Form 0920-1050 2020 Annual Evaluators' Network Member Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

GIC 1050 Ann Eval Ntwrk Mbr Survey

Evaluators' Network, Member Survey

OMB: 0920-1050

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OMB Control No. 0920-1050

Expiration Date: 05/31/2022

2020 Annual Evaluators' Network Member Survey

2020 Annual Evaluators' Network Member Survey

Thank you for your participation in the Evaluators' Network. To continually improve the services of the Network (i.e., Evaluators' Network Digest newsletters, Surveillance, and Evaluation webinar series, quarterly surveillance peer calls, and Ning networking website), please answer the following questions about your experience. Your feedback is essential and the survey will be available for completion until August 17, 2020.

Your participation in the web-based survey is entirely voluntary. You may choose to skip questions or stop participating in the web-based survey at any time – it will not in any way impact funding or technical assistance you receive from the CDC. The web-based survey results will be recorded to help inform future developments regarding the Evaluators' Network. All information collected will be kept secure and reported out in an aggregate form.

This survey, comprised of three brief sections, should take 15 minutes or less.

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Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1050).


Section 1: About You

How is your organization best described?

  • State or territory health department

  • Local health department

  • Tribal organization

  • University

  • National network

  • Other (please describe): ________________________________________________

What is your primary role within your organization?

  • Epidemiologist

  • Evaluator

  • Program Manager

  • Chronic Disease Director/Division Director

  • Consultant

  • Other (please describe): ________________________________________________

How long have you worked in your current position?

  • Less than one (1) year

  • One (1) or Two (2) years

  • Three (3) years or more

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Section 2: Use of Evaluators' Network Services

The Evaluators' Network Digest is a monthly newsletter that provides information about new Surveillance and evaluation-focused research, resources, training, and opportunities to connect with other tobacco control program epidemiologists and evaluators. 
How have you used the Evaluators' Network Digest in the past year? Please select all that apply.

  • Read the newsletter

  • Used research and information from the newsletter in my work

  • Connected to new resources and/or tools to help support my work

  • Shared the newsletter with a colleague

  • Learned about new topics or resources on the Evaluators' Network website

  • I have not used the Evaluators' Network Digest

If you have not used the Evaluators' Network Digest, what prevented you from using this service?






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Section 2: Use of Evaluators' Network Services

The Surveillance and Evaluation (S&E) webinars take place roughly once a month and provide information on S&E topics and trends. Webinars during the past year covered topics on the evaluation of multimodal quitline services, evaluation of Tobacco 21, using GIS and store-mapping tools, and integrating youth tobacco surveys.
How have you used the S&E webinars in the past year? Please select all that apply.

  • Attended a live Surveillance and Evaluation webinar

  • Viewed an archived Surveillance and Evaluation webinar

  • Contacted a webinar presenter for information

  • Invited a presenter to speak at a meeting/training

  • Used webinar information and/or resources in my Surveillance and/or evaluation work

  • Shared webinar information, resources, or archived recordings with a colleague

  • I have not used the Surveillance and Evaluation webinars

If you have not used the Surveillance and Evaluation webinars, what prevented you from using this service?






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Section 2: Use of Evaluators' Network Services

The Surveillance Peer Calls take place quarterly and provide an opportunity for state epidemiologists and surveillance staff to exchange surveillance-related information and ideas to help advance surveillance work in their states.
How have you used the Surveillance Peer Calls in the past year? Please select all that apply.

  • Attended a surveillance peer call

  • Used information and/or resources shared during the call in my Surveillance and/or evaluation work

  • Used information from the call to support state tobacco survey implementation in my state

  • Connected with a peer after the call working on similar issues

  • I have not used the Surveillance Peer Calls

If you have not used the Surveillance Peer Calls, what prevented you from using this service?






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Section 2: Use of Evaluators' Network Services

The Evaluators' Network website is a professional networking site that provides tobacco control program epidemiologists and evaluators with a space where they can freely interact, exchange ideas, and support each other.
How have you used the Evaluators' Network Ning website in the past year? Please select all that apply.

  • Utilized or read a blog post or other resource provided on the website

  • Posted a question or comment in the forum to solicit input from other members

  • Used the directory to find evaluator or surveillance staff in other states

  • Shared and exchanged ideas with other network members

  • Utilized the Events Calendar on the website

  • I have not used the Evaluators' Network Ning website

If you have not used the Evaluators’ Network website, what prevented you from using this service?






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Section 2: Use of Evaluators' Network Services

This question pertains to how frequently you have used the Evaluators' Network services in the past year. Options i-v are informed by your responses to previous questions and may not be displayed. Options vi-viii refer to the Evaluators' Network as a whole.   During the past year, how often did you:

0 times

1-3 times

4-6 times

7+ times


(i) Attend the S&E Webinars

(ii) View an archived S&E Webinar

(iii) Read the Newsletters

(iv) Visit the Evaluators' Network website

(v) Post or contribute to the content on the Evaluators' Network website

(vi) Connect or reach out to another network member that you met through the network

(vii) Share network tools and resources with other members of your organization

(viii) Use ideas and information from the network to enhance your tobacco control surveillance and evaluation work

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Section 3: Usefulness of Evaluators' Network Services

Please rate how useful you find each of the following components of the Evaluators' Network services. If you would like to explain your rating, you may provide additional comments in the space provided. If you have never viewed or used a listed component, please select "N/A."

Very useful


Occasionally useful

Not useful


(i) The Evaluators' Network Ning website

(ii) Evaluators' Network Digest (Newsletter)

(iii) Surveillance and Evaluation Webinars

(iv) Archived Surveillance and Evaluation webinar recordings and presentation materials

(v) Quarterly Surveillance Peer Calls

Comments about the usefulness of these service components:






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Section 3: Usefulness of Evaluators' Network Services

Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement for each of the following statements about the Evaluators' Network. If you would like to explain your rating, you may provide additional comments in the space provided. If the statement does not apply to you (for example, because you have not used the described service), please select "N/A."

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree


(i) I have learned about new resources and tools.

(ii) I have been able to make new peer connections.

(iii) I have used information from the network to develop new ideas or methods for Surveillance and evaluation.

(iv) I have gained practical skills that I can apply in my surveillance and/or evaluation work.

(v) The tools, resources, and information from the network have improved my evaluation and/or surveillance work.

(vi) The Evaluators' Network provides information and resources that CANNOT be easily found elsewhere.

(vii) The information shared through the Evaluators' Network service has helped build my organization's capacity to conduct tobacco prevention and control surveillance and evaluation activities.

(viii) The quarterly surveillance peer calls have been instrumental in providing me with new information to support tobacco survey implementation in my state.

(ix) I would recommend the Evaluators' Network services to other evaluators and surveillance staff.

(x) The Evaluators' Network is a worthwhile investment for CDC.

Comments about the ratings:






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Section 3: Usefulness of Evaluators' Network Services

You have reached the last page of the Evaluators' Network annual member survey. Please complete the following short-answer questions about your experience.

Have you encountered any technical difficulties while using the Evaluators' Network services (e-newsletter, webinars, or Ning website)?

  • Yes (if so, please describe) ________________________________________________

  • No

Please provide at least 2 examples of how the Evaluators’ Network has helped you advance evaluation and surveillance tobacco control work in your state/organization.






What do you least like about the Evaluators' Network?






What do you most like about the Evaluators' Network?






What recommendations do you have to help improve the Evaluators’ Network services? What changes would you like to see?






Are there specific professional development needs you have as a tobacco control surveillance/evaluation professional that are unmet which you would like to see the Evaluators’ Network try to fulfill?






If you are satisfied with your answers, please click the orange arrow below to submit.

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title2019 Annual Evaluators' Network Member Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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