Form 1 ODSS Data Resource Metrics Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

NLM ODSS Data Resource Metrics Survey Instrument

2020 NLM/ODSS Data Resource Metrics Survey (NLM)

OMB: 0925-0648

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ODSS Data Resource Metrics Survey
OMB OMB Control Number: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 minutes per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to NIH, Project clearance Branch,
6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do
not return the completed form to this address.

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Thank you for taking this survey! Your input contributes toward a deeper understanding of the
existing and desired metrics that resource managers use to judge the usage and impact of
data resources.

* indicates required question.

Q1 What is your role? (Select all that apply.) *


Data Resource Manager (1)
Funder (2)
Submitter (3)
Data user (4)
Educator (5)

Other (Please describe.) (6)

Q2 What type of data resources do you work with? (Select all that apply.) *


Data repository Data repositories store, organize, validate, and make accessible
the core data related to a particular system or systems. For example, core data might
include genome, transcriptome, and protein sequences for one or more organism. (1)


Knowledgebase Knowledgebases accumulate, organize, and link growing bodies
of information related to core datasets. A knowledgebase may contain, for example,

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information about gene-expression patterns, splicing variants, localization, and proteinprotein interactions and pathway networks related to an organism or set of organisms. (2)


Hybrid (both repository and knowledgebase)

Other (Please describe.)

Q3 If you manage more than one data resource, please choose one for the rest of the
questions. What is the name of this data resource that you fund, manage, or use? *

Q4 What is the URL of the data source above? *

Q5 If your data resource assigns persistent identifiers (PIDs) to data objects, what type of PID
are you using?


Accession number (

Other (Please describe.)

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Q6 Is this a generalist or domain specific data resource? *

o Generalist (e.g., multiple data types, no focus area) (1)
o Domain Specific (e.g., a single data type or focus area) (2)
o Not sure (3)
Q7 How is the data made available? (Select all that apply.) *


Public access (1)
Registration required (2)
Controlled access (approval required to access human data) (3)
Tiered access(with different permission levels) (4)

Other (Please describe.) (5)

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Q8 How often are data submitted or curated? *

o Daily (1)
o Weekly (2)
o Monthly (3)
o Annual (4)
o Not active (5)
o Not sure (6)
o Other (Please describe.) (7)

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Q9 What type of usage metrics do you track? (Select all that apply.) *


Number of users (1)
Number of Page views (2)
Number of downloads (3)
Geography (4)
Number of New User vs. Returning (5)
Number of Projects/Studies (6)
Number of Cases/Subjects (7)
Number of Data Submitters (8)
Visit frequency (9)
Usage metrics aren't collected (10)
Unsure (11)

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Q10 What type of cost metrics do you track? (Select all that apply.) *


Total storage cost (1)
Total server cost (2)
Total cloud computing cost (3)
Total labor cost (4)
Cost/dataset in storage (5)
Cost/download (6)
Cost metrics aren't collected (7)
Unsure (8)

Q11 If you track additional metrics to evaluate the data resource that are not mentioned in
the previous question please describe them:

Q12 What metrics would you like to collect, but don’t currently have the ability or
infrastructure to collect? *
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Q13 What tool do you use to collect usage metrics? (Select all that apply.) *


Google Analytics (1)

Other commercial tool (Please name other tool below.) (2)


Open source tool (Please name tool below.) (3)


Inhouse-developed tool (4)

Other (Please describe.) (5)


Metrics aren't collected (6)

Q14 How do you use the metrics you collect currently? (Select all that apply.) *


To improve technical capabilities and performance (1)
To improve user experience (2)
To facilitate budget and/or resource allocation decisions


Other (Please describe.) (4)


Metrics aren't collected (5)

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Q15 How willing are you to share a usage report with a funding source? *

o Extremely willing
o Somewhat willing
o Neither willing nor unwilling
o Somewhat unwilling
o Extremely unwilling
Q16 Do you have any additional comments?

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNIH OAM Survey (NDB-228)
File Modified2020-11-06
File Created2020-11-03

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