NIST, TPO, IoT Infrastructure Collection

NIST Generic Clearance for Program Evaluation Data Collections


NIST, TPO, IoT Infrastructure Collection

OMB: 0693-0033

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1. Introduction
OMB Control #0693-0033
Expiration Date 07/31/2022

On July 12 2019, the Technology Partnerships Office (TPO) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announced a study entitled Economic Research and Analysis of the National Need
for Technology Infrastructure to support the Internet of Things (IoT).
In support of this study, we are interested in your perspectives and opinions on current and future
opportunities for IoT technologies for the USA economy.
Your name and your organization's name will not be disclosed. We do not wish to discuss specific
products or strategies but rather your thoughts about industry needs and how investments in
technology infrastructure to meet those needs would improve services.
Our research products will be an economic analysis, final report and presentation materials.
All deliverables will be publicly available in 2021 and these will be shared with you as soon as they
are released.
The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete. If you have questions, please
contact Christopher Reberger at [email protected]
More information on the work can be found at


Public Burden Statement

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a
penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number.
The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0693-0033. Without this approval, we could not conduct
this survey/information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 15 minutes per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection.
All responses to this information collection are voluntary to obtain benefits. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or
any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology at 100 Bureau Dr., STOP 8962 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-896, Attn: Kathleen McTigue,
[email protected]


1. Where is your principal market?
North America

South America





2. Which category best describes your organization?


Service delivery



Policy development

Other (please specify)

3. Which single area best describes your industry?








Smart Cities

Financial Services

Public Sector

Tech focused across multiple industries

Other (please specify)

4. Thinking broadly about IoT devices and machines, what do you feel will be the overall impact on your
industry over the next 5 to 10 years?
No impact

Some impact

Significant impact

The remainder of the survey looks at a number of use cases, the technology required to deliver them and their impact.
Use cases describe the practical benefits of a technology and their impact would be considered high if they would change day to day
operations in your industry.


2. Use Cases: Smart Cities
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact city operations and citizen experiences
1. Video based information
Connected IP video meras installed in the city to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the local policies.
2. Smart lighting
Sensors on each street light monitor for outages to speed repair minimizing crime and other concerns. Smart lighting will also adjust
intensity based on vehicle/ pedestrian activity and ambient lighting
3. Smart buildings
Sensors monitor and control HVAC and electricity in all City owned buildings (eg. public schools, administration buildings) driving
reduced energy costs and more effective management and maintenance
4. City WiFi
A city-wide Wi-Fi platform can be used as a common infrastructure to support the City’s smart services. Also, additional capacity on the
Wi-Fi can be made available for limited public access for tourist, healthcare & municipal use
5. Disaster Response
Integrate live data from fire, road and weather agencies with demographic population data to provide a statistical representation of the
emergency situation to inform appropriate response.

5. How confident are you that vendors will deliver the services that city managers need from these
technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Video based
2. Smart lighting
3. Smart buildings
4. City WiFi
5. Disaster response

6. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on city operations and the citizen experience over
the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Video based
2. Smart lighting
3. Smart buildings
4. City WiFi
5. Disaster response


3. Use Cases: Retail
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact retail operations:
1. Workforce experience
For example the use cases of In-store analytics, Checkout optimizer, Remote expert, Mobile advisor, Smart lockers, Interactive kiosks
2. Customer experience
For example the use cases of Remote expert, Self-serve channels, Endless aisles, Smart lockers, Checkout optimizer
3. Business operations
For example the use cases of In-store analytics, Interactive kiosks, Assortment optimization, Out of stock reduction, In-store
navigation, Theft reduction, Physical security

7. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that retailers need from these technologies
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1.Workforce experience
2.Customer experience
3. Business operations

8. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on retail operations over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1.Workforce experience
2.Customer experience
3.Business operations


4. Use Cases: Energy/Utilities
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact energy and utilities operations:
1. Asset performance management
Low-cost field sensors providing real-time information, predictive maintenance available by aggregating all asset data
2. Grid optimization
Distributed energy resources and ability to model the generation output profile of each of these resources
3. Consumer energy technologies
"Transactive Energy" with advanced metering, a dynamic balance of energy supply and demand

9. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that operators need from these technologies
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Asset performance
2. Grid optimization
3. Consumer energy

10. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on utility operations over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Asset performance
2. Grid optimization
3. Consumer energy


5. Use Cases: Public Sector
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact the delivery and effectiveness of
1. Remote workforce
The ability to work remotely without impacting efficiency or effectiveness
2. Connected citizen
The provision of detailed citizen based information to public sector authorities and improved communication from authorities.
3. Mobile collaboration
The ability to deliver public services where and when they are required
4. Open data
The provision of APIs to allow third party access to data with appropriate privacy constraints

11. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that public sector managers need from these
technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Remote workforce
2. Connected citizen
3.Mobile collaboration
4. Open data

12. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on the public sector and citizen experience over
the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Remote workforce
2. Connected citizen
3. Mobile collaboration
4. Open data


6. Use Cases: Telecommunications
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact the delivery and effectiveness of
1. Asset utilization
Reduced energy use, fleet optimization
2. Employee productivity
Remote working and improved decision making
3. Supply chain
Efficiency improvements from real time and location information
4. Customer experience
Detailed information on the customer experience

13. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that operators need from these technologies
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Asset utilization
2. Employee productivity
3. Supply chain
4. Customer experience

14. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on service providers and their customers over the
next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Asset utilization
2. Employee productivity
3. Supply chain
4. Customer experience


7. Transport: Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact transport operations:
1. Safety
With the ability to communicate in real-time using data from various sources
2. Fleet management
Preventative vehicle maintenance and regulatory compliance
3. Geo fencing
Delineation of permitted areas. Turn location data into decisions
4. Inventory
Real time information on status and tracking information
5. Public transit
Improvements in the rider experience

15. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that operators need from these technologies
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Safety
2. Fleet management
3. Geo fencing
4. Inventory
5. Public transit

16. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on transport and warehousing operations over
the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Safety
2. Fleet management
3. Geo fencing
4. Inventory
5. Public transit


8. Manufacturing: Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact manufacturing operations:
1. Predictive maintenance
Analyzing production data to identify patterns and predict issues before they happen
2. Digital signage
Production floor, displays easily communicate reliable and timely production metrics, such as quality control, up-to-the-minute production
totals, inventory levels and assembly line alert
3. Energy management
IoT sensors to collect, analyze, and convert the energy data into information to make intelligent business decisions to improve energy
4. Remote monitoring
Check the status of on object, pinpoint the location of an object and display the object’s relevant information.
5. Wearables
On person tools designed to improve workplace productivity, safety, and efficiency

17. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that manufacturers need from these
technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Predictive
2. Digital signage
3. Energy management
4. Remote monitoring
5. Wearables

18. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on manufacturing over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Predictive
2. Digital signage
3. Energy management
4. Remote monitoring
5. Wearables


9. Financial services: Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact financial services:
1. Sales transformation
Improve the sales process of existing products (e.g. identification of cross-sell opportunities, more personalized contextual messages)
and the customer relationship (e.g. churn detection, more accurate customer segmentation
2. Risk Management
Fine tuning of risk management algorithms. Credit risk , insurance risk and operational risk to managing internal and external fraud risk
3. Mobile payments
Identification and authentication, i.e. use IoT devices to identify and authenticate a person more accurately
4. Product innovation
Making products and services more personalized, i.e. products and services will be even more centered around the customer’s needs
and preferences.

19. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that financial services need from these
technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Sales transformation
2. Risk management
3. Mobile payments
4. Product innovation

20. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on financial services over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Sales transformation
2. Risk management
3. Mobile payments
4. Product innovation


10. Healthcare: Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact healthcare:
1. Decision support tools
Integrate and analyze diverse types of diagnostically relevant data and move it to clinical decision-support systems
2. Advanced Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
Real-time data from sensors being automatically added to patient records
3. Inventory management
Track expensive or vital equipment more effectively
4. Improved compliance
Improve patient and operator compliance such as knowing the temperatures of refrigerator, hand hygiene compliance, smart medicine

21. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that healthcare services need from these
technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Decision support tools
2. Advanced Electronic
Medical Records (EMR)
3. Inventory
4. Improved compliance

22. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on healthcare services over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Decision support
2. Advanced Electronic
Medical Records (EMR)
3. Inventory
4. Improved compliance


11. Agriculture: Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact agricultural operations:
1. Drones
Detailed information from aerial services, analyzed w/ recommended actions
2. Weather
Advanced, local real time weather information and forecasts
3. Soil patterns
Information on soil chemistry and conditions
4. Animal health
Detailed real time information on animal welfare
5. Indoor farming
Indoor vertical high density farming
6. Irrigation
Targeted irrigation integrating local soil and weather conditions
7. Supply chain
Detailed real time information on supplier status, availability and timing

23. How confident are you that suppliers will deliver the services that operators need from these technologies
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Drones
2. Weather
3. Soil patterns
4. Animal health
5. Indoor farming
6. Irrigation
7. Supply chain


24. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on agriculture over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High impact

1. Drones
2. Weather
3. Soil patterns
4. Animal health
5. Indoor farming
6. irrigation
7. Supply chain


12. Construction Use Cases
We are interested in your opinion on the following IoT use cases that are likely to impact operations and management in the construction
1. Site safety:
Wearable technologies that monitor environmental conditions and staff locations
2. Inventory tracking:
Placement of RFID tags, barcodes or QR codes for inventory
3. Utility monitoring:
The management of fuel, water and electrical power use
4. Building information monitoring (BIM):
Providing coordination and simulation of a project covering planning, design, construction and maintenance
5. Equipment management and servicing:
The management of construction tools and remote monitoring of operations

25. How confident are you that vendors will deliver the services that the construction industry needs from
these technologies over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

Not confident

Slightly confident


Very confident

1. Site safety
2. Inventory tracking
3. Utility monitoring
4. BIM
5. Equipment

26. In your view, what will be the impact of these uses cases on building operations and other stakeholders
over the next 5-10 years?
No opinion

No impact

Slight impact

Moderate impact

High Impact

1. Site safety
2. Inventory tracking
3. Utility monitoring
4. BIM
5. Equipment


13. Technology
27. Thinking about the technology required to deliver IoT services in your industry, choose up to five that you
feel are the most important.
Hardware: IoT Sensors

Network: Gateways

Systems: Middleware

Hardware: Actuators

Network: Connectivity

Systems: Alerts

Hardware: Processing

Apps: Device Management

Systems: Security

Hardware: Edge devices

Apps: Network Mngt

Systems: AI

Software: Sensor F/ware

Apps: Data manage

Systems: Resiliency

Software: Edge F/ware

Apps: Data analytics

Standards: Security

Software: Data collect

Apps: Visualization

Standards: Data

Software: Data store

Apps: Usability

Standards: Privacy

Other (please specify)

28. In your view, what is the most important IoT technology gap in your industry?

29. In your view, is research and development in the most important areas mainly undertaken by the private
sector or by either the state and federal public sectors?
Mainly private R&D

Equal contribution

Mainly public R&D

30. Can you suggest one broad issue that would slow the adoption of IoT technologies in your industry?

31. Can you suggest one broad issue that would accelerate the adoption of IoT technologies in your area?


32. How many employees are in your organization?
less than 5



More than 1000

33. Feel free to add any comments on IoT issues or any other use cases that would significantly affect your

As we are interested in a wide range of views, feel free to send the link to this survey to any colleagues who are knowledgeable in IoT in
your area. And if you'd like to be considered for a 30 minute interview just contact us.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2020-07-15
File Created2020-07-10

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