TITLE OF INFORMATION COLLECTION: Evaluating the Pilot Los Angeles Public Library Sensor Loan Program (OMB Control Number 2080-0083; EPA ICR Number 2521.25)
INSTRUMENT: A copy of the surveys used in this collection are provided below.
Survey of End Users
EPA Form Number: EPA6000-005
Los Angeles Public Library Air Quality Sensor Loan Program
Thank you for checking out the Los Angeles Public Library’s new air quality sensors!
Can you help us by providing some feedback on your experience using these sensors?
This loan program is a first-of-its kind pilot program between the Los Angeles Public Library system and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Your feedback on your experience using these air quality sensors is extremely important to us. It will be used to see if we should continue and expand this type of program. The information provided will remain confidential, and you will not be contacted unless you tell us you would like to be contacted to provide more feedback or to receive the results of this program. There is space on the final page to provide contact information. This page can be removed from the rest of the survey to keep your responses anonymous.
Please answer questions to the best of your ability. If you were not the main user of the air sensor you checked out, please answer on behalf of the main user, to the best of your ability. You may skip questions if you do not know the answer or are uncomfortable answering any question.
How many people used the air sensor checked out to you?
0 1 2-4 5-15 >15
Who used the air sensor checked out to you? (check all that apply)
Myself No one Another member of my household
Someone outside of my household
Who outside of your household used the air sensor? (check all that apply)
Another family member A friend or colleague A school group or teacher
A community group A faith-based organization
Other (please indicate) __________________________________________
What is the age of the person/people who used the sensor the most? (select one)
0-10 years old 11-14 years old 15-19 years old 20-25 years old 26-39 years old 40-62 years old 63+ years old
Why did you check out an air sensor from the library? (select all that apply)
to learn about air quality near a pollution source in my community (like a factory or highway)
to provide data to decision makers (like a school official, city council, air district, etc.)
to make a change in my community
to reduce my (or my family’s) exposure to air pollution
to learn more about air sensors and air quality
to conduct research or an experiment
to check on air quality inside my home, office, school, or another indoor environment
to compare air quality between locations (such as at my home vs. near downtown, etc.)
Other __________________________________________________________________
Where was the air sensor used (check all that apply)?
at school or daycare at work at home at a place of worship at a park or sports field
near a busy road, port, railroad, or other location with lots of traffic
near a facility (like a gas station, autobody shop, refinery, etc.)
while moving (in a car, walking, biking, on public transport, etc.)
Other ___________________________________________________________________
How do you plan to use the air quality data you gathered? (check all that apply)
To present the data to a decision-maker (such as a school official, supervisor, city official, etc.)
To present the data to a group (such as a community group, neighbors, a classroom, etc.)
To request a change be made to reduce air pollution (such as changes in policy or behavior, etc.)
To make changes in my personal routine to reduce exposure (such as where or when I exercise, etc.)
To reduce my own impact on air quality (such as changing how I clean my home, driving less, burning less wood, smoking less, etc.)
To convince someone else to reduce their impact on air quality
For a school project
For a research project
Other __________________________________________________
If you would like to tell us more about how you plan to use your data, please do so here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How often did you use the air sensor? (select one)
Never Once Rarely Multiple times a day Daily Often Always
If you answered “never” “once” or “rarely” what are the reasons you did not use it often? (select all that apply)
I couldn’t get the sensor to work I didn’t have time It wasn’t useful Someone else had it I lost it I didn’t feel like using it I thought the sensor would be different I only needed to use it once or twice Other
Please use the space below to tell us more about why you did not use the sensor often: __________________________________________________________________
How easy was it to use the sensor? (select one)
1 = Very difficult
2 = Somewhat difficult
3 = Neither easy, nor difficult
4 = Easy
5 = Very easy
Impossible: I could not use the sensor
How clear were the written instructions? (select all that apply)
1 = Very unclear
2 = Somewhat unclear
3= Clear
4 = Very clear
5 = Extremely clear
I did not receive written instructions
I lost the instructions
How could we improve the instructions? (select all that apply)
More pictures and diagrams
More text
Use a video
More hands-on instruction at the library
Make the written information easier to understand
Make the air sensor easier to use
Translate into another language (please tell us which language): ____________________
Other ____________________________________
If you would like to tell us more about your experience using the instructions or your recommendations for improving the instructions, please do so here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Did you need help from the library while the sensor was checked out to you? (select one)
No, I didn’t need any help
I needed help but found the answers myself (through a friend, website, trial and error)
I needed help but did not ask for it
I needed help and got help from the library
I asked for help from the library but did not get help
I got help from the library but it was not enough
How much did you learn about air pollution from participating in the air sensor loan program? (select one)
Nothing A little A moderate amount A lot
How did using the sensor make you feel about your ability to reduce your exposure to air pollution?
More able to reduce exposure Did not affect my ability to reduce exposure Less able to reduce exposure Other (please explain): _____________________
Did you understand this sensor only measures particulate matter pollution?
Yes No I don’t know what that means
Are you interested in using sensors that measure other types of pollutants?
Yes, I would like to measure these pollutants (please list)_______________________
Yes, but I don’t know which pollutants
I don’t know
Please rate how easy or difficult it was to access the data you collected?
1 = Very difficult
2 = Somewhat difficult
3 = Neither easy, nor difficult
4 = Easy
5 = Very easy
I was not able to access the data
Please rate how easy or difficult it was to understand the data you collected?
1 = Very difficult
2 = Somewhat difficult
3 = Neither easy, nor difficult
4 = Easy
5 = Very easy
I was not able to understand the data
How did you hear about the air sensor loan program? (select all that apply)
a librarian
a flier at the library
a flier in the community (where?) ____________________________________________
Social media (please list) ___________________________________________________
a website _______________________________________________________________
a friend
a colleague
a teacher
a student
someone in my community
a member of my faith-based community
Other ___________________
Do you have any recommendations for improving this loan program? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your experience using these air sensors (difficulties, how you used the data, etc.)?
Thank you for providing feedback on your experience using air quality sensors! We may form a small focus group to get more in-depth feedback from people who borrowed an air sensor. Participation would be completely voluntary and unpaid. If you would be interested in providing more feedback through a focus group, please provide your first name and a way to contact you.
Please separate this page from your completed survey if you would like your answers to the survey to be anonymous.
First Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ( ____ )______________________
Thank you for providing feedback on your experience using air quality sensors! We will be analyzing the results of surveys collected from people who used the sensors and from participating librarians and will write a report of the findings. If you would like to receive a copy of the report, please provide your email address. If you do not have an email address, please provide your phone number and someone will contact you to obtain a mailing address.
Please separate this page from your completed survey if you would like your answers to the survey to be anonymous.
First Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ( ____ )_______________________
Survey of Librarians
EPA Form Number: EPA6000-006
Los Angeles Public Library Air Quality Sensor Loan Program
Thank you for helping pilot the Los Angeles Public Library Air Quality Sensor Loan Program!
Can you help us by providing some feedback on your experience with this program?
This loan program is a first-of-its kind pilot program between the Los Angeles Public Library system and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Your feedback on your experience loaning these sensors to library patrons is extremely important to us. It will be used to see if we should continue and expand this type of program, will help us understand and address some of the barriers and challenges you may have encountered, as well as help us make improvements to the training, technical support, and instructional materials used. The information provided will remain confidential, and you will not be contacted unless you tell us you would like to be contacted to provide more feedback or to receive the results of this program. There is space on the final page to provide contact information. This page can be removed from the rest of the survey to keep your responses anonymous.
Please answer questions to the best of your ability. You may skip questions if you do not know the answer or if you are uncomfortable answering any question.
Which training did you attend (select all that apply)?
The training conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency The training conducted by other librarians I did not attend any training
Please rate your confidence level in responding to a library patron asking you the following questions. Select one answer for each question.
are some types of air pollutants?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
What is PM2.5 and PM10?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Where does PM2.5 come from?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
How can I reduce my exposure to PM2.5?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Please rate how confident you would feel helping library patrons in the following scenarios (select one for each scenario):
A patron is concerned about pollution from a freeway near their home and asks if the library’s sensors could help them measure the pollution.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Providing a demonstration on how to use the sensor.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
A library patron who has checked out a sensor calls and tells you they cannot get the sensor to work (for example, trouble charging, seeing the screen, or hearing it work) and asks for your help.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
A library patron who has checked out a sensor calls and asks how to access the data they collected (for example, can’t access the web portal, see data, download data, or open and manipulate a downloaded data file).
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Explaining possible reasons for the differences in air pollution levels measured by a sensor vs levels reported by another source of data (such as a monitor from the South Coast Air Quality Management District or AirNow).
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
If a library patron were to ask you where to find information about air pollution levels in their community, where would you tell them to go for information (select all that apply)?
South Coast Air Quality Management District’s website AirNow website A Weather app A private air sensor data website (like PurpleAir) Other (please list) _______________________________________________________________________
Did you understand this sensor only measures particulate matter pollution?
Yes No I don’t know what that means
Are you interested in loaning sensors that measure other types of pollutants?
Yes, I would like to loan sensors that measure these pollutants (please name): ___________________________________________________________________________
Yes, but I don’t know which pollutants
I don’t know
Please indicate how difficult was it for you to learn to use the sensor? (select one)
1 = Very difficult
2 = Slightly Difficult
3 = Neither easy, nor difficult
4 = Easy
5 = Very easy
I could not learn
how to use the sensor.
How difficult was it for a typical library patron to learn to use the sensor? (select one)
1 = Very difficult
2 = Slightly Difficult
3 = Neither easy, nor difficult
4 = Easy
5 = Very easy
library patrons
could not learn to use the sensor
I don’t know
Did you notice if certain groups of users had a harder time using the sensor than other groups?
Yes, the following groups seemed to have a harder time (please list or explain):
Did you notice if certain groups of users seemed interested in the sensor, but tended to not check them out (i.e. asked about them, but seemed concerned about learning how to use them, or concerned about other challenges?)
No, I did not experience this
Some people asked about the sensors but did not check them out, but there was no pattern
Yes, the following groups seemed to be interested but did not tend to check the sensors out (please list or explain):
How helpful was the sensor quick start guide? (select one)
Not helpful at all A little helpful Very helpful I did not receive the quick start guides I lost the quick start guides
How clear was the sensor quick start guide? (select all that apply)
It was very easy to follow the instructions
It was a little easy to follow the instructions
It was challenging to follow the instructions
The quick start guide did not help at all
How could we improve the sensor quick start guide? (select all that apply)
More pictures and diagrams
More text
Use a video
More hands-on instruction at the library
Make the text easier to understand
Make the air sensor easier to use
Translate into another language (specify which languages): ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Other ____________________________________
How helpful was the environmental education curriculum you received? (select one)
Not helpful at all A little helpful Very helpful I did not receive the curriculum I lost the curriculum
How could we improve the curriculum? ________________________________________
rate how satisfied you are with the training you received on air
quality and sensors? (select one)
1 = Dissatisfied
2 = Slightly dissatisfied
3 = Somewhat satisfied
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
Overall, how prepared did you feel to start and implement the loan program? (select one)
1 = Very unprepared
2 = Moderately unprepared
3 = Moderately prepared
4 = Prepared
5 = Very prepared
If you encountered difficulty with the sensors or had questions from library patrons or other librarians you needed help answering, how satisfied are you with the amount of technical support you received? (select one)
1 = Dissatisfied
2 = Slightly dissatisfied
3 = Somewhat satisfied
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
Not applicable
Overall, how satisfied are you with the pilot sensor loan program (select one)?
1 = Dissatisfied
2 = Slightly dissatisfied
3 = Somewhat satisfied
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
How much would you support continuing the pilot program as a permanent part of the library’s offerings? (select one)
I strongly support continuing this program I somewhat support continuing this program I do not support continuing this program I would support continuing this program but do not want to be involved
Which statement best reflects how you feel about the amount of time expended on the following aspects of the pilot loan program? (select one per item)
Amount of time spent on the pilot program, overall:
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
Amount of time spent getting trained on air quality and sensors (including time you spent on your own becoming familiar with the sensors):
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
Amount of time spent preparing for the start of the loan program (setting up loan procedures, preparing materials, training other librarians, etc):
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
About how many hours total did you spend on this activity? _________________________
Amount of time spent training community members on air quality and sensor use:
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
About how many hours total did you spend on this activity? _________________________
Amount of time spent troubleshooting sensor operation with library patrons or other librarians:
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
About how many hours/week did you spend on this activity? _________________________
Amount of time spent answering questions from library patrons or other librarians about air quality or sensor data:
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
About how many hours/week did you spend on this activity? _________________________
Amount of time spent on other tasks related to the pilot sensor loan program not captured above (Please also explain what these tasks were.):
1 = I would have liked to have spent a lot more time on this
2 = I needed a little more time on this
3 = The time spent was just right
4 = I spent a little too much time on this
5 = I spent way too much time on this
I did not spend any time on this
About how many hours/week did you spend on these other activities? _________________
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________
How did your library let patrons know about the sensor loan program?
Which age group seemed most interested in using the sensors?
Children (0-12) Teens (13-18) College Students Adults (19-61) Seniors (62+)
What was the most successful, creative, or interesting use of the sensors that you heard of?
Did you hear of sensor users changing their personal behavior or advocating for policy change (such as reducing wood burning, changing to a less polluted walking route, or presenting data to decision makers)? If yes, please share some examples.
What were the greatest challenges in implementing the loan program?
Based on your personal experience and your interaction with library patrons using the sensor, complete this sentence: “The sensor was great, but I really wished it _____:”
What recommendations do you have for improving the loan program (for instance, amount or type of training, time spent training, instructions or curriculum, resource list, train-the-trainer program, advertising, etc)?
Now that the pilot loan period is complete, is there any support you still need on the sensors, training, or the data?
Thank you for providing feedback on your experience loaning air quality sensors! We may form a small focus group to get more in-depth feedback from librarians and people who borrowed an air sensor. Participation would be completely voluntary and unpaid. If you would be interested in providing more feedback through a focus group, please provide your first name and a way to contact you. Please separate this page from your completed survey if you would like your answers to the survey to be anonymous.
First Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ( )______________________
Survey of Lead Librarians, post-training
EPA Form Number: EPA6000-005
Los Angeles Public Library Air Quality Sensor Loan Program
Thank you for helping pilot the Los Angeles Public Library Air Quality Sensor Loan Program!
Can you help us by providing some feedback on the training you just received?
This loan program is a first-of-its kind pilot program between the Los Angeles Public Library system and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Your feedback on the quality and content of the training is very important to us. It will be used to determine if additional support is needed to make this pilot a success and to improve the training for future uses. The information you provide will remain anonymous, unless you choose to provide your name and contact information to provide additional feedback (Question __).
Please answer questions to the best of your ability. You may skip questions if you do not know the answer or if you are uncomfortable answering any question.
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the training? (select one)
Very satisfied Moderately satisfied A little satisfied A little unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the trainers? (select one)
Very satisfied Moderately satisfied A little satisfied A little unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the instructional materials used in the training? (select one)
Very satisfied Moderately satisfied A little satisfied A little unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
Did you practice using the sensors? (select one)
Yes No
If you answered yes to Question 4, how difficult was it to use the sensor? (select one)
Not difficult at all A little difficult Very difficult Impossible
How helpful were the verbal instructions for operating the sensor? (select one)
Not helpful at all A little helpful Very helpful I did not hear the instructions
How clear were the written instructions for operating the sensor (quick start guide)? (select all that apply)
It was very easy to follow the instructions
It was a little easy to follow the instructions
It was challenging to follow the instructions
The instructions did not help at all
How could we improve the quick start guide? (select all that apply)
More pictures and diagrams
More text
Use a video
More hands-on instruction at the library
Make the text easier to understand
Make the air sensor easier to use
Translate into another language (specify which languages): ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Other ____________________________________
How helpful was the environmental education curriculum you received? (select one)
Not helpful at all A little helpful Very helpful I did not receive the curriculum I lost the curriculum
How could we improve the curriculum? ________________________________________
How would you feel if the training was web-based and not in-person? (select one)
In-person was essential I prefer in-person, but web-based could also work web-based training would have been just as good as in-person I would prefer web-based I don’t know
How prepared do you feel to train other librarians on the air quality concepts covered in today’s training? (select one)
Very prepared Somewhat prepared A little prepared Not prepared at all
Please rate your confidence level in responding to a library patron asking you the following questions. Select one answer for each question.
are some types of air pollutants?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
What is PM2.5 and PM10?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Where does PM2.5 come from?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
How can I reduce my exposure to PM2.5?
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Please rate how confident you would feel helping library patrons in the following scenarios (select one for each scenario):
A patron is concerned about pollution from a freeway near their home and asks if the library’s sensors could help them measure the pollution.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Providing a demonstration on how to use the sensor.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
A library patron who has checked out a sensor calls and tells you they cannot get the sensor to work (for example, trouble charging, seeing the screen, or hearing it work) and asks for your help.
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
A library patron who has checked out a sensor calls and asks how to access the data they collected (for example, can’t access the web portal, see data, download data, or open and manipulate a downloaded data file).
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Explaining possible reasons for the differences in air pollution levels measured by a sensor vs levels reported by another source of data (such as a monitor from the South Coast Air Quality Management District or AirNow).
1 = Very unconfident
2 = Slightly unconfident
3 = Slightly confident
4 = Moderately confident
5 = Very confident
Do you understand this sensor only measures particulate matter pollution?
Yes No I don’t know what that means
What additional training or support do you need to be able to train other librarians, assist patrons, or otherwise implement the pilot sensor loan program?
What suggestions do you have for improving the training?
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