Outcome Survey for NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers

NIST Generic Clearance for Program Evaluation Data Collections


Outcome Survey for NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers

OMB: 0693-0033

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Shape1 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants [insert school year]

Please take the time to complete this survey on your experience as a teacher during the current school year. Your feedback is truly valuable to the administrators of the NIST Summer Institute program and the data will be kept strictly confidential. Data will be used solely for the overall evaluation of the program and program improvement purposes.

The survey should take 40 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact Kara Arnold at NIST. She can be reached by phone at (301) 975­2471 or by email at [email protected].

OMB Control No. #0693­0033

Expiration Date: 06/30/2019

NOTE: This collection of information contains Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requirements approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to be 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn: Kara Arnold, [email protected], 301-975-2471.

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

As part of the evaluation of the NIST Summer Institute, NIST is conducting this survey to document the teaching practices and beliefs of program applicants.

Participation in this activity is voluntary, but the information gained from the survey will be of great value to NIST as it refines its program to best meet the needs of middle school science teachers. Information collected through the survey will be strictly confidential and used solely for research purposes. Only aggregate findings will be included in the final report. No findings will be connected to individual teachers. The information collected will not be shared with other school personnel or used as part of a performance evaluation.

1. If you agree to participate in the survey, please check the following box and complete the survey.


I have read the information on this screen and understand what my participation involves. I consent to participating in the survey as part


of the NIST evaluation.

Shape3 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

2. Please enter your ID number in the space below (your ID number can be found in the email with the link to this survey).

Shape4 Shape5 ID Number:

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

3. In what grade did you spend the majority of your time teaching science during the current school year? (Select one.)


6th grade


7th grade


8th grade

4. If you taught science to more than one grade during the current school year, select all

additional grades that apply.


6th grade


7th grade


8th grade

Shape6 fec

I did not teach science to any additional grades

Shape7 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

5. What were the three most valuable things you took away from the NIST Summer

Institute program?



6. Are there any particular aspects of the NIST experience that you feel should have been

handled differently or could be improved?



Shape8 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

7. Which subject areas did you cover in your science classes during the current school

year. (Mark one response on each line.)

Subject covered

Subject not covered

a. Biology

b. Earth Science

c. Space Science

d. Physics

e. Chemistry

f. Weather

g. Metrology*

*Metrology: is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. Scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of quantity systems, unit systems, units of measurement, the development of new measurement methods, realization of measurement standards and the transfer of traceability from these standards to users in society. Applied or industrial metrology concerns the application of measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurement instruments, their calibration and quality control of measurements. Legal metrology concerns regulatory requirements of measurements and measuring instruments for the protection of health, public safety, the environment, enabling

taxation, protection of consumers and fair trade.

Shape9 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

8. How prepared are you to link scientific concepts to real­world applications for each of

the subject areas listed below? (Mark one response on each line.)

Not prepared

Somewhat prepared

Moderately prepared

Very well prepared

a. Biology

b. Earth Science

c. Space Science

d. Physics

e. Chemistry

f. Weather

g. Metrology*

*Metrology: is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. Scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of quantity systems, unit systems, units of measurement, the development of new measurement methods, realization of measurement standards and the transfer of traceability from these standards to users in society. Applied or industrial metrology concerns the application of measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurement instruments, their calibration and quality control of measurements. Legal metrology concerns regulatory requirements of measurements and measuring instruments for the protection of health, public safety, the environment, enabling

taxation, protection of consumers and fair trade.

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

9. What is your level of preparedness to use the following teaching practices in your

classroom? (Mark one response on each line.)

Not prepared





Very well


a. Using real­world examples to introduce science concepts

b. Using real­world examples to motivate student interest in science

c. Connecting new science concepts to previous science concepts

d. Creating analogies for scientific concepts

e. Addressing studentsmisconceptions

f. Having students collect data

g. Providing direct instruction to help students understand a scientific concept

h. Asking students to compare the results of an experiment to their original predictions



i. Asking students to explain their conclusions and/or reasoning

j. Increasing student interest in science careers

k. Increasing student interest in the role of science in everyday life

Shape11 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

10. Approximately how often did you have students engage in the following learning

activities during the current school year? (Mark one response on each line.)





a. Conduct investigations (e.g., doing lab activities or using manipulatives)

b. Consider a real­world problem relevant to the course and develop a plan to address it

c. Use technical passages (from news or science journals) to investigate current issues or new developments in science or technology

d. Listen to guest speakers

e. Go on field trips relevant to the curriculum

f. Investigate possible career opportunities in mathematics, science, or technology

g. Design and implement their own scientific investigation

h. Use state­of­the­art equipment or technologies

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

11. Consider only science teachers within your school: How often did you do the

following with them during the current school year? (Mark one response on each line.)

1­2 times a week

1­2 times a


1­2 times a year Never

a. Discuss general ideas for how to teach specific science concepts

b. Share a specific science lesson that was very effective for teaching a concept

c. Share strategies for making science accessible to all students

d. Have my classroom observed by other science teachers to demonstrate how to teach a specific science lesson, activity, or concept

e. Demonstrate a specific science lesson, activity, or concept for students in another teacher’s classroom

12. Consider only science teachers outside your school that attended the Institute: How

often did you do the following with them during the current school year? (Mark one response on each line.)

1­2 times a week

1­2 times a


1­2 times a year Never

a. Discuss general ideas for how to teach specific science concepts

b. Share a specific science lesson that was very effective for teaching a concept

c. Share strategies for making science accessible for all students

13. Consider only science teachers outside your school that did not attend the Institute:

How often did you do the following with them during the current school year? (Mark one response on each line.)

1­2 times a week

1­2 times a month

1­2 times a year Never

a. Discuss general ideas for how to teach specific science concepts

b. Share a specific science lesson that was very effective for teaching a concept


c. Share strategies for making science accessible for all students

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

14. When you had a science content question related to your teaching responsibilities

during the current school year, how often did you use the following information sources to obtain answers? (Mark one response on each line.)

1­2 times a week

1­2 times a


1­2 times a year Never

a. A teaching colleague within my middle school

b. A teaching colleague at another middle school

c. A science supervisor from within my school district

d. Someone from a professional science teaching organization (e.g., NSTA)

Shape13 e. A professional scientist of my acquaintance (e.g., a former professor)

f. My school district’s science website

g. My state’s science website

h. A targeted Google search

i. A federal agency website (e.g., NSF, NASA, NOAA, NIST)

j. Specific science websites (e.g., Why Files, Exploratorium)

k. Other

15. If you selected "Other" in Question 14, please specify the "Other" information source(s)

in the space below:



Shape14 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

16. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following

statements for the current school year. (Mark one response on each line.)

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

a. The quality of my teaching influences my studentsinterest in science

b. The quality of my teaching influences my studentsachievement in science

c. I continually find better ways to teach science

d. I know how to motivate my students to learn science

e. I influence the quality of science instruction for students outside of my own classroom

f. I am currently in a position to influence the number of my students that know about science­related careers

g. I am currently in a position to influence the number of my students that find STEM subjects interesting

h. I am currently in a position to influence the number of my students that view science as being relevant to their lives

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

17. To what extent did you make use of the following components of the NIST Summer

Institute program with your students during the current school year? (Mark one response on each line.)

I do not remember this

I did not use this

I used this component in I used this component in



one unit

two or more units

a. Measurement uncertainty: How big is Pi?

b. Metrics Estimation Game

c. Weights and Measures activities

d. A world of sound (with SPS organization)

e. Cement activity

f. Thermometry activities: Ice melting point, Steam point, CO2 sublimation point

g. Nanoscale activities

h. Diffraction activity (from NCNR)

i. Spectroscopy activity

k. Introduction to coding and social media

l. Chemical and Physical Separations

m. Earthquake activities

n. Chemical reactions: Foam Gnome

o. DNA activities (Mycomuncher puzzle and genes and your very own puppy)

p. NASA Resources

q. NIST SI Superheroes and resources

r. Nanomagnets

q. Measurement of Temperature with wooden and aluminum blocks


NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

18. To what extent were each of the following components of the NIST Summer Institute

program aligned with the your middle school curriculum taught by you or by your colleagues in other grades? (Mark one response on each line.)

I do not remember

this component

Not at all aligned Slightly aligned Moderately aligned Greatly aligned

a. Measurement uncertainty: How big is Pi?

b. Metrics Estimation Game

c. Weights and Measures activities

d. A world of sound (with SPS organization)

e. Cement activity

f. Thermometry activities: Ice melting point, Steam point, CO2 sublimation point

g. Nanoscale activities

h. Diffraction activity (from NCNR)

i. Spectroscopy activity

k. Introduction to coding and social media

l. Chemical and Physical Separations

m. Earthquake activities

n. Chemical reactions: Foam Gnome

o. DNA activities (Mycomuncher puzzle and genes and your very own puppy)

p. NASA Resources

q. NIST SI Superheroes and resources

r. Nanomagnets

q. Measurement of Temperature with wooden and aluminum blocks


NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

Shape17 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

19. To what extent do you feel that you experienced each of the following types of learning

as a result of your participation in the NIST Summer Institute program? (Mark one response on each line.)

Not at all

Slight extent

Moderate extent

Great extent

a. I gained a greater understanding of the applications of science and technology in everyday life

b. I acquired greater understanding of fundamental concepts in science

c. I became familiar with new materials and equipment that I can use in my teaching

d. I learned about innovative ways to use standard materials and equipment in my teaching

e. I increased my knowledge of current issues in scientific research

f. I gained a greater appreciation of the difficulties some students encounter when learning science

g. I better understand how collaborative inquiry can be done successfully

h. I increased my knowledge of careers that utilize science

20. To what extent was your NIST experience successful in each of the following ways?

(Mark one response on each line.)

Not at all

Slight extent

Moderate extent

Great extent

a. It was responsive to my professional development needs

b. It was appropriate to my knowledge and skills

c. It was appropriate to my interests

d. It provided opportunities to engage in inquiry/research activities that I

have been able to adapt for classroom use

e. The activities were enjoyable

f. It stretched me intellectually

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

21. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements

concerning the impact of the NIST Summer Institute program on you professionally?

(Mark one response on each line.)



Disagree Not sure Agree



a. It increased my confidence as a teacher

b. It elevated my enthusiasm for science

c. It increased my interest in research and the ways science and technology can be applied

d. It stimulated me to think about ways I can improve my teaching

e. It increased my effectiveness as a teacher

f. It increased my interest and ability to network with teachers

g. It increased my interest and ability to network with scientists

h. It increased my motivation to seek out other experiential professional development activities

i. It increased my commitment to learning and seeking new ideas and activities for my classroom


j. It increased my capacity to provide engaging activities for my students

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

22. Indicate whether you shared each of the following components of the NIST Summer

Institute program with other teachers at your middle school. (Mark one response on each line.)

I did not share this component

I shared this component with teachers from MY grade

I shared this component with teachers from ANOTHER grade

I shared this component with teachers from BOTH my grade and

another grade

a. Measurement uncertainty: How big is Pi?

b. Metrics Estimation Game

c. Weights and Measures activities

d. A world of sound (with SPS organization)

e. Cement activity

f. Thermometry activities: Ice melting point, Steam point, CO2 sublimation point

g. Nanoscale activities

h. Diffraction activity (from NCNR)

i. Spectroscopy activity

k. Introduction to coding and social media

l. Chemical and Physical Separations

m. Earthquake activities

n. Chemical reactions: Foam Gnome

o. DNA activities (Mycomuncher puzzle and genes and your very own puppy)

p. NASA Resources

q. NIST SI Superheroes and resources

r. Nanomagnets

q. Measurement of Temperature with wooden and aluminum blocks

Shape20 Shape19 r Institute: Post-survey for Participants

NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants


23. Select all forms of interaction that you had with each of the following individuals during

the current school year. (Mark all that apply on each line.)

Discuss science

Discuss how to teach

Ask for assistance

with NIST resources

Other form of interaction


a science subject

provided as part of

the Institute

a. Kate Rimmer

b. NIST presenter

c. NIST mentor (a scientist you worked with at the Institute)

d. Other teachers you met at the Institute

Other (please specify your "other" form of interaction)



NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

24. Select all forms of interaction that you had with each of the following individuals +during the current school year. (Mark all that apply on each line.)

Discuss science

Discuss how to teach

Ask for assistance

with NIST resources

Other form of interaction


a science subject

provided as part of

the Institute

a. Kate Rimmer

b. NIST presenter

c. NIST mentor (a scientist you worked with at the Institute)

d. Other teachers you met at the Institute

Other (please specify your "other" form of interaction)

25. How would you rate the NIST Summer Institute program in light of other professional

development programs you have experienced?








Very good



26. Have you recommended the NIST Summer Institute program to your teacher




mlj No

27. Would you be willing to assist the Summer Institute program evaluation by answering

followup questions to this survey over the phone?




mlj No

Shape23 NIST Summer Institute: Post-survey for Participants

If you are not finished with the survey, select the "Previous" button to navigate the survey and complete your responses.

If you are ready to submit your survey now, select the "Done" button. After you submit, you will NOT be able to reenter the survey.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorYonder, Darla
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-16

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