Form SEC 2930 SEC 2930 Form C

Form C


Form C

OMB: 3235-0716

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Washington, D.C. 20549

OMB Number:
May 31, 2019
Estimated average burden
hours per response . .. . .48.9697



(Mark one.)

Form  C:  Offering  Statem ent

Form  C-U:  Prog ress Update: _____________________________________________________

Form  C/A:  Am endm ent to Offering  Statem ent:  ______________________________________

􀆑  Check  box  if Am endm ent is m aterial  and investors m ust reconfirm  within five business days.
Form  C-AR:  Annual  Report
Form  C-AR/A:  Am endm ent to Annual  Report
Form  C-TR:  Term ination of Reporting 

Nam e	of	issuer: _____________________________________________________________________
Leg al 	status	of	issuer: 
Form : 	__________________________________
Jurisdiction	of	Incorporation/Org anization: 	_________________________________________
Date	of	org anization): 	__________________________________________________________
Physical 	address	of	issuer: 		____________________________________________________________
Website	of	issuer: 		___________________________________________________________________
Nam e	of	interm ediary	throug h	which	the	offering 	wil l 	be	conducted: 	___________________________

CIK	num ber	of	interm ediary: 		_______________________

SEC	fil e	num ber	of	interm ediary: 			___________________

CRD	num ber,	if	appl icabl e,	of	interm ediary: 		___________________

Am ount	of	com pensation	to	be	paid	to	the	interm ediary,	whether	as	a	dol l ar	am ount	or	a	percentag e	of	the	offering 	am ount,	or	a	g ood	faith	estim ate	if	the	ex act	am ount	is	not	avail abl e	at	the	tim e	of	the	fil ing ,	for	conducting 	

the	offering ,	incl uding 	the	am ount	of	referral 	and	any	other	fees	associated	with	the	offering : 

Any	other	direct	or	indirect	interest	in	the	issuer	hel d	by	the	interm ediary,	or	any	arrang em ent	for	the	interm ediary	to	acquire	such	an	interest: 
Type	of	security	offered: 	_______________________________________________________________

Targ et	num ber	of	securities	to	be	offered: 	__________________________________________________

Price	(or	m ethod	for	determ ining 	price): 	___________________________________________________

Targ et	offering 	am ount: 	________________________________________________________________

Oversubscriptions	accepted: 	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

If	yes,	discl ose	how	oversubscriptions	wil l 	be	al l ocated: 	􀆑  Pro-rata basis 􀆑  First-com e, first-served

􀆑  Other –  provide a description:  _________________________________________________________

Max im um 	offering 	am ount	(if	different	from 	targ et	offering 	am ount): 	____________________________

Deadl ine	to	reach	the	targ et	offering 	am ount: 	________________________________________________

SEC	2930	(4/17)	

Persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not
required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.


NOTE: If the sum of the investment commitments does not equal or exceed the target offering
amount at the offering deadline, no securities will be sold in the offering, investment commitments
will be cancelled and committed funds will be returned.
Current	num ber	of	em pl oyees: 		__________________________________________________________
Total 	Assets: 		 	
Cash	&	Cash	Equival ents: 		
Accounts	Receivabl e: 		
Short-term 	Debt: 		
Long -term 	Debt: 		
Revenues/Sal es		
Cost	of	Goods	Sol d: 		 	
Tax es	Paid: 		 	
Net	Incom e: 		 	

Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____		
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	
Most	recent	fiscal 	year-end: 	____	



	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____
	Prior	fiscal 	year-end: 	____

Using 	the l ist	bel ow,	sel ect	the	jurisdictions	in	which	the	issuer	intends	to	offer	the	securities: 
[List will include all U.S. jurisdictions, with an option to add and remove them
individually, add all and remove all.]
I. Eligibility Requirements for Use of Form C
This	Form 	shal l 	be	used	for	the	offering 	statem ent,	and	any	rel ated	am endm ents	and	prog ress	reports,	
required	to	be	fil ed	by	any	issuer	offering 	or	sel l ing 	securities	in	rel iance	on	the	ex em ption	in	Securities	Act	
Section	4(a)(6)	and	in	accordance	with	Section	4A	and	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.).	This	Form 	
al so	shal l 	be	used	for	an	annual 	report	required	pursuant	to	Rul e	202	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.202)	
and	for	the	term ination	of	reporting 	required	pursuant	to	Rul e	203(b)(2)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	
227.203(b)(2)).	Careful 	attention	shoul d	be	directed	to	the	term s,	conditions	and	requirem ents	of	the	ex em ption.
II. Preparation and Filing of Form C
Inform ation	on	the	cover	pag e	wil l 	be	g enerated	based	on	the	inform ation	provided	in	XML	form at.	
Other	than	the	cover	pag e,	this	Form 	is	not	to	be	used	as	a	bl ank 	form 	to	be	fil l ed	in,	but	onl y	as	a	g uide	in	the	
preparation	of	Form 	C.	General 	inform ation	reg arding 	the	preparation,	form at	and	how	to	fil e	this	Form 	is	contained	in	Reg ul ation	S-T	(§	232	et	seq.).
III. Information to be Included in the Form
Item 1. Offering Statement Disclosure Requirements
An	issuer	fil ing 	this	Form 	for	an	offering 	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	and	pursu	
ant	to	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.)	m ust	fil e	the	Form 	prior	to	the	com m encem ent	of	the	offering 	and	incl ude	the	inform ation	required	by	Rul e	201	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.201).
An	issuer	m ust	incl ude	in	the	XML-based	portion	of	this	Form : 	the	inform ation	required	by	parag raphs	
(a),(e),	(g ),	(h),	(l ),	(n),	and	(o)	of	Rul e	201	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.201(a),	(e),	(g ),	(h),	(l ),	(n),	
and	(o));	sel ected	financial 	data	for	the	prior	two	fiscal 	years	(incl uding 	total 	assets,	cash	and	cash	equival ents,	

accounts	receivabl e,	short-term 	debt, l ong -term 	debt,	revenues/sal es,	cost	of	g oods	sol d,	tax es	paid	and	net	incom e);	the	jurisdictions	in	which	the	issuer	intends	to	offer	the	securities;	and	any	inform ation	required	by	Rul e	
203(a)(3)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.203(a)(3)).
Other	than	the	inform ation	required	to	be	provided	in	XML	form at,	an	issuer	m ay	provide	the	required
inform ation	in	the	optional 	Question	and	Answer	form at	incl uded	herein	or	in	any	other	form at	incl uded	on	the
interm ediary’s	pl atform ,	by	fil ing 	such	inform ation	as	an	ex hibit	to	this	Form ,	incl uding 	copies	of	screen	shots	
of	the	rel evant	inform ation,	as	appropriate	and	necessary.
If	discl osure	in	response	to	any	parag raph	of	Rul e	201	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.201)	or
Rul e	203(a)(3)	is	responsive	to	one	or	m ore	other	parag raphs	of	Rul e	201	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	
227.201)	or	to	Rul e	203(a)(3)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.203(a)(3)),	issuers	are	not	required	to	m ak e	
dupl icate	discl osures.
Item 2. Legends
(a)	An	issuer	fil ing 	this	Form 	for	an	offering 	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	and
pursuant	to	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.)	m ust	incl ude	the	fol l owing 	l eg ends: 
A	crowdfunding 	investm ent	invol ves	risk .	You	shoul d	not	invest	any	funds	in	this	offering 	unl ess	you		 	
can	afford	to l ose	your	entire	investm ent.
In	m ak ing 	an	investm ent	decision,	investors	m ust	rel y	on	their	own	ex am ination	of	the	issuer	and	the		 	
term s	of	the	offering ,	incl uding 	the	m erits	and	risk s	invol ved.	These	securities	have	not	been	recom m ended	or
approved	by	any	federal 	or	state	securities	com m ission	or	reg ul atory	authority.	Furtherm ore,	these
authorities	have	not	passed	upon	the	accuracy	or	adequacy	of	this	docum ent.
The	U.S.	Securities	and	Ex chang e	Com m ission	does	not	pass	upon	the	m erits	of	any	securities	offered	
or	the	term s	of	the	offering ,	nor	does	it	pass	upon	the	accuracy	or	com pl eteness	of	any	offering 	docum ent	or
l iterature.
These	securities	are	offered	under	an	ex em ption	from 	reg istration;	however,	the	U.S.	Securities	and
Ex chang e	Com m ission	has	not	m ade	an	independent	determ ination	that	these	securities	are	ex em pt	from 
reg istration.
(b)	An	issuer	fil ing 	this	Form 	for	an	offering 	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	and
pursuant	to	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.)	m ust	discl ose	in	the	offering 	statem ent	that	it	wil l 	fil e	
a	report	with	the	Com m ission	annual l y	and	post	the	report	on	its	website,	no l ater	than	120	days	after	the	end	of	
each	fiscal 	year	covered	by	the	report.	The	issuer	m ust	al so	discl ose	how	an	issuer	m ay	term inate	its	reporting 	
obl ig ations	in	the	future	in	accordance	with	Rul e	202(b)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.202(b)).
Item 3. Annual Report Disclosure Requirements
An	issuer	fil ing 	this	Form 	for	an	annual 	report,	as	required	by	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	
et	seq.),	m ust	fil e	the	Form 	no l ater	than	120	days	after	the	issuer’s	fiscal 	year	end	covered	by	the	report	and	
incl ude	the	inform ation	required	by	Rul e	201(a),	(b),	(c),	(d),	(e),	(f),	(m ),	(p),	(q),	(r),	(s),	(t),	(x )	and	(y)	of
Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§§	227.201(a),	(b),	(c),	(d),	(e),	(f),	(m ),	(p),	(q),	(r),	(s),	(t),	(x )	and	(y)).	For	purposes	of	parag raph	(t),	the	issuer	shal l 	provide	financial 	statem ents	certified	by	the	principal 	ex ecutive	officer	of	
the	issuer	to	be	true	and	com pl ete	in	al l 	m aterial 	respects.	If,	however,	the	issuer	has	avail abl e	financial 	statem ents	prepared	in	accordance	with	U.S.	g eneral l y	accepted	accounting 	principl es	(U.S.	GAAP)	that	have	been	
reviewed	or	audited	by	an	independent	certified	publ ic	accountant,	those	financial 	statem ents	m ust	be	provided	
and	the	principal 	ex ecutive	officer	certification	wil l 	not	be	required.
An	issuer	m ust	incl ude	in	the	XML-based	portion	of	this	Form : 	the	inform ation	required	by	parag raphs	
(a),	and	(e)	of	Rul e	201	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	(§	227.201(a)	and	(e));	and	sel ected	financial 	data	for	the	

prior	two	fiscal 	years	(incl uding 	total 	assets,	cash	and	cash	equival ents,	accounts	receivabl e,	short-term 	debt,
l ong -term 	debt,	revenues/sal es,	cost	of	g oods	sol d,	tax es	paid	and	net	incom e).
Pursuant	to	the	requirem ents	of	Sections	4(a)(6)	and	4A	of	the	Securities	Act	of	1933	and	Reg ul ation
Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.),	the	issuer	certifies	that	it	has	reasonabl e	g rounds	to	bel ieve	that	it	m eets	al l 	
of	the	requirem ents	for	fil ing 	on	Form 	C	and	has	dul y	caused	this	Form 	to	be	sig ned	on	its	behal f	by	the	dul y	
authorized	undersig ned.










(Sig nature	and	Titl e)

Pursuant	to	the	requirem ents	of	Sections	4(a)(6)	and	4A	of	the	Securities	Act	of	1933	and	Reg ul ation
Crowdfunding 	(§	227.100	et	seq.),	this	Form 	C	has	been	sig ned	by	the	fol l owing 	persons	in	the	capacities	and	
on	the	dates	indicated.










(Sig nature)











(Titl e)










1.	The	form 	shal l 	be	sig ned	by	the	issuer,	its	principal 	ex ecutive	officer	or	officers,	its	principal 	financial 
officer,	its	control l er	or	principal 	accounting 	officer	and	at l east	a	m ajority	of	the	board	of	directors	or	persons
perform ing 	sim il ar	functions.
2.	The	nam e	of	each	person	sig ning 	the	form 	shal l 	be	typed	or	printed	beneath	the	sig nature.
Intentional 	m isstatem ents	or	om issions	of	facts	constitute	federal 	crim inal 	viol ations.	See	18	U.S.C.	1001.


Respond	to	each	question	in	each	parag raph	of	this	part.	Set	forth	each	question	and	any	notes,	but	not	
any	instructions	thereto,	in	their	entirety.	If	discl osure	in	response	to	any	question	is	responsive	to	one	or	m ore	
other	questions,	it	is	not	necessary	to	repeat	the	discl osure.	If	a	question	or	series	of	questions	is	inappl icabl e	or	
the	response	is	avail abl e	el sewhere	in	the	Form ,	either	state	that	it	is	inappl icabl e,	incl ude	a	cross-reference	to	
the	responsive	discl osure,	or	om it	the	question	or	series	of	questions.
Be	very	careful 	and	precise	in	answering 	al l 	questions.	Give	ful l 	and	com pl ete	answers	so	that	they	are	
not	m isl eading 	under	the	circum stances	invol ved.	Do	not	discuss	any	future	perform ance	or	other	anticipated	
event	unl ess	you	have	a	reasonabl e	basis	to	bel ieve	that	it	wil l 	actual l y	occur	within	the	foreseeabl e	future.	If	
any	answer	requiring 	sig nificant	inform ation	is	m aterial l y	inaccurate,	incom pl ete	or	m isl eading ,	the	Com pany,	
its	m anag em ent	and	principal 	sharehol ders	m ay	be l iabl e	to	investors	based	on	that	inform ation.
1.	Nam e	of	issuer: 	_______________________________________________________________
2.	􀆑  Check  this box  to certify that al l  of the fol l owing  statem ents are true for the issuer: 
•	 Org anized	under,	and	subject	to,	the l aws	of	a	State	or	territory	of	the	United	States	or	the	District	of	
Col um bia.
•	 Not	subject	to	the	requirem ent	to	fil e	reports	pursuant	to	Section	13	or	Section	15(d)	of	the	Securities	
Ex chang e	Act	of	1934.
•	 Not	an	investm ent	com pany	reg istered	or	required	to	be	reg istered	under	the	Investm ent	Com pany	Act	
of	1940.
•	 Not	inel ig ibl e	to	rel y	on	this	ex em ption	under	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	as	a	resul t	of	a	disqual ification	specified	in	Rul e	503(a)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding .	(For	m ore	inform ation	about	these	
disqual ifications,	see	Question	30	of	this	Question	and	Answer	form at).
•	 Has	fil ed	with	the	Com m ission	and	provided	to	investors,	to	the	ex tent	required,	the	ong oing 	annual 	
reports	required	by	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 	during 	the	two	years	im m ediatel y	preceding 	the	fil ing 	
of	this	offering 	statem ent	(or	for	such	shorter	period	that	the	issuer	was	required	to	fil e	such	reports).
•	 Not	a	devel opm ent	stag e	com pany	that	(a)	has	no	specific	business	pl an	or	(b)	has	indicated	that	its	
business	pl an	is	to	eng ag e	in	a	m erg er	or	acquisition	with	an	unidentified	com pany	or	com panies.
INSTRUCTION TO QUESTION 2: If any of these statements is not true, then you are NOT eligible to
rely on this exemption under Section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act.
3.	Has	the	issuer	or	any	of	its	predecessors	previousl y	fail ed	to	com pl y	with	the	ong oing 	reporting 
requirem ents	of	Rul e	202	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding ?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
Ex pl ain: 	_______________________________________________________________________


4.	Provide	the	fol l owing 	inform ation	about	each	director	(and	any	persons	occupying 	a	sim il ar
status	or	perform ing 	a	sim il ar	function)	of	the	issuer: 
Nam e: 	_______________________________	
Dates	of	Board	Service: 	_______________
Principal 	Occupation: 	_____________________________________________________
Em pl oyer: 	Dates	of	Service: 	________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 			_____________________________________________
List	al l 	positions	and	offices	with	the	issuer	hel d	and	the	period	of	tim e	in	which	the	director
served	in	the	position	or	office: 
Position: 	________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	_______________
Position: 	________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	_______________
Position: 	________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	_______________
Business	Ex perience: 	List	the	em pl oyers,	titl es	and	dates	of	positions	hel d	during 	past	three
years	with	an	indication	of	job	responsibil ities: 
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
5.	Provide	the	fol l owing 	inform ation	about	each	officer	(and	any	persons	occupying 	a	sim il ar	status
or	perform ing 	a	sim il ar	function)	of	the	issuer: 
Nam e: 	______________________________________________________________________________
Titl e: 	__________________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 		______________
Responsibil ities: 	______________________________________________________________________
List	any	prior	positions	and	offices	with	the	issuer	and	the	period	of	tim e	in	which	the	officer
served	in	the	position	or	office: 

						Position: 	________________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	__________
Responsibil ities: 		_____________________________________________________________________


Position: 	________________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	__________	
Responsibil ities: 		________________________________________________________________


Position: 	________________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 	__________	
Responsibil ities: 		________________________________________________________________

Business	Ex perience: 	List	any	other	em pl oyers,	titl es	and	dates	of	positions	hel d	during 	past	three	years	with	an	
indication	of	job	responsibil ities: 
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer: 	_____________________________________________________________________
Em pl oyer’s	principal 	business: 		____________________________________________________
Titl e: 	___________________________________________	Dates	of	Service: 			______________
Responsibil ities: 			_______________________________________________________________
INSTRUCTION	TO	QUESTION	5: 	For	purposes	of	this	Question	5,	the	term 	officer	m eans	a	president,	vice
president,	secretary,	treasurer	or	principal 	financial 	officer,	com ptrol l er	or	principal 	accounting 	officer,	and	any
person	routinel y	perform ing 	sim il ar	functions.
6.	Provide	the	nam e	and	ownership l evel 	of	each	person,	as	of	the	m ost	recent	practicabl e	date,	who
is	the	beneficial 	owner	of	20	percent	or	m ore	of	the	issuer’s	outstanding 	voting 	equity	securities,
cal cul ated	on	the	basis	of	voting 	power.
%	of	Voting 
No.	and	Cl ass	of	
Power	Prior	to	
Nam e	of	Hol der	
								Securities	Now	Hel d	 	
												___________________													_____________________	 	
___________________													_____________________	 	
	___________________													_____________________	 	
___________________													_____________________	 	

INSTRUCTION	TO	QUESTION	6: 	The	above	inform ation	m ust	be	provided	as	of	a	date	that	is	no	m ore	than	
120	days	prior	to	the	date	of	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent.


To	cal cul ate	total 	voting 	power,	incl ude	al l 	securities	for	which	the	person	directl y	or	indirectl y	has	or	shares	the
voting 	power,	which	incl udes	the	power	to	vote	or	to	direct	the	voting 	of	such	securities.	If	the	person	has	the	
rig ht	to	acquire	voting 	power	of	such	securities	within	60	days,	incl uding 	throug h	the	ex ercise	of	any	option,	
warrant	or	rig ht,	the	conversion	of	a	security,	or	other	arrang em ent,	or	if	securities	are	hel d	by	a	m em ber	of	the	
fam il y,	throug h	corporations	or	partnerships,	or	otherwise	in	a	m anner	that	woul d	al l ow	a	person	to	direct	or	
control 	the	voting 	of	the	securities	(or	share	in	such	direction	or	control 	—	as,	for	ex am pl e,	a	co-trustee)	they	
shoul d	be	incl uded	as	being 	“beneficial l y	owned.”	You	shoul d	incl ude	an	ex pl anation	of	these	circum stances	in	
a	footnote	to	the	“Num ber	of	and	Cl ass	of	Securities	Now	Hel d.”	To	cal cul ate	outstanding 	voting 	equity	securities,	assum e	al l 	outstanding 	options	are	ex ercised	and	al l 	outstanding 	convertibl e	securities	converted.
7.	Describe	in	detail 	the	business	of	the	issuer	and	the	anticipated	business	pl an	of	the	issuer.
A crowdfunding investment involves risk. You should not invest any funds in this offering unless you can
afford to lose your entire investment.
In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the
terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. These securities have not been recommended or approved by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority. Furthermore, these
authorities have not passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this document.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not pass upon the merits of any securities offered or
the terms of the offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or completeness of any offering document or
These securities are offered under an exemption from registration; however, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not made an independent determination that these securities are exempt from
8.	Discuss	the	m aterial 	factors	that	m ak e	an	investm ent	in	the	issuer	specul ative	or	risk y: 
(1)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(2)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(3)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(4)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(5)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(6)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(7)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(8)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(9)	_____________________________________________________________________________
(10)	____________________________________________________________________________
(11)	____________________________________________________________________________
INSTRUCTION	TO	QUESTION	8: 	Avoid	g eneral ized	statem ents	and	incl ude	onl y	those	factors	that	are	unique	
to	the	issuer.	Discussion	shoul d	be	tail ored	to	the	issuer’s	business	and	the	offering 	and	shoul d	not	repeat	the	
factors	addressed	in	the l eg ends	set	forth	above.	No	specific	num ber	of	risk 	factors	is	required	to	be	identified.	
Add	additional 	l ines	and	num ber	as	appropriate.


9.	What	is	the	purpose	of	this	offering ?
10.	How	does	the	issuer	intend	to	use	the	proceeds	of	this	offering ?
If	Targ et		
If	Max im um 
			Offering 	Am ount		 	
Am ount	Sol d
Sol d
Total 	Proceeds		
Less: 	Offering 	Ex penses

Net	Proceeds		 	

Use	of	Net	Proceeds



Total 	Use	of	Net	Proceeds		 	

INSTRUCTION	TO	QUESTION	10: 	An	issuer	m ust	provide	a	reasonabl y	detail ed	description	of	any	intended
use	of	proceeds,	such	that	investors	are	provided	with	an	adequate	am ount	of	inform ation	to	understand	how	the
offering 	proceeds	wil l 	be	used.	If	an	issuer	has	identified	a	rang e	of	possibl e	uses,	the	issuer	shoul d	identify	and
describe	each	probabl e	use	and	the	factors	the	issuer	m ay	consider	in	al l ocating 	proceeds	am ong 	the	potential 	
uses.	If	the	issuer	wil l 	accept	proceeds	in	ex cess	of	the	targ et	offering 	am ount,	the	issuer	m ust	describe	the	purpose,	m ethod	for	al l ocating 	oversubscriptions,	and	intended	use	of	the	ex cess	proceeds	with	sim il ar	specificity.
11.	How	wil l 	the	issuer	com pl ete	the	transaction	and	del iver	securities	to	the	investors?
12.	How	can	an	investor	cancel 	an	investm ent	com m itm ent?

NOTE: Investors may cancel an investment commitment until 48 hours prior to the deadline
identified	in	these	offering	materials.
The intermediary will notify investors when the target offering amount has been met.


If	the	issuer	reaches	the	target	offering	amount	prior	to	the	deadline	identified	in	the
offering materials, it may close the offering early if it provides notice about the new
offering	deadline	at	least	five	business	days	prior	to	such	new	offering	deadline	(absent	a
material	change	that	would	require	an	extension	of	the	offering	and	reconfirmation	of	the
investment commitment).
If an investor does not cancel an investment commitment before the 48-hour period prior to
the offering deadline, the funds will be released to the issuer upon closing of the offering


and the investor will receive securities in exchange for his or her investment.
If	an	investor	does	not	reconfirm	his	or	her	investment	commitment	after	a	material	change
is made to the offering, the investor’s investment commitment will be cancelled and the
committed funds will be returned.
The Offering
13.	Describe	the	term s	of	the	securities	being 	offered.
14.	Do	the	securities	offered	have	voting 	rig hts?		 􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
15.	Are	there	any l im itations	on	any	voting 	or	other	rig hts	identified	above?		
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
Ex pl ain: _________________________________________________________________________
16.	How	m ay	the	term s	of	the	securities	being 	offered	be	m odified?
Restrictions on Transfer of the Securities Being Offered
The	securities	being 	offered	m ay	not	be	transferred	by	any	purchaser	of	such	securities	during 	the	one	year
period	beg inning 	when	the	securities	were	issued,	unl ess	such	securities	are	transferred: 

(1)	to	the	issuer;
(2)	to	an	accredited	investor;
(3)	as	part	of	an	offering 	reg istered	with	the	U.S.	Securities	and	Ex chang e	Com m ission;	or
(4)	to	a	m em ber	of	the	fam il y	of	the	purchaser	or	the	equival ent,	to	a	trust	control l ed	by	the
purchaser,	to	a	trust	created	for	the	benefit	of	a	m em ber	of	the	fam il y	of	the	purchaser	or
the	equival ent,	or	in	connection	with	the	death	or	divorce	of	the	purchaser	or	other
sim il ar	circum stance.
NOTE: The term “accredited investor” means any person who comes within any of
the categories set forth in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D, or who the seller reasonably
believes comes within any of such categories, at the time of the sale of the securities
to that person.
The term “member of the family of the purchaser or the equivalent” includes a
child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse or spousal
equivalent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of the purchaser, and includes adoptive
relationships. The term “spousal equivalent” means a cohabitant occupying a
relationship generally equivalent to that of a spouse.


Description of Issuer’s Securities
17.	What	other	securities	or	cl asses	of	securities	of	the	issuer	are	outstanding ?	Describe	the	m aterial 
term s	of	any	other	outstanding 	securities	or	cl asses	of	securities	of	the	issuer.
Securities			 Securities
(or	Am ount)				(or	Am ount)
Cl ass	of	Security		
Authorized		 Outstanding 		
-----------------------	 ---------------	 ---------------	
Preferred	Stock 	(l ist
each	cl ass	in	order	of
Com m on	Stock : 		
Debt	Securities: 		

Class of Security


Other	Rig hts: 



Voting 	Rig hts			

Other	Rig hts


􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________





􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________
􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________
􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________





􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________
􀆑 	Yes 􀆑  No
Specify: 	________


Reserved for
Exercise or


18.	How	m ay	the	rig hts	of	the	securities	being 	offered	be	m aterial l y l im ited,	dil uted	or	qual ified	by	the	rig hts	of	
any	other	cl ass	of	security	identified	above?
19.	Are	there	any	differences	not	reflected	above	between	the	securities	being 	offered	and	each	other
cl ass	of	security	of	the	issuer?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
Ex pl ain: 	__________________________________________________________________________
20.	How	coul d	the	ex ercise	of	rig hts	hel d	by	the	principal 	sharehol ders	identified	in	Question	6	above	affect	the	
purchasers	of	the	securities	being 	offered?

21.	How	are	the	securities	being 	offered	being 	val ued?	Incl ude	ex am pl es	of	m ethods	for	how	such	securities	
m ay	be	val ued	by	the	issuer	in	the	future,	incl uding 	during 	subsequent	corporate	actions.
22.	What	are	the	risk s	to	purchasers	of	the	securities	rel ating 	to	m inority	ownership	in	the	issuer?
23.	What	are	the	risk s	to	purchasers	associated	with	corporate	actions	incl uding : 
•	 additional 	issuances	of	securities,
•	 issuer	repurchases	of	securities,
•	 a	sal e	of	the	issuer	or	of	assets	of	the	issuer	or
•	 transactions	with	rel ated	parties?
24.	Describe	the	m aterial 	term s	of	any	indebtedness	of	the	issuer: 

Am ount
Outstanding 		 Interest	Rate		 	Maturity	Date								
----------------	 ----------------	 -------------------	
$	_________		 	__________%
$	_________		 	__________%
$	_________		 	__________%

Other	Material 	Term s

25.	What	other	ex em pt	offering s	has	the	issuer	conducted	within	the	past	three	years?
Date	of		

Ex em ption
Rel ied	Upon		

Securities	Offered		

		Am ount	Sol d		
$	_________
$	_________
$	_________

Use	of	Proceeds

26.	Was	or	is	the	issuer	or	any	entities	control l ed	by	or	under	com m on	control 	with	the	issuer	a	party
to	any	transaction	since	the	beg inning 	of	the	issuer’s l ast	fiscal 	year,	or	any	currentl y	proposed	transaction,	
where	the	am ount	invol ved	ex ceeds	five	percent	of	the	ag g reg ate	am ount	of	capital 	raised	by	the	issuer	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	during 	the	preceding 	12-m onth	period,	incl uding 	the	am ount	the	
issuer	seek s	to	raise	in	the	current	offering ,	in	which	any	of	the	fol l owing 	persons	had	or	is	to	have	a	direct	or	
indirect	m aterial 	interest: 
(1)	any	director	or	officer	of	the	issuer;
(2)	any	person	who	is,	as	of	the	m ost	recent	practicabl e	date,	the	beneficial 	owner	of	20	percent	or	m ore			
of	the	issuer’s	outstanding 	voting 	equity	securities,	cal cul ated	on	the	basis	of	voting 	power;
(3)	if	the	issuer	was	incorporated	or	org anized	within	the	past	three	years,	any	prom oter	of	the	issuer;	or
(4)	any	im m ediate	fam il y	m em ber	of	any	of	the	foreg oing 	persons.
If	yes,	for	each	such	transaction,	discl ose	the	fol l owing : 

Specified	Person		

Rel ationship	to		

Nature	of	Interest		
			in	Transaction		


Am ount	of
$	_________
$	_________
$	_________




The	term 	transaction	incl udes,	but	is	not l im ited	to,	any	financial 	transaction,	arrang em ent	or	rel ationship	(incl uding 	any	indebtedness	or	g uarantee	of	indebtedness)	or	any	series	of	sim il ar	transactions,	arrang em ents	or	
rel ationships.
Beneficial 	ownership	for	purposes	of	parag raph	(2)	shal l 	be	determ ined	as	of	a	date	that	is	no	m ore	than	120	
days	prior	to	the	date	of	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent	and	using 	the	sam e	cal cul ation	described	in	Question	6	
of	this	Question	and	Answer	form at.
The	term 	“m em ber	of	the	fam il y”	incl udes	any	chil d,	stepchil d,	g randchil d,	parent,	stepparent,	g randparent,	
spouse	or	spousal 	equival ent,	sibl ing ,	m other-in-l aw,	father-in-l aw,	son-in-l aw,	daug hter-in-l aw,	brother-in-l aw,	
or	sister-in-l aw	of	the	person,	and	incl udes	adoptive	rel ationships.	The	term 	“spousal 	equival ent”	m eans	a	cohabitant	occupying 	a	rel ationship	g eneral l y	equival ent	to	that	of	a	spouse.
Com pute	the	am ount	of	a	rel ated	party’s	interest	in	any	transaction	without	reg ard	to	the	am ount	of	the	profit	
or l oss	invol ved	in	the	transaction.	Where	it	is	not	practicabl e	to	state	the	approx im ate	am ount	of	the	interest,	
discl ose	the	approx im ate	am ount	invol ved	in	the	transaction.
27.	Does	the	issuer	have	an	operating 	history?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
28.	Describe	the	financial 	condition	of	the	issuer,	incl uding ,	to	the	ex tent	m aterial , l iquidity,	capital 	resources	
and	historical 	resul ts	of	operations.

The	discussion	m ust	cover	each	year	for	which	financial 	statem ents	are	provided.	Incl ude	a	discussion	of	any
k nown	m aterial 	chang es	or	trends	in	the	financial 	condition	and	resul ts	of	operations	of	the	issuer	during 	any
tim e	period	subsequent	to	the	period	for	which	financial 	statem ents	are	provided.

For	issuers	with	no	prior	operating 	history,	the	discussion	shoul d	focus	on	financial 	m il estones	and	operational ,

l iquidity	and	other	chal l eng es.

For	issuers	with	an	operating 	history,	the	discussion	shoul d	focus	on	whether	historical 	resul ts	and	cash	flows
are	representative	of	what	investors	shoul d	ex pect	in	the	future.

Tak e	into	account	the	proceeds	of	the	offering 	and	any	other	k nown	or	pending 	sources	of	capital .	Discuss	how
the	proceeds	from 	the	offering 	wil l 	affect l iquidity,	whether	receiving 	these	funds	and	any	other	additional 	funds
is	necessary	to	the	viabil ity	of	the	business,	and	how	quick l y	the	issuer	anticipates	using 	its	avail abl e	cash.	Describe	the	other	avail abl e	sources	of	capital 	to	the	business,	such	as l ines	of	credit	or	required	contributions	by
sharehol ders.

References	to	the	issuer	in	this	Question	28	and	these	instructions	refer	to	the	issuer	and	its	predecessors,	if	any.



29.	Incl ude	the	financial 	inform ation	specified	bel ow	covering 	the	two	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted

fiscal 	years	or	the	period(s)	since	inception,	if	shorter: 
Ag g reg ate	Offering 
								Am ount		 	
(defined	bel ow): 		
(a)	$107,000	or l ess: 				


Financial 	Inform ation		
Financial 	Statem ent
				Requirem ents: 
􀆑 The fol l owing  inform ation 												Financial  statem ents m ust be certified
or	their	equival ent l ine		
											by	the	principal 	ex ecutive	officer	of
item s	as	reported	on	the			
											the	issuer	as	set	forth	bel ow.
federal 	incom e	tax 	return
fil ed	by	the	issuer	for	the																			If	financial 	statem ents	are	avail abl e
m ost	recentl y	com pl eted		
											that	have	either	been	reviewed	or
year	(if	any): 		 	
											audited	by	a	publ ic	accountant	that	is
o	Total 	incom e		
											independent	of	the	issuer,	the	issuer
o	Tax abl e	incom e;	and		
											m ust	provide	those	financial 
o	Total 	tax ;			 	
											statem ents	instead	al ong 	with	a	sig ned
certified	by	the	principal 		
											audit	or	review	report	and	need	not
ex ecutive	officer	of	the	
											incl ude	the	inform ation	reported	on
issuer	to	reflect	accuratel y		 											the	federal 	incom e	tax 	returns	or	the
the	inform ation	reported	on			 											certification	of	the	principal 	ex ecutive
the	issuer’s	federal 	incom e		 											officer.
tax 	returns;	and
􀆑 Financial  statem ents of the
issuer	and	its	predecessors,
if	any.

(b)	More	than			
$107,000,	but	not		
m ore	than		 	



􀆑 Financial  statem ents of the 		
issuer	and	its	predecessors,		 	
if	any.			










Financial  statem ents m ust be
reviewed	by	a	publ ic	accountant	that
is	independent	of	the	issuer	and	m ust
incl ude	a	sig ned	review	report.	

If	financial 	statem ents	of	the	issuer
are	avail abl e	that	have	been	audited
by	a	publ ic	accountant	that	is
independent	of	the	issuer,	the	issuer
m ust	provide	those	financial 
statem ents	instead	al ong 	with	a		
												sig ned	audit	report	and	need	not	
incl ude	the	reviewed	financial 	
statem ents.


(c)	More	than			



􀆑 Financial  statem ents of the 		
issuer	and	its	predecessors,		 	
if	any.			

If the issuer has	previousl y	sol d
securities	in	rel iance	on	Reg ul ation
Crowdfunding : 

































If	the	issuer	has not	previousl y	sol d
securities	in	rel iance	on	Reg ul ation
Crowdfunding 	and	it	is	offering 	m ore
than	$535,000	but	not	m ore	than





















Financial 	statem ents	m ust	be
reviewed	by	a	publ ic	accountant
that	is	independent	of	the	issuer
and	m ust	incl ude	a	sig ned	review











If	financial 	statem ents	of	the	issuer
are	avail abl e	that	have	been
audited	by	a	publ ic	accountant	that
is	independent	of	the	issuer,	the
issuer	m ust	provide	those	financial 
statem ents	instead	al ong 	with	a
sig ned	audit	report	and	need	not
incl ude	the	reviewed	financial 
statem ents.

Financial 	statem ents	m ust	be
audited	by	a	publ ic	accoun	 	
tant	that	is	independent	of	the		
issuer	and	m ust	incl ude	a		 	
sig ned	audit	report.

INSTRUCTIONS	TO	QUESTION	29: 	To	determ ine	the	financial 	statem ents	required,	the	Ag g reg ate
Offering 	Am ount	for	purposes	of	this	Question	29	m eans	the	ag g reg ate	am ounts	offered	and	sol d	by	the
issuer,	al l 	entities	control l ed	by	or	under	com m on	control 	with	the	issuer,	and	al l 	predecessors	of	the
issuer	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)	of	the	Securities	Act	within	the	preceding 	12-m onth	period	pl us	the
current	m ax im um 	offering 	am ount	provided	on	the	cover	of	this	Form .
To	determ ine	whether	the	issuer	has	previousl y	sol d	securities	in	rel iance	on	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding 
for	purposes	of	parag raph	(c)	of	this	Question	29,	“issuer”	m eans	the	issuer,	al l 	entities	control l ed	by	or
under	com m on	control 	with	the	issuer,	and	al l 	predecessors	of	the	issuer.
Financial 	statem ents	m ust	be	prepared	in	accordance	with	U.S.	g eneral l y	accepted	accounting 	principl es
and	m ust	incl ude	bal ance	sheets,	statem ents	of	com prehensive	incom e,	statem ents	of	cash	flows,
statem ents	of	chang es	in	stock hol ders’	equity	and	notes	to	the	financial 	statem ents.	If	the	financial 
statem ents	are	not	audited,	they	shal l 	be l abel ed	as	“unaudited.”
Issuers	offering 	securities	and	required	to	provide	the	inform ation	set	forth	in	row	(a)	before	fil ing 	a	tax 
return	for	the	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 	year	m ay	provide	inform ation	from 	the	tax 	return	fil ed	for
the	prior	year	(if	any),	provided	that	the	issuer	provides	inform ation	from 	the	tax 	return	for	the	m ost


recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 	year	when	it	is	fil ed,	if	fil ed	during 	the	offering 	period.	An	issuer	that

requested	an	ex tension	of	the	tim e	to	fil e	woul d	not	be	required	to	provide	inform ation	from 	the	tax 
return	until 	the	date	when	the	return	is	fil ed,	if	fil ed	during 	the	offering 	period.
A	principal 	ex ecutive	officer	certifying 	financial 	statem ents	as	described	above	m ust	provide	the
fol l owing 	certification**: 

I,	[identify	the	certifying 	individual ],	certify	that: 


(1)		 the	financial 	statem ents	of	[identify	the	issuer]	incl uded	in	this	Form 	are	true	and
com pl ete	in	al l 	m aterial 	respects;	and


(2)		 the	tax 	return	inform ation	of	[identify	the	issuer]	incl uded	in	this	Form 	reflects
accuratel y	the	inform ation	reported	on	the	tax 	return	for	[identify	the	issuer]	fil ed	for	the	fiscal 
year	ended	[date	of	m ost	recent	tax 	return].

[Sig nature]
[Titl e]
**	Intentional 	m isstatem ents	or	om issions	of	facts	constitute	federal 	crim inal 	viol ations.	See	18	U.S.C.
To	qual ify	as	a	publ ic	accountant	that	is	independent	of	the	issuer	for	purposes	of	this	Question	29,	the
accountant	m ust	satisfy	the	independence	standards	of	either: 
(i)	Rul e	2-01	of	Reg ul ation	S-X	or
(ii)	the	AICPA.
The	publ ic	accountant	that	audits	or	reviews	the	financial 	statem ents	provided	by	an	issuer	m ust	be	(1)
dul y	reg istered	and	in	g ood	standing 	as	a	certified	publ ic	accountant	under	the l aws	of	the	pl ace	of	his	or
her	residence	or	principal 	office	or	(2)	in	g ood	standing 	and	entitl ed	to	practice	as	a	publ ic	accountant
under	the l aws	of	his	or	her	pl ace	of	residence	or	principal 	office.
An	issuer	wil l 	not	be	in	com pl iance	with	the	requirem ent	to	provide	reviewed	financial 	statem ent	if	the
issuer	received	a	review	report	that	incl udes	m odifications.	An	issuer	wil l 	not	be	in	com pl iance	with	the
requirem ent	to	provide	audited	financial 	statem ents	if	the	issuer	received	a	qual ified	opinion,	an	adverse
opinion,	or	a	discl aim er	of	opinion.
The	issuer	m ust	notify	the	publ ic	accountant	of	the	issuer’s	intended	use	of	the	publ ic	accountant’s	audit
or	review	report	in	the	offering .
For	an	offering 	conducted	in	the	first	120	days	of	a	fiscal 	year,	the	financial 	statem ents	provided	m ay	be
for	the	two	fiscal 	years	prior	to	the	issuer’s	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 	year;	however,	financial 
statem ents	for	the	two	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 	years	m ust	be	provided	if	they	are	otherwise
avail abl e.	If	m ore	than	120	days	have	passed	since	the	end	of	the	issuer’s	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 
year,	the	financial 	statem ents	provided	m ust	be	for	the	issuer’s	two	m ost	recentl y	com pl eted	fiscal 	years.
If	the	120th	day	fal l s	on	a	Saturday,	Sunday,	or	hol iday,	the	nex t	business	day	shal l 	be	considered	the
120th	day	for	purposes	of	determ ining 	the	ag e	of	the	financial 	statem ents.
An	issuer	m ay	el ect	to	del ay	com pl ying 	with	any	new	or	revised	financial 	accounting 	standard	until 	the
date	that	a	com pany	that	is	not	an	issuer	(as	defined	under	section	2(a)	of	the	Sarbanes-Ox l ey	Act	of

2002	is	required	to	com pl y	with	such	new	or	revised	accounting 	standard,	if	such	standard	al so	appl ies	to
com panies	that	are	not	issuers.	Issuers	el ecting 	such	ex tension	of	tim e	accom m odation	m ust	discl ose	it
at	the	tim e	the	issuer	fil es	its	offering 	statem ent	and	appl y	the	el ection	to	al l 	standards.	Issuers	el ecting 
not	to	use	this	accom m odation	m ust	forg o	this	accom m odation	for	al l 	financial 	accounting 	standards	and
m ay	not	el ect	to	rel y	on	this	accom m odation	in	any	future	fil ing s.

30.	With	respect	to	the	issuer,	any	predecessor	of	the	issuer,	any	affil iated	issuer,	any	director,
officer,	g eneral 	partner	or	m anag ing 	m em ber	of	the	issuer,	any	beneficial 	owner	of	20	percent	or
m ore	of	the	issuer’s	outstanding 	voting 	equity	securities,	cal cul ated	in	the	sam e	form 	as
described	in	Question	6	of	this	Question	and	Answer	form at,	any	prom oter	connected	with	the
issuer	in	any	capacity	at	the	tim e	of	such	sal e,	any	person	that	has	been	or	wil l 	be	paid	(directl y
or	indirectl y)	rem uneration	for	sol icitation	of	purchasers	in	connection	with	such	sal e	of
securities,	or	any	g eneral 	partner,	director,	officer	or	m anag ing 	m em ber	of	any	such	sol icitor,
prior	to	May	16,	2016: 


(1)	Has	any	such	person	been	convicted,	within	10	years	(or	five	years,	in	the	case	of	issuers,	their	pre	 	
decessors	and	affil iated	issuers)	before	the	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent,	of	any	fel ony	or	m is	 	
dem eanor: 
(i)	in	connection	with	the	purchase	or	sal e	of	any	security?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(ii)	invol ving 	the	m ak ing 	of	any	fal se	fil ing 	with	the	Com m ission?

􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

(iii)	arising 	out	of	the	conduct	of	the	business	of	an	underwriter,	brok er,	deal er,	m unicipal 	
securities	eal er,	investm ent	adviser,	funding 	portal 	or	paid	sol icitor	of	purchasers	of	securities?	
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

If	Yes	to	any	of	the	above,	ex pl ain: 	__________________________________

(2)	Is	any	such	person	subject	to	any	order,	judg m ent	or	decree	of	any	court	of	com petent	jurisdiction,		 	
entered	within	five	years	before	the	fil ing 	of	the	inform ation	required	by	Section	4A(b)	of	the	Securities			
Act	that,	at	the	tim e	of	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent,	restrains	or	enjoins	such	person	from 	eng ag ing 	or		
continuing 	to	eng ag e	in	any	conduct	or	practice: 
(i)	in	connection	with	the	purchase	or	sal e	of	any	security?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No;
(ii)	invol ving 	the	m ak ing 	of	any	fal se	fil ing 	with	the	Com m ission?

􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

(iii)	arising 	out	of	the	conduct	of	the	business	of	an	underwriter,	brok er,	deal er,
m unicipal 	securities	deal er,	investm ent	adviser,	funding 	portal 	or	paid	sol icitor
of	purchasers	of	securities?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

If	Yes	to	any	of	the	above,	ex pl ain: 	__________________________________

(3)	Is	any	such	person	subject	to	a	final 	order	of	a	state	securities	com m ission	(or	an	ag ency
or	officer	of	a	state	perform ing 	l ik e	functions);	a	state	authority	that	supervises	or
ex am ines	bank s,	saving s	associations	or	credit	unions;	a	state	insurance	com m ission	(or
an	ag ency	or	officer	of	a	state	perform ing 	l ik e	functions);	an	appropriate	federal 	bank ing 
ag ency;	the	U.S.	Com m odity	Futures	Trading 	Com m ission;	or	the	National 	Credit	Union
Adm inistration	that: 



(i)	at	the	tim e	of	the	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent	bars	the	person	from : 
(A)	association	with	an	entity	reg ul ated	by	such	com m ission,	authority,
ag ency	or	officer?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No




(B)	eng ag ing 	in	the	business	of	securities,	insurance	or	bank ing ?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(C)	eng ag ing 	in	saving s	association	or	credit	union	activities?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(ii)	constitutes	a	final 	order	based	on	a	viol ation	of	any l aw	or	reg ul ation	that
prohibits	fraudul ent,	m anipul ative	or	deceptive	conduct	and	for	which	the	order
was	entered	within	the	10-year	period	ending 	on	the	date	of	the	fil ing 	of	this
offering 	statem ent?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


If	Yes	to	any	of	the	above,	ex pl ain: 	_______________________________________


(4)	Is	any	such	person	subject	to	an	order	of	the	Com m ission	entered	pursuant	to	Section
15(b)	or	15B(c)	of	the	Ex chang e	Act	or	Section	203(e)	or	(f)	of	the	Investm ent	Advisers
Act	of	1940	that,	at	the	tim e	of	the	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent: 
(i)	suspends	or	revok es	such	person’s	reg istration	as	a	brok er,	deal er,	m unicipal 
securities	deal er,	investm ent	adviser	or	funding 	portal ?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(ii)	pl aces l im itations	on	the	activities,	functions	or	operations	of	such	person?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(iii)	bars	such	person	from 	being 	associated	with	any	entity	or	from 	participating 	in
the	offering 	of	any	penny	stock ?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


If	Yes	to	any	of	the	above,	ex pl ain: 	______________________________________


(5)	Is	any	such	person	subject	to	any	order	of	the	Com m ission	entered	within	five	years
before	the	fil ing 	of	this	offering 	statem ent	that,	at	the	tim e	of	the	fil ing 	of	this	offering 
statem ent,	orders	the	person	to	cease	and	desist	from 	com m itting 	or	causing 	a	viol ation
or	future	viol ation	of: 
(i)	any	scienter-based	anti-fraud	provision	of	the	federal 	securities l aws,	incl uding 
without l im itation	Section	17(a)(1)	of	the	Securities	Act,	Section	10(b)	of	the
Ex chang e	Act,	Section	15(c)(1)	of	the	Ex chang e	Act	and	Section	206(1)	of	the
Investm ent	Advisers	Act	of	1940	or	any	other	rul e	or	reg ul ation	thereunder?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
(ii)	Section	5	of	the	Securities	Act?	􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No


If	Yes	to	either	of	the	above,	ex pl ain: 	_____________________________________


(6)	Is	any	such	person	suspended	or	ex pel l ed	from 	m em bership	in,	or	suspended	or	barred
from 	association	with	a	m em ber	of,	a	reg istered	national 	securities	ex chang e	or	a
reg istered	national 	or	affil iated	securities	association	for	any	act	or	om ission	to	act
constituting 	conduct	inconsistent	with	just	and	equitabl e	principl es	of	trade?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
If	Yes,	ex pl ain: 	_________________________________________________


(7)	Has	any	such	person	fil ed	(as	a	reg istrant	or	issuer),	or	was	any	such	person	or	was	any
such	person	nam ed	as	an	underwriter	in,	any	reg istration	statem ent	or	Reg ul ation	A
offering 	statem ent	fil ed	with	the	Com m ission	that,	within	five	years	before	the	fil ing 	of
this	offering 	statem ent,	was	the	subject	of	a	refusal 	order,	stop	order,	or	order
suspending 	the	Reg ul ation	A	ex em ption,	or	is	any	such	person,	at	the	tim e	of	such	fil ing ,
the	subject	of	an	investig ation	or	proceeding 	to	determ ine	whether	a	stop	order	or
suspension	order	shoul d	be	issued?



􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No

If	Yes,	ex pl ain: 	___________________________________________


(8)	Is	any	such	person	subject	to	a	United	States	Postal 	Service	fal se	representation	order
entered	within	five	years	before	the	fil ing 	of	the	inform ation	required	by	Section	4A(b)
of	the	Securities	Act,	or	is	any	such	person,	at	the	tim e	of	fil ing 	of	this	offering 
statem ent,	subject	to	a	tem porary	restraining 	order	or	prel im inary	injunction	with	respect
to	conduct	al l eg ed	by	the	United	States	Postal 	Service	to	constitute	a	schem e	or	device
for	obtaining 	m oney	or	property	throug h	the	m ail 	by	m eans	of	fal se	representations?
􀆑  Yes 􀆑  No
If	Yes,	ex pl ain: 	____________________________________________

If you would have answered “Yes” to any of these questions had the conviction, order, judgment,
decree, suspension, expulsion or bar occurred or been issued after May 16, 2016, then you are NOT
eligible to rely on this exemption under Section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act.
INSTRUCTIONS	TO	QUESTION	30: 	Final 	order	m eans	a	written	directive	or	decl aratory	statem ent
issued	by	a	federal 	or	state	ag ency,	described	in	Rul e	503(a)(3)	of	Reg ul ation	Crowdfunding ,	under
appl icabl e	statutory	authority	that	provides	for	notice	and	an	opportunity	for	hearing ,	which	constitutes	a
final 	disposition	or	action	by	that	federal 	or	state	ag ency.
No	m atters	are	required	to	be	discl osed	with	respect	to	events	rel ating 	to	any	affil iated	issuer	that
occurred	before	the	affil iation	arose	if	the	affil iated	entity	is	not	(i)	in	control 	of	the	issuer	or	(ii)	under
com m on	control 	with	the	issuer	by	a	third	party	that	was	in	control 	of	the	affil iated	entity	at	the	tim e	of
such	events.

In	addition	to	the	inform ation	ex pressl y	required	to	be	incl uded	in	this	Form ,	incl ude: 
(1)	any	other	m aterial 	inform ation	presented	to	investors;	and
(2)	such	further	m aterial 	inform ation,	if	any,	as	m ay	be	necessary	to	m ak e	the	required
statem ents,	in	the l ig ht	of	the	circum stances	under	which	they	are	m ade,	not
m isl eading .

INSTRUCTIONS	TO	QUESTION	31: 	If	inform ation	is	presented	to	investors	in	a	form at,	m edia	or
other	m eans	not	abl e	to	be	reflected	in	tex t	or	portabl e	docum ent	form at,	the	issuer	shoul d	incl ude
(a)	a	description	of	the	m aterial 	content	of	such	inform ation;
(b)	a	description	of	the	form at	in	which	such	discl osure	is	presented;	and
(c)	in	the	case	of	discl osure	in	video,	audio	or	other	dynam ic	m edia	or	form at,	a	transcript	or
description	of	such	discl osure.



The	issuer	wil l 	fil e	a	report	el ectronical l y	with	the	Securities	&	Ex chang e	Com m ission	annual l y	and	post	the	
report	on	its	website,	no l ater	than: 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(120	days	after	the	end	of	each	fiscal 	year	covered	by	the	report).
Once	posted,	the	annual 	report	m ay	be	found	on	the	issuer’s	website	at: 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The	issuer	m ust	continue	to	com pl y	with	the	ong oing 	reporting 	requirem ents	until : 
(1)			 the	issuer	is	required	to	fil e	reports	under	Section	13(a)	or	Section	15(d)	of	the	Ex chang e	Act;
(2)			 The	issuer	has	fil ed,	since	its	m ost	recent	sal e	of	securities	pursuant	to	this	part,	at l east	one	
annual 	report	pursuant	to	this	section	and	has	fewer	than	300	hol ders	of	record;
(3)			 The	issuer	has	fil ed,	since	its	m ost	recent	sal e	of	securities	pursuant	to	this	part,	the	annual 		
												reports	required	pursuant	to	this	section	for	at l east	the	three	m ost	recent	years	and	has	total 		
assets	that	do	not	ex ceed	$10,000,000;
(4)			 the	issuer	or	another	party	repurchases	al l 	of	the	securities	issued	in	rel iance	on	Section	4(a)(6)		
of	the	Securities	Act,	incl uding 	any	paym ent	in	ful l 	of	debt	securities	or	any	com pl ete	redem p-	
tion	of	redeem abl e	securities;	or
(5)			 the	issuer l iquidates	or	dissol ves	its	business	in	accordance	with	state l aw.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm C
SubjectSEC 2930, Date: 2017-04-14
AuthorU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
File Modified2017-04-14
File Created2014-01-23

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