CUAS Focus Group - SLTT

Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Evaluations

1601-NEW - CUAS PRA Emergency - Focus Group Questions SLTT_FINAL

CUAS Focus Group - SLTT Law Enforcement

OMB: 1601-0026

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Department of Homeland Security OMB Control Number: 1601-NEW

OMB Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY

Countering UAS Threats Interview Protocol

Federal, State, Local, or Tribal Law Enforcement Authority Focus Group Evaluation Questions

Paperwork Reduction Act

The public reporting burden to complete this information collection is estimated at 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and the completing and reviewing the collected information.  The collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the DHS, 1776 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138, ATTN: PRA [OMB Control No. 1601-NEW].

Note: All responses are voluntary, non-attributional, and anonymous. Please do not enter any personally identifiable information (PII) about yourself or any other individuals in the text boxes provided. DHS will use the information provided to inform and assist in responding to the Congressional report assessing the knowledge of, efficiency of, and effectiveness of the current CUAS authorities and procedures available to owners of critical infrastructure, domestic large hub airports, and Federal and State, local, or tribal law enforcement.

Introductory Questions

  • What is your current position at this agency?

    • How long have you worked at this agency? In this position?

    • If there was a UAS incident in your jurisdiction, what would be your specific role and responsibilities for addressing this threat?

  • What types of critical infrastructure or large-hub airports are located in your jurisdiction?

Understanding the UAS Threat

  • Is there a threat from UAS in your jurisdiction? Have you experienced a threat from UAS in the past year?

  • To your knowledge has there ever been an UAS incident in your jurisdiction? IF YES:

    • Can elaborate on past incidents in terms of:

      1. number and types of past incidents

      2. extent of damage caused

      3. motivation of perpetrators identified

      4. characteristics and model of UASs encounters

      5. specific role and responsibilities during these incidents

      6. other pertinent details that will help us understand the nature of the UAS threats your agency encountered

  • Are you concerned about future UAS incidents in your jurisdiction? IF YES:

      1. What are your specific concerns?

      2. What do you think is the likelihood of future incidents and why?

Review of Authorities to Counter UAS Threats

  • Does your organization currently use legal authorities to either counter UAS threats or assist federal authorities in countering UAS threats? By legal law authorities, we mean [insert definition or examples] if you think interviewees may not know what you mean) IF YES:

    • How have you used legal law enforcement authorities in the past to counter UAS?

  • What does your organization currently do to counter or respond to threats from UAS? Please explain.

    • Can you describe some specific incidents in which you countered or responded to UAS?

  • What are your organization’s specific requirements and capabilities to counter threats from unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)?

    • (Probe Questions) What are your organization’s requirements and current capabilities to:

      • detect, identify, monitor, and track UAS

      • warn the UAS operator using passive or active, direct or indirect physical, electronic, radio, and electronic means

      • disrupt control of a UAS; seize, control, or confiscate a UAS

      • use reasonable force to disable, damage, or destroy the UAS threat

Assessment of Federal Procedures and Efforts to Support the Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Airports

  • Are there specific procedures in place to request assistance from federal authorities including DHS for UAS incidents? If YES:

    • In your opinion, how effective and efficient are these current procedures and resources?

  • Are you aware of DHS/DOT/DOJ’s capabilities and resources regarding CUAS? If YES:

    • What do you think of these capabilities and resources?

      • Do you think these capabilities and resources are sufficient?

      • What other types of capabilities and resources would help? Please explain

  • How frequently, if at all, does your organization anticipate needing federal assistance to conduct CUAS in the next year? In the next three years?

  • In your opinion, how well do these specific law enforcement efforts work for the incidents you experience? Please explain.

  • What additional actions, if any, should DHS take under current authorities to assist SLTT in CUAS?

Assessment of Additional Authorities and Capabilities

  • In your opinion, are there specific gaps or limitations (including technology) in your organization’s authorities or capabilities to counter UAS in your jurisdiction?

  • What do you think of the role that federal agencies currently have in assisting with UAS mitigation?

    • Do you think federal agencies are currently providing the right level of support to help with UAS mitigation? IF NO; Do you think federal law enforcement should be more involved or less involved? Why do you feel that way?

    • What types of law enforcement authorities would help? Please explain.

Assessment of Additional Research and Development

  • Is additional research and development needed to help your organization monitor, track, counter, or deter UAS threats? IF YES:

    • What would help you better monitor, track, counter, or deter UAS?


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