Expenditure survey

Economic Contribution of Federal Investments in Restoration of Degraded, Damaged, or Destroyed Ecosystems.

1028-0107 ExpenditureSurvey_2016-09-12.xlsx

Project Manager Survey - State Local Tribal Govt

OMB: 1028-0107

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Sheet 1: ExpenditureSurvey

For in-house expenditures: For contracted expenditures: For materials purchases:
If applicable, quantity restored (e.g., acres, stream miles):
Restoration Action Classification Restoration Action / Expenditure Description Project Phase Year(s) Cost Done in-house or contracted? Total Labor Hours Total Labor Costs Non-labor Expenditures Primary NAICS code describing service provided NAICS description Contractor State Contractor County Type of business from which materials were purchased Were any labor, services, or supplies volunteered or donated for this restoration action? If yes, please describe Quantity Unit of Measure
(pick list) (Open-ended; response limited to 250 words) (pick list) (YYYY) or
(numeric) (pick list) (numeric) (numeric) (calculated field: Equal to Cost minus Total Labor Costs) (pick list) (auto-populated based on selected NAICS code) (pick list) (pick list) (pick list) (pick list) (Open-ended; response limited to 250 words) (numeric) (Open-ended)

Sheet 2: Lists

Restoration Action Classification Project Phase Done in-house or contracted? States County State Code NAICS12 NAICS Description Type of business from which materials were purchased Were any labor, services, or supplies volunteered or donated for this activity?
Project management, planning, coordination, and oversight (Federal government) Planning/project management/compliance activities In-house AL Autauga County AL 111110 Soybean farming, field and seed production Direct from the manufacture yes
Project management, planning, coordination, and oversight (State or local government) Implementation Contracted AK Baldwin County AL 111120 Canola farming, field and seed production Wholesale no
Project management, planning, coordination, and oversight (conservation and environmental organization) Monitoring
AZ Barbour County AL 111120 Flaxseed farming, field and seed production Retail
Project management, planning, coordination, and oversight (private consulting firm)

AR Bibb County AL 111120 Mustard seed farming, field and seed production

Design work (such as landscape, remediation, and hydrology design)

CA Blount County AL 111120 Oilseed farming (except soybean), field and seed production


CO Bullock County AL 111120 Rapeseed farming, field and seed production


CT Butler County AL 111120 Safflower farming, field and seed production

Nest creation/inserts

DE Calhoun County AL 111120 Sesame farming, field and seed production

Plant/tree nursery production

FL Chambers County AL 111120 Sunflower farming, field and seed production

Seed production

GA Cherokee County AL 111130 Bean farming, dry, field and seed production

Native/wild seed collection

HI Chilton County AL 111130 Cowpea farming, dry, field and seed production

Storage (e.g., seed banking)

ID Choctaw County AL 111130 Garbanzo farming, dry, field and seed production


IL Clarke County AL 111130 Lentil farming, dry, field and seed production

Seeding (not aerial)

IN Clay County AL 111130 Lima bean farming, dry, field and seed production

Aerial seeding

IA Cleburne County AL 111130 Pea farming, dry, field and seed production

Noxious and invasive weed inventory, treatment, and monitoring

KS Coffee County AL 111140 Wheat farming, field and seed production

Hand thinning (trees and shrubs)

KY Colbert County AL 111150 Corn farming (except sweet corn), field and seed production

Mechanical thinning, mulching, mastication (trees and shrubs)

LA Conecuh County AL 111150 Popcorn farming, field and seed production

Woody fuels management

ME Coosa County AL 111160 Rice (except wild rice) farming, field and seed production

Herbaceous fuels management

MD Covington County AL 111191 Oilseed and grain combination farming, field and seed production

Vegetation management

MA Crenshaw County AL 111199 Barley farming, field and seed production

Cropland conversion

MI Cullman County AL 111199 Broomcorn farming

Debris addition (e.g., coarse woody)

MN Dale County AL 111199 Buckwheat farming

Bank stabilization/erosion control

MS Dallas County AL 111199 Milo farming, field and seed production

Erosion control

MO DeKalb County AL 111199 Oat farming, field and seed production


MT Elmore County AL 111199 Rye farming, field and seed production

Dam removal

NE Escambia County AL 111199 Sorghum farming, field and seed production


NV Etowah County AL 111199 Wild rice farming, field and seed production


NH Fayette County AL 111211 Potato farming, field and seed potato production

Culvert replacement

NJ Franklin County AL 111211 Sweet potato farming, field and seed potato production

Sediment removal

NM Geneva County AL 111211 Vegetable and melon farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed production

Coral reef restoration

NY Greene County AL 111211 Vegetable and potato farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed potato production

Coral reef creation

NC Hale County AL 111211 Yam farming, field and seed production

Wetland restoration

ND Henry County AL 111219 Acorn squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Wetland creation

OH Houston County AL 111219 Artichoke farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Marsh restoration

OK Jackson County AL 111219 Asparagus farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Marsh creation

OR Jefferson County AL 111219 Bean (except dry) farming, field and seed production

Shoreline restoration

PA Lamar County AL 111219 Beet farming (except sugar beets), field, bedding plant and seed production

Shoreline creation

RI Lauderdale County AL 111219 Broccoli farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Acid mine drainage construction

SC Lawrence County AL 111219 Brussel sprout farming, field, bedding plant and seed production


SD Lee County AL 111219 Butternut squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Fence construction or repair

TN Limestone County AL 111219 Cabbage farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Path/road construction

TX Lowndes County AL 111219 Cantaloupe farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Path/road repair

UT Macon County AL 111219 Carrot farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Building/structure construction

VT Madison County AL 111219 Casaba melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Building/structure repair

VA Marengo County AL 111219 Cassava farming, field and seed casava production

Hazardous waste/structure removal

WA Marion County AL 111219 Cauliflower farming, field, bedding plant and seed production


WV Marshall County AL 111219 Celery farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Archaeology and cultural surveys

WI Mobile County AL 111219 Chinese pea farming, bedding plant and seed production

Biological surveys

WY Monroe County AL 111219 Chive farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Land surveys

Montgomery County AL 111219 Collard farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Water quality monitoring

Morgan County AL 111219 Cowpea (except dry) farming, field and seed production

Inspection (environmental)

Perry County AL 111219 Crenshaw melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Inspection (construction)

Pickens County AL 111219 Cucumber farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Environmental and other technical consulting services

Pike County AL 111219 Dill farming, field and seed production

Scientific research and development services

Randolph County AL 111219 Eggplant farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Realty and legal services

Russell County AL 111219 Endive farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Electrical work

St. Clair County AL 111219 English pea farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Signs and interpretive materials

Shelby County AL 111219 Escarole farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Land or easement purchase

Sumter County AL 111219 Garlic farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Materials purchase

Talladega County AL 111219 Gingerroot farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production


Tallapoosa County AL 111219 Ginseng farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Tuscaloosa County AL 111219 Green bean farming, field and seed production

Walker County AL 111219 Green cowpea farming, field and seed production

Washington County AL 111219 Green lima bean farming, field and seed production

Wilcox County AL 111219 Green pea farming, field and seed production

Winston County AL 111219 Honeydew melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Aleutians East Borough AK 111219 Kale farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Aleutians West Census Area AK 111219 Leek farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Anchorage Borough AK 111219 Lettuce farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Bethel Census Area AK 111219 Melon farming (e.g., cantaloupe, casaba, honeydew, watermelon), field, bedding plant and seed production

Bristol Bay Borough AK 111219 Muskmelon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Denali Borough AK 111219 Okra farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Dillingham Census Area AK 111219 Onion farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Fairbanks North Star Borough AK 111219 Parsley farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Haines Borough AK 111219 Parsnip farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Hoonah-Angoon Census Division AK 111219 Pea (except dry) farming, field and seed production

Juneau Borough AK 111219 Pepper (e.g., bell, chili, green, hot, red, sweet) farming

Kenai Peninsula Borough AK 111219 Pumpkin farming, field and seed production

Ketchikan Gateway Borough AK 111219 Radish farming, field and seed production

Kodiak Island Borough AK 111219 Rhubarb farming, field and seed production

Lake and Peninsula Borough AK 111219 Romaine lettuce farming, field and seed production

Matanuska-Susitna Borough AK 111219 Rutabaga farming, field and seed production

Nome Census Area AK 111219 Shallot farming, field and seed production

North Slope Borough AK 111219 Snap bean farming (i.e., bush and pole), field and seed production

Northwest Arctic Borough AK 111219 Snow pea farming, field and seed production

Petersburg Census Area AK 111219 Spaghetti squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area AK 111219 Spinach farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Sitka Borough AK 111219 Squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Skagway Borough AK 111219 String bean farming, field and seed production

Southeast Fairbanks Census Area AK 111219 Sweet corn farming, field and seed production

Valdez-Cordova Census Area AK 111219 Sweet pepper farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Wade Hampton Census Area AK 111219 Taro farming, field and seed production

Wrangell Borough AK 111219 Tomato farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production

Yakutat Borough AK 111219 Truck farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area AK 111219 Turnip farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Apache County AZ 111219 Vegetable and melon farming, vegetable (except potato) and melon dominant crops, field, bedding plants and seed production

Cochise County AZ 111219 Vegetable and potato farming, vegetable (except potato) dominant crops, field, bedding plants and seed production

Coconino County AZ 111219 Watermelon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Gila County AZ 111219 Zucchini farming, field, bedding plant and seed production

Graham County AZ 111310 Orange groves

Greenlee County AZ 111320 Citrus groves (except orange)

La Paz County AZ 111320 Grapefruit groves

Maricopa County AZ 111320 Lemon groves

Mohave County AZ 111320 Lime groves

Navajo County AZ 111320 Mandarin groves

Pima County AZ 111320 Tangelo groves

Pinal County AZ 111320 Tangerine groves

Santa Cruz County AZ 111331 Apple orchards

Yavapai County AZ 111332 Grape farming without making wine

Yuma County AZ 111332 Raisin farming

Arkansas County AR 111333 Strawberry farming

Ashley County AR 111334 Berry (except strawberry) farming

Baxter County AR 111334 Blackberry farming

Benton County AR 111334 Blueberry farming

Boone County AR 111334 Boysenberry farming

Bradley County AR 111334 Cranberry farming

Calhoun County AR 111334 Currant farming

Carroll County AR 111334 Dewberry farming

Chicot County AR 111334 Gooseberry farming

Clark County AR 111334 Huckleberry farming

Clay County AR 111334 Loganberry farming

Cleburne County AR 111334 Raspberry farming

Cleveland County AR 111334 Youngberry farming

Columbia County AR 111335 Almond farming

Conway County AR 111335 Brazil nut farming

Craighead County AR 111335 Cashew farming

Crawford County AR 111335 Filbert farming

Crittenden County AR 111335 Hazelnut farming

Cross County AR 111335 Macadamia farming

Dallas County AR 111335 Pecan farming

Desha County AR 111335 Pistachio farming

Drew County AR 111335 Tree nut farming

Faulkner County AR 111335 Walnut farming

Franklin County AR 111336 Fruit and tree nut combination farming

Fulton County AR 111339 Apricot farming

Garland County AR 111339 Avocado farming

Grant County AR 111339 Banana farming

Greene County AR 111339 Cactus fruit farming

Hempstead County AR 111339 Cherry farming

Hot Spring County AR 111339 Coconut tree farming

Howard County AR 111339 Coffee farming

Independence County AR 111339 Date farming

Izard County AR 111339 Fig farming

Jackson County AR 111339 Guavas farming

Jefferson County AR 111339 Kiwi fruit farming

Johnson County AR 111339 Mango farming

Lafayette County AR 111339 Nectarine farming

Lawrence County AR 111339 Noncitrus fruit farming

Lee County AR 111339 Olive farming

Lincoln County AR 111339 Papaya farming

Little River County AR 111339 Passion fruit farming

Logan County AR 111339 Peach farming

Lonoke County AR 111339 Pear farming

Madison County AR 111339 Persimmon farming

Marion County AR 111339 Pineapple farming

Miller County AR 111339 Plantain farming

Mississippi County AR 111339 Plum farming

Monroe County AR 111339 Pomegranate farming

Montgomery County AR 111339 Prickly pear farming

Nevada County AR 111339 Prune farming

Newton County AR 111339 Quince farming

Ouachita County AR 111411 Mushroom farming

Perry County AR 111411 Mushroom spawn farming

Phillips County AR 111411 Shitake mushroom farming

Pike County AR 111419 Alfalfa sprout farming, grown under cover

Poinsett County AR 111419 Bean sprout farming, grown under cover

Polk County AR 111419 Cucumber farming, grown under cover

Pope County AR 111419 Eggplant farming, grown under cover

Prairie County AR 111419 Endive farming, grown under cover

Pulaski County AR 111419 English pea farming, grown under cover

Randolph County AR 111419 Escarole farming, grown under cover

St. Francis County AR 111419 Fruit farming, grown under cover

Saline County AR 111419 Garlic farming, grown under cover

Scott County AR 111419 Gingerroot farming, grown under cover

Searcy County AR 111419 Ginseng farming, grown under cover

Sebastian County AR 111419 Herb farming, grown under cover

Sevier County AR 111419 Hydroponic crop farming

Sharp County AR 111419 Melon farming, grown under cover

Stone County AR 111419 Rhubarb, grown under cover

Union County AR 111419 Spice farming, grown under cover

Van Buren County AR 111419 Tomato farming, grown under cover

Washington County AR 111419 Truffles farming, grown under cover

White County AR 111419 Vegetable farming, grown under cover

Woodruff County AR 111421 Azalea farming

Yell County AR 111421 Christmas tree growing

Alameda County CA 111421 Corms farming

Alpine County CA 111421 Field nurseries (i.e., growing of flowers and shrubbery)

Amador County CA 111421 Flower bulb growing

Butte County CA 111421 Fruit stock (e.g., plants, seedlings, trees) growing

Calaveras County CA 111421 Herbaceous perennial growing

Colusa County CA 111421 Nursery stock growing

Contra Costa County CA 111421 Nursery with tree production (except for reforestation)

Del Norte County CA 111421 Preseeded mat farming

El Dorado County CA 111421 Propagation material farming

Fresno County CA 111421 Rose bush growing

Glenn County CA 111421 Short rotation woody tree growing (i.e., growing and harvesting cycle ten years or less)

Humboldt County CA 111421 Shrubbery farming

Imperial County CA 111421 Sod farming

Inyo County CA 111421 Tissue culture farming

Kern County CA 111421 Tree crop farming (except forestry), short rotation growing and harvesting cycle

Kings County CA 111422 Bedding plant growing (except vegetable and melon bedding plants)

Lake County CA 111422 Cultivated florist greens growing

Lassen County CA 111422 Cut flower growing

Los Angeles County CA 111422 Cut rose growing

Madera County CA 111422 Cuttings farming

Marin County CA 111422 Flower growing

Mariposa County CA 111422 Flower seed production

Mendocino County CA 111422 Foliage growing

Merced County CA 111422 Hanging basket plant growing

Modoc County CA 111422 House plant growing

Mono County CA 111422 Ornamental plant growing

Monterey County CA 111422 Plant, ornamental, growing

Napa County CA 111422 Plant, potted flower and foliage, growing

Nevada County CA 111422 Plug (i.e., floriculture products) growing

Orange County CA 111910 Tobacco farming, field and seed production

Placer County CA 111920 Cotton farming, field and seed production

Plumas County CA 111920 Cottonseed farming

Riverside County CA 111930 Cane farming, sugar, field production

Sacramento County CA 111930 Sugarcane farming, field production

San Benito County CA 111940 Alfalfa hay farming

San Bernardino County CA 111940 Clover hay farming

San Diego County CA 111940 Grass hay farming

San Francisco County CA 111940 Hay farming (e.g., alfalfa hay, clover hay, grass hay)

San Joaquin County CA 111940 Mixed hay farming

San Luis Obispo County CA 111991 Sugar beet farming

San Mateo County CA 111992 Peanut farming

Santa Barbara County CA 111998 Agave farming

Santa Clara County CA 111998 Alfalfa seed farming

Santa Cruz County CA 111998 Aloe farming

Shasta County CA 111998 Amaranth farming

Sierra County CA 111998 Bentgrass seed farming

Siskiyou County CA 111998 Bluegrass-Kentucky seed farming

Solano County CA 111998 Chicory farming

Sonoma County CA 111998 Clover seed farming

Stanislaus County CA 111998 Crimson cloves seed farming

Sutter County CA 111998 Fescue seed farming

Tehama County CA 111998 General combination crop farming (except fruit and nut combinations, oilseed and grain, vegetable)

Trinity County CA 111998 Grass seed farming

Tulare County CA 111998 Guar farming

Tuolumne County CA 111998 Hay seed farming

Ventura County CA 111998 Herb farming, open field

Yolo County CA 111998 Hop farming

Yuba County CA 111998 Jojoba farming

Adams County CO 111998 Kenaf farming

Alamosa County CO 111998 Maple sap concentrating (i.e., producing pure maple syrup in the field)

Arapahoe County CO 111998 Maple sap gathering

Archuleta County CO 111998 Maple syrup (i.e., maple sap reducing)

Baca County CO 111998 Mint farming

Bent County CO 111998 Orchard grass seed farming

Boulder County CO 111998 Ryegrass seed farming

Broomfield County CO 111998 Sorghum sudan seed farming

Chaffee County CO 111998 Spice farming

Cheyenne County CO 111998 Syrup, pure maple (i.e., maple syrup reducing)

Clear Creek County CO 111998 Tea farming

Conejos County CO 112111 Backgrounding, cattle

Costilla County CO 112111 Beef cattle ranching or farming

Crowley County CO 112111 Calf (e.g., feeder, stocker, veal) production

Custer County CO 112111 Cattle conditioning operations

Delta County CO 112111 Cattle farming or ranching

Denver County CO 112111 Dairy heifer replacement production

Dolores County CO 112111 Feeder calf production

Douglas County CO 112111 Stocker calf production

Eagle County CO 112111 Veal calf production

Elbert County CO 112112 Beef cattle feedlots (except stockyards for transportation)

El Paso County CO 112112 Cattle feedlots (except stockyards for transportation)

Fremont County CO 112112 Fattening cattle

Garfield County CO 112112 Feed yards (except stockyards for transportation), cattle

Gilpin County CO 112112 Feedlots (except stockyards for transportation), cattle

Grand County CO 112120 Dairy cattle farming

Gunnison County CO 112120 Milk production, dairy cattle

Hinsdale County CO 112120 Milking dairy cattle

Huerfano County CO 112130 Dual-purpose cattle ranching and farming

Jackson County CO 112210 Farrow-to-finish operations

Jefferson County CO 112210 Feeder pig farming

Kiowa County CO 112210 Feedlots (except stockyards for transportation), hog

Kit Carson County CO 112210 Hog and pig (including breeding, farrowing, nursery, and finishing activities) farming

Lake County CO 112210 Hog feedlots (except stockyards for transportation)

La Plata County CO 112210 Pig farming

Larimer County CO 112210 Weaning pig operations

Las Animas County CO 112310 Chicken egg production

Lincoln County CO 112310 Chicken eggs (table, hatching) production

Logan County CO 112310 Cull hen production

Mesa County CO 112310 Egg production, chicken

Mineral County CO 112310 Eggs, chicken (table, hatching) production

Moffat County CO 112310 Layer-type chicken production

Montezuma County CO 112310 Started pullet production

Montrose County CO 112320 Broiler chicken production

Morgan County CO 112320 Chicken production (except egg laying)

Otero County CO 112320 Cornish hen production

Ouray County CO 112320 Fryer chicken production

Park County CO 112320 Roaster chicken production

Phillips County CO 112330 Egg production, turkey

Pitkin County CO 112330 Turkey egg production

Prowers County CO 112330 Turkey production

Pueblo County CO 112340 Chicken hatcheries

Rio Blanco County CO 112340 Egg hatcheries, poultry

Rio Grande County CO 112340 Hatcheries, poultry

Routt County CO 112340 Poultry hatcheries

Saguache County CO 112340 Turkey hatcheries

San Juan County CO 112390 Chukar partridge production

San Miguel County CO 112390 Duck production

Sedgwick County CO 112390 Emu production

Summit County CO 112390 Geese production

Teller County CO 112390 Hungarian partridge production

Washington County CO 112390 Ostrich production

Weld County CO 112390 Partridge production

Yuma County CO 112390 Pheasant production

Fairfield County CT 112390 Quail production

Hartford County CT 112390 Ratite production

Litchfield County CT 112410 Dairy sheep farming

Middlesex County CT 112410 Feedlots (except stockyards for transportation), lamb

New Haven County CT 112410 Lamb feedlots (except stockyards for transportation)

New London County CT 112410 Milking dairy sheep

Tolland County CT 112410 Sheep farming (e.g., meat, milk, wool production)

Windham County CT 112420 Angora goat farming

Kent County DE 112420 Dairy goat farming

New Castle County DE 112420 Goat farming (e.g., meat, milk, mohair production)

Sussex County DE 112420 Milking dairy goat

District of Columbia DC 112420 Mohair farming

Alachua County FL 112511 Baitfish production, farm raising

Baker County FL 112511 Catfish production, farm raising

Bay County FL 112511 Finfish production, farm raising

Bradford County FL 112511 Finfish, hatcheries

Brevard County FL 112511 Fish farms, finfish

Broward County FL 112511 Goldfish production, farm raising

Calhoun County FL 112511 Hatcheries, finfish

Charlotte County FL 112511 Hybrid striped bass production

Citrus County FL 112511 Minnow production, farm raising

Clay County FL 112511 Ornamental fish production, farm raising

Collier County FL 112511 Tilapia production

Columbia County FL 112511 Tropical fish production, farm raising

DeSoto County FL 112511 Trout production, farm raising

Dixie County FL 112512 Clam production, farm raising

Duval County FL 112512 Crawfish production, farm raising

Escambia County FL 112512 Crustacean production, farm raising

Flagler County FL 112512 Cultured pearl production, farm raising

Franklin County FL 112512 Fish farms, shellfish

Gadsden County FL 112512 Hatcheries, shellfish

Gilchrist County FL 112512 Mollusk production, farm raising

Glades County FL 112512 Mussel production, farm raising

Gulf County FL 112512 Oyster production, farm raising

Hamilton County FL 112512 Shellfish hatcheries

Hardee County FL 112512 Shrimp production, farm raising

Hendry County FL 112519 Algae farming

Hernando County FL 112519 Alligator production, farm raising

Highlands County FL 112519 Animal aquaculture (except finfish, shellfish)

Hillsborough County FL 112519 Frog production, farm raising

Holmes County FL 112519 Plant aquaculture

Indian River County FL 112519 Sea plant agriculture

Jackson County FL 112519 Seaweed farming

Jefferson County FL 112519 Turtle production, farm raising

Lafayette County FL 112910 Bee pollen collection

Lake County FL 112910 Bee production (i.e., apiculture)

Lee County FL 112910 Beeswax production

Leon County FL 112910 Honey bee production

Levy County FL 112910 Propolis production, bees

Liberty County FL 112910 Queen bee production

Madison County FL 112910 Royal jelly production, bees

Manatee County FL 112920 Burro production

Marion County FL 112920 Donkey production

Martin County FL 112920 Horse (including thoroughbreds) production

Miami-Dade County FL 112920 Mule production

Monroe County FL 112920 Pony production

Nassau County FL 112930 Chinchilla production

Okaloosa County FL 112930 Fox production

Okeechobee County FL 112930 Fur bearing animal production

Orange County FL 112930 Mink production

Osceola County FL 112930 Rabbit production

Palm Beach County FL 112990 Alpaca production

Pasco County FL 112990 Aviaries (i.e., raising birds for sale)

Pinellas County FL 112990 Bird production (e.g., canaries, love birds, parakeets, parrots)

Polk County FL 112990 Bison production

Putnam County FL 112990 Breeding of pets (e.g., birds, cats, dogs)

St. Johns County FL 112990 Buffalo production

St. Lucie County FL 112990 Cat production

Santa Rosa County FL 112990 Combination livestock farming (except dairy, poultry)

Sarasota County FL 112990 Companion animals production (e.g., cats, dogs, parakeets, parrots)

Seminole County FL 112990 Cricket production

Sumter County FL 112990 Deer production

Suwannee County FL 112990 Dog production

Taylor County FL 112990 Earthworm hatcheries

Union County FL 112990 Elk production

Volusia County FL 112990 General combination animal farming

Wakulla County FL 112990 Kennels, breeding and raising stock for sale

Walton County FL 112990 Laboratory animal production (e.g., guinea pigs, mice, rats)

Washington County FL 112990 Llama production

Appling County GA 112990 Raising swans, peacocks, flamingos, or other adornment birds

Atkinson County GA 112990 Rattlesnake production

Bacon County GA 112990 Worm production

Baker County GA 113110 Timber tract operations

Baldwin County GA 113210 Aromatic wood gathering

Banks County GA 113210 Balsam needles gathering

Barrow County GA 113210 Bark gathering

Bartow County GA 113210 Cherry gum, gathering

Ben Hill County GA 113210 Chestnut gum, gathering

Berrien County GA 113210 Forest nurseries for reforestation, growing trees

Bibb County GA 113210 Gathering of forest products (e.g., barks, gums, needles, seeds)

Bleckley County GA 113210 Gathering, extracting, and selling tree seeds

Brantley County GA 113210 Ginseng gathering

Brooks County GA 113210 Gum (i.e., forest product) gathering

Bryan County GA 113210 Harvesting berries or nuts from native and non-cultivated plants

Bulloch County GA 113210 Hemlock gum gathering

Burke County GA 113210 Huckleberry greens, gathering of

Butts County GA 113210 Moss gathering

Calhoun County GA 113210 Nurseries for reforestation growing trees

Camden County GA 113210 Pine gum extracting

Candler County GA 113210 Spanish moss gathering

Carroll County GA 113210 Sphagnum moss gathering

Catoosa County GA 113210 Spruce gum gathering

Charlton County GA 113210 Teaberries gathering

Chatham County GA 113210 Tree seed extracting

Chattahoochee County GA 113210 Tree seed gathering

Chattooga County GA 113210 Tree seed growing for reforestation

Cherokee County GA 113310 Cutting and transporting timber

Clarke County GA 113310 Cutting timber

Clay County GA 113310 Log harvesting

Clayton County GA 113310 Logging

Clinch County GA 113310 Pulpwood logging camps

Cobb County GA 113310 Rails, rough wood, manufacturing

Coffee County GA 113310 Stump removing in the field

Colquitt County GA 113310 Timber piling

Columbia County GA 113310 Timber pole cutting

Cook County GA 113310 Tree chipping in the field

Coweta County GA 113310 Wood chipping in the field

Crawford County GA 114111 Anchovy fishing

Crisp County GA 114111 Bluefish fishing

Dade County GA 114111 Cod catching

Dawson County GA 114111 Cod fishing

Decatur County GA 114111 Croaker fishing

DeKalb County GA 114111 Dolphin fishing

Dodge County GA 114111 Eel fishing

Dooly County GA 114111 Finfish fishing (e.g., flounder, salmon, trout)

Dougherty County GA 114111 Fisheries, finfish

Douglas County GA 114111 Flounder fishing

Early County GA 114111 Grouper fishing

Echols County GA 114111 Haddock fishing

Effingham County GA 114111 Hake fishing

Elbert County GA 114111 Halibut fishing

Emanuel County GA 114111 Herring fishing

Evans County GA 114111 Lingcod fishing

Fannin County GA 114111 Mackerel fishing

Fayette County GA 114111 Mahimahi fishing

Floyd County GA 114111 Menhaden fishing

Forsyth County GA 114111 Mullet fishing

Franklin County GA 114111 Perch fishing

Fulton County GA 114111 Pilchard fishing

Gilmer County GA 114111 Pollock fishing

Glascock County GA 114111 Porgy fishing

Glynn County GA 114111 Ray fishing

Gordon County GA 114111 Rockfish fishing

Grady County GA 114111 Sablefish fishing

Greene County GA 114111 Salmon fishing

Gwinnett County GA 114111 Sea bass fishing

Habersham County GA 114111 Sea herring fishing

Hall County GA 114111 Sea trout fishing

Hancock County GA 114111 Shark fishing

Haralson County GA 114111 Snapper fishing

Harris County GA 114111 Swordfish fishing

Hart County GA 114111 Tilefish fishing

Heard County GA 114111 Trout fishing

Henry County GA 114111 Tuna fishing

Houston County GA 114111 Whiting fishing

Irwin County GA 114112 Clam digging

Jackson County GA 114112 Crabbing

Jasper County GA 114112 Crayfish fishing

Jeff Davis County GA 114112 Fisheries, shellfish

Jefferson County GA 114112 Lobster fishing

Jenkins County GA 114112 Mussel fishing

Johnson County GA 114112 Octopus fishing

Jones County GA 114112 Oyster dredging

Lamar County GA 114112 Scallop fishing

Lanier County GA 114112 Sea urchin fishing

Laurens County GA 114112 Shellfish fishing (e.g., clam, crab, oyster, shrimp)

Lee County GA 114112 Shrimp fishing

Liberty County GA 114112 Squid fishing

Lincoln County GA 114119 Frog fishing

Long County GA 114119 Seaweed gathering

Lowndes County GA 114119 Sponge gathering

Lumpkin County GA 114119 Terrapin fishing

McDuffie County GA 114119 Turtle fishing

McIntosh County GA 114210 Animal trapping, commercial

Macon County GA 114210 Fishing preserves

Madison County GA 114210 Game preserves, commercial

Marion County GA 114210 Game propagation

Meriwether County GA 114210 Game retreats

Miller County GA 114210 Hunting preserves

Mitchell County GA 115111 Cotton ginning

Monroe County GA 115111 Ginning cotton

Montgomery County GA 115112 Aerial dusting or spraying (i.e., using specialized or dedicated aircraft)

Morgan County GA 115112 Bracing of orchard trees and vines

Murray County GA 115112 Chemical treatment of soil for crops

Muscogee County GA 115112 Citrus grove cultivation services

Newton County GA 115112 Crop dusting

Oconee County GA 115112 Crop spraying

Oglethorpe County GA 115112 Cultivation services

Paulding County GA 115112 Detasseling corn

Peach County GA 115112 Disease control for crops

Pickens County GA 115112 Dusting crops

Pierce County GA 115112 Entomological service, agricultural

Pike County GA 115112 Fertilizer application for crops

Polk County GA 115112 Hoeing

Pulaski County GA 115112 Insect control for crops

Putnam County GA 115112 Orchard cultivation services (e.g., bracing, planting, pruning, removal, spraying, surgery)

Quitman County GA 115112 Pest control services, agricultural

Rabun County GA 115112 Planting crops

Randolph County GA 115112 Plowing

Richmond County GA 115112 Pollinating

Rockdale County GA 115112 Pruning of orchard trees and vines

Schley County GA 115112 Seed bed preparing

Screven County GA 115112 Seeding crops

Seminole County GA 115112 Spraying crops

Spalding County GA 115112 Spreading lime for crops

Stephens County GA 115112 Surgery on trees and vines

Stewart County GA 115112 Thinning of crops, mechanical and chemical

Sumter County GA 115112 Transplanting services

Talbot County GA 115112 Vineyard cultivation services

Taliaferro County GA 115112 Weed control services for crops

Tattnall County GA 115113 Berries, machine harvesting

Taylor County GA 115113 Chopping and silo filling

Telfair County GA 115113 Combining, agricultural

Terrell County GA 115113 Cotton, machine harvesting

Thomas County GA 115113 Fruit, machine harvesting

Tift County GA 115113 Grain, machine harvesting

Toombs County GA 115113 Hay mowing, raking, baling, and chopping

Towns County GA 115113 Nuts, machine harvesting

Treutlen County GA 115113 Peanut, machine harvesting

Troup County GA 115113 Sugar beets, machine harvesting

Turner County GA 115113 Sugarcane, machine harvesting

Twiggs County GA 115113 Threshing service

Union County GA 115113 Vegetables, machine harvesting

Upson County GA 115114 Almond hulling and shelling

Walker County GA 115114 Banana ripening

Walton County GA 115114 Bean cleaning

Ware County GA 115114 Corn drying

Warren County GA 115114 Corn shelling

Washington County GA 115114 Crop cleaning

Wayne County GA 115114 Decorticating flax

Webster County GA 115114 Delinting cottonseed

Wheeler County GA 115114 Filbert hulling and shelling

White County GA 115114 Fruit precooling

Whitfield County GA 115114 Fruit sorting, grading, and packing

Wilcox County GA 115114 Fruit, sun drying

Wilkes County GA 115114 Fruit, vacuum cooling

Wilkinson County GA 115114 Fumigating grain

Worth County GA 115114 Grain cleaning

Hawaii County HI 115114 Grain drying

Honolulu County HI 115114 Grain fumigation

Kauai County HI 115114 Grain grinding (except custom grinding for animal feed)

Maui County HI 115114 Hulling and shelling of nuts

Ada County ID 115114 Irradiation of fruits and vegetables

Adams County ID 115114 Nut hulling and shelling

Bannock County ID 115114 Packaging fresh or farm-dried fruits and vegetables

Bear Lake County ID 115114 Packing fruits and vegetables

Benewah County ID 115114 Peanut shelling

Bingham County ID 115114 Pecan hulling and shelling

Blaine County ID 115114 Potato curing

Boise County ID 115114 Retting flax

Bonner County ID 115114 Rice drying

Bonneville County ID 115114 Seed cleaning

Boundary County ID 115114 Seed processing, post-harvest for propagation

Butte County ID 115114 Sorting, grading, cleaning, and packing of fruits and vegetables

Camas County ID 115114 Sun drying of dates, prunes, raisins, and olives

Canyon County ID 115114 Sun drying of fruits and vegetables

Caribou County ID 115114 Sun drying of tomatoes

Cassia County ID 115114 Sweet potato curing

Clark County ID 115114 Tobacco grading

Clearwater County ID 115114 Vegetable precooling

Custer County ID 115114 Vegetable sorting, grading, and packing

Elmore County ID 115114 Vegetable sun drying

Franklin County ID 115114 Vegetable vacuum cooling

Fremont County ID 115114 Walnut hulling and shelling

Gem County ID 115114 Waxing, fruits or vegetables

Gooding County ID 115115 Agriculture production or harvesting crews

Idaho County ID 115115 Crew leaders, farm labor

Jefferson County ID 115115 Farm labor contractors

Jerome County ID 115115 Labor contractors, farm

Kootenai County ID 115116 Farm management services

Latah County ID 115116 Management services, farm

Lemhi County ID 115210 Animal semen banks

Lewis County ID 115210 Artificial insemination services for livestock

Lincoln County ID 115210 Artificial insemination services for pets

Madison County ID 115210 Boarding horses (except racehorses)

Minidoka County ID 115210 Branding

Nez Perce County ID 115210 Breeding, animal, services

Oneida County ID 115210 Bull testing stations

Owyhee County ID 115210 Cattle spraying

Payette County ID 115210 Cleaning poultry houses

Power County ID 115210 Corralling, drovers

Shoshone County ID 115210 Dairy herd improvement associations

Teton County ID 115210 Equine boarding

Twin Falls County ID 115210 Farriers

Valley County ID 115210 Hoof trimming

Washington County ID 115210 Horses (except racehorses), boarding

Adams County IL 115210 Horses, training (except racehorses)

Alexander County IL 115210 Horseshoeing

Bond County IL 115210 Livestock breeding services (except consulting)

Boone County IL 115210 Livestock spraying

Brown County IL 115210 Milk testing for butterfat and milk solids

Bureau County IL 115210 Pedigree (i.e., livestock, pets, poultry) record services

Calhoun County IL 115210 Poultry catching services

Carroll County IL 115210 Reproductive flushing services for animals

Cass County IL 115210 Semen collection

Champaign County IL 115210 Sheep dipping and shearing

Christian County IL 115210 Showing of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and poultry

Clark County IL 115210 Stud services

Clay County IL 115210 Training horses (except racehorses)

Clinton County IL 115210 Vaccinating livestock (except by veterinarians)

Coles County IL 115310 Cruising timber

Cook County IL 115310 Estimating timber

Crawford County IL 115310 Fire prevention, forest

Cumberland County IL 115310 Firefighting, forest

DeKalb County IL 115310 Forest management plans preparation

De Witt County IL 115310 Forestry services

Douglas County IL 115310 Pest control services, forestry

DuPage County IL 115310 Reforestation

Edgar County IL 115310 Timber valuation

Edwards County IL 211111 Coal gasification at mine site

Effingham County IL 211111 Coal liquefaction at mine site

Fayette County IL 211111 Coal pyrolysis

Ford County IL 211111 Crude petroleum from oil sand

Franklin County IL 211111 Crude petroleum from oil shale

Fulton County IL 211111 Crude petroleum production

Gallatin County IL 211111 Gas, natural, extraction

Greene County IL 211111 Kerogen processing

Grundy County IL 211111 Lease condensate production

Hamilton County IL 211111 Natural gas production

Hancock County IL 211111 Natural gas, offshore production

Hardin County IL 211111 Offshore crude petroleum production

Henderson County IL 211111 Offshore natural gas production

Henry County IL 211111 Oil and gas field development for own account

Iroquois County IL 211111 Oil and gas field exploration for own account

Jackson County IL 211111 Oil shale mining and/or beneficiating

Jasper County IL 211111 Petroleum, crude, production (i.e., extraction)

Jefferson County IL 211111 Shale, oil, mining and/or beneficiating

Jersey County IL 211111 Stripper well production

Jo Daviess County IL 211111 Tar sands mining

Johnson County IL 211112 Butane, natural, mining

Kane County IL 211112 Casing-head butane and propane production

Kankakee County IL 211112 Condensate, cycle, natural gas production

Kendall County IL 211112 Cycle condensate production

Knox County IL 211112 Ethane recovered from oil and gas field gases

Lake County IL 211112 Fractionating natural gas liquids

La Salle County IL 211112 Gas, natural liquefied petroleum, extraction

Lawrence County IL 211112 Gas, natural, liquids, extraction

Lee County IL 211112 Gas, residue, extraction

Livingston County IL 211112 Gases, petroleum, liquefied, extraction

Logan County IL 211112 Gasoline, natural, production

McDonough County IL 211112 Isobutane recovered from oil and gas field gases

McHenry County IL 211112 Isopentane recovered from oil and gas field gases

McLean County IL 211112 Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), natural

Macon County IL 211112 Liquid hydrocarbons recovered from oil and gas field gases

Macoupin County IL 211112 Liquids, natural gas (e.g., ethane, isobutane, natural gasoline, propane) recovered from oil and gas field gases

Madison County IL 211112 Natural gas liquids (e.g., ethane, isobutane, natural gasoline, propane) recovered from oil and gas field gases

Marion County IL 211112 Natural gasoline recovered from oil and gas field gases

Marshall County IL 211112 Oil line drip, natural gas liquid

Mason County IL 211112 Petroleum gases, liquefied, recovering from oil and gas field gases

Massac County IL 211112 Propane recovered from oil and gas field gases

Menard County IL 211112 Residue gas production

Mercer County IL 211112 Sulfur recovered from natural gas

Monroe County IL 212111 Bituminous coal and lignite surface mine site development for own account

Montgomery County IL 212111 Bituminous coal cleaning plants

Morgan County IL 212111 Bituminous coal crushing

Moultrie County IL 212111 Bituminous coal or lignite beneficiating (e.g., cleaning, crushing, screening, washing)

Ogle County IL 212111 Bituminous coal screening plants

Peoria County IL 212111 Bituminous coal stripping (except on a contract, fee, or other basis)

Perry County IL 212111 Bituminous coal surface mining and/or beneficiating

Piatt County IL 212111 Bituminous coal washeries

Pike County IL 212111 Brown coal mining and/or beneficiating

Pope County IL 212111 Cleaning plants, bituminous coal

Pulaski County IL 212111 Coal beneficiating plants, bituminous or lignite (surface or underground)

Putnam County IL 212111 Coal, bituminous, beneficiating

Randolph County IL 212111 Coal, brown, mining and/or beneficiating

Richland County IL 212111 Crushing plants, bituminous coal

Rock Island County IL 212111 Culm bank recovery, bituminous coal or lignite (except on a contract basis)

St. Clair County IL 212111 Lignite surface mining and/or beneficiating

Saline County IL 212111 Screening plants, bituminous coal or lignite

Sangamon County IL 212111 Semianthracite surface mining and/or beneficiating

Schuyler County IL 212111 Semibituminous coal surface mining and/or beneficiating

Scott County IL 212111 Strip mining, bituminous coal or lignite, on own account

Shelby County IL 212111 Strip mining, lignite, on own account

Stark County IL 212111 Subbituminous coal surface mining and/or beneficiating

Stephenson County IL 212111 Tipple operation, bituminous coal mining and/or beneficiating

Tazewell County IL 212111 Washeries, bituminous coal or lignite

Union County IL 212112 Bituminous coal underground mine site development for own account

Vermilion County IL 212112 Bituminous coal underground mining or mining and beneficiating

Wabash County IL 212112 Coal, bituminous, underground mining or mining and beneficiating

Warren County IL 212112 Semianthracite underground mining or mining and beneficiating

Washington County IL 212112 Semibituminous coal underground mining or mining and beneficiating

Wayne County IL 212112 Subbituminous coal underground mining or mining and beneficiating

White County IL 212113 Anthracite beneficiating (e.g., crushing, screening, washing, cleaning, sizing)

Whiteside County IL 212113 Anthracite mining and/or beneficiating

Will County IL 212113 Breakers, anthracite mining and/or beneficiating

Williamson County IL 212113 Cleaning plants, anthracite coal

Winnebago County IL 212113 Coal beneficiating plants, anthracite

Woodford County IL 212113 Coal, anthracite, mining and/or beneficiating

Adams County IN 212113 Culm bank recovery, anthracite (except on a contract basis)

Allen County IN 212113 Hard coal (i.e., anthracite) surface mining

Bartholomew County IN 212113 Hard coal (i.e., anthracite) underground mining

Benton County IN 212113 Pennsylvania anthracite mining and/or beneficiating

Blackford County IN 212113 Preparation plants, anthracite

Boone County IN 212113 Screening plants, anthracite

Brown County IN 212113 Strip mining, anthracite, on own account

Carroll County IN 212113 Washeries, anthracite

Cass County IN 212210 Agglomerates, iron ore, beneficiating

Clark County IN 212210 Briquets, iron, mining and/or beneficiating

Clay County IN 212210 Brown ore mining and/or beneficiating

Clinton County IN 212210 Hematite mining and/or beneficiating

Crawford County IN 212210 Iron ore (e.g., hematite, magnetite, siderite, taconite) mining and/or beneficiating

Daviess County IN 212210 Iron ore agglomerates mining and/or beneficiating

Dearborn County IN 212210 Iron ore beneficiating plants (e.g., agglomeration, sintering)

Decatur County IN 212210 Iron ore mine site development for own account

De Kalb County IN 212210 Iron ore, blocked, mining and/or beneficiating

Delaware County IN 212210 Limonite mining and/or beneficiating

Dubois County IN 212210 Manganiferous ores valued for iron content, mining and/or beneficiating

Elkhart County IN 212210 Siderite mining and/or beneficiating

Fayette County IN 212210 Sintered iron ore produced at the mine

Floyd County IN 212210 Taconite concentrates or agglomerates beneficiating

Fountain County IN 212210 Taconite ores mining and/or beneficiating

Franklin County IN 212221 Bullion, gold, produced at the mine

Fulton County IN 212221 Calaverite mining and/or beneficiating

Gibson County IN 212221 Gold lode mining and/or beneficiating

Grant County IN 212221 Gold ore mine site development for own account

Greene County IN 212221 Gold ore mining and/or beneficiating plants

Hamilton County IN 212221 Gold ores, concentrates, bullion, and/or precipitates mining and/or beneficiating

Hancock County IN 212221 Gold placer mining and/or beneficiating

Harrison County IN 212221 Lode gold mining and/or beneficiating

Hendricks County IN 212221 Placer gold mining and/or beneficiating

Henry County IN 212221 Sylvanite mining and/or beneficiating

Howard County IN 212221 Telluride (gold) mining and/or beneficiating

Huntington County IN 212222 Bullion, silver, produced at the mine

Jackson County IN 212222 Placer silver mining and/or beneficiating

Jasper County IN 212222 Silver ores mining and/or beneficiating

Jay County IN 212231 Blende (zinc) mining and/or beneficiating

Jefferson County IN 212231 Calamine mining and/or beneficiating

Jennings County IN 212231 Cerussite mining and/or beneficiating

Johnson County IN 212231 Galena mining and/or beneficiating

Knox County IN 212231 Lead ore mine site development for own account

Kosciusko County IN 212231 Lead ore mining and/or beneficiating

Lagrange County IN 212231 Lead-zinc ore mining and/or beneficiating

Lake County IN 212231 Smithsonite mining and/or beneficiating

La Porte County IN 212231 Sphalerite mining and/or beneficiating

Lawrence County IN 212231 Willemite mining and/or beneficiating

Madison County IN 212231 Zinc ore mine site development for own account

Marion County IN 212231 Zinc ores mining and/or beneficiating

Marshall County IN 212231 Zinc-blende (sphalerite) mining and/or beneficiating

Martin County IN 212231 Zincite mining and/or beneficiating

Miami County IN 212234 Chalcocite mining and/or beneficiating

Monroe County IN 212234 Chalcopyrite mining and/or beneficiating

Montgomery County IN 212234 Copper beneficiating plants

Morgan County IN 212234 Copper ore concentrates recovery

Newton County IN 212234 Copper ore mine site development for own account

Noble County IN 212234 Copper ores mining and/or beneficiating

Ohio County IN 212234 Copper-water precipitates

Orange County IN 212234 Cuprite mining and/or beneficiating

Owen County IN 212234 Nickel concentrates recovery

Parke County IN 212234 Nickel ore beneficiating plants

Perry County IN 212234 Nickel ore mine site development for own account

Pike County IN 212234 Nickel ores mining and/or beneficiating

Porter County IN 212291 Carnotite mining and/or beneficiating

Posey County IN 212291 Leaching of uranium, radium, or vanadium ores

Pulaski County IN 212291 Pitchblende mining and/or beneficiating

Putnam County IN 212291 Radium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Randolph County IN 212291 Roscoelite (vanadium hydromica) mining and/or beneficiating

Ripley County IN 212291 Tyuyamunite mining and/or beneficiating

Rush County IN 212291 Uraninite (pitchblende) mining and/or beneficiating

St. Joseph County IN 212291 Uranium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Scott County IN 212291 Uranium-radium-vanadium ore mine site development for own account

Shelby County IN 212291 Uranium-radium-vanadium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Spencer County IN 212291 Vanadium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Starke County IN 212299 Antimony concentrates mining and/or beneficiating

Steuben County IN 212299 Antimony ores mining and/or beneficiating

Sullivan County IN 212299 Bastnaesite mining and/or beneficiating

Switzerland County IN 212299 Bauxite mining and/or beneficiating

Tippecanoe County IN 212299 Beryl mining and/or beneficiating

Tipton County IN 212299 Beryllium concentrates beneficiating

Union County IN 212299 Beryllium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Vanderburgh County IN 212299 Cerium concentrates mining and/or beneficiating

Vermillion County IN 212299 Cerium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Vigo County IN 212299 Chromite mining and/or beneficiating

Wabash County IN 212299 Chromium concentrates beneficiating

Warren County IN 212299 Chromium ore mining and/or beneficiating

Warrick County IN 212299 Cinnabar mining and/or beneficiating

Washington County IN 212299 Cobalt concentrates beneficiating

Wayne County IN 212299 Cobalt ores mining and/or beneficiating

Wells County IN 212299 Columbite mining and/or beneficiating

White County IN 212299 Columbium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Whitley County IN 212299 Ferberite ores and concentrates mining and/or beneficiating

Adair County IA 212299 Ferroalloy ores (except vanadium) (e.g., chromium, columbium, molybdenum, tungsten) mining and/or beneficiating

Adams County IA 212299 Hafnium mining and/or beneficiating

Allamakee County IA 212299 Huebnerite mining and/or beneficiating

Appanoose County IA 212299 Ilmenite ores mining and/or beneficiating

Audubon County IA 212299 Iridium mining and/or beneficiating

Benton County IA 212299 Manganese concentrates beneficiating

Black Hawk County IA 212299 Manganese ores mining and/or beneficiating

Boone County IA 212299 Manganiferousares ores (not valued for iron content) mining and/or beneficiating

Bremer County IA 212299 Manganite mining and/or beneficiating

Buchanan County IA 212299 Mercury (quicksilver) mining and/or beneficiating

Buena Vista County IA 212299 Mercury ores mining and/or beneficiating

Butler County IA 212299 Microlite mining and/or beneficiating

Calhoun County IA 212299 Molybdenite mining and/or beneficiating

Carroll County IA 212299 Molybdenum ores mining and/or beneficiating

Cass County IA 212299 Molybdite mining and/or beneficiating

Cedar County IA 212299 Monazite mining and/or beneficiating

Cerro Gordo County IA 212299 Osmium mining and/or beneficiating

Cherokee County IA 212299 Palladium mining and/or beneficiating

Chickasaw County IA 212299 Platinum mining and/or beneficiating

Clarke County IA 212299 Psilomelane mining and/or beneficiating

Clay County IA 212299 Pyrolusite mining and/or beneficiating

Clayton County IA 212299 Quicksilver ores and metal mining and/or beneficiating

Clinton County IA 212299 Rare earth metal concentrates beneficiating

Crawford County IA 212299 Rare earth metal ores mining and/or beneficiating

Dallas County IA 212299 Rhodium mining and/or beneficiating

Davis County IA 212299 Rhodochrosite mining and/or beneficiating

Decatur County IA 212299 Ruthenium ore mining and/or beneficiating

Delaware County IA 212299 Rutile mining and/or beneficiating

Des Moines County IA 212299 Scheelite mining and/or beneficiating

Dickinson County IA 212299 Tantalite mining and/or beneficiating

Dubuque County IA 212299 Tantalum ores mining and/or beneficiating

Emmet County IA 212299 Thallium mining and/or beneficiating

Fayette County IA 212299 Thorite mining and/or beneficiating

Floyd County IA 212299 Thorium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Franklin County IA 212299 Tin metal concentrates beneficiating

Fremont County IA 212299 Tin metal ores mining and/or beneficiating

Greene County IA 212299 Titaniferous-magnetite ores, valued chiefly for titanium content, mining and/or beneficiating

Grundy County IA 212299 Titanium concentrates beneficiating

Guthrie County IA 212299 Titanium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Hamilton County IA 212299 Tungsten concentrates beneficiating

Hancock County IA 212299 Tungsten ores mining and/or beneficiating

Hardin County IA 212299 Wolframite mining and/or beneficiating

Harrison County IA 212299 Wulfenite mining and/or beneficiating

Henry County IA 212299 Zirconium concentrates beneficiating

Howard County IA 212299 Zirconium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Humboldt County IA 212311 Argillite mining or quarrying

Ida County IA 212311 Basalt mining or quarrying

Iowa County IA 212311 Bluestone mining or quarrying

Jackson County IA 212311 Calcareous tufa mining or quarrying

Jasper County IA 212311 Diabase mining or quarrying

Jefferson County IA 212311 Dimension stone mining or quarrying

Johnson County IA 212311 Diorite mining or quarrying

Jones County IA 212311 Dolomite mining or quarrying

Keokuk County IA 212311 Dolomitic marble mining or quarrying

Kossuth County IA 212311 Flagstone mining or quarrying

Lee County IA 212311 Gabbro mining or quarrying

Linn County IA 212311 Gneiss mining or quarrying

Louisa County IA 212311 Granite mining or quarrying

Lucas County IA 212311 Greenstone mining or quarrying

Lyon County IA 212311 Limestone mining or quarrying

Madison County IA 212311 Marble mining or quarrying

Mahaska County IA 212311 Mica schist mining or quarrying

Marion County IA 212311 Onyx marble mining or quarrying

Marshall County IA 212311 Quartzite dimension stone mining or quarrying

Mills County IA 212311 Sandstone mining or quarrying

Mitchell County IA 212311 Schist, mica, mining or quarrying

Monona County IA 212311 Serpentine mining or quarrying

Monroe County IA 212311 Slate mining or quarrying

Montgomery County IA 212311 Stone, dimension, mining or quarrying

Muscatine County IA 212311 Syenite (except nepheline) mining or quarrying

O'Brien County IA 212311 Trap rock mining or quarrying

Osceola County IA 212311 Travertine mining or quarrying

Page County IA 212311 Tufa, calcareous, mining or quarrying

Palo Alto County IA 212311 Verde' antique mining or quarrying

Plymouth County IA 212311 Volcanic rock, mining or quarrying

Pocahontas County IA 212312 Agricultural limestone mining and/or beneficiating

Polk County IA 212312 Calcareous tufa crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Pottawattamie County IA 212312 Cement rock crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Poweshiek County IA 212312 Chalk crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Ringgold County IA 212312 Chalk, ground or otherwise treated, mining and/or beneficiating

Sac County IA 212312 Dolomite crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Scott County IA 212312 Lime rock, ground, mining and/or beneficiating

Shelby County IA 212312 Limestone (except bituminous) crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Sioux County IA 212312 Limestone beneficiating plants (e.g., grinding or pulverizing)

Story County IA 212312 Marl crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Tama County IA 212312 Riprap, limestone, mining or quarrying

Taylor County IA 212312 Riprap, limestone, preparation plants

Union County IA 212312 Travertine crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Van Buren County IA 212312 Tufa, calcareous, crushed and broken stone, mining and/or beneficiating

Wapello County IA 212312 Whiting crushed and broken stone, mining and/or beneficiating

Warren County IA 212313 Diorite crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Washington County IA 212313 Gneiss crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Wayne County IA 212313 Granite beneficiating plants (e.g., grinding or pulverizing)

Webster County IA 212313 Granite crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Winnebago County IA 212313 Riprap, granite, mining or quarrying

Winneshiek County IA 212313 Riprap, granite, preparation plants

Woodbury County IA 212313 Syenite (except nepheline) crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Worth County IA 212319 Basalt crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Wright County IA 212319 Bituminous limestone mining and/or beneficiating

Allen County KS 212319 Bituminous sandstone mining and/or beneficiating

Anderson County KS 212319 Boulder crushed and broken mining and/or beneficiating

Atchison County KS 212319 Diabase crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Barber County KS 212319 Dolomitic marble crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Barton County KS 212319 Gabbro crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Bourbon County KS 212319 Ganister crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Brown County KS 212319 Granules, slate, mining and/or beneficiating

Butler County KS 212319 Grits crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Chase County KS 212319 Limestone, bituminous, mining and/or beneficiating

Chautauqua County KS 212319 Marble crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Cherokee County KS 212319 Mica schist crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Cheyenne County KS 212319 Onyx marble crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Clark County KS 212319 Quartzite crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Clay County KS 212319 Riprap (except granite, limestone) preparation plants

Cloud County KS 212319 Riprap (except limestone and granite) mining or quarrying

Coffey County KS 212319 Sandstone crushed and broken stone mining

Comanche County KS 212319 Schist, mica, crushed and broken stone, mining and/or beneficiating

Cowley County KS 212319 Serpentine crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Crawford County KS 212319 Slate crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Decatur County KS 212319 Stone (except limestone and granite) beneficiating plants (e.g., grinding)

Dickinson County KS 212319 Stone, crushed and broken (except granite or limestone), mining and/or beneficiating

Doniphan County KS 212319 Trap rock crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Douglas County KS 212319 Verde' antique crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Edwards County KS 212319 Volcanic rock crushed and broken stone mining and/or beneficiating

Elk County KS 212321 Common sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Ellis County KS 212321 Construction sand and gravel beneficiating (e.g., grinding, screening, washing)

Ellsworth County KS 212321 Construction sand or gravel dredging

Finney County KS 212321 Gravel quarrying and/or beneficiating

Ford County KS 212321 Pebbles (except grinding) mining and/or beneficiating

Franklin County KS 212321 Sand and gravel quarrying (i.e., construction grade) and/or beneficiating

Geary County KS 212321 Sand, construction grade, quarrying and/or beneficiating

Gove County KS 212322 Abrasive sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Graham County KS 212322 Blast sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Grant County KS 212322 Enamel sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Gray County KS 212322 Filtration sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Greeley County KS 212322 Foundry sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Greenwood County KS 212322 Glass sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Hamilton County KS 212322 Grinding sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Harper County KS 212322 Industrial sand beneficiating (e.g., screening, washing)

Harvey County KS 212322 Industrial sand sandpits and dredging

Haskell County KS 212322 Molding sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Hodgeman County KS 212322 Sand, blast, quarrying and/or beneficiating

Jackson County KS 212322 Sand, industrial (e.g., engine, filtration, glass grinding), quarrying and/or beneficiating

Jefferson County KS 212322 Silica mining and/or beneficiating

Jewell County KS 212322 Silica sand quarrying and/or beneficiating

Johnson County KS 212324 Ball clay mining and/or beneficiating

Kearny County KS 212324 China clay mining and/or beneficiating

Kingman County KS 212324 Clay, ball, mining and/or beneficiating

Kiowa County KS 212324 Clay, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Labette County KS 212324 Kaolin mining and/or beneficiating

Lane County KS 212324 Paper clay mining and/or beneficiating

Leavenworth County KS 212324 Rubber clay mining and/or beneficiating

Lincoln County KS 212324 Slip clay mining and/or beneficiating

Linn County KS 212325 Andalusite mining and/or beneficiating

Logan County KS 212325 Aplite mining and/or beneficiating

Lyon County KS 212325 Bentonite mining and/or beneficiating

McPherson County KS 212325 Bleaching clay mining and/or beneficiating

Marion County KS 212325 Brucite mining and/or beneficiating

Marshall County KS 212325 Burley mining and/or beneficiating

Meade County KS 212325 Clay (except kaolin, ball) mining and/or beneficiating

Miami County KS 212325 Clay bleaching

Mitchell County KS 212325 Clay, ceramic and refractory minerals, mining and/or beneficiating

Montgomery County KS 212325 Clay, fire, mining and/or beneficiating

Morris County KS 212325 Common clay mining and/or beneficiating

Morton County KS 212325 Common shale mining and/or beneficiating

Nemaha County KS 212325 Cornwall stone mining and/or beneficiating

Neosho County KS 212325 Cyanite mining and/or beneficiating

Ness County KS 212325 Diaspore mining and/or beneficiating

Norton County KS 212325 Dumortierite mining and/or beneficiating

Osage County KS 212325 Earth, fuller's (e.g., all natural bleaching clays), mining and/or beneficiating

Osborne County KS 212325 Feldspar mining and/or beneficiating

Ottawa County KS 212325 Fire clay mining and/or beneficiating

Pawnee County KS 212325 Flint clay mining and/or beneficiating

Phillips County KS 212325 Fuller's earth mining and/or beneficiating

Pottawatomie County KS 212325 Kyanite mining and/or beneficiating

Pratt County KS 212325 Laterite mining and/or beneficiating

Rawlins County KS 212325 Magnesite mining and/or beneficiating

Reno County KS 212325 Nepheline syenite mining and/or beneficiating

Republic County KS 212325 Olivine, non-gem, mining and/or beneficiating

Rice County KS 212325 Pegmatite, feldspar, mining and/or beneficiating

Riley County KS 212325 Pinite mining and/or beneficiating

Rooks County KS 212325 Plastic fire clay mining and/or beneficiating

Rush County KS 212325 Refractory minerals mining and/or beneficiating

Russell County KS 212325 Shale (except oil shale) mining and/or beneficiating

Saline County KS 212325 Sillimanite mining and/or beneficiating

Scott County KS 212325 Stoneware clay mining and/or beneficiating

Sedgwick County KS 212325 Syenite, nepheline, mining and/or beneficiating

Seward County KS 212325 Topaz, non-gem, mining and/or beneficiating

Shawnee County KS 212391 Alum, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Sheridan County KS 212391 Borate, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Sherman County KS 212391 Borax, crude, ground or pulverized, mining and/or beneficiating

Smith County KS 212391 Boron compounds prepared at beneficiating plants

Stafford County KS 212391 Boron mineral mining and/or beneficiating

Stanton County KS 212391 Colemanite mining and/or beneficiating

Stevens County KS 212391 Glauber's salt mining and/or beneficiating

Sumner County KS 212391 Kernite mining and/or beneficiating

Thomas County KS 212391 Muriate of potash, mining

Trego County KS 212391 Potash mining and/or beneficiating

Wabaunsee County KS 212391 Potassium bromide, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Wallace County KS 212391 Potassium chloride mining and/or beneficiating

Washington County KS 212391 Potassium compounds prepared at beneficiating plants

Wichita County KS 212391 Potassium compounds, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Wilson County KS 212391 Potassium salts, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Woodson County KS 212391 Probertite mining and/or quarrying

Wyandotte County KS 212391 Salines (except common salt) mining and/or beneficiating

Adair County KY 212391 Soda ash mining and/or beneficiating

Allen County KY 212391 Soda ash, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Anderson County KY 212391 Sodium borates, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Ballard County KY 212391 Sodium carbonates, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Barren County KY 212391 Sodium compounds prepared at beneficiating plants

Bath County KY 212391 Sodium compounds, natural (except common salt), mining and/or beneficiating

Bell County KY 212391 Sodium sulfate, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Boone County KY 212391 Sulfate, sodium, mining and/or beneficiating

Bourbon County KY 212391 Trona mining and/or beneficiating

Boyd County KY 212391 Ulexite mining and/or beneficiating

Boyle County KY 212392 Apatite mining and/or beneficiating

Bracken County KY 212392 Calcined phosphate rock mining and/or beneficiating

Breathitt County KY 212392 Dried phosphate rock mining and/or beneficiating

Breckinridge County KY 212392 Phosphate rock mining and/or beneficiating

Bullitt County KY 212392 Sintered phosphate rock mining and/or beneficiating

Butler County KY 212393 Alunite mining and/or beneficiating

Caldwell County KY 212393 Amblygonite mining and/or beneficiating

Calloway County KY 212393 Arsenic mineral mining and/or beneficiating

Campbell County KY 212393 Barite mining and/or beneficiating

Carlisle County KY 212393 Barium ores mining and/or beneficiating

Carroll County KY 212393 Barytes mining and/or beneficiating

Carter County KY 212393 Brimstone mining and/or beneficiating

Casey County KY 212393 Celestite mining and/or beneficiating

Christian County KY 212393 Fertilizer minerals, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Clark County KY 212393 Fluorite mining and/or beneficiating

Clay County KY 212393 Fluorspar mining and/or beneficiating

Clinton County KY 212393 Guano mining and/or beneficiating

Crittenden County KY 212393 Lepidolite mining and/or beneficiating

Cumberland County KY 212393 Lithium mineral mining and/or beneficiating

Daviess County KY 212393 Marcasite mining and/or beneficiating

Edmonson County KY 212393 Mineral pigments, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Elliott County KY 212393 Ocher mining and/or beneficiating

Estill County KY 212393 Pigments, natural, mineral, mining and/or beneficiating

Fayette County KY 212393 Pyrite concentrates mining and/or beneficiating

Fleming County KY 212393 Pyrite mining and/or beneficiating

Floyd County KY 212393 Pyrrhotite mining and/or beneficiating

Franklin County KY 212393 Rock salt mining and/or beneficiating

Fulton County KY 212393 Salt, common, mining and/or beneficiating

Gallatin County KY 212393 Salt, rock, mining and/or beneficiating

Garrard County KY 212393 Sienna mining and/or beneficiating

Grant County KY 212393 Sodium chloride, rock salt, mining and/or beneficiating

Graves County KY 212393 Spodumene mining and/or beneficiating

Grayson County KY 212393 Strontianite mining and/or beneficiating

Green County KY 212393 Strontium mineral mining and/or beneficiating

Greenup County KY 212393 Sulfur mining and/or beneficiating

Hancock County KY 212393 Sulfur, native, mining and/or beneficiating

Hardin County KY 212393 Umber mining and/or beneficiating

Harlan County KY 212399 Abrasive stones (e.g., emery, grindstones, hones, pumice) mining and/or beneficiating

Harrison County KY 212399 Abrasives, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Hart County KY 212399 Agate mining and/or beneficiating

Henderson County KY 212399 Alabaster mining and/or beneficiating

Henry County KY 212399 Amethyst mining and/or beneficiating

Hickman County KY 212399 Asbestos mining and/or beneficiating

Hopkins County KY 212399 Ash, volcanic, mining and/or beneficiating

Jackson County KY 212399 Asphalt rock mining and/or beneficiating

Jefferson County KY 212399 Asphalt, native, mining and/or beneficiating

Jessamine County KY 212399 Burrstones, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Johnson County KY 212399 Calcite mining and/or beneficiating

Kenton County KY 212399 Catlinite mining and/or beneficiating

Knott County KY 212399 Chasers mining and/or beneficiating

Knox County KY 212399 Corundum mining and/or beneficiating

Larue County KY 212399 Cryolite mining and/or beneficiating

Laurel County KY 212399 Diamonds, industrial, mining and/or beneficiating

Lawrence County KY 212399 Diatomaceous earth mining and/or beneficitating

Lee County KY 212399 Diatomite mining and/or beneficiating

Leslie County KY 212399 Dragstones mining and/or beneficiating

Letcher County KY 212399 Earth, diatomaceous, mining and/or beneficiating

Lewis County KY 212399 Emery mining and/or beneficiating

Lincoln County KY 212399 Fill dirt pits mining and/or beneficiating

Livingston County KY 212399 Garnet mining and/or beneficiating

Logan County KY 212399 Gem stone (e.g., amethyst, garnet, agate, ruby, sapphire, jade) mining and/or beneficiating

Lyon County KY 212399 Gilsonite mining and/or beneficiating

McCracken County KY 212399 Grahamite mining and/or beneficiating

McCreary County KY 212399 Graphite mining and/or beneficiating

McLean County KY 212399 Greensand mining and/or beneficiating

Madison County KY 212399 Grinding pebbles mining and/or beneficiating

Magoffin County KY 212399 Grindstones mining and/or beneficiating

Marion County KY 212399 Gypsite mining and/or beneficiating

Marshall County KY 212399 Gypsum mining and/or beneficiating

Martin County KY 212399 Hones mining and/or beneficiating

Mason County KY 212399 Humus, peat, mining and/or beneficiating

Meade County KY 212399 Iceland spar (i.e., optical grade calcite), mining and/or beneficiating

Menifee County KY 212399 Jade mining and/or beneficiating

Mercer County KY 212399 Meerschaum mining and/or beneficiating

Metcalfe County KY 212399 Mica mining and/or beneficiating

Monroe County KY 212399 Millstones mining and/or beneficiating

Montgomery County KY 212399 Muscovite mining and/or beneficiating

Morgan County KY 212399 Native asphalt mining and/or beneficiating

Muhlenberg County KY 212399 Natural abrasives (e.g., emery, grindstones, hones, pumice) (except sand) mining and/or beneficiating

Nelson County KY 212399 Oilstones mining and/or beneficiating

Nicholas County KY 212399 Optical grade calcite mining and/or beneficiating

Ohio County KY 212399 Ozokerite mining and/or beneficiating

Oldham County KY 212399 Pavers mining and/or beneficiating

Owen County KY 212399 Peat grinding

Owsley County KY 212399 Peat humus mining and/or beneficiating

Pendleton County KY 212399 Peat mining and/or beneficiating

Perry County KY 212399 Pebbles grinding

Pike County KY 212399 Perlite mining and/or beneficiating

Powell County KY 212399 Phlogopite mining and/or beneficiating

Pulaski County KY 212399 Pipestones mining and/or beneficiating

Robertson County KY 212399 Pozzolana mining and/or beneficiating

Rockcastle County KY 212399 Precious stones mining and/or beneficiating

Rowan County KY 212399 Pulpstones, natural, mining and/or beneficiating

Russell County KY 212399 Pumice mining and/or beneficiating

Scott County KY 212399 Pumicite mining and/or beneficiating

Shelby County KY 212399 Pyrophyllite mining and/or beneficiating

Simpson County KY 212399 Quartz crystal, pure, mining and/or beneficiating

Spencer County KY 212399 Reed peat mining and/or beneficiating

Taylor County KY 212399 Rubbing stones mining and/or beneficiating

Todd County KY 212399 Ruby mining and/or beneficiating

Trigg County KY 212399 Sandstone, bituminous, mining and/or beneficiating

Trimble County KY 212399 Sapphire mining and/or beneficiating

Union County KY 212399 Scoria mining and/or beneficiating

Warren County KY 212399 Screening peat

Washington County KY 212399 Scythestones mining and/or beneficiating

Wayne County KY 212399 Sedge peat mining and/or beneficiating

Webster County KY 212399 Selenite mining and/or beneficiating

Whitley County KY 212399 Semiprecious stones mining and/or beneficiating

Wolfe County KY 212399 Shell mining and/or beneficiating

Woodford County KY 212399 Shredding peat mining and/or beneficiating

Acadia Parish LA 212399 Soapstone mining and/or beneficiating

Allen Parish LA 212399 Spar, iceland, mining and/or beneficiating

Ascension Parish LA 212399 Staurolite mining and/or beneficiating

Assumption Parish LA 212399 Steatite mining and/or beneficiating

Avoyelles Parish LA 212399 Stones, abrasive (e.g., emery, grindstones, hones, pumice), mining and/or beneficiating

Beauregard Parish LA 212399 Talc mining and/or beneficiating

Bienville Parish LA 212399 Tripoli mining and/or beneficiating

Bossier Parish LA 212399 Turquoise mining and/or beneficiating

Caddo Parish LA 212399 Vermiculite mining and/or beneficiating

Calcasieu Parish LA 212399 Volcanic ash mining and/or beneficiating

Caldwell Parish LA 212399 Whetstones mining and/or beneficiating

Cameron Parish LA 212399 Wollastonite mining and/or beneficiating

Catahoula Parish LA 212399 Wurtzilite mining and/or beneficiating

Claiborne Parish LA 213111 Directional drilling of oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Concordia Parish LA 213111 Drilling directional oil and gas field wells on a contract basis

De Soto Parish LA 213111 Drilling for gas on a contract basis

East Baton Rouge Parish LA 213111 Drilling for oil on a contract basis

East Carroll Parish LA 213111 Drilling gas and oil field wells on a contract basis

East Feliciana Parish LA 213111 Drilling oil and gas field service wells on a contract basis

Evangeline Parish LA 213111 Drilling water intake wells, oil and gas field on a contract basis

Franklin Parish LA 213111 Gas well drilling on a contract basis

Grant Parish LA 213111 Oil and gas well drilling services (redrilling, spudding, tailing) on a contract basis

Iberia Parish LA 213111 Oil well drilling on a contract basis

Iberville Parish LA 213111 Reconditioning oil and gas field wells on a contract basis

Jackson Parish LA 213111 Reworking oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Jefferson Parish LA 213111 Service well drilling on a contract basis

Jefferson Davis Parish LA 213111 Spudding in oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Lafayette Parish LA 213111 Tailing in oil and gas field wells on a contract basis

Lafourche Parish LA 213111 Water intake well drilling, oil and gas field on a contract basis

La Salle Parish LA 213111 Well drilling (i.e., oil, gas, water intake wells) on a contract basis

Lincoln Parish LA 213111 Workover of oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Livingston Parish LA 213112 Acidizing oil and gas field wells on a contract basis

Madison Parish LA 213112 Building oil and gas well foundations on a contract basis

Morehouse Parish LA 213112 Building, erecting, repairing, and dismantling oil and gas field rigs and derricks on a contract basis

Natchitoches Parish LA 213112 Cementing oil and gas well casings on a contract basis

Orleans Parish LA 213112 Chemically treating oil and gas wells (e.g., acidizing, bailing, swabbing) on a contract basis

Ouachita Parish LA 213112 Cleaning oil and gas field lease tanks on a contract basis

Plaquemines Parish LA 213112 Cleaning out (e.g., bailing out, steam cleaning, swabbing) wells on a contract basis

Pointe Coupee Parish LA 213112 Cleaning wells on a contract basis

Rapides Parish LA 213112 Cleaning, repairing, and dismantling oil and gas field lease tanks on a contract basis

Red River Parish LA 213112 Contract services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) for oil and gas fields

Richland Parish LA 213112 Core cutting in oil and gas wells, on a contract basis

Sabine Parish LA 213112 Core drilling, exploration services, oil and gas field

St. Bernard Parish LA 213112 Cutting cores in oil and gas wells on a contract basis

St. Charles Parish LA 213112 Derrick building, repairing, and dismantling at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

St. Helena Parish LA 213112 Dismantling of oil well rigs on a contract basis

St. James Parish LA 213112 Drilling rat holes and mouse holes at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

St. John the Baptist Parish LA 213112 Drilling shot holes at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

St. Landry Parish LA 213112 Drilling site preparation at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

St. Martin Parish LA 213112 Drill-stem testing in oil, gas, dry, and service well drilling on a contract basis

St. Mary Parish LA 213112 Excavating mud pits, slush pits, and cellars at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

St. Tammany Parish LA 213112 Exploration services for oil and gas (except geophysical surveying and mapping) on a contract basis

Tangipahoa Parish LA 213112 Fishing for tools at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

Tensas Parish LA 213112 Gas well rig building, repairing, and dismantling on a contract basis

Terrebonne Parish LA 213112 Gas, compressing natural, in the field on a contract basis

Union Parish LA 213112 Geological exploration (except surveying) for oil and gas on a contract basis

Vermilion Parish LA 213112 Geophysical exploration (except surveying) for oil and gas on a contract basis

Vernon Parish LA 213112 Hard banding oil and gas field service on a contract basis

Washington Parish LA 213112 Hot oil treating of oil field tanks on a contract basis

Webster Parish LA 213112 Hot shot service on a contract basis

West Baton Rouge Parish LA 213112 Hydraulic fracturing wells on a contract basis

West Carroll Parish LA 213112 Impounding and storing salt water in connection with petroleum production

West Feliciana Parish LA 213112 Installing production equipment at the oil or gas field on a contract basis

Winn Parish LA 213112 Lease tank cleaning and repairing on a contract basis

Androscoggin County ME 213112 Logging wells on a contract basis

Aroostook County ME 213112 Mouse hole and rat hole drilling at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

Cumberland County ME 213112 Mud service for oil field drilling on a contract basis

Franklin County ME 213112 Oil and gas field services (except contract drilling, site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Hancock County ME 213112 Oil field exploration (except surveying) on a contract basis

Kennebec County ME 213112 Oil sampling services on a contract basis

Knox County ME 213112 Oil well logging on a contract basis

Lincoln County ME 213112 Oil well rig building, repairing, and dismantling, on a contract basis

Oxford County ME 213112 Paraffin services, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Penobscot County ME 213112 Perforating oil and gas well casings on a contract basis

Piscataquis County ME 213112 Pipe testing services, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Sagadahoc County ME 213112 Plugging and abandoning wells on a contract basis

Somerset County ME 213112 Preparation of oil and gas field drilling sites (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Waldo County ME 213112 Pulling oil and gas field casings, tubes, or rods on a contract basis

Washington County ME 213112 Pumping oil and gas wells on a contract basis

York County ME 213112 Rathole and mousehole drilling at oil and gas fields on a contract basis

Allegany County MD 213112 Removal of condensate gasoline from field gathering lines on a contract basis

Anne Arundel County MD 213112 Rig skidding, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Baltimore County MD 213112 Roustabout mining services, on a contract basis

Calvert County MD 213112 Salt water disposal systems, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Caroline County MD 213112 Sandblasting pipelines on lease, oil and gas field on a contract basis

Carroll County MD 213112 Seismograph exploration (except surveying) for oil and gas on a contract basis

Cecil County MD 213112 Servicing oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Charles County MD 213112 Shot hole drilling, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Dorchester County MD 213112 Skidding of rigs, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Frederick County MD 213112 Slush pits and cellars, excavation of, on a contract basis

Garrett County MD 213112 Steam cleaning oil and gas wells on a contract basis

Harford County MD 213112 Stratigraphic drilling, oil and gas field exploration on a contract basis

Howard County MD 213112 Surveying (except seismographic) oil or gas wells on a contract basis

Kent County MD 213112 Swabbing oil or gas wells on a contract basis

Montgomery County MD 213112 Well casing running, cutting and pulling, oil and gas field on a contract basis

Prince George MD 213112 Well logging, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Queen Anne MD 213112 Well plugging, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

St. Mary MD 213112 Well pumping, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Somerset County MD 213112 Well servicing, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Talbot County MD 213112 Well surveying, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Washington County MD 213112 Wireline services, oil and gas field, on a contract basis

Wicomico County MD 213113 Anthracite mine tunneling on a contract basis

Worcester County MD 213113 Anthracite mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Baltimore city MD 213113 Auger coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Barnstable County MA 213113 Bituminous coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Berkshire County MA 213113 Bituminous coal or lignite surface mine site development (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Bristol County MA 213113 Bituminous coal stripping service on a contract basis

Dukes County MA 213113 Bituminous or lignite auger mining service on a contract basis

Essex County MA 213113 Blasting services, coal mining, on a contract basis

Franklin County MA 213113 Coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)

Hampden County MA 213113 Coal mining support services (tunneling, blasting, training, overburden removal)(except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)

Hampshire County MA 213113 Culm bank recovery, anthracite, on a contract basis

Middlesex County MA 213113 Culm bank recovery, coal, on a contract basis

Nantucket County MA 213113 Draining or pumping coal mines on a contract basis

Norfolk County MA 213113 Drilling services for coal mining on a contract basis

Plymouth County MA 213113 Exploration services for coal (except geophysical surveying and mapping) on a contract basis

Suffolk County MA 213113 Lignite mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis

Worcester County MA 213113 Mine shaft sinking services for coal mining on a contract basis

Alcona County MI 213113 Mine tunneling services for coal mining on a contract basis

Alger County MI 213113 Overburden removal for coal mining on a contract basis

Allegan County MI 213113 Prospect and test drilling services for coal mining on contract basis

Alpena County MI 213113 Pumping or draining coal mines on a contract basis

Antrim County MI 213113 Removal of overburden for coal mining on a contract basis

Arenac County MI 213113 Shaft sinking for coal mines on a contract basis

Baraga County MI 213113 Sinking shafts for coal mining on a contract basis

Barry County MI 213113 Stripping overburden services for coal mining on a contract basis

Bay County MI 213113 Tunneling services for coal mining on a contract basis

Benzie County MI 213114 Blasting services, metal mining, on a contract basis

Berrien County MI 213114 Boring test holes for metal mining on a contract basis

Branch County MI 213114 Draining or pumping of metal mines on a contract basis

Calhoun County MI 213114 Drilling services for metal mining on a contract basis

Cass County MI 213114 Exploration services for metal (except geophysical surveying and mapping) on a contract basis

Charlevoix County MI 213114 Metal mining support services (shaft sinking, tunneling, blasting) (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)

Cheboygan County MI 213114 Mine development (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) for metal mining on a contract basis

Chippewa County MI 213114 Mine shaft sinking services for metal mining on a contract basis

Clare County MI 213114 Mine tunneling services for metal mining on a contract basis

Clinton County MI 213114 Overburden removal for metal mining on a contract basis

Crawford County MI 213114 Prospect and test drilling services for metal mining on contract basis

Delta County MI 213114 Pumping or draining metal mines on a contract basis

Dickinson County MI 213114 Removal of overburden for metal mining on a contract basis

Eaton County MI 213114 Shaft sinking for metal mines on a contract basis

Emmet County MI 213114 Sinking shafts for metal mining on a contract basis

Genesee County MI 213114 Stripping overburden services for metal mining on a contract basis

Gladwin County MI 213114 Test drilling for metal mining on a contract basis

Gogebic County MI 213115 Blasting services, nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Grand Traverse County MI 213115 Boring test holes for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Gratiot County MI 213115 Draining or pumping of nonmetallic mineral mines (except fuels) on a contract basis

Hillsdale County MI 213115 Drilling services for nonmetallic mineral (except fuels) mining on a contract basis

Houghton County MI 213115 Exploration services for nonmetallic minerals (except geophysical surveying and mapping) on a contract basis

Huron County MI 213115 Mine development for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Ingham County MI 213115 Mine shaft sinking services for nonmetallic minerals (except fuels) on a contract basis

Ionia County MI 213115 Mine tunneling services for nonmetallic minerals (except fuels) on a contract basis

Iosco County MI 213115 Nonmetallic minerals mining support services (e.g., blasting, shaft sinking, tunneling) (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)on a contract basis

Iron County MI 213115 Overburden removal for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Isabella County MI 213115 Prospect and test drilling services for nonmetallic mineral mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Jackson County MI 213115 Pumping or draining nonmetallic mineral mines (except fuel) on a contract basis

Kalamazoo County MI 213115 Removal of overburden for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Kalkaska County MI 213115 Stripping overburden services for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis

Kent County MI 213115 Test drilling for nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuel) on a contract basis

Keweenaw County MI 221111 Electric power generation, hydroelectric

Lake County MI 221111 Hydroelectric power generation

Lapeer County MI 221111 Power generation, hydroelectric

Leelanau County MI 221112 Electric power generation, fossil fuel (e.g., coal, oil, gas)

Lenawee County MI 221112 Power generation, fossil fuel (e.g., coal, gas, oil), electric

Livingston County MI 221113 Electric power generation, nuclear

Luce County MI 221113 Power generation, nuclear electric

Mackinac County MI 221114 Electric power generation, solar

Macomb County MI 221114 Power generation, solar electric

Manistee County MI 221114 Solar farms

Marquette County MI 221115 Electric power generation, wind

Mason County MI 221115 Power generation, wind electric

Mecosta County MI 221116 Electric power generation, geothermal

Menominee County MI 221116 Geothermal electric power generation

Midland County MI 221116 Power generation, geothermal

Missaukee County MI 221117 Biomass electric power generation

Monroe County MI 221117 Electric power generation, biomass

Montcalm County MI 221117 Power generation, biomass

Montmorency County MI 221118 Electric power generation, tidal

Muskegon County MI 221118 Power generation, tidal electric

Newaygo County MI 221121 Electric power control

Oakland County MI 221121 Electric power transmission systems

Oceana County MI 221121 Transmission of electric power

Ogemaw County MI 221122 Distribution of electric power

Ontonagon County MI 221122 Electric power brokers

Osceola County MI 221122 Electric power distribution systems

Oscoda County MI 221210 Blue gas, carbureted, production and distribution

Otsego County MI 221210 Coke oven gas, production and distribution

Ottawa County MI 221210 Distribution of manufactured gas

Presque Isle County MI 221210 Distribution of natural gas

Roscommon County MI 221210 Gas, manufactured, production and distribution

Saginaw County MI 221210 Gas, mixed natural and manufactured, production and distribution

St. Clair County MI 221210 Gas, natural, distribution

St. Joseph County MI 221210 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distribution through mains

Sanilac County MI 221210 Manufactured gas production and distribution

Schoolcraft County MI 221210 Natural gas brokers

Shiawassee County MI 221210 Natural gas distribution systems

Tuscola County MI 221210 Natural gas marketers

Van Buren County MI 221310 Canal, irrigation

Washtenaw County MI 221310 Filtration plant, water

Wayne County MI 221310 Impounding reservoirs, irrigation

Wexford County MI 221310 Irrigation system operation

Aitkin County MN 221310 Water distribution (except irrigation)

Anoka County MN 221310 Water distribution for irrigation

Becker County MN 221310 Water filtration plant operation

Beltrami County MN 221310 Water supply systems

Benton County MN 221310 Water treatment and distribution

Big Stone County MN 221310 Water treatment plants

Blue Earth County MN 221320 Collection, treatment, and disposal of waste through a sewer system

Brown County MN 221320 Sewage disposal plants

Carlton County MN 221320 Sewage treatment plants or facilities

Carver County MN 221320 Sewer systems

Cass County MN 221320 Waste collection, treatment, and disposal through a sewer system

Chippewa County MN 221330 Air-conditioning supply

Chisago County MN 221330 Cooled air distribution

Clay County MN 221330 Distribution of cooled air

Clearwater County MN 221330 Distribution of heated air

Cook County MN 221330 Distribution of steam heat

Cottonwood County MN 221330 Geothermal steam production

Crow Wing County MN 221330 Heat, steam, distribution

Dakota County MN 221330 Heated air distribution

Dodge County MN 221330 Heating steam (suppliers of heat) providers

Douglas County MN 221330 Steam heat distribution

Faribault County MN 221330 Steam heating systems (i.e., suppliers of heat)

Fillmore County MN 221330 Steam production and distribution

Freeborn County MN 221330 Steam supply systems, including geothermal

Goodhue County MN 236115 Cabin construction general contractors

Grant County MN 236115 Condominium, single-family, construction general contractors

Hennepin County MN 236115 Construction management, single-family building

Houston County MN 236115 Cottage construction general contractors

Hubbard County MN 236115 Custom builders (except for-sale), single-family home

Isanti County MN 236115 Duplex (i.e., side-by-side) construction general contractors

Itasca County MN 236115 Home builders (except for-sale), single-family

Jackson County MN 236115 Housing, single-family, construction general contractors

Kanabec County MN 236115 Log home construction general contractors

Kandiyohi County MN 236115 Low income housing, single-family, construction general contractors

Kittson County MN 236115 Modular house assembly on site by general contractors

Koochiching County MN 236115 Panelized single-family house assembly on site by general contractors

Lac qui Parle County MN 236115 Precut single-family housing assembly on site by general contractors

Lake County MN 236115 Premanufactured housing assembly on site by general contractors

Lake of the Woods County MN 236115 Residential construction, single-family, general contractors

Le Sueur County MN 236115 Row house (i.e., single-family type) construction general contractors

Lincoln County MN 236115 Single-family attached housing construction general contractors

Lyon County MN 236115 Single-family detached housing construction general contractors

McLeod County MN 236115 Single-family homes built on land owned by others, general contractors of

Mahnomen County MN 236115 Single-family house construction by general contractors

Marshall County MN 236115 Time-share condominium construction general contractors

Martin County MN 236115 Town house (i.e., single-family type) construction by general contractors

Meeker County MN 236115 Vacation home, single-family, construction by general contractors

Mille Lacs County MN 236116 Apartment building construction general contractors

Morrison County MN 236116 Condominium, multifamily, construction general contractors

Mower County MN 236116 Construction management, multifamily building

Murray County MN 236116 Cooperative apartment, construction general contractors

Nicollet County MN 236116 Custom builders (except for-sale), multifamily buildings

Nobles County MN 236116 Duplex (i.e., one unit above the other), construction general contractors

Norman County MN 236116 Garden apartment construction general contractors

Olmsted County MN 236116 High-rise apartment construction general contractors

Otter Tail County MN 236116 Home builders (except for-sale), multifamily

Pennington County MN 236116 Housing, multifamily, construction general contractors

Pine County MN 236116 Low income housing, multifamily, construction general contractors

Pipestone County MN 236116 Low-rise apartment construction general contractors

Polk County MN 236116 Multifamily building construction general contractors

Pope County MN 236116 Panelized multifamily housing assembled on site by general contractors

Ramsey County MN 236116 Precut multifamily housing assembled on site by general contractors

Red Lake County MN 236116 Residential construction, multifamily, general contractors

Redwood County MN 236117 Apartment building for-sale builders

Renville County MN 236117 Cabin for-sale builders

Rice County MN 236117 Condominium for-sale builders

Rock County MN 236117 Cooperative apartment for-sale builders

Roseau County MN 236117 Cottage for-sale builders

St. Louis County MN 236117 Custom builders, for-sale builders, multifamily buildings

Scott County MN 236117 Custom builders, for-sale builders, single-family home

Sherburne County MN 236117 Duplex for-sale builders

Sibley County MN 236117 For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential

Stearns County MN 236117 For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), single-family housing

Steele County MN 236117 Garden apartment for-sale builders

Stevens County MN 236117 High-rise apartment for-sale builders

Swift County MN 236117 Home builders, for-sale

Todd County MN 236117 Housing construction, for-sale builder

Traverse County MN 236117 Housing construction, merchant builder

Wabasha County MN 236117 Log home for-sale builders

Wadena County MN 236117 Low income housing construction for-sale builders

Waseca County MN 236117 Low-rise apartment for-sale builders

Washington County MN 236117 Merchant builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential

Watonwan County MN 236117 Modular housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders

Wilkin County MN 236117 Multifamily building for-sale builders

Winona County MN 236117 Panelized housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders

Wright County MN 236117 Panelized multifamily housing assembled on site by for-sale builders

Yellow Medicine County MN 236117 Precut housing, residential, assembled on site by for-sale builders

Adams County MS 236117 Premanufactured housing assembly on site by for-sale builders

Alcorn County MS 236117 Residential for-sale builders

Amite County MS 236117 Row house construction for-sale builders

Attala County MS 236117 Single-family housing built on own land for sale (i.e., for-sale builders)

Benton County MS 236117 Single-family housing construction for sale builders

Bolivar County MS 236117 Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), multifamily housing

Calhoun County MS 236117 Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), residential

Carroll County MS 236117 Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), single-family housing

Chickasaw County MS 236117 Time-share condominium construction for-sale builders

Choctaw County MS 236117 Town house construction for-sale builders

Claiborne County MS 236117 Vacation housing construction for-sale builders

Clarke County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation (i.e., construction), multifamily building

Clay County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation (i.e., construction), residential building

Coahoma County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation of single-family dwellings

Copiah County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, multifamily building, for-sale builders

Covington County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, multifamily building, general contractors

DeSoto County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, residential building, for-sale builders

Forrest County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, residential building, general contractors

Franklin County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, single-family housing, for-sale builders

George County MS 236118 Addition, alteration and renovation, single-family housing, general contractors

Greene County MS 236118 Building, residential, addition, alteration and renovation

Grenada County MS 236118 Construction management, residential remodeling

Hancock County MS 236118 Fire and flood restoration, multifamily building, general contractors

Harrison County MS 236118 Fire and flood restoration, single-family housing, general contractors

Hinds County MS 236118 Handyman construction service, residential building

Holmes County MS 236118 Home improvement (e.g., adding on, remodeling, renovating)

Humphreys County MS 236118 Home improvement (e.g., adding on, remodeling, renovating), multifamily building, for-sale builders

Issaquena County MS 236118 Home improvement (e.g., adding on, remodeling, renovating), multifamily building, general contractors

Itawamba County MS 236118 Home improvement (e.g., adding on, remodeling, renovating), single-family housing, for-sale builders

Jackson County MS 236118 Home improvement (e.g., adding on, remodeling, renovating), single-family housing, general contractors

Jasper County MS 236118 Home renovation

Jefferson County MS 236118 Porch construction, residential-type

Jefferson Davis County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating for-sale builders

Jones County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating general contractors, multifamily building

Kemper County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating general contractors, residential

Lafayette County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating general contractors, single-family housing

Lamar County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating single-family housing

Lauderdale County MS 236118 Remodeling and renovating, residential building

Lawrence County MS 236118 Sun-room additions, residential

Leake County MS 236210 Acid plant construction

Lee County MS 236210 Addition, alteration and renovation for-sale builders, industrial building (except warehouses)

Leflore County MS 236210 Addition, alteration and renovation, general contractors, industrial building (except warehouses)

Lincoln County MS 236210 Addition, alteration and renovation, industrial building (except warehouses)

Lowndes County MS 236210 Aluminum plant construction

Madison County MS 236210 Ammonium plant construction

Marion County MS 236210 Assembly plant construction

Marshall County MS 236210 Blast furnace construction

Monroe County MS 236210 Cannery construction

Montgomery County MS 236210 Cement plant construction

Neshoba County MS 236210 Chemical (except petrochemical process type) plant construction

Newton County MS 236210 Clean room construction

Noxubee County MS 236210 Construction management, industrial building (except warehouses)

Oktibbeha County MS 236210 Factory construction

Panola County MS 236210 Fish processing plant construction

Pearl River County MS 236210 Food processing plant construction

Perry County MS 236210 For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), industrial building (except warehouses)

Pike County MS 236210 Foundry construction

Pontotoc County MS 236210 Furnace (i.e., industrial plant structure) construction

Prentiss County MS 236210 Garbage disposal plant construction

Quitman County MS 236210 Incinerator, mass-burn type, construction

Rankin County MS 236210 Incinerator, municipal waste disposal, construction

Scott County MS 236210 Industrial building (except warehouses) construction

Sharkey County MS 236210 Industrial building (except warehouses) construction, for-sale builders

Simpson County MS 236210 Industrial building (except warehouses) construction, general contractors

Smith County MS 236210 Kiln construction

Stone County MS 236210 Manufacturing building construction

Sunflower County MS 236210 Materials recovery facility construction

Tallahatchie County MS 236210 Metal processing plant construction

Tate County MS 236210 Mine loading and discharging station construction

Tippah County MS 236210 Motor vehicle assembly plant construction

Tishomingo County MS 236210 Ore and metal refinery construction

Tunica County MS 236210 Oven, industrial plant, construction

Union County MS 236210 Paper or pulp mill construction

Walthall County MS 236210 Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant construction

Warren County MS 236210 Prefabricated industrial building (except warehouses) erection

Washington County MS 236210 Printing plant construction

Wayne County MS 236210 Refuse disposal plant construction

Webster County MS 236210 Smelter construction

Wilkinson County MS 236210 Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), industrial building (except warehouses)

Winston County MS 236210 Steel mill construction

Yalobusha County MS 236210 Textile mill construction

Yazoo County MS 236210 Tipple, mining, construction

Adair County MO 236210 Washery, mining, construction

Andrew County MO 236210 Waste disposal plant (except sewage treatment) construction

Atchison County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation for-sale builders, commercial and institutional building

Audrain County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation for-sale builders, commercial warehouse

Barry County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation for-sale builders, hotel and motel

Barton County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation for-sale builders, industrial warehouse

Bates County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation general contractors, commercial and institutional building

Benton County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation general contractors, commercial warehouse

Bollinger County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation general contractors, hotel and motel

Boone County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation general contractors, industrial warehouse

Buchanan County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation, commercial and institutional building

Butler County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation, commercial warehouse

Caldwell County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation, hotel and motel

Callaway County MO 236220 Addition, alteration and renovation, industrial warehouse

Camden County MO 236220 Administration building construction

Cape Girardeau County MO 236220 Airport building construction

Carroll County MO 236220 Airport terminal construction

Carter County MO 236220 Amusement facility construction

Cass County MO 236220 Animal shelter and clinic construction

Cedar County MO 236220 Arena construction

Chariton County MO 236220 Armory construction

Christian County MO 236220 Athletic court, indoor, construction

Clark County MO 236220 Auditorium construction

Clay County MO 236220 Bank building construction

Clinton County MO 236220 Barber shop construction

Cole County MO 236220 Barrack construction

Cooper County MO 236220 Beauty salon construction

Crawford County MO 236220 Broadcasting station construction

Dade County MO 236220 Bunkhouse construction

Dallas County MO 236220 Bus shelter construction

Daviess County MO 236220 Bus terminal construction

DeKalb County MO 236220 Casino construction

Dent County MO 236220 Cinema construction

Douglas County MO 236220 Civic center construction

Dunklin County MO 236220 Clinic construction

Franklin County MO 236220 Cold storage plant construction

Gasconade County MO 236220 Commercial building construction

Gentry County MO 236220 Commercial building construction for-sale builders

Greene County MO 236220 Commercial building construction general contractors

Grundy County MO 236220 Construction management, commercial and institutional building

Harrison County MO 236220 Dormitory construction

Henry County MO 236220 Drycleaning plant construction

Hickory County MO 236220 Educational building construction

Holt County MO 236220 Farm building construction

Howard County MO 236220 Fire and flood restoration of commercial and institutional buildings

Howell County MO 236220 Fire station construction

Iron County MO 236220 For-sale builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), commercial and institutional building

Jackson County MO 236220 Garage and service station, commercial, construction

Jasper County MO 236220 Grain elevator construction

Jefferson County MO 236220 Handyman construction service, commercial and institutional building

Johnson County MO 236220 Hangar construction

Knox County MO 236220 Hatchery construction

Laclede County MO 236220 Health and athletic club construction

Lafayette County MO 236220 Hospital construction

Lawrence County MO 236220 Hotel construction

Lewis County MO 236220 Ice rink, indoor, construction

Lincoln County MO 236220 Indoor swimming pool construction

Linn County MO 236220 Institutional building construction

Livingston County MO 236220 Institutional building construction for-sale builders

McDonald County MO 236220 Institutional building construction general contractors

Macon County MO 236220 Jail construction

Madison County MO 236220 Laboratory construction

Maries County MO 236220 Library construction

Marion County MO 236220 Logging camp construction

Mercer County MO 236220 Mausoleum (i.e., building) construction

Miller County MO 236220 Monument (i.e., building) construction

Mississippi County MO 236220 Motel construction

Moniteau County MO 236220 Museum construction

Monroe County MO 236220 Office building construction

Montgomery County MO 236220 Parking garage construction

Morgan County MO 236220 Penitentiary construction

New Madrid County MO 236220 Post office construction

Newton County MO 236220 Prefabricated commercial building erection

Nodaway County MO 236220 Prefabricated institutional building erection

Oregon County MO 236220 Prison construction

Osage County MO 236220 Public warehouse construction

Ozark County MO 236220 Radio and television broadcast studio construction

Pemiscot County MO 236220 Radio station construction

Perry County MO 236220 Railway station construction

Pettis County MO 236220 Recreational facility building construction

Phelps County MO 236220 Religious building (e.g., church, synagogue, mosque, temple) construction

Pike County MO 236220 Restaurant construction

Platte County MO 236220 Salon construction

Polk County MO 236220 School building construction

Pulaski County MO 236220 Service station construction

Putnam County MO 236220 Shopping center construction

Ralls County MO 236220 Shopping mall construction

Randolph County MO 236220 Silo construction

Ray County MO 236220 Speculative builders (i.e., building on own land, for sale), commercial and institutional building

Reynolds County MO 236220 Stadium and arena construction

Ripley County MO 236220 Storage elevator construction

St. Charles County MO 236220 Store construction

St. Clair County MO 236220 Swimming facility, indoor, construction

Ste. Genevieve County MO 236220 Television station construction

St. Francois County MO 236220 Tennis court, indoor, construction

St. Louis County MO 236220 Theater construction

Saline County MO 236220 Truck terminal construction

Schuyler County MO 236220 Warehouse construction (e.g., commercial, industrial, manufacturing, private)

Scotland County MO 236220 Warehouse, commercial and institutional, construction

Scott County MO 236220 Warehouse, industrial, construction

Shannon County MO 237110 Aqueduct construction

Shelby County MO 237110 Artesian well construction

Stoddard County MO 237110 Capping of water wells

Stone County MO 237110 Construction management, water and sewage treatment plant

Sullivan County MO 237110 Construction management, water and sewer line

Taney County MO 237110 Distribution line, sewer and water, construction

Texas County MO 237110 Drilling water wells (except water intake wells in oil and gas fields)

Vernon County MO 237110 Fire hydrant installation

Warren County MO 237110 Geothermal drilling

Washington County MO 237110 Hydrant and flushing hydrant installation

Wayne County MO 237110 Irrigation project construction (except lawn)

Webster County MO 237110 Lagoon, sewage treatment construction

Worth County MO 237110 Pumping station, water and sewage system, construction

Wright County MO 237110 Reservoir construction

St. Louis city MO 237110 Sanitary sewer construction

Beaverhead County MT 237110 Sewage collection and disposal line construction

Big Horn County MT 237110 Sewage disposal plant construction

Blaine County MT 237110 Sewage treatment plant construction

Broadwater County MT 237110 Sewer construction

Carbon County MT 237110 Sewer main, pipe and connection, construction

Carter County MT 237110 Storm sewer construction

Cascade County MT 237110 Utility line (i.e., sewer, water), construction

Chouteau County MT 237110 Water desalination plant construction

Custer County MT 237110 Water filtration plant construction

Daniels County MT 237110 Water main and line construction

Dawson County MT 237110 Water pumping or lift station construction

Deer Lodge County MT 237110 Water sampling station installation

Fallon County MT 237110 Water system storage tank and tower construction

Fergus County MT 237110 Water treatment plant construction

Flathead County MT 237110 Water well drilling, digging, boring or sinking (except water intake wells in oil and gas fields)

Gallatin County MT 237110 Water well pump and well piping system installation

Garfield County MT 237120 Compressor, metering and pumping station, gas and oil pipeline, construction

Glacier County MT 237120 Construction management, oil and gas pipeline

Golden Valley County MT 237120 Construction management, oil refinery and petrochemical complex

Granite County MT 237120 Corrosion protection, underground pipeline and oil storage tank

Hill County MT 237120 Distribution line, gas and oil, construction

Jefferson County MT 237120 Gas main construction

Judith Basin County MT 237120 Gathering line, gas and oil field, construction

Lake County MT 237120 Natural gas pipeline construction

Lewis and Clark County MT 237120 Natural gas processing plant construction

Liberty County MT 237120 Oil and gas field distribution line construction

Lincoln County MT 237120 Oil pipeline construction

McCone County MT 237120 Oil refinery construction

Madison County MT 237120 Petrochemical plant construction

Meagher County MT 237120 Petroleum refinery construction

Mineral County MT 237120 Pipe lining (except thermal insulating) contractors

Missoula County MT 237120 Pipeline construction on oil and gas field gathering lines to point of distribution on a contract basis

Musselshell County MT 237120 Pipeline rehabilitation contractors

Park County MT 237120 Pipeline wrapping contractors

Petroleum County MT 237120 Pipeline, gas and oil, construction

Phillips County MT 237120 Pumping station, gas and oil transmission, construction

Pondera County MT 237120 Refinery, petroleum, construction

Powder River County MT 237120 Service line, gas and oil, construction

Powell County MT 237120 Storage tank, natural gas or oil, tank farm or field, construction

Prairie County MT 237130 Alternative energy (e.g., geothermal, ocean wave, solar, wind) structure construction

Ravalli County MT 237130 Cable laying (e.g., cable television, electricity, marine, telephone), including underground

Richland County MT 237130 Cellular phone tower construction

Roosevelt County MT 237130 Co-generation plant construction

Rosebud County MT 237130 Communication antenna construction

Sanders County MT 237130 Communication tower construction

Sheridan County MT 237130 Construction management, power and communication transmission line

Silver Bow County MT 237130 Electric light and power plant (except hydroelectric) construction

Stillwater County MT 237130 Electric power transmission line and tower construction

Sweet Grass County MT 237130 Electricity generating plant (except hydroelectric) construction

Teton County MT 237130 Fiber optic cable transmission line construction

Toole County MT 237130 Microwave relay tower construction

Treasure County MT 237130 Nuclear power plant construction

Valley County MT 237130 Pole line construction

Wheatland County MT 237130 Power line stringing

Wibaux County MT 237130 Power plant (except hydroelectric) construction

Yellowstone County MT 237130 Radio transmitting tower construction

Adams County NE 237130 Satellite receiving station construction

Antelope County NE 237130 Solar power structure construction

Arthur County NE 237130 Substation and switching station, power transmission line, construction

Banner County NE 237130 Telephone line construction

Blaine County NE 237130 Telephone line stringing

Boone County NE 237130 Television transmitting tower construction

Box Butte County NE 237130 Thermal power plant construction

Boyd County NE 237130 Tower, power distribution and communication, construction

Brown County NE 237130 Transformer station and substation, electric power, construction

Buffalo County NE 237130 Transmission and distribution line construction

Burt County NE 237130 Underground cable (e.g., cable television, electricity, telephone) laying

Butler County NE 237130 Utility line (i.e., communication, electric power), construction

Cass County NE 237130 Wind power structure construction

Cedar County NE 237210 Building lot subdividing

Chase County NE 237210 Land (except cemeteries) subdividers

Cherry County NE 237210 Land acquisition, assembling and subdividing

Cheyenne County NE 237210 Land subdividing and utility installation (e.g., electric, sewer and water)

Clay County NE 237210 Preparing and subdividing land for sale

Colfax County NE 237210 Real estate (except cemeteries) subdividers

Cuming County NE 237210 Real property (except cemeteries) subdivision

Custer County NE 237210 Subdividers, real estate

Dakota County NE 237210 Subdividing and preparing land owned by others

Dawes County NE 237210 Subdividing real estate

Dawson County NE 237310 Abutment construction

Deuel County NE 237310 Airport runway construction

Dixon County NE 237310 Airport runway line painting (e.g., striping)

Dodge County NE 237310 Asphalt paving (i.e., highway, road, street, public sidewalk)

Douglas County NE 237310 Bridge approach construction

Dundy County NE 237310 Bridge construction

Fillmore County NE 237310 Bridge decking construction

Franklin County NE 237310 Causeway construction

Frontier County NE 237310 Concrete paving (i.e., highway, road, street, public sidewalk)

Furnas County NE 237310 Construction management, highway, road, street and bridge

Gage County NE 237310 Culverts, highway, road and street, construction

Garden County NE 237310 Curbs and street gutters, highway, road and street, construction

Garfield County NE 237310 Elevated highway construction

Gosper County NE 237310 Grading, highway, road, street and airport runway

Grant County NE 237310 Guardrail construction

Greeley County NE 237310 Highway construction

Hall County NE 237310 Highway line painting

Hamilton County NE 237310 Logging road construction

Harlan County NE 237310 Oil field road construction

Hayes County NE 237310 Overpass construction

Hitchcock County NE 237310 Painting lines on highways, streets and bridges

Holt County NE 237310 Painting traffic lanes or parking lots

Hooker County NE 237310 Parking lot marking and line painting

Howard County NE 237310 Parkway construction

Jefferson County NE 237310 Pavement, highway, road, street, bridge or airport runway, construction

Johnson County NE 237310 Pothole filling, highway, road, street or bridge

Kearney County NE 237310 Repair, highway, road, street, bridge or airport runway

Keith County NE 237310 Resurfacing, highway, road, street, bridge or airport runway

Keya Paha County NE 237310 Road construction

Kimball County NE 237310 Runway, airport, line painting (e.g., striping)

Knox County NE 237310 Sidewalk, public, construction

Lancaster County NE 237310 Sign erection, highway, roads street or bridge

Lincoln County NE 237310 Street construction

Logan County NE 237310 Surfacing, highway, road, street, bridge or airport runway

Loup County NE 237310 Tarring roads

McPherson County NE 237310 Traffic lane painting

Madison County NE 237310 Trestle construction

Merrick County NE 237310 Underpass construction

Morrill County NE 237990 Anchored earth retention contractors

Nance County NE 237990 Athletic field (except stadium) construction

Nemaha County NE 237990 Avalanche, rockslide, or mudslide protection construction

Nuckolls County NE 237990 Breakwater construction

Otoe County NE 237990 Bridle path construction

Pawnee County NE 237990 Bulkhead wall or embarkment construction

Perkins County NE 237990 Caisson (i.e., marine or pneumatic structures) construction

Phelps County NE 237990 Canal construction

Pierce County NE 237990 Channel construction

Platte County NE 237990 Cofferdam construction

Polk County NE 237990 Construction management, dam

Red Willow County NE 237990 Construction management, marine structure

Richardson County NE 237990 Construction management, mass transit

Rock County NE 237990 Construction management, outdoor recreation facility

Saline County NE 237990 Construction management, tunnel

Sarpy County NE 237990 Cribbing (i.e., shore protection), construction

Saunders County NE 237990 Dam construction

Scotts Bluff County NE 237990 Dike and other flood control structure construction

Seward County NE 237990 Dock construction

Sheridan County NE 237990 Drainage canal and ditch construction

Sherman County NE 237990 Drainage project construction

Sioux County NE 237990 Dredging (e.g., canal, channel, ditch, waterway)

Stanton County NE 237990 Drive-in movie facility construction

Thayer County NE 237990 Earth retention system construction

Thomas County NE 237990 Earth-filled dam construction

Thurston County NE 237990 Electricity generating plant, hydroelectric, construction

Valley County NE 237990 Embankment construction

Washington County NE 237990 Farm drainage tile installation

Wayne County NE 237990 Flood control project construction

Webster County NE 237990 Floodway canal and ditch construction

Wheeler County NE 237990 Gabion construction

York County NE 237990 Golf course construction

Churchill County NV 237990 Harbor construction

Clark County NV 237990 Horizontal drilling (e.g., underground cable, pipeline, sewer installation)

Douglas County NV 237990 Hydroelectric generating facility construction

Elko County NV 237990 Ice rink (except indoor) construction

Esmeralda County NV 237990 Jetty construction

Eureka County NV 237990 Land drainage contractors

Humboldt County NV 237990 Levee construction

Lander County NV 237990 Light rail system construction

Lincoln County NV 237990 Lock and waterway construction

Lyon County NV 237990 Marine construction

Mineral County NV 237990 Microtunneling contractors

Nye County NV 237990 Missile facility construction

Pershing County NV 237990 Monorail construction

Storey County NV 237990 Nuclear waste disposal site construction

Washoe County NV 237990 Outdoor recreation facility construction

White Pine County NV 237990 Park and recreational open space improvement construction

Carson City NV 237990 Pier construction

Belknap County NH 237990 Pile driving, marine

Carroll County NH 237990 Pipe-jacking contractors

Cheshire County NH 237990 Play ground construction

Coos County NH 237990 Port facility construction

Grafton County NH 237990 Power plant, hydroelectric, construction

Hillsborough County NH 237990 Railroad construction

Merrimack County NH 237990 Railway construction (e.g., interlocker, roadbed, signal, track)

Rockingham County NH 237990 Railway roadbed construction

Strafford County NH 237990 Recreation area, open space, construction

Sullivan County NH 237990 Recreational vehicle park construction

Atlantic County NJ 237990 Retaining walls, anchored (e.g., with piles, soil nails, tieback anchors), construction

Bergen County NJ 237990 Revetment construction

Burlington County NJ 237990 Riprap installation

Camden County NJ 237990 Rock removal, underwater

Cape May County NJ 237990 Seawall, wave protection, construction

Cumberland County NJ 237990 Sediment control system construction

Essex County NJ 237990 Ski tow construction

Gloucester County NJ 237990 Spillway, floodwater, construction

Hudson County NJ 237990 Sports field construction

Hunterdon County NJ 237990 Streetcar line construction

Mercer County NJ 237990 Subway construction

Middlesex County NJ 237990 Tennis courts, outdoor, construction

Monmouth County NJ 237990 Timber removal, underwater

Morris County NJ 237990 Trail construction

Ocean County NJ 237990 Trenching, underwater

Passaic County NJ 237990 Tunnel construction

Salem County NJ 237990 Wharf construction

Somerset County NJ 238110 Chimney, concrete, construction

Sussex County NJ 238110 Concrete finishing

Union County NJ 238110 Concrete floor surfacing

Warren County NJ 238110 Concrete pouring

Bernalillo County NM 238110 Concrete pumping (i.e., placement)

Catron County NM 238110 Concrete repair

Chaves County NM 238110 Concrete resurfacing

Cibola County NM 238110 Footing and foundation concrete contractors

Colfax County NM 238110 Foundation, building, poured concrete, contractors

Curry County NM 238110 Grouting (i.e., reinforcing with concrete)

DeBaca County NM 238110 Gunite contractors

Dona Ana County NM 238110 Gunning shotcrete

Eddy County NM 238110 Mud-jacking contractors

Grant County NM 238110 Retaining wall (except anchored earth), poured concrete, construction

Guadalupe County NM 238110 Shotcrete contractors

Harding County NM 238120 Balcony, precast concrete, installation

Hidalgo County NM 238120 Concrete product (e.g., structural precast, structural prestressed) installation

Lea County NM 238120 Concrete reinforcement placement

Lincoln County NM 238120 Curtain wall, precast concrete, installation

Los Alamos County NM 238120 Erecting structural steel

Luna County NM 238120 Iron work, structural, contractors

McKinley County NM 238120 Placing and tying reinforcing rod at a construction site

Mora County NM 238120 Precast concrete panel, slab, or form installation

Otero County NM 238120 Prestressed concrete beam, slab or other component installation

Quay County NM 238120 Rebar contractors

Rio Arriba County NM 238120 Reinforcing rod, bar, mesh and cage installation

Roosevelt County NM 238120 Reinforcing steel contractors

Sandoval County NM 238120 Stairway, precast concrete, installation

San Juan County NM 238120 Steel reinforcing contractors

San Miguel County NM 238120 Structural steel erecting or iron work contractors

Santa Fe County NM 238130 Building framing (except structural steel)

Sierra County NM 238130 Carpentry, framing

Socorro County NM 238130 Ceiling beam, wood, installation

Taos County NM 238130 Foundation, building, wood, contractors

Torrance County NM 238130 Framework, house, contractors

Union County NM 238130 Framing contractors

Valencia County NM 238130 House framing

Albany County NY 238130 Permanent wood foundation installation

Allegany County NY 238130 Post framing contractors

Bronx County NY 238130 Prefabricated wood frame component (e.g., trusses) installation

Broome County NY 238130 Roof truss (wood) installation

Cattaraugus County NY 238130 Sheathing, wood, installation

Cayuga County NY 238130 Steel framing contractors

Chautauqua County NY 238130 Stud wall (e.g., wood, steel) installation

Chemung County NY 238130 Wall component (i.e., exterior, interior), prefabricated, installation

Chenango County NY 238130 Wood frame component (e.g., truss) fabrication on site

Clinton County NY 238140 Brick veneer, installation

Columbia County NY 238140 Bricklaying contractors

Cortland County NY 238140 Cement block laying

Delaware County NY 238140 Chimney, brick, block or stone, contractors

Dutchess County NY 238140 Cinder block installation

Erie County NY 238140 Concrete block laying

Essex County NY 238140 Field stone (i.e., masonry) installation

Franklin County NY 238140 Fireplace, masonry, installation

Fulton County NY 238140 Foundation (e.g., brick, block, stone), building, contractors

Genesee County NY 238140 Glass block laying

Greene County NY 238140 Glass unit (i.e., glass block) masonry

Hamilton County NY 238140 Granite, exterior, contractors

Herkimer County NY 238140 Marble, granite and slate, exterior, contractors

Jefferson County NY 238140 Masonry contractors

Kings County NY 238140 Masonry pointing, cleaning or caulking

Lewis County NY 238140 Refractory brick contractors

Livingston County NY 238140 Retaining wall, masonry (i.e., block, brick, stone), construction

Madison County NY 238140 Slate (i.e., masonry) contractors

Monroe County NY 238140 Stonework (i.e., masonry) contractors

Montgomery County NY 238140 Stucco contractors

Nassau County NY 238140 Tuck pointing contractors

New York County NY 238150 Curtain wall, glass, installation

Niagara County NY 238150 Decorative glass and mirror installation

Oneida County NY 238150 Glass cladding (i.e., curtain wall), installation

Onondaga County NY 238150 Glass coating and tinting (except automotive) contractors

Ontario County NY 238150 Glass installation (except automotive) contractors

Orange County NY 238150 Glass partitions, installation

Orleans County NY 238150 Glazing contractors

Oswego County NY 238150 Hermetically sealed window unit, commercial type, installation

Otsego County NY 238150 Mirror installation

Putnam County NY 238150 Stained glass installation

Queens County NY 238150 Window pane or sheet installation

Rensselaer County NY 238160 Asphalt roof shingle installation

Richmond County NY 238160 Copper roofing installation

Rockland County NY 238160 Corrugated metal roofing installation

St. Lawrence County NY 238160 Galvanized iron roofing installation

Saratoga County NY 238160 Low slope roofing installation

Schenectady County NY 238160 Painting, spraying, or coating, roof

Schoharie County NY 238160 Roll roofing installation

Schuyler County NY 238160 Roof membrane installation

Seneca County NY 238160 Roof painting, spraying, or coating

Steuben County NY 238160 Roofing contractors

Suffolk County NY 238160 Roofing, built-up tar and gravel, installation

Sullivan County NY 238160 Shake and shingle, roof, installation

Tioga County NY 238160 Sheet metal roofing installation

Tompkins County NY 238160 Skylight installation

Ulster County NY 238160 Solar reflecting coating, roof, application

Warren County NY 238160 Steep slope roofing installation

Washington County NY 238160 Treating roofs (by spraying, painting or coating)

Wayne County NY 238170 Aluminum siding installation

Westchester County NY 238170 Downspout, gutter, and gutter guard installation

Wyoming County NY 238170 Eavestrough installation

Yates County NY 238170 Fascia and soffit installation

Alamance County NC 238170 Flashing contractors

Alexander County NC 238170 Gutter and downspout contractors

Alleghany County NC 238170 Gutters, seamless roof, formed and installed on site

Anson County NC 238170 Ice apron, roof, installation

Ashe County NC 238170 Metal siding installation

Avery County NC 238170 Siding (e.g., vinyl, wood, aluminum) installation

Beaufort County NC 238170 Siding contractors

Bertie County NC 238170 Vinyl siding, soffit and fascia, installation

Bladen County NC 238170 Wood siding, installation

Brunswick County NC 238190 Awning installation

Buncombe County NC 238190 Balcony, metal, installation

Burke County NC 238190 Cathodic protection, installation

Cabarrus County NC 238190 Concrete form contractors

Caldwell County NC 238190 Curtain wall, metal, installation

Camden County NC 238190 Deck and grate (except roof), metal, installation

Carteret County NC 238190 Decorative steel and wrought iron work installation

Caswell County NC 238190 Epoxy application contractors

Catawba County NC 238190 Erection and dismantling, poured concrete form

Chatham County NC 238190 Falsework construction

Cherokee County NC 238190 Fire escape installation

Chowan County NC 238190 Forming contractor

Clay County NC 238190 Forms for poured concrete, erecting and dismantling

Cleveland County NC 238190 Metal furring contractors

Columbus County NC 238190 Ornamental metal work installation

Craven County NC 238190 Shutter installation

Cumberland County NC 238190 Stairway, metal, installation

Currituck County NC 238190 Store front, metal or metal frame, installation

Dare County NC 238190 Urethane slabjacking contractors

Davidson County NC 238190 Urethane soil stabilization contractors

Davie County NC 238190 Welding, on site, contractors

Duplin County NC 238210 Airport runway lighting contractors

Durham County NC 238210 Alarm system (e.g., fire, burglar), electric, installation only

Edgecombe County NC 238210 Audio equipment installation (except automotive) contractors

Forsyth County NC 238210 Building automation system installation contractors

Franklin County NC 238210 Burglar alarm system, electric, installation only

Gaston County NC 238210 Cable splicing, electrical or fiber optic

Gates County NC 238210 Cable television hookup contractors

Graham County NC 238210 Communication equipment installation

Granville County NC 238210 Computer and network cable installation

Greene County NC 238210 Control system (e.g., environmental, humidity, temperature) installation

Guilford County NC 238210 Electric contracting

Halifax County NC 238210 Electric power control panel and outlet installation

Harnett County NC 238210 Electrical contractors

Haywood County NC 238210 Electrical equipment and appliance installation

Henderson County NC 238210 Electrical wiring contractors

Hertford County NC 238210 Electrical work

Hoke County NC 238210 Electrical, electrical wiring, and low voltage electrical work

Hyde County NC 238210 Electrician

Iredell County NC 238210 Electronic containment fencing for pets, installation

Jackson County NC 238210 Electronic control installation and service

Johnston County NC 238210 Electronic control system installation

Jones County NC 238210 Environmental control system installation

Lee County NC 238210 Fiber optic cable (except transmission lines) installation

Lenoir County NC 238210 Fire alarm system, electric, installation only

Lincoln County NC 238210 Highway, street and bridge lighting and electrical signal installation

McDowell County NC 238210 Home automation system installation

Macon County NC 238210 Home theater installation

Madison County NC 238210 Humidity control system installation

Martin County NC 238210 Installation of photovoltaic panels

Mecklenburg County NC 238210 Intercommunication (intercom) system installation

Mitchell County NC 238210 Lighting system installation

Montgomery County NC 238210 Low voltage electrical work

Moore County NC 238210 Private driveway or parking area lighting contractors

Nash County NC 238210 Public address system installation

New Hanover County NC 238210 Railroad signalling equipment installation

Northampton County NC 238210 Security and fire system, installation only

Onslow County NC 238210 Smoke detection system, installation only

Orange County NC 238210 Snow melting cable, electric, installation

Pamlico County NC 238210 Sound equipment installation

Pasquotank County NC 238210 Surveillance system, installation only

Pender County NC 238210 Telecommunications equipment and wiring (except transmission line) installation contractors

Perquimans County NC 238210 Telephone equipment and building wiring installation

Person County NC 238210 Telephone installation contractors

Pitt County NC 238210 Temperature control system installation

Polk County NC 238210 Traffic signal installation

Randolph County NC 238210 Tunnel lighting contractors

Richmond County NC 238220 Air system balancing and testing

Robeson County NC 238220 Air vent installation

Rockingham County NC 238220 Air-conditioning system (except window) installation

Rowan County NC 238220 Bathroom plumbing fixture and sanitary ware installation

Rutherford County NC 238220 Blower or fan, cooling and dry heating, installation

Sampson County NC 238220 Boiler chipping, cleaning and scaling

Scotland County NC 238220 Boiler, heating, installation

Stanly County NC 238220 Central air-conditioning equipment installation

Stokes County NC 238220 Central cooling equipment and piping installation

Surry County NC 238220 Central heating equipment and piping installation

Swain County NC 238220 Chilled water system installation

Transylvania County NC 238220 Chimney liner installation

Tyrrell County NC 238220 Commercial freezer installation

Union County NC 238220 Commercial refrigeration system installation

Vance County NC 238220 Cooling tower installation

Wake County NC 238220 Drain, waste and vent system installation

Warren County NC 238220 Drinking fountain installation

Washington County NC 238220 Dry heating equipment installation

Watauga County NC 238220 Duct work (e.g., cooling, dust collection, exhaust, heating, ventilation) installation

Wayne County NC 238220 Dust collecting and bag house equipment installation

Wilkes County NC 238220 Exhaust system (e.g., kitchens, industrial work areas) installation

Wilson County NC 238220 Fire sprinkler system installation

Yadkin County NC 238220 Fireplace, natural gas, installation

Yancey County NC 238220 Fuel oil burner installation

Adams County ND 238220 Furnace conversion (i.e., from one fuel to another)

Barnes County ND 238220 Furnace humidifier installation

Benson County ND 238220 Furnace installation

Billings County ND 238220 Furnace, forced air, installation

Bottineau County ND 238220 Gas fitting contractor

Bowman County ND 238220 Gas line installation, individual hookup, contractors

Burke County ND 238220 Heat pump installation

Burleigh County ND 238220 Heating and cooling duct work installation

Cass County ND 238220 Heating and ventilation system component (e.g., air registers, diffusers, filters, grilles, sound attenuators) installation

Cavalier County ND 238220 Heating boiler installation

Dickey County ND 238220 Heating contractors

Divide County ND 238220 Heating equipment installation

Dunn County ND 238220 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) contractors

Eddy County ND 238220 Hot water heating system installation

Emmons County ND 238220 Hot water tank installation

Foster County ND 238220 Household oil storage tank installation

Golden Valley County ND 238220 HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) contractors

Grand Forks County ND 238220 Hydronic heating system installation

Grant County ND 238220 Industrial process piping installation

Griggs County ND 238220 Kitchen sink and hardware installation

Hettinger County ND 238220 Lawn sprinkler system installation

Kidder County ND 238220 Mechanical contractors

LaMoure County ND 238220 Natural gas piping installation

Logan County ND 238220 Oil burner installation

McHenry County ND 238220 Pipe fitting contractors

McIntosh County ND 238220 Plumbers

McKenzie County ND 238220 Plumbing and heating contractors

McLean County ND 238220 Plumbing contractors

Mercer County ND 238220 Plumbing fixture installation

Morton County ND 238220 Process piping installation

Mountrail County ND 238220 Pumping system, water, installation

Nelson County ND 238220 Radiant floor heating equipment installation

Oliver County ND 238220 Refrigeration system (e.g., commercial, industrial, scientific) installation

Pembina County ND 238220 Sanitary ware installation

Pierce County ND 238220 Scrubber, air purification, installation

Ramsey County ND 238220 Sewer hook-up and connection, building

Ransom County ND 238220 Sheet metal duct work installation

Renville County ND 238220 Snow melting system (e.g., hot water, glycol) installation

Richland County ND 238220 Solar heating equipment installation

Rolette County ND 238220 Sprinkler system, building, installation

Sargent County ND 238220 Steam fitting contractors

Sheridan County ND 238220 Sump pump installation

Sioux County ND 238220 Ventilating contractors

Slope County ND 238220 Warehouse refrigeration system installation

Stark County ND 238220 Warm air heating system installation

Steele County ND 238220 Water heater installation

Stutsman County ND 238220 Water meter installation

Towner County ND 238220 Water softener installation

Traill County ND 238220 Water system balancing and testing contractors

Walsh County ND 238290 Antenna, household-type, installation

Ward County ND 238290 ATMs (automatic teller machines) installation

Wells County ND 238290 Automated and revolving door installation

Williams County ND 238290 Automatic gate (e.g., garage, parking lot) installation

Adams County OH 238290 Boiler and pipe insulation installation

Allen County OH 238290 Boiler covering installation

Ashland County OH 238290 Bowling alley equipment installation

Ashtabula County OH 238290 Church bell and tower clock installation

Athens County OH 238290 Commercial kitchen food preparation equipment (e.g., mixers, ovens, stoves) installation

Auglaize County OH 238290 Commercial-type door installation

Belmont County OH 238290 Conveyor system installation

Brown County OH 238290 Deodorization (i.e., air filtration) system installation

Butler County OH 238290 Dismantling large-scale machinery and equipment

Carroll County OH 238290 Door, commercial- or industrial-type, installation

Champaign County OH 238290 Duct insulation installation

Clark County OH 238290 Dumbwaiter installation

Clermont County OH 238290 Elevator installation

Clinton County OH 238290 Escalator installation

Columbiana County OH 238290 Garage door, commercial- or industrial-type, installation

Coshocton County OH 238290 Gasoline pump, service station, installation

Crawford County OH 238290 Hoisting and placement of large-scale apparatus

Cuyahoga County OH 238290 Incinerators, building equipment type, installation

Darke County OH 238290 Insulation, boiler, duct and pipe, installation

Defiance County OH 238290 Lightning protection equipment (e.g., lightning rod) installation

Delaware County OH 238290 Lightning rod and conductor installation

Erie County OH 238290 Machine rigging

Fairfield County OH 238290 Machinery and equipment, large-scale, installation

Fayette County OH 238290 Materials handling equipment installation

Franklin County OH 238290 Mechanical equipment insulation

Fulton County OH 238290 Millwrights

Gallia County OH 238290 Motor vehicle garage and service station mechanical equipment (e.g., gasoline pumps, hoists) installation

Geauga County OH 238290 Moving sidewalk installation

Greene County OH 238290 Overhead door, commercial- or industrial-type, installation

Guernsey County OH 238290 Pipe covering

Hamilton County OH 238290 Pipe, duct and boiler insulation

Hancock County OH 238290 Pneumatic tube conveyor system installation

Hardin County OH 238290 Power boiler, installation only

Harrison County OH 238290 Power generating equipment installation

Henry County OH 238290 Revolving door installation

Highland County OH 238290 Rigging large-scale equipment

Hocking County OH 238290 Rubber door installation

Holmes County OH 238290 Satellite dish, household-type, installation

Huron County OH 238290 Vacuum cleaning system, built-in, installation

Jackson County OH 238290 Vault, safe and banking machine installation

Jefferson County OH 238290 Vehicle lift installation

Knox County OH 238290 Vending machine installation

Lake County OH 238290 Water pipe insulating

Lawrence County OH 238310 Acoustical ceiling tile and panel installation

Licking County OH 238310 Acoustical foam (i.e., sound barrier) installation

Logan County OH 238310 Attic space insulating

Lorain County OH 238310 Blown-in insulation (e.g., cellulose, vermiculite) installation

Lucas County OH 238310 Building fireproofing contractors

Madison County OH 238310 Building insulation contractors

Mahoning County OH 238310 Ceiling tile installation

Marion County OH 238310 Cellulosic fiber insulation installation

Medina County OH 238310 Drop ceiling installation

Meigs County OH 238310 Drywall contractors

Mercer County OH 238310 Drywall finishing (e.g., sanding, spackling, stippling, taping, texturing)

Miami County OH 238310 Drywall hanging

Monroe County OH 238310 Drywall installation

Montgomery County OH 238310 Exterior insulation finish system installation

Morgan County OH 238310 Fabric wall system, noise insulating, installation

Morrow County OH 238310 Finishing drywall contractors

Muskingum County OH 238310 Fireproof flooring installation

Noble County OH 238310 Fireproofing buildings

Ottawa County OH 238310 Firestop contractors

Paulding County OH 238310 Foam insulation installation

Perry County OH 238310 Fresco (i.e., decorative plaster finishing) contractors

Pickaway County OH 238310 Glass fiber insulation installation

Pike County OH 238310 Gypsum board installation

Portage County OH 238310 Insulation contractors

Preble County OH 238310 Lathing contractors

Putnam County OH 238310 Mineral wool insulation installation

Richland County OH 238310 Panel or rigid board insulation installation

Ross County OH 238310 Plastering (i.e., ornamental, plain) contractors

Sandusky County OH 238310 Polystyrene board insulation installation

Scioto County OH 238310 Roof insulation contractor

Seneca County OH 238310 Soundproofing contractors

Shelby County OH 238310 Styrofoam insulation installation

Stark County OH 238310 Suspended ceiling installation

Summit County OH 238310 Taping and finishing drywall

Trumbull County OH 238310 Urethane foam insulation application

Tuscarawas County OH 238310 Wall cavity and attic space insulation installation

Union County OH 238320 Bridge painting

Van Wert County OH 238320 Electrostatic painting, on site, contractors

Vinton County OH 238320 Engineering structure (e.g., oil storage tank, water tower) painting

Warren County OH 238320 House painting

Washington County OH 238320 Paint and wallpaper stripping

Wayne County OH 238320 Painting (except roof) contractors

Williams County OH 238320 Painting and wallpapering

Wood County OH 238320 Paperhanging and removal contractors

Wyandot County OH 238320 Paperhanging or removal contractors

Adair County OK 238320 Rustproofing (except automotive)

Alfalfa County OK 238320 Ship painting contractors

Atoka County OK 238320 Wall covering or removal contractors

Beaver County OK 238320 Wallpaper hanging and removal contractors

Beckham County OK 238320 Wallpaper stripping

Blaine County OK 238320 Whitewashing contractors

Bryan County OK 238330 Access flooring installation

Caddo County OK 238330 Asphalt flooring, installation only

Canadian County OK 238330 Carpet, installation only

Carter County OK 238330 Computer flooring installation

Cherokee County OK 238330 Floor laying, scraping, finishing and refinishing

Choctaw County OK 238330 Floor tile and sheets, installation only

Cimarron County OK 238330 Hardwood flooring, installation only

Cleveland County OK 238330 Linoleum, installation only

Coal County OK 238330 Parquet flooring installation

Comanche County OK 238330 Resilient floor tile or sheet (e.g., linoleum, rubber, vinyl), installation only

Cotton County OK 238330 Resurfacing hardwood flooring

Craig County OK 238330 Vinyl flooring contractors

Creek County OK 238330 Wood floor finishing (e.g., coating, sanding)

Custer County OK 238330 Wood flooring, installation only

Delaware County OK 238340 Ceramic tile installation

Dewey County OK 238340 Granite, interior, installation

Ellis County OK 238340 Mantel, marble or stone, installation

Garfield County OK 238340 Marble, granite and slate, interior, contractors

Garvin County OK 238340 Mosaic work

Grady County OK 238340 Slate, interior, installation

Grant County OK 238340 Stone flooring installation

Greer County OK 238340 Terrazzo and tile refinishing

Harmon County OK 238340 Terrazzo contractors

Harper County OK 238340 Tile (except resilient) contractors

Haskell County OK 238340 Tile (except resilient) laying and setting

Hughes County OK 238350 Aluminum door and window, residential-type, installation

Jackson County OK 238350 Built-in wood cabinets constructed on site

Jefferson County OK 238350 Cabinet work performed at the construction site

Johnston County OK 238350 Cabinetry work performed at the construction site

Kay County OK 238350 Cabinets, wood built-in, constructed on site

Kingfisher County OK 238350 Carpenters (except framing)

Kiowa County OK 238350 Carpentry work (except framing)

Latimer County OK 238350 Counter top, residential-type, installation

Le Flore County OK 238350 Deck construction, residential-type

Lincoln County OK 238350 Door and window frame construction

Logan County OK 238350 Door and window, prefabricated, installation

Love County OK 238350 Door, folding, installation

McClain County OK 238350 Finish carpentry

McCurtain County OK 238350 Garage door, residential-type, installation

McIntosh County OK 238350 Hermetically sealed window unit, residential-type, installation

Major County OK 238350 Kitchen cabinets and counters, constructed on site

Marshall County OK 238350 Millwork installation

Mayes County OK 238350 Molding or trim, wood or plastic, installation

Murray County OK 238350 Overhead door, residential-type, installation

Muskogee County OK 238350 Paneling installation

Noble County OK 238350 Prefabricated kitchen and bath cabinet, residential-type, installation

Nowata County OK 238350 Prefabricated sash and door installation

Okfuskee County OK 238350 Shelving, wood, constructed on site

Oklahoma County OK 238350 Ship joinery contractors

Okmulgee County OK 238350 Stairway, wood, installation

Osage County OK 238350 Trim and finish carpentry contractors

Ottawa County OK 238350 Window and door (residential-type) of any material, prefabricated, installation

Pawnee County OK 238350 Window installation

Payne County OK 238350 Window, metal-frame residential-type, installation

Pittsburg County OK 238350 Window, wood, installation

Pontotoc County OK 238390 Bath tub refinishing on site

Pottawatomie County OK 238390 Bleacher installation

Pushmataha County OK 238390 Building fixture and fitting (except mechanical equipment) installation

Roger Mills County OK 238390 Caulking (i.e., waterproofing) contractors

Rogers County OK 238390 Ceiling, metal, installation

Seminole County OK 238390 Closet organizer system installation

Sequoyah County OK 238390 Coating concrete structures with plastics

Stephens County OK 238390 Concrete coating, glazing or sealing

Texas County OK 238390 Countertop and cabinet, metal (except residential-type), installation

Tillman County OK 238390 Dampproofing contractors

Tulsa County OK 238390 Drapery fixture (e.g., hardware, rods, tracks) installation

Wagoner County OK 238390 Fabrication, metal cabinet or countertop, on site

Washington County OK 238390 Foundation dampproofing (including installing rigid foam insulation)

Washita County OK 238390 Laboratory furniture and equipment installation

Woods County OK 238390 Lead lining walls for x-ray room contractors

Woodward County OK 238390 Modular furniture system attachment and installation

Baker County OR 238390 Office furniture, modular system, installation

Benton County OR 238390 Panel, metal, installation

Clackamas County OR 238390 Partition (e.g., office, washroom), metal, installation

Clatsop County OR 238390 Partition, moveable and/or demountable, installation

Columbia County OR 238390 Shelving, metal, constructed on site

Coos County OR 238390 Spectator seating installation

Crook County OR 238390 Trade show exhibit installation and dismantling contractors

Curry County OR 238390 Ventilated wire shelving (i.e., closet organizing-type) installation

Deschutes County OR 238390 Vibration isolation contractors

Douglas County OR 238390 Waterproofing contractors

Gilliam County OR 238390 Weather stripping installation

Grant County OR 238390 Weatherproofing concrete

Harney County OR 238390 Window shade and blind installation

Hood River County OR 238910 Aerial or picker truck, construction, rental with operator

Jackson County OR 238910 Backfilling, construction

Jefferson County OR 238910 Backhoe rental with operator

Josephine County OR 238910 Blast hole drilling (except mining)

Klamath County OR 238910 Blasting, building demolition

Lake County OR 238910 Blasting, construction site

Lane County OR 238910 Boring, for building construction

Lincoln County OR 238910 Building demolition

Linn County OR 238910 Bulldozer rental with operator

Malheur County OR 238910 Caisson (i.e., drilled building foundations) construction

Marion County OR 238910 Cesspool construction

Morrow County OR 238910 Concrete breaking and cutting for demolition

Multnomah County OR 238910 Construction equipment (except crane) rental with operator

Polk County OR 238910 Core drilling and test boring for construction

Sherman County OR 238910 Crawler tractor rental with operator

Tillamook County OR 238910 Cutting new rights of way

Umatilla County OR 238910 Demolition contractor

Union County OR 238910 Demolition, building and structure

Wallowa County OR 238910 Dewatering contractors

Wasco County OR 238910 Digging foundations

Washington County OR 238910 Dirt moving for construction

Wheeler County OR 238910 Dismantling engineering structures (e.g., oil storage tank)

Yamhill County OR 238910 Drainage system (e.g., cesspool, septic tank) installation

Adams County PA 238910 Drilled pier (i.e., for building foundations) contractors

Allegheny County PA 238910 Drilled shaft (i.e., drilled building foundations) construction

Armstrong County PA 238910 Dry well construction

Beaver County PA 238910 Equipment rental (except crane), construction, with operator

Bedford County PA 238910 Excavating, earthmoving or land clearing, mining (except overburden removal at open pit mine sites or quarries)

Berks County PA 238910 Excavating, earthmoving, or land clearing contractors

Blair County PA 238910 Excavation contractors

Bradford County PA 238910 Foundation digging (i.e., excavation)

Bucks County PA 238910 Foundation drilling contractors

Butler County PA 238910 Grading construction sites

Cambria County PA 238910 Grave excavation contractors

Cameron County PA 238910 Ground thawing for construction site digging

Carbon County PA 238910 House demolishing

Centre County PA 238910 House razing

Chester County PA 238910 Hydrodemolition (i.e., demolition with pressurized water) contractors

Clarion County PA 238910 Land clearing

Clearfield County PA 238910 Land leveling contractors

Clinton County PA 238910 Line slashing or cutting (except maintenance)

Columbia County PA 238910 Machinery, construction (except cranes), rental with operator

Crawford County PA 238910 Mine site preparation and related construction activities, construction contractors

Cumberland County PA 238910 Pile driving, building foundation

Dauphin County PA 238910 Piling (i.e., bored, cast-in-place, drilled), building foundation, contractors

Delaware County PA 238910 Power shovel, construction, rental with operator

Elk County PA 238910 Power, communication and pipe line right of way clearance (except maintenance)

Erie County PA 238910 Right of way cutting (except maintenance)

Fayette County PA 238910 Septic system contractors

Forest County PA 238910 Septic tank and weeping tile installation

Franklin County PA 238910 Soil compacting

Fulton County PA 238910 Soil test drilling

Greene County PA 238910 Test boring for construction

Huntingdon County PA 238910 Trenching (except underwater)

Indiana County PA 238910 Underground tank (except hazardous material) removal

Jefferson County PA 238910 Weeping tile installation

Juniata County PA 238910 Wrecking, building or other structure

Lackawanna County PA 238990 Artificial turf installation

Lancaster County PA 238990 Asphalt coating and sealing, residential and commercial parking lot and driveway

Lawrence County PA 238990 Asphalting, residential and commercial driveway and parking area

Lebanon County PA 238990 Billboard erection

Lehigh County PA 238990 Blacktop work, residential and commercial driveway and parking area

Luzerne County PA 238990 Boat lift installation

Lycoming County PA 238990 Brick driveway contractors

Mc Kean County PA 238990 Brick paver (e.g., driveways, patios, sidewalks) installation

Mercer County PA 238990 Cable splicing (except electrical or fiber optic)

Mifflin County PA 238990 Chain link fence installation

Monroe County PA 238990 Cleaning building interiors during and immediately after construction

Montgomery County PA 238990 Cleaning new building interiors immediately after construction

Montour County PA 238990 Concrete patio construction

Northampton County PA 238990 Concrete paving, residential and commercial driveway and parking area

Northumberland County PA 238990 Concrete sawing and drilling (except demolition)

Perry County PA 238990 Construction elevator (i.e., temporary use during construction) erection and dismantling

Philadelphia County PA 238990 Crane rental with operator

Pike County PA 238990 Culvert, concrete, residential and commercial paved area

Potter County PA 238990 Curb and gutter construction, residential and commercial driveway and parking area, concrete

Schuylkill County PA 238990 Driveway paving or sealing

Snyder County PA 238990 Fence installation (except electronic containment fencing for pets)

Somerset County PA 238990 Fencing contractors (except electronic containment fencing for pets)

Sullivan County PA 238990 Flagpole installation

Susquehanna County PA 238990 House moving (i.e., raising from one site, moving, and placing on a new foundation)

Tioga County PA 238990 Interlocking brick and block installation

Union County PA 238990 Mail box units, outdoor, multiple box-type, erection

Venango County PA 238990 Manufactured (mobile) home set up and tie down

Warren County PA 238990 Parking lot paving and sealing

Washington County PA 238990 Patio construction

Wayne County PA 238990 Paver, brick (e.g., driveway, patio, sidewalk), installation

Westmoreland County PA 238990 Paving, residential and commercial driveway and parking lot

Wyoming County PA 238990 Playground equipment installation

York County PA 238990 Pole (e.g., telephone) removal

Bristol County RI 238990 Posthole digging

Kent County RI 238990 Radon gas alleviation contractors

Newport County RI 238990 Safety net system, erecting and dismantling at construction site

Providence County RI 238990 Sandblasting, building exterior

Washington County RI 238990 Scaffold erecting and dismantling

Abbeville County SC 238990 Shoring, construction

Aiken County SC 238990 Sidewalk construction, residential and commercial

Allendale County SC 238990 Sign (except on highways, streets, bridges and tunnels) erection

Anderson County SC 238990 Sign, building, erection

Bamberg County SC 238990 Statue erection

Barnwell County SC 238990 Steeplejack work

Beaufort County SC 238990 Street, interlocking brick (i.e., not mortared), installation

Berkeley County SC 238990 Swimming pool screen enclosure construction

Calhoun County SC 238990 Swimming pool, outdoor, construction

Charleston County SC 238990 Tank lining contractors

Cherokee County SC 238990 Turf, artificial, installation

Chester County SC 238990 Underpinning, construction

Chesterfield County SC 311111 Animal feed mills, dog and cat, manufacturing

Clarendon County SC 311111 Animal feeds, prepared, dog and cat, manufacturing

Colleton County SC 311111 Cat food manufacturing

Darlington County SC 311111 Dog and cat food (e.g., canned, dry, frozen, semimoist), manufacturing

Dillon County SC 311111 Dog food manufacturing

Dorchester County SC 311111 Feed supplements, dog and cat, manufacturing

Edgefield County SC 311111 Feeds, prepared for dog and cat, manufacturing

Fairfield County SC 311111 Horsemeat, processing, for dog and cat food

Florence County SC 311111 Meat canning, dog and cat, pet food, made from purchased carcasses

Georgetown County SC 311111 Meat products, dog and cat, pet food, canning, made from purchased carcasses

Greenville County SC 311111 Pet food, dog and cat, manufacturing

Greenwood County SC 311119 Alfalfa meal, dehydrated, manufacturing

Hampton County SC 311119 Alfalfa prepared as feed for animals

Horry County SC 311119 Alfalfa, cubed, manufacturing

Jasper County SC 311119 Animal feed mills (except dog and cat) manufacturing

Kershaw County SC 311119 Animal feeds, prepared (except dog and cat), manufacturing

Lancaster County SC 311119 Barley feed, chopped, crushed or ground, manufacturing

Laurens County SC 311119 Bird feed, prepared, manufacturing

Lee County SC 311119 Blending animal feed

Lexington County SC 311119 Bone meal prepared as feed for animals and fowls

McCormick County SC 311119 Cattle feeds, supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing

Marion County SC 311119 Chicken feeds, prepared, manufacturing

Marlboro County SC 311119 Citrus pulp, cattle feed, manufacturing

Newberry County SC 311119 Complete feed, livestock, manufacturing

Oconee County SC 311119 Custom milling of animal feed

Orangeburg County SC 311119 Dairy cattle feeds supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing

Pickens County SC 311119 Earthworm food and bedding manufacturing

Richland County SC 311119 Feed concentrates, animal, manufacturing

Saluda County SC 311119 Feed premixes, animal, manufacturing

Spartanburg County SC 311119 Feed supplements, animal (except cat, dog), manufacturing

Sumter County SC 311119 Feeds, prepared, for animals (except cat, dog) manufacturing

Union County SC 311119 Feeds, specialty (e.g., guinea pig, mice, mink), manufacturing

Williamsburg County SC 311119 Fish food for feeding fish manufacturing

York County SC 311119 Grain grinding, custom, for animal feed

Aurora County SD 311119 Grain mills, animal feed

Beadle County SD 311119 Hay, cubed, manufacturing

Bennett County SD 311119 Kelp meal and pellets, animal feed manufacturing

Bon Homme County SD 311119 Laboratory animal feed manufacturing

Brookings County SD 311119 Livestock feeds, supplements, concentrates and premixes, manufacturing

Brown County SD 311119 Meal, alfalfa, manufacturing

Brule County SD 311119 Meal, bone, prepared as feed for animals and fowls, manufacturing

Buffalo County SD 311119 Micro and macro premixes, livestock, manufacturing

Butte County SD 311119 Mineral feed supplements (except cat, dog) manufacturing

Campbell County SD 311119 Mineral supplements, animal (except cat, dog), manufacturing

Charles Mix County SD 311119 Mobile feed mill

Clark County SD 311119 Pet food (except cat, dog) manufacturing

Clay County SD 311119 Poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates manufacturing

Codington County SD 311119 Rabbit food manufacturing

Corson County SD 311119 Shell crushing and grinding for animal feed

Custer County SD 311119 Shell crushing for feed

Davison County SD 311119 Swine feed, complete, manufacturing

Day County SD 311119 Swine feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing

Deuel County SD 311119 Turkey feeds, prepared, manufacturing

Dewey County SD 311211 Barley flour manufacturing

Douglas County SD 311211 Batters, prepared, made in flour mills

Edmunds County SD 311211 Blended flour made in flour mills

Fall River County SD 311211 Brewers' and distillers' flakes and grits, corn, manufacturing

Faulk County SD 311211 Buckwheat flour manufacturing

Grant County SD 311211 Bulgur (flour) manufacturing

Gregory County SD 311211 Cereal grain flour manufacturing

Haakon County SD 311211 Cereal grain germ manufacturing

Hamlin County SD 311211 Corn flour manufacturing

Hand County SD 311211 Corn meal made in flour mills

Hanson County SD 311211 Doughs, prepared, made in flour mills

Harding County SD 311211 Durum flour manufacturing

Hughes County SD 311211 Farina (except breakfast food) made in flour mills

Hutchinson County SD 311211 Flour mills, cereals grains (except breakfast cereals, rice)

Hyde County SD 311211 Flour mixes made in flour mills

Jackson County SD 311211 Flour, blended, prepared, or self-rising (except rice), made in flour mills

Jerauld County SD 311211 Fruit flour, meal, and powders, manufacturing

Jones County SD 311211 Graham flour manufacturing

Kingsbury County SD 311211 Grain mills (except animal feed, breakfast cereal, rice)

Lake County SD 311211 Grits and flakes, corn brewer's, manufacturing

Lawrence County SD 311211 Hominy grits (except breakfast food), manufacturing

Lincoln County SD 311211 Meal, corn, for human consumption made in flour mills

Lyman County SD 311211 Mixes, flour (e.g., biscuit, cake, doughnut, pancake) made in flour mills

McCook County SD 311211 Oat flour manufacturing

McPherson County SD 311211 Potato flour manufacturing

Marshall County SD 311211 Prepared flour mixes made in flour mills

Meade County SD 311211 Rye flour manufacturing

Mellette County SD 311211 Semolina flour manufacturing

Miner County SD 311211 Sorghum flour manufacturing

Minnehaha County SD 311211 Vegetable flour manufacturing

Moody County SD 311211 Vegetable flour, meal, and powders, made in flour mills

Pennington County SD 311211 Wheat bran manufacturing

Perkins County SD 311211 Wheat flour manufacturing

Potter County SD 311211 Wheat germ manufacturing

Roberts County SD 311212 Bran and other residues of milling rice

Sanborn County SD 311212 Brewers' rice manufacturing

Shannon County SD 311212 Cleaning and polishing rice

Spink County SD 311212 Flour, rice, manufacturing

Stanley County SD 311212 Grain mills, rice

Sully County SD 311212 Head rice manufacturing

Todd County SD 311212 Milling rice

Tripp County SD 311212 Polished rice manufacturing

Turner County SD 311212 Rice bran, flour, and meals, manufacturing

Union County SD 311212 Rice cleaning and polishing

Walworth County SD 311212 Rice flour manufacturing

Yankton County SD 311212 Rice meal manufacturing

Ziebach County SD 311212 Rice milling

Anderson County TN 311212 Rice mixes (i.e., uncooked and packaged with other ingredients) made in rice mills

Bedford County TN 311212 Rice, brewer's, manufacturing

Benton County TN 311212 Rice, brown, manufacturing

Bledsoe County TN 311213 Barley, malt, manufacturing

Blount County TN 311213 Brewers' malt manufacturing

Bradley County TN 311213 Corn, malt, manufacturing

Campbell County TN 311213 Distiller's malt manufacturing

Cannon County TN 311213 Flour, malt, manufacturing

Carroll County TN 311213 Malt flour manufacturing

Carter County TN 311213 Malt manufacturing

Cheatham County TN 311213 Malt sprouts manufacturing

Chester County TN 311213 Malting (germinating and drying grains)

Claiborne County TN 311213 Rice malt manufacturing

Clay County TN 311213 Rye malt manufacturing

Cocke County TN 311213 Wheat malt manufacturing

Coffee County TN 311221 Corn dextrin manufacturing

Crockett County TN 311221 Corn gluten feed manufacturing

Cumberland County TN 311221 Corn gluten meal manufacturing

Davidson County TN 311221 Corn oil cake and meal manufacturing

Decatur County TN 311221 Corn oil mills

DeKalb County TN 311221 Corn oil, crude and refined, made by wet milling corn

Dickson County TN 311221 Corn starch manufacturing

Dyer County TN 311221 Corn sweeteners (e.g., dextrose, fructose, glucose) made by wet milling corn

Fayette County TN 311221 Crude corn oil manufacturing

Fentress County TN 311221 Dextrin made by wet milling corn

Franklin County TN 311221 Gluten feed, flour, and meal, made by wet milling corn

Gibson County TN 311221 Gluten manufacturing

Giles County TN 311221 HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) manufacturing

Grainger County TN 311221 High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) manufacturing

Greene County TN 311221 Maltodextrins manufacturing

Grundy County TN 311221 Margarine and other corn oils made by wet milling corn

Hamblen County TN 311221 Oil, corn crude and refined, made by wet milling corn

Hamilton County TN 311221 Potato starches manufacturing

Hancock County TN 311221 Rice starches manufacturing

Hardeman County TN 311221 Root starches manufacturing

Hardin County TN 311221 Starches (except laundry) manufacturing

Hawkins County TN 311221 Steepwater concentrate manufacturing

Haywood County TN 311221 Sugar made by wet milling corn

Henderson County TN 311221 Syrup, corn, made by wet milling

Henry County TN 311221 Table oil, corn, made by wet milling

Hickman County TN 311221 Tapioca manufacturing

Houston County TN 311221 Vegetable starches manufacturing

Humphreys County TN 311221 Wet milling corn and other vegetables

Jackson County TN 311224 Canola (rapeseed) oil, cake and meal, made in crushing mills

Jefferson County TN 311224 Castor oil and pomace made in crushing mills

Johnson County TN 311224 Coconut oil made in crushing mills

Knox County TN 311224 Cottonseed oil, cake and meal, made in crushing mills

Lake County TN 311224 Flaxseed oil made in crushing mills

Lauderdale County TN 311224 Lecithin, cottonseed, made in crushing mills

Lawrence County TN 311224 Lecithin, soybean, made in crushing mills

Lewis County TN 311224 Linseed oil, cake and meal, made in crushing mills

Lincoln County TN 311224 Olive oil made in crushing mills

Loudon County TN 311224 Palm-kernel oil, cake, and meal made in crushing mills

McMinn County TN 311224 Peanut cake, meal, and oil made in crushing mills

McNairy County TN 311224 Rapeseed (i.e., canola) oil made in crushing mills

Macon County TN 311224 Safflower oil made in crushing mills

Madison County TN 311224 Shortening made in crushing mills

Marion County TN 311224 Soybean cakes and meal manufacturing

Marshall County TN 311224 Soybean flour and grits manufacturing

Maury County TN 311224 Soybean millfeed made in oil mills

Meigs County TN 311224 Soybean oil mills

Monroe County TN 311224 Soybean oil, cake, and meal, made in crushing mills

Montgomery County TN 311224 Soybean oil, crude, manufacturing

Moore County TN 311224 Soybean oil, deodorized, made in oil mills

Morgan County TN 311224 Soybean oil, refined, made in crushing mills

Obion County TN 311224 Soybean protein concentrates made in crushing mills

Overton County TN 311224 Soybean protein isolates made in crushing mills

Perry County TN 311224 Sunflower seed oil, cake and meal, made in crushing mills

Pickett County TN 311224 Tree nut oils (e.g., tung, walnut) made in crushing mill

Polk County TN 311224 Vegetable oils made in crushing mills

Putnam County TN 311225 Canola (rapeseed) oil, cake and meal, made from purchased oils

Rhea County TN 311225 Coconut oil made from purchased oils

Roane County TN 311225 Corn oil made from purchased oils

Robertson County TN 311225 Cottonseed oil made from purchased oils

Rutherford County TN 311225 Flaxseed oil made from purchased oils

Scott County TN 311225 Grease, inedible, animal and vegetable, refining and blending purchased oils

Sequatchie County TN 311225 Hydrogenating purchased oil

Sevier County TN 311225 Lecithin made from purchased oils

Shelby County TN 311225 Linseed oil made from purchased oils

Smith County TN 311225 Margarine-butter blend made from purchased fats and oils

Stewart County TN 311225 Margarines (including imitation) made from purchased fats and oils

Sullivan County TN 311225 Oil, olive, made from purchased oils

Sumner County TN 311225 Oil, vegetable stearin, made from purchased oils

Tipton County TN 311225 Olive oil made from purchased oils

Trousdale County TN 311225 Palm-kernel oil made from purchased oils

Unicoi County TN 311225 Peanut oil made from purchased oils

Union County TN 311225 Rapeseed (i.e., canola) oil made from purchased oils

Van Buren County TN 311225 Safflower oil made from purchased oils

Warren County TN 311225 Shortening made from purchased fats and oils

Washington County TN 311225 Soybean cooking oil made from purchased oils

Wayne County TN 311225 Table oil made from purchased oils

Weakley County TN 311225 Tree nut oils (e.g., tung, walnut) made from purchased oils

White County TN 311225 Vegetable oils made from purchased oils

Williamson County TN 311230 Breakfast cereals manufacturing

Wilson County TN 311230 Corn breakfast foods manufacturing

Anderson County TX 311230 Farina, breakfast cereal, manufacturing

Andrews County TX 311230 Flour mills, breakfast cereal, manufacturing

Angelina County TX 311230 Grain mills, breakfast cereal

Aransas County TX 311230 Grain, breakfast cereal, manufacturing

Archer County TX 311230 Granola, cereal (except bars and clusters), manufacturing

Armstrong County TX 311230 Hominy grits, prepared as cereal breakfast food, manufacturing

Atascosa County TX 311230 Infant cereals, dry, manufacturing

Austin County TX 311230 Instant hot cereals manufacturing

Bailey County TX 311230 Mix grain breakfast manufacturing

Bandera County TX 311230 Oatmeal (i.e., cereal breakfast food) manufacturing

Bastrop County TX 311230 Oats, breakfast cereal, manufacturing

Baylor County TX 311230 Oats, rolled (i.e., cereal breakfast food), manufacturing

Bee County TX 311230 Rice breakfast foods manufacturing

Bell County TX 311230 Wheat breakfast cereal manufacturing

Bexar County TX 311313 Beet pulp, dried, manufacturing

Blanco County TX 311313 Beet sugar refining

Borden County TX 311313 Brown beet sugar refining

Bosque County TX 311313 Brown sugar made from beet sugar

Bowie County TX 311313 Confectioner's beet sugar manufacturing

Brazoria County TX 311313 Granulated beet sugar manufacturing

Brazos County TX 311313 Liquid beet syrup manufacturing

Brewster County TX 311313 Liquid sugar made from beet sugar

Briscoe County TX 311313 Molasses made from sugar beets

Brooks County TX 311313 Raw beet sugar manufacturing

Brown County TX 311313 Sugar, confectionery, made from sugar beets

Burleson County TX 311313 Sugar, granulated, made from sugar beets

Burnet County TX 311313 Sugar, invert, made from sugar beets

Caldwell County TX 311313 Sugar, liquid, made from sugar beets

Calhoun County TX 311313 Syrup made from sugar beets

Callahan County TX 311314 Blackstrap molasses manufacturing

Cameron County TX 311314 Brown sugar manufacturing

Camp County TX 311314 Cane sugar manufacturing

Carson County TX 311314 Cane syrup manufacturing

Cass County TX 311314 Confectioner's powdered sugar manufacturing

Castro County TX 311314 Granulated cane sugar manufacturing

Chambers County TX 311314 Invert sugar manufacturing

Cherokee County TX 311314 Liquid sugar manufacturing

Childress County TX 311314 Molasses manufacturing

Clay County TX 311314 Molasses, blackstrap, manufacturing

Cochran County TX 311314 Sugar, cane, manufacturing

Coke County TX 311314 Sugar, clarified, granulated, and raw, manufacturing

Coleman County TX 311314 Sugar, confectionery, manufacturing

Collin County TX 311314 Sugar, granulated, manufacturing

Collingsworth County TX 311314 Sugar, invert, manufacturing

Colorado County TX 311314 Sugar, raw, manufacturing

Comal County TX 311314 Sugar, refined, manufacturing

Comanche County TX 311314 Sugarcane mills

Concho County TX 311314 Sugarcane refining

Cooke County TX 311314 Syrup, cane, manufacturing

Coryell County TX 311340 Breakfast bars, nonchocolate covered, manufacturing

Cottle County TX 311340 Cake ornaments, confectionery, manufacturing

Crane County TX 311340 Candied fruits and fruit peel manufacturing

Crockett County TX 311340 Candy bars, nonchocolate, manufacturing

Crosby County TX 311340 Candy stores, nonchocolate, candy made on premises, not for immediate consumption

Culberson County TX 311340 Chewing gum base manufacturing

Dallam County TX 311340 Chewing gum manufacturing

Dallas County TX 311340 Confectionery, nonchocolate, manufacturing

Dawson County TX 311340 Corn confections manufacturing

Deaf Smith County TX 311340 Cough drops (except medicated) manufacturing

Delta County TX 311340 Crystallized fruits and fruit peel manufacturing

Denton County TX 311340 Dates, sugared and stuffed, manufacturing

DeWitt County TX 311340 Fruit peel products (e.g., candied, crystallized, glace, glazed) manufacturing

Dickens County TX 311340 Fruits (e.g., candied, crystallized, glazed) manufacturing

Dimmit County TX 311340 Fudge, nonchocolate, manufacturing

Donley County TX 311340 Granola bars and clusters, nonchocolate, manufacturing

Duval County TX 311340 Gum, chewing, manufacturing

Eastland County TX 311340 Halvah manufacturing

Ector County TX 311340 Hard candies manufacturing

Edwards County TX 311340 Jelly candies manufacturing

Ellis County TX 311340 Licorice candy manufacturing

El Paso County TX 311340 Lozenges, nonmedicated, candy, manufacturing

Erath County TX 311340 Marshmallow creme manufacturing

Falls County TX 311340 Marshmallows manufacturing

Fannin County TX 311340 Marzipan (i.e., candy) manufacturing

Fayette County TX 311340 Nuts, covered (except chocolate covered), manufacturing

Fisher County TX 311340 Popcorn balls manufacturing

Floyd County TX 311340 Popcorn, candy covered popped, manufacturing

Foard County TX 311340 Synthetic chocolate manufacturing

Fort Bend County TX 311340 Toffee manufacturing

Franklin County TX 311351 Baking chocolate made from cacao beans

Freestone County TX 311351 Candy bars, chocolate (including chocolate covered), made from cacao beans

Frio County TX 311351 Candy, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Gaines County TX 311351 Chocolate (e.g., coatings, instant, liquor, syrups) made from cacao beans

Galveston County TX 311351 Chocolate bars made from cocoa beans

Garza County TX 311351 Chocolate, confectionery, made from cacao beans

Gillespie County TX 311351 Coatings, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Glasscock County TX 311351 Cocoa (e.g., instant, mix, mixed with other ingredients, powder drink, powdered) made from cacao beans

Goliad County TX 311351 Cocoa butter made from cocoa beans

Gonzales County TX 311351 Confectionery chocolate made from cacao beans

Gray County TX 311351 Cooking chocolate made from cacao beans

Grayson County TX 311351 Drink powdered mixes, cocoa, made from cacao

Gregg County TX 311351 Fudge, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Grimes County TX 311351 Granola bars and clusters, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Guadalupe County TX 311351 Liquor, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Hale County TX 311351 Nuts, chocolate covered, made from cacao beans

Hall County TX 311351 Syrup, chocolate, made from cacao beans

Hamilton County TX 311352 Baking chocolate made from purchased chocolate

Hansford County TX 311352 Candy stores, chocolate, candy made on premises not for immediate consumption

Hardeman County TX 311352 Chocolate (coating, instant, liquor, syrups) made from purchased chocolate

Hardin County TX 311352 Chocolate coatings and syrups made from purchased chocolate

Harris County TX 311352 Chocolate covered candy bars made from purchased chocolate

Harrison County TX 311352 Chocolate covered granola bars made from purchased chocolate

Hartley County TX 311352 Cocoa, powdered drink, prepared, made from purchased chocolate

Haskell County TX 311352 Cocoa, powdered, made from purchased chocolate

Hays County TX 311352 Cocoa, powdered, mixed with other ingredients, made from purchased chocolate

Hemphill County TX 311352 Drink powdered mixes, cocoa, made from purchased cocoa

Henderson County TX 311352 Fudge, chocolate, made from purchased chocolate

Hidalgo County TX 311352 Granola bars and clusters, chocolate, made from purchased chocolate

Hill County TX 311352 Liquor, chocolate, made from purchased chocolate

Hockley County TX 311352 Nuts, chocolate covered, made from purchased chocolate

Hood County TX 311352 Syrup, chocolate, made from purchased chocolate

Hopkins County TX 311411 Blast freezing on a contract basis

Houston County TX 311411 Citrus pulp, frozen, manufacturing

Howard County TX 311411 Concentrates, frozen fruit juice, manufacturing

Hudspeth County TX 311411 French fries, frozen, pre-cooked, manufacturing

Hunt County TX 311411 Frozen ades, drinks and cocktail mixes, manufacturing

Hutchinson County TX 311411 Frozen citrus pulp manufacturing

Irion County TX 311411 Frozen fruit and vegetable processing

Jack County TX 311411 Frozen fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables, manufacturing

Jackson County TX 311411 Fruit juice concentrates, frozen, manufacturing

Jasper County TX 311411 Fruits, frozen, manufacturing

Jeff Davis County TX 311411 Juices, fruit or vegetable concentrates, frozen, manufacturing

Jefferson County TX 311411 Juices, fruit or vegetable, frozen, manufacturing

Jim Hogg County TX 311411 Vegetable juice concentrates, frozen, manufacturing

Jim Wells County TX 311411 Vegetables, frozen, manufacturing

Johnson County TX 311412 Chop suey, frozen, manufacturing

Jones County TX 311412 Chow mein, frozen, manufacturing

Karnes County TX 311412 Dinners, frozen (except seafood-based), manufacturing

Kaufman County TX 311412 French toast, frozen, manufacturing

Kendall County TX 311412 Frozen dinners (except seafood-based) manufacturing

Kenedy County TX 311412 Frozen food entrees (except seafood based), packaged, manufacturing

Kent County TX 311412 Frozen pizza manufacturing

Kerr County TX 311412 Frozen pot pies manufacturing

Kimble County TX 311412 Frozen rice dishes manufacturing

King County TX 311412 Frozen side dishes manufacturing

Kinney County TX 311412 Frozen soups (except seafood) manufacturing

Kleberg County TX 311412 Frozen waffles manufacturing

Knox County TX 311412 Macaroni, frozen, manufacturing

Lamar County TX 311412 Mexican foods, frozen, manufacturing

Lamb County TX 311412 Nationality specialty foods, frozen, manufacturing

Lampasas County TX 311412 Pancakes, frozen, manufacturing

La Salle County TX 311412 Pizzas, frozen, manufacturing

Lavaca County TX 311412 Pot pies, frozen, manufacturing

Lee County TX 311412 Soups, frozen (except seafood), manufacturing

Leon County TX 311412 Waffles, frozen, manufacturing

Liberty County TX 311412 Whipped topping, frozen, manufacturing

Limestone County TX 311421 Artichokes, canned, manufacturing

Lipscomb County TX 311421 Barbecue sauce manufacturing

Live Oak County TX 311421 Berries, canned, manufacturing

Llano County TX 311421 Beverages, fruit and vegetable juice, manufacturing

Loving County TX 311421 Brining of fruits and vegetables

Lubbock County TX 311421 Canning fruits and vegetables

Lynn County TX 311421 Canning jams and jellies

McCulloch County TX 311421 Catsup manufacturing

McLennan County TX 311421 Chili sauce manufacturing

McMullen County TX 311421 Fruit brining

Madison County TX 311421 Fruit butters manufacturing

Marion County TX 311421 Fruit juice canning

Martin County TX 311421 Fruit juices, fresh, manufacturing

Mason County TX 311421 Fruit pickling

Matagorda County TX 311421 Fruit pie fillings, canning

Maverick County TX 311421 Fruits pickling

Medina County TX 311421 Fruits, canned, manufacturing

Menard County TX 311421 Hominy, canned, manufacturing

Midland County TX 311421 Horseradish (except sauce) canning

Milam County TX 311421 Jellies and jams manufacturing

Mills County TX 311421 Juices, fruit or vegetable, canned manufacturing

Mitchell County TX 311421 Juices, fruit or vegetable, fresh, manufacturing

Montague County TX 311421 Ketchup manufacturing

Montgomery County TX 311421 Marmalade manufacturing

Moore County TX 311421 Mushrooms canning

Morris County TX 311421 Olives brined

Motley County TX 311421 Onions pickled

Nacogdoches County TX 311421 Pastes, fruit and vegetable, canning

Navarro County TX 311421 Pickles manufacturing

Newton County TX 311421 Pickling fruits and vegetables

Nolan County TX 311421 Preserves (e.g., imitation) canning

Nueces County TX 311421 Relishes canning

Ochiltree County TX 311421 Salsa canning

Oldham County TX 311421 Sauces, tomato-based, canning

Orange County TX 311421 Sauerkraut manufacturing

Palo Pinto County TX 311421 Spaghetti sauce canning

Panola County TX 311421 Vegetable brining

Parker County TX 311421 Vegetable canning

Parmer County TX 311421 Vegetable juices canning

Pecos County TX 311421 Vegetable juices, fresh, manufacturing

Polk County TX 311421 Vegetables pickling

Potter County TX 311422 Baby foods (including meats) canning

Presidio County TX 311422 Baked beans canning

Rains County TX 311422 Beans, baked, canning

Randall County TX 311422 Bouillon canning

Reagan County TX 311422 Broth (except seafood) canning

Real County TX 311422 Canning soups (except seafood)

Red River County TX 311422 Chili con carne canning

Reeves County TX 311422 Chinese foods canning

Refugio County TX 311422 Dry beans canning

Roberts County TX 311422 Gravy canning

Robertson County TX 311422 Infant and junior food canning

Rockwall County TX 311422 Italian foods canning

Runnels County TX 311422 Meat canning, baby food, manufacturing

Rusk County TX 311422 Mexican foods canning

Sabine County TX 311422 Nationality specialty foods canning

San Augustine County TX 311422 Pasta based products canning

San Jacinto County TX 311422 Pork and beans canning

San Patricio County TX 311422 Soups (except seafood) canning

San Saba County TX 311422 Spaghetti canning

Schleicher County TX 311423 Bouillon made in dehydration plants

Scurry County TX 311423 Dates, dried, made in dehydration plant

Shackelford County TX 311423 Dehydrating fruits and vegetables

Shelby County TX 311423 Dehydrating potato products (e.g., flakes, granules)

Sherman County TX 311423 Freeze-dried, food processing, fruits and vegetables

Smith County TX 311423 Fruit and vegetables, dehydrating, manufacturing

Somervell County TX 311423 Fruits dehydrating (except sun drying)

Starr County TX 311423 Grapes, artificially drying

Stephens County TX 311423 Noodle mixes made in dehydration plants

Sterling County TX 311423 Olives, dried, made in dehydration plant

Stonewall County TX 311423 Potato products (e.g., flakes, granules) dehydrating

Sutton County TX 311423 Prunes, dried, made in dehydration plants

Swisher County TX 311423 Raisins made in dehydration plants

Tarrant County TX 311423 Rice mixes (i.e., uncooked and packaged with other ingredients) made in dehydration plants

Taylor County TX 311423 Salad dressing mixes, dry, made in a dehydration plant

Terrell County TX 311423 Sauce mixes, dry, made in dehydration plants

Terry County TX 311423 Soup mixes made in a dehydration plant

Throckmorton County TX 311423 Sulphured fruits and vegetables manufacturing

Titus County TX 311423 Vegetables dehydrating

Tom Green County TX 311511 Acidophilus milk manufacturing

Travis County TX 311511 Beverages, milk based (except dietary), manufacturing

Trinity County TX 311511 Buttermilk manufacturing

Tyler County TX 311511 Cheese, cottage, manufacturing

Upshur County TX 311511 Chocolate drink (milk based) manufacturing

Upton County TX 311511 Chocolate milk manufacturing

Uvalde County TX 311511 Cottage cheese manufacturing

Val Verde County TX 311511 Cream manufacturing

Van Zandt County TX 311511 Dips, sour cream based, manufacturing

Victoria County TX 311511 Drink, chocolate milk, manufacturing

Walker County TX 311511 Eggnog, fresh, nonalcoholic, manufacturing

Waller County TX 311511 Eggnog, nonalcoholic (except canned), manufacturing

Ward County TX 311511 Flavored milk drinks manufacturing

Washington County TX 311511 Fluid milk substitutes processing

Webb County TX 311511 Homogenizing milk

Wharton County TX 311511 Milk based drinks (except dietary) manufacturing

Wheeler County TX 311511 Milk drink, chocolate, manufacturing

Wichita County TX 311511 Milk pasteurizing

Wilbarger County TX 311511 Milk processing (e.g., bottling, homogenizing, pasteurizing, vitaminizing) manufacturing

Willacy County TX 311511 Milk substitutes manufacturing

Williamson County TX 311511 Milk, acidophilus, manufacturing

Wilson County TX 311511 Milk, fluid (except canned), manufacturing

Winkler County TX 311511 Nondairy creamers, liquid, manufacturing

Wise County TX 311511 Pasteurizing milk

Wood County TX 311511 Sour cream manufacturing

Yoakum County TX 311511 Sour cream substitutes manufacturing

Young County TX 311511 Whipped topping (except dry mix, frozen) manufacturing

Zapata County TX 311511 Whipping cream manufacturing

Zavala County TX 311511 Yogurt (except frozen) manufacturing

Beaver County UT 311512 Anhydrous butterfat manufacturing

Box Elder County UT 311512 Butter manufacturing

Cache County UT 311512 Butter, creamery and whey, manufacturing

Carbon County UT 311512 Creamery butter manufacturing

Daggett County UT 311512 Whey butter manufacturing

Davis County UT 311513 Cheese (except cottage cheese) manufacturing

Duchesne County UT 311513 Cheese analogs manufacturing

Emery County UT 311513 Cheese products, imitation or substitute, manufacturing

Garfield County UT 311513 Cheese spreads manufacturing

Grand County UT 311513 Cheese, imitation or substitute, manufacturing

Iron County UT 311513 Cheese, natural (except cottage cheese), manufacturing

Juab County UT 311513 Curds, cheese, made in a cheese plant, manufacturing

Kane County UT 311513 Dips, cheese based, manufacturing

Millard County UT 311513 Processed cheeses manufacturing

Morgan County UT 311513 Spreads, cheese, manufacturing

Piute County UT 311513 Whey, raw, liquid, manufacturing

Rich County UT 311514 Baby formula, fresh, processed, and bottled, manufacturing

Salt Lake County UT 311514 Beverages, dietary, dairy and nondairy based

San Juan County UT 311514 Casein, dry and wet, manufacturing

Sanpete County UT 311514 Condensed milk manufacturing

Sevier County UT 311514 Condensed, evaporated or powdered whey, manufacturing

Summit County UT 311514 Cream, dried and powdered, manufacturing

Tooele County UT 311514 Dairy food canning

Uintah County UT 311514 Dehydrated milk manufacturing

Utah County UT 311514 Dietary drinks, dairy and nondairy based, manufacturing

Wasatch County UT 311514 Dry milk manufacturing

Washington County UT 311514 Dry milk products and mixture manufacturing

Wayne County UT 311514 Dry milk products for animal feed manufacturing

Weber County UT 311514 Eggnog, canned, nonalcoholic, manufacturing

Addison County VT 311514 Evaporated milk manufacturing

Bennington County VT 311514 Feed grade dry milk products manufacturing

Caledonia County VT 311514 Ice cream mix manufacturing

Chittenden County VT 311514 Ice milk mix manufacturing

Essex County VT 311514 Infant's formulas manufacturing

Franklin County VT 311514 Lactose manufacturing

Grand Isle County VT 311514 Malted milk manufacturing

Lamoille County VT 311514 Milk based drinks, dietary, manufacturing

Orange County VT 311514 Milk, concentrated, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered, manufacturing

Orleans County VT 311514 Milk, malted, manufacturing

Rutland County VT 311514 Milk, powdered, manufacturing

Washington County VT 311514 Milk, ultra-high temperature, manufacturing

Windham County VT 311514 Milkshake mixes manufacturing

Windsor County VT 311514 Mix, ice cream, manufacturing

Accomack County VA 311514 Nondairy creamers, dry, manufacturing

Albemarle County VA 311514 Nonfat dry milk manufacturing

Alleghany County VA 311514 Powdered milk manufacturing

Amelia County VA 311514 UHT (ultra high temperature) milk manufacturing

Amherst County VA 311514 Whey, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered, manufacturing

Appomattox County VA 311514 Whipped topping, dry mix, manufacturing

Arlington County VA 311514 Yogurt mix manufacturing

Augusta County VA 311520 Custard, frozen, manufacturing

Bath County VA 311520 Desserts, frozen (except bakery), manufacturing

Bedford County VA 311520 Frozen custard manufacturing

Bland County VA 311520 Frozen desserts (except bakery) manufacturing

Botetourt County VA 311520 Fruit pops, frozen, manufacturing

Brunswick County VA 311520 Ice cream manufacturing

Buchanan County VA 311520 Ice cream specialties manufacturing

Buckingham County VA 311520 Ice milk manufacturing

Campbell County VA 311520 Ice milk specialties manufacturing

Caroline County VA 311520 Ices, flavored sherbets, manufacturing

Carroll County VA 311520 Juice pops, frozen, manufacturing

Charles City County VA 311520 Pudding pops, frozen, manufacturing

Charlotte County VA 311520 Sherbets manufacturing

Chesterfield County VA 311520 Tofu frozen desserts manufacturing

Clarke County VA 311520 Yogurt, frozen, manufacturing

Craig County VA 311611 Abattoirs

Culpeper County VA 311611 Animal fats (except poultry and small game) produced in slaughtering plants

Cumberland County VA 311611 Bacon, slab and sliced, produced in slaughtering plants

Dickenson County VA 311611 Beef carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants

Dinwiddie County VA 311611 Beef produced in slaughtering plants

Essex County VA 311611 Boxed beef produced in slaughtering plants

Fairfax County VA 311611 Boxed meats produced in slaughtering plants

Fauquier County VA 311611 Canned meats (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants

Floyd County VA 311611 Cured hides and skins produced in slaughtering plants

Fluvanna County VA 311611 Custom slaughtering

Franklin County VA 311611 Fats, animal (except poultry, small game), produced in slaughtering plants

Frederick County VA 311611 Hams (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants

Giles County VA 311611 Hides and skins produced in slaughtering plants

Gloucester County VA 311611 Horsemeat produced in slaughtering plants

Goochland County VA 311611 Hot dogs (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants

Grayson County VA 311611 Inedible products (e.g., hides, skins, pulled wool, wool grease) produced in slaughtering plants

Greene County VA 311611 Lamb carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants

Greensville County VA 311611 Lard produced in slaughtering plants

Halifax County VA 311611 Luncheon meat (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants

Hanover County VA 311611 Meat canning (except poultry) produced in slaughtering plants

Henrico County VA 311611 Meats fresh, chilled or frozen (except poultry and small game), produced in slaughtering plants

Henry County VA 311611 Meats, cured or smoked, produced in slaughtering plants

Highland County VA 311611 Pork carcasses, half carcasses, and primal and sub-primal cuts produced in slaughtering plants

Isle of Wight County VA 311611 Sausage casings, natural, produced in slaughtering plant

James City County VA 311611 Slaughtering, custom

King and Queen County VA 311611 Tallow produced in a slaughtering plant

King George County VA 311611 Variety meats, edible organs, made in slaughtering plants

King William County VA 311611 Veal carcasses, half carcasses, primal and sub-primal cuts, produced in slaughtering plants

Lancaster County VA 311612 Bacon, slab and sliced, made from purchased carcasses

Lee County VA 311612 Beef stew made from purchased carcasses

Loudoun County VA 311612 Beef, primal and sub-primal cuts, made from purchased carcasses

Louisa County VA 311612 Bologna made from purchased carcasses

Lunenburg County VA 311612 Boxed beef made from purchased carcasses

Madison County VA 311612 Boxed meat produced from purchased carcasses

Mathews County VA 311612 Collagen sausage casings made from purchased hides

Mecklenburg County VA 311612 Cooked meats made from purchased carcasses

Middlesex County VA 311612 Corned meats made from purchases carcasses

Montgomery County VA 311612 Cured meats (e.g., brined, dried, and salted) made from purchased carcasses

Nelson County VA 311612 Dried meats made from purchased carcasses

New Kent County VA 311612 Frozen meat pies (i.e., tourtires) made from purchased carcasses

Northampton County VA 311612 Hams, canned, made from purchased carcasses

Northumberland County VA 311612 Hams, preserved (except poultry), made from purchased carcasses

Nottoway County VA 311612 Hot dogs (except poultry) made from purchased carcasses

Orange County VA 311612 Lamb, primal and sub-primal cuts, made from purchased carcasses

Page County VA 311612 Luncheon meat (except poultry) made from purchased carcasses

Patrick County VA 311612 Meat canning (except baby, pet food, poultry), made from purchased carcasses

Pittsylvania County VA 311612 Meat extracts made from purchased carcasses

Powhatan County VA 311612 Meat products canning (except baby, pet food, poultry) made from purchased carcasses

Prince Edward County VA 311612 Meats (except poultry), cured or smoked, made from purchased carcasses

Prince George County VA 311612 Meats, fresh or chilled (except poultry and small game), frozen, made from purchased carcasses

Prince William County VA 311612 Pastrami made from purchased carcasses

Pulaski County VA 311612 Pig's feet, cooked and pickled, made from purchased carcasses

Rappahannock County VA 311612 Pork, primal and sub-primal cuts, made from purchased carcasses

Richmond County VA 311612 Potted meats made from purchased carcasses

Roanoke County VA 311612 Processed meats manufacturing

Rockbridge County VA 311612 Salted meats made from purchased carcasses

Rockingham County VA 311612 Sandwich spreads, meat, made from purchased carcasses

Russell County VA 311612 Sausage and similar cased products made from purchased carcasses

Scott County VA 311612 Sausage casings, collagen, made from purchased hides

Shenandoah County VA 311612 Smoked meats made from purchased carcasses

Smyth County VA 311612 Variety meats, edible organs, made from purchased meats

Southampton County VA 311612 Veal, primal and sub-primal cuts, made from purchased carcasses

Spotsylvania County VA 311613 Animal fats rendering

Stafford County VA 311613 Animal oil rendering

Surry County VA 311613 Bones, fat, rendering

Sussex County VA 311613 Fats, animal, rendering

Tazewell County VA 311613 Grease rendering

Warren County VA 311613 Lard made from purchased fat

Washington County VA 311613 Meat and bone meal and tankage, produced in rendering plant

Westmoreland County VA 311613 Neatsfoot oil rendering

Wise County VA 311613 Oil, animal, rendering

Wythe County VA 311613 Rendering animals (carrion) for feed

York County VA 311613 Rendering fats

Alexandria city VA 311613 Rendering plants

Bedford city VA 311613 Stearin, animal, rendering

Bristol city VA 311613 Tallow produced in rendering plant

Buena Vista city VA 311615 Canning poultry (except baby and pet food)

Charlottesville city VA 311615 Chickens, processing, fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked (except baby and pet food)

Chesapeake city VA 311615 Chickens, slaughtering and dressing

Colonial Heights city VA 311615 Dressing small game

Covington city VA 311615 Ducks, processing, fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked

Danville city VA 311615 Ducks, slaughtering and dressing

Emporia city VA 311615 Geese, processing, fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked

Fairfax city VA 311615 Geese, slaughtering and dressing

Falls Church city VA 311615 Hams, poultry, manufacturing

Franklin city VA 311615 Hot dogs, poultry, manufacturing

Fredericksburg city VA 311615 Luncheon meat, poultry, manufacturing

Galax city VA 311615 Meat canning, poultry (except baby and pet food), manufacturing

Hampton city VA 311615 Meat products (e.g., hot dogs, luncheon meats, sausages) made from a combination of poultry and other meats

Harrisonburg city VA 311615 Poultry (e.g., canned, cooked, fresh, frozen) manufacturing

Hopewell city VA 311615 Poultry (e.g., canned, cooked, fresh, frozen) processing

Lexington city VA 311615 Poultry canning (except baby, pet food)

Lynchburg city VA 311615 Poultry slaughtering, dressing, and packing

Manassas city VA 311615 Processed poultry manufacturing

Manassas Park city VA 311615 Rabbits processing (i.e., canned, cooked, fresh, frozen)

Martinsville city VA 311615 Rabbits slaughtering and dressing

Newport News city VA 311615 Small game, processing, fresh, frozen, canned or cooked

Norfolk city VA 311615 Small game, slaughtering, dressing and packing

Norton city VA 311615 Turkeys, processing, fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked

Petersburg city VA 311615 Turkeys, slaughtering and dressing

Poquoson city VA 311710 Cannery, seafood

Portsmouth city VA 311710 Canning, fish, crustacea, and molluscs

Radford city VA 311710 Chowders, seafood, manufacturing

Richmond city VA 311710 Cod liver oil extraction, crude, processing

Roanoke city VA 311710 Curing fish and seafood

Salem city VA 311710 Dinners, frozen seafood, manufacturing

Staunton city VA 311710 Drying fish and seafood

Suffolk city VA 311710 Fish and marine animal oils processing

Virginia Beach city VA 311710 Fish egg bait canning

Waynesboro city VA 311710 Fish freezing (e.g., blocks, fillets, ready-to-serve products)

Williamsburg city VA 311710 Fish manufacturing

Winchester city VA 311710 Fish meal processing

Adams County WA 311710 Fish, curing, drying, pickling, salting, and smoking

Asotin County WA 311710 Freezing fish (e.g., blocks, fillets, ready-to-serve products)

Benton County WA 311710 Picking crab meat

Chelan County WA 311710 Seafood and seafood products canning

Clallam County WA 311710 Seafood and seafood products curing

Clark County WA 311710 Seafood and seafood products manufacturing

Columbia County WA 311710 Seafood dinners, frozen, manufacturing

Cowlitz County WA 311710 Seaweed processing (e.g., dulse)

Douglas County WA 311710 Shellfish and shellfish products canning

Ferry County WA 311710 Shellfish and shellfish products manufacturing

Franklin County WA 311710 Shellfish curing

Garfield County WA 311710 Shucking and packing fresh shellfish

Grant County WA 311710 Soups, seafood, manufacturing

Grays Harbor County WA 311710 Surimi manufacturing

Island County WA 311811 Bakeries with baking from flour on the premises, retailing not for immediate consumption

Jefferson County WA 311812 Bagels made in commercial bakeries

King County WA 311812 Bakery products, fresh (i.e., bread, cakes, doughnuts, pastries), made in commercial bakeries

Kitsap County WA 311812 Biscuits, bread-type, made in commercial bakeries

Kittitas County WA 311812 Bread and bread-type rolls made in commercial bakeries

Klickitat County WA 311812 Cakes, baking (except frozen), made in commercial bakeries

Lewis County WA 311812 Commercial bakeries

Lincoln County WA 311812 Communion wafer manufacturing

Mason County WA 311812 Croissants, baking, made in commercial bakeries

Okanogan County WA 311812 Croutons and bread crumbs made in commercial bakeries

Pacific County WA 311812 Crullers (except frozen) made in commercial bakeries

Pend Oreille County WA 311812 Doughnuts (except frozen) made in commercial bakeries

Pierce County WA 311812 Frozen bread and bread-type rolls, made in commercial bakeries

San Juan County WA 311812 Knishes (except frozen) made in commercial bakeries

Skagit County WA 311812 Matzo baking made in commercial bakeries

Skamania County WA 311812 Pastries (e.g., Danish, French), fresh, made in commercial bakeries

Snohomish County WA 311812 Pies, fresh, made in commercial bakeries

Spokane County WA 311812 Pretzels, soft, manufacturing

Stevens County WA 311812 Rolls and buns (including frozen) made in commercial bakeries

Thurston County WA 311812 Soft pretzels made in a commercial bakery

Wahkiakum County WA 311812 Sweet yeast goods (except frozen) manufacturing

Walla Walla County WA 311812 Unleavened bread made in commercial bakeries

Whatcom County WA 311813 Baked goods (except bread, bread-type rolls), frozen, manufacturing

Whitman County WA 311813 Cake, frozen, manufacturing

Yakima County WA 311813 Crullers, frozen, made in a commercial bakery

Barbour County WV 311813 Desserts, frozen bakery, manufacturing

Berkeley County WV 311813 Doughnuts, frozen, manufacturing

Boone County WV 311813 Frozen cake manufacturing

Braxton County WV 311813 Knishes, frozen, manufacturing

Brooke County WV 311813 Pastries (e.g., Danish, French), frozen, manufacturing

Cabell County WV 311813 Pies, frozen, manufacturing

Calhoun County WV 311813 Sweet yeast goods, frozen, manufacturing

Clay County WV 311821 Bakery products, dry (e.g., biscuits, cookies, crackers), manufacturing

Doddridge County WV 311821 Cones, ice cream, manufacturing

Fayette County WV 311821 Cookies manufacturing

Gilmer County WV 311821 Cookies, filled, manufacturing

Grant County WV 311821 Crackers (e.g., graham, soda) manufacturing

Greenbrier County WV 311821 Graham wafers manufacturing

Hampshire County WV 311821 Ice cream cones manufacturing

Hancock County WV 311821 Saltines manufacturing

Hardy County WV 311821 Soda crackers manufacturing

Harrison County WV 311824 Batters, prepared, made from purchased flour

Jackson County WV 311824 Bread and bread-type roll mixes made from purchased flour

Jefferson County WV 311824 Cake mixes made from purchased flour

Kanawha County WV 311824 Cookie dough made from purchased flour

Lewis County WV 311824 Doughs, refrigerated or frozen, made from purchased flour

Lincoln County WV 311824 Dry mixes made from purchased flour

Logan County WV 311824 Dry pasta manufacturing

McDowell County WV 311824 Dry pasta packaged with other ingredients made in dry pasta plants

Marion County WV 311824 Egg noodles, dry, manufacturing

Marshall County WV 311824 Flour, blended or self-rising, made from purchased flour

Mason County WV 311824 Frozen doughs made from purchased flour

Mercer County WV 311824 Macaroni, dry, manufacturing

Mineral County WV 311824 Mixes, flour (e.g., biscuit, cake, doughnut, pancake), made from purchased flour

Mingo County WV 311824 Noodle mixes made in dry pasta plants

Monongalia County WV 311824 Noodles, dry, manufacturing

Monroe County WV 311824 Pancake mixes made from purchased flour

Morgan County WV 311824 Pasta, dry, manufacturing

Nicholas County WV 311824 Pastries, uncooked, manufacturing

Ohio County WV 311824 Pie crust shells, uncooked, made from purchased flour

Pendleton County WV 311824 Pizza doughs made from purchased flour

Pleasants County WV 311824 Prepared flour mixes made from purchased flour

Pocahontas County WV 311824 Refrigerated doughs made from purchased flour

Preston County WV 311824 Spaghetti, dry, manufacturing

Putnam County WV 311830 Tortillas manufacturing

Raleigh County WV 311911 Canned nuts manufacturing

Randolph County WV 311911 Nuts, kernels and seeds, roasting and processing

Ritchie County WV 311911 Nuts, salted, roasted, cooked, canned, manufacturing

Roane County WV 311911 Peanut butter blended with jelly manufacturing

Summers County WV 311911 Peanut butter manufacturing

Taylor County WV 311911 Roasted nuts and seeds manufacturing

Tucker County WV 311911 Seeds, snack (e.g., canned, cooked, roasted, salted) manufacturing

Tyler County WV 311919 Cheese curls and puffs manufacturing

Upshur County WV 311919 Corn chips and related corn snacks manufacturing

Wayne County WV 311919 Popcorn (except candy covered), popped, manufacturing

Webster County WV 311919 Pork rinds manufacturing

Wetzel County WV 311919 Potato chips manufacturing

Wirt County WV 311919 Potato sticks manufacturing

Wood County WV 311919 Pretzels (except soft) manufacturing

Wyoming County WV 311919 Tortilla chips manufacturing

Adams County WI 311920 Coffee concentrates (i.e., instant coffee) manufacturing

Ashland County WI 311920 Coffee extracts manufacturing

Barron County WI 311920 Coffee flavoring and syrups (i.e., made from coffee) manufacturing

Bayfield County WI 311920 Coffee roasting

Brown County WI 311920 Coffee substitute manufacturing

Buffalo County WI 311920 Coffee, blended, manufacturing

Burnett County WI 311920 Coffee, instant and freeze dried, manufacturing

Calumet County WI 311920 Extracts, essences and preparations, coffee, manufacturing

Chippewa County WI 311920 Extracts, essences and preparations, tea, manufacturing

Clark County WI 311920 Instant coffee manufacturing

Columbia County WI 311920 Instant tea manufacturing

Crawford County WI 311920 Roasting coffee

Dane County WI 311920 Syrup, flavoring, coffee based, manufacturing

Dodge County WI 311920 Tea (except herbal) manufacturing

Door County WI 311920 Tea blending

Douglas County WI 311920 Tea, herbal, manufacturing

Dunn County WI 311920 Tea, instant, manufacturing

Eau Claire County WI 311930 Beverage bases manufacturing

Florence County WI 311930 Beverage flavorings (except coffee based) manufacturing

Fond du Lac County WI 311930 Beverage syrups (except coffee based) manufacturing

Forest County WI 311930 Concentrates, drink (except frozen fruit juice), manufacturing

Grant County WI 311930 Concentrates, flavoring (except coffee based), manufacturing

Green County WI 311930 Flavoring concentrates (except coffee based) manufacturing

Green Lake County WI 311930 Flavoring pastes, powders, and syrups for soft drink manufacturing

Iowa County WI 311930 Fruit syrups, flavoring, manufacturing

Iron County WI 311930 Soda fountain syrups manufacturing

Jackson County WI 311930 Soft drink concentrates (i.e., syrup) manufacturing

Jefferson County WI 311930 Syrup, beverage, manufacturing

Juneau County WI 311930 Syrup, flavoring (except coffee based), manufacturing

Kenosha County WI 311941 Cheese based salad dressing manufacturing

Kewaunee County WI 311941 Cider vinegar manufacturing

La Crosse County WI 311941 Cider, nonalcoholic, manufacturing

Lafayette County WI 311941 Dips (except cheese and sour cream based) manufacturing

Langlade County WI 311941 Horseradish, prepared sauce, manufacturing

Lincoln County WI 311941 Mayonnaise manufacturing

Manitowoc County WI 311941 Mustard, prepared, manufacturing

Marathon County WI 311941 Prepared sauces (except gravy, tomato based) manufacturing

Marinette County WI 311941 Salad dressings manufacturing

Marquette County WI 311941 Sandwich spreads, salad dressing based, manufacturing

Menominee County WI 311941 Sauces (except tomato based) manufacturing

Milwaukee County WI 311941 Sauces for meat (except tomato based) manufacturing

Monroe County WI 311941 Sauces for seafood (except tomato based) manufacturing

Oconto County WI 311941 Sauces for vegetable (except tomato based) manufacturing

Oneida County WI 311941 Soy sauce manufacturing

Outagamie County WI 311941 Tartar sauce manufacturing

Ozaukee County WI 311941 Vinegar manufacturing

Pepin County WI 311941 Worcestershire sauce manufacturing

Pierce County WI 311942 Chili pepper or powder manufacturing

Polk County WI 311942 Extracts, food (except coffee, meat), manufacturing

Portage County WI 311942 Extracts, malt, manufacturing

Price County WI 311942 Flavor extracts (except coffee) manufacturing

Racine County WI 311942 Food coloring, natural, manufacturing

Richland County WI 311942 Food extracts (except coffee, meat) manufacturing

Rock County WI 311942 Fruit extracts manufacturing

Rusk County WI 311942 Gravy mixes, dry, manufacturing

St. Croix County WI 311942 Grinding spices

Sauk County WI 311942 Hop extract manufacturing

Sawyer County WI 311942 Malt extract and syrups manufacturing

Shawano County WI 311942 Pectin manufacturing

Sheboygan County WI 311942 Pepper (i.e., spice) manufacturing

Taylor County WI 311942 Salad dressing mixes, dry, manufacturing

Trempealeau County WI 311942 Salt substitute manufacturing

Vernon County WI 311942 Salt, table, manufacturing

Vilas County WI 311942 Sauce mixes, dry, manufacturing

Walworth County WI 311942 Seasoning salt manufacturing

Washburn County WI 311942 Spice grinding and blending

Washington County WI 311942 Spice mixtures manufacturing

Waukesha County WI 311942 Spices and spice mix manufacturing

Waupaca County WI 311942 Table salt manufacturing

Waushara County WI 311991 Box lunches (for sale off premises) manufacturing

Winnebago County WI 311991 Carrots, cut, peeled or sliced fresh, manufacturing

Wood County WI 311991 Cole slaw, fresh, manufacturing

Albany County WY 311991 Egg noodles, fresh, manufacturing

Big Horn County WY 311991 Food, prepared, perishable, packaged for individual resale

Campbell County WY 311991 Fruit, cut or peeled, fresh, manufacturing

Carbon County WY 311991 Macaroni, fresh, manufacturing

Converse County WY 311991 Noodles, fresh, manufacturing

Crook County WY 311991 Pasta, fresh, manufacturing

Fremont County WY 311991 Pizzas, fresh, manufacturing

Goshen County WY 311991 Potatoes, peeled or cut, manufacturing

Hot Springs County WY 311991 Prepared meals, perishable, packaged for individual resale

Johnson County WY 311991 Salads, fresh or refrigerated, manufacturing

Laramie County WY 311991 Sandwiches, fresh (i.e., assembled and packaged for wholesale market), manufacturing

Lincoln County WY 311991 Slaw, cole, fresh, manufacturing

Natrona County WY 311991 Tofu (i.e., bean curd) (except frozen desserts) manufacturing

Niobrara County WY 311991 Vegetables, cut or peeled, fresh, manufacturing

Park County WY 311999 Almond pastes manufacturing

Platte County WY 311999 Baking powder manufacturing

Sheridan County WY 311999 Bread crumbs not made in bakeries

Sublette County WY 311999 Cake frosting manufacturing

Sweetwater County WY 311999 Chinese noodles, fried, manufacturing

Teton County WY 311999 Cocktail mixes, dry, manufacturing

Uinta County WY 311999 Coconut, desiccated and shredded, manufacturing

Washakie County WY 311999 Corn syrups made from purchased sweeteners

Weston County WY 311999 Drink powder mixes (except chocolate, coffee, milk based, tea) manufacturing

311999 Egg substitutes manufacturing

311999 Eggs, processed, manufacturing

311999 Fillings, cake or pie (except fruits, meat, vegetables), manufacturing

311999 Frosting, prepared, manufacturing

311999 Gelatin dessert preparations manufacturing

311999 Gelatin for cooking manufacturing

311999 Honey processing

311999 Maple syrup mixing into other products

311999 Noodle mixes made from purchased dry ingredients

311999 Noodles, fried, manufacturing

311999 Pancake syrups (except pure maple) manufacturing

311999 Pasta mixes made from purchased dry ingredients

311999 Popcorn (except popped) manufacturing

311999 Potato mixes made from purchased dry ingredients

311999 Powdered drink mixes (except chocolate, coffee, tea, milk based) manufacturing

311999 Powders, baking, manufacturing

311999 Puddings, canned dessert, manufacturing

311999 Puddings, dessert, manufacturing

311999 Rice mixes (i.e., uncooked and packaged with other ingredients) made from purchased rice and dry ingredients

311999 Sorghum syrup manufacturing

311999 Soup mixes, dry, made from purchased dry ingredients

311999 Sweetening syrups (except pure maple) manufacturing

311999 Syrup, corn (except wet milled), manufacturing

311999 Syrup, sweetening (except pure maple), manufacturing

311999 Syrup, table, artificially flavored, manufacturing

311999 Yeast manufacturing

312111 Artificially carbonated waters manufacturing

312111 Beverages, fruit and vegetable drinks, cocktails, and ades, manufacturing

312111 Beverages, soft drink (including artificially carbonated waters), manufacturing

312111 Carbonated soda manufacturing

312111 Carbonated soft drinks manufacturing

312111 Coffee, iced, manufacturing

312111 Drinks, fruit (except juice), manufacturing

312111 Flavored water manufacturing

312111 Fruit drinks (except juice), manufacturing

312111 Iced coffee manufacturing

312111 Iced tea manufacturing

312111 Pop, soda, manufacturing

312111 Soda carbonated, manufacturing

312111 Soda pop manufacturing

312111 Soft drinks manufacturing

312111 Tea, iced, manufacturing

312111 Water, artificially carbonated, manufacturing

312111 Water, flavored, manufacturing

312112 Beverages, naturally carbonated bottled water, manufacturing

312112 Naturally carbonated water, purifying and bottling

312112 Spring waters, purifying and bottling

312112 Water, naturally carbonated, purifying and bottling

312113 Block ice manufacturing

312113 Ice (except dry ice) manufacturing

312120 Ale brewing

312120 Beer brewing

312120 Beverages, beer, ale, and malt liquors, manufacturing

312120 Breweries

312120 Grain, brewers' spent, manufacturing

312120 Lager brewing

312120 Malt liquor brewing

312120 Near beer brewing

312120 Nonalcoholic beer brewing

312120 Porter brewing

312120 Stout brewing

312130 Alcoholic beverages, brandy, distilling

312130 Applejack distilling

312130 Beverages, wines and brandies, manufacturing

312130 Blending brandy

312130 Blending wines

312130 Brandy distilling

312130 Champagne method sparkling wine, manufacturing

312130 Cider, alcoholic, manufacturing

312130 Distilling brandy

312130 Fortified wines manufacturing

312130 Grape farming and making wine

312130 Ice wine

312130 Liquors, brandy, distilling and blending

312130 Nonalcoholic wines manufacturing

312130 Sparkling wines manufacturing

312130 Vermouth manufacturing

312130 Wine coolers manufacturing

312130 Wineries

312130 Wines manufacturing

312130 Wines, cooking, manufacturing

312140 Alcoholic beverages (except brandy) distilling

312140 Beverages, liquors (except brandies), manufacturing

312140 Blending distilled beverages (except brandy)

312140 Distilleries

312140 Distilling alcoholic beverages (except brandy)

312140 Distilling potable liquor (except brandy)

312140 Eggnog, alcoholic, manufacturing

312140 Ethyl alcohol, potable, manufacturing

312140 Grain alcohol, beverage, manufacturing

312140 Liquors, distilling and blending (except brandy)

312140 Mixed drinks, alcoholic, manufacturing

312140 Neutral spirit, beverages (except fruit), manufacturing

312140 Spirits, distilled (except brandy), manufacturing

312230 Chewing tobacco manufacturing

312230 Cigar manufacturing

312230 Cigarettes manufacturing

312230 Imitation tobacco cigarettes, manufacturing

312230 Pipe tobacco, prepared, manufacturing

312230 Reconstituting tobacco

312230 Smoking tobacco (e.g., cigarette, pipe) manufacturing

312230 Snuff manufacturing

312230 Tobacco leaf processing and aging

312230 Tobacco products (e.g., chewing, smoking, snuff) manufacturing

312230 Tobacco products, imitation, manufacturing

312230 Tobacco sheeting services

312230 Tobacco stemming and redrying

313110 Acetate spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Acrylic and modacrylic filament yarn throwing, twisting, texturizing, or winding purchased yarn

313110 Acrylic spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Animal fiber yarn twisting or winding of purchased yarn

313110 Bags, hemp, made from purchased fiber

313110 Beaming yarn

313110 Carded yarn manufacturing

313110 Carpet and rug yarn spinning

313110 Cotton cordage spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Cotton spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Cotton thread manufacturing

313110 Crochet spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchased fiber

313110 Darning thread (e.g., cotton, manmade fibers, silk, wool) manufacturing

313110 Embroidery spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchased fiber

313110 Embroidery thread (e.g., cotton, manmade fibers, silk, wool) manufacturing

313110 Flax spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Hard fiber spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Hard fiber thread manufacturing

313110 Hemp bags made from purchased fiber

313110 Hemp ropes made from purchased fiber

313110 Hemp spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Knitting and crocheting thread manufacturing

313110 Knitting spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchased fiber

313110 Manmade fiber thread manufacturing

313110 Manmade staple spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Modacrylic spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Mohair yarn twisting or winding of purchased yarn

313110 Natural fiber (i.e., hemp, linen, ramie) thread manufacturing

313110 Natural fiber spun yarns (i.e., hemp, jute, ramie, flax) made from purchased fiber

313110 Nylon spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Nylon thread manufacturing

313110 Nylon yarn twisting or winding of purchased yarn

313110 Paper yarn manufacturing

313110 Polyester filament yarn throwing, twisting, texturizing, or winding of purchased yarn

313110 Polyester spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Polyester thread manufacturing

313110 Polypropylene filament yarn throwing, twisting, texturizing, or winding of puchased yarn

313110 Polypropylene spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Ramie spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Rayon spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Rayon thread manufacturing

313110 Rayon yarn throwing, twisting, texturizing, or winding purchased filament

313110 Sewing threads manufacturing

313110 Silk spun yarns made from purchased fiber

313110 Silk thread manufacturing

313110 Silk throwing, spooling, twisting, or winding of puchased yarn

313110 Spinning carpet and rug yarn from purchased fiber

313110 Spinning yarn from purchased fiber

313110 Spooling of yarn

313110 Spooling of yarns for the trade

313110 Texturizing purchased yarn

313110 Thread mills

313110 Thread, all fibers, manufacturing

313110 Throwing purchased yarn

313110 Winding purchased yarn

313110 Winding, spooling, beaming and rewinding of purchased yarn

313110 Wool spun yarn made from purchased fiber

313110 Wool yarn, twisting or winding of purchased yarn

313110 Yarn spinning mills

313110 Yarn spun from purchased fiber

313110 Yarn throwing, twisting, and winding of purchased yarn

313110 Yarn, carpet and rug, spun from purchased fiber

313210 Blankets and bedspreads made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Broadwoven fabrics (except rugs, tire fabrics) weaving

313210 Brocades weaving

313210 Canvases weaving

313210 Carpet linings (except felt) weaving

313210 Chambrays weaving

313210 Cheesecloths weaving

313210 Chintzes weaving

313210 Corduroys weaving

313210 Cotton fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Curtains and draperies made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Denims weaving

313210 Drills weaving

313210 Ducks weaving

313210 Elastic fabrics, more than 12 inches in width, weaving

313210 Fabrics (except rug, tire fabrics), broadwoven, weaving

313210 Felts, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Fiberglass fabrics weaving

313210 Flannels, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Gauzes, surgical, made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Glass broadwoven fabrics weaving

313210 Hand weaving fabrics, more than 12 inches (30 cm) in width

313210 Hard fiber fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Jacquard woven fabrics weaving

313210 Jute bags made in broadwoven mills

313210 Manmade fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Natural fiber fabrics (i.e., jute, linen, hemp, ramie), broadwoven, weaving

313210 Nets and nettings, more than 12 inches in width, weaving

313210 Paper fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Percales weaving

313210 Poplins weaving

313210 Sheets and pillowcases made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Silk fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Spandex broadwoven fabrics

313210 Tablecloths made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Terry broadwoven fabrics weaving

313210 Textile broadwoven fabrics mills

313210 Textile mills, broadwoven fabrics

313210 Textile products (except apparel) made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Towels and washcloths made in broadwoven fabric mills

313210 Twills weaving

313210 Velvets, manmade fiber and silk, weaving

313210 Weaving and finishing of broadwoven fabrics (except rugs, tire fabric)

313210 Weaving broadwoven fabrics (except rugs, tire fabrics)

313210 Weaving broadwoven felts

313210 Weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30cm) in width

313210 Wool fabrics, broadwoven, weaving

313210 Worsted fabrics weaving

313220 Apparel webbings manufacturing

313220 Belting fabrics, narrow woven

313220 Bias bindings, woven, manufacturing

313220 Bindings, narrow woven, manufacturing

313220 Braiding narrow fabrics

313220 Cords and braids, narrow woven, manufacturing

313220 Cotton fabrics, narrow woven weaving

313220 Elastic fabrics, narrow woven, manufacturing

313220 Embroideries, Schiffli machine, manufacturing

313220 Fabrics, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Fiberglasses, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Fringes weaving

313220 Glass fabrics, narrow woven weaving

313220 Hand weaving fabric, 12 inches or less (30cm)

313220 Hard fiber, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Hook and loop fastener fabric manufacturing

313220 Hose fabrics, tubular, weaving

313220 Labels weaving

313220 Laces (e.g. shoe), textile, manufacturing

313220 Manmade fabric, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Narrow fabrics weaving

313220 Natural fiber fabrics (i.e., jute, linen, hemp, ramie), narrow woven, weaving

313220 Paper fabric, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Ribbons made in narrow woven fabric mills

313220 Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered, manufacturing

313220 Schiffli machine embroideries manufacturing

313220 Tapes weaving

313220 Textile mills, narrow woven fabric

313220 Textile narrow woven fabric mills

313220 Textile products (except apparel) made in narrow woven fabric mills

313220 Weaving and finishing narrow fabrics

313220 Weaving fabric less than 12 inches (30cm)

313220 Weaving narrow fabrics

313220 Webbing weaving

313220 Wicks manufacturing

313220 Wool fabrics, narrow woven, weaving

313220 Zipper tape weaving

313230 Air laid nonwoven fabrics manufacturing

313230 Blankets, nonwoven fabric, manufacturing

313230 Bonded-fiber fabrics manufacturing

313230 Carded nonwoven fabrics manufacturing

313230 Carpet paddings, nonwoven, manufacturing

313230 Fabrics, nonwoven, manufacturing

313230 Felts, nonwoven, manufacturing

313230 Melt blown nonwoven fabrics manufacturing

313230 Nonwoven fabric tapes manufacturing

313230 Nonwoven fabrics manufacturing

313230 Nonwoven felts manufacturing

313230 Pads and wadding, nonwoven, manufacturing

313230 Pressed felts manufacturing

313230 Punched felts manufacturing

313230 Ribbons made in nonwoven fabric mills

313230 Spunbonded fabrics manufacturing

313230 Tapes, nonwoven fabric, manufacturing

313230 Wet laid nonwoven fabrics manufacturing

313230 Wipes, nonwoven fabric, manufacturing

313240 Bags and bagging fabrics made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Bedspreads and bed sets made in lace mills

313240 Bedspreads and bed sets made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Circular (i.e., weft) fabrics knitting

313240 Curtains made in lace mills

313240 Curtains made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Dishcloths made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Fabrics, knit, made in warp or weft knit fabric mills

313240 Fabrics, lace, made in lace mills

313240 Flat (i.e., warp) fabrics knitting

313240 Hand knitting lace or warp fabric products

313240 Knitting and finishing lace

313240 Knitting and finishing warp or weft fabric

313240 Knitting lace

313240 Knitting warp or weft fabric

313240 Lace manufacturing

313240 Lace products (except apparel) made in lace mills

313240 Netting made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Netting made on a lace or net machine

313240 Pile fabrics made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Tablecloths made in lace mills

313240 Tablecloths made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Textile products (except apparel) made in lace mills

313240 Textile products (except apparel) made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Towels and washcloths made in warp or weft knitting mills

313240 Warp or weft fabrics knitting

313310 Bleaching textile products, apparel, and fabrics

313310 Burling and mending fabrics

313310 Calendering textile products, apparel, and fabrics

313310 Carbonizing textile fibers

313310 Carding textile fibers

313310 Chemical finishing (e.g., fire, mildew, water resistance) fabrics

313310 Combing and converting top

313310 Combing textile fibers

313310 Converters, piece goods

313310 Converting textiles

313310 Crease resistant finishing of fabrics

313310 Dyeing gloves, woven or knit, for the trade

313310 Dyeing textile products and fabrics

313310 Embossing textile products and fabrics

313310 Fabric finishing

313310 Gassing yarn (i.e., singeing)

313310 Mercerizing textile products and fabrics

313310 Napping textile products and fabrics

313310 Preshrinking textile products and fabrics

313310 Printing fabric grey goods

313310 Printing textile products (except apparel)

313310 Scouring and combing textile fibers

313310 Screen printing fabric grey goods and textile products (except apparel)

313310 Shrinking textile products and fabrics

313310 Sizing of fabric

313310 Sponging textile products and fabrics

313310 Stone washing textile products, apparel, and fabrics

313310 Sueding textile products and fabrics

313310 Teaseling fabrics

313310 Textile products finishing

313310 Thread finishing

313310 Wool tops and noils manufacturing

313320 Garments, oiling (i.e., waterproofing)

313320 Laminating purchased textiles

313320 Leather, artificial, made from purchased fabric

313320 Metallizing purchased textiles

313320 Oilcloth manufacturing

313320 Oiling of purchased textiles and apparel

313320 Plastics coating of textiles and apparel

313320 Raincoats waterproofing (i.e., oiling)

313320 Rubberizing purchased capes

313320 Rubberizing purchased cloaks

313320 Rubberizing purchased clothing

313320 Rubberizing purchased coats

313320 Rubberizing purchased textiles and apparel

313320 Tapes, varnished and coated (except magnetic), made from purchased fabric

313320 Textile waterproofing

313320 Varnishing purchased textiles and apparel

313320 Vinyl coated fabrics manufacturing

313320 Waterproofing apparel, fabrics and textile products (e.g., oiling, rubberizing, waxing, varnishing)

313320 Waxing purchased textiles and apparel

314110 Bath mats and bath sets made in carpet mills

314110 Carpets and rugs made from textile materials

314110 Doormats, all materials (except entirely of rubber or plastics), manufacturing

314110 Finishing (e.g., dyeing) rugs and carpets

314110 Rugs and carpets made from textile materials

314110 Weaving rugs, carpets, and mats

314120 Bedspreads and bed sets made from purchased fabrics

314120 Blankets (except electric) made from purchased fabrics or felts

314120 Comforters made from purchased fabrics

314120 Curtains and draperies, window, made from purchased fabrics

314120 Cushions (except carpet, springs) made from purchased fabrics

314120 Draperies made from purchased fabrics or sheet goods

314120 Linens made from purchased materials

314120 Napkins made from purchased fabrics

314120 Pads and protectors (e.g., ironing board, mattress, table), textile, made from purchased fabrics or felts

314120 Pillowcases, bed, made from purchased fabrics

314120 Pillows, bed, made from purchased materials

314120 Placemats, all materials, made from purchased materials

314120 Quilts made from purchased materials

314120 Sheets and pillowcases made from purchased fabrics

314120 Shower and bath curtains, all materials, made from purchased fabric or sheet goods

314120 Slipcovers, all materials, made from purchased materials

314120 Tablecloths (except paper) made from purchased materials

314120 Towels or washcloths made from purchased fabrics

314910 Awnings and canopies, outdoor, made from purchased fabrics

314910 Bags, plastics, made from purchased woven plastics

314910 Bags, rubberized fabric, manufacturing

314910 Bags, textile, made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Blanket bags manufacturing

314910 Canvas bags manufacturing

314910 Canvas products made from purchased canvas or canvas substitutes

314910 Covers (e.g., boat, swimming pool, truck) made from purchased fabrics

314910 Feed bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Flour bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Garment storage bags manufacturing

314910 Knapsacks (e.g., backpacks, book bags) manufacturing

314910 Knapsacks, made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Laundry bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Sails made from purchased fabrics

314910 Seed bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Shipping bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314910 Tarpaulins made from purchased fabrics

314910 Tents made from purchased fabrics

314910 Textile bags made from purchased woven or knitted materials

314994 Cord (except wire) manufacturing

314994 Cord for reinforcing rubber tires, industrial belting, and fuel cells manufacturing

314994 Cordage (except wire) manufacturing

314994 Fabricated rope products (e.g., nets, slings) made in cordage or twine mills

314994 Fabrics for reinforcing rubber tires, industrial belting, and fuel cells manufacturing

314994 Industrial belting reinforcement, cord and fabric, manufacturing

314994 Ropes (except wire rope) manufacturing

314994 Strings (except musical instrument) manufacturing

314994 Tire cord and fabric, all materials, manufacturing

314994 Twines manufacturing

314999 Aircraft tie down strap assemblies (except leather) manufacturing

314999 Apparel fillings (e.g., cotton mill waste, kapok) manufacturing

314999 Appliqueing on textile products (except apparel)

314999 Art needlework contractors on apparel

314999 Art needlework on clothing for the trade

314999 Badges, fabric, manufacturing

314999 Bags, sleeping, manufacturing

314999 Banners made from purchased fabrics

314999 Batts and batting (except nonwoven fabrics) manufacturing

314999 Beading on textile products (except apparel) for the trade

314999 Belting made from purchased fabrics

314999 Bias bindings made from purchased fabrics

314999 Binding carpets and rugs for the trade

314999 Bindings, bias, made from purchased fabrics

314999 Bows made from purchased fabrics

314999 Burnt-out laces manufacturing

314999 Carpet cutting and binding

314999 Cotton battings (except nonwoven batting) manufacturing

314999 Crochet ware made from purchased materials

314999 Decorative stitching contractors on apparel

314999 Decorative stitching on textile articles and apparel

314999 Diapers (except disposable) made from purchased fabrics

314999 Dust cloths made from purchased fabrics

314999 Embroidering contractors on apparel

314999 Embroidering on textile products for the trade

314999 Fiber, textile recovery from textile mill waste and rags

314999 Filling (except nonwoven textile), upholstery, manufacturing

314999 Fire hose, textile, made from purchased materials

314999 Fishing nets made from purchased materials

314999 Flags, textile (e.g., banners, bunting, emblems, pennants), made from purchased fabrics

314999 Furniture trimmings made from purchased fabrics

314999 Garnetting of textile waste and rags

314999 Hammocks, fabric, manufacturing

314999 Lace, burnt-out, manufacturing

314999 Laundry nets made from purchased materials

314999 Linings, casket, manufacturing

314999 Linings, luggage, manufacturing

314999 Luggage linings manufacturing

314999 Military insignia, textile, manufacturing

314999 Mill menders, contract, woven fabrics

314999 Needlework art contractors on apparel

314999 Novelty stitching contractors on apparel

314999 Padding and wadding (except nonwoven fabric) manufacturing

314999 Parachutes manufacturing

314999 Powder puffs and mitts manufacturing

314999 Processing of textile mill waste and recovering fibers

314999 Quilting of textiles

314999 Reclaimed wool processing

314999 Recovered fibers processing

314999 Ribbons made from purchased fabrics

314999 Sleeping bags manufacturing

314999 Stitching, decorative and novelty, contractors on apparel

314999 Stitching, decorative and novelty, on textile articles and apparel

314999 Textile fire hose made from purchased material

314999 Upholstering filling (except nonwoven fabric) manufacturing

314999 Weatherstripping made from purchased textiles

314999 Wool waste processing

315110 Anklets, sheer hosiery or socks, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Athletic socks, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Boys' socks manufacturing

315110 Calf high sheer hosiery knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Children's socks manufacturing

315110 Crew socks knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Footies, sheer, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Girls' hosiery, sheer, full length or knee length, knitting and finishing

315110 Girls' socks manufacturing

315110 Hosiery, sheer, women's, misses', and girls' full-length and knee-length, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Hosiery, women's, girls', and infants', manufacturing

315110 Leggings knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Men's socks knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Nylon hosiery, sheer, women's, misses', and girls' full-length and knee-length, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Nylons, sheer, women's, misses', and girls' full-length and knee-length, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Panty hose, women's and girls', knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Slipper socks made in sock mills

315110 Socks knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Socks, men's and boy's, manufacturing

315110 Socks, slipper, made in sock mills

315110 Stockings, sheer, manufacturing

315110 Stockings, sheer, women's, misses', and girls', full-length and knee-length, knitting or knitting and finishing

315110 Tights knitting or knitting and finishing

315190 Athletic clothing made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Bathing suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Bathrobes made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Beachwear made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Blouses made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Body stockings made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Briefs, underwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Caps made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Chemises made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Clerical vestments made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Collar and cuff sets made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Drawers, apparel, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Dress and semidress gloves made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Dresses made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Dresses, hand-knit, manufacturing

315190 Ensemble dresses made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Girdles and other foundation garments made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Gloves, knit, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Hats made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Housecoats made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Jackets made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Jerseys made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Jogging suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Knit gloves made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Leotards made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Lounging robes and dressing gowns made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Mittens, knit, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Mufflers made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Neckties made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Neckwear made in a apparel knitting mills

315190 Negligees made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Nightgowns made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Nightshirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Nightwear made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Outerwear handknitted for the trade

315190 Pajamas made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Panties made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Pants, athletic, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Pants, outerwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Polo shirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Prayer shawls made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Robes, lounging, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Scarves made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Shirts, outerwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Shirts, underwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Shorts, outerwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Shorts, underwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Ski pants made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Ski suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Skirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Slacks made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Slacks, jean-cut casual, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Slips made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Snowsuits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sports clothing made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sports shirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweat bands made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweat pants made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweat suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweater jackets made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweater vests made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweaters made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Sweatshirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Swimsuits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Tank tops, outerwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Tank tops, underwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Tennis shirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Tennis skirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Ties made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Trousers made in apparel knitting mills

315190 T-shirts, outerwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 T-shirts, underwear, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Underwear made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Underwear shirts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Underwear shorts made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Uniforms, nontailored, made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Union suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Warmup suits made in apparel knitting mills

315190 Work gloves and mittens, knit, made in apparel knitting mills

315210 Apparel cut and sew contractors

315210 Apparel trimmings and findings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Apparel, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Appliqueing on apparel

315210 Aprons, waterproof (including rubberized fabric, plastics), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Aprons, work (except leather), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Arm bands cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ascots cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Athletic clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Athletic uniforms, team, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bakers' service apparel, washable, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Band uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bandeaux cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Barbers' service apparel, washable, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Baseball caps (except plastics) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Baseball uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Basketball uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bathing suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bathrobes cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Beachwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bedjackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Belts, apparel (e.g., fabric, leather, vinyl), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Belts, money, any material, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bibs and aprons, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubber, similar materials), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Blouses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Body stockings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bow ties cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bra-slips cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Brassieres cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Bridal dresses or gowns apparel contractors

315210 Briefs cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Buntings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Burial garments cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Buttonhole making apparel contractors

315210 Buttonhole making, fur goods, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Buttonholing and button covering apparel contractors

315210 Caftans cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Camisoles cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Capes cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Caps (i.e., apparel accessory) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Caps and gowns, academic, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Caps, textiles, straw, fur-felt, and wool-felt, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Chauffeurs' hats and caps cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Chemises cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clerical vestments cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clothing, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clothing, leather or sheep-lined, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clothing, water resistant, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clothing, waterproof, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Clothing, water-repellent, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coat linings, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coat trimmings, fabric, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coats (e.g., tailored, fur, artificial leather, leather, sheep-lined), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coats, nontailored service apparel (e.g., laboratory, medical, mechanics'), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coats, waterproof (i.e., plastics, rubberized fabric, similar materials), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Collar and cuff sets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Contractors, cut and sew apparel

315210 Corselets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Corsets and allied garments (except surgical) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Costumes (e.g., lodge, masquerade, theatrical) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Coveralls, work, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Culottes cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Cummerbunds cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Cutting fabric owned by others for apparel

315210 Diaper covers, water resistant and waterproof, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dickeys cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Down-filled clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Drawers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dress and semidress gloves cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dress trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dresses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dressing gowns cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dungarees cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Dusters (i.e., apparel) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ensemble dresses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Eyelet making contractors on apparel

315210 Feather-filled clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Field jackets, military, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Findings, suit and coat (e.g., coat fronts, pockets), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Firefighters' dress uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Flannel shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Formal jackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Foundation garments cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Fur accessories and trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Fur apparel (e.g., capes, coats, hats, jackets, neckpieces) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Fur clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Fur finishers, liners, and buttonhole makers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Fur plates and trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Garments, leather or sheep-lined, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Garter belts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Garters cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Girdles cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Glove linings, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gloves and mittens (except athletic), leather, fabric, fur, or combinations, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gloves and mittens, woven or knit, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gowns (e.g., academic, choir, clerical) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gowns, formal, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gowns, hospital, surgical and patient, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Gowns, wedding, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Graduation caps and gowns cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Handkerchiefs (except paper) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hat bodies (e.g., fur-felt, straw, wool-felt) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hat findings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hat linings and trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hats (e.g., cloth, fur, fur-felt, leather, straw, wool-felt) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hats, trimmed, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Headbands cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hemstitching apparel contractors on apparel

315210 Hospital service apparel, washable, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Housecoats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Housedresses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Hunting coats and vests cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Industrial garments cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Infants' cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jackets, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jackets, leather (except welders') or sheep-lined, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jackets, service apparel (e.g., laboratory, medical), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jackets, ski, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jean-cut casual slacks cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jeans cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jerseys cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jogging suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Jumpsuits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Knickers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Knit gloves cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Laboratory coats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Leather apparel (e.g., capes, coats, hats, jackets) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Leather clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Leather gloves or mittens (except athletic) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Leggings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Leotards cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Lingerie cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Linings, hat, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Lounging robes and dressing gowns cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Mackinaws cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Maternity bras and corsets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Medical service apparel cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Melton jackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Middies cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Military dress uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Millinery cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Millinery trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Mittens (e.g., leather, woven or knit) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Mufflers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Neckpieces, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Neckties cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Neckwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Negligees cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Nightgowns cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Nightshirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Nightwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Opera hats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Overall jackets, work, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Overalls, work, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Overcoats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Pajamas cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Panama hats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Panties cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Pants (e.g., athletic, dress, leather, sweat, waterproof outerwear, work) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Pants outfits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Pantsuits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Panty girdles cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Paper dresses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Plastics gowns cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Plastics rainwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Playsuits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Pleating contractors on apparel

315210 Pockets (e.g., coat, suit) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Police caps and hats (except protective head gear) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Police uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Polo shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ponchos and similar waterproof raincoats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Prayer shawls cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Professional service apparel, washable, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Raincoats (e.g., water resistant, waterproof, water-repellent) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Riding clothes cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Robes, lounging, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Rompers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Scarves cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Service apparel, washable, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sewing fabric owned by others

315210 Shirts, outerwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Shirts, underwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Shorts, outerwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Shorts, underwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ski pants cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ski suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Skirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Slacks cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Slacks, jean-cut casual, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Slips cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Snowsuits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sport coats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sport coats, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sport coats, leather (including artificial and tailored), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sport shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sports clothing cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Suit trimmings cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Suits (i.e., nontailored, tailored, work) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Suspenders cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweat bands cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweat pants cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweat suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweater jackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweater vests cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweaters cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Sweatshirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Swimsuits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Tailored dress and sport coats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Tank tops cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Team athletic uniforms cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Teddies cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Tennis shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Tennis skirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Theatrical costumes cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Ties cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Topcoats cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Training pants (i.e., underwear) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Trimmings, fur, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Trousers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 T-shirts, outerwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 T-shirts, underwear, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Tuxedos cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Underwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Underwear shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Underwear shorts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniform hats and caps cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniform shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniforms, band, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniforms, dress (e.g., military, police, fire fighter), cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniforms, nontailored, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Uniforms, team athletic, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Union suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Vestments, academic and clerical, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Vests cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Vests, leather, fur, or sheep-lined, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Warmup suits cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Washable service apparel (e.g., barbers', hospital, professional) cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Water resistant apparel cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Water resistant outerwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Waterproof outerwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Water-repellent outerwear cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Wedding dresses cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Windbreakers cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Work coats and jackets cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Work gloves, leather, cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Work pants cut and sew apparel contractors

315210 Work shirts cut and sew apparel contractors

315220 Aprons, work (except leather, waterproof), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Athletic clothing (except team athletic uniforms), men's, boys' and unisex (i.e., sized without regard to gender), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Bakers' service apparel, washable, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Barbers' service apparel, washable, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Bathing suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Bathrobes, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Beachwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Briefs, underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Caftans, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Clothing, water resistant, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Clothing, water-repellent, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Coats (except fur, leather, waterproof), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Coats, nontailored service apparel (e.g., laboratory, mechanics', medical), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Coats, tailored (except fur, leather), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Coveralls, work, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Custom tailors, men's and boys' dress shirts, cut and sewn from purchased fabric

315220 Custom tailors, men's and boys' suits, cut and sewn from purchased fabric

315220 Down-filled clothing, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Drawers, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Dungarees, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Feather-filled clothing, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Field jackets, military, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Firefighters' dress uniforms, men's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Flannel shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Formal jackets, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Hospital service apparel, washable, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Hunting coats and vests, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Industrial garments, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jackets (except fur, leather, sheep-lined), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jackets, service apparel (e.g., laboratory, medical), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jackets, ski, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jackets, tailored (except fur, leather, sheep-lined), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jean-cut casual slacks, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jerseys, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Jogging suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Knickers, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Laboratory coats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Lounging robes and dressing gowns, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Mackinaws, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Medical service apparel, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Melton jackets, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Military dress uniforms, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Nightgowns, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Nightshirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Nightwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Overall jackets, work, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Overalls, work, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Overcoats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Pajamas, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Pants (e.g., athletic, dress, sweat, work), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Police dress uniforms, men's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Polo shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Professional service apparel, washable, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Raincoats, water resistant, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Raincoats, water-repellent, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Riding clothes, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Robes, lounging, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Service apparel, washable, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Shirts, outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Shirts, outerwear, unisex (i.e., sized without regard to gender), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Shirts, underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Shorts, outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Shorts, underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Ski pants, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Ski suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Slacks, jean-cut casual, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Slacks, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Snowsuits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sport coats (except fur, leather), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sport shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sports clothing (except team uniforms), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Suits, nontailored (e.g., jogging, snow, ski, warm-up), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Suits, tailored, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweat pants, men's, boys', and unisex (i.e., sized without regard to gender), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweat suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweater jackets, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweater vests, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweaters, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweatshirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Sweatshirts, outerwear, unisex (sized without regard to gender), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Swimsuits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Tailored dress and sport coats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Tank tops, outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Tank tops, underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Tennis shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Topcoats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Trousers, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 T-shirts, outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 T-shirts, outerwear, unisex (i.e., sized without regard to gender), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 T-shirts, underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Tuxedos cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Underwear shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Underwear shorts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Underwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Uniform shirts (except team athletic), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Uniforms, dress (e.g., fire fighter, military, police), men's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Uniforms, nontailored, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Union suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Vests, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Warmup suits, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Washable service apparel (e.g., barbers', hospital, professional), men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Water resistant jackets and windbreakers, nontailored, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Water resistant outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Water resistant overcoats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Water-repellent outerwear, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Water-repellent overcoats, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Windbreakers, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Work coats and jackets, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors

315220 Work pants, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315220 Work shirts, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Aprons, work (except waterproof, leather), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Athletic clothing (except team athletic uniforms), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bakers' service apparel, washable, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bandeaux, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bathing suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bathrobes, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Beachwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bedjackets, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Blouses, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Body stockings, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bra-slips, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Brassieres cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Bridal dresses or gowns, custom made

315240 Bridal dresses or gowns, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Briefs, underwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Buntings, infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Caftans, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Camisoles, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Capes (except fur, waterproof), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Chemises, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Clothing, water resistant, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Clothing, water-repellent, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Coats (except fur, leather, waterproof), women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Coats, nontailored service apparel (e.g., laboratory, medical, mechanics'), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Coats, tailored (except fur, leather), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric

315240 Collar and cuff sets, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Corselets, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Corsets and allied garments (except surgical), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Coveralls, work, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Culottes, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Custom tailors, women's and girls' dresses cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Diaper covers, infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Dickeys, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Down-filled clothing, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Drawers, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Dresses, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Dressing gowns, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Dungarees, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Dusters (i.e., apparel), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Ensemble dresses, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Feather-filled clothing, jackets, and vests, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Firefighters' dress uniforms, women's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Flannel shirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Foundation garments, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Garter belts cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Garters, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Girdles, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Gowns, formal, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Gowns, wedding, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Hospital service apparel, washable, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Housecoats, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Housedresses, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Industrial garments, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Infants' apparel cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Infants' water resistant outerwear cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jackets (except fur, leather, sheep-lined), women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jackets, service apparel (e.g., laboratory, medical), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jackets, ski, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jean-cut casual slacks, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jeans, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jerseys, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jogging suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Jumpsuits, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Knickers, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Laboratory coats, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Leggings, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Leotards, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Lingerie, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Lounging robes and dressing gowns, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Mackinaws, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Maternity bras and corsets, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Medical service apparel, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Melton jackets, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Middies, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Military dress uniforms, tailored, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Negligees, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Nightgowns, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Nightshirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except contractors)

315240 Nightwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Overcoats, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pajamas, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Panties, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pants outfits, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pants, athletic, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pants, sweat, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pants, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Pantsuits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Panty girdles, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Paper dresses, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Playsuits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Police dress uniforms, women's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Polo shirts, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Professional service apparel, washable, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Raincoats, water resistant, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Raincoats, water-repellent, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Riding clothes, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Robes, lounging, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Rompers, infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Service apparel, washable, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Shirts, outerwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Shirts, underwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Shorts, outerwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Ski pants, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Ski suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Skirts, tennis, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Skirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Slacks, jean-cut casual, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Slacks, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Slips, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Snowsuits, women's, girls, and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sports clothing (except team uniforms), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Suits (e.g., jogging, snowsuit, warm-up), women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Suits, tailored, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sunsuits, infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweat pants, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweat suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweater jackets, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweater vests, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweaters, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Sweatshirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Swimsuits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Tank tops, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Teddies, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Tennis shirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Tennis skirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Training pants (i.e., underwear), infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 T-shirts, outerwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 T-shirts, underwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Underwear shirts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Underwear shorts, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Underwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Uniform shirts (except team athletic), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Uniforms (except team athletic), nontailored, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Uniforms, dress, tailored (e.g., fire fighter, military, police), women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Union suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Vests, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Warmup suits, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Washable service apparel, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Water resistant jackets and windbreakers, not tailored, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Water resistant outerwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Water resistant overcoats, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Water-repellent outerwear, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Water-repellent overcoats, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Wedding dresses, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315240 Windbreakers, women's, girls', and infants', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Apparel, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Athletic uniforms, team, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Band uniforms cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Baseball uniforms cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Basketball uniforms cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Burial garments cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Capes, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Capes, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubber, similar materials), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Caps and gowns, academic, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Caps, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Caps, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Clerical vestments cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Clothing, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Clothing, leather or sheep-lined (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Clothing, waterproof, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Coat linings, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Coats (including tailored), leather or sheep-lined (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Coats, artificial leather, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Coats, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Coats, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Coats, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubberized fabric, similar materials) rubberizing fabric and manufacturing coats

315280 Coats, waterproof, (e.g., plastics, rubberized fabric, similar materials) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Costumes (e.g., lodge, masquerade, theatrical) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Fur accessories and trimmings (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Fur apparel (e.g., capes, coats, hats, jackets, neckpieces) (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Fur clothing (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Fur plates and trimmings (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Garments, leather or sheep-lined (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Glazing furs

315280 Glove linings, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Gowns (e.g., academic, choir, clerical) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Gowns, hospital, surgical and patient, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Graduation caps and gowns cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Hats, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Hats, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Jackets, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Jackets, leather (except welders') or sheep-lined (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Leather apparel (e.g., capes, coats, hats, jackets) (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Leather clothing (except apparel contractors) manufacturing

315280 Neckpieces, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Pants, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Pants, rubber and rubberized fabric, made in the same establishment as the basic material

315280 Pants, vulcanized rubber, manufacturing

315280 Pants, waterproof outerwear, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Plastics gowns cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Plastics rainwear cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Pointing furs

315280 Ponchos and similar waterproof raincoats cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Prayer shawls cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Raincoats, rubber or rubberized fabric, manufacturing

315280 Raincoats, waterproof, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Sport coats, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Sport coats, leather (including artificial and tailored) (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Sports clothing, team uniforms, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Sweat bands cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Team athletic uniforms cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Theatrical costumes cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Trimmings, fur (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Uniform shirts, team athletic, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Uniforms, band, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Uniforms, team athletic, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Vestments, academic and clerical, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Vests, leather, fur, or sheep-lined (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315280 Waterproof outerwear cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315280 Waterproof outerwear, rubberizing fabric and manufacturing outerwear

315990 Apparel findings and trimmings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Aprons, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubberized fabric), rubberizing fabric and manufacturing aprons

315990 Aprons, waterproof (including rubberized fabric, plastics), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Arm bands, elastic, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Ascots, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Baseball caps cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Bathing caps, rubber, manufacturing

315990 Belts, apparel (e.g., fabric, leather, vinyl), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Belts, money, any material, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Bibs and aprons, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubber, similar materials), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Bibs and aprons, waterproof (e.g., plastics, rubber, similar materials), rubberizing fabric and manufacturing bibs and aprons

315990 Bow ties, men's and boys', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Caps (except fur, leather) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Caps (i.e., apparel accessory) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except fur, leather, apparel contractors)

315990 Caps, textiles, straw, fur-felt, and wool-felt, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Chauffeurs' hats and caps cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Coat trimmings fabric cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Cummerbunds cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Dress and semidress gloves cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Dress trimmings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Findings, suit and coat (e.g., coat fronts, pockets), cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Glove linings (except fur) manufacturing

315990 Gloves and mittens (except athletic), leather, fabric, fur, or combinations, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Gloves and mittens, woven or knit, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315990 Gloves, leather (except athletic, cut and sewn apparel contractors), manufacturing

315990 Handkerchiefs (except paper) cut and sewn from purchased fabric

315990 Harvest hats, straw, manufacturing

315990 Hat bodies (e.g., fur-felt, straw, wool-felt) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hat findings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hat linings and trimmings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hats (except fur, knitting mill products, leather) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hats, cloth, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hats, fur-felt, straw, and wool-felt, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Hats, trimmed, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Headbands, women's and girls', cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Knit gloves cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Leather gloves or mittens (except athletic, cut and sewn apparel contractors) manufacturing

315990 Linings, hat, men's, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Millinery cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Millinery trimmings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Mittens cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Mittens, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315990 Mittens, woven or knit, cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Mufflers cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Neckties cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Neckwear cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Opera hats cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Panama hats cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Police caps and hats (except protective head gear) cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Scarves cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Straw hats manufacturing

315990 Suit trimmings cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Suspenders cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Ties, men's and boys' hand sewn (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

315990 Uniform hats and caps cut and sewn from purchased fabric (except apparel contractors)

315990 Work gloves, leather (except apparel contractors), manufacturing

316110 Bag leather manufacturing

316110 Belting butts, curried or rough, manufacturing

316110 Belting leather, manufacturing

316110 Bookbinder's leather manufacturing

316110 Bridle leather manufacturing

316110 Buffings, russet, manufacturing

316110 Case leather manufacturing

316110 Chamois leather manufacturing

316110 Collar leather, manufacturing

316110 Coloring leather

316110 Converters, leather

316110 Currying furs

316110 Currying leather

316110 Cutting of leather

316110 Dressing (i.e., bleaching, blending, currying, scraping, tanning) furs

316110 Dressing hides

316110 Dyeing furs

316110 Dyeing leather

316110 Embossing leather

316110 Exotic leathers manufacturing

316110 Fancy leathers manufacturing

316110 Finishing hides and skins on a contract basis

316110 Finishing leather

316110 Fleshers, leather (i.e., flesh side of split leather), manufacturing

316110 Fur stripping

316110 Furs, dressed (e.g., bleached, curried, dyed, scraped, tanned), manufacturing

316110 Garment leather manufacturing

316110 Glove leather manufacturing

316110 Handbag leather manufacturing

316110 Harness leather manufacturing

316110 Hides and skins, finishing on a contract basis

316110 Hides, tanning, currying, dressing, and finishing

316110 Japanning of leather

316110 Lace leather manufacturing

316110 Latigo leather manufacturing

316110 Leather coloring, cutting, embossing, and japanning

316110 Leather converters

316110 Leather tanning, currying, and finishing

316110 Lining leather manufacturing

316110 Mechanical leather manufacturing

316110 Parchment leather manufacturing

316110 Patent leather manufacturing

316110 Pelts bleaching, currying, dyeing, scraping, and tanning

316110 Rawhide manufacturing

316110 Roller leather manufacturing

316110 Saddlery leather manufacturing

316110 Shearling (i.e., prepared sheepskin) manufacturing

316110 Skins, tanning, currying and finishing

316110 Skirting leather manufacturing

316110 Skivers, leather, manufacturing

316110 Sole leather manufacturing

316110 Specialty leathers manufacturing

316110 Splits, leather, manufacturing

316110 Strap leather manufacturing

316110 Sweatband leather manufacturing

316110 Tannery leather manufacturing

316110 Tanning and currying furs

316110 Upholstery leather manufacturing

316110 Upper leather manufacturing

316110 Vellum leather manufacturing

316110 Welting leather manufacturing

316110 Wet blues manufacturing

316210 Arctics, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Arctics, rubber or rubber soled fabric, manufacturing

316210 Athletic shoes manufacturing

316210 Athletic shoes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Athletic shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Ballet slippers manufacturing

316210 Beach sandals, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Beach sandals, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Boots, dress and casual, children's and infants', manufacturing

316210 Boots, dress and casual, men's, manufacturing

316210 Boots, dress and casual, women's, manufacturing

316210 Boots, hiking, children's and infants', manufacturing

316210 Boots, hiking, men's, manufacturing

316210 Boots, hiking, women's, manufacturing

316210 Boots, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Boots, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Canvas shoes, plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Canvas shoes, rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Casual shoes, children's and infants', manufacturing

316210 Casual shoes, men's, manufacturing

316210 Casual shoes, women's, manufacturing

316210 Children's shoes (except orthopedic extension) manufacturing

316210 Cleated athletic shoes manufacturing

316210 Climbing shoes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Climbing shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Dress shoes, children's and infants', manufacturing

316210 Dress shoes, men's, manufacturing

316210 Dress shoes, women's, manufacturing

316210 Footholds, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Footholds, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Footwear, athletic, manufacturing

316210 Footwear, children's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Footwear, children's, leather or vinyl upper with rubber or plastics soles, manufacturing

316210 Footwear, men's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Footwear, men's leather or vinyl upper with rubber or plastics soles, manufacturing

316210 Footwear, plastics or plastics soled fabric uppers, manufacturing

316210 Footwear, women's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Footwear, women's leather or vinyl upper with rubber or plastics soles, manufacturing

316210 Gaiters, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Gaiters, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Galoshes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Galoshes, rubber, or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Golf shoes, men's cleated, manufacturing

316210 Golf shoes, women's cleated, manufacturing

316210 House slippers manufacturing

316210 House slippers, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 House slippers, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Infant's shoes manufacturing

316210 Leather footwear manufacturing

316210 Leather footwear, men's, manufacturing

316210 Leather footwear, slippers, manufacturing

316210 Leather footwear, women's, manufacturing

316210 Leather house slippers manufacturing

316210 Leather upper athletic footwear manufacturing

316210 Moccasins manufacturing

316210 Orthopedic shoes (except extension shoes), children's, manufacturing

316210 Orthopedic shoes (except extension shoes), men's, manufacturing

316210 Orthopedic shoes (except extension shoes), women's, manufacturing

316210 Overshoes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Overshoes, rubber, or rubber soled fabric, manufacturing

316210 Pacs, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Pacs, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Protective footwear, plastics or plastics-soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Protective footwear, rubber or rubber-soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Pumps (i.e., dress shoes) manufacturing

316210 Sandals, children's, manufacturing

316210 Sandals, men's footwear, manufacturing

316210 Sandals, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Sandals, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Sandals, women's footwear, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, athletic, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, ballet, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, children's and infant's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Shoes, cleated or spiked, all materials, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, men's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Shoes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, theatrical, manufacturing

316210 Shoes, women's (except orthopedic extension), manufacturing

316210 Shoes, wooden, manufacturing

316210 Shower sandals or slippers, rubber, manufacturing

316210 Slipper socks made from purchased socks

316210 Slippers, ballet, manufacturing

316210 Slippers, house, manufacturing

316210 Socks, slipper, made from purchased socks

316210 Vinyl upper athletic footwear manufacturing

316210 Water shoes, plastics or plastics soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Water shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric upper, manufacturing

316210 Work shoes manufacturing

316992 Handbags, women's, all materials (except precious metal), manufacturing

316992 Leather handbags and purses manufacturing

316992 Purses (except precious metal), women's, manufacturing

316998 Aprons for textile machinery, leather, manufacturing

316998 Aprons, leather (e.g., blacksmith's, welder's), manufacturing

316998 Attache cases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Bags (i.e., luggage), all materials, manufacturing

316998 Bags, athletic, manufacturing

316998 Belt laces, leather, manufacturing

316998 Belting for machinery, leather, manufacturing

316998 Belts, leather safety, manufacturing

316998 Billfolds, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Binocular cases manufacturing

316998 Blacksmith's aprons, leather, manufacturing

316998 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings, leather, manufacturing

316998 Bows, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Box toes (i.e., shoe cut stock), leather, manufacturing

316998 Boxes, hat (except paper or paperboard), manufacturing

316998 Boxes, leather, manufacturing

316998 Briefcases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Camera carrying bags, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Caps, heel and toe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Card cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Cases, jewelry (except metal), manufacturing

316998 Cases, luggage, manufacturing

316998 Cases, musical instrument, manufacturing

316998 Checkbook covers, (except metal), manufacturing

316998 Cigar cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Cigarette cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Clasps, shoe (leather), manufacturing

316998 Coin purses (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Collars and collar pads (i.e., harness) manufacturing

316998 Collars, dog, manufacturing

316998 Comb cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Compacts, solid leather, manufacturing

316998 Corners, luggage, leather, manufacturing

316998 Cosmetic bags (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Counters (i.e., shoe cut stock), leather, manufacturing

316998 Crops, riding, manufacturing

316998 Cut stock for boots and shoes manufacturing

316998 Desk sets, leather, manufacturing

316998 Dog furnishings (e.g., collars, harnesses, leashes, muzzles), manufacturing

316998 Eyeglass cases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Feed bags for horses manufacturing

316998 Findings, boot and shoe, manufacturing

316998 Handbags (except metal), men's, manufacturing

316998 Handles (e.g., luggage, whip), leather, manufacturing

316998 Harnesses and harness parts, leather, manufacturing

316998 Harnesses, dog, manufacturing

316998 Heel caps, leather or metal, manufacturing

316998 Heel lifts, leather, manufacturing

316998 Heels, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Holsters, leather, manufacturing

316998 Horse boots and muzzles manufacturing

316998 Inner soles, leather, manufacturing

316998 Jackets, welder's, leather, manufacturing

316998 Key cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Laces (e.g., shoe), leather, manufacturing

316998 Lashes (i.e., whips) manufacturing

316998 Leashes, dog, manufacturing

316998 Leather belting manufacturing

316998 Leather cut stock for shoe and boot manufacturing

316998 Leather goods, small personal (e.g., coin purses, eyeglass cases, key cases), manufacturing

316998 Leather luggage manufacturing

316998 Leather welting manufacturing

316998 Leggings, welder's, leather, manufacturing

316998 Lifts, heel, leather, manufacturing

316998 Linings, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Luggage, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Mill strapping for textile mills, leather, manufacturing

316998 Musical instrument cases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Novelties, leather (e.g., cigarette lighter covers, key fobs), manufacturing

316998 Pegs, leather shoe, manufacturing

316998 Personal leather goods (e.g., coin purses, eyeglass cases, key cases), small, manufacturing

316998 Purses (except precious metal), men's, manufacturing

316998 Quarters (i.e., shoe cut stock), leather, manufacturing

316998 Rands (i.e., shoe cut stock), leather, manufacturing

316998 Razor strops manufacturing

316998 Riding crops manufacturing

316998 Saddles and parts, leather, manufacturing

316998 Safety belts, leather, manufacturing

316998 Sample cases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Satchels, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Seatbelts, leather, manufacturing

316998 Sewing cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Shanks, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Shoe kits (i.e., cases), all materials, manufacturing

316998 Shoe soles, leather, manufacturing

316998 Sleeves, welder's, leather, manufacturing

316998 Soles, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Spats, leather, manufacturing

316998 Stays, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Straps, leather, manufacturing

316998 Straps, watch (except metal), manufacturing

316998 Suitcases, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Taps, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Textile leathers (e.g., apron picker leather, mill strapping) manufacturing

316998 Tips, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Tobacco pouches (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Toe caps, leather, manufacturing

316998 Toilet kits and cases (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Tongues, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Top lifts, boot and shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Transmission belting, leather, manufacturing

316998 Traveling bags, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Trimmings, shoe, leather, manufacturing

316998 Trunks (i.e., luggage), all materials, manufacturing

316998 Uppers (i.e., shoe cut stock), leather, manufacturing

316998 Valises, all materials, manufacturing

316998 Vamps, leather, manufacturing

316998 Vanity cases, leather, manufacturing

316998 Wallets (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Wardrobe bags (i.e., luggage) manufacturing

316998 Watch bands (except metal) manufacturing

316998 Welders' aprons, leather, manufacturing

316998 Welders' jackets, leggings, and sleeves, leather, manufacturing

316998 Whips, horse, manufacturing

316998 Whipstocks manufacturing

321113 Beams, wood, made from logs or bolts

321113 Boards, wood, made from logs or bolts

321113 Ceiling lumber, made from logs or bolts

321113 Chipper mills (except portable)

321113 Custom sawmills

321113 Dimension lumber, hardwood, made from logs or bolts

321113 Dimension lumber, made from logs or bolts

321113 Dimension lumber, softwood, made from logs or bolts

321113 Flitches (i.e., veneer stock) made in sawmills

321113 Lumber (i.e., rough, dressed) made from logs or bolts

321113 Lumber, hardwood dimension, made from logs or bolts

321113 Lumber, softwood dimension, made from logs or bolts

321113 Poles, wood, made from from log or bolts

321113 Pressure treated lumber made from logs or bolts and treated

321113 Sawdust and shavings (i.e., sawmill byproducts) manufacturing

321113 Sawed lumber made in sawmills

321113 Sawmills

321113 Shakes (i.e., hand split shingles) manufacturing

321113 Shingle mills, wood

321113 Shingles, wood, sawed or hand split, manufacturing

321113 Siding mills, wood

321113 Siding, dressed lumber, manufacturing

321113 Stud mills

321113 Ties, railroad, made from logs or bolts

321113 Ties, wood, made from logs or bolts

321113 Timbers, made from logs or bolts

321113 Wood chips made in sawmills

321114 Bridge and trestle parts, wood, treating

321114 Creosoting of wood

321114 Crossties, treating

321114 Flooring, wood block, treating

321114 Millwork, treating

321114 Mine props, treating

321114 Mine ties, wood, treated, manufacturing

321114 Pilings, foundation and marine construction, treating

321114 Pilings, round wood, cutting and treating

321114 Pilings, wood, treating

321114 Poles, round wood, cutting and treating

321114 Poles, wood, treating

321114 Posts, round wood, cutting and treating

321114 Posts, wood, treating

321114 Preserving purchased wood and wood products

321114 Pressure treated lumber made from purchased lumber

321114 Railroad ties (i.e., bridge, cross, switch) treating

321114 Structural lumber and timber, treating

321114 Ties, wood railroad bridge, cross, and switch, treating

321114 Timber, structural, treating

321114 Treating purchased wood and wood products

321114 Treating wood products with creosote or other preservatives

321114 Trestle parts, wood, treating

321114 Wood fence (i.e., pickets, poling, rails), treating

321114 Wood products, creosoting purchased wood products

321211 Hardwood plywood composites manufacturing

321211 Hardwood veneer or plywood manufacturing

321211 Panels, hardwood plywood, manufacturing

321211 Plywood, faced with nonwood materials, hardwood, manufacturing

321211 Plywood, hardwood faced, manufacturing

321211 Plywood, hardwood, manufacturing

321211 Prefinished hardwood plywood manufacturing

321211 Veneer mills, hardwood

321212 Panels, softwood plywood, manufacturing

321212 Plywood, faced with nonwood materials, softwood, manufacturing

321212 Plywood, softwood faced, manufacturing

321212 Plywood, softwood, manufacturing

321212 Prefinished softwood plywood manufacturing

321212 Softwood plywood composites manufacturing

321212 Softwood veneer or plywood manufacturing

321212 Veneer mills, softwood

321213 Arches, glue laminated or pre-engineered wood, manufacturing

321213 Fabricated structural wood members (except trusses) manufacturing

321213 Finger joint lumber manufacturing

321213 I-joists, wood, fabricating

321213 Laminated structural wood members (except trusses) manufacturing

321213 Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) manufacturing

321213 Lumber, parallel strand, manufacturing

321213 LVL (laminated veneer lumber) manufacturing

321213 Parallel strand lumber manufacturing

321213 Structural members, glue laminated or pre-engineered wood, manufacturing

321213 Structural wood members (except trusses), fabricated, manufacturing

321213 Timbers, structural, glue laminated or pre-engineered wood, manufacturing

321213 Wood I-joists manufacturing

321214 Floor trusses, wood, manufacturing

321214 Roof trusses, wood, manufacturing

321214 Trusses, glue laminated or pre-engineered wood, manufacturing

321214 Trusses, wood roof or floor, manufacturing

321214 Trusses, wood, glue laminated or metal connected, manufacturing

321219 Board, bagasse, manufacturing

321219 Board, particle, manufacturing

321219 Chipboard (I.e., particle core, wood chip face), manufacturing

321219 Compression modified wood manufacturing

321219 Densified wood manufacturing

321219 Fiberboard manufacturing

321219 Flakeboard manufacturing

321219 Hardboard manufacturing

321219 Insulation board, cellular fiber, manufacturing

321219 Lath, fiber, manufacturing

321219 MDF (medium density fiberboard) manufacturing

321219 Medium density fiberboard (MDF) manufacturing

321219 Oriented strandboard (OSB) manufacturing

321219 OSB (oriented strandboard) manufacturing

321219 Particleboard manufacturing

321219 Reconstituted wood panels manufacturing

321219 Reconstituted wood sheets and boards manufacturing

321219 Strandboard, oriented, manufacturing

321219 Waferboard manufacturing

321911 Door frames and sash, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Door jambs, wood, manufacturing

321911 Door units, prehung, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Doors, combination screen-storm, wood, manufacturing

321911 Doors, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Frames, door and window, wood, manufacturing

321911 Garage doors, wood, manufacturing

321911 Louver windows and doors, made from purchased glass with wood frame

321911 Sash, door and window, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Screens, door and window, wood framed, manufacturing

321911 Storm doors and windows, wood framed, manufacturing

321911 Window frames and sash, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Window screens, wood framed, manufacturing

321911 Window units, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Windows, louver, wood, manufacturing

321911 Windows, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321911 Wood door frames and sash manufacturing

321911 Wood window frames and sash manufacturing

321912 Blanks, wood (e.g., bowling pins, handles, textile machinery accessories), manufacturing

321912 Boards, wood, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood, manufacturing

321912 Bowling pin blanks manufacturing

321912 Brush blocks, wood, turned and shaped

321912 Cants, resawed (lumber), manufacturing

321912 Ceiling lumber, dressed, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Cut stock manufacturing

321912 Dimension lumber, hardwood, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Dimension lumber, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Dimension lumber, softwood, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Dimension stock, hardwood, manufacturing

321912 Dimension stock, softwood, manufacturing

321912 Dimension stock, wood, manufacturing

321912 Furniture dimension stock, hardwood, unfinished, manufacturing

321912 Furniture dimension stock, softwood, unfinished, manufacturing

321912 Furniture dimension stock, unfinished wood, manufacturing

321912 Furniture squares, unfinished hardwood, manufacturing

321912 Gun stock blanks manufacturing

321912 Handle blanks, wood, manufacturing

321912 Handle stock, sawed or planed, manufacturing

321912 Hardwood dimension lumber and stock, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Ladder rounds or rungs, hardwood, manufacturing

321912 Lath, wood, manufacturing

321912 Lathmills, wood

321912 Lumber, hardwood dimension, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Lumber, softwood dimension, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Planing mills (except millwork)

321912 Planing purchased lumber

321912 Resawing purchased lumber

321912 Rounds or rungs, furniture, hardwood, manufacturing

321912 Sawed lumber, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Snow fence lath manufacturing

321912 Softwood dimension lumber and stock, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Stock, chair, unfinished hardwood, manufacturing

321912 Studs, resawing purchased lumber

321912 Turnings, furniture, unfinished wood, manufacturing

321912 Vehicle stock, hardwood, manufacturing

321918 Baseboards, floor, wood, manufacturing

321918 Brackets, wood, manufacturing

321918 Clear and finger joint wood moldings manufacturing

321918 Columns, porch, wood, manufacturing

321918 Cornices, wood, manufacturing

321918 Decorative wood moldings (e.g., base, chair rail, crown, shoe) manufacturing

321918 Door shutters, wood, manufacturing

321918 Door trim, wood molding, manufacturing

321918 Exterior wood shutters manufacturing

321918 Floor baseboards, wood, manufacturing

321918 Flooring, wood, manufacturing

321918 Moldings, clear and finger joint wood, manufacturing

321918 Moldings, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321918 Newel posts, wood, manufacturing

321918 Ornamental woodwork (e.g., cornices, mantels) manufacturing

321918 Panel work, wood millwork, manufacturing

321918 Parquet flooring, hardwood, manufacturing

321918 Parquetry, hardwood, manufacturing

321918 Planing mills, millwork

321918 Porch work (e.g., columns, newels, rails, trellises), wood, manufacturing

321918 Railings, wood stair, manufacturing

321918 Shutters, door and window, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321918 Shutters, wood, manufacturing

321918 Stair railings, wood, manufacturing

321918 Stairwork (e.g., newel posts, railings, staircases, stairs), wood, manufacturing

321918 Trellises, wood, manufacturing

321918 Trim, wood and covered wood, manufacturing

321918 Venetian blind slats, wood, manufacturing

321918 Wainscots, wood, manufacturing

321918 Weather strip, wood, manufacturing

321918 Window trim, wood and covered wood moldings, manufacturing

321918 Wood flooring manufacturing

321918 Wood moldings (e.g., pre-finished, unfinished), clear and finger joint, manufacturing

321918 Wood shutters manufacturing

321920 Ammunition boxes, wood, manufacturing

321920 Barrel heading and staves manufacturing

321920 Barrels, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Baskets, wood (e.g., round stave, veneer), manufacturing

321920 Berry crates, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Berry cups, veneer and splint, manufacturing

321920 Box cleats, wood, manufacturing

321920 Box shook manufacturing

321920 Boxes, cigar, wood or part wood, manufacturing

321920 Boxes, jewelry, wood or part wood, manufacturing

321920 Boxes, wood, manufacturing

321920 Boxes, wood, plain or fabric covered, nailed or lock corner, manufacturing

321920 Buckets, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Cases, shipping, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Cases, wood packing, nailed or lock corner, manufacturing

321920 Cases, wood shipping, nailed or lock corner, manufacturing

321920 Casks, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Chests for tools, wood, manufacturing

321920 Chicken coops (i.e., crates), wood, wirebound for shipping poultry, manufacturing

321920 Cigar boxes, wood and part wood, manufacturing

321920 Containers, wood, manufacturing

321920 Cooperage manufacturing

321920 Cooperage stock (e.g., heading, hoops, staves) manufacturing

321920 Cooperage stock mills

321920 Coopered tubs manufacturing

321920 Crates (e.g., berry, butter, fruit, vegetable) made of wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Drums, plywood, manufacturing

321920 Drums, shipping, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Egg cases, wood, manufacturing

321920 Firkins and kits, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Flats, wood, greenhouse, manufacturing

321920 Fruit baskets, veneer and splint, manufacturing

321920 Fruit crates, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Heading, barrel (i.e., cooperage stock), wood, manufacturing

321920 Hogsheads, coopered wood, manufacturing

321920 Hoops, sawed or split wood for tight or slack cooperage, manufacturing

321920 Hot tubs, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Kegs, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Packing cases, wood, nailed or lock corner, manufacturing

321920 Packing crates, wood, manufacturing

321920 Pails, coopered wood, manufacturing

321920 Pails, plywood, manufacturing

321920 Pails, wood, manufacturing

321920 Pallet containers, wood or wood and metal combination, manufacturing

321920 Pallet parts, wood, manufacturing

321920 Pallets, wood or wood and metal combination, manufacturing

321920 Round stave baskets (e.g., fruit, vegetable) manufacturing

321920 Shipping cases and drums, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Shipping cases, wood, nailed or lock corner, manufacturing

321920 Shipping crates, wood, manufacturing

321920 Shook, box, manufacturing

321920 Skids and pallets, wood or wood and metal combination, manufacturing

321920 Splint baskets for fruits and vegetables, manufacturing

321920 Staves, barrel, sawed or split, manufacturing

321920 Tanks, wood, coopered, manufacturing

321920 Tobacco hogshead stock, manufacturing

321920 Tobacco hogsheads, manufacturing

321920 Tool chests, wood, manufacturing

321920 Trays, carrier, wood, manufacturing

321920 Vegetable baskets, veneer and splint, manufacturing

321920 Vegetable crates, wood, wirebound, manufacturing

321920 Veneer baskets, for fruits and vegetables, manufacturing

321991 Buildings, mobile, commercial use, manufacturing

321991 Houses, prefabricated mobile homes, manufacturing

321991 Manufactured (mobile) buildings for commercial use (e.g., banks, offices) manufacturing

321991 Manufactured (mobile) classrooms manufacturing

321991 Manufactured (mobile) homes manufacturing

321991 Mobile home manufacturing

321992 Buildings, prefabricated, wood, manufacturing

321992 Chicken coops, prefabricated, wood, manufacturing

321992 Corn cribs, prefabricated, wood, manufacturing

321992 Farm buildings, prefabricated wood, manufacturing

321992 Garages, prefabricated wood, manufacturing

321992 Geodesic domes, prefabricated, wood, manufacturing

321992 Houses, prefabricated, wood (except mobile homes), manufacturing

321992 Log cabins, prefabricated wood, manufacturing

321992 Panels, prefabricated wood building, manufacturing

321992 Prefabricated homes (except mobile homes), wood, manufacturing

321992 Prefabricated wood buildings manufacturing

321992 Sauna rooms, prefabricated, wood, manufacturing

321992 Sections, prefabricated wood building, manufacturing

321992 Sheds, (e.g., garden, storage, utility) prefabricated wood, manufacturing

321999 Applicators, wood, manufacturing

321999 Audio cabinets (i.e., housings), wood, manufacturing

321999 Bentwood (steam bent) products (except furniture) manufacturing

321999 Blocks, tackle, wood, manufacturing

321999 Blocks, tailors' pressing wood, manufacturing

321999 Boards, bulletin, wood and cork, manufacturing

321999 Boards, wood (e.g., clip, ironing, meat, pastry), manufacturing

321999 Boot and shoe lasts, all materials, manufacturing

321999 Bottle corks manufacturing

321999 Bottle covers, willow, rattan, and reed, manufacturing

321999 Bowls, wood, turned and shaped, manufacturing

321999 Bulletin boards, wood and cork, manufacturing

321999 Bungs, wood, manufacturing

321999 Buoys, cork, manufacturing

321999 Burnt wood articles manufacturing

321999 Bushings, wood, manufacturing

321999 Cabinets (i.e., housings), wood (e.g., sewing machines, stereo, television), manufacturing

321999 Carpets, cork, manufacturing

321999 Clipboards, wood, manufacturing

321999 Cloth winding reels, wood, manufacturing

321999 Clothes dryers (clothes horses), wood, manufacturing

321999 Clothes poles, wood, manufacturing

321999 Clothespins, wood, manufacturing

321999 Cork products (except gaskets) manufacturing

321999 Corks, bottle, manufacturing

321999 Covers, bottle and demijohn, willow, rattan, and reed, manufacturing

321999 Curtain stretchers, wood, manufacturing

321999 Dishes, wood, manufacturing

321999 Dowels, wood, manufacturing

321999 Excelsior (e.g., pads, wrappers) manufacturing

321999 Extension ladders, wood, manufacturing

321999 Extension planks, wood, manufacturing

321999 Fencing, prefabricated sections, wood, manufacturing

321999 Fencing, wood (except rough pickets, poles, and rails), manufacturing

321999 Firewood and fuel wood containing fuel binder manufacturing

321999 Flagpoles, wood, manufacturing

321999 Flour, wood, manufacturing

321999 Forms, display, boot and shoe, all materials, manufacturing

321999 Furniture inlays manufacturing

321999 Garment hangers, wood, manufacturing

321999 Gavels, wood, manufacturing

321999 Grain measures, wood, turned and shaped, manufacturing

321999 Hammers, wood, meat, manufacturing

321999 Handles (e.g., broom, mop, handtool), wood, manufacturing

321999 Hangers, wooden, garment, manufacturing

321999 Heels, boot and shoe, finished wood, manufacturing

321999 Household-type woodenware manufacturing

321999 Hubs, wood, manufacturing

321999 Insulating materials, cork, manufacturing

321999 Ironing boards, wood, manufacturing

321999 Kiln drying lumber

321999 Kitchenware, wood, manufacturing

321999 Knobs, wood, manufacturing

321999 Ladder jacks, wood, manufacturing

321999 Ladders, extension, wood, manufacturing

321999 Last sole patterns, all materials, manufacturing

321999 Lumber, kiln drying

321999 Mallets, wood, manufacturing

321999 Marquetry, wood, manufacturing

321999 Mashers, potato, wood, manufacturing

321999 Masts, wood, manufacturing

321999 Mauls, wood, manufacturing

321999 Novelties, wood fiber, manufacturing

321999 Oars, wood, manufacturing

321999 Paddles, wood, manufacturing

321999 Pads, excelsior, wood, manufacturing

321999 Pads, table, rattan, reed, and willow, manufacturing

321999 Paint sticks, wood, manufacturing

321999 Pastry boards, wood, manufacturing

321999 Pencil slats, wood, manufacturing

321999 Plugs, wood, manufacturing

321999 Pressed logs of sawdust and other wood particles, nonpetroleum binder, manufacturing

321999 Pressing blocks, wood, tailor's, manufacturing

321999 Pulleys, wood, manufacturing

321999 Rails (except rough), wood fence, manufacturing

321999 Rattan ware (except furniture) manufacturing

321999 Reed ware (except furniture) manufacturing

321999 Reels, plywood, manufacturing

321999 Reels, wood, manufacturing

321999 Rollers, wood, manufacturing

321999 Rolling pins, wood, manufacturing

321999 Rulers and rules (except slide), wood, manufacturing

321999 Saddle trees, wood, manufacturing

321999 Sawdust, regrinding

321999 Scoops, wood, manufacturing

321999 Seat covers, rattan, manufacturing

321999 Seats, toilet, wood, manufacturing

321999 Sewing machine cabinets, wood, manufacturing

321999 Shoe display forms, all materials, manufacturing

321999 Shoe stretchers manufacturing

321999 Shoe trees manufacturing

321999 Skewers, wood, manufacturing

321999 Snow fence, sections or rolls, manufacturing

321999 Spars, wood, manufacturing

321999 Speaker cabinets (i.e., housings), wood, manufacturing

321999 Spigots, wood, manufacturing

321999 Spokes, wood, manufacturing

321999 Spools (except for textile machinery), wood, manufacturing

321999 Stakes, surveyor's, wood, manufacturing

321999 Stepladders, wood, manufacturing

321999 Stereo cabinets (i.e., housings), wood, manufacturing

321999 Stoppers, cork, manufacturing

321999 Straw baskets manufacturing

321999 Stretchers, curtain, wood, manufacturing

321999 Surveyor's stakes, wood, manufacturing

321999 Tackle blocks, wood, manufacturing

321999 Television cabinets (i.e., housings), wood, manufacturing

321999 Tent poles, wood, manufacturing

321999 Tile, cork, manufacturing

321999 Toilet seats, wood, manufacturing

321999 Tool handles, wood, turned and shaped, manufacturing

321999 Toothpicks, wood, manufacturing

321999 Trays, wood, wicker, and bagasse, manufacturing

321999 Trophy bases, wood, manufacturing

321999 Veneer work, inlaid, manufacturing

321999 Washboards, wood and part wood, manufacturing

321999 Webbing, cane, reed, and rattan, manufacturing

321999 Willow ware (except furniture) manufacturing

321999 Wood flour manufacturing

321999 Wood heel blocks manufacturing

321999 Wood heels, finished, manufacturing

321999 Wood wool (excelsior) manufacturing

321999 Woodenware, kitchen and household, manufacturing

321999 Wrappers, excelsior, manufacturing

321999 Yardsticks, wood, manufacturing

322110 Deinking plants

322110 Deinking recovered paper

322110 Groundwood pulp manufacturing

322110 Pulp manufacturing (i.e., chemical, mechanical, or semichemical processes) without making paper

322110 Pulp manufacturing (made from bagasse, linters, rags, straw, wastepaper, or wood) without making paper

322110 Pulp mills not making paper or paperboard

322110 Wood pulp manufacturing

322121 Absorbent paper stock manufacturing

322121 Asphalt paper made in paper mills

322121 Bond paper made in paper mills

322121 Book paper, coated, made in paper mills

322121 Bristols paper stock manufacturing

322121 Building paper stock manufacturing

322121 Cigarette paper made in paper mills

322121 Construction paper, school and art, made in paper mills

322121 Cotton fiber paper stock manufacturing

322121 Diapers, disposable, made in paper mills

322121 Facial tissues made in paper mills

322121 Felts, asphalt, made in paper mills

322121 Glassine wrapping paper made in paper mills

322121 Groundwood paper, coated, laminated, or treated in paper mills

322121 Groundwood paper, coated, made in paper mills

322121 Kraft paper stock manufacturing

322121 Looseleaf fillers and paper made in paper mills

322121 Napkins, table, made in paper mills

322121 Office paper (e.g., computer printer, photocopy, plain paper) made in paper mills

322121 Paper (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood) manufacturing

322121 Paper (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood) products made in paper mills

322121 Paper (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood), coated, laminated or treated, made in paper mills

322121 Paper mills (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood paper mills)

322121 Paper stock for conversion into paper products (e.g., bag and sack stock, envelope stock, tissue stock, wallpaper stock) manufacturing

322121 Paper towels made in paper mills

322121 Paper, asphalt, made in paper mills

322121 Pulp and paper (except groundwood, newsprint) combined manufacturing

322121 Pulp mills producing paper (except groundwood, newsprint)

322121 Sanitary napkins and tampons made in paper mills

322121 Sanitary paper products (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood) made in paper mills

322121 Sanitary paper stock manufacturing

322121 Sanitary products made in paper mills

322121 Saturated felts made in paper mills

322121 Sheathing paper (except newsprint, uncoated groundwood) made in paper mills

322121 Tablets (e.g., memo, note, writing) made in paper mills

322121 Tar paper, building and roofing, made in paper mills

322121 Tissue paper stock manufacturing

322121 Toilet paper made in paper mills

322121 Towels, paper, made in paper mills

322121 Writing paper made in paper mills

322122 Groundwood paper products (e.g., publication and printing paper, tablet stock, wallpaper base) made in newsprint mills

322122 Groundwood paper, newsprint, made in paper mills

322122 Newsprint mills

322122 Newsprint paper, manufacturing

322122 Paper mills, newsprint

322122 Paper mills, uncoated groundwood

322122 Paper, newsprint and uncoated groundwood, manufacturing

322122 Pulp and newsprint combined manufacturing

322122 Pulp mills and groundwood paper, uncoated and untreated, manufacturing

322122 Pulp mills producing newsprint paper

322122 Uncoated groundwood paper mills

322130 Binder's board manufacturing

322130 Bristols board stock manufacturing

322130 Cardboard stock manufacturing

322130 Chipboard (i.e., paperboard) stock manufacturing

322130 Coated board made in paperboard mills

322130 Container board stock manufacturing

322130 Folding boxboard stock manufacturing

322130 Kraft liner board manufacturing

322130 Leatherboard (i.e., paperboard based) made in paperboard mills

322130 Milk carton board made in paperboard mills

322130 Paperboard (e.g., can/drum stock, container board, corrugating medium, folding carton stock, linerboard, tube) manufacturing

322130 Paperboard coating, laminating, or treating in paperboard mills

322130 Paperboard mills

322130 Paperboard products (e.g., containers) made in paperboard mills

322130 Pulp and paperboard combined manufacturing

322130 Pulp mills producing paperboard

322130 Setup boxboard stock manufacturing

322130 Wet machine board mills

322211 Boxes, corrugated and solid fiber, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Boxes, shipping, laminated paper and paperboard, made from purchased paperboard

322211 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Corrugated and solid fiberboard pads made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Corrugated paper made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Pads, corrugated and solid fiberboard, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Pallets, corrugated and solid fiber, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Paper, corrugated, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Partitions, corrugated and solid fiber, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322211 Shipping containers made from purchased paperboard

322211 Shipping containers, corrugated, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322212 Boxes, folding (except corrugated), made from purchased paperboard

322212 Cartons, folding (except milk), made from purchased paperboard

322212 Folding boxes (except corrugated) made from purchased paperboard

322212 Folding paper and paperboard containers (except corrugated) made from purchased paperboard

322212 Food containers, sanitary, folding, made from purchased paperboard

322212 Sanitary food container, folding, made from purchased paperboard

322212 Shoe boxes, folding, made from purchased paperboard

322219 Bobbins, fiber, made from purchased paperboard

322219 Boxes, sanitary food (except folding), made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Boxes, setup (i.e., not shipped flat), made from purchased paperboard

322219 Cartons, milk, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Composite cans (i.e., foil-fiber and other combinations) manufacturing

322219 Cones (e.g., winding yarn, string, ribbon, cloth), fiber, made from purchased paperboard

322219 Cores (i.e., all-fiber, nonfiber ends of any material), fiber, made from purchased paperboard

322219 Fiber cans and drums (i.e., all-fiber, nonfiber ends of any material) made from purchased paperboard

322219 Fiber drums made from purchased paperboard

322219 Fiber spools, reels, blocks made from purchased paperboard

322219 Fiber tubes made from purchased paperboard

322219 Food containers, sanitary (except folding), made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Mailing cases and tubes, paper fiber (i.e., all-fiber, nonfiber ends of any material), made from purchased paperboard

322219 Paper cups made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Paper dishes (e.g., cups, plates) made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Paper plates made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Sanitary food containers (except folding) made from purchased paper or paperboard

322219 Setup (i.e., not shipped flat) boxes made from purchased paperboard

322219 Shoe boxes, setup, made from purchased paperboard

322219 Vulcanized fiber products made from purchased paperboard

322219 Wastebaskets, fiber made from purchased paperboard

322220 Adhesive tape (except medical) made from purchased materials

322220 Bags (except plastics only) made by laminating or coating combinations of purchased plastics, foil and paper

322220 Bags, coated paper, made from purchased paper

322220 Bags, foil, made from purchased foil

322220 Bags, multiwall, made from purchased uncoated paper

322220 Bags, paper, uncoated, made from purchased paper

322220 Bags, uncoated paper, made from purchased paper

322220 Book paper made by coating purchased paper

322220 Book paper, coated, made from purchased paper

322220 Cardboard, laminated or surface coated, made from purchased paperboard

322220 Chipboard, laminated or surface coated, made from purchased paperboard

322220 Coated board made from purchased paperboard

322220 Coating purchased papers for nonpackaging applications (except photosensitive paper)

322220 Coating purchased papers for packaging applications

322220 Duct tape made from purchased materials

322220 Flexible packaging sheet materials made by coating or laminating purchased paper

322220 Flexible packaging sheet materials made by laminating purchased foil

322220 Foil bags made from purchased foil

322220 Foil sheet, laminating purchased foil sheets for packaging applications

322220 Gift wrap made from purchased materials

322220 Grocers' bags and sacks made from purchased uncoated paper

322220 Groundwood paper, coated, made from purchased paper

322220 Gummed paper products (e.g., labels, sheets, tapes) made from purchased paper

322220 Laminating foil for flexible packaging applications

322220 Laminating purchased foil sheets for nonpackaging applications

322220 Laminating purchased paperboard

322220 Laminating purchased papers for nonpackaging applications

322220 Laminating purchased papers for packaging applications

322220 Leatherboard (i.e., paperboard based) made from purchased paperboard

322220 Masking tape made from purchased paper

322220 Milk carton board stock made from purchased paperboard

322220 Paper bags, coated, made from purchased paper

322220 Paper bags, uncoated, made from purchased paper

322220 Paperboard, pasted, lined, laminated, or surface coated, made from purchased paperboard

322220 Pressure sensitive paper and tape (except medical) made from purchased materials

322220 Sacks, multiwall, made from purchased uncoated paper

322220 Surface coating purchased paperboard

322220 Tapes, pressure sensitive (e.g., cellophane, masking), gummed, made from purchased paper or other materials

322220 Wallpaper made from purchased papers or other materials

322220 Waxed paper for nonpackaging applications made from purchased paper

322220 Waxed paper for packaging applications made from purchased paper

322230 Bond paper made from purchased paper

322230 Cards, die-cut office supply (e.g., index, library, time recording), made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Computer paper, single layered continuous, die-cut, made from purchased paper

322230 Construction paper, school and art, made from purchased paper

322230 Die-cut paper products for office use made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Envelopes (i.e., mailing, stationery) made from any material

322230 File folders (e.g., accordion, expanding, hanging, manila) made from purchased paper and paperboard

322230 Letters, die-cut, made from purchased cardboard

322230 Looseleaf fillers and paper made from purchased paper

322230 Manila folders, die-cut, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Notebooks (including mechanically bound by wire, or plastics) made from purchased paper

322230 Office paper (e.g., computer printer, photocopy, plain paper), cut sheet, made from purchased paper

322230 Office supplies, die-cut paper, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Padded envelopes manufacturing

322230 Pads, desk, made from purchased paper

322230 Paper products, die-cut office supply, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Pocket folders made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Report covers made from purchased paper or paperboard

322230 Seed packets made from purchased paper

322230 Stationery made from purchased paper

322230 Tablets (e.g., memo, note, writing) made from purchased paper

322230 Tapes (e.g., adding machine, calculator, cash register) made from purchased paper

322230 Writing paper and envelopes, boxed sets, made from purchased paper

322230 Writing paper, cut sheet, made from purchased paper

322291 Diapers, disposable, made from purchased paper or textile fiber

322291 Facial tissues made from purchased paper

322291 Handkerchiefs, paper, made from purchased paper

322291 Napkins, table, made from purchased paper

322291 Pads, incontinent and bed, manufacturing

322291 Paper napkins and tablecloths made from purchased paper

322291 Paper towels made from purchased paper

322291 Sanitary napkins and tampons made from purchased paper or textile fiber

322291 Sanitary products made from purchased sanitary paper stock

322291 Tablecloths, paper, made from purchased paper

322291 Toilet paper made from purchased paper

322291 Towels, paper, made from purchased paper

322299 Cards, die-cut (except office supply) made from purchased paper or paperboard

322299 Cartons, egg, molded pulp manufacturing

322299 Cigarette paper made from purchased paper

322299 Cigarette paper, book, made from purchased paper

322299 Coffee filters made from purchased paper

322299 Confetti made from purchased paper

322299 Crepe paper made from purchased paper

322299 Cups, molded pulp, manufacturing

322299 Die-cut paper products (except for office use) made from purchased paper or paperboard

322299 Doilies, paper, made from purchased paper

322299 Filters, paper, made from purchased paper

322299 Food containers made from molded pulp

322299 Food trays, molded pulp, manufacturing

322299 Glassine wrapping paper made from purchased paper

322299 Hats made from purchased paper

322299 Insulating batts, fills, or blankets made from purchased paper

322299 Molded pulp products (e.g., egg cartons, food containers, food trays) manufacturing

322299 Paper dishes (e.g., cups, plates) made from molded pulp

322299 Paper novelties made from purchased paper

322299 Paper products (except office supply), die-cut, made from purchased paper or paperboard

322299 Photograph folders, mats, and mounts manufacturing

322299 Plates, molded pulp, manufacturing

322299 Pulp products, molded, manufacturing

322299 Trays, food, molded pulp, manufacturing

323111 Address lists commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Advertising materials (e.g., coupons, flyers) commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Agricultural magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Albums (e.g., photo, scrap) and refills manufacturing

323111 Appointment books and refills manufacturing

323111 Art prints commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Atlases commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Blankbooks and refills manufacturing

323111 Books, sales, manifold, printing

323111 Business directories commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Business forms commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Business forms, manifold, printing

323111 Calendars commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Cards (e.g., business, greeting, playing, postcards, trading) commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Catalogs commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Catalogs of collections commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Checkbooks and refills printing

323111 Comic books commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Commercial digital printing (except books)

323111 Commercial engraving printing (except books)

323111 Commercial flexographic printing (except books)

323111 Commercial gravure printing (except books)

323111 Commercial letterpress printing (except books)

323111 Commercial lithographic (offset) printing (except books)

323111 Commercial printing (except screen, books)

323111 Commercial quick printing (except books)

323111 Computer forms (manifold or continuous) printing

323111 Credit and identification card imprinting and embossing

323111 Databases commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Diaries manufacturing

323111 Digital printing (e.g., billboards, other large format graphic materials, high resolution) (except books)

323111 Directories commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Discount coupon books commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Financial magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Flexographic printing (except books, printing grey goods)

323111 Globe covers and maps commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Gravure printing (except books, printing grey goods)

323111 Greeting cards (e.g., birthday, holiday, sympathy) commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Guides, street map, commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Hydrographic printing

323111 Instant printing (i.e., quick printing) (except books)

323111 Intaglio printing (except books)

323111 Job printing (except screen, books)

323111 Job printing, engraving (except books)

323111 Job printing, flexographic (except books)

323111 Job printing, gravure (except books)

323111 Job printing, letterpress (except books)

323111 Job printing, lithographic (except books)

323111 Job printing, offset (except books)

323111 Juvenile magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Labels, commercial printing (except screen), on a job-order basis

323111 Lithographic printing (except books, printing grey goods)

323111 Looseleaf binders and devices manufacturing

323111 Magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Manifold business forms printing

323111 Maps commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Music, sheet, commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Newsletters commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Newspapers commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Offset printing (except books, printing grey goods)

323111 Patterns and plans (e.g., clothing patterns) commercial printing (except blueprinting, screen) without publishing

323111 Periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Photo albums and refills manufacturing

323111 Postcards commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Posters commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Print shops, digital (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, engraving (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, flexographic (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, gravure (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, letterpress (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, lithographic (offset) (except printing books)

323111 Print shops, quick (except printing books)

323111 Printing manifold business forms

323111 Printing, digital (e.g., billboards, other large format graphical materials, high resolution) (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, engraving, on paper products

323111 Printing, flexographic (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, gravure (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, letterpress (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, lithographic (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, photo-offset (except books, grey goods)

323111 Printing, quick (except books, grey goods)

323111 Professional magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Quick printing (except books)

323111 Racetrack programs commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Racing forms commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Radio guides commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Radio schedules commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Religious magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Rotogravure printing (except books)

323111 Sales books, manifold, printing

323111 Scholarly journals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Scholastic magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Scrapbooks and refills manufacturing

323111 Sheet music commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Shipping registers commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Stationery, commercial printing (except screen), on a job-order basis

323111 Technical magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Telephone directories commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Television guides commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Time planners/organizers and refills manufacturing

323111 Trade journals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Trade magazines and periodicals commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323111 Unit set forms (e.g., manifold credit card slips) printing

323111 Yearbooks commercial printing (except screen) without publishing

323113 Address lists screen printing without publishing

323113 Agricultural magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Art prints screen printing without publishing

323113 Atlases screen printing without publishing

323113 Business directories screen printing without publishing

323113 Business forms (except manifold) screen printing without publishing

323113 Calendars screen printing without publishing

323113 Cards (e.g., business, greeting, playing, postcards, trading) screen printing without publishing

323113 Catalogs of collections screen printing without publishing

323113 Catalogs screen printing without publishing

323113 Comic books screen printing without publishing

323113 Commercial screen printing

323113 Databases screen printing without publishing

323113 Directories screen printing without publishing

323113 Discount coupon books screen printing without publishing

323113 Financial magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Globe covers and maps screen printing without publishing

323113 Greeting cards (e.g., birthday, holiday, sympathy) screen printing without publishing

323113 Guides, street map, screen printing without publishing

323113 Job printing, screen

323113 Juvenile magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Maps screen printing without publishing

323113 Music, sheet, screen printing without publishing

323113 Newsletters screen printing without publishing

323113 Newspapers screen printing without publishing

323113 Patterns and plans (e.g., clothing patterns) screen printing without publishing

323113 Periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Postcards screen printing without publishing

323113 Posters screen printing without publishing

323113 Print shops, screen

323113 Printing, screen (except books, manifold business forms, grey goods)

323113 Professional magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Racetrack programs screen printing without publishing

323113 Racing forms screen printing without publishing

323113 Radio guides screen printing without publishing

323113 Radio schedules screen printing without publishing

323113 Religious magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Scholarly journals screen printing without publishing

323113 Scholastic magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Screen printing (except books, manifold business forms, grey goods)

323113 Screen printing apparel and textile products (e.g. caps, napkins, placemats, T-shirts, towels) (except grey goods)

323113 Sheet music screen printing without publishing

323113 Shipping registers screen printing without publishing

323113 Stationery, screen printing, on a job-order basis

323113 Technical magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Telephone directories screen printing without publishing

323113 Television guides screen printing without publishing

323113 Trade journals screen printing without publishing

323113 Trade magazines and periodicals screen printing without publishing

323113 Yearbooks screen printing without publishing

323117 Almanacs printing and binding without publishing

323117 Almanacs printing without publishing

323117 Books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Books printing without publishing

323117 Dictionaries printing and binding without publishing

323117 Dictionaries printing without publishing

323117 Encyclopedias printing and binding without publishing

323117 Encyclopedias printing without publishing

323117 Fiction books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Fiction books printing without publishing

323117 Music books printing or printing and binding without publishing

323117 Nonfiction books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Nonfiction books printing without publishing

323117 Pamphlets printing and binding without publishing

323117 Pamphlets printing without publishing

323117 Printing and binding books without publishing

323117 Printing books without publishing

323117 Professional books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Professional books printing without publishing

323117 Religious books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Religious books printing without publishing

323117 School books printing and binding without publishing

323117 School books printing without publishing

323117 Technical manuals and papers (books) printing and binding without publishing

323117 Technical manuals and papers (books) printing without publishing

323117 Textbooks printing and binding without publishing

323117 Textbooks printing without publishing

323117 Travel guide books printing and binding without publishing

323117 Travel guide books printing without publishing

323120 Almanac binding without printing

323120 Book binding shops

323120 Book binding without printing

323120 Color separation services, for the printing trade

323120 Dictionary binding without printing

323120 Electronic prepress services for the printing trade

323120 Electrotype plate preparation services

323120 Embossing plate preparation services

323120 Encyclopedia binding without printing

323120 Engraving printing plate, for the printing trade

323120 Fiction book binding without printing

323120 Flexographic plate preparation services

323120 Gold stamping books for the trade

323120 Gravure plate and cylinder preparation services

323120 Imagesetting services, prepress

323120 Letterpress plate preparation services

323120 Lithographic plate preparation services

323120 Nonfiction book binding without printing

323120 Offset plate preparation services

323120 Pamphlet binding without printing

323120 Photocomposition services, for the printing trade

323120 Photoengraving plate preparation services

323120 Phototypesetting services

323120 Postpress services (e.g., beveling, bronzing, folding, gluing, edging, foil stamping, gilding) on printed materials

323120 Prepress printing services (e.g., color separation, imagesetting, photocomposition, typesetting)

323120 Printing plate preparation services

323120 Printing postpress services (e.g., beveling, bronzing, folding, gluing, edging, foil stamping) to printed products (e.g., books, cards, paper)

323120 Printing prepress services (e.g., color separation, imagesetting, photocomposition, typesetting)

323120 Professional book binding without printing

323120 Rebinding books, magazines, or pamphlets

323120 Religious book binding without printing

323120 Repairing books

323120 Rotogravure printing plates and cylinders preparation services

323120 Samples mounting

323120 School textbooks binding without printing

323120 Screen for printing, preparation services

323120 Swatches and samples, mounting for the trade

323120 Technical manual paper (books) binding without printing

323120 Trade binding services

323120 Typesetting (i.e., computer controlled, hand, machine)

324110 Acid oils made in petroleum refineries

324110 Aliphatic chemicals (i.e., acyclic) made in petroleum refineries

324110 Alkylates made in petroleum refineries

324110 Asphalt and asphaltic materials made in petroleum refineries

324110 Asphalt paving mixtures made in petroleum refineries

324110 Aviation fuels manufacturing

324110 Benzene made in petroleum refineries

324110 Butylene (i.e., butene) made in petroleum refineries

324110 Coke, petroleum, made in petroleum refineries

324110 Crude oil refining

324110 Crude petroleum refineries

324110 Cumene made in petroleum refineries

324110 Cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons made in petroleum refineries

324110 Diesel fuels made in petroleum refineries

324110 Ethylene made in petroleum refineries

324110 Fuel oils manufacturing

324110 Fuels, jet, manufacturing

324110 Gasoline made in petroleum refineries

324110 Heating oils made in petroleum refineries

324110 Hydraulic fluids made in petroleum refineries

324110 Jet fuels manufacturing

324110 Kerosene manufacturing

324110 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) made in refineries

324110 Lubricating oils and greases made in petroleum refineries

324110 Naphtha made in petroleum refineries

324110 Naphthenic acids made in petroleum refineries

324110 Oil (i.e., petroleum) refineries

324110 Oil additives made in petroleum refineries

324110 Oils, fuel, manufacturing

324110 Paraffin waxes made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petrochemical feedstocks made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petrochemicals made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petroleum coke made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petroleum cracking and reforming

324110 Petroleum distillation

324110 Petroleum jelly made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petroleum lubricating oils made in petroleum refineries

324110 Petroleum refineries

324110 Propane gases made in petroleum refineries

324110 Propylene (i.e., propene) made in petroleum refineries

324110 Refineries, petroleum

324110 Refinery gases made in petroleum refineries

324110 Road oils made in petroleum refineries

324110 Solvents made in petroleum refineries

324110 Still gases made in petroleum refineries

324110 Styrene made in petroleum refineries

324110 Tar made in petroleum refineries

324110 Toluene made in petroleum refineries

324110 Waxes, petroleum, made in petroleum refineries

324110 Xylene made in petroleum refineries

324121 Asphalt paving blocks made from purchased asphaltic materials

324121 Asphalt paving mixtures made from purchased asphaltic materials

324121 Asphalt road compounds made from purchased asphaltic materials

324121 Blocks, asphalt paving, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324121 Coal tar paving materials made from purchased coal tar

324121 Paving blocks and mixtures made from purchased asphaltic materials

324121 Tar and asphalt paving mixtures made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Asphalt roofing cements made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Asphalt roofing coatings made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Asphalt saturated boards made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Asphalt saturated mats and felts made from purchased asphaltic materials and paper

324122 Asphalt shingles made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Boards, asphalt saturated, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Cements, asphalt roofing, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Coating compounds, tar, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Pitch, roofing, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Roofing cements, asphalt, made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Roofing coatings made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Roofing felts made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Saturated felts made from purchased paper

324122 Sheathing, asphalt saturated, made from refined petroleum

324122 Shingles made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Siding made from purchased asphaltic materials

324122 Tar paper made from purchased asphaltic materials and paper

324122 Tar paper, building and roofing, made from purchased paper

324122 Tar roofing cements and coatings made from purchased asphaltic materials

324191 Brake fluids, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Cutting oils made from refined petroleum

324191 Greases, petroleum lubricating, made from refined petroleum

324191 Grinding oils, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Hydraulic fluids, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Lubricating oils and greases, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Motor oils, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Oils, lubricating petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324191 Oils, petroleum lubricating, re-refining used

324191 Petroleum lubricating oils made from refined petroleum

324191 Re-refining used petroleum lubricating oils

324191 Rust arresting petroleum compounds made from refined petroleum

324191 Transmission fluids, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324199 Boulets (i.e., fuel bricks) made from refined petroleum

324199 Briquettes, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

324199 Calcining petroleum coke from refined petroleum

324199 Coke oven products (e.g., coke, gases, tars) made in coke oven establishments

324199 Fuel briquettes or boulets made from refined petroleum

324199 Oil-based additives made from refined petroleum

324199 Petroleum jelly made from refined petroleum

324199 Petroleum waxes made from refined petroleum

324199 Road oils made from refined petroleum

324199 Waxes, petroleum, made from refined petroleum

325110 Acyclic hydrocarbons (e.g., butene, ethylene, propene) (except acetylene) made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Aliphatic (e.g., hydrocarbons) (except acetylene) made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Benzene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Butadiene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Butane made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Butylene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Cumene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Dodecene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Ethane made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Ethylbenzene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Ethylene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Heptanes made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Heptenes made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Isobutane made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Isobutene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Isoprene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Nonene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Olefins made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Paraffins made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Pentanes made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Pentenes made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Propylene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Styrene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Toluene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325110 Xylene made from refined petroleum or liquid hydrocarbons

325120 Acetylene manufacturing

325120 Argon manufacturing

325120 Carbon dioxide manufacturing

325120 Chlorodifluoromethane manufacturing

325120 Chlorofluorocarbon gases manufacturing

325120 Compressed and liquefied industrial gas manufacturing

325120 Dichlorodifluoromethane manufacturing

325120 Dry ice (i.e., solid carbon dioxide) manufacturing

325120 Fluorinated hydrocarbon gases manufacturing

325120 Fluorocarbon gases manufacturing

325120 Gases, industrial (i.e., compressed, liquefied, solid), manufacturing

325120 Helium manufacturing

325120 Helium recovery from natural gas

325120 Hydrogen manufacturing

325120 Ice, dry, manufacturing

325120 Industrial gases manufacturing

325120 Liquid air manufacturing

325120 Monochlorodifluoromethane manufacturing

325120 Neon manufacturing

325120 Nitrogen manufacturing

325120 Nitrous oxide manufacturing

325120 Oxygen manufacturing

325130 Acid dyes, synthetic organic, manufacturing

325130 Anthraquinone dyes manufacturing

325130 Antimony based pigments manufacturing

325130 Arsenic based pigments manufacturing

325130 Azine dyes manufacturing

325130 Azo dyes manufacturing

325130 Barytes based pigments manufacturing

325130 Black pigments (except carbon black, bone black, lamp black) manufacturing

325130 Blanc fixe (i.e., barium sulfate, precipitated) manufacturing

325130 Ceramic colors manufacturing

325130 Chrome pigments (e.g., chrome green, chrome orange, chrome yellow) manufacturing

325130 Color pigments, inorganic (except bone black, carbon black, lamp black), manufacturing

325130 Color pigments, organic (except animal black, bone black), manufacturing

325130 Copper base pigments manufacturing

325130 Direct dyes manufacturing

325130 Disperse dyes manufacturing

325130 Dyes, inorganic, manufacturing

325130 Dyes, synthetic organic, manufacturing

325130 Eosin dyes manufacturing

325130 Ferric oxide pigments manufacturing

325130 Fluorescent dyes manufacturing

325130 Food coloring, synthetic, manufacturing

325130 Inorganic pigments (except bone black, carbon black, lamp black) manufacturing

325130 Iron based pigments manufacturing

325130 Lakes (i.e., organic pigments) manufacturing

325130 Lead based pigments manufacturing

325130 Lead pigments manufacturing

325130 Litharge manufacturing

325130 Lithopone manufacturing

325130 Metallic pigments, inorganic, manufacturing

325130 Methyl violet toners manufacturing

325130 Mineral colors and pigments manufacturing

325130 Mordant dyes manufacturing

325130 Nitroso dyes manufacturing

325130 Ocher pigments manufacturing

325130 Organic pigments, dyes, lakes, and toners manufacturing

325130 Pararosaniline dyes manufacturing

325130 Peacock blue lake manufacturing

325130 Pearl essence pigment, synthetic, manufacturing

325130 Persian orange lake manufacturing

325130 Phosphomolybdic acid lakes and toners manufacturing

325130 Phosphotungstic acid lakes and toners manufacturing

325130 Phthalocyanine pigments manufacturing

325130 Pigment, scarlet lake, manufacturing

325130 Pigments (except animal black, bone black), organic, manufacturing

325130 Pigments (except bone black, carbon black, lamp black), inorganic, manufacturing

325130 Prussian blue pigments manufacturing

325130 Satin white pigments manufacturing

325130 Scarlet 2 R lake manufacturing

325130 Sienna pigment manufacturing

325130 Solvent dyes manufacturing

325130 Stains, biological, manufacturing

325130 Stilbene dyes manufacturing

325130 Titanium based pigments manufacturing

325130 Toners (except electrostatic, photographic) manufacturing

325130 Ultramarine pigments manufacturing

325130 Umber manufacturing

325130 Vat dyes, synthetic, manufacturing

325130 Vermilion pigments manufacturing

325130 White extender pigments (e.g., barytes, blanc fixe, whiting) manufacturing

325130 Whiting manufacturing

325130 Zinc based pigments manufacturing

325180 Alkalies manufacturing

325180 Aluminum chloride manufacturing

325180 Aluminum compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Aluminum hydroxide (i.e., alumina trihydrate) manufacturing

325180 Aluminum sulfate manufacturing

325180 Alums (e.g., aluminum ammonium sulfate, aluminum potassium sulfate) manufacturing

325180 Ammonium chloride manufacturing

325180 Ammonium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Ammonium hydroxide manufacturing

325180 Ammonium molybdate manufacturing

325180 Ammonium perchlorate manufacturing

325180 Ammonium thiosulfate manufacturing

325180 Animal black manufacturing

325180 Antimony oxide (except pigments) manufacturing

325180 Arsenates (except insecticides) manufacturing

325180 Arsenic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Arsenites manufacturing

325180 Barium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Barium hydroxide manufacturing

325180 Beryllium oxide manufacturing

325180 Bleaching agents, inorganic, manufacturing

325180 Bone black manufacturing

325180 Borax (i.e., sodium borate) manufacturing

325180 Boric acid manufacturing

325180 Boron compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Borosilicate manufacturing

325180 Bromine manufacturing

325180 Calcium carbide, chloride, and hypochlorite manufacturing

325180 Calcium hypochlorite manufacturing

325180 Calcium inorganic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Carbides (e.g., boron, calcium, silicon, tungsten) manufacturing

325180 Carbon black manufacturing

325180 Carbon disulfide manufacturing

325180 Carbon inorganic compounds manufacturing

325180 Carbonic acid manufacturing

325180 Caustic potash manufacturing

325180 Caustic soda (i.e., sodium hydroxide) manufacturing

325180 Cerium salts manufacturing

325180 Cesium and cesium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Channel black manufacturing

325180 Chloride of lime manufacturing

325180 Chlorine compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Chlorine dioxide manufacturing

325180 Chlorine manufacturing

325180 Chlorosulfonic acid manufacturing

325180 Chromic acid manufacturing

325180 Chromium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Chromium oxide manufacturing

325180 Chromium salts manufacturing

325180 Cobalt 60 (i.e., radioactive cobalt) manufacturing

325180 Cobalt chloride manufacturing

325180 Cobalt compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Cobalt sulfate manufacturing

325180 Copper chloride manufacturing

325180 Copper compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Copper iodide manufacturing

325180 Copper sulfate manufacturing

325180 Cyanides manufacturing

325180 Deuterium oxide (i.e., heavy water) manufacturing

325180 Dichromates manufacturing

325180 Ferric chloride manufacturing

325180 Ferric oxide manufacturing

325180 Ferrocyanides manufacturing

325180 Fluoboric acid manufacturing

325180 Fluorine manufacturing

325180 Fuel propellants, solid inorganic, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Furnace black manufacturing

325180 Glauber's salt manufacturing

325180 Heavy water (i.e., deuterium oxide) manufacturing

325180 Hydrazine manufacturing

325180 Hydrochloric acid manufacturing

325180 Hydrocyanic acid manufacturing

325180 Hydrofluoric acid manufacturing

325180 Hydrofluosilicic acid manufacturing

325180 Hydrogen peroxide manufacturing

325180 Hydrogen sulfide manufacturing

325180 Hydrosulfites manufacturing

325180 Hypochlorites manufacturing

325180 Hypophosphites manufacturing

325180 Indium chloride manufacturing

325180 Iodides manufacturing

325180 Iodine, crude or resublimed, manufacturing

325180 Iron compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Iron sulphate manufacturing

325180 Lamp black manufacturing

325180 Lead oxides (except pigments) manufacturing

325180 Lead silicate manufacturing

325180 Lithium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Magnesium carbonate manufacturing

325180 Magnesium chloride manufacturing

325180 Magnesium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Manganese dioxide manufacturing

325180 Mercury chloride manufacturing

325180 Mercury compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Mercury oxide manufacturing

325180 Nickel ammonium sulfate manufacturing

325180 Nickel carbonate manufacturing

325180 Nickel compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Nickel sulfate manufacturing

325180 Nuclear fuel scrap reprocessing

325180 Nuclear fuels, inorganic, manufacturing

325180 Oleum (i.e., fuming sulfuric acid) manufacturing

325180 Perchloric acid manufacturing

325180 Peroxides, inorganic, manufacturing

325180 Phosphorus compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Phosphorus oxychloride manufacturing

325180 Potassium aluminum sulfate manufacturing

325180 Potassium bichromate and chromate manufacturing

325180 Potassium bromide manufacturing

325180 Potassium carbonate manufacturing

325180 Potassium chlorate manufacturing

325180 Potassium chloride manufacturing

325180 Potassium cyanide manufacturing

325180 Potassium hydroxide (i.e., caustic potash) manufacturing

325180 Potassium hypochlorate manufacturing

325180 Potassium inorganic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Potassium iodide manufacturing

325180 Potassium nitrate manufacturing

325180 Potassium permanganate manufacturing

325180 Potassium salts manufacturing

325180 Potassium sulfate manufacturing

325180 Radioactive elements manufacturing

325180 Radioactive isotopes manufacturing

325180 Radium chloride manufacturing

325180 Radium luminous compounds manufacturing

325180 Rare earth compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Rare earth salts manufacturing

325180 Sal soda (i.e., washing soda) manufacturing

325180 Selenium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Selenium dioxide manufacturing

325180 Silica gel manufacturing

325180 Silica, amorphous, manufacturing

325180 Silicofluorides manufacturing

325180 Silver bromide manufacturing

325180 Silver chloride manufacturing

325180 Silver compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Silver nitrate manufacturing

325180 Soda ash manufacturing

325180 Sodium aluminate manufacturing

325180 Sodium aluminum sulfate manufacturing

325180 Sodium antimoniate manufacturing

325180 Sodium arsenite (except insecticides) manufacturing

325180 Sodium bicarbonate manufacturing

325180 Sodium bichromate and chromate manufacturing

325180 Sodium borate manufacturing

325180 Sodium borohydride manufacturing

325180 Sodium bromide manufacturing

325180 Sodium carbonate (i.e., soda ash) manufacturing

325180 Sodium chlorate manufacturing

325180 Sodium cyanide manufacturing

325180 Sodium hydrosulfite manufacturing

325180 Sodium hydroxide (i.e., caustic soda) manufacturing

325180 Sodium hypochlorite manufacturing

325180 Sodium inorganic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Sodium molybdate manufacturing

325180 Sodium perborate manufacturing

325180 Sodium peroxide manufacturing

325180 Sodium phosphate manufacturing

325180 Sodium polyphosphate manufacturing

325180 Sodium silicate (i.e., water glass) manufacturing

325180 Sodium silicofluoride manufacturing

325180 Sodium stannate manufacturing

325180 Sodium sulfate manufacturing

325180 Sodium tetraborate manufacturing

325180 Sodium thiosulfate manufacturing

325180 Sodium tungstate manufacturing

325180 Sodium uranate manufacturing

325180 Solid fuel propellants, inorganic, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Stannic and stannous chloride manufacturing

325180 Strontium carbonate manufacturing

325180 Strontium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Strontium nitrate manufacturing

325180 Sulfides and sulfites manufacturing

325180 Sulfocyanides manufacturing

325180 Sulfur and sulfur compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Sulfur chloride manufacturing

325180 Sulfur dioxide manufacturing

325180 Sulfur hexafluoride gas manufacturing

325180 Sulfur recovering or refining (except from sour natural gas)

325180 Sulfuric acid manufacturing

325180 Tanning agents, inorganic, manufacturing

325180 Thiocyanate manufacturing

325180 Tin chloride manufacturing

325180 Tin compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Tin oxide manufacturing

325180 Tin salts manufacturing

325180 Titanium dioxide manufacturing

325180 Tungstates (e.g., ammonium tungstate, sodium tungstate) manufacturing

325180 Tungsten compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Uranium compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Uranium oxide manufacturing

325180 Uranium, enriched, manufacturing

325180 Zinc ammonium chloride manufacturing

325180 Zinc chloride manufacturing

325180 Zinc compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325180 Zinc hydrosulfite (i.e., zinc dithionite) manufacturing

325180 Zinc oxide (except pigments) manufacturing

325180 Zinc sulfide manufacturing

325193 Denatured alcohol manufacturing

325193 Ethanol, nonpotable, manufacturing

325193 Ethyl alcohol, nonpotable, manufacturing

325193 Grain alcohol, nonpotable, manufacturing

325194 Acetate of lime, natural, made by distillation of wood

325194 Acetone, natural, manufacturing

325194 Aminoanthraquinone manufacturing

325194 Aminoazobenzene manufacturing

325194 Aminoazotoluene manufacturing

325194 Aminophenol manufacturing

325194 Aniline manufacturing

325194 Annato extract manufacturing

325194 Anthracene manufacturing

325194 Azobenzene manufacturing

325194 Benzaldehyde manufacturing

325194 Benzoic acid manufacturing

325194 Brazilwood extract manufacturing

325194 Brewers' pitch made by distillation of wood

325194 Camphor, natural, manufacturing

325194 Charcoal (except activated) manufacturing

325194 Charcoal briquettes, wood, manufacturing

325194 Chestnut extract manufacturing

325194 Chlorobenzene manufacturing

325194 Chloronaphthalene manufacturing

325194 Chlorophenol manufacturing

325194 Chlorotoluene manufacturing

325194 Coal tar distillates manufacturing

325194 Creosote made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Creosote made by distillation of wood tar

325194 Cresols made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Cresylic acids made from refined petroleum or natural gas

325194 Cyclic crudes made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Cyclohexane manufacturing

325194 Cyclopentane made from refined petroleum or natural gas

325194 Cyclopropane made from refined petroleum or natural gas

325194 Cycloterpenes manufacturing

325194 Diethylcyclohexane manufacturing

325194 Diphenylamine manufacturing

325194 Distillates, wood, manufacturing

325194 Dragon's blood manufacturing

325194 Dyes, natural, manufacturing

325194 Ethyl acetate, natural, manufacturing

325194 Extracts, natural dyeing and tanning, manufacturing

325194 Fustic wood extract manufacturing

325194 Gambier extract manufacturing

325194 Gum and wood chemicals manufacturing

325194 Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing

325194 Hardwood distillates manufacturing

325194 Hemlock extract manufacturing

325194 Hydroquinone manufacturing

325194 Isocyanates manufacturing

325194 Logwood extract manufacturing

325194 Maleic anhydride manufacturing

325194 Mangrove extract manufacturing

325194 Methyl acetone manufacturing

325194 Methyl alcohol (methanol), natural, manufacturing

325194 Myrobalans extract manufacturing

325194 Naphtha made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Naphtha, solvent, made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Naphthalene made from refined petroleum or natural gas

325194 Naphthalenesulfonic acid manufacturing

325194 Naphthenic acids made from refined petroleum or natural gas

325194 Naphthol, alpha and beta, manufacturing

325194 Naphtholsulfonic acids manufacturing

325194 Naval stores, gum or wood, manufacturing

325194 Nitrated hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing

325194 Nitroaniline manufacturing

325194 Nitrobenzene manufacturing

325194 Nitrophenol manufacturing

325194 Nitrosated hydrocarbon derivatives manufacturing

325194 Oak extract manufacturing

325194 Oils made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Oils, wood, made by distillation of wood

325194 Orthodichlorobenzene manufacturing

325194 Pentachlorophenol manufacturing

325194 Phenol manufacturing

325194 Phthalic anhydride manufacturing

325194 Pine oil manufacturing

325194 Pinene manufacturing

325194 Pitch made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Pitch, wood, manufacturing

325194 Pyroligneous acids manufacturing

325194 Quebracho extracts manufacturing

325194 Quercitron extracts manufacturing

325194 Resorcinol manufacturing

325194 Rosins made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood

325194 Softwood distillates manufacturing

325194 Sulphonated derivatives manufacturing

325194 Sumac extract manufacturing

325194 Tall oil (except skimmings) manufacturing

325194 Tannic acid (i.e., tannins) manufacturing

325194 Tanning extracts and materials, natural, manufacturing

325194 Tar and tar oils made by distillation of wood

325194 Tar made by distillation of coal tar

325194 Toluidines manufacturing

325194 Turpentine made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood

325194 Valonia extract manufacturing

325194 Wattle extract manufacturing

325194 Witch hazel extract manufacturing

325194 Wood alcohol, natural, manufacturing

325194 Wood distillates manufacturing

325194 Wood oils manufacturing

325199 Accelerators (i.e., basic synthetic chemical) manufacturing

325199 Acetaldehyde manufacturing

325199 Acetates, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Acetic acid manufacturing

325199 Acetic anhydride manufacturing

325199 Acetin manufacturing

325199 Acetone, synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Acid esters, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Acids, organic, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Acrolein manufacturing

325199 Acrylonitrile manufacturing

325199 Adipic acid esters or amines manufacturing

325199 Adipic acid manufacturing

325199 Adiponitrile manufacturing

325199 Aldehydes manufacturing

325199 Alginates (e.g., calcium, potassium, sodium) manufacturing

325199 Alginic acid manufacturing

325199 Amyl acetate manufacturing

325199 Bleaching agents, organic, manufacturing

325199 Bromochloromethane manufacturing

325199 Butadiene made from alcohol

325199 Butyl acetate manufacturing

325199 Calcium citrate manufacturing

325199 Calcium organic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Calcium oxalate manufacturing

325199 Camphor, synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Caprolactam manufacturing

325199 Carbinol manufacturing

325199 Carbon organic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Carbon tetrachloride manufacturing

325199 Cellulose acetate (except resins) manufacturing

325199 Cetyl alcohol manufacturing

325199 Chloral manufacturing

325199 Chloroacetic acid manufacturing

325199 Chloroform manufacturing

325199 Chloropicrin manufacturing

325199 Citral manufacturing

325199 Citrates, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Citric acid manufacturing

325199 Citronellal manufacturing

325199 Coumarin manufacturing

325199 Cream of tartar manufacturing

325199 Decahydronaphthalene manufacturing

325199 Diethylene glycol manufacturing

325199 Dimethyl divinyl acetylene (di-isopropenyl acetylene) manufacturing

325199 Dimethylhydrazine manufacturing

325199 Enzyme proteins (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals) (except pharmaceutical use) manufacturing

325199 Essential oils, synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Esters, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Ethyl acetate, synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Ethyl butyrate manufacturing

325199 Ethyl cellulose (except resins) manufacturing

325199 Ethyl chloride manufacturing

325199 Ethyl ether manufacturing

325199 Ethyl formate manufacturing

325199 Ethyl nitrite manufacturing

325199 Ethyl perhydrophenanthrene manufacturing

325199 Ethylene glycol ether manufacturing

325199 Ethylene glycol manufacturing

325199 Ethylene oxide manufacturing

325199 Fatty acid esters and amines manufacturing

325199 Fatty acids (e.g., margaric, oleic, stearic) manufacturing

325199 Fatty alcohols manufacturing

325199 Flavoring materials (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals such as coumarin) manufacturing

325199 Formaldehyde manufacturing

325199 Formalin manufacturing

325199 Formic acid manufacturing

325199 Fuel propellants, solid organic, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Geraniol manufacturing

325199 Glycerin (i.e., glycerol), synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Halogenated hydrocarbon derivatives (except aromatic) manufacturing

325199 Heterocyclic chemicals, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Hexadecanol manufacturing

325199 Hexamethylenediamine manufacturing

325199 Hexamethylenetetramine manufacturing

325199 Hexanol manufacturing

325199 Ionone manufacturing

325199 Isopropyl alcohol manufacturing

325199 Ketone compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Lactic acid manufacturing

325199 Lauric acid esters and amines manufacturing

325199 Linoleic acid esters and amines manufacturing

325199 Malonic dinitrile manufacturing

325199 Margaric acid manufacturing

325199 Metallic soap manufacturing

325199 Methyl alcohol (i.e., methanol), synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Methyl chloride manufacturing

325199 Methyl perhydrofluorine manufacturing

325199 Methyl salicylate manufacturing

325199 Methylamine manufacturing

325199 Methylene chloride manufacturing

325199 Monomethylparaminophenol sulfate manufacturing

325199 Monosodium glutamate manufacturing

325199 Naphthenic acid soaps manufacturing

325199 Natural nonfood coloring, manufacturing

325199 Nitrous ether manufacturing

325199 Oleic acid (i.e., red oil) manufacturing

325199 Oleic acid esters manufacturing

325199 Organo-inorganic compound manufacturing

325199 Oxalates (e.g., ammonium oxalate, ethyl oxalate, sodium oxalate) manufacturing

325199 Oxalic acid manufacturing

325199 Palmitic acid esters and amines manufacturing

325199 Pentaerythritol manufacturing

325199 Perchloroethylene manufacturing

325199 Perfume materials (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals, such as terpineol) manufacturing

325199 Peroxides, organic, manufacturing

325199 Phosgene manufacturing

325199 Phosphoric acid esters manufacturing

325199 Phthalate acid manufacturing

325199 Plasticizers (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals) manufacturing

325199 Polyhydric alcohol esters and amines manufacturing

325199 Polyhydric alcohols manufacturing

325199 Potassium bitartrate manufacturing

325199 Potassium organic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Propylcarbinol manufacturing

325199 Propylene glycol manufacturing

325199 Red oil (i.e., oleic acid) manufacturing

325199 Saccharin manufacturing

325199 Salicylic acid (except medicinal) manufacturing

325199 Sebacic acid esters manufacturing

325199 Sebacic acid manufacturing

325199 Silicone (except resins) manufacturing

325199 Sodium acetate manufacturing

325199 Sodium alginate manufacturing

325199 Sodium benzoate manufacturing

325199 Sodium glutamate manufacturing

325199 Sodium organic compounds, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Sodium pentachlorophenate manufacturing

325199 Sodium sulfoxalate formaldehyde manufacturing

325199 Sorbitol manufacturing

325199 Stearic acid esters manufacturing

325199 Stearic acid manufacturing

325199 Stearic acid salts manufacturing

325199 Sugar substitutes (i.e., synthetic sweeteners blended with other ingredients) made in synthetic sweetener establishments

325199 Synthetic sweeteners (i.e., sweetening agents) manufacturing

325199 Tanning agents, synthetic organic, manufacturing

325199 Tartaric acid manufacturing

325199 Tartrates, not specified elsewhere by process, manufacturing

325199 Tear gas manufacturing

325199 Terpineol manufacturing

325199 Tert-butylated bis (p-phenoxyphenyl) ether fluid manufacturing

325199 Tetrachloroethylene manufacturing

325199 Tetraethyl lead manufacturing

325199 Thioglycolic acid manufacturing

325199 Transesterification of vegetable oils to produce fuels or fuel additives

325199 Trichloroethylene manufacturing

325199 Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid manufacturing

325199 Tricresyl phosphate manufacturing

325199 Tridecyl alcohol manufacturing

325199 Triphenyl phosphate manufacturing

325199 Vanillin, synthetic, manufacturing

325199 Vinyl acetate (except resins) manufacturing

325199 Wood alcohol, synthetic, manufacturing

325211 Acetal resins manufacturing

325211 Acrylic resins manufacturing

325211 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resins manufacturing

325211 Alkyd resins manufacturing

325211 Allyl resins manufacturing

325211 Amino resins manufacturing

325211 Amino-aldehyde resins manufacturing

325211 Butadiene copolymers containing less than 50 percent butadiene manufacturing

325211 Carbohydrate plastics manufacturing

325211 Casein plastics manufacturing

325211 Cellulose acetate resins manufacturing

325211 Cellulose nitrate resins manufacturing

325211 Cellulose propionate resins manufacturing

325211 Cellulose resins manufacturing

325211 Cellulose xanthate (viscose) manufacturing

325211 Coal tar resins manufacturing

325211 Coumarone-indene resins manufacturing

325211 Cresol resins manufacturing

325211 Cresol-furfural resins manufacturing

325211 Dicyandiamine resins manufacturing

325211 Diisocyanate resins manufacturing

325211 Elastomers (except synthetic rubber) manufacturing

325211 Epichlorohydrin bisphenol manufacturing

325211 Epichlorohydrin diphenol manufacturing

325211 Epoxy resins manufacturing

325211 Ester gum manufacturing

325211 Ethylcellulose plastics manufacturing

325211 Ethylene-vinyl acetate resins manufacturing

325211 Fluorohydrocarbon resins manufacturing

325211 Fluoro-polymer resins manufacturing

325211 Ion exchange resins manufacturing

325211 Ionomer resins manufacturing

325211 Isobutylene polymer resins manufacturing

325211 Lignin plastics manufacturing

325211 Melamine resins manufacturing

325211 Methyl acrylate resins manufacturing

325211 Methyl cellulose resins manufacturing

325211 Methyl methacrylate resins manufacturing

325211 Nitrocellulose (i.e., pyroxylin) resins manufacturing

325211 Nylon resins manufacturing

325211 Petroleum polymer resins manufacturing

325211 Phenol-formaldehyde resins manufacturing

325211 Phenol-furfural resins manufacturing

325211 Phenolic resins manufacturing

325211 Phenoxy resins manufacturing

325211 Phthalic alkyd resins manufacturing

325211 Phthalic anhydride resins manufacturing

325211 Plastics and synthetic resins regenerating, precipitating, and coagulating

325211 Polyacrylonitrile resins manufacturing

325211 Polyamide resins manufacturing

325211 Polycarbonate resins manufacturing

325211 Polyester resins manufacturing

325211 Polyethylene resins manufacturing

325211 Polyethylene terephathalate (PET) resins manufacturing

325211 Polyhexamethylenediamine adipamide resins manufacturing

325211 Polyisobutylene resins manufacturing

325211 Polymethacrylate resins manufacturing

325211 Polypropylene resins manufacturing

325211 Polystyrene resins manufacturing

325211 Polytetrafluoroethylene resins manufacturing

325211 Polyurethane resins manufacturing

325211 Polyvinyl alcohol resins manufacturing

325211 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resins manufacturing

325211 Polyvinyl halide resins manufacturing

325211 Polyvinyl resins manufacturing

325211 Propylene resins manufacturing

325211 Protein plastics manufacturing

325211 Pyroxylin (i.e., nitrocellulose) resins manufacturing

325211 Resins, plastics (except custom compounding purchased resins), manufacturing

325211 Rosins (i.e., modified resins) manufacturing

325211 Silicone resins manufacturing

325211 Soybean plastics manufacturing

325211 Styrene resins manufacturing

325211 Styrene-acrylonitrile resins manufacturing

325211 Tar acid resins manufacturing

325211 Thermoplastic resins and plastics materials manufacturing

325211 Thermosetting plastics resins manufacturing

325211 Urea resins manufacturing

325211 Urea-formaldehyde resins manufacturing

325211 Vinyl acetate resins manufacturing

325211 Vinyl chloride resins manufacturing

325211 Vinyl resins manufacturing

325211 Vinylidene resins manufacturing

325212 Acrylate rubber manufacturing

325212 Acrylate-butadiene rubber manufacturing

325212 Acrylic rubber manufacturing

325212 Butadiene copolymers containing more than 50 percent butadiene manufacturing

325212 Butadiene rubber (i.e., polybutadiene) manufacturing

325212 Butyl rubber manufacturing

325212 Chlorinated rubber, synthetic, manufacturing

325212 Chloroprene rubber manufacturing

325212 Chlorosulfonated polyethylenes manufacturing

325212 Cyclo rubber, synthetic, manufacturing

325212 Elastomers, synthetic rubber, manufacturing

325212 Epichlorohydrin elastomers manufacturing

325212 Ethylene-propylene rubber manufacturing

325212 Ethylene-propylene-nonconjugated diene (EPDM) rubber manufacturing

325212 Fluoro rubbers manufacturing

325212 Fluorocarbon derivative rubbers manufacturing

325212 Isobutylene-isoprene rubber manufacturing

325212 Isocyanate rubber manufacturing

325212 Latex rubber, synthetic, manufacturing

325212 Neoprene manufacturing

325212 Nitrile rubber manufacturing

325212 Nitrile-butadiene rubber manufacturing

325212 Nitrile-chloroprene rubbers manufacturing

325212 N-type rubber manufacturing

325212 Polyethylene rubber manufacturing

325212 Polyisobutylene rubber manufacturing

325212 Polyisobutylene-isoprene rubber manufacturing

325212 Polymethylene rubber manufacturing

325212 Polysulfide rubber manufacturing

325212 Rubber, synthetic, manufacturing

325212 Silicone rubber manufacturing

325212 Stereo rubber manufacturing

325212 S-type rubber manufacturing

325212 Styrene-butadiene rubber containing less than 50 percent styrene manufacturing

325212 Styrene-chloroprene rubber manufacturing

325212 Styrene-isoprene rubber manufacturing

325212 Synthetic rubber (i.e., vulcanizable elastomers) manufacturing

325212 Thermosetting vulcanizable elastomers manufacturing

325212 Thiol rubber manufacturing

325212 Urethane rubber manufacturing

325212 Vulcanized oils manufacturing

325220 Acetate fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Acrylic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Acrylonitrile fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Anidex fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Casein fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Cellophane film or sheet manufacturing

325220 Cellulosic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Cellulosic filament yarn manufacturing

325220 Cellulosic staple fibers manufacturing

325220 Cigarette tow, cellulosic fiber, manufacturing

325220 Elastomeric fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Fibers and filaments, cellulosic, manufacturing and texturizing

325220 Fibers and filaments, noncellulosic, manufacturing and texturizing

325220 Fluorocarbon fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Linear esters fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Manmade cellulosic fibers manufacturing

325220 Manmade noncellulosic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Modacrylic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Nitrocellulose fibers manufacturing

325220 Noncellulosic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Noncellulosic filament yarn manufacturing

325220 Noncellulosic staple fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Nylon fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Olefin fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Organic noncellulosic fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Polyester fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Polyolefin fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Polyvinyl ester fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Polyvinylidene chloride (i.e., saran) fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Protein fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Rayon fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Regenerated cellulosic fibers manufacturing

325220 Saran (i.e., polyvinylidene chloride) fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Soybean fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Spandex fiber, filaments, and yarn manufacturing

325220 Texturizing cellulosic yarn made in the same establishment

325220 Texturizing noncellulosic yarn made in the same establishment

325220 Throwing cellulosic yarn made in the same establishment

325220 Throwing noncellulosic yarn made in the same establishment

325220 Triacetate fibers and yarns manufacturing

325220 Vinyl fibers and filaments manufacturing

325220 Vinylidene chloride fiber and filament manufacturing

325220 Viscose fibers, bands, strips, and yarn manufacturing

325220 Yarn, cellulosic filament, manufacturing

325220 Yarn, cellulosic filament, manufacturing and texturizing

325220 Yarn, noncellulosic fiber and filament, manufacturing

325220 Yarn, noncellulosic fiber and filament, manufacturing and texturizing

325220 Zein fibers and filaments manufacturing

325311 Ammonia, anhydrous and aqueous, manufacturing

325311 Ammonium nitrate manufacturing

325311 Ammonium sulfate manufacturing

325311 Anhydrous ammonia manufacturing

325311 Fertilizers, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials

325311 Fertilizers, natural organic (except compost), manufacturing

325311 Fertilizers, of animal waste origin, manufacturing

325311 Fertilizers, of sewage origin, manufacturing

325311 Nitric acid manufacturing

325311 Nitrogenous fertilizer materials manufacturing

325311 Plant foods, mixed, made in plants producing nitrogenous fertilizer materials

325311 Urea manufacturing

325312 Ammonium phosphates manufacturing

325312 Defluorinated phosphates manufacturing

325312 Diammonium phosphates manufacturing

325312 Fertilizers, mixed, made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer materials

325312 Phosphatic fertilizer materials manufacturing

325312 Phosphoric acid manufacturing

325312 Plant foods, mixed, made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer materials

325312 Superphosphates manufacturing

325314 Compost manufacturing

325314 Fertilizers, mixed, made in plants not manufacturing fertilizer materials

325314 Mixing purchased fertilizer materials

325314 Nitrogenous fertilizers made by mixing purchased materials

325314 Phosphatic fertilizers made by mixing purchased materials

325314 Potassic fertilizers made by mixing purchased materials

325314 Potting soil manufacturing

325320 Ant poisons manufacturing

325320 Arsenate insecticides manufacturing

325320 Arsenite insecticides manufacturing

325320 Benzene hexachloride (BHC) insecticides manufacturing

325320 Bordeaux mixture insecticides manufacturing

325320 Botanical insecticides manufacturing

325320 Chlordane insecticides manufacturing

325320 Cholinesterse inhibitors used as insecticides manufacturing

325320 DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) insecticides manufacturing

325320 Defoliants manufacturing

325320 Dips (i.e., pesticides), cattle and sheep, manufacturing

325320 Endrin insecticides manufacturing

325320 Exterminating chemical products (e.g., fungicides, insecticides, pesticides) manufacturing

325320 Flea powders or sprays manufacturing

325320 Fly sprays manufacturing

325320 Fungicides manufacturing

325320 Herbicides manufacturing

325320 Household-type insecticides manufacturing

325320 Insecticides manufacturing

325320 Lime-sulfur fungicides manufacturing

325320 Lindane pesticides manufacturing

325320 Malathion insecticides manufacturing

325320 Methoxychlor insecticides manufacturing

325320 Moth repellants manufacturing

325320 Nicotine insecticides manufacturing

325320 Organo-phosphate based insecticides manufacturing

325320 Parathion insecticides manufacturing

325320 Paris green insecticides manufacturing

325320 Pest (e.g., ant, rat, roach, rodent) control poison manufacturing

325320 Pesticides manufacturing

325320 Plant growth regulants manufacturing

325320 Pyrethrin insecticides manufacturing

325320 Roach poisons manufacturing

325320 Rodent poisons manufacturing

325320 Rodenticides manufacturing

325320 Root removing chemicals manufacturing

325320 Rotenone insecticides manufacturing

325320 Seed treatment preparations manufacturing

325320 Sodium arsenite insecticides manufacturing

325320 Sulfur insecticides manufacturing

325320 Termite poisons manufacturing

325320 Tick powders or sprays manufacturing

325320 Xanthone insecticides manufacturing

325411 Acetylsalicylic acid manufacturing

325411 Adrenal derivatives, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Agar-agar grinding manufacturing

325411 Amphetamines, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Anesthetics, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Antibiotics, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Anticholinergics, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Anticonvulsants, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Antidepressants, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Ascorbic acid (i.e., vitamin C), uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Atropine and derivatives manufacturing

325411 Barbiturates, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Barbituric acid manufacturing

325411 Brucine manufacturing

325411 Caffeine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Cephalosporin, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Cinchona and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Cocaine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Cod liver oil, medicinal, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Codeine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Concentrated medicinal chemicals, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Cortisone, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Digitoxin, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Endocrine products, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Enzyme proteins (i.e., basic synthetic chemicals), pharmaceutical use, manufacturing

325411 Ephedrine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Ergot alkaloids (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Fish liver oils, medicinal, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Glandular derivatives, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Glycosides, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Grinding and milling botanicals (i.e., for medicinal use)

325411 Herbal supplements manufacturing

325411 Hormones and derivatives, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Hypnotic drugs, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Insulin, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Magnesia, medicinal, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Medicinal chemicals, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Morphine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Nicotine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 N-methylpiperazine manufacturing

325411 Oils, vegetable and animal, medicinal, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Ophthalmic agents, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Opium and opium derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Penicillin, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Physostigmine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Pituitary gland derivatives, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Procaine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Quinine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Reserpines (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Salicylic acid, medicinal, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Steroids, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Strychnine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Sulfa drugs, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Sulfonamides, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Tetracycline, uncompounded, manufacturing

325411 Theobromine and derivatives (i.e., basic chemicals) manufacturing

325411 Vegetable alkaloids (i.e., basic chemicals) (e.g., caffeine, codeine, morphine, nicotine), manufacturing

325411 Vitamins, uncompounded, manufacturing

325412 Adrenal medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Analgesic preparations manufacturing

325412 Anesthetic preparations manufacturing

325412 Angiourographic diagnostic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antacid preparations manufacturing

325412 Anthelmintic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antibacterial preparations manufacturing

325412 Antibiotic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antidepressant preparations manufacturing

325412 Antihistamine preparations manufacturing

325412 Antineoplastic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antipyretic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antiseptic preparations manufacturing

325412 Antispasmodic preparations manufacturing

325412 Astringent preparations manufacturing

325412 Barbiturate preparations manufacturing

325412 Barium in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Belladonna preparations manufacturing

325412 Birth control pills manufacturing

325412 Botanical extract preparations (except in-vitro diagnostics) manufacturing

325412 Cardiac preparations manufacturing

325412 Cathartic preparations manufacturing

325412 Central nervous system stimulant preparations manufacturing

325412 Coagulation in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Cold remedies manufacturing

325412 Contraceptive preparations manufacturing

325412 Contrast media in-vivo diagnostic substances (e.g., iodine, barium) manufacturing

325412 Cough drops, medicated, manufacturing

325412 Cough medicines manufacturing

325412 Cyclopropane medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Dermatological preparations manufacturing

325412 Diagnostic biological preparations (except in-vitro) manufacturing

325412 Digestive system preparations manufacturing

325412 Digitalis medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Diuretic preparations manufacturing

325412 Effervescent salts manufacturing

325412 Electrolyte in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Eye and ear preparations manufacturing

325412 Fever remedy preparations manufacturing

325412 Glandular medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Hematology in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Hormone preparations (except in-vitro diagnostics) manufacturing

325412 Insulin preparations manufacturing

325412 Intravenous (IV) solution preparations manufacturing

325412 In-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Iodinated in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Laxative preparations manufacturing

325412 Lip balms manufacturing

325412 Metabolite in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Mouthwashes, medicated, manufacturing

325412 Muscle relaxant preparations manufacturing

325412 Nonprescription drug preparations manufacturing

325412 Nuclear medicine (e.g., radioactive isotopes) preparations manufacturing

325412 Oral contraceptive preparations manufacturing

325412 Patent medicine preparations manufacturing

325412 Penicillin preparations manufacturing

325412 Pharmaceutical preparations (e.g., capsules, liniments, ointments, tablets) manufacturing

325412 Pituitary gland preparations manufacturing

325412 Radioactive in-vivo diagnostic substances manufacturing

325412 Sedative preparations manufacturing

325412 Sodium chloride pharmaceutical preparations manufacturing

325412 Sodium salicylate preparations manufacturing

325412 Suppositories manufacturing

325412 Technetium medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Thyroid preparations manufacturing

325412 Tincture of iodine preparations manufacturing

325412 Tranquilizer preparations manufacturing

325412 Vermifuge preparations manufacturing

325412 Veterinary medicinal preparations manufacturing

325412 Vitamin preparations manufacturing

325412 Water (i.e., drinking) decontamination or purification tablets manufacturing

325412 Zinc oxide medicinal preparations manufacturing

325413 Blood derivative in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Blood glucose test kits manufacturing

325413 Coagulation in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Cytology and histology in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Diagnostic substances, in-vitro, manufacturing

325413 Enzyme and isoenzyme in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Hematology in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 HIV test kits manufacturing

325413 Hormone in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 In-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Microbiology, virology, and serology in-vitro diagnostic substances manufacturing

325413 Pregnancy test kits manufacturing

325413 Viral in-vitro diagnostic test substances manufacturing

325414 Agar culture media manufacturing

325414 Aggressins (except in-vitro) manufacturing

325414 Allergenic extracts (except diagnostic substances) manufacturing

325414 Allergens manufacturing

325414 Antigens manufacturing

325414 Antiserums manufacturing

325414 Antitoxins manufacturing

325414 Antivenoms manufacturing

325414 Bacterial vaccines manufacturing

325414 Bacterins (i.e., bacterial vaccines) manufacturing

325414 Blood derivatives manufacturing

325414 Blood fractions manufacturing

325414 Cholera serums manufacturing

325414 Culture media manufacturing

325414 Gene therapy preparations manufacturing

325414 Hematology products (except diagnostic substances) manufacturing

325414 Plasmas manufacturing

325414 Serums (except diagnostic substances) manufacturing

325414 Toxoids (e.g., diphtheria, tetanus) manufacturing

325414 Tuberculin (i.e., tuberculo-protein derived) manufacturing

325414 Vaccines (i.e., bacterial, virus) manufacturing

325414 Virus vaccines manufacturing

325510 Architectural coatings (i.e., paint) manufacturing

325510 Calcimines manufacturing

325510 Dispersions, pigment, manufacturing

325510 Dopes, paint, and laquer, manufacturing

325510 Driers, paint and varnish, manufacturing

325510 Enamel paints manufacturing

325510 Epoxy coatings made from purchased resins

325510 Fillers, wood (e.g., dry, liquid, paste), manufacturing

325510 Frit manufacturing

325510 Glaziers' putty manufacturing

325510 Industrial product finishes and coatings (i.e., paint) manufacturing

325510 Lacquers manufacturing

325510 Latex paint (i.e., water based) manufacturing

325510 Marine paints manufacturing

325510 Motor vehicle paints manufacturing

325510 Paint and varnish removers manufacturing

325510 Paint thinner and reducer preparations manufacturing

325510 Paintbrush cleaners manufacturing

325510 Paints (except artist's) manufacturing

325510 Paints, emulsion (i.e., latex paint), manufacturing

325510 Paints, oil and alkyd vehicle, manufacturing

325510 Plastic wood fillers manufacturing

325510 Plastisol coating compounds manufacturing

325510 Polyurethane coatings manufacturing

325510 Powder coatings manufacturing

325510 Primers, paint, manufacturing

325510 Shellac manufacturing

325510 Stains (except biological) manufacturing

325510 Varnishes manufacturing

325510 Water repellant coatings for wood, concrete and masonry manufacturing

325510 Wood fillers manufacturing

325520 Adhesives (except asphalt, dental, gypsum base) manufacturing

325520 Caulking compounds (except gypsum base) manufacturing

325520 Cement, rubber, manufacturing

325520 Construction adhesives (except asphalt, gypsum base) manufacturing

325520 Dextrin glues manufacturing

325520 Epoxy adhesives manufacturing

325520 Glues (except dental) manufacturing

325520 Joint compounds (except gypsum base) manufacturing

325520 Mucilage adhesives manufacturing

325520 Pastes, adhesive, manufacturing

325520 Pipe sealing compounds manufacturing

325520 Plumbers' putty manufacturing

325520 Rubber cements manufacturing

325520 Sealing compounds for pipe threads and joints manufacturing

325520 Starch glues manufacturing

325520 Tile adhesives manufacturing

325611 Bar soaps manufacturing

325611 Dentifrices manufacturing

325611 Detergents (e.g., dishwashing, industrial, laundry) manufacturing

325611 Dishwasher detergents manufacturing

325611 Glycerin (i.e., glycerol), natural, manufacturing

325611 Hand soaps (e.g., hard, liquid, soft) manufacturing

325611 Laundry soap, chips, and powder manufacturing

325611 Mechanic's hand soaps and pastes manufacturing

325611 Presoaks manufacturing

325611 Scouring cleansers (e.g., pastes, powders) manufacturing

325611 Soaps (e.g., bar, chip, powder) manufacturing

325611 Teeth whiteners (e.g., pastes, gels) manufacturing

325611 Toilet soaps manufacturing

325611 Toothpastes, gels, and tooth powders manufacturing

325611 Waterless hand soaps manufacturing

325612 Airfreshners manufacturing

325612 Ammonia, household-type, manufacturing

325612 Automobile polishes and cleaners manufacturing

325612 Beeswax polishes and waxes manufacturing

325612 Bleaches, formulated for household use, manufacturing

325612 Brass polishes manufacturing

325612 Buffing compounds manufacturing

325612 Cloths, dusting and polishing, chemically treated, manufacturing

325612 Copper cleaners manufacturing

325612 Degreasing preparations, household-type, manufacturing

325612 Deodorants (except personal) manufacturing

325612 Disinfectants, household-type and industrial, manufacturing

325612 Drain pipe cleaners manufacturing

325612 Drycleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Fabric softeners manufacturing

325612 Floor polishes and waxes manufacturing

325612 Furniture polishes and waxes manufacturing

325612 Glass and tile cleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Ink eradicators manufacturing

325612 Kitchen degreasing and cleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Lye, household-type, manufacturing

325612 Metal polishes (i.e., tarnish removers) manufacturing

325612 Oven cleaners manufacturing

325612 Polishes (e.g., automobile, furniture, metal, shoe) manufacturing

325612 Polishing preparations manufacturing

325612 Recycling drycleaning fluids

325612 Rug cleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Rust removers manufacturing

325612 Saddle soaps manufacturing

325612 Shoe polishes and cleaners manufacturing

325612 Silver polishes manufacturing

325612 Soot removing chemicals manufacturing

325612 Spot removers (except laundry presoaks) manufacturing

325612 Starches, laundry, manufacturing

325612 Sweeping compounds, absorbent, manufacturing

325612 Toilet bowl cleaners manufacturing

325612 Tub and tile cleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Wallpaper cleaners manufacturing

325612 Wax removers manufacturing

325612 Waxes, polishing (e.g., floor, furniture), manufacturing

325612 Window cleaning preparations manufacturing

325612 Windshield washer fluid manufacturing

325613 Assistants, textile and leather finishing, manufacturing

325613 Emulsifiers (i.e., surface-active agents) manufacturing

325613 Finishing agents, textile and leather, manufacturing

325613 Mordants manufacturing

325613 Oils, soluble (i.e., textile finishing assistants), manufacturing

325613 Penetrants manufacturing

325613 Softeners, leather or textile, manufacturing

325613 Surface active agents manufacturing

325613 Textile finishing assistants manufacturing

325613 Textile scouring agents manufacturing

325613 Wetting agents manufacturing

325620 After-shave preparations manufacturing

325620 Antiperspirants, personal, manufacturing

325620 Baby powder and baby oil manufacturing

325620 Bath salts manufacturing

325620 Blending and compounding perfume bases

325620 Blushes, face, manufacturing

325620 Bubble bath preparations manufacturing

325620 Colognes manufacturing

325620 Cosmetic creams, lotions, and oils manufacturing

325620 Dental floss manufacturing

325620 Denture adhesives manufacturing

325620 Denture cleaners, effervescent, manufacturing

325620 Deodorants, personal, manufacturing

325620 Depilatory preparations manufacturing

325620 Eye make-up (e.g., eye shadow, eyebrow pencil, mascara) manufacturing

325620 Face creams (e.g., cleansing, moisturizing) manufacturing

325620 Foundations (i.e., make-up) manufacturing

325620 Hair coloring preparations manufacturing

325620 Hair preparations (e.g., conditioners, dyes, rinses, shampoos) manufacturing

325620 Hair sprays manufacturing

325620 Hand lotions manufacturing

325620 Lipsticks manufacturing

325620 Lotions (e.g., body, face, hand) manufacturing

325620 Make-up (i.e., cosmetics) manufacturing

325620 Manicure preparations manufacturing

325620 Mouthwashes (except medicinal) manufacturing

325620 Nail polish remover manufacturing

325620 Nail polishes manufacturing

325620 Perfumes manufacturing

325620 Permanent wave preparations manufacturing

325620 Powders (e.g., baby, body, face, talcum, toilet) manufacturing

325620 Rouge, cosmetic, manufacturing

325620 Sachet, scented, manufacturing

325620 Shampoos and conditioners, hair, manufacturing

325620 Shaving preparations (e.g., creams, gels, lotions, powders) manufacturing

325620 Sunscreen lotions and oils manufacturing

325620 Suntan lotions and oils manufacturing

325620 Talcum powders manufacturing

325620 Tints, dyes, and rinses, hair, manufacturing

325620 Toilet preparations (e.g., cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes) manufacturing

325620 Toilet water manufacturing

325620 Towelettes, premoistened, manufacturing

325910 Bronze printing inks manufacturing

325910 Duplicating inks manufacturing

325910 Flexographic inks manufacturing

325910 Gold printing inks manufacturing

325910 Gravure inks manufacturing

325910 Inkjet cartridges manufacturing

325910 Inkjet inks manufacturing

325910 Inks, printing, manufacturing

325910 Letterpress inks manufacturing

325910 Lithographic inks manufacturing

325910 Offset inks manufacturing

325910 Printing inks manufacturing

325910 Screen process inks manufacturing

325910 Stencil inks manufacturing

325910 Textile printing inks manufacturing

325920 Amatols manufacturing

325920 Azides explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Blasting accessories (e.g., caps, fuses, ignitors, squibbs) manufacturing

325920 Blasting powders manufacturing

325920 Caps, blasting and detonating, manufacturing

325920 Cordite explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Detonating caps, cord, fuses, and primers manufacturing

325920 Detonators (except ammunition) manufacturing

325920 Dynamite manufacturing

325920 Explosives manufacturing

325920 Gunpowder manufacturing

325920 Mannitol hexanitrate explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Mercury fulminate explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Nitrocellulose explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Nitroglycerin explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Nitrostarch explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Pentolite explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Picric acid explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Safety fuses, blasting, manufacturing

325920 Styphnic acid explosive materials manufacturing

325920 Tetryl explosive materials manufacturing

325920 TNT (trinitrotoluene) manufacturing

325920 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) manufacturing

325991 Custom compounding (i.e., blending and mixing) of purchased plastics resins

325991 Plastics resins compounding from recycled materials

325991 Plastics resins, custom compounding of purchased

325991 Reformulating plastics resins from recycled plastics products

325992 Computer printer toner cartridges manufacturing

325992 Developers, prepared photographic, manufacturing

325992 Diazo (i.e., whiteprint) paper and cloth, sensitized, manufacturing

325992 Driers, photographic chemical, manufacturing

325992 Facsimile toner cartridges manufacturing

325992 Film, sensitized (e.g., camera, motion picture, X-ray), manufacturing

325992 Fixers, prepared photographic, manufacturing

325992 Graphic arts plates, sensitized, manufacturing

325992 Heat sensitized (i.e., thermal) paper made from purchased paper

325992 Motion picture film manufacturing

325992 Paper, photographic sensitized, manufacturing

325992 Photocopying toner cartridges manufacturing

325992 Photographic chemicals manufacturing

325992 Photographic film, cloth, paper, and plate, sensitized, manufacturing

325992 Photomasks manufacturing

325992 Photosensitized paper manufacturing

325992 Sensitized cloth or paper (e.g., blueprint, photographic) manufacturing

325992 Toner cartridges manufacturing

325992 Toner cartridges rebuilding

325992 Toners, electrostatic and photographic, manufacturing

325992 X-ray film and plates, sensitized, manufacturing

325998 Activated carbon or charcoal manufacturing

325998 Additive preparations for gasoline (e.g., antiknock preparations, detergents, gum inhibitors) manufacturing

325998 Aerosol can filling on a job order or contract basis

325998 Aerosol packaging services

325998 Anise oil manufacturing

325998 Antifreeze preparations manufacturing

325998 Antiscaling compounds manufacturing

325998 Bay oil manufacturing

325998 Brake fluid, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Caps for toy pistols manufacturing

325998 Capsules, gelatin, empty, manufacturing

325998 Carbon, activated, manufacturing

325998 Carburetor cleaners manufacturing

325998 Cat litter manufacturing

325998 Cedar oil manufacturing

325998 Charcoal, activated, manufacturing

325998 Citronella oil manufacturing

325998 Clove oil manufacturing

325998 Concrete additive preparations (e.g., curing, hardening) manufacturing

325998 Correction fluids (i.e., typewriter) manufacturing

325998 Crankcase additive preparations manufacturing

325998 Cutting oils, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Defoamers and antifoaming agents manufacturing

325998 Degreasing preparations for machinery parts manufacturing

325998 Deicing preparations manufacturing

325998 Desalination kits manufacturing

325998 Distilled water manufacturing

325998 Drawing inks manufacturing

325998 Drilling mud compounds, conditioners, and additives (except bentonites) manufacturing

325998 Dye preparations, clothing, household-type, manufacturing

325998 Embalming fluids manufacturing

325998 Engine degreasers manufacturing

325998 Engine starting fluids manufacturing

325998 Essential oils manufacturing

325998 Eucalyptus oil manufacturing

325998 Fire extinguisher chemical preparations manufacturing

325998 Fire retardant chemical preparations manufacturing

325998 Fireworks manufacturing

325998 Flares manufacturing

325998 Fluxes (e.g., brazing, galvanizing, soldering, welding) manufacturing

325998 Foundry core oil, wash, and wax manufacturing

325998 Gelatin (except dessert preparations) manufacturing

325998 Gelatin capsules, empty, manufacturing

325998 Grapefruit oil manufacturing

325998 Greases, synthetic lubricating, manufacturing

325998 Hydraulic fluids, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Incense manufacturing

325998 Indelible inks manufacturing

325998 India inks manufacturing

325998 Industrial salt manufacturing

325998 Inhibitors (e.g., corrosion, oxidation, polymerization) manufacturing

325998 Inks, writing, manufacturing

325998 Insulating oils manufacturing

325998 Lemon oil manufacturing

325998 Lighter fluids (e.g., charcoal, cigarette) manufacturing

325998 Lime oil manufacturing

325998 Lubricating oils and greases, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Matches and match books manufacturing

325998 Motor oils, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Napalm manufacturing

325998 Oil additive preparations manufacturing

325998 Oils (e.g., cutting, lubricating), synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Oils, lubricating, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Orange oil manufacturing

325998 Orris oil manufacturing

325998 Ossein manufacturing

325998 Packer's fluids manufacturing

325998 Penetrating fluids, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Peppermint oil manufacturing

325998 Pyrotechnics (e.g., flares, flashlight bombs, signals) manufacturing

325998 Radiator additive preparations manufacturing

325998 Recycling services for degreasing solvents (e.g., engine, machinery) manufacturing

325998 Retarders (e.g., flameproofing agents, mildewproofing agents) manufacturing

325998 Rubber processing preparations (e.g., accelerators, stabilizers) manufacturing

325998 Rust preventive preparations manufacturing

325998 Salt (except table) manufacturing

325998 Soil testing kits manufacturing

325998 Spearmint oil manufacturing

325998 Stamp pad ink manufacturing

325998 Sugar substitutes (i.e., synthetic sweeteners blended with other ingredients) made from purchased synthetic sweeteners

325998 Swimming pool chemical preparations manufacturing

325998 Tint and dye preparations, household-type (except hair), manufacturing

325998 Tire inflators, aerosol, manufacturing

325998 Transmission fluids, synthetic, manufacturing

325998 Water, distilled, manufacturing

325998 Wintergreen oil manufacturing

325998 Writing inks manufacturing

326111 Bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326111 Food storage bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326111 Frozen food bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326111 Grocery bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326111 Merchandise bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326111 Trash bags, plastics film, single wall or multiwall, manufacturing

326112 Film, plastics, packaging, manufacturing

326112 Flexible packaging, plastics film, manufacturing

326112 Packaging film, plastics, single-web or multiweb, manufacturing

326113 Acrylic film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Cellulosic plastics film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Film, plastics (except packaging), manufacturing

326113 Photographic, micrographic, and X-ray plastics, sheet, and film (except sensitized), manufacturing

326113 Plastics film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Polyester film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Polyethylene film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Polypropylene film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Polyvinyl film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326113 Sheet, plastics, unlaminated (except packaging), manufacturing

326113 Vinyl and vinyl copolymer film and unlaminated sheet (except packaging) manufacturing

326121 Casings, sausage, nonrigid plastics, manufacturing

326121 Profile shapes (e.g., rod, tube), nonrigid plastics, manufacturing

326121 Rod, nonrigid plastics, manufacturing

326121 Sausage casings, plastics, manufacturing

326121 Tube, nonrigid plastics, manufacturing

326122 Fittings and unions, rigid plastics pipe, manufacturing

326122 Fittings, rigid plastics pipe, manufacturing

326122 Pipe fittings, rigid plastics, manufacturing

326122 Pipe, rigid plastics, manufacturing

326122 PVC pipe manufacturing

326130 Laminated plastics plate, rod, and sheet, manufacturing

326130 Plate, laminated plastics, manufacturing

326130 Profile shapes (e.g., plate, rod, sheet), laminated plastics, manufacturing

326130 Rod, laminated plastics, manufacturing

326130 Sheet, laminated plastics (except flexible packaging), manufacturing

326140 Coolers or ice chests, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Cups, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Dinnerware, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Foam polystyrene products manufacturing

326140 Food containers, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Ice buckets, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Insulation and cushioning, polystyrene foam plastics, manufacturing

326140 Jugs, vacuum, polystyrene foam plastics, manufacturing

326140 Plates, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Polystyrene foam packaging manufacturing

326140 Sheet (i.e., board), polystyrene foam insulation, manufacturing

326140 Shipping pads and shaped cushioning, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326140 Thermal insulation, polystyrene foam, manufacturing

326150 Cushions, carpet and rug, urethane and other foam plastics (except polystrene), manufacturing

326150 Foam plastics products (except polystrene) manufacturing

326150 Ice buckets, urethane or other plastics foam (except polystyrene), manufacturing

326150 Ice chests or coolers, urethane or other plastics foam (except polystyrene) manufacturing

326150 Insulation and cushioning, foam plastics (except polystrene), manufacturing

326150 Jugs, vacuum, foam plastics (except polystyrene), manufacturing

326150 Packaging, foam plastics (except polystyrene), manufacturing

326150 Polyurethane foam products manufacturing

326150 Seat cushions, foam plastics (except polystyrene), manufacturing

326150 Shipping pads and shaped cushioning, foam plastics (except polystyrene), manufacturing

326150 Urethane foam products manufacturing

326160 Bottles, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Bathtubs, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Chemical toilets, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Cultured marble plumbing fixtures manufacturing

326191 Drinking fountains (except mechanically refrigerated), plastics, manufacturing

326191 Hot tubs, plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326191 Laundry tubs, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Plumbing fixtures (e.g., shower stalls, toilets, urinals), plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326191 Portable toilets, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Shower stalls, plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326191 Sinks, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Toilet fixtures, plastics, manufacturing

326191 Urinals, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Awnings, rigid plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326199 Badges, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Balloons, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bathroom and toilet accessories, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bolts, nuts, and rivets, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bottle caps and lids, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bowls and bowl covers, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bubble packaging materials, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Building materials (e.g., fascia, panels, siding, soffit), plastics, manufacturing

326199 Building panels, corrugated and flat, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Bushings, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Cigar and cigarette holders, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Clothes hangers, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Clothespins, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Combs, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Coolers or ice chests, plastics (except foam), manufacturing

326199 Countertops, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Credit and identification card stock, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Cultured marble products (except plumbing fixtures) manufacturing

326199 Cultured stone products (except plumbing fixtures) manufacturing

326199 Cups, plastics (except foam), manufacturing

326199 Dinnerware, plastics (except polystyrene foam), manufacturing

326199 Doormats, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Doors and door frames, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Drums, plastics (i.e., containers), manufacturing

326199 Floor coverings, linoleum, manufacturing

326199 Floor coverings, resilient, manufacturing

326199 Floor coverings, rubber, manufacturing

326199 Floor coverings, vinyl, manufacturing

326199 Footwear parts (e.g., heels, soles), plastics, manufacturing

326199 Fruits and vegetables, artificial, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Gloves, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Gutters and down spouts, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Hampers, laundry, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Handles (e.g., brush, tool, umbrella), plastics, manufacturing

326199 Hardware, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Ice buckets, plastics (except foam), manufacturing

326199 Jars, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Kitchen utensils, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Ladders, fiberglass, manufacturing

326199 Lamp shades, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Lens blanks, plastics ophthalmic or optical, manufacturing

326199 Linoleum floor coverings manufacturing

326199 Mattresses, air, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Microwaveware, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Motor vehicle moldings and extrusions, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Netting, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Nozzles, aerosol spray, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Organizers for closets, drawers, and shelves, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Packaging, plastics (e.g., blister, bubble), manufacturing

326199 Pails, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Paint sticks, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Picnic jugs, plastics (except foam), manufacturing

326199 Radio housings, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Reels, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Reflectors, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Resilient floor coverings (e.g., sheet, tile) manufacturing

326199 Rubber floor coverings manufacturing

326199 Rulers, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Screening, window, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Septic tanks, plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326199 Shoe parts (e.g., heels, soles), plastics, manufacturing

326199 Shutters, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Siding, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Sponges, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Swimming pool covers and liners, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Swimming pools, fiberglass, manufacturing

326199 Tanks, storage, plastics or fiberglass, manufacturing

326199 Television housings, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Tiles, floor (i.e., linoleum, rubber, vinyl), manufacturing

326199 Tires, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Trash containers, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Tumblers, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Utility containers (e.g., baskets, bins, boxes, buckets, dishpans, pails), plastics (except foam), manufacturing

326199 Vinyl floor coverings manufacturing

326199 Watch crystals, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Watering cans, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Window sashes, vinyl, manufacturing

326199 Windows and window frames, plastics, manufacturing

326199 Windows and window frames, vinyl, manufacturing

326199 Windshields, plastics, manufacturing

326211 Aircraft tire manufacturing

326211 Camelback (i.e., retreading material) manufacturing

326211 Inner tubes manufacturing

326211 Motor vehicle tires manufacturing

326211 Retreading materials, tire, manufacturing

326211 Tire repair materials manufacturing

326211 Tires (e.g., pneumatic, semi-pneumatic, solid rubber) manufacturing

326211 Tread rubber (i.e., camelback) manufacturing

326212 Rebuilding tires

326212 Recapping tires

326212 Retreading tires

326212 Tire retreading, recapping or rebuilding

326220 Belting, rubber (e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmission), manufacturing

326220 Conveyor belts, rubber, manufacturing

326220 Fan belts, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Garden hose, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Hoses, reinforced, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Hoses, rubberized fabric, manufacturing

326220 Hydraulic hoses (without fitting), rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Motor vehicle belts, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Motor vehicle hoses, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Plastics and rubber belts and hoses (without fittings) manufacturing

326220 Pneumatic hose (without fittings), rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Radiator and heater hoses, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Rubber and plastics belts and hoses (without fittings) manufacturing

326220 Timing belt, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Transmission belts, rubber, manufacturing

326220 Vacuum cleaner belts, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 V-belts, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326220 Water hoses, rubber or plastics, manufacturing

326291 Extruded, molded or lathe-cut rubber goods manufacturing

326291 Mechanical rubber goods (i.e., extruded, lathe-cut, molded) manufacturing

326291 Rubber goods, mechanical (i.e., extruded, lathe-cut, molded), manufacturing

326299 Balloons, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Bath mats, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Birth control devices (i.e., diaphragms, prophylactics) manufacturing

326299 Brushes, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Combs, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Condom manufacturing

326299 Curlers, hair, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Diaphragms (i.e., birth control device), rubber, manufacturing

326299 Doormats, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Erasers, rubber or rubber and abrasive combined, manufacturing

326299 Floor mats (e.g., bath, door), rubber, manufacturing

326299 Footwear parts (e.g., heels, soles, soling strips), rubber, manufacturing

326299 Fuel bladders, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Grips and handles, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Grommets, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Hair care products (e.g., combs, curlers), rubber, manufacturing

326299 Hairpins, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Hot water bottles, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Latex foam rubber manufacturing

326299 Latex foam rubber products manufacturing

326299 Mattress protectors, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Mattresses, air, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Nipples and teething rings, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Pacifiers, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Pipe bits and stems, tobacco, hard rubber, manufacturing

326299 Prophylactics manufacturing

326299 Rafts, swimming pool-type, rubber inflatable, manufacturing

326299 Reclaiming rubber from waste or scrap

326299 Rods, hard rubber, manufacturing

326299 Rolls and roll coverings, rubber (e.g., industrial, papermill, painters', steelmill) manufacturing

326299 Roofing (i.e., single ply rubber membrane) manufacturing

326299 Rubber bands manufacturing

326299 Rubber tubing manufacturing

326299 Sheeting, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Shoe and boot parts (e.g., heels, soles, soling strips), rubber, manufacturing

326299 Spatulas, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Sponges, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Stair treads, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Stoppers, rubber, manufacturing

326299 Thread, rubber (except fabric covered), manufacturing

327110 Advanced/technical ceramic product manufacturing

327110 Alumina porcelain insulators manufacturing

327110 Architectural sculptures, clay, manufacturing

327110 Ashtrays, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Bathroom accessories, vitreous china and earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Beryllia porcelain insulators manufacturing

327110 Bidets, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Bone china manufacturing

327110 Chemical stoneware (i.e., pottery products) manufacturing

327110 China cooking ware manufacturing

327110 China tableware, vitreous, manufacturing

327110 Clay and ceramic statuary manufacturing

327110 Cones, pyrometric, earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Cooking ware (e.g., stoneware, coarse earthenware, pottery), manufacturing

327110 Cooking ware, china, manufacturing

327110 Cooking ware, fine earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Crockery manufacturing

327110 Decalcomania on china and glass for the trade

327110 Decorating china (e.g., encrusting gold, silver, other metal on china) for the trade

327110 Dishes, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Drinking fountains, vitreous china, non-refrigerated, manufacturing

327110 Earthenware table and kitchen articles, coarse, manufacturing

327110 Earthenware, commercial and household, semivitreous, manufacturing

327110 Ecclesiastical statuary, clay, manufacturing

327110 Electrical insulators, ceramic, manufacturing

327110 Electrical supplies, ceramic, manufacturing

327110 Faucet handles, vitreous china and earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Filtering media, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Firing china for the trade

327110 Florists' articles, red earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Flower pots, red earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Forms for dipped rubber products, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Garden pottery manufacturing

327110 Handles, faucet, vitreous china and earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Hotel tableware and kitchen articles, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Household-type earthenware, semivitreous, manufacturing

327110 Household-type tableware and kitchen articles, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Insulators, electrical porcelain, manufacturing

327110 Kitchen articles, coarse earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Kitchenware, commercial and household-type, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Kitchenware, semivitreous earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Lamp bases, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Lavatories, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Magnets, permanent, ceramic or ferrite, manufacturing

327110 Plumbing fixtures, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Porcelain parts, electrical and electronic device, molded, manufacturing

327110 Porcelain, chemical, manufacturing

327110 Pottery made and sold on site

327110 Pottery products manufacturing

327110 Pyrometer tubes manufacturing

327110 Pyrometric cones, earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Sculptures, architectural, clay, manufacturing

327110 Sinks, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Soap dishes, vitreous china and earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Spark plug insulators, porcelain, manufacturing

327110 Stationery articles, pottery, manufacturing

327110 Statuary, clay and ceramic, manufacturing

327110 Steatite porcelain insulators manufacturing

327110 Stoneware (i.e., pottery products) manufacturing

327110 Table articles, coarse earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Table articles, earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Table articles, fine earthenware (i.e., whiteware), manufacturing

327110 Table articles, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Tableware, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Tanks, flush, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Textile guides, porcelain, manufacturing

327110 Titania porcelain insulators manufacturing

327110 Toilet fixtures, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Towel bar holders, vitreous china and earthenware, manufacturing

327110 Urinals, vitreous china, manufacturing

327110 Vases, pottery (e.g., china, earthenware, stoneware), manufacturing

327110 Water closet bowls, vitreous china, manufacturing

327120 Adobe bricks manufacturing

327120 Alumina fused refractories manufacturing

327120 Aluminous refractory cement manufacturing

327120 Architectural terra cotta manufacturing

327120 Bauxite brick manufacturing

327120 Blocks, fire clay, manufacturing

327120 Bricks (i.e., common, face, glazed, hollow, vitrified), clay, manufacturing

327120 Bricks, adobe, manufacturing

327120 Bricks, clay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Bricks, nonclay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Building tile, clay, manufacturing

327120 Carbon brick manufacturing

327120 Castable refractories, clay, manufacturing

327120 Castable refractories, nonclay, manufacturing

327120 Cement, clay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Ceramic tiles, floor and wall, manufacturing

327120 Clay refractories (e.g., mortar, brick, tile, block) manufacturing

327120 Conduit, vitrified clay, manufacturing

327120 Coping, wall, clay, manufacturing

327120 Crucibles, fire clay, manufacturing

327120 Crucibles, graphite, magnesite, chrome, silica, or other nonclay materials, manufacturing

327120 Drain tile, clay, manufacturing

327120 Firebrick, clay refractories, manufacturing

327120 Floaters, glasshouse, clay, manufacturing

327120 Floor tile, ceramic, manufacturing

327120 Flue lining, clay, manufacturing

327120 Glasshouse refractories manufacturing

327120 Insulating firebrick and shapes, clay, manufacturing

327120 Kiln furniture, clay, manufacturing

327120 Liner brick and plates, vitrified clay, manufacturing

327120 Magnesia refractory cement manufacturing

327120 Mortar, nonclay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Mortars, clay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Mosaic tile, ceramic, manufacturing

327120 Nonclay refractories (e.g., block, brick, mortar, tile) manufacturing

327120 Paving brick, clay, manufacturing

327120 Pots, glass-house, clay refractory, manufacturing

327120 Quarry tiles, clay, manufacturing

327120 Refractories (e.g., block, brick, mortar, tile), clay, manufacturing

327120 Refractories (e.g., block, brick, mortar, tile), nonclay, manufacturing

327120 Refractory cement, nonclay, manufacturing

327120 Roofing tile, clay, manufacturing

327120 Sewer pipe and fittings, clay, manufacturing

327120 Stove lining, clay, manufacturing

327120 Structural clay tile manufacturing

327120 Tile, ceramic wall and floor, manufacturing

327120 Tile, clay, refractory, manufacturing

327120 Tile, clay, structural, manufacturing

327120 Tile, roofing and drain, clay, manufacturing

327120 Tile, sewer, clay, manufacturing

327120 Wall tile, ceramic, manufacturing

327211 Flat glass (e.g., float, plate) manufacturing

327211 Glass, plate, made in glass making plants

327211 Insulating glass, sealed units, made in glass making plants

327211 Laminated glass made in glass making plants

327211 Stained glass and stained glass products made in glass making plants

327212 Ashtrays, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Blanks for electric light bulbs, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Blanks, ophthalmic lens and optical glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Blocks, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Bricks, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Christmas tree ornaments, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Cooking utensils, glass and glass ceramic, made in glass making plants

327212 Cooking ware made in glass making plants

327212 Decorative glassware made in glass making plants

327212 Electron tube parts, glass blanks, made in glass making plants

327212 Fibers, glass, textile, made in glass making plants

327212 Fruits, artificial, made in glass making plants

327212 Glass blanks for electric light bulbs made in glass making plants

327212 Glass fiber, optical, made in glass making plants

327212 Glass fiber, textile type, made in glass making plants

327212 Glass making and blowing by hand

327212 Glass products (except packaging containers) made in a glass making plants

327212 Glassware for industrial, scientific, and technical use made in glass making plants

327212 Glassware for lighting fixtures made in glass making plants

327212 Glassware, art, decorative, and novelty made in glass making plants

327212 Industrial glassware and glass products, pressed or blown, made in glass making plants

327212 Insulators, electrical, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Laboratory glassware (e.g., beakers, test tubes, vials) made in glass making plants

327212 Lamp shades made in glass making plants

327212 Lens blanks, optical and ophthalmic, made in glass making plants

327212 Medical glassware made in glass making plants

327212 Ornaments, Christmas tree, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Ovenware, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Photomask blanks, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Scientific glassware, pressed or blown, made in glass making plants

327212 Stemware, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Tableware made in glass making plants

327212 Teakettles, glass and glass ceramic, made in glass making plants

327212 Technical glassware and glass products, pressed or blown, made in glass making plants

327212 Textile glass fibers made in glass making plants

327212 Vacuum tube blanks, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Vases, glass, made in glass making plants

327212 Yarn, fiberglass, made in glass making plants

327213 Beer bottles, glass, manufacturing

327213 Beverage containers, glass, manufacturing

327213 Bottles (i.e., bottling, canning, packaging), glass, manufacturing

327213 Containers for packaging, bottling, and canning, glass, manufacturing

327213 Food packaging, glass, manufacturing

327213 Glass packaging containers manufacturing

327213 Jars for packaging, bottling, and canning, glass, manufacturing

327213 Soda bottles, glass, manufacturing

327215 Aquariums made from purchased glass

327215 Ashtrays made from purchased glass

327215 Blanks, ophthalmic lens and optical glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Bricks, glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Christmas tree ornaments made from purchased glass

327215 Cooking ware made from purchased glass

327215 Cut and engraved glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Cutting, engraving, etching, painting or polishing purchased glass

327215 Decorated glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Doors, unframed glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Electron tube parts, glass blanks, made from purchased glass

327215 Fruits, artificial, made from purchased glass

327215 Furniture tops, glass (e.g., beveled, cut, polished), made from purchased glass

327215 Glass blanks for electric light bulbs made from purchased glass

327215 Glass products (except packaging containers) made from purchased glass

327215 Glass, automotive, made from purchased glass

327215 Glassware for industrial, scientific, and technical use made from purchased glass

327215 Glassware for lighting fixtures made from purchased glass

327215 Glassware, art decorative and novelty, made from purchased glass

327215 Glassware, cutting and engraving, made from purchased glass

327215 Hand blowing purchased glass

327215 Industrial glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Insulating glass, sealed units, made from purchased glass

327215 Insulators, electrical, glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Laboratory glassware (e.g., beakers, test tubes, vials) made from purchased glass

327215 Laminated glass made from purchased glass

327215 Lamp shades made from purchased glass

327215 Lens blanks, optical and ophthalmic, made from purchased glass

327215 Medical glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Mirrors, framed (except automotive) or unframed, made from purchased glass

327215 Ornaments, Christmas tree, made from purchased glass

327215 Ovenware made from purchased glass

327215 Safety glass (including motor vehicle) made from purchased glass

327215 Scientific apparatus glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Scientific glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Stained glass products made from purchased glass

327215 Stemware made from purchased glass

327215 Tableware made from purchased glass

327215 Technical glassware made from purchased glass

327215 Tempered glass made from purchased glass

327215 Vacuum tube blanks, glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Vases, glass, made from purchased glass

327215 Watch crystals made from purchased glass

327310 Cement (e.g., hydraulic, masonry, portland, pozzolana) manufacturing

327310 Cement clinker manufacturing

327310 Natural (i.e., calcined earth) cement manufacturing

327320 Central-mixed concrete manufacturing

327320 Concrete batch plants (including temporary)

327320 Ready-mix concrete manufacturing and distributing

327320 Transit-mixed concrete manufacturing

327320 Truck-mixed concrete manufacturing

327331 Architectural block, concrete (e.g., fluted, ground face, screen, slump, split), manufacturing

327331 Blocks, concrete and cinder, manufacturing

327331 Bricks, concrete, manufacturing

327331 Cinder (clinker) block, concrete, manufacturing

327331 Patio block, concrete, manufacturing

327331 Paving blocks, concrete, manufacturing

327331 Plinth blocks, precast terrazzo, manufacturing

327331 Precast concrete block and brick manufacturing

327331 Prestressed concrete blocks or bricks manufacturing

327331 Slumped brick manufacturing

327332 Conduits, concrete, manufacturing

327332 Culvert pipe, concrete, manufacturing

327332 Cylinder pipe, prestressed concrete, manufacturing

327332 Irrigation pipe, concrete, manufacturing

327332 Pipe, concrete, manufacturing

327332 Precast concrete pipe manufacturing

327332 Pressure pipe, reinforced concrete, manufacturing

327332 Prestressed concrete pipes manufacturing

327332 Sewer pipe, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Architectural wall panels, precast concrete, manufacturing

327390 Burial vaults, concrete and precast terrazzo, manufacturing

327390 Cast stone, concrete (except structural), manufacturing

327390 Chimney caps, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Concrete furniture (e.g., benches, tables) manufacturing

327390 Concrete products, precast (except block, brick and pipe), manufacturing

327390 Concrete tanks manufacturing

327390 Copings, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Garbage incinerators, precast concrete, manufacturing

327390 Garden furniture, precast concrete, manufacturing

327390 Girders and beams, prestressed concrete, manufacturing

327390 Girders, prestressed concrete, manufacturing

327390 Incinerators, precast concrete, manufacturing

327390 Lintels, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Ornamental and statuary precast concrete products manufacturing

327390 Poles, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Posts, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Precast concrete products (except brick, block, pipe) manufacturing

327390 Prestressed concrete products (except blocks, bricks, pipes) manufacturing

327390 Roofing tile, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Sills, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Silos, prefabricated concrete, manufacturing

327390 Tanks, concrete, manufacturing

327390 Terrazzo products, precast (except brick, block and pipe), manufacturing

327390 Ties, concrete, railroad, manufacturing

327410 Agricultural lime manufacturing

327410 Calcium hydroxide (i.e., hydrated lime) manufacturing

327410 Calcium oxide (i.e., quicklime) manufacturing

327410 Dolomite, dead-burned, manufacturing

327410 Dolomitic lime manufacturing

327410 Hydrated lime (i.e., calcium hydroxide) manufacturing

327410 Lime production

327410 Quicklime (i.e., calcium oxide) manufacturing

327420 Art goods (e.g., gypsum, plaster of paris) manufacturing

327420 Board, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Cement, Keene's (i.e., tiling plaster), manufacturing

327420 Columns, architectural or ornamental plaster work, manufacturing

327420 Ecclesiastical statuary, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Flower boxes, plaster of paris, manufacturing

327420 Fountains, plaster of paris, manufacturing

327420 Gypsum building products manufacturing

327420 Gypsum products (e.g., block, board, plaster, lath, rock, tile) manufacturing

327420 Images, small gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Joint compounds, gypsum based, manufacturing

327420 Keene's cement manufacturing

327420 Lath, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Ornamental and architectural plaster work (e.g., columns, mantels, molding) manufacturing

327420 Orthopedic plaster, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Plaster and plasterboard, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Plaster of paris manufacturing

327420 Plaster of paris products (e.g., columns, statuary, urns) manufacturing

327420 Plaster, gypsum, manufacturing

327420 Sculptures (e.g., gypsum, plaster of paris) manufacturing

327420 Statuary (e.g., gypsum, plaster of paris) manufacturing

327420 Urns (e.g., gypsum, plaster of paris) manufacturing

327420 Vases (e.g., gypsum, plaster of paris) manufacturing

327420 Wallboard, gypsum, manufacturing

327910 Abrasive products manufacturing

327910 Aluminum oxide (fused) abrasives manufacturing

327910 Buffing and polishing wheels, abrasive and nonabrasive, manufacturing

327910 Cloth (e.g., aluminum oxide, garnet, emery, silicon carbide) coated manufacturing

327910 Diamond dressing wheels manufacturing

327910 Grains, abrasive, natural and artificial, manufacturing

327910 Grinding balls, ceramic, manufacturing

327910 Grinding wheels manufacturing

327910 Paper (e.g., aluminum oxide, emery, garnet, silicon carbide), abrasive coated, made from purchased paper

327910 Polishing wheels manufacturing

327910 Pumice and pumicite abrasives manufacturing

327910 Sandpaper manufacturing

327910 Silicon carbide abrasives manufacturing

327910 Steel shot abrasives manufacturing

327910 Wheels, abrasive, manufacturing

327910 Wheels, polishing and grinding, manufacturing

327910 Whetstones manufacturing

327991 Architectural sculptures, stone, manufacturing

327991 Baptismal fonts, cut stone, manufacturing

327991 Blackboards, unframed, slate, manufacturing

327991 Burial vaults, stone, manufacturing

327991 Countertops, stone, manufacturing

327991 Curbing, granite and stone, manufacturing

327991 Cut stone bases (e.g., desk sets pedestals, lamps, plaques and similar small particles) manufacturing

327991 Cut stone products (e.g., blocks, statuary) manufacturing

327991 Dimension stone dressing and manufacturing

327991 Dimension stone for buildings manufacturing

327991 Ecclesiastical statuary, stone, manufacturing

327991 Flagstones cutting

327991 Furniture, cut stone (i.e., benches, tables, church), manufacturing

327991 Garden furniture, stone, manufacturing

327991 Monuments and tombstone, cut stone (except finishing or lettering to order only), manufacturing

327991 Slate products manufacturing

327991 Statuary, marble, manufacturing

327991 Table tops, marble, manufacturing

327992 Barite processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Barium processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Blast furnace slag processing

327992 Desiccants, activated clay, manufacturing

327992 Diatomaceous earth processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Feldspar processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Flint processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Fuller's earth processing beyond beneficiating

327992 Graphite, natural (e.g., ground, pulverized, refined, blended), manufacturing

327992 Kaolin, processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Lead, black (i.e., natural graphite), ground, refined, or blended, manufacturing

327992 Magnesite, crude (e.g., calcined, dead-burned, ground), manufacturing

327992 Mica processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Perlite aggregates manufacturing

327992 Perlite, expanded, manufacturing

327992 Pumice (except abrasives) processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Pyrophyllite processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Shale, expanded, manufacturing

327992 Silicon, ultra high purity, manufacturing

327992 Talc processing beyond beneficiation

327992 Vermiculite, exfoliated, manufacturing

327993 Fiberglass insulation products manufacturing

327993 Insulating batts, fills, or blankets, fiberglass, manufacturing

327993 Mineral wool insulation materials manufacturing

327993 Mineral wool products (e.g., board, insulation, tile) manufacturing

327999 Asbestos products (except brake shoes and clutches) manufacturing

327999 Built-up mica manufacturing

327999 Ceramic fiber manufacturing

327999 Concrete, dry mixture, manufacturing

327999 Dry mix concrete manufacturing

327999 Ecclesiastical statuary, paper mache, manufacturing

327999 Images, small papier-mache, manufacturing

327999 Mica products manufacturing

327999 Papier-mache statuary and related art goods (e.g., urns, vases) manufacturing

327999 Peat pots, molded pulp, manufacturing

327999 Statuary, vases, and urns, papier-mache, manufacturing

327999 Stones, synthetic, for gem stones and industrial use, manufacturing

327999 Stucco and stucco products manufacturing

327999 Synthetic stones, for gem stones and industrial use, manufacturing

331110 Armor plate made in iron and steel mills

331110 Axles, rolled or forged, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Balls, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Bars, concrete reinforcing (rebar) made in steel mills

331110 Bars, iron, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Bars, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Billets, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Blackplate made in iron and steel mills

331110 Blast furnaces

331110 Blooms, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Car wheels, rolled steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Coke oven products made in iron and steel mills

331110 Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) made in iron and steel mills

331110 Direct reduction of iron ore

331110 Electrometallurgical ferroalloy manufacturing

331110 Electrometallurgical steel manufacturing

331110 Fence posts, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Ferroalloys manufacturing

331110 Ferrochromium manufacturing

331110 Ferromanganese manufacturing

331110 Ferromolybdenum manufacturing

331110 Ferrophosphorus manufacturing

331110 Ferrosilicon manufacturing

331110 Ferrotitanium manufacturing

331110 Ferrotungsten manufacturing

331110 Ferrovanadium manufacturing

331110 Flakes, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Flats, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Forgings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Frogs, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Galvanizing metals and metal formed products made in iron and steel mills

331110 Gun forgings made in iron and steel mills

331110 High percentage nonferrous alloying elements (i.e., ferroalloys) manufacturing

331110 Hoops made in iron and steel mills

331110 Hoops, galvanized, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Hot-rolling iron or steel products in iron and steel mills

331110 Ingot made in iron and steel mills

331110 Iron ore recovery from open hearth slag

331110 Iron sinter made in iron and steel mills

331110 Iron, pig, manufacturing

331110 Manganese metal ferroalloys manufacturing

331110 Mesh, wire, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Mini-mills, steel

331110 Molybdenum silicon ferroalloys manufacturing

331110 Nut rods, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Paste, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Pig iron manufacturing

331110 Pilings, iron or steel plain sheet, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Pipe, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Plate, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Powder, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Rail joints and fastenings made in iron and steel mills

331110 Railroad crossings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Rails rerolled or renewed in iron and steel mills

331110 Rails, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Rods, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Rounds, tube, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Sheet pilings, plain, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Sheets, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Shell slugs, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Silicomanganese ferroalloys manufacturing

331110 Skelp, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Slab, steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Spiegeleisen ferroalloys manufacturing

331110 Spike rods made in iron and steel mills

331110 Sponge iron

331110 Stainless steel made in iron and steel mills

331110 Steel balls made in iron and steel mills

331110 Steel manufacturing

331110 Steel mill products (e.g., bar, plate, rod, sheet, structural shapes) manufacturing

331110 Steel mills

331110 Steel, from pig iron, manufacturing

331110 Strip, galvanized iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Strip, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Structural shapes, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Superalloys, iron or steel, manufacturing

331110 Template, made in iron and steel mills, manufacturing

331110 Terneplate made in iron and steel mills

331110 Ternes, iron or steel, long or short, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tie plates, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tin-free steel made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tinplate made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tool steel made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tube rounds, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tube, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tubing, seamless steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Tubing, wrought iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Well casings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Wheels, car and locomotive, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Wire products, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills

331110 Wrought iron or steel pipe and tubing made in iron and steel mills

331210 Boiler tubes, wrought, made from purchased iron

331210 Conduit, welded and lock joint, made from purchased iron or steel

331210 Pipe (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, seamless, welded) made from purchased iron or steel

331210 Tube (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, seamless, welded) made from purchased iron or steel

331210 Tubing, mechanical and hypodermic sizes, cold-drawn stainless steel, made from purchased steel

331210 Well casings (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, welded, wrought) made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Bars, concrete reinforcing (rebar), made from purchased steel in steel rolling mills

331221 Bars, steel, made in cold rolling mills made from purchased steel

331221 Cold rolling steel shapes (e.g., bar, plate, rod, sheet, strip) made from purchased steel

331221 Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar), made from purchased steel in cold rolling mills

331221 Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar), made from purchased steel in steel rolling mills

331221 Corrugating iron or steel in cold rolling mills made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Flakes made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Flat bright steel strip made in cold rolling mills made from purchased steel

331221 Hot-rolling purchased steel

331221 Metal powder and flake made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Nut rods, iron or steel, made in cold rolling mills

331221 Paste made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Powder made from purchased iron or steel

331221 Razor blade strip steel made in cold rolling mills

331221 Wire, flat, rolled strip, made in cold rolling mills

331222 Barbed and twisted wire made in wire drawing plants

331222 Baskets, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Brads, iron or steel, wire or cut, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Cable, iron or steel, insulated or armored, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Chain link fencing, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Drawing iron or steel wire from purchased iron or steel

331222 Drawing iron or steel wire from purchased iron or steel and fabricating wire products

331222 Fence gates, posts, and fittings, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Form ties made in wire drawing plants

331222 Horseshoe nails, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Mesh, wire, made in wire drawing mills

331222 Nails, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Paper clips, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Spikes, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Staples, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Tacks, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Tie wires made in wire drawing plants

331222 Welded iron or steel wire fabric made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire cages, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire carts (e.g., grocery, household, industrial), iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire cloth, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire garment hangers, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire products, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants

331222 Wire, iron or steel (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made in wire drawing plants

331313 Alumina refining

331313 Aluminum alloys made from bauxite or alumina producing primary aluminum and manufacturing

331313 Aluminum ingot and other primary aluminum production shapes made from bauxite or alumina

331313 Aluminum oxide refining

331313 Aluminum producing from alumina

331313 Aluminum shapes (e.g., bar, ingot, rod, sheet) made by producing primary aluminum and manufacturing

331313 Extrusion ingot, primary aluminum, manufacturing

331313 Ingot, primary aluminum, manufacturing

331313 Primary aluminum production and manufacturing aluminum alloys

331313 Primary aluminum production and manufacturing aluminum shapes (e.g., bar, ingot, rod, sheet)

331313 Primary refining of aluminum

331313 Primary smelting of aluminum

331313 Refining aluminum, primary

331313 Slab, primary aluminum, manufacturing

331314 Alloying purchased aluminum metals

331314 Aluminum alloys made from scrap or dross

331314 Aluminum billet made from purchased aluminum

331314 Aluminum billet made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331314 Aluminum extrusion ingot (i.e., billet), secondary

331314 Aluminum flakes made from purchased aluminum

331314 Aluminum ingot made from purchased aluminum

331314 Aluminum ingot, secondary smelting of aluminum and manufacturing

331314 Aluminum ingot, secondary, manufacturing

331314 Aluminum recovering from scrap and making ingot and billet (except by rolling)

331314 Aluminum smelting, secondary, and making ingot and billet (except by rolling)

331314 Flakes, aluminum, made from purchased aluminum

331314 Metal powder and flake made from purchased aluminum

331314 Paste made from purchased aluminum

331314 Powder made from purchased aluminum

331314 Refining aluminum, secondary

331315 Aluminum foil made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Aluminum foil made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Aluminum plate made by continuous casting purchased aluminum

331315 Aluminum plate made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Aluminum plate made in integrated secondary smelting and continuous casting mills

331315 Aluminum plate made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Aluminum sheet made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Aluminum sheet made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Aluminum welded tube made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Aluminum welded tube made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Foil, aluminum, made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Foil, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Plate, aluminum, made by continuous casting purchased aluminum

331315 Plate, aluminum, made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Plate, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and continuous casting mills

331315 Plate, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Sheet, aluminum, made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Sheet, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331315 Tube, welded, aluminum, made by flat rolling purchased aluminum

331315 Tube, welded, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and flat rolling mills

331318 Aluminum bar made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Aluminum bar made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Aluminum pipe made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Aluminum pipe made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Aluminum rod made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Aluminum rod made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Aluminum tube blooms made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Aluminum tube blooms made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Aluminum tube made by drawing or extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Aluminum tube made in integrated secondary smelting and drawing plants

331318 Aluminum tube made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Apparatus wire or cord made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Automotive or aircraft wire and cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Bar made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Bar made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Bar, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Bar, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Coaxial cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Communications wire or cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Cord sets, flexible, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Energy wire or cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Extrusion billet made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Extrusion billet, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Extrusion ingot made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Extrusion ingot, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Ingot made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Ingot, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Insulated wire or cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Magnet wire, insulated, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Mesh, wire, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Nails, aluminum, made in wire drawing plants

331318 Pipe made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Pipe, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Rails made by rolling or drawing purchased aluminum

331318 Rails, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and drawing plants

331318 Rails, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Rod made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Rod made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Rod, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Rod, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Shipboard cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Signal and control cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Structural shapes made by rolling purchased aluminum

331318 Structural shapes, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331318 Tube blooms made by extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Tube blooms, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Tube made by drawing or extruding purchased aluminum

331318 Tube, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and drawing plants

331318 Tube, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331318 Weatherproof wire or cable made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Wire cloth made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Wire screening, aluminum, made in integrated secondary smelting and drawing plants

331318 Wire, armored, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Wire, bare, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331318 Wire, insulated, made in aluminum wire drawing plants

331410 Antimony refining, primary

331410 Bars made in primary copper smelting and refining mills

331410 Beryllium refining, primary

331410 Bismuth refining, primary

331410 Blister copper manufacturing

331410 Cadmium refining, primary

331410 Chromium refining, primary

331410 Cobalt refining, primary

331410 Copper alloys made in primary copper smelting and refining mills

331410 Copper concentrate refining

331410 Copper shapes (e.g., bar, billet, ingot, plate, sheet) made in primary copper smelting and refining mills

331410 Copper smelting and refining, primary

331410 Germanium refining, primary

331410 Gold bullion or dore bar produced at primary metal refineries

331410 Gold refining, primary

331410 Ingot, primary, nonferrous metals (except aluminum), manufacturing

331410 Iridium refining, primary

331410 Lead smelting and refining, primary

331410 Magnesium refining, primary

331410 Nickel refining, primary

331410 Niobium refining, primary

331410 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) shapes made in primary nonferrous metal smelting and refining mills

331410 Nonferrous metals (except aluminum) made in primary nonferrous metal smelting and refining mills

331410 Nonferrous metals (except aluminum) smelting and refining, primary

331410 Platinum refining, primary

331410 Primary refining of copper

331410 Primary refining of nonferrous metals (except aluminum)

331410 Primary smelting of copper

331410 Primary smelting of nonferrous metals (except aluminum)

331410 Refining copper, primary

331410 Refining nonferrous metals and alloys (except aluminum), primary

331410 Rhenium refining, primary

331410 Selenium refining, primary

331410 Silver bullion or dore bar produced at primary metal refineries

331410 Silver refining, primary

331410 Slab, nonferrous metals (except aluminum) primary

331410 Smelting of nonferrous metals (except aluminum), primary

331410 Tantalum refining, primary

331410 Tellurium refining, primary

331410 Tin base alloys made in primary tin smelting and refining mills

331410 Tin refining, primary

331410 Titanium refining, primary

331410 Uranium refining, primary

331410 Zinc refining, primary

331410 Zirconium refining, primary

331420 Aircraft and automotive wire or cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Alloying purchased copper

331420 Alloying purchased copper metals

331420 Apparatus wire or cord made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Armored cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Armored cable, copper, made in integrated secondary smelting and drawing plants

331420 Bar, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Brass products, rolling, drawing, or extruding, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Bronze products, rolling, drawing, or extruding, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Cable, copper (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Cable, copper (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made in integrated secondary smelting and wire drawing plants

331420 Cartridge cups, discs, and sheets, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Coaxial cable, copper, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Communications wire or cable, copper, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Copper alloys (e.g., brass, bronze) made from purchased metal or scrap

331420 Copper and copper-based shapes (e.g., cake, ingot, slag, wire bar) made from purchased metal or scrap

331420 Copper foil made from purchased metal or scrap

331420 Copper powder, flakes, and paste made from purchased copper

331420 Copper products made by drawing purchased copper

331420 Copper products made by rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased copper

331420 Copper products made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331420 Copper products made in integrated secondary smelting mills and drawing plants

331420 Copper secondary smelting and alloying

331420 Copper secondary smelting and refining from purchased metal or scrap

331420 Cord sets, flexible, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Energy wire or cable, copper, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Foil, copper, made from purchased metal or scrap

331420 Insulated wire or cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Insulated wire or cable, copper, made in integrated secondary smelting and wire drawing plants

331420 Magnet wire, insulated, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Mesh, wire, made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Metal powder and flake made from purchased copper

331420 Paste made from purchased copper

331420 Pipe, extruded and drawn, brass, bronze, and copper, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Plate, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Powder made from purchased copper

331420 Refining copper, secondary

331420 Rod, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Sheet, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Shipboard cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Signal and control cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Strip, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Tubing, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331420 Weatherproof wire or cable made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Wire cloth made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Wire cloth, copper, made in integrated secondary smelting and wire drawing plants

331420 Wire, copper (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made from purchased copper in wire drawing plants

331420 Wire, copper (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made in integrated secondary smelting and wire drawing plants

331420 Wire, mechanical, copper and copper alloy, made from purchased copper or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing or extruding plants

331491 Aircraft and automotive wire and cable (except aluminum, copper) made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Apparatus wire and cord (except aluminum, copper) made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Bar, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals in wire drawing plants or in integrated secondary smelting and rolling, drawing, or extruding plants

331491 Coaxial cable, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Communications wire or cable, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Cord sets, flexible, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Energy wire or cable, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Foil, gold, made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Foil, nickel, made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Foil, silver, made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Gold and gold alloy bar, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Gold foil made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Gold rolling and drawing purchased metals or scrap

331491 Iridium bar, rod, sheet, strip and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Lead and lead alloy bar, pipe, plate, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Lead rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Magnesium and magnesium alloy bar, rod, shape, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Magnesium foil made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Magnesium rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Magnet wire, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Mesh, wire, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Molybdenum and molybdenum alloy bar, plate, pipe, rod, sheet, tubing, and wire made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Molybdenum rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Nails, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Nickel and nickel alloy pipe, plate, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Nickel rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Nonferrous metal shapes (except aluminum, copper) made by rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased nonferrous metal

331491 Nonferrous metal shapes (except aluminum, copper) made in integrated secondary smelting and extruding mills

331491 Nonferrous metal shapes (except aluminum, copper) made in integrated secondary smelting and rolling mills

331491 Nonferrous metal shapes (except aluminum, copper) made in integrated secondary smelting mills and wire drawing plants

331491 Nonferrous wire (except aluminum, copper) made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Nonferrous wire (except aluminum, copper) made in integrated secondary smelting mills and wire drawing plants

331491 Pipe, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Plate, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Platinum and platinum alloy rolling, drawing, or extruding from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Platinum and platinum alloy sheet and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Precious metal bar, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Rod, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Selenium bar, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Silver and silver alloy bar, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Silver foil made by rolling purchased metals or scrap

331491 Silver rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Solder wire, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Strip, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Tin and tin alloy bar, pipe, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Tin rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Titanium and titanium alloy bar, billet, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Titanium rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Tubing, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Tungsten bar, rod, sheet, strip, and tubing made by rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Welding rod, uncoated, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Wire cloth, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Wire screening, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Wire, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) in wire drawing plants

331491 Wire, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made in integrated secondary smelting mills and wire drawing plants

331491 Zinc and zinc alloy bar, plate, pipe, rod, sheet, tubing, and wire made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Zinc rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331491 Zirconium and zirconium alloy bar, rod, billet, sheet, strip, and tubing made from purchased metals or scrap

331491 Zirconium rolling, drawing, or extruding purchased metals or scrap

331492 Alloying purchased nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper)

331492 Detinning scrap (e.g., cans)

331492 Germanium recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Gold recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Ingot, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), secondary smelting and refining

331492 Iridium recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Lead recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Magnesium recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Metal powder and flake nonferrous (except aluminum, copper) made from purchased metal

331492 Nickel recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Nonferrous alloys (except aluminum, copper) made from purchased nonferrous metals

331492 Nonferrous alloys (except aluminum, copper) made in integrated secondary smelting and alloying plants

331492 Nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) secondary smelting and refining

331492 Paste, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metal

331492 Platinum recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Powder, nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), made from purchased metal

331492 Precious metals recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Recovering and refining of nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper) from scrap

331492 Recovering silver from used photographic film or X-ray plates

331492 Refining nonferrous metals and alloys (except aluminum, copper), secondary

331492 Secondary refining of nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper)

331492 Secondary smelting of nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper)

331492 Selenium recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Silver recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Silver recovering from used photographic film or X-ray plates

331492 Smelting and refining of nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), secondary

331492 Smelting nonferrous metals (except aluminum, copper), secondary

331492 Superalloys, nonferrous based, made from purchased metals or scrap

331492 Tin recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331492 Tungsten carbide powder made by metallurgical process

331492 Zinc dust reclaiming

331492 Zinc recovering from scrap and/or alloying purchased metals

331511 Cast iron brake shoes, railroad, manufacturing

331511 Cast iron pipe and pipe fittings manufacturing

331511 Cast iron railroad car wheels manufacturing

331511 Castings, compacted graphite iron, unfinished, manufacturing

331511 Castings, malleable iron, unfinished, manufacturing

331511 Castings, unfinished iron (e.g., ductile, gray, malleable, semisteel), manufacturing

331511 Cooking utensils, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Ductile iron castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331511 Ductile iron foundries

331511 Fittings, soil and pressure pipe, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Foundries, iron (i.e., ductile, gray, malleable, semisteel)

331511 Gray iron foundries

331511 Industrial molds, steel ingot, manufacturing

331511 Iron castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331511 Iron foundries

331511 Malleable iron foundries

331511 Manhole covers, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Molds for casting steel ingots manufacturing

331511 Molds, steel ingot, industrial, manufacturing

331511 Pearlitic castings, malleable iron, unfinished, manufacturing

331511 Pipe and pipe fittings, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Pipe couplings, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Rolling mill rolls, iron, manufacturing

331511 Semisteel foundries

331511 Sewer pipe, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Soil pipe, cast iron, manufacturing

331511 Water pipe, cast iron, manufacturing

331512 Foundries, steel investment

331512 Investment castings, steel, unfinished, manufacturing

331512 Steel investment castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331512 Steel investment foundries

331513 Alloy steel castings (except investment), unfinished, manufacturing

331513 Cast steel railroad car wheels, unfinished, manufacturing

331513 Castings, steel (except investment), unfinished, manufacturing

331513 Foundries, steel (except investment)

331513 Rolling mill rolls, steel, manufacturing

331513 Stainless steel castings (except investment), unfinished, manufacturing

331513 Steel castings (except investment), unfinished, manufacturing

331513 Steel foundries (except investment)

331523 Aluminum die-casting foundries

331523 Aluminum die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Beryllium die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Brass die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Bronze die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Copper die-casting foundries

331523 Copper die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Die-castings, aluminum, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Die-castings, nonferrous metals, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Foundries, die-casting, aluminum

331523 Foundries, die-casting, nonferrous metals

331523 Lead die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Magnesium die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Nickel alloy die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Nickel die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Nonferrous die-casting foundries

331523 Titanium die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331523 Zinc die-castings, unfinished, manufacturing

331524 Aluminum castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331524 Aluminum foundries (except die-casting)

331524 Castings (except die-castings), unfinished, aluminum, manufacturing

331524 Foundries, aluminum (except die-casting)

331524 Investment castings, aluminum, unfinished, manufacturing

331524 Permanent mold castings, aluminum, unfinished, manufacturing

331524 Sand castings, aluminum, unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Beryllium castings (except die-castings), unfinished manufacturing

331529 Brass foundries (except die-casting)

331529 Bronze foundries (except die-casting)

331529 Castings (except die-castings), nonferrous metals (except aluminum), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Copper alloy castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Copper foundries (except die-casting)

331529 Foundries (except die-casting), nonferrous metals (except aluminum)

331529 Investment castings, nonferrous metal (except aluminum), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Lead castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Magnesium castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Nickel castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Nonferrous metals (except aluminum) foundries (except die-casting)

331529 Nonferrous metals (except aluminum) unfinished castings (except die-castings) manufacturing

331529 Permanent mold castings, nonferrous metal (except aluminum), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Sand castings, nonferrous metals (except aluminum), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Ship and boat propellers, cast brass, bronze and copper (except die-casting), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Titanium castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 White metal castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

331529 Zinc castings (except die-castings), unfinished, manufacturing

332111 Cold forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Drop forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Ferrous forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Gun forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Hammer forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Horseshoes, ferrous forged, made from purchased iron or steel

332111 Hot forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Iron forgings made from purchased iron, unfinished

332111 Press forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332111 Steel forgings made from purchased steel, unfinished

332111 Upset forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished

332112 Aluminum forgings made from purchased metals, unfinished

332112 Cold forgings made from purchased nonferrous metals, unfinished

332112 Copper forgings made from purchased metals, unfinished

332112 Hammer forgings made from purchased nonferrous metals, unfinished

332112 Hot forgings made from purchased nonferrous metals, unfinished

332112 Press forgings made from purchased nonferrous metals, unfinished

332112 Titanium forgings made from purchased metals, unfinished

332112 Upset forgings made from purchased nonferrous metals, unfinished

332114 Custom roll forming metal products

332114 Gutters and down spouts sheet metal, custom roll formed, manufacturing

332117 Powder metallurgy products manufactured on a job or order basis

332119 Bottle caps and tops, metal, stamping

332119 Caps and tops, bottle, metal, stamping

332119 Closures, metal, stamping

332119 Crowns, metal (e.g., bottle, can), stamping

332119 Home canning lids and rings, metal stamping

332119 Lids, jar, metal, stamping

332119 Metal stampings (except automotive, cans, coins), unfinished, manufacturing

332119 Spinning unfinished metal products

332119 Stampings (except automotive, cans, coins), metal, unfinished, manufacturing

332215 Barber's scissors, manufacturing

332215 Blades, knife and razor, manufacturing

332215 Butcher's knives manufacturing

332215 Carving sets manufacturing

332215 Cleavers manufacturing

332215 Clippers, fingernail and toenail, manufacturing

332215 Cooking utensils, fabricated metal, manufacturing

332215 Cutlery, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Enameled metal cutting utensils

332215 Fishing knives manufacturing

332215 Flatware, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Forks, table, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Hair clippers for human use, nonelectric, manufacturing

332215 Hunting knives manufacturing

332215 Kitchen cutlery, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Kitchen utensils, fabricated metal (e.g., colanders, garlic presses, ice cream scoops, spatulas), manufacturing

332215 Knife blades manufacturing

332215 Knife blanks manufacturing

332215 Knives (e.g., hunting, pocket, table nonprecious, table precious plated) manufacturing

332215 Nonstick metal cooking utensils

332215 Plated metal cutlery manufacturing

332215 Plated metal flatware manufacturing

332215 Pocket knives manufacturing

332215 Potato mashers manufacturing

332215 Pots and pans, fabricated metal, manufacturing

332215 Pressure cookers, household-type, manufacturing

332215 Razor blades manufacturing

332215 Razors (except electric) manufacturing

332215 Safety razor blades manufacturing

332215 Safety razors manufacturing

332215 Scissors, nonelectric, manufacturing

332215 Shears, nonelectric, household-type (e.g., kitchen, barber, tailor) manufacturing

332215 Spoons, table, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Straight razors manufacturing

332215 Swords, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Table cutlery, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332215 Tailors' scissors, nonelectric, manufacturing

332215 Teakettles and coffee pots, fabricated metal (except electric, glass), manufacturing

332216 Agricultural handtools (e.g., hay forks, hoes, rakes, spades), nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Augers, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Awls manufacturing

332216 Axes manufacturing

332216 Bearing pullers, handtools, manufacturing

332216 Bits, edge tool, woodworking, manufacturing

332216 Blades, saw, all types, manufacturing

332216 Blow torches manufacturing

332216 Calipers and dividers, machinists' precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Can openers (except electric) manufacturing

332216 Carpenter's handtools, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Caulking guns, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 C-clamps manufacturing

332216 Chain saw blades manufacturing

332216 Chisels manufacturing

332216 Clippers for animal use, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Coordinate and contour measuring machines, machinists' precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Counterbores and countersinking bits, woodworking, manufacturing

332216 Cutters, glass, manufacturing

332216 Cutting dies (e.g., paper, leather, textile) manufacturing

332216 Cutting dies (except metal cutting) manufacturing

332216 Dial indicators, machinists' precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Dies, cutting (except metal cutting), manufacturing

332216 Dies, steel rule (except metal cutting), manufacturing

332216 Dividers, machinists' precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Drawknives manufacturing

332216 Drill bits, woodworking, manufacturing

332216 Drills, hand held, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Edge tools, woodworking (e.g., augers, bits, countersinks), manufacturing

332216 Engraver's handtools, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Files, handheld, manufacturing

332216 Fish wire (i.e., electrical wiring tool) manufacturing

332216 Forks, handtools (e.g., garden, hay, manure), manufacturing

332216 Gauge blocks, machinists' precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Gauges, machinists' precision tools (except optical), manufacturing

332216 Gear pullers, handtools, manufacturing

332216 Gouges, woodworking, manufacturing

332216 Grass mowing equipment, nonpowered lawn and garden, manufacturing

332216 Guns, caulking, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Hair clippers for animal use, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Hammers, handtools, manufacturing

332216 Handheld edge tools (except scissors-type), nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Handtool metal blades (e.g., putty knives, scrapers, screw drivers) manufacturing

332216 Handtools, machinists' precision, manufacturing

332216 Handtools, motor vehicle mechanics', manufacturing

332216 Hatchets manufacturing

332216 Hedge shears and trimmers, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Hoes, garden and mason's handtools, manufacturing

332216 Hooks, handtools (e.g., baling, bush, grass, husking), manufacturing

332216 Jacks (except hydraulic, pneumatic) manufacturing

332216 Jeweler's handtools, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Knives and bits for woodworking lathes, planers, and shapers manufacturing

332216 Lawn edgers, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Lawnmowers, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Leaf skimmers and rakes, nonpowered swimming pool, manufacturing

332216 Levels, carpenter's, manufacturing

332216 Machetes manufacturing

332216 Machine knives (except metal cutting) manufacturing

332216 Machinists' precision measuring tools (except optical) manufacturing

332216 Mallets (e.g., rubber, wood) manufacturing

332216 Mason's handtools manufacturing

332216 Mattocks (i.e., handtools) manufacturing

332216 Mauls, metal, manufacturing

332216 Measuring tools, machinist's (except optical), manufacturing

332216 Mechanic's handtools, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Metal cutting saw blades manufacturing

332216 Micrometers, machinist's precision tools, manufacturing

332216 Miter boxes manufacturing

332216 Picks (i.e., handtools) manufacturing

332216 Planes, handheld, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Pliers, handtools, manufacturing

332216 Plumbers' handtools, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Post hole diggers, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Precision tools, machinist's (except optical), manufacturing

332216 Pruners manufacturing

332216 Pry (i.e., crow) bars manufacturing

332216 Punches (except paper), nonpowered handtool, manufacturing

332216 Putty knives manufacturing

332216 Rakes, nonpowered handtool, manufacturing

332216 Rasps, handheld, manufacturing

332216 Ratchets, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Rulers, metal, manufacturing

332216 Saw blades, all types, manufacturing

332216 Saws, hand, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Scoops, metal (except kitchen-type), manufacturing

332216 Screw drivers, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Screwjacks manufacturing

332216 Scythes manufacturing

332216 Shears, nonelectric, tool-type (e.g., garden, pruners, tinsnip), manufacturing

332216 Shovels, handheld, manufacturing

332216 Sickles manufacturing

332216 Sledgehammers manufacturing

332216 Sockets and socket sets manufacturing

332216 Soldering guns and irons, handheld (including electric), manufacturing

332216 Soldering iron tips and tiplets manufacturing

332216 Spades and shovels, handheld, manufacturing

332216 Squares, carpenters', metal, manufacturing

332216 Stone cutting saw blades manufacturing

332216 Stonecutters' handtools, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Tape measures, metal, manufacturing

332216 Tinners' snips manufacturing

332216 Tools, hand, metal blade (e.g., putty knives, scrapers, screwdrivers)

332216 Tools, handheld, nonpowered (except kitchen-type), manufacturing

332216 Tools, woodworking edge (e.g., augers, bits, countersinks), manufacturing

332216 Trimmers, hedge, nonelectric, manufacturing

332216 Trowels manufacturing

332216 Vises (except machine tool attachments) manufacturing

332216 Wheel pullers, handtools, manufacturing

332216 Wood cutting saw blades manufacturing

332216 Wrenches, handtools, nonpowered, manufacturing

332216 Yardsticks, metal, manufacturing

332311 Buildings, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Carports, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Dwellings, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Farm buildings, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Garages, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Greenhouses, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Houses, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Panels, prefabricated metal building, manufacturing

332311 Portable buildings, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Prefabricated buildings, metal, manufacturing

332311 Prefabricated homes, metal, manufacturing

332311 Sections for prefabricated metal buildings manufacturing

332311 Sheds, (e.g., garden, storage, utility) prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Silos, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Utility buildings, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332311 Warehouses, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Barge sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Bars, concrete reinforcing, manufacturing

332312 Boat sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Bridge sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) assemblies, fabrication

332312 Dam gates, metal plate, manufacturing

332312 Expansion joints, metal, manufacturing

332312 Fabricated bar joists manufacturing

332312 Fabricated structural metal manufacturing

332312 Flood gates, metal plate, manufacturing

332312 Floor jacks, metal, manufacturing

332312 Floor posts, adjustable metal, manufacturing

332312 Highway bridge sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Joists, fabricated bar, manufacturing

332312 Landing mats, aircraft, metal, manufacturing

332312 Radio and television tower sections, fabricated structural metal, manufacturing

332312 Railway bridge sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Ship sections, prefabricated metal, manufacturing

332312 Steel joists manufacturing

332312 Steel railroad car racks manufacturing

332312 Structural steel, fabricated, manufacturing

332312 Television tower sections, fabricated structural metal, manufacturing

332312 Transmission tower sections, fabricated structural metal, manufacturing

332313 Airlocks, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Baffles, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Bins, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Breechings, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Buoys, fabricated plate work metal, manufacturing

332313 Casings, scroll, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Chutes, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Covers, annealing, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Covers, floating, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Culverts, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Cupolas, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Cyclones, industrial, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Ducting, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Fabricated plate work manufacturing

332313 Floating covers, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Flumes, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Fumigating chambers, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Hoods, industrial, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Hoppers, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Jackets, industrial, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Ladle bails, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Ladles, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Liners, industrial, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Nuclear shielding, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Penstocks, fabricated metal plate, manufacturing

332313 Pile shells, fabricated metal plate, manufacturing

332313 Pipe, fabricated metal plate, manufacturing

332313 Plate work (e.g., bending, cutting, punching, shaping, welding), fabricated metal, manufacturing

332313 Racks (e.g., trash), fabricated metal plate, manufacturing

332313 Reactor containment vessels, fabricated metal plate, manufacturing

332313 Rocket casings, fabricated metal work, manufacturing

332313 Smokestacks, fabricated metal boiler plate, manufacturing

332313 Space simulation chambers, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Sterilizing chambers, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Trash racks, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Troughs, industrial, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Truss plates, metal, manufacturing

332313 Tunnel lining, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Tunnels, wind, fabricated metal plate work, manufacturing

332313 Weldments manufacturing

332321 Baseboards, metal, manufacturing

332321 Casements, metal, manufacturing

332321 Door and jamb assemblies, metal, manufacturing

332321 Door frames and sash, metal, manufacturing

332321 Doors, metal, manufacturing

332321 Fire doors, metal, manufacturing

332321 Frames, door and window, metal, manufacturing

332321 Garage doors, metal, manufacturing

332321 Hangar doors, metal, manufacturing

332321 Jalousies, metal, manufacturing

332321 Louver windows, metal, manufacturing

332321 Molding and trim (except motor vehicle), metal, manufacturing

332321 Rolling doors for industrial buildings and warehouses, metal, manufacturing

332321 Sash, door and window, metal, manufacturing

332321 Screen doors, metal frame, manufacturing

332321 Screens, door and window, metal frame, manufacturing

332321 Shutters, door and window, metal, manufacturing

332321 Skylights, metal, manufacturing

332321 Storm doors and windows, metal, manufacturing

332321 Trim and molding (except motor vehicle), metal, manufacturing

332321 Trim, metal, manufacturing

332321 Weatherstrip, metal, manufacturing

332321 Window frames and sash, metal, manufacturing

332321 Window screens, metal frame, manufacturing

332321 Windows, metal, manufacturing

332322 Air cowls, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Awnings, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Canopies, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Casings, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Coal chutes, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Concrete forms, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Cornices, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Cowls, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Culverts, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Dampers, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Door hoods, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Downspouts, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Ducts, sheet metal, manufacturing

332322 Eaves, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Elbows for conductor pipe, hot air ducts, and stovepipe, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Flooring, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Flues, stove and furnace, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Flumes, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Forms, concrete, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Furnace casings, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Furnace flues, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Guardrails, highway, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Gutters, sheet metal (except custom roll formed), manufacturing

332322 Hampers, laundry, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Highway guardrails, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Hoods, range (except household-type), sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Irrigation pipe, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Joists, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Louvers, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Machine guards, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Mail chutes, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Pile shells, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Pipe, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Radiator shields and enclosures, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Roof deck, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Roofing, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Sheet metal work (except stampings) manufacturing

332322 Siding, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Spouts, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Stove boards, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Stove pipes and flues, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Studs, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Troughs, elevator, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Ventilators, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332322 Wells, light, sheet metal (except stampings), manufacturing

332323 Acoustical suspension systems, metal, manufacturing

332323 Architectural metalwork manufacturing

332323 Balcony railings, metal, manufacturing

332323 Bank fixtures, ornamental metal, manufacturing

332323 Bannisters, metal, manufacturing

332323 Barn stanchions and standards manufacturing

332323 Brasswork, ornamental, manufacturing

332323 Chain ladders, metal, manufacturing

332323 Channels, furring metal, manufacturing

332323 Corrals, metal, manufacturing

332323 Curtain wall, metal, manufacturing

332323 Elevator guide rails, metal, manufacturing

332323 Fences and gates (except wire), metal, manufacturing

332323 Fire escapes, metal, manufacturing

332323 Flagpoles, metal, manufacturing

332323 Flooring, open steel (i.e., grating), manufacturing

332323 Furring channels, sheet metal, manufacturing

332323 Gates, holding, sheet metal, manufacturing

332323 Gates, metal (except wire), manufacturing

332323 Gratings (i.e., open steel flooring) manufacturing

332323 Grills and grillwork, sheet metal, manufacturing

332323 Grillwork, ornamental metal, manufacturing

332323 Guards, bannisters, and railings, sheet metal, manufacturing

332323 Ladders, metal chain, manufacturing

332323 Ladders, permanently installed, metal, manufacturing

332323 Lath, expanded metal, manufacturing

332323 Ornamental metalwork manufacturing

332323 Partitions, ornamental metal, manufacturing

332323 Pipe bannisters, metal, manufacturing

332323 Pipe guards, metal, manufacturing

332323 Pipe railings, metal, manufacturing

332323 Purlins, metal, manufacturing

332323 Railings, metal, manufacturing

332323 Registers, metal air, manufacturing

332323 Scaffolds, metal, manufacturing

332323 Stair railings, metal, manufacturing

332323 Stair treads, metal, manufacturing

332323 Staircases, metal, manufacturing

332323 Stairs, metal, manufacturing

332323 Stalls, metal, manufacturing

332323 Treads, metal stair, manufacturing

332410 Aftercoolers (i.e., heat exchangers) manufacturing

332410 Barometric condensers manufacturing

332410 Boiler casings manufacturing

332410 Boilers, power, manufacturing

332410 Condenser boxes, metal, manufacturing

332410 Condensers, steam, manufacturing

332410 Economizers (i.e., power boiler accessory) manufacturing

332410 Exchangers, heat, manufacturing

332410 Heat exchangers manufacturing

332410 Intercooler shells manufacturing

332410 Marine power boilers manufacturing

332410 Nuclear reactor steam supply systems manufacturing

332410 Nuclear reactors control rod drive mechanisms manufacturing

332410 Nuclear reactors manufacturing

332410 Power boilers manufacturing

332410 Reactors, nuclear, manufacturing

332410 Stationary power boilers manufacturing

332410 Steam condensers manufacturing

332420 Absorbers, gas, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Accumulators, industrial pressure vessels, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Acetylene cylinders, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Air receiver tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Annealing vats, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Autoclaves, industrial-type, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Bulk storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Caissons, underwater work, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Columns, fractionating, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Cryogenic tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Cylinders, pressure, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Digesters, industrial-type, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Farm storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Fermention tanks, heavy gauge metal tanks, manufacturing

332420 Gas storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Kettles, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders manufacturing

332420 Liquid oxygen tanks manufacturing

332420 Nuclear waste casks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Oil storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Petroleum storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Pots (e.g., annealing, melting, smelting), heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Retorts, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Septic tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Smelting pots and retorts manufacturing

332420 Stills, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Storage tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Vacuum tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Vats, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Vessels, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332420 Water tanks, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Aerosol cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Aluminum cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Beer cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Can lids and ends, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Cans, aluminum, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Cans, steel, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Lids and ends, can, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Metal cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Soft drink cans manufacturing

332431 Soup cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Steel cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332431 Tin plate cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Air cargo containers, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Ammunition boxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Barrels, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Beer kegs, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Bins, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Bottles, vacuum, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Boxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Cash boxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Collapsible tubes (e.g., toothpaste, glue), light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Containers, air cargo, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Containers, light gauge metal (except cans), manufacturing

332439 Drums, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Fluid milk shipping containers, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Garbage cans, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Hoppers, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Ice chests or coolers, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Jugs, vacuum, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Laundry hampers, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Lunch boxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Mailboxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Shipping barrels, drums, kegs, and pails, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Tool boxes, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Vacuum bottles and jugs, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332439 Vats, light gauge metal, manufacturing

332510 Aircraft hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Appliance hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Automobile hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Brackets (i.e., builder's hardware-type), metal, manufacturing

332510 Builder's hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Cabinet hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Casket hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Casters, furniture, metal manufacturing

332510 Casters, industrial, metal, manufacturing

332510 Dead bolts, metal, manufacturing

332510 Door locks, metal, manufacturing

332510 Door opening and closing devices (except electrical), metal, manufacturing

332510 Furniture hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Gun trigger locks, metal, manufacturing

332510 Hinges, metal, manufacturing

332510 Key blanks, metal, manufacturing

332510 Locks (except coin-operated, time locks), metal, manufacturing

332510 Luggage hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Marine hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Motor vehicle hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Padlocks, metal, manufacturing

332510 Piano hardware, metal, manufacturing

332510 Suitcase hardware, metal, manufacturing

332613 Automobile suspension springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Coiled springs (except clock, watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Coiled springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Disk and ring springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Flat springs (except clock, watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Flat springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Furniture springs, light gauge, unassembled, made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Gun springs, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Hairsprings (except clock, watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Helical springs, hot wound heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Helical springs, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Instrument springs, precision (except clock, watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip, manufacturing

332613 Leaf springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Mattress springs and spring units, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Sash balance springs, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Springs and spring units for seats, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Springs, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Springs, light gauge (except clock, watch), made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Springs, precision (except clock, watch), light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip

332613 Torsion bar, heavy gauge metal, manufacturing

332613 Upholstery springs and spring units, light gauge, made from purchased wire or strip

332618 Automobile skid chains made from purchased wire

332618 Bale ties made from purchased wire

332618 Barbed wire made from purchased wire

332618 Baskets, metal, made from purchased wire

332618 Belts, conveyor, made from purchased wire

332618 Belts, drying, made from purchased wire

332618 Brackets made from purchased wire

332618 Brads, metal, made from purchased wire

332618 Cable, noninsulated wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Cages made from purchased wire

332618 Can keys made from purchased wire

332618 Chain link fencing and fence gates made from purchased wire

332618 Chain made from purchased wire

332618 Chain, welded, made from purchased wire

332618 Chicken netting made from purchased wire

332618 Cloth, woven wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Coat hangers made from purchased wire

332618 Concrete reinforcing mesh made from purchased wire

332618 Crab traps made from purchased wire

332618 Cylinder wire cloth made from purchased wire

332618 Delivery cases made from purchased wire

332618 Diamond cloths made from purchased wire

332618 Fabrics, woven wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Fencing and fence gates made from purchased wire

332618 Fourdrinier wire cloth made from purchased wire

332618 Grilles and grillwork made from purchased wire

332618 Guards, wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Hardware cloth, woven wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Insect screening made from purchased wire

332618 Key rings made from purchased wire

332618 Lamp frames, wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Mats and matting made from purchased wire

332618 Mesh made from purchased wire

332618 Nails, brads, and staples made from purchased wire

332618 Netting, woven, made from purchased wire

332618 Paper clips made from purchased wire

332618 Paper machine wire cloth made from purchased wire

332618 Poultry netting made from purchased wire

332618 Racks, household-type, made from purchased wire

332618 Reinforcing mesh, concrete, made from purchased wire

332618 Rope, wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Shelving, wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Sieves, made from purchased wire, manufacturing

332618 Slings, lifting, made from purchased wire

332618 Spikes made from purchased wire

332618 Spiral cloth made from purchased wire

332618 Staples made from purchased wire

332618 Stranded wire, uninsulated, made from purchased wire

332618 Tacks, metal, made from purchased wire

332618 Tire chains made from purchased wire

332618 Traps, animal and fish, made from purchased wire

332618 Trays, wire, made from purchased wire

332618 Window screening, woven, made from purchased wire

332710 Chemical milling job shops

332710 Machine shops

332721 Precision turned product manufacturing

332722 Bolts, metal, manufacturing

332722 Cotter pins, metal, manufacturing

332722 Dowel pins, metal, manufacturing

332722 Hook and eye latches, metal, manufacturing

332722 Hooks (i.e., general purpose fasteners), metal, manufacturing

332722 Hooks, metal screw, manufacturing

332722 Hose clamps, metal, manufacturing

332722 Lock washers, metal, manufacturing

332722 Machine keys, metal, manufacturing

332722 Nuts, metal, manufacturing

332722 Rivets, metal, manufacturing

332722 Screw eyes, metal, manufacturing

332722 Screws, metal, manufacturing

332722 Spring pins, metal, manufacturing

332722 Spring washers, metal, manufacturing

332722 Toggle bolts, metal, manufacturing

332722 Turnbuckles, metal, manufacturing

332722 Washers, metal, manufacturing

332811 Annealing metals and metal products for the trade

332811 Brazing (i.e., hardening) metals and metal products for the trade

332811 Burning metals and metal products for the trade

332811 Cold treating metals for the trade

332811 Cryogenic treating metals for the trade

332811 Hardening (i.e., heat treating) metals and metal products for the trade

332811 Heat treating metals and metal products for the trade

332811 Shot peening metal and metal products for the trade

332811 Tempering metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Aluminum coating of metal products for the trade

332812 Bonderizing metal and metal products for the trade

332812 Chasing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Coating metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Coating of metal and metal products with plastics for the trade

332812 Enameling metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Engraving metals and metal products (except printing plates) for the trade

332812 Etching metals and metal products (except printing plates) for the trade

332812 Flocking metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Galvanizing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Glazing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Hot dip galvanizing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Japanning metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Lacquering metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Painting metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Parkerizing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Powder coating metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Rustproofing metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Sherardizing of metals and metal products for the trade

332812 Varnishing metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Anodizing metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Buffing metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Chrome plating metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Cleaning and descaling metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Coloring metals and metal products (except coating) for the trade

332813 Depolishing metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Electroplating metals and formed products for the trade

332813 Gold and silver plating metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Laminating metals and metal formed products without fabricating

332813 Pickling metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Plastic, glass, or other media blasting services

332813 Plating metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Polishing metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Sandblasting metals and metal products for the trade

332813 Tumbling (i.e., cleaning and polishing) metal and metal products for the trade

332911 Angle valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Automatic (i.e., controlling-type, regulating) valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Ball valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Boiler gauge cocks, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Butterfly valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Check valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Compressed gas cylinder valves manufacturing

332911 Control valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Cross valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Fire hydrant valves manufacturing

332911 Fire hydrants, complete, manufacturing

332911 Flushing hydrant manufacturing

332911 Gas valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Gate valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Globe valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Nuclear application valves manufacturing

332911 Plug valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Pressure control valves (except fluid power), industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Safety (i.e., pop-off) valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Sampling station manufacturing

332911 Solenoid valves (except fluid power), industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Steam traps, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Stop valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Straightway (i.e., Y-type) valves, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Thermostatic traps, industrial-type, manufacturing

332911 Valves for nuclear applications manufacturing

332911 Valves for water works and municipal water systems manufacturing

332911 Valves, industrial-type (e.g., check, gate, globe, relief, safety), manufacturing

332911 Waterworks and municipal water system valves manufacturing

332912 Control valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Electrohydraulic servo valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Fluid power aircraft subassemblies manufacturing

332912 Fluid power hose assemblies manufacturing

332912 Fluid power valves and hose fittings manufacturing

332912 Hose assemblies for fluid power systems manufacturing

332912 Hose couplings and fittings, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Hydraulic aircraft subassemblies manufacturing

332912 Hydraulic hose fittings, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Hydraulic valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Pneumatic aircraft subassemblies manufacturing

332912 Pneumatic hose fittings, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Pneumatic valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Pressure control valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Solenoid valves, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Tube and hose fittings, fluid power, manufacturing

332912 Valves, hydraulic and pneumatic, fluid power, manufacturing

332913 Antiscald bath and shower valves, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Backflow preventors, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Cocks, drain, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Drain cocks, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Faucets, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Flush valves, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Plumbing fittings and couplings (e.g., compression fittings, metal elbows, metal unions) manufacturing

332913 Plumbing fixture fittings and trim, all materials, manufacturing

332913 Shower heads, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Spigots, plumbing fixture fitting, manufacturing

332913 Stopcock drains, plumbing, manufacturing

332913 Supply line assemblies, plumbing (i.e., flexible hose with fittings), manufacturing

332919 Aerosol valves manufacturing

332919 Boiler couplings and drains, plumbing and heating-type, manufacturing

332919 Breakers, vacuum, plumbing, manufacturing

332919 Couplings, hose, metal (except fluid power), manufacturing

332919 Elbows, pipe, metal (except made from purchased pipe), manufacturing

332919 Flanges and flange unions, pipe, metal, manufacturing

332919 Hose couplings, metal (except fluid power), manufacturing

332919 Lawn hose nozzles and lawn sprinklers manufacturing

332919 Nozzles, fire fighting, manufacturing

332919 Nozzles, lawn hose, manufacturing

332919 Plumbing and heating inline valves (e.g., check, cutoffs, stop) manufacturing

332919 Sprinklers, lawn, manufacturing

332919 Steam fittings, metal, manufacturing

332919 Traps, water, manufacturing

332919 Unions, pipe, metal (except made from purchased pipe), manufacturing

332919 Valves, inline plumbing and heating (e.g., cutoffs, stop), manufacturing

332919 Water traps manufacturing

332991 Annular ball bearings manufacturing

332991 Ball bearings manufacturing

332991 Bearings, ball and roller, manufacturing

332991 Cylindrical roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Flange units, ball or roller bearing, manufacturing

332991 Linear ball bearings manufacturing

332991 Linear roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Needle roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Pillow blocks with ball or roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Races, ball or roller bearings, manufacturing

332991 Roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Tapered roller bearings manufacturing

332991 Thrust roller bearings manufacturing

332992 Ammunition, small arms (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less), manufacturing

332992 BB shot manufacturing

332992 Blank cartridges (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Bullet jackets and cores (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Cartridge cases for ammunition (i.e., 30 mm.or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Cartridges (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Cores, bullet (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less), manufacturing

332992 Jackets, bullet (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less), manufacturing

332992 Paper shells (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Pellets, air rifle and pistol, manufacturing

332992 Percussion caps (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less), ammunition, manufacturing

332992 Shells, small arms (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less), manufacturing

332992 Shot, BB, manufacturing

332992 Shot, lead, manufacturing

332992 Shot, pellet, manufacturing

332992 Shot, steel, manufacturing

332992 Shotgun shells manufacturing

332992 Small arms ammunition (i.e., 30 mm. or less, 1.18 inch or less) manufacturing

332992 Wads, ammunition, manufacturing

332993 Adapters, bombcluster, manufacturing

332993 Ammunition (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch) manufacturing

332993 Ammunition loading and assembling plants

332993 Arming and fusing devices, missile, manufacturing

332993 Artillery ammunition (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch) manufacturing

332993 Bag loading plants, ammunition, manufacturing

332993 Bomb loading and assembling plants

332993 Bombcluster adapters manufacturing

332993 Bombs manufacturing

332993 Boosters and bursters, artillery, manufacturing

332993 Canisters, ammunition, manufacturing

332993 Caps, bomb, manufacturing

332993 Depth charges manufacturing

332993 Detonators, ammunition (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch), manufacturing

332993 Fin assemblies, mortar, manufacturing

332993 Fin assemblies, torpedo and bomb, manufacturing

332993 Fuses ammunition (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch) manufacturing

332993 Grenades, hand or projectile, manufacturing

332993 Igniters, ammunition tracer (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch), manufacturing

332993 Jet propulsion projectiles (except guided missiles) manufacturing

332993 Loading and assembling bombs

332993 Mines, ammunition, manufacturing

332993 Missile warheads manufacturing

332993 Mortar shells manufacturing

332993 Primers (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch), ammunition, manufacturing

332993 Projectiles (except guided missile), jet propulsion, manufacturing

332993 Rockets, ammunition (except guided missiles, pyrotechnic), manufacturing

332993 Shell loading and assembly plants

332993 Shells, artillery, manufacturing

332993 Torpedoes manufacturing

332993 Tracer igniters, ammunition (i.e., more than 30 mm., more than 1.18 inch), manufacturing

332994 Aircraft artillery manufacturing

332994 Ammunition carts manufacturing

332994 Antiaircraft artillery manufacturing

332994 Antisubmarine projectors manufacturing

332994 Antitank rocket launchers manufacturing

332994 Barrels, gun, manufacturing

332994 BB guns manufacturing

332994 Belts, machine gun, manufacturing

332994 Bofors guns manufacturing

332994 Cannons manufacturing

332994 Carbines manufacturing

332994 Catapult guns manufacturing

332994 Clips, gun, manufacturing

332994 Cylinders and clips, gun, manufacturing

332994 Dart guns manufacturing

332994 Depth charge projectors manufacturing

332994 Field artillery manufacturing

332994 Firearms, small, manufacturing

332994 Flame throwers manufacturing

332994 Generators, smoke, manufacturing

332994 Grenade launchers manufacturing

332994 Gun barrels manufacturing

332994 Gun magazines manufacturing

332994 Gun turrets manufacturing

332994 Guns manufacturing

332994 Guns, BB and pellet, manufacturing

332994 Howitzers manufacturing

332994 Links, ammunition, manufacturing

332994 Livens projectors (i.e., ordnance) manufacturing

332994 Machine gun belts manufacturing

332994 Machine guns manufacturing

332994 Mortars manufacturing

332994 Naval artillery manufacturing

332994 Oerlikon guns manufacturing

332994 Pellet guns manufacturing

332994 Pistols manufacturing

332994 Projectors (e.g., antisub, depth charge release, grenade, livens, rocket), ordnance, manufacturing

332994 Pyrotechnic pistols and projectors manufacturing

332994 Recoil mechanisms, gun, manufacturing

332994 Recoilless rifles manufacturing

332994 Revolvers manufacturing

332994 Rifles (except toy) manufacturing

332994 Rifles, BB and pellet, manufacturing

332994 Rifles, pneumatic, manufacturing

332994 Rifles, recoilless, manufacturing

332994 Rocket launchers manufacturing

332994 Shotguns manufacturing

332994 Smoke generators manufacturing

332994 Submachine guns manufacturing

332994 Tampion guns manufacturing

332994 Tank artillery manufacturing

332994 Torpedo tubes manufacturing

332994 Tranquilizer guns, manufacturing

332994 Turrets, gun, manufacturing

332996 Bends, pipe, made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Coils, pipe, made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Couplings, pipe, made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings made from purchased pipe

332996 Manifolds, pipe, made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Nipples, metal, made from purchased pipe

332996 Pipe and pipe fittings made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Pipe couplings made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Pipe fabricating (i.e., bending, cutting, threading) made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Pipe headers made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Tubes made from purchased metal pipe

332996 Wrought iron or steel pipe and tubing made from purchased metal pipe

332999 Aluminum freezer foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Aluminum ladders manufacturing

332999 Andirons manufacturing

332999 Angle irons, metal, manufacturing

332999 Animal traps, metal (except wire), manufacturing

332999 Aquarium accessories, metal, manufacturing

332999 Badges, metal, manufacturing

332999 Bank chests, metal, manufacturing

332999 Barricades, metal, manufacturing

332999 Bathroom fixtures, metal, manufacturing

332999 Bathtubs, metal, manufacturing

332999 Bellows, hand, manufacturing

332999 Book ends, metal, manufacturing

332999 Car seals, metal, manufacturing

332999 Chain fittings manufacturing

332999 Chests, fire or burglary resistive, metal, manufacturing

332999 Chests, money, metal, manufacturing

332999 Chests, safe deposit, metal, manufacturing

332999 Combs, metal, manufacturing

332999 Containers, foil (except bags), manufacturing

332999 Copper foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Cores, sand foundry, manufacturing

332999 Cuffs, leg, iron, manufacturing

332999 Doors, safe and vault, metal, manufacturing

332999 Drain plugs, magnetic, metal, manufacturing

332999 Drill stands, metal, manufacturing

332999 Drinking fountains (except mechanically refrigerated), metal, manufacturing

332999 Ecclesiastical ware, precious plated metal, manufacturing

332999 Fireplace fixtures and equipment manufacturing

332999 Flexible metal hose and tubing manufacturing

332999 Flush tanks, metal, manufacturing

332999 Foil containers (except bags) manufacturing

332999 Foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Foundry cores manufacturing

332999 Foundry pattern making

332999 Fountains (except drinking-ornamental), metal, manufacturing

332999 Fountains, drinking (except mechanically refrigerated), metal, manufacturing

332999 Frames and handles, handbag and luggage, metal, manufacturing

332999 Frames, metal, lamp shade, manufacturing

332999 Frames, metal, umbrella and parasol, manufacturing

332999 Gold beating (i.e., foil, leaf)

332999 Gold foil and leaf not made in rolling mills

332999 Hair curlers, metal, manufacturing

332999 Handcuffs manufacturing

332999 Handles (e.g., parasol, umbrella), metal, manufacturing

332999 Harness parts, metal, manufacturing

332999 Hollowware, precious plated metal, manufacturing

332999 Hoops, metal (except wire), fabricated from purchased metal

332999 Horse bits manufacturing

332999 Hose, flexible metal, manufacturing

332999 Identification plates, metal, manufacturing

332999 Industrial pattern manufacturing

332999 Ironing boards, metal, manufacturing

332999 Ladder jacks, metal, manufacturing

332999 Ladders, portable metal, manufacturing

332999 Lamp shade frames, metal, manufacturing

332999 Laundry tubs, metal, manufacturing

332999 Lavatories, metal, manufacturing

332999 Lead foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Leaf, metal, manufacturing

332999 Linings, metal safe and vault, manufacturing

332999 Machine bases, metal, manufacturing

332999 Magnesium foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Magnets, permanent, metallic, manufacturing

332999 Marine horns, compressed air or steam, metal, manufacturing

332999 Metal foil containers (except bags) manufacturing

332999 Military insignia, metal, manufacturing

332999 Money chests, metal, manufacturing

332999 Name plate blanks, metal, manufacturing

332999 Nickel foil not made in rolling mills

332999 Novelties and specialties, nonprecious metal and precious plated, manufacturing

332999 Pads, soap impregnated scouring, manufacturing

332999 Paint sticks, metal, manufacturing

332999 Pallet parts, metal, manufacturing

332999 Pallets, metal, manufacturing

332999 Patterns (except shoe), industrial, manufacturing

332999 Pipe hangers and supports, metal, manufacturing

332999 Plated ware (e.g., ecclesiastical ware, hollowware, toilet ware) manufacturing

332999 Platinum foil and leaf not made in rolling mills

332999 Plugs, magnetic metal drain, manufacturing

332999 Plumbing fixtures, metal, manufacturing

332999 Portable chemical toilets, metal, manufacturing

332999 Propellers, ship and boat, made from purchased metal

332999 Reels, metal, manufacturing

332999 Rope fittings manufacturing

332999 Saddlery parts, metal, manufacturing

332999 Safe deposit boxes and chests, metal, manufacturing

332999 Safe doors and linings, metal, manufacturing

332999 Safes, metal, manufacturing

332999 Sanitary ware (e.g., bathtubs, lavatories, sinks), metal, manufacturing

332999 Scouring pads, soap impregnated, manufacturing

332999 Shims, metal, manufacturing

332999 Shower receptors, metal, manufacturing

332999 Shower rods, metal, manufacturing

332999 Shower stalls, metal, manufacturing

332999 Silver beating (i.e., foil, leaf)

332999 Silver foil and leaf not made in rolling mills

332999 Sinks, metal, manufacturing

332999 Skids, metal, manufacturing

332999 Soap dispensers, metal, manufacturing

332999 Sponges, metal scouring, manufacturing

332999 Stabilizing bars, cargo, metal, manufacturing

332999 Steel wool manufacturing

332999 Stepladders, metal, manufacturing

332999 Strappings, metal, manufacturing

332999 Swatters, fly, metal, manufacturing

332999 Tablets, metal, manufacturing

332999 Thimbles for wire rope manufacturing

332999 Tinfoil not made in rolling mills

332999 Toilet fixtures, metal, manufacturing

332999 Toilet ware, precious plated metal, manufacturing

332999 Trophies, nonprecious and precious plated metal, manufacturing

332999 Tubing, flexible metal, manufacturing

332999 Tubs, laundry and bath, metal, manufacturing

332999 Urinals, metal, manufacturing

332999 Vault doors and linings, metal, manufacturing

332999 Vaults (except burial), metal, manufacturing

332999 Water closets, metal, manufacturing

332999 Zinc foil and leaf not made in rolling mills

333111 Bale throwers manufacturing

333111 Balers, farm-type (e.g., cotton, hay, straw), manufacturing

333111 Berry harvesting machines manufacturing

333111 Blowers, forage, manufacturing

333111 Cabs for agricultural machinery manufacturing

333111 Cattle feeding and watering equipment manufacturing

333111 Chicken brooders manufacturing

333111 Chicken feeders manufacturing

333111 Combines (i.e., harvester-threshers) manufacturing

333111 Corn heads for combines manufacturing

333111 Corn pickers and shellers manufacturing

333111 Cotton balers and presses manufacturing

333111 Cotton ginning machinery manufacturing

333111 Cotton picker and stripper harvesting machinery manufacturing

333111 Cream separators, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Crop driers manufacturing

333111 Cultivators, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Curers, tobacco, manufacturing

333111 Drags, farm-type equipment, manufacturing

333111 Dusters, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Farm tractors and attachments manufacturing

333111 Farm wagons manufacturing

333111 Feed processing equipment, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Fertilizing machinery, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Fruit harvesting machines manufacturing

333111 Grading, cleaning, and sorting machinery, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Grain drills manufacturing

333111 Grain stackers manufacturing

333111 Grass mowing equipment (except lawn and garden) manufacturing

333111 Hair clippers for animal use, electric, manufacturing

333111 Harrows (e.g., disc, spring, tine) manufacturing

333111 Harvesting machinery and equipment, agriculture, manufacturing

333111 Hay balers and presses manufacturing

333111 Haying machines manufacturing

333111 Hog feeding and watering equipment manufacturing

333111 Hulling machinery, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Incubators, poultry, manufacturing

333111 Irrigation equipment, agriculture, manufacturing

333111 Lawnmowers, agricultural-type, powered, manufacturing

333111 Milking machines manufacturing

333111 Nut shellers, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Peanut combines (i.e., diggers, packers, threshers) manufacturing

333111 Planting machines, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Plows, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters manufacturing

333111 Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers manufacturing

333111 Presses, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Rakes, hay, manufacturing

333111 Rotary hoes manufacturing

333111 Rotary tillers, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Seeders, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Shears, powered, for use on animals, manufacturing

333111 Sheep shears, powered, manufacturing

333111 Shredders, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Sod harvesting machines manufacturing

333111 Sprayers and dusters, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Spreaders, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Stalk choppers (i.e., shredders) manufacturing

333111 Tobacco harvester machines manufacturing

333111 Tomato harvesting machines manufacturing

333111 Tractors and attachments, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Transplanters, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Tree shakers (e.g., citrus, nut, soft fruit) manufacturing

333111 Wagons, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Weeding machines, farm-type, manufacturing

333111 Windmills, farm-type, manufacturing

333112 Attachments, powered lawn and garden equipment, manufacturing

333112 Blowers, leaf, manufacturing

333112 Carts, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Chippers (i.e., shredders), lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Cultivators, powered, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Garden machinery and equipment, powered, manufacturing

333112 Grass mowing equipment, powered lawn and garden, manufacturing

333112 Hedge trimmers, powered, manufacturing

333112 Lawn and garden equipment manufacturing

333112 Lawn edgers, powered, manufacturing

333112 Lawnmowers (except agricultural-type), powered, manufacturing

333112 Leaf blowers manufacturing

333112 Mulchers, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Seeders, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Snow plow attachments, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Snowblowers and throwers, residential-type, manufacturing

333112 Spreaders, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Tillers, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Tractors and attachments, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Trimmers, hedge, electric, manufacturing

333112 Trimmers, string, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333112 Vacuums, yard, manufacturing

333112 Wagons, lawn and garden-type, manufacturing

333120 Aggregate spreaders manufacturing

333120 Asphalt roofing construction machinery manufacturing

333120 Augers (except mining-type) manufacturing

333120 Backhoes manufacturing

333120 Bits, rock drill, construction and surface mining-type, manufacturing

333120 Blades for graders, scrapers, bulldozers, and snowplows manufacturing

333120 Bucket and scarifier teeth manufacturing

333120 Buckets, excavating (e.g., clamshell, concrete, drag scraper, dragline, shovel), manufacturing

333120 Bulldozers manufacturing

333120 Cabs for construction machinery manufacturing

333120 Chippers, portable, commercial (e.g., brush, limb, log), manufacturing

333120 Concrete finishing machinery manufacturing

333120 Concrete gunning equipment manufacturing

333120 Concrete mixing machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Construction machinery manufacturing

333120 Construction-type tractors and attachments manufacturing

333120 Cranes, construction-type, manufacturing

333120 Crushing machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Ditchers and trenchers, self-propelled, manufacturing

333120 Draglines, crawler, manufacturing

333120 Drags, road construction and road maintenance equipment, manufacturing

333120 Dredging machinery manufacturing

333120 Excavators (e.g., power shovels) manufacturing

333120 Extractors, piling, manufacturing

333120 Grader attachments manufacturing

333120 Graders, road, manufacturing

333120 Hammer mill machinery (i.e., rock and ore crushing machines), portable, manufacturing

333120 Highway line marking machinery manufacturing

333120 Jack hammers manufacturing

333120 Land preparation machinery, construction, manufacturing

333120 Loaders, shovel, manufacturing

333120 Log debarking machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Log splitters, portable, manufacturing

333120 Mixers, concrete, portable, manufacturing

333120 Mortar mixers, portable, manufacturing

333120 Off-highway trucks manufacturing

333120 Paving machinery manufacturing

333120 Pile-driving equipment manufacturing

333120 Planers, bituminous, manufacturing

333120 Plows, construction (e.g., excavating, grading), manufacturing

333120 Post hole diggers, powered, manufacturing

333120 Rock crushing machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Rock drills, construction and surface mining-type, manufacturing

333120 Rollers, road construction and maintenance machinery, manufacturing

333120 Sand mixers manufacturing

333120 Scarifiers, road, manufacturing

333120 Scrapers, construction-type, manufacturing

333120 Screening machinery, portable, manufacturing

333120 Shovel loaders manufacturing

333120 Shovels, power, manufacturing

333120 Slag mixers, portable, manufacturing

333120 Snow plow attachments (except lawn, garden-type) manufacturing

333120 Surface mining machinery (except drilling) manufacturing

333120 Tampers, powered, manufacturing

333120 Tractors and attachments, construction-type, manufacturing

333120 Tractors, crawler, manufacturing

333120 Trenching machines manufacturing

333120 Trucks, off-highway, manufacturing

333120 Vibrators, concrete, manufacturing

333131 Amalgamators (i.e., metallurgical and mining machinery) manufacturing

333131 Augers, mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Bits, rock drill, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Breakers, coal, manufacturing

333131 Cars, mining, manufacturing

333131 Cleaning machinery, mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Coal breakers, cutters, and pulverizers manufacturing

333131 Concentration machinery, mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Core drills, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Crushing machinery, stationary, manufacturing

333131 Cutters, coal, manufacturing

333131 Drilling equipment, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Drills, core, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Drills, rock, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Dumpers, mining car, manufacturing

333131 Feeders, mineral beneficiating-type, manufacturing

333131 Flotation machinery, mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Hammer mill machinery (i.e., rock and ore crushing machines), stationary, manufacturing

333131 Loading machines, underground mining, manufacturing

333131 Mineral processing and beneficiating machinery manufacturing

333131 Mining cars manufacturing

333131 Ore crushing, washing, screening, and loading machinery manufacturing

333131 Pellet mills machinery, mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Quarrying machinery and equipment manufacturing

333131 Rock crushing machinery, stationary, manufacturing

333131 Rock drills, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Scraper loaders, underground mining-type, manufacturing

333131 Screening machinery, stationary, manufacturing

333131 Sedimentary mineral machinery manufacturing

333131 Sieves and screening equipment, mineral beneficiating, manufacturing

333131 Stone beneficiating machinery manufacturing

333131 Underground mining machinery manufacturing

333131 Washers, aggregate and sand, stationary, manufacturing

333132 Bits, rock drill, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Christmas tree assemblies, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Derricks, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Drilling equipment, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Drilling rigs, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Gas well machinery and equipment manufacturing

333132 Oil and gas field-type drilling machinery and equipment (except offshore floating platforms) manufacturing

333132 Rock drill bits, oil and gas field-type, manufacturing

333132 Water well drilling machinery manufacturing

333132 Well logging equipment manufacturing

333241 Bakery machinery and equipment manufacturing

333241 Bakery ovens manufacturing

333241 Bread slicing machinery manufacturing

333241 Brewery machinery manufacturing

333241 Butter processing machinery manufacturing

333241 Cheese processing machinery manufacturing

333241 Chewing gum machinery manufacturing

333241 Chocolate processing machinery manufacturing

333241 Cider presses manufacturing

333241 Coffee roasting and grinding machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Condensed and evaporated milk machinery manufacturing

333241 Confectionery machinery manufacturing

333241 Corn popping machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Cracker making machinery manufacturing

333241 Cream separators, industrial, manufacturing

333241 Distilling equipment, beverage, manufacturing

333241 Dough mixing machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Dry milk processing machinery manufacturing

333241 Flour milling machinery manufacturing

333241 Food choppers, grinders, mixers, and slicers (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Food dehydrating equipment (except household-type) manufacturing

333241 Grading, cleaning, and sorting machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Grain milling machinery manufacturing

333241 Homogenizing machinery, food, manufacturing

333241 Ice cream making machinery manufacturing

333241 Juice extractors (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Malt milling machinery manufacturing

333241 Meat grinders, food-type, manufacturing

333241 Milk processing (except farm-type) machinery manufacturing

333241 Oilseed crushing and extracting machinery manufacturing

333241 Ovens, bakery, manufacturing

333241 Pasta making machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Pasteurizing equipment, food, manufacturing

333241 Peanut roasting machines (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Presses (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Roasting machinery manufacturing

333241 Sieves and screening equipment (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Sifting machine (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Slicing machinery (i.e., food manufacturing-type) manufacturing

333241 Stuffer, sausage machinery, manufacturing

333241 Sugar refining machinery manufacturing

333241 Vegetable oil processing machinery manufacturing

333242 Etching equipment, semiconductor, manufacturing

333242 Micro-lithography equipment, semiconductor, manufacturing

333242 Semiconductor assembly and packaging machinery manufacturing

333242 Semiconductor making machinery manufacturing

333242 Surface mount machinery for making printed circuit boards manufacturing

333242 Thin layer deposition equipment, semiconductor, manufacturing

333242 Wafer processing equipment, semiconductor, manufacturing

333243 Bandsaws, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Chippers, stationary (e.g., log), manufacturing

333243 Circular saws, woodworking-type, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Dovetailing machines, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Drill presses, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Envelope making machinery manufacturing

333243 Fourdrinier machinery manufacturing

333243 Jigsaws, woodworking-type, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Jointers, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Lathes, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Log debarking machinery, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Log splitters, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Mortisers, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Paper and paperboard coating and finishing machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper and paperboard converting machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper and paperboard corrugating machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper and paperboard cutting and folding machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper and paperboard die-cutting and stamping machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper bag making machinery manufacturing

333243 Paper making machinery manufacturing

333243 Paperboard box making machinery manufacturing

333243 Paperboard making machinery manufacturing

333243 Planers woodworking-type, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Presses for making composite woods (e.g., hardboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF), particleboard, plywood) manufacturing

333243 Pulp making machinery manufacturing

333243 Pulp, paper, and paperboard molding machinery manufacturing

333243 Sanding machines, woodworking-type, stationary, manufacturing

333243 Sandpaper making machines manufacturing

333243 Sawmill equipment manufacturing

333243 Saws, bench and table, power-driven, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Scarfing machines, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Shapers, woodworking-type, manufacturing

333243 Veneer and plywood forming machinery manufacturing

333243 Wood verneer laminating and gluing machines manufacturing

333243 Woodworking machines (except handheld) manufacturing

333244 Bindery machinery manufacturing

333244 Bookbinding machines manufacturing

333244 Collating machinery for printing and bookbinding manufacturing

333244 Digital printing presses manufacturing

333244 Electrotyping machinery manufacturing

333244 Flexographic printing presses manufacturing

333244 Gravure printing presses manufacturing

333244 Letterpress printing presses manufacturing

333244 Linotype machines manufacturing

333244 Lithographic printing presses manufacturing

333244 Newspaper inserting equipment manufacturing

333244 Offset printing presses manufacturing

333244 Photoengraving machinery manufacturing

333244 Presses, printing (except textile), manufacturing

333244 Printing plate engraving machinery manufacturing

333244 Printing plates, blank (except photosentive), manufacturing

333244 Printing press rollers manufacturing

333244 Printing presses (except textile) manufacturing

333244 Stitchers and trimmers book binding equipment manufacturing

333244 Typesetting machinery manufacturing

333249 Anodizing equipment manufacturing

333249 Beaming machinery for yarn manufacturing

333249 Bleaching machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Blow molding machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Bobbins, textile machinery, manufacturing

333249 Boot making and repairing machinery manufacturing

333249 Braiding machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Buttonhole and eyelet machinery manufacturing

333249 Calendering machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Calendering machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Camelback (i.e., retreading materials) machinery manufacturing

333249 Carbonizing equipment for processing wool manufacturing

333249 Carding machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Cement kilns manufacturing

333249 Chemical kilns manufacturing

333249 Chemical processing machinery and equipment manufacturing

333249 Chip placement machinery manufacturing

333249 Cigarette making machinery manufacturing

333249 Circuit board making machinery manufacturing

333249 Circular knitting machinery manufacturing

333249 Clayworking and tempering machinery manufacturing

333249 Cloth spreading machinery manufacturing

333249 Combing machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Compression molding machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Concrete products forming machinery manufacturing

333249 Cordage and rope (except wire) making machines manufacturing

333249 Distilling equipment (except beverage), including laboratory-type, manufacturing

333249 Drawing machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Drying kilns, lumber, manufacturing

333249 Drying machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Dyeing machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Electron tube machinery manufacturing

333249 Electroplating machinery and equipment manufacturing

333249 Embroidery machinery manufacturing

333249 Extruding machinery for plastics and rubber manufacturing

333249 Extruding machinery for yarn manufacturing

333249 Fermentation equipment, chemical, manufacturing

333249 Finishing machinery for textile manufacturing

333249 Footwear making or repairing machinery manufacturing

333249 Fractionating equipment, chemical, manufacturing

333249 Frames for textile making machinery manufacturing

333249 Garnetting machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Gas liquefying machinery manufacturing

333249 Gemstone processing machinery manufacturing

333249 Glass making machinery (e.g., blowing, forming, molding) manufacturing

333249 Granulator and pelletizer machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Hosiery machines manufacturing

333249 Injection molding machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Jacquard card cutting machinery manufacturing

333249 Kilns (i.e., cement, chemical, wood) manufacturing

333249 Knitting machinery manufacturing

333249 Knot tying machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Lace and net making machinery manufacturing

333249 Leather working machinery manufacturing

333249 Light bulb and tube (i.e., electric lamp) machinery manufacturing

333249 Loom bobbins manufacturing

333249 Loom reeds manufacturing

333249 Looms for textiles manufacturing

333249 Loopers for textiles manufacturing

333249 Mercerizing machinery manufacturing

333249 Metal casting machinery and equipment manufacturing

333249 Napping machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Needles for knitting machinery manufacturing

333249 Net and lace making machinery manufacturing

333249 Optical lens making and grinding machinery manufacturing

333249 Petroleum refining machinery manufacturing

333249 Picker machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Picker sticks for looms manufacturing

333249 Plastics working machinery manufacturing

333249 Printing machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Rectifying equipment, chemical, manufacturing

333249 Roving machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Rubber working machinery manufacturing

333249 Schiffli machinery manufacturing

333249 Sewing machines (including household-type) manufacturing

333249 Shoe making and repairing machinery manufacturing

333249 Shuttles for textile weaving machinery manufacturing

333249 Sieves and screening equipment, chemical preparation-type, manufacturing

333249 Silk screens for textile fabrics manufacturing

333249 Spindles for textile machinery manufacturing

333249 Spinning machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Spools for textile machinery manufacturing

333249 Stone working machinery manufacturing

333249 Tannery machinery manufacturing

333249 Textile finishing machinery (e.g., bleaching, dyeing, mercerizing, printing) manufacturing

333249 Textile making machinery manufacturing

333249 Textile printing machinery manufacturing

333249 Texturizing machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Thermoforming machinery for plastics manufacturing

333249 Thread making machinery manufacturing

333249 Through-hole machinery, printed circuit board loading, manufacturing

333249 Tile making machinery (except kilns) manufacturing

333249 Tire making machinery manufacturing

333249 Tire recapping machinery manufacturing

333249 Tire shredding machinery manufacturing

333249 Tobacco processing machinery (except farm-type) manufacturing

333249 Tufting machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Vulcanizing machinery manufacturing

333249 Warping machinery manufacturing

333249 Weaving machinery manufacturing

333249 Winding machinery for textiles manufacturing

333249 Wire and cable insulating machinery manufacturing

333249 Wood drying kilns manufacturing

333249 Wool and worsted finishing machinery manufacturing

333249 Yarn texturizing machines manufacturing

333249 Zipper making machinery manufacturing

333314 Binoculars manufacturing

333314 Camera lenses manufacturing

333314 Comparators, optical, manufacturing

333314 Gauges, machinist's precision tool, optical, manufacturing

333314 Glasses, field or opera, manufacturing

333314 Gratings, diffraction, manufacturing

333314 Gun sighting and fire control equipment and instruments, optical, manufacturing

333314 Gun sights, optical, manufacturing

333314 Instrument lenses manufacturing

333314 Interferometers manufacturing

333314 Laboratory analytical optical instruments (e.g., microscopes) manufacturing

333314 Lens coating (except ophthalmic)

333314 Lens grinding (except ophthalmic)

333314 Lens mounting (except ophthalmic)

333314 Lens polishing (except ophthalmic)

333314 Lenses (except ophthalmic) manufacturing

333314 Loupes (e.g., jewelers) manufacturing

333314 Magnifying glasses (except corrective vision-type) manufacturing

333314 Magnifying instruments, optical, manufacturing

333314 Microscopes (except electron, proton) manufacturing

333314 Mirrors, optical, manufacturing

333314 Night vision optical device manufacturing

333314 Optical alignment and display instruments (except photographic) manufacturing

333314 Optical gun sighting and fire control equipment and instruments manufacturing

333314 Optical test and inspection equipment manufacturing

333314 Periscopes manufacturing

333314 Photographic lenses manufacturing

333314 Prisms, optical, manufacturing

333314 Projection lenses manufacturing

333314 Reflectors, optical, manufacturing

333314 Sights, telescopic, manufacturing

333314 Telescopes manufacturing

333314 Theodolites manufacturing

333316 Aerial cameras manufacturing

333316 Blueprint equipment manufacturing

333316 Cameras (except television, video) manufacturing

333316 Densitometers (except laboratory analytical) manufacturing

333316 Developing equipment, film, manufacturing

333316 Digital cameras manufacturing

333316 Driers, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Editing equipment, motion picture (e.g., rewinders, splicers, titlers, viewers), manufacturing

333316 Enlargers, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Exposure meters, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Film developing equipment manufacturing

333316 Flash apparatus, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Lens hoods, camera, manufacturing

333316 Light meters, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Microfiche equipment (e.g., cameras, projectors, readers) manufacturing

333316 Microfilm equipment (e.g., cameras, projectors, readers) manufacturing

333316 Motion picture cameras manufacturing

333316 Motion picture projectors manufacturing

333316 Overhead projectors (except computer peripheral) manufacturing

333316 Photocopying machines manufacturing

333316 Photoflash equipment manufacturing

333316 Photographic equipment (except lenses) manufacturing

333316 Projection equipment (e.g., motion picture, slide), photographic, manufacturing

333316 Projection screens (i.e., motion picture, overhead, slide) manufacturing

333316 Range finders, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Readers, microfilm or microfiche, manufacturing

333316 Screens, projection (i.e., motion picture, overhead, slide), manufacturing

333316 Sensitometers, photographic, manufacturing

333316 Tanks, photographic developing, fixing, and washing, manufacturing

333316 Trays, photographic printing and processing, manufacturing

333316 Tripods, camera and projector, manufacturing

333318 Adding machines manufacturing

333318 Alignment equipment, motor vehicle, manufacturing

333318 Balancing equipment, motor vehicle, manufacturing

333318 Binding equipment (i.e., plastics or tape binding), office-type, manufacturing

333318 Brake service equipment (except mechanic's hand tools), motor vehicle, manufacturing

333318 Bundling machinery (e.g., box strapping, mail, newspaper) manufacturing

333318 Calculators manufacturing

333318 Canceling machinery, postal office-type, manufacturing

333318 Carnival and amusement park rides manufacturing

333318 Carnival and amusement park shooting gallery machinery manufacturing

333318 Carousels (i.e., merry-go-rounds) manufacturing

333318 Carpet and floor cleaning equipment, electric commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Carpet sweepers, mechanical, manufacturing

333318 Carwashing machinery manufacturing

333318 Cash registers (except point of sales terminals) manufacturing

333318 Central vacuuming systems, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Change making machines manufacturing

333318 Check writing machines manufacturing

333318 Cigarette vending machines manufacturing

333318 Coffee makers and urns, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Coin counting machinery manufacturing

333318 Coin wrapping machines manufacturing

333318 Coin-operated vending machines manufacturing

333318 Collating machinery, office-type, manufacturing

333318 Cooking equipment (i.e., fryers, microwave ovens, ovens, ranges), commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Corn popping machines, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Currency counting machinery manufacturing

333318 Deep-fat fryers, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Dictating machines manufacturing

333318 Dishwashing machines, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Drycleaning equipment and machinery manufacturing

333318 Dryers, laundry (except household-type), manufacturing

333318 Envelope stuffing, sealing, and addressing machinery manufacturing

333318 Ferris wheels manufacturing

333318 Flight simulation machinery manufacturing

333318 Floor sanding, washing, and polishing machines, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Food warming equipment, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Frame and body alignment equipment, motor vehicle, manufacturing

333318 Garbage disposal units, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Gas ranges, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Hair dryers, beauty parlor-type, manufacturing

333318 Holepunchers (except hand operated), office-type, manufacturing

333318 Hot beverage vending machines manufacturing

333318 Hotplates, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Ice cream vending machines manufacturing

333318 Incoming mail handling equipment (e.g., opening, scanning, sorting) manufacturing

333318 Laundry extractors manufacturing

333318 Laundry machinery and equipment (except household-type) manufacturing

333318 Laundry pressing machines (except household-type) manufacturing

333318 Letter folding, stuffing, and sealing machinery manufacturing

333318 Locks, coin-operated, manufacturing

333318 Mail handling machinery, post office-type, manufacturing

333318 Mechanisms for coin-operated machines manufacturing

333318 Microwave ovens, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Mop wringers manufacturing

333318 Oil water separators manufacturing

333318 Ovens, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Ozone machines for water purification manufacturing

333318 Postage meters manufacturing

333318 Postage stamp vending machines manufacturing

333318 Power washer cleaning equipment manufacturing

333318 Ranges, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Sanding machines, floor, manufacturing

333318 Sewage treatment equipment manufacturing

333318 Snack and confection vending machines manufacturing

333318 Soft drink vending machines manufacturing

333318 Steam cookers, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Steam tables manufacturing

333318 Stenography machinery manufacturing

333318 Stoves, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Swimming pool filter systems manufacturing

333318 Teaching machines (e.g., flight simulators) manufacturing

333318 Tire mounting machines, motor vehicle, manufacturing

333318 Trash and garbage compactors, commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Typewriters manufacturing

333318 Vacuum cleaners, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Vending machines manufacturing

333318 Voting machines manufacturing

333318 Wash water recycling machinery manufacturing

333318 Washing machines, laundry (except household-type), manufacturing

333318 Water heaters (except boilers), commercial-type, manufacturing

333318 Water purification equipment manufacturing

333318 Water softening equipment manufacturing

333318 Water treatment equipment manufacturing

333318 Word processing equipment, dedicated, manufacturing

333413 Air purification equipment, stationary, manufacturing

333413 Air scrubbing systems manufacturing

333413 Air washers (i.e., air scrubbers) manufacturing

333413 Aircurtains manufacturing

333413 Attic fans manufacturing

333413 Blower filter units manufacturing

333413 Dust and fume collecting equipment manufacturing

333413 Electrostatic precipitation equipment manufacturing

333413 Exhaust fans, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333413 Fans, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333413 Filters, air-conditioner, manufacturing

333413 Filters, furnace, manufacturing

333413 Furnace filters manufacturing

333413 Ventilating fans, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333414 Baseboard heating equipment manufacturing

333414 Boilers, heating, manufacturing

333414 Burners, heating, manufacturing

333414 Fireplace inserts (i.e., heat directing) manufacturing

333414 Furnaces (except forced air), heating, manufacturing

333414 Furnaces, floor and wall, manufacturing

333414 Gas burners, heating, manufacturing

333414 Gas fireplaces manufacturing

333414 Gas space heaters manufacturing

333414 Gas-oil burners, combination, manufacturing

333414 Heaters, space (except portable electric), manufacturing

333414 Heaters, swimming pool, manufacturing

333414 Heating equipment, hot water (except hot water heaters), manufacturing

333414 Heating units, baseboard, manufacturing

333414 Hydronic heating equipment manufacturing

333414 Kerosene space heaters manufacturing

333414 Logs, gas fireplace, manufacturing

333414 Oil burners, heating, manufacturing

333414 Radiators (except motor vehicle, portable electric) manufacturing

333414 Room heaters (except portable electric) manufacturing

333414 Solar energy heating equipment manufacturing

333414 Solar heating systems manufacturing

333414 Space heaters (except portable electric) manufacturing

333414 Steam heating equipment manufacturing

333414 Swimming pool heaters manufacturing

333414 Unit heaters (except portable electric) manufacturing

333414 Wood stoves manufacturing

333415 Air-conditioners, unit (e.g., motor home, travel trailer, window), manufacturing

333415 Air-conditioning and warm air heating combination units manufacturing

333415 Air-conditioning compressors (except motor vehicle) manufacturing

333415 Air-conditioning condensers and condensing units manufacturing

333415 Air-conditioning equipment (except motor vehicle) manufacturing

333415 Beer cooling and dispensing equipment manufacturing

333415 Coolers, refrigeration, manufacturing

333415 Coolers, water, manufacturing

333415 Cooling towers manufacturing

333415 Counters and display cases, refrigerated, manufacturing

333415 Dehumidifiers (except portable electric) manufacturing

333415 Display cases, refrigerated, manufacturing

333415 Drinking fountains, refrigerated, manufacturing

333415 Electric warm air (i.e., forced air) furnaces manufacturing

333415 Evaporative condensers (i.e., heat transfer equipment) manufacturing

333415 Fountains, refrigerated drinking, manufacturing

333415 Freezing equipment, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333415 Furnaces, warm air (i.e., forced air), manufacturing

333415 Heat pumps manufacturing

333415 Heating and air conditioning combination units manufacturing

333415 Heating equipment, warm air (i.e., forced air), manufacturing

333415 Humidifying equipment (except portable) manufacturing

333415 Ice making machinery manufacturing

333415 Laboratory-type freezers manufacturing

333415 Lockers, refrigerated, manufacturing

333415 Refrigerated lockers manufacturing

333415 Refrigeration compressors manufacturing

333415 Refrigeration equipment, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333415 Refrigeration units, truck-type, manufacturing

333415 Room air-conditioners manufacturing

333415 Showcases, refrigerated, manufacturing

333415 Snow making machinery manufacturing

333415 Soda fountain cooling and dispensing equipment manufacturing

333415 Water (i.e., drinking) coolers, mechanical, manufacturing

333511 Die-casting dies manufacturing

333511 Foundry casting molds manufacturing

333511 Industrial molds (except steel ingot) manufacturing

333511 Molds (except steel ingot), industrial, manufacturing

333511 Molds for forming materials (e.g., glass, plastics, rubber) manufacturing

333511 Molds for metal casting (except steel ingot) manufacturing

333511 Molds for plastics and rubber working machinery manufacturing

333514 Cutting dies, metalworking, manufacturing

333514 Diamond dies, metalworking, manufacturing

333514 Die sets for metal stamping presses manufacturing

333514 Dies and die holders for metal cutting and forming (except threading) manufacturing

333514 Dies, metalworking (except threading), manufacturing

333514 Dies, plastics forming, manufacturing

333514 Dies, steel rule, metal cutting, manufacturing

333514 Extrusion dies for use with all materials manufacturing

333514 Jigs (e.g., checking, gauging, inspection) manufacturing

333514 Jigs and fixtures for use with machine tools manufacturing

333514 Punches for use with machine tools manufacturing

333514 Subpresses, machine tool, manufacturing

333514 Welding positioners (i.e., jigs) manufacturing

333514 Wiredrawing and straightening dies manufacturing

333515 Angle rings (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Arbors (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Bits and knives for metalworking lathes, planers, and shapers manufacturing

333515 Bits, drill, metalworking, manufacturing

333515 Blanks, cutting tool, manufacturing

333515 Broaches (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Cams (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Chasers (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Chucks (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Clamps (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Collars (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Collets (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Counterbores (i.e., a machine tool accessory), metalworking, manufacturing

333515 Countersinks (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Cutters, metal milling, manufacturing

333515 Dies and taps (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Drill bits, metalworking, manufacturing

333515 Files (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Hobs (i.e., metal gear cutting tool) manufacturing

333515 Honing heads (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Hopper feed devices (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Indexing, rotary tables (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Inserts, cutting tool, manufacturing

333515 Knives and bits for metalworking lathes, planers, and shapers manufacturing

333515 Letter pins (e.g., gauging, measuring) manufacturing

333515 Machine knives, metal cutting, manufacturing

333515 Machine tool attachments and accessories manufacturing

333515 Mandrels (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Measuring attachments (e.g., sine bars) for machine tool manufacturing

333515 Pushers (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Reamers (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Sine bars (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Taps and dies (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Thread cutting dies (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Toolholders (i.e., a machine tool accessory) manufacturing

333515 Tools and accessories for machine tools manufacturing

333515 Tracer and tapering machine tool attachments manufacturing

333517 Arbor presses, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Automatic screw machines, metal cutting type, manufacturing

333517 Beader machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Bending and forming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Boring machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Boring, drilling, and milling machine combinations, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Brakes, press, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Broaching machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Brushing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Buffing and polishing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Burnishing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Can forming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Centering machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Chamfering machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Chemical milling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Chucking machines, automatic, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Crankshaft grinding machines metal cutting type, manufacturing

333517 Custom roll forming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Cut-off machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Cutting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Cylinder boring machines metal cutting type, manufacturing

333517 Deburring machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Die sinking machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Die-casting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Drill presses, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Drilling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Drop hammers, metal forging and shaping, manufacturing

333517 Duplicating machines (e.g., key cutting), metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Electrochemical milling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Electrode discharge metal cutting machines manufacturing

333517 Electrolytic metal cutting machines manufacturing

333517 Electron-discharge metal cutting machines manufacturing

333517 Extruding machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Facing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Filing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Flange facing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Forging machinery and hammers manufacturing

333517 Forming machines (except drawing), metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Gear cutting and finishing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Gear rolling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Grinding machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Home workshop metal cutting machine tools (except handtools, welding equipment) manufacturing

333517 Honing and lapping machines, metal cutting type, manufacturing

333517 Key cutting machines, metal cutting type, manufacturing

333517 Knurling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Laser boring, drilling, and cutting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Lathes, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Machine tools, metal cutting, manufacturing

333517 Machine tools, metal forming, manufacturing

333517 Magnetic forming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Metal cutting machine tools manufacturing

333517 Metal deposit forming machines manufacturing

333517 Metal forming machine tools manufacturing

333517 Metalworking lathes manufacturing

333517 Milling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Nail heading machines manufacturing

333517 Numerically controlled metal cutting machine tools manufacturing

333517 Pipe cutting and threading machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Planers, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Plasma jet spray metal forming machines manufacturing

333517 Plasma process metal cutting machines (except welding equipment) manufacturing

333517 Polishing and buffing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Powder metal forming presses manufacturing

333517 Press brakes, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Presses (e.g., bending, punching, shearing, stamping), metal forming, manufacturing

333517 Punching machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Reaming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Rifling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Riveting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Sawing machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Screw and nut slotting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Shaving machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Shearing machines, metal forming, manufacturing

333517 Sheet metal forming machines manufacturing

333517 Slotting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Spinning machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Spline rolling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Spring winding and forming machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Stamping machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Stretching machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Swaging machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Tapping machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Thread rolling machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Threading machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Turning machines (i.e., lathes), metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Turret lathes, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Ultrasonic boring, drilling, and cutting machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333517 Ultrasonic metal forming machines manufacturing

333517 Upsetters (i.e., forging machines) manufacturing

333517 Valve grinding machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Assembly machines manufacturing

333519 Bar mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Billet mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Blooming and slabbing mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Coil winding and cutting machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Cold rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Cradle assembly machinery (i.e., wire making equipment) manufacturing

333519 Draw bench machines manufacturing

333519 Galvanizing machinery manufacturing

333519 Hot strip mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Hot-rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Marking machines, metal, manufacturing

333519 Picklers and pickling machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Pipe and tube rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Plate rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Propeller straightening presses manufacturing

333519 Rod rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Rolling mill machinery and equipment, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Rolling mill roll machines, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Scarfing units, rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Screwdowns and boxes machinery, metal, manufacturing

333519 Screwdriving machines manufacturing

333519 Structural rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Tube rolling mill machinery, metalworking, manufacturing

333519 Wiredrawing and fabricating machinery and equipment (except dies) manufacturing

333611 Gas turbine generator set units manufacturing

333611 Gas turbines (except aircraft) manufacturing

333611 Generator sets, turbine (e.g., gas, hydraulic, steam), manufacturing

333611 Governors, steam, manufacturing

333611 Hydraulic turbine generator set units manufacturing

333611 Hydraulic turbines manufacturing

333611 Motor generator sets, turbo generators, manufacturing

333611 Steam turbine generator set units manufacturing

333611 Steam turbines manufacturing

333611 Turbine generator set units manufacturing

333611 Turbines (except aircraft) manufacturing

333611 Water turbines manufacturing

333611 Wind powered turbine generator sets manufacturing

333611 Wind turbines (i.e., windmill) manufacturing

333611 Windmills, electric power, generation-type, manufacturing

333612 Drives, high-speed industrial (except hydrostatic), manufacturing

333612 Gearmotors (i.e., power transmission equipment) manufacturing

333612 Gears, power transmission (except aircraft, motor vehicle), manufacturing

333612 Motors, gear, manufacturing

333612 Reducers, speed, manufacturing

333612 Reduction gears and gear units (except aircraft power transmission equipment, automotive) manufacturing

333612 Speed changers (i.e., power transmission equipment) manufacturing

333612 Speed reducers (i.e., power transmission equipment) manufacturing

333613 Ball joints (except aircraft, motor vehicle) manufacturing

333613 Bearings, plain (except internal combustion engine), manufacturing

333613 Bushings, plain (except internal combustion engine), manufacturing

333613 Chains, power transmission, manufacturing

333613 Collars, shaft for power transmission equipment, manufacturing

333613 Couplings, mechanical power transmission, manufacturing

333613 Drive chains, bicycle and motorcycle, manufacturing

333613 Joints, swivel (except aircraft, motor vehicle), manufacturing

333613 Joints, universal (except aircraft, motor vehicle), manufacturing

333613 Pulleys, power transmission, manufacturing

333613 Railroad car journal bearings, plain, manufacturing

333613 Sheaves, mechanical power transmission, manufacturing

333613 Sprockets, power transmission equipment, manufacturing

333613 Universal joints (except aircraft, motor vehicle) manufacturing

333618 Diesel and semidiesel engines manufacturing

333618 Electric outboard motors manufacturing

333618 Engines, diesel and semidiesel, manufacturing

333618 Engines, diesel locomotive, manufacturing

333618 Engines, internal combustion (except aircraft, nondiesel automotive), manufacturing

333618 Engines, natural gas, manufacturing

333618 Gasoline engines (except aircraft, automotive, truck) manufacturing

333618 Governors, diesel engine, manufacturing

333618 Governors, gasoline engine (except automotive), manufacturing

333618 Internal combustion engines (except aircraft, nondiesel automotive, nondiesel truck) manufacturing

333618 Locomotive diesel engines manufacturing

333618 Marine engines manufacturing

333618 Motors, outboard, manufacturing

333618 Natural gas engines manufacturing

333618 Outboard motors manufacturing

333618 Semidiesel engines manufacturing

333911 Centrifugal pumps manufacturing

333911 Oil-well and oil-field pumps manufacturing

333911 Pumps (except fluid power), general purpose, manufacturing

333911 Pumps for railroad equipment lubrication systems manufacturing

333911 Pumps, industrial and commercial-type, general purpose, manufacturing

333911 Pumps, oil field or well, manufacturing

333911 Pumps, sump or water, residential-type, manufacturing

333911 Sump pumps, residential-type, manufacturing

333912 Air compressors manufacturing

333912 Bicycle pumps manufacturing

333912 Compressors, air and gas, general purpose-type, manufacturing

333912 Paint sprayers (i.e., compressor and spray gun unit) manufacturing

333912 Power (i.e., pressure) washer units manufacturing

333912 Sprayers, manual pump, general purpose-type, manufacturing

333912 Vacuum pumps (except laboratory) manufacturing

333913 Dispensing and measuring pumps (e.g., gasoline, lubricants) manufacturing

333913 Gasoline measuring and dispensing pumps manufacturing

333913 Oil measuring and dispensing pumps manufacturing

333913 Pumps, measuring and dispensing (e.g., gasoline), manufacturing

333921 Automobile lifts (i.e., garage-type, service station) manufacturing

333921 Dumbwaiters manufacturing

333921 Elevators, passenger and freight, manufacturing

333921 Escalators manufacturing

333921 Stairways, moving, manufacturing

333921 Walkways, moving, manufacturing

333922 Belt conveyor systems manufacturing

333922 Buckets, elevator or conveyor, manufacturing

333922 Carousel conveyors (e.g., luggage) manufacturing

333922 Coal and ore conveyors manufacturing

333922 Conveyors, farm-type, manufacturing

333922 Farm-type conveyors manufacturing

333922 Mine conveyors manufacturing

333922 Overhead conveyors manufacturing

333922 Passenger baggage belt loaders (except industrial truck) manufacturing

333922 Pneumatic tube conveyors manufacturing

333922 Screw conveyors manufacturing

333923 Aerial work platforms manufacturing

333923 Automobile wrecker (i.e., tow truck) hoists manufacturing

333923 Block and tackle manufacturing

333923 Boat lifts manufacturing

333923 Chain hoists manufacturing

333923 Cranes, overhead traveling, manufacturing

333923 Davits manufacturing

333923 Hoists (except aircraft loading) manufacturing

333923 Locomotive cranes manufacturing

333923 Monorail systems (except passenger-type) manufacturing

333923 Overhead traveling cranes manufacturing

333923 Pulleys (except power transmission), metal, manufacturing

333923 Ship cranes and derricks manufacturing

333923 Winches manufacturing

333923 Wire rope hoists manufacturing

333924 Aircraft engine cradles manufacturing

333924 Aircraft loading hoists manufacturing

333924 Bomb lifts manufacturing

333924 Cabs for industrial trucks manufacturing

333924 Carts, grocery, made from purchased wire

333924 Cranes, industrial truck, manufacturing

333924 Dollies manufacturing

333924 Drum cradles manufacturing

333924 Forklifts manufacturing

333924 Grocery carts made from purchased wire

333924 Hand trucks manufacturing

333924 Hoists, aircraft loading, manufacturing

333924 Industrial trucks and tractors manufacturing

333924 Mechanic's creepers manufacturing

333924 Mobile straddle carriers manufacturing

333924 Pallet movers manufacturing

333924 Pallet or skid jacks manufacturing

333924 Stackers, industrial, truck-type, manufacturing

333924 Stackers, portable (except farm), manufacturing

333924 Straddle carriers, mobile, manufacturing

333924 Tractors, industrial, manufacturing

333924 Trucks, industrial, manufacturing

333924 Wheelbarrows manufacturing

333991 Buffing machines, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Cartridge (i.e., powder) handheld power-driven tools manufacturing

333991 Chain saws, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Chissels, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Circular saws, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Drills, handheld power-driven (except heavy construction and mining type), manufacturing

333991 Grinders, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Handtools, power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Impact wrenches, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Jigsaws, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Nail guns, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Nailers and staplers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Paint spray guns, handheld pneumatic, manufacturing

333991 Planers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Polishers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Powder actuated handheld power tools manufacturing

333991 Power-driven handtools manufacturing

333991 Riveting guns, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Routers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Sanders, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Saws, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Screwdrivers and nut drivers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Shears and nibblers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Staplers and nailers, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Tools, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333991 Wrenches, impact, handheld power-driven, manufacturing

333992 Arc welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Electrode holders, welding, manufacturing

333992 Electrodes, welding, manufacturing

333992 Electron beam welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Gas welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Gas welding rods, coated or cored, manufacturing

333992 Generating apparatus and parts, welding, electrical, manufacturing

333992 Laser welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Plasma welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Resistance welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Seam welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Soldering equipment (except hand held) manufacturing

333992 Spot welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Ultrasonic welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Welding equipment manufacturing

333992 Welding wire or rods (i.e., coated, cored) manufacturing

333993 Bag opening, filling, and closing machines manufacturing

333993 Bottle washers, packaging machinery, manufacturing

333993 Bottling machinery (e.g., capping, filling, labeling, sterilizing, washing) manufacturing

333993 Bread wrapping machines manufacturing

333993 Canning machinery manufacturing

333993 Capping, sealing, and lidding packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Carton filling machinery manufacturing

333993 Coding, dating, and imprinting packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Food packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Labeling (i.e., packaging) machinery manufacturing

333993 Packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Testing, weighing, inspecting, packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Thermoform, blister, and skin packaging machinery manufacturing

333993 Wrapping (i.e., packaging) machinery manufacturing

333994 Ceramic kilns and furnaces manufacturing

333994 Core baking and mold drying ovens manufacturing

333994 Dielectric industrial heating equipment manufacturing

333994 Distillation ovens, charcoal and coke, manufacturing

333994 Enameling ovens manufacturing

333994 Furnaces and ovens for drying and redrying, industrial process-type, manufacturing

333994 Furnaces and ovens, semiconductor wafer, manufacturing

333994 Furnaces, industrial and laboratory-type (except dental), manufacturing

333994 Garbage incinerators (except precast concrete) manufacturing

333994 Heat treating ovens, industrial process-type, manufacturing

333994 Incinerators (except precast concrete) manufacturing

333994 Induction heating equipment, industrial process-type, manufacturing

333994 Infrared ovens, industrial, manufacturing

333994 Japanning ovens manufacturing

333994 Kilns (except cement, chemical, wood) manufacturing

333994 Lacquering ovens manufacturing

333994 Metal melting furnaces, industrial, manufacturing

333994 Ovens, industrial process and laboratory-type, manufacturing

333994 Paint baking and drying ovens manufacturing

333994 Smelting ovens manufacturing

333994 Tilemaking kilns manufacturing

333995 Actuators, fluid power, manufacturing

333995 Cylinders, fluid power, manufacturing

333995 Fluid power actuators manufacturing

333995 Fluid power cylinders manufacturing

333995 Hydraulic cylinders, fluid power, manufacturing

333995 Pneumatic cylinders, fluid power, manufacturing

333996 Fluid power motors manufacturing

333996 Fluid power pumps manufacturing

333996 Hydraulic pumps, fluid power, manufacturing

333996 Hydrostatic drives manufacturing

333996 Hydrostatic transmissions manufacturing

333996 Motors, fluid power, manufacturing

333996 Pneumatic pumps, fluid power, manufacturing

333996 Pumps, fluid power, manufacturing

333997 Baby scales manufacturing

333997 Balances, including laboratory-type, manufacturing

333997 Bathroom scales manufacturing

333997 Delicatessen scales manufacturing

333997 Industrial scales manufacturing

333997 Motor truck scales manufacturing

333997 Parcel post scales manufacturing

333997 Post office-type scales manufacturing

333997 Railroad track scales manufacturing

333997 Retail scales (e.g., butcher, delicatessen, produce) manufacturing

333997 Scales, including laboratory-type, manufacturing

333997 Vehicle scales manufacturing

333999 Aircraft carrier catapults manufacturing

333999 Baling machinery (e.g., paper, scrap metal) manufacturing

333999 Bellows, industrial type, manufacturing

333999 Bridge and gate lifting machinery manufacturing

333999 Centrifuges, industrial and laboratory-type, manufacturing

333999 Cremating ovens manufacturing

333999 Filters, industrial and general line (except internal combustion engine, warm air furnace), manufacturing

333999 Gas generating machinery, general purpose-type, manufacturing

333999 Gas separating machinery manufacturing

333999 Gate and bridge lifting machinery manufacturing

333999 Ice crushers, industrial and commercial-type, manufacturing

333999 Jacks, hydraulic and pneumatic, manufacturing

333999 Presses, metal baling, manufacturing

333999 Screening and sifting machinery for general industrial use manufacturing

333999 Sieves and screening equipment, general purpose-type, manufacturing

333999 Sludge tables manufacturing

333999 Sprinkler systems, automatic fire, manufacturing

333999 Steam separating machinery manufacturing

333999 Strainers, pipeline, manufacturing

333999 Vapor separating machinery manufacturing

333999 Weather vanes manufacturing

334111 Analog computers manufacturing

334111 Computer servers manufacturing

334111 Computers manufacturing

334111 Digital computers manufacturing

334111 Hand held computers (e.g., PDAs) manufacturing

334111 Hybrid computers manufacturing

334111 Laptop computers manufacturing

334111 Mainframe computers manufacturing

334111 Microcomputers manufacturing

334111 Minicomputers manufacturing

334111 Notebook computers manufacturing

334111 Personal computers manufacturing

334111 Portable computers manufacturing

334111 Workstations, computer, manufacturing

334112 CD-ROM drives manufacturing

334112 Direct access storage devices manufacturing

334112 Disk drives, computer, manufacturing

334112 DVD (digital video disc) drives, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334112 Flexible (i.e., floppy) magnetic disk drives manufacturing

334112 Floppy disk drives manufacturing

334112 Hard disk drives manufacturing

334112 Magnetic/optical combination storage units for computers manufacturing

334112 Optical disk drives manufacturing

334112 Storage devices, computer, manufacturing

334112 Tape storage units (e.g., drive backups), computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 ATMs (automatic teller machines) manufacturing

334118 Automatic teller machines (ATM) manufacturing

334118 Biometrics system input device (e.g., retinal scan, iris pattern recognition, hand geometry) manufacturing

334118 Computer input/output equipment manufacturing

334118 Computer terminals manufacturing

334118 Flat panel displays (i.e., complete units), computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Funds transfer devices manufacturing

334118 Input/output equipment, computer, manufacturing

334118 Joystick devices manufacturing

334118 Keyboards, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Lottery ticket sales terminal manufacturing

334118 Magnetic ink recognition devices, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Monitors, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Mouse devices, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Optical readers and scanners manufacturing

334118 Overhead projectors, computer peripheral-type, manufacturing

334118 Plotters, computer, manufacturing

334118 Point of sale terminals manufacturing

334118 Pointing devices, computer peripheral equipment, manufacturing

334118 Printers, computer, manufacturing

334118 Teleprinters (i.e., computer terminals) manufacturing

334118 Terminals, computer, manufacturing

334210 Carrier equipment (i.e., analog, digital), telephone, manufacturing

334210 Central office and switching equipment, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Communications headgear, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Cordless telephones (except cellular) manufacturing

334210 Data communications equipment (e.g., bridges, gateways, routers) manufacturing

334210 Facsimile equipment, standalone, manufacturing

334210 Keysets, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Local area network (LAN) communications equipment (e.g., bridges, gateways, routers) manufacturing

334210 Modems, carrier equipment, manufacturing

334210 Multiplex equipment, telephone, manufacturing

334210 PBX (private branch exchange) equipment manufacturing

334210 Private branch exchange (PBX) equipment manufacturing

334210 Repeater and transceiver equipment, carrier line, manufacturing

334210 Subscriber loop equipment, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Switching equipment, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Telephone answering machines manufacturing

334210 Telephone carrier line equipment manufacturing

334210 Telephone carrier switching equipment manufacturing

334210 Telephones (except cellular telephone) manufacturing

334210 Telephones, coin-operated, manufacturing

334210 Toll switching equipment, telephone, manufacturing

334210 Wide area network communications equipment (e.g., bridges, gateways, routers) manufacturing

334220 Airborne radio communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Amplifiers, (e.g., RF power and IF), broadcast and studio equipment, manufacturing

334220 Antennas, satellite, manufacturing

334220 Antennas, transmitting and receiving, manufacturing

334220 Automobile antennas manufacturing

334220 Broadcast equipment (including studio), for radio and television, manufacturing

334220 Cable decoders manufacturing

334220 Cable television transmission and receiving equipment manufacturing

334220 Cameras, television, manufacturing

334220 CB (citizens band) radios manufacturing

334220 Cellular telephones manufacturing

334220 Citizens band (CB) radios manufacturing

334220 Closed circuit television equipment manufacturing

334220 Communications equipment, mobile and microwave, manufacturing

334220 Earth station communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Global positioning system (GPS) equipment manufacturing

334220 GPS (global positioning system) equipment manufacturing

334220 Marine radio communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Microwave communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Mobile communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Pagers manufacturing

334220 Radio transmitting antennas and ground equipment manufacturing

334220 Receiver-transmitter units (i.e., transceivers) manufacturing

334220 Satellite antennas manufacturing

334220 Satellite communications equipment manufacturing

334220 Space satellites, communications, manufacturing

334220 Studio equipment, radio and television broadcasting, manufacturing

334220 Telephones, cellular, manufacturing

334220 Television transmitting antennas and ground equipment manufacturing

334220 Television, closed-circuit equipment, manufacturing

334220 Transceivers (i.e., transmitter-receiver units) manufacturing

334220 Video camera (except household-type, television broadcast) manufacturing

334290 Alarm system central monitoring equipment manufacturing

334290 Alarm systems and equipment manufacturing

334290 Automotive theft alarm systems manufacturing

334290 Burglar alarm systems and equipment manufacturing

334290 Car alarm manufacturing

334290 Carbon monoxide detectors manufacturing

334290 Controlling equipment, street light, manufacturing

334290 Fire detection and alarm systems manufacturing

334290 Glass breakage detection and signaling devices

334290 Intercom systems and equipment manufacturing

334290 Motion alarms (e.g., swimming pool, perimeter) manufacturing

334290 Motion detectors, security system, manufacturing

334290 Portable intrusion detection and signaling devices manufacturing

334290 Railroad signaling equipment manufacturing

334290 Remote control units (e.g., garage door, television) manufacturing

334290 Signals (e.g., highway, pedestrian, railway, traffic) manufacturing

334290 Sirens (e.g., air raid, industrial, marine, vehicle) manufacturing

334290 Smoke detectors manufacturing

334290 Theft prevention signaling devices (e.g., door entrance annunciation, holdup signaling devices, personal duress signaling devices), manufacturing

334290 Traffic advisory and signalling systems manufacturing

334290 Traffic signals manufacturing

334310 Amplifiers (e.g., auto, home, musical instrument, public address) manufacturing

334310 Automobile radio receivers manufacturing

334310 Camcorders manufacturing

334310 Car stereos manufacturing

334310 Clock radios manufacturing

334310 Coin-operated jukebox manufacturing

334310 Compact disc players (e.g., automotive, household-type) manufacturing

334310 Digital video disc players manufacturing

334310 DVD (digital video disc) players manufacturing

334310 Home stereo systems manufacturing

334310 Home tape recorders and players (e.g., cartridge, cassette, reel) manufacturing

334310 Home theater audio and video equipment manufacturing

334310 Jukeboxes manufacturing

334310 Loudspeakers manufacturing

334310 Microphones manufacturing

334310 Portable stereo systems manufacturing

334310 Projection television manufacturing

334310 Public address systems and equipment manufacturing

334310 Radio headphones manufacturing

334310 Radio receiving sets manufacturing

334310 Speaker systems manufacturing

334310 Tape players and recorders, household-type, manufacturing

334310 Television (TV) sets manufacturing

334310 TV (television) sets manufacturing

334310 VCR (video cassette recorder) manufacturing

334310 Video cameras, household-type, manufacturing

334310 Video cassette recorders (VCR) manufacturing

334412 Circuit boards, printed, bare, manufacturing

334412 Flexible wiring boards, bare, manufacturing

334412 Printed circuit boards, bare, manufacturing

334413 Diodes, solid-state (e.g., germanium, silicon), manufacturing

334413 Fuel cells, solid-state, manufacturing

334413 Gunn effect devices manufacturing

334413 Hall effect devices manufacturing

334413 Hybrid integrated circuits manufacturing

334413 Infrared sensors, solid-state, manufacturing

334413 Integrated microcircuits manufacturing

334413 Laser diodes manufacturing

334413 LED (light emitting diode) manufacturing

334413 Light emitting diodes (LED) manufacturing

334413 Metal oxide silicon (MOS) devices manufacturing

334413 Microcontroller chip manufacturing

334413 Microprocessor chip manufacturing

334413 Monolithic integrated circuits (solid-state) manufacturing

334413 MOS (metal oxide silicon) devices manufacturing

334413 Optoelectronic devices manufacturing

334413 Photoelectric cells, solid-state (e.g., electronic eye), manufacturing

334413 Photonic integrated circuits manufacturing

334413 Photovoltaic cells manufacturing

334413 Photovoltaic devices, solid-state, manufacturing

334413 Rectifiers, semiconductor, manufacturing

334413 Semiconductor circuit networks (i.e., solid-state integrated circuits) manufacturing

334413 Semiconductor devices manufacturing

334413 Semiconductor dice and wafers manufacturing

334413 Semiconductor memory chips manufacturing

334413 Silicon wafers, chemically doped, manufacturing

334413 Silicon wave guides manufacturing

334413 Solar cells manufacturing

334413 Static converters, integrated circuits, manufacturing

334413 Thin film integrated circuits manufacturing

334413 Thyristors manufacturing

334413 Transistors manufacturing

334413 Voltage regulators, integrated circuits, manufacturing

334413 Wafers (semiconductor devices) manufacturing

334416 Capacitors, electronic, fixed and variable, manufacturing

334416 Chokes for electronic circuitry manufacturing

334416 Condensers, electronic, manufacturing

334416 Inductors, electronic component-type (e.g., chokes, coils, transformers), manufacturing

334416 Resistors, electronic, manufacturing

334416 Telephone and telegraph transformers, electronic component-type, manufacturing

334416 Thermistors manufacturing

334416 Transformers, electronic component-types, manufacturing

334416 Varistors manufacturing

334417 Coaxial connectors manufacturing

334417 Connectors, electronic (e.g., coaxial, cylindrical, printed circuit, rack and panel), manufacturing

334417 Cylindrical connectors, electronic, manufacturing

334417 Fiber optic connectors manufacturing

334417 Planar cable connectors manufacturing

334417 Rack and panel connectors manufacturing

334418 Loaded computer boards manufacturing

334418 Loading printed circuit boards

334418 Memory boards manufacturing

334418 Peripheral controller boards manufacturing

334418 Personal computer modems manufacturing

334418 Printed circuit assemblies manufacturing

334418 Printed circuit boards loading

334419 Cathode ray tubes (CRT) manufacturing

334419 Computer cable sets (e.g., monitor, printer) manufacturing

334419 CRT (cathode ray tube) manufacturing

334419 Crystals and crystal assemblies, electronic, manufacturing

334419 Electron tube parts (e.g., bases, getters, guns) (except glass blanks) manufacturing

334419 Electron tubes manufacturing

334419 Filters, electronic component-type, manufacturing

334419 Harness assemblies for electronic use manufacturing

334419 Heads (e.g., recording, read/write) manufacturing

334419 Klystron tubes manufacturing

334419 LCD (liquid crystal display) unit screens manufacturing

334419 Magnetron tubes manufacturing

334419 Microwave components manufacturing

334419 Needles, phonograph and styli, manufacturing

334419 Piezoelectric crystals manufacturing

334419 Piezoelectric devices manufacturing

334419 Printed circuit laminates manufacturing

334419 Quartz crystals, electronic application, manufacturing

334419 Radio frequency identification (RFID) devices manufacturing

334419 Rectifiers, electronic component-type (except semiconductor), manufacturing

334419 Resonant reed devices, electronic, manufacturing

334419 Rheostats, electronic, manufacturing

334419 Screens for liquid crystal display (LCD) manufacturing

334419 Solenoids for electronic applications manufacturing

334419 Switches for electronic applications manufacturing

334419 Television picture tubes manufacturing

334419 Transducers (except pressure) manufacturing

334419 Traveling wave tubes manufacturing

334419 Tubes, cathode ray, manufacturing

334419 Tubes, electron, manufacturing

334419 Tubes, electronic, manufacturing

334419 Tubes, klystron, manufacturing

334419 Vacuum tubes manufacturing

334510 Arc lamp units, electrotherapeutic (except infrared, ultraviolet), manufacturing

334510 Audiological equipment, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Automated blood and body fluid analyzers (except laboratory) manufacturing

334510 Bronchoscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Carbon arc lamp units, electrotherapeutic (except infrared and ultraviolet), manufacturing

334510 Cardiodynameter manufacturing

334510 Cardiographs manufacturing

334510 Cardiophone, electric, manufacturing

334510 Cardioscope manufacturing

334510 Cardiotachometer manufacturing

334510 Colonscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Cystoscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Defibrilators manufacturing

334510 Diagnostic equipment, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Diagnostic equipment, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), manufacturing

334510 Dialysis equipment, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Diathermy apparatus, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Diathermy units manufacturing

334510 Electrocardiographs manufacturing

334510 Electroencephalographs manufacturing

334510 Electrogastrograph manufacturing

334510 Electromedical diagnostic equipment manufacturing

334510 Electromedical equipment manufacturing

334510 Electromedical therapy equipment manufacturing

334510 Electromyographs manufacturing

334510 Electrotherapeutic apparatus manufacturing

334510 Electrotherapy units manufacturing

334510 Endoscopic equipment, electromedical (e.g., bronchoscopes, colonoscopes, cystoscopes), manufacturing

334510 Gastroscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Hearing aids, electronic, manufacturing

334510 Heart-lung machine, manufacturing

334510 Laser equipment, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Laser systems and equipment, medical, manufacturing

334510 Lithotripters manufacturing

334510 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) medical diagnostic equipment manufacturing

334510 Medical cleaning equipment, ultrasonic, manufacturing

334510 Medical ultrasound equipment manufacturing

334510 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) medical diagnostic equipment manufacturing

334510 Otoscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Pacemakers manufacturing

334510 Patient monitoring equipment (e.g., intensive care, coronary care unit) manufacturing

334510 PET (positron emission tomography) scanners manufacturing

334510 Phonocardiographs manufacturing

334510 Positron emission tomography (PET) scanners manufacturing

334510 Probes, electric medical, manufacturing

334510 Respiratory analysis equipment, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Retinoscopes, electromedical, manufacturing

334510 Sentinel, cardiac, manufacturing

334510 Surgical support systems (e.g., heart-lung machines) (except iron lungs) manufacturing

334510 TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) manufacturing

334510 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS) manufacturing

334510 Ultrasonic medical equipment manufacturing

334510 Ultrasonic scanning devices, medical, manufacturing

334511 Acceleration indicators and systems components, aerospace type, manufacturing

334511 Aeronautical systems and instruments manufacturing

334511 Air traffic control radar systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Airborne navigational systems manufacturing

334511 Aircraft flight instruments (except engine instruments) manufacturing

334511 Airframe equipment instruments manufacturing

334511 Airspeed instruments (aeronautical) manufacturing

334511 Altimeters, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Angle-of-attack instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Angle-of-yaw instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Artificial horizon instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Bank and turn indicators and components (aeronautical instruments) manufacturing

334511 Cabin environment indicators, transmitters, and sensors manufacturing

334511 Compasses, gyroscopic and magnetic (except portable), manufacturing

334511 Countermeasure sets (e.g., active countermeasures, jamming equipment) manufacturing

334511 Distance measuring equipment (DME), aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Driftmeters, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Electronic guidance systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Fathometers manufacturing

334511 Fish finders (i.e., sonar) manufacturing

334511 Flight and navigation sensors, transmitters, and displays manufacturing

334511 Flight recorders (i.e., black boxes) manufacturing

334511 Glide slope instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Gyrocompasses manufacturing

334511 Gyrogimbals manufacturing

334511 Gyroscopes manufacturing

334511 Heads-up display (HUD) systems, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Horizon situation instrumentation manufacturing

334511 HUD (heads-up display) systems, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Hydrophones manufacturing

334511 Inertial navigation systems, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Infrared homing systems, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Instrument landing system instrumentation, airborne or airport, manufacturing

334511 Instruments, aeronautical, manufacturing

334511 Light reconnaissance and surveillance systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Machmeters manufacturing

334511 Nautical systems and instruments manufacturing

334511 Navigational instruments manufacturing

334511 Omnibearing instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Pictorial situation instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Position indicators (e.g., for landing gear, stabilizers), airframe equipment, manufacturing

334511 Proximity warning (i.e., collision avoidance) equipment manufacturing

334511 Radar detectors manufacturing

334511 Radar systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Radio magnetic instrumentation (RMI) manufacturing

334511 Rate-of-climb instrumentation manufacturing

334511 Search and detection systems and instruments manufacturing

334511 Sextants (except surveying) manufacturing

334511 Sonabuoys manufacturing

334511 Sonar fish finders manufacturing

334511 Sonar systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Space vehicle guidance systems and equipment manufacturing

334511 Speed, pitch, and roll navigational instruments and systems manufacturing

334511 Taffrail logs manufacturing

334511 Underwater navigational systems manufacturing

334511 Warfare countermeasures equipment manufacturing

334511 Wheel position indicators and transmitters, aircraft, manufacturing

334512 Air flow controllers (except valves), air-conditioning and refrigeration, manufacturing

334512 Appliance controls manufacturing

334512 Appliance regulators (except switches) manufacturing

334512 Building services monitoring controls, automatic, manufacturing

334512 Clothes dryer controls, including dryness controls, manufacturing

334512 Combination limit and fan controls manufacturing

334512 Combination oil and hydronic controls manufacturing

334512 Computerized environmental control systems for buildings manufacturing

334512 Damper operators (e.g., electric, pneumatic, thermostatic) manufacturing

334512 Electric air cleaner controls, automatic, manufacturing

334512 Electric heat proportioning controls, modulating controls, manufacturing

334512 Electric space heater controls, automatic, manufacturing

334512 Energy cutoff controls, residential and commercial types, manufacturing

334512 Fan controls, temperature responsive, manufacturing

334512 Flame safety controls for furnaces and boilers manufacturing

334512 Float controls, residential and commercial types, manufacturing

334512 Gas burner automatic controls (except valves) manufacturing

334512 Gradual switches, pneumatic, manufacturing

334512 Heating and cooling system controls, residential and commercial, manufacturing

334512 Heating regulators manufacturing

334512 Humidistats (e.g., duct, skeleton, wall) manufacturing

334512 Humidity controls, air-conditioning-type, manufacturing

334512 Hydronic circulator control, automatic, manufacturing

334512 Hydronic limit control manufacturing

334512 Hydronic limit, pressure, and temperature controls, manufacturing

334512 Ice bank controls manufacturing

334512 Ice maker controls manufacturing

334512 Ignition controls for gas appliances and furnaces, automatic, manufacturing

334512 In-built thermostats, filled system and bimetal types, manufacturing

334512 Incinerator control systems, residential and commercial-type, manufacturing

334512 Light responsive appliance controls manufacturing

334512 Limit controls (e.g., air-conditioning, appliance, heating) manufacturing

334512 Line or limit control for electric heat manufacturing

334512 Liquid level controls, residential and commercial heating-type, manufacturing

334512 Oven temperature controls, nonindustrial, manufacturing

334512 Pneumatic relays, air-conditioning-type, manufacturing

334512 Pressure controllers, air-conditioning system-type, manufacturing

334512 Pressurestats manufacturing

334512 Primary oil burner controls (e.g., cadmium cells, stack controls) manufacturing

334512 Refrigeration controls, residential and commercial-type, manufacturing

334512 Refrigeration thermostats manufacturing

334512 Refrigeration/air-conditioning defrost controls manufacturing

334512 Room thermostats manufacturing

334512 Sequencing controls for electric heating equipment manufacturing

334512 Static pressure regulators manufacturing

334512 Steam pressure controls, residential and commercial heating-type, manufacturing

334512 Surface burner controls, temperature, manufacturing

334512 Switches, pneumatic positioning remote, manufacturing

334512 Switches, thermostatic, manufacturing

334512 Temperature controls, automatic, residential and commercial-types, manufacturing

334512 Temperature sensors for motor windings manufacturing

334512 Thermocouples, glass vacuum, manufacturing

334512 Thermostats (e.g., air-conditioning, appliance, comfort heating, refrigeration) manufacturing

334512 Time program controls, air-conditioning systems, manufacturing

334512 Vapor heating controls manufacturing

334512 Water heater controls manufacturing

334513 Absorption analyzers, industrial process type (e.g., infrared), manufacturing

334513 Acidity (i.e., pH) instruments, industrial process type, manufacturing

334513 Analyzers, industrial process control type, manufacturing

334513 Annunciators, relay and solid-state types, industrial display, manufacturing

334513 Boiler controls, industrial, power, and marine-type, manufacturing

334513 Buoyancy instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Chromatographs, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Combustion control instruments (except commercial, household furnace-type) manufacturing

334513 Controllers for process variables (e.g., electric, electronic, mechanical, pneumatic operation) manufacturing

334513 Coulometric analyzers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Data loggers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Density and specific gravity instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Differential pressure instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Digital displays of process variables manufacturing

334513 Display instruments, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Draft gauges, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Electric and electronic controllers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Electrodes used in industrial process measurement manufacturing

334513 Electrolytic conductivity instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Electromagnetic flowmeters manufacturing

334513 Flow instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process control, manufacturing

334513 Gas analyzers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Gas and liquid analysis instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Gas chromatographic instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Gas flow instrumentation, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Gauges (i.e., analog, digital), industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Humidity instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Hydrometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Hygrometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Indicators, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Industrial process control instruments manufacturing

334513 Infrared instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Instruments for industrial process control manufacturing

334513 Level and bulk measuring instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Liquid analysis instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Liquid concentration instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Liquid level instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Magnetic flow meters, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Manometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Measuring instruments, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Mechanical measuring instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Meters, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Moisture meters, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Panelboard indicators, recorders, and controllers, receiver industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Pneumatic controllers, industrial process type, manufacturing

334513 Potentiometric instruments (except X-Y recorders), industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Pressure gauges (e.g., dial, digital), industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Pressure instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Primary elements for process flow measurement (i.e., orifice plates) manufacturing

334513 Primary process temperature sensors manufacturing

334513 Process control instruments, industrial, manufacturing

334513 Programmers, process-type, manufacturing

334513 Pyrometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Recorders, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Refractometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Telemetering instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Temperature instruments, industrial process-type (except glass and bimetal thermometers), manufacturing

334513 Thermal conductivity instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Thermistors, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Thermocouples, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Thermometers, filled system industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Time cycle and program controllers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Transmitters, industrial process control-type, manufacturing

334513 Turbidity instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Turbine flow meters, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Variable control instruments, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Viscosimeters, industrial process-type, manufacturing

334513 Water quality monitoring and control systems manufacturing

334514 Consumption meters (e.g., gas, water) manufacturing

334514 Controls, revolution and timing instruments, manufacturing

334514 Counter type registers manufacturing

334514 Counters (e.g., electrical, electronic, mechanical), totalizing, manufacturing

334514 Counters, revolution, manufacturing

334514 Counting devices manufacturing

334514 Electromechanical counters manufacturing

334514 Electronic totalizing counters manufacturing

334514 Fare collection equipment manufacturing

334514 Gasmeters, consumption registering, manufacturing

334514 Gasmeters, large capacity, domestic and industrial, manufacturing

334514 Gasoline dispensing meters (except pumps) manufacturing

334514 Gauges (e.g., oil pressure, water temperature, speedometer, tachometer), motor vehicle, manufacturing

334514 Gauges for computing pressure-temperature corrections manufacturing

334514 Impeller and counter driven flow meters manufacturing

334514 Instrument panels, assembling gauges made in the same establishment

334514 Integrating meters, nonelectric, manufacturing

334514 Linear counters manufacturing

334514 Liquid flow meters manufacturing

334514 Magnetic counters manufacturing

334514 Measuring wheels manufacturing

334514 Metering devices (except electrical and industrial process control) manufacturing

334514 Meters (except electrical and industrial process control) manufacturing

334514 Meters, parking, manufacturing

334514 Motor vehicle instruments (e.g., fuel level gauges, oil pressure, speedometers, tachometers, water temperature) manufacturing

334514 Parking meters manufacturing

334514 Pedometers manufacturing

334514 Positive displacement meters manufacturing

334514 Predetermined counters manufacturing

334514 Production counters manufacturing

334514 Propeller type meters with registers manufacturing

334514 Registers, linear tallying, manufacturing

334514 Rotary type meters, consumption registering, manufacturing

334514 Tally counters manufacturing

334514 Tallying meters (except clocks, electricity meters, watches) manufacturing

334514 Tank truck meters manufacturing

334514 Taximeters manufacturing

334514 Totalizing fluid meters manufacturing

334514 Totalizing meters (except aircraft), consumption registering, manufacturing

334514 Turbine meters, consumption registering, manufacturing

334514 Watermeters, consumption registering, manufacturing

334515 Alternator and generator testers manufacturing

334515 Ampere-hour meters manufacturing

334515 Analyzers for testing electrical characteristics manufacturing

334515 Audiofrequency oscillators manufacturing

334515 Audiometers (except medical) manufacturing

334515 Automotive electrical engine diagnostic equipment manufacturing

334515 Battery testers, electrical, manufacturing

334515 Bridges, electrical (e.g., Kelvin, megohm, vacuum tube, Wheatstone), manufacturing

334515 Circuit testers manufacturing

334515 Communications signal testing equipment

334515 Current measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Decade boxes (i.e., capacitance, inductance, resistance) manufacturing

334515 Demand meters, electric, manufacturing

334515 Digital panel meters, electricity measuring, manufacturing

334515 Digital test equipment (e.g., electronic and electrical circuits and equipment testing) manufacturing

334515 Diode and transistor testers manufacturing

334515 Distortion meters and analyzers manufacturing

334515 Elapsed time meters, electronic, manufacturing

334515 Electrical network analyzers manufacturing

334515 Electrical power measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Electricity and electrical signal measuring instruments manufacturing

334515 Electricity and electrical signal testing equipment manufacturing

334515 Electron tube test equipment manufacturing

334515 Electronic test equipment for testing electrical characteristics manufacturing

334515 Energy measuring equipment, electrical, manufacturing

334515 Field strength and intensity measuring equipment, electrical, manufacturing

334515 Frequency meters (e.g., electrical, electronic, mechanical) manufacturing

334515 Frequency synthesizers manufacturing

334515 Function generators manufacturing

334515 Galvanometers (except geophysical) manufacturing

334515 Graphic recording meters, electric, manufacturing

334515 Ignition testing instruments manufacturing

334515 Impedance measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Indicating instruments, electric, manufacturing

334515 Instrument shunts manufacturing

334515 Instruments for measuring electrical quantities manufacturing

334515 Instruments, electric (i.e., testing electrical characteristics), manufacturing

334515 Integrated-circuit testers manufacturing

334515 Integrating electricity meters manufacturing

334515 Internal combustion engine analyzers (i.e., testing electrical characteristics) manufacturing

334515 Kelvin bridges (i.e., electrical measuring instruments) manufacturing

334515 Laboratory standards testing instruments (e.g., capacitance, electrical resistance, inductance) manufacturing

334515 Logic circuit testers manufacturing

334515 Measuring equipment for electronic and electrical circuits and equipment manufacturing

334515 Measuring instruments and meters, electric, manufacturing

334515 Meters, electrical (i.e., graphic recording, panelboard, pocket, portable), manufacturing

334515 Meters, power factor and phase angle, manufacturing

334515 Microwave test equipment manufacturing

334515 Multimeters manufacturing

334515 Ohmmeters manufacturing

334515 Oscillators (e.g., instrument type audiofrequency and radiofrequency) manufacturing

334515 Oscilloscopes manufacturing

334515 Phase angle meters manufacturing

334515 Portable test meters manufacturing

334515 Potentiometric instruments (except industrial process-type) manufacturing

334515 Power factor meters manufacturing

334515 Power measuring equipment, electrical, manufacturing

334515 Pulse (i.e., signal) generators manufacturing

334515 Radar testing instruments, electric, manufacturing

334515 Radiofrequency measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Radiofrequency oscillators manufacturing

334515 Recorders, oscillographic, manufacturing

334515 Relays (except electrical, electronic), instrument, manufacturing

334515 Resistance measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Semiconductor test equipment manufacturing

334515 Shunts, instrument, manufacturing

334515 Signal generators and averagers manufacturing

334515 Spark plug testing instruments, electric, manufacturing

334515 Spectrum analyzers manufacturing

334515 Standards and calibration equipment for electrical measuring manufacturing

334515 Standing wave ratio measuring equipment manufacturing

334515 Stroboscopes manufacturing

334515 Sweep generators manufacturing

334515 Sweep oscillators manufacturing

334515 Synchroscopes manufacturing

334515 Tachometer generators manufacturing

334515 Test equipment for electronic and electrical circuits and equipment manufacturing

334515 Test sets, ignition harness, manufacturing

334515 Voltmeters manufacturing

334515 Watt-hour and demand meters, combined, manufacturing

334515 Watt-hour and time switch meters, combined, manufacturing

334515 Watt-hour meters, electric, manufacturing

334515 Wattmeters manufacturing

334515 Waveform measuring and/or analyzing equipment manufacturing

334515 Wheatstone bridges (i.e., electrical measuring instruments) manufacturing

334515 X-Y recorders (i.e., plotters (except computer peripheral equipment)) manufacturing

334516 Acidity (i.e., pH) measuring equipment, laboratory analysis-type, manufacturing

334516 Amino acid analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Automatic chemical analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Blood bank process equipment manufacturing

334516 Chromatographic instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Chronoscopes manufacturing

334516 Colorimeters, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Coulometric analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Densitometers, laboratory analytical, manufacturing

334516 Differential thermal analysis instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Electrolytic conductivity instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Electron microprobes, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Electron microscopes manufacturing

334516 Electron paramagnetic spin-type apparatus manufacturing

334516 Electrophoresis instruments manufacturing

334516 Elemental analyzers manufacturing

334516 Flame photometers manufacturing

334516 Gas analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Gas chromatographic instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Hematology instruments manufacturing

334516 Immunology instruments, laboratory, manufacturing

334516 Infrared analytical instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Laboratory analytical instruments (except optical) manufacturing

334516 Liquid chromatographic instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) type apparatus (except medical diagnostic) manufacturing

334516 Mass spectrometers manufacturing

334516 Mass spectroscopy instrumentation manufacturing

334516 Microbiology instruments manufacturing

334516 Microprobes (e.g., electron, ion, laser, X-ray) manufacturing

334516 Microscopes, electron and proton, manufacturing

334516 Moisture analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Monochrometers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Nephelometers (except meteorological) manufacturing

334516 Neutron activation analysis instruments manufacturing

334516 Osmometers manufacturing

334516 Particle beam excitation instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Particle size analyzers manufacturing

334516 Photometers (except photographic exposure meters) manufacturing

334516 Photonexcitation analyzers manufacturing

334516 Polariscopes manufacturing

334516 Polarizers manufacturing

334516 Polarographic equipment manufacturing

334516 Protein analyzers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Redox (i.e., oxidation-reduction potential) instruments manufacturing

334516 Refractometers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Resonance instruments (i.e., laboratory-type) manufacturing

334516 Sample analysis instruments (except medical) manufacturing

334516 Specific ion measuring instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Spectrofluorometers manufacturing

334516 Spectrographs manufacturing

334516 Spectrometers (e.g., electron diffraction, mass, NMR, Raman) manufacturing

334516 Spectrophotometers (e.g., atomic absorption, atomic emission, flame, fluorescence, infrared, Raman, visible) manufacturing

334516 Surface area analyzers manufacturing

334516 Thermal analysis instruments, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Thermal conductivity instruments and sensors manufacturing

334516 Thermogravimetric analyzers manufacturing

334516 Titrimeters manufacturing

334516 Turbidometers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

334516 Ultraviolet-type analytical instruments manufacturing

334517 Beta-ray irradiation equipment manufacturing

334517 Computerized axial tomography (CT/CAT) scanners manufacturing

334517 CT/CAT (computerized axial tomography) scanners manufacturing

334517 Fluoroscopes manufacturing

334517 Fluoroscopic X-ray apparatus and tubes manufacturing

334517 Gamma ray irradiation equipment manufacturing

334517 Generators, X-ray, manufacturing

334517 Irradiation apparatus and tubes (e.g., industrial, medical diagnostic, medical therapeutic, research, scientific), manufacturing

334517 Irradiation equipment manufacturing

334517 Lamps, X-ray, manufacturing

334517 Medical radiation therapy equipment manufacturing

334517 Nuclear irradiation equipment manufacturing

334517 Radium equipment manufacturing

334517 Therapeutic X-ray apparatus and tubes (e.g., medical, industrial, research) manufacturing

334517 Tubes, X-ray, manufacturing

334517 X-ray apparatus and tubes (e.g., control, industrial, medical, research) manufacturing

334517 X-ray generators manufacturing

334517 X-ray irradiation equipment manufacturing

334517 X-ray tubes manufacturing

334519 Abrasion testing machines manufacturing

334519 Accelerometers (except aerospace type) manufacturing

334519 Actinometers, meteorological, manufacturing

334519 Aircraft engine instruments manufacturing

334519 Alarm clocks manufacturing

334519 Alidades, surveying, manufacturing

334519 Appliance timers manufacturing

334519 Automotive emissions testing equipment manufacturing

334519 Barographs manufacturing

334519 Barometers manufacturing

334519 Ceilometers manufacturing

334519 Chains, surveyor's, manufacturing

334519 Chronographs manufacturing

334519 Chronometers manufacturing

334519 Clock materials and parts (except crystals) manufacturing

334519 Clock or watch springs, precision, made from purchased wire

334519 Clocks assembling

334519 Clocks assembling from purchased components

334519 Commercial timing mechanisms manufacturing

334519 Compasses, portable magnetic-type, manufacturing

334519 Count rate meters, nuclear radiation, manufacturing

334519 Dating devices and machines (except rubber stamps) manufacturing

334519 Detectors, scintillation, manufacturing

334519 Dosimetry devices manufacturing

334519 Drafting instruments manufacturing

334519 Dynamometers manufacturing

334519 Evaporation meters manufacturing

334519 Fatigue testing machines, industrial, mechanical, manufacturing

334519 Fire detector systems, nonelectric, manufacturing

334519 Fuel densitometers, aircraft engine, manufacturing

334519 Fuel mixture indicators, aircraft engine, manufacturing

334519 Fuel system instruments, aircraft, manufacturing

334519 Fuel totalizers, aircraft engine, manufacturing

334519 Galvanometers, geophysical, manufacturing

334519 Gas leak detectors manufacturing

334519 Geiger counters manufacturing

334519 Geophysical instruments manufacturing

334519 Hand stamps (e.g., date, time), timing mechanism operated, manufacturing

334519 Hardness testing equipment manufacturing

334519 Household-type timing mechanisms manufacturing

334519 Humidity instruments (except industrial process and air-conditioning type) manufacturing

334519 Hydrometers (except industrial process-type) manufacturing

334519 Hygrometers (except industrial process-type) manufacturing

334519 Hygrothermographs manufacturing

334519 Indicator testers, turntable, manufacturing

334519 Instrumentation for reactor controls, auxiliary, manufacturing

334519 Ion chambers manufacturing

334519 Kinematic test and measuring equipment manufacturing

334519 Leak detectors, water, manufacturing

334519 Level gauges, radiation-type, manufacturing

334519 Levels and tapes, surveying, manufacturing

334519 Lie detectors manufacturing

334519 Magnetometers manufacturing

334519 Mechanisms, clockwork operated device, manufacturing

334519 Metal detectors manufacturing

334519 Meteorologic tracking systems manufacturing

334519 Meteorological instruments manufacturing

334519 Modules for clocks and watches manufacturing

334519 Movements, watch or clock, manufacturing

334519 Nephoscopes manufacturing

334519 Nuclear instrument modules manufacturing

334519 Physical properties testing and inspection equipment manufacturing

334519 Pitometers manufacturing

334519 Polygraph machines manufacturing

334519 Pressure and vacuum indicators, aircraft engine, manufacturing

334519 Pressure transducers manufacturing

334519 Pulse analyzers, nuclear monitoring, manufacturing

334519 Pyrheliometers manufacturing

334519 RADIAC (radioactivity detection, identification, and computation) equipment manufacturing

334519 Radiation detection and monitoring instruments manufacturing

334519 Radioactivity detection, identification, and computation (RADIAC) equipment manufacturing

334519 Rain gauges manufacturing

334519 Rods, surveyor's, manufacturing

334519 Rules, slide, manufacturing

334519 Sample changers, nuclear radiation, manufacturing

334519 Scalers, nuclear radiation, manufacturing

334519 Scintillation detectors manufacturing

334519 Seismographs manufacturing

334519 Seismometers manufacturing

334519 Seismoscopes manufacturing

334519 Sextants, surveying, manufacturing

334519 Solarimeters manufacturing

334519 Spectrometers (e.g., liquid scintillation, nuclear) manufacturing

334519 Springs, clock and watch, made from purchased wire

334519 Surveying instruments manufacturing

334519 Tapes, surveyor's, manufacturing

334519 Templates, drafting, manufacturing

334519 Tensile strength testing equipment manufacturing

334519 Testers for checking hydraulic controls on aircraft manufacturing

334519 Testing equipment (e.g., abrasion, shearing strength, tensile strength, torsion) manufacturing

334519 Theodolites, surveying, manufacturing

334519 Thermocouples (except industrial process, aircraft type, glass vacuum) manufacturing

334519 Thermometer, liquid-in-glass and bimetal types (except medical), manufacturing

334519 Thickness gauging instruments, ultrasonic, manufacturing

334519 Thrust power indicators, aircraft engine, manufacturing

334519 Time clocks and time recording devices manufacturing

334519 Time locks manufacturing

334519 Time stamps containing clock mechanisms manufacturing

334519 Timers for industrial use, clockwork mechanism, manufacturing

334519 Timing mechanisms, clockwork, manufacturing

334519 Torsion testing equipment manufacturing

334519 Transducers, pressure, manufacturing

334519 Transits, surveying, manufacturing

334519 T-squares (drafting) manufacturing

334519 Ultrasonic testing equipment (except medical) manufacturing

334519 Vibration meters, analyzers, and calibrators, manufacturing

334519 Viscosimeters (except industrial process type) manufacturing

334519 Wall clocks manufacturing

334519 Watch jewels manufacturing

334519 Watchcase manufacturing

334519 Watches and parts (except crystals) manufacturing

334519 Water leak detectors manufacturing

334519 Weather tracking equipment manufacturing

334519 Whole body counters, nuclear, manufacturing

334519 Wind direction indicators manufacturing

334613 Audiotape, blank, manufacturing

334613 Blank tapes, audio and video, manufacturing

334613 Compact discs, recordable or rewritable, blank, manufacturing

334613 Computer software tapes and disks, blank, rigid and floppy, manufacturing

334613 Diskettes, blank, manufacturing

334613 Hard drive media manufacturing

334613 Head cleaners for magnetic tape equipment, manufacturing

334613 Magnetic and optical media, blank, manufacturing

334613 Magnetic recording media for tapes, cassettes, and disks, manufacturing

334613 Magnetic tapes, cassettes and disks, blank, manufacturing

334613 Tapes, magnetic recording (i.e., audio, data, video), blank, manufacturing

334613 Video cassettes, blank, manufacturing

334613 Video tapes, blank, manufacturing

334614 Cassette tapes, pre-recorded audio, mass reproducing

334614 CD-ROM, software, mass reproducing

334614 Compact discs (i.e., CD-ROM), software, mass reproducing

334614 Compact discs, prerecorded audio, mass reproducing

334614 Game cartridge software, mass reproducing

334614 Games, computer software, mass reproducing

334614 Laser disks, prerecorded video, mass reproducing

334614 Phonograph records manufacturing

334614 Prepackaged software, mass reproducing

334614 Pre-recorded magnetic audio tapes and cassettes mass reproducing

334614 Software, packaged, mass reproducing

334614 Video cassettes, pre-recorded, mass reproducing

334614 Video tape or disk mass reproducing

335110 Automotive light bulbs manufacturing

335110 Bulbs, electric light, complete, manufacturing

335110 Coating purchased light bulbs

335110 Cold cathode fluorescent lamp tubes manufacturing

335110 Compact fluorescent light bulbs manufacturing

335110 Decorative lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Electric lamp bulb parts (except glass blanks) manufacturing

335110 Electric lamps (i.e., light bulbs) manufacturing

335110 Electric light bulbs, complete, manufacturing

335110 Electrodes, cold cathode fluorescent lamp, manufacturing

335110 Electrotherapeutic lamp bulbs for ultraviolet and infrared radiation manufacturing

335110 Filaments for electric lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Flash bulbs, photographic, manufacturing

335110 Flashlight bulb manufacturing

335110 Fluorescent lamp tubes, electric, manufacturing

335110 Fluroescent lamp electrodes, cold cathode, manufacturing

335110 Glow lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Halogen light bulbs manufacturing

335110 Health lamp bulbs, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, manufacturing

335110 High intensity lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Incandescent filament lamp bulbs, complete, manufacturing

335110 Infrared lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Lamp bulb parts (except glass blanks), electric, manufacturing

335110 Lamp bulbs and tubes, electric (i.e., fluorescent, incandescent filament, vapor), manufacturing

335110 Lamp bulbs and tubes, health, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, manufacturing

335110 Lead-in wires, electric lamp, made from purchased wire

335110 Light bulbs manufacturing

335110 Light bulbs, sealed beam automotive, manufacturing

335110 Mercury halide lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Photoflash and photoflood lamp bulbs and tubes manufacturing

335110 Sealed beam automotive light bulbs manufacturing

335110 Sodium vapor lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Strobotrons manufacturing

335110 Ultraviolet lamp bulbs manufacturing

335110 Vapor lamps, electric, manufacturing

335110 X-mas tree light bulbs manufacturing

335121 Boudoir lamp fixtures manufacturing

335121 Ceiling lighting fixtures, residential, manufacturing

335121 Chandeliers, residential, manufacturing

335121 Decorative area lighting fixtures, residential, manufacturing

335121 Desk lamps, residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Floor lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures), residential, manufacturing

335121 Fluorescent lighting fixtures, residential, manufacturing

335121 Grow light fixtures, residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Lamp shades (except glass, plastics), residential, manufacturing

335121 Lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures), residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Lighting fixtures, residential electric, manufacturing

335121 Low voltage lighting equipment, residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Pendant lamps fixtures, residential electric, manufacturing

335121 Recessed lighting housings and trim, residential electric, manufacturing

335121 Shades, lamp (except glass, plastics), residential-type, manufacturing

335121 Solar lighting fixtures, residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Table lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures) manufacturing

335121 Track lighting fixtures and equipment, residential, electric, manufacturing

335121 Wall lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures), residential electric, manufacturing

335121 Yard Lights, residential electric, manufacturing

335122 Ceiling lighting fixtures, commercial, industrial, and institutional, manufacturing

335122 Chandeliers, commercial, industrial, and institutional electric, manufacturing

335122 Commercial lighting fixtures, electric, manufacturing

335122 Desk lamps, commercial, electric, manufacturing

335122 Emergency lighting (i.e., battery backup) manufacturing

335122 Fluorescent lighting fixtures, commercial, institutional, and industrial electric, manufacturing

335122 Grow light fixtures (except residential) manufacturing

335122 Illuminated indoor lighting fixtures (e.g., directional, exit) manufacturing

335122 Industrial lighting fixtures, electric, manufacturing

335122 Industrial mercury lighting fixtures, electric, manufacturing

335122 Institutional lighting fixtures, electric, manufacturing

335122 Lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures), commercial, industrial, and institutional, manufacturing

335122 Lighting fixtures, commercial electric, manufacturing

335122 Lighting fixtures, industrial electric, manufacturing

335122 Lighting fixtures, institutional electric, manufacturing

335122 Luminous panel ceilings, electric, manufacturing

335122 Pendant lamps (except residential), electric, manufacturing

335122 Recessed lighting housings and trim (except residential), electric, manufacturing

335122 Solar lighting fixtures (except residential), electric, manufacturing

335122 Wall lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures), commericial, institutional, and industrial electric, manufacturing

335129 Arc lighting fixtures (except electrotherapeutic), electric, manufacturing

335129 Area and sports luminaries (e.g., stadium lighting fixtures), electric, manufacturing

335129 Christmas tree lighting sets, electric, manufacturing

335129 Decorative area lighting fixtures (except residential) manufacturing

335129 Fireplace logs, electric, manufacturing

335129 Flashlights manufacturing

335129 Floodlights (i.e., lighting fixtures) manufacturing

335129 Flytraps, electrical, manufacturing

335129 Fountain lighting fixtures manufacturing

335129 Gas lighting fixtures manufacturing

335129 Infrared lamp fixtures manufacturing

335129 Insect lamps, electric, manufacturing

335129 Lamps, insect, electric fixture, manufacturing

335129 Lanterns (e.g., carbide, electric, gas, gasoline, kerosene) manufacturing

335129 Lighting fixtures, airport (e.g., approach, ramp, runway, taxi), manufacturing

335129 Lighting fixtures, nonelectric (e.g., propane, kerosene, carbide), manufacturing

335129 Miner's lamps manufacturing

335129 Ornaments, Christmas tree, electric, manufacturing

335129 Prewired poles, brackets, and accessories for electric lighting, manufacturing

335129 Reflectors for lighting equipment, metal, manufacturing

335129 Searchlights, electric and nonelectric, manufacturing

335129 Spotlights (except vehicular) manufacturing

335129 Stage lighting equipment manufacturing

335129 Street lighting fixtures (except traffic signals) manufacturing

335129 Swimming pool lighting fixtures manufacturing

335129 Trouble lights manufacturing

335129 Ultraviolet lamp fixtures manufacturing

335129 Underwater lighting fixtures manufacturing

335210 Air purification equipment, portable, manufacturing

335210 Bath fans with integral lighting fixture, residential, manufacturing

335210 Bath fans, residential, manufacturing

335210 Bedcoverings, electric, manufacturing

335210 Blankets, electric, manufacturing

335210 Blenders, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Blow dryers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Bottle warmers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Bread machines, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Can openers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Carpet and floor cleaning equipment, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Casseroles, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Ceiling fans with integral lighting fixture, residential, manufacturing

335210 Ceiling fans, residential, manufacturing

335210 Central vacuuming systems, household-type, manufacturing

335210 Chafing dishes, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Cleaners, household-type electric vacuum, manufacturing

335210 Coffee makers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Cooking appliances (except convection, microwave ovens), household-type electric portable, manufacturing

335210 Corn poppers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Crock pots, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Curling irons, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Deep-fat fryers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Dehumidifiers, portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Desk fans, electric, manufacturing

335210 Dry shavers (i.e., electric razors) manufacturing

335210 Egg cookers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Electric blankets manufacturing

335210 Electric comfort heating equipment, portable, manufacturing

335210 Electric space heaters, portable, manufacturing

335210 Electrically heated bed coverings manufacturing

335210 Fans (except attic), household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Fans, household-type kitchen, manufacturing

335210 Floor scrubbing and shampooing machines, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Floor standing fans, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Floor waxers and polishers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Food mixers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Fryers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Griddles and grills, household-type portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Hair clippers for human use, electric, manufacturing

335210 Hair curlers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Hair driers, electric (except equipment designed for beauty parlor use), manufacturing

335210 Hassock fans, electric, manufacturing

335210 Heaters, portable electric space, manufacturing

335210 Heaters, tape, manufacturing

335210 Heating pads, electric, manufacturing

335210 Heating units for electric appliances manufacturing

335210 Hoods, range, household-type, manufacturing

335210 Hotplates, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Humidifiers, portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Ice crushers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Immersion heaters, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Irons, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Juice extractors, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Knives, household-type electric carving, manufacturing

335210 Massage machines, electric (except designed for beauty and barber shop use), manufacturing

335210 Ovens, portable household-type (except microwave and convection ovens), manufacturing

335210 Percolators, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Popcorn poppers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Portable cooking appliances (except convection, microwave ovens), household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Portable electric space heaters manufacturing

335210 Portable hair dryers, electric, manufacturing

335210 Portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers manufacturing

335210 Radiators, portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Range hoods with integral lighting fixtures, household-type, manufacturing

335210 Range hoods, household-type, manufacturing

335210 Razors, electric, manufacturing

335210 Roasters (i.e., cooking appliances), household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Room heaters, portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Sandwich toasters and grills, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Sauna heaters, electric, manufacturing

335210 Scissors, electric, manufacturing

335210 Shoe polishers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Steam cookers, household-type, manufacturing

335210 Sweepers, household-type electric vacuum, manufacturing

335210 Teakettles, electric, manufacturing

335210 Toaster ovens, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Toasters, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Toothbrushes, electric, manufacturing

335210 Trouser pressers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Unit heaters, portable electric, manufacturing

335210 Urns, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Vacuum cleaners (e.g., canister, handheld, upright) household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Vacuum cleaners and sweepers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Vaporizers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Ventilating kitchen fans, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Ventilation and exhaust fans (except attic fans), household-type, manufacturing

335210 Waffle irons, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Warming trays, electric, manufacturing

335210 Water pulsating devices, household-type electric, manufacturing

335210 Whippers, household-type electric, manufacturing

335221 Barbecues, grills, and braziers manufacturing

335221 Braziers, barbecue, manufacturing

335221 Convection ovens (including portable), household-type, manufacturing

335221 Gas ranges, household-type, manufacturing

335221 Microwave ovens (including portable), household-type, manufacturing

335221 Ovens, freestanding household-type, manufacturing

335221 Ovens, portable household-type convection and microwave, manufacturing

335221 Ranges, household-type cooking, manufacturing

335221 Stoves, ceramic disk element, household-type, manufacturing

335221 Stoves, household-type cooking, manufacturing

335222 Freezers, chest and upright household-type, manufacturing

335222 Ice boxes, household-type, manufacturing

335222 Refrigerator/freezer combinations, household-type, manufacturing

335222 Refrigerators (e.g., absorption, mechanical), household-type, manufacturing

335224 Drycleaning and laundry machines, household-type, manufacturing

335224 Dryers, clothes, household-type, gas and electric, manufacturing

335224 Dryers, household-type laundry, manufacturing

335224 Ironers and mangles, household-type (except portable irons), manufacturing

335224 Laundry equipment (e.g., dryers, washers), household-type, manufacturing

335224 Washing machines, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Dishwashers, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Dishwashing machines, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Food waste disposal units, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Garbage disposal units, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Hot water heaters (including nonelectric), household-type, manufacturing

335228 Trash and garbage compactors, household-type, manufacturing

335228 Water heaters (including nonelectric), household-type, manufacturing

335311 Airport lighting transformers manufacturing

335311 Arc-welding transformers, separate solid-state, manufacturing

335311 Autotransformers for switchboards (except telephone switchboards) manufacturing

335311 Autotransformers manufacturing

335311 Ballasts (i.e., transformers) manufacturing

335311 Boosters, feeder voltage (i.e., electrical transformers), manufacturing

335311 Burner ignition transformers manufacturing

335311 Control transformers manufacturing

335311 Current limiting reactors, electrical, manufacturing

335311 Distribution transformers, electric, manufacturing

335311 Electric furnace transformers manufacturing

335311 Feeder voltage regulators and boosters (i.e., electrical transformers) manufacturing

335311 Fluorescent ballasts (i.e., transformers) manufacturing

335311 Fluorescent lighting transformers manufacturing

335311 Generator voltage regulators, electric induction and step-type (except engine electrical equipment), manufacturing

335311 Instrument transformers (except complete instruments) for metering or protective relaying use manufacturing

335311 Isolation transformers manufacturing

335311 Lamp ballasts manufacturing

335311 Lighting transformers manufacturing

335311 Lighting transformers, street and airport, manufacturing

335311 Line voltage regulators (i.e., electric transformers) manufacturing

335311 Luminous tube transformers manufacturing

335311 Machine tool transformers manufacturing

335311 Power transformers, electric, manufacturing

335311 Regulating transformers, power system-type, manufacturing

335311 Regulators (i.e., electric transformers), feeder voltage, manufacturing

335311 Saturable transformers manufacturing

335311 Signaling transformers, electric, manufacturing

335311 Specialty transformers, electric, manufacturing

335311 Substation transformers, electric power distribution, manufacturing

335311 Transformers, electric power, manufacturing

335311 Transformers, ignition, for use on domestic fuel burners, manufacturing

335311 Transformers, reactor, manufacturing

335311 Transformers, separate solid-state arc-welding, manufacturing

335311 Transmission and distribution voltage regulators manufacturing

335311 Voltage regulating transformers, electric power, manufacturing

335311 Voltage regulators, transmission and distribution, manufacturing

335312 Armature rewinding on a factory basis

335312 Armatures, industrial, manufacturing

335312 Coils for motors and generators manufacturing

335312 Collector rings for motors and generators manufacturing

335312 Commutators, electric motor, manufacturing

335312 Condensers, synchronous, electric, manufacturing

335312 Converters, phase and rotary, electrical equipment, manufacturing

335312 Dynamos, electric (except automotive), manufacturing

335312 Dynamotors manufacturing

335312 Exciter assemblies, motor and generator, manufacturing

335312 Fractional horsepower electric motors manufacturing

335312 Frequency converters (i.e., electric generators) manufacturing

335312 Generating apparatus and parts, electrical (except internal combustion engine and welding), manufacturing

335312 Generator sets, prime mover (except turbine generator sets), manufacturing

335312 Generators and sets, electric (except internal combustion engine, welding, turbine generator sets), manufacturing

335312 Generators for gas-electric and oil-electric vehicles, manufacturing

335312 Generators for storage battery chargers (except internal combustion engine and aircraft) manufacturing

335312 Integral horsepower electric motors manufacturing

335312 Inverters, rotating electrical, manufacturing

335312 Land transportation motors and generators manufacturing

335312 Motor generator sets (except automotive, turbine generator sets) manufacturing

335312 Motors, electric (except engine starting motors, gearmotors, outboard), manufacturing

335312 Phase converters (i.e., electrical equipment) manufacturing

335312 Power generators manufacturing

335312 Prime mover generator sets (except turbine generator sets) manufacturing

335312 Railway motors and control equipment, electric, manufacturing

335312 Resolvers manufacturing

335312 Rotor retainers and housings manufacturing

335312 Rotors (i.e., for motors) manufacturing

335312 Servomotors manufacturing

335312 Slip rings for motors and generators manufacturing

335312 Stators for motors manufacturing

335312 Storage battery chargers (except internal combustion engine-type) manufacturing

335312 Synchronous condensers and timing motors, electric, manufacturing

335312 Synchronous motors manufacturing

335312 Timing motors, synchronous, electric, manufacturing

335312 Torque motors, electric, manufacturing

335313 Air circuit breakers manufacturing

335313 Bus bar structures, switchgear-type, manufacturing

335313 Circuit breakers, air, manufacturing

335313 Circuit breakers, power, manufacturing

335313 Connectors, power, manufacturing

335313 Control panels, electric power distribution, manufacturing

335313 Cubicles (i.e., electric switchboard equipment) manufacturing

335313 Distribution boards, electric, manufacturing

335313 Distribution cutouts manufacturing

335313 Ducts for electrical switchboard apparatus manufacturing

335313 Fuse clips and blocks, electric, manufacturing

335313 Fuse mountings, electric power, manufacturing

335313 Fuses, electrical, manufacturing

335313 Generator control and metering panels, switchgear-type, manufacturing

335313 Knife switches, electric power switchgear-type, manufacturing

335313 Metering panels, electric, manufacturing

335313 Panelboards, electric power distribution, manufacturing

335313 Panels, generator control and metering, manufacturing

335313 Power circuit breakers manufacturing

335313 Power connectors manufacturing

335313 Power fuses (i.e., 600 volts and over) manufacturing

335313 Power switchboards manufacturing

335313 Power switching equipment manufacturing

335313 Regulators, power, manufacturing

335313 Switchboards and parts, power, manufacturing

335313 Switches, electric power (except pushbotton, snap, solenoid, tumbler), manufacturing

335313 Switchgear and switchgear accessories manufacturing

335313 Switching equipment, power, manufacturing

335313 Time switches, electrical switchgear apparatus, manufacturing

335314 Armature relays manufacturing

335314 Brakes and clutches, electromagnetic, manufacturing

335314 Brakes, electromagnetic, manufacturing

335314 Control circuit devices, magnet and solid-state, manufacturing

335314 Control circuit relays, industrial, manufacturing

335314 Control equipment, electric, manufacturing

335314 Controls and control accessories, industrial, manufacturing

335314 Controls for adjustable speed drives manufacturing

335314 Crane and hoist controls, including metal mill, manufacturing

335314 Flow actuated electrical switches manufacturing

335314 Industrial controls (e.g., push button, selector, and pilot switches, manufacturing

335314 Marine and navy auxiliary controls, manufacturing

335314 Motor control accessories (including overload relays) manufacturing

335314 Motor control centers, manufacturing

335314 Motor controls, electric, manufacturing

335314 Motor starters, contractors, and controllers, industrial, manufacturing

335314 Numerical controls, manufacturing

335314 Relays, electrical and electronic, manufacturing

335314 Rheostats, industrial control, manufacturing

335314 Solenoid switches, industrial, manufacturing

335314 Timing devices, mechanical and solid-state (except clockwork), manufacturing

335314 Vacuum relays manufacturing

335911 Alkaline cell storage batteries (i.e., nickel-cadmium, nickel-iron, silver oxide-zinc) manufacturing

335911 Automobile storage batteries manufacturing

335911 Batteries, rechargeable, manufacturing

335911 Batteries, storage, manufacturing

335911 Lead acid storage batteries manufacturing

335911 Marine storage batteries manufacturing

335911 Nickel cadmium storage batteries manufacturing

335911 Rechargeable battery packs made from purchased battery cells and housings

335911 Rechargeable nickel cadmium (NICAD) batteries manufacturing

335911 Storage batteries manufacturing

335912 Alkaline cell primary batteries manufacturing

335912 Alkaline manganese primary batteries manufacturing

335912 Batteries, primary, dry or wet, manufacturing

335912 Button cells, primary batteries, manufacturing

335912 Disposable flashlight batteries manufacturing

335912 Dry cell primary batteries, single and multiple cell, manufacturing

335912 Dry cells, primary (e.g., AAA, AA, C, D, 9V), manufacturing

335912 Flashlight batteries, disposable, manufacturing

335912 Lithium batteries, primary, manufacturing

335912 Mercuric oxide batteries manufacturing

335912 Primary batteries manufacturing

335912 Transistor radio batteries manufacturing

335912 Watch batteries manufacturing

335912 Zinc carbon batteries manufacturing

335921 Fiber optic cable made from purchased fiber optic strand

335929 Cable, nonferrous, insulated, or armored, made from purchased nonferrous wire

335929 Coaxial cable, nonferrous, made from purchased nonferrous wire

335929 Communications wire and cable, nonferrous, made from purchased nonferrous wire

335929 Insulating purchased nonferrous wire

335931 Arrestors and coils, lighting, manufacturing

335931 Automotive electrical switches manufacturing

335931 Bus bars, electrical conductors (except switchgear-type), manufacturing

335931 Caps and plugs, attachment, electric, manufacturing

335931 Conductor connectors, solderless connectors, sleeves, or soldering lugs, manufacturing

335931 Connectors and terminals for electrical devices manufacturing

335931 Connectors, electric cord, manufacturing

335931 Connectors, solderless (wiring devices), manufacturing

335931 Connectors, twist on wire (i.e., nuts), manufacturing

335931 Contacts, electrical (except carbon and graphite), manufacturing

335931 Convenience outlets, electric, manufacturing

335931 Cord connectors, electric, manufacturing

335931 Current taps, attachment plug and screw shell types, manufacturing

335931 Cutouts, switch and fuse, manufacturing

335931 Dimmer switches, outlet box mounting-type, manufacturing

335931 Duplex receptacles, electrical, manufacturing

335931 Fuse cutouts manufacturing

335931 GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupters) manufacturing

335931 Ground clamps (i.e., electric wiring devices) manufacturing

335931 Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) manufacturing

335931 Lamp holders manufacturing

335931 Lamp sockets and receptacles (i.e., electric wiring devices) manufacturing

335931 Lightning arrestors and coils manufacturing

335931 Lightning protection equipment manufacturing

335931 Lugs and connectors, electrical, manufacturing

335931 Outlets (i.e., receptacles), electrical, manufacturing

335931 Outlets, convenience, electrical, manufacturing

335931 Plugs, electric cord, manufacturing

335931 Rail bonds, propulsion and signal circuit electric, manufacturing

335931 Receptacles (i.e., outlets), electrical, manufacturing

335931 Rheostats (i.e., dimmer switches), current carrying wiring device, manufacturing

335931 Snap switches (i.e., electric wiring devices) manufacturing

335931 Sockets, electric, manufacturing

335931 Solderless connectors (electric wiring devices) manufacturing

335931 Switch cutouts manufacturing

335931 Switches for electrical wiring (e.g., pressure, pushbutton, snap, tumbler) manufacturing

335931 Switches, outlet box mounting-type, manufacturing

335931 Taps, current, attachment plug and screw shell types, manufacturing

335931 Terminals and connectors for electrical devices manufacturing

335932 Boxes, electrical wiring (e.g., junction, outlet, switch), manufacturing

335932 Conduits and fittings, electrical, manufacturing

335932 Electrical metallic tube (EMTs) manufacturing

335932 EMTs (electrical metallic tube) manufacturing

335932 Face plates (i.e., outlet or switch covers) manufacturing

335932 Hardware, transmission pole and line, manufacturing

335932 Insulators, electrical (except glass, porcelain), manufacturing

335932 Junction boxes, electrical wiring, manufacturing

335932 Outlet boxes, electrical wiring, manufacturing

335932 Plates (i.e., outlet or switch covers), face, manufacturing

335932 Raceways manufacturing

335932 Switch boxes, electrical wiring, manufacturing

335932 Transmission pole and line hardware manufacturing

335991 Brush blocks, carbon or molded graphite, manufacturing

335991 Brushes and brush stock contacts, electric, carbon and graphite, manufacturing

335991 Brushplates, carbon or graphite, manufacturing

335991 Carbon electrodes and contacts, electric, manufacturing

335991 Carbon specialties for aerospace use (except gaskets) manufacturing

335991 Carbon specialties for electrical use manufacturing

335991 Carbon specialties for mechanical use (except gaskets) manufacturing

335991 Carbons, electric, manufacturing

335991 Carbons, lighting, manufacturing

335991 Contacts, electrical, carbon and graphite, manufacturing

335991 Electrodes for thermal and electrolytic uses, carbon and graphite, manufacturing

335991 Fibers, carbon and graphite, manufacturing

335991 Graphite electrodes and contacts, electric, manufacturing

335991 Graphite specialties for aerospace use (except gaskets) manufacturing

335991 Graphite specialties for electrical use manufacturing

335991 Graphite specialties for mechanical use (except gaskets) manufacturing

335991 Heat shields, carbon or graphite, manufacturing

335991 Lighting carbons manufacturing

335991 Metal-graphite product manufacturing

335999 Amplifiers, magnetic, pulse, and maser, manufacturing

335999 Appliance cords made from purchased insulated wire

335999 Atom smashers (i.e., particle accelerators) manufacturing

335999 Battery chargers, solid-state, manufacturing

335999 Bells, electric, manufacturing

335999 Betatrons manufacturing

335999 Capacitors (except electronic), fixed and variable, manufacturing

335999 Cathodic protection equipment manufacturing

335999 Chimes, electric, manufacturing

335999 Cleaning equipment, ultrasonic (except dental, medical), manufacturing

335999 Condensers (except electronic), fixed and variable, manufacturing

335999 Cyclotrons manufacturing

335999 Door opening and closing devices, electrical, manufacturing

335999 Electric bells manufacturing

335999 Electric fence chargers manufacturing

335999 Electrochemical generators (i.e., fuel cells) manufacturing

335999 Electron linear accelerators manufacturing

335999 Electrostatic particle accelerators manufacturing

335999 Extension cords made from purchased insulated wire

335999 Fuel cells, electrochemical generators, manufacturing

335999 Garage door openers manufacturing

335999 Gongs, electric, manufacturing

335999 Inverters, solid-state, manufacturing

335999 Linear accelerators manufacturing

335999 Maser (i.e., microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) amplifiers manufacturing

335999 Mercury arc rectifiers (i.e., electrical apparatus) manufacturing

335999 Particle accelerators, high voltage, manufacturing

335999 Photovoltaic panels made from purchased cells

335999 Power converter units (i.e., AC to DC), static, manufacturing

335999 Power supplies, regulated and unregulated, manufacturing

335999 Rectifiers (except electronic component type, semiconductor) manufacturing

335999 Semiconductor battery chargers manufacturing

335999 Semiconductor high-voltage power supplies manufacturing

335999 Series capacitors (except electronic) manufacturing

335999 Surge suppressors manufacturing

335999 Thermoelectric generators manufacturing

335999 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment (except dental, medical) manufacturing

335999 Ultrasonic generators sold separately for inclusion in tools and equipment manufacturing

335999 Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) manufacturing

335999 UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) manufacturing

336111 Assembly plants, passenger car, on chassis of own manufacture

336111 Automobiles assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336111 Cars, electric, for highway use, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336111 Chassis, automobile, manufacturing

336111 Electric automobiles for highway use manufacturing

336111 Hearses assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Assembly plants, light trucks on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Assembly plants, mini-vans on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Assembly plants, sport utility vehicles on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Cab and chassis, light trucks and vans, manufacturing

336112 Chassis, light truck and utility, manufacturing

336112 Light utility trucks assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Minivans assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Motor homes, self-contained, mounted on light duty truck chassis of own manufacture

336112 Pick-up trucks, light duty, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Sport utility vehicles assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Trucks, light duty, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336112 Vans, commercial and passenger light duty, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Assembly plants, heavy trucks, and buses on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Buses (except trackless trolley) assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Chassis, heavy truck, with or without cabs, manufacturing

336120 Garbage trucks assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Heavy trucks assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Highway tractors assembled on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Motor homes, self-contained, mounted on heavy truck chassis of own manufacture

336120 Special purpose highway vehicles (e.g., firefighting vehicles) assembling on heavy chassis of own manufacture

336120 Tractors, truck for highway use, assembled on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Truck tractors for highway use, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336120 Trucks, heavy, assembling on chassis of own manufacture

336211 Ambulance bodies manufacturing

336211 Ambulances assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Automobile bodies, passenger car, manufacturing

336211 Automobile wrecker truck bodies manufacturing

336211 Automobile wreckers assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Boxes, truck (e.g., cargo, dump, utility, van), assembled on purchased chassis

336211 Bus bodies assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Bus bodies manufacturing

336211 Car bodies, kit, manufacturing

336211 Dump-truck lifting mechanisms manufacturing

336211 Fifth wheel assemblies manufacturing

336211 Garbage truck bodies manufacturing

336211 Garbage trucks assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Hearse bodies manufacturing

336211 Hearses assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Heavy trucks assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Highway tractors assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Kit car bodies manufacturing

336211 Ready-mix concrete trucks assembling on purchased chassis

336211 School buses assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Special purpose highway vehicle (e.g., firefighting vehicles) assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Special purpose highway vehicle (e.g., firefighting vehicles) bodies manufacturing

336211 Stretch limousines assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Tank bodies for trucks manufacturing

336211 Tank trucks (e.g., fuel oil, milk, water) assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Tow trucks (including tilt and load) assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Truck bodies and cabs manufacturing

336211 Truck bodies assembling on purchased chassis

336211 Truck tractors for highway use, assembling on purchased chassis

336212 Automobile transporter trailers, multi-car, manufacturing

336212 Boat transporter trailers, multi-unit, manufacturing

336212 Demountable cargo containers manufacturing

336212 Dump trailer manufacturing

336212 Flatbed trailers, commercial, manufacturing

336212 Horse trailers, fifth-wheel-type, manufacturing

336212 Logging trailers manufacturing

336212 Semi-trailer manufacturing

336212 Tank trailer, liquid and dry bulk, manufacturing

336212 Trailers, fifth-wheel type, for transporting horses, manufacturing

336212 Truck trailer manufacturing

336213 Assembly line conversions of purchased vans and mini-vans

336213 Motor homes, self-contained, assembling on purchased chassis

336213 Van and minivan conversions on purchased chassis

336214 Automobile transporter trailers, single car, manufacturing

336214 Boat transporter trailers, single-unit, manufacturing

336214 Camper units, slide-in, for pick-up trucks, manufacturing

336214 Camping trailers and chassis manufacturing

336214 Caps for pick-up trucks manufacturing

336214 Horse trailers (except fifth-wheel-type) manufacturing

336214 Pickup canopies, caps, or covers manufacturing

336214 Tent trailers (hard top and soft top) manufacturing

336214 Trailers for transporting horses (except fifth-wheel-type) manufacturing

336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing

336214 Travel trailers, recreational, manufacturing

336214 Truck campers (i.e., slide-in campers) manufacturing

336214 Utility trailers manufacturing

336310 Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines

336310 Bearings (e.g., camshaft, crankshaft, connecting rod), automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Carburetors, all types, manufacturing

336310 Connecting rods, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Crankshaft assemblies, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Cylinder heads, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Engine block assemblies, automotive and truck gasoline, manufacturing

336310 Engine intake and exhaust valves manufacturing

336310 Engines and parts (except diesel), automotive and truck, manufacturing

336310 Flywheels and ring gears, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Fuel injection systems and parts, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Fuel pumps, mechanical, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Gasoline engine parts, mechanical, automotive and truck, manufacturing

336310 Gasoline engines, automotive and truck, manufacturing

336310 Governors for automotive gasoline engines manufacturing

336310 Internal combustion engines, automotive and truck gasoline, manufacturing

336310 Manifolds (i.e., intake and exhaust), automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Pistons and piston rings manufacturing

336310 Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valves, engine, manufacturing

336310 Pumps (e.g., fuel, oil, water), mechanical, automotive and truck gasoline engine (except power steering), manufacturing

336310 Rebuilding automotive and truck gasoline engines

336310 Rings, piston, manufacturing

336310 Rocker arms and parts, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Timing gears and chains, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing

336310 Valves, engine, intake and exhaust, manufacturing

336320 Aircraft lighting fixtures manufacturing

336320 Alternators and generators for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Automotive harness and ignition sets manufacturing

336320 Automotive lighting fixtures manufacturing

336320 Boat and ship lighting fixtures manufacturing

336320 Coils, ignition, internal combustion engines, manufacturing

336320 Cruise control mechanisms, electronic, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Distributor cap and rotor for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Distributors for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Electrical ignition cable sets for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Fans, electric cooling, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Fuel pumps, electric, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Generating apparatus and parts for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Generators for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Ignition points and condensers for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Ignition wiring harness for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Instrument control panels (i.e., assembling purchased gauges), automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Keyless entry systems, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Locomotive and railroad car light fixtures manufacturing

336320 Motors, starter, for internal combustion engines, manufacturing

336320 Power window and door lock systems, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Regulators, motor vehicle voltage for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Spark plugs for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Spotlights, vehicular, manufacturing

336320 Starter and starter parts for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Vehicular lighting fixtures manufacturing

336320 Voltage regulators for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336320 Windshield washer pumps, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Windshield wiper systems, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336320 Wiring harness and ignition sets for internal combustion engines manufacturing

336330 Automotive, truck and bus steering assemblies and parts manufacturing

336330 Automotive, truck and bus suspension assemblies and parts (except springs) manufacturing

336330 Power steering hose assemblies manufacturing

336330 Power steering pumps manufacturing

336330 Rack and pinion steering assemblies manufacturing

336330 Shock absorbers, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336330 Steering boxes, manual and power assist, manufacturing

336330 Steering columns, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336330 Steering wheels, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336330 Struts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336330 Wheels, steering, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Air brake systems and parts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake and brake parts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake caliper assemblies, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake cylinders, master and wheel, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake discs (rotor), automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake drums, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake hose assemblies manufacturing

336340 Brake pads and shoes, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Brake shoes and pads, asbestos, manufacturing

336340 Calipers, brake, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336340 Cylinders, master brake (new and rebuilt), manufacturing

336340 Hydraulic slave cylinders, automotive, truck, and bus clutch, manufacturing

336340 Vacuum brake booster, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Assembly line rebuilding of automotive, truck, and bus transmissions

336350 Automatic transmissions, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Axle bearings, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Clutches and clutch discs, asbestos, manufacturing

336350 Constant velocity joints, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Differential and rear axle assemblies, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Drive shafts and half shafts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Gears (e.g., crown, pinion, spider), automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Joints, universal, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Pressure and clutch plate assemblies, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Scattershield, engine, manufacturing

336350 Torque converters, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Transaxles, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Transmissions and parts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336350 Universal joints, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336360 Aircraft seats manufacturing

336360 Automobile seat covers manufacturing

336360 Automobile seat frames, metal, manufacturing

336360 Automobile trimmings, textile, manufacturing

336360 Motor vehicle interior systems (e.g., headliners, panels, seats, trims) manufacturing

336360 Motor vehicle seats manufacturing

336360 Motor vehicle seats, metal framed, manufacturing

336360 Motor vehicle trimmings manufacturing

336360 Railroad seating manufacturing

336360 Seat belts, motor vehicle and aircraft, manufacturing

336360 Seats for public conveyances, manufacturing

336360 Seats, railroad, manufacturing

336360 Tire covers made from purchased fabric

336360 Transportation equipment seating manufacturing

336370 Job stampings, automotive, metal, manufacturing

336370 Metal motor vehicle body parts stamping

336370 Moldings and trim, motor vehicle, stamping

336370 Motor vehicle metal bumper stampings

336370 Motor vehicle metal parts stamping

336370 Motor vehicle metal stampings (e.g., body parts, fenders, hub caps, tops, trim) manufacturing

336370 Stamping metal motor vehicle body parts

336370 Stamping metal motor vehicle moldings and trims

336390 Air bag assemblies manufacturing

336390 Air filters, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Air-conditioners, motor vehicle, manufacturing

336390 Automotive mirrors, framed, manufacturing

336390 Bumpers and bumperettes assembled, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Catalytic converters, engine exhaust, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Compressors, motor vehicle air-conditioning, manufacturing

336390 Convertible tops for automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Exhaust and tail pipes, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Exhaust systems and parts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Filters (e.g., air, engine oil, fuel) automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Gas tanks assembled, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Hitches, trailer, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Luggage racks, car top, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Mufflers and resonators, automotive, truck, and buses manufacturing

336390 Oil filters, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Racks (e.g., bicycle, luggage, ski, tire), automotive, truck, and buses manufacturing

336390 Radiators and cores manufacturing

336390 Rims, automotive, truck, and bus wheel, manufacturing

336390 Sunroofs and parts, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Tops, convertible automotive, manufacturing

336390 Towing bars and systems manufacturing

336390 Trailer hitches, motor vehicle, manufacturing

336390 Transmission coolers manufacturing

336390 Wheels (i.e., rims), automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336390 Windshield wiper blades and refills manufacturing

336390 Wipers, windshield, automotive, truck, and bus, manufacturing

336411 Aircraft conversions (i.e., major modifications to system)

336411 Aircraft manufacturing

336411 Aircraft overhauling

336411 Aircraft rebuilding (i.e., restoration to original design specifications)

336411 Autogiros manufacturing

336411 Blimps (i.e., aircraft) manufacturing

336411 Developing and producing prototypes for aircraft

336411 Gliders (i.e., aircraft) manufacturing

336411 Hang gliders manufacturing

336411 Helicopters manufacturing

336411 Target drones, aircraft, manufacturing

336411 Ultra light aircraft manufacturing

336412 Aircraft engine and engine parts (except carburetors, pistons, piston rings, valves) manufacturing

336412 Aircraft engine overhauling

336412 Aircraft engine rebuilding

336412 Aircraft turbines manufacturing

336412 Developing and producing prototypes for aircraft engines and engine parts

336412 Engines and engine parts, aircraft (except carburetors, pistons, piston rings, valves), manufacturing

336412 Gas turbines, aircraft, manufacturing

336412 Gasoline engine parts (except carburetors, pistons, piston rings, valves), aircraft, manufacturing

336412 Gasoline engines, aircraft, manufacturing

336412 Internal combustion engines, aircraft, manufacturing

336412 Jet propulsion and internal combustion engines and parts, aircraft, manufacturing

336412 Rocket engines, aircraft, manufacturing

336413 Aircraft assemblies, subassemblies, and parts (except engines) manufacturing

336413 Aircraft auxiliary parts (e.g., crop dusting, external fuel tanks, inflight refueling equipment) manufacturing

336413 Aircraft brakes manufacturing

336413 Aircraft control surface assemblies manufacturing

336413 Aircraft fuselage wing tail and similar assemblies manufacturing

336413 Aircraft propellers and parts manufacturing

336413 Aircraft wheels manufacturing

336413 Airframe assemblies (except for guided missiles) manufacturing

336413 Developing and producing prototypes for aircraft parts (except engines) and auxiliary equipment

336413 Joints, universal, aircraft, manufacturing

336413 Targets, trailer type, aircraft, manufacturing

336413 Tow targets, aircraft, manufacturing

336413 Universal joints, aircraft, manufacturing

336414 Developing and producing prototypes for complete guided missiles and space vehicles

336414 Guided missile and space vehicle manufacturing

336414 Guided missiles, complete, assembling

336414 Rockets (guided missiles), space and military, complete, manufacturing

336414 Space vehicles, complete, manufacturing

336415 Developing and producing prototypes for guided missile and space vehicle engines

336415 Guided missile and space vehicle engine manufacturing

336415 Propulsion units and parts, guided missile and space vehicle, manufacturing

336415 Rocket engines, guided missile, manufacturing

336419 Airframe assemblies for guided missiles manufacturing

336419 Developing and producing prototypes for guided missile and space vehicle components

336419 Guided missile and space vehicle parts (except engines) manufacturing

336419 Space capsules manufacturing

336510 Brakes and parts for railroad rolling stock manufacturing

336510 Buses, trackless trolley, manufacturing

336510 Industrial locomotives and parts manufacturing

336510 Light rail cars and equipment manufacturing

336510 Locomotives manufacturing

336510 Locomotives rebuilding

336510 Lubrication systems, locomotive (except pumps), manufacturing

336510 Mining locomotives and parts manufacturing

336510 Rail laying and tamping equipment manufacturing

336510 Railroad cars and car equipment manufacturing

336510 Railroad cars, self-propelled, manufacturing

336510 Railroad locomotives and parts (except diesel engines) manufacturing

336510 Railroad rolling stock manufacturing

336510 Rapid transit cars and equipment manufacturing

336510 Rolling stock, railroad, rebuilding

336510 Streetcars and car equipment, urban transit, manufacturing

336510 Subway cars manufacturing

336611 Barge building

336611 Cargo ship building

336611 Container ship building

336611 Dredge building

336611 Drilling and production platforms, floating, oil and gas, building

336611 Drydock, floating, building

336611 Ferryboat building

336611 Fireboat building

336611 Fishing boat, commercial, building

336611 Hydrofoil vessel building and repairing in shipyard

336611 Naval ship building

336611 Oil and gas offshore floating platforms manufacturing

336611 Passenger ship building

336611 Patrol boat building

336611 Sailing ships, commercial, manufacturing

336611 Ship dismantling at shipyards

336611 Ship repair done in a shipyard

336611 Ship scaling services done at a shipyard

336611 Ships (i.e., not suitable or intended for personal use) manufacturing

336611 Shipyard (i.e., facility capable of building ships)

336611 Submarine building

336611 Towboat building and repairing

336611 Tugboat building

336611 Yachts built in shipyards

336612 Air boat building

336612 Boat yards (i.e., boat manufacturing facilities)

336612 Boats (i.e., suitable or intended for personal use) manufacturing

336612 Boats, inflatable plastics (except toy-type), manufacturing

336612 Cabin cruiser

336612 Dories building

336612 Hovercraft building

336612 Inflatable plastic boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing

336612 Inflatable rubber boats, heavy-duty, manufacturing

336612 Motorboat, inboard or outboard, building

336612 Pleasure boats manufacturing

336612 Rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) manufacturing

336612 Rowboats manufacturing

336612 Sailboat building, not done in shipyards

336612 Underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) manufacturing

336612 Yacht building, not done in shipyards

336991 Bicycles and parts manufacturing

336991 Mopeds and parts manufacturing

336991 Motor scooters manufacturing

336991 Motorcycles and parts manufacturing

336991 Tricycles, metal, adult and children's, manufacturing

336991 Vehicle, children's, metal manufacturing

336992 Armored military vehicles (except tanks) and parts manufacturing

336992 Tanks, military (including factory rebuilding), manufacturing

336992 Weapons, self-propelled, manufacturing

336999 All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), wheeled or tracked, manufacturing

336999 Animal-drawn vehicles and parts manufacturing

336999 Food (vendor) carts on wheels manufacturing

336999 Gocarts (except children's) manufacturing

336999 Golf carts and similar motorized passenger carriers manufacturing

336999 Golf carts, powered, manufacturing

336999 Off-highway tracked vehicles (except construction, armored military) manufacturing

336999 Off-road all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), wheeled or tracked, manufacturing

336999 Personal watercraft manufacturing

336999 Race cars manufacturing

336999 Snowmobiles and parts manufacturing

337110 Bathroom vanities (except freestanding), stock or custom wood, manufacturing

337110 Cabinets, kitchen (except freestanding), stock or custom wood, manufacturing

337110 Countertops (i.e., kitchen, bathroom), wood or plastics laminated on wood, manufacturing

337110 Countertops, wood, manufacturing

337110 Drainboards, wood or plastics laminated on wood, manufacturing

337110 Kitchen cabinets (except freestanding), stock or custom wood, manufacturing

337110 Medicine cabinets (except freestanding), wood household-type, manufacturing

337110 Plastics laminated over particleboard (e.g., fixture tops) manufacturing

337110 Vanities (except freestanding), stock or custom wood, manufacturing

337110 Vanity tops, wood or plastics laminated on wood, manufacturing

337121 Chair and couch springs, assembled, manufacturing

337121 Chairs, upholstered household-type (except dining room, kitchen), manufacturing

337121 Convertible sofas (except futons) manufacturing

337121 Cot springs, assembled, manufacturing

337121 Couch springs, assembled, manufacturing

337121 Couches, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Cushion springs, assembled, manufacturing

337121 Furniture, household-type, upholstered on frames of any material, manufacturing

337121 Household-type furniture, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Juvenile furniture, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Living room furniture, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Metal framed furniture, household-type, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Ottomans, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Recliners, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Rockers, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Sofa beds and chair beds, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Sofas, convertible (except futons), manufacturing

337121 Sofas, upholstered, manufacturing

337121 Upholstered furniture, household-type, custom, manufacturing

337121 Upholstered furniture, household-type, on frames of any material, manufacturing

337121 Wood framed furniture, upholstered, household-type, manufacturing

337122 Bed frames, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Bedroom furniture (except upholstered), wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Beds (except hospital), wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Beds, wood dormitory-type, manufacturing

337122 Beds, wood hotel-type, manufacturing

337122 Bookcases, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Buffets (furniture), wood, manufacturing

337122 Cabinets, wood household-type, freestanding, manufacturing

337122 Camp furniture, wood, manufacturing

337122 Card table sets (furniture), wood, manufacturing

337122 Cedar chests manufacturing

337122 Chairs (except upholstered), wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 China closets, wood, manufacturing

337122 Coffee tables, wood, manufacturing

337122 Computer furniture, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Cots, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Cradles, wood, manufacturing

337122 Cribs (i.e., baby beds), wood, manufacturing

337122 Desks, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Dining room chairs (including upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Dining room furniture, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Dressers, wood, manufacturing

337122 Dressing tables, wood, manufacturing

337122 End tables, wood, manufacturing

337122 Furniture, outdoor wood household-type (e.g., beach, garden, lawn, porch), manufacturing

337122 Furniture, unassembled or knock-down wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Furniture, unfinished wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Furniture, wood household-type, not upholstered (except TV and radio housings, and sewing machine cabinets), manufacturing

337122 Futon frames manufacturing

337122 Garden furniture, wood, manufacturing

337122 Hammocks, wood framed, manufacturing

337122 Headboards, wood, manufacturing

337122 High chairs, wood, children's, manufacturing

337122 Home entertainment centers, wood, manufacturing

337122 Household-type furniture, wood, not upholstered (except TV and radio housings and sewing machine cabinets), manufacturing

337122 Juvenile furniture (except upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Kitchen chairs (e.g., upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Kitchen furniture, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Knickknack shelves, wood, manufacturing

337122 Lawn furniture, wood, manufacturing

337122 Living room furniture (except upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Magazine racks, wood, manufacturing

337122 Night stands, wood, manufacturing

337122 Nonupholstered, household-type, custom wood furniture, manufacturing

337122 Nursery furniture (except upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Playpens, children's wood, manufacturing

337122 Porch furniture (except upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Rockers (except upholstered), wood, manufacturing

337122 Room dividers, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Serving carts, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Stools, wood household-type (except upholstered), manufacturing

337122 Tables, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 TV stands and similar stands for consumer electronics, wood, manufacturing

337122 Vanities, freestanding, wood, manufacturing

337122 Wardrobes, wood household-type, manufacturing

337122 Water bed frames, wood, manufacturing

337124 Beds (including cabinet and folding), metal household-type (except hospital), manufacturing

337124 Bookcases, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Cabinets, metal (i.e., bathroom, kitchen) (except freestanding), manufacturing

337124 Cabinets, metal household-type, freestanding, manufacturing

337124 Cabinets, metal, radio and television, manufacturing

337124 Camp furniture, metal, manufacturing

337124 Card table sets, metal, manufacturing

337124 Chairs, metal household-type (except upholstered), manufacturing

337124 Computer furniture, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Cots, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Cribs (i.e., baby beds), metal, manufacturing

337124 Dinette sets, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Dining room chairs (including upholstered), metal, manufacturing

337124 Dining room furniture, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Dressers, metal, manufacturing

337124 Dressing tables, metal, manufacturing

337124 End tables, metal, manufacturing

337124 Furniture (except upholstered), metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Furniture, outdoor metal household-type (e.g., beach, garden, lawn, porch), manufacturing

337124 Hammocks, metal framed, manufacturing

337124 Home entertainment centers, metal, manufacturing

337124 Juvenile furniture (except upholstered), metal manufacturing

337124 Kitchen chairs (including upholstered), metal, manufacturing

337124 Kitchen furniture, household-type, metal, manufacturing

337124 Kitchen furniture, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Lawn furniture, metal, manufacturing

337124 Living room furniture (except upholstered), metal, manufacturing

337124 Medicine cabinets, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Nursery furniture, metal, manufacturing

337124 Playpens, children's metal, manufacturing

337124 Porch swings, metal, manufacturing

337124 Serving carts, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Stools, metal household-type (except upholstered), manufacturing

337124 Tables, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 TV stands and similar stands for consumer electronics, metal, manufacturing

337124 Vanities, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Wardrobes, metal household-type, manufacturing

337124 Water bed frames, metal, manufacturing

337124 Wrought iron furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Bassinets, reed and rattan, manufacturing

337125 Bookcases (except wood and metal), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Camp furniture, reed and rattan, manufacturing

337125 Car seats, infant (except metal), manufacturing

337125 Chairs, cane, wood household-type, manufacturing

337125 Dining room chairs (including upholstered), plastics manufacturing

337125 Fiber furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Furniture (except wood, metal, upholstered) indoor and outdoor household-type, manufacturing

337125 Hampers, laundry, reed, wicker, rattan, manufacturing

337125 Juvenile furniture, rattan and reed, manufacturing

337125 Kitchen chairs (including upholstered), plastics manufacturing

337125 Laundry hampers, rattan, reed, wicker or willow, manufacturing

337125 Lawn furniture (except concrete, metal, stone, wood) manufacturing

337125 Malacca furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Plastics (including fiberglass) furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Rattan furniture, household-type, manufacturing

337125 Reed furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 TV stands and similar stands for consumer electronics, plastics, manufacturing

337125 Wicker furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337125 Willow furniture (except upholstered), household-type, manufacturing

337127 Benches, park-type (except concrete, stone), manufacturing

337127 Benches, public building-type, manufacturing

337127 Benches, work, manufacturing

337127 Bleacher seating manufacturing

337127 Bowling center furniture manufacturing

337127 Cafeteria furniture manufacturing

337127 Cafeteria tables and benches manufacturing

337127 Chairs, barber and beauty (i.e., hydraulic), manufacturing

337127 Chairs, barber, beauty shop (i.e., hydraulic), manufacturing

337127 Chairs, portable folding, auditorium-type, manufacturing

337127 Chairs, stacking, auditorium-type, manufacturing

337127 Church furniture (except concrete, stone) manufacturing

337127 Drafting tables and boards manufacturing

337127 Drawing tables and boards, artist's, manufacturing

337127 Furniture, factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool stands, work benches), manufacturing

337127 Furniture, institutional, manufacturing

337127 Furniture, laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets, stools, tables), manufacturing

337127 Furniture, public building (e.g., church, library, school, theater), manufacturing

337127 Furniture, restaurant-type, manufacturing

337127 Institutional furniture manufacturing

337127 Pews, church, manufacturing

337127 Prison bed manufacturing

337127 Religious furniture manufacturing

337127 Restaurant furniture (e.g., carts, chairs, foodwagons, tables) manufacturing

337127 School furniture manufacturing

337127 Ship furniture manufacturing

337127 Stadium seating manufacturing

337127 Theater seating manufacturing

337127 Tool stands, factory, manufacturing

337127 Tray trucks, restaurant, manufacturing

337127 Work benches manufacturing

337211 Bookcases, wood office-type, manufacturing

337211 Cabinets, wood office-type, freestanding, manufacturing

337211 Chairs, wood office-type, manufacturing

337211 Desks, wood office-type, manufacturing

337211 Filing cabinets, wood, office type, manufacturing

337211 Furniture, office-type, padded, upholstered, or plain wood, manufacturing

337211 Modular furniture systems, wood frame office-type, manufacturing

337211 Office furniture, padded, upholstered, or plain wood, manufacturing

337211 Tables, wood, office-type, manufacturing

337212 Architectural woodwork and fixtures (i.e., custom designed interiors) manufacturing

337212 Custom architectural millwork and fixtures, manufacturing on a job shop basis

337212 Custom design interiors (i.e., coordinated furniture, architectural woodwork, fixtures), manufacturing

337212 Millwork, custom architectural, manufacturing

337214 Bookcases (except wood), office-type, manufacturing

337214 Cabinets (except wood), office-type, freestanding, manufacturing

337214 Chairs (except wood), office-type, manufacturing

337214 Desks (except wood), office-type, manufacturing

337214 Filing cabinets (except wood), office-type, manufacturing

337214 Furniture (except wood), office-type, padded, upholstered, or plain, manufacturing

337214 Modular furniture systems (except wood frame), office-type, manufacturing

337214 Office furniture (except wood), padded, upholstered, or plain (except wood), manufacturing

337214 Tables (except wood), office-type, manufacturing

337215 Boxspring frames manufacturing

337215 Cafeteria fixtures manufacturing

337215 Chair glides manufacturing

337215 Chair seats for furniture manufacturing

337215 Counter units (except refrigerated) manufacturing

337215 Countertops (except kitchen and bathroom), wood or plastics laminated on wood, manufacturing

337215 Display cases and fixtures (except refrigerated) manufacturing

337215 Fixtures, store display, manufacturing

337215 Furniture frames and parts, metal, manufacturing

337215 Furniture frames, wood, manufacturing

337215 Furniture parts, finished metal, manufacturing

337215 Furniture parts, finished plastics, manufacturing

337215 Furniture parts, finished wood, manufacturing

337215 Lockers (except refrigerated) manufacturing

337215 Mail carrier cases and tables, wood, manufacturing

337215 Partitions for floor attachment, prefabricated, manufacturing

337215 Partitions, freestanding, prefabricated, manufacturing

337215 Postal service lock boxes manufacturing

337215 Shelving (except wire) manufacturing

337215 Showcases (except refrigerated) manufacturing

337215 Sleeper mechanisms, convertible bed, manufacturing

337215 Stands (except wire), merchandise display, manufacturing

337215 Store display fixtures manufacturing

337215 Telephone booths manufacturing

337910 Beds, sleep-system ensembles (i.e., flotation, adjustable), manufacturing

337910 Box springs, assembled, made from purchased spring

337910 Innerspring cushions manufacturing

337910 Mattresses (i.e., box spring, innerspring, noninnerspring) manufacturing

337910 Mattresses made from felt, foam rubber, urethane and similar materials

337910 Springs, assembled bed and box, made from purchased springs

337910 Water bed mattresses manufacturing

337920 Blinds (e.g., mini, venetian, vertical), all materials, manufacturing

337920 Curtain or drapery fixtures (e.g., poles, rods, rollers) manufacturing

337920 Curtain rods and fittings manufacturing

337920 Fixtures (e.g., poles, rods, rollers), curtain and drapery, manufacturing

337920 Miniblinds manufacturing

337920 Porch shades, wood slat, manufacturing

337920 Shade pulls, window, manufacturing

337920 Shades, window (except outdoor canvas awnings), manufacturing

337920 Venetian blinds manufacturing

337920 Vertical blinds manufacturing

337920 Window shade rollers and fittings manufacturing

337920 Window shades (except awnings) manufacturing

339112 Anesthesia apparatus manufacturing

339112 Blood pressure apparatus manufacturing

339112 Blood transfusion equipment manufacturing

339112 Bone drills manufacturing

339112 Bone plates and screws manufacturing

339112 Bone rongeurs manufacturing

339112 Bronchoscopes (except electromedical) manufacturing

339112 Cannulae manufacturing

339112 Catheters manufacturing

339112 Clamps, surgical, manufacturing

339112 Corneal microscopes manufacturing

339112 Cystoscopes (except electromedical) manufacturing

339112 Eye examining instruments and apparatus manufacturing

339112 Forceps, surgical, manufacturing

339112 Gastroscopes (except electromedical) manufacturing

339112 Hypodermic needles and syringes manufacturing

339112 Inhalation therapy equipment manufacturing

339112 Inhalators, surgical and medical, manufacturing

339112 Instruments, mechanical microsurgical, manufacturing

339112 IV apparatus manufacturing

339112 Knives, surgical, manufacturing

339112 Medical thermometers manufacturing

339112 Needles, hypodermic and suture, manufacturing

339112 Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus (except laser surgical) manufacturing

339112 Ophthalmometers and ophthalmoscopes manufacturing

339112 Optometers manufacturing

339112 Oxygen tents manufacturing

339112 Pelvimeters manufacturing

339112 Physiotherapy equipment (except electrotherapeutic) manufacturing

339112 Probes, surgical, manufacturing

339112 Retinoscopes (except electromedical) manufacturing

339112 Retractors, medical, manufacturing

339112 Saws, surgical, manufacturing

339112 Skin grafting equipment manufacturing

339112 Speculums manufacturing

339112 Sphygmomanometers manufacturing

339112 Stethoscopes manufacturing

339112 Suction therapy apparatus manufacturing

339112 Surgical clamps manufacturing

339112 Surgical knife blades and handles manufacturing

339112 Surgical stapling devices manufacturing

339112 Syringes, hypodermic, manufacturing

339112 Thermometers, medical, manufacturing

339112 Tonometers, medical, manufacturing

339112 Trocars manufacturing

339112 Veterinarians' instruments and apparatus manufacturing

339113 Adhesive tape, medical, manufacturing

339113 Arch supports, orthopedic, manufacturing

339113 Artificial limbs manufacturing

339113 Autoclaves, laboratory-type (except dental), manufacturing

339113 Bandages and dressings, surgical and orthopedic, manufacturing

339113 Beds, hospital, manufacturing

339113 Biohazard protective clothing and accessories manufacturing

339113 Blood testing apparatus, laboratory-type, manufacturing

339113 Bulletproof vests manufacturing

339113 Bunsen burners manufacturing

339113 Cervical collars manufacturing

339113 Clean room suits and accessories manufacturing

339113 Colostomy appliances manufacturing

339113 Corn remover and bunion pad manufacturing

339113 Corsets, surgical, manufacturing

339113 Cotton and cotton balls, absorbent, manufacturing

339113 Cotton tipped applicators manufacturing

339113 Crutches and walkers manufacturing

339113 Depressors, tongue, manufacturing

339113 Drapes, surgical, disposable, manufacturing

339113 Dressings, surgical, manufacturing

339113 Dryers, laboratory-type, manufacturing

339113 Elastic hosiery, orthopedic, manufacturing

339113 Firefighting suits and accessories manufacturing

339113 First aid, snake bite, or burn kits manufacturing

339113 Foot appliances, orthopedic, manufacturing

339113 Furniture, hospital, specialized (e.g., hospital beds, operating room furniture), manufacturing

339113 Gas masks manufacturing

339113 Gauze, surgical, made from purchased fabric

339113 Gloves, rubber (e.g., electrician's, examination, household-type, surgeon's), manufacturing

339113 Gynecological supplies and appliances manufacturing

339113 Hard hats manufacturing

339113 Helmets (except athletic), safety (e.g., motorized vehicle crash helmets, space helmets), manufacturing

339113 Hosiery, orthopedic support, manufacturing

339113 Hospital beds manufacturing

339113 Hospital furniture, specialized (e.g., hospital beds, operating room furniture)

339113 Hydrotherapy equipment manufacturing

339113 Implants, surgical, manufacturing

339113 Incubators, infant, manufacturing

339113 Incubators, laboratory-type, manufacturing

339113 Infant incubators manufacturing

339113 Intra ocular lenses manufacturing

339113 Intrauterine devices manufacturing

339113 Iron lungs manufacturing

339113 Laboratory-type evaporation apparatus manufacturing

339113 Laboratory-type sample preparation apparatus manufacturing

339113 Life preservers manufacturing

339113 Limbs, artificial, manufacturing

339113 Metal fabric and mesh safety gloves manufacturing

339113 Noise protectors, personal, manufacturing

339113 Nose and ear plugs manufacturing

339113 Operating room tables manufacturing

339113 Orthopedic canes manufacturing

339113 Orthopedic device manufacturing and sale in retail environment

339113 Orthopedic devices manufacturing

339113 Orthopedic extension shoes manufacturing

339113 Orthopedic hosiery, elastic, manufacturing

339113 Personal safety devices, not specified elsewhere, manufacturing

339113 Prosthetic appliances and supplies manufacturing

339113 Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, and sheeting manufacturing

339113 Respiratory protection mask manufacturing

339113 Restraints, patient, manufacturing

339113 Shoes, orthopedic extension, manufacturing

339113 Space suits manufacturing

339113 Splints manufacturing

339113 Sterilizers, hospital and surgical, manufacturing

339113 Sterilizers, laboratory-type (except dental), manufacturing

339113 Stretchers, medical, manufacturing

339113 Suits, firefighting, manufacturing

339113 Suits, space, manufacturing

339113 Supports, orthopedic (e.g., abdominal, ankle, arch, kneecap), manufacturing

339113 Surgical dressings manufacturing

339113 Surgical implants manufacturing

339113 Surgical supplies (except medical instruments) manufacturing

339113 Sutures, surgical, manufacturing

339113 Tapes, medical adhesive, manufacturing

339113 Tongue depressors manufacturing

339113 Traction apparatus manufacturing

339113 Ultrasonic medical cleaning equipment manufacturing

339113 Vacuum pumps, laboratory-type, manufacturing

339113 Welder's hoods manufacturing

339113 Wheelchairs manufacturing

339113 Whirlpool baths (i.e., hydrotherapy equipment) manufacturing

339114 Abrasive points, wheels, and disks, dental, manufacturing

339114 Amalgams, dental, manufacturing

339114 Autoclaves, dental, manufacturing

339114 Cements, dental, manufacturing

339114 Chairs, dentist's, manufacturing

339114 Cutting instruments, dental, manufacturing

339114 Dental alloys for amalgams manufacturing

339114 Dental chairs manufacturing

339114 Dental equipment and instruments manufacturing

339114 Dental glues and cements manufacturing

339114 Dental hand instruments (e.g., forceps) manufacturing

339114 Dental impression materials manufacturing

339114 Dental instrument delivery systems manufacturing

339114 Dental laboratory equipment manufacturing

339114 Dental wax manufacturing

339114 Denture materials manufacturing

339114 Drills, dental, manufacturing

339114 Enamels, dental, manufacturing

339114 Furnaces, dental laboratory, manufacturing

339114 Glue, dental, manufacturing

339114 Impression material, dental, manufacturing

339114 Orthodontic appliances manufacturing

339114 Points, abrasive dental, manufacturing

339114 Sterilizers, dental, manufacturing

339114 Teeth (except customized) manufacturing

339114 Tools, dentists', manufacturing

339114 Ultrasonic dental equipment manufacturing

339115 Contact lenses manufacturing

339115 Eyeglass frames (i.e., fronts and temples), ophthalmic, manufacturing

339115 Eyes, glass and plastics, manufacturing

339115 Goggles (e.g., industrial, safety, sun, underwater) manufacturing

339115 Lens coating, ophthalmic

339115 Lens grinding, ophthalmic (except in retail stores)

339115 Lens mounts, ophthalmic, manufacturing

339115 Lens polishing, ophthalmic

339115 Lenses, ophthalmic, manufacturing

339115 Magnifiers, corrective vision-type, manufacturing

339115 Sunglasses and goggles manufacturing

339115 Temples and fronts (i.e., eyeglass frames), ophthalmic, manufacturing

339116 Bridges, custom made in dental laboratories

339116 Dental laboratories

339116 Dentures, custom made in dental laboratories

339116 Orthodontic appliance, custom made in dental laboratories

339116 Teeth, custom made in dental laboratories

339910 Bracelets, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Buttons, precious metal, precious stones, semiprecious stones, manufacturing

339910 Card cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Cases, jewelry, metal, manufacturing

339910 Chains or necklace, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Checkbook covers, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Cigar cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Cigarette cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Coin purses, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Comb cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Compacts, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Cosmetic bags, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Costume jewelry manufacturing

339910 Cuff links, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Cutlery, precious metal (except precious plated), manufacturing

339910 Diamond cutting and polishing

339910 Drilling pearls

339910 Engraving and etching precious metal flatware

339910 Engraving and etching precious metal jewelry

339910 Engraving and/or etching costume jewelry

339910 Findings, jeweler's, manufacturing

339910 Handbags, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Hollowware, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Jewel settings and mountings, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Jeweler's findings and materials manufacturing

339910 Jewelry, costume, manufacturing

339910 Jewelry, natural or cultured pearls, manufacturing

339910 Jewelry, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Key cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Lapidary work manufacturing

339910 Lighters, cigar and cigarette, clad with precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Novelties, precious metal (except precious plated), manufacturing

339910 Pearl drilling, peeling, or sawing

339910 Pearls, costume, manufacturing

339910 Personal goods, metal, manufacturing

339910 Pewter ware manufacturing

339910 Pins and brooches, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Pocketbooks, precious metal, men's or women's, manufacturing

339910 Purses, precious metal or clad with precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Rosaries and other small religious articles, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Sewing cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Stamping coins

339910 Straps, watch, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Table cutlery, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Tobacco pouches, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Toilet kits and cases, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Trophies, precious metal, (except precious plated) manufacturing

339910 Wallets, precious metal, manufacturing

339910 Watch bands, metal, manufacturing

339920 Archery equipment manufacturing

339920 Athletic goods (except ammunition, clothing, footwear, small arms) manufacturing

339920 Badminton equipment manufacturing

339920 Bags, golf, manufacturing

339920 Bags, punching, manufacturing

339920 Bait, artificial, fishing, manufacturing

339920 Balls, baseball, basketball, football, golf, tennis, pool, and bowling, manufacturing

339920 Baseball equipment and supplies (except footwear, uniforms) manufacturing

339920 Basketball equipment and supplies (except footwear, uniforms) manufacturing

339920 Billiard equipment and supplies manufacturing

339920 Bobsleds manufacturing

339920 Boomerangs manufacturing

339920 Bowling pin machines, automatic, manufacturing

339920 Bows, archery, manufacturing

339920 Boxing equipment manufacturing

339920 Caddy carts manufacturing

339920 Carts, caddy, manufacturing

339920 Clubs, sporting goods (e.g., golf, Indian), manufacturing

339920 Croquet sets manufacturing

339920 Dumbbells manufacturing

339920 Exercise machines manufacturing

339920 Fencing equipment (sporting goods) manufacturing

339920 Fishing tackle and equipment (except lines, nets, seines) manufacturing

339920 Flies, artificial fishing, manufacturing

339920 Football equipment and supplies (except footwear, uniforms) manufacturing

339920 Gloves, sport and athletic (e.g., baseball, boxing, racketball, handball), manufacturing

339920 Golfing equipment (e.g., bags, balls, caddy carts, clubs, tees) manufacturing

339920 Gymnasium and playground equipment, manufacturing

339920 Helmets, athletic (except motorized vehicle crash helmets), manufacturing

339920 Hockey equipment (except apparel) manufacturing

339920 Hockey skates manufacturing

339920 Hooks, fishing, manufacturing

339920 Ice skates manufacturing

339920 Jogging machines, manufacturing

339920 Leather gloves, athletic, manufacturing

339920 Protectors, sports (e.g., baseball, basketball, hockey), manufacturing

339920 Reels, fishing, manufacturing

339920 Rods and rod parts, fishing, manufacturing

339920 Roller skates manufacturing

339920 Sailboards manufacturing

339920 Scuba diving equipment manufacturing

339920 Skateboards manufacturing

339920 Skates and parts, ice and roller, manufacturing

339920 Skis and skiing equipment (except apparel) manufacturing

339920 Snowshoes manufacturing

339920 Sporting goods (except ammunition, clothing, footwear, small arms) manufacturing

339920 Squash equipment (except apparel) manufacturing

339920 Sticks, sports (e.g., hockey, lacrosse), manufacturing

339920 Surfboards manufacturing

339920 Swimming pools, above ground, manufacturing

339920 Tackle, fishing (except line, nets, seines), manufacturing

339920 Tennis goods (e.g., balls, frames, rackets) manufacturing

339920 Toboggans manufacturing

339920 Track and field athletic equipment (except apparel, footwear) manufacturing

339920 Wet suits manufacturing

339930 Action figures manufacturing

339930 Automobiles, children's, manufacturing

339930 Balls, rubber (except athletic equipment), manufacturing

339930 Carriages, baby, manufacturing

339930 Carriages, doll, manufacturing

339930 Checkers and checkerboards manufacturing

339930 Chessmen and chessboards manufacturing

339930 Clothing, doll, manufacturing

339930 Craft and hobby kits and sets manufacturing

339930 Darts and dart games manufacturing

339930 Dishes, toy, manufacturing

339930 Doll carriages and carts manufacturing

339930 Doll clothing manufacturing

339930 Dolls, doll parts, and doll clothing (except wigs) manufacturing

339930 Electronic toys and games manufacturing

339930 Embroidery kits manufacturing

339930 Games (except-coin operated), children's and adult, manufacturing

339930 Go-carts, children's, manufacturing

339930 Hobbyhorses manufacturing

339930 Kites manufacturing

339930 Marbles manufacturing

339930 Model kits manufacturing

339930 Model railroad manufacturing

339930 Models, toy and hobby (e.g., airplane, boat, ship), manufacturing

339930 Musical instruments, toy, manufacturing

339930 Railroad models, hobby and toy, manufacturing

339930 Rifles, toy, manufacturing

339930 Rocking horses manufacturing

339930 Science kits (e.g., chemistry sets, microscopes, natural science sets) manufacturing

339930 Scooters, children's, manufacturing

339930 Sleds, children's, manufacturing

339930 Strollers, baby, manufacturing

339930 Structural toy sets manufacturing

339930 Stuffed toys (including animals) manufacturing

339930 Toy furniture and household-type equipment manufacturing

339930 Toys manufacturing

339930 Trains and equipment, toy, electric or mechanical, manufacturing

339930 Tricycles (except metal) manufacturing

339930 Vehicles, children's (except bicycles and metal tricycles), manufacturing

339930 Video game machines (except coin-operated) manufacturing

339930 Wagons, children's (e.g., coaster, express, and play), manufacturing

339930 Walkers, baby (vehicles), manufacturing

339940 Artist's paint manufacturing

339940 Artist's supplies (except paper) manufacturing

339940 Ball point pens manufacturing

339940 Blackboards, framed, manufacturing

339940 Branding irons (i.e., marking irons) manufacturing

339940 Brushes, artists', manufacturing

339940 Canvas board, artist's, manufacturing

339940 Canvas, artist's, prepared on frames, manufacturing

339940 Carbon paper manufacturing

339940 Chalk (e.g., artist's, blackboard, carpenter's, marking, tailor's), manufacturing

339940 Chalkboards, framed, manufacturing

339940 Clay, modeling, manufacturing

339940 Crayons manufacturing

339940 Date stamps, hand operated, manufacturing

339940 Drafting materials (except instruments and tables) manufacturing

339940 Easels, artists', manufacturing

339940 Embossing stamps manufacturing

339940 Felt tip markers manufacturing

339940 Fountain pens manufacturing

339940 Frames for artist's canvases (i.e., stretchers) manufacturing

339940 Hand operated stamps (e.g., canceling, postmark, shoe, textile marking) manufacturing

339940 Holepunchers, hand operated, manufacturing

339940 Inked ribbons manufacturing

339940 Label making equipment, handheld, manufacturing

339940 List finders and roledex address files manufacturing

339940 Marker boards (i.e., whiteboards) manufacturing

339940 Marking devices manufacturing

339940 Mechanical pencil refills manufacturing

339940 Mechanical pencils manufacturing

339940 Metal hand stamps manufacturing

339940 Modeling clay manufacturing

339940 Nibs (i.e., pen points) manufacturing

339940 Paints, artist's, manufacturing

339940 Palettes, artist's, manufacturing

339940 Paper cutters, office-type, manufacturing

339940 Paper, carbon, manufacturing

339940 Paper, stencil, manufacturing

339940 Pen refills and cartridges manufacturing

339940 Pencil leads manufacturing

339940 Pencil sharpeners manufacturing

339940 Pencils manufacturing

339940 Pens manufacturing

339940 Ribbons (e.g., cash register, printer, typewriter), inked, manufacturing

339940 Ribbons, inked, manufacturing

339940 Rubber stamps manufacturing

339940 Seal presses (e.g., notary), hand operated, manufacturing

339940 Stamp pads manufacturing

339940 Stamping devices, hand operated, manufacturing

339940 Staple removers manufacturing

339940 Staplers manufacturing

339940 Stencil paper manufacturing

339940 Stencils for painting and marking (e.g., cardboard, metal) manufacturing

339940 Tape dispensers manufacturing

339940 Typewriter ribbons manufacturing

339940 Water colors, artist's, manufacturing

339950 Billboards manufacturing

339950 Displays (e.g., counter, floor, point-of-purchase) manufacturing

339950 Electrical signs manufacturing

339950 Letters for signs manufacturing

339950 Neon signs manufacturing

339950 Scoreboards manufacturing

339950 Signs and signboards (except paper, paperboard) manufacturing

339991 Coaxial mechanical face seals manufacturing

339991 Compression packings manufacturing

339991 Gasket, packing, and sealing devices manufacturing

339991 Gaskets manufacturing

339991 Grease seals manufacturing

339991 Molded packings and seals manufacturing

339991 Oil seals manufacturing

339991 Seals, grease or oil, manufacturing

339992 Accordions and parts manufacturing

339992 Autophones (organs with perforated music rolls) manufacturing

339992 Banjos and parts manufacturing

339992 Bassoons manufacturing

339992 Bells (musical instruments) manufacturing

339992 Calliopes (steam organs) manufacturing

339992 Cellos and parts manufacturing

339992 Chimes and parts (musical instruments) manufacturing

339992 Clarinets and parts manufacturing

339992 Cornets and parts manufacturing

339992 Cymbals and parts manufacturing

339992 Drums (musical instruments), parts, and accessories manufacturing

339992 Electric musical instruments manufacturing

339992 Flutes and parts manufacturing

339992 Fretted instruments and parts manufacturing

339992 Guitars and parts, electric and nonelectric, manufacturing

339992 Hammers, piano, manufacturing

339992 Harmonicas manufacturing

339992 Harps and parts manufacturing

339992 Harpsichords manufacturing

339992 Instruments, musical, manufacturing

339992 Keyboards, piano or organ, manufacturing

339992 Knobs, organ, manufacturing

339992 Mandolins manufacturing

339992 Mouthpieces for musical instruments manufacturing

339992 Music rolls, perforated, manufacturing

339992 Musical instrument accessories (e.g., mouthpieces, reeds, stands, traps) manufacturing

339992 Musical instruments (except toy) manufacturing

339992 Oboes manufacturing

339992 Ocarinas manufacturing

339992 Octophones manufacturing

339992 Percussion musical instruments manufacturing

339992 Piano parts and materials (except piano hardware) manufacturing

339992 Piccolos and parts manufacturing

339992 Pipes, organ, manufacturing

339992 Reeds, musical instrument, manufacturing

339992 Saxophones and parts manufacturing

339992 Strings, musical instrument, manufacturing

339992 Synthesizers, music, manufacturing

339992 Trombones and parts manufacturing

339992 Trumpets and parts manufacturing

339992 Tuning forks manufacturing

339992 Ukuleles and parts manufacturing

339992 Vibraphones manufacturing

339992 Violas and parts manufacturing

339992 Violins and parts manufacturing

339992 Xylophones and parts manufacturing

339992 Zithers and parts manufacturing

339993 Buckles and buckle parts (including shoe) manufacturing

339993 Buttons (except precious metal, precious stones, semiprecious stones) manufacturing

339993 Cuff links (except precious) manufacturing

339993 Eyelets, metal, manufacturing

339993 Fasteners (e.g., glove, hook-and-eye, slide, snap) manufacturing

339993 Hairpins (except rubber) manufacturing

339993 Hook and eye fasteners (i.e., sewing accessories) manufacturing

339993 Needles (except hypodermic, phonograph, styli) manufacturing

339993 Pins (except precious) manufacturing

339993 Safety pins manufacturing

339993 Slide fasteners (i.e., zippers) manufacturing

339993 Zippers (i.e., slide fasteners) manufacturing

339994 Brooms, hand and machine, manufacturing

339994 Brushes, household-type and industrial, manufacturing

339994 Brushes, paint (except artists'), manufacturing

339994 Cloths (except chemically treated), dusting and polishing, manufacturing

339994 Hairbrushes manufacturing

339994 Mops, floor and dust, manufacturing

339994 Paint rollers manufacturing

339994 Paintbrushes manufacturing

339994 Shaving brushes manufacturing

339994 Toothbrushes (except electric) manufacturing

339995 Burial caskets and cases manufacturing

339995 Burial vaults (except concrete, stone) manufacturing

339995 Caskets, burial, manufacturing

339995 Vaults (except concrete) manufacturing

339999 Amusement machines, coin-operated, manufacturing

339999 Artificial flower arrangements assembled from purchased components

339999 Atomizers (e.g., perfumes) manufacturing

339999 Beach umbrellas manufacturing

339999 Bone novelties manufacturing

339999 Candles manufacturing

339999 Canes (except orthopedic) manufacturing

339999 Christmas tree ornaments (except electric, glass) manufacturing

339999 Christmas trees, artificial, manufacturing

339999 Cigarette holders manufacturing

339999 Cigarette lighter flints manufacturing

339999 Cigarette lighters (except precious metal) manufacturing

339999 Coin-operated amusement machines (except jukebox) manufacturing

339999 Coin-operated gambling devices manufacturing

339999 Decalcomania work (except on china, glass)

339999 Feather dusters manufacturing

339999 Feathers, preparing (i.e., for use in apparel and textile products)

339999 Fire extinguishers, portable, manufacturing

339999 Flints, lighter, manufacturing

339999 Flowers, artificial (except glass, plastics), manufacturing

339999 Fly swatters manufacturing

339999 Frames, mirror and picture, all materials, manufacturing

339999 Fruits, artificial (except glass, plastics), manufacturing

339999 Games, coin-operated, manufacturing

339999 Garden umbrellas manufacturing

339999 Globes, geographical, manufacturing

339999 Hair nets made from purchased netting

339999 Hairpieces (e.g., toupees, wigs, wiglets) manufacturing

339999 Hat blocks manufacturing

339999 Lighters, cigar and cigarette (except motor vehicle, precious metal), manufacturing

339999 Mannequins manufacturing

339999 Marionettes (i.e., puppets) manufacturing

339999 Models, anatomical, manufacturing

339999 Music boxes manufacturing

339999 Novelties, not specified elsewhere, manufacturing

339999 Ornaments, Christmas tree (except electric, glass), manufacturing

339999 Parasols manufacturing

339999 Patterns, shoe, manufacturing

339999 Pinball machines, coin-operated, manufacturing

339999 Pipe cleaners manufacturing

339999 Pipes, smoker's, manufacturing

339999 Potpourri manufacturing

339999 Puppets manufacturing

339999 Sewing and mending kits assembling

339999 Shell novelties

339999 Slot machines manufacturing

339999 Theatrical scenery manufacturing

339999 Tinsel manufacturing

339999 Tobacco pipes manufacturing

339999 Toupees manufacturing

339999 Trees and plants, artificial, manufacturing

339999 Umbrellas manufacturing

339999 Wax figures (i.e., mannequins) manufacturing

339999 Wigs, wiglets, toupees, hair pieces, manufacturing

339999 Wreaths, artificial, manufacturing

423110 All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) merchant wholesalers

423110 Ambulance merchant wholesalers

423110 Automobile merchant wholesalers

423110 Bicycle, motorized, merchant wholesalers

423110 Bodies, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423110 Bus merchant wholesalers

423110 Camping trailer merchant wholesalers

423110 Chassis, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423110 Moped merchant wholesalers

423110 Motor home merchant wholesalers

423110 Motor vehicle merchant wholesalers

423110 Motorcycle merchant wholesalers

423110 Recreational vehicle merchant wholesalers

423110 School bus merchant wholesalers

423110 Snowmobile merchant wholesalers

423110 Sport utility vehicle merchant wholesalers

423110 Taxicab merchant wholesalers

423110 Tractors, highway, merchant wholesalers

423110 Trailers, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423110 Travel trailer (e.g., tent trailers) merchant wholesalers

423110 Truck tractors, road, merchant wholesalers

423110 Truck trailer merchant wholesalers

423110 Trucks, road, merchant wholesalers

423110 Used car merchant wholesalers

423110 Utility trailer merchant wholesalers

423110 Vehicles, recreational, merchant wholesalers

423120 Auto body shop supplies, merchant wholesalers

423120 Automobile accessories (except tires, tubes) merchant wholesalers

423120 Automobile glass merchant wholesalers

423120 Automobile service station equipment merchant wholesalers

423120 Automotive parts, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Batteries, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Engine testing equipment, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423120 Engines and parts, automotive, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Gasoline marketing equipment merchant wholesalers

423120 Gasoline service station equipment merchant wholesalers

423120 Generators, motor vehicle electrical, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Glass, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Handtools, motor vehicle mechanics', merchant wholesalers

423120 Hardware, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423120 Hoists, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Mechanic's tools merchant wholesalers

423120 Mirrors, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Motor vehicle instruments, electric, merchant wholesalers

423120 Motor vehicle parts and accessories, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Motorcycle parts, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Mufflers, exhaust, merchant wholesalers

423120 Oil filters, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Parts, new, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423120 Pumps (e.g., fuel, oil, power steering, water), automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Radiators, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423120 Seat covers, automotive, merchant wholesalers

423120 Shop equipment, service station, merchant wholesalers

423120 Tools and equipment, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423120 Trailer parts, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Truck parts, new, merchant wholesalers

423120 Wheels, motor vehicle, new, merchant wholesalers

423130 Motor vehicle tire and tube merchant wholesalers

423130 Tire and tube repair materials merchant wholesalers

423130 Tire tubes, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423130 Tires, new, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423130 Tires, used (except scrap), merchant wholesalers

423130 Used tires, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423140 Generators, motor vehicle electrical, used, merchant wholesalers

423140 Motor vehicle parts, used, merchant wholesalers

423140 Parts, used, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423140 Used parts, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423210 Antique furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Baby furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Cabinets, kitchen, free standing, merchant wholesalers

423210 Furniture (except drafting tables, hospital beds, medical furniture) merchant wholesalers

423210 Furniture parts merchant wholesalers

423210 Hotel furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Household-type furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Mattresses merchant wholesalers

423210 Office furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Outdoor furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Public building furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Religious furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Restaurant furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 School furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Store furniture merchant wholesalers

423210 Theater seats merchant wholesalers

423220 Antique homefurnishing merchant wholesalers

423220 Antique houseware merchant wholesalers

423220 Bathroom accessories merchant wholesalers

423220 Blankets (except electric) merchant wholesalers

423220 Blinds and shades, window, merchant wholesalers

423220 Brooms and brushes, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423220 Carpet merchant wholesalers

423220 Chinaware, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423220 Cooking utensils, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423220 Cups, plastics (except disposable), merchant wholesalers

423220 Curtains merchant wholesalers

423220 Dishes, household-type (except disposable plastics, paper), merchant wholesalers

423220 Draperies merchant wholesalers

423220 Flatware (except plated, precious) merchant wholesalers

423220 Floor coverings merchant wholesalers

423220 Frames and pictures merchant wholesalers

423220 Glassware, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423220 Homefurnishings merchant wholesalers

423220 Housewares (except electric) merchant wholesalers

423220 Kitchen utensils, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423220 Lamps (i.e., lighting fixtures) merchant wholesalers

423220 Linens (e.g., bath, bed, table) merchant wholesalers

423220 Mirrors (except automotive) merchant wholesalers

423220 Napkins (except paper) merchant wholesalers

423220 Rugs merchant wholesalers

423220 Slipcovers merchant wholesalers

423220 Tableware (except disposable, plated, precious) merchant wholesalers

423220 Towels and washcloths merchant wholesalers

423220 Window shades and blinds merchant wholesalers

423310 Building board (e.g., fiber, flake, particle) merchant wholesalers

423310 Buildings, prefabricated wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Cabinets, kitchen, built in, merchant wholesalers

423310 Doors and door frames merchant wholesalers

423310 Fencing, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Fiberboard merchant wholesalers

423310 Flooring, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Kitchen cabinets, built in, merchant wholesalers

423310 Lumber (e.g., dressed, finished, rough) merchant wholesalers

423310 Millwork merchant wholesalers

423310 Molding (e.g., sheet metal, wood) merchant wholesalers

423310 Paneling merchant wholesalers

423310 Particleboard merchant wholesalers

423310 Plywood merchant wholesalers

423310 Prefabricated buildings, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Roofing materials, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Screens, window and door, merchant wholesalers

423310 Shingles, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Siding, wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Structural assemblies, prefabricated wood, merchant wholesalers

423310 Wallboard merchant wholesalers

423310 Windows and window frames merchant wholesalers

423310 Wood fencing merchant wholesalers

423310 Wood flooring merchant wholesalers

423310 Wood shingles merchant wholesalers

423310 Wood siding merchant wholesalers

423320 Asphalt and concrete mixtures merchant wholesalers

423320 Bricks (except refractory) merchant wholesalers

423320 Building blocks (e.g., cinder, concrete) merchant wholesalers

423320 Building stone merchant wholesalers

423320 Cement merchant wholesalers

423320 Ceramic construction materials (except refractory) merchant wholesalers

423320 Clay construction materials (except refractory) merchant wholesalers

423320 Concrete building products merchant wholesalers

423320 Crushed stone merchant wholesalers

423320 Drywall supplies merchant wholesalers

423320 Flue pipe and linings merchant wholesalers

423320 Gravel, construction, merchant wholesalers

423320 Lime (except agricultural) merchant wholesalers

423320 Mason's materials merchant wholesalers

423320 Plaster merchant wholesalers

423320 Sand (except industrial) merchant wholesalers

423320 Septic tanks, concrete, merchant wholesalers

423320 Stone, building or crushed, merchant wholesalers

423320 Structural clay tile (except refractory) merchant wholesalers

423320 Tile, structural clay (except refractory), merchant wholesalers

423330 Asphalt roofing shingles merchant wholesalers

423330 Gutters and down spouts (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423330 Insulation materials (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423330 Roofing materials (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423330 Sheet metal roofing materials merchant wholesalers

423330 Shingles (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423330 Siding (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423330 Solar reflective film merchant wholesalers

423330 Sound insulation merchant wholesalers

423330 Tarred felts merchant wholesalers

423330 Vinyl siding merchant wholesalers

423330 Weather stripping merchant wholesalers

423390 Architectural metalwork merchant wholesalers

423390 Awnings (except canvas) merchant wholesalers

423390 Bins, storage, merchant wholesalers

423390 Building materials, fiberglass (except insulation, roofing, siding), merchant wholesalers

423390 Building paper merchant wholesalers

423390 Buildings, prefabricated nonwood, merchant wholesalers

423390 Fencing (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423390 Fencing and fencing accessories, wire, merchant wholesalers

423390 Fiberglass building materials (except insulation, roofing, siding) merchant wholesalers

423390 Flat glass merchant wholesalers

423390 Glass, plate, merchant wholesalers

423390 Gypsum building products merchant wholesalers

423390 Iron and steel architectural shapes merchant wholesalers

423390 Manufactured (i.e., mobile) homes merchant wholesalers

423390 Ornamental ironwork merchant wholesalers

423390 Paper, building, merchant wholesalers

423390 Plate glass merchant wholesalers

423390 Prefabricated buildings (except wood) merchant wholesalers

423390 Septic tanks (except concrete) merchant wholesalers

423390 Storage bins merchant wholesalers

423390 Structural assemblies, prefabricated (except wood), merchant wholesalers

423390 Wire fencing and fencing accessories merchant wholesalers

423410 Camera equipment and supplies, photographic, merchant wholesalers

423410 Camera, television, merchant wholesalers

423410 Camera, video (except household-type) merchant wholesalers

423410 Film developing equipment merchant wholesalers

423410 Film, photographic, merchant wholesalers

423410 Identity recorders merchant wholesalers

423410 Motion picture cameras, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

423410 Photofinishing equipment merchant wholesalers

423410 Photographic equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423410 Photographic film merchant wholesalers

423410 Projection equipment (e.g., motion picture, slide), photographic, merchant wholesalers

423410 Television cameras merchant wholesalers

423410 Theater equipment (except seats) merchant wholesalers

423410 Video cameras (except household-type) merchant wholesalers

423420 Accounting machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Addressing machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Automatic teller machines (ATM) merchant wholesalers

423420 Blueprinting equipment merchant wholesalers

423420 Bookkeeping machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Business machines and equipment (except computers) merchant wholesalers

423420 Calculators and calculating machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Cash registers merchant wholesalers

423420 Check handling machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Coin sorting machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Copying machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Currency handling machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Dictating machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Forms handling machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Machines, office, merchant wholesalers

423420 Mailing machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Microfilm equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423420 Office equipment merchant wholesalers

423420 Office machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Point of sale terminals merchant wholesalers

423420 Postage meters merchant wholesalers

423420 Safes, security, merchant wholesalers

423420 Security safes merchant wholesalers

423420 Time recording machines merchant wholesalers

423420 Typewriters merchant wholesalers

423430 Computer boards, loaded, merchant wholesalers

423430 Computer peripheral equipment merchant wholesalers

423430 Computer printers merchant wholesalers

423430 Computer software, packaged, merchant wholesalers

423430 Computers merchant wholesalers

423430 Data processing machines, computer, merchant wholesalers

423430 Disk drives, computer, merchant wholesalers

423430 Game software merchant wholesalers

423430 Loaded computer boards merchant wholesalers

423430 Mother boards merchant wholesalers

423430 Peripheral equipment, computer, merchant wholesalers

423430 Printers, computer, merchant wholesalers

423430 Software, computer, packaged, merchant wholesalers

423440 Balances and scales (except laboratory) merchant wholesalers

423440 Chinaware, commercial, merchant wholesalers

423440 Coin-operated merchandising machine merchant wholesalers

423440 Coin-operated phonographs and vending machines merchant wholesalers

423440 Cooking equipment, commercial, merchant wholesalers

423440 Dishwashing equipment, commercial-type, merchant wholesalers

423440 Display cases (except refrigerated) merchant wholesalers

423440 Electrical signs merchant wholesalers

423440 Fixtures, store (except refrigerated), merchant wholesalers

423440 Food service equipment (except refrigerated), commercial, merchant wholesalers

423440 Garbage disposal units, commercial-type, merchant wholesalers

423440 Hotel equipment and supplies (except furniture) merchant wholesalers

423440 Kitchen utensils, commercial, merchant wholesalers

423440 Lockers (except refrigerated) merchant wholesalers

423440 Mannequins merchant wholesalers

423440 Merchandising machines, coin-operated, merchant wholesalers

423440 Ovens, commercial-type, merchant wholesalers

423440 Partitions merchant wholesalers

423440 Phonographs, coin-operated, merchant wholesalers

423440 Restaurant equipment (except furniture) merchant wholesalers

423440 Shelving, commercial, merchant wholesalers

423440 Showcases (except refrigerated) merchant wholesalers

423440 Signs, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423440 Soda fountain fixtures (except refrigerated) merchant wholesalers

423440 Store equipment (except furniture) merchant wholesalers

423440 Store fixtures (except refrigerated) merchant wholesalers

423440 Vending machines merchant wholesalers

423450 Appliances, surgical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Beds, hospital, merchant wholesalers

423450 Crutches merchant wholesalers

423450 Dental chairs merchant wholesalers

423450 Dental equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Dentists' professional supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Diagnostic equipment, medical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Dressings, medical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Electromedical equipment merchant wholesalers

423450 First-aid kits merchant wholesalers

423450 Glassware, medical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Hearing aids merchant wholesalers

423450 Hospital beds merchant wholesalers

423450 Hospital equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Hospital furniture merchant wholesalers

423450 Industrial safety devices (e.g., eye shields, face shields, first-aid kits) merchant wholesalers

423450 Laboratory equipment, dental and medical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical dressings merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical equipment merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical furniture merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical glassware merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical instruments merchant wholesalers

423450 Medical supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Orthopedic equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Patient monitoring equipment merchant wholesalers

423450 Prosthetic appliances and supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Surgical appliances merchant wholesalers

423450 Surgical instruments and apparatus merchant wholesalers

423450 Surgical supplies merchant wholesalers

423450 Surgical towels merchant wholesalers

423450 Tapes, medical and surgical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Teeth, dental, merchant wholesalers

423450 Therapy equipment merchant wholesalers

423450 Thermometers merchant wholesalers

423450 Towels, surgical, merchant wholesalers

423450 Wheelchairs merchant wholesalers

423450 Whirlpool baths merchant wholesalers

423450 X-ray machines and parts, medical and dental, merchant wholesalers

423460 Binoculars merchant wholesalers

423460 Contact lenses merchant wholesalers

423460 Eyeglasses merchant wholesalers

423460 Frames, ophthalmic, merchant wholesalers

423460 Lens blanks, ophthalmic, merchant wholesalers

423460 Ophthalmic goods (except cameras) merchant wholesalers

423460 Optical goods (except cameras) merchant wholesalers

423460 Optometric equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423460 Sunglasses merchant wholesalers

423490 Analytical instruments (e.g., chromatographic, photometers, spectrographs) merchant wholesalers

423490 Architect's equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423490 Balances and scales, laboratory (except dental, medical), merchant wholesalers

423490 Blackboards merchant wholesalers

423490 Church supplies (except plated ware, silverware) merchant wholesalers

423490 Drafting instruments merchant wholesalers

423490 Drafting tables merchant wholesalers

423490 Engineers' equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423490 Instruments, professional and scientific, merchant wholesalers

423490 Laboratory equipment (except dental, medical, ophthalmic) merchant wholesalers

423490 Professional equipment and supplies (except dental, medical, ophthalmic) merchant wholesalers

423490 Professional instruments merchant wholesalers

423490 Religious supplies merchant wholesalers

423490 School equipment and supplies (except books, furniture) merchant wholesalers

423490 Scientific instruments merchant wholesalers

423490 Scientific laboratory equipment merchant wholesalers

423490 Surveying equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423490 Teaching machines (except computers), electronic, merchant wholesalers

423490 Veterinarians' equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423510 Bars, metal (except precious), merchant wholesalers

423510 Black plate merchant wholesalers

423510 Cable, wire (except insulated), merchant wholesalers

423510 Cast iron pipe merchant wholesalers

423510 Concrete reinforcing bars merchant wholesalers

423510 Ferroalloys merchant wholesalers

423510 Ferrous metals merchant wholesalers

423510 Foundry products merchant wholesalers

423510 Ingots (except precious) merchant wholesalers

423510 Metal pipe merchant wholesalers

423510 Metal products (e.g., bars, ingots, plates, rods, shapes, sheets) merchant wholesalers

423510 Metals sales offices

423510 Metals service centers

423510 Metals, ferrous and nonferrous, merchant wholesalers

423510 Nails merchant wholesalers

423510 Nonferrous metals (except precious) merchant wholesalers

423510 Noninsulated wire merchant wholesalers

423510 Pig iron merchant wholesalers

423510 Pipe, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Poles, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Rails and accessories, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Rods, metal (except precious), merchant wholesalers

423510 Ropes, wire (except insulated), merchant wholesalers

423510 Semi-finished metal products merchant wholesalers

423510 Spikes, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Springs, steel, merchant wholesalers

423510 Steel merchant wholesalers

423510 Steel wool merchant wholesalers

423510 Storage tanks, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Structural assemblies, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Tanks, storage metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Terneplate merchant wholesalers

423510 Tin plate merchant wholesalers

423510 Tubing, metal, merchant wholesalers

423510 Wire (except insulated) merchant wholesalers

423510 Wire and cable (except electrical) merchant wholesalers

423510 Wire rope (except insulated) merchant wholesalers

423510 Wire screening merchant wholesalers

423520 Coal merchant wholesalers

423520 Coke merchant wholesalers

423520 Concentrates, metallic, merchant wholesalers

423520 Fuel, coal and coke, merchant wholesalers

423520 Metal ores merchant wholesalers

423520 Metallic concentrates merchant wholesalers

423520 Minerals (except construction materials, petroleum) merchant wholesalers

423520 Nonmetallic minerals (except precious and semiprecious stones and minerals used in construction, such as sand and gravel)

423520 Ore concentrates merchant wholesalers

423520 Ores (e.g., gold, iron, lead, silver, zinc) merchant wholesalers

423610 Alarm apparatus, electric, merchant wholesalers

423610 Batteries (except automotive) merchant wholesalers

423610 Circuit breakers merchant wholesalers

423610 Coaxial cable merchant wholesalers

423610 Construction materials, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Current-carrying wiring devices merchant wholesalers

423610 Distribution equipment, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Electric light fixtures merchant wholesalers

423610 Electric motors, wiring supplies, and lighting fixtures merchant wholesalers

423610 Fixtures, electric lighting, merchant wholesalers

423610 Flashlights merchant wholesalers

423610 Fuses, electric, merchant wholesalers

423610 Generators, electrical (except motor vehicle), merchant wholesalers

423610 Hardware, transmission pole and line, merchant wholesalers

423610 Industrial controls, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Insulated wire or cable merchant wholesalers

423610 Insulators, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Light bulbs merchant wholesalers

423610 Lighting fixtures, electric, merchant wholesalers

423610 Lugs and connectors, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Meters, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Motor controls, electric, merchant wholesalers

423610 Motors, electric, merchant wholesalers

423610 Panelboards, electric power distribution, merchant wholesalers

423610 Pole line hardware merchant wholesalers

423610 Power transmission equipment, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Receptacles, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Regulators, voltage (except motor vehicle), merchant wholesalers

423610 Relays merchant wholesalers

423610 Security systems merchant wholesalers

423610 Signal systems and devices merchant wholesalers

423610 Storage batteries (except automotive) merchant wholesalers

423610 Switchboards, electrical distribution, merchant wholesalers

423610 Switches, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Transformers (except electronic) merchant wholesalers

423610 Transmission equipment, electrical, merchant wholesalers

423610 Voltage regulators (except motor vehicle) merchant wholesalers

423610 Wire, insulated, merchant wholesalers

423610 Wiring supplies merchant wholesalers

423620 Air-conditioners, room, merchant wholesalers

423620 Answering machines, telephone, merchant wholesalers

423620 Appliances, household-type (except water heaters, heating stoves (i.e., noncooking)), gas and electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Audio equipment, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Automotive radios merchant wholesalers

423620 Blankets, electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Clothes dryer, merchant wholesalers

423620 Consumer electronics merchant wholesalers

423620 Cooking equipment, gas and electric, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Curling irons, electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Dishwashers, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Dryer, clothes, merchant wholesalers

423620 Dryers, hair, merchant wholesalers

423620 Electric blankets merchant wholesalers

423620 Fans, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Freezers, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Garbage disposal units, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Hair dryers merchant wholesalers

423620 Heaters, portable electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Household-type appliances (except water heaters, heating stoves (i.e., noncooking)), gas and electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Household-type laundry equipment (e.g., dryers, washers) merchant wholesalers

423620 Housewares, gas and electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, portable, merchant wholesalers

423620 Kitchen appliances, household-type, gas and electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Laundry machinery and equipment, household-type (e.g., dryers, washers), merchant wholesalers

423620 Ovens, gas and electric, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Radios, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Ranges, gas and electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Razors, electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Recorders (e.g., tape, video), household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Refrigerators, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Room air-conditioners merchant wholesalers

423620 Sewing machines, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Smoke detectors, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Stereo equipment merchant wholesalers

423620 Stoves, cooking, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Tape players and recorders, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Telephone answering machines merchant wholesalers

423620 Television sets merchant wholesalers

423620 Toasters, electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Toothbrushes, electric, merchant wholesalers

423620 Vacuum cleaners, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423620 Video cameras, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423690 Antennas merchant wholesalers

423690 Audiotapes, blank, merchant wholesalers

423690 Blank CDs and DVDs, merchant wholesalers

423690 Blank diskette merchant wholesalers

423690 Blank tapes, audio and video, merchant wholesalers

423690 Broadcasting equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Capacitors, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Carbon monoxide detectors, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Cellular telephones merchant wholesalers

423690 Circuit boards merchant wholesalers

423690 Circuits, integrated, merchant wholesalers

423690 Communications equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Computer boards, unloaded, merchant wholesalers

423690 Computer chips merchant wholesalers

423690 Condensers, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Connectors, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Diodes merchant wholesalers

423690 Diskettes, blank, merchant wholesalers

423690 Electronic parts (e.g., condensers, connectors, switches) merchant wholesalers

423690 Electronic tubes (e.g., industrial, receiving, transmitting) merchant wholesalers

423690 Facsimile machines merchant wholesalers

423690 Integrated circuits merchant wholesalers

423690 Magnetic tapes, cassettes, and disks, blank, merchant wholesalers

423690 Modems merchant wholesalers

423690 Navigational instruments, electronic (e.g., radar, sonar), merchant wholesalers

423690 Printed circuit boards merchant wholesalers

423690 Public address systems and equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Radar equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Radio frequency identification (RFID) equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Radio parts and accessories (e.g., transitors, tubes) merchant wholesalers

423690 Radios (except household-type) merchant wholesalers

423690 Rectifiers, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Resistors, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Semiconductor devices merchant wholesalers

423690 Solar cells merchant wholesalers

423690 Sonar equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Switches, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Tapes, blank, audio and video, merchant wholesalers

423690 Telegraph equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Telephone equipment merchant wholesalers

423690 Telephones merchant wholesalers

423690 Transformers, electronic, merchant wholesalers

423690 Transistors merchant wholesalers

423690 Transmitters merchant wholesalers

423690 Tubes, electronic (e.g., industrial, receiving, transmitting), merchant wholesalers

423690 Unloaded computer board merchant wholesalers

423690 Video tapes, blank, merchant wholesalers

423710 Blades (e.g., knife, saw) merchant wholesalers

423710 Brads merchant wholesalers

423710 Cutlery merchant wholesalers

423710 Fasteners (e.g., bolts, nuts, rivets, screws) merchant wholesalers

423710 Handtools (except motor vehicle mechanics', machinists' precision) merchant wholesalers

423710 Hardware (except motor vehicle) merchant wholesalers

423710 Keys and locks merchant wholesalers

423710 Knives (except disposable plastics) merchant wholesalers

423710 Locks, security, merchant wholesalers

423710 Power handtools (e.g., drills, sanders, saws) merchant wholesalers

423710 Staples merchant wholesalers

423710 Tacks merchant wholesalers

423710 Tools, hand (except motor vehicle, machinists' precision tools), merchant wholesalers

423720 Boilers (e.g., heating, hot water, power, steam) merchant wholesalers

423720 Brass goods, plumbers', merchant wholesalers

423720 Burners, fuel oil and distillate oil, merchant wholesalers

423720 Fireplaces, gas, merchant wholesalers

423720 Fittings and valves, plumbers', merchant wholesalers

423720 Fountains, drinking (except refrigerated), merchant wholesalers

423720 Furnaces, (except forced air), heating, merchant wholesalers

423720 Gas fireplaces merchant wholesalers

423720 Gas hot water heaters merchant wholesalers

423720 Heating boilers, steam and hot water, merchant wholesalers

423720 Heating equipment, hot water, merchant wholesalers

423720 Hydronic heating equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423720 Oil burners, heating, merchant wholesalers

423720 Plumbers' brass goods merchant wholesalers

423720 Plumbing and heating valves merchant wholesalers

423720 Plumbing equipment merchant wholesalers

423720 Plumbing fixtures merchant wholesalers

423720 Plumbing supplies merchant wholesalers

423720 Sanitary ware, china or enameled iron, merchant wholesalers

423720 Solar heating panels and equipment merchant wholesalers

423720 Stoves (i.e., noncooking), heating, merchant wholesalers

423720 Valves, plumbing and heating, merchant wholesalers

423720 Water heaters, gas and electric, merchant wholesaler

423720 Water softening and conditioning equipment merchant wholesalers

423730 Air pollution control equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423730 Air-conditioning equipment (except room units) merchant wholesalers

423730 Automotive air-conditioners merchant wholesalers

423730 Baseboard heaters, electric, non-portable, merchant wholesalers

423730 Central heating equipment, warm-air, merchant wholesalers

423730 Compressors, air-conditioning, merchant wholesalers

423730 Condensing units, air-conditioning, merchant wholesalers

423730 Dust collection equipment merchant wholesalers

423730 Furnaces, warm air (i.e., forced air), merchant wholesalers

423730 Heat pumps merchant wholesalers

423730 Heating equipment, warm air (i.e. forced air), merchant wholesalers

423730 Humidifiers and dehumidifiers (except portable) merchant wholesalers

423730 Pollution control equipment, air, merchant wholesalers

423730 Ventilating equipment and supplies (except household-type fans) merchant wholesalers

423730 Warm air heating equipment merchant wholesalers

423740 Beverage coolers, mechanical, merchant wholesalers

423740 Cold storage machinery merchant wholesalers

423740 Compressors, refrigeration, merchant wholesalers

423740 Condensing units, refrigeration, merchant wholesalers

423740 Display cases, refrigerated, merchant wholesalers

423740 Fountains, drinking, refrigerated, merchant wholesalers

423740 Ice making machines merchant wholesalers

423740 Lockers, refrigerated, merchant wholesalers

423740 Refrigerated display cases merchant wholesalers

423740 Refrigeration equipment and supplies, commercial-type, merchant wholesalers

423740 Refrigeration units, motor vehicle, merchant wholesalers

423740 Refrigerators (e.g., reach-in, walk-in), commercial-type, merchant wholesalers

423740 Water coolers, mechanical, merchant wholesalers

423810 Concrete processing equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Construction machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Cranes (except industrial) merchant wholesalers

423810 Cranes, mining, merchant wholesalers

423810 Excavating machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Forestry machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Land preparation machinery, construction, merchant wholesalers

423810 Logging equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Mining cranes merchant wholesalers

423810 Mining machinery and equipment (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers

423810 Quarrying machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423810 Road construction and maintenance machinery merchant wholesalers

423810 Scaffolding merchant wholesalers

423810 Snow plows merchant wholesalers

423810 Snowblowers (except household-type) merchant wholesalers

423810 Street sweeping and cleaning equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Agricultural implements merchant wholesalers

423820 Agricultural machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Conveying equipment, farm, merchant wholesalers

423820 Crop preparation machinery (e.g., cleaning, conditioning, drying) merchant wholesalers

423820 Cultivating machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Farm machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Feeders, animal, merchant wholesalers

423820 Frost protection machinery merchant wholesalers

423820 Garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Harvesting machinery and equipment, agriculture, merchant wholesalers

423820 Haying machines merchant wholesalers

423820 Irrigation equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Land preparation machinery, agricultural, merchant wholesalers

423820 Lawn maintenance machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Lawn mowers merchant wholesalers

423820 Milking machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Planting machinery and equipment, farm-type, merchant wholesalers

423820 Plows, farm, merchant wholesalers

423820 Poultry equipment merchant wholesalers

423820 Snowblowers, household-type, merchant wholesalers

423820 Sprayers, farm-type, merchant wholesalers

423820 Spreaders, fertilizer, merchant wholesalers

423820 Sprinklers, agricultural, merchant wholesalers

423820 Tillers, farm and garden, merchant wholesalers

423820 Tractors, farm and garden, merchant wholesalers

423830 Bakery machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Beverage bottling machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Blowers, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Bottling machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Cement-making machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Chainsaws merchant wholesalers

423830 Chemical industries machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Commercial fishing equipment and supplies (except boats, ships)

423830 Compressors (except air-conditioning, refrigeration) merchant wholesalers

423830 Condensing units (except air-conditioning, refrigeration) merchant wholesalers

423830 Conveying equipment (except farm) merchant wholesalers

423830 Cranes, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Distillery machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Elevators merchant wholesalers

423830 Engines, internal combustion (except aircraft, automotive), merchant wholesalers

423830 Engraving machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Escalators merchant wholesalers

423830 Fans, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Fluid-power transmission equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Food-processing machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Forklift trucks (except log) merchant wholesalers

423830 Foundry machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Furnaces, industrial process, merchant wholesalers

423830 General-purpose industrial machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Handtools, machinists' precision, merchant wholesalers

423830 Hoists (except automotive) merchant wholesalers

423830 Hydraulic power transmission equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Hydraulic pumps and parts merchant wholesalers

423830 Industrial machinery and equipment (except electrical) merchant wholesalers

423830 Industrial trucks, tractors, or trailers merchant wholesalers

423830 Instruments (except electrical) (e.g., controlling, indicating, recording) merchant wholesalers

423830 Internal combustion engines (except aircraft, nondiesel automotive, nondiesel truck) merchant wholesalers

423830 Kilns, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Ladders merchant wholesalers

423830 Lift trucks, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Machine tools and accessories merchant wholesalers

423830 Machinists' precision measuring tools merchant wholesalers

423830 Materials handling machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Measuring and testing equipment (except automotive) merchant wholesalers

423830 Metalworking machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Meters (except electrical, parking) merchant wholesalers

423830 Mining machinery and equipment, petroleum, merchant wholesalers

423830 Oil well machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Oil well supply houses merchant wholesalers

423830 Ovens, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Packing machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Pallets and skids merchant wholesalers

423830 Paper and pulp industries manufacturing machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Patterns (except shoe), industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Pipeline machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Pistons, hydraulic and pneumatic, merchant wholesalers

423830 Plastics industries machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

423830 Pneumatic pumps and parts merchant wholesalers

423830 Pollution control equipment (except air) merchant wholesalers

423830 Printing trade machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

423830 Pumps and pumping equipment, industrial-type, merchant wholesalers

423830 Refinery machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Sawmill machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

423830 Sewing machines, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Shoe manufacturing and repairing machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Smelting machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Special purpose industrial machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Spray painting equipment, industrial-type, merchant wholesalers

423830 Stackers, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Testing and measuring equipment, electrical (except automotive), merchant wholesalers

423830 Textile machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Tire recapping machinery merchant wholesalers

423830 Tools, machinists' precision, merchant wholesalers

423830 Tractors, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Trailers, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Trucks, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Turbines (except transportation) merchant wholesalers

423830 Twist drills merchant wholesalers

423830 Valves, hydraulic and pneumatic, merchant wholesalers

423830 Water treatment equipment, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423830 Welding machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers

423830 Winches merchant wholesalers

423830 Woodworking machinery merchant wholesalers

423840 Abrasives merchant wholesalers

423840 Barrels, new and reconditioned, merchant wholesalers

423840 Bearings merchant wholesalers

423840 Belting, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Bottles (except waste) merchant wholesalers

423840 Boxes and crates, industrial (except disposable plastics, paperboard, waste), merchant wholesalers

423840 Canning supplies merchant wholesalers

423840 Containers, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Cooperage stock merchant wholesalers

423840 Cordage merchant wholesalers

423840 Cork merchant wholesalers

423840 Crowns and closures, metal, merchant wholesalers

423840 Diamonds, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Drums, new and reconditioned, merchant wholesalers

423840 Gaskets merchant wholesalers

423840 General-line industrial supplies merchant wholesalers

423840 Grommets merchant wholesalers

423840 Hose, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Industrial containers merchant wholesalers

423840 Industrial diamonds merchant wholesalers

423840 Industrial supplies (except disposable plastics, paper) merchant wholesalers

423840 Inks, printing, merchant wholesalers

423840 Mechanical power transmission supplies (e.g., gears, pulleys, sprockets) merchant wholesalers

423840 Mechanical rubber goods merchant wholesalers

423840 Mill supplies merchant wholesalers

423840 Packaging material merchant wholesalers

423840 Packing materials merchant wholesalers

423840 Plastics foam packing and packaging materials merchant wholesalers

423840 Power transmission supplies (e.g., gears, pulleys, sprockets), mechanical, merchant wholesalers

423840 Printing inks merchant wholesalers

423840 Reconditioned barrels and drums merchant wholesalers

423840 Refractory materials (e.g., block, brick, mortar, tile) merchant wholesalers

423840 Ropes (except wire rope) merchant wholesalers

423840 Rubber goods, mechanical (i.e., extruded, lathe-cut, molded), merchant wholesalers

423840 Sand, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Seals merchant wholesalers

423840 Shipping containers (except disposable plastics, paper) merchant wholesalers

423840 Shipping pails, metal, merchant wholesalers

423840 Thread, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Towels, industrial, merchant wholesalers

423840 Twine merchant wholesalers

423840 Valves (except hydraulic, plumbing, pneumatic) merchant wholesalers

423840 Welding supplies (except welding gases) merchant wholesalers

423840 Wiping cloths merchant wholesalers

423850 Amusement park equipment merchant wholesalers

423850 Barber shop equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Beauty parlor equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings merchant wholesalers

423850 Burial caskets merchant wholesalers

423850 Car wash equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Carnival equipment merchant wholesalers

423850 Caskets, burial, merchant wholesalers

423850 Drycleaning equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Firefighting equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Floor maintenance equipment merchant wholesalers

423850 Hair preparations, professional, merchant wholesalers

423850 Janitorial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Laundry machinery, equipment, and supplies, commercial, merchant wholesalers

423850 Locksmith equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Meters, parking, merchant wholesalers

423850 Patterns, shoe, merchant wholesalers

423850 Service establishment equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Shoe repair materials merchant wholesalers

423850 Sprinkler systems, fire, merchant wholesalers

423850 Tailors' supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Taxidermy supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Undertakers' equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423850 Upholsterers' equipment and supplies (except fabrics) merchant wholesalers

423850 Voting machines merchant wholesalers

423850 Water treatment equipment, municipal, merchant wholesalers

423860 Aeronautical equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423860 Aircraft engines and parts merchant wholesalers

423860 Aircraft equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423860 Aircraft merchant wholesalers

423860 Boats (except pleasure) merchant wholesalers

423860 Carts, golf, motorized passenger merchant wholesalers

423860 Engines and parts, aircraft, merchant wholesalers

423860 Engines and turbines, marine, merchant wholesalers

423860 Golf carts, motorized passenger, merchant wholesalers

423860 Guided missiles and space vehicles merchant wholesalers

423860 Locomotives merchant wholesalers

423860 Marine supplies (except pleasure) merchant wholesalers

423860 Military vehicles (except trucks) merchant wholesalers

423860 Motorized passenger golf carts merchant wholesalers

423860 Navigational instruments (except electronic) merchant wholesalers

423860 Railroad cars merchant wholesalers

423860 Railroad equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423860 Ships merchant wholesalers

423860 Subway cars merchant wholesalers

423860 Transportation equipment and supplies (except marine pleasure craft, motor vehicles) merchant wholesalers

423860 Turbines, transportation, merchant wholesalers

423910 Ammunition, sporting, merchant wholesalers

423910 Archery equipment merchant wholesalers

423910 Athletic goods (except apparel, footwear, nonspecialty) merchant wholesalers

423910 Athletic uniforms merchant wholesalers

423910 Bait, artificial, merchant wholesalers

423910 Baseball equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Bicycles (except motorized) merchant wholesalers

423910 Billiard equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Boats, pleasure (e.g., canoes, motorboats, sailboats), merchant wholesalers

423910 Bowling equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Camping equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Firearms, sporting, merchant wholesalers

423910 Fishing equipment and supplies (except commercial) merchant wholesalers

423910 Fitness equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Football equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Gocarts merchant wholesalers

423910 Golf carts (except motorized passenger) merchant wholesalers

423910 Golf equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Guns, sporting equipment, merchant wholesalers

423910 Hockey equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Hot tubs merchant wholesalers

423910 Hunting equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Marine supplies, pleasure, merchant wholesalers

423910 Motors, outboard, merchant wholesalers

423910 Outboard motors merchant wholesalers

423910 Playground equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Pleasure boats merchant wholesalers

423910 Pool (billiards) supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Pool (swimming) and equipment merchant wholesalers

423910 Recreational equipment and supplies (except vehicles) merchant wholesalers

423910 Skiing equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Sporting firearms and ammunition merchant wholesalers

423910 Sporting goods and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Sports equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Swimming pools and equipment merchant wholesalers

423910 Tennis equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423910 Trapshooting equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers

423920 Children's vehicles (except bicycles) merchant wholesalers

423920 Coloring books merchant wholesalers

423920 Craft kits merchant wholesalers

423920 Dolls merchant wholesalers

423920 Electronic games merchant wholesalers

423920 Fireworks merchant wholesalers

423920 Games (except coin-operated) merchant wholesalers

423920 Hobbyists' supplies merchant wholesalers

423920 Model kits merchant wholesalers

423920 Playing cards merchant wholesalers

423920 Puzzles merchant wholesalers

423920 Toys (including electronic) merchant wholesalers

423920 Vehicles, children's (except bicycles), merchant wholesalers

423930 Bottles, waste, merchant wholesalers

423930 Boxes, waste, merchant wholesalers

423930 Fur cuttings and scraps merchant wholesalers

423930 General-line scrap merchant wholesalers

423930 Glass scrap merchant wholesalers

423930 Industrial wastes to be reclaimed merchant wholesalers

423930 Metal scrap and waste merchant wholesalers

423930 Oil, waste, merchant wholesalers

423930 Paper, scrap, merchant wholesalers

423930 Plastics scrap merchant wholesalers

423930 Rags merchant wholesalers

423930 Recyclable materials (e.g., glass, metal, paper) merchant wholesalers

423930 Rubber scrap and scrap tires merchant wholesalers

423930 Scrap materials (e.g., automotive, industrial) merchant wholesalers

423930 Ship dismantling (except at floating drydocks and shipyards) merchant wholesalers

423930 Textile waste merchant wholesalers

423930 Tires, scrap, merchant wholesalers

423930 Waste materials merchant wholesalers

423940 Antique jewelry merchant wholesalers

423940 Clocks merchant wholesalers

423940 Coins merchant wholesalers

423940 Costume jewelry merchant wholesalers

423940 Diamonds (except industrial) merchant wholesalers

423940 Flatware, precious and plated, merchant wholesalers

423940 Gem stones merchant wholesalers

423940 Ingots, precious, merchant wholesalers

423940 Jewelers' findings merchant wholesalers

423940 Jewelry merchant wholesalers

423940 Metals, precious, merchant wholesalers

423940 Pearls merchant wholesalers

423940 Plated metal cutlery or flatware merchant wholesalers

423940 Precious and semiprecious stones merchant wholesalers

423940 Precious metals merchant wholesalers

423940 Silverware, precious and plated, merchant wholesalers

423940 Stones, precious and semiprecious, merchant wholesalers

423940 Tableware, precious and plated, merchant wholesalers

423940 Trophies merchant wholesalers

423940 Watches and parts merchant wholesalers

423990 Ammunition (except sporting) merchant wholesalers

423990 Audio and video tapes and disks, prerecorded, merchant wholesalers

423990 Cassettes, prerecorded audio and video, merchant wholesalers

423990 Coin-operated game machines merchant wholesalers

423990 Compact discs (CDs), prerecorded, merchant wholesalers

423990 Digital video discs (DVDs), prerecorded, merchant wholesalers

423990 Extinguishers, fire, merchant wholesalers

423990 Fire extinguisher sales combined with rental and/or service, merchant wholesalers

423990 Fire extinguishers merchant wholesalers

423990 Firearms (except sporting) merchant wholesalers

423990 Firewood merchant wholesalers

423990 Forest products (except lumber) merchant wholesalers

423990 Games, coin-operated, merchant wholesalers

423990 Gas lighting fixtures merchant wholesalers

423990 General merchandise, durable goods, merchant wholesalers

423990 Guns (except sporting) merchant wholesalers

423990 Instruments, musical, merchant wholesalers

423990 Lighting equipment, gas, merchant wholesalers

423990 Luggage merchant wholesalers

423990 Monuments and grave markers merchant wholesalers

423990 Musical instrument accessories and supplies merchant wholesalers

423990 Musical instruments merchant wholesalers

423990 Musical recordings (e.g., compact discs, records, tapes) merchant wholesalers

423990 Ordnance and accessories merchant wholesalers

423990 Phonograph records merchant wholesalers

423990 Prerecorded audio and video tapes and discs merchant wholesalers

423990 Pulpwood merchant wholesalers

423990 Railroad ties, wood, merchant wholesalers

423990 Roundwood merchant wholesalers

423990 Signs (except electrical) merchant wholesalers

423990 Tapes, prerecorded, audio or video, merchant wholesalers

423990 Ties, wood, merchant wholesalers

423990 Timber and timber products (except lumber) merchant wholesalers

423990 Video tapes, prerecorded, merchant wholesalers

423990 Wood products (e.g., chips, posts, shavings, ties) merchant wholesalers

424110 Envelope paper, bulk, merchant wholesalers

424110 Fine paper, bulk, merchant wholesalers

424110 Groundwood paper, bulk, merchant wholesalers

424110 Newsprint merchant wholesalers

424110 Paper (e.g., fine, printing, writing), bulk, merchant wholesalers

424110 Printing paper, bulk, merchant wholesalers

424120 Albums, photo, merchant wholesalers

424120 Binders, looseleaf, merchant wholesalers

424120 Blankbooks merchant wholesalers

424120 Books, sales or receipt, merchant wholesalers

424120 Cards, greeting, merchant wholesalers

424120 Cartridge toner merchant wholesalers

424120 Cellophane tape merchant wholesalers

424120 Commercial stationery supplies merchant wholesalers

424120 Computer paper supplies merchant wholesalers

424120 Envelopes merchant wholesalers

424120 File cards and folders merchant wholesalers

424120 Folders, file, merchant wholesalers

424120 Forms, paper (e.g., business, office, sales), merchant wholesalers

424120 Gift wrapping paper merchant wholesalers

424120 Greeting cards merchant wholesalers

424120 Gummed tapes, cellophane, merchant wholesalers

424120 Ink, writing, merchant wholesalers

424120 Inked ribbons merchant wholesalers

424120 Looseleaf binders merchant wholesalers

424120 Marking devices merchant wholesalers

424120 Notebooks merchant wholesalers

424120 Office supplies (except furniture, machines) merchant wholesalers

424120 Paper, office (e.g., carbon, computer, copier, typewriter), merchant wholesalers

424120 Pencils merchant wholesalers

424120 Pens, writing, merchant wholesalers

424120 Photo albums merchant wholesalers

424120 Photocopy supplies merchant wholesalers

424120 Postcards merchant wholesalers

424120 Printing paper (except bulk) merchant wholesalers

424120 Receipt books merchant wholesalers

424120 Ribbons, inked, merchant wholesalers

424120 Rubber stamps, merchant wholesalers

424120 Sales books merchant wholesalers

424120 Scrapbooks merchant wholesalers

424120 Social stationery merchant wholesalers

424120 Stationery supplies merchant wholesalers

424120 Tapes, cellophane, merchant wholesalers

424120 Toner cartridges merchant wholesalers

424120 Typewriter paper merchant wholesalers

424120 Writing paper (except bulk) merchant wholesalers

424130 Bags, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Boxes, paperboard and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Cardboard products merchant wholesalers

424130 Cartons, paper and paperboard, merchant wholesalers

424130 Closures, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Containers, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Converted paper (except stationery and office supplies) merchant wholesalers

424130 Cups, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Diapers, paper, merchant wholesalers

424130 Dishes, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Disposable plastics products (e.g., boxes, cups, cutlery, dishes, sanitary food containers) merchant wholesalers

424130 Eating utensils, disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Facial tissue merchant wholesalers

424130 Fiber cans and drums merchant wholesalers

424130 Filter papers merchant wholesalers

424130 Gummed tapes (except cellophane) merchant wholesalers

424130 Industrial supplies, disposable plastics, paper, merchant wholesalers

424130 Knives, disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Napkins, paper, merchant wholesalers

424130 Paper (except office supplies, printing paper, stationery, writing paper) merchant wholesalers

424130 Paper bags merchant wholesalers

424130 Paperboard and paperboard products (except office supplies) merchant wholesalers

424130 Personal sanitary paper products merchant wholesalers

424130 Plastics bags merchant wholesalers

424130 Plastics foam products, disposable (except packaging, packing), merchant wholesalers

424130 Pressed and molded pulp goods (e.g., egg cartons, shipping supplies) merchant wholesalers

424130 Sacks, paper, merchant wholesalers

424130 Sanitary food containers (e.g., disposable plastics, paper, paperboard) merchant wholesalers

424130 Sanitary paper products merchant wholesalers

424130 Shipping supplies, paper and disposable plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Shopping bags, paper and plastics, merchant wholesalers

424130 Tableware, disposable, merchant wholesalers

424130 Tissue paper, toilet and facial, merchant wholesalers

424130 Toilet tissue merchant wholesalers

424130 Waxed paper merchant wholesalers

424130 Wrapping paper (except giftwrap) merchant wholesalers

424210 Antibiotics merchant wholesalers

424210 Antiseptics merchant wholesalers

424210 Bandages merchant wholesalers

424210 Beauty preparations merchant wholesalers

424210 Beauty supplies merchant wholesalers

424210 Biologicals and allied products merchant wholesalers

424210 Blades, razor, merchant wholesalers

424210 Blood derivatives merchant wholesalers

424210 Blood plasma merchant wholesalers

424210 Botanical drugs and herbs merchant wholesalers

424210 Botanicals merchant wholesalers

424210 Colognes merchant wholesalers

424210 Cosmetics merchant wholesalers

424210 Dentifrices merchant wholesalers

424210 Deodorants, personal, merchant wholesalers

424210 Diagnostic reagents merchant wholesalers

424210 Diagnostics, in-vitro and in-vivo, merchant wholesalers

424210 Drug proprietaries merchant wholesalers

424210 Druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers

424210 Drugs merchant wholesalers

424210 Endocrine substances merchant wholesalers

424210 First-aid supplies merchant wholesalers

424210 Gauze merchant wholesalers

424210 General-line drugs merchant wholesalers

424210 Hair preparations (except professional) merchant wholesalers

424210 Herbal supplements merchant wholesalers

424210 Medical sundries, rubber, merchant wholesalers

424210 Nonprescription drugs merchant wholesalers

424210 Perfumes merchant wholesalers

424210 Pharmaceuticals merchant wholesalers

424210 Plasmas, blood, merchant wholesalers

424210 Prescription drugs merchant wholesalers

424210 Radioactive pharmaceutical isotopes merchant wholesalers

424210 Razor blades merchant wholesalers

424210 Razors (except electric) merchant wholesalers

424210 Rubber goods, medical, merchant wholesalers

424210 Salts, bath, merchant wholesalers

424210 Shaving preparations merchant wholesalers

424210 Specialty-line pharmaceuticals merchant wholesalers

424210 Toilet preparations merchant wholesalers

424210 Toilet soaps merchant wholesalers

424210 Toiletries merchant wholesalers

424210 Toothbrushes (except electric) merchant wholesalers

424210 Vaccines merchant wholesalers

424210 Veterinarians' medicines merchant wholesalers

424210 Vitamins merchant wholesalers

424310 Apparel trimmings merchant wholesalers

424310 Belt and buckle assembly kits merchant wholesalers

424310 Binding, textile, merchant wholesalers

424310 Embroidery products merchant wholesalers

424310 Fabrics, textile (except burlap, felt), merchant wholesalers

424310 Fiberglass fabrics merchant wholesalers

424310 Hair accessories merchant wholesalers

424310 Jute piece goods (except burlap) merchant wholesalers

424310 Labels, textile, merchant wholesalers

424310 Millinery supplies merchant wholesalers

424310 Needles, sewing, merchant wholesalers

424310 Net goods merchant wholesalers

424310 Paddings, apparel, merchant wholesalers

424310 Piece goods (except burlap, felt) merchant wholesalers

424310 Remnants, piece goods, merchant wholesalers

424310 Ribbons, textile, merchant wholesalers

424310 Sewing accessories merchant wholesalers

424310 Tapes, textile, merchant wholesalers

424310 Textiles (except burlap, felt) merchant wholesalers

424310 Thread (except industrial) merchant wholesalers

424310 Yard goods, textile (except burlap, felt), merchant wholesalers

424310 Yarns (except industrial), merchant wholesalers

424310 Zippers merchant wholesalers

424320 Clothing, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Furnishings (except shoes), men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Gloves, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Hats and caps, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Hosiery, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Men's and boys' clothing merchant wholesalers

424320 Men's and boys' furnishings (except shoes) merchant wholesalers

424320 Neckties, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Nightwear, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Outerwear, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Sportswear, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Suits, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Swimwear, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Umbrellas, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Underwear, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424320 Work clothing, men's and boys', merchant wholesalers

424330 Baby clothing merchant wholesalers

424330 Children's clothing merchant wholesalers

424330 Clothing accessories, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Clothing, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Diapers (except paper) merchant wholesalers

424330 Dresses merchant wholesalers

424330 Fur clothing merchant wholesalers

424330 Furnishings (except shoes), women's, girls' and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Gloves, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Handbags merchant wholesalers

424330 Hats and caps, women's, girls' and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Hosiery, women's and girls', merchant wholesalers

424330 Hosiery, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Infants' clothing merchant wholesalers

424330 Lingerie merchant wholesalers

424330 Millinery merchant wholesalers

424330 Outerwear, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Swimwear, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Underwear, women's, children's, and infants', merchant wholesalers

424330 Unisex clothing merchant wholesalers

424330 Women's and children's clothing accessories merchant wholesalers

424330 Women's clothing merchant wholesalers

424340 Athletic footwear merchant wholesalers

424340 Boots (e.g., hiking, western, work) merchant wholesalers

424340 Footwear merchant wholesalers

424340 Leather cut stock for shoe and boot merchant wholesalers

424340 Shoes merchant wholesalers

424340 Slippers merchant wholesalers

424410 General-line groceries merchant wholesalers

424410 Groceries, general-line, merchant wholesalers

424420 Bakery products, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Dinners, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Doughs, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Fish, packaged frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Frozen foods, packaged (except dairy products), merchant wholesalers

424420 Fruits, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Juices, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Meats, packaged frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Pies (e.g., fruit, meat, poultry), frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Pizzas, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Poultry, packaged frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Prepared foods, frozen (except dairy products), merchant wholesalers

424420 Pretzels, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Seafoods, packaged frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Soups, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424420 Vegetables, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424430 Butter merchant wholesalers

424430 Cheese merchant wholesalers

424430 Cream merchant wholesalers

424430 Cream stations merchant wholesalers

424430 Creamery products (except canned) merchant wholesalers

424430 Dairy depots merchant wholesalers

424430 Dairy products (except canned, dried) merchant wholesalers

424430 Dairy products, frozen, merchant wholesalers

424430 Desserts, dairy, merchant wholesalers

424430 Ice cream and ices merchant wholesalers

424430 Ice cream merchant wholesalers

424430 Milk, fluid (except canned), merchant wholesalers

424430 Prepared foods, frozen dairy, merchant wholesalers

424430 Yogurt merchant wholesalers

424440 Chicken and chicken products (except canned and packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424440 Eggs merchant wholesalers

424440 Fresh poultry merchant wholesalers

424440 Frozen poultry (except packaged) merchant wholesalers

424440 Poultry and poultry products (except canned, packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424440 Poultry, live and dressed, merchant wholesalers

424440 Processed poultry (e.g., luncheon) merchant wholesalers

424440 Turkey and turkey products (except canned and packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424450 Candy merchant wholesalers

424450 Cheese confections (e.g., curls, puffs) merchant wholesalers

424450 Chewing gum merchant wholesalers

424450 Chips (e.g., corn, potato) merchant wholesalers

424450 Chocolate candy merchant wholesalers

424450 Confectionery merchant wholesalers

424450 Corn chips and related corn snacks merchant wholesalers

424450 Fountain fruits and syrups merchant wholesalers

424450 Gum, chewing, merchant wholesalers

424450 Nuts (e.g., canned, roasted, salted) merchant wholesalers

424450 Popcorn merchant wholesalers

424450 Potato chips and related snacks merchant wholesalers

424450 Seeds (e.g., canned, roasted, salted) merchant wholesalers

424450 Syrup, fountain, merchant wholesalers

424460 Cured fish merchant wholesalers

424460 Fish (except canned, packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424460 Fresh fish merchant wholesalers

424460 Fresh seafood merchant wholesalers

424460 Frozen fish (except packaged) merchant wholesalers

424460 Frozen seafood (except packaged) merchant wholesalers

424460 Seafood (except canned, packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424470 Cutting of purchased carcasses (except boxed meat cut on an assembly-line basis) merchant wholesalers

424470 Fresh meats merchant wholesalers

424470 Frozen meats (except packaged) merchant wholesalers

424470 Lard merchant wholesalers

424470 Meats and meat products (except canned, packaged frozen) merchant wholesalers

424470 Meats, cured or smoked, merchant wholesalers

424470 Meats, fresh, merchant wholesalers

424470 Meats, frozen (except packaged), merchant wholesalers

424470 Processed meats (e.g., luncheon, sausage) merchant wholesalers

424480 Berries, fresh, merchant wholesalers

424480 Fresh fruits, vegetables and berries merchant wholesalers

424480 Fruits, fresh, merchant wholesalers

424480 Health foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, merchant wholesalers

424480 Produce, fresh, merchant wholesalers

424480 Vegetables, fresh, merchant wholesalers

424490 Baby foods, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Bakery products (except frozen) merchant wholesalers

424490 Beverage bases merchant wholesalers

424490 Beverage concentrates merchant wholesalers

424490 Bottled water (except water treating) merchant wholesalers

424490 Breakfast cereals merchant wholesalers

424490 Brewers' yeast merchant wholesalers

424490 Cane sugar, refined, merchant wholesalers

424490 Canned foods (e.g., fish, meat, seafood, soups) merchant wholesalers

424490 Cereal products merchant wholesalers

424490 Chocolate (except candy) merchant wholesalers

424490 Coffee merchant wholesalers

424490 Cookies merchant wholesalers

424490 Cooking oils merchant wholesalers

424490 Cornmeal, edible, merchant wholesalers

424490 Creamery products, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Dairy products, dried or canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Dried foods (e.g., fruits, milk, vegetables) merchant wholesalers

424490 Fish, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Flavoring extracts (except for fountain use) merchant wholesalers

424490 Flour merchant wholesalers

424490 Fruits, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Gelatin, edible, merchant wholesalers

424490 Health foods (except fresh fruits, vegetables) merchant wholesalers

424490 Honey merchant wholesalers

424490 Hop extract merchant wholesalers

424490 Ice cream cones merchant wholesalers

424490 Jellies and jams merchant wholesalers

424490 Juices, canned or fresh, merchant wholesalers

424490 Macaroni merchant wholesalers

424490 Malt extract merchant wholesalers

424490 Malt merchant wholesalers

424490 Margarine merchant wholesalers

424490 Meats, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Milk, canned or dried, merchant wholesalers

424490 Mixes (e.g., cake, dessert, pie) merchant wholesalers

424490 Molasses merchant wholesalers

424490 Oils, cooking and salad, merchant wholesalers

424490 Pet food merchant wholesalers

424490 Pizzas (except frozen) merchant wholesalers

424490 Poultry, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Prepared foods (except frozen) merchant wholesalers

424490 Pretzels (except frozen) merchant wholesalers

424490 Rice, polished, merchant wholesalers

424490 Salad dressings merchant wholesalers

424490 Salad oils merchant wholesalers

424490 Salt, table, merchant wholesalers

424490 Sandwiches merchant wholesalers

424490 Sausage casings merchant wholesalers

424490 Seafood, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Shortening, vegetable, merchant wholesalers

424490 Soft drinks merchant wholesalers

424490 Soups (except frozen) merchant wholesalers

424490 Spaghetti merchant wholesalers

424490 Spices merchant wholesalers

424490 Sugar, refined, merchant wholesalers

424490 Syrup (except fountain) merchant wholesalers

424490 Tea merchant wholesalers

424490 Toppings (except fountain) merchant wholesalers

424490 Vegetables, canned, merchant wholesalers

424490 Water, bottled (except water treating), merchant wholesalers

424490 Yeast merchant wholesalers

424510 Beans, dry, merchant wholesalers

424510 Dry beans merchant wholesalers

424510 Grain elevators merchant wholesalers grain

424510 Grain merchant wholesalers

424510 Rice, unpolished, merchant wholesalers

424510 Soybeans merchant wholesalers

424520 Cattle merchant wholesalers

424520 Goats merchant wholesalers

424520 Hogs merchant wholesalers

424520 Sheep merchant wholesalers

424520 Swine merchant wholesalers

424590 Animal hair merchant wholesalers

424590 Auction markets, tobacco, horses, mules

424590 Bovine semen merchant wholesalers

424590 Bristles merchant wholesalers

424590 Broomcorn merchant wholesalers

424590 Chicks merchant wholesalers

424590 Cocoa beans merchant wholesalers

424590 Cotton, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Feathers merchant wholesalers

424590 Fibers, vegetable, merchant wholesalers

424590 Furs, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Hides merchant wholesalers

424590 Hops merchant wholesalers

424590 Horses merchant wholesalers

424590 Leaf tobacco merchant wholesalers

424590 Mohair, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Mules merchant wholesalers

424590 Nuts, unprocessed or shelled only, merchant wholesalers

424590 Oil kernels merchant wholesalers

424590 Oil nuts merchant wholesalers

424590 Oilseeds merchant wholesalers

424590 Pelts, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Raw farm products (except field beans, grains) merchant wholesalers

424590 Semen, bovine, merchant wholesalers

424590 Silk, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Skins, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Sugar, raw, merchant wholesalers

424590 Tobacco, leaf, merchant wholesalers

424590 Wool tops and noils merchant wholesalers

424590 Wool, raw, merchant wholesalers

424610 Foam, plastics, resins and shapes, merchant wholesalers

424610 Plasticizers merchant wholesalers

424610 Plastics basic shapes (e.g., film, rod, sheet, sheeting, tubing) merchant wholesalers

424610 Plastics foam merchant wholesalers

424610 Plastics materials merchant wholesalers

424610 Plastics resins merchant wholesalers

424610 Resins, plastics, merchant wholesalers

424690 Acids merchant wholesalers

424690 Adhesives and sealants merchant wholesalers

424690 Alcohol, industrial, merchant wholesalers

424690 Alkalies merchant wholesalers

424690 Ammonia (except fertilizer material) merchant wholesalers

424690 Antifreeze merchant wholesalers

424690 Aromatic chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Automotive chemicals (except lubricating greases, lubrication oils) merchant wholesalers

424690 Bleaches merchant wholesalers

424690 Carbon black merchant wholesalers

424690 Caulking materials merchant wholesalers

424690 Caustic soda merchant wholesalers

424690 Chemical additives (e.g., concrete, food, fuel, oil) merchant wholesalers

424690 Chemical gases merchant wholesalers

424690 Chemicals (except agriculture) (e.g., automotive, household, industrial, photographic) merchant wholesalers

424690 Cleaning compounds and preparations merchant wholesalers

424690 Coal tar products, primary and intermediate, merchant wholesalers

424690 Compressed gases (except LP gas) merchant wholesalers

424690 Concrete additives merchant wholesalers

424690 Cyclic crudes and intermediates merchant wholesalers

424690 Deodorants (except personal) merchant wholesalers

424690 Detergents merchant wholesalers

424690 Drilling muds merchant wholesalers

424690 Dry ice merchant wholesalers

424690 Dyes, industrial, merchant wholesalers

424690 Dyestuffs merchant wholesalers

424690 Essential oils merchant wholesalers

424690 Explosives (except ammunition, fireworks) merchant wholesalers

424690 Fibers, manmade, merchant wholesalers

424690 Fire extinguisher preparations merchant wholesalers

424690 Gases, compressed and liquefied (except liquefied petroleum gas), merchant wholesalers

424690 Gelatin, inedible, merchant wholesalers

424690 Glues merchant wholesalers

424690 Gum and wood chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Ice, dry, merchant wholesalers

424690 Industrial chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Industrial gases merchant wholesalers

424690 Industrial salts merchant wholesalers

424690 Inorganic chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Janitorial chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Laundry soap, chips, and powder, merchant wholesalers

424690 Liquefied gases (except LP) merchant wholesalers

424690 Man-made fibers merchant wholesalers

424690 Mastics (except construction) merchant wholesalers

424690 Metal cyanides merchant wholesalers

424690 Oil additives merchant wholesalers

424690 Oil drilling muds merchant wholesalers

424690 Organic chemicals merchant wholesalers

424690 Pesticides (except agricultural) merchant wholesalers

424690 Polishes (e.g., automobile, furniture, metal, shoe, stove) merchant wholesalers

424690 Resins, synthetic rubber, merchant wholesalers

424690 Rosins merchant wholesalers

424690 Salts, industrial, merchant wholesalers

424690 Sealants merchant wholesalers

424690 Sulfuric acid merchant wholesalers

424690 Surface active agents merchant wholesalers

424690 Synthetic rubber merchant wholesalers

424690 Turpentine merchant wholesalers

424690 Water softening compounds merchant wholesalers

424690 Waxes (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers

424690 Welding gases merchant wholesalers

424690 Wood treating preparations merchant wholesalers

424710 Bulk gasoline stations

424710 Bulk stations, petroleum

424710 Crude oil terminals

424710 Fuel oil bulk stations and terminals

424710 Gasoline bulk stations and terminals

424710 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) bulk stations and terminals

424710 Lubricating oils and greases bulk stations and terminals

424710 Oil, petroleum, bulk stations and terminals

424710 Petroleum and petroleum products bulk stations and terminals

424710 Propane bulk stations and terminals

424710 Terminals, petroleum

424720 Crude oil merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Fuel oil merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Fuel oil truck jobbers

424720 Fueling aircraft (except on contract basis)

424720 Gasoline merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Lubricating oils and greases merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Oil, petroleum, merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424720 Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)

424810 Alcoholic beverages (except distilled spirits, wine) merchant wholesalers

424810 Ale merchant wholesalers

424810 Beer merchant wholesalers

424810 Beverages, alcoholic (except distilled spirits, wine), merchant wholesalers

424810 Fermented malt beverages merchant wholesalers

424810 Porter merchant wholesalers

424820 Alcoholic beverages, wine and distilled spirits merchant wholesalers

424820 Beverages, wine and distilled spirits, merchant wholesalers

424820 Brandy and brandy spirits merchant wholesalers

424820 Cocktails, alcoholic, premixed, merchant wholesalers

424820 Distilled alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers

424820 Ethyl alcohol merchant wholesalers

424820 Liquors merchant wholesalers

424820 Liquors, distilled, merchant wholesalers

424820 Neutral spirits merchant wholesalers

424820 Spirits, distilled, merchant wholesalers

424820 Wine coolers, alcoholic, merchant wholesalers

424820 Wines merchant wholesalers

424910 Agricultural chemicals merchant wholesalers

424910 Agricultural limestone merchant wholesalers

424910 Alfalfa merchant wholesalers

424910 Ammonia, fertilizer material, merchant wholesalers

424910 Animal feeds (except pet food) merchant wholesalers

424910 Beekeeping supplies merchant wholesalers

424910 Chemicals, agricultural, merchant wholesalers

424910 Farm supplies merchant wholesalers

424910 Feed additives merchant wholesalers

424910 Feeds (except pet) merchant wholesalers

424910 Fertilizer and fertilizer materials merchant wholesalers

424910 Flower bulbs merchant wholesalers

424910 Garden supplies (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides) merchant wholesalers

424910 Harness equipment merchant wholesalers

424910 Hay merchant wholesalers

424910 Lawn care supplies (e.g., chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides) merchant wholesalers

424910 Lime, agricultural, merchant wholesalers

424910 Livestock feeds merchant wholesalers

424910 Mineral supplements, animal, merchant wholesalers

424910 Mulch merchant wholesalers

424910 Pesticides, agricultural, merchant wholesalers

424910 Produce containers merchant wholesalers

424910 Saddlery merchant wholesalers

424910 Seeds (e.g., field, flower, garden) merchant wholesalers

424910 Straw merchant wholesalers

424910 Vegetable dusts and sprays merchant wholesalers

424920 Antique book merchant wholesalers

424920 Books merchant wholesalers

424920 Magazines merchant wholesalers

424920 Maps (except globe, school, wall) merchant wholesalers

424920 Newspaper agencies merchant wholesalers

424920 Newspapers merchant wholesalers

424920 Pamphlets merchant wholesalers

424920 Periodicals merchant wholesalers

424930 Artificial flowers merchant wholesalers

424930 Florist's supplies merchant wholesalers

424930 Flowers merchant wholesalers

424930 Nursery stock (except plant bulbs, seeds) merchant wholesalers

424930 Trees merchant wholesalers

424940 Chewing tobacco merchant wholesalers

424940 Cigarettes merchant wholesalers

424940 Cigars merchant wholesalers

424940 Pipe tobacco merchant wholesalers

424940 Snuff merchant wholesalers

424940 Tobacco (except leaf) merchant wholesalers

424940 Tobacco products merchant wholesalers

424950 Calcimines, merchant wholesalers

424950 Enamels merchant wholesalers

424950 Lacquers merchant wholesalers

424950 Paint rollers merchant wholesalers

424950 Paintbrushes merchant wholesalers

424950 Painter's supplies (except artists', turpentine) merchant wholesalers

424950 Paints (except artists') merchant wholesalers

424950 Pigments, paint, merchant wholesalers

424950 Shellac merchant wholesalers

424950 Spray painting equipment (except industrial-type) merchant wholesalers

424950 Stains merchant wholesalers

424950 Varnishes merchant wholesalers

424950 Wall coverings (e.g., fabric, plastics) merchant wholesalers

424950 Wallpaper merchant wholesalers

424990 Art goods merchant wholesalers

424990 Artificial Christmas trees merchant wholesalers

424990 Artists' supplies merchant wholesalers

424990 Awnings, canvas, merchant wholesalers

424990 Bags, textile, merchant wholesalers

424990 Bait, live, merchant wholesalers

424990 Baskets merchant wholesalers

424990 Burlap merchant wholesalers

424990 Candles merchant wholesalers

424990 Canvas products merchant wholesalers

424990 Cats merchant wholesalers

424990 Chamois, leather, merchant wholesalers

424990 Charcoal merchant wholesalers

424990 Christmas ornaments merchant wholesalers

424990 Christmas trees (e.g., artificial, cut) merchant wholesalers

424990 Cigarette lighters merchant wholesalers

424990 Clothes hangers merchant wholesalers

424990 Cotton (except raw) merchant wholesalers

424990 Crude rubber merchant wholesalers

424990 Curios merchant wholesalers

424990 Dogs merchant wholesalers

424990 Dressed furs and skins merchant wholesalers

424990 Felt merchant wholesalers

424990 Fish, tropical, merchant wholesalers

424990 Foam rubber merchant wholesalers

424990 Furs, dressed, merchant wholesalers

424990 General merchandise, nondurable goods, merchant wholesalers

424990 Greases, inedible animal and vegetable, merchant wholesalers

424990 Hairbrushes merchant wholesalers

424990 Hairpieces (e.g., toupees, wigs, wiglets) merchant wholesalers

424990 Handles (e.g., broom, mop, paint) merchant wholesalers

424990 Ice (except dry ice) merchant wholesalers

424990 Jewelry boxes merchant wholesalers

424990 Leather cut stock (except boot, shoe) merchant wholesalers

424990 Leather goods (except belting, footwear, handbags, gloves, luggage) merchant wholesalers

424990 Lighters, cigar and cigarette, merchant wholesalers

424990 Live bait merchant wholesalers

424990 Matches and match books merchant wholesalers

424990 Music, sheet, merchant wholesalers

424990 Novelties merchant wholesalers

424990 Oils, inedible, animal or vegetable, merchant wholesalers

424990 Oilseed cake and meal merchant wholesalers

424990 Paints, artist's, merchant wholesalers

424990 Pet supplies (except pet food) merchant wholesalers

424990 Pets merchant wholesalers

424990 Piece goods, burlap and felt, merchant wholesalers

424990 Plant food merchant wholesalers

424990 Plastics foam products (except disposable) merchant wholesalers

424990 Pre-paid calling card distribution, merchant wholesalers

424990 Rennets merchant wholesalers

424990 Rubber, crude, merchant wholesalers

424990 Sawdust merchant wholesalers

424990 Sheet music merchant wholesalers

424990 Ship chandler merchant wholesalers

424990 Skins, dressed, merchant wholesalers

424990 Smokers' supplies merchant wholesalers

424990 Sponges merchant wholesalers

424990 Statuary goods (except religious) merchant wholesalers

424990 Textile bags merchant wholesalers

424990 Toupees merchant wholesalers

424990 Tropical fish merchant wholesalers

424990 Vegetable cake and meal merchant wholesalers

424990 Wigs merchant wholesalers

424990 Wood carvings merchant wholesalers

424990 Wood pulp merchant wholesalers

424990 Worms merchant wholesalers

424990 Yarns, industrial, merchant wholesalers

425110 Business to business electronic markets, durable goods, wholesale trade

425110 Business to business electronic markets, nondurable goods, wholesale trade

425110 Durable goods business to business electronic markets, wholesale trade

425110 Electronic markets, durable goods, business to business, wholesale trade

425110 Electronic markets, nondurable goods, business to business, wholesale trade

425110 Nondurable goods business to business electronic markets, wholesale trade

425120 Agents and brokers, durable goods, wholesale trade

425120 Agents and brokers, nondurable goods, wholesale trade

425120 Automobile auctions, wholesale

425120 Durable goods agents and brokers, wholesale trade

425120 Nondurable goods agents and brokers, wholesale trade

425120 Petroleum brokers

441110 Automobile dealers, new only or new and used

441110 Light utility truck dealers, new only or new and used

441110 New car dealers

441120 Antique auto dealers

441120 Automobile dealers, used only

441120 Light utility truck dealers, used only

441120 Used car dealers

441210 Camper dealers, recreational

441210 Motor home dealers

441210 Recreational vehicle (RV) dealers

441210 Recreational vehicle (RV) parts and accessories stores

441210 RV dealers

441210 Travel trailer dealers

441210 Used recreational vehicle (RV) dealers

441222 Boat dealers, new and used

441222 Boat trailer dealers

441222 Marine supply dealers

441222 Outboard motor dealers

441222 Power boat dealers

441222 Sail boat dealers

441222 Used boat dealers

441228 Aircraft dealers

441228 All-terrain vehicle (ATV) dealers

441228 Bicycle shops, motorized

441228 Golf cart dealers, powered

441228 Moped dealers

441228 Motor scooters dealers

441228 Motorbike dealers

441228 Motorcycle dealers

441228 Motorcycle parts and accessories dealers

441228 Off-road all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), wheeled or tracked, dealers

441228 Personal watercraft dealers

441228 Snowmobile dealers

441228 Used aircraft dealers

441228 Used motorcycle dealers

441228 Used utility trailer dealers

441228 Utility trailer dealers

441310 Auto salvage yards (i.e., retailing used auto parts)

441310 Auto supply stores

441310 Automobile parts dealers

441310 Automotive audio equipment stores

441310 Automotive parts and supply stores

441310 Automotive parts dealers, used

441310 Batteries, automotive, dealers

441310 Parts and accessories dealers, automotive

441310 Speed shops

441310 Stereo stores, automotive

441310 Truck cap stores

441310 Used automotive parts stores

441320 Automotive tire dealers

441320 Tire dealers, automotive

441320 Used automotive tire dealers

441320 Used tire dealers

442110 Bed stores, retail

442110 Furniture and appliance stores (i.e., primarily retailing furniture)

442110 Furniture stores (e.g., household, office, outdoor)

442110 Mattress stores (including waterbeds)

442110 Office furniture stores

442210 Carpet stores

442210 Floor covering stores (except wood or ceramic tile only)

442210 Rug stores

442291 Curtain and drapery stores, packaged

442291 Window treatment stores

442299 Bath shops

442299 Chinaware stores

442299 Custom picture frame shops

442299 Glassware stores

442299 Homefurnishings stores

442299 Housewares stores

442299 Kitchenware stores

442299 Lamp shops, electric

442299 Linen stores

442299 Picture frame shops, custom

442299 Wood-burning stove stores

443141 Appliance stores, household-type

443141 Household-type appliance stores

443141 Sewing machine stores, household-type

443141 Vacuum cleaner stores, household-type

443142 Audio equipment stores (except automotive)

443142 Camera shops, photographic

443142 Computer equipment stores

443142 Computer stores

443142 Consumer-type electronic stores (e.g., televisions, computers, cameras)

443142 Electronic part and component stores

443142 Music stores (e.g., cassette, compact disc, record, tape)

443142 Pager and mobile phone stores

443142 Photographic supply stores

443142 Radio and television stores

443142 Record stores, new

443142 Software stores, computer

443142 Stereo stores (except automotive)

443142 Television and radio stores

443142 TV (television) stores

443142 Video game software stores

443142 Video tape stores

444110 Home centers, building materials

444110 Home improvement centers

444120 Paint stores

444120 Wallpaper and wall coverings stores

444130 Handtools, power-driven, repair and maintenance services retailing new power-driven handtools

444130 Hardware stores

444130 Tool stores, power and hand (except outdoor)

444190 Building materials supply dealers

444190 Cabinet stores, kitchen (except custom), to be installed

444190 Ceiling fan stores

444190 Ceramic tile stores

444190 Door stores

444190 Electrical supply stores

444190 Fencing dealers

444190 Floor covering stores, wood or ceramic tile only

444190 Garage door dealers

444190 Glass stores

444190 Hardwood flooring dealers

444190 Kitchen cabinet (except custom) stores

444190 Lighting fixture stores

444190 Lumber retailing yards

444190 Masonry (e.g., block, brick, stone) dealers

444190 Plumbing supply stores

444190 Prefabricated building dealers

444190 Roofing material dealers

444190 Siding dealers

444190 Tile stores, ceramic

444190 Window stores

444210 Garden power equipment stores

444210 Lawn power equipment stores

444210 Power equipment stores, outdoor

444220 Farm supply stores

444220 Feed stores (except pet)

444220 Garden centers

444220 Lawn supply stores

444220 Nursery and garden centers without tree production

445110 Commissaries, primarily groceries

445110 Delicatessens primarily retailing a range of grocery items and meats

445110 Food (i.e., groceries) stores

445110 Grocery stores

445110 Supermarkets

445120 Convenience food stores

445210 Baked ham stores

445210 Butcher shops

445210 Delicatessens (except grocery store, restaurants)

445210 Frozen meat stores

445210 Meat markets

445210 Poultry dealers

445220 Fish markets

445220 Seafood markets

445230 Fruit and vegetable stands, permanent

445230 Fruit markets

445230 Fruit stands, permanent

445230 Produce markets

445230 Produce stands, permanent

445230 Vegetable markets

445291 Baked goods stores, retailing only (except immediate consumption)

445292 Candy stores, packaged, retailing only

445292 Confectionery stores, packaged, retailing only

445292 Nut (i.e., packaged) stores

445299 Coffee and tea (i.e., packaged) stores

445299 Dairy product stores

445299 Gourmet food stores

445299 Ice cream (i.e., packaged) stores

445299 Soft drink stores, bottled

445299 Specialty food stores

445299 Spice stores

445299 Tea and coffee (i.e., packaged) stores

445299 Water stores, bottled

445310 Beer stores, packaged

445310 Duty free liquor shops

445310 Liquor stores, package

445310 Package stores (i.e., liquor)

445310 Wine shops, packaged

446110 Apothecaries

446110 Drug stores

446110 Institutional pharmacies, on-site

446110 Pharmacies

446120 Beauty supply stores

446120 Cosmetics stores

446120 Perfume stores

446130 Lens grinding, ophthalmic, in retail stores

446130 Optical goods stores (except offices of optometrists)

446130 Sunglass stores

446191 Food (i.e., health) supplement stores

446191 Herbal supplement stores

446191 Nutrition (i.e., food supplement) stores

446191 Vitamin stores

446199 Convalescent supply stores

446199 Hearing aid stores

446199 Medical equipment and supplies stores

446199 Prosthetic stores

446199 Sick room supply stores

447110 Convenience food with gasoline stations

447110 Gasoline stations with convenience stores

447110 Gasoline with convenience stores

447190 Gasoline stations without convenience stores

447190 Marine service stations

447190 Service stations, gasoline

447190 Truck stops

448110 Apparel stores, men's and boys' clothing

448110 Clothing stores, men's and boys'

448120 Apparel stores, women's and girls' clothing

448120 Clothing stores, women's and girls'

448120 Maternity shops

448130 Apparel stores, children's and infants' clothing

448130 Baby clothing shops

448130 Clothing stores, children's and infants'

448140 Clothing stores, family

448140 Family clothing stores

448140 Unisex clothing stores

448140 Western wear stores

448150 Apparel accessory stores

448150 Clothing accessories stores

448150 Costume jewelry stores

448150 Furnishings stores, men's and boys'

448150 Furnishings stores, women's and girls'

448150 Handbag stores

448150 Hat and cap stores

448150 Jewelry stores, costume

448150 Neckwear stores

448150 Tie shops

448150 Wig and hairpiece stores

448190 Bridal gown shops (except custom)

448190 Coat stores

448190 Costume stores (including theatrical)

448190 Dress shops

448190 Fur apparel stores

448190 Furriers

448190 Hosiery stores

448190 Leather coat stores

448190 Lingerie stores

448190 School uniform stores

448190 Swimwear stores

448190 T-shirt shops

448190 Uniform stores (except athletic)

448210 Athletic shoe (except bowling, golf, spiked) stores

448210 Orthopedic shoes stores

448210 Shoe (except bowling, golf, spiked) stores

448210 Shoe stores, orthopedic

448310 Clock shops

448310 Jewelry stores, precious

448310 Watch shops

448320 Leather goods stores

448320 Luggage stores

451110 Athletic equipment and supply stores (including uniforms)

451110 Bicycle (except motorized) shops

451110 Bowling equipment and supply stores

451110 Diving equipment stores

451110 Exercise equipment stores

451110 Fishing supply stores (e.g., bait)

451110 Footwear (e.g., bowling, golf, spiked), specialty sports, stores

451110 Golf pro shops

451110 Gun shops

451110 Outdoor sporting equipment stores

451110 Pro shops (e.g., golf, skiing, tennis)

451110 Saddlery stores

451110 Shoe stores, specialty sports footwear (e.g., bowling, golf, spiked)

451110 Sporting goods stores

451110 Sports gear stores (e.g., outdoors, scuba, skiing)

451110 Tack shops

451110 Tackle shops (i.e., fishing)

451110 Uniform stores, athletic

451120 Craft supply stores (except needlecraft)

451120 Hobby shops

451120 Magic supply stores

451120 Pottery (unfinished pottery to be painted by customer on premises) stores

451120 Toy stores

451120 Toy stores, electronic

451130 Fabric shops

451130 Needlecraft sewing supply stores

451130 Piece goods stores

451130 Sewing supply stores

451130 Upholstery materials stores

451140 Music stores (i.e., instrument)

451140 Musical instrument stores

451140 Piano stores

451140 Sheet music stores

451211 Book stores

451211 Religious book stores

451212 Magazine stands (i.e., permanent)

451212 News dealers

451212 Newsstands (i.e., permanent)

452111 Department stores (except discount department stores)

452112 Department stores, discount

452112 Discount department stores

452910 Superstores (i.e., food and general merchandise)

452910 Warehouse clubs (i.e., food and general merchandise)

452990 Catalog showrooms, general merchandise (except catalog mail-order)

452990 Dollar stores

452990 General stores

452990 Home and auto supply stores

452990 Limited price variety stores

452990 Trading posts, general merchandise

452990 Variety stores

453110 Florists

453110 Flower shops, fresh

453210 Office supply stores

453210 School supply stores

453210 Stationery stores

453220 Balloon shops

453220 Card shops, greeting

453220 Christmas stores

453220 Collectible gift shops (e.g., crystal, pewter, porcelain)

453220 Craft (except craft supply) stores

453220 Curio shops

453220 Gift shops

453220 Gift stands, permanent location

453220 Greeting card shops

453220 Novelty shops

453220 Party goods (e.g., paper supplies, decorations, novelties) stores

453220 Seasonal and holiday decoration stores

453220 Souvenir shops

453310 Antique dealers (except motor vehicles)

453310 Antique shops

453310 Apparel stores, used clothing

453310 Appliance stores, household-type, used

453310 Architectural salvage dealers

453310 Bicycle (except motorized) shops, used

453310 Book stores, used

453310 Clothing stores, used

453310 Consignment shops, used merchandise

453310 Flea markets, used merchandise, permanent

453310 Furniture stores, used

453310 Music stores (e.g., cassette, instrument, record, tape), used

453310 Rare manuscript stores

453310 Record stores, used

453310 Second-hand merchandise stores

453310 Sporting goods stores, used

453310 Thrift shops, used merchandise

453310 Used bicycle (except motorized) shops

453310 Used merchandise dealers (except motor vehicles and parts)

453310 Used merchandise stores

453310 Used rare collectors' items (e.g., autograph, coin, card, stamps) shops

453910 Feed stores, pet

453910 Pet shops

453910 Pet supply stores

453920 Art auctions

453920 Art dealers

453920 Art galleries retailing art

453920 Galleries, art, retail

453930 Manufactured (mobile) home dealers

453930 Mobile home dealers, manufactured

453930 Used manufactured (mobile) home dealers

453991 Cigar stores

453991 Cigarette stands, permanent

453991 Smokers' supply stores

453991 Tobacco stores

453998 Art supply stores

453998 Auction houses (general merchandise)

453998 Batteries, except automotive, dealers

453998 Calendar shops

453998 Candle shops

453998 Cemetery memorial dealers (e.g., headstones, markers, vaults)

453998 Closet organizer stores

453998 Collector's items shops (e.g., autograph, card, coin, stamp)

453998 Emergency preparedness supply stores

453998 Fireworks shops (i.e., permanent location)

453998 Flag and banner shops

453998 Flower shops, artificial or dried

453998 Home security equipment stores

453998 Hot tub stores

453998 Janitorial equipment and supplies stores

453998 Monument (i.e., burial marker) dealers

453998 Police supply stores

453998 Religious goods (except books) stores

453998 Swimming pool supply stores

453998 Trophy (including awards and plaques) shops

454111 Audio and video content downloading retail sales sites

454111 Business to Consumer retail sales Internet sites

454111 E-tailers

454111 Institutional pharmacies, off-site, exclusively on Internet

454111 Internet retail sales sites

454111 Web retailers

454112 Auctions, Internet retail

454112 Electronic auctions, retail

454112 Internet auctions, retail

454113 Book clubs, not publishing, mail-order

454113 Catalog (i.e., order taking) offices of mail-order houses

454113 Collector's items, mail-order houses

454113 Computer software, mail-order houses

454113 Direct mailers (i.e., selling own merchandise)

454113 Institutional pharmacies, off-site, mail-order

454113 Mail-order houses

454113 Order taking offices of mail-order houses

454113 Prerecorded tape, compact disc, and record mail-order houses

454113 Television order, home shopping

454210 Automatic merchandising machine operators

454210 Vending machine merchandisers, sale of products

454310 Alternative fuels, direct selling

454310 Bottled gas dealers, direct selling

454310 Coal dealers, direct selling

454310 Firewood dealers, direct selling

454310 Fuel oil (i.e., heating) dealers, direct selling

454310 Heating oil dealers, direct selling

454310 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) dealers, direct selling

454390 Bazaars (i.e., temporary stands)

454390 Bottled water providers, direct selling

454390 Canvassers (door-to-door), headquarters for retail sale of merchandise, direct selling

454390 Christmas trees, cut, direct selling

454390 Cigarette stands, temporary

454390 Coffee-break service providers, direct selling

454390 Direct selling of merchandise (door-to-door)

454390 Door-to-door retailing of merchandise, direct selling

454390 Flea markets, temporary location, direct selling

454390 Frozen food and freezer meal plan providers, direct selling

454390 Fruit stands, temporary

454390 Home delivery newspaper routes, direct selling

454390 House-to-house direct selling

454390 In-home sales of merchandise, direct selling

454390 Locker meat provisioners, direct selling

454390 Party plan merchandisers, direct selling

454390 Produce stands, temporary

454390 Street vendors (except food)

454390 Water softener service providers, direct selling

481111 Air commuter carriers, scheduled

481111 Air passenger carriers, scheduled

481111 Commuter air carriers, scheduled

481111 Helicopter passenger carriers, scheduled

481111 Passenger air transportation, scheduled

481111 Passenger carriers, air, scheduled

481111 Scheduled air passenger carriers

481111 Scheduled air passenger transportation

481112 Air cargo carriers (except air couriers), scheduled

481112 Airmail carriers, scheduled

481112 Cargo carriers, air, scheduled

481112 Freight carriers (except air couriers), air, scheduled

481112 Helicopter freight carriers, scheduled

481112 Scheduled air freight carriers

481112 Scheduled air freight transportation

481211 Air passenger carriers, nonscheduled

481211 Air taxi services

481211 Aircraft charter services, passenger

481211 Charter air passenger services

481211 Helicopter passenger carriers (except scenic, sightseeing), nonscheduled

481211 Nonscheduled air passenger transportation

481211 Passenger air transportation, nonscheduled

481211 Passenger carriers, air, nonscheduled

481212 Air cargo carriers (except air couriers), nonscheduled

481212 Charter air freight services

481212 Freight charter services, air

481212 Freight transportation, air, charter services

481212 Freight transportation, air, nonscheduled

481212 Helicopter carriers, freight, nonscheduled

481212 Nonscheduled air freight transportation

481212 Space transportation, freight, nonscheduled

481212 Transportation by spacecraft, freight

481219 Aircraft charter services (i.e., general purpose aircraft used for a variety of specialty air and flying services)

481219 Aviation clubs providing a variety of air transportation activities to the general public

482111 Freight railways, line-haul

482111 Passenger railways, line-haul

482111 Railroad transportation, line-haul

482111 Railroads, line-haul

482111 Railway transportation, line-haul

482112 Beltline railroads

482112 Freight railways, short-line or beltline

482112 Logging railroads

482112 Railroad transportation, short-line or beltline

482112 Railroads, short-line or beltline

482112 Railway transportation, short-line or beltline

482112 Short-line railroads

483111 Deep sea freight transportation to or from foreign ports

483111 Freight transportation, deep sea, to or from foreign ports

483111 Ship chartering with crew, deep sea freight transportation to or from foreign ports

483111 Shipping freight to or from foreign ports, deep sea

483111 Transporting freight to or from foreign ports, deep sea

483112 Cruise lines (i.e., deep sea passenger transportation to or from foreign ports)

483112 Deep sea passenger transportation to or from foreign ports

483112 Passenger transportation, deep sea, to or from foreign ports

483112 Ship chartering with crew, deep sea passenger transportation to or from foreign ports

483112 Transporting passengers to or from foreign ports, deep sea

483113 Barge transportation, coastal or Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483113 Coastal freight transportation to and from domestic ports

483113 Coastal shipping of freight to and from domestic ports

483113 Deep sea freight transportation to or from domestic ports (including Puerto Rico)

483113 Freight shipping on the Great Lakes system (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483113 Freight transportation, deep sea, to and from domestic ports

483113 Great Lakes freight transportation (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483113 Intercoastal freight transportation to and from domestic ports

483113 Lake freight transportation, Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483113 Ship chartering with crew, coastal or Great Lakes freight transportation (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483113 Shipping freight to and from domestic ports (i.e., coastal, deep sea (including Puerto Rico), Great Lakes system (including St. Lawrence Seaway))

483114 Coastal passenger transportation to and from domestic ports

483114 Cruise lines (i.e., deep sea passenger transportation to and from domestic ports, including Puerto Rico)

483114 Deep sea passenger transportation to and from domestic ports (including Puerto Rico)

483114 Ferry passenger transportation, Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483114 Great Lakes passenger transportation (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483114 Intercoastal transportation of passengers to and from domestic ports

483114 Lake passenger transportation, Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483114 Passenger transportation, coastal or Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483114 Passenger transportation, deep sea, to and from domestic ports (including Puerto Rico)

483114 Ship chartering with crew, coastal or Great Lakes passenger transportation (including St. Lawrence Seaway)

483211 Barge transportation, canal (freight)

483211 Canal barge transportation (freight)

483211 Freight transportation, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483211 Intracoastal transportation of freight

483211 Lake freight transportation (except on Great Lakes system)

483211 Lighterage (i.e., freight transportation except vessel supply services)

483211 River freight transportation

483211 Ship chartering with crew, freight transportation, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483211 Shipping freight, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483211 Towing service, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483212 Canal passenger transportation

483212 Car lighters (i.e., ferries), inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483212 Intracoastal transportation of passengers

483212 Lake passenger transportation (except on Great Lakes system)

483212 Passenger transportation, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483212 River passenger transportation

483212 Ship chartering with crew, passenger transportation, inland waters (except on Great Lakes system)

483212 Water shuttle services

483212 Water taxi services

484110 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, local

484110 Container trucking services, local

484110 General freight trucking, local

484110 Motor freight carrier, general, local

484110 Transfer (trucking) services, general freight, local

484110 Trucking, general freight, local

484121 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, long-distance (TL)

484121 Container trucking services, long-distance (TL)

484121 General freight trucking, long-distance, truckload (TL)

484121 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, truckload (TL)

484121 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, truckload (TL)

484122 General freight trucking, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)

484122 LTL (less-than-truckload) long-distance freight trucking

484122 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)

484122 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)

484210 Furniture moving, used

484210 Motor freight carrier, used household goods

484210 Trucking used household, office, or institutional furniture and equipment

484210 Used household and office goods moving

484210 Van lines, moving and storage services

484220 Agricultural products trucking, local

484220 Automobile carrier trucking, local

484220 Boat hauling, truck, local

484220 Bulk liquids trucking, local

484220 Coal hauling, truck, local

484220 Dry bulk trucking (except garbage collection, garbage hauling), local

484220 Dump trucking (e.g., gravel, sand, top soil)

484220 Farm products hauling, local

484220 Flatbed trucking, local

484220 Grain hauling, local

484220 Gravel hauling, local

484220 Livestock trucking, local

484220 Log hauling, local

484220 Milk hauling, local

484220 Mobile home towing services, local

484220 Refrigerated products trucking, local

484220 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, local

484220 Sand hauling, local

484220 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), local

484220 Top-soil hauling, local

484220 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, local

484220 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), local

484230 Automobile carrier trucking, long-distance

484230 Boat hauling, truck, long-distance

484230 Bulk liquids trucking, long-distance

484230 Dry bulk carrier, truck, long-distance

484230 Farm products trucking, long-distance

484230 Flatbed trucking, long-distance

484230 Forest products trucking, long-distance

484230 Grain hauling, long-distance

484230 Gravel hauling, long-distance

484230 Livestock trucking, long-distance

484230 Log hauling, long-distance

484230 Mobile home towing services, long-distance

484230 Radioactive waste hauling, long-distance

484230 Recyclable material hauling, long-distance

484230 Refrigerated products trucking, long-distance

484230 Refuse hauling, long-distance

484230 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, long-distance

484230 Sand hauling, long-distance

484230 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), long-distance

484230 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, long-distance

484230 Trash hauling, long-distance

484230 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), long-distance

484230 Waste hauling, hazardous, long-distance

484230 Waste hauling, nonhazardous, long-distance

485111 Commuter transit systems, mixed mode (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combination)

485111 Local transit systems, mixed mode (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combinations)

485111 Mixed mode transit systems (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combinations)

485111 Suburban transit systems, mixed mode (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combinations)

485111 Transit systems, mixed mode (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combinations)

485111 Urban transit systems, mixed mode (e.g., bus, commuter rail, subway combinations)

485112 Commuter rail systems (except mixed mode)

485112 Local passenger rail systems (except mixed mode)

485112 Rail transportation (except mixed mode), commuter

485112 Railway systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485112 Suburban commuter rail systems (except mixed mode)

485112 Urban commuter rail systems (except mixed mode)

485113 Bus line, local (except mixed mode)

485113 Bus services, urban and suburban (except mixed mode)

485113 Bus transit systems (except mixed mode)

485113 City bus services (except mixed mode)

485113 Commuter bus operation (except mixed mode)

485113 Local bus services (except mixed mode)

485113 Suburban bus line services (except mixed mode)

485113 Urban bus line services (except mixed mode)

485119 Cable car systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Light rail systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Monorail transit systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Street railway systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Subway systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Tramway systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485119 Trolley systems (except mixed mode), commuter

485210 Bus line operation, intercity

485210 Intercity bus line operation

485210 Interstate bus line operation

485210 Interurban bus line operation

485210 Motor coach operation, interurban and rural

485210 Rural bus services

485310 Cab (i.e., taxi) services

485310 Taxicab dispatch services

485310 Taxicab fleet operators

485310 Taxicab organizations

485310 Taxicab owner-operators

485310 Taxicab services

485320 Automobile rental with driver (except shuttle service, taxis)

485320 Hearse rental with driver

485320 Limousine services (except shuttle services)

485320 Limousines for hire with driver (except taxis)

485320 Luxury automobiles for hire with driver (except taxis)

485320 Passenger limousine rental with driver (except shuttle service, taxi)

485320 Passenger van rental with driver (except shuttle service, taxi)

485410 Bus operation, school and employee

485410 Employee bus services

485410 School bus services

485510 Bus charter services (except scenic, sightseeing)

485510 Charter bus services (except scenic, sightseeing)

485991 Handicapped passenger transportation services

485991 Paratransit transportation services

485991 Senior citizens transportation services

485991 Special needs passenger transportation services

485999 Airport limousine services (i.e., shuttle)

485999 Airport shuttle services

485999 Car pool operation

485999 Shuttle services (except employee bus)

485999 Vanpool operation

486110 Booster pumping station, crude oil transportation

486110 Crude oil pipeline transportation

486110 Petroleum pipelines, crude

486110 Pipeline transportation, crude oil

486210 Booster pumping station, natural gas transportation

486210 Gas, natural, pipeline operation

486210 Natural gas pipeline transportation

486210 Natural gas transmission (i.e., processing plants to local distribution systems)

486210 Pipeline transportation, natural gas

486210 Storage of natural gas

486210 Transmission of natural gas via pipeline (i.e., processing plants to local distribution systems)

486910 Booster pumping station, refined petroleum products transportation

486910 Gasoline pipeline transportation

486910 Natural gas liquids pipeline transportation

486910 Petroleum pipelines, refined

486910 Pipeline transportation, gasoline and other refined petroleum products

486910 Refined petroleum products pipeline transportation

486990 Booster pumping station (except natural gas, petroleum)

486990 Coal pipeline transportation

486990 Pipeline transportation (except crude oil, natural gas, refined petroleum products)

486990 Slurry pipeline transportation

487110 Buses, scenic and sightseeing operation

487110 Cable car, land, scenic and sightseeing operation

487110 Carriage, horse-drawn, operation

487110 Cog railway, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487110 Horse-drawn carriage operation

487110 Monorail, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487110 Railroad transportation, scenic and sightseeing

487110 Railroad, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487110 Railway transportation, scenic and sightseeing

487110 Scenic and sightseeing excursions, land

487110 Sightseeing bus operation

487110 Sightseeing operation, human-drawn vehicle

487110 Steam train excursions

487110 Tour bus, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487110 Tracked vehicle sightseeing operation

487110 Trolley, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487210 Airboat (i.e., swamp buggy) operation

487210 Boat, fishing charter, operation

487210 Charter fishing boat operation

487210 Dinner cruises

487210 Excursion boat operation

487210 Fishing boat charter operation

487210 Harbor sightseeing tours

487210 Hovercraft sightseeing operation

487210 Scenic and sightseeing excursions, water

487210 Sightseeing boat operation

487210 Swamp buggy operation

487210 Whale watching excursions

487990 Aerial cable car, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487990 Aerial tramway, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487990 Glider excursions

487990 Helicopter ride, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487990 Hot air balloon ride, scenic and sightseeing, operation

487990 Scenic and sightseeing excursions, aerial

487990 Tramway, aerial, scenic and sightseeing operation

488111 Air traffic control services (except military)

488119 Aircraft hangar rental

488119 Aircraft parking service

488119 Airport baggage handling services

488119 Airport cargo handling services

488119 Airport operators (e.g., civil, international, national)

488119 Airport runway maintenance services

488119 Airports, civil, operation and maintenance

488119 Aviation clubs, primarily providing flying field services to the general public

488119 Fixed base operators

488119 Flying field operators

488119 Hangar rental, aircraft

488119 Maintenance services, runway

488119 Parking services, aircraft

488119 Runway maintenance services

488119 Vacuuming of airport runways

488190 Aircraft ferrying services

488190 Aircraft inspection services

488190 Aircraft maintenance and repair services (except factory conversion, factory overhaul, factory rebuilding)

488190 Aircraft testing services

488190 Airport passenger screening security services

488190 Fueling aircraft on a contract or fee basis

488190 Independent pilot, air (except owner-operators)

488190 Inspection services, aircraft

488190 Maintenance and repair services, aircraft (except factory conversion, factory overhaul, factory rebuilding)

488190 Testing services, aircraft

488210 Freight car cleaning services

488210 Grain leveling and trimming in railroad cars

488210 Loading and unloading services at rail terminals

488210 Locomotive and rail car repair (except factory conversion, factory overhaul, factory rebuilding)

488210 Maintenance of rights-of-way and structures, railway

488210 Railroad switching services

488210 Railroad terminals, independent operation

488210 Railway terminals, independent operation

488210 Shunting trailers in rail terminals

488210 Switching services, railroad

488310 Canal maintenance services (except dredging)

488310 Canal operation

488310 Docking facility operations

488310 Harbor maintenance services (except dredging)

488310 Harbor operation

488310 Lighthouse operation

488310 Maintenance services, waterfront terminal (except dredging)

488310 Port facility operation

488310 Seaway operation

488310 Waterfront terminal operation (e.g., docks, piers, wharves)

488310 Wharf operation

488320 Loading and unloading services at ports and harbors

488320 Longshoremen services

488320 Marine cargo handling services

488320 Ship hold cleaning services

488320 Stevedoring services

488330 Cargo salvaging, marine

488330 Docking and undocking marine vessel services

488330 Harbor tugboat services

488330 Marine salvaging services

488330 Marine vessel traffic reporting services

488330 Piloting services, water transportation

488330 Radio beacon (i.e., ship navigation) services

488330 Tugboat services, harbor operation

488390 Cargo checkers, marine

488390 Cargo surveyors, marine

488390 Drydocks, floating (i.e., routine repair and maintenance of ships)

488390 Marine cargo checkers and surveyors

488390 Ship dismantling at floating drydock

488390 Ship scaling services not done at a shipyard

488410 Emergency road services (i.e., tow service)

488410 Motor vehicle towing services

488410 Tow truck services

488410 Towing services, motor vehicle

488410 Wrecker services (i.e., towing services), motor vehicle

488490 Bridge, tunnel, and highway operations

488490 Bus terminal operation, independent

488490 Cargo surveyors, truck transportation

488490 Driving services (e.g., automobile, truck delivery)

488490 Independent truck driver (except owner-operators)

488490 Inspection or weighing services, truck transportation

488490 Loading and unloading at truck terminals

488490 Pilot car services (i.e., wide load warning services)

488490 Shunting of trailers in truck terminals

488490 Snow clearing, highways and bridges, road transportation

488490 Snow removal, highway

488490 Street cleaning service

488490 Truck weighing station operation

488490 Trucking terminals, independently operated

488510 Agents, shipping

488510 Customs brokers

488510 Freight forwarding

488510 Marine shipping agency

488510 Shipping agents (freight forwarding)

488991 Crating goods for shipping

488991 Packing and preparing goods for shipping

488991 Preparing goods for transportation (i.e., crating, packing)

488999 Arrangement of car pools and vanpools

488999 Car pools, arrangement of

488999 Pipeline terminal facilities, independently operated

488999 Stockyards (i.e., not for fattening or selling livestock), transportation

488999 Vanpools, arrangement of

491110 Postal delivery services, local, operated by U.S. Postal Service

491110 Postal delivery services, local, operated on a contract basis

491110 Postal services operated by U.S. Postal Service

491110 Postal stations operated by U.S. Postal Service

491110 Postal stations operated on a contract basis

492110 Air courier services (except establishments operating under a universal service obligation)

492110 Courier services (i.e., intercity network) (except establishments operating under a universal service obligation)

492110 Express delivery services (except establishments operating under a universal service obligation)

492110 Local letter and parcel delivery services as part of intercity courier network

492210 Alcoholic beverage delivery service

492210 Bicycle courier

492210 Delivery service (except as part of intercity carrier network, U.S. Postal Service)

492210 Grocery delivery services (i.e., independent service from grocery store)

492210 Local letter and parcel delivery services (except as part of intercity carrier network, U.S. Postal Service)

492210 Messenger service

492210 Restaurant meals delivery services (i.e., independent delivery services)

493110 Bonded warehousing, general merchandise

493110 General warehousing and storage

493110 Private warehousing and storage, general merchandise

493110 Public warehousing and storage (except self storage), general merchandise

493110 Warehousing (including foreign trade zones), general merchandise

493110 Warehousing and storage, general merchandise

493120 Bonded warehousing, refrigerated

493120 Cold storage locker services

493120 Cold storage warehousing

493120 Farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated

493120 Fur storage warehousing for the trade

493120 Private warehousing and storage, refrigerated

493120 Public warehousing and storage, refrigerated

493120 Refrigerated warehousing

493120 Warehousing, refrigerated

493130 Bonded warehousing, farm products (except refrigerated)

493130 Farm product warehousing and storage (except refrigerated)

493130 Grain elevators, storage only

493130 Private warehousing and storage, farm products (except refrigerated)

493130 Public warehousing and storage, farm products (except refrigerated)

493130 Warehousing, farm products (except refrigerated)

493190 Automobile dead storage

493190 Bonded warehousing (except farm products, general merchandise, refrigerated)

493190 Bulk petroleum storage

493190 Document storage and warehousing

493190 Lumber storage terminals

493190 Private warehousing and storage (except farm products, general merchandise, refrigerated)

493190 Public warehousing and storage (except farm products, general merchandise, refrigerated, self storage)

493190 Warehousing (except farm products, general merchandise, refrigerated)

493190 Whiskey warehousing

511110 Newspaper branch offices

511110 Newspaper publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511110 Newspaper publishers and printing combined

511110 Publishers, newspaper (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511110 Publishers, newspaper, combined with printing

511120 Advertising periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Advertising periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Agricultural magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Agricultural magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Comic book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Comic book publishers and printing combined (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Financial magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Financial magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Juvenile magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Juvenile magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Magazine publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Magazine publishers and printing combined

511120 Medical journal and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Medical journal and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Newsletter publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Newsletter publishers and printing combined (except Internet)

511120 Periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Professional magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Professional magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), magazine

511120 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), periodical

511120 Publishers, magazine, combined with printing

511120 Publishers, periodical, combined with printing

511120 Radio guide publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Radio guide publishers and printing combined

511120 Radio schedule publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Radio schedule publishers and printing combined

511120 Religious magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Religious magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Scholarly journal publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Scholarly journal publishers and printing combined

511120 Scholastic magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Scholastic magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Scientific journal and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Scientific journal and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Technical magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Technical magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511120 Television guide publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Television guide publishers and printing combined

511120 Trade journal publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Trade journal publishers and printing combined

511120 Trade magazine and periodical publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511120 Trade magazine and periodical publishers and printing combined

511130 Almanac publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Almanac publishers and printing combined

511130 Atlas publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Atlas publishers and printing combined

511130 Book (e.g., hardback, paperback, tape) publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Book publishers and printing combined

511130 Book publishers, university press (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Dictionary publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Dictionary publishers and printing combined

511130 Encyclopedia publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Encyclopedia publishers and printing combined

511130 Fiction book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Fiction book publishers and printing combined

511130 Globe cover publishers

511130 Globe cover publishers and printing combined

511130 Guide, street map, publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Guide, street map, publishers and printing combined

511130 Map publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Map publishers and printing combined

511130 Nonfiction book publishers (except exclusive Internet publshing)

511130 Nonfiction book publishers and printing combined

511130 Pamphlet publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Pamphlet publishers and printing combined

511130 Professional book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Professional book publishers and printing combined

511130 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), book

511130 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), map

511130 Publishers, book, combined with printing

511130 Religious book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Religious book publishers and printing combined

511130 School book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 School book publishers and printing combined

511130 School textbook publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 School textbook publishers and printing combined

511130 Street map guide publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Technical manual and paperback book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Technical manual and paperback book publishers and printing combined

511130 Technical manual publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Travel guide book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511130 Travel guide book publishers and printing combined

511130 University press publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Address list publishers (except exlusive Internet publishing)

511140 Address list publishers and printing combined

511140 Business directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Business directory publishers and printing combined

511140 Catalog of collections publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Catalog of collections publishers and printing combined

511140 Directory and mailing list publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Directory and mailing list publishers and printing combined

511140 Directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Directory publishers and printing combined

511140 Electronic directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Mailing list publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), directory

511140 Telephone directory publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511140 Telephone directory publishers and printing combined

511191 Greeting card publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511191 Greeting card publishers and printing combined

511191 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), greeting card

511191 Publishers, greeting card, combined with printing

511199 Art print (except exclusive Internet publishing) publishers

511199 Art print publishers and printing combined

511199 Art publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Calendar publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Calendar publishers and printing combined

511199 Catalog (i.e., mail order, store merchandise) publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Catalog (i.e., mail order, store merchandise) publishers and printing combined

511199 Children's coloring book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Diary and time scheduler publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Discount coupon book publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Discount coupon book publishers and printing combined

511199 Limited editions art print publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Pattern and plan (e.g., clothing patterns) publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Pattern and plan (e.g., clothing patterns) publishers and printing combined

511199 Postcard publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Postcard publishers and printing combined

511199 Poster publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Poster publishers and printing combined

511199 Publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing), racing form

511199 Racetrack program publishers (except Internet)

511199 Racetrack program publishers and printing combined

511199 Racing form publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Racing form publishers and printing combined

511199 Yearbook (e.g., high school, college, university) publishers (except exclusive Internet publishing)

511199 Yearbook (e.g., high school, college, university) publishers and printing combined

511210 Applications software, computer, packaged

511210 Computer software publishers, packaged

511210 Computer software publishing and reproduction

511210 Games, computer software, publishing

511210 Operating systems software, computer, packaged

511210 Packaged computer software publishers

511210 Programming language and compiler software publishers, packaged

511210 Publishers, packaged computer software

511210 Software computer, packaged, publishers

511210 Software publishers

511210 Software publishers, packaged

511210 Utility software, computer, packaged

512110 Animated cartoon production

512110 Animated cartoon production and distribution

512110 Commercials, television, production

512110 Film studios producing films

512110 Films, motion picture production

512110 Films, motion picture production and distribution

512110 Instructional video production

512110 Motion picture and video production

512110 Motion picture and video production and distribution

512110 Motion picture production

512110 Motion picture production and distribution

512110 Motion picture studios, producing motion pictures

512110 Movie production and distribution

512110 Music video production

512110 Music video production and distribution

512110 Program producing, television

512110 Television commercial production

512110 Television show production

512110 Video production

512110 Video production and distribution

512120 Animated cartoon distribution

512120 Film distribution agencies

512120 Film distribution, motion picture and video

512120 Film libraries, commercial distribution

512120 Motion picture distribution exclusive of production

512120 Motion picture film distributors

512120 Motion picture film libraries

512120 Tape distribution for television

512120 Television show syndicators

512131 Cinemas

512131 Film festivals exhibitors

512131 Motion picture exhibition

512131 Motion picture exhibitors for airlines

512131 Motion picture exhibitors, itinerant

512131 Motion picture theaters, indoor

512131 Movie theaters (except drive-in)

512131 Theaters, motion picture (except drive-in)

512131 Theaters, motion picture, indoor

512132 Drive-in motion picture theaters

512132 Motion picture theaters, drive-in

512132 Movie theaters, drive-in

512132 Open air motion picture theaters

512132 Theaters, motion picture, drive-in

512132 Theaters, outdoor motion picture

512191 Closed captioning services, taped material

512191 Film or tape closed captioning

512191 Film or video transfer services

512191 Motion picture animation, post-production

512191 Motion picture or video editing services

512191 Motion picture or video post-production services

512191 Motion picture or video titling

512191 Motion picture production special effects, post-production

512191 Post-production facilities, motion picture or video

512191 Post-synchronization sound dubbing

512191 Sound dubbing services, motion picture

512191 Special effects for motion picture production, post-production

512191 Subtitling of motion picture film or video

512191 Tape transfer service

512191 Teleproduction services

512191 Titling of motion picture film or video

512191 Video conversion services (i.e., between formats)

512191 Video post-production services

512199 Booking agencies, motion picture

512199 Booking agencies, motion picture or video productions

512199 Film libraries, motion picture or video, stock footage

512199 Film processing laboratories, motion picture

512199 Film restoration services

512199 Laboratory services, motion picture

512199 Libraries, motion picture stock footage film

512199 Libraries, videotape, stock footage

512199 Motion picture booking agencies

512199 Motion picture film laboratories

512199 Motion picture film libraries, stock footage

512199 Motion picture film reproduction for theatrical distribution

512199 Motion picture laboratories

512199 Reproduction of motion picture films for theatrical distribution

512199 Stock footage film libraries

512199 Videotape libraries, stock footage

512210 Master recording leasing and licensing

512210 Record producers (except independent)

512210 Record production (except independent record producers) without duplication or distribution

512220 Integrated record companies (i.e., releasing, promoting, distributing)

512220 Integrated record production and distribution

512220 Musical recording, releasing, promoting, and distributing

512220 Prerecorded audio tapes and compact discs integrated manufacture, release, and distribution

512220 Record releasing, promoting, and distributing combined with mass duplication

512220 Sound recording, integrated production, reproduction, release, and distribution

512220 Sound recording, releasing, promoting, and distributing

512230 Music book (i.e., bound sheet music) publishers

512230 Music book (i.e., bound sheet music) publishers and printing combined

512230 Music copyright authorizing use

512230 Music copyright buying and licensing

512230 Music publishers

512230 Music, sheet, publishers and printing combined

512230 Publishers, music

512230 Sheet music publishers

512230 Sheet music publishers and printing combined

512230 Song publishers

512230 Song publishers and printing combined

512240 Audio recording post-production services

512240 Audio recording restoration services

512240 Recording studios, sound, operating on a contract or fee basis

512240 Sound recording studios (except integrated record companies)

512290 Audio recording of meetings or conferences

512290 Music program distribution, pre-recorded

512290 Radio program tape production (except independent producers)

512290 Recording books on tape or disc (except publishers)

512290 Recording seminars and conferences, audio

512290 Stock music and other audio services

512290 Stock sound library (e.g., general background sounds, stock music)

515111 Broadcasting networks, radio

515111 Network broadcasting service, radio

515111 Network radio broadcasting

515111 Radio broadcasting network services

515111 Radio broadcasting networks

515111 Radio broadcasting syndicates

515111 Satellite radio networks

515112 AM radio stations

515112 Broadcasting stations (except exclusively on Internet), radio

515112 Broadcasting studio, radio station

515112 FM radio stations

515112 Music program distribution (except exclusively on Internet), radio

515112 Piped-in music services, radio transmitted

515112 Radio broadcasting (except exclusively on Internet) stations (e.g., AM, FM, shortwave)

515112 Radio stations (except exclusively on Internet)

515112 Rebroadcast radio stations (except exclusively on Internet)

515120 Broadcasting networks, television

515120 Broadcasting stations, television

515120 Network television broadcasting

515120 Television broadcasting networks

515120 Television broadcasting stations

515210 Cable broadcasting networks

515210 Cable television networks

515210 Networks, cable television

515210 Pay television networks

515210 Pay-per-view cable programming

515210 Satellite television networks

515210 Specialty television (e.g., music, sports, news) cable networks

515210 Subscription television networks

515210 Television subscription services

517110 Cable program distribution operators

517110 Cable television distribution services

517110 Cable TV providers (except networks)

517110 Closed circuit television (CCTV) services

517110 Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) services

517110 Direct-to-home satellite system (DTH) services

517110 Internet service providers, using own operated wired telecommunications infrastructure (e.g., cable, DSL)

517110 Local telephone carriers, wired

517110 Long-distance telephone carriers, wired

517110 Multichannel multipoint distribution services (MMDS)

517110 Music program distribution, cable or satellite

517110 On-line access service providers, using own operated wired telecommunications infrastructure

517110 Satellite master antenna television service (SMATV)

517110 Satellite television distribution systems

517110 Telecommunications carriers, wired

517110 Television operations, closed circuit

517110 VoIP service providers, using own operated wired telecommunications infrastructure

517210 Beeper (i.e., radio pager) communication carriers

517210 Cellular telephone communication carriers

517210 Cellular telephone services

517210 Mobile telephone communication carriers, except satellite

517210 Paging services, except satellite

517210 Radio paging services communications carriers

517210 Ship-to-shore broadcasting communication carriers, except satellite

517210 Telecommunications carriers, cellular telephone

517210 Telephone communications carriers, wireless (except satellite)

517210 Two-way paging communication carriers, except satellite

517210 Wireless data communication carriers, except satellite

517210 Wireless Internet service providers, except satellite

517210 Wireless telephone communications carriers (except satellite)

517210 Wireless video services, except satellite

517410 Earth stations for satellite communication carriers

517410 Long-distance telephone satellite communication carriers

517410 Resellers, satellite telecommunication

517410 Satellite telecommunication carriers

517410 Satellite telecommunication resellers

517410 Telephone communications carriers, satellite

517911 Long-distance telecommunication resellers (except satellite)

517911 Microwave telecommunication resellers

517911 Pre-paid calling cards, telecommunications resellers

517911 Resellers, telecommunication (except satellite)

517911 Telecommunications resellers

517911 Telephone communications resellers (except satellite)

517911 Wired telecommunication resellers

517911 Wireless telecommunication resellers (except satellite)

517919 Dial-up Internet service providers, using client-supplied telecommunications connections

517919 Earth stations (except satellite telecommunication carriers)

517919 Internet service providers, using client-supplied telecommunications (e.g., dial-up ISPs)

517919 On-line access service providers, using client-supplied telecommunications (e.g., dial-up ISPs)

517919 Radar station operations

517919 Satellite telemetry operations on a contract or fee basis

517919 Satellite tracking stations

517919 Telemetry and tracking system operations on a contract or fee basis

517919 VoIP service providers, using client-supplied telecommunications connections

518210 Application hosting

518210 Application service providers (ASPs)

518210 ASPs (Application Service Providers)

518210 Automated data processing services

518210 Computer data storage services

518210 Computer input preparation services

518210 Computer time leasing

518210 Computer time rental

518210 Computer time sharing services

518210 Data capture imaging services

518210 Data entry services

518210 Data processing computer services

518210 Data processing services (except payroll services, financial transaction processing services)

518210 Disk and diskette conversion services

518210 Disk and diskette recertification services

518210 Electronic data processing services

518210 Media streaming services

518210 Microfiche recording and imaging services

518210 Microfilm recording and imaging services

518210 Optical scanning services

518210 Scanning services, optical

518210 Video and audio streaming services

518210 Web hosting

519110 Feature syndicates (i.e., advice columns, comic, news)

519110 News picture gathering and distributing services

519110 News reporting services

519110 News service syndicates

519110 News ticker services

519110 Newspaper feature syndicates

519110 Syndicates, news

519110 Traffic reporting services

519110 Wire photo services

519110 Wire services, news

519120 Archives

519120 Bookmobiles

519120 Centers for documentation (i.e., archives)

519120 Circulating libraries

519120 Film archives

519120 Lending libraries

519120 Libraries (except motion picture stock footage, motion picture commercial distribution)

519120 Motion picture film libraries, archives

519120 Music archives

519120 Reference libraries

519130 Advertising periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Agricultural magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Almanac publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Art publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Atlas publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Broadcasting exclusively on Internet, audio

519130 Broadcasting exclusively on Internet, video

519130 Business directory publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Calendar publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Catalog of collections publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Children's coloring book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Comic book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Diary and time scheduler publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Dictionary publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Directory publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Discount coupon book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Electronic directory publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Encyclopedia publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Entertainment sites, Internet

519130 Fiction book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Financial magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Game sites, Internet

519130 Greeting card publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Guide, street map, publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Internet book publishers

519130 Internet broadcasting

519130 Internet comic book publishing

519130 Internet entertainment sites

519130 Internet game sites

519130 Internet magazine publishing

519130 Internet news publishers

519130 Internet newsletter publishing

519130 Internet newspaper publishing

519130 Internet periodical publishers

519130 Internet radio stations

519130 Internet search portals

519130 Internet search web sites

519130 Internet sports sites

519130 Internet video broadcast sites

519130 Juvenile magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Magazine publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Map publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Medical journal and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Newsletter publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Newspaper publishing, exclusively on Internet

519130 Nonfiction book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Pamphlet publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Pattern and plan (e.g., clothing patterns) publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Portals, web search

519130 Postcard publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Poster publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Professional book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Professional magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Publishers, Internet greeting card

519130 Publishers, Internet map

519130 Publishers, Internet racing form

519130 Racetrack program publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Racing form publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Radio guide publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Radio schedule publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Religious book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Religious magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Scholarly journal publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Scholastic magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 School book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 School textbook publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Scientific journal and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Search portals, Internet

519130 Special interest portals (e.g., parents sharing information about child rearing, etc.), internet

519130 Street map and guide publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Technical magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Technical manual publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Telephone directory publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Television guide publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Trade journal publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Trade magazine and periodical publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Travel guide book publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 University press publishers, exclusively on Internet

519130 Video broadcasting, exclusively on Internet

519130 Web broadcasting

519130 Web communities

519130 Web search portals

519130 Yearbook (e.g., high school, college, university) publishers, exclusively on Internet

519190 Clipping services, news

519190 News clipping services

519190 Press clipping services

519190 Stock photo agencies

519190 Telephone-based recorded information services

519190 Title search services (except real estate)

521110 Banking, central

521110 Banks, Federal Reserve

521110 Branches, Federal Reserve Bank

521110 Central bank, monetary authorities

521110 Check clearing activities of the central bank

521110 Federal Reserve Banks or Branches

521110 Financial transactions processing of the central bank

521110 Monetary authorities, central bank

522110 Banks, commercial

522110 Branches of foreign banks

522110 Commercial banking

522110 Commercial banks

522110 Depository trust companies

522110 National commercial banks

522110 State commercial banks

522120 Associations, savings and loan

522120 Banks, savings

522120 Federal savings and loan associations (S&L)

522120 Federal savings banks

522120 Institutions, savings

522120 Mutual savings banks

522120 Savings and loan associations (S&L)

522120 Savings banks

522120 Savings institutions

522120 State savings and loan associations

522120 State savings banks

522130 Corporate credit unions

522130 Credit unions

522130 Federal credit unions

522130 State credit unions

522130 Unions, credit

522190 Banks, industrial (i.e., known as), depository

522190 Banks, private (i.e., unincorporated)

522190 Industrial banks (i.e., known as), depository

522190 Morris Plans (i.e., known as), depository

522190 Plans, Morris (i.e., known as), depository

522190 Private banks (i.e., unincorporated)

522210 Banks, credit card

522210 Charge card issuing

522210 Credit card banks

522210 Credit card issuing

522210 Issuing, credit card

522220 Automobile finance leasing companies

522220 Automobile financing

522220 Equipment finance leasing

522220 Financing, sales

522220 Installment sales financing

522220 Leasing in combination with sales financing

522220 Machinery finance leasing

522220 Sales financing

522220 Truck finance leasing

522291 Consumer finance companies (i.e., unsecured cash loans)

522291 Consumer lending

522291 Finance companies (i.e., unsecured cash loans)

522291 Loan companies (i.e., consumer, personal, small, student)

522291 Personal credit institutions (i.e., unsecured cash loans)

522291 Personal finance companies (i.e., unsecured cash loans)

522291 Small loan companies (i.e., unsecured cash loans)

522291 Student loan companies

522292 Construction lending

522292 Farm mortgage lending

522292 Federal Land Banks

522292 Home equity credit lending

522292 Loan correspondents (i.e., lending funds with real estate as collaterial)

522292 Mortgage banking (i.e., nondepository mortgage lending)

522292 Mortgage companies

522292 Real estate credit lending

522292 Reverse mortgage lending

522293 Agencies of foreign banks (i.e., trade financing)

522293 Agreement corporations (i.e., international trade financing)

522293 Banks, trade (i.e., international trade financing)

522293 Edge Act corporations (i.e., international trade financing)

522293 Export trading companies (i.e., international trade financing)

522293 Export-Import banks

522293 International trade financing

522293 Trade banks (i.e., international trade financing)

522293 Trade financing, international

522294 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation

522294 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC)

522294 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank

522294 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)

522294 FHLMC (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)

522294 Financing, secondary market

522294 FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association)

522294 GNMA (Government National Mortgage Association)

522294 Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)

522294 Government-sponsored enterprises providing secondary market financing

522294 Real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs) issuing, private

522294 REMICs (real estate mortgage investment conduits) issuing, private

522294 Repackaging loans for sale to others (i.e., private conduits)

522294 Secondary market financing (i.e., buying, pooling, repackaging loans for sale to others)

522294 SLMA (Student Loan Marketing Association)

522294 Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA)

522298 Agricultural credit institutions, making loans or extending credit (except real estate, sales financing)

522298 Agricultural lending (except real estate, sales financing)

522298 Banks, industrial (i.e., known as), nondepository

522298 Commodity Credit Corporation

522298 Edge Act corporations (except international trade financing)

522298 Factoring accounts receivable

522298 Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB)

522298 Industrial banks (i.e., known as), nondepository

522298 Industrial loan companies, nondepository

522298 Morris Plans (i.e., known as), nondepository

522298 National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)

522298 Pawnshops

522298 Plans, Morris (i.e., known as), nondepository

522298 Purchasing of accounts receivable

522298 Short-term inventory credit lending

522310 Agencies, loan

522310 Brokerages, loan

522310 Brokerages, mortgage

522310 Brokers' offices, loan

522310 Brokers' offices, mortgage

522310 Loan brokerages

522310 Loan brokers' or agents' offices (i.e., independent)

522310 Mortgage brokerages

522310 Mortgage brokers' or agents' offices (i.e., independent)

522320 Automated clearinghouses, bank or check (except central bank)

522320 Bank clearinghouse associations

522320 Check clearing services (except central banks)

522320 Check clearinghouse services (except central banks)

522320 Check validation services

522320 Clearinghouses, bank or check

522320 Credit card processing services

522320 Electronic financial payment services

522320 Electronic funds transfer services

522320 Financial transactions processing (except central bank)

522320 Processing financial transactions

522320 Reserve and liquidity services (except central bank)

522320 U.S. Central Credit Union

522390 Check cashing services

522390 Loan servicing

522390 Money order issuance services

522390 Money transmission services

522390 Payday lending services

522390 Travelers' check issuance services

523110 Banking, investment

523110 Bond dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Commercial paper dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Investment banking

523110 Making markets for securities

523110 Market making for securities

523110 Paper, dealing of commercial (i.e., acting as principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities dealers (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities distributing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities floor traders (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities flotation companies

523110 Securities originating (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities trading (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Securities underwriting

523110 Stock options dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Trading securities (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing securities to investors)

523110 Underwriting securities

523120 Bond brokerages

523120 Brokerages, securities

523120 Certificate of deposit (CD) brokers' offices

523120 Commercial note brokers' offices

523120 Mutual fund agencies (i.e., brokerages)

523120 Mutual fund agents' (i.e., brokers') offices

523120 Securities brokerages

523120 Securities brokers' offices

523120 Securities floor brokers

523120 Stock brokerages

523120 Stock brokers' offices

523120 Stock options brokerages

523130 Commodity contract trading companies

523130 Commodity contracts dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Commodity contracts floor traders (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Commodity contracts floor trading (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Commodity contracts options dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Commodity contracts traders (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Foreign currency exchange dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Foreign currency exchange services (i.e., selling to the public)

523130 Futures commodity contracts dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing commodities to investors)

523130 Trading companies, commodity contracts

523140 Brokerages, commodity contracts

523140 Commodity contracts brokerages

523140 Commodity contracts brokers' offices

523140 Commodity contracts floor brokers

523140 Commodity contracts options brokerages

523140 Commodity futures brokerages

523140 Financial futures brokerages

523140 Futures commodity contracts brokerages

523140 Futures commodity contracts brokers' offices

523210 Commodity contracts exchanges

523210 Exchanges, commodity contracts

523210 Exchanges, securities

523210 Futures commodity contracts exchanges

523210 Securities exchanges

523210 Stock exchanges

523210 Stock or commodity options exchanges

523910 Individuals investing in financial contracts on own account

523910 Investment clubs

523910 Mineral royalties or leases dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing royalties or leases to investors)

523910 Oil royalty dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing royalties to investors)

523910 Tax liens dealing (i.e., acting as a principal in dealing tax liens to investors)

523910 Venture capital companies

523910 Viatical settlement companies

523920 Investment management

523920 Managing investment funds

523920 Managing mutual funds

523920 Managing personal investment trusts

523920 Managing trusts

523920 Mutual fund managing

523920 Pension fund managing

523920 Personal investments trusts, managing

523920 Portfolio fund managing

523930 Certified financial planners, customized, fees paid by client

523930 Financial investment advice services, customized, fees paid by client

523930 Financial planning services, customized, fees paid by client

523930 Investment advice consulting services, customized, fees paid by client

523930 Investment advice counseling services, customized, fees paid by client

523930 Investment advisory services, customized, fees paid by client

523991 Administrators of private estates

523991 Bank trust offices

523991 Escrow agencies (except real estate)

523991 Fiduciary agencies (except real estate)

523991 Personal investments trust administration

523991 Securities custodians

523991 Trust administration, personal investment

523991 Trust companies, nondepository

523999 Clearinghouses, commodity exchange or securities exchange

523999 Deposit brokers

523999 Exchange clearinghouses, commodities or securities

523999 Gas lease brokers' offices

523999 Oil lease brokers' offices

523999 Protective committees, security holders

523999 Quotation services, securities

523999 Quotation services, stock

523999 Securities holders' protective services

523999 Securities transfer agencies

523999 Stock quotation services

523999 Stock transfer agencies

523999 Transfer agencies, securities

524113 Accidental death and dismemberment insurance carriers, direct

524113 Accidental death and dismemberment insurance underwriting, direct

524113 Annuities underwriting

524113 Cooperative life insurance organizations

524113 Credit life insurance carriers, direct

524113 Disability insurance carriers, direct

524113 Disability insurance underwriting, direct

524113 Fraternal life insurance organizations

524113 Insurance carriers, disability, direct

524113 Insurance carriers, life, direct

524113 Insurance underwriting, disability, direct

524113 Insurance underwriting, life, direct

524113 Life insurance carriers, direct

524113 Savings bank life insurance carriers, direct

524114 Dental insurance carriers, direct

524114 Group hospitalization plans without providing health care services

524114 Health insurance carriers, direct

524114 Hospital and medical service plans, direct, without providing health care services

524114 Hospitalization insurance carriers, direct, without providing health care services

524114 Insurance carriers, health, direct

524114 Insurance underwriting, health and medical, direct

524114 Medical insurance carriers, direct

524114 Medical service plans without providing health care services

524126 Agricultural (i.e., crop, livestock) insurance carriers, direct

524126 Automobile insurance carriers, direct

524126 Bonding, fidelity or surety insurance, direct

524126 Burglary and theft insurance carriers, direct

524126 Casualty insurance carriers, direct

524126 Credit and other financial responsibility insurance carriers, direct

524126 Crop insurance carrier, direct

524126 Fidelity insurance carriers, direct

524126 Fire insurance carriers, direct

524126 Homeowners' insurance carriers, direct

524126 Insurance carriers, fidelity, direct

524126 Insurance carriers, property and casualty, direct

524126 Insurance carriers, surety, direct

524126 Insurance underwriting, property and casualty, direct

524126 Liability insurance carriers, direct

524126 Malpractice insurance carriers, direct

524126 Marine insurance carriers, direct

524126 Mortgage guaranty insurance carriers, direct

524126 Plate glass insurance carriers, direct

524126 Property and casualty insurance carriers, direct

524126 Property damage insurance carriers, direct

524126 Surety insurance carriers, direct

524126 Workers' compensation insurance underwriting

524127 Guaranteeing titles

524127 Insurance carriers, title, direct

524127 Insurance underwriting, title, direct

524127 Real estate title insurance carriers, direct

524127 Title insurance carriers, real estate, direct

524128 Bank deposit insurance carriers, direct

524128 Burial insurance carriers, direct

524128 Contact lens insurance, direct

524128 Deposit or share insurance carriers, direct

524128 Funeral insurance carriers, direct

524128 Homeowners' warranty insurance carriers, direct

524128 Pet health insurance carriers, direct

524128 Product warranty insurance carriers, direct

524128 Warranty insurance carriers (e.g., appliance, automobile, homeowners, product), direct

524130 Accidental and health reinsurance carriers

524130 Life reinsurance carriers

524130 Marine reinsurance carriers

524130 Medical reinsurance carriers

524130 Property and casualty reinsurance carriers

524130 Reinsurance carriers

524210 Agencies, insurance

524210 Brokerages, insurance

524210 Brokers' offices, insurance

524210 Insurance agencies

524210 Insurance brokerages

524210 Life insurance agencies

524291 Cause-of-loss investigators, insurance

524291 Claims adjusting, insurance

524291 Fire investigators

524291 Insurance claims adjusting

524291 Insurance claims investigation services

524291 Insurance settlement offices

524291 Loss control consultants

524292 Claims processing services, insurance, third-party

524292 Employee benefit plans, third-party administrative processing services

524292 Insurance claims processing services, third party

524292 Insurance fund, third party administrative services (except claims adjusting only)

524292 Insurance plan administrative services (except claims adjusting only), third-party

524292 Pension fund, third party administrative services

524298 Actuarial services, insurance

524298 Insurance actuarial services

524298 Insurance advisory services

524298 Insurance coverage consulting services

524298 Insurance exchanges

524298 Insurance investigation services (except claims investigation)

524298 Insurance loss prevention services

524298 Insurance processing, contract or fee basis

524298 Insurance rate making services

524298 Insurance reporting services

524298 Insurance underwriters laboratories and standards services

524298 Medical cost evaluation services

524298 Rate making services, insurance

525110 Employee benefit pension plans

525110 Funds, employee benefit pension

525110 Funds, pension

525110 Pension funds

525110 Pension plans (e.g., employee benefit, retirement)

525110 Plans, pension

525110 Retirement pension plans

525110 Union pension funds

525120 Employee benefit plans (except pension)

525120 Funds, health and welfare

525120 Health and welfare funds

525120 Plans, health and welfare related employee benefit

525120 Union health and welfare funds

525190 Compensation, workers, insurance funds

525190 Funds, self-insurance (except employee benefit funds)

525190 Self-insurance funds (except employee benefit funds)

525190 Workers' compensation insurance funds

525910 Funds, mutual, open-ended

525910 Investment funds, open-ended

525910 Money market mutual funds, open-ended

525910 Mutual funds, open-ended

525920 Bankruptcy estates

525920 Personal estates (i.e., managing assets)

525920 Personal investment trusts

525920 Personal trusts

525920 Private estates (i.e., administering on behalf of beneficiaries)

525920 Testamentary trusts

525920 Trusts, estates, and agency accounts

525990 Closed-end investment funds

525990 CMOs (collateralized mortgage obligations)

525990 Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)

525990 Face-amount certificate funds

525990 Funds, mutual, closed-end

525990 Investment funds, closed-end

525990 Money market mutual funds, closed-end

525990 Mortgage real estate investment trusts (REITs)

525990 Mutual funds, closed-end

525990 Profit-sharing funds

525990 Real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs)

525990 REMICs (real estate mortgage investment conduits)

525990 Special purpose financial vehicles

525990 Unit investment trust funds

531110 Apartment building rental or leasing

531110 Apartment hotel rental or leasing

531110 Apartment rental or leasing

531110 Building, apartment, rental or leasing

531110 Building, residential, rental or leasing

531110 Cottage rental or leasing

531110 Duplex houses (i.e., single family) rental or leasing

531110 Dwelling rental or leasing

531110 Equity real estate investment trusts (REITs), primarily leasing residential buildings and dwellings

531110 Houses rental or leasing

531110 Housing authorities operating residential buildings

531110 Lessors of residential buildings and dwellings

531110 Mobile (manufactured) home, on site, rental or leasing

531110 Real estate rental or leasing of residential building

531110 Residential building rental or leasing

531110 Residential hotel rental or leasing

531110 Retirement hotel rental or leasing

531110 Single family house rental or leasing

531110 Town house rental or leasing

531120 Arena, no promotion of events, rental or leasing

531120 Auditorium rental or leasing

531120 Bank building rental or leasing

531120 Banquet hall rental or leasing

531120 Building, nonresidential (except miniwarehouse), rental or leasing

531120 Commercial building rental or leasing

531120 Concert hall, no promotion of events, rental or leasing

531120 Conference center, no promotion of events, rental or leasing

531120 Convention center, no promotion of events, rental or leasing

531120 Dance hall rental or leasing

531120 Dock and associated building rental or leasing

531120 Equity real estate investment trusts (REITs), primarily leasing nonresidential buildings (except miniwarehouses)

531120 Executive suites (i.e., full service office space provision)

531120 Exhibition hall, no promotion of events, rental or leasing

531120 Flea market space, under roof, rental or leasing

531120 Full service office space provision

531120 Hall and banquet room, nonresidential, rental or leasing

531120 Hall, nonresidential, rental or leasing

531120 Hotel building rental or leasing, not operating hotel

531120 Industrial building rental or leasing

531120 Insurance building rental or leasing

531120 Lessors of nonresidential buildings (except miniwarehouses)

531120 Mall property operation (i.e., not operating contained businesses) rental or leasing

531120 Manufacturing building rental or leasing

531120 Medical building rental or leasing

531120 Meeting hall and room rental or leasing

531120 Motel building, not operating motel, rental or leasing

531120 Nonresidential building (except miniwarehouse) rental or leasing

531120 Office building rental or leasing

531120 Piers and associated building rental or leasing

531120 Professional office building rental or leasing

531120 Real estate rental or leasing of nonresidential building (except miniwarehouse)

531120 Reception hall rental or leasing

531120 Shopping center (i.e., not operating contained businesses) rental or leasing

531120 Stadium rental or leasing without promotion of events

531120 Theater, property operation, rental or leasing

531130 Equity real estate investment trusts (REITs), primarily leasing miniwarehouses and self-storage units

531130 Lessors of miniwarehouses

531130 Lessors of self storage units

531130 Miniwarehouse rental or leasing

531130 Real estate rental or leasing of miniwarehouses and self-storage units

531130 Self-storage unit rental or leasing

531130 Self-storage warehousing

531130 U-lock storage

531130 Warehousing, self storage

531190 Agricultural property rental leasing

531190 Airport leasing, not operating airport, rental or leasing

531190 Equity real estate investment trusts (REITs), primarily leasing real estate (except residential buildings and dwellings, nonresidential buildings, miniwarehouses, and self-storage units)

531190 Farmland rental or leasing

531190 Flea market space (except under roof) rental or leasing

531190 Forest land rental or leasing

531190 Grazing land rental or leasing

531190 Land rental or leasing

531190 Manufactured (mobile) home parks

531190 Manufactured (mobile) home sites rental or leasing

531190 Mining property leasing

531190 Mobile (manufactured) home parks

531190 Mobile (manufactured) home site rental or leasing

531190 Railroad right of way leasing

531190 Real estate (except building) rental or leasing

531190 Residential trailer parks

531190 Trailer park or court, residential

531190 Vacant lot rental or leasing

531190 Vacation and recreation land rental or leasing

531210 Agencies, real estate

531210 Agents, real estate

531210 Auctioning real estate for others (i.e., agents, brokers)

531210 Brokerages, real estate

531210 Brokers' offices, real estate

531210 Buyers' agents, real estate, offices

531210 Buying agencies, real estate

531210 Buying real estate for others (i.e., agents, brokers)

531210 Commercial real estate agencies

531210 Commercial real estate agents' offices

531210 Exclusive buyers' agencies

531210 Exclusive buyers' agents, offices of

531210 Real estate agencies

531210 Real estate agents' offices

531210 Real estate brokerages

531210 Real estate brokers' offices

531210 Renting real estate for others (i.e., agents, brokers)

531210 Residential real estate agencies

531210 Residential real estate agents' offices

531210 Residential real estate brokerages

531210 Residential real estate brokers' offices

531210 Selling real estate for others (i.e., agents, brokers)

531311 Apartment managers' offices

531311 Condominium managers' offices, residential

531311 Cooperative apartment managers' offices

531311 Managers' offices, residential condominium

531311 Managers' offices, residential real estate

531311 Managing cooperative apartments

531311 Managing residential condominiums

531311 Managing residential real estate

531311 Property managers' offices, residential real estate

531311 Property managing, residential real estate

531311 Real estate property managers' offices, residential

531311 Residential property managing

531311 Residential real estate property managers' offices

531312 Commercial property managing

531312 Commercial real estate property managers' offices

531312 Condominium managers' offices, commercial

531312 Managers' offices, commercial condominium

531312 Managers' offices, commercial real estate

531312 Managers' offices, nonresidential real estate

531312 Managing commercial condominiums

531312 Managing commercial real estate

531312 Nonresidential property managing

531312 Property managers' offices, commercial real estate

531312 Property managers' offices, nonresidential real estate

531312 Property managing, commercial real estate

531312 Property managing, nonresidential real estate

531312 Real estate property managers' offices, commercial

531320 Appraisal services, real estate

531320 Appraisers' offices, real estate

531320 Real estate appraisal services

531320 Real estate appraisers' offices

531390 Agencies, real estate escrow

531390 Agents' offices, real estate escrow

531390 Consultants', real estate (except appraisers), offices

531390 Escrow agencies, real estate

531390 Fiduciaries', real estate, offices

531390 Landman services

531390 Listing services, real estate

531390 Real estate asset management services (except property management)

531390 Real estate consultants' (except agents, appraisers) offices

531390 Real estate escrow agencies

531390 Real estate escrow agents' offices

531390 Real estate fiduciaries' offices

531390 Real estate listing services

532111 Automobile rental

532111 Car rental

532111 Car rental agencies

532111 Hearse rental

532111 Limousine rental without driver

532111 Luxury automobile rental

532111 Passenger car rental

532111 Passenger van rental

532111 Passenger van rental agencies

532111 Sport utility vehicle rental

532111 Van (passenger) rental

532112 Automobile leasing

532112 Car leasing

532112 Fleet leasing, passenger vehicle

532112 Passenger car leasing

532112 Passenger van leasing

532112 Passenger vehicle fleet leasing

532112 Sport utility vehicle leasing

532112 Van (passenger) leasing

532120 Bus rental or leasing

532120 Camper rental

532120 Mobile home rental (except on site)

532120 Motor home rental

532120 Popup camper rental

532120 Recreational trailer rental

532120 Recreational vehicle (RV) rental or leasing

532120 RV (recreational vehicle) rental or leasing

532120 School bus rental or leasing

532120 Semi-trailer rental or leasing

532120 Trailer rental or leasing

532120 Truck (except industrial) rental or leasing

532120 Truck tractor rental or leasing

532120 Utility trailer rental or leasing

532120 Van (except passenger) rental or leasing without driver

532210 Air-conditioner rental

532210 Appliance rental

532210 Camcorder rental

532210 Consumer electronics rental

532210 Dryer, clothes, rental

532210 Photographic equipment rental

532210 Refrigerator rental

532210 Stereo equipment rental

532210 Tape recorder rental

532210 Television rental

532210 Video cassette recorder rental

532210 Video disc player rental

532210 Video recorder rental

532210 Video tape player rental

532210 Washer, clothes, rental

532220 Bridal wear rental

532220 Clothing rental (except industrial launderer, linen supply)

532220 Costume rental

532220 Dress suit rental

532220 Formal wear rental

532220 Fur rental

532220 Gown rental

532220 Graduation cap and gown rental

532220 Motion picture wardrobe and costume rental

532220 Suit rental

532220 Theatrical wardrobe and costume rental

532220 Tuxedo rental

532220 Wardrobe rental

532230 Cassette, prerecorded video, rental

532230 Computer video game rental

532230 Laser disc, video, rental

532230 Video disc rental for home electronic equipment (e.g., VCR)

532230 Video game rental

532230 Video tape rental for home electronic equipment (e.g., VCR)

532230 Video tape rental stores

532291 Crutches, invalid, rental

532291 Furniture, home health, rental

532291 Home health furniture and equipment rental

532291 Hospital bed rental and leasing (i.e. home use)

532291 Hospital equipment rental (i.e. home use)

532291 Hospital furniture and equipment rental (i.e. home use)

532291 Invalid equipment rental (i.e., home use)

532291 Oxygen equipment rental (i.e. home use)

532291 Walker, invalid, rental

532291 Wheel chair rental

532292 Beach chair rental

532292 Beach umbrella rental

532292 Bicycle rental

532292 Boat rental, pleasure

532292 Canoe rental

532292 Exercise equipment rental

532292 Golf cart rental

532292 Houseboat rental

532292 Moped rental

532292 Motorcycle rental

532292 Personal watercraft rental

532292 Pleasure boat rental

532292 Recreational goods rental

532292 Rowboat rental

532292 Sailboat rental

532292 Ski equipment rental

532292 Snow ski equipment rental

532292 Sporting goods rental

532292 Sports equipment rental

532292 Surfboard rental

532292 Tent, camping, rental

532292 Water ski rental

532292 Yacht rental without crew

532299 Carpet and rug, residential, rental

532299 Furniture (i.e., residential) rental centers

532299 Furniture, residential, rental or leasing

532299 Musical instrument rental

532299 Party (i.e., banquet) equipment rental

532299 Party rental supply centers

532299 Piano rental

532299 Rug and carpet rental

532299 Silverware rental

532299 Table and banquet accessory rental

532299 Tableware rental

532299 Tent, party, rental

532310 General rental centers

532310 Home and garden equipment rental centers

532310 Rent-all centers

532411 Aircraft rental and leasing

532411 Airplane rental or leasing

532411 Barge rental or leasing

532411 Boat rental (except pleasure)

532411 Boat rental or leasing, commercial

532411 Railroad car rental and leasing

532411 Ship rental or leasing without operators

532411 Steamship rental or leasing without operators

532411 Tanker rental or leasing

532411 Towboat rental or leasing

532411 Tugboat rental or leasing

532412 Bulldozer rental or leasing without operator

532412 Construction form rental

532412 Construction machinery and equipment rental or leasing without operator

532412 Crane rental or leasing without operator

532412 Earth moving equipment rental or leasing without operator

532412 Forestry machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532412 Heavy construction equipment rental without operator

532412 Logging equipment rental or leasing without operator

532412 Mining machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532412 Oil field machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532412 Oil well drilling machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532412 Welding equipment rental or leasing

532412 Well drilling machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532420 Cash register rental or leasing

532420 Computer peripheral equipment rental or leasing

532420 Computer rental or leasing

532420 Copier rental or leasing

532420 Duplicating machine (e.g., copier) rental or leasing

532420 Facsimile machine rental or leasing

532420 Fax machine rental or leasing

532420 Furniture, office, rental or leasing

532420 Mailing equipment rental or leasing

532420 Office furniture rental or leasing

532420 Office machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532490 Agricultural machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532490 Audio visual equipment rental or leasing

532490 Carpentry equipment rental or leasing

532490 Carpet and rug cleaning equipment rental or leasing

532490 Compressor, air and gas, rental or leasing

532490 Farm equipment rental or leasing

532490 Farm tractor rental or leasing

532490 Floor sanding machine rental or leasing

532490 Floor waxing equipment rental or leasing

532490 Furniture, institutional (i.e. public building), rental or leasing

532490 Garden tractor rental or leasing

532490 Generator rental or leasing

532490 Industrial truck rental or leasing

532490 Lawnmower rental or leasing

532490 Manufacturing machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532490 Materials handling machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532490 Medical equipment (except home health furniture and equipment) rental or leasing

532490 Metalworking machinery and equipment rental or leasing

532490 Motion picture equipment rental or leasing

532490 Pallet rental or leasing

532490 Plumbing equipment rental or leasing

532490 Power washer rental or leasing

532490 Public address system rental or leasing

532490 Renting coin-operated amusement devices (except concession operators)

532490 Sawmill machinery rental or leasing

532490 Scaffolding rental or leasing

532490 Scenery, theatrical, rental or leasing

532490 Skid rental or leasing

532490 Sound and lighting equipment rental or leasing

532490 Telecommunications equipment rental or leasing

532490 Textile machinery rental or leasing

532490 Theatrical equipment (except costumes) rental or leasing

532490 Tractor, farm, rental or leasing

532490 Tractor, garden, rental or leasing

532490 Truck, industrial, rental or leasing

532490 TV broadcasting and studio equipment rental or leasing

532490 Vending machine rental

532490 Woodworking machinery and equipment rental or leasing

533110 Brand name licensing

533110 Franchise agreements, leasing, selling or licensing, without providing other services

533110 Industrial design licensing

533110 Oil royalty companies

533110 Oil royalty leasing

533110 Patent buying and licensing

533110 Patent leasing

533110 Trademark licensing

541110 Attorneys' offices

541110 Attorneys' private practices

541110 Barristers' offices

541110 Barristers' private practices

541110 Corporate law offices

541110 Counselors' at law offices

541110 Counselors' at law private practices

541110 Criminal law offices

541110 Estate law offices

541110 Family law offices

541110 Law firms

541110 Law offices

541110 Law practices

541110 Lawyers' offices

541110 Lawyers' private practices

541110 Legal aid services

541110 Patent attorneys' offices

541110 Patent attorneys' private practices

541110 Real estate law offices

541110 Solicitors' offices, private

541110 Solicitors' private practices

541110 Tax law attorneys' offices

541110 Tax law attorneys' private practices

541120 Offices of notaries

541191 Settlement offices, real estate

541191 Title abstract companies, real estate

541191 Title companies, real estate

541191 Title search companies, real estate

541199 Jury consulting services

541199 Notary public services

541199 Notary publics' private practices

541199 Paralegal services

541199 Patent agent services (i.e., patent filing and searching services)

541199 Process server services

541199 Process serving services

541199 Trial consulting services

541211 Accountants' (i.e., CPAs) offices, certified public

541211 Accountants' (i.e., CPAs) private practices, certified public

541211 Accounting (i.e., CPAs) services, certified public

541211 Auditing accountants' (i.e., CPAs) offices

541211 Auditing accountants' (i.e., CPAs) private practices

541211 Auditing services (i.e., CPA services), accounts

541211 Auditors' (i.e., CPAs) offices, accounts

541211 Auditors' (i.e., CPAs) private practices, accounts

541211 Certified accountants' offices

541211 Certified public accountants' (CPAs) offices

541211 CPAs' (certified public accountants) offices

541211 Public accountants' (CPAs) offices, certified

541211 Public accountants' (CPAs) private practices, certified

541213 Income tax compilation services

541213 Income tax return preparation services

541213 Tax return preparation services

541214 Payroll processing services

541214 Talent payment services

541219 Accountants' (except CPAs) offices

541219 Accountants' (except CPAs) private practices

541219 Accounting services (except CPAs)

541219 Billing services

541219 Bookkeepers' offices

541219 Bookkeepers' private practices

541219 Bookkeeping services

541219 Public accountants' (except CPAs) offices

541219 Public accountants' (except CPAs) private practices

541310 Architects' (except landscape) offices

541310 Architects' (except landscape) private practices

541310 Architectural (except landscape) consultants' offices

541310 Architectural (except landscape) design services

541310 Architectural (except landscape) services

541310 Building architectural design services

541320 Architects' offices, landscape

541320 Architects' private practices, landscape

541320 Architectural services, landscape

541320 City planning services

541320 Garden planning services

541320 Golf course design services

541320 Industrial land use planning services

541320 Land use design services

541320 Land use planning services

541320 Landscape architects' offices

541320 Landscape architects' private practices

541320 Landscape architectural services

541320 Landscape consulting services

541320 Landscape design services

541320 Landscape planning services

541320 Ski area design services

541320 Ski area planning services

541320 Town planners' offices

541320 Town planning services

541320 Urban planners' offices

541320 Urban planning services

541330 Acoustical engineering consulting services

541330 Acoustical system engineering design services

541330 Boat engineering design services

541330 Chemical engineering services

541330 Civil engineering services

541330 Combustion engineering consulting services

541330 Construction engineering services

541330 Consulting engineers' offices

541330 Consulting engineers' private practices

541330 Electrical engineering services

541330 Engineering consulting services

541330 Engineering design services

541330 Engineering services

541330 Engineers' offices

541330 Engineers' private practices

541330 Environmental engineering services

541330 Erosion control engineering services

541330 Geological engineering services

541330 Geophysical engineering services

541330 Heating engineering consulting services

541330 Industrial engineering services

541330 Logging engineering services

541330 Marine engineering services

541330 Mechanical engineering services

541330 Mining engineering services

541330 Petroleum engineering services

541330 Traffic engineering consulting services

541340 Blueprint drafting services

541340 Drafting services

541340 Draftsmen's offices

541350 Building inspection bureaus

541350 Building inspection services

541350 Energy efficiency inspection services

541350 Home inspection services

541350 Inspection bureaus, building

541350 Inspection services, building or home

541350 Prepurchase home inspection services

541360 Aerial geophysical surveying services

541360 Electrical geophysical surveying services

541360 Electromagnetic geophysical surveying services

541360 Geological surveying services

541360 Geophysical mapping services

541360 Geophysical surveying services

541360 Gravity geophysical surveying services

541360 Magnetic geophysical surveying services

541360 Mapping services, geophysical

541360 Radioactive geophysical surveying services

541360 Remote sensing geophysical surveying services

541360 Seismic geophysical surveying services

541360 Surveying services, geophysical

541370 Aerial surveying (except geophysical) services

541370 Cadastral surveying services

541370 Cartographic surveying services

541370 Construction surveying services

541370 Geodetic surveying services

541370 Geographic information system (GIS) base mapping services

541370 Geospatial mapping services

541370 Hydrographic mapping services

541370 Hydrographic surveying services

541370 Land surveying services

541370 Mapping (except geophysical) services

541370 Photogrammetric mapping services

541370 Surveying and mapping services (except geophysical)

541370 Topographic mapping services

541370 Topographic surveying services

541380 Acoustics testing laboratories or services

541380 Assaying services

541380 Automobile proving and testing grounds

541380 Biological (except medical, veterinary) testing laboratories or services

541380 Calibration and certification testing laboratories or services

541380 Electrical testing laboratories or services

541380 Electronic testing laboratories or services

541380 Environmental testing laboratories or services

541380 Film badge testing (i.e., radiation testing) laboratories or services

541380 Fire insurance underwriters' laboratories

541380 Food testing laboratories or services

541380 Forensic (except medical) laboratories or services

541380 Geotechnical testing laboratories or services

541380 Hydrostatic testing laboratories or services

541380 Industrial testing laboratories or services

541380 Laboratory testing (except medical, veterinary) services

541380 Mechanical testing laboratories or services

541380 Metallurgical testing laboratories or services

541380 Non-destructive testing laboratories or services

541380 Pollution testing (except automotive emissions testing) services

541380 Product testing laboratories or services

541380 Radiation dosimetry (i.e., radiation testing) laboratories or services

541380 Radiation testing laboratories or services

541380 Radiographic testing laboratories or services

541380 Radiographing welded joints on pipes and fittings

541380 Radiography inspection services

541380 Radon testing laboratories or services

541380 Seed testing laboratories or services

541380 Soil testing laboratories or services

541380 Testing laboratories (except medical, veterinary)

541380 Thermal testing laboratories or services

541380 Vibration testing laboratories or services

541380 X-ray inspection services

541410 Decorating consulting services, interior

541410 Interior decorating consultant services

541410 Interior decorating consulting services

541410 Interior design consulting services

541410 Interior design services

541410 Interior designer services

541420 Automobile industrial design services

541420 Furniture design services

541420 Handtool industrial design services

541420 Industrial design consulting services

541420 Industrial design services

541420 Packaging industrial design services

541420 Tool industrial design services

541430 Art services, commercial

541430 Art services, graphic

541430 Art studios, commercial

541430 Artists, independent commercial

541430 Artists, independent graphic

541430 Artists, independent medical

541430 Commercial art services

541430 Commercial artists, independent

541430 Commercial illustration services

541430 Commercial illustrators, independent

541430 Communication design services, visual

541430 Corporate identification (i.e., logo) design services

541430 Graphic art and related design services

541430 Graphic artists, independent

541430 Graphic design services

541430 Illustrators, independent commercial

541430 Medical art services

541430 Medical artists, independent

541430 Medical illustration services

541430 Medical illustrators, independent

541430 Silk screen design services

541430 Studios, commercial art

541490 Clothing design services

541490 Costume design services (except independent theatrical costume designers)

541490 Fashion design services

541490 Fashion designer services

541490 Float design services

541490 Fur design services

541490 Jewelry design services

541490 Lighting design services

541490 Shoe design services

541490 Textile design services

541511 Applications software programming services, custom computer

541511 Computer program or software development, custom

541511 Computer programming services, custom

541511 Computer software analysis and design services, custom

541511 Computer software programming services, custom

541511 Computer software support services, custom

541511 Programming services, custom computer

541511 Software analysis and design services, custom computer

541511 Software programming services, custom computer

541511 Web (i.e., Internet) page design services, custom

541512 CAD (computer-aided design) systems integration design services

541512 CAE (computer-aided engineering) systems integration design services

541512 CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) systems integration design services

541512 Computer hardware consulting services or consultants

541512 Computer software consulting services or consultants

541512 Computer systems integration analysis and design services

541512 Computer systems integration design consulting services

541512 Computer systems integrator services

541512 Computer-aided design (CAD) systems integration design services

541512 Computer-aided engineering (CAE) systems integration design services

541512 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems integration design services

541512 Information management computer systems integration design services

541512 Local area network (LAN) computer systems integration design services

541512 Network systems integration design services, computer

541512 Office automation computer systems integration design services

541512 Systems integration design consulting services, computer

541512 Systems integration design services, computer

541513 Computer systems facilities (i.e., clients' facilities) management and operation services

541513 Data processing facilities (i.e., clients' facilities) management and operation services

541513 Facilities (i.e., clients' facilities) management and operation services, computer systems or data processing

541513 Facilities (i.e., clients' facilities) support services, computer systems or data processing

541519 Computer disaster recovery services

541519 Software installation services, computer

541611 Administrative management consulting services

541611 Business management consulting services

541611 Business start-up consulting services

541611 Financial management consulting (except investment advice) services

541611 General management consulting services

541611 Medical office management consulting services or consultants

541611 Records management consulting services

541611 Reorganizational consulting services

541611 Site location consulting services

541611 Site selection consulting services

541611 Strategic planning consulting services

541612 Actuarial consulting services (except insurance actuarial services)

541612 Benefit consulting services

541612 Compensation consulting services

541612 Compensation planning services

541612 Employee assessment consulting services

541612 Employee benefit consulting services

541612 Employee compensation consulting services

541612 Human resource consulting services

541612 Labor relations consulting services

541612 Organization development consulting services

541612 Personnel management consulting services

541613 Customer service management consulting services

541613 Marketing consulting services

541613 Marketing management consulting services

541613 New product development consulting services

541613 Sales management consulting services

541614 Customs consulting services

541614 Efficiency management (i.e., efficiency expert) consulting services

541614 Freight rate auditor services

541614 Freight rate consulting services

541614 Freight traffic consulting services

541614 Inventory planning and control management consulting services

541614 Logistics management consulting services

541614 Manufacturing management consulting services

541614 Manufacturing operations improvement consulting services

541614 Materials management consulting services

541614 Operations research consulting services

541614 Physical distribution consulting services

541614 Production planning and control consulting services

541614 Productivity improvement consulting services

541614 Tariff rate consulting services

541614 Tariff rate information services

541614 Transportation management consulting services

541618 Telecommunications management consulting services

541618 Utilities management consulting services

541620 Environmental consulting services

541620 Sanitation consulting services

541620 Site remediation consulting services

541690 Agricultural consulting services

541690 Agrology consulting services

541690 Agronomy consulting services

541690 Biological consulting services

541690 Chemical consulting services

541690 Dairy herd consulting services

541690 Economic consulting services

541690 Energy consulting services

541690 Entomology consulting services

541690 Geochemical consulting services

541690 Horticultural consulting services

541690 Hydrology consulting services

541690 Livestock breeding consulting services

541690 Motion picture consulting services

541690 Nuclear energy consulting services

541690 Physics consulting services

541690 Radio consulting services

541690 Safety consulting services

541690 Security consulting services

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or service in botany

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in agriculture

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in bacteriology

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in biology

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in chemical sciences

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in entomology

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in environmental science

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in food science

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in genetics

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in health sciences

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in industrial research

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the medical sciences

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the physical sciences

541711 Biotechnology research and development laboratories or services in the veterinary sciences

541711 Cloning research and experimental development laboratories

541711 DNA technologies (e.g., microarrays) research and experimental development laboratories

541711 Nanobiotechnologies research and experimental development laboratories

541711 Nucleic acid chemistry research and experimental development laboratories

541711 Protein engineering research and experimental development laboratories

541711 Recombinant DNA research and experimental development laboratories

541712 Agriculture research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Bacteriological research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Biology research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Botany research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Chemical research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Computer and related hardware research and development laboratories or services

541712 Dental research and development laboratories or services

541712 Electronic research and development laboratories or services

541712 Engineering research and development laboratories or services

541712 Entomological research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Environmental research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Experimental farms

541712 Fisheries research and development laboratories or services

541712 Food research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Forestry research and development laboratories or services

541712 Genetics research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Geological research and development laboratories or services

541712 Guided missile and space vehicle engine research and development

541712 Guided missile and space vehicle parts (except engines) research and development

541712 Health research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Industrial research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Life sciences research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Mathematics research and development laboratories or services

541712 Medical research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Observatories, research institutions

541712 Oceanographic research and development laboratories or services

541712 Photonics research and development services

541712 Physical science research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541712 Physics research and development laboratories or services

541712 Veterinary research and development laboratories or services (except biotechnology research and development)

541720 Archeological research and development services

541720 Behavioral research and development services

541720 Business research and development services

541720 Cognitive research and development services

541720 Demographic research and development services

541720 Economic research and development services

541720 Historic and cultural preservation research and development services

541720 Humanities research and development services

541720 Language research and development services

541720 Learning disabilities research and development services

541720 Psychology research and development services

541720 Social science research and development services

541720 Sociological research and development services

541720 Sociology research and development services

541810 Advertising agencies

541810 Advertising agency consulting services

541820 Lobbying services

541820 Lobbyists' offices

541820 Political consulting services

541820 Public relations agencies

541820 Public relations consulting services

541820 Public relations services

541830 Media buying agencies

541830 Media buying services

541840 Advertising media representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Magazine advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Media advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Media representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Newspaper advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Publishers' advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Radio advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541840 Television advertising representatives (i.e., independent of media owners)

541850 Advertising services, indoor or outdoor display

541850 Advertising, aerial

541850 Billboard display advertising services

541850 Bus card advertising services

541850 Bus display advertising services

541850 Display advertising services

541850 Indoor display advertising services

541850 Outdoor display advertising services

541850 Out-of-home media (i.e., display) advertising services

541850 Store display advertising services

541850 Subway card display advertising services

541850 Taxicab card advertising services

541850 Transit advertising services

541860 Advertising material preparation services for mailing or other direct distribution

541860 Direct mail advertising services

541860 Direct mail or other direct distribution advertising campaign services

541870 Advertising material (e.g., coupons, flyers, samples) direct distribution services

541870 Circular direct distribution services

541870 Coupon direct distribution services

541870 Directory, telephone, distribution on a contract basis

541870 Door-to-door distribution of advertising materials (e.g., coupons, flyers, samples)

541870 Flyer direct distribution (except direct mail) services

541870 Handbill direct distribution services

541870 Sample direct distribution services

541870 Telephone directory distribution services, door-to-door

541890 Advertising specialty (e.g., keychain, magnet, pen) distribution services

541890 Demonstration services, merchandise

541890 Display lettering services

541890 Mannequin decorating services

541890 Sign lettering and painting services

541890 Welcoming services (i.e., advertising services)

541890 Window dressing or trimming services, store

541910 Broadcast media rating services

541910 Marketing analysis services

541910 Marketing research services

541910 Opinion research services

541910 Political opinion polling services

541910 Public opinion polling services

541910 Public opinion research services

541910 Sampling services, statistical

541921 Passport photography services

541921 Photography services, portrait (e.g., still, video)

541921 Photography studios, portrait

541921 Portrait photography services

541921 Portrait photography studios

541921 School photography (i.e., portrait photography) services

541921 Video photography services, portrait

541921 Video taping services, special events (e.g., birthdays, weddings)

541921 Wedding photography services

541922 Commercial photography services

541922 Medical photography services

541922 Photographers specializing in aerial photography

541922 Photography services, commercial

541922 Photography studios, commercial

541922 Video taping services for legal depositions

541930 Interpretation services, language

541930 Language interpretation services

541930 Language services (e.g., interpretation, sign, translation)

541930 Language translation services

541930 Sign language services

541930 Speech (i.e., language) interpretation services

541930 Translation services, language

541940 Animal hospitals

541940 Disease testing services, veterinary

541940 Hospitals, animal

541940 Internists' offices, veterinary

541940 Laboratory testing services, veterinary

541940 Livestock inspecting and testing services, veterinary

541940 Livestock veterinary services

541940 Pet hospitals

541940 Small animal veterinary services

541940 Surgeons' offices, veterinary

541940 Surgery services, veterinary

541940 Testing laboratories, veterinary

541940 Testing services for veterinarians

541940 Vaccination services, veterinary

541940 Veterinarians' offices

541940 Veterinarians' practices

541940 Veterinary clinics

541940 Veterinary services

541940 Veterinary services, livestock

541940 Veterinary services, pets and other animal specialties

541940 Veterinary testing laboratories

541990 Appraisal (except real estate) services

541990 Arbitration and conciliation services (except by attorney, paralegal)

541990 Business brokers (except real estate brokers)

541990 Commodity inspection services

541990 Consumer credit counseling services

541990 Credit repair (i.e., counseling) services, consumer

541990 Electronic communication verification content services

541990 Estate assessment (i.e., appraisal) services

541990 Handwriting analysis services

541990 Handwriting expert services

541990 Marine surveyor (i.e., ship appraiser) services

541990 Mediation product services (except by lawyer, attorney, paralegal offices, family and social services)

541990 Meteorological services

541990 Patent broker services (i.e., patent marketing services)

541990 Patrolling (i.e., visual inspection) of electric transmission or gas lines

541990 Pipeline inspection (i.e., visual) services

541990 Power line inspection (i.e., visual) services

541990 Quantity surveyor services

541990 Weather forecasting services

551111 Bank holding companies (except managing)

551111 Holding companies, bank (except managing)

551112 Agreement corporation (except international trade financing)

551112 Financial holding companies

551112 Holding companies (except bank, managing)

551112 Insurance holding companies

551112 Nonbank holding companies (except managing)

551112 Personal holding companies

551112 Public utility holding companies

551114 Centralized administrative offices

551114 Corporate offices

551114 District and regional offices

551114 Head offices

551114 Holding companies that manage

551114 Subsidiary management offices

561110 Administrative management services

561110 Business management services

561110 Executive management services

561110 Hotel management services (except complete operation of client's business)

561110 Management services (except complete operation of client's business)

561110 Managing offices of dentists

561110 Managing offices of physicians and surgeons

561110 Managing offices of professionals (e.g., dentists, physicians, surgeons)

561110 Medical office management services

561110 Motel management services (except complete operation of client's business)

561110 Office administration services

561110 Office management services

561210 Base facilities operation support services

561210 Correctional facility operation on a contract or fee basis

561210 Facilities (except computer operation) support services

561210 Government base facilities operation support services

561210 Jail operation on a contract or fee basis

561210 Jails, privately operated

561311 Babysitting bureaus (i.e., registries)

561311 Casting agencies (i.e., motion picture, theatrical, video)

561311 Casting agencies, motion picture or video

561311 Casting agencies, theatrical

561311 Casting bureaus (e.g., motion picture, theatrical, video)

561311 Casting bureaus, motion picture or video

561311 Casting bureaus, theatrical

561311 Chauffeur registries

561311 Employment agencies

561311 Employment agencies, motion picture or video

561311 Employment agencies, radio or television

561311 Employment agencies, theatrical

561311 Employment placement agencies or services

561311 Employment referral agencies or services

561311 Employment registries

561311 Maid registries

561311 Model registries

561311 Nurse registries

561311 Placement agencies or services, employment

561311 Referral agencies or services, employment

561311 Registries, employment

561311 Registries, teacher

561311 Ship crew employment agencies

561311 Ship crew registries

561311 State operated employment job services offices

561311 Teacher registries

561311 Television employment agencies

561311 Theatrical employment agencies

561312 Executive placement services

561312 Executive search services

561312 Senior executive search services

561320 Help supply services

561320 Labor (except farm) contractors (i.e., personnel suppliers)

561320 Labor (except farm) pools

561320 Manpower pools

561320 Model supply services

561320 Office help supply services

561320 Office supply pools

561320 Personnel (e.g., industrial, office) suppliers

561320 Temporary employment services

561320 Temporary help services

561320 Temporary staffing services

561330 Employee leasing services

561330 Labor leasing services

561330 PEO (professional employer organizations)

561330 Professional employer organizations (PEO)

561330 Staff leasing services

561410 Desktop publishing services (I.e. document preparation service)

561410 Dictation services

561410 Document preparation services

561410 Document transcription services

561410 Editing services

561410 Letter writing services

561410 Proofreading services

561410 Radio transcription services

561410 Resume writing services

561410 Secretarial services

561410 Stenographic services (except court or stenographic reporting)

561410 Transcription services

561410 Typing services

561410 Word processing services

561421 Answering services, telephone

561421 Message services, telephone answering

561421 Telephone answering services

561421 Voice mailbox services

561421 Wakeup call services

561422 Customer service call centers

561422 Floral wire services (i.e., telemarketing services)

561422 Order-taking for clients over the internet

561422 Telemarketing bureaus

561422 Telemarketing services on a contract or fee basis

561422 Telephone call centers

561422 Telephone solicitation services on a contract or fee basis

561422 Wire services (i.e., telemarketing services), floral

561431 Mailbox rental centers, private

561431 Mailbox rental services combined with one or more other office support services, private

561431 Parcel mailing services combined with one or more other office support services, private

561431 Parcel mailing services, private

561431 Private mail centers

561431 Private mailbox rental centers

561439 Blueprinting services

561439 Business service centers (except private mail centers)

561439 Business service centers (except private mail centers) providing range of office support services (except printing)

561439 Copy centers (except combined with printing services)

561439 Copy shops (except combined with printing services)

561439 Document copying services (except combined with printing services)

561439 Document duplicating services (except combined with printing services)

561439 Photocopying services (except combined with printing services)

561439 Reprographic services

561440 Account collection services

561440 Bill collection services

561440 Collection agencies

561440 Collection agencies, accounts

561440 Debt collection services

561440 Delinquent account collection services

561440 Tax collection services on a contract or fee basis

561450 Commercial credit reporting bureaus

561450 Consumer credit reporting bureaus

561450 Credit agencies

561450 Credit bureaus

561450 Credit investigation services

561450 Credit rating services

561450 Credit reporting bureaus

561450 Investigation services, credit

561450 Mercantile credit reporting bureaus

561491 Automobile repossession services

561491 Repossession services

561492 Closed captioning services, real-time (i.e., simultaneous)

561492 Court reporting services

561492 Public stenography services

561492 Real-time (i.e., simultaneous) closed captioning of live television performances, meetings, conferences, and so forth

561492 Stenography services, public

561492 Stenotype recording services

561499 Address bar coding services

561499 Bar code imprinting services

561499 Fundraising campaign organization services on a contract or fee basis

561499 Mail consolidation services

561499 Mail presorting services

561499 Teleconferencing services

561499 Videoconferencing services

561510 Travel agencies

561520 Tour operators (i.e., arranging and assembling tours)

561520 Travel tour operators

561520 Wholesale tour operators

561591 Convention and visitors bureaus

561591 Convention bureaus

561591 Tourism bureaus

561591 Tourist information bureaus

561591 Visitors bureaus

561599 Airline reservation services

561599 Airline ticket offices

561599 Automobile clubs, road and travel services

561599 Bus ticket offices

561599 Car rental reservation services

561599 Condominium time share exchange services

561599 Cruise ship ticket offices

561599 Hotel reservation services

561599 Motor travel clubs

561599 Railroad ticket offices

561599 Reservation (e.g., airline, car rental, hotel, restaurant) services

561599 Sports ticket offices

561599 Theatrical ticket offices

561599 Ticket (e.g., airline, bus, cruise ship, sports, theatrical) offices

561599 Ticket (e.g., airline, bus, cruise ship, sports, theatrical) sales offices

561599 Ticket (e.g., amusement, sports, theatrical) agencies

561599 Ticket (e.g., amusement, sports, theatrical) sales agencies

561599 Ticket agencies, amusement

561599 Ticket agencies, sports

561599 Ticket agencies, theatrical

561599 Ticket offices for foreign cruise ship companies

561599 Time share exchange services, condominium

561611 Detective agencies

561611 Fingerprint services

561611 Investigation services (except credit), private

561611 Investigators, private

561611 Lie detection services

561611 Missing person tracing services

561611 Polygraph services

561611 Private detective services

561611 Private investigation services (except credit)

561611 Skip tracing services

561612 Body guard services

561612 Guard dog services

561612 Guard services

561612 Parking security services

561612 Patrol services, security

561612 Personal protection services (except security systems services)

561612 Property protection services (except armored car, security systems)

561612 Protection services (except armored car, security systems), personal or property

561612 Protective guard services

561612 Security guard services

561612 Security patrol services

561613 Armored car services

561621 Alarm system monitoring services

561621 Alarm systems sales combined with installation, repair, or monitoring services

561621 Burglar alarm monitoring services

561621 Burglar alarm sales combined with installation, repair, or monitoring services

561621 Fire alarm monitoring services

561621 Fire alarm sales combined with installation, repair, or monitoring services

561621 Security alarm systems sales combined with installation, repair, or monitoring services

561621 Security system monitoring services

561622 Locksmith services

561622 Locksmith services with or without sales of locking devices, safes, and security vaults

561622 Locksmith shops

561710 Bird proofing services

561710 Exterminating services

561710 Fumigating services (except crop fumigating)

561710 Mosquito eradication services

561710 Pest control (except agricultural, forestry) services

561710 Termite control services

561720 Aircraft janitorial services

561720 Building cleaning services, interior

561720 Building cleaning services, janitorial

561720 Cleaning homes

561720 Cleaning offices

561720 Cleaning shopping centers

561720 Custodial services

561720 Deodorant servicing of rest rooms

561720 Deodorizing services

561720 Housekeeping services (i.e., cleaning services)

561720 Janitorial services

561720 Janitorial services, aircraft

561720 Maid services (i.e., cleaning services)

561720 Office cleaning services

561720 Residential cleaning services

561720 Rest room cleaning services

561720 Restaurant kitchen cleaning services

561720 Service station cleaning and degreasing services

561720 Washroom sanitation services

561720 Window cleaning services

561730 Arborist services

561730 Cemetery plot care services

561730 Fertilizing lawns

561730 Garden maintenance services

561730 Hydroseeding services (e.g., decorative, erosion control purposes)

561730 Landscape care and maintenance services

561730 Landscape contractors (except construction)

561730 Landscape installation services

561730 Landscaping services (except planning)

561730 Lawn care services (e.g., fertilizing, mowing, seeding, spraying)

561730 Lawn fertilizing services

561730 Lawn maintenance services

561730 Lawn mowing services

561730 Lawn seeding services

561730 Lawn spraying services

561730 Line slash (i.e., rights of way) maintenance services

561730 Maintenance of plants and shrubs in buildings

561730 Mowing services (e.g., highway, lawn, road strip)

561730 Ornamental tree and shrub services

561730 Plant and shrub maintenance in buildings

561730 Plant maintenance services

561730 Pruning services, ornamental tree and shrub

561730 Seasonal property maintenance services (i.e., snow plowing in winter, landscaping during other seasons)

561730 Seeding lawns

561730 Shrub services (e.g., bracing, planting, pruning, removal, spraying, surgery, trimming)

561730 Snow plowing services combined with landscaping services (i.e., seasonal property maintenance services)

561730 Sod laying services

561730 Spraying lawns

561730 Tree and brush trimming, overhead utility line

561730 Tree pruning services

561730 Tree removal services

561730 Tree services (e.g., bracing, planting, pruning, removal, spraying, surgery, trimming)

561730 Tree surgery services

561730 Tree trimming services

561730 Tropical plant maintenance services

561730 Turf (except artificial) installation services

561730 Weed control and fertilizing services (except crop)

561740 Carpet cleaning on customers' premises

561740 Carpet cleaning plants

561740 Carpet cleaning services

561740 Cleaning carpets

561740 Cleaning plants, carpet and rug

561740 Cleaning rugs

561740 Cleaning services, carpet and rug

561740 Furniture cleaning on customers' premises

561740 Furniture cleaning services

561740 Rug cleaning plants

561740 Rug cleaning services

561740 Upholstery cleaning on customers' premises

561740 Upholstery cleaning services

561790 Building exterior cleaning services (except sand blasting, window cleaning)

561790 Chimney cleaning services

561790 Chimney sweep (i.e., cleaning) services

561790 Cleaning (e.g., power sweeping, washing) driveways and parking lots

561790 Cleaning building exteriors (except sand blasting, window cleaning)

561790 Cleaning swimming pools

561790 Drain cleaning services

561790 Driveway cleaning (e.g., power sweeping, washing) services

561790 Duct cleaning services

561790 Gutter cleaning services

561790 Lighting maintenance services (e.g., bulb and fuse replacement and cleaning)

561790 Parking lot cleaning (e.g., power sweeping, washing) services

561790 Power washing building exteriors

561790 Pressure washing (e.g., buildings, decks, fences)

561790 Snow plowing driveways and parking lots (i.e., not combined with any other service)

561790 Steam cleaning building exteriors

561790 Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance services

561790 Ventilation duct cleaning services

561910 Apparel folding and packaging services

561910 Blister packaging services

561910 Cosmetic kit assembling and packaging services

561910 Folding and packaging services, textile and apparel

561910 Gift wrapping services

561910 Kit assembling and packaging services

561910 Labeling services

561910 Mounting merchandise on cards

561910 Packaging services (except packing and crating for transportation)

561910 Product sterilization and packaging services

561910 Shrink wrapping services

561910 Skin blister packaging services

561910 Textile folding and packaging services

561920 Automobile show managers

561920 Automobile show organizers

561920 Automobile show promoters

561920 Convention managers

561920 Convention organizers

561920 Convention promoters

561920 Convention services

561920 Craft fair managers

561920 Craft fair organizers

561920 Craft fair promoters

561920 Flower show managers

561920 Flower show organizers

561920 Flower show promoters

561920 Home show managers

561920 Home show organizers

561920 Home show promoters

561920 Managers, convention

561920 Managers, trade fair or show

561920 Promoters of conventions with or without facilities

561920 Promoters of trade fairs or shows with or without facilities

561920 Trade fair managers

561920 Trade fair organizers

561920 Trade fair promoters

561920 Trade show managers

561920 Trade show organizers

561920 Trade show promoters

561990 Auctioneers, independent

561990 Bartering services

561990 Bottle exchanges

561990 Cloth cutting, bolting, or winding for the trade

561990 Coin pick-up services, parking meter

561990 Coupon processing services

561990 Coupon redemption services (i.e., clearinghouse)

561990 Diving services on a contract or fee basis

561990 Document shredding services

561990 Electrical meter reading services, contract

561990 Fire fighting services as a commercial activity

561990 Flagging (i.e., traffic control) services

561990 Float decorating services

561990 Gas meter reading services, contract

561990 Inventory computing services

561990 Inventory taking services

561990 License issuing services (except government), motor vehicle

561990 Locating underground utility lines prior to digging

561990 Lumber grading services

561990 Meter reading services, contract

561990 Motor vehicle license issuing services, private franchise

561990 Printing brokers

561990 Private volunteer fire fighting

561990 Tape slitting (e.g., cutting plastic or leather into widths) for the trade

561990 Textile cutting services

561990 Trading stamp promotion and sale to stores

561990 Trading stamp redemption services

562111 Ash collection services

562111 Ash hauling, local

562111 Garbage collection services

562111 Garbage hauling, local

562111 Garbage pick-up services

562111 Recyclable material collection services

562111 Recyclable material hauling, local

562111 Refuse collection services

562111 Refuse hauling, local

562111 Rubbish (i.e., nonhazardous solid waste) hauling, local

562111 Rubbish collection services

562111 Trash collection services

562111 Trash hauling, local

562111 Waste collection services, nonhazardous solid

562111 Waste hauling, local, nonhazardous solid

562111 Waste transfer stations, nonhazardous solid

562112 Hazardous waste collection services

562112 Radioactive waste collecting and/or local hauling

562112 Waste collection services, hazardous

562112 Waste hauling, local, hazardous

562112 Waste transfer stations, hazardous

562119 Brush collection services

562119 Brush hauling, local

562119 Brush removal services

562119 Dump trucking of rubble or brush with collection or disposal

562119 Rubble hauling, local

562119 Rubble removal services

562119 Waste (except solid and hazardous) collection services

562119 Waste (except solid and hazardous) hauling, local

562211 Acid waste disposal facilities

562211 Acid waste treatment facilities

562211 Combustors, hazardous waste

562211 Hazardous waste disposal facilities

562211 Hazardous waste disposal facilities combined with collection and/or local hauling of hazardous waste

562211 Hazardous waste material disposal facilities

562211 Hazardous waste material treatment facilities

562211 Hazardous waste treatment facilities

562211 Hazardous waste treatment facilities combined with collection and/or local hauling of hazardous waste

562211 Incinerators, hazardous waste, operating

562211 Radioactive waste collecting and/or local hauling in combination with disposal and/or treatment facilities

562211 Radioactive waste disposal facilities

562211 Radioactive waste treatment facilities

562211 Waste disposal facilities, hazardous

562211 Waste treatment facilities, hazardous

562211 Waste treatment plants, hazardous

562212 Dumps, nonhazardous solid waste (e.g., trash)

562212 Garbage disposal landfills

562212 Garbage dumps

562212 Landfills

562212 Refuse collecting and operating solid waste landfills

562212 Refuse disposal landfills

562212 Rubbish disposal landfills

562212 Sanitary landfills

562212 Sludge disposal sites

562212 Solid waste landfills combined with collection and/or local hauling of nonhazardous waste materials

562212 Solid waste landfills, nonhazardous

562212 Trash disposal landfills

562212 Waste disposal landfills, nonhazardous solid

562213 Combustors, nonhazardous solid waste

562213 Garbage disposal combustors or incinerators

562213 Incinerators, nonhazardous solid waste

562213 Power generation, nonhazardous solid waste combustor or incinerator electric

562213 Refuse disposal combustors or incinerators

562213 Rubbish disposal combustors or incinerators

562213 Solid waste combustors or incinerators, nonhazardous

562213 Trash disposal combustors or incinerators

562213 Waste disposal combustors or incinerators, nonhazardous solid

562219 Compost dumps

562219 Dumps, compost

562219 Nonhazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities (except combustors, incinerators, landfills, sewer systems, sewage treatment facilities)

562219 Waste (except sewage) treatment facilities, nonhazardous

562910 Asbestos abatement services

562910 Asbestos removal contractors

562910 Environmental remediation services

562910 Lead paint abatement services

562910 Lead paint removal contractors

562910 Mine reclamation services, integrated (e.g., demolition, hazardous material removal, soil remediation)

562910 Oil spill cleanup services

562910 Remediation and clean up of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil, or ground water

562910 Remediation services, environmental

562910 Site remediation services

562910 Soil remediation services

562910 Toxic material abatement services

562910 Toxic material removal contractors

562920 Materials recovery facilities (MRF)

562920 MRF (materials recovery facilities)

562920 Removal of recyclable materials from a waste stream

562920 Waste recovery facilities

562991 Cesspool cleaning services

562991 Portable toilet pumping (i.e., cleaning) services

562991 Portable toilet renting and/or servicing

562991 Pumping (i.e., cleaning) cesspools and septic tanks

562991 Pumping (i.e., cleaning) portable toilets

562991 Septic tank cleaning services

562991 Septic tank pumping (i.e., cleaning) services

562991 Tank cleaning services, septic

562991 Toilet renting and/or servicing, portable

562998 Beach maintenance and cleaning services

562998 Catch basin cleaning services

562998 Grease trap cleaning

562998 Sewer cleaning and rodding services

562998 Sewer cleanout services

562998 Storm basin cleanout services

562998 Tank cleaning and disposal services, commercial or industrial

611110 Academies, elementary or secondary

611110 Boarding schools, elementary or secondary

611110 Elementary and secondary schools

611110 Elementary schools

611110 Finishing schools, secondary

611110 Handicapped, schools for, elementary or secondary

611110 High schools

611110 High schools offering both academic and technical courses

611110 High schools offering both academic and vocational courses

611110 Junior high schools

611110 Kindergartens

611110 Middle schools

611110 Military academies, elementary or secondary

611110 Montessori schools, elementary or secondary

611110 Parochial schools, elementary or secondary

611110 Preparatory schools, elementary or secondary

611110 Primary schools

611110 Private schools, elementary or secondary

611110 School boards, elementary and secondary

611110 School districts, elementary or secondary

611110 Schools for the handicapped, elementary or secondary

611110 Schools for the intellectually and developmentally disabled (except preschool, job training, vocational rehabilitation)

611110 Schools for the physically disabled, elementary or secondary

611110 Schools, elementary

611110 Schools, secondary

611110 Secondary schools offering both academic and technical courses

611110 Seminaries, below university grade

611210 Academies, junior college

611210 Colleges, community

611210 Colleges, junior

611210 Community colleges

611210 Community colleges offering a wide variety of academic and technical training

611210 Junior colleges

611210 Junior colleges offering a wide variety of academic and technical training

611210 Schools, junior college

611210 Schools, junior college vocational

611310 Academies, college or university

611310 Academies, military service (college)

611310 Business colleges or schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees

611310 Colleges (except junior colleges)

611310 Colleges, universities, and professional schools

611310 Conservatories of music (colleges or universities)

611310 Dental schools

611310 Hospital management schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees

611310 Hospitality management schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees

611310 Law schools

611310 Medical schools

611310 Military academies, college level

611310 Military service academies (college)

611310 Parochial schools, college level

611310 Private colleges (except community or junior college)

611310 Professional schools (e.g., business administration, dental, law, medical)

611310 Schools, correspondence, college level

611310 Schools, medical

611310 Schools, professional (colleges or universities)

611310 Seminaries, theological, offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees

611310 Theological seminaries offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees

611310 Universities

611410 Business colleges or schools not offering academic degrees

611410 Business schools not offering academic degrees

611410 Court reporting schools

611410 Schools, business, not offering academic degrees

611410 Secretarial schools

611420 Computer operator training

611420 Computer programming schools

611420 Computer software training

611420 Computer training (except repair)

611420 Local area network (LAN) management training

611420 Software application training

611430 Management development training

611430 Professional development training

611430 Quality assurance training

611511 Barber colleges

611511 Beauty schools

611511 Colleges, barber and beauty

611511 Cosmetology schools

611511 Manicure and pedicure schools

611511 Schools, barber

611511 Schools, beauty

611511 Schools, cosmetology

611512 Aviation schools

611512 Flight training schools

611512 Flying instruction

611512 Schools, aviation

611513 Apprenticeship training programs

611513 Carpenters' apprenticeship training

611513 Craft union apprenticeship training programs

611513 Electricians' apprenticeship training

611513 Mechanic's apprenticeship training

611513 Plumbers' apprenticeship training

611513 Sheet metal workers' apprenticeship training

611513 Steam fitters' apprenticeship training

611513 Trade union apprenticeship training programs

611513 Vocational apprenticeship training

611519 Air traffic control schools

611519 Art schools, commercial or graphic

611519 Banking schools (training in banking)

611519 Bartending schools

611519 Broadcasting schools

611519 Bus driver training

611519 Chauffeur training

611519 Computer repair training

611519 Cooking schools

611519 Culinary arts schools

611519 Dental hygienist schools

611519 Dental technician schools

611519 Electronic equipment repair training

611519 Fire fighter training schools

611519 Flight attendant schools

611519 Graphic arts schools

611519 Heavy equipment operation schools

611519 Heavy equipment repair training

611519 Home health aid schools

611519 Hospital management schools (except academic)

611519 Hospitality management schools (except academic)

611519 Marine navigational schools

611519 Massage therapist instruction

611519 Mechanic's schools (except apprenticeship)

611519 Medical technician schools

611519 Modeling schools

611519 Nurse's aides schools

611519 Nursing schools (except academic)

611519 Photography schools, commercial

611519 Police training schools

611519 Real estate schools

611519 Restaurant management schools (except academic)

611519 Security guard training

611519 Truck driving schools

611610 Art (except commercial or graphic) instruction

611610 Art schools (except academic), fine

611610 Ballet schools (except academic)

611610 Ceramics instruction

611610 Conservatory of music (except academic)

611610 Dance instruction

611610 Dance schools

611610 Dance studios

611610 Drama schools (except academic)

611610 Fine arts schools (except academic)

611610 Handicrafts instruction

611610 Music instruction (e.g., guitar, piano)

611610 Music schools (except academic)

611610 Performing arts schools (except academic)

611610 Photography schools, art

611610 Schools, drama (except academic)

611610 Schools, music (except academic)

611610 Sculpture instruction

611610 Theater schools

611610 Voice instruction

611620 Academies, riding instruction

611620 Automobile racing schools

611620 Baseball instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Basketball instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Baton instruction

611620 Bowling instruction

611620 Boys' camps, sports instruction

611620 Boys' camps, sports instructor

611620 Camps, sports instruction

611620 Cheerleading instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Football instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Girls' camps, sports instruction

611620 Golf instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Gymnastics instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Hockey instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Jai alai instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Judo instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Karate instruction, camps or schools

611620 Martial arts instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Professional sports (e.g., golf, skiing, swimming, tennis) instructors (i.e., not participating in sporting events)

611620 Riding instruction academies or schools

611620 Schools, sports instruction

611620 Scuba instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Skiing instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Skin diving instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Sky diving instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Soccer instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Sports camps (e.g., baseball, basketball, football), instructional

611620 Sports instruction, camps, or schools

611620 Sports instructors, independent (i.e., not participating in sporting events)

611620 Swimming instruction

611620 Tennis instruction, camps, or schools

611630 Foreign language schools

611630 Language schools

611630 Schools, language

611630 Second language instruction

611630 Sign language instruction

611630 Sign language schools

611691 Academic tutoring services

611691 Adult literacy instruction

611691 College board preparation centers

611691 College entrance exam preparation instruction

611691 Exam preparation services

611691 Learning centers offering remedial courses

611691 Professional examination review instructions

611691 Tutoring, academic

611692 Automobile driving schools

611692 Driver education

611692 Driver training schools (except bus, heavy equipment, truck)

611699 Bible schools (except degree granting)

611699 Bridge and other card game instruction

611699 Charm schools

611699 CPR (cardiac pulmonary resusitation) training and certification

611699 Diction schools

611699 First aid instruction

611699 Life guard training

611699 Public speaking training

611699 Self defense (except martial arts) instruction

611699 Speed reading instruction

611699 Survival training instruction

611699 Yoga instruction, camps, or schools

611710 College selection services

611710 Educational consultants

611710 Educational guidance counseling services

611710 Educational support services

611710 Educational testing evaluation services

611710 Educational testing services

611710 School bus attendant services

611710 Student exchange programs

611710 Test development and evaluation services, educational

611710 Testing services, educational

621111 Acupuncturists' (MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Allergists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Anesthesiologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Cardiologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Clinical pathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Dermatologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Doctors of osteopathy (DOs, except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 DOs' (doctors of osteopathy, except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Family physicians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Forensic pathologists' offices

621111 Gastroenterologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Gynecologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Health screening services in physicians' offices

621111 Immunologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Internists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 MDs' (medical doctors, except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Medical doctors' (MDs, except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Neurologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Neuropathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Obstetricians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Oncologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Ophthalmologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Orthopedic physicians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Orthopedic surgeons' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Osteopathic physicians' (except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Otolaryngologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pathologists' (except oral, speech, voice) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pathologists', forensic, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pathologists', neuropathological, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pathologists', surgical, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pediatricians' (except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Physicians' (except mental health) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Plastic surgeons' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Proctologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Pulmonary specialists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Radiologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Surgeons' (except dental) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Surgical pathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Urologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621111 Walk-in physicians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Doctors of osteopathy (DOs), mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 DOs' (doctors of osteopathy), mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 MDs' (medical doctors), mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Medical doctors' (MDs), mental health, offices (e.g. centers, clinics)

621112 Mental health physicians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Pediatricians', mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Physicians', mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Psychiatrists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Psychoanalysts' (MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621112 Psychotherapists' (MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 DDSs' (doctors of dental surgery) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Dental surgeons' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Dentists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 DMDs' (doctors of dental medicine) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Doctors of dental medicine (DMDs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Doctors of dental surgery (DDSs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Endodontists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Family dentists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Oral and maxillofacial surgeons' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Oral pathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Orthodontists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Pathologists', oral, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Periodontists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Prosthodontists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621210 Surgeons', dental, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621310 Chiropractors' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621310 DCs' (doctors of chiropractic) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621310 Doctors of chiropractic (DCs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621320 Doctors of optometry (ODs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621320 ODs' (doctors of optometry) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621320 Optometrists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621330 Clinical psychologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621330 Doctors of psychology offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621330 Psychoanalysts' (except MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621330 Psychologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics), clinical

621330 Psychotherapists' (except MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621330 Social workers' , mental health, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Art therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Audiologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Dance therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Exercise physiologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Hearing testing services by offices of audiologists

621340 Industrial therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Music therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Occupational therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Pathologists', speech or voice, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Physical equestrian therapist offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Physical therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Physical therapy offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Physical-integration practitioners' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Physiotherapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Recreational (e.g., art, dance, music) therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Speech clinicians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Speech defect clinics

621340 Speech pathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Speech therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Sports physical therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621340 Voice pathologists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621391 Doctors of podiatry (DPs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621391 DPs' (doctors of podiatry) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621391 Foot specialists' (podiatry) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621391 Podiatrists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621391 Popopediatricians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Acupuncturists' (except MDs or DOs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Christian Science practitioners' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Clinical pharmacists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Dental hygienists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Denturists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Dietitians' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Herbalists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Home nursing services, private practice

621399 Homeopaths' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Hypnotherapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Inhalation therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Licensed practical nurses' (LPNs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 LPNs' (licensed practical nurses) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Manual-arts therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Massage therapists' offices

621399 Midwives' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Naturopaths' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Nurses', licensed practical or registered, offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Nutritionists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Orthotists' offices (e.g., centers, clinic)

621399 Paramedics' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Pedorthics' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Physicians' assistants' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Practical nurses' offices (e.g., centers, clinics), licensed

621399 Prosthetists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Registered nurses' (RNs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 Respiratory therapists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621399 RNs' (registered nurses) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

621410 Abortion clinics

621410 Birth control clinics

621410 Childbirth preparation classes

621410 Counseling services, family planning

621410 Family planning centers

621410 Family planning counseling services

621410 Fertility clinics

621410 Pregnancy counseling centers

621410 Reproductive health services centers

621420 Alcoholism treatment centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621420 Detoxification centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621420 Drug addiction treatment centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621420 Mental health centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621420 Outpatient mental health centers and clinics (except hospitals)

621420 Outpatient treatment centers and clinics (except hospitals) for substance abuse (i.e., alcoholism, drug addiction)

621420 Outpatient treatment centers and clinics for alcoholism

621420 Outpatient treatment centers and clinics for drug addiction

621420 Psychiatric centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621420 Substance abuse treatment centers and clinics (except hospitals), outpatient

621491 Group hospitalization plans providing health care services

621491 Health maintenance organization (HMO) medical centers and clinics

621491 HMO (health maintenance organization) medical centers and clinics

621492 Dialysis centers and clinics

621492 Hemodialysis centers and clinics

621492 Kidney dialysis centers and clinics

621492 Renal dialysis centers and clinics

621493 Ambulatory surgical centers and clinics, freestanding

621493 Emergency medical centers and clinics, freestanding

621493 Freestanding ambulatory surgical centers and clinics

621493 Freestanding emergency medical centers and clinics

621493 Laser surgery centers, freestanding

621493 Trauma centers (except hospitals), freestanding

621493 Urgent medical care centers and clinics (except hospitals), freestanding

621498 Biofeedback centers and clinics, outpatient

621498 Clinics/centers of health practitioners from more than one industry practicing within the same establishment

621498 Clinics/centers of health practitioners with multi-industry degrees

621498 Community health centers and clinics, outpatient

621498 Infusion therapy centers and clinics, outpatient

621498 Pain therapy centers and clinics, outpatient

621498 Sleep disorder centers and clinics, outpatient

621511 Bacteriological laboratories, diagnostic

621511 Bacteriological laboratories, medical

621511 Biological laboratories, diagnostic

621511 Blood analysis laboratories

621511 Cytology health laboratories

621511 DNA testing laboratories

621511 Forensic laboratories, medical

621511 Genetic testing laboratories

621511 Laboratories, medical (except radiological, X-ray)

621511 Laboratory testing services, medical (except radiological, X-ray)

621511 Medical laboratories (except radiological, X-ray)

621511 Medical pathology laboratories

621511 Mycology health laboratories

621511 Parasitology health laboratories

621511 Pathological analysis laboratories

621511 Pathology laboratories, medical

621511 Testing laboratories, medical

621511 Toxicology health laboratories

621511 Urinalysis laboratories

621512 CAT (computerized axial tomography) scanner centers

621512 Computer tomography (CT-SCAN) centers

621512 CT-SCAN (computer tomography) centers

621512 Dental X-ray laboratories

621512 Diagnostic imaging centers (medical)

621512 Laboratories, dental X-ray

621512 Laboratories, medical radiological or X-ray

621512 Laboratory testing services, medical radiological or X-ray

621512 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) centers

621512 Mammogram (i.e., breast imaging) centers

621512 Medical laboratories, radiological or X-ray

621512 Medical radiological laboratories

621512 Medical X-ray laboratories

621512 Mobile breast imaging centers

621512 Mobile X-ray facilities (medical)

621512 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) centers

621512 Positron emission tomography (PET) scanner centers

621512 Radiological laboratories, medical

621512 Radiological laboratory services, medical

621512 Single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) centers

621512 Ultrasound imaging centers

621512 X-ray laboratories, medical or dental

621610 Home care of elderly, medical

621610 Home health agencies

621610 Home health care agencies

621610 Home nursing services (except private practices)

621610 Hospice care services, in home

621610 Nurse associations, visiting

621610 Nursing agencies, primarily providing home nursing services

621610 Visiting nurse associations

621910 Air ambulance services

621910 Ambulance services, air or ground

621910 Emergency medical transportation services, air or ground

621910 Rescue services, air

621910 Rescue services, medical

621991 Blood banks

621991 Blood donor stations

621991 Eye banks

621991 Organ banks, body

621991 Organ donor centers, body

621991 Placenta banks

621991 Plasmapheresis centers

621991 Sperm banks, human

621999 Blood pressure screening facilities

621999 Blood pressure screening services

621999 Employee drug testing services

621999 Health screening services (except by offices of health practitioners)

621999 Hearing testing services (except by offices of audiologists)

621999 Medical care management services

621999 Medical case management services

621999 Pacemaker monitoring services

621999 Physical fitness evaluation services (except by offices of health practitioners)

621999 Smoking cessation programs

621999 Stop smoking clinics

622110 Children's hospitals, general

622110 General medical and surgical hospitals

622110 Hospitals, general medical and surgical

622110 Hospitals, general pediatric

622110 Osteopathic hospitals

622210 Alcoholism rehabilitation hospitals

622210 Children's hospitals, psychiatric or substance abuse

622210 Detoxification hospitals

622210 Drug addiction rehabilitation hospitals

622210 Hospitals for alcoholics

622210 Hospitals, addiction

622210 Hospitals, mental (except intellectual and developmental disability)

622210 Hospitals, psychiatric (except convalescent)

622210 Hospitals, psychiatric pediatric

622210 Hospitals, substance abuse

622210 Mental (except intellectual and developmental disability) hospitals

622210 Mental health hospitals

622210 Psychiatric hospitals (except convalescent)

622210 Rehabilitation hospitals, alcoholism and drug addiction

622310 Cancer hospitals

622310 Children's hospitals, specialty (except psychiatric, substance abuse)

622310 Chronic disease hospitals

622310 Extended care hospitals (except mental, substance abuse)

622310 Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospitals

622310 Hospitals, specialty (except psychiatric, substance abuse)

622310 Leprosy hospitals

622310 Maternity hospitals

622310 Neurological hospitals

622310 Obstetrical hospital

622310 Orthopedic hospitals

622310 Physical rehabilitation hospitals

622310 Rehabilitation hospitals (except alcoholism, drug addiction)

622310 Tuberculosis and other respiratory illness hospitals

623110 Convalescent homes or convalescent hospitals (except psychiatric)

623110 Group homes for the disabled with nursing care

623110 Homes for the aged with nursing care

623110 Homes for the elderly with nursing care

623110 Hospices, inpatient care

623110 Nursing homes

623110 Rest homes with nursing care

623110 Retirement homes with nursing care

623110 Skilled nursing facilities

623210 Group homes, intellectual and developmental disability

623210 Homes with or without health care, intellectual and developmental disability

623210 Hospitals, intellectual and developmental disability

623210 Intellectual and developmental disability facilities (e.g., homes, hospitals, intermediate care facilities), residential

623210 Intellectual and developmental disability homes

623210 Intellectual and developmental disability hospitals

623210 Intellectual and developmental disability intermediate care facilities

623210 Intermediate care facilities, intellectual and developmental disability

623220 Alcoholism rehabilitation facilities (except licensed hospitals), residential

623220 Convalescent homes or hospitals for psychiatric patients

623220 Drug addiction rehabilitation facilities (except licensed hospitals), residential

623220 Halfway houses for patients with mental health illnesses

623220 Halfway houses, substance abuse (e.g., alcoholism, drug addiction)

623220 Homes for emotionally disturbed adults or children

623220 Homes, psychiatric convalescent

623220 Hospitals, psychiatric convalescent

623220 Mental health facilities, residential

623220 Mental health halfway houses

623220 Psychiatric convalescent homes or hospitals

623220 Residential group homes for the emotionally disturbed

623220 Substance abuse (i.e., alcoholism, drug addiction) halfway houses

623220 Substance abuse facilities, residential

623311 Assisted-living facilities with on-site nursing facilities

623311 Continuing care retirement communities

623311 Retirement communities, continuing care

623312 Assisted-living facilities without on-site nursing care facilities

623312 Homes for the aged without nursing care

623312 Homes for the elderly without nursing care

623312 Old age homes without nursing care

623312 Old soldiers' homes without nursing care

623312 Rest homes without nursing care

623312 Retirement homes without nursing care

623312 Senior citizens' homes without nursing care

623990 Boot camps for delinquent youth

623990 Boys' and girls' residential facilities (e.g., homes, ranches, villages)

623990 Camps, boot or disciplinary (except correctional), for delinquent youth

623990 Child group foster homes

623990 Children's villages

623990 Delinquent youth halfway group homes

623990 Disabled group homes without nursing care

623990 Disciplinary camps for delinquent youth

623990 Group foster homes for children

623990 Group homes for the disabled without nursing care

623990 Group homes for the hearing impaired

623990 Group homes for the visually impaired

623990 Halfway group homes for delinquents and ex-offenders

623990 Homes for children with health care incidental

623990 Homes for unwed mothers

623990 Juvenile halfway group homes

623990 Orphanages

624110 Adoption agencies

624110 Adoption services, child

624110 Aid to families with dependent children (AFDC)

624110 Child guidance agencies

624110 Child welfare services

624110 Community centers (except recreational only), youth

624110 Foster care placement agencies

624110 Foster home placement services

624110 Self-help organizations, youth

624110 Teen outreach services

624110 Youth centers (except recreational only)

624110 Youth guidance organizations

624110 Youth self-help organizations

624120 Activity centers for disabled persons, the elderly, and persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities

624120 Centers, senior citizens'

624120 Community centers (except recreational only), adult

624120 Companion services for disabled persons, the elderly, and persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities

624120 Day care centers for disabled persons, the elderly, and persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities

624120 Day care centers, adult

624120 Disability support groups

624120 Home care of elderly, non-medical

624120 Homemaker's service for elderly or disabled persons, non-medical

624120 Self-help organizations for disabled persons, the elderly, and persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities

624120 Senior citizens activity centers

624120 Senior citizens centers

624190 Alcoholism and drug addiction self-help organizations

624190 Alcoholism counseling (except medical treatment), nonresidential

624190 Alcoholism self-help organizations

624190 Community action service agencies

624190 Counseling services

624190 Crisis intervention centers

624190 Drug addiction self-help organizations

624190 Exoffender rehabilitation agencies

624190 Exoffender self-help organizations

624190 Family social service agencies

624190 Family welfare services

624190 Hotline centers

624190 Individual and family social services, multi-purpose

624190 Marriage counseling services (except by offices of mental health practitioners)

624190 Mediation, social service, family, agencies

624190 Multiservice centers, neighborhood

624190 Offender self-help organizations

624190 Parenting support services

624190 Parole offices, privately operated

624190 Probation offices, privately operated

624190 Rape crisis centers

624190 Referral services for personal and social problems

624190 Rehabilitation agencies for offenders

624190 Self-help organizations (except for disabled persons, the elderly, persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities)

624190 Social service agencies, family

624190 Social service centers, multipurpose

624190 Suicide crisis centers

624190 Support group services

624190 Telephone counseling services

624190 Travelers' aid centers

624190 Welfare service centers, multi-program

624210 Community meals, social services

624210 Food banks

624210 Meal delivery programs

624210 Mobile soup kitchens

624210 Soup kitchens

624221 Battered women's shelters

624221 Emergency shelters (except for victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts)

624221 Homeless shelters

624221 Runaway youth shelters

624221 Shelters (except for victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts), emergency

624221 Shelters, battered women's

624221 Shelters, homeless

624221 Shelters, runaway youth

624221 Shelters, temporary (e.g., battered women's, homeless, runaway youth)

624221 Temporary housing for families of medical patients

624221 Temporary shelters (e.g., battered women's, homeless, runaway youth)

624221 Women's shelters, battered

624229 Energy assistance programs

624229 Home construction organizations, work (sweat) equity

624229 Housing assistance agencies

624229 Housing repair organizations, volunteer

624229 Transitional housing agencies

624229 Volunteer housing repair organizations

624229 Work (sweat) equity home construction organizations

624230 Disaster relief services

624230 Emergency relief services

624230 Emergency shelters for victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts

624230 Immigrant resettlement services

624230 Refugee settlement services

624230 Relief services, disaster

624230 Relief services, emergency

624230 Shelters for victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts, emergency

624310 Habilitation job counseling and training, vocational

624310 Job counseling, vocational rehabilitation or habilitation

624310 Job training, vocational rehabilitation or habilitation

624310 Rehabilitation job counseling and training, vocational

624310 Sheltered workshops (i.e., work experience centers)

624310 Vocational habilitation job counseling

624310 Vocational habilitation job training facilities (except schools)

624310 Vocational rehabilitation agencies

624310 Vocational rehabilitation job counseling

624310 Vocational rehabilitation job training facilities (except schools)

624310 Vocational rehabilitation or habilitation services (e.g., job counseling, job training, work experience)

624310 Work experience centers (i.e., sheltered workshops)

624310 Workshops for persons with disabilities

624410 Babysitting services in provider's own home, child day care

624410 Babysitting services, child day care

624410 Child day care centers

624410 Child day care services

624410 Child day care services in provider's own home

624410 Child day care, before or after school, separate from schools

624410 Day care centers, child or infant

624410 Day care services, child or infant

624410 Group day care centers, child or infant

624410 Head start programs, separate from schools

624410 Infant day care centers

624410 Infant day care services

624410 Nursery schools

624410 Pre-kindergarten centers (except part of elementary school system)

624410 Preschool centers

711110 Broadway theaters

711110 Burlesque companies

711110 Comedy troupes

711110 Community theaters

711110 Dinner theaters

711110 Improvisational theaters

711110 Mime theaters

711110 Musical theater companies or groups

711110 Musical theater productions, live

711110 Opera companies

711110 Puppet theaters

711110 Repertory companies, theatrical

711110 Road companies, theatrical

711110 Stock companies, theatrical

711110 Summer theaters

711110 Theater companies (except dance)

711110 Theater companies (except dance), amateur

711110 Theaters, dinner

711110 Theaters, live theatrical production (except dance)

711110 Theaters, musical

711110 Theatrical repertory companies

711110 Theatrical road companies

711110 Theatrical stock companies

711110 Vaudeville companies

711120 Ballet companies

711120 Ballet productions, live theatrical

711120 Classical dance companies

711120 Contemporary dance companies

711120 Dance companies

711120 Dance productions, live theatrical

711120 Dance theaters

711120 Dance troupes

711120 Folk dance companies

711120 Interpretive dance companies

711120 Jazz dance companies

711120 Modern dance companies

711120 Tap dance companies

711120 Theater companies, dance

711120 Theaters, dance

711120 Theatrical dance productions, live

711130 Bands

711130 Bands, dance

711130 Bands, musical

711130 Chamber musical groups

711130 Chamber orchestras

711130 Choirs

711130 Classical musical artists, independent

711130 Classical musical groups

711130 Concert artists, independent

711130 Country musical artists, independent

711130 Country musical groups

711130 Dance bands

711130 Drum and bugle corps (i.e., drill teams)

711130 Ensembles, musical

711130 Jazz musical artists, independent

711130 Jazz musical groups

711130 Musical artists, independent

711130 Musical groups (except musical theater groups)

711130 Musical productions (except musical theater productions), live

711130 Musicians, independent

711130 Opera singers, independent

711130 Orchestras

711130 Popular musical artists, independent

711130 Popular musical groups

711130 Rock musical artists, independent

711130 Rock musical groups

711130 Singers, independent

711130 Soloists, independent musical

711130 Symphony orchestras

711130 Vocalists, independent

711190 Carnival traveling shows

711190 Circus companies

711190 Circuses

711190 Ice skating companies

711190 Ice skating shows

711190 Magic shows

711190 Traveling shows, carnival

711211 Baseball clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Baseball teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Basketball clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Basketball teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Boxing clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Football clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Football teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Hockey clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Hockey teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Ice hockey clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Jai alai teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Major league baseball clubs

711211 Minor league baseball clubs

711211 Professional baseball clubs

711211 Professional football clubs

711211 Professional sports clubs

711211 Roller hockey clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Semiprofessional baseball clubs

711211 Semiprofessional football clubs

711211 Semiprofessional sports clubs

711211 Soccer clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Soccer teams, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Sports clubs, professional or semiprofessional

711211 Sports teams, professional or semiprofessional

711212 Automobile racetracks

711212 Dog racetracks

711212 Drag strips

711212 Greyhound dog racetracks

711212 Harness racetracks

711212 Horse racetracks

711212 Motorcycle racetracks

711212 Racetracks (e.g., automobile, dog, horse)

711212 Snowmobile racetracks

711212 Speedways

711212 Stock car racetracks

711212 Thoroughbred racetracks

711219 Athletes, amateur, independent

711219 Athletes, independent (i.e., participating in live sports events)

711219 Automobile racing teams

711219 Boxers, independent professional

711219 Dog owners, race (i.e., racing dogs)

711219 Dog racing kennels

711219 Drivers, harness or race car

711219 Figure skaters, independent

711219 Golfers, independent professional (i.e., participating in sports events)

711219 Harness drivers

711219 Horse racing stables

711219 Jockeys, horse racing

711219 Kennels, dog racing

711219 Motorcycle racing teams

711219 Professional athletes, independent (i.e., participating in sports events)

711219 Race car drivers

711219 Race car owners (i.e., racing cars)

711219 Race dog owners (i.e., racing dogs)

711219 Racehorse owners (i.e., racing horses)

711219 Racehorse trainers

711219 Racehorse training

711219 Racing stables, horse

711219 Racing teams (e.g., automobile, motorcycle, snowmobile)

711219 Referees and umpires

711219 Skiers, independent (i.e., participating in sports events)

711219 Snowmobile racing teams

711219 Sports professionals, independent (i.e., participating in sports events)

711219 Sports trainers, independent

711219 Stables, horse racing

711219 Stock car racing teams

711219 Tennis professionals, independent (i.e., participating in sports events)

711219 Training race dogs

711219 Training racehorses

711219 Wrestlers, independent professional

711310 Air show managers with facilities

711310 Air show organizers with facilities

711310 Air show promoters with facilities

711310 Arena operators

711310 Arts event managers with facilities

711310 Arts event organizers with facilities

711310 Arts event promoters with facilities

711310 Arts festival managers with facilities

711310 Arts festival organizers with facilities

711310 Arts festival promoters with facilities

711310 Beauty pageant managers with facilities

711310 Beauty pageant organizers with facilities

711310 Beauty pageant promoters with facilities

711310 Boxing event managers with facilities

711310 Boxing event organizers with facilities

711310 Boxing event promoters with facilities

711310 Concert hall operators

711310 Concert managers with facilities

711310 Concert organizers with facilities

711310 Concert promoters with facilities

711310 Dance festival managers with facilities

711310 Dance festival organizers with facilities

711310 Dance festival promoters with facilities

711310 Ethnic festival promoters with facilities

711310 Fair managers with facilities, agricultural

711310 Fair organizers with facilities, agricultural

711310 Fair promoters with facilities

711310 Fair promoters with facilities, agricultural

711310 Festival managers with facilities

711310 Festival of arts managers with facilities

711310 Festival of arts organizers with facilities

711310 Festival of arts promoters with facilities

711310 Festival organizers with facilities

711310 Festival promoters with facilities

711310 Heritage festival managers with facilities

711310 Heritage festival organizers with facilities

711310 Heritage festival promoters with facilities

711310 Horse show managers with facilities

711310 Horse show organizers with facilities

711310 Horse show promoters with facilities

711310 Live arts center operators

711310 Live theater operators

711310 Managers of agricultural fairs with facilities

711310 Managers of arts events with facilities

711310 Managers of festivals with facilities

711310 Managers of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) with facilities

711310 Managers of sports events with facilities

711310 Music festival managers with facilities

711310 Music festival organizers with facilities

711310 Music festival promoters with facilities

711310 Organizers of agricultural fairs with facilities

711310 Organizers of arts events with facilities

711310 Organizers of festivals with facilities

711310 Organizers of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) with facilities

711310 Organizers of sports events with facilities

711310 Performing arts center operators

711310 Professional sports promoters with facilities

711310 Promoters of agricultural fairs with facilities

711310 Promoters of arts events with facilities

711310 Promoters of festivals with facilities

711310 Promoters of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) with facilities

711310 Promoters of sports events with facilities

711310 Rodeo managers with facilities

711310 Rodeo organizers with facilities

711310 Rodeo promoters with facilities

711310 Sports arena operators

711310 Sports event managers with facilities

711310 Sports event organizers with facilities

711310 Sports event promoters with facilities

711310 Sports stadium operators

711310 Stadium operators

711310 Theater festival managers with facilities

711310 Theater festival organizers with facilities

711310 Theater festival promoters with facilities

711310 Theater operators

711310 Theatrical production managers with facilities

711310 Theatrical production organizers with facilities

711310 Theatrical production promoters with facilities

711310 Wrestling event managers with facilities

711310 Wrestling event organizers with facilities

711310 Wrestling event promoters with facilities

711320 Agricultural fair managers without facilities

711320 Agricultural fair organizers without facilities

711320 Agricultural fair promoters without facilities

711320 Air show managers without facilities

711320 Air show organizers without facilities

711320 Air show promoters without facilities

711320 Arts event managers without facilities

711320 Arts event organizers without facilities

711320 Arts event promoters without facilities

711320 Arts festival managers without facilities

711320 Arts festival organizers without facilities

711320 Arts festival promoters without facilities

711320 Beauty pageant managers without facilities

711320 Beauty pageant organizers without facilities

711320 Beauty pageant promoters without facilities

711320 Booking agencies, theatrical (except motion picture)

711320 Boxing event managers without facilities

711320 Boxing event organizers without facilities

711320 Boxing event promoters without facilities

711320 Concert booking agencies

711320 Concert managers without facilities

711320 Concert organizers without facilities

711320 Concert promoters without facilities

711320 Dance festival managers without facilities

711320 Dance festival organizers without facilities

711320 Dance festival promoters without facilities

711320 Ethnic festival managers without facilities

711320 Ethnic festival organizers without facilities

711320 Ethnic festival promoters without facilities

711320 Fair managers without facilities, agricultural

711320 Fair organizers without facilities, agricultural

711320 Fair promoters without facilities

711320 Fair promoters without facilities, agricultural

711320 Festival managers without facilities

711320 Festival of arts managers without facilities

711320 Festival of arts organizers without facilities

711320 Festival of arts promoters without facilities

711320 Festival organizers without facilities

711320 Festival promoters without facilities

711320 Heritage festival managers without facilities

711320 Heritage festival organizers without facilities

711320 Heritage festival promoters without facilities

711320 Horse show managers without facilities

711320 Horse show organizers without facilities

711320 Horse show promoters without facilities

711320 Managers of agricultural fairs without facilities

711320 Managers of arts events without facilities

711320 Managers of festivals without facilities

711320 Managers of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) without facilities

711320 Managers of sports events without facilities

711320 Music festival managers without facilities

711320 Music festival organizers without facilities

711320 Music festival promoters without facilities

711320 Organizers of agricultural fairs without facilities

711320 Organizers of arts events without facilities

711320 Organizers of festivals without facilities

711320 Organizers of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) without facilities

711320 Organizers of sports events without facilities

711320 Professional sports promoters without facilities

711320 Promoters of agricultural fairs without facilities

711320 Promoters of arts events without facilities

711320 Promoters of festivals without facilities

711320 Promoters of live performing arts productions (e.g., concerts) without facilities

711320 Promoters of sports events without facilities

711320 Rodeo managers without facilities

711320 Rodeo organizers without facilities

711320 Rodeo promoters without facilities

711320 Sports event managers without facilities

711320 Sports event organizers without facilities

711320 Sports event promoters without facilities

711320 Theater festival managers without facilities

711320 Theater festival organizers without facilities

711320 Theater festival promoters without facilities

711320 Theatrical booking agencies (except motion picture)

711320 Theatrical production managers without facilities

711320 Theatrical production organizers without facilities

711320 Theatrical production promoters without facilities

711320 Wrestling event managers without facilities

711320 Wrestling event organizers without facilities

711320 Wrestling event promoters without facilities

711410 Agents, artists'

711410 Agents, authors'

711410 Agents, celebrities'

711410 Agents, entertainers'

711410 Agents, modeling

711410 Agents, public figures'

711410 Agents, sports figures'

711410 Agents, talent

711410 Agents, theatrical talent

711410 Artists' agents or managers

711410 Authors' agents or managers

711410 Celebrities' agents or managers

711410 Entertainers' agents or managers

711410 Literary agents

711410 Management agencies for artists, entertainers, and other public figures

711410 Managers, authors'

711410 Managers, celebrities'

711410 Managers, entertainers'

711410 Managers, public figures'

711410 Managers, sports figures'

711410 Modeling agents

711410 Models' agents or managers

711410 Public figures' agents or managers

711410 Speakers' bureaus

711410 Sports figures' agents or managers

711410 Talent agencies

711410 Talent agents

711410 Theatrical talent agents

711510 Actors, independent

711510 Actresses, independent

711510 Animated cartoon artists, independent

711510 Announcers, independent radio and television

711510 Art restorers, independent

711510 Artists (except commercial, musical), independent

711510 Artists (i.e., painters), independent

711510 Authors, independent

711510 Ballet dancers, independent

711510 Cameramen, independent (freelance)

711510 Cartoonists, independent

711510 Celebrity spokespersons, independent

711510 Choreographers, independent

711510 Cinematographers, independent

711510 Comedians, independent

711510 Composers, independent

711510 Conservators (i.e., art, artifact restorers), independent

711510 Costume designers, independent theatrical

711510 Dancers, independent

711510 Directors (i.e., film, motion picture, music, theatrical), independent

711510 Directors, independent motion picture

711510 Directors, independent music

711510 Disc jockeys, independent

711510 Entertainers, independent

711510 Ethnic dancers, independent

711510 Film actors, independent

711510 Film producers, independent

711510 Folk dancers, independent

711510 Ghost writers, independent

711510 Interpretive dancers, independent

711510 Jazz dancers, independent

711510 Journalists, independent (freelance)

711510 Lighting technicians, theatrical, independent

711510 Magicians, independent

711510 Models, independent

711510 Motion picture directors, independent

711510 Motion picture producers, independent

711510 Motivational speakers, independent

711510 Music arrangers, independent

711510 Music directors, independent

711510 Newspaper columnists, independent (freelance)

711510 Orchestra conductors, independent

711510 Painters (i.e., artists), independent

711510 Painting restorers, independent

711510 Performers (i.e., entertainers), independent

711510 Performing artists, independent

711510 Photographers, independent artistic

711510 Photojournalists, independent (freelance)

711510 Playwrights, independent

711510 Poets, independent

711510 Political cartoonists, independent

711510 Producers, independent

711510 Radio commentators, independent

711510 Record producers, independent

711510 Recording technicians, independent

711510 Reporters, independent (freelance)

711510 Scenery designers, independent theatrical

711510 Screenplay writers, independent

711510 Script writers, independent

711510 Sculptors, independent

711510 Set designers, independent theatrical

711510 Sketch artists, independent

711510 Song writers, independent

711510 Speakers, independent

711510 Special effect technicians, independent

711510 Sports announcers, independent

711510 Stage set (e.g., concert, motion picture, television) erecting and dismantling, independent

711510 Standup comedians, independent

711510 Storytellers, independent

711510 Taxidermists, independent

711510 Technical writers, independent

711510 Television producers, independent

711510 Wildlife artists, independent

711510 Writers of advertising copy, independent

711510 Writers, independent (freelance)

712110 Art galleries (except retail)

712110 Art museums

712110 Community museums

712110 Contemporary art museums

712110 Decorative art museums

712110 Fine arts museums

712110 Galleries, art (except retail)

712110 Halls of fame

712110 Herbariums

712110 Historical museums

712110 Human history museums

712110 Interactive museums

712110 Marine museums

712110 Military museums

712110 Mobile museums

712110 Multidisciplinary museums

712110 Museums

712110 Natural history museums

712110 Natural science museums

712110 Observatories (except research institutions)

712110 Planetariums

712110 Science and technology museums

712110 Sports halls of fame

712110 Traveling museum exhibits

712110 War museums

712110 Wax museums

712120 Archeological sites (i.e., public display)

712120 Battlefields

712120 Heritage villages

712120 Historical forts

712120 Historical ships

712120 Historical sites

712120 Pioneer villages

712130 Animal exhibits, live

712130 Animal safari parks

712130 Aquariums

712130 Arboreta

712130 Arboretums

712130 Aviaries

712130 Botanical gardens

712130 Conservatories, botanical

712130 Gardens, zoological or botanical

712130 Menageries

712130 Parks, wild animal

712130 Petting zoos

712130 Reptile exhibits, live

712130 Wild animal parks

712130 Zoological gardens

712130 Zoos

712190 Bird sanctuaries

712190 Caverns (i.e., natural wonder tourist attractions)

712190 Conservation areas

712190 Interpretive centers, nature

712190 National parks

712190 Natural wonder tourist attractions (e.g., caverns, waterfalls)

712190 Nature centers

712190 Nature parks

712190 Nature preserves

712190 Nature reserves

712190 Parks, national

712190 Parks, nature

712190 Provincial parks

712190 Waterfalls (i.e., natural wonder tourist attractions)

712190 Wildlife sanctuaries

713110 Amusement parks (e.g., theme, water)

713110 Parks (e.g., theme, water), amusement

713110 Piers, amusement

713110 Theme parks, amusement

713110 Water parks, amusement

713120 Amusement arcades

713120 Amusement device (except gambling) parlors, coin-operated

713120 Amusement devices (except gambling) operated in own facilities

713120 Arcades, amusement

713120 Electronic game arcades

713120 Family fun centers

713120 Indoor play areas

713120 Pinball arcades

713120 Video game arcades (except gambling)

713210 Casinos (except casino hotels)

713210 Cruises, gambling

713210 Floating casinos (i.e., gambling cruises, riverboat casinos)

713210 Gambling cruises

713210 Riverboat casinos

713210 Stand alone casinos (except slot machine parlors)

713290 Bingo halls

713290 Bingo parlors

713290 Bookies

713290 Bookmakers

713290 Card rooms (e.g., poker rooms)

713290 Coin-operated gambling device concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713290 Gambling control boards, operating gambling activities

713290 Gambling device arcades or parlors, coin-operated

713290 Gambling device concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities), coin-operated

713290 Lottery control boards (i.e., operating lotteries)

713290 Lottery corporations

713290 Lottery ticket sales agents (except retail stores)

713290 Lottery ticket vendors (except retail stores)

713290 Off-track betting parlors

713290 Slot machine concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713290 Slot machine parlors

713290 Video gambling device concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713290 Video gaming device concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713910 Country clubs

713910 Golf and country clubs

713910 Golf courses (except miniature, pitch-n-putt)

713920 Alpine skiing facilities without accommodations

713920 Cross country skiing facilities without accommodations

713920 Downhill skiing facilities without accommodations

713920 Four season ski resorts without accommodations

713920 Ski lift and tow operators

713920 Ski resorts without accommodations

713920 Skiing facilities, cross country, without accommodations

713920 Skiing facilities, downhill, without accommodations

713930 Boating clubs with marinas

713930 Marinas

713930 Marine basins, operation of

713930 Sailing clubs with marinas

713930 Yacht basins

713930 Yacht clubs with marinas

713940 Aerobic dance and exercise centers

713940 Athletic club facilities, physical fitness

713940 Body building studios, physical fitness

713940 Dance centers, aerobic

713940 Exercise centers

713940 Fitness centers

713940 Fitness salons

713940 Fitness spas without accommodations

713940 Gymnasiums

713940 Handball club facilities

713940 Health club facilities, physical fitness

713940 Health spas without accommodations, physical fitness

713940 Health studios, physical fitness

713940 Ice skating rinks

713940 Physical fitness centers

713940 Physical fitness facilities

713940 Physical fitness studios

713940 Racquetball club facilities

713940 Recreational sports club facilities

713940 Rinks, ice or roller skating

713940 Roller skating rinks

713940 Spas without accommodations, fitness

713940 Sports club facilities, physical fitness

713940 Squash club facilities

713940 Strength development centers

713940 Swimming pools

713940 Tennis club facilities

713940 Tennis courts

713940 Wave pools

713940 Weight training centers

713950 Bowling alleys

713950 Bowling centers

713950 Candle pin bowling alleys

713950 Candle pin bowling centers

713950 Duck pin bowling alleys

713950 Duck pin bowling centers

713950 Five pin bowling centers

713950 Ten pin bowling alleys

713950 Ten pin bowling centers

713990 Amateur sports teams, recreational

713990 Amusement device (except gambling) concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Amusement ride concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Archery ranges

713990 Athletic clubs (i.e., sports teams) not operating sports facilities, recreational

713990 Aviation clubs, recreational

713990 Ballrooms

713990 Baseball clubs, recreational

713990 Basketball clubs, recreational

713990 Bathing beaches

713990 Beach clubs, recreational

713990 Beaches, bathing

713990 Billiard parlors

713990 Billiard rooms

713990 Boating clubs without marinas

713990 Boccie ball courts

713990 Bowling leagues or teams, recreational

713990 Boxing clubs, recreational

713990 Boys' day camps (except instructional)

713990 Bridge clubs, recreational

713990 Camps (except instructional), day

713990 Canoeing, recreational

713990 Carnival ride concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Coin-operated nongambling amusement device concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Concession operators, amusement device (except gambling) and ride

713990 Curling facilities

713990 Dance halls

713990 Discotheques (except those serving alcoholic beverages)

713990 Driving ranges, golf

713990 Fireworks display services

713990 Fishing clubs, recreational

713990 Fishing guide services

713990 Fishing piers

713990 Flying clubs, recreational

713990 Football clubs, recreational

713990 Galleries, shooting

713990 Girls' day camps (except instructional)

713990 Gocart raceways (i.e., amusement rides)

713990 Gocart tracks (i.e., amusement rides)

713990 Golf courses, miniature

713990 Golf courses, pitch-n-putt

713990 Golf driving ranges

713990 Golf practice ranges

713990 Guide services (i.e., fishing, hunting, tourist)

713990 Guide services, fishing

713990 Guide services, hunting

713990 Guide services, tourist

713990 Gun clubs, recreational

713990 Hockey clubs, recreational

713990 Hockey teams, recreational

713990 Horse rental services, recreational saddle

713990 Horseback riding, recreational

713990 Hunting clubs, recreational

713990 Hunting guide services

713990 Ice hockey clubs, recreational

713990 Jukebox concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Kayaking, recreational

713990 Lawn bowling clubs

713990 Miniature golf courses

713990 Mountain hiking, recreational

713990 Nightclubs without alcoholic beverages

713990 Nudist camps without accommodations

713990 Observation towers

713990 Outdoor adventure operations (e.g., white water rafting) without accommodations

713990 Pack trains (i.e., trail riding), recreational

713990 Paintball, laser tag, and similar fields and arenas

713990 Para sailing, recreational

713990 Picnic grounds

713990 Pinball machine concession operators (i.e., supplying and servicing in others' facilities)

713990 Ping pong parlors

713990 Pool halls

713990 Pool parlors

713990 Pool rooms

713990 Racetracks, slot car (i.e., amusement devices)

713990 Raceways, gocart (i.e., amusement rides)

713990 Recreational camps without accommodations

713990 Recreational day camps (except instructional)

713990 Recreational sports clubs (i.e., sports teams) not operating sports facilities

713990 Recreational sports teams and leagues

713990 Riding clubs, recreational

713990 Riding stables

713990 Rifle clubs, recreational

713990 River rafting, recreational

713990 Rowing clubs, recreational

713990 Saddle horse rental services, recreational

713990 Sailing clubs without marinas

713990 Sea kayaking, recreational

713990 Shooting clubs, recreational

713990 Shooting galleries

713990 Shooting ranges

713990 Skeet shooting facilities

713990 Slot car racetracks (i.e., amusement devices)

713990 Snowmobiling, recreational

713990 Soccer clubs, recreational

713990 Sports clubs (i.e., sports teams) not operating sports facilities, recreational

713990 Sports teams and leagues, recreational or youth

713990 Stables, riding

713990 Summer day camps (except instructional)

713990 Tourist guide services

713990 Trail riding, recreational

713990 Trampoline facilities, recreational

713990 Trapshooting facilities, recreational

713990 Waterslides (i.e., amusement rides)

713990 White water rafting, recreational

713990 Yacht clubs without marinas

713990 Youth sports league teams

721110 Alpine skiing facilities with accommodations (i.e., ski resort)

721110 Auto courts, lodging

721110 Automobile courts, lodging

721110 Health spas (i.e., physical fitness facilities) with accommodations

721110 Hotel management services (i.e., providing management and operating staff to run hotel)

721110 Hotels (except casino hotels)

721110 Hotels (except casino hotels) with golf courses, tennis courts, and/or other health spa facilities (i.e., resorts)

721110 Hotels, membership

721110 Hotels, resort, without casinos

721110 Hotels, seasonal, without casinos

721110 Membership hotels

721110 Motels

721110 Motor courts

721110 Motor hotels without casinos

721110 Motor inns

721110 Motor lodges

721110 Resort hotels without casinos

721110 Seasonal hotels without casinos

721110 Ski lodges and resorts with accommodations

721110 Summer resort hotels without casinos

721110 Tourist lodges

721120 Casino hotels

721120 Hotels, casino

721120 Hotels, resort, with casinos

721120 Hotels, seasonal, with casinos

721120 Resort hotels with casinos

721191 Bed and breakfast inns

721191 Inns, bed and breakfast

721199 Cabins, housekeeping

721199 Cottages, housekeeping

721199 Guest houses

721199 Hostels

721199 Housekeeping cabins

721199 Housekeeping cottages

721199 Tourist homes

721199 Youth hostels

721211 Campgrounds

721211 Recreational vehicle parks

721211 RV (recreational vehicle) parks

721211 Travel trailer campsites

721214 Boys' camps (except day, instructional)

721214 Camps (except day, instructional)

721214 Children's camps (except day, instructional)

721214 Dude ranches

721214 Fishing camps with accommodation facilities

721214 Girls' camps (except day, instructional)

721214 Guest ranches with accommodation facilities

721214 Hunting camps with accommodation facilities

721214 Nudist camps with accommodation facilities

721214 Outdoor adventure retreats with accommodation facilities

721214 Recreational camps with accommodation facilities (except campgrounds)

721214 Summer camps (except day, instructional)

721214 Trail riding camps with accommodation facilities

721214 Vacation camps (except campgrounds, day instructional)

721214 Wilderness camps

721310 Boarding houses

721310 Clubs, residential

721310 Dormitories, off campus

721310 Fraternity houses

721310 Migrant workers' camps

721310 Off campus dormitories

721310 Residence clubs, organizational

721310 Residential clubs

721310 Rooming and boarding houses

721310 Sorority houses

721310 Workers' camps

721310 Workers' dormitories

722310 Airline food services contractors

722310 Cafeteria food services contractors (e.g., government office cafeterias, hospital cafeterias, school cafeterias)

722310 Food concession contractors (e.g., convention facilities, entertainment facilities, sporting facilities)

722310 Food service contractors, airline

722310 Food service contractors, cafeteria

722310 Food service contractors, concession operator (e.g., convention facilities, entertainment facilities, sporting facilities)

722310 Industrial caterers (i.e., providing food services on a contractural arrangement (except single-event basis))

722320 Banquet halls with catering staff

722320 Caterers

722320 Catering services, social

722330 Beverage stands, nonalcoholic, mobile

722330 Canteens, mobile

722330 Coffee carts, mobile

722330 Food carts, mobile

722330 Food concession stands, mobile

722330 Ice cream truck vendors

722330 Lunch wagons

722330 Mobile food stands

722330 Refreshment stands, mobile

722330 Snack stands, mobile

722330 Street vendors, food

722410 Alcoholic beverage drinking places

722410 Bars (i.e., drinking places), alcoholic beverage

722410 Cocktail lounges

722410 Drinking places (i.e., bars, lounges, taverns), alcoholic

722410 Lounges, cocktail

722410 Nightclubs, alcoholic beverage

722410 Taverns (i.e., drinking places)

722511 Bagel shops, full service

722511 Diners, full service

722511 Doughnut shops, full service

722511 Family restaurants, full service

722511 Fine dining restaurants, full service

722511 Full service restaurants

722511 Pizza parlors, full service

722511 Pizzerias, full service

722511 Restaurants, full service

722511 Steak houses, full service

722513 Carryout restaurants

722513 Delicatessen restaurants

722513 Drive-in restaurants

722513 Family restaurants, limited-service

722513 Fast-food restaurants

722513 Pizza delivery shops

722513 Pizza parlors, limited-service

722513 Pizzerias, limited-service (e.g., take-out)

722513 Restaurants, carryout

722513 Restaurants, fast food

722513 Sandwich shops, limited-service

722513 Steak houses, limited-service

722513 Take out eating places

722514 Buffet eating places

722514 Cafeterias

722515 Bagel shops, on premise baking and carryout service

722515 Beverage (e.g., coffee, juice, soft drink) bars, nonalcoholic, fixed location

722515 Canteens, fixed location

722515 Coffee shops, on premise brewing

722515 Confectionery snack shops, made on premises with carryout services

722515 Cookie shops, on premise baking and carryout service

722515 Doughnut shops, on premise baking and carryout service

722515 Fixed location refreshment stands

722515 Frozen custard stands, fixed location

722515 Ice cream parlors

722515 Pretzel shops, on premise baking and carryout service

722515 Snack bars (e.g., cookies, popcorn, pretzels), fixed location

722515 Soft drink beverage bars, nonalcoholic, fixed location

811111 Automotive engine repair and replacement shops

811111 Automotive repair and replacement shops, general

811111 Car repair shops, general

811111 Engine repair and replacement shops, automotive

811111 Garages, general automotive repair (except gasoline service stations)

811111 General automotive repair shops

811111 Truck repair shops, general

811112 Automotive exhaust system repair and replacement shops

811112 Exhaust system repair and replacement shops, automotive

811112 Muffler repair and replacement shops

811113 Automotive transmission repair shops

811113 Transmission repair shops, automotive

811118 Automotive brake repair shops

811118 Automotive electrical repair shops

811118 Automotive front end alignment shops

811118 Automotive radiator repair shops

811118 Automotive tune-up shops

811118 Brake repair shops, automotive

811118 Electrical repair shops, automotive

811118 Front end alignment shops, automotive

811118 Radiator repair shops, automotive

811118 Suspension repair shops, automotive

811118 Tune-up shops, automotive

811118 Wheel alignment shops, automotive

811121 Antique and classic automotive restoration

811121 Automotive body shops

811121 Automotive paint shops

811121 Automotive upholstery shops

811121 Body shops, automotive

811121 Interior repair shops, automotive

811121 Paint shops, automotive

811121 Restoration shops, antique and classic automotive

811121 Truck trailer body shops

811121 Truck trailer paint and body repair

811121 Upholstery shops, automotive

811121 Van conversion shops (except on assembly line or factory basis)

811122 Automotive glass shops

811122 Glass installation, automotive repair

811122 Glass shops, automotive

811122 Glass tinting, automotive

811122 Glass work, automotive

811122 Window tinting, automotive

811191 Automotive oil change and lubrication shops

811191 Lubrication shops, automotive

811191 Oil change and lubrication shops, automotive

811191 Quick-lube shops

811192 Automotive detailing services (i.e., cleaning, polishing)

811192 Automotive washing and polishing

811192 Car detailers

811192 Car washes

811192 Detailing services (i.e., cleaning and polishing), automotive

811192 Mobile car and truck washes

811192 Self-service carwash

811192 Truck and bus washes

811198 Automotive air-conditioning repair shops

811198 Automotive emissions testing services

811198 Automotive rustproofing and undercoating shops

811198 Automotive safety inspection services

811198 Automotive tire repair (except retreading) shops

811198 Diagnostic centers without repair, automotive

811198 Emissions testing without repair, automotive

811198 Garages, do-it-yourself automotive repair

811198 Rustproofing shops, automotive

811198 Spray-on bedliner installation for trucks

811198 Tire repair shops (except retreading), automotive

811198 Undercoating shops, automotive

811211 Camera repair shops without retailing new cameras

811211 Consumer electronics repair and maintenance services without retailing new consumer electronics

811211 Photographic equipment repair shops without retailing new photographic equipment

811211 Radio repair and maintenance services without retailing new radios

811211 Radio repair, automotive, without retailing new

811211 Stereo equipment repair shops without retailing new stereo equipment

811211 Television repair services without retailing new televisions

811211 Video cassette recorder (VCR) repair services without retailing new video cassette recorders

811212 Computer equipment repair and maintenance services without retailing new computers

811212 Computer peripheral equipment repair and maintenance, without retailing new computer peripheral equipment

811212 Computer repair and maintenance services, without retailing new computers

811212 Office machine repair and maintenance services (except communication equipment)

811212 Photocopying machine repair and maintenance services without retailing new photocopying machines

811212 Recycling inkjet cartridges

811212 Typewriter repair and maintenance services

811213 Communication equipment repair and maintenance services

811213 Facsimile machine repair and maintenance services

811213 Fax machine repair and maintenance services

811213 Public address system repair and maintenance services

811213 Telephone equipment repair and maintenance services without retailing new telephone equipment

811219 Dental equipment repair and maintenance services

811219 Diagnostic imaging equipment repair and maintenance services

811219 Electrical measuring instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Laboratory instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Measuring instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Medical and surgical equipment repair and maintenance services

811219 Meteorological instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Navigational instruments (e.g., radar, sonar) repair and maintenance services

811219 Optical instrument repair and maintenance services (e.g. microscopes, telescopes)

811219 Precision equipment calibration

811219 Radar and sonar equipement repair and maintenance services

811219 Surgical instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Surveying instrument repair and maintenance services

811219 Weighing equipment (e.g., balance, scales) repair and maintenance services

811310 Agricultural machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Armature rewinding services (except on an assembly line or factory basis)

811310 Blade sharpening, commercial and industrial machinery and equipment

811310 Coil rewinding (except on an assembly line or factory basis)

811310 Commercial and industrial machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Commercial refrigeration equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Construction machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Electric motor repair and maintenance services, commercial or industrial

811310 Electrical generating and transmission equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Engine repair (except automotive, small engine)

811310 Farm machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Food machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Forestry machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Forklift repair and maintenance services

811310 Foundry machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Freezer, commercial, repair and maintenance services

811310 Heavy machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Hydraulic equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Industrial equipment and machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Industrial truck (e.g., forklifts) repair and maintenance services

811310 Machine tools repair and maintenance services

811310 Materials handling equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Mechanical power transmission equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Mining machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Motor repair and maintenance services, commercial or industrial

811310 Paper making machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Printing trade machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Reconditioning shipping barrels and drums

811310 Refrigeration equipment repair and maintenance services, industrial and commercial-type

811310 Rewinding armatures (except on an assembly line or factory basis)

811310 Service machinery and equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Textile machinery repair and maintenance services

811310 Tractor, farm or construction equipment repair and maintenance services

811310 Truck refrigeration repair and maintenance services

811310 Welding repair services (e.g., automotive, general)

811411 Engine repair, small engine

811411 Garden equipment repair and maintenance services without retailing new garden equipment

811411 Garden tool sharpening and repair services

811411 Handtools, power-driven, repair and maintenance services without retailing new power-driven handtools

811411 Lawn and garden equipment repair and maintenance services without retailing new lawn and garden equipment

811411 Lawn mower repair and maintenance shops without retailing new lawn mowers

811411 Saw repair and maintenance (except sawmills) without retailing new saws

811411 Small engine repair and maintenance shops

811411 Tractors, lawn and garden repair and maintenance services without retailing new lawn and garden tractors

811412 Air-conditioner, window, repair and maintenance services

811412 Appliance, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new appliances

811412 Clothes dryer, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new clothes dryers

811412 Microwave oven, household-type, repair and maintenance services, without retailing new microwave ovens

811412 Oven, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new ovens

811412 Refrigerator, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new refrigerators

811412 Sewing machine, household-type, repair shops without retailing new sewing machines

811412 Stove, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new stoves

811412 Washing machine, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new washing machine

811412 Water heater repair and maintenance services without retailing new water heaters

811420 Aircraft upholstery repair

811420 Antique furniture repair and restoration shops

811420 Furniture refinishing shops

811420 Furniture repair shops

811420 Furniture reupholstering shops

811420 Restoration and repair of antique furniture

811420 Reupholstery shops, furniture

811420 Upholstery (except motor vehicle) repair services

811430 Boot repair shops without retailing new boots

811430 Leather goods repair shops without retailing new leather goods

811430 Luggage repair shops without retailing new luggage

811430 Saddlery repair shops without retailing new saddlery

811430 Shoe repair shops without retailing new shoes

811490 Bicycle repair and maintenance shops without retailing new bicycles

811490 Boat, pleasure, repair and maintenance services without retailing new boats

811490 China repair services

811490 Clock repair shops without retailing new clocks

811490 Clothing repair shops, alterations only

811490 Cutlery (e.g., knives, scissors) sharpening, household-type

811490 Fur garment repair shops without retailing new fur garments

811490 Garment alteration and/or repair shops without retailing new garments

811490 Gun repair and maintenance shops without retailing new guns

811490 Gunsmith shops without retailing new guns

811490 Jewelry repair shops without retailing new jewelry

811490 Key duplicating shops

811490 Motorboat (i.e., inboard and outboard) repair and maintenance services

811490 Motorcycle repair shops without retailing new motorcycles

811490 Musical instrument repair shops without retailing new musical instruments

811490 Outboard motor repair shops

811490 Sporting equipment repair and maintenance without retailing new sports equipment

811490 Tailor shops, alterations only

811490 Tuning and repair of musical instruments

811490 Venetian blind repair and maintenance shops without retailing new venetian blinds

811490 Watch repair shops without retailing new watches

811490 Window shade repair and maintenance shops

812111 Barber shops

812111 Hair stylist services, men's

812111 Hair stylist shops, men's

812112 Beautician services

812112 Beauty and barber shops, combined

812112 Beauty parlors

812112 Beauty salons

812112 Beauty shops

812112 Cosmetology salons or shops

812112 Esthetician (i.e., skin care) services

812112 Facial salons

812112 Hair stylist salons or shops, unisex or women's

812112 Hair stylist services, unisex or women's

812112 Hairdresser services

812112 Hairdressing salons or shops, unisex or women's

812112 Make-up (except permanent) salons

812112 Unisex hair stylist shops

812113 Manicure and pedicure salons

812113 Manicurist services

812113 Nail salons

812113 Pedicure and manicure salons

812113 Pedicurist services

812191 Diet centers, non-medical

812191 Diet workshops

812191 Weight loss centers, non-medical

812191 Weight reducing centers, non-medical

812199 Baths, steam or turkish

812199 Color consulting services (i.e., personal care services)

812199 Day spas

812199 Depilatory (i.e., hair removal) salons

812199 Ear piercing services

812199 Electrolysis (i.e., hair removal) salons

812199 Hair removal (i.e., dipilatory, electrolysis) services

812199 Hair replacement services (except by offices of physicians)

812199 Hair weaving services

812199 Make-up salons, permanent

812199 Massage parlors

812199 Saunas

812199 Scalp treating services

812199 Steam baths

812199 Sun tanning salons

812199 Tanning salons

812199 Tattoo parlors

812199 Turkish bathhouses

812199 Turkish baths

812210 Director services, funeral

812210 Embalming services

812210 Funeral director services

812210 Funeral homes

812210 Funeral homes combined with crematories

812210 Funeral parlors

812210 Mortician services

812210 Mortuaries

812210 Undertaker services

812220 Animal cemeteries

812220 Cemeteries

812220 Cemetery associations (i.e., operators)

812220 Cemetery management services

812220 Columbariums

812220 Crematories (except combined with funeral homes)

812220 Mausoleums

812220 Memorial gardens (i.e., burial places)

812220 Pet cemeteries

812310 Automatic laundries, coin-operated

812310 Coin-operated drycleaners and laundries

812310 Coin-operated laundry and drycleaning routes (i.e., concession operators)

812310 Drycleaning machine routes (i.e., concession operators), coin-operated or similar self-service

812310 Drycleaning services, coin-operated or similar self-service

812310 Launderettes

812310 Laundries, coin-operated or similar self-service

812310 Laundromats

812310 Laundry machine routes (i.e., concession operators), coin-operated or similar self-service

812310 Laundry services, coin-operated or similar self-service

812310 Self-service drycleaners and laundries

812320 Agents, laundry and drycleaning

812320 Apparel pressing services

812320 Bobtailers, laundry and drycleaning

812320 Cleaners, drycleaning and laundry service (except coin-operated)

812320 Cleaning and dyeing plants (except rug cleaning plants)

812320 Collecting and distributing agents, laundry and drycleaning

812320 Curtain cleaning services

812320 Drapery cleaning services

812320 Drop-off and pick-up sites for laundries and drycleaners

812320 Drycleaner drop-off and pick-up sites

812320 Drycleaners (except coin-operated)

812320 Drycleaning plants (except rug cleaning plants)

812320 Drycleaning services (except coin-operated)

812320 Fur garment cleaning services

812320 Garment cleaning (e.g., fur, leather, suede) services

812320 Hand laundries

812320 Hat cleaning services

812320 Laundries (except coin-operated, linen supply, uniform supply)

812320 Laundry and drycleaning agents

812320 Laundry drop-off and pick-up sites

812320 Laundry services (except coin-operated, linen supply, uniform supply)

812320 Leather garment cleaning services

812320 Pickup and drop-off sites for drycleaners and laundries

812320 Pillow cleaning services

812320 Power laundries, family

812320 Suede garment cleaning services

812331 Apron supply services

812331 Bed linen supply services

812331 Coat (e.g., barber's, beautician's, doctor's, nurse's) supply services

812331 Cooperative hospital laundries (i.e., linen supply services)

812331 Diaper supply services

812331 Gown (e.g., doctors, nurses, hospital, beauticians) supply services

812331 Laundries, linen and uniform supply

812331 Laundry services, linen supply

812331 Linen supply services

812331 Table linen supply services

812331 Towel (except shop, wiping) supply services

812331 Uniform (except industrial) supply services

812332 Clean room apparel supply services

812332 Dust control textile item (e.g., cloths, mats, mops, rugs, shop towels) supply services

812332 Flame resistant clothing supply services

812332 Industrial launderers

812332 Industrial uniform supply services

812332 Laundered mat and rug supply services

812332 Launderers, industrial

812332 Laundry services, industrial

812332 Mat and rug supply services

812332 Protective apparel supply services

812332 Radiation protection garment supply services

812332 Towel supply services, shop or wiping

812332 Uniform supply services, industrial

812332 Work clothing and uniform supply services, industrial

812910 Animal grooming services

812910 Animal shelters

812910 Boarding services, pet

812910 Dog pounds

812910 Grooming services, animal

812910 Guard dog training services

812910 Guide dog training services

812910 Kennels, pet boarding

812910 Obedience training services, pet

812910 Pet boarding services

812910 Pet grooming services

812910 Pet sitting services

812910 Pet training services

812910 Sitting services, pet

812921 Film developing and printing (except motion picture, one-hour)

812921 Photofinishing labs (except one-hour)

812921 Photofinishing services (except one-hour)

812922 Film developing and printing, one hour

812922 One-hour photofinishing services

812922 Photofinishing labs, one-hour

812922 Photofinishing services, one-hour

812930 Automobile parking garages or lots

812930 Garages, automobile parking

812930 Parking garages, automobile

812930 Parking lots, automobile

812930 Parking services, valet

812930 Valet parking services

812990 Astrology services

812990 Baby shoe bronzing services

812990 Bail bonding services

812990 Balloon-o-gram services

812990 Blood pressure testing machine concession operators, coin-operated

812990 Bondsperson services

812990 Bootblack parlors

812990 Check room services

812990 Coin-operated personal service machine (e.g., blood pressure, locker, photographic, scale, shoeshine) concession operators

812990 Comfort station operation

812990 Concierge services

812990 Consumer buying services

812990 Credit card notification services (i.e., lost or stolen card reporting)

812990 Dating services

812990 Discount buying services, including medical cards and similar negotiated discount plans for individuals

812990 Escort services, social

812990 Fortune-telling services

812990 Genealogical investigation services

812990 House sitting services

812990 Identity theft protection services

812990 Introduction services, social

812990 Life coach services

812990 Lockers, coin-operated, rental

812990 Numerology services

812990 Palm reading services

812990 Party planning services

812990 Pay telephone equipment concession operators

812990 Personal fitness trainer

812990 Personal organizer services

812990 Personal shopping services

812990 Photographic machine concession operators, coin-operated

812990 Phrenology services

812990 Porter services

812990 Psychic services

812990 Rest room operation

812990 Shoeshine parlors

812990 Shoeshine services

812990 Shopping services, personal

812990 Singing telegram services

812990 Sitting services, house

812990 Social escort services

812990 Telegram services, singing

812990 Wedding chapels (except churches)

812990 Wedding planning services

813110 Bible societies

813110 Churches

813110 Convents (except schools)

813110 Missions, religious organization

813110 Monasteries (except schools)

813110 Mosques, religious

813110 Places of worship

813110 Religious organizations

813110 Retreat houses, religious

813110 Shrines, religious

813110 Synagogues

813110 Temples, religious

813211 Charitable trusts, awarding grants

813211 Community foundations

813211 Corporate foundations, awarding grants

813211 Educational trusts, awarding grants

813211 Grantmaking foundations

813211 Philanthropic trusts, awarding grants

813211 Scholarship trusts (i.e., grantmaking, charitable trust foundations)

813211 Trusts, charitable, awarding grants

813211 Trusts, educational, awarding grants

813211 Trusts, religious, awarding grants

813212 Disease awareness fundraising organizations

813212 Disease research (e.g., cancer, heart) fundraising organizations

813212 Health research fundraising organizations

813212 Voluntary health organizations

813219 Community chests

813219 Federated charities

813219 United fund councils

813219 United funds for colleges

813311 Associations for retired persons, advocacy

813311 Civil liberties organizations

813311 Developmentally disabled advocacy organizations

813311 Human rights advocacy organizations

813311 Intellectually and developmentally disabled advocacy groups

813311 Senior citizens advocacy organizations

813311 Veterans' rights organizations

813312 Animal rights organizations

813312 Animal welfare associations or leagues

813312 Conservation advocacy organizations

813312 Environmental advocacy organizations

813312 Humane societies

813312 Natural resource preservation organizations

813312 Wildlife preservation organizations

813319 Accident prevention associations

813319 Antipoverty advocacy organizations

813319 Aviation advocacy organizations

813319 Community action advocacy organizations

813319 Drug abuse prevention advocacy organizations

813319 Drunk driving prevention advocacy organizations

813319 Firearms advocacy organizations

813319 Gun control organizations

813319 Neighborhood development advocacy organizations

813319 Peace advocacy organizations

813319 Public safety advocacy organizations

813319 Social change advocacy organizations

813319 Social service advocacy organizations

813319 Substance abuse prevention advocacy organizations

813319 Taxpayers' advocacy organizations

813319 Temperance organizations

813319 Tenants' advocacy associations

813319 Tenants' associations, advocacy

813319 World peace and understanding advocacy organizations

813410 Alumni associations

813410 Alumni clubs

813410 Automobile clubs (except road and travel services)

813410 Book discussion clubs

813410 Booster clubs

813410 Boy guiding organizations

813410 Civic associations

813410 Classic car clubs

813410 Computer enthusiasts clubs

813410 Ethnic associations

813410 Farm granges

813410 Fraternal associations or lodges, social or civic

813410 Fraternal lodges

813410 Fraternal organizations

813410 Fraternities (except residential)

813410 Garden clubs

813410 Girl guiding organizations

813410 Golden age clubs

813410 Granges

813410 Historical clubs

813410 Membership associations, civic or social

813410 Parent-teachers' associations

813410 Poetry clubs

813410 Public speaking improvement clubs

813410 Retirement associations, social

813410 Scouting organizations

813410 Senior citizens' associations, social

813410 Singing societies

813410 Social clubs

813410 Social organizations, civic and fraternal

813410 Sororities (except residential)

813410 Speakers' clubs

813410 Student clubs

813410 Students' associations

813410 Students' unions

813410 University clubs

813410 Veterans' membership organizations

813410 Women's auxiliaries

813410 Women's clubs

813410 Writing clubs

813410 Youth civic clubs

813410 Youth clubs (except recreational only)

813410 Youth farming organizations

813410 Youth scouting organizations

813410 Youth social clubs

813910 Agricultural organizations (except youth farming organizations, farm granges)

813910 Animal breeders' associations

813910 Bankers' associations

813910 Better business bureaus

813910 Boards of trade

813910 Business associations

813910 Chambers of commerce

813910 Construction associations

813910 Contractors' associations

813910 Distributors' associations

813910 Farmers' associations

813910 Farmers' unions

813910 Growers' associations

813910 Hospital associations

813910 Industrial associations

813910 Insurers' associations

813910 Junior chambers of commerce

813910 Manufacturers' associations

813910 Merchants' associations

813910 Mining associations

813910 Producers' associations

813910 Public utility associations

813910 Real estate boards

813910 Restaurant associations

813910 Retailers' associations

813910 Service industries associations

813910 Shipping companies' associations

813910 Trade associations

813910 Warehousing associations

813910 Wholesalers' associations

813920 Accountants' associations

813920 Architects' associations

813920 Bar associations

813920 Consultants' associations

813920 Dentists' associations

813920 Dietitians' associations

813920 Educators' associations

813920 Engineers' associations

813920 Health professionals' associations

813920 Hospital administrators' associations

813920 Learned societies

813920 Medical associations

813920 Nurses' associations

813920 Occupational therapists' associations

813920 Optometrists' associations

813920 Peer review boards

813920 Personnel management associations

813920 Pharmacists' associations

813920 Professional associations

813920 Professional membership associations

813920 Professional standards review boards

813920 Psychologists' associations

813920 Scientific associations

813920 Social workers' associations

813920 Standards review committees, professional

813930 Employees' associations for improvement of wages and working conditions

813930 Federation of workers, labor organizations

813930 Federations of labor

813930 Industrial labor unions

813930 Labor federations

813930 Labor unions (except apprenticeship programs)

813930 Trade unions (except apprenticeship programs)

813930 Trade unions, local

813930 Unions (except apprenticeship programs), labor

813940 Campaign organizations, political

813940 Constituencies' associations, political party

813940 Local political organizations

813940 PACs (Political Action Committees)

813940 Political action committees (PACs)

813940 Political campaign organizations

813940 Political organizations or clubs

813940 Political parties

813990 Athletic associations, regulatory

813990 Athletic leagues (i.e., regulating bodies)

813990 Condominium corporations

813990 Condominium owners' associations

813990 Cooperative owners' associations

813990 Homeowners' associations

813990 Homeowners' associations, condominium

813990 Property owners' associations

813990 Sports governing bodies

813990 Sports leagues (i.e., regulating bodies)

813990 Tenants' associations (except advocacy)

814110 Households, private, employing (e.g., cooks, maids, chauffeurs, gardeners)

814110 Households, private, employing domestic personnel

814110 Private households employing domestic personnel

814110 Private households with employees

921110 Advisory commissions, executive government

921110 City and town managers' offices

921110 County supervisors' and executives' offices

921110 Executive offices, federal, state, and local (e.g., governor, mayor, president)

921110 Governors' offices

921110 Mayor's offices

921110 President's office, United States

921120 Advisory commissions, legislative

921120 Boards of supervisors, county and local

921120 City and town councils

921120 Congress of the United States

921120 County commissioners

921120 Legislative assemblies

921120 Legislative bodies (e.g., federal, local, and state)

921120 Legislative commissions

921120 Study commissions, legislative

921130 Assessor's offices, tax

921130 Board of Governors, Federal Reserve

921130 Budget agencies, government

921130 Controllers' and comptrollers' offices, government

921130 Customs bureaus

921130 Federal Reserve Board of Governors

921130 Gambling control boards, nonoperating

921130 Internal Revenue Service

921130 Lottery control boards, nonoperating

921130 Property tax assessors' offices

921130 State tax commissions

921130 Taxation departments

921130 Treasurers' offices, government

921140 Executive and legislative office combinations

921140 Legislative and executive office combinations

921150 American Indian or Alaska Native tribal councils

921150 American Indian or Alaska Native tribal courts

921150 American Indian or Alaska Native, tribal chief's or chairman's office

921150 Courts, American Indian or Alaska Native

921150 Police, American Indian or Alaska Native tribal

921150 Tribal chief's or chairman's office, American Indian or Alaska Native

921150 Tribal councils, American Indian or Alaska Native

921150 Tribal courts, American Indian or Alaska Native

921190 Auditor's offices, government

921190 Civil rights commissions

921190 Civil service commissions

921190 Election boards

921190 General accounting offices, government

921190 General public administration

921190 General services departments, government

921190 Human rights commissions, government

921190 Indian affairs programs, government

921190 Personnel offices, government

921190 Public property management services, government

921190 Purchasing and supply agencies, government

921190 Supply agencies, government

922110 Administrative courts

922110 Circuit courts

922110 City or county courts

922110 Courts of law, civilian (except American Indian or Alaska Native)

922110 Courts, civilian (except American Indian or Alaska Native)

922110 Courts, small claims

922110 Sheriffs' offices, court functions only

922110 Traffic courts

922120 Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms control

922120 Criminal investigation offices, government

922120 DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)

922120 Drug enforcement agencies and offices

922120 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

922120 Federal police services

922120 Highway patrols, police

922120 Housing police, government

922120 Marshals' offices

922120 Park police

922120 Police academies

922120 Police and fire departments, combined

922120 Police departments (except American Indian or Alaska Native)

922120 Sheriffs' offices (except court functions only)

922120 State police

922120 Transit police

922130 Attorney generals' offices

922130 District attorneys' offices

922130 Legal counsel offices, government

922130 Public defenders' offices

922130 Public prosecutors' offices

922130 Solicitors' offices, government

922130 U. S. attorneys' offices

922140 Correctional boot camps

922140 Correctional institutions

922140 Detention centers

922140 Honor camps, correctional

922140 Houses of correction

922140 Jails (except private operation of)

922140 Penitentiaries

922140 Prison farms

922140 Prisons

922140 Reformatories

922150 Pardon boards and offices

922150 Parole offices, publicly administered

922150 Probation offices, publicly administered

922150 Public parole offices

922150 Public probation offices

922150 Rehabilitation services, correctional, government

922160 Ambulance and fire service combined

922160 Fire and rescue service

922160 Fire departments (e.g., government, volunteer (except private))

922160 Fire marshals' offices

922160 Fire prevention offices, government

922160 Firefighting (except forest), government and volunteer (except private)

922160 Firefighting services (except forest and private)

922190 Consumer product safety commissions

922190 Criminal justice statistics centers, government

922190 Disaster preparedness and management offices, government

922190 Emergency planning and management offices, government

922190 Law enforcement statistics centers, government

922190 Public safety bureaus and statistics centers, government

922190 Public safety statistics centers, government

923110 Certification of schools and teachers

923110 County supervisors of education (except school boards)

923110 Education offices, nonoperating

923110 Education program administration

923110 Education statistics centers, government

923110 State education departments

923110 Teacher certification bureaus

923110 University regents or boards, government

923120 Cancer detection program administration

923120 Communicable disease program administration

923120 Community health programs administration

923120 Coroners' offices

923120 Environmental health program administration

923120 Food service health inspections

923120 Health planning and development agencies, government

923120 Health program administration

923120 Health statistics centers, government

923120 Immunization program administration

923120 Maternity and child health program administration

923120 Mental health program administration

923120 Public health program administration, nonoperating

923130 Community social service program administration

923130 Equal employment opportunity offices

923130 Food distribution program administration, government

923130 Medical assistance programs administration, government

923130 Medicare and Medicaid administration

923130 Old age survivors and disability programs

923130 Railroad Retirement Board

923130 Social assistance cost-sharing, government

923130 Social Security Administration (SSA), federal

923130 Unemployment insurance program administration

923130 Welfare administration, nonoperating

923130 Welfare programs administration

923130 Women's bureaus

923130 Workers' compensation program administration

923140 Veterans' affairs offices

923140 Veterans' benefits program administration, government

924110 Enforcement of environmental and pollution control regulations

924110 Environmental protection program administration

924110 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

924110 Pollution control program administration

924110 Sanitation engineering agencies, government

924110 Waste management program administration

924110 Water control and quality program administration

924120 Community recreation programs, government

924120 Conservation and reclamation agencies

924120 Fish and game agencies

924120 Fish and wildlife conservation program administration

924120 Game and inland fish agencies

924120 Game wardens

924120 Geological research program administration

924120 Land management program administration

924120 Parks and recreation commission, government

924120 Recreational programs administration, government

924120 Soil conservation services, government

924120 Weather research program administration

924120 Wildlife conservation agencies

924120 Wind and water erosion control agencies, government

925110 Building standards agencies, government

925110 Housing authorities, nonoperating

925110 Housing programs, planning and development, government

925120 Community development agencies, government

925120 County development agencies

925120 Land redevelopment agencies, government

925120 Redevelopment land agencies, government

925120 Regional planning and development program administration

925120 Urban planning commissions, government

925120 Zoning boards and commissions

926110 Arts and cultural program administration, government

926110 Consumer protection offices

926110 Councils of Economic Advisers

926110 Cultural and arts development support program administration

926110 Development assistance program administration

926110 Economic development agencies, government

926110 Energy development and conservation agencies, nonoperating

926110 Energy program administration

926110 Enterprise development program administration

926110 General economics statistical agencies

926110 Industrial development program administration

926110 Labor statistics agencies

926110 Small business development agencies

926110 Tourism development offices, government

926110 Trade commissions, government

926110 Trade development program administration

926120 Aircraft inspection, government

926120 Coast Guard (except academy)

926120 Federal Aviation Administration (except air traffic control)

926120 Licensing of transportation equipment, facilities, and services

926120 Merchant Marine (except academy)

926120 Motor carrier licensing and inspection offices

926120 Motor vehicle licensing offices, government

926120 National Transportation Safety Board

926120 Port authorities and districts, nonoperating

926120 Public transportation commissions, nonoperating

926120 Railroad and warehouse commissions, nonoperating

926120 Transit systems and authorities, nonoperating

926120 Transportation departments, nonoperating

926120 Transportation regulatory agencies

926120 Transportation safety programs, government

926130 Communications commissions

926130 Communications licensing commissions and agencies

926130 Energy development and conservation programs, government

926130 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

926130 Irrigation districts, nonoperating

926130 Licensing and inspecting of utilities

926130 Mosquito eradication districts

926130 Nuclear energy inspection and regulation offices

926130 Public service (except transportation) commissions, nonoperating

926130 Public utility (except transportation) commissions, nonoperating

926130 Regulation of utilities

926130 Sanitation districts, nonoperating

926130 Solar energy regulation

926130 Wind generated electrical power regulation

926140 Agricultural cooperative extension program administration

926140 Agricultural marketing services government

926140 Agricultural pest and weed regulation, government

926140 Agriculture fair boards administration

926140 Animal quarantine service, government

926140 Food inspection agencies

926140 Pest control programs, agriculture, government

926140 Regulation and inspection of agricultural products

926140 Weed control, agriculture, government

926150 Alcoholic beverage control boards

926150 Banking regulatory agencies

926150 Building inspections, government

926150 Conciliation and mediation services, government

926150 Health professions licensure agencies

926150 Hospital licensure agencies

926150 Inspection for labor standards

926150 Insurance commissions, government

926150 Labor management negotiations boards, government

926150 Licensing and permit issuance for business operations, government

926150 Licensing and permit issuance for professional occupations, government

926150 Mediation and conciliation services, government

926150 Minimum wage program administration

926150 Occupational safety and health administration

926150 Occupational safety and health standards agencies

926150 Pet licensing

926150 Price control agencies

926150 Rent control agencies

926150 Securities regulation commissions

926150 Standards, setting and management, agencies, government

926150 Wage control agencies, government

927110 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

927110 Operating and launching government satellites

927110 Space flight operations, government

928110 Air Force

928110 Air traffic control, military

928110 Armed forces

928110 Army

928110 Courts, military

928110 Marine Corps

928110 Military bases and camps

928110 Military police

928110 Military reserve armories and bases

928110 Military training schools (except academies)

928110 National Guard

928110 Navy

928120 Consulates

928120 Diplomatic services

928120 Economic development assistance (i.e., international), government

928120 Embassies

928120 Foreign economic and social development services, government

928120 Foreign government service

928120 Foreign missions

928120 Immigration services

928120 International Monetary Fund

928120 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

928120 Organization of American States

928120 Passport issuing services

928120 Peace Corps

928120 State Department

928120 United Nations

928120 World Bank

****** Cards, publishing -- see specific product

****** Clinics, medical -- see type

****** Consultants -- see specific activity

****** Contractors -- see specific activity

****** Day camps, instructional -- see type of instruction

****** Dealers -- see type

****** Farming -- see type

****** Hospitals -- see type

****** Instruction -- see type of training

****** Laboratories (see specific type)

****** Leasing -- see type of property or article being leased

****** Lessors -- see specific type of asset or property being rented or leased

****** Mining -- see type

****** Publishers -- see specific type

****** Publishers and printing combined -- see specific type of publisher

****** Publishers or publishing -- see specific type

****** Rental -- see type of article or property being rented

****** Repair -- see type of article being repaired

****** Retail -- see type of dealer, shop, or store

****** Shops -- see type

****** Stores -- see type

****** Tailors--see specific apparel manufacturing

****** Therapists' offices -- see type

****** Transportation -- see mode

****** Wholesale -- see type of product

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