Supporting Statement A-2019

Supporting Statement A-2019.doc

Department of Defense (DoD) Passport and Passport Agent Services, Authorization to Apply for a "No-Fee" Passport and/or Request for Visa

OMB: 0702-0134

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    1. Need for the Information Collection

The Deputy Secretary of Defense and in accordance with DoD Directive 1000.21M, the Secretary of the Army is designated as the Department of Defense (DoD) Executive Agent (EA) for all DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services. This includes the preparation and processing of all required documents for the acquisition and control of no-fee passports and/or visas necessary for official government travel. The Directorate of Executive Travel (DET), a Directorate within the Army Headquarters Services (AHS) is tasked with the operational day to day mission of the DoD Passport and Visa Office. The Directorate of Executive Travel is responsible for assisting DoD Personnel, eligible family members, and Department of State, Special Issuance Agency (DOS-SIA) designated DoD Contractors for procuring, at no expense, an official U.S. Passport when traveling on official travel orders to countries or locations requiring a passport, including providing assistance in obtaining visas as required.

This information collection is required to facilitate the processing of all no-fee passports and visa requests for official travel clearance for DoD personnel and their eligible family members required to enter foreign countries on official business.

The collection is authorized by:

DoD Directive, 1000.21M “DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services”, March, 2017, ( Authorized the Secretary of the Army to administer DoD passport and passport agent service and ensure that DoD passport and passport service are instituted according to Department of State (DoS) guidelines. This includes ensuring that DoD employees and family members receive U.S. passports to meet official travel requirements.

DoD Directive, 1000.21E “DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services”, June, 2017,


Reissues Reference to update policy and assign responsibilities for the administration of DoD passport and passport agent services. Designates the Secretary of the Army as the DoD Executive Agent (EA) for DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services.

“U.S. Department of State Federal and Military Passport Agent’s Reference Guide (FM PARG)” is the official document as directed and authorized by the Department of State to utilize the DD Form 1056 as a required form in the processing and procurement of DoD Official passports and visa requests. DoD passport agents are responsible for accepting/executing passport applications, verifying the applicant’s citizenship, and collecting, reviewing, and verifying that all DoS required documents are valid (The Department of State Special Issuance Agency does not allow release outside approved channels).

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defense and U.S. Department of State for Implementation of the DoD Passport Application Acceptance Program, dated March 26, 2017, can be made available by contacting the Chief, Customer Services Division at 703-545-6199. The Secretary of State, through powers granted in 22 C.F.R § 51.22(b), has the authority to designate employees at DoD installations as passport acceptance agents. Under Article VIII of the MOU DoD Passport Acceptance Agents will performall services required by DOS for the acceptance of passport applications in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (22 CFR Part 51), the Foreign Affairs Manual (7 FAM 1300), the Passport Agent Reference Guide, Passport Procedures for Military Acceptance Agents, the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide, and any supplemental instructions issued by the Directorate of Passport Services or SIA”.

“DoD Foreign Clearance Guide”- (must have permission to access the site, not for public use). The DoD FCG contains information that may be sensitive, is based on bilateral arrangements between US and foreign government officials, and is not releasable outside the US Government unless approved by a competent authority. This document provides necessary information for aircraft international mission planning and execution, personnel travel to foreign countries, as well as general information on foreign locations. Since the DoD FCG is directive in nature for all DoD and DoD-sponsored travel abroad, travelers must ensure they comply with this Guide.

“DoD Instruction 5025.01, “DoD Directives Program,” ( August 1, 2016 with change 2, 22 December 2017: Requires a DoD Issuances Program for the development, coordination, approval, publication, and review of issuances. This includes the content of DoD Directive, 1000.21M.

“Department of Defense Civilian Personnel,” November 2018- Reinforces the applicable Service/DoD Agency regulations and (for DoD) the DoD foreign Clearance Guide (FCG) governs the requirement/procedures and documents relating to official travel to foreign countries.

Part 51, Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, dated October 30, 2018- The responsibilities of a passport acceptance agent described in §51.22(b) include but are not limited to the following:

Certifying the identity of each applicant. Passport acceptance agents must certify that they have personally witnessed the applicant signing his or her application, and that the applicant has:

  • Personally appeared;

  • Presented proper identification, as documented on the application;

  • Submitted photographs that are a true likeness; and

  • Taken the oath administered by the acceptance agent.

  • Safeguarding passport application information under the Privacy Act of 1974

    1. Use of the Information

The DD Form 1056, Authorization to apply for a “No-Fee” Passport and/or Request for Visa Preparation is the document utilized to verify U.S. citizenship and proof that a DoD sponsor or eligible family member is authorized to apply for a No-Fee passport. It is also used in lieu of, or in addition to, official travel orders as authority for the Department of State (DOS), to issue a No-Fee passport. This form is utilized by DOS, DET-DoD Passport and Visa Office, and Passport Acceptance Agents and is vital in the processing and procurement of all passport and visa applications. Respondents are DoD civilians, military members, their dependents/family members and Department of State, Special Issuance Agency (DOS-SIA) designated DoD Contractors.

The DD Form 1056 is currently available on a public web site, Passport Matters ( which is managed by DET per the 2017 MOU with DOS. Travelers, Transportation Coordinators, and DoD Passport Agents can fill out the draft from, but the final approval and signatory approval is held with the DoD Passport Acceptance Agent. If anyone other than the DoD Passport Acceptance Agent fills out the draft form, it must be hand carried to the DoD Passport Acceptance Agent for review and execution of the action i.e., providing the oath.

Information collected is retained in the files of the DOS and DET-Passport and Visa Office, along with other documentation related to passport applications, adjudication and issuance. The information is also collected from other DoD agencies including: Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), military and federal civilian employees certified and approved Passport Acceptance Agents (PAA) as authorized and designated by the both the DoD Passport and Visa Office and Department of State. On occasion DoD offices support the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in support of the Department of Homeland Security mission. Information on the form is also shared with the Embassy of country to which the traveler is going to, for the production of the needed travel documents. Additionally the information collected is crucial for documenting a U.S. citizen’s request for a replacement passport and/or visa.

The DD Form 1056 is prepared in one original and one copy and must accompany all No-Fee passport and visa requests, including revalidations as mandated by the Department of State (DOS). The officially appointed (as approved by both DOS and DoD-EA) Passport Acceptance Agents at the various CONUS and OCONUS worldwide U.S. military DoD Passport Acceptance Facilities assist eligible respondents in preparing, completing and authenticating the DD Form 1056. Respondents are required to read and review the Privacy Act Statement and Agency Disclosure Notice prior to completing a blank DD Form 1056. The information provided on the blank form is then transcribed by the Passport Acceptance Agent (PAA) into the Visa and Passport Automated System (VPAS) on an authorized network station at the respective Passport Acceptance Facility. Once the data has been entered in VPAS, it generates a barcode on the upper left side of the form, thereby providing each DD Form 1056 its own unique identifier for tracking purposes. Once the DD Form 1056 is printed from VPAS, the respondent reviews for accuracy prior to the DoD Passport Acceptance Agent signing the form.

VPAS is a web-based electronic system which allows for the accurate cradle to grave management (current status, search, etc.) for all DoD passport and visa application actions generated by the PAA and DET-DoD Passport and Visa office personnel. An updated draft copy of the DD Form 1056, draft copy of the completed DD Form 1056 with barcode and VPAS screenshots are submitted with this collection package for OMB review. At no time does the respondent have access, or utilize VPAS. Only Passport Acceptance Agents who are approved by the DOS and DET-PPV, placed on the Integrated Acceptance Facility Oversight Database (IAFOD), and have been assigned an Agent Identification Number will be granted access to VPAS.

The data collected on the DD Form 1056 includes: applicant’s last name, first name and middle, applicant’s date of birth, applicant’s place of birth, the sponsor’s last name, first name, middle name, sponsor’s military rank/civilian grade, major service component (i.e., Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and as needed USCG) sponsor’s social security number, the applicant home address, home telephone number, office telephone number, destination, departure date, proposed length of stay, passport agent’s address, and passport number.

The completed DD Form 1056 must accompany the applicable DOS forms listed below, which are used in support of the Passport and Passport Agent Services.

DS-10A, “Birth Affidavit” (OMB Control Number 1405-0132) - Used in lieu of an acceptable birth certificate or may be provided in conjunction with other birth records that accompany a passport application.

DS-11, “Application for a U.S. Passport (OMB Control Number 1405-0004)-To determine eligibility to be issued a U.S. passport.

DS-60, “Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name” (OMB Control Number 1405-0133) - Completed when applying for a passport when the name which is used by the applicant is (1) substantially different from that shown on the evidence of citizenship and/or (2) has been adopted without formal court proceedings and was not as acquired by a marriage or under operation of state law.

DS-64, “Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport” (OMB Control Number 1405-0014)- The primary purpose for requesting this information is ensure that no person shall bear more than one valid or potentially valid United States passport book and one valid passport card at one time, except as authorized by U.S. Department of State, and to combat passport fraud and misuse.

DS-82, “U.S. Passport Renewal Application for eligible Individuals (OMB Control Number 1405-0020) The purpose of this form is to determine eligibility to be issued a U.S. passport.

DS-3053, “Statement of Consent or Special Circumstances: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16 (OMB Control Number 1405-0129)- The primary purpose for soliciting the information is to establish two parent consent for a minor’s passport application as required by Public Law 106-113, Section 236.

DS-5525,“Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances for issuance of a U.S. Passport to a minor” (OMB Control Number 1405-0216)- The primary purpose for soliciting this information is to establish a possible exigent/special family circumstance exception to Public Law106-113, Section 236, requiring two parent consent for a minor’s passport application.

DS-4085 Application for Additional Visa Pages or Miscellaneous Passport Services” (OMB Control Number 1405-0159) - To determine entitlement to receive the passport service applied for (i.e. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) endorsement for U.S. government travel)

The completed DD Form 1056 (original and one copy) and any accompanying aforementioned documents are assembled and reviewed for completeness and accuracy by the PAA and officially mailed by registered mail to the Department of State, Special Issuance Agency (SIA) offices either in Washington, D.C. or the Charleston Passport Center (CPC), South Carolina for processing and issuance of the no-fee passport. If an applicant currently possesses a valid No-Fee passport with 6 months or more remaining after their projected departure date and only requires a issuance of visa for entry into the designated country, the PAA will attach the passport with the visa documents and visa application (to include photos) and send it registered mail to the DET-Passport and Visa Office for processing.

    1. Use of Information Technology

The DET-Passport and Visa Office utilizes information technology to the fullest extent possible. The DD Form 1056 must be completed on line (fillable, printable) and be included in the application packet. 100% percent of all completed DD Form 1056’s are now input electronically to the VPAS system by the PPA as described in Use of the Information in paragraph 2. However the accompanying Department of State forms require a Passport Agent and respondent “original” handwritten signature or notary certification and does not allow for electronic submission. The DD Form 1056 is currently available online at

    1. Non-duplication

The Information obtained through this collection is unique and is not already available for use or adaption from another cleared source.

5. Burden on Small Business

This information collection does not impose a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses or entities.

6. Less Frequent Collection

The collection of information is only conducted as a needed basis for new and renewing no-fee passports and/or visas. It is not possible to collect on a less frequent basis.

7. Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines

This collection of information does not require the collection to be conducted in a manner inconsistent with the guidelines delineated 5 CFR 1320.5(d) (2)

8. Consultation and Public Comments

Part A: Public Notice

A notice of the proposed collection was published in the Federal Register on February 12, 2019, 84 FRN 3419. No comments were received.

A 30-Day Federal Register Notice for the collection published on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. The 30-Day FRN citation is 84 FRN 15603.

Part B: Consultation

Consultation occurs monthly, between representatives of DET and DoS/Special Issuance Agency, in order to reconcile all processed DD Form 1056’s for accurate payment of passport services rendered. Future consultation with respondents, or their representative, are planned to be performed at least every 3 years, regardless if the information does not change.

9. Gifts or Payment

No payments or gifts are being offered to respondents as an incentive to participate in the collection.

10. Confidentiality

The information collected is protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Respondents are assured confidentiality verbally or through electronic means by the DET-Passport and Visa representative associate who collects the information or through the VPAS system providing them the application form. Access to collected information is restricted only to authorized DET Passport and Visa Office personnel who have been screened, cleared for access, and have a role-based position which places them in an arrangement which requires servicing, reviewing or updating the record. Physical entry is restricted by the use of locks, guards, and passwords which are changed periodically or other administrative procedures such as IT audits of security features.

A Privacy Act Statement is required; the Privacy Act Statement and Agency Disclosure Notice are located on the DD Form 1056 and the respondents are advised to read and review prior to the collection of information.

A draft copy of the System of Records SORN (AO 1000.21 OAA-Visa Passport Automated System) has been provided with this package for OMB review.

A draft copy of the Privacy Impact Assessment (Visa Passport Automated System-VPAS) has been provided with this package for OMB review.

The VPAS system is approved by The National Archives and Records Administration and assigned Record Scheduler # DAA-AU-2016-0023. The Retention and Disposition Schedule Authority number for VPAS is DAA-AU-2016-0023-0001. Information collected is retained for 2 years and immediately destroyed. Paper records are destroyed by shredding and electronic records are destroyed by erasing. The VPAS system is approved by the National Archives.

  1. Sensitive Questions

Respondents are asked to provide social security number and date of birth. Collection of social security number is authorized under DoDI 1000.30 “SSN Instruction Use Case” Enclosure 2 sections 2.c. (4) and (7). The SSN Justification memorandum is provided for OMB review.

  1. Respondent Burden, and its Labor Costs

Part A. Estimation of Respondent Burden

1. DD Form 1056, Authorization to Apply for a No-Fee Passport and/or Visa

a. Number of Respondents = 175,000

  1. Number of Responses Per Respondent =1

  2. Number of Annual Responses = 175,000

  3. Response Time= 60 minutes (1 hour)

  4. Respondent Burden Hours = 175,000

2. Total Submission Burden

a. Total Number of Respondents: 175,000

b. Total Number of Annual Responses: 175,000

c. Total Respondent Burden Hours: 175,000

Part B. Labor Cost of Respondent Burden

1. DD Form 1056, Authorization to Apply for a No-Fee Passport and/or Visa

a. Number of Total Annual Responses: 175,000

b. Response Time: 60 minutes (1 Hour)

c. Respondent Hourly Wage: $7.25

d. Labor Burden per Response: $7.25

e. Total Labor Burden: $1,268,750.00

2. Overall Labor Burden

a. Total Number of Annual Respondents: 175,000

b. Total Labor Burden: $1,268,750.00

The Respondent hourly wage was determined by using the Department of Labor Wage Website The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009.

  1. Respondent Costs Other Than Burden Hour Costs

There are no annualized costs to respondents other than labor burden costs addressed in section 12 of this document to complete this collection.

  1. Cost to the Federal Government

Part A. Labor Cost to Federal Government

1. DD Form 1056, Authorization to Apply for a No-Fee Passport or Visa

a. Number of Total Annual Responses: 175,000

b. Processing Time per Response: 1 Hour (60 minutes)

c. Hourly Wage of Worker(s) Processing Responses: $24.15

d. Cost to Process Each Response: $24.15

e. Total Cost to Process Responses: $4,226,250.00

2. Overall Labor Burden to Federal Government

a. Total Number of Annual Responses: 175,000

b. Total Labor Burden: $4,226,250.00

The workers hourly wage was determined by using the OPM Pay & Leave web site for a GS-9 Step 5 ($50,399.00) as an average salary for the Government worker ($24.15) the total cost for their time to review and process these requests would be: 175,000 hrs x $24.15 per hr = $4,226,250.00.

Part B. Operational and Maintenance Costs

1. Cost Categories

a. Equipment & Facilities: $8,221,847.00

b. IT Support: $100,000.00

c. Shipping: $250,000.00

d. Contract Support: 34,680,000.00

e. DET Passport Cost: $21,000,000.00

f. Training: $1,500,000.00

2. Total Operational and Maintenance Cost: $65,751,847.00

Part C. Total Cost to the Federal Government

1. Total Labor Cost to the Federal Government: $4,226,250.00

2. Total Operational and Maintenance Cost: $65,751,847.00

3. Total cost to the Federal Government: $69,978,097.00

Facility cost is based upon 2011 GSA report showing an authorized Sf allowance of 190 Sf per staff member and a maintenance cost of $9.51 per Sf (

  1. Reasons for Change in Burden

The burden has increased since the previous approval date due to increases in federal wages, creation and operation of new Passport Agent facilities, newly trained passport agents and increased/new shipping costs. The previous submission included data from the 2014 OPM pay schedule. The Army is still the Executive agent for all DoD components. As new Facilities were stood up to accommodate more areas across DoD, the number of agents increased, as did the required space being utilized to provide services. Due to the establishment of new Passport Agent facilities, we absorbed an increase in shipping costs, in order to provide continued optimum customer service for traveling respondents to receive their requested passports and visas in a timely manner.

  1. Publication of Results

The results of this information collection will not be published.

  1. Non-Display of OMB Expiration Date

We are not seeking approval to omit the display of the expiration date of the OMB approval on the collection instrument.


  1. Exceptions to “Certification for Paperwork reduction Submissions”

We are not requesting any exemptions to the provisions stated in 5 CFR 1320.9.


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