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pdfFBI Special Agent Application Review Form
To improve the applicant experience to the FBI Special Agent position, we are
reaching out to recent applicants to gain an understanding of their experience. The
survey will ask you to share your thoughts about the application process, your
preparation techniques and experience in completing the application, as well as
information about your personal background, including some demographic
We anticipate this survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey
is entirely optional and confidential, and it will in no way impact your current or
future employment prospects with the FBI.
Release of any information gathered in this collection is subject to agency
regulations and procedures.
If you have any questions about this study, you may contact the research team at
[email protected].
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
1. Where are you in the FBI Special Agent application process?
I am currently in the process to be an FBI Special Agent; I have not yet received a class date for the Basic
Field Training Course at the FBI Academy
I have received an offer to be an FBI Special Agent, and have been informed of my class date for the Basic
Field Training Course at the FBI Academy
I am currently enrolled at the Basic Field Training Course at the FBI Academy, or have begun work at my
initial duty office
I voluntarily withdrew my application from the FBI Special Agent position (or otherwise voluntarily ceased
participation in the application process)
I was notified that I am no longer under consideration/was not selected to become an FBI Special Agent
2. When did you first START the Special Agent application process?
(For example, if you submitted your initial application in October 2018, put "Month : 10, Year:
3. Prior to your application to the Special Agent position, have you ever worked - or do you
currently work - for the FBI in any capacity? Select as many as apply.
Yes, as an intern
Yes, as a contractor
Yes, as professional staff
Yes, as an Intelligence Analyst
4. How did you hear about the Special Agent position? Select as many as apply.
Career Fair event
FBI Diversity Agent Recruitment event
Friend/Family member
Other recruitment
5. At the time that you first applied to be an FBI Special Agent, did you know anyone who was
currently an FBI Special Agent or employee?
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
6. How many FBI Special Agents or employees did you know?
7. What is/was the nature of your relationship with the FBI Special
Agents/employee(s)? Select as many as apply.
Immediate Family (e.g., parent, sibling, grandparent,
Extended Family (e.g., aunt, uncle, cousin)
Met them at an FBI recruitment event
Co-worker or former co-worker
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
8. IF RELEVANT: At what point in the application process did you withdraw your application
or were you notified that you were no longer under consideration for the Special Agent
N/A: I am still in the application process or have
been hired at the FBI
After the Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
After the polygraph examination
After submitting the initial application on
After the background investigation
After the Phase I Test
After the pre-Quantico Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
After the Meet & Greet
After the Phase II Test (Structured Interview and
Written Assessment)
After the medical exam
During my Basic Field Training Course at the FBI
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
9. How often did/do you receive information from the FBI about the status of your
1-2 times a year
Every 2-4 months
Once a month
Every 2-3 weeks
More than once a week
10. Not including routine updates about your application, how often did/do you interact with
any FBI employee during your application process?
(For example: via email, phone calls, or in a casual social capacity)
1-2 times a year
Every 2-4 months
Once a month
Every 2-3 weeks
More than once a week
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
11. In your conversations, did/do any of the following topics come up? Select as many as
Phase I Test
Physical Fit Test (PFT)
Meet & Greet
Polygraph Examination
Phase II - Structured Interview
General background investigation process
Phase II - Written Assessment
Life as an FBI Special Agent
Medical exam
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
12. Which part of the Special Agent application process did you prepare for the MOST?
The Phase I Test
The Meet & Greet
The Phase II Structured Interview
The Phase II Written Assessment
The Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
13. Which part of the Special Agent application process did you prepare for the LEAST?
The Phase I Test
The Meet & Greet
The Phase II Structured Interview
The Phase II Written Assessment
The Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
14. IF RELEVANT: Why did you withdraw from, or stop participating in, the Special Agent
application process? Select up to two answers.
N/A: I did not voluntarily withdraw my
Accepted a job at a different organization
Wanted a higher paying job
Family obligations
Did not want to move/transfer process was
Was uncomfortable with job requirement to carry a
firearm/use deadly force
Went back to school
Was tired of waiting/process took too long
Unable or unwilling to meet physical fitness
Time and travel requirements were too burdensome
Failed a component and decided not to continue
Application process was too complicated/confusing
Had a negative experience with an FBI employee
that discouraged me from continuing
Believe the FBI lacks sufficient diversity
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
15. On a scale from 1 (Not Important) to 5 (Extremely Important), how important to you was
it or would it have been to speak with an FBI Special Agent about the following topics at the
beginning of your application process?
Not Important
What a day in the life
of an FBI Special
Agent is like
Information on the
kind of work someone
with your
could do
Likelihood of having
to relocate if you
became an FBI
Special Agent
Ease or difficulty of
balancing family and
work as an FBI
Special Agent
How long you could
expect the FBI
Special Agent hiring
process to take from
beginning to end
How to make yourself
more competitive in
the FBI Special Agent
hiring process
16. How many days have you, or did you, have to take off of school/work to complete
requirements of the FBI Special Agent application process?
17. What is the farthest distance you have had to travel to complete any part of the
application process (not including travel to Quantico for Basic Field Training or to your initial
duty office)
18. On a scale from 1 (Not a Burden) to 5 (Extremely Burdensome), how much of an
effort/burden was each of the following preparation components associated with the
application process:
Not a Burden
Distance from my
home to the FBI
office where I did
the majority of my
Availability of a gym
or other facility to
train for the
Physical Fitness
Ability to balance
job/family duties
and completion of
Access to interview
materials or writing
Access to
information that
would prepare me
for the steps of the
application process
Ability to schedule
appointments (i.e.,
medical exam) and
testing (i.e., the
Phase I Test)
A Slight
A Moderate
Significant Burden Extremely Burdensome
FBI Special Agent Application Review Form
Please complete the following voluntary demographic questions. All responses will
be kept strictly confidential.
19. What is your gender?
Prefer not to answer
20. Do you identify as Hispanic?
Prefer not to answer
21. Which of the following most closely describes your race?
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Black/African American
More than one race
Prefer not to answer
American Indian or Alaska Native
22. Which of the following sexual orientation terms best describes you?
Homosexual/gay or lesbian
Prefer not to answer
23. Do you identify as someone who has a mental of physical disability?
Select as many as apply
Yes, I have a mental disability
Yes, I have a physical disability
Prefer not to answer
24. Are you a veteran?
Prefer not to answer
25. What is your current age?
Please enter a whole number, no letters (leave blank if you prefer not to answer)
Years old:
26. Which of the following best matches your current family situation, I am:
Single, never married
Single, divorced
Living with a partner
Prefer not to answer
27. I have children/dependents:
Who live with me
Who do not live with me
I do not have children/dependents
Prefer not to answer
28. Please select the highest level of education you had COMPLETED at the time of your
initial application to be an FBI Special Agent
Bachelor's degree
Ph.D, or another advanced graduate degree
Master's degree
Prefer not to answer
Professional degree (J.D., M.D., etc.)
29. Which of the following best describes the industry you were employed in at the time you
initially applied to work as an FBI Special Agent?
30. At the time of your initial application to be an FBI Special Agent, how much was your
annual income?
Less than $25,000
Between $100,000 and $149,999
Between $25,000 and $49,999
Between $150,000 and $249,999
Between $50,000 and $74,999
More than $250,000
Between $75,000 and $99,999
Prefer not to answer
31. Which of the following FBI Field Offices was your primary processing office?
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2020-01-07 |
File Created | 2019-12-19 |