NASS 2.0 User Guide

Att C3. NASS 2.0 Users Guide.pdf

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Program Reporting System

NASS 2.0 User Guide

OMB: 0920-0556

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This manual contains instructions to access the NASS 2.0 website and enter ART program and cyclespecific data. Sections provide information on getting started in NASS 2.0, entering data, searching data,
navigating the system, and using NASS menu links to access reference documents, FAQs, and
Please note: Reporting of initial ART cycle intentions and select patient details in NASS 2.0 is required
within four (4) calendar days of the cycle start date. CDC will collect information on prospective
reporting by clinics for all cycles started after February 1, 2016. While prospective reporting for cycles
started between February 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 is encouraged, no measure of prospective
reporting will be included in the 2016 ART Fertility Clinic Success Rates Report. However, CDC does plan
to include a measure of prospective reporting in the future.
For additional information, reference The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Department
of Health and Human Services August 26, 2015 Federal Register Notice (80 FR 51811). The notice
describes who shall report, the National ART Surveillance System (NASS) reporting system, the process
for reporting by each ART program, the data to be reported, and the contents of the published reports.
It supersedes the previous notice published in the Federal Register, September 1, 2000 (65 FR. 53310).

NASS Help Desk Contact Information
Contact the NASS Help Desk with questions about using NASS or reporting your ART data to CDC by calling
1-888-650-0822 (toll free) or sending an e-mail to [email protected].
The NASS Help Desk has regular business hours Monday through Friday 9:00am–8:00pm Eastern Time and
extended hours during peak times of the year. Please leave a detailed voicemail if you do not reach a
staff member and your call will be returned by the next business day.
Contact information and email link to the NASS Help Desk is at the end of every NASS 2.0 web page.

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Section 1: Getting Started in NASS ..................................................................... 3

System Requirements ........................................................................... 3


Setting Up Clinic Accounts ..................................................................... 3


Accessing NASS 2.0 .............................................................................. 4

Section 2: Menu Items and Main Page ................................................................ 5

Menu Items........................................................................................ 5


Enter Cycle Data ................................................................................. 6


Submit or View Annual Data .................................................................... 7


Search Data (Standard and Advanced Searches) ............................................ 7


Search Results .................................................................................... 8

Section 3: Data Entry Pages ............................................................................ 11

Initial Reporting and Page Navigation ....................................................... 11


Data Alerts ....................................................................................... 12


Cycle Complete ................................................................................. 13


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Section 1: Getting Started in NASS
1.1 System Requirements
NASS is optimized for standard browsers on PC or Mac computers (e.g., Google Chrome, IE 10, Firefox).
Please enable JavaScript and cookies (only temporary cookies are used). Also, you will need Adobe
Acrobat Reader. After logging in, the NASS menu has a direct link for the free Adobe Reader if you do
not have it (many computers already do).

1.2 Setting Up Clinic Accounts
Each ART program is assigned one unique NASS Clinic ID. If you are a new ART program, please contact
the NASS Help Desk to get started. Your ART program will be assigned a NASS Clinic ID. If your clinic has
a NASS Clinic ID already, this is the one to use for NASS 2.0 reporting. If your clinic has reorganized since
it was assigned a NASS Clinic ID, please contact the NASS Help Desk for assistance. Reorganization is
defined as a change in ownership or affiliation, or when at least two of the three key staff positions
(Practice Director, Medical Director, or Laboratory Director) change because the person holding each of
those positions is no longer employed with the practice. In NASS 2.0, your 4-digit NASS Clinic ID is located
in the upper right corner of the header on all NASS pages.
Each clinic staff member given access to NASS 2.0 will have a unique NASS 2.0 user account. For new
clinics or Medical Directors, please contact the NASS Help Desk and be ready to provide a unique,
individual email address (i.e., not a general clinic email), which will be associated with your Medical
Director NASS 2.0 user account. Once the Medical Director receives an account set up email, he/she will
be able to create user accounts for clinic staff. In addition, the Medical Director can designate up to
two additional account administrators (a primary and secondary administrator).
Along with the Medical Director, the alternate primary administrator has the ability to add and delete
user accounts, as well as designate account administrators. The secondary administrator has the ability
to add and delete user accounts only. Please note that the Medical Director account cannot be deleted
by any clinic staff (including the Medical Director). If the Medical Director leaves the practice, or if
another physician assumes the role of Medical Director, please contact the NASS Help Desk immediately
for assistance.
The Medical Director and each of the account administrators will have a ‘User Administration’ link
available in the NASS menu. Use this link to add and delete users, as well as change account administrator
status. To add a user account for a staff member, an individual email address is required. When an
account is created, the user will receive a NASS user ID and a temporary NASS password at the email
address associated with the new NASS account.
The Medical Director and optional NASS 2.0 account administrator(s) at each clinic are responsible for
authorizing who at the clinic has access to NASS. This includes ensuring the list of authorized users is
current and updated, for example, when there are personnel or position changes.


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1.3 Accessing NASS 2.0
NASS 2.0 can be accessed at Enter your NASS 2.0 User ID and casesensitive password on the Welcome page and select Log In. If this is the first time accessing NASS 2.0,
or if you have an expired password, you will be directed to change your password.
If you have forgotten your password or User ID, use the links on the NASS Welcome page to request your
User ID or reset your password. Forgotten NASS User IDs and temporary passwords are sent to the email
address associated with your NASS 2.0 account.

Use the links on the Welcome page to
request a forgotten NASS 2.0 User ID or
temporary password. Information will
be sent to the email address associated
with your NASS 2.0 account.


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Section 2: Menu Items and Main Page
2.1 Menu Items
After signing into NASS, you will be directed to the Main page. A menu is available on the Main page (as
well as on all pages in NASS), and includes the following resources:

Main Page: Use this link to return to the Main page when you are on any other page.


NASS Quick Start: The NASS Quick Start answers questions about setting up and using NASS in a
short reference format.


FAQ: A page with links to frequently asked questions sorted by topic. Browse by topic and review
directly on the FAQ page.


Definitions & Manuals: Expand this link to find Data Definitions, this User’s Guide, Submission
Guide, and Import Manual.

Data Definitions: Once you select ‘Data Definitions’, you will be directed to the data
definitions page. On the Data Definitions page, you can select links for a comprehensive
listing of definitions for all NASS 2.0 cycle data elements or definitions by data entry
page. For easy reference, you can review individual definitions when entering data
throughout NASS 2.0 by selecting the question mark icon at the end of each question.


Submission Guide: The complete guide for the upcoming reporting year will be posted
prior to CDC’s reporting deadline with step-by-step submission instructions.


Import Manual: The import manual includes details on data technical specifications and
quality control checks.


Cycle Worksheet: A cycle worksheet is a printable PDF document developed for clinic staff to
use if they wish to record the data required for entry into NASS onto a hard-copy document first.
The worksheet has been designed to mirror the NASS website data entry pages. Please note that
the use of this worksheet is optional, and that all cycle data must be reported electronically in


Communications: Formal communications from CDC and/or Westat will be posted under
communications. In some instances the communications may be a copy of a document that was
already distributed to clinics.


Importing: Importing is for clinics that choose to extract data from their electronic medical
record, and prepare and upload complete annual data files to the NASS system for import into
NASS 2.0. Clinics choosing to import their annual data into NASS are responsible for ensuring that
all required data are extracted correctly from other systems to be uploaded to NASS for
programmatic quality control review. The files must pass all NASS data checks before they can
be cleared for import into NASS.


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Clinics should plan to allocate additional time before CDC’s reporting deadline to prepare their
import files, receive feedback from NASS quality control review, and make corrections to their
data prior to file acceptance and import into NASS. After a clinic’s data are imported into NASS,
the clinic must perform all standard annual submission steps through NASS 2.0 to complete CDC
reporting requirements.
Expand ‘Importing’ in the NASS 2.0 menu to access the import manual and companion documents
with details on data technical specifications and quality control checks. If your clinic is
considering importing annual data from your medical record system or through a third-party
vendor, please contact the NASS Help Desk early in the planning process to review the timeline
and importing requirements.

2.2 Enter Cycle Data
To begin entering a cycle for a new or existing patient, use the ‘Enter Cycle Data’ section on the Main
page. First, select an option from the ‘Select patient’ dropdown to indicate if the cycle you would like
to enter is for a new or existing patient, or if you are unsure if the patient is new or existing. If the
patient is new, select ‘New patient’ from the dropdown, then select ‘Go’. You will then be directed to
the Initial Reporting page to begin data entry.
If the patient already exists in NASS, select ‘Existing patient in NASS’ from the ‘Select patient’ dropdown.
You will then be directed to the ‘Find Existing Patient’ page. To find an existing patient, search using
any of the following identifier fields: patient DOB, optional identifiers, sex of patient, and/or NASS
patient ID. To generate a list of all patients, leave the search fields blank and select the ‘Find’ button.
Note that you can search for any patient entered in NASS during any previous reporting year, as long as
from your same clinic (i.e., under the same NASS clinic ID).

In the Enter Cycle Data section, select a dropdown choice to add a new patient or find one
already in NASS. You can select the unknown
choice if not sure. NOTE: Existing patients include
those entered anytime previously in NASS from
your same clinic.

If you are unsure if the patient exists in NASS, select ‘Unknown if new or in NASS’ from the ‘Select
patient’ dropdown. A message will appear to direct you to the ‘Search Data’ section on the Main page.
If you are unable to find the patient, return to the ‘Enter Cycle Data’ section and select ‘New patient’
from the dropdown. For more details on performing patient searches and using search results, refer to
the ‘Search Data’ section of this guide.


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2.3 Submit or View Annual Data
The deadline for reporting ART cycle data to CDC is December 15 of the year after which cycles were
started. CDC will confirm the date of the submission deadline for each reporting period 90 days before
the deadline. Select ‘Communications’ from the NASS 2.0 menu to reference CDC communications about
the submission deadline and reporting requirements.
At the time the submission deadline and requirements for that reporting year are announced, users can
select an activated reporting year in the ‘Submit or View Annual Data’ section on the NASS 2.0 Main page
to begin the submission process in NASS 2.0.
The submission process includes a step requiring every clinic to enter or update and finalize their clinic
profile data for that particular reporting year. This is the time that clinics will provide current profile
information including their address, services provided, key staff, and laboratory accreditation status. In
addition, the submission process includes a step in which every clinic will be required to review and
verify their NASS-generated clinic table for that reporting year.
For additional information on submitting NASS data, expand ‘Definitions & Manuals’ to select ‘Submission
Guide’ from the NASS 2.0 menu. The complete guide for the upcoming reporting year will be posted
prior to CDC’s reporting deadline with step-by-step submission instructions.

2.4 Search Data (Standard and Advanced Searches)
The ‘Search Data’ section on the Main page has two paths for searching data.
For greater flexibility, you
can use the Perform
advanced search option for
NASS 2.0 cycles that have
specific data characteristics.

Use the Perform
standard search
option for pre-defined

The first is to perform a set of standard searches. The searches can be accessed from the ‘Perform
standard search’ dropdown in the ‘Search Data’ section. The standard search options include:

Find a patient: You will be directed to the ‘Find existing patient’ page. You will be able to
search using patient DOB, optional identifiers, sex of patient, and/or NASS patient ID.


List all patients: This search lists all patients that have been entered in NASS during any previous
reporting period (i.e., since 2004, as long as under the same NASS clinic ID).


List cycles in NASS 2.0: This search lists all cycles that have been entered in the NASS 2.0 website
(i.e., cycles with a start date anytime since January 1, 2016, as long as under the same NASS
clinic ID).


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List cycles with initial data only: Use this search to continue entering data for NASS 2.0 cycles
that only have initial data entered so far (e.g., cycle intent that has been entered prospectively).


List cycles not indicated ‘Complete’: This search lists any NASS 2.0 cycle that has not been
marked complete by the clinic. (This search also will include cycles with only initial data
entered.) Refer to the ‘Cycle Complete’ section of this document for more information about
completing cycles in NASS. Please note that all cycles for a reporting period must be marked
complete prior to data submission.

For each of these standard searches, there is an option to limit results to a certain reporting period. This
option will be available after the first reporting period is initialized in NASS. After you select a search
from the dropdown, select the ‘Go’ button for search results.
The second option is to perform an advanced search. The advanced search provides flexibility in finding
specific cycles entered in NASS 2.0. Please note that advanced searches are limited only to those cycles
that have a start date since January 1, 2016. To access the advanced search, select the ‘Perform
advanced search’ button in the ‘Search Data’ section on the Main page. You will then be directed to the
‘Advanced Search for NASS 2.0 Cycles’ page. This page has multiple options for searching cycles,
including patient profile characteristics, reasons for ART, the type of ART performed, canceled cycles,
PGD/PGS, number retrieved or transferred, outcome of transfer or pregnancy, and birth information.
Select the cycle parameters you wish to include in the search results and leave any additional options

2.5 Search Results
All results for standard and advanced searches are displayed in either a patient or cycle search results
grid, depending on the type of search you performed. Patient search results include columns for NASS
patient ID, optional ID 1 and 2, patient date of birth, and sex of patient. Cycle search results include
NASS patient ID, optional ID 1 and 2, NASS cycle ID, patient date of birth, cycle start date, reporting
year, cycle status, and cycle intent.

Reporting year will remain ‘Unassigned’ until the specific requirements for the reporting period
are initialized in NASS 2.0.


Cycle status refers to the current stage of data entry for each cycle. The cycle status categories
are: ‘Initial Data’, ‘Open’, or ‘Complete’. ‘Initial data’ is when only the Initial Reporting page
has been completed for a cycle. Note that cycles with ‘Initial Data’ status require additional
data entry by the clinic before they can be considered completed. An ‘Open’ cycle has more
than just Initial Reporting data entered on subsequent pages but the clinic has not indicated that
it is complete yet. An ‘Open’ cycle can be marked complete at any time by the clinic once all
required data are entered. A ‘Complete’ cycle status means that the cycle has been indicated
complete by the clinic. You can edit data for a ‘Complete’ cycle as long as it is prior to finalizing
and submitting your annual reporting year data in NASS 2.0.


Cycle intent refers to the intended embryo state or banking status of the cycle. Search results
for cycle intent are categorized as: ‘Banking’, ‘Fresh’, or ‘Frozen’. Any cycle with the intention


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of banking all eggs/embryos will be categorized as ‘Banking’. Non-banking cycles are designated
either ‘Fresh’ or ‘Frozen’ based on the intended embryo state.
The list of search results can be sorted alphabetically or numerically by selecting an arrow in one of the
column headers. In addition, the results can be downloaded to Excel or PDF for clinic use. On each
results grid, there are additional actions that can be performed.

Patient Search Results grid. There are two actions that can be performed from the Patient results
grid: List all cycles or start new cycle.


Select the check box next to a patient in the search results, and then select the ‘List All
Cycles for Patient’ button to generate a list of all NASS 2.0 cycles for that patient. More
than one patient can be selected at a time to list cycles for multiple patients.


Select the check box next to a patient in the search results and select the ‘Start New
Cycle’ button to be directed to the Initial Reporting page and begin entering cycle data
for the patient. This option can only be used for one patient at a time.


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Cycle Search Results grid. There are five actions that can be performed from the cycle results
grid: Go to record, list cycle data, start new cycle, cycle complete, and delete cycle.


Select the check box next to a cycle in the search results, and then select the ‘Go To
Record’ button to go to the Initial Reporting page for the cycle. You may then navigate
to the page where you would like to enter or review data. This action can only be
performed for one cycle at a time.


Select the check box next to a cycle in the search results, and then select the ‘List Cycle
Data’ button to generate a list of all data points that have been entered for the cycle
thus far. This action can only be performed for one cycle at a time.


Select the check box next to a cycle in the search results, and then select the ‘Start New
Cycle’ button to go to the Initial Reporting page and begin a new cycle for that patient.
This action can only be performed for one cycle or patient at a time.


Select the check box next to a cycle in the search results, and then select the ‘Cycle
Complete’ button to mark the cycle as complete. Use this action only if you have
confirmed that all data have been entered for a cycle. This action can be completed for
more than one cycle at a time. If you are unsure if a cycle is complete, reference the
‘cycle status’ column of the search results. Please note that any cycle with the status
of ‘Initial data’ cannot be marked completed until additional cycle data have been
entered on subsequent data entry pages.


Select the check box next to a cycle in the search results, and then select the ‘Delete
Cycle’ button to delete a cycle. This action can only be performed for one cycle at a

Reminder: Return to the Main page at any time by selecting the ‘Main Page’ link in the NASS menu.


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Section 3: Data Entry Pages
3.1 Initial Reporting and Page Navigation
When entering a new cycle in NASS, you will begin on the Initial Reporting page. NASS 2.0 users enter
prospective data for each cycle on the Initial Reporting page. For a new patient, the date of cycle
reporting is the only pre-filled field. The date of cycle reporting is the current date when the cycle is
entered initially in NASS. Once the page is saved, the date of cycle reporting does not change, even if
the cycle is entered across multiple days. For an existing patient in NASS, the date of cycle reporting,
patient ID, optional identifier(s), patient date of birth, and patient sex are pre-filled. For more
information about how to start a cycle, see the ‘Enter Cycle Data’ section of this guide.
Data entered about the intention of the cycle become read-only after saving the Initial Reporting page
and cannot be changed. However, users can correct the patient’s date of birth or update the patient’s
optional identifiers on the Initial Reporting page anytime with Edit buttons that are available after the
data become read-only. Please note that changing the patient date of birth or optional identifier(s) will
result in the change being made for all cycles entered previously in NASS 2.0 for that patient.
Once data entry on the Initial Reporting page are complete, select the ‘Save’ button to save data and
remain on the same page, or the ‘Next’ button to save data and move to the next page. After data are
saved, you may also use the data entry page tabs at the top of the page to navigate. Please note that
not all data entry pages are available after the Initial Reporting page is completed.
NASS data entry pages may be inactive (or active) because of cycle type, cycle progression, or data
entered on other pages. Relevant data entry pages will become active as data are entered for the cycle.
You do have the option to go back to earlier pages and make changes (excluding the majority of data
elements on the Initial Reporting page). This may result in pages that were previous active becoming
inactive, or vice versa. Please note that you cannot manually open inactive pages, and there are no data
on inactive pages.

Navigate to different data entry pages by selecting any active tab. You will be prompted to save newly entered data before leaving the page.


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To navigate between any active page, use the ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ buttons, or use the data entry tabs.
Any unsaved data will not be retained if you navigate using the data entry tabs. On select pages, there
are additional buttons for navigation. Use ‘Select Different Patient’ to go to the ‘Existing Patient’ search
page, use ‘Select Another Cycle for Same Patient’ to go to a list of all NASS 2.0 cycles for the patient,
and ‘Main Page’ to return to the Main page.
After entering data on any NASS page, select the Save button to save data and stay on that page. Selecting the Previous or
Next buttons also saves data before leaving the page. NOTE: Some NASS pages have different button choices.

3.2 Data Alerts
When you save cycle data on a NASS 2.0 page, a data alert box may appear with one or more messages
about two types of data checks. One type is for data that are mandatory to fix before you can save the
page (e.g., for a question with missing or illogical data). The other is for data that should be reviewed
and confirmed before continuing to save the page (e.g., for data outside of the usual range). A data
element that is mandatory to fix is marked with an asterisk by it for easy identification on the page.
Please note that the asterisk will not disappear for data that you have resolved until you save the page
again. Note that you may drag the data alert box to another location on the NASS page for easy reference
while reviewing and editing your data. Each data alert message has a unique reference code in
parentheses. It is helpful to reference this number when contacting the NASS Help Desk with a question.
Mandatory to fix data
elements are marked
with an asterisk.
Mandatory to fix data alerts
must be resolved before the
page can be saved successfully.

Review questions with these types
of data alerts, and make changes
if needed.

Each data alert message has
a unique code in parentheses
to reference, if you contact
the NASS Help Desk with a


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3.3 Cycle Complete
Before submitting annual NASS 2.0 data to CDC, your clinic must ensure that all available data are entered
for each cycle started and that your clinic has designated in NASS that the cycles for the reporting period
are ‘Complete’.
At the time you are on a NASS 2.0 data entry page and have finished entering all data for that particular
cycle, there is a section at the end of select NASS 2.0 data entry pages that will be open for you to
indicate if the cycle is complete. This section will be available based on the type of cycle being reported
(e.g., banking vs. IVF) or the progression and outcome of the cycle (e.g., cancellation, retrieval, transfer,

While on a NASS page that has a Cycle Complete
section, select the Cycle Complete button to
indicate that the cycle is complete.

An alternative way to indicate a cycle is complete is to perform a standard search on the NASS 2.0 Main
page for a list of cycles that have more than just prospective or initial data entered but that are still
categorized as ‘open’ in NASS—that is, they have not been designated as completed cycles. You can
indicate that a cycle is complete in the search results page. Note that you cannot mark cycles complete
that have only initial data entered in NASS. You must first enter additional data about the actual ART
performed and the results of the cycle.

Select the
Cycle Complete
button to
indicate the
cycle that you
have selected is

Select the
check box
for the
cycle you
want to
indicate is

The cycle status will be categorized as
‘Complete’ after selecting the Cycle
Complete action button or when
indicating a cycle is complete on a
NASS 2.0 data entry page.


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