LES-FA Pilot Study Instrument

Fourth National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children (NISMART-4)

LES-FA Pilot Study Instrument (Appendix 12, Attachment A)

Pilot LES-FA

OMB: 1121-0370

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Attachment A: Draft LES-FA Survey
FA1 Please give your contact information here so the researchers can reach you with any questions after
they review your survey. This information will be deleted as soon as the research team verifies that your
survey is complete.
 Name and title (1) _________________________________________
 Telephone number (2) ______________________________________
 Email address (3) __________________________________________
NISMART LES-FA Definitions of Family Abduction and Family Member
FA2 Your agency’s case number for this investigation is [number will be provided].
Please confirm that this incident involves a family member who took or kept a child in violation of a
court order, written agreement or mutual understanding about custody or visitation rights.
A family member includes 1) a biological, adoptive, step or foster family
member, 2) someone acting on behalf of such a family member, or 3) the
romantic partner of a parent.

 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
Box 1
If FA2 = 2 (case is not FA) or FA2 = 3 (don’t know) and respondent has no additional surveys, go to
ENDSURVEY1. If FA2 = 2 or FA2 = 3 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.

FA3 Was this violation of a court order, written agreement or mutual understanding reported between
[time frame to be established]?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response as web survey and 30 minutes as
telephone interview, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the National Institute of Justice, 810 Seventh Street NW, Washington, DC 20531.

NISMART-4 D raft LES-F A Questionnaire

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Box 2
If FA3 = 2 (case not in time frame) or FA2 = 3 (don’t know) and respondent has no additional surveys, go to
ENDSURVEY1. If FA3 = 2 or FA3 = 3 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.

NISMART LES-FA Criteria for Missing Child
FA4 Did your agency make a missing child report about a child involved in this incident to ... (Please
respond to both options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

National Crime
Information Center
(NCIC)? (1)




Your state's Missing Child
Clearing House? (2)




NISMART LES-FA criteria for Qualifying Family Abduction
FA5 Did a perpetrator in this incident … (Please respond to all statements.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Attempt to conceal the
taking or whereabouts of
a child with the intent to
prevent return, contact or
visitation? (1)




Transport or intend to
transport a child from the
state for the purpose of
making recovery more
difficult? (2)




Intend to prevent contact
with a child on an
indefinite basis? (3)




Intend to affect custodial
privileges indefinitely? (4)




Box 3
If none of the answers to FA5 = 1 (Yes), and respondent has no additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY1. If none
of the answers to FA5 = 1 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.

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FA6 Did the person who reported this incident primarily want law enforcement to...
 Locate and recover a child whose whereabouts were not known, or (1)
 Recover a child whose whereabouts were known? (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)
NISMART LES-FA Definition of Whereabouts Unknown
FA7 Did the person who reported this incident have an address, telephone number or other information
that worked to contact the child or the perpetrator?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
NISMART LES-FA Definition of Violation of Custody Agreement
FA8 Did the person who reported this incident state that a specific part of a court order, written
agreement or mutual understanding about custody or visitation rights had been violated?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)____________________________________________________FA10
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_____________________________ FA10
FA9 What were the conditions of the court order, written agreement or mutual understanding that this
episode violated?
[TEXT ENTRY_________________________________________________

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NISMART LES-FA Endangerment Categories
FA10 Did the person who reported this incident believe that a child was at risk of any of the following
while in the company of the perpetrator? (Please respond to all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Physical assault (1)




Sexual assault (2)




Neglect of basic needs
(food, shelter,
supervision, etc.) (3)




Neglect of medical needs




Other health problem (5)




Physical injury (6)




NISMART LES-FA Narrative of Incident
FA11 Please describe briefly what happened during this episode. To the best of your knowledge, how
did it take place and why? What happened to the child or children during and after the incident?
[TEXT ENTRY]________________________________________________
FA12 Did your agency ultimately determine that this incident was a criminal matter or a civil matter?
 Criminal matter (1)
 Civil matter (2)_____________________________________________FA15
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_____________________________ FA15
FA13 Did your agency consider this to be an abduction or kidnapping?
 Yes (1)___________________________________________________ FA15
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA14 What type of criminal incident did your agency consider this to be?

Custodial interference (1)
Child endangerment (2)
Denial of access to a child (3)
Something else (Please describe) (4) ___________________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (5)

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FA15 Next are questions about each child involved in this incident. First, did this incident involve more
than one child victim?
 Yes (Enter number of child victims) (1) ____
 No, 1 child victim (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

If more than one child was involved, please start
with the oldest.

FA16 Is this child a boy or a girl?
 Boy (1)
 Girl (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA17 How old was this child when this incident was first reported to police?
 Less than 1 year old (1)
 1 year old or older (Please enter age in years) (2) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA18 Is this child Hispanic or Latino/a?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA19 What is this child's race?

White (1)
Black or African American (2)
American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
Asian (4)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (5)
Other (Please describe) (6) __________________________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (7)

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FA20 Did the person who reported this incident have sole or joint custody of this child based on a court
order, written agreement or mutual understanding?

Yes, sole custody (1)
Yes, joint custody (2)
No, did not have custody (3)
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)

Box 4
If FA15 = 1 (multiple children) and FA20 = 3 (no custody) or FA20 = 4 (don’t know) go to Box 8.
If FA15 = 2 (one child) and FA20 = 3 or FA20 = 4 and respondent has no additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY1.
If FA15 = 2 and FA20 = 3 or FA20 = 4 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.

FA21 How was the person who reported this incident related to this child as a family member?
A family member includes 1) a biological, adoptive, step or foster
family member, 2) someone acting on behalf of such a family
member, or 3) the romantic partner of a parent.


Biological or adoptive mother (1)
Biological or adoptive father (2)
Step-mother (3)
Step-father (4)
Other relative such as grandparent, aunt, etc. [This option will pull up a pre-coded list.] (5)
Foster parent (6)
Legal guardian (7)
Romantic partner of a parent, or (8)
Someone acting on behalf of a family member [This option will pull up a pre-coded list.] (9)
Someone else? (Please describe) (10) ___________________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (11)

NISMART-4 D raft LES-F A Questionnaire

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FA22 Was the perpetrator a family member of this child or acting on behalf of a family member of this
A family member includes 1) a biological, adoptive, step or foster
family member, 2) someone acting on behalf of such a family
member, or 3) the romantic partner of a parent.


Yes, a family member (1)
Yes, acting on behalf of a family member (2)
No (3)
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)

Box 5
If FA15 = 1 (multiple children) and FA22 = 3 (perpetrator not family member) or FA22 = 4 (don’t know) go to
Box 8. If FA15 = 2 (one child) and FA22 = 3 or FA22 = 4 and respondent has no additional surveys, go to
If FA15 = 2 (one child) and FA22 = 3 or FA22 = 4 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.
If FA20 = 2 (the reporter had joint custody) and FA22 = 1 (perpetrator was family member) or FA22 = 2
(perpetrator was acting on behalf of a family member) go to FA23.
Otherwise go to FA25.

FA23 Did the family member responsible for this incident share joint custody of this child with the
person who reported it?
Answer “Yes” if the person responsible was acting on behalf of a family
member who shared joint custody with the reporter of the incident.

 Yes (1)___________________________________________________ FA25
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_____________________________ FA25
FA24 Who shared joint custody of this child with the person who reported this incident?
[TEXT ENTRY] ________________________________________________

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FA25 How was the perpetrator related to the child? Was the perpetrator a...

Biological or adoptive mother of the child (1)
Biological or adoptive father of the child (2)
Step-mother (3)
Step-father (4)
Other relative such as grandparent, aunt, etc. [This option will pull up a pre-coded list.] (5)
Foster parent (6)
Legal guardian (7)
Romantic partner of a parent (8)
Someone acting on behalf of a family member? [This option will pull up a pre-coded list.] (9)
Don't know/Cannot determine (10)

FA26 What parents did this child live with when this incident began?
 Two married biological parents (1)
 Two married parents, one or both not biological, but both having a legal relationship to the child,
such as adoption (2)
 Two unmarried parents, biological or other (3)
 One unmarried parent with a live-in partner who was not the child’s parent) (4)
 A single parent (no live-in partner) (5)
 No parent (6)
 Other situation (Please describe) (9)______________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (10)
FA27 As far as you know, did this child have any serious or permanent physical or mental disabilities,
impairments or life threatening medical conditions when this incident was reported to police?
 Yes (Please describe) (1) ____________________________________
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

Box 6
If FA6 = 1 (reporter primarily wanted LE to locate and recover child whose whereabouts were unknown) go to
FA28. If FA6 = 2 (reporter primarily wanted LE to recover a child whose whereabouts were known) go to FA29.

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NISMART LES-FA Definition of Recovery
FA28 What was the outcome of this incident for this child?

Returned home (1)_________________________________________FA31
Located, but not returned (2)_________________________________FA30
Not returned and not located (3)______________________________FA33
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)_____________________________FA34

NISMART LES-FA Definition of Recovery
FA29 What was the outcome of this incident for this child?
 Returned home (1)_________________________________________FA31
 Not returned home (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)_____________________________FA34
FA30 Please explain why the child was not returned.
[TEXT ENTRY]_________________________________________________
Box 7
If FA28 = 2 (the child was located but not returned) go to FA32.
If FA29 = 2 (the child was not returned) go to FA33.

FA31 How long did the perpetrator keep the child in violation of a court order, written agreement or
mutual understanding about custody or visitation before the child was returned home? (Your best
estimate is fine.) Please enter the number of hours, days, weeks or months below.

Hours (1) ____________________
Days (2) ____________________
Weeks (3) ____________________
Months (4) ____________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (5)

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FA32 How long did the perpetrator keep the child in violation of a court order, written agreement or
mutual understanding about custody or visitation before the child was located? (Your best estimate is
fine.) Please enter the number of hours, days, weeks or months below.

Hours (1) ____________________
Days (2) ____________________
Weeks (3) ____________________
Months (4) ____________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (5)

FA33 How long has the perpetrator kept the child in violation of a court order, written agreement or
mutual understanding about custody or visitation? (Your best estimate is fine.) Please enter the number
of hours, days, weeks or months below.

Hours (1) ____________________
Days (2) ____________________
Weeks (3) ____________________
Months (4) ____________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (5)

FA34 To the best of your knowledge, did this child suffer any physical or sexual abuse, neglect or injury
during this episode?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)___________________________________________________ Box 8
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_____________________________Box 8

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FA35 Did any of the following occur? (Please respond to all statements.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

The child was sexually
abused (1)




The child was physically
abused (2)




The child's basic needs
were neglected (food,
supervision) (3)




The child's medical needs
were neglected
(medications, medical
care) (4)




The child suffered an
accidental injury that
required medical
attention (5)




Something else (Please
describe) (6)




Box 8
If FA15=1 (multiple children), questions FA16—FA35 will repeat for each child. After last child, go to FA36.

FA36 Did this incident involve more than one perpetrator?
 Yes (Enter number of perpetrators) (1) _________________________
 No, 1 perpetrator (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA37 Was the perpetrator male or female?

 Male (1)
 Female (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

NISMART-4 D raft LES-F A Questionnaire

If more than one perpetrator, please answer the
following questions about the family member who was
most responsible for the incident.

1 2 -1 2

FA38 As far as you know, what was this perpetrator's age at the time of the report?

Teens (1)
20s (2)
30s (3)
40s (4)
50s (5)
60s (6)
70s (7)
80s (8)
Don't know/Cannot determine (9)

FA39 Is he/she of Hispanic or Latino origin?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
FA40 What is his/her race?

White (1)
Black or African American (2)
American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
Asian (4)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (5)
Other (Please describe) (6) ____________________
Don't know/Cannot determine (7)

FA41 As part of this incident, did the perpetrator take a child to another state or country?
If more than one child, please answer the next questions
about all of the children involved in the incident.


Yes, another state (1)
Yes, another country (2)
No (3)____________________________________________________FA43
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)_____________________________ FA43

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FA42 Did the perpetrator take a child to another state or country for any of these reasons? (Please
respond to all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

To take a vacation (1)




To go to the perpetrator's
residence (2)




To visit relatives (3)




To make the recovery or
return of a child more
difficult (4)




To make contact with a
child more difficult (5)




FA43 Did the perpetrator do any of the following at any point during this incident? (Please respond to all
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Threaten violence to a
child (1)




Use force against a child




Use a weapon to
threaten or harm a child




Threaten violence to any
other person (4)




Use force against any
other person (5)




Use a weapon to
threaten or harm any
other person (6)




NISMART-4 D raft LES-F A Questionnaire

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FA44 How did your agency respond to the report? (Please respond to all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Took a report over the
telephone (1)




Sent officers to the child's
household or to the scene




Interviewed household
members (3)




Made a written report (4)




Got photos of the child or
children (5)




Collected evidence such
as fingerprints or
inventory (6)




Questioned witnesses or
suspects (7)




Conducted a search for
the child/children (8)




Contacted NCMEC (11)




Made an arrest (12)




Investigated or
responded in other ways
(Please describe) (13)




FA45 Did your agency bring other agencies into the investigation or refer the case to another agency?

Yes, brought other agency or agencies into the investigation (1)
Yes, referred the case to another agency (2)
No (3)
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)

Box 9
If FA45 = 3 (did not bring in or refer to other agencies) or FA45 = 4 (don’t know) and respondent has no
additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY3. If FA45 = 3 or FA45 = 4 and respondent has additional surveys, go to

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FA46 What agencies were brought into the investigation or did you refer the case to? Please list each
agency by name, county and state.
[TEXT ENTRY]_________________________________________________

Box 10
If FA45 = 1 or FA45 = 2 (brought in or referred to other agencies), and respondent has no additional surveys, go
to ENDSURVEY3. If FA45 = 1 or FA45 = 2 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY4.

We would now like to ask you just a few questions about your experiences answering questions about
this case.

First, did you find any questions difficult to answer? If so, which ones and what them difficult?


Are there any questions I should have asked about this case but didn’t? If yes, what other parts
of the case should we know about?


How did you feel about the length of the survey?

ENDSURVEY1 We are only including certain incidents in this study and this case does not qualify. There
are no further questions about this case. Thank you for your time.

ENDSURVEY2 We are only including certain incidents in this study and this case does not qualify. Please
use this link to access questions about your next case that may qualify for this study: [To be added].

ENDSURVEY3 Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your help and your contribution to
understanding the problem of children abducted by family members.

ENDSURVEY4 Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your help and your contribution to
understanding the problem of children abducted by family members. Please use this link to access
questions about your next case that may qualify for this study: [To be added].

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