
Local Food Directories and Survey

Farmers Markets Directory Questionnaire 6-19-19


OMB: 0581-0169

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OMB 0581-0169

Expiration July 31, 2022

Farmers Markets

Section 1: Qualifying Questions for the Directory

To qualify to be included in the USDA’s National Farmers Market Directory, the farmers market must be two or more farm vendors selling at a common direct retail outlet at the same physical location on a recurring basis.

1. Does this market qualify as a farmers market as defined by the USDA?

(_) Yes

(_) No, not qualify as a farmers market as defined by the USDA

2. Does this farmers market operate in [current year]?

(_) Yes

(_) No

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0169. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 8 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information

Section 2: Business Name

If you manage
more than one location under the same exact market name, please treat each location as an individual farmers market. You will need to fill out a directory form for each location of that farmers market.

In such a situation, feel free to type only the same exact name of each of your farmers markets or you can extend the name by adding a distinguishing indicator for each location.

For example, you can leave City Market as is for each location or you can extend the name into:

  • City Market – Winter in one listing, City Market - Summer in another listing

  • City Market - Wednesday in one listing, City Market – Saturday in another listing

  • City Market – I in one listing, City Market—II in another listing

  • City Market—High Street in one listing, City Market—Downtown Plaza in another listing

  • or any other way you let your customers know about your farmers market name and its location.

Farmers market name appears in the USDA National Farmers Market Directory


Section 3: Business Profile

Information listed in this section is for internal purposes only and will NOT be published in the USDA Local Food Directory. This information will be kept confidential.

1. What is your primary relationship with this farmers market?

(_) Market manager/ director

(_) Board/ committee chair/ member

(_) Contact person/ secretary/ public liaison for market

(_) Head/ representative of farmers market association

(_) Representative of sponsoring organization

(_) Local Extension/ Outreach agent

(_) Market president

(_) Market employee

(_) Market volunteer

(_) State agency/ government employee

(_) Local agency/ government employee

(_) Representative of a local economic development organization

(_) Market vendor

(_) Other


2. Mailing address for this farmers market

[_] Check if the same as the contact person's mailing address


See Appendix A




Street name and number or P.O. Box number


5-digit ZIP Code


All information you provide from this point forward will be published in the USDA Local Food Directory.

3. Contact information for this farmers market

[_] Check if the same as the contact person's information

Market manager name






4. Media channels

To ensure accuracy, please copy the full address from the appropriate website/social media site.















Other 1


Other 2


5. Introduce your business

This will be a part of the promotional message about this market that will appear in the directory.


Section 4: Location

1. Location Description


See Appendix A




Physical street address


5-digit ZIP Code


If there is not a street address or ZIP code for this location, or you do not know it, please provide the state, city/town, a description of the location with the nearest road intersection listed and short driving directions. The Directory will include this description to assist customers in locating your farmers market.

Location description and driving directions:


2. List the site of the location where this farmers market will operate during [current year].

(_) Private business parking lot

(_) Closed-off public street

(_) Faith-based institution (e.g., church, mosque, synagogue, temple)

(_) On a farm from: a barn, a greenhouse, a tent, a stand, etc.

(_) Educational institution

(_) Co-located with wholesale market facility

(_) Federal/ state government building grounds

(_) Local government building grounds (e.g., including public parking and recreation areas)

(_) Healthcare institution (medical campus)

(_) Other


3. Will this market be indoors in [current year]?

(_) Yes, entire time the market is open

(_) Yes, part of the time the market is open

(_) No

Section 5: Operation Schedule and Products

1. Season Name


2. Season Start and End Date

Start Date


End Date


3. Operation Date and Time

For each operation date, click on the start time slot and then move mouse down to the end time, click again to finish the selection. Click on the selected slot to unselect it.

4. Produce and products that are sold at your operation on a regular basis

[_] Fresh fruits

[_] Fresh vegetables

[_] Baked goods: breads, pies, etc.

[_] Bedding plants

[_] Canned or preserved fruits/vegetables: jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, etc.

[_] Coffee and/or tea

[_] Crafts and/or woodworking items

[_] Cut flowers

[_] Dairy products: milk, cheese, etc.

[_] Dry beans

[_] Eggs

[_] Fish and/or seafood

[_] Fresh and/or dried herbs

[_] Grains and/or flour

[_] Honey

[_] Juices and/or non-alcoholic ciders

[_] Maple syrup and/or maple products

[_] Mushrooms

[_] Nursery stock (trees, shrubs)

[_] Nuts

[_] Pet food

[_] Poultry/fowl meat and products

[_] Prepared foods (for immediate consumption

[_] Red and other non-poultry meat and products

[_] Soap and/or body care products

[_] Tofu and/or non-animal protein

[_] Trees (e.g., Christmas trees)

[_] Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.

[_] Wine, spirits, beer, hard cider

5. Typical number of vendors on regular market days


6. Descriptions of this season


7. Will any of the producers/vendors at this market location in [current year] be USDA-certified organic producers?

(_) Yes

(_) No

(_) Do not know

8. Will the farmers market at this location accepts credit and/or debit cards in [current year]?

(_) The market will accept credit and/or debit cards at a central location and provide tokens for customers to use at the market

(_) Some/all market vendors will accept credit and/or debit cards

(_) Both the market and some/all the vendors will accept credit cards and/or debit cards

(_) Neither the market nor any of the vendors will accept credit cards/debit cards

(_) Do not know

9. In which of the following federal nutrition programs will the producers/vendors at this market location participate in [current year]?

[_] Women, Infants and Children\'s (WIC) Farmers Market Nutrition Program (called differently in some states, e.g., in Michigan - WIC Project FRESH)

[_] Women, Infants and Children\'s (WIC) Cash Value Voucher (called differently in some states, e.g., in New York - WIC Vegetables and Fruits Check Program)

[_] Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (called differently in some states, e.g., in Michigan - Senior Project FRESH in 2010 but Market FRESH in 2012)

[_] Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly called "food stamps")

10. How the SNAP benefits will be accepted at this market location in [current year]?

(_) The market will accept SNAP benefits (EBT) at a central location and provide tokens for customers to use at the market

(_) Some/all market vendors will accept SNAP benefits (EBT)

(_) Both the market and some/all the vendors will accept SNAP benefits (EBT)

(_) Do not know

[_] None

Section 6: Remove the Market from the Listing

1. Why do you want to delete?

(_) This farmers market is closed

Why was the market closed?

[_] Not enough farm vendors to provide products

[_] Lack of sufficient interest in participation by local producers

[_] Lack of diversity of agricultural products offered

[_] Low market sales

[_] Lost market location/ could not secure viable replacement location

[_] Poor location

[_] Lack of dedicated resources to manage day-to-day market operations

[_] Lack of volunteers

[_] Due to regulations, local ordinances, health citations, etc.

[_] Competition from other farmers market(s)

[_] Competition from other retail market(s)/ store(s)

[_] Other


What was the last year that was open?

(_) 2017

(_) 2016

(_) 2015

(_) 2014

(_) 2013 or earlier

How many years did this market operate?

(_) 1 year

(_) 2 years

(_) 3 years

(_) 4 years

(_) 5 years

(_) 6-10 years

(_) 11-15 years

(_) More than 15 years

(_) Other reasons


2. Please verify the contact information of the person completing this form

Contact Name


Contact Email


Contact Phone


3. What is your primary relationship with this farmers market?

(_) Market manager/ director

(_) Board/ committee chair/ member

(_) Contact person/ secretary/ public liaison for market

(_) Head/ representative of farmers market association

(_) Representative of sponsoring organization

(_) Local Extension/ Outreach agent

(_) Market president

(_) Market employee

(_) Market volunteer

(_) State agency/ government employee

(_) Local agency/ government employee

(_) Representative of a local economic development organization

(_) Market vendor

(_) Other


4. Any comments:


Section 7: No Longer Manage This Listing

Thank you for informing us that you no longer manage/represent this farmers market.

If you know the new contact person's information, please provide his/her information below and click the "submit" button:



Email address:


Any comments:


If you do not know the new contact person's information, please click the "submit" button directly.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorRagland, Edward - AMS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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