Form 0920-1011 Questionnaire - Valley Fever

Emergency Epidemic Investigation Data Collections - Expedited Reviews (Y3Q4)

Appendix1_Questionnaire REVISED

Multistate outbreak of coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) in U.S. students and adults who traveled to Tijuana area, Mexico

OMB: 0920-1011

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Appendix 1: Questionnaire

Updated: August 28, 2018

Survey ID __________________________

Section 1: Questions about travel to Mexico and the southwest United States



  1. Did you attend a service trip to the Tijuana area of Mexico at any time during July 2018? (Note that the Tijuana area is directly south of the San Diego metro area. For purposes of this survey, please consider nearby towns, including Rosarito and La Joya as part of the Tijuana area.)

If Q1 is “No”, END survey. Thank you for participating in the survey.

  1. When did you arrive in Mexico for this trip?

(If you don’t know, check the box for “don’t know” and record your best guess)

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Don’t know


  1. When did you leave Mexico at the end of this trip?

(If you don’t know, check the box for “don’t know” and record your best guess)

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Don’t know




  1. As part of this trip, did you travel anywhere else in Mexico before arriving in the Tijuana area?

  • SKIP if Q4 is No

  1. If yes, specify_______________________



  1. As part of this trip, did you travel anywhere else in Mexico after leaving the Tijuana area?

  • SKIP if Q6 is No

  1. If yes, specify_______________________



  1. As part of this trip, did you spend time in California or Arizona? (Please don’t count travel directly between the San Diego airport and the Mexico border)

  • SKIP if Q8 is No

  1. If yes, specify location(s) ______________________

  2. Specify amount of time___________________



Don’t Know

  1. Before this service trip, had you previously traveled to the Tijuana area or other parts of northwestern Mexico (i.e., the states of Baja California and Sonora)?

  • SKIP if Q11 is No or don’t know

  1. If yes, in which years? Specify_______________ (If you don’t remember exactly, please use your best guess)



Don’t Know

  1. Before this service trip, had you previously traveled to southern California or Arizona?

  • SKIP if Q13 is No or don’t know

  1. If yes, in which years? Specify________________(If you don’t remember exactly, please use your best guess)

Section 2: Questions about your activities during travel to Mexico



Don’t Know

  1. Did you help build houses during the 2018 service trip?

  1. How many houses did you work on during this trip?

1 2 3 4 5 or more

We would like to know which houses you worked on and what type of soil-related activities you did each day of your trip. We have provided pictures of the houses along with their location names to help you identify them as best you can. Please answer as best you can remember, even if you’re not sure.

House A (Castores) Next to a school, and view of a valley at the end of the street.

House B (Rosarito) Urban nice neighborhood.

House C (Cumbres) Top of a hill with breezy ocean view.

  1. On Monday, which house did you work at?

House A House B House C Other. Specify_____________ (describe the house the best you can such as how far it was from the Posada, whether it was paved road, whether it was rural or urban location, whether it was next to a school, whether there were many stray dogs, and whether you saw a valley or an ocean)

As best you can recall, did you do the following activity?



Don’t Know

For about how many hours total?

  1. Digging trenches or holes

  1. _______hours

  1. Shoveling or wheelbarrowing dirt/soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Mixing/making cement from dry ingredients (sand and gravel)

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with sand or soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with cement

  1. _______hours

  1. Passing empty buckets

  1. _______hours

  1. Backfilling the trench (putting dirt back into the foundation of the house)

  1. _______hours

  1. Compacting dirt/soil in the trench

  1. _______hours

  1. Cutting and bending rebar

  1. _______hours

  1. Tying rebar for the floor or the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Laying blocks in the trench to make walls

  1. _______hours

  1. Building the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Did you use any of the following tools this day? (check all that apply)

Shovel Pick Electric tamper/soil compactor Manual tamper/soil compactor

Wheelbarrow Other, specify ____________

  1. How much of the time while you were working on the house this day was there dust in the air you were breathing?

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don’t know

  1. During times when you could see dust in the air, did you wear any type of covering over your mouth and nose at any time this day?



Dust mask

Respirator (e.g., N-95)

Other, specify __________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you notice dust on your clothes at the end of this day?

  • Skip if Q49 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how dusty was your clothes?

Extremely dusty Very dusty Mildly dusty Just a little bit of dust

  • Skip if Q49 is No or Don’t know

  1. As best as you can recall, what was the color of the dust?

Black Tan brown Mustard yellow Other. Specify______

  • Skip if Q49 is No or Don’t know

  1. Where did you shake off your dusty clothes at the end of the day? Specify______________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you near someone moving or digging dirt?

  • Skip if Q53 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what do you consider near? Specify ________feet

  1. On Tuesday, which house did you work at?

House A House B House C Other. Specify_____________ (describe the house the best you can such as how far it was from the Posada, whether it was paved road, whether it was rural or urban location, whether it was next to a school, whether there were many stray dogs, and whether you saw a valley or an ocean)

As best you can recall, did you do the following activity?



Don’t Know

For about how many hours total?

  1. Digging trenches or holes

  1. _______hours

  1. Shoveling or wheelbarrowing dirt/soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Mixing/making cement from dry ingredients (sand and gravel)

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with sand or soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with cement

  1. _______hours

  1. Passing empty buckets

  1. _______hours

  1. Backfilling the trench (putting dirt back into the foundation of the house)

  1. _______hours

  1. Compacting dirt/soil in the trench

  1. _______hours

  1. Cutting and bending rebar

  1. _______hours

  1. Tying rebar for the floor or the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Laying blocks in the trench to make walls

  1. _______hours

  1. Building the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Did you use any of the following tools this day? (check all that apply)

Shovel Pick Electric tamper/soil compactor Manual tamper/soil compactor

Wheelbarrow Other, specify ____________

  1. How much of the time while you were working on the house this day was there dust in the air you were breathing?

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don’t know

  1. During times when you could see dust in the air, did you wear any type of covering over your mouth and nose at any time this day?



Dust mask

Respirator (e.g., N-95)

Other, specify __________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you notice dust on your clothes at the end of this day?

  • Skip if Q87 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how dusty was your clothes?

Extremely dusty Very dusty Mildly dusty Just a little bit of dust

  • Skip if Q87 is No or Don’t know

  1. As best as you can recall, what was the color of the dust?

Black Tan brown Mustard yellow Other. Specify______

  • Skip if Q87 is No or Don’t know

  1. Where did you shake off your dusty clothes at the end of the day? Specify______________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you near someone moving or digging dirt?

  • Skip if Q91 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what do you consider near? Specify ________feet

  1. On Wednesday, which house did you work at?

House A House B House C Other. Specify_____________ (describe the house the best you can such as how far it was from the Posada, whether it was paved road, whether it was rural or urban location, whether it was next to a school, whether there were many stray dogs, and whether you saw a valley or an ocean)

As best you can recall, did you do the following activity?



Don’t Know

For about how many hours total?

  1. Digging trenches or holes

  1. _______hours

  1. Shoveling or wheelbarrowing dirt/soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Mixing/making cement from dry ingredients (sand and gravel)

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with sand or soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with cement

  1. _______hours

  1. Passing empty buckets

  1. _______hours

  1. Backfilling the trench (putting dirt back into the foundation of the house)

  1. _______hours

  1. Compacting dirt/soil in the trench

  1. _______hours

  1. Cutting and bending rebar

  1. _______hours

  1. Tying rebar for the floor or the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Laying blocks in the trench to make walls

  1. _______hours

  1. Building the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Did you use any of the following tools this day? (check all that apply)

Shovel Pick Electric tamper/soil compactor Manual tamper/soil compactor

Wheelbarrow Other, specify ____________

  1. How much of the time while you were working on the house this day was there dust in the air you were breathing?

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don’t know

  1. During times when you could see dust in the air, did you wear any type of covering over your mouth and nose at any time this day?



Dust mask

Respirator (e.g., N-95)

Other, specify __________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you notice dust on your clothes at the end of this day?

  • Skip if Q125 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how dusty was your clothes?

Extremely dusty Very dusty Mildly dusty Just a little bit of dust

  • Skip if Q125 is No or Don’t know

  1. As best as you can recall, what was the color of the dust?

Black Tan brown Mustard yellow Other. Specify______

  • Skip if Q125 is No or Don’t know

  1. Where did you shake off your dusty clothes at the end of the day? Specify______________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you near someone moving or digging dirt?

  • Skip if Q129 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what do you consider near? Specify ________feet

  1. On Thursday, which house did you work at?

House A House B House C Other. Specify_____________ (describe the house the best you can such as how far it was from the Posada, whether it was paved road, whether it was rural or urban location, whether it was next to a school, whether there were many stray dogs, and whether you saw a valley or an ocean)

As best you can recall, did you do the following activity?



Don’t Know

For about how many hours total?

  1. Digging trenches or holes

  1. _______hours

  1. Shoveling or wheelbarrowing dirt/soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Mixing/making cement from dry ingredients (sand and gravel)

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with sand or soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with cement

  1. _______hours

  1. Passing empty buckets

  1. _______hours

  1. Backfilling the trench (putting dirt back into the foundation of the house)

  1. _______hours

  1. Compacting dirt/soil in the trench

  1. _______hours

  1. Cutting and bending rebar

  1. _______hours

  1. Tying rebar for the floor or the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Laying blocks in the trench to make walls

  1. _______hours

  1. Building the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Did you use any of the following tools this day? (check all that apply)

Shovel Pick Electric tamper/soil compactor Manual tamper/soil compactor

Wheelbarrow Other, specify ____________

  1. How much of the time while you were working on the house this day was there dust in the air you were breathing?

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don’t know

  1. During times when you could see dust in the air, did you wear any type of covering over your mouth and nose at any time this day?



Dust mask

Respirator (e.g., N-95)

Other, specify __________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you notice dust on your clothes at the end of this day?

  • Skip if Q163 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how dusty was your clothes?

Extremely dusty Very dusty Mildly dusty Just a little bit of dust

  • Skip if Q163 is No or Don’t know

  1. As best as you can recall, what was the color of the dust?

Black Tan brown Mustard yellow Other. Specify______

  • Skip if Q163 is No or Don’t know

  1. Where did you shake off your dusty clothes at the end of the day? Specify______________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you near someone moving or digging dirt?

  • Skip if Q167 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what do you consider near? Specify ________feet

  1. On Friday, which house did you work at?

House A House B House C Other. Specify_____________ (describe the house the best you can such as how far it was from the Posada, whether it was paved road, whether it was rural or urban location, whether it was next to a school, whether there were many stray dogs, and whether you saw a valley or an ocean)

As best you can recall, did you do the following activity?



Don’t Know

For about how many hours total?

  1. Digging trenches or holes

  1. _______hours

  1. Shoveling or wheelbarrowing dirt/soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Mixing/making cement from dry ingredients (sand and gravel)

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with sand or soil

  1. _______hours

  1. Filling or passing buckets with cement

  1. _______hours

  1. Passing empty buckets

  1. _______hours

  1. Backfilling the trench (putting dirt back into the foundation of the house)

  1. _______hours

  1. Compacting dirt/soil in the trench

  1. _______hours

  1. Cutting and bending rebar

  1. _______hours

  1. Tying rebar for the floor or the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Laying blocks in the trench to make walls

  1. _______hours

  1. Building the roof

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Other activities, specify__________

  1. _______hours

  1. Did you use any of the following tools this day? (check all that apply)

Shovel Pick Electric tamper/soil compactor Manual tamper/soil compactor

Wheelbarrow Other, specify ____________

  1. How much of the time while you were working on the house this day was there dust in the air you were breathing?

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Don’t know

  1. During times when you could see dust in the air, did you wear any type of covering over your mouth and nose at any time this day?



Dust mask

Respirator (e.g., N-95)

Other, specify __________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you notice dust on your clothes at the end of this day?

  • Skip if Q201 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how dusty was your clothes?

Extremely dusty Very dusty Mildly dusty Just a little bit of dust

  • Skip if Q201 is No or Don’t know

  1. As best as you can recall, what was the color of the dust?

Black Tan brown Mustard yellow Other. Specify______

  • Skip if Q201 is No or Don’t know

  1. Where did you shake off your dusty clothes at the end of the day? Specify______________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you near someone moving or digging dirt?

  • Skip if Q205 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what do you consider near? Specify ________feet



Don’t Know

  1. Did you play volleyball at the Posada on this trip?

  • Skip if Q207 is No

  1. If yes, how many times did you play at the volleyball court?

Once Twice Three times More than three times

  1. Please describe any other place that appeared very dusty. Specify__________________

Section 3: General Questions About Valley Fever

This section includes questions about Valley fever and working in dusty places. Answers to these questions can help improve public communications to prevent the disease.



  1. Before August 2018, had you heard of Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis)?

  • Skip if Q210 is No

  1. If yes, where or how had you heard of it? Specify______________



  1. Before August 2018, did you know that people can get fungal infections from breathing in dust in certain places?

  1. Did you take any special efforts to reduce the amount of dust that was created?

  • Skip if Q213 is No

  1. If yes, specify_______________

  1. What are ways that people can minimize the amount of dust they breathe when doing construction work?

Specify _________________________________



  1. Did you take any special efforts to reduce the amount of dust that you inhaled?

  • Skip if Q216 is No

  1. If yes, specify_______________

Section 4: Questions About Your Experience After Returning from Mexico



Don’t Know

Did you experience any of the following during or in the 4 weeks after your volunteer service trip to Mexico?

  1. Fever

  1. Fatigue

  1. Chest pain

  1. Chills

  1. Painful joints

  1. Painful muscles

  1. Cough

  1. Shortness of breath

  1. Any rashes? (painful or itchy red lumps on skin)

  1. Night sweats

  1. Headache

  1. Weight loss

  1. Do you still have any of these symptoms?

  1. Did you have any other symptoms? Specify ____________

  1. Did you have any other symptoms? Specify ____________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you have any respiratory symptoms or fever (for example, like from a cold or flu) that started during your recent travel to Mexico or in the four weeks after returning?

  • Skip to Q245 if Q233 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, what date did you first feel sick? (If you don’t know, check the box for “don’t know” and record your best guess)

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Don’t know


  • Skip to Q245 if Q233 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, how many days did your illness last? Specify__________



  • Skip if Q233 is No or Don’t know

  1. Were you unable to do your normal activities because of this illness?

  • Skip if Q236 is No

  1. If yes, how many days? Specify___________________



  • Skip if Q233 is No or Don’t know

  1. Did you visit the emergency room for this respiratory illness in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q233 is No or Don’t know

  1. Were you hospitalized for this illness in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q239 is No

  1. If yes, how many days were you hospitalized in July or August 2018? Specify______________



  • Skip if Q239 is No

  1. If yes to hospitalized, were you put on a ventilator (breathing machine) in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q241 is No

  1. If yes, how many days were you on a ventilator in July or August 2018? Specify__________



  • Skip if Q239 is No

  1. If yes to hospitalized, were you in the intensive care unit in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q243 is No

  1. If yes, how many days were you in the intensive care unit in July or August 2018? Specify________________



Don’t Know

  1. Did you see a healthcare provider during your recent travel to Mexico or in the four weeks after returning to the United States?

  • Skip if Q245 is No

  1. If yes to healthcare provider, what was the reason for visiting a healthcare provider? Specify ___________________

  • Skip if Q245 is No

  1. If yes to healthcare provider, how many times did you visit a healthcare provider during this period? once twice three times four times five times or more



  • Skip if Q245 is No

  1. If yes to healthcare provider, was this for any type of respiratory symptoms or fever (for example, like from a cold or flu)?

  • Skip if Q248 is No

  1. If yes to respiratory symptoms, what did the healthcare provider tell you was the cause of your illness? Specify ___________________ Don’t know



Don’t Know

  • Skip if Q245 is No or Don’t know

  1. Did you receive a chest x-ray in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q245 is No or Don’t know

  1. Were you given any medication for this respiratory illness in July or August 2018?

  • Skip if Q245 is No or Don’t know

  1. Did you take anti-fungal medication (Examples: Amphotericin B, Ambisome, Diflucan, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Voriconazole, Posaconazole)?

  • Skip if Q245 is No or Don’t know

  1. Did you take antibiotic medication (Example: amoxicillin, doxycycline, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, metronidazole, azithromycin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim)?



Don’t Know

  1. Did you take anything over the counter (without prescription)?

  • Skip if Q254 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes to over the counter, specify medication________________



Don’t Know

  1. Were you ever diagnosed with Valley fever before traveling to Mexico in summer 2018?

  1. Were you diagnosed with Valley fever after returning from Mexico in summer 2018?

  1. Did you take a corticosteroid (for example, prednisone) in the 4 weeks before your recent travel to Mexico?

  1. Do you have diabetes?

  1. Do you have lung disease such as COPD, asthma, or emphysema?

  1. Do you have any condition that weakens your immune system (for example, cancer, HIV, transplant, or medication that weakens your immune system)?

  • Skip if Q261 is No or Don’t know

  1. If yes, specify ___________________

Section 5: Demographic Questions

  1. Which State and city do you reside in?

State _____ City ____________

  1. Age________

  1. Sex: Male Female

  1. How do you describe your race? (select all that apply)

White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  1. How do you describe your ethnicity?

Hispanic Non-Hispanic

  1. What is your occupation? Student Faculty Other. Specify_______________

  1. What is the name of the school you attend or teach at? Specify________________

Section 6: Comments

If there is any other information you would like to share about your travel or Valley fever?

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleEmergency Epidemic Investigations
Last Modified BySYSTEM
File Modified2018-08-29
File Created2018-08-29

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