor Appraisals
Data Quality Assessments

Sheet 1: Demographics

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Age No What is your age? Drop down
Gender No What best describes your gender? Multiple choice 4 Static
Ethnicity No Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? Multiple choice 3 Static
Race No What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Checklist 8 Static
Education No What is the highest level of education you have completed? Multiple choice 7 Dynamic
SES No How difficult is it for you to meet expenses for the basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing? Multiple choice 4 Dynamic
Marital Status Yes Are you in a relationship? Multiple choice 3 Static
Relationship Yes Please indicate the degree of happiness, all things considered, of your relationship. Multiple choice 7 Static
Relationship Yes How good is your relationship compared to most? Likert 6 Static
Relationship Yes Please indicate the degree of happiness, all things considered, of your relationship with your immediate family. Multiple choice 7 Static
Relationship Yes How good is your relationship with your immediate family compared to most? Likert 6 Static
Military Service No Do you currently serve or have you ever served in the United States Military? Multiple Choice 3 Static
Military Service Yes Branch of Military Service: Multiple choice with dropdown for each response 5 options (each with three dropdown choices) Static
Military Service Yes Number of Years of Military Service (rounded): Drop down
Military Service Yes Have you ever been deployed for 30 days or longer? Multiple Choice 3 Static


* = reverse coded

Sheet 2: Religious Orientation

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Religious orientation No From the Beliefs in Action scale Either Please select the highest priority in your life now? (most valued, prized) Multiple choice 10 Static
Atheist screener No Atheist screener Either There is no God or gods. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Atheist screener Yes Atheist screener Either Do you believe in God? Binary 2 Static
Atheist screener Yes Atheist screener Either Do you believe in a universal spirit? Binary 2 Static
Religious orientation No PEW Either Do you believe in God or a universal spirit? Multiple choice 4 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either How certain are you about this belief? Multiple choice 5 Dynamic
Religious orientation No PEW Either What is your present religion, if any? Dropdown 12 Static
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Do you think of yourself as a Christian or not? Yes/No/Not sure 3 Static
Religious orientation No PEW Either Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services? Frequency 6 Static
Religious orientation No PEW Either How important is religion in your life? Importance 4 Static
Religious orientation No Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality Either To what extent do you consider yourself a religious person? Very/not at all 4 Static
Religious orientation No Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality Either To what extent do you consider yourself a spiritual person? Very/not at all 4 Static
Religious orientation Yes Experimental Item Either In the following question we use the term “faith community.” This is where like-minded individuals meet, such as humanist groups, atheist groups, mosque, synagogue, meditation center, or local church.
Are you personally a member of a faith community?
Categorical 3 Static
Religious orientation No PEW Either When it comes to questions of right and wrong, which of the following do you look to most for guidance? Multiple Choice 4 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Which comes closest to your view of God? God is a person with whom people can have a relationship or God is an impersonal force? Multiple Choice 6 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Do you believe in reincarnation, that people will be reborn in this world again and again? Binary 2 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Do you think there is a heaven, where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded? Multiple Choice 3 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Do you think there is a hell, where people who have led bad lives and die without being sorry are eternally punished? Multiple Choice 3 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Which comes closest to your view of the Sacred text for your religious affiliation? Multiple Choice 3 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either How should the word of God be taken? Multiple Choice 3 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Which of these two statements comes closer to your own views even if neither is exactly right? Multiple Choice 4 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Thinking about your religion, which of the following statements comes closest to your view? Multiple Choice 4 Dynamic
Religious orientation Yes PEW Either Outside of attending religious services, how often do you pray? Frequency 7 Dynamic
Volunteerism No PEW Either Thinking specifically about just the past week, that is the past seven days – did you yourself happen to do any volunteer work in the last seven days or not? Binary 2 Dynamic
Life Satisfaction No PEW Either Generally, how would you say things are these days in your life? Multiple Choice 3 Dynamic
Life Satisfaction No PEW Either Are you satisfied, on a whole, with your health? Very Satisfied/Very Dissatisfied 4 Dynamic
Life Satisfaction No PEW Either Are you satisfied, on a whole, with your family life? Very Satisfied/Very Dissatisfied 4 Dynamic
Spirituality No PEW Either How often do you feel a deep sense of spiritual peace and well-being? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Spirituality No PEW Either How often do you feel a deep sense of wonder about the universe? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Spirituality No PEW Either How often do you feel a strong sense of gratitude or thankfulness? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Spirituality No PEW Either How often do you think about the meaning and purpose of life? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Social support No PEW Either About how many close friends and relative do you have (people you feel at ease with and can talk to about what is on your mind)? Open-ended
Volunteerism No PEW Either How often have you helped a friend, neighbor, or relative other than your spouse or partner with errands, child care, housework, transportation, or other tasks in the past year? Frequency 6 Dynamic
Religious orientation No Duke University Religion Index Either How often do you attend church or other religious meetings? Frequency 6 Some items in Pool
Religious orientation No Duke University Religion Index Either How often do you spend time in private religious activities, such as prayer, meditation, or study of your Sacred text? Frequency 6 Some items in Pool
Religious orientation No Duke University Religion Index Either In my life, I experience the presence of the Divine (i.e., God). True/Untrue 5 Some items in Pool
Religious orientation No Duke University Religion Index Either Religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life. True/Untrue 5 Some items in Pool
Religious orientation No Duke University Religion Index Either I try to carry my religion over into all other dealings in life. True/Untrue 5 Some items in Pool


* = reverse coded

Sheet 3: God Image

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Loving Either God loves me as I am. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God is easily angered. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either God observes but does not interfere with the world. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Loving Either God accepts me as I am. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God is scary. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either God lets everything take its course without interfering. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image No Revised God Image Loving Either I see God as absolute love. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image No Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either I see God as a harsh judge. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
God Image Yes Revised God Image Loving Either God has patience with me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either God leaves people to their own devices. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God is unkind. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is shepherd. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either God is distant. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Loving Either God is all-forgiving. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is all powerful. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is a father-figure. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God is a harsh tyrant. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either God does NOT exist. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is all good. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Non-existent/distant Either There is no God. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God sends people to hell. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Loving Either God nurtures and cares for me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Harsh Tyrant Either God is vengeful. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is King. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Orthodoxy Either God is all knowing. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Internal God Either God is inside me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes Revised God Image Internal God Either God lives inside every living thing. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes God as an Impersonal Force N/A Either God is like a person. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes God as an Impersonal Force N/A Either God is a person with whom people can have a relationship with. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes God as an Impersonal Force N/A Either God is an impersonal force. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either I have a warm relationship with God. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God seems impersonal to me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God’s reactions to me seem to be inconsistent. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either I feel that God is generally responsive to me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God sometimes seems very warm and other times very cold to me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God knows when I need support. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God seems to have little or no interest in my personal affairs. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God sometimes seems responsive to my needs, but sometimes not. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
God Image Yes 9-Item Attachment to God N/A Either God seems to have little or no interest in my personal problems. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic


* = reverse coded

Sheet 4: Vertical Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Either God comforts and shelters me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Either God might watch me, but he does NOT help me. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Either God protects me if I pray. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Either God helps me if I ask him. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either If I become more faithful, God would improve my health. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either Praying to God is a good way to help my career. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either If I am Faithful, God will help me be successful in life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either God does not reward the faithful with improved health. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either Prayer is a good way to get what I want. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Gain Subscale Either God would NOT improve my career if I became more faithful. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either I have obligations to God that if NOT respected will cause bad things to happen to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either Bad things happen in life to those who do NOT worship God. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either I'm scared that if I would NOT go to worship services God would cause something bad to happen. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either God would cause bad things to happen to me if I became less faithful. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either If I don't do certain things, God will cause bad things to happen to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Either Making fun of religion will NOT affect your health. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either I feel a lot of pressure from my friends and family to go to religious services. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either I feel pressured because the important people in my life place more importance on being religious than I do. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either Nobody pressures me into being religious. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either Nobody important in my life would be angry with me if they thought I never went to worship services. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is to make friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is because I enjoy seeing people I know there. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It can be good to doubt your beliefs about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It does NOT bother me when I have doubts about my beliefs about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It is better to be sure about your religious beliefs than have some doubts. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either I do NOT like to question my beliefs about my religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either I value my doubts and uncertainties about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It bothers me to question my beliefs about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either For me, doubting is an important part of what it means to be religious. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never know the complete truth about religious matters. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never be sure if your beliefs about religion are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either It's easy to know whether my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either I'm sure my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either Some of my beliefs about religions are probably wrong. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either It is obvious that my beliefs about God are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either I have reexamined my beliefs about religion when my life has changed. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either My life experiences have made me reexamine my views on religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either No event in my life changed how I think about religion.* Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I'm NOT very curious about religious theories. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I like to closely examine religious ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I find religious discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I love to find out new things about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I do NOT like to learn about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either Spirituality is important to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The rightness or wrongness of my actions will affect what happens to me when my body is physically dead. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I have a spirit/essence beyond my physical body. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either All other things being equal, a spiritual person is better off. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The supernatural exists. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I engage in spiritual activities. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I feel a sense of connection to something beyond what we can observe, measure, or test scientifically. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I cannot find worthwhile meaning in life without spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Either I feel God’s presence. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Either I desire to be closer to or in union with God. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Either I feel God’s love for me, directly or through others. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Either I am spiritually touched by the beauty of creation Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Meaning Subscale Either The events in my life unfold according to a divine or greater plan. Agree/Disagree 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Meaning Subscale Either I have a sense of mission or calling in my own life. Agree/Disagree 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Forgiveness Subscale Either Because of my religious or spiritual beliefs, I have forgiven myself for things that I have done wrong. Frequency/Extent 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Forgiveness Subscale Either Because of my religious or spiritual beliefs, I have forgiven those who hurt me. Frequency/Extent 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Forgiveness Subscale Either Because of my religious or spiritual beliefs, I know that God forgives me. Frequency/Extent 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Private Religious Practices Subscale Either Within your religious or spiritual tradition, how often do you meditate? Frequency 8
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I think about how my life is part of a larger spiritual force. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I work together with God as partners. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I look to God for strength, support, and guidance. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I feel God is punishing me for my sins or lack of spirituality. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I wonder whether God has abandoned me. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either I try to make sense of the situation and decide what to do without relying on God. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Either To what extent is your religion involved in understanding or dealing with stressful situations in any way? A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I like to closely examine spiritual ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I find spiritual discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I love to find out new things about spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Either In my life, I experience the presence of the Divine (i.e., God). True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Either Religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life. True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Either I try hard to carry religion over into all other dealings in life. True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Divine Responsibility Subscale Either God is all-good and all-powerful, but God is not obligated to relieve suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either No one knows why bad things happen to good people; it’s all pretty random. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Limited Knowledge Subscale Either The main obstacle to God preventing suffering is that God doesn’t know when it will happen. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals suffer because of their deeds in the past. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Overcoming Subscale Either By praying and having faith we can take control over suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Suffering God Subscale Either When we suffer, God is suffering along with us. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Soul-Building Subscale Either Suffering is intended by God to be a source of personal growth. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Providence Subscale Either Everything that we experience – including suffering – is planned in detail by God. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering happens randomly, not because of anything people have done wrong. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Providence Subscale Either We shouldn’t resist suffering because God has planned every detail of our experiences – even the bad ones. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Divine Responsibility Subscale Either God is all-powerful and can change situations to alleviate suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Suffering God Subscale Either We know God is good in the midst of pain because God suffers with us. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Karma is the best explanation for individuals’ suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Overcoming Subscale Either God will stop our suffering if we pray and have faith. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Soul-Building Subscale Either We suffer because God wants us to become a better people through experiencing hard things. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Providence Subscale Either There’s no need to strive against suffering because God will ultimately control everything we experience. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Divine Responsibility Subscale Either When we suffer, God does God’s best within chosen boundaries. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Suffering God Subscale Either God’s primary role when we encounter suffering is to experience it with us. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering just happens without purpose or underlying reason. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Limited Knowledge Subscale Either God cares about people who are suffering, but can’t protect them because God doesn’t know in advance what will happen. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Overcoming Subscale Either People can stop or get out of their experiences of suffering by praying. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Soul-Building Subscale Either God intends suffering to be a catalyst for growth. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Limited Knowledge Subscale Either The main impediment to God protecting people from suffering is that God doesn’t know when or how it will happen. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals experience suffering as a result of their past wrongdoing. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Belief in Action (Judeo-Christian version)
Either To what extent have you decided to place your life under God’s direction? Not at all to completely 10
Vertical Spirituality Belief in Action (Judeo-Christian version)
Either On average, how much time each day do you spend reading religious scriptures, books, or other religious literature? Frequency 10
Vertical Spirituality Belief in Action (Judeo-Christian version)
Either On average, how much time each day do you spend as a volunteer in your religious community or to help others for religious reasons? Frequency 10
Vertical Spirituality Belief in Action (Judeo-Christian version)
Either To what extent (on a 1 to 10 scale) have you decided to conform your life to the teachings of your religious faith? Not at all to completely 10
Vertical Spirituality Gratitude Toward God Questionnaire Gratitude Toward God Either I am grateful to God for all He has done for me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Gratitude Toward God Questionnaire Gratitude Toward God Either If I were to make a list of all the things God has done for me, it would be a very long list. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Gratitude Toward God Questionnaire Gratitude Toward God Either As I look back on my life, I feel I have been richly blessed by God. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Gratitude Toward God Questionnaire Gratitude Toward God Either I am grateful to God for all He has done for my family members and close friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life through spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is to make and see friends Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale
Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about spirituality.* Agree/Disagree 5


* = reverse coded

Sheet 5: Horizontal Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service The meaning I give my life comes from my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service My military service is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service I find my life’s purpose through my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service Being a service member is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service Everything I do revolves around my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service My connection with brothers and sisters in uniform is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service I find the purpose of my life through my bond with my brothers and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service Being a part of the military community is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service My Life’s purpose comes from my connection with brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service Everything I do revolves around my brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either My immediate family is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Being a member of my immediate family is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Nature Either The meaning I give my life comes from caring for nature. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Nature Either Everything I do revolves around connecting with nature. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either The meaning I give my life comes from helping others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either Helping others is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either I find my life’s purpose through helping others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either Helping others is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either Everything I do revolves around helping others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either The meaning I give my life comes from making the world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either Making the world a better place is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either I find my life’s purpose through making the world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either Making the world a better place is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either Everything I do revolves around making the world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either The meaning I give my life comes from caring for my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either Caring for my friends is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either I find my life’s purpose through caring for my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either Caring for my friends is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either Everything I do revolves around caring for my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., my connection with friends) Either The meaning I give my life comes from my connection with friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., my connection with friends) Either My connection with friends is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., my connection with friends) Either I find my life’s purpose through my connection with friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., my connection with friends) Either My connection with friends is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., my connection with friends) Either Everything I do revolves around my connection with friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., loyalty) Either The meaning I give my life comes from my loyalty to others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., loyalty) Either My loyalty to others is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., loyalty) Either I find my life’s purpose through my loyalty to others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., loyalty) Either My loyal to others the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., loyalty) Either Everything I do revolves around being loyal to others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., being a part of something bigger) Either The meaning I give my life comes from being a part of something bigger than myself. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., being a part of something bigger) Either Being a part of something bigger than myself is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., being a part of something bigger) Either I find my life’s purpose through being a part of something bigger than myself. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., being a part of something bigger) Either Being a part of something bigger than myself is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., being a part of something bigger) Either Everything I do revolves around being a part of something bigger than myself. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Comprehension Subscale Either My life makes sense. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Mattering Subscale Either There is nothing special about my existence.* Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Purpose Subscale Either I have aims in my life that are worth striving for. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Mattering Subscale Either Even a thousand years from now, it would still matter whether I existed or not. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Purpose Subscale Either I have certain life goals that compel me to keep going. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Purpose Subscale Either I have overarching goals that guide me in my life. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Comprehension Subscale Either I know what my life is about. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Comprehension Subscale Either I can make sense of the things that happen in my life. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Purpose Subscale Either I have goals in life that are very important to me. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Comprehension Subscale Either I understand my life. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Mattering Subscale Either Whether my life ever existed matters even in the grand scheme of the universe. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Purpose Subscale Either My direction in life is motivating to me. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Mattering Subscale Either I am certain that my life is of importance. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Comprehension Subscale Either Looking at my life as a whole, things seem clear to me. Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale Mattering Subscale Either Even considering how big the universe is, I can say that my life matters Agree/Disagree 6
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are NOT the most important thing in my life. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either There are many things in my life that are more important than my core beliefs, principles, and values. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are NOT a big part of my life. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never know the complete truth about your core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never be sure if your core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either It’s easy to know whether my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either I’m sure my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either Some of my core beliefs, principles, and values are probably wrong. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either It is obvious that my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I’m NOT very curious about theories related to my core beliefs, principles, and values. * Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I like to closely examine my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I find discussions about core beliefs, principles, and values fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about my core beliefs, principles, and values.* Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I love to find out new things about my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I do NOT like to learn about my core beliefs, principles, and values.* Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either The world is a just place. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either Most people can be trusted. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I have control over the events in my life. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either Most people are inherently good. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either The world is a safe place. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I deserve good things in my life. agree/disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Meaning in Life Questionniare Search for meaning Either I am looking for something that makes my life feel meaningful. untrue/true 7
Horizontal Spirituality Meaning in Life Questionniare Search for meaning Either I am always looking to find my life’s purpose. untrue/true 7
Horizontal Spirituality Meaning in Life Questionniare Search for meaning Either I am always searching for something that makes my life feel significant. untrue/true 7
Horizontal Spirituality Meaning in Life Questionniare Search for meaning Either I am seeking a purpose or mission for my life. untrue/true 7
Horizontal Spirituality Meaning in Life Questionniare Search for meaning Either I am searching for meaning in my life. untrue/true 7


* = reverse coded

Sheet 6: Mixed (Vertical) Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either Each statement about God is a result of the time in which it was made. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either Official Church doctrine and other statements about the absolute will always remain relative because they are pronounced by human beings at a certain period of time. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either God grows together with the history of humanity and therefore is changeable. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either The manner in which humans experience their relationship to God, will always be colored by the times they live in. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either I am well aware my ideology is only one possibility among so many. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either Secular and religious conceptions of the world give valuable answers to important questions about life. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either Through contact with people with a different ideology, I learn to put my own beliefs into perspective. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either The world would be a lot less interesting if everyone held the same beliefs. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either I have totally no problem with other people holding other beliefs. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either There is no absolute meaning in life, only giving directions, which is different for every one of us. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Relativism Subscale Either Ultimately, religion means commitment without absolute guarantee. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either The Bible holds a deeper truth which can only be revealed by personal reflection. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either The Bible is a guide, full of signs in the search for God, and not a historical account. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either Despite the fact that the Bible has been written in a completely different historical context from ours, it retains a basic message. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either For me, God is neither necessary nor useful, but significant. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either Because Jesus is mainly a guiding principle for me, my faith in him would not be affected, if it would appear that he never actually existed as a historical individual. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either The historical accuracy of the stories from the Bible is irrelevant for my faith in God. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either Despite the high number of injustices Christianity has caused people, the original message of Christ is still valuable to me. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either I still call myself a Christian, even though a lot of things that I cannot agree with have happened in the past in the name of Christianity. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Post-Critical Beliefs Scale Second Naiveté Subscale Either If you want to understand the meaning of the miracle stories from the Bible, you should always place them in their historical context. Opposed/Agreement 7
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Zen Buddhism Either Enlightenment can be gained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Either I believe in reincarnation – rebirth of the soul in another body. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Animism Either Natural objects (and even Nature itself) have conscious life. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Transcendentalism Either There is an ideal spiritual reality that goes beyond sense experience and science and is knowable through intuition. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta Either It is impossible to communicate with the dead. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta Either No objects have magical or spiritual powers. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta Either Practices like meditation will not lead one to enlightenment. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta Either Animals don’t have souls or spirits. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta Either The individual soul can be mystically united with the single source from which all existence comes. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Hinduism Either I believe in a supreme being of many forms and natures. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Bergsonism Either All living things arise from a persisting natural force, a vital living spirit or glow. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta -Anthropomorphism Either Many nonhuman things have human motivation and human characteristics. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Jainism Either I emphasize the liberation of the soul through self-discipline and nonviolence toward all living creatures. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Delta - Spiritualism Either The dead communicate with the living through mediums. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Alpha - Legalism Either I adhere strictly and literally to a code of religion and morality. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Alpha - Liberalism Either I put little emphasis on religious dogma. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Mysticism Question Either I had an experience in which something greater than myself seemed to absorb me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Beliefs question from the Systems of Belief Inventory Either I believe God will not give me a burden I can not carry. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How often do you get together with other people in wholesome activities outside of work? Some examples are:
• Attending worship services
• Attending Family events
• Playing team sports
• Volunteering in the community
Frequency 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How often do you engage in activities that build the human spirit? Some examples are:
• Listening to music
• Enjoying nature
• Furthering your education
• Fasting
• Journaling
• Praying
• Giving to charity
• Enjoying humor
• Meditating Filter logic into: How much do these kinds of activities help refresh you?
Frequency 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either Life brings big questions. (Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? What happens after I die? Why is there evil and suffering? etc.)
How helpful are your core beliefs or values in giving meaning and purpose to your life?
Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How much do your core beliefs or values provide you support in times of stress? Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How much do your core beliefs or values influence your moral and ethical decision making? Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How much do your core beliefs or values encourage you to stop and think about who you are and who you are becoming? Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How much do your core beliefs or values build within you an allegiance to anyone or anything outside of yourself? (This could be God, nature, Country, Corps, community, Family, humanity, the greater good.) Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either How much do your core beliefs or values encourage you to be caring, forgiving, patient, gentle, generous, selfless, kind? Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Inventory N/A Either Have you ever been changed by an unusual or profound experience? (You might call this a spiritual crisis, conversion experience, mystical experience, exceptional human experience, sense of enlightenment, or a near-death experience.) Not at all/A lot 10
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are NOT the most important thing in my life. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either There are many things in my life that are more important than my core beliefs, principles, and values. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are NOT a big part of my life. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never know the complete truth about your core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never be sure if your core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either It’s easy to know whether my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either I’m sure my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either Some of my core beliefs, principles, and values are probably wrong. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Tentativeness Subscale Either It is obvious that my core beliefs, principles, and values are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I’m NOT very curious about theories related to my core beliefs, principles, and values. * Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I like to closely examine my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I find discussions about core beliefs, principles, and values fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about my core beliefs, principles, and values.* Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I love to find out new things about my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Interest Subscale Either I do NOT like to learn about my core beliefs, principles, and values.* Agree/Disagree 5


* = reverse coded

Sheet 7: Mixed (Horizontal) Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either It is important that every person in the world be treated equally. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either It is important to listen to people who are different from me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either People should care for nature. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either It is important to promote peace among all groups in the world. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either Everyone should be treated justly. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Universalism Either People should adapt to nature rather than changing nature. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Benevolence Either It is important to help the people around me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Benevolence Either I am loyal to my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Benevolence Either It is important to respond to the needs of others. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Benevolence Either It is important to forgive those who have hurt me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Humanism Either I believe strongly in humanity and the power of people. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Humanism Either The greatest moral decision is doing the greatest good for human beings. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Humanism Either Human value and respect should be the greatest social value. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Humanism Either Human suffering should be eradicated in all its forms from the world. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either Human interests and dignity ought to prevail in our thoughts and actions. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either Society has an innate tendency toward improvement, which can be furthered through conscious human effort. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either Knowledge is the awareness of individual facts and an understanding of the logical relations among these facts. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either I emphasize reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either I believe that reason is not a good guide to knowledge and truth. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either Human society is not capable of being good. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either I have profound respect for historical institutions, laws, and traditions. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma Either Knowledge is the awareness of individual facts and an understanding of the logical relations among these facts. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma - Existentialism Either The individual is a self-determining agent responsible for how authentic and genuine his or her choices are. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma - Functionalism Either I stress purpose, practicality, and usefulness. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma - Logical Positivism Either Observable data are necessary to find out whether factual statements are true. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma - Neoliberalism Either We ought to emphasize economic growth but also be concerned with social justice. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Gamma - Fundamentalism Either I adhere firmly to fundamental and basic principles. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Interest in social causes is an important source of meaning for me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Interest in human rights (humanistic concerns) is an important source of meaning in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Preserving human values and ideals is an important source of meaning for me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Being of service to others is an important source of meaning in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either I strive to make this world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Leaving a legacy for the next generation is an important source of meaning for me. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Life Meaning: Giving to the World Subscale Either Taking part in creative activities is an important source of meaning in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Meaning Questions from the WHOQ Either Do your personal beliefs give meaning to your life? Fequency/Extent 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Meaning Questions from the WHOQ Either To what extent do your personal beliefs give you the strength to face difficulties? Fequency/Extent 5
Mixed Spiritual Fitness Item Pool Meaning Questions from the WHOQ Either To what extent do your personal beliefs help you to understand difficulties in life? Fequency/Extent 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I have often questioned or pondered the nature of reality. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either I recognize aspects of myself that are deeper than my physical body. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I have spent time contemplating the purpose or reason for my existence. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Conscious State Expansion Subscale Either I am able to enter higher states of consciousness or awareness. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I am able to deeply contemplate what happens after death. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either It is difficult for me to sense anything other than the physical and material. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Personal Meaning Production Subscale Either My ability to find meaning and purpose in life helps me adapt to stressful situations. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Conscious State Expansion Subscale Either I can control when I enter higher states of consciousness or awareness. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I have developed my own theories about such things as life, death, reality, and existence. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either I am aware of a deeper connection between myself and other people. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Personal Meaning Production Subscale Either I am able to define a purpose or reason for my life. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Conscious State Expansion Subscale Either I am able to move freely between levels of consciousness or awareness. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I frequently contemplate the meaning of events in my life. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either I define myself by my deeper, non-physical self. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Personal Meaning Production Subscale Either When I experience a failure, I am still able to find meaning in it. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Conscious State Expansion Subscale Either I often see issues and choices more clearly while in higher states of consciousness/awareness. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I have often contemplated the relationship between human beings and the rest of the universe. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either I am highly aware of the nonmaterial aspects of life. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Personal Meaning Production Subscale Either I am able to make decisions according to my purpose in life. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either I recognize qualities in people which are more meaningful than their body, personality, or emotions. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Critical Existential Thinking Subscale Either I have deeply contemplated whether or not there is some greater power or force (e.g., god, goddess, divine being, higher energy, etc.). Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Transcendental Awareness Subscale Either Recognizing the nonmaterial aspects of life helps me feel centered. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Personal Meaning Production Subscale Either I am able to find meaning and purpose in my everyday experiences. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory Conscious State Expansion Subscale Either I have developed my own techniques for entering higher states of consciousness or awareness. Not at all true/Competely true 5
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Either I have a core of beliefs, ethics, and values that give my life a sense of meaning and purpose. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Either I’ve been able to find a sense of meaning in my life. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Either I feel a sense of connection to the rest of humanity and the natural world. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Either The work I am doing is meaningful to me. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Either I live life with a clear sense of purpose. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Revised Spiritual Fitness Scale N/A Service The work I am doing in the military is meaningful to me. Not at all/very much, with no answer 6
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you ever reflect on your purpose in life? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you ever think about the human spirit or what happens to life after death? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Have you ever spent time reading, thinking about, or discussing philosophy or beliefs? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you have a philosophy of life that helps you to manage stress or make important decisions? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you think about ideas such as eternity, truth, justice and goodness? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you spend time in meditation, prayer, or reflecting on the mysteries of life? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you discuss or ask questions to probe deeply into the meaning of life? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you ever think about a “grand plan” or process that human beings are a part of? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Have you ever thought about what is beyond the “here and now” of your daily life? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Do you ever think about life’s Big Questions? Agree/Disagree 7
Mixed Scale for Existential Thinking Existential Thinking Either Have you ever reflected on the nature of reality or the universe? Agree/Disagree 7


* = reverse coded

Sheet 8: Atheist Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either I feel a lot of pressure from my friends and family to go to religious services. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either I feel pressured because the important people in my life place more importance on being religious than I do. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either Nobody pressures me into being religious. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Obligation Subscale Either Nobody important in my life would be angry with me if they thought I never went to worship services. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is to make friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is because I enjoy seeing people I know there. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It can be good to doubt your beliefs about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It does NOT bother me when I have doubts about my beliefs about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It is better to be sure about your religious beliefs than have some doubts. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either I do NOT like to question my beliefs about my religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either I value my doubts and uncertainties about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It bothers me to question my beliefs about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never know the complete truth about religious matters. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never be sure if your beliefs about religion are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either It's easy to know whether my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either I'm sure my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either Some of my beliefs about religions are probably wrong. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either It is obvious that my beliefs about God are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either I have reexamined my beliefs about religion when my life has changed. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either My life experiences have made me reexamine my views on religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Dialog Subscale Either No event in my life changed how I think about religion.* Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I find religious discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either Spirituality is important to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The rightness or wrongness of my actions will affect what happens to me when my body is physically dead. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I have a spirit/essence beyond my physical body. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either All other things being equal, a spiritual person is better off. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The supernatural exists. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I engage in spiritual activities. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I feel a sense of connection to something beyond what we can observe, measure, or test scientifically. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I cannot find worthwhile meaning in life without spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Meaning Subscale Either I have a sense of mission or calling in my own life. Agree/Disagree 4
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I find spiritual discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either No one knows why bad things happen to good people; it’s all pretty random. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals suffer because of their deeds in the past. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering happens randomly, not because of anything people have done wrong. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Karma is the best explanation for individuals’ suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering just happens without purpose or underlying reason. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals experience suffering as a result of their past wrongdoing. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Gratitude Toward God Questionnaire Gratitude Toward God Either As I look back on my life, I feel I have been richly blessed. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life through spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Social Subscale Either If I go to worship services it is to make and see friends Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale
Either I am NOT interested in theoretical discussions about spirituality.* Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either My immediate family is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Being a member of my immediate family is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either Helping others is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either I find my life’s purpose through helping others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either The meaning I give my life comes from making the world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either Making the world a better place is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either I find my life’s purpose through caring for my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either Caring for my friends is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5


* = reverse coded

Sheet 9: Military Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Military God comforts and shelters me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Military God protects me if I pray. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Personal Subscale Military God helps me if I ask him. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Military I have obligations to God that if NOT respected will cause bad things to happen to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Punishment Subscale Military If I don't do certain things, God will cause bad things to happen to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Military I value my doubts and uncertainties about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Military It bothers me to question my beliefs about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Military You can never be sure if your beliefs about religion are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Military It's easy to know whether my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Military I'm sure my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Military I like to closely examine religious ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Military I find religious discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Military I love to find out new things about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military Spirituality is important to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military The rightness or wrongness of my actions will affect what happens to me when my body is physically dead. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military I have a spirit/essence beyond my physical body. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military All other things being equal, a spiritual person is better off. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military The supernatural exists. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military I engage in spiritual activities. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military I feel a sense of connection to something beyond what we can observe, measure, or test scientifically. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Military I cannot find worthwhile meaning in life without spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Military I feel God’s presence. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Military I desire to be closer to or in union with God. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Military I feel God’s love for me, directly or through others. Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Daily Spiritual Experiences Subscale Military I am spiritually touched by the beauty of creation Frequency 6
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Meaning Subscale Military The events in my life unfold according to a divine or greater plan. Agree/Disagree 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Meaning Subscale Military I have a sense of mission or calling in my own life. Agree/Disagree 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Private Religious Practices Subscale Military Within your religious or spiritual tradition, how often do you meditate? Frequency 8
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Military I feel God is punishing me for my sins or lack of spirituality. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousity/Spirituality Religious and Spiritual Coping Subscale Military I wonder whether God has abandoned me. A great deal/Not at all 4
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Military I like to closely examine spiritual ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Military I find spiritual discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Military I love to find out new things about spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Military In my life, I experience the presence of the Divine (i.e., God). True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Military Religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life. True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Duke University Religion Index - Modified
Military I try hard to carry religion over into all other dealings in life. True/Untrue 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Military The meaning I give my life comes from religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Military Religion is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Military I find the purpose of my life in religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Military Religion is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Military The meaning I give my life comes from spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Military Spirituality is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Military I find the purpose of my life through spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Military Spirituality is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale active military The meaning I give my life comes from my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale active military My military service is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale active military I find my life’s purpose through my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale active military Being a service member is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale active military Everything I do revolves around my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale active military My connection with brothers and sisters in uniform is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale active military I find the purpose of my life through my bond with my brothers and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale active military Being a part of the military community is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale active military My Life’s purpose comes from my connection with brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale active military Everything I do revolves around my brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either My immediate family is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Being a member of my immediate family is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5


* = reverse coded

Sheet 10: Military Atheist Test Pool

Construct Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either I value my doubts and uncertainties about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Doubt Subscale Either It bothers me to question my beliefs about religion. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either You can never be sure if your beliefs about religion are correct. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either It's easy to know whether my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Tentativeness Subscale Either I'm sure my beliefs about religion are correct. * Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I like to closely examine religious ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I find religious discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory Interest Subscale Either I love to find out new things about religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I like to closely examine spiritual ideas. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I find spiritual discussions fascinating. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Spiritual Interest Scale Spiritual Interest Either I love to find out new things about spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either Spirituality is important to me. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The rightness or wrongness of my actions will affect what happens to me when my body is physically dead. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I have a spirit/essence beyond my physical body. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either All other things being equal, a spiritual person is better off. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either The supernatural exists. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I engage in spiritual activities. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I feel a sense of connection to something beyond what we can observe, measure, or test scientifically. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality NonReligious-NonSpiritual Scale Non-Spiritual Subscale Either I cannot find worthwhile meaning in life without spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either No one knows why bad things happen to good people; it’s all pretty random. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals suffer because of their deeds in the past. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering happens randomly, not because of anything people have done wrong. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Karma is the best explanation for individuals’ suffering. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Random Subscale Either Suffering just happens without purpose or underlying reason. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Views of Suffering Scale Retribution Subscale Either Individuals experience suffering as a result of their past wrongdoing. Agree/Disagree 6
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in religion. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Religion Subscale Either Religion is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life through spirituality. Agree/Disagree 5
Vertical Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Spirituality Subscale Either Spirituality is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either My immediate family is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Being a member of my immediate family is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality of Family Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my immediate family. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either I find my life’s purpose through my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either My job is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Job Subscale Either Everything I do revolves around my job. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either Helping others is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., helping others) Either I find my life’s purpose through helping others. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either The meaning I give my life comes from making the world a better place. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., making the world a better place) Either Making the world a better place is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either I find my life’s purpose through caring for my friends. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Transcendence (i.e., caring for my friends) Either Caring for my friends is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either The meaning I give my life comes from my core beliefs, principles, and values. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either My core beliefs, principles, and values are the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Krauss and Hood (2013) core belief, principle, or value version Centrality Subscale Either I find the purpose of my life in my core beliefs, principles, and values Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service The meaning I give my life comes from my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service My military service is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service I find my life’s purpose through my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service Being a service member is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Service Subscale Service Everything I do revolves around my military service. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service My connection with brothers and sisters in uniform is the driving force in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service I find the purpose of my life through my bond with my brothers and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service Being a part of the military community is the most important thing in my life. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service My Life’s purpose comes from my connection with brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5
Horizontal Spirituality Centrality Measures Centrality in Camaraderie Subscale Service Everything I do revolves around my brother and sisters in uniform. Agree/Disagree 5


* = reverse coded

Sheet 11: Stressful Event Combat Exposure

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran How many deployments have you experienced in your lifetime? Drop down N/A Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran How many deployments did you have in the last 10 years? Drop down N/A Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran Please estimate the number of months you have spent deployed in the past 10 years. Drop down N/A Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran How many months have you been deployed within the past 24 months? Drop down N/A Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran During your deployments within the past 24 months, were you exposed to direct combat? If so, how many occasions? Open N/A Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran During combat operations, were any of your teammates killed or physically injured (requiring evacuation)? Yes/No 2 Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran During combat operations, did you become wounded or physically injured? Yes/No 2 Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran During combat operations, did you see the bodies of dead Soldiers or civilians? Yes/No 2 Static
Combat Exposure Yes SOCOM N/A Active Military and Veteran When did you return from your last deployment? Frequency 9 Static
Stressful event Nomination Yes Stressful event Nomination N/A Civ/No deploy Please think about the most stressful event that you have experienced in your life. Select from the list below which was the worst event: <will be a dropdown menu> Dropdown with "other" open-ended text response

Stressful event Nomination Yes Stressful event Nomination N/A Civ/No deploy My most stressful life event occurred _______ years ago.
<this will be a dropdown box ranging from 0 to 99 years>
Dropdown 0-99 years 100 Static


* = reverse coded

Sheet 12: Stressor Appraisals

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in my belief that I have something of value to teach others about life. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in the extent to which I work through problems and not just give up. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in the extent to which I find meaning in life. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in the extent to which I am a confident person. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in the extent to which I communicate honestly with others. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Stress related growth No Stress Related Growth Scale Revised N/A Either I experienced a change in my belief about how many people care about me. Very Pos/Very Neg 7 Static
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Belief Violations Either How much does the occurrence of this stressful experience violate your sense of the world being fair or just? Not at all/Very Much 5 Static
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Belief Violations Either How much does this stressful experience violate your sense of being in control of your life? Not at all/Very Much 5 Static
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Belief Violations Either How much does this stressful experience violate your sense that the world is a good and safe place? Not at all/Very Much 5 Static
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Belief Violations Either How much does this stressful experience violate your sense that other forces have control in the world? Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Belief Violations Either How much does this stressful experience violate your sense that God is in control? Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Intrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Social support and community Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Intrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Self-acceptance Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Intrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Physical health Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Intrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Inner peace Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Extrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Education achievement Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Extrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Achievement in my career Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Extrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Creative or artistic accomplishment Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Meaning Violations No Global Meaning Violations Scale Intrinsic Goal Violations Either How much does your stressful experience interfere with your ability to accomplish each of these? Intimacy (emotional closeness) Not at all/Very Much 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I consider myself a moral person. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either People usually behave in predictable ways. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either Bad things generally don’t happen to good people. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either The world is a predictable place. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I consider myself fairly lucky. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I am generally a good person. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either I trust myself to do the right things in life. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Core Beliefs No Core Beliefs Scale N/A Either My beliefs provide me with an inner moral compass. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Closure No Closure Item N/A Either I have put the event behind me completely. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either I thought about the event when I did not mean to. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Thoughts about the event came to mind and I could not stop thinking about them. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Thoughts about the event distracted me or kept me from being able to concentrate. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either I could not keep images or thoughts about the event from entering my mind. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Thoughts, memories, or images of the event came to mind even when I did not want them. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Thoughts about the event caused me to relive my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Reminders of the event brought back thoughts about my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either I found myself automatically thinking about what had happened. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either Other things kept leading me to think about my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Intrusive Rumination Either I tried not to think about the event, but could not keep the thoughts from my mind. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about whether I could find meaning from my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about whether changes in my life have come from dealing with my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I forced myself to think about my feelings about my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about whether I have learned anything as a result of my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about whether the experience has changed my beliefs about the world. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about what the experience might mean for my future. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about whether my relationships with others have changed following my experience. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I forced myself to deal with my feelings about the event. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I deliberately thought about how the event had affected me. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Rumination No Event Related Rumination Inventory Deliberate Rumination Either I thought about the event and tried to understand what happened. Not at all/Often 4 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either Since this event, the world seems like a confusing and scary place. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I have made sense of this event. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either If or when I talk about this event, I believe people see me differently. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I have difficulty integrating this event into my understanding about the world. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either Since this event, I feel like I’m in a crisis of faith. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either This event is incomprehensible to me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either My previous goals and hopes for the future don’t make sense anymore since this event. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I am perplexed by what happened. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either Since this event happened, I don’t know where to go next in my life. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I would have an easier time talking about my life if I left this event out. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either My beliefs and values are less clear since this event. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I don’t understand myself anymore since this event. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either Since this event, I have a harder time feeling like I’m part of something larger than myself. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either This event has made me feel less purposeful. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either I haven’t been able to put the pieces of my life back together since this event. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Event Integration No Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale N/A Either After this event, life seems more random. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Looked for a stronger connection with God. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Sought God’s love and care. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Sought help from God in letting go of my anger. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Tried to put my plans into action together with God. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Tried to see how God might be trying to strengthen me in this situation. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Asked forgiveness for my sins. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Focused on religion to stop worrying about my problems. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Wondered whether God had abandoned me. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Felt punished by God for my lack of devotion. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Wondered what I did for God to punish me. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Questioned God’s love for me. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Wondered whether my church had abandoned me. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Decided the devil made this happen. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic
Religious Coping No Brief RCOPE N/A Either Questioned the power of God. Not at all/ A great deal 4 Dynamic


* = reverse coded

Sheet 13: Attributes

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either There is no particular reason why I exist. * Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either We are each meant to make our own special contributions to the world. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either I was meant to actualize my potentials. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either Life is inherently meaningful. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either I will never have a spiritual bond with anyone.* Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either When I look deep within my heart, I see a life I am compelled to pursue. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either My life is meaningful. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either In performing certain tasks, I can feel something higher or transcendent working through me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either Our flawed and often horrific behavior indicates that there is little or no meaning inherent in our existence.* Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either I find meaning even in my mistakes and sins. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either I see a special purpose for myself in this world. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either There are certain activities, jobs, or services to which I feel called. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either There is no reason or meaning underlying human existence.* Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Meaning No Spiritual meaning scale N/A Either We are all participating in a something larger and greater than any of us. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Divine Either Felt as though God had let me down Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Divine Either Felt angry at God Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Divine Either Felt as though God had abandoned me Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Divine Either Felt as though God was punishing me Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Divine Either Questioned God’s love for me Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Demonic Either Felt tormented by the devil or evil spirits Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Demonic Either Worried that the problems I was facing were the work of the devil or evil spirits Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Demonic Either Felt attacked by the devil or by evil spirits Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Demonic Either Felt as though the devil (or an evil spirit) was trying to turn me away from what was good Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Interpers Either Felt hurt, mistreated, or offended by religious/spiritual people Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Interpers Either Felt rejected or misunderstood by religious/spiritual people Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Interpers Either Felt as though others were looking down on me because of my religious/spiritual beliefs Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Interpers Either Had conflicts with other people about religious/spiritual matters Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Interpers Either Felt angry at organized religion Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Moral Either Wrestled with attempts to follow my moral principles Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Moral Either Worried that my actions were morally or spiritually wrong Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Moral Either Felt torn between what I wanted and what I knew was morally right Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Moral Either Felt guilty for not living up to my moral standards Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Ultimate Meaning Either Questioned whether life really matters Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Ultimate Meaning Either Felt as though my life had no deeper meaning Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Ultimate Meaning Either Questioned whether my life will really make any difference in the world Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Ultimate Meaning Either Had concerns about whether there is any ultimate purpose to life or existence Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Doubt Either Struggled to figure out what I really believe about religion/spirituality Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Doubt Either Felt confused about my religious/spiritual beliefs Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Doubt Either Felt troubled by doubts or questions about religion or spirituality Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress Yes Religious and spiritual struggles scale Doubt Either Worried about whether my beliefs about religion/spirituality were correct Not at all/A great deal 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Feeling troubled by doubts or questions about religion or spirituality Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Worry that I could never forgive myself for things I’ve done Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Avoiding memories and reminders of someone who has died Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Worry that my relationship with someone close to me will never improve (for example, a partner, a child, a friend) Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Feeling disconnected or misunderstood by my religious/spiritual community Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Thinking of a loss so much that I cannot do the things I normally do (for example, someone who died, loss of a job, loss of a relationship, and so on) Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Feeling angry at God or a Higher Power Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Worry that my actions were morally or spiritually wrong Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Feeling as though God or a Higher Power has abandoned me Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Distress No Spiriutal distress chaplain screen N/A Either Concerns about whether there is any ultimate purpose to my life or existence Not at all/Extremely (with an N/A option) 6 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Self-distraction Either I've been turning to work or other activities to take my mind off things. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Active Coping Either I've been concentrating my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Denial Either I've been saying to myself "this isn't real." Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Substance use Either I've been using alcohol or other drugs to make myself feel better. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Use of emotional support Either I've been getting emotional support from others. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Behavioral disengagement Either I've been giving up trying to deal with it. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Active Coping Either I've been taking action to try to make the situation better. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Denial Either I've been refusing to believe that it has happened. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Venting Either I've been saying things to let my unpleasant feelings escape. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Use of instrumental support Either I’ve been getting help and advice from other people. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Substance use Either I've been using alcohol or other drugs to help me get through it. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Positive reframing Either I've been trying to see it in a different light, to make it seem more positive. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Self-blame Either I’ve been criticizing myself. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Planning Either I've been trying to come up with a strategy about what to do. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Use of emotional support Either I've been getting comfort and understanding from someone. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Behavioral disengagement Either I've been giving up the attempt to cope. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Positive reframing Either I've been looking for something good in what is happening. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Humor Either I've been making jokes about it. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Self-distraction Either I've been doing something to think about it less, such as going to movies, watching TV, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Acceptance Either I've been accepting the reality of the fact that it has happened. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Venting Either I've been expressing my negative feelings. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Religion Either I've been trying to find comfort in my religion or spiritual beliefs. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Use of instrumental support Either I’ve been trying to get advice or help from other people about what to do. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Acceptance Either I've been learning to live with it. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Planning Either I've been thinking hard about what steps to take. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Self-blame Either I’ve been blaming myself for things that happened. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Religion Either I've been praying or meditating. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE Humor Either I've been making fun of the situation. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE-experimental item Substance use Either When I am really stressed, I use alcohol or other drugs to help me get through it. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE-experimental item Self-distraction Either When I am really stressed, I do something to think about it less, such as going to movies, watching TV, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE-experimental item Planning Either When I am really stressed, I concentrate my efforts on doing something about the situation I’m in. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Coping No Brief COPE-experimental item Planning Either When I am really stressed, I try to come up with a strategy about what to do. Not at all/A lot 4 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either There is a special person who is around when I am in need. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either There is a special person with whom I can share my joys and sorrows. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either My family really tries to help me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I get the emotional help and support I need from my family. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I have a special person who is a real source of comfort to me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either My friends really try to help me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I can count on my friends when things go wrong. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I can talk about my problems with my family. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I have friends with whom I can share my joys and sorrows. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either There is a special person in my life who cares about my feelings. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either My family is willing to help me make decisions. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support No Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Either I can talk about my problems with my friends. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support Yes Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Active Duty I can talk about my problems with my Military Peers. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support Yes Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Active Duty My Military Peers care about my feelings. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support Yes Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Active Duty My Military Peers really try to help me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Social Support Yes Multidimensional Scale of Percieved Social Support N/A Active Duty I get the emotional help and support I need from my Military Peers. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Horizontal Cohesion Active Duty The members of my unit are cooperative with each other. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Horizontal Cohesion Active Duty The members of my unit know that they can depend on each other. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Horizontal Cohesion Active Duty The members of my unit stand up for each other. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…tells service members when they have done a good job. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…embarrasses service members in front of other service members. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…tries to look good to higher-ups by assigning extra missions or details to service members. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…exhibits clear thinking and reasonable action under stress. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…shows favoritism to certain members in the unit. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…treats all members of the unit fairly. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…is concerned about the safety of service members. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…ensures that service members do not assume unnecessary risk when conducting missions. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…will tell higher-ups when the unit has been given too many tasks. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…protects the unit from receiving too many tasks. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…provides clear guidance on how tasks and missions are to be accomplished. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…is viewed by the service members as having physical courage. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Unit Cohesion Yes WRAIR Unit Cohesion Scales Vertical Cohesion Active Duty My direct supervisor/My commanding officer…is viewed by the service members as having moral courage. Never/Always 5 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Extraverted, enthusiastic. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Critical, quarrelsome. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Dependable, self-disciplined. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Anxious, easily upset. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Open to new experiences, complex. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Reserved, quiet. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Sympathetic, warm. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Disorganized, careless. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Calm, emotionally stable. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Personality No Ten Item Personality Inventory N/A Either Conventional, uncreative. Disagree Strongly/Agree Strongly 7 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Interested Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Distressed Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Excited Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Upset Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Strong Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Guilty Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Scared Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Hostile Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Enthusiastic Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Proud Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Irritable Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Alert Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Ashamed Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Inspired Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Nervous Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Determined Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Attentive Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Jittery Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Positive Affect Either Active Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Affect No Positive and Negative Affect Schedules Negative Affect Either Afraid Very Slightly/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either It upsets me to go into a situation without knowing what I can expect from it. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I’m not bothered by things that interrupt my daily routine. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I enjoy being spontaneous. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I find that a well-ordered life with regular hours makes my life tedious. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I find that a consistent routine enables me to enjoy life more. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I enjoy having a clear and structured mode of life. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I like to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I don’t like situations that are uncertain. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I hate to change my plans at the last minute. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I hate to be with people who are unpredictable. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I enjoy the exhilaration of being in unpredictable situations. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Need for Structure Scale N/A Either I become uncomfortable when the rules in a situation are not clear. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I may struggle with a few decisions but not very often.* Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I never put off making important decisions.* Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either Sometimes I become impatient over my indecisiveness. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either Sometimes I see so many options to a situation that it is really confusing. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I can be reluctant to commit myself to something because of the possibility that I might be wrong. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I tend to struggle with most decisions. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either Even after making an important decision I tend to continue to think about the pros and cons to make sure that I am not wrong. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either Regardless of whether others see an event as positive or negative I don’t mind committing myself to it.* Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I prefer situations where I do not have to decide immediately. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I rarely doubt that the course of action I have selected be correct.* Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I tend to continue to evaluate recently made decisions. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I wish I did not worry so much about making errors. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either Decisions rarely weigh heavily on my shoulders.* Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Personal Fear of Invalidity Scale N/A Either I find myself reluctant to commit to new ideas but find little comfort in remaining with the tried and true. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either My painful experiences and memories make it difficult for me to live a life that I would value. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either I’m afraid of my feelings. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either I worry about not being able to control my worries and feelings. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either My painful memories prevent me from having a fulfilling life. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either Emotions cause problems in my life. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either It seems like most people are handling their lives better than I am. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Psychological Flexibility No Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II N/A Either Worries get in the way of my success. Never true/Always true 7 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I can communicate an idea in many different ways. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I can find workable solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I am willing to work at creative solutions to problems. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either In any given situation, I am able to act appropriately. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I am willing to listen and consider alternatives for handling a problem. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I avoid new and unusual situations.* agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I feel like I never get to make decisions.* agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I seldom have choices when deciding how to behave.* agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either My behavior is a result of conscious decisions that I make. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I have many possible ways of behaving in any given situation. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I have difficulty using my knowledge on a given topic in real life situations.* agree/disagree 6 Dynamic
Cognitive Flexibility No Cognitive Flexibility Scale N/A Either I have the self-confidence necessary to try different ways of behaving. agree/disagree 6 Dynamic


* = reverse coded

Sheet 14: Outcomes

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Subscale Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Meaning in life No Meaning in Life Questionnaire Presence of Meaning Either I understand my life's meaning. true/untrue 7 Static
Meaning in life No Meaning in Life Questionnaire Presence of Meaning Either My life has a clear sense of purpose. true/untrue 7 Static
Meaning in life No Meaning in Life Questionnaire Presence of Meaning Either I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful. true/untrue 7 Static
Meaning in life No Meaning in Life Questionnaire Presence of Meaning Either I have discovered a satisfying life purpose. true/untrue 7 Static
Meaning in life No Meaning in Life Questionnaire Presence of Meaning Either My life has no clear purpose.* true/untrue 7 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either I have a hard time making it through stressful events.* Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.* Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either I usually come through difficult times with little trouble. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Brief Resiliency Scale N/A Either I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.* Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most of my life gets spent doing things that are worthwhile. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Planning ahead can help avoid most future problems. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either No matter how hard I try, my efforts usually accomplish nothing. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I don't like to make changes in my everyday schedule. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either The ''tried and true" ways are always best. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Working hard doesn't matter, since only the bosses profit by it. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either By working hard you can always achieve your goals. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most working people are simply manipulated by their bosses. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most of what happens in life is just meant to be. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either When I make plans, I'm certain I can make them work. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either It's exciting to learn something about myself. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I really look forward to my work. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Politicians run our lives. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either If I'm working on a difficult task, I know when to seek help. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I won't answer a question until I'm really sure I understand it. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I like a lot of variety in my work. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most of the time, people listen carefully to what I say. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Daydreams are more exciting than reality for me. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Thinking of yourself as a free person just leads to frustration. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Trying your best at work really pays off in the end. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either My mistakes are usually very difficult to correct. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either It bothers me when my daily routine gets interrupted. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most good athletes and leaders are born, not made. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I often wake up eager to take up my life wherever it left off. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Lots of times, I don't really know my own mind. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I respect rules because they guide me. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I like it when things are uncertain or unpredictable. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either I can't do much to*prevent it if someone wants to harm me. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Changes in routine are interesting to me. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either People who believe in individuality are only kidding themselves. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Most days, life is really interesting and exciting for me. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either It's hard to imagine anyone getting excited about working. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either What happens to me tomorrow depends on what I do today. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either It's hard to believe people who say their work helps society. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
Resiliency No Dispositional Resilience Scale N/A Either Ordinary work is just too boring to be worth doing. Not at all/Completely True 4 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted memories of the stressful experience? Not at all/Extremely 5 Static
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Avoiding memories, thoughts, or feelings related to the stressful experience? Not at all/Extremely 5 Static
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Having strong negative beliefs about yourself, other people, or the world (for example, having thoughts such as: I am bad, there is something seriously wrong with me, no one can be trusted, the world is completely dangerous)? Not at all/Extremely 5 Static
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Feeling jumpy or easily startled? Not at all/Extremely 5 Static
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Repeated, disturbing dreams of the stressful experience? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Suddenly feeling or acting as if the stressful experience were actually happening again (as if you were actually back there reliving it)? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Feeling very upset when something reminded you of the stressful experience? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Having strong physical reactions when something reminded you of the stressful experience (for example, heart pounding, trouble breathing, sweating)? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Avoiding external reminders of the stressful experience (for example, people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations)? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Trouble remembering important parts of the stressful experience? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Blaming yourself or someone else for the stressful experience or what happened after it? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Having strong negative feelings such as fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Feeling distant or cut off from other people? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Trouble experiencing positive feelings (for example, being unable to feel happiness or have loving feelings for people close to you)? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Irritable behavior, angry outbursts, or acting aggressively? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Taking too many risks or doing things that could cause you harm? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Being “superalert” or watchful or on guard? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Having difficulty concentrating? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
PTSD Symptom Severity (PTSS) No PTSD Checklist for the DSM5 PTSS Either Trouble falling or staying asleep? Not at all/Extremely 5 Dynamic
Insomnia No Pittsburgh Insonmia Rating Scale Insomnia Either In the past week, how much were you bothered by: Lack of energy because of poor sleep Not at all/Severely 4 Static
Insomnia No Pittsburgh Insonmia Rating Scale Insomnia Either Over the past week, how would you rate: Your satisfaction with your sleep Poor/excellent 4 Static
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge. Frequency 4 Static
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Not being able to stop or control worrying. Frequency 4 Static
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Worrying too much about different things Frequency 4 Dynamic
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Trouble relaxing Frequency 4 Dynamic
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Being so restless that it's hard to sit still Frequency 4 Dynamic
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Frequency 4 Dynamic
Anxiety No Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Either Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-2 Depression Either Little interest or pleasure in doing things Frequency 4 Static
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-2 Depression Either Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. Frequency 4 Static
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Feeling tired or having little energy Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Poor appetite or overeating Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Feeling bad about yourself—or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television Frequency 4 Dynamic
Depression No Patient Health Questionnaire-8 Depression Either Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite—being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual Frequency 4 Dynamic
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either It has been easy to relate to others. Frequency 5 Static
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either I felt isolated from other people. * Frequency 5 Static
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either I had someone to share my feelings with. Frequency 5 Static
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either I found it easy to get in touch with others when I needed to. Frequency 5 Static
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either When with other people, I felt separate from them.* Frequency 5 Static
Friendship Yes The Friendship Scale Friendship Either I felt alone and friendless. * Frequency 5 Static
Self-Esteem No Single Item Self-Esteem Self-Esteem Either I have high self-esteem Not True/Very True 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism If something can go wrong for me, it will. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism I'm always optimistic about my future Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism I hardly ever expect things to go my way. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism I rarely count on good things happening to me. Agree/Disagree 5 Dynamic
Optimism No Life Orientation Test-Revised Optimism Optimism Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Happiness No Single Item Happiness Happiness Either Do you feel happy in general? Not at all/Extremely 10 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either I have so much in life to be thankful for. Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either If I had to list everything that I felt grateful for, it would be a very long list. Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either When I look at the world, I don’t see much to be grateful for.* Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either I am grateful to a wide variety of people. Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either As I get older I find myself more able to appreciate the people, events, and situations that have been part of my life history. Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Gratitude Yes The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item Gratitude Either Long amounts of time can go by before I feel grateful to something or someone.* Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either I am a forgiving person. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either I try to forgive others even when they don’t feel guilty for what they did. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either There are some things for which I could never forgive even a loved one.* Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either I always try to forgive people who hurt me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either I can forgive a friend for almost anything. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either I can usually forgive and forget an insult. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Code of Honor N/A Either People close to me probably think I hold grudges too long.* Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either I continue to punish a person who has done something that I think is wrong. Agree/Disagree 7 Static
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either Although I feel badly at first when I mess up, over time I can give myself some slack. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either I hold grudges against myself for negative things I’ve done. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either Learning from bad things that I’ve done helps me get over them. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either It is really hard for me to accept myself once I’ve messed up. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either With time I am understanding of myself for mistakes I’ve made. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either I don’t stop criticizing myself for negative things I’ve felt, thought, said, or done. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either With time I am understanding of others for the mistakes they’ve made. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either I continue to be hard on others who have hurt me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either Although others have hurt me in the past, I have eventually been able to see them as good people. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either If others mistreat me, I continue to think badly of them. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either When someone disappoints me, I can eventually move past it. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either When things go wrong for reasons that can’t be controlled, I get stuck in negative thoughts about it. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either With time I can be understanding of bad circumstances in my life. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either If I am disappointed by uncontrollable circumstances in my life, I continue to think negatively about them. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either I eventually make peace with bad situations in my life. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either It’s really hard for me to accept negative situations that aren’t anybody’s fault. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Forgiveness No Heartland Forgiveness Scale N/A Either Eventually I let go of negative thoughts about bad circumstances that are beyond anyone’s control. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either Most people see me as loving and affectionate Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either Maintaining close relationships has been difficulty and frustrating for me. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either I often feel lonely because I have few close friends with whom to share my concerns. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either I enjoy personal and mutual conversations with family members or friends. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either I don’t have many people who want to listen when I need to talk. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either It seems to me that most other people have more friends than I do. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either People would describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either I have not experienced many warm and trusting relationships with others. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Positive relations with others subscale N/A Either I know that I can trust my friends, and they know they can trust me. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either In our family we really help and support each other. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either In our family we argue a lot.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either In our family we spend a lot of time doing things together at home. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Expressiveness Either In our family we can talk openly in our home. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either In our family we are really mad at each other a lot.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either In our family we work hard at what we do in our home. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either In our family there is a feeling of togetherness. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Expressiveness Either In our family we sometimes tell each other about our personal problems. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either In our family we lose our tempers a lot.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either In our family we often put down each other.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either My family members really support each other. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either My family members sometimes are violent.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either I am proud to be a part of our family. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Cohesion Either In our family we really get along well with each other. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Expressiveness Either In our family we begin discussions easily. Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Brief Family Relationship Scale Conflict Either In our family we raise our voice when we are mad.* Not at all/A lot 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I am ashamed of myself because of things that I did/saw during my military service. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I feel anger over being betrayed by someone who I had trusted while I was in the military. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member My military experiences have taught me that it is only a matter of time before people will betray my trust. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member Because of things that I did/saw in the military, I doubt my ability to make moral decisions. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member In order to punish myself for things that I did/saw in the military, I often neglect my health and safety. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I sometimes enjoy thinking about having revenge on persons who wronged me in the military. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I feel guilt about things that happened during my military service that cannot be excused. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member Because of things that I did/saw in the military, I am no longer worthy of being loved. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member My military experiences have caused me to seriously doubt the motives of people in authority. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member The moral failures that I witnessed during my military service have left a bad taste in my mouth. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I sometimes feel so bad about things that I did/saw in the military that I hide or withdraw from others. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member Because of things that I did/saw in the military, I sabotage my best efforts to achieve my goals in life. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member No matter how much time passes, I resent people who betrayed my trust during my military service. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I am an unforgivable person because of things that I did/saw in the military. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member Things I saw/did in the military have caused me at times to lose faith in the basic goodness of humanity. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member I sometimes lash out at others because I feel bad about things I did/saw in the military. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Moral Injury Yes Expression of Moral Injury Scale - Military Version N/A Service Member When I look back on my military service, I feel disgusted by things that other people did. Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you been able to control irritations in your life? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt that you were on top of things? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you been angered because of things that were outside of your control? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Stress No Percieved Stress Scale N/A Either In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? Never/Very Often 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often during the last year have you found you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking? Frequency 5 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either Have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? Frequency 3 Dynamic
Alcohol Use No AUDIT N/A Either Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? Frequency 3 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Stomach or bowel problems Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Back pain Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Pain in your arms, legs, or joints Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Headaches Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Dizziness Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Chest pain or shortness of breath Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Feeling tired or having low energy Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Somatic Symptoms No Somatic Symptom Scale-8 N/A Either During the past 7 days, how much have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Trouble sleeping Not at all/Very much 5 Dynamic
Loneliness No Loneliness scale N/A Either How often do you feel that you lack companionship? Never/Often 4 Dynamic
Loneliness No Loneliness scale N/A Either How often do you feel left out? Never/Often 4 Dynamic
Loneliness No Loneliness scale N/A Either How often do you feel isolated from others? Never/Often 4 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent are you grateful for the things in nature that you can enjoy? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent are you able to experience awe from your surroundings? (e.g., nature, art, music)? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent do you feel peaceful within yourself? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent do you have inner peace? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either How much are you able to feel peaceful when you need to? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent do you feel a sense of harmony in your life? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent do you have strong personal beliefs? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Spiritual Beliefs No WHOQoL Spirituality, Religion, and Personal Beliefs Items N/A Either To what extent do you feel that you are part of something bigger than yourself? Not at all/An extreme amount 5 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Satisfaction with life scale N/A Either In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Satisfaction with life scale N/A Either The conditions of my life are excellent. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Satisfaction with life scale N/A Either I am satisfied with my life. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Satisfaction with life scale N/A Either So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Satisfaction with life scale N/A Either If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Satistfaction with Life No Single item satisfaction with life scale N/A Either In general, how satisfied are you with your life? Very Satisfied/Very Dissatisfied 7 Static
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........physical health? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........mood? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........household activities? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with relationships? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with relationships? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........leisure time activities? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........ability to function in daily life? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with drive, interest and/or performance? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........economic status? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with situation? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........ability to get around physically without feeling dizzy or unsteady or falling? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........your vision in terms of ability to do work or hobbies? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........overall sense of well being? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either Taking everything into consideration, during the past week how satisfied have you been with your.........medication? (If not taking any, leave item blank.)? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Quality of Life No Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire N/A Either How would you rate your overall life satisfaction and contentment during the past week? Very Poor/Very Good 5 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I have a positive outlook toward life. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I have short and/or long range goals. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I feel all alone. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I can see possibilities in the midst of difficulties. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I feel scared about my future. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I can recall happy/joyful times. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I have deep inner strength. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I am able to give and receive caring/love. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I have a sense of direction. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I believe that each day has potential. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Herth Hope Index N/A Either I feel my life has value and worth. Agree/Disagree 4 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (Pathways) N/A Either I can think of many ways to get out of a jam. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (Pathways) N/A Either There are lots of ways around any problem. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (Pathways) N/A Either I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are most important to me. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (Pathways) N/A Either Even when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I look on the bright side. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I can find the positive in what seems negative to others. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I have no plan for my life five years from now.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I remain hopeful despite challenges. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Static
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I expect the worst.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I will succeed with the goals I set for myself. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I think about what is good in my life when I feel down. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Hope No Hope Scale (IPIP) N/A Either I am not confident that my way of doing things will work out for the best.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I find the world a very interesting place. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I am never bored. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I am not all that curious about the world.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I am always busy with something interesting. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I am excited by many different activities. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I find it difficult to entertain myself.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I can find something of interest in any situation. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I think that my life is extremely interesting. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I have few interests.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Curiosity No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Curiosity Either I love to hear about other countries and cultures. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I let bygones be bygones. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I never seek vengeance. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I do not give anyone a second change to hurt me.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I allow others to make a fresh start. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I believe that it is best to forgive and forget. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I hold grudges.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I don't try to get even. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I hate to see anyone suffer, even my worst enemy. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Forgiveness/Mercy No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Forgiveness/Mercy Either I try to respond with understanding when someone treats me badly. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I express my thanks to those who care about me. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I have been richly blessed in my life. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I stop to count my blessings. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I do not see the need to acknowledge others who are good to me.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I am an extremely grateful person. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I feel thankful for what I have received in life. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I find few things in my life to be grateful for.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Gratitude No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Gratitude Either I feel a profound sense of appreciation every day Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I go out of my way to attend educational events. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I don’t like to learn new things.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I am thrilled when I learn something new. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I do not like to visit museums.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I am a true life-long learner. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I read all the time. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I consult the library or the Internet immediately if I want to know something. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I don’t read nonfiction books for fun.* Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Love of Learning No Virtues Scales (from IPIP) Love of Learning Either I read a large variety of books. Very Inaccurate/Very Accurate 5 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either It helps to turn to this person in times of need.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I usually discuss my problems and concerns with this person.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I talk things over with this person.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I find it easy to depend on this person.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I don't feel comfortable opening up to this person.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I prefer not to show this person how I feel deep down.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I often worry that this person doesn't really care for me.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I'm afraid that this person may abandon me.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Person Either I worry that this person won't care about me as much as I care about him or her.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either It helps to turn to God in times of need.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I usually discuss my problems and concerns with God Power.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I talk things over with God.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I find it easy to depend on God.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I don't feel comfortable opening up to this God.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I prefer not to show God how I feel deep down.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I often worry that God doesn't really care for me.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I'm afraid that God may abandon me.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire God or a Higher Power Either I worry that God won't care about me as much as I care about him or her.  Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either It helps to turn to people in times of need. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I usually discuss my problems and concerns with others. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I talk things over with people. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I find it easy to depend on others. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I don't feel comfortable opening up to others. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I prefer not to show others how I feel deep down. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I often worry that other people do not really care for me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I'm afraid that other people may abandon me. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships No Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) Questionnaire Close relationships in general Either I worry that others won't care about me as much as I care about them. Agree/Disagree 7 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either How well does your partner meet your needs? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either How good is your relationship compared to most? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either How often do you wish you hadn’t gotten into this relationship? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either How much do you love your partner? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Relationship Assessment N/A Either How many problems are there in your relationship? Low Satisfaction/High Satisfaction 5 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either Amount of time spent together. Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either Making major decisions Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either Demonstrations of affection Agree/Disagree 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either In general, how often do you think that things between you and your partner are going well? Frequency 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either How often do you wish you hadn’t gotten into this relationship? Frequency 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I still feel a strong connection with my partner. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either If I had my life to leave over, I would marry (or live with/date) the same person. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either Our relationship is strong. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I sometimes wonder if there is someone else out there for me. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either My relationship with my partner makes me happy. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I have a warm and comfortable relationship with my partner. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I can’t imagine ending my relationship with my partner. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I feel I can confide in my partner about virtually anything. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I have had second thoughts about this relationship recently. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either For me, my partner is the perfect romantic partner. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I really feel like part of a team with my partner. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either I cannot imagine another person making me as happy as my partner does. Not at all true/Completely true 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either How rewarding is your relationship with your partner? Not at all true/Completely 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either How well does your partner meet your needs? Not at all true/Completely 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations? Not at all true/Completely 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship? Not at all true/Completely 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either Do you enjoy your partner’s company? Frequency 6 Dynamic
Relationships Yes Couples Satisfaction Index N/A Either How often do you and your partner have fun together? Frequency 6 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I try to pass along the knowledge I have gained through my experiences. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I do not feel that other people need me. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I think I would like the work of a teacher. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I feel as though I have made a difference to many people. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I do not volunteer to work for a charity. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I have made and created things that have had an impact on other people. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I try to be creative in most things that I do. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I think that I will be remembered for a long time after I die. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I believe that society cannot be responsible for providing food and shelter for all homeless people. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either Others would say that I have made unique contributions to society. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either If I were unable to have children of my own, I would like to adopt children. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I have important skills that I try to teach others. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I feel that I have done nothing that will survive after I die. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either In general, my actions do not have a positive effect on other people. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I feel as though I have done nothing of worth to contribute to others. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I have made many commitments to many different kinds of people, groups, and activities in my life. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either Other people say that I am a very productive person. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I have a responsibility to improve the neighborhood in which I live. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either People come to me for advice. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Generativity No Loyola Generativity Scale N/A Either I feel as though my contributions will exist after I die. Never applies/very often applies 4 Dynamic
Spiritual Fitness No GAT Spiritual Fitness items N/A Either I am a person of dignity and worth. Not like me at all/Very much like me (no answer option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Fitness No GAT Spiritual Fitness items N/A Either My life has a meaning. Not like me at all/Very much like me (no answer option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Fitness No GAT Spiritual Fitness items N/A Either I believe that in some way my life is closely connected to all humanity and all the world Not like me at all/Very much like me (no answer option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Fitness No GAT Spiritual Fitness items N/A Active Duty The job I am doing in the military has enduring meaning. Not like me at all/Very much like me (no answer option) 6 Dynamic
Spiritual Fitness No GAT Spiritual Fitness items N/A Either I believe there is a purpose for my life. Not like me at all/Very much like me (no answer option) 6 Dynamic


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Sheet 15: Data Quality Assessments

Construct Skip Logic Dependent Measure Civ, Serv, or either Item Likert Type Points Static or Dynamic
Subjective Data Quality No N/A Either We are interested in understanding individuals’ true thoughts and feelings about religion, spirituality, atheism, and well-being. In your honest opinion, should we include your survey responses in our study? This will not influence your compensation in any way. Binary 2 Static
Careless Responding Check No N/A Either Please select “Agree” for this item so we know that you are reading. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Careless Responding Check No N/A Either Please select “Disagree” for this item so we know that you are reading. Agree/Disagree 5 Static
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not encouraged. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my way. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I thought too little of my ability. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either No matter who I'm talking to, I'm always a good listener. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I'm always willing to admit it when I make a mistake. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favors of me. True/False 2 Dynamic
Social Desirability No Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Either I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone's feelings. True/False 2 Dynamic


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