SEA Implementation Survey

Evaluation of the DP18-1801 Healthy Schools Program

Attachment 7 -SEA Web-Based Implementation Survey and Participant Consent

Wave 2 - SEA Staff Web Survey

OMB: 0920-1302

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Healthy Schools Program Intensive Evaluation―SEA Implementation Survey Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

State Education Agency Implementation Survey


You are invited to participate in this survey as a state-level awardee of CDC’s Healthy Schools Program—you may know this as the Healthy Schools Program (we will refer to this as the Healthy Schools Program in this survey). ICF is conducting an evaluation of the Healthy Schools Program to understand how state and district level education agencies are supporting schools to create healthier environments. The purpose of this survey is to learn how states are implementing infrastructure, professional development, and technical assistance activities to achieve healthy schools.

This survey should take about 60-75 minutes to complete. The survey should be completed by the staff person within your organization who is most knowledgeable about your agency’s implementation of CDC’s Healthy Schools Program. The person who completes the survey should reach out to other staff within your organization as needed in order to respond accurately to all of the questions in the survey. Please respond to the questions with regard to your state education agency’s implementation of the Healthy Schools Program.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and you may choose not to respond to any question. If you decide to not participate there will be no penalties of any kind. If desired, you may complete the survey over multiple sittings. After you begin, you may save, exit, reenter, and continue the survey where you left off. Taking part in the interview will cause no risk. You will receive no immediate benefit for participating in the survey other than the knowledge that you are helping to contribute information that will be used for program improvement. Your name will not be associated with the information that you share for the purpose of this evaluation. However, findings will be reported in relation to your state education agency. The results of the survey will be used to improve support and implementation of school health programs.

If you have questions about this evaluation please contact the evaluation team lead, Isabela Lucas, at 404-592-2155 or [email protected]. For questions regarding your rights related to this evaluation you can contact ICF’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) representative at [email protected].

Please choose one of the options below and click “next” to confirm:

☐ I have read the above information and I voluntarily agree to participate in this survey

I have read the above and I DO NOT wish to participate in this survey. (If you choose this option you will not be allowed to continue the survey.)



General Information

  1. Agency/Organization name: ___________________________________________________________

  2. Job title: ______________________________________________________________________

  3. Describe your role within your state education agency (SEA). ____ (OPEN FIELD)

  4. Describe your role with the Healthy Schools Program funded by the CDC. ____ (OPEN FIELD)

Infrastructure Development

Reminder: Please respond to the questions with regard to your SEA’s implementation of the Healthy Schools Program.

  1. Has your SEA established a statewide school health coalition? Y/N (SKIP TO Question14 under Professional Development and Training)

  2. What is the name of the coalition? _____________________________________________________

  3. What role does your SEA play in the statewide school health coalition?

    1. Sole leader and/or coordinator

    2. Co-lead/coordinator

    3. Participant

  4. In what year was the school health coalition established? (Please provide a 4 digit year, such as 2010) _____ (OPEN FIELD)

  5. What is the current status of the statewide school health coalition?

    1. In early stages of development

    2. Partially established

    3. Fully established

  6. Was the coalition established to fulfill requirements of the Healthy Schools Program? Y/N

  7. Which of the following stakeholder groups are represented on the statewide school health coalition (SSHC)? (Select all that apply).

    1. Health and physical education staff

    2. Nutrition service staff

    3. Student or student organization representative

    4. Parents or parent organization representatives

    5. School administrators

    6. District administrators

    7. School nurses or other health-care providers

    8. Religious or civic leaders

    9. Community organizations

    10. Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________

  1. Which of the following areas of expertise are represented by members of the statewide school health coalition (SSHC)? (Select all that apply).

    1. Nutrition

    2. Physical education/physical activity

    3. Management of chronic conditions

    4. Out of school time

    5. Professional development (PD)

    6. Technical assistance (TA)

    7. Evaluation

    8. Surveillance

    9. Community/parent engagement

    10. Teaching and instruction

    11. Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________

  2. To what extent is each item a current priority for the statewide school health coalition? (Scale of 1-4; 1 = not a priority; 2 = low priority; 3 = moderate priority; 4 = very high priority).

  1. School nutrition/healthy eating

  2. Physical education/physical activity

  3. School health services and management of chronic health conditions

  4. Health impacts on academic achievement

  5. Childhood obesity

  6. Integration of health promotion in out of school time

  7. Others (e.g., social emotional learning, mental health, etc.) (please specify) _____________________________________________

Professional Development and Training

  1. Does your SEA have a cadre of trainers who provide professional development and training to LEAs, schools, and other school health professionals? Yes / No

    1. How many active trainers are part of the cadre?

  2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: My SEA uses CDC’s Professional Development and Training Tools, Professional Development Practices (also known as CDC’s Professional Development Practices) to plan and deliver trainings to LEAs and school staff. (Scale of 1-5; 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neither disagree nor agree; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree).

  3. Which of the following topics related to school health infrastructure are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

Topics of PD/Training

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

School health infrastructure

  1. School Health Index

  1. Improving, implementing, and evaluating local wellness policies

  1. School staff involvement and wellness

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to creating supportive nutrition environments are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

Topics of PD/Training

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

Creating supportive nutrition environments

  1. CDC’s Comprehensive Framework for Addressing the School Nutrition Environment and Services

  1. Smart Snacks Standards

  1. Smarter lunchroom strategies

  1. Establishing standards for all competitive foods

  1. Prohibiting advertising of unhealthy foods

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to physical activity and physical education are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

    Topics of PD/Training

    Offered to LEAs

    Offered to Schools

    Physical activity and physical education

    1. Using the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool

    1. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs to improve physical education and physical activity in schools

    1. Developing, implementing and evaluating multi-component PE/PA policies

    1. Other (please specify)________________________

  2. Which of the following topics related to managing chronic health conditions are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

Topics of PD/Training

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

Managing chronic health conditions

  1. Establishing systems for the management and support of students with chronic health conditions

  1. Delivering disease specific education and awareness programs for students and school staff

  1. Coordinating health services with community health care providers to better manage emergency and routine needs of students identified with chronic health conditions

  1. Coordinating communication about care plans to ensure continuation of care between school and out-of-school settings

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to school health before or after school programming (i.e., out-of-school time) are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

Topics of PD/Training

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

  1. Physical activity before and after school

  1. The role of out-of-school time programs in supporting student health and academic achievement

  1. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) in Out-of-School Time Standards

  1. Policies and practices to address the needs of students with chronic health conditions during out-of-school time activities

  1. Other (please specify)________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to health education and curricula are addressed by the SEA’s professional development and training offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply).

Topics of PD/Training

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

  1. Importance of quality health education curriculum and instruction

  1. Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool

  1. National Health Education Standards

  1. Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

Direct Support/Technical Assistance

  1. Which of the following national tools and resources does the SEA promote to its stakeholders through technical assistance? (Select all that apply.)

    National Tools and Resources

    SEA Promotes/ Disseminates the Tool/Resource

    1. Comprehensive Framework for Addressing the School Nutrition Environment and Services

    1. National Health Education Standards

    1. Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum

    1. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) in Out-of- School Time Standards

    1. Parents for Healthy Schools

    1. Physical Education Curriculum Assessment Tool (PECAT)

    1. Professional Development and Training Tools, Professional Development Practices

    1. School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

    1. School Health Index (SHI)

    1. Strategies for Recess in Schools

    1. Recess Planning in Schools

    1. WellSat 2.0

    1. Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model

    1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  2. Which of the following tools or methods does the SEA use to promote school health and increase awareness and action among the public and decision makers? (Select all that apply.)

    1. Media campaign(s)

    2. Model policy

    3. School health action plans

    4. School improvement plans

    5. State obesity plan

    6. State-level policy

    7. State Plan for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    8. Other (please specify) _________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to school health infrastructure are addressed by the SEA’s direct support/technical assistance offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply.)

Topics of Direct Support/Technical Assistance

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

School health policies and practices

  1. Development and implementation of school health action plans

  1. Development and operation of school health councils

  1. Facilitate, monitor, and document the use of the School Health Index (SHI)

  1. Development and dissemination of model wellness policy language

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to creating supportive nutrition environments are addressed by the SEA’s direct support/technical assistance offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply.)

Topics of Direct Support/Technical Assistance

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

Creating supportive nutrition environments

  1. Implementing federal nutrition standards for competitive foods consistent with Smart Snacks in School

  1. Ensuring foods and beverages sold or served outside of school meal programs are nutritious

  1. Prohibiting the use of foods and beverages as rewards

  1. Restricting marketing of foods and beverages that do not meet the Smart Snacks in School standards

  1. Promoting foods and beverages that support healthy diets through increased access to healthier food options

  1. Using verbal prompts on school lunch fruit and vegetable consumption to promote healthy eating

  1. Implementing point-of-purchase promotions

  1. Increasing access to free drinking water

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics on supportive environments for physical education and physical activity through Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) are addressed by the SEA’s direct support/technical assistance offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply.)

Topics of Direct Support/Technical Assistance

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

Physical activity and physical education

  1. Process of developing CSPAPs (e.g., physical education, physical activity during recess, classroom and before/after school; staff involvement; family and community)

  1. Recess planning

  1. Classroom physical activity

  1. Quality physical education

  1. Physical activity before and after school

  1. Staff involvement in physical activity

  1. Family and community involvement in physical activity

  1. Evaluation of CSPAP

  1. Implementation of the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool and other evidence-based resources for physical education and physical activity

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to managing chronic health conditions are addressed by the SEA’s direct support/technical assistance offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply.)

Topics of Direct Support/Technical Assistance

Offered to LEAs

Offered to Schools

Management and support of students with chronic health conditions in schools

  1. Establishing a system for the management and support of students with chronic health conditions in schools

  1. Selecting and providing disease specific education and awareness programs for students and school staff

  1. Coordinating school, family, and community efforts to better manage emergency and routine care needs of students identified with chronic health conditions

  1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  1. Which of the following topics related to school health before or after school programming (i.e., out-of-school time) are addressed by the SEA’s direct support/technical assistance offered to LEA and school staff? (Select all that apply.)

    Topics of Direct Support/Technical Assistance

    Offered to LEAs

    Offered to Schools

    School health before or after school programming

    1. Integration of health promoting activities in out-of-school time, such as increasing access to healthy foods and beverages, physical activity and care coordination for students with chronic condition

    1. Implementation of evidence-based policies and practices (e.g., HEPA standards)

    1. Assessment of current activities and development and implementation of an action plan that reflects local assets, constraints, context, and readiness

    1. Other (please specify)_________________________

  2. What other types of resources and support are you providing to LEAs and schools to promote the implementation of school health policies and practices? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Equipment, describe:_______________________________________________________

  2. Funding for LEAs (e.g., mini-grants)

  3. Funding for schools

  4. Guidance documents/toolkits (e.g., model local wellness policies)

  5. Promotional materials

  6. Staffing

  7. Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________

Implementation Facilitators and Barriers

  1. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about supports available to implement school health strategies at the state/SEA level. (Scale of 1-5; 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neither disagree nor agree; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree)

    1. Financial resources at the state level are sufficient

    2. SEA leadership is engaged and supportive

    3. LEA leadership/administrators are engaged and supportive

    4. School level leadership/administrators are engaged and supportive

    5. Stakeholder buy-in and support is sufficient at the state level

    6. SEA staff have adequate time and capacity to implement strategies

    7. SEA staff have access to adequate resources, tools or guidelines

    8. SEA staff have access to technical assistance

    9. SEA staff have time and support to attend trainings and participate in technical assistance

    10. Necessary partnerships are in place at the state level

    11. State partners are supportive and have sufficient resources

    12. The statewide school health coalition is strong and supportive

    13. District level interest and support is sufficient

    14. State level policies are supportive of school health

    15. District level policies are supportive of school health

    16. Local level policies are supportive of school health

    17. Local facilities and environments are suitable to support school health strategies

    18. Other supports (please specify): ________________________________

Support from CDC to SEAs

  1. How satisfied are you with the TA you receive from CDC and its partners to support your efforts to implement the healthy schools program? (Scale of 1-4; 1 = not satisfied; 2 = slightly satisfied; 3 = moderately satisfied; 4 = very satisfied).

  2. For which of the following topics has the SEA received TA or direct support from CDC or its partners? (Select all that apply).

  1. Health education

  2. Media campaigns

  3. Model policies

  4. School health action plans

  5. School health guidelines

  6. School improvement plans

  7. State obesity plan

  8. State-level policies

  9. State Plan for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

  10. Other (please specify)

  1. How much do you prefer each of the following modes of TA support when working with CDC or its partners? (Scale 1-4; 1 = not preferred; 2 = slightly preferred; 3 = moderately preferred; 4 = highly preferred).

    1. One-on-one consultation (in-person, by phone, or email)

    2. Peer-facilitated learning

    3. On-line communities of practice

    4. Site visits

    5. Routine monitoring via conference calls or virtual meetings

    6. Listservs

    7. In-person grantee meetings

    8. Other (please specify) _____________________________________

This is the end of the survey, please click the submit button.

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this survey! Your responses will contribute greatly to the evaluation of the Healthy Schools Program. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to add something after submitting the survey, please contact Isabela Lucas at [email protected] or 404-592-2155.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSyreeta Skelton-Wilson
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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