0920-1050 Connection Selector Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Att2_Connections Selector Survey

Veto Violence Evaluation Y2

OMB: 0920-1050

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Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-1050
Exp. Date: 2/28/2018
Public Reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated at 2 minutes per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600
Clifton Road NW, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attn: PRA (0920-1050).
Thank you again for agreeing to help us evaluate VetoViolence’s tools!
We greatly appreciate your feedback. We anticipate using the comments and feedback provided by
users like you to improve our tools and better meet our partners’ needs.
First, we would like to learn a little more about you.

* 1. What is your violence prevention focus area?
Child abuse and neglect


Intimate partner violence

Youth violence

Sexual violence

Multiple types

Other (please specify)

* 2. How many years of experience do you have in the violence prevention field?
Less than 1 year

10 years or more

1 to 4 years

Not in the field of violence prevention

5 to 9 years

* 3. Does your organization currently receive CDC funding for violence prevention work?
You have been assigned to review the Connections Selector.

* 4. Have you used the Connections Selector before today?

* 5. If you answered no to the previous question, were you aware the Connections Selector existed before

* 6. Where did you first hear about the Connections Selector?
CDC recipient meetings

Website mention

Webinar by CDC

Search engine results

My Project Officer at CDC

Curricula or syllabus


Exploring the site

Online ad
Other (please specify)

* 7. Are you taking this survey and reviewing the Connections Selector using your phone, a tablet or a

Please go to the Connections Selector if you are not there already.
Suppose you are writing a proposal for a program addressing child abuse and neglect in your community.
Using the Connections Selector, find out what community-level risk factors for child abuse and neglect you will need to take into

* 8. According to the Connections Selector, what are thecommunity-level risk factors for child abuse and
neglect? (Select all that apply)
Neighborhood poverty
High alcohol outlet density
Community violence
Diminished economic opportunities/high unemployment rates
Poor neighborhood support and cohesion
Coordination of resources and services among community agencies
Access to mental health and substance abuse services
Community support/ connectedness

* 9. How did you use the Connections Selector to find the community-level risk factors for child abuse and
neglect? (Please describe your steps.)

Suppose your child abuse and neglect prevention program would like to work more closely with teen dating violence and youth
violence prevention.
Using the Connections Selector, find the shared risk factors for teen dating violence and youth violence.

* 10. According to the Connections Selector, what are the shared risk factors forteen dating violence and
youth violence at the relationship level? (Select all that apply.)
Social isolation/lack of social support
Poor parent-child relationships
Family conflict
Associating with delinquent peers
Economic stress
Gang involvement
Family support/connectedness
Connection to a caring adult
Association with prosocial peers
Connection/commitment to school

* 11. Did you read the Connections Selector instructions before selecting your violence type(s)?

* 12. If you did NOT read the instructions, why not? (Check all that apply)
Too much text
Felt like I could figure it out
Did not realize instructions were provided
Other reason

* 13. If yes, how helpful were these instructions?
Very unhelpful


Somewhat helpful


Very helpful

14. Do you have suggestions for how to make the instructions more helpful? If so, please let us know.

* 15. Did you use the "reset" button at any point?

* 16. If you did NOT use the "reset" button, why not? (Check all that apply)
Did not notice the "reset" button
Did not understand what the "reset" button did
The "reset" button was not necessary for what I was doing
The "reset" button was not necessary because I clicked on the violence types (e.g. Bullying) to deselect them
Other (please specify)

In order to make the Connections Selector easier to use, would you suggest:

* 17. Making it easier to see when you have selected a violence type (e.g. Suicide)?
Don't know or neutral

* 18. Making the visual difference between risk and protective factors more obvious? (e.g. making risk
factors blue and protective factors red.)
Don't know or neutral

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

* 19. The written content of the Connections Selector is well-organized.
By written content, we mean the written text in the sections "Welcome to the Connections Selector!" and
"How Does It Work?"
Strongly disagree


Neutral or don't know


Strongly agree

I didn't read the written content

* 20. The written content of the Connections Selector is easy to understand.
By written content, we mean the written text in the sections "Welcome to the Connections Selector!" and
"How Does It Work?"
Strongly disagree


Neutral or don't know


Strongly agree

I didn't read the written content

* 21. I can easily find what I need on the Connections Selector site.
Strongly disagree


Neutral or don't know


Strongly agree

* 22. The look and feel of the Connections Selector is pleasing.
Strongly disagree


Neutral or don't know


Strongly agree

* 23. How would you use the Connections Selector in your work? (If you would not use it in your work,
please say so.)

24. What other feedback do you have for us on how to make the Connections Selector easier to use and
more useful for partners like you?

Thank you for your participation and feedback. We really appreciate that you took time out of your day to help us understand the needs
of users of the Connections Selector tool and to help us identify ways to improve this resource for others.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2019-12-12
File Created2019-12-03

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