Focus Group Guide

NHTTAC Consultant and Evaluation Package

17 - Focus Group Guide

Focus Group Guide

OMB: 0970-0519

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OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

[Note: This guide contains a number of questions that might be selected for a typical focus group. It is not
intended that a focus group would include all of these questions. Instead, this serves as a “bank” of focus
group questions from which to choose depending on the nature and purpose of each particular focus group.
Focus groups will last approximately 45 minutes.]
[Information for facilitator(s)] The purpose of this focus group is to learn more about how the National
Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) can improve its services to better
meet the training and technical assistance (T/TA) needs of the human trafficking and public health fields in
order improve services and outcomes for individuals at risk of being trafficked and those who have been
trafficked. This focus group can be conducted online or in person, and it can be tailored to specific topics,
tools, resources, processes, or information needs. The information will be used to inform NHTTAC’s T/TA
Preamble/Moderator’s Opening Statements
Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this focus group discussion. I’m [insert moderator
name], and I will facilitate today’s session. I am joined by [insert support staff and their role].
Each of you has been selected because you [insert specific reason for participation]. The information
gathered in this focus group will be used to inform NHTTAC’s services.
In a group interview like this, it is really important that you express yourself openly. There are no right or
wrong answers. We want to know what you think. We are recording the session to ensure accuracy.
However, your response will not be linked with your name or affiliation in any way. Everything will be
anonymous. Recording will not start until after introductions.
Because we are recording, I may remind you occasionally to speak up and to talk one at a time so that I can
hear you clearly when I review the session tapes. I am your moderator, but I want the interaction to flow
among you.
Each time I ask a question, there is no need for everyone around the table to respond. However, it is
important that a wide range of ideas is expressed. If you would like to add an idea, or if you have an idea that
contrasts with those that have been aired, that’s the time to jump into the conversation. You don’t have to go
in a circle. There is no such thing as “your turn.” It’s always your turn.
Before we get started with introductions, let’s lay some ground rules for how today’s discussion will operate.
[Have standard ground rules for all groups, including restroom, timeframe, talking one at a time, respecting
divergent opinions, having conversations stay in the room, etc., but also include additional ground rules for
focus groups that involve survivors (including safe space)].
Are there any questions before we begin?
1. Introductions and ice breaker
Let’s start with introductions. Please give us your first name only and [insert ice breaker question and
encourage “popcorn style” responses by participants].
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. The estimated average time to complete this form is 45 minutes. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this
estimate or additional suggestions, please write to the NHTTAC Evaluation Team at [email protected] or 9300 Lee Highway,
Fairfax, VA 22031.


OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

[The moderator should select questions from the following list that achieves the goals of the focus group. The
number of questions should account for the number of participants and the amount of time scheduled for the
focus group.]
2. General questions

How satisfied were you with your overall NHTTAC/Stop. Observe. Act. Respond to Human
Trafficking (SOAR) experience?


How satisfied were you with the overall quality of support you received from NHTTAC/SOAR staff?


How has working with NHTTAC/SOAR improved your [insert type of skill(s) related to
training/event/tool objectives]?


What were your expectations prior to [insert T/TA]?
o How well were these expectations met?


What types of practical skills did you enhance by attending [insert event/training]?

• How well did [insert event/training/tool] meet [insert objectives – ask about one objective at a time]?
3. How did you learn about the tool/resource/T/TA (e.g., SOAR e-guide)

Where did you learn about this tool (training/conference/newsletter/website)? [If they mention
anything specific, ask which one (e.g. which training, which conference, etc.)?]


Where would you usually go to find this type of information, tool, or topic?


Once you heard about it, was this tool easy to find? Is it accessible to everyone who might need it? If
not, what should be changed?


Is there a place to put this tool that users would find easier to locate?


Are there other places you already go to get this information? What do you like about them? What do
you dislike about them?

4. Appropriateness/comprehensiveness of information/content (may ask about tool overall or by

How well did the information align with your expectations about what you wanted to see or were
looking for? What was missing?


Was the information too advanced/detailed or too basic?


How is the information applicable to your work?


Are there other topics that need tools similar to this one?


How well did [insert event/training/tool] address culturally and linguistically appropriate services?
o What needs to be improved moving forward?


In what ways has attending [insert type of technical assistance (SOAR for Communities, for
example)] impacted organizational culture related to:


OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

o Trauma-informed approaches
o Survivor-informed practices
o Multi-disciplinary approach
o Prevention efforts
o Identification of (or response to) people at risk of or currently being trafficked
o The utilization of evidence-based or promising practices or research
[Ask the group about each module, as needed—do they have experience with it? Is it appropriate? What
were they expecting or looking for—and find out specific information about how it meets their needs or
can be improved to do so.]
5. Ease of use of tools (such as e-guide, online SOAR trainings, etc.)

How do you feel about the way the information is displayed on [insert tool, e.g., website, MyOTIP,
state/territory profiles, etc.]?
o What do you like about it?
o What do you dislike?


If it was difficult to use, how so?


What would make it easier to use and understand?


What about the layout, length, format, readability of the [web page/MyOTIP page]?


Is the level of interactivity of the tool appropriate?


Is the length of information about right?


What do you think of the content layout (e.g., bullets vs. paragraphs)?


[If this tool is designed to be used to train others] If instructions are provided, are they clear? Are
they needed?


Was the information/tool easy to understand and user friendly? How so? If it was difficult to use,
how so?


What future direction do you think we should take with this tool?

[If there are specific aspects of the tool where feedback is needed, visit those aspects and ask these
questions for each aspect.]
6. Utility

How was this [tool, training, meeting, etc.] helpful?
o How did you, or how would you, use the information/tool?
o If you won’t use it, why not? What do you need that is not here?


How was this [tool, training, meeting, etc.] not helpful?


OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

o How could this be improved? What was missing?

How well does [insert specific objective, session title, etc.] align with the needs of your

[If specific aspects of the tool require feedback, visit those aspects and ask these questions for each
7. Preparedness

What planning occurred prior to the incident(s)/event that made the response more effective?


Which organizations/individuals participated in the planning process? What roles did they play?


Who was missing from the planning process?


What was most beneficial and challenging about the planning process?


What would you recommend to others [doing similar planning for X event/incident]?


Is/was a needs assessment conducted to [XX purpose]?

8. Communications

Do you have any ideas for ways to support more information sharing between


Do you have a way to reach out to other [organizations/groups/XX] when you have questions or need


How can communication be improved?

9. Use of technology (e.g., learning management system for SOAR)

What protocols are/were in place and what role does/did technology play in [XX]? Is/was technology
used to [XX]? What other technological strategies were used to aid [XX]?

10. Training and resources

Has your [group, organization, XX] received any [training/resources/XX]? Where they useful? Why
or why not?


What impact has the [XX] had on the [group, organization, XX]?


Can you think of any training you’ve attended that has been particularly useful? Which trainings have
you found most useful to your [group, organization, XX]?

11. Successes and challenges/barriers

Thinking about the integration of SOAR training into your organization’s learning management
o What were some of the successes?


OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

o What were some of the challenges?

When you think of a “success” [XX], what comes to mind?


How would you define success for the [XX]? Any promising strategies you would like to share?


What would you do to make your [group, organization, XX] more “successful” at its work?


What are the most difficult challenges for [XX]?


Were there any gaps in services that impacted [XX]? What were they, and how were they addressed?


What were the challenges to establishing [XX]? [convening the TA, subsequent response afterwards,
timelines, identifying a location, participating agencies and organizations, communication]

12. Lessons learned and best practices

Overall, based on your experience with [XX], what were the greatest lessons learned?


What would you consider as best/promising practices? Why?


What is the most important thing for other [communities, organizations, individuals, etc.] to know in

13. Identified and anticipated technical assistance needs

With a show of hands, how many of you would recommend NHTTAC to others to be a consultant?
o What about working with NHTTAC do you see as beneficial?
o What are some of the challenges in working as a consultant with NHTTAC?


What additional trainings are needed related to [XX]?
o What types of organizations/individuals/entities are best suited to receive this training?
o What would you identify as your top five training needs?


What additional technical assistance needs are related to [XX]?
o What types of organizations/individuals/entities are best suited to receive this technical


With a show of hands, how many of you would recommend NHTTAC to others to receive training?
o What about the trainings do you see as beneficial?


With a show of hands, how many of you would recommend NHTTAC to others to receive technical
o What about the technical assistance do you see as beneficial?


What could be improved for future activities?


What is important for NHTTAC to know about the field’s needs to address human trafficking?



OMB Control Number: 0970-0519
Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

What additional topics would you like to be covered in future human trafficking trainings? [This
could also be a question you ask to the group; if so, have them write their responses on notecards to

We have about 10 minutes left. As our discussion comes to a close, we would like to thank you for taking the
time to speak with us today. The ideas you have discussed will be helpful for [insert purpose of focus group].
Do you have any additional comments, insights, or questions? If you have questions or concerns after you
leave here today about your participation in this focus group, please contact [insert POC and provide contact

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorField, Michael
File Modified2019-11-05
File Created2019-11-01

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