OMB#: 0925-0648 Exp., date: 05/2021
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Dear BME Educators,
We are considering our options to modify the 2020 DEBUT competition to accommodate the circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeking information about your experience so we can make well-informed decisions about DEBUT. We greatly appreciate your responses to the following questions about the capstone design courses in BME departments which result in submissions to the DEBUT challenge:
We realize that most, if not all, universities have switched to online classes. How are you dealing with the experiential/hands-on/prototyping aspects of the capstone design courses? Please describe: ______________________________________________
Are the students expected to complete design projects this year?
Are they still expected to work in teams, albeit remotely?
Are the students expected to build protypes for their projects?
Have there been discussions about potential options to compensate for the loss in hands-on experiences in prototyping for this class, perhaps at a later date?
Do you expect your students to submit entries to the DEBUT challenge?
Would your answer change if DEBUT was changed to an ideation challenge that did not require a working prototype?
Do you have any students who have worked on prototypes for whom such a change might be disappointing?
Would your students be more eager to submit to DEBUT if we introduced an emphasis on COVID-19?
Would you advise us to postpone the DEBUT deadline?
If yes, please indicate rough date: ___________________
Do you have other suggestions for keeping DEBUT engaging, equitable, and feasible this year? Please describe________________________________________________
We appreciate your feedback and hope you and your students stay safe and healthy!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Greve, Joan (NIH/NIBIB) [C] |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-14 |