NIH Return to Physical Workspaces for Group C Pulse Check

NIH_Return_to_the_Physical_Worksites Survey (3).docx

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

NIH Return to Physical Workspaces for Group C Pulse Check

OMB: 0925-0648

Document [docx]
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OMB#: 0925-0648 ExpDate: 05/2021

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not return the completed form to this address.

NIH Return to the Physical Workspaces: Group C Pulse Check


NIH remains focused on protecting NIH staff and patient health and safety while continuing to further our mission. The purpose of this survey is to assess the number of NIH federal employees who are interested in voluntarily returning to the physical workplace as a part of Group C. Your feedback will help the NIH Coronavirus Response Team as they consider when and how we may proceed with Group C at our various worksites. 

The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete and all of your responses will be kept confidential. Responses will be aggregated by the Office of Human Resources and summary data will be shared with the NIH Coronavirus Response Team. If you encounter technical difficulties with the survey, please submit an HR help desk ticket at

Thank you for providing your feedback on the NIH Framework for Returning to the Physical Workspaces - Group C.


Page exit logic: Skip / Disqualify LogicIF: #1 Question "Please select your employment type." is one of the following answers ("Contractor") THEN: Disqualify and display: "Thank you for your interest in the survey!  At this time, we are only able to collect input from the NIH federal employees and you have indicated you currently serve as a contractor.

Please continue to check the NIH COVID intranet site for updates regarding our return to the physical workspaces and other guidance. The NIH COVID intranet site also contains a wellness page that contains a collection of videos and other resources from NIH to support your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

If you have additional questions about NIH’s return efforts, please contact  [email protected].

1) Please select your employment type.*

( ) Federal Employee

( ) Fellow/Trainee

( ) Contractor


Page exit logic: Skip / Disqualify LogicIF: #2 Question "Have you already returned to the worksite in Groups 0, A, B, or B2?" is one of the following answers ("Yes","I am a permanent remote worker (e.g., I teleworked full time prior to COVID)") THEN: Disqualify and display: "Thank you for your interest in the survey!  At this time, we are only collecting input from NIH federal employees who may be eligible to return in Group C (non-permanent remote workers and who have not returned to the worksite in Groups 0, A, B, or B2).

Please continue to check the NIH COVID intranet site for updates regarding our return to the physical workspaces and other guidance. The NIH COVID intranet site also contains a wellness page that contains a collection of videos and other resources from NIH to support your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

If you have additional questions about NIH’s return efforts, please contact  [email protected].

2) Have you already returned to the worksite in Groups 0, A, B, or B2?*

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) I am a permanent remote worker (e.g., I teleworked full time prior to COVID)


3) Please indicate your Institute or Center?*

( ) CC

( ) CIT

( ) CSR

( ) FIC



( ) NCI

( ) NEI



( ) NIA






( ) NIDA






( ) NIMH



( ) NINR

( ) NLM

( ) OD

( ) ORF

( ) ORS

Logic: Show/hide trigger exists.

4) Where is your official worksite?*

( ) Argonne, IL

( ) Baltimore, MD

( ) Bethesda, MD Campus

( ) Bethesda, MD Naval Med Ctr

( ) Bethesda, MD Off Campus

( ) Boston, MA

( ) Detroit, MI

( ) Framingham, MA

( ) Frederick, MD

( ) Gaithersburg, MD

( ) Glen Dale, MD

( ) Jackson, MS

( ) Kensington, MD

( ) New Iberia, LA

( ) Phoenix, AZ

( ) Poolesville, MD

( ) RTP, NC

( ) Rancho Cordova, CA

( ) Rockville, MD

( ) Rocky Mt. Labs, MT

( ) Waltham, MA

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Other")

Please specify your official worksite.*



Page exit logic: Skip / Disqualify LogicIF: #5 Question "If NIH deems it acceptable to proceed with a Group C, are you interested in voluntarily returning as a part of that group?  The NIH Framework for Return to Physical Workspaces defines Group C as staff who can successfully telework but are willing and able to return on site.  At this time, we anticipate that there would be an initial call for volunteers with subsequent opportunities.  Completion of this survey is not an application to return." is one of the following answers ("No") THEN: Disqualify and display: "Your response has been captured.  At this time, we are only collecting additional input from the NIH federal employees who are interested in voluntarily returning to the worksite in Group C.

Please continue to check the NIH COVID intranet site for updates regarding our return to the physical workspaces and other guidance. The NIH COVID intranet site also contains a wellness page that contains a collection of videos and other resources from NIH to support your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

If you have additional questions about NIH’s return efforts, please contact  [email protected].

5) If NIH deems it acceptable to proceed with a Group C, are you interested in voluntarily returning as a part of that group?  The NIH Framework for Return to Physical Workspaces defines Group C as staff who can successfully telework but are willing and able to return on site.  At this time, we anticipate that there would be an initial call for volunteers with subsequent opportunities.  Completion of this survey is not an application to return.*

( ) Yes, on a full-time basis

( ) Yes, on a part-time basis

( ) No


6) What is the primary reason for your interest to return in Group C?*

( ) Prefer the office environment

( ) Personal well-being improvement

( ) More reliable internet and IT in the office

( ) Proximity between my childcare and the worksite

( ) Other (please specify): _________________________________________________*

7) If you were to return in Group C, how many days per week would you prefer to come into the worksite?*

( ) 1

( ) 2

( ) 3

( ) 4

( ) 5

( ) 6

( ) 7

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Argonne, IL")

8) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 202 - Argonne National Laboratory

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Baltimore, MD")

9) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) BRC - Biomedical Research Center

( ) C

( ) HARBOR - Harbor Hospital


( ) TRIAD - Triad Tech Ctr

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Bethesda, MD Campus")

10) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 1 - Shannon Building

( ) 2

( ) 3

( ) 4

( ) 5

( ) 6

( ) 6A

( ) 6B

( ) 8

( ) 9

( ) 10 - Magnuson Clinical Center

( ) 10 - CRC - Hatfield Clinical Research

( ) 11

( ) 12

( ) 12A

( ) 12B

( ) 13

( ) 14A

( ) 14B

( ) 14C

( ) 14D

( ) 14E

( ) 14F

( ) 14G

( ) 14H

( ) 14J

( ) 15B1

( ) 15B2

( ) 15C1

( ) 15C2

( ) 15D1

( ) 15D2

( ) 15E1

( ) 15E2

( ) 15F1

( ) 15F2

( ) 15G1

( ) 15G2

( ) 15H

( ) 15I

( ) 15K

( ) 16

( ) 16A - Fogarty International Center

( ) 17

( ) 18

( ) 18T

( ) 20

( ) 21

( ) 22

( ) 22A

( ) 23 - Child Care Center

( ) 25

( ) 26

( ) 28

( ) 28A

( ) 29

( ) 29A

( ) 29B

( ) 30

( ) 30T

( ) 31 - Claude D Pepper Building

( ) 32

( ) 32A

( ) 32TI

( ) 32TII

( ) 33 - C W Bill Young Center

( ) 34

( ) 35 - Porter Building

( ) 35A

( ) 37

( ) 38 - National Library of Medicine

( ) 38A - Lister Hill Center

( ) 40 - Vaccine Research Center

( ) 41

( ) 45 - Natcher Building

( ) 46

( ) 49

( ) 50 - Louis B Stokes Lab

( ) 51

( ) 52

( ) 53

( ) 54

( ) 58

( ) 60 - Mary Woodard Lasker Center

( ) 61

( ) 61A

( ) 62 - Children's Inn at NIH

( ) 64 - East Child Care Ctr

( ) 65 - Edmond J Safra Family Lodge

( ) 66 - Gateway Center

( ) 66A - Gateway Inspection Center

( ) 67

( ) 68

( ) 82 - R A Bloch International Cancer Center

( ) T02

( ) T03

( ) T04

( ) T14 - Warehouse

( ) T20

( ) T23

( ) T28

( ) T39 - Fitness Center

( ) T41

( ) TR10A

( ) TR10B

( ) TR10B1

( ) TR10B2

( ) TR10B4

( ) TR10C2

( ) TR15

( ) TR21A

( ) TR21B

( ) TR30B

( ) TR36A

( ) TR37A

( ) TR40A

( ) TR40B

( ) TR46

( ) TR46B

( ) TR46E

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Bethesda, MD Naval Med Ctr")

11) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 8

( ) 43

( ) 46

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Bethesda, MD Off Campus")

12) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 1DEM - One Democracy Plz

( ) 2DEM - 2 Democracy Plaza

( ) 5413 - 5413 West Cedar Ln

( ) 5415 - 5415 West Cedar Ln

( ) 6700A - 6700A Rockledge Drive

( ) 6700B - 6700B Rockledge Drive

( ) 6710B - 6710B Rockledge Drive

( ) 7700

( ) 8601 - 8601 Old Georgetown Road

( ) 8697

( ) BSA - Boy Scouts of America Building

( ) FASEB - Fed of Amer Soc for Exp Biology

( ) FERN - Fernwood

( ) GWY - Gateway Building

( ) RKL1 - One Rockledge Center

( ) RKL2 - Two Rockledge Center

( ) WB - Westwood Building

( ) W Cedar - 5411 - 15 W Cedar Ln (Doctor Park)

( ) BC T32-1 - NIHBC T32-1

( ) BC T32-2 - NIHBC T32-2

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Boston, MA")

13) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) JFK - JKF Building

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Detroit, MI")

14) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) HUTZEL - Hutzel Hospital

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Framingham, MA")

15) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) PERINI - Perini Building

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Frederick, MD")

16) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 244 - FCRDC

( ) 310 - FCRDC

( ) 311

( ) 312 - FCRDC

( ) 313A - FCRDC

( ) 314 - FCRDC

( ) 315 - FCRDC

( ) 318 - FCRDC

( ) 319 - FCRDC

( ) 320 - FCRDC

( ) 321 - FCRDC

( ) 322 - FCRDC

( ) 323 - FCRDC

( ) 324 - FCRDC

( ) 325 - FCRDC

( ) 327 - FCRDC

( ) 347 - FCRDC

( ) 349 - FCRDC

( ) 350 - FCRDC

( ) 359

( ) 360 - FCRDC

( ) 361 - FCRDC

( ) 362 - FCRDC

( ) 363 - FCRDC

( ) 371 - FCRDC

( ) 372 - FCRDC

( ) 376 - FCRDC

( ) 378 - FCRDC

( ) 381 - FCRDC

( ) 425 - FCRDC

( ) 426 - FCRDC

( ) 427 - FCRDC

( ) 428 - FCRDC

( ) 429 - FCRDC

( ) 430 - FCRDC

( ) 431 - FCRDC

( ) 432 - FCRDC

( ) 433 - FCRDC

( ) 434 - FCRDC

( ) 440 - FCRDC

( ) 441 - FCRDC

( ) 457 - FCRDC

( ) 458 - FCRDC

( ) 459 - FCRDC

( ) 469 - FCRDC

( ) 472 - FCRDC

( ) 535 - FCRDC

( ) 536 - FCRDC

( ) 538 - FCRDC

( ) 539 - FCRDC

( ) 542 - FCRDC

( ) 549 - FCRDC

( ) 550 - FCRDC

( ) 558 - FCRDC

( ) 559 - FCRDC

( ) 560 - FCRDC

( ) 562 - FCRDC

( ) 567 - FCRDC

( ) 571 - FCRDC

( ) 576 - FCRDC

( ) 578 - FCRDC

( ) 1003 - FCRDC

( ) 1011 - FCRDC

( ) 1019

( ) 1021 - FCRDC

( ) 1022 - FCRDC

( ) 1023 - FCRDC

( ) 1025 - FCRDC

( ) 1026 - FCRDC

( ) 1027 - FCRDC

( ) 1029 - FCRDC

( ) 1031 - FCRDC

( ) 1032 - FCRDC

( ) 1033 - FCRDC

( ) 1034 - FCRDC

( ) 1035 - FCRDC

( ) 1036 - FCRDC

( ) 1037 - FCRDC

( ) 1038 - FCRDC

( ) 1040 - FCRDC

( ) 1043 - FCRDC

( ) 1044 - FCRDC

( ) 1045 - FCRDC

( ) 1046 - FCRDC

( ) 1047 - FCRDC

( ) 1048 - FCRDC

( ) 1049 - FCRDC

( ) 1050 - FCRDC

( ) 1051 - FCRDC

( ) 1062 - FCRDC

( ) 1063 - FCRDC

( ) 1064 - FCRDC

( ) 1066 - FCRDC

( ) 1067 - FCRDC

( ) 1068 - FCRDC

( ) 1069 - FCRDC

( ) 1070 - FCRDC

( ) 1071 - FCRDC

( ) 1072 - FCRDC

( ) 1073 - FCRDC

( ) 1074 - FCRDC

( ) 1075 - FCRDC

( ) 1722 - FCRDC

( ) 5705IL - 5705 Industry Ln

( ) 7116 - 7116 Geoffrey Way

( ) 8225

( ) IRF - Integrated Research Facility


( ) WW

( ) FDC 8490

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Gaithersburg, MD")

17) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 8402 - Helgerman Ct

( ) ATC - Advanced Technology Ctr

( ) GDC - Gaithersburg Distribution Center

( ) MDL9 - 9 West Watkins Mill Rd

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Glen Dale, MD")

18) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) MATLAND - Matland Warehouse

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Jackson, MS")

19) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) JMM - Jackson Medical Mall

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Kensington, MD")

20) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) NLRC - Nicholson Lane Research Center

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("New Iberia, LA")

21) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) N1 10 - Building N1 10

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Phoenix, AZ")

22) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) GENOME - Genomics Building


( ) PIMC

( ) S Avenida - 8619 S. Avenida

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Poolesville, MD")

23) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 101 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 102 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 103 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 104 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 107 - Electrical Switchgear

( ) 110 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 110A - NIH Animal Center

( ) 111 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 112 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 115 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 116 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 117 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 130 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 131 - NIH Animal Center

( ) 132 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T01 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T02 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T05 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T06 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T07 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T10 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T11 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T12 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T13 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T14 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T15 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T16 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T19

( ) T20

( ) T23 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T25 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T25A - NIH Animal Center

( ) T25B - NIH Animal Center

( ) T25C - NIH Animal Center

( ) T39 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T41 - NIH Animal Center

( ) T46 - NIH Animal Center

( ) AC 101A - NIHAC 101A

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("RTP, NC")

24) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 101 - Rail Building

( ) 102 - Facilities Engineering

( ) 103 - Chemical Storage

( ) 104 - Warehouse

( ) 105 - Central Utility Plant

( ) 108 - Waste Holding

( ) 109 - Modular Clinic

( ) 110 - Receiving Warehouse

( ) 111

( ) KEYSTN - Keystone Building

( ) MRI

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Rancho Cordova, CA")

25) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) Mercantile - 2750 Mercantile Dr.

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Rockville, MD")

26) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) E Gude Dr - 1029 E Gude DR

( ) 1700RB - 1700 Research Blvd

( ) 2115EJ - 2115 E Jefferson St

( ) 4930

( ) 5601FL - 5601 Fishers Ln

( ) 5625FL - 5625 Fishers Ln

( ) 5635FL - 5635 Fishers Ln

( ) 6006 - 6006 Executive Boulevard

( ) 6011 - 6011 Exec Boulevard

( ) 6100 - Executive Building

( ) 6101 - 6101 Exec Blvd

( ) 9615 - 9615 Medical Center Drive

( ) 9609 - 9609 Medical Center Dr

( ) 9610 - Key West Medical Center

( ) 9800A - 9800A Medical Center Dr-Bldg A

( ) 9800B - 9800B Medical Center Dr-Bldg B

( ) 9800C - 9800C Medical Center Dr-Bldg C

( ) 11601 - Landsdown St

( ) BBW - Boiling Brook Warehouse

( ) DANAC - DANAC Warehouse

( ) FLOW - Flow Building

( ) NSA - Stonestreet Printing/Mail

( ) NSC - Neuro Science Center

( ) PICCRD - 1375 Piccard Dr

( ) RKW1 - Rockwall I

( ) RKW2 - Rockwall II

( ) TW1 - Twinbrook I

( ) TW2 - Twinbrook II

( ) TW3 - Twinbrook III

( ) WILLCO - Willco Building

( ) WOC1 - Woodmont Office Center 1

( ) WOC2 - Woodmont Office Center 2

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Rocky Mt. Labs, MT")

27) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) 1

( ) 2

( ) 3

( ) 5

( ) 6

( ) 7

( ) 8

( ) 9

( ) 11

( ) 12

( ) 13

( ) 13B

( ) 22

( ) 25

( ) 26

( ) 28

( ) 29

( ) 30

( ) 31

( ) 32

( ) A


( ) HD-1

( ) HD-2

( ) T-23

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: #4 Question "Where is your official worksite?" is one of the following answers ("Waltham, MA")

28) If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?*

( ) WFC - Waltham Federal Center

( ) Other

Logic: Hidden unless: ((((((((((((((((((((#8 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other") OR #9 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #10 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #11 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #12 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #13 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #14 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #15 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #16 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #17 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #18 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #19 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #20 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #21 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #22 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #23 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #24 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #25 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #26 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #27 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other")) OR #28 Question "If you were to return in Group C, what building would you be working in (e.g., the building you would be reporting to if you were not teleworking)?" is one of the following answers ("Other"))

Please specify your building*



29) What type of workspace do you normally work in when onsite? *

( ) Private Office

( ) Cubicle

( ) Open Floor Plan

( ) Other (Please Specify): _________________________________________________*

30) If you were to return in Group C, how would you commute to the worksite?*

( ) Drive Personal Vehicle

( ) Carpool

( ) Vanpool

( ) Public Transportation (Metro, Bus, etc.)

( ) Other


Thank You!

Thank you for taking this survey. Your input is very important to the NIH leadership. As a reminder, completion of this survey is not an application to return. The NIH Coronavirus Response Team will review the results of this survey in considering when and how to proceed with Group C. If the team decides to proceed with a Group C, federal employees will have the opportunity to voluntarily apply to return to the worksite. Those who are approved to return to the worksite must comply with all safety guidance outlines in the NIH Safety Guidance for Return to Physical Workplace.

Please continue to check the NIH COVID intranet site for updates regarding our return to the physical workspaces and other guidance. The NIH COVID intranet site also contains a wellness page that contains a collection of videos and other resources from NIH to support your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

If you have additional questions about NIH’s return efforts, please contact [email protected].


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorChen, Sylvia (NIH/OD) [E]
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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