Summer Genetics Institute Alumni Survey
OMB CONTROL NO.: 0925-0648
OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 25 minutes or less per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648).
Summer Genetics Institute Alumni Survey
The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) at the National Institutes of Health is conducting this important survey to examine the extent to which the Summer Genetics Institute is achieving its long-term goals in research and clinical practice. The results of this survey will determine the extent to which the Summer Genetics Institute program is achieving its goals and serve to inform discussions and decisions on the future of the program.
Recent Summer Genetics Institute alumni are being asked to complete the survey. The survey should take approximately 25 minutes to complete.
Your participation is voluntary and secure to the extent allowable permitted by law. We are not collecting personally identifiable information. You can choose not to answer questions and to stop your participation at any time without consequence. Your answers will be collated with the responses of other participants and analyzed.
If you have questions about this survey or your participation, please contact Dr. Jessica McIlvane by email at [email protected] or by phone at (301) 594-1535.
By checking this box, I acknowledge and accept the statement.
I accept
end the survey
What year did you attend the NINR Summer Genetics Program? ______________
What is your current age?
30 years or less
31- 35
36 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 50
51- 55
56 - 60
61 - 65
66 years or more
What is your sex?
Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?
Which of the following describes your race? (select all that apply):
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Asian or Asian-American
Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native
Decline to Respond
Please check each degree you have completed:
Masters: _________________
PhD: _________________
DrPH: _________________
DNP: _________________
MD: _________________
DO: _________________
DDS: _________________
JD: _________________
Other (Please specify): _________________
What is your field of study or profession based on your highest degree?
Nursing: _________________
Engineering: _________________
Psychology: _________________
Biology: _________________
Law: _________________
Medicine: _________________
Dental: _________________
Sociology: _________________
Other (Please specify): _________________
Please check each certificate you have obtained:
Certified Genetic Counselor ______________
NP ______________
PA ______________
CNS ______________
Other (Please specify): ____________________________
Are you an RN or an NP?
What is your current employment or educational position (select all that apply)?
Scientist at a research institute or university
Scientist for federal, state or local government
US military or Commissioned Corps
Faculty appointment
Clinician (provide direct patient care such as RN, NP, CNS, MD, DDS, Psychologist)
Pre-doctoral position
Post-doctoral position
Other (Please specify) ____________________________
Is your principal employer a:
Nursing school
Engineering school
Medical school
School of
public health
or Clinic
Other university school or
University-affiliated research center or research
Non-profit research center or institute not
affiliated with a university
For-profit research center/institute or organization not affiliated with a university
Government (federal, state, or local)
Other employer (Please specify type) ____________________________
What percent of your current time at work is spent on research? ___________%
What percent of your current time at work is spent on teaching in an academic program? ___________%
What percent of your current time at work is spent on direct patient care, including counseling? ___________%
What percent of your current time at work is spent as a health care manager / administrator? ___________%
How many NIH research grants have you applied for since attending the Summer Genetics Institute?
0 (Skip to Question 17)
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
16 or more
If answer is not zero - Answer question 16a
16a. Did any of these NIH research grant applications have a genetics component?
Yes, all the grants had a genetics component
Yes, most of the grants had a genetics component
Yes, some of the grants had a genetics component
No, none of the grants had a genetics component
How many non-NIH research grants have you applied for since attending the Summer Genetics Institute?
0 (Skip to Question 18)
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
16 or more
If answer is not zero - Answer question 17a
17a. Did any of these non-NIH research grant applications have a genetics component?
Yes, all the grants had a genetics component
Yes, most of the grants had a genetics component
Yes, some of the grants had a genetics component
No, none of the grants had a genetics component
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, how many NIH research grants have you been awarded as the Principal Investigator (PI)?
0 (Skip to question 19)
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
16 or more
If answer is not zero - Answer question 18a
18a. Did any of the NIH research grants that you were awarded as PI have a genetics component?
Yes, all the grants had a genetics component
Yes, most of the grants had a genetics component
Yes, some of the grants had a genetics component
No, none of the grants had a genetics component
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute on how many funded NIH research grants have you participated as a co-PI?
0 (Skip to question 20)
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
16 or more
If answer is not zero - Answer question 19a
19a. Did any of the NIH research grants on which you participated as a co-PI have a genetics component?
Yes, all the grants had a genetics component
Yes, most of the grants had a genetics component
Yes, some of the grants had a genetics component
No, none of the grants had a genetics component
How many non-NIH research grants have you been awarded since attending the Summer Genetics Institute?
0 (Skip to Question 21)
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
16 or more
If answer is not zero - Answer question 20a
20a. Did any of the non-NIH research grants that you were awarded have a genetics component?
Yes, all the grants had a genetics component
Yes, most of the grants had a genetics component
Yes, some of the grants had a genetics component
none of the grants had a genetics component
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, have you authored or co-authored any peer-reviewed research publications?
Yes (Answer question 21a)
No (Skip to question 22)
21a. Did any of the peer-reviewed research publications that you authored or co-authored have a genetics component?
Yes, all the publications had a genetics component
Yes, most of the publications had a genetics component
Yes, some of the publications had a genetics component
No, none of the publications had a genetics component
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, have you presented any research papers or posters at conferences?
Yes (Answer question 22a)
No (Skip to question 23)
22a. Did any of the research papers or posters that you presented at conferences have a genetics component?
Yes, all the presentations had a genetics component
Yes, most of the presentations had a genetics component
Yes, some of the presentations had a genetics component
No, none of the presentations had a genetics component
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, have you incorporated knowledge of genetics into your research?
Not sure
I do not do research
How have you used knowledge gained from the Summer Genetics Institute in your research (Please select all that apply)?
(I do not do research)
Adding research questions on genetics into my research
Having more informed/more in-depth discussions with my collaborator(s) or Co-PI’s who lead the genetics component of our research
Partly changing my program of research to include genetics
Completely changing my program of research to include genetics
Improving my understanding of research literature on genetics
I have not used the training received at the Summer Genetics Institute in my research
Other (please specify): ________________________________________________
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, have you incorporated knowledge of genetics into your clinical practice?
Not sure
I do not have a clinical practice
How have you used knowledge gained from the Summer Genetics Institute in your clinical practice (Please select all that apply)?
(I do not have a clinical practice)
Patient/family education
Patient/family counseling
Ordering genetic tests
Interpreting genetic tests
Treating genetic diseases
Referring patient(s)/family(s) for genetic counseling, testing, or treatment
I have not used the training received at the Summer Genetics Institute in my clinical practice
Other (please specify): ________________________________________________
Since attending the Summer Genetics Institute, have you incorporated knowledge of genetics into your teaching?
Not sure
I do not teach
How have you used knowledge gained from the Summer Genetics Institute in your teaching (Please select all that apply)?
(I do not teach)
Including a more in-depth focus on genetics in my course curricula than before
Having more enriched conversations with students about genetics research
Encouraging students to pursue more knowledge/training in genetics
I have not used the training received at the Summer Genetics Institute in my teaching
Other (please specify):
What were the main reasons you attended the Summer Genetics Institute? (Check all that apply)
to increase my knowledge of genetics
to improve my ability to include a genetics focus in my research
to improve my ability to include a genetics focus in my clinical practice
to improve my ability to include a genetics focus in my teaching
to expand my network of colleagues and mentors in the area of genetics
to broaden my knowledge base beyond what is available at my institution/school
Other (please specify): _____________________________
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements pertaining to your participation in the Summer Genetics Institute.
The Summer Genetics Institute has been valuable to my career.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
The Summer Genetics Institute has made me more likely to engage in genetics research activities.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable/Was already engaging in genetics research activities
(If Strongly Agree/Agree to Q31) In what ways
has the Summer Genetics Institute made you more likely to engage in
genetics research activities?
[Please do not
include any personally identifiable information about yourself in
your response, such as your name, e-mail address, or the name of
your university/workplace.]
The Summer Genetics Institute has made me more likely to incorporate genetics into my clinical activities.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable/ Was already incorporating genetics into my clinical activities
(If Strongly Agree/Agree to Q33) In what ways
has the Summer Genetics Institute made you more likely to
incorporate genetics into your clinical activities?
do not include any personally identifiable information about
yourself in your response, such as your name, e-mail address, or the
name of your university/workplace.]
The Summer Genetics Institute has made me more likely to incorporate genetics into my teaching activities.
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable/ Was already incorporating genetics into my teaching activities
(If Strongly Agree/Agree to Q35) In what ways
has the Summer Genetics Institute made you more likely to
incorporate genetics into your teaching activities?
do not include any personally identifiable information about
yourself in your response, such as your name, e-mail address, or the
name of your university/workplace.]
The Summer Genetics Institute included genetics content that was up to date.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The Summer
Genetics Institute was adequate to meet my needs.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The genetics
material presented in the Summer Genetics Institute was at an
appropriate level of difficulty.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The genetics
material presented in the Summer Genetics Institute was repetitive.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
The genetics
material presented in the Summer Genetics Institute was difficult to
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
I came into
the Summer Genetics Institute with a basic knowledge of genetics.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
Did you take
the pre-course primers that were offered prior to the Summer
Genetics Institute?
Not sure
Not applicable / Not offered when I took SGI
If yes, then
why did you take the pre-course primers that were offered prior to
the Summer Genetics Institute?
Needed to learn basic genetics before taking the course
Needed a genetics refresher
Thought the content would be helpful to review before taking the course
It was suggested by the NINR SGI Course Coordinator
Not applicable
Other (please specify): ___________________________
If no, then
why didn’t you take the pre-course primers that were offered
prior to the Summer Genetics Institute?
Already had a strong understanding of basic genetics
Didn’t have time
Didn’t know about the pre-course primers
Pre-course primers were not offered when I took the course
Not applicable
Other (please specify): ___________________________
pre-course primers that were offered prior to the Summer Genetics
Institute were helpful.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable / Did not take / Not offered when I took SGI
It would
have been helpful for me to take additional pre-course primers prior
to the Summer Genetics Institute, such as an on-line in-depth module
on basic genetics.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
important was the lab component of the Summer Genetics Institute?
Very important
Somewhat important
A little important
Not important at all
Not applicable
important was the interaction and networking with students,
scientists/researchers, and clinicians who took the Summer Genetics
Institute with you?
Very important
Somewhat important
A little important
Not important at all
Not applicable
important are the ongoing interactions and relationships with
colleagues that took the Summer Genetics Institute with you?
Very important
Somewhat important
A little important
Not important at all
Not applicable
The Summer
Genetics Institute prompted me to build or participate in
collaborations with scientists and researchers in non-nursing
disciplines, such as medicine, engineering, and public health.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
The Summer Genetics Institute: (Check all that apply)
increased my knowledge of genetics
allowed me to expand my network of mentors and/or collaborators in genetics
gave me knowledge about genetics that I wouldn’t have been able to get elsewhere
helped me include a genetics focus in grant proposal(s)
improved my collaboration with other scientists
gave me a new set of research tools
allowed me to have better informed/richer discussions about genetics with other scientists/students and/or patients.
prompted me to change the focus of my program of research to include genetics
changed the course of my career to include genetics
helped me to think of questions to ask patients in clinical care that I wouldn’t have thought of prior to taking the course
helped me to think of research questions that I wouldn’t have thought of prior to taking the course
improved my understanding of how research on genetics informs clinical care
contributed to my professional development
increased my ability to secure research funding
What was
your level of genetics knowledge coming into the Summer Genetics
Institute? Would you say you were:
A Novice
An Expert
Something in between novice and expert
Don’t know
Not applicable
Did you take
the Summer Genetics Institute as a “refresher” course on
Don’t know
Not applicable
If you were
a student at the time you took the Summer Genetics Institute, did
you have the opportunity to take a similar genetics course at your
school during your course of study?
Don’t know
Not applicable
If you were
a faculty member or clinician at the time you took the Summer
Genetics Institute, did you have the opportunity to take a similar
genetics training at your institution?
Don’t know
Not applicable
Did any of the following factors influence your decision to seek out genetics training at NIH rather than another location? (Check all that apply)
Could not obtain similar training at my location
Reputation of the Summer Genetics Institute
Reputation of NINR
Reputation of NIH
Recommended by a colleague
Recommended by a mentor
How did you
leverage your Summer Genetics Institute training? After completing
the SGI, did you: (Check all that apply)
Seek out additional training in genetics
Seek out additional mentoring in genetics
Seek out additional collaborations in genetics
Seek out leadership positions in genetics
What are the 1 or 2 biggest strengths of the
Summer Genetics Institute?
[Please do not include any
personally identifiable information about yourself in your response,
such as your name, e-mail address, or the name of your
What are 1 or 2 aspects of the Summer
Genetics Institute that could be improved?
[Please do
not include any personally identifiable information about yourself
in your response, such as your name, e-mail address, or the name of
your university/workplace.]
What is your biggest takeaway from the Summer
Genetics Institute?
[Please do not include any
personally identifiable information about yourself in your response,
such as your name, e-mail address, or the name of your
If you have any other comments about the Summer Genetics Institute that you would like to share, please use the box below [Please do not include any personally identifiable information about yourself in your response, such as your name, e-mail address, or the name of your university/workplace.]:
*IMPORTANT* By clicking on the Finish button, you are submitting your responses to the NINR team.
You will have a chance to review and edit your responses after clicking Finish. Please do not use the browser BACK button.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey. We appreciate your time and your feedback on the Summer Genetics Institute.
Version 5, 5/20/2020 Page
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | SGI alumni survey questions |
Author | A Greene |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |