DSF0200 Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer Report

Diesel Fuel Regulations (40 CFR part 80, subpart I) (Renewal)

Instructions for DSF0200

Fuel Quality Regulations for Diesel Fuel Sold in 2001 & Later Years; for Tax-Exempt (Dyed) Highway Diesel Fuel; & Nonroad Locomotive & Marine Diesel Fuel (Renewal)

OMB: 2060-0308

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Facility MVNRLM Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0308 Expires 12/31/2011

Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Report
Report Form ID: DSF0200

Issue Date: 08/01/2005
Revised: 04/29/2011

A company must submit a separate Credit Transfer Report for each transaction of credits it conducts
during a given compliance year. Also, a single transaction may be for only one credit type and for one
credit area.

Reports using this form must be submitted annually by August 31 .
Please check the Diesel Fuel Reporting Forms web site for updated instructions and report form
templates: http://epa.gov/otaq/regs/fuels/dieselfms.htm
For information on submitting this report using EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) visit:

Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions


Report Form ID

AAAAAAA; Character. Enter DSF0200 for this Diesel
Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer Report


Report Type

A; Character. Submit only one original report, submit any
corrections or updates as resubmission(s):
O: Original
R: Resubmission



A; Character. Specify if the data contained within the
report is claimed as Confidential Business Information
(CBI) under 40 CFR Part 2, subpart B:
Y: Confidential Business Information
N: Non-Confidential Business Information


Report Date

MM/DD/YYYY; Character. Enter the date you create this
report. If resubmitting, use the current date and not the
date on the original report.


Report Year

YYYY; Character. The report year is determined by the
annual compliance period. If an annual compliance period
spans two years, enter the second year (e.g. for the
compliance year June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007 use


Company/Entity ID

AAAA; Character. Enter the four-digit, EPA-assigned ID
for the company/entity (refiner, importer, etc.).


Facility ID

AAAAA; Character. Enter the five-digit, EPA-assigned ID
for the facility. Please include any preceding zeros.



A; Character. Credit Trading Area (CTA). For motor
vehicle diesel fuel credits only, enter the appropriate credit
trading area code as defined in 80.531(a)(5) - Areas are
numbered 1 through 7. Enter NA if not applicable.

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Facility MVNRLM Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0308 Expires 12/31/2011

Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Report
Report Form ID: DSF0200

Issue Date: 08/01/2005
Revised: 04/29/2011


Field Name


Port Name

AAAAA; Character (125 max.). Enter the name of the
port of importation. For motor vehicle diesel fuel credits
banked or generated by importers and foreign refiners
only. Enter NA if not applicable.


Creation Year

YYYY; Number. Enter the compliance period year the
original credits were generated. If the compliance period
spanned two years, enter the second year of the period
(e.g. for the compliance year June 1, 2006 through May
31, 2007 use 2007). A separate report should be
completed for each creation year.


Credit Type

AAAAAA; Character. Enter the appropriate credit
description code from the following list.


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Credits
DMVCR0: original credit
DMVCR1: credit transferred once
DMVCR2: credit transferred twice
NRLM Diesel Fuel High Sulfur Credits
DNRHS0: original credit
DNRHS1: credit transferred once
DNRHS2: credit transferred twice
NRLM Diesel Fuel 500 ppm Credits
DNRFH0: original credit
DNRFH1: credit transferred once
DNRFH2: credit transferred twice
Sellers – enter the credit description code which
describes the credits as you had owned them.
Buyers – Inter-company/entity transactions must
increment the credit description code to the next value;
the value as you will own them. (e.g. if you purchased 10
DMVCR0 credits, you will own them as 10 DMVCR1
credits). Intra-company/entity transactions are not

Transaction Date

MM/DD/YYYY; Character. Enter the date the credit
transaction was completed.


Transaction Type

AAA; Character. Indicate whether you are the buyer or
the seller of credits in this transaction.
BUY: buyer (receiver)
SEL: seller (source)
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Facility MVNRLM Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0308 Expires 12/31/2011

Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Report
Report Form ID: DSF0200

Issue Date: 08/01/2005
Revised: 04/29/2011

Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions




999999999999; Number. Enter the total credits involved
(for the credit type noted in field number 11) in the


Partner CoID

AAAA; Character. Enter the four-digit, EPA assigned
company ID for the company/entity you have conducted
the transaction with.


Partner Name

AAAAA; Character (125 max.). Enter the name of the
entity you have conducted the transaction with.


Partner FacID

AAAAA; Character. Enter the five-digit, EPA assigned
facility ID for the company/entity’s facility that you have
conducted the transaction with.



AAAAA; Character (125 max.). Enter the address for the
company/entity you have conducted the transaction with;
or, for motor vehicle diesel fuel credits transactions
involving a partner that is an importer/foreign refiner, enter
the name of the port of importation.


Partner CTA

A; Character. Enter the credit trading area (CTA) for the
company/entity that you have conducted the transaction
with. (If applicable) For motor vehicle diesel fuel credits
only, enter the appropriate credit trading area code as
defined in 80.531(a)(5). Areas are numbered 1 through 7.

Electronic Submission Sample Record:
1111,"Company B",12345,"5 Elm El Paso TX",3

1. Transferring credits
A. Inter-Company/Entity: Transfer of Credits from one company=s facility to another company=s facility.
Facility 12345 of company 1111 transfers 25000, 2004, credits which have been previously
transfer once before (DMVCR1) to facility 54321of company 2222 on October 25, 2005.
Following are samples of DSF0200 -- Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Reports for
the transaction described. Note that this transaction requires incrementing the credit type by the
Facility 12345, Company 1111 submission
2222,”Company A”, 54321,”10 Main St Houston TX”,3

Page 3

Facility MVNRLM Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0308 Expires 12/31/2011

Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Report
Report Form ID: DSF0200

Issue Date: 08/01/2005
Revised: 04/29/2011

Facility 54321, Company 2222 submission
1111,”Company B”,12345,”213 Southern Blvd Springfield LA”,3

Intra-Company/Entity: Transfer of credits from facility(a) to facility(b) within the same
Facility 12345 of company 1111 transfers 25000, 2004, credits which have been previously
transfer once before (DC1) to facility 67890 in the same company on October 25, 2005. Following
are samples of DSF0200 -- Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Reports for the
transaction described. Note that no incrementing of the credit type is required by the buyer.
Facility 12345, Company 1111 submission
1111,”Company B”,67890,”5 Elm El Paso TX”,3
Facility 67890, Company 1111 submission
1111,”Company B”,12345,”200 C Street Huntsville AL”,3


Converting NRLM Diesel Fuel High Sulfur Credits to NRLM Diesel Fuel 500 ppm
Facility 12345 of company 1111 converts 25000, 2010, credits which have not been previously
transferred (DNRHS0). Following are samples of DSF0200 -- Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer /
Conversion Reports for the transaction described. Note that no incrementing of the credit type is
to occur for the conversion.
Facility 12345, Company 1111 submission
1111,"Company B",12345,"5 Elm El Paso TX",3
Facility 67890, Company 1111 submission
1111,"Company B",12345,"5 Elm El Paso TX",3

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20
minutes per response. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and
disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search
data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the
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Facility MVNRLM Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0308 Expires 12/31/2011

Diesel Fuel Sulfur Credit Transfer / Conversion Report
Report Form ID: DSF0200

Issue Date: 08/01/2005
Revised: 04/29/2011

information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates,
and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated
collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any
correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

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