LUCA Feedback Phase NSC2

LUCA Feedback Phase NSC2.pdf

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA)

LUCA Feedback Phase NSC2

OMB: 0607-0994

Document [pdf]
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Request for Non-Substantive Change to the 2020 Census Local Update of Census
Addresses Operation (LUCA)
OMB Control No. 0607-0994
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau

The 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) is the only opportunity
offered to tribal, state, and local governments to review and comment on the U.S. Census
Bureau's residential address list for their jurisdiction prior to the 2020 Census. The Census
Bureau relies on a complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarter and associated
population for inclusion in the census. The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994
(Public Law 103-430) authorizes the LUCA Operation. On December 15, 2016, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) approved the 2020 Census LUCA information collection.
On June 7, 2019, OMB approved 11 materials that the Census Bureau will send to LUCA
participants for the Feedback Phase, which will start in July 2019. This non-substantive change
(NSC) request is to add the remaining LUCA feedback related materials including ten additional
ReadMeFirst files and to request authorization to communicate with groups of partners by email
and/or letter.
With this NSC request, the Census Bureau is submitting 31 feedback related materials such as
respondent guides, letters, ReadMeFirst files, and forms that contain instructional and
informational guidance for conducting the LUCA Feedback Phase (Table 1). Participants use
the instructions and guidance to review their LUCA feedback materials and determine whether
they want to file an appeal with the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office.
Lastly, the Census Bureau may need to contact groups of partners through the LUCA Feedback
Phase to notify them of issues and clarifications related to the feedback materials and software
that may affect their review. As time to conduct a review of the feedback materials and
potentially file an appeal is limited during the Feedback Phase, the Census Bureau requests the
authorization to send emails and/or letters to groups of partners to document issues and provide
additional instruction. At the end of the Feedback Phase, the Census Bureau will supply
documentation of all correspondences sent to partners/groups of partners related to these
possible issues.
There is no substantive change to the operation resulting from this change.
The burden of the 2020 Census LUCA is unchanged by this update.

Table 1: LUCA Feedback Materials

LUCA Materials
Changes as part
of this NSC
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding new
Adding a new


Description or content



Feedback Address Update Summary Report for Puerto
Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List for
Puerto Rico
Feedback packing slip (5)

D-2214- 5(SP)

Feedback packing slip (5) for Puerto Rico

D-2214- 5U(SP)

Feedback packing slip (5U) for Puerto Rico

D-2214- 6(SP)

Feedback packing slip (6) for Puerto Rico

D-2214- 6U(SP)

Feedback packing slip (6U) for Puerto Rico


LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide

D-2232 (Adapted)

Adding new
Adding new
Re-delivery of a
previous file
(updated the
heading of a
Adding a new
Adding a new
Adding a new
Adding a new


The adapted English version of the Digital Respondent
Guide for Puerto Rico. Provided only to OMB to assist
with the review of the D-2232(SP). It is the source for the
translated D-2232(SP). It depicts words in yellow
highlight that the Census Bureau did not want translated.
LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide for Puerto
LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


LUCA Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide.


Feedback Password Letter for Puerto Rico


Feedback Introduction Letter


Feedback Introduction Letter for Puerto Rico


The insert that further explains why no records appear on
the entity’s Detailed Feedback Address List for Puerto
Rico entities.


Feedback Address Update Summary Report

LUCA Materials
Changes as part
of this NSC
Adding a new


Adding a new

D-2287 (SP)

Adding a new


Adding a new

D-2288 (SP)

Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Description or content
The initial closeout email (and used as a Reminder email)
- email to participants who have not returned the D-2012
affirming they have destroyed their Title 13 materials, or
the D-2012 and their materials if they prefer not to
destroy – Stateside.
The initial closeout email (and used as a Reminder email)
- email to participants who have not returned the D-2012
affirming they have destroyed their Title 13 materials, or
the D-2012 and their materials if they prefer not to
destroy – Puerto-Rico.
The final closeout letter (and used as a Reminder letter)
to participants who have not returned the D-2012
affirming they have destroyed their Title 13 materials, or
the D-2012 and their materials if they prefer not to
destroy. This letter mentions getting legal involved –
The final closeout letter (and used as a Reminder letter)
to participants who have not returned the D-2012
affirming they have destroyed their Title 13 materials, or
the D-2012 and their materials if they prefer not to
destroy. This letter mentions getting legal involved –
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
paper-based address materials as well as large format
maps, and Title 13 small format block maps to support
their Feedback review.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
large format maps to support their Feedback review.
They receive an insert explaining why they have no
addresses to review or Appeal on a Detailed Feedback
Address List. They do not receive the Title 13 small
format block maps because there are no addresses to
review or Appeal.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
paper address materials and partnership shapefiles to
support their Feedback review.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
partnership shapefiles to support their Feedback review.
They receive an insert explaining why they have no
addresses to review or Appeal on a Detailed Feedback
Address List.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
digital address materials and large format paper maps to
support their Feedback review.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
large format paper maps to support their Feedback
review. They receive an insert explaining why they have

LUCA Materials
Changes as part
of this NSC


Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Adding a new


Description or content
no addresses to review or Appeal on their Detailed
Feedback Address List.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
digital address materials, large format maps, and Title 13
small format block maps to support their Feedback
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
large format maps to support their Feedback review.
They receive an insert explaining why they have no
addresses to review or Appeal on their Detailed Feedback
Address List. They do not receive the Title 13 small
format block maps because there are no addresses to
review or Appeal.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
all digital materials (address and partnership shapefiles)
to support their Feedback review. Participants using their
own systems or Geographic Update Partnership Software
(GUPS) receive three discs– GUPS installation, Title 13
data, and non-Title 13 data.
A “ReadMeFirst” text file for LUCA participants using
all digital materials or GUPS with no addresses to review
or Appeal on their Detailed Feedback Address List.


FORM D-2201

OMB NO. 0607-0994 Approval Expires 12/31/2019



Entity ID:


Entity Name:


Total number of address records submitted to the Census Bureau.
Total number of submitted address records processed by the Census Bureau.
Total number of submitted address records not processed by the Census Bureau.1


Participant Action(s) Accepted
Number of added (A) address records submitted and added to the Census Address List.
Number of corrected (C) address records submitted and corrected in the Census Address List.
Number of deleted (D) address records submitted and deleted from the Census Address List.
Number of out of jurisdiction (J) address records submitted and removed from your jurisdiction’s
portion of the Census Address List.
Number of nonresidential (N) address records submitted and removed from the residential portion
of the Census Address List.
Total number of submitted address records accepted by the Census Bureau as requested.
Participant Action(s) Not Accepted
Number of added (A) address records submitted, but not added to the Census Address List.
Number of corrected (C) address records submitted, but not corrected in the Census Address List.
Number of deleted (D) address records submitted, but not deleted from the Census Address List.
Number of out of jurisdiction (J) address records submitted, but not removed from your jurisdiction’s
portion of the Census Address List.
Number of nonresidential (N) address records submitted, but not removed from the residential
portion of the Census Address List.
Total number of submitted address records not accepted by the Census Bureau as requested.


Number of address records without action taken during the LUCA Review Phase that were deleted
from the Census Address List by another LUCA participant or a different census operation. This
number corresponds to the number of X01 records on your Detailed Feedback Address List.


Participant address records were not processed if they did not meet the minimum requirements. Some examples of
records that were not processed include the following: addresses submitted with blank or invalid action codes, added
records submitted without geospatial information, added records submitted with 9-digit numeric MAFIDs, action codes
other than “A” used on records without MAFIDs, and non-city style addresses submitted without map spots or latitude
and longitude coordinates.



NÚM. DE OMB 0607-0994: APROBADO HASTA 12/31/2019



Nombre de la Entidad:

ID de la Entidad:


Número total de registros de direcciones enviados a la Oficina del Censo.
Número total de registros de direcciones enviados que la Oficina del Censo procesó.
Número total de registros de direcciones enviados que la Oficina del Censo no procesó.1


Acciones de los Participantes Aceptadas
Número de registros de direcciones agregados (A) que se enviaron y se agregaron a la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones corregidos (C) que se enviaron y se corrigieron en la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones eliminados (D) que se enviaron y se eliminaron de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones fuera de jurisdicción (J) que se enviaron y se quitaron de la porción de su
jurisdicción de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones no residenciales (N) que se enviaron y se quitaron de la porción residencial de la
Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número total de registros de direcciones enviados que la Oficina del Censo aceptó según lo solicitado.
Acciones de los Participantes No Aceptadas
Número de registros de direcciones agregados (A) que se enviaron pero no se agregaron a la Lista de Direcciones
del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones corregidos (C) que se enviaron pero no se corrigieron en la Lista de Direcciones
del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones eliminados (D) que se enviaron pero no se eliminaron de la Lista de Direcciones
del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones fuera de jurisdicción (J) que se enviaron pero no se quitaron de la porción de su
jurisdicción de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número de registros de direcciones no residenciales (N) que se enviaron pero no se quitaron de la porción
residencial de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo.
Número total de registros de direcciones enviados que la Oficina del Censo no aceptó según lo solicitado.


Número de registros de direcciones para los que no hubo acción durante LUCA, que otra operación del Censo
eliminó de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo. Este número corresponde al número de registros X01 en su Lista
Detallada de Información de Direcciones.

1 No se procesaron los registros de direcciones de los participantes si no cumplían con los requisitos mínimos. Algunos ejemplos de
registros que no se procesaron incluyen lo siguiente: direcciones que se enviaron con códigos de acción en blanco o no válidos,
registros agregados que se enviaron sin información geoespacial, registros agregados que se enviaron con un MAFID numérico de 9
dígitos, códigos de acción distintos de "A" que se usaron en los registros sin un MAFID y direcciones que no son de estilo urbano
enviadas sin puntos en el mapa o sin coordenadas de latitud y longitud.




Núm. de OMB 0607-0994 Aprobado hasta 12/31/2019


ID de la Entidad:

Nombre de la Entidad:
Código de
Municipio de
Puerto Rico



Número(s) de Hoja

Código de
Municipio de
Puerto Rico



Número(s) de Hoja

OMB No. 0607-0994: Approval Expires 12/31/2019
FORM D-2214(5)




Entity ID


Entity Name

The U.S. Census Bureau is providing the following materials for the 2020 Census Local Update of Census
Addresses Operation (LUCA). If you are missing materials, or have any questions regarding these materials,
please contact us via email at [email protected], or by phone at 1-844-344-0169.

D-2214(5) – Feedback Packing Slip
D-2281 – Feedback Introduction Letter
D-2240 – Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2201 – Feedback Address Update Summary Report
LUCA Appeals Federal Register Notice
Title 13 Data Disc
- FB_ReadMefirst5.txt
- Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital.pdf
- ReadMe.txt
- About_the_maps.pdf
- Feedback Large Format Maps: LUCAF20.pdf
- Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship: LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt
- Feedback Title 13 Small Format Maps: 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe
- Feedback Digital Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
- Feedback Address Update Summary Report: 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report.pdf
- Detailed Feedback Address List: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
- Feedback Address Count List: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
- Destruction or Return Form: _D2012_Destruction.pdf
- Confidentiality Agreement Form: _D2005_Confidentiality.pdf
D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2212 – Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2210 – Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List
Feedback Large Format Paper Maps
Two Postage-Paid Return Envelopes for forms D-2005 and D-2012 (for use as needed)

Núm. de OMB 0607-0994: Aprobado hasta 12/31/2019




ID de la Entidad


Nombre de la Entidad

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está proporcionando los siguientes materiales para el Programa de
Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020. Si a usted le falta algún
material o si tiene preguntas sobre estos materiales, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico a
[email protected] o por teléfono al 1-844-344-0169.
D-2214(5)(SP) – Lista de Empaque de la Fase de Información
D-2281(SP) – Carta de Introducción de la Fase de Información
D-2240 – Guía de Inicio Rápido para Materiales Digitales de la Fase de Información
D-2201(SP) – Informe Resumido de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
Aviso del Registro Federal para Apelaciones de LUCA
Title 13 Data Disc
- FB_ReadMefirst5.txt
- Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf
- ReadMe.txt
- About_the_maps.pdf
- Feedback Large Format Maps: LUCAF20.pdf
- Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship: LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt
- Feedback Title 13 Small Format Maps: 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe
- Feedback Digital Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf
- Feedback Address Update Summary Report: 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf
- Detailed Feedback Address List: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
- Feedback Address Count List: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
- Destruction or Return Form: _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf
- Confidentiality Agreement Form: _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf
D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad
D-2012(SP) – Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13
D-2210(SP) – Lista de Relación entre Bloques y Hojas de Mapas de la Fase de Información
Mapas Impresos de Formato Grande de la Fase de Información
Dos Sobres de Devolución con Franqueo Pagado para los formularios D-2005(SP) y D-2012(SP)
(para usar según sea necesario)

Núm. de OMB 0607-0994: Aprobado hasta 12/31/2019




ID de la Entidad


Nombre de la Entidad

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está proporcionando los siguientes materiales para el Programa de
Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020. Si a usted le falta algún
material o si tiene preguntas sobre estos materiales, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico a
[email protected] o por teléfono al 1-844-344-0169.
D-2214(5U)(SP) – Lista de Empaque de la Fase de Información
D-2281(SP) – Carta de Introducción de la Fase de Información
D-2282(SP) – Suplemento de la Fase de Información
D-2240(SP) – Guía de Inicio Rápido para Materiales Digitales de la Fase de Información
D-2201(SP) – Informe Resumido de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
Aviso del Registro Federal para Apelaciones de LUCA
Title 13 Data Disc
- FB_ReadMefirst5U.txt
- Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf
- Feedback Insert: 2020LUCA_FB_insert_pr.pdf
- ReadMe.txt
- About_the_maps.pdf
- Feedback Large Format Maps: LUCAF20.pdf
- Block to Map Sheet Relationship: LUCAF20_FB_summary_report_pr.pdf
- Feedback Address Count List: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
- Destruction or Return Form: _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf
D-2012(SP) – Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13
D-2210(SP) – Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List
Lista de Relación entre Bloques y Hojas de Mapas de la Fase de Información
Un Sobre con Franqueo Pagado para el formulario D-2012(SP)

Núm. de OMB 0607-0994: Aprobado hasta 12/31/2019




ID de la Entidad


Nombre de la Entidad

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está proporcionando los siguientes materiales para el Programa de
Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020. Si a usted le falta algún
material o si tiene preguntas sobre estos materiales, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico a
[email protected] o por teléfono al 1-844-344-0169.
D-2214(6)(SP) – Lista de Empaque de la Fase de Información
D-2281(SP) – Lista de Empaque de la Fase de Información
D-2240 – Guía de Inicio Rápido para Materiales Digitales de la Fase de Información
D-2242 – Feedback GUPS Quick Start Guide
D-2201(SP) – Informe Resumido de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
Aviso del Registro Federal para Apelaciones de LUCA
Title 13 Data Disc
- Detailed Feedback Address List: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
Non-Title 13 Data Disc
- FB_ReadMefirst6.txt
- Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf
- Feedback GUPS Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf
- Feedback Digital Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf
- Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf
- Feedback Address Update Summary Report: 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf
- Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe
- Destruction or Return Form: _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf
- Confidentiality Agreement Form: _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf
GUPS Software Installation DVD
D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad
D-2012(SP) – Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13
Dos Sobres de Devolución con Franqueo Pagado para los formularios D-2005(SP) y D-2012(SP)
(para usar según sea necesario)

Núm. de OMB 0607-0994: Aprobado hasta 12/31/2019




ID de la Entidad


Nombre de la Entidad

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está proporcionando los siguientes materiales para el Programa de
Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020. Si a usted le falta algún
material o si tiene preguntas sobre estos materiales, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico a
[email protected] o por teléfono al 1-844-344-0169.
D-2214(6U)(SP) – Lista de Empaque de la Fase de Información
D-2281(SP) – Carta de Introducción de la Fase de Información
D-2282(SP) – Suplemento de la Fase de Información
D-2240 – Guía de Inicio Rápido para Materiales Digitales de la Fase de Información
D-2242 – Feedback GUPS Quick Start Guide
D-2201(SP) – Informe Resumido de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
Aviso del Registro Federal para Apelaciones de LUCA
Title 13 Data Disc
- Blank Detailed Feedback Address List: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
Non-Title 13 Data Disc
- FB_ReadMefirst6U.txt
- Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf
- Feedback GUPS Quick Start Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf
- Feedback Insert: 2020LUCA_FB_insert_pr.pdf
- Feedback Digital Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf
- Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide: 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf
- Feedback Address Update Summary Report: 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf
- Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe
- Destruction or Return Form: _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf
GUPS Software Installation DVD
D-2012(SP) – Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13
Un Sobre con Franqueo Pagado para el formulario D-2012(SP)

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses
Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals
Respondent Guide
Instructions for Digital Address List Participants

This page intentionally left blank.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census: Document Name Respondent Guide


Background .......................................................................................................................... vi

General Information


Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions ............................................................. vi


Confidentiality and Security............................................................................................. vi


Entity Identification Codes.............................................................................................. vii


Respondent Guide Organization.................................................................................... viii


Training and Support ..................................................................................................... viii

Chapter 1 2020 Census LUCA Feedback and Appeals Introduction ........................................ 9

Feedback Materials .......................................................................................................... 9


Feedback Materials File Names and DVD Structure ...................................................... 10

1.2.1 Digital Address List and Large Format Paper Maps (No PDF Maps) ......................... 10
1.2.2 Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF Maps .......................................... 11
1.2.3 Digital Address List and Digital Maps ........................................................................ 13

Creating Working Copies of the LUCA Digital Files ........................................................ 14


Converting Comma Delimited Text Files ....................................................................... 15

Chapter 2 Reviewing the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Materials and Processing Codes ...... 17

Feedback Address Update Summary Report ................................................................. 17


Detailed Feedback Address List ..................................................................................... 18

2.2.1 Understanding the Feedback Processing Codes ....................................................... 21
2.2.2 Feedback Processing Code Examples ........................................................................ 22

Feedback Address Count List ......................................................................................... 24


Paper Maps, PDF maps, and Shapefiles......................................................................... 26

Chapter 3 How to File An Appeal ....................................................................................... 29

Background .................................................................................................................... 29


Deadline for Filing an Appeal ......................................................................................... 29


Procedures for Filing an Appeal ..................................................................................... 29


Supporting Documentation ........................................................................................... 30


Preparing and Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office 32

3.5.1 Preparing Appeals Material for Submission .............................................................. 32
3.5.2 SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material ................................................ 34
3.5.3 Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material ............................................ 42
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census: Document Name Respondent Guide


Chapter 4 2020 Census LUCA Closeout ............................................................................... 43
Appendix A

Confidentiality and Security Guidelines ........................................................ A-1


Introduction .................................................................................................................. A-1


Title 13, U.S. Code ......................................................................................................... A-1


The Confidentiality Agreement..................................................................................... A-1


Security Guidelines ....................................................................................................... A-2

A4.1 Protecting Digital Title 13 Materials ........................................................................ A-2
A4.2 Protecting Paper Title 13 Materials ......................................................................... A-3
A4.3 Reporting an Incident ............................................................................................... A-3
A4.4 On-site Visits............................................................................................................. A-4
A4.5 Destruction of Census Bureau Confidential Materials ............................................. A-4
A4.6 Returning Census Bureau Title 13 Materials ............................................................ A-5
Appendix B

Confidentiality Agreement Form .................................................................. B-1

Appendix C

Destruction or Return of Title 13 U.S.C. Materials Form ................................ C-1

Appendix D

Glossary ....................................................................................................... D-1

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census: Document Name Respondent Guide


Table 1: Entity Identification Codes ............................................................................................... vii
Table 2: Entity Types and Entity Codes on Map Materials ........................................................... viii
Table 3: Detailed Feedback Address List Field Names and Descriptions ..................................... 19
Table 4: Feedback Processing Codes ............................................................................................ 21
Table 5: Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions ......................................... 25
Table 6: SWIM Submission............................................................................................................ 35

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census: Document Name Respondent Guide


Figure 1. Digital Address List and Digital Map Participants - New Folder Example on Local
Computer ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201) Example ................................... 18
Figure 3. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example ....................................................... 27
Figure 4. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example - Zoomed Section .......................... 28
Figure 5. Example of Folder with Appeals files for a Digital Address List and Digital Map
Participant ...................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 6. Mailing Envelope Examples for Return of Title 13 U.S.C. Materials ............................. A-5

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



General Information

The 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) is a voluntary decennial
census operation. LUCA is the only opportunity prior to the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and
local governments (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) to review and update
the Census Bureau’s residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a
complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for
inclusion in the census. The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-430)
authorizes the LUCA operation. Refer to  for more information.
In accordance with the law, the LUCA Feedback Phase provides participating governments with
detailed feedback materials that document which local address updates the Census Bureau
processed. LUCA participants may dispute the processing results of certain addresses, only if
those addresses meet certain eligibility criteria. Participants must file their Appeal within 45
calendar days after the receipt of the feedback materials. Appeals filed after the deadline will
be denied. Filing an Appeal is optional and is not a requirement of LUCA.


The final Federal Register notice is included with the feedback materials and is available
on the LUCA website, , for participants to consult before beginning their review.

Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions

The Census Bureau reviewed all addresses submitted by LUCA participants during the LUCA
Review Phase and processed those meeting the defined criteria. In addition, the Census Bureau
made necessary corrections and updates to the census maps from the LUCA Review Phase


Confidentiality and Security

All of the requirements and guidelines for protecting the Census Bureau’s confidential Title 13,
United States Code (U.S.C.) materials followed for the LUCA Review Phase are applicable to the
LUCA Feedback Phase materials.1 All participants are required to sign a Confidentiality
Agreement Form in accordance with Title 13, U.S.C. to maintain the confidentiality of the
census address information they received from the Census Bureau for review. Participants are
required to have the means to secure the Census Address List containing Title 13 information.
Persons who signed the D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement Form for the LUCA Review Phase
are not required to sign the form again. However, anyone who will review or have access to the
confidential Title 13 feedback materials and has not already signed form D-2005 must read and
agree to abide by the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines, included as Appendix A, and must
sign the Confidentiality Agreement Form before reviewing the materials. A blank D-2005 –
Confidentiality Agreement Form is included in this respondent guide as Appendix B. This form is
Title 13, U.S.C provides for the confidential treatment of census-related information, including individual addresses and map spots. Title
13 requires that all liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials abide by the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.
Title 13 also requires that the Census Bureau maintain the confidentiality for all of the information that it collects.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


also available on the LUCA website at .
The Detailed Feedback Address List and the small format block maps are the Title 13 protected
materials included in the feedback materials that require a password to decrypt and open. This
case-sensitive password, different from the password used during the Review Phase, arrives
separately and prior to receiving the feedback materials. Keep the password letter (D-2280)
secure for use in opening the materials as discussed in Section 1.3 and preparing any Appeals
materials for submission as discussed in Section 3.5.1.
Following the LUCA Feedback Phase or a possible Appeal, at the conclusion of the 2020 Census
LUCA operation, the LUCA liaison must verify the destruction (preferred) or return to the
Census Bureau all Title 13 materials and copies by signing and returning the D-2012 –
Destruction or Return of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form. A blank form is included as Appendix C
and is available online on the LUCA website at . Additional information or assistance is available,
toll-free, by phone at (844) 344-0169 or by email at [email protected].


Entity Identification Codes

All local government entity codes, also known as the “EntityID,” appearing in the feedback
materials have a two-letter code identifying the type of entity. County, place, and minor civil
division codes include the state two-digit Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) numeric
code. Minor civil divisions also include the county three-digit FIPS numeric code. See Table 1 for
information regarding the entity identification codes.
Table 1: Entity Identification Codes

Entity Identification Code



ST (2 alpha) + (2 FIPS numeric)



CO (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + County (3 FIPS numeric)



PL (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + FIPS Place (5 FIPS numeric)


Minor Civil Division

MC (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + County (3 FIPS numeric) +
FIPS MCD (5 FIPS numeric)


Below are four examples showing the “EntityID” for local government entities.

State: ST01 (state of Alabama).


County: CO42085 (Mercer County, Pennsylvania).


Place: PL0100124 (Abbeville city, Alabama).


Minor Civil Division: MC4208567472 (Salem Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania).

Tribal government entity codes contain a unique 12-character alphanumeric identification code
assigned by the Census Bureau that identifies the tribe and its associated geographic area. An
example of a 12-character tribal identification code, TR0013TA0185, where TR0013 is the sixcharacter tribal code that represents the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute
Reservation and TA0185 is the six-character tribal geographic area code that represents Benton
Paiute Reservation, the geographic area associated with the Utu Utu Gwaitu Pauite Tribe. This
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


12-character code is the “EntityID” for tribal governments.
All map related materials included in digital format on the participant DVDs have special codes
that differ from the “EntityID.” The abbreviation for the special map related coding is
“.” See Table 2 for information on the .
Table 2: Entity Types and Entity Codes on Map Materials
 is entity type:

 is entity code

C = County

County = SSCCC

CS = Municipio (Puerto Rico)

Municipio = SSCCC

M = Minor civil division (MCD)


P = Incorporated Place


R = American Indian Reservation (AIR)

Where, SS = State FIPS code; CCC = County FIPS code;
MMMMM = MCD FIPS code; RRRR = AIR Census code.

Below are several map examples showing use of the “” for LUCA Feedback
Phase materials.

LUCAF20C48003.pdf – large format bundled .pdf map for a county.


LUCAF20CS72035.pdf – large format bundled .pdf map for a municipio.


LUCAF20M2717317918.pdf – large format bundled .pdf map for a MCD.


LUCAF20P2302060.pdf – large format bundled .pdf map for a place.


LUCAF20R0010.pdf – large format bundled .pdf map for an AIR.

Section 1.2 provides more detail on these materials and their location on the DVDs.


Respondent Guide Organization

Use this respondent guide, the D-2232, in conjunction with the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Digital Address List Format (D-2032).
The respondent guides do not repeat information between the phases (Review and Feedback).
Hyperlinks appear as underlined, light blue text. Cross-reference links to other sections within
the document appear as bold blue text.


Training and Support

There are no workshops scheduled for the Feedback Phase; however, the LUCA website at
information regarding the use of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) as well as
other information that may assist with reviewing the feedback materials. In addition, the
Census Bureau’s LUCA Help Desk can assist with feedback related questions. The 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office, established as a separate, temporary federal entity by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), handles the Appeals process and all Appeal-related questions.
Contact the LUCA Help Desk, toll-free, at (844) 344-0169 or email them at
[email protected]. Contact the Appeals Office, toll-free, at (888) 222-9907. Their
email address is located on the aforementioned LUCA website.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




This chapter provides introductory information on the materials participants receive as part of
the LUCA Feedback Phase, the file naming details, and the receipt of materials. It discusses the
set-up of a local computer and the proper way to open the address material without corrupting
its content.


For participants needing visuals and detailed examples, the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Digital Address List Format (D2032) distributed during the LUCA Review Phase includes additional graphics and
information. Locate the respondent guide on the LUCA website,
, and
use it to supplement instructions in this material.

Feedback Materials

The Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials to eligible governments
beginning in July 2019 and ending in September 2019. Unless a participant declined feedback,
the Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials for jurisdictions that submitted
address updates after reviewing and applying each properly formatted address update to the
Census Address List and adding any new addresses not already included. The Census Bureau
will verify the participant suggested address updates (additions, corrections, deletions, etc.) to
ensure that all address updates and additions exist and that they are in the correct census
block. Participants that reviewed the Census Address List, agreed with its contents during the
LUCA Review Phase, and asked to receive feedback will also receive LUCA Feedback Phase
The Census Bureau provides feedback materials according to the final format that the
participant selected for the LUCA Review Phase. For digital address list participants, the
materials include:2

Feedback Address Update Summary Report — displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census
Bureau for all the address updates submitted by an entity.


Detailed Feedback Address List — shows all processed (i.e., properly formatted) address record
updates submitted by the participant and a feedback processing code identifying a specific
action taken by the Census Bureau on that address record. This address list also identifies any
address records not commented on and deleted from the original Census Address List by a
different census operation or another level of government participating in LUCA.


Feedback Address Count List — contains the number of residential housing unit and group
quarters addresses on the LUCA Review Phase Census Address List and the current number of

For participants that either told us “no changes” on the D-2079 or D-2084 and had no records deleted by other LUCA participants or
other census operations OR for those that submitted a file that could not be processed and had no records deleted by other LUCA
participants or other census operations, there are no addresses to review or Appeal. These participants receive a paper insert, the D2282, that notifies them their Detailed Feedback Address List will be blank and explains why. A corresponding a portable document
format (PDF) file, 2020LUCA_FB_insert.pdf, will be present on their DVD(s).

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


residential housing unit and group quarters addresses for each Census block within the
participant’s jurisdiction.

Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List — identifies the large format parent map sheet(s)
or inset sheet(s) on which each census block is located. This product is for participants that
selected either paper or paper/Portable Document Format (PDF) maps. The sort for this product
is by census tract number and census block number in ascending order.


Feedback Maps — may include feature updates provided by the submitting entity, other LUCA
participants, and/or other updates found by the Census Bureau during other census operations.
The Census Bureau provides maps or shapefiles in the final format selected for the LUCA Review
Phase materials.
o Large format paper maps — large format (36”x32”) paper maps that may include one or
more sheets, for participants that selected the paper or paper/PDF maps. A bundled PDF of
the large format paper maps is included for paper/PDF map participants. Refer to the 2020
Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Digital
Address List Format (D-2032) for details on these materials.
o PDF maps — files provided on a DVD that contain legal-size (8.5”x14”) small format block
maps including Title 13 map spots (address structure coordinates showing the location of
residential addresses) for participants that selected the paper/PDF maps.
o Shapefiles — created from the Master Address File (MAF)/Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) System (MAF/TIGER) for participants that
selected digital maps or Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). These are also
known as TIGER Partnership shapefiles.


Reference/instructional materials — include the Feedback Respondent Guide(s), Quick Start
Guide(s), Feedback Address Update Summary Report, various forms, and readme file(s). For
digital participants, the various materials are included in digital format on DVD and on the LUCA
website at . In
addition to being included in digital format on the DVD, the Feedback Address Update Summary
Report and the Quick Start Guides are included as hard copies.


Feedback Materials File Names and DVD Structure

The digital feedback materials arrive on DVD according to the final format used for the LUCA
Review Phase. 3 One DVD is the “Title 13 Data Disc” that contains the Detailed Feedback
Address List, and the second (if applicable) is the “Non-Title 13 Data Disc.” The following three
sections describe the information contained on each disc for the three digital address list and
map product formats. Details of the materials are in Chapter 2.


Digital Address List and Large Format Paper Maps (No PDF Maps)

Participants who selected the digital address list and large format paper maps product
preference for the LUCA Review Phase receive one Title 13 Data Disc DVD. This DVD contains
copies of the large format maps along with other large format map information in the “maps”
folder and includes the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List in the “shape”
folder. The DVD also has files in the root directory.

Some participants may have trouble with the extraction of the data disc materials due to administrative rights, application blockers, or
antivirus/security programs. Participants are encouraged to contact their own Information Technology staff first, and then contact the
LUCA Help Desk if problems persist.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



The “maps” folder contains:
o ReadMe.txt – contains a statement regarding use of Adobe Reader® or Acrobat Professional
to properly open and view the .pdf maps. Download the free portable document format
(PDF) software at .
o About_the_maps.pdf – contains tips for using the small format block maps and includes a
brief description of the map types and supplemental files. This also includes tips for printing
the small format block maps.
o LUCAF20.pdf – contains bundled .pdf file of the large format paper
o LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt – contains a list of all the blocks within the
participant’s jurisdiction and sheet or grid number(s) that identify the large format parent
sheet where the block is located. This file is in a semicolon text format.


The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use the password provided separately from the
feedback materials to open this zipped, encrypted file. This password differs from the
password provided with the LUCA Review Phase materials.
 It becomes the 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv (Detailed Feedback
Address List) once extracted successfully.


The root directory contains non-Title 13 materials:
o FB_Readmefirst4.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on the disc.
o 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – this is the Feedback Address Count List.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF)
file of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the Census
Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the
LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF) file
of this document, the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA)
Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address List Participants.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital
Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs and use of the files
included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started with the materials.
o _D2005_Confidentiality.pdf – this is the Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005)
to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
o _D2012_Destruction.pdf – this is the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials
Form (D-2012) to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13 materials as
required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.


Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF Maps

Participants who selected the digital address list and large format paper/PDF maps product
preference receive one DVD, the Title 13 Data Disc. This DVD contains copies of the large
format maps along with other large format map information and the small format block maps
along with other small format block map related information in the “maps” folder and includes
the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List in the “shape” folder. The DVD also
has files in the root directory.

The “maps” folder contains:

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide






2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe. It requires the same password used for extracting the
Detailed Feedback Address List to open and unzip this file.
 It extracts, LUCAF20BLK_.pdf (LUCA feedback small format block maps,
bundled pdfs) once extracted successfully. These are the current, 2010 tabulation blocks
within the participant’s entity.
 It extracts, BlockInfo_LUCAF20.txt – this is an entity based,
semicolon delimited text file that includes basic information for each block in the
participant’s entity.
 It extracts, BlockMap_Legend_LUCAF20.pdf – this is the small format block map legend.
ReadMe.txt – contains a statement regarding use of Adobe Reader or Acrobat Professional
properly open and view the .pdf maps. Download the free portable document format (PDF)
software at .
About_the_maps.pdf – contains tips for using the small format block maps and includes a
brief description of the map types and supplemental files. This also includes tips for printing
the small format block maps.
LUCAF20.pdf – contains bundled .pdf file of the large format paper
LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt – contains a list of all the blocks within the
participant’s jurisdiction and sheet or grid number(s) that identify the large format parent
sheet where the block is located. This file is in a semicolon text format.


The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use the password provided separately from the
feedback materials to open this zipped, encrypted file.
 It becomes the 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv once extracted


The root directory contains non-Title 13 materials:
o FB_Readmefirst5.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on the disc.
o 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – this is the Feedback Address Count List.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF)
file of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the Census
Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the
LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF) file
of this document, the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA)
Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address List Participants.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital
Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs and use of the files
included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started with the materials.
o _D2005_Confidentiality.pdf – this is the Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005)
to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
o _D2012_Destruction.pdf – this is the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials
Form (D-2012) to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13 materials as
required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Digital Address List and Digital Maps

Participants who selected the digital address list and the digital maps product preference
receive two data discs, the Title 13 Data Disc and Non-Title 13 Data Disc, and a software
installation disc for the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).
The Title 13 Data Disc DVD contains the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List
in the “shape” folder.

The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use the password provided separately from
materials to open this zipped, encrypted file.
 It becomes the 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv once extracted

The Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD contains the shapefiles and Feedback Address Count List in the
“shape” folder and supplemental materials in the root directory.

The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe. No password is required to extract this file.
 It extracts the shapefiles, one folder for the state and one for the county, or counties, in
which your jurisdiction is located.
 It extracts the 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – this is the Feedback
Address Count List.


The root directory contains:
o FB_Readmefirst6.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on both DVDs.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF)
file of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the Census
Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the
LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF) file
of this document, the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA)
Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address List Participants.
o 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf – this is the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions
for Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Participants.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital
Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs and use of the files
included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started with the materials.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Quick
Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the use of the files included on the
DVDs. It serves as a quick summary for getting started with the GUPS software.
o _D2005_Confidentiality.pdf – this is the Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005)
to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
o _D2012_Destruction.pdf – this is the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials
Form (D-2012) to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13 materials as
required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Creating Working Copies of the LUCA Digital Files

If participants have not already followed the instructions in the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback
Digital Quick Start Guide (D-2240), please follow the instructions in this section to begin the
review of the LUCA Feedback Phase materials. The Census Bureau recommends making a copy
of each of the files on the DVD(s) and placing them on the hard drive of a local computer that
complies with the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. To keep work organized, create a new
folder, or new directory, on the hard drive of that locally compliant computer. Figure 1 displays
an example of the newly created folder for a Digital Address List and Digital Map participant.
Until 2020 Census LUCA concludes, retain the DVD materials in a secure location in the event
reinstallation is necessary.
Title 13 Address Materials (all digital address participants)

Insert the Title 13 Data Disc DVD.


If there are files in the root directory of the DVD in addition to the “shape” folder, copy those
files into the new folder on the local computer.4


Double-click on the folder named “shape.”


After the folder opens, right click on the file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
and select Copy.


Open the new folder on the local computer. Right click and select Paste.


In the new folder, double-click the 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe.


A command prompt window opens. Enter the feedback password the Census Bureau sent
separately from the materials. The password does not appear on-screen as it is typed. Upon
successful entry of the correct password, the window shows the progress of extraction and
closes upon completion. Please note, if your jurisdiction did not receive its password letter, or if
the password is misplaced, please call (844) 344-0169 or email [email protected] for


The Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List extracts into the new folder with the file name


To open the Detailed Feedback Address List properly, review Section 1.4, in this chapter.


Do not double-click the .csv file. Doing so corrupts various fields within the file.

Title 13 Map Materials (for digital address list and large format paper/PDF maps participants)

With the Title 13 Data Disc DVD still in the computer, Copy and Paste the “maps” folder into the
new folder on the local computer.


Open the new folder. Double-click the 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe.


A command prompt window opens. Enter the same password used to extract the Detailed
Feedback Address List. As with the earlier extraction of the Detailed Feedback Address List, the
password does not appear on-screen as it is typed. Upon successful entry of the correct
password, the window shows the progress of extraction and closes upon completion.


The Title 13 PDF small format block maps extract into the new folder with files named

The root directory materials on the Title 13 Data Disc DVD exist only for participants receiving paper maps and PDF maps because they
only receive one DVD with their Feedback Phase materials. The specific materials are listed in Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Non-Title 13 Materials (for digital address list and digital map participants)

Remove the Title 13 Data Disc DVD and insert the Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD.


Copy and Paste the “shape” folder and all the files within the root directory of the DVD into the
new folder on the local computer.


Open the “shape” folder within the new folder on the local computer and double-click the
2020LUCA __FB_DISK2of2.exe.


A command prompt window opens that shows the progress of the file extraction and closes
upon completion. A password is unnecessary to extract this file.
o The digital maps (shapefiles) and the Feedback Address Count List,
2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv, extract with the execution of this file. The
shapefiles extract into the appropriate state and county folders.

Figure 1. Digital Address List and Digital Map Participants - New Folder Example on Local Computer


Converting Comma Delimited Text Files

The .csv files described above are comma-delimited text files. Most commercial spreadsheet
and database programs can open the .csv files (e.g., Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Access®, etc.).5
However, in order to read the file contents properly, participants must import the file rather
than opening it. The following set of bullets use Excel 2016 to describe the proper way to open
the .csv files.6

Open a new Excel spreadsheet.


Select the “Data” tab. Click on “Get External Data.” Select “From Text.”

The Census Bureau does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific software to view its files. The program names included here
are only examples of programs that are able to read digital files.
6 Please note that instructions for importing the .csv files differs based on operating system and version of software used. Slight
variations likely exist between these instructions and other versions of Microsoft Excel. Consult the user manual for instructions.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Navigate to the folder on the local computer containing the Detailed Feedback Address List and
click on the file.


When the file highlights, select “Import” at the bottom of the screen.


The “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3” window opens in Excel, check the “My data has
headers” box and select “Next.”


In Step 2 of 3, select “Comma” for Delimiters. From the “Text qualifier” drop-down menu, select
“{none}.” Select “Next” at the bottom of the screen.


In Step 3 of 3, hold the “Shift” key and scroll to the end of the columns. The columns will
highlight black.


Select the “Text” radio button. Define all field types as Text, including numeric fields such as
census tract number, census block number, GEOID, ZIP Code, and so forth to account for leading
zeros that are important for accurate geocoding.


Click “Finish” at the bottom of the window.

Once the .csv opens, follow the record layout in Table 3 to name and define the sizes of the
fields within the Detailed Feedback Address List.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




This chapter provides information on the content within each feedback material and lays the
foundation for conducting a review of the materials. It devotes a section to describing the
detailed feedback processing codes and identifying which records are eligible for Appeal based
on their feedback processing code.


Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The Census Bureau provides a printed copy of the Feedback Address Update Summary Report
(D-2201) to participants with their feedback materials package and includes a digital copy, in
the form of a portable document format (PDF), on DVD. The report summarizes the Census
Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the
LUCA Review Phase. This report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all
of the address updates that the participant submitted and the total number of address records
on the original Census address list that were deleted by a different census operation or another
level of government participating in LUCA. See Figure 2 for an example of the report.
Section “A” of the report contains the total number of address records submitted to the Census
Bureau for the LUCA Review Phase, the total number of address records submitted that were
processed, and the total number of address records submitted without required information
and were not processed. Unprocessed addresses include those with blank or invalid action
codes, addresses submitted without geographic information such as the census tract and block
numbers or the latitude and longitude coordinates, or non-city style addresses without a map
spot or latitude and longitude coordinates. The total number of participant address records
submitted for processing (e.g., 100) equals the total number of address records processed (e.g.,
91) and the total number of address records not processed (e.g., 9).

The total number of submitted address records processed by the Census Bureau (e.g.,
91 records in the case of Figure 2) equates to the number of records that appear in the
Detailed Feedback Address List.

Section “B” of the report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all the
processed address records submitted with valid action codes and map spot/coordinates (or
geocodes). The total number of address records accepted as requested (e.g., 61) and the total
number of address records not accepted as requested (e.g., 30), equals the total number of
address records submitted and processed (e.g., 91) as shown in Section “A” of the report.
Section “C” of the report contains address records not commented on, but deleted from the
original Census Address List by a different census operation or another level of government
participating in LUCA. Review Section 2.2.1 for information on these deleted records.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 2. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201) Example


Detailed Feedback Address List

The Census Bureau provides the Detailed Feedback Address List to participants as part of their
feedback materials in order to see the disposition of each submitted address record processed
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


by the Census Bureau. Participants use the Detailed Feedback Address List to determine which
address records are eligible for Appeal and denote them accordingly. This material shows all
usable address record updates submitted by the participant, processed by the Census Bureau,
and a feedback processing code identifying a specific action taken on that address record. In
addition, the list contains any addresses that were on the participant’s Census Address List
during the LUCA Review Phase, but subsequently deleted by a different census operation or
another level of government participating in LUCA.
Each address record has a maximum length of 657 characters and contains 26 fields of
information. Table 3 shows the maximum character length of each field, the field name, and a
description of the field.

The Detailed Feedback Address List is the only editable material for the LUCA Feedback
Phase and the “APPEAL_FLAG” field in the Detailed Feedback Address List is the only
editable field.

During the LUCA Review Phase, if participants determined the Census Address List was correct,
had no address updates, and returned either form D-2079 – No Updates or Changes to
Addresses Form or D-2084 – Submission Deadline Form indicating that they wanted to receive
the LUCA Feedback Phase materials, their Detailed Feedback Address List file contains only the
addresses deleted by a different census operation or another level of government participating
in LUCA. If there were no addresses deleted since the LUCA Review Phase, the Detailed
Feedback Address List file will be blank. A paper insert (D-2282), mentioned as the footnote in
Section 1.1, explains the blank file and notifies them that they do not have any addresses
eligible for Appeal.
Table 3: Detailed Feedback Address List Field Names and Descriptions


Field Name

Field Description


Number assigned for each address record present in the
processed submission.




Unique control number assigned by the Census Bureau to
each address in the MAF. This value will match the
LINE_NUMBER value for R03, Appeal-eligible, records.
This allows for the tracking of records that do not have a
MAFID assigned.




Blank field for participant to flag an address for Appeal by
assigning a “Y.” This is the only editable field in the file.




Action code submitted by the participant, during the
LUCA Review Phase, to update an address: A, C, D, J, N.




Feedback processing code that identifies the specific
action taken by the Census Bureau on each address
update submitted by the participant: X01, R03, A01, A02,
A03, R01, and R02.




Unique number assigned by the Census Bureau to each

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




Field Name

Field Description




Two-digit current state FIPS code.




Three-digit current county FIPS code.


Consists of a six-digit code with a decimal between the
fourth and fifth digit, contains a four-digit base number,
including leading zeroes, plus a two-digit number suffix,
with trailing zeroes. For example, 1234.01 and 0003.00.






Four-digit 2010 Census tabulation block number. Census
tabulation blocks are numbered uniquely from 0000 to
9999 within a census tract, which nest within a county
and a state. The first digit of the census block number
identifies the block group.




15-digit combination of STATEFP, COUNTYFP, TRACT, and
BLOCK, e.g. 010090054001009.




Displays a ‘G’ if the address is a group quarters, a ‘T’ if the
address is a transitory location, and is blank if the address
is a housing unit.




Housing unit or group quarters assigned address number,
alone or with an address number prefix and/or address
number suffix that identifies a location along a
thoroughfare or within a community.




Full street or road name. The official name of a
thoroughfare as assigned by a governing authority, or a
used and recognized alternate (alias) name.




Within structure descriptor or identifier, such as APT 5 or
1st FL FRN.




Five-digit United States Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code for
city style mailing address.




Name of group quarter (Dobbs Hall) or name of transitory
location (Mermaid’s Marina).




Name of group quarter facility (University of Illinois).




Description of the location and physical characteristics of
a living quarters (RED RANCH W/WHITE SHUTTERS).




Rural Route and Box number or Highway Contract Route
and Box number.




Five-digit USPS ZIP Code for non-city style mailing




Unique number assigned by the Census Bureau for each
map spot within a block. Numbering starts over in each




Address structure latitude, populated only if the Census
Bureau has captured an address structure point for the

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




Field Name

Field Description




Address structure longitude, populated only if the Census
Bureau has captured an address structure point for the




Displays “Y” if city style address, an “N” if non-city style




Blank. Only for Appeals Staff use.

To facilitate the participant’s feedback review, the Census Bureau provides the Detailed
Feedback Address List file sorted based on the following order of the FEEDBACK_CODE field:
X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, and R02. Within each feedback processing code, the GEOID field
provides another sort level. Performing this dual sort promotes the Appeal-eligible records to
the beginning of the file while retaining a geographic organization for the address records.


Understanding the Feedback Processing Codes

The feedback processing codes in the Detailed Feedback Address List indicate the results of the
Census Bureau processing of participants records submitted during the LUCA Review Phase.
Table 4 identifies the feedback processing code assigned to the records submitted by a
participant. The second column indicates if the code is eligible for Appeal. The third column
gives the Census Bureau’s result of the processing, including information regarding the
acceptance or rejection of the participant’s update and a decision to include or exclude the
address from the 2020 Census.
Table 4: Feedback Processing Codes





Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction. This address was
not updated as part of your LUCA review, but has been deleted from
the 2020 Census Address List by another level of government
participating in LUCA or a different census operation.



Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and rejects your
LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will include
this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in the same
block, and accepts your LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in a
different block, and accepts your LUCA update.



Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and accepts your
LUCA update.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide






Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will include
this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in the same
block, and rejects your LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in a
different block, and rejects your LUCA update.


The FEEDBACK_CODE field of the Detailed Feedback Address List contains a code that specifies
if the Census Bureau accepted or rejected the action submitted by the participant. For example,
A01, A02, and A03 indicates the Census Bureau accepted the address update. These three
feedback processing codes are not eligible for Appeal. Both A01 and A02 records remain in the
2020 Census enumeration universe and therefore are ineligible for Appeal while the A03
reflects an accepted update that excludes an address from the 2020 Census enumeration
universe (i.e., accepted D, N, and J LUCA actions).
The three “R” feedback processing codes (R01, R02, and R03) indicate the Census Bureau
rejected the updated addresses. Only the R03 is eligible for Appeal. Both R01 and R02 records
remain in the 2020 Census enumeration universe and therefore are ineligible for Appeal.
In addition to records submitted by a participant, the Detailed Feedback Address List may
include addresses that were in the Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase (not
commented on by the participant), but deleted by a different census operation or another level
of government participating in LUCA. These addresses receive an X01 feedback processing code
and are eligible for Appeal.


Only addresses assigned with feedback processing codes of X01 or R03 are eligible for
Appeal because they are not part of the 2020 Census enumeration universe.

Feedback Processing Code Examples

This section provides only a few examples for each feedback processing code. It documents
some of the most common scenarios encountered during the Census Bureau’s processing of
LUCA Review Phase submissions. This list of examples is not a comprehensive list of all the
scenarios that lead to the assignment of feedback processing codes.
X01 – Address removed from the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address
from the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction. A different census operation or another
level of government participating in LUCA deleted the address. This address was not updated as
part of the participant’s LUCA Review Phase work. (Appeal eligible.)

If a state participant deleted a record that no nesting entity participants (county, minor civil
division, place, and American Indian Area) commented on, the nesting entity participants would
see this address as an X01.


If a participant did not update the address but an update from a different census operation
deleted it, the participant would see the address as an X01.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


R03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction and rejects the LUCA update. (Appeal eligible.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) to an area where evidence of housing does not exist,
or the Census Bureau processing determines the address is not residential. The Census Bureau
rejects the A action and excludes it from the 2020 Census enumeration universe. This action
would receive an R03. The participant can Appeal the address record for inclusion in the 2020
Census enumeration universe.


A county participant corrects (a C action) the geocode of an address, but the place participant
marks the same address as non-residential (an N action). The Census Bureau accepts the place
participant’s action, removes the address record from the 2020 Census enumeration universe,
and assigns the place participant’s record an A03. The county participant receives an R03 on
their C action. The county can Appeal the address record to reinstate it into the 2020 Census
enumeration universe.

A01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for Appeal.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it where the
participant says.


Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau agrees.

A02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for Appeal.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a different block.
This action would receive an A02.


Participant submits an address record as an add (an A action). The Census Bureau matches to
the same address in a different block within the participant’s jurisdiction. This action would
receive an A02.


Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a
different block. This action would receive an A02.

A03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction, and accepts the LUCA update. (Ineligible for

Participant submitted an address for deletion (a D action) because it no longer exists and the
Census Bureau agrees that the address no longer exists. The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census. This action would receive an A03.


Participant submitted that the building was non-residential (an N action) and the Census
Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF) confirms the record is a commercial record. This action
would receive an A03.


Participant submitted the address as out of their jurisdiction (a J action), an adjacent jurisdiction
added the same record (an A action), and the Census Bureau agrees with the A action in the
adjacent jurisdiction. The J action would receive an A03. The A action would receive either A01
or A02.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


R01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for Appeal.)

Participant submitted a group quarters address record with an apartment unit number (an A
action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new address record as invalid. The Census Bureau will
enumerate the group quarters at the main address in the same block submitted by the
participant.7 This action would receive an R01.8


Participant misused the C action to change a house number or a within structure ID (WSID), both
un-editable fields. The participant needed to submit these as add/delete combinations rather
than changing the house number or WSID. This action would receive an R01.


Participant submitted the address for deletion (a D action) and the record is a known, valid
residential address from the USPS Delivery Sequence File (DSF). This action would receive an


Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an R01.


Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address in their jurisdiction from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an

R02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for Appeal.)



Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new
geocode keeping the address in the original location. This action would receive an R02.


Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau chooses “third
block” (meaning the location is not where it was on the LUCA Review Phase materials, NOR
where the participant says, but the Census Bureau moved the record to a third block). This
action would receive an R02.


This example involves two or more jurisdictions. A state participant submitted a D action, but a
county participant submitted geocode change (a C action) on the same address. The Census
Bureau would reject the state’s D action and keep the address in the 2020 Census in a different
block, the one submitted by the county. The state’s action would receive an R02. The county’s
action would receive an A01.


Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is valid nonresidential address in a different block. This action would receive an R02.


Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a valid
residential address in a different block within their jurisdiction. This action would receive an

Feedback Address Count List

The Census Bureau provides the Feedback Address Count List to participants to show the
change in residential address block tallies between the LUCA Review Phase and the LUCA
If the block differed, this record would receive the R02 feedback processing code.
During the LUCA Review Phase, the Census Bureau only requested the main address, group quarters name and facility name (if
applicable) of the group quarters records because the group quarters enumeration operations enumerate at the main unit, not each
individual unit within the group quarters. Records submitted with additional information, like apartment unit information, are invalid.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Feedback Phase. The file contains the LUCA Review Phase tallies of residential addresses
(housing unit and group quarters) that were on the participant’s Census Address List and the
current number of residential addresses (housing unit and group quarters) in the Census
Address List for each census block within the jurisdiction. It is important to realize that tally
differences do not indicate lack of coverage. It could indicate a change to geocoding between
census blocks in your jurisdiction. The tally differences may also be the result of work
performed during other census operations. There is no direct link between change in tallies on
the Feedback Address Count List and Appeal eligibility for individual address records on the
Detailed Feedback Address List.
Each record has a maximum length of 59 characters and contains nine fields of information. The
length for each record may vary. Table 5 shows the maximum character length of each field,
the field name, and a description of the field.
Table 5: Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions


Field Name

Field Description




Two-digit state FIPS code.




Three-digit county FIPS code.


Consists of a six-digit code with a decimal
between the fourth and fifth digit, contains a
four-digit base number, including leading zeroes,
plus a two-digit number suffix, with trailing
zeroes. For example, 1234.01 and 0003.00






Four-digit 2010 Census tabulation block number.
Census blocks are numbered uniquely from 0000
to 9999 within census tract, which nest within
state and county. The first digit of the census
block number identifies the block group within
the census tract in which the block falls.




15-digit combination of STATE, COUNTY, TRACT,
and BLOCK fields. For example 010090046001002.


Total number of addresses in the census block
identified as residential housing units by data in
the MAF provided with the participant’s original
LUCA materials.
Total number of addresses in the census block
identified as residential housing units by data in
the MAF after processing the participant’s LUCA
submission and other census operations.









U.S. Census Bureau

Total number of addresses in the census block
identified as residential group quarters or
transitory locations by data in the MAF provided
with the participant’s original LUCA materials.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide






Field Name

Field Description
Total number of addresses in the census block
identified as residential group quarters or
transitory locations by data in the MAF after
processing the participant’s LUCA submission and
other census operations.

Paper Maps, PDF maps, and Shapefiles

The Census Bureau provides paper maps and/or PDF maps, or shapefiles during the LUCA
Feedback Phase, according to the final format that the participant selected for the LUCA Review
Phase. Participants use the maps for geocoding reference and for review of any map updates
submitted during the LUCA Review Phase. Maps may include feature updates provided by the
submitting entity, other LUCA participants, and/or other updates found by the Census Bureau
during other census operations. Map legends for both the large format maps and the small
format block maps closely resemble the legends used during the LUCA Review Phase, with
minor changes made to symbology to reflect Appeal-eligible address records and the two types
of residential addresses (housing units and group quarters). Blue circles or blue squares, that
represent housing units or group quarters respectively, show the Appeal-eligible records while
gray symbols of the same style show records ineligible for Appeal. For examples of a small
format block map (e.g., PDF maps) with updated map symbols, see Figure 3 and Figure 4.
To support the use of the large format maps, digital address participants receive a Feedback
Block to Map Sheet Relationship List text file that includes all the census blocks for the
participant’s jurisdiction and the map sheet(s) on which each census block is located. The sort is
in ascending order, by census tract number and census block number. Participants can open
this semicolon delimited text file using a simple text editor such as WordPad or Notepad or
import the file into a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
Refer to the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent
Guide; Digital Address List Format (D-2032) included with the original LUCA Review Phase
materials for details on the large format maps, small format block maps, shapefiles, and the
block to map sheet relationship list.9 This guide does not repeat all of the map-related
information in the D-2032 since the feedback map materials are reference material for
geocoding purposes only. Locate a copy of the D-2032 on the LUCA website at


Participants may not submit map or shapefile updates during the LUCA Feedback Phase
due to 2020 Census operational scheduling.

Chapter 3, The LUCA Paper Maps and Chapter 5, TIGER Partnership Shapefiles provide detailed examples and information.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 3. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 4. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example - Zoomed Section
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




This chapter provides information on the process to Appeal addresses while reviewing the 2020
Census LUCA feedback materials. The Federal Register notice on the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Process forms the basis for much of the content in this chapter. A copy of the Federal Register
notice is included in the feedback materials package or can be located on LUCA website at
The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office strongly recommends use of the Census Bureau’s
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) for filing an Appeal. Use of this tool simplifies
the Appeal submission work. Participants may use GUPS for reviewing the feedback materials
and appealing addresses even if they did not use it for their LUCA submission during the Review
Phase. A GUPS software installer DVD and respondent guide are included in the materials for
digital address list participants if a digital participant wishes to use GUPS.



To ensure that tribal, state, and local governments participating in 2020 Census LUCA have a
means to Appeal the Census Bureau’s determinations, the Census Address List Improvement
Act of 1994 requires that the Administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (OIRA), acting through the Chief Statistician and in consultation with the Census Bureau,
develop an Appeals Process by establishing a temporary federal entity, the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office. This office will resolve any disagreements that may remain after participating
governments receive the Census Bureau’s LUCA Feedback materials and make a final decision
on the inclusion of appealed addresses. Participants must contact staff in the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office, not the Census Bureau, for specific Appeal-related questions. Reach the Appeals
Staff toll-free, by phone, at (888) 222-9907.


Deadline for Filing an Appeal

The deadline for filing an Appeal is 45 calendar days after the date the participant receives their
feedback materials from the Census Bureau. The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office defines
“receipt” as the delivery date reported to the Census Bureau by the delivery service carrier.
In order to safeguard the confidential address materials covered by Title 13, the transmission of
an Appeal to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office must adhere to the Census Bureau's specific
guidelines for handling materials supplied with the feedback materials. The participant must
transmit its Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office following the instructions
outlined in Section 3.5, and should keep a record of the date of transmission of these materials
in case there are questions about the submission date. The participant may not submit any
materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office after the 45 calendar day period has elapsed.
Upon receipt of an Appeal, the Appeals Staff will send a confirmation of receipt to the
participant. They also will notify the Census Bureau that a participant has filed an Appeal.


Procedures for Filing an Appeal

A participant is eligible to file an Appeal if they returned address additions or corrections to the
Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase, or if they certified, after review, that the
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Census Address List was correct and required no updates. A participant may Appeal the
following types of addresses:

Address deletions from the Census Address List by another level of government participating in
LUCA or by a different census operation that participants did not comment on during the LUCA
Review Phase. The Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the X01
feedback processing code in field 5 (FEEDBACK_CODE). The 2020 Census enumeration universe
excludes these records.


Address additions and corrections provided during the LUCA Review Phase that the Census
Bureau processed, but denied and excluded in the 2020 Census enumeration universe. The
Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the R03 feedback processing
code in field 5 (FEEDBACK_CODE).


Only the X01 and R03 address records are eligible for Appeal.

As mentioned in Section 2.2, to facilitate the participant’s feedback review, the Census Bureau
provides the Detailed Feedback Address List file sorted based on the following order of the
FEEDBACK_CODE field: X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, and R02. Within each feedback
processing code, the GEOID field provides another sort level. Performing this dual sort
promotes the Appeal-eligible records to the beginning of the file while retaining a geographic
organization for the address records. Participants may perform other sorts (e.g., by street name
or by solely by GEOID) of the Detailed Feedback Address List to group areas of records together
for review.
For each X01 and R03 coded address record on the Detailed Feedback Address List that the
participant believes should be reinstated in the Census Address List, insert a ”Y” in field 3
(APPEAL_FLAG) for that address record.


Supporting Documentation

The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office requires eligible participants to provide evidence of
existence and the location for appealed addresses. To this end, eligible participants must
provide the supporting documentation for all appealed addresses as specified below.
For the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals process, participants may apply the same set of supporting
evidence to a group of addresses. For example, participants may wish to supply one set of
supporting evidence for related addresses such as those associated with a single housing
development or complex if the set of supporting evidence substantiates the existence of the full
set of linked addresses. In other cases, a written description of a robust process to review and
verify the Appeal-eligible addresses using highly accurate sources may support a set of
addresses. Participants must supplement this narrative with a selection of appealed addresses
associated with an exact location and proven with one of the evidence types listed below.
Eligible governments must submit the following supporting documentation with their Appeal:

A written narrative with an explanation of the eligible government’s position for why the
Appeals Staff should adopt their recommendation.


A detailed description of the address source(s) that helps to verify the existence of an address or
group of addresses. Eligible governments may incorporate the detailed description(s) into the

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


written narrative or may supply separate address source documentation. For each address
source used to support the existence of address(s), the description should include the following:
o Date of the address source.
o Frequency of update of the address source (e.g., daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.).
o Methods used to update the address source.
o Quality assurance procedure(s) used in maintaining the address source.
o How the eligible government and/or originator of the source uses the information.

Evidence to support the existence of the appealed address. Participants must link the evidence
directly to a particular appealed address or particular set of appealed addresses. Useful types of
supporting evidence include:
o Documentation of on-site inspection and/or interview of residents and/or neighbors.
o Issuance of recent occupancy permit(s) for unit(s). Building permits are not acceptable, as
they do not ensure completed construction of the units.
o Provision of utilities (electricity, gas, sewer, water, telephone, etc.) to the residence. The
utility record must show that this is not a service to a commercial unit, or an additional
service to an existing residence (such as a second telephone line).
o Provision of other governmental services (housing assistance, welfare, etc.) to residents of
the unit(s).
o Photography, including aerial photography or satellite imagery.
o Land use maps.
o Local 911 emergency lists, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.
o Tax assessment records, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.

For each address on the Detailed Feedback Address List that the participant is appealing,
write/key the APPEAL_FLAG from field 3 and MAFID from field 2 on the supporting
documentation to show the exact location in the document where the evidence for that
address is located. For example, if submitting property tax records that contain 30 tax records
per page, print (or key) “Y161200444” if the Appeal-eligible record was MAFID 161200444 on
the Detailed Feedback Address List on the one tax record, among those 30 tax records, that
supports the Appeal. Within a geographic information system (GIS) source, the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office suggests participants add a field (e.g., AppealFlag) to the attribute table to
enter the corresponding “Y” and MAFID information (e.g., “Y161200444”), then save/export
only the records with a value in that new field. This subset of the entire GIS source becomes the
supporting documentary evidence for the records flagged in the Detailed Feedback Address List.
Only submit documentation specific to the address records or group of address records being
appealed, e.g., one property tax record or one utility record for each appealed address or only
those pages of a list with the records for the appealed addresses appropriately marked.
Whatever method a participant chooses to associate source material with their appealed
records, it is crucial for the Appeals Staff to be able to determine which evidence supports
which address records or set of address records in order to process the Appeal.
Note: The LUCA Feedback module of GUPS provides a method for linking documentation for one or
more appealed addresses.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Direct questions on the Appeals process to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office toll-free, by
phone, at (888) 222-9907. The LUCA website, , also lists their contact information.


Preparing and Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office

There are two methods for submitting the Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Office. Participants may submit the zipped Appeals material through the Secure Web Incoming
Module (SWIM), the official web portal for uploading materials, or participants may ship the
Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. See Section 3.5.2 for instructions on
using SWIM and Section 3.5.3 for instructions on packaging and shipping the Appeals material.


Preparing Appeals Material for Submission

After completing the review of the LUCA Feedback Phase materials and flagging some records
for Appeal, return only the records in the Detailed Feedback Address List with a “Y” in the
APPEAL_FLAG field, field 3. To locate these records, sort the Detailed Feedback Address List on
the APPEAL_FLAG field and save only the records with a “Y” in that field as their own file. Name
the file (.xlsx, or .csv, or other digital
spreadsheet file formats). Save this file, and others mentioned in the next paragraphs, to the
new folder created for the working copies described in Section 1.3.
Convert any supporting documentary evidence into digital format, by either scanning or saving
if the material is already in digital format. Name the file(s) This file format (xxx) varies based on the source
of the information. If more than one supporting document is included, add a number after
“Evidence”; e.g., Evidence1of10, Evidence2of10, etc.

Participants using a GIS source as supporting documentation must supply all GIS file
components (e.g., .dbf, .shp, .sbn, .sbx, .prj, .cpg, .xml, etc.) from their GIS source with
the linked Appeals record(s) annotated. Zip the complete suite of files into a separate
file (e.g., For participants using SWIM
to submit their Appeal, do not include this “” file within the Appeals
return submission .zip file. SWIM will not accept a .zip file within a .zip file. Refer to
Section 3.5.2 for instructions on supplying GIS supporting documentation.

Prepare a written narrative with the explanation of the participant’s Appeal to the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office. Name the file This file format
(xxx) varies based on software used to create it. The narrative should outline the basis of the
Appeal and the participant’s position for why the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office should
adopt the recommendations. The narrative should provide the contact information for the
Appeal, including:

The name of the governmental jurisdiction filing the Appeal.


The name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any) for the jurisdiction’s
contact person for the Appeal. Ensure this person is on the D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Should participants not incorporate the source description(s) into the written narrative and
prepare separate documentation, the Appeals Office suggests participants name the source
description file(s) The file format varies
based on the source of the information (e.g., Microsoft Word® files, Microsoft Access or Excel
files, Notepad files, etc.). If more than one source description document is included, add a
number after “SourceDescription”; e.g. SourceDescription1, SourceDescription2, etc.
Zip the appealed records submission (, the
written narrative (, the source description(s), if not
included with the written narrative, (,
and the supporting documentary evidence file(s), except the GIS Evidence files,
( into the return .zip file for submission to the
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Name this file
See Figure 5 for an example of the folder for a Digital Address List and Digital Map participant
with the “Appeals” files included. There is no GIS supporting documentation .zip file shown in
Figure 5.
Password protect the file using the same casesensitive password provided with the feedback materials to unencrypt the 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe file. Contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for assistance if this
password is misplaced. Save the .zip file to a CD or DVD or stage for submitting using SWIM.

Figure 5. Example of Folder with Appeals files for a Digital Address List and Digital Map Participant

Note: If a participant intends to ship the Appeals material and not use SWIM, a hard copy narrative,
source description(s), and supporting documentary evidence is acceptable. Converting to digital
format for burning onto the CD/DVD is not required. Refer to Section A4 in Appendix A, for
instruction for protecting the Title 13 material during shipment.
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material

Participants may use SWIM to upload their Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Office. The Census Bureau provided one SWIM registration token per LUCA participant with
their LUCA Review Phase cover letter. Another token is not included with the feedback
To determine whether an account exists, click “Forgot your password?” on the main SWIM
page and enter the email address to check for account existence. If SWIM does not locate an
account associated with the email address, it returns the following message, “No account
registered for this email. Go to Account Registration.” Choosing the Account Registration link
opens a window to establish a SWIM account.
Note: The components of the email and password of SWIM system accounts are case-sensitive. Make
note of the case-sensitive format used when establishing the SWIM account (e.g.,
[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]). The Census Bureau
recommends the use of lowercase characters and recommends safe retention of this
information in a secure location for future reference.

SWIM allows four attempts to login before it temporarily locks the account for 15 minutes.
After the 15-minute lock expires, participants may try to login again or reset their password
using the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. Once selected, follow the prompts to
enter the case-sensitive email address and provide the security answer. If the security answer is
correct, the SWIM system sends a password reset link to the email account for use in resetting
the password. Once logged into SWIM, users can modify their password and security answer by
selecting the ‘Change Security’ link at the top, right-hand side of the page.
Participants continuing to experience logon issues should confirm use of the current internet
browser version (or one previous version). If the browser version is older, upgrade to a newer
version. If problems with SWIM still occur, contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for
assistance. An additional SWIM token may be necessary to create another account.
The following list contains the file requirements for using SWIM:

File to upload must be .zip file format.


The .zip file may not include another .zip file as a component.


The .zip file must not be larger than 250 megabytes in size.

Refer to Table 6 for an example of using SWIM for submitting Appeals material to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Table 6: SWIM Submission
Step 1

Action and Result
Open a new browser window and enter the SWIM URL .
The SWIM Please Login screen opens.

Step 2

For participants with an existing SWIM account, enter the email address and password and then
click the Login button. The Welcome screen opens. Go to Step 8.

Step 3

For participants without a SWIM account, have the 12-digit registration token provided by the
Census Bureau ready for account registration. Choose the Register Account button after
accessing the SWIM URL. The Account Registration screen opens.

All fields on the Account Registration screen are required.
Step 4

U.S. Census Bureau

Enter the registration token, name, phone number, agency or organization, email address in the
appropriate fields.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Step 5

Action and Result
Create a password using the following criteria:

Must be at least 8-characters in length.
Must have at least one uppercase character.
Must have at least one lowercase character.
Must have at least one number.
Must have at least one special character. Valid choices are as follows: #, !, $, *, &,?, and

Note: The comma shown in the previous list are for spacing purposes only. The comma is not a
valid special character for use in the password.
Step 6

Establish a security question. Click arrow to the right of the Security Question field and select a
question from the drop-down menu. Enter an answer in the Answer field. Click the Submit
button when finished. A Success screen opens to confirm the successful creation of a SWIM

Step 7

On the Success screen, select Login to return to the SWIM Please Login screen (shown in Step 1)
to proceed with the login process.

Step 8

Enter the email and password information and click the green Login button to log into SWIM. The
Welcome screen opens. If the account has uploaded other files for different geography programs
administered by the Census Bureau, a list of files previously uploaded by the SWIM user displays,
as shown in the example below. The list includes the creation date of the file upload, the name of
the file, and the corresponding size of the .zip file.

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Step 9

Action and Result
To begin a new upload, click the Start New Upload button at the bottom of the screen.

The “What Census program are you reporting data for?” screen opens. To ensure the Appeals
Staff receives the submission, choose the Local Update of Census Addresses Appeals radio
button and click the Next button.

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Step 10

Action and Result
The “What type of LUCA Appeals entity are you reporting for?” screen opens. Participants must
select the level of geography that matches the type of entity they represent. County participants
(e.g., CO48001) choose the County choice, as shown in the screenshot below. Incorporated Place
participants (e.g., PL4800010) choose the Place choice. If a question arises about this choice,
please contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for assistance.

Click the radio button for the entity type to upload and click the Next button. The choice of
County opens the Select a State and County screen.

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Step 11

Action and Result
Following the selection of the entity type to upload, the Select a .ZIP file to upload screen opens.
Click the +Add File button to launch the Choose File to Upload window and navigate to the folder
where the file resides. Select the file and click Open.

IMPORTANT: Participants with GIS supporting documentation must attach their file with their file in order to supply the 2020 Census Appeals Office
with all of the documentation needed to review the Appeal. Participants add the
“” file by repeating the same procedure described in this step. The ‘Shift’ key does
not allow for the selection of multiple files.

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Step 12

Action and Result
Once the file upload completes, the Status field shows “Success.” The name of the file appears in
the File(s) field. Participants can add comments to the Comment section if they choose. Click the
Next button to proceed with the upload.

NOTE: If including, it will appear beneath the
File(s) section with the file. To assist the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office, please include a note about the Appeal itself and use of GIS supporting
documentation in the Comments section.
Step 13

The Thank You screen appears. It thanks the participant and indicates a forthcoming email once
transfer completes.

Step 14

Choose ‘upload form’ in the phrase “You may Log Out or return to the upload form to submit
more files” sentence to return to the Welcome screen and begin the upload process again, if the
participant is the liaison for more than one jurisdiction. If complete with the upload process,
choose Log Out.

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Action and Result
It is important to mention that SWIM sessions deactivate after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Participants taking longer than 15 minutes to upload a file must log back into the system and
start again. They receive a message noting the period of inactivity on the Login screen.

When they reach the Welcome screen, a record listed with a Status of “In progress, Continue?”
appears with that day’s date in the Created On field. Participants can choose the “Continue?” link
to continue uploading or they can delete the item by choosing the Delete button to the far right
of the row.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material

Participants without internet access or those that do not wish to use SWIM may ship their
Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Appeals material may be included on
CD/DVD or as hard copy materials. Burn, or copy, the return submission, and the GIS supporting documentation,, if applicable, to a CD/DVD. As noted in Section
3.5.1, participants can submit hard copy written narrative and source description(s), as well as
any hard copy supporting documentation. To assist with recording the receipt of an Appeal
package, the 2020 Census Appeals Office requests the inclusion of a hard copy of the written
Follow these instructions to package and ship materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals

Double wrap the Appeals material (CD/DVD and/or hard copy materials) using an inner and an
outer envelope (or container), one within the other. These should be durable enough to prevent
someone from viewing or tampering with the enclosed material.


Label both sides of the inner envelope (or container) with the notice:




Place the inner envelope (or container) into the outer envelope.


Do not label the outer envelope with the disclosure notice.


Ship using a service that provides tracking information, such as United States Postal Service
(USPS) trackable delivery, FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service. Retain the
tracking number as proof of delivery.

Ship to the following address for the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office:
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office
Attn: LUCA Appeals Staff
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132

U.S. Census Bureau

Use the address listed above to ensure delivery of the Appeals material to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office, as they operate separately from the Census Bureau.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




The Census Bureau must account for all Title 13 materials delivered to participants during both
the LUCA Review and Feedback phases, and any copies of those materials, to close out the
operation for 2020. It is the responsibility of the LUCA liaison to ensure the proper disposal of
the Title 13 materials. The designated liaison is required to verify the destruction or return of
any remaining Title 13 materials, both paper and digital (i.e., paper copies, backup files, etc.) by
signing and returning to the Census Bureau the D-2012 – Destruction or Return of Title 13,
U.S.C. Materials Form enclosed with the feedback materials and found in Appendix C. The
destruction of materials is the preferred method rather than returning the materials to the
Census Bureau.

Please await a response from the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office on the status of the
Appeal prior to destroying or returning the Title 13 material.

All LUCA reviewers and anyone with access to Title 13 materials (includes all persons who
signed the D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement Form) are required to sign and date the D-2012
form once the LUCA Appeals process concludes. Should any liaison, reviewer, or anyone with
access to Title 13 materials leave before the completion of the LUCA operation, they are
required to sign out of the program by signing and dating this form. If any liaison or reviewer
leaves and fails to sign and date this form, the current liaison can sign out on their behalf.
Participants choosing to destroy their materials must return the D-2012 as soon as possible
after the destruction of materials and must ensure the form contains all appropriate liaison and
reviewer signatures to close out 2020 Census LUCA. Use the enclosed, postage-paid envelope
to return the D-2012. Participants choosing to return their materials, rather than destroy them,
must include this form with the materials and must follow the packaging and shipping
instructions in Appendix A to ensure the security of the Title 13 materials.

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Federal law, under Title 13 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), requires the U.S. Census Bureau
to maintain the confidentiality of the information it collects. The Census Bureau takes this
responsibility very seriously. Respondents place their trust in the Census Bureau each time they
complete a survey or an interview. This trust in confidentiality is critical to the success of the
Census Bureau’s mission to collect and report the most accurate data possible. To uphold the
law, the Census Bureau requires that any individuals with access to Title 13 materials adhere to
the prescribed confidentiality and security guidelines.


Title 13, U.S. Code

Chapter 1, Section 9 of Title 13, U.S. Code states: “Neither the Secretary, nor any other officer
or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof, or local
government census liaison, may, except as provided in section 8 or 16 or chapter 10 of this title:
1) Use the information furnished under the provisions of this title for any purpose other than the
statistical purposes for which it is supplied; or
2) Make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or individual
under this title can be identified; or
3) Permit anyone other than the sworn officers and employees of the Department or bureau or
agency thereof to examine the individual reports.”

In 1994, under Public Law 103-430, the U.S. Congress amended Chapter 1 of Title 13 to allow
the local government census liaison to review and update the Census Bureau’s address
information for their jurisdiction. Although the amendment allows official local government
access, the amendment reaffirmed the confidential nature of the Census Bureau’s address
information. Census information protected under Title 13 includes:

Everything on a completed or partially completed questionnaire or any information obtained in
a personal or telephone interview.


Individual addresses maintained by the Census Bureau, including those shared with
governments through the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA).


Digital or paper maps with latitude/longitude coordinate data that identify the location of living
quarters (structure points).


The penalty for the wrongful disclosure or release of information protected by Title 13 is a fine
of not more than $250,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, as set by
Section 214 of the Code and the Uniform Sentencing Act of 1984.

Title 13 U.S.C. does not apply to generalized address information, such as address range data
available in the Census Bureau’s digital products or address counts by census block.


The Confidentiality Agreement

To participate in LUCA, a government must designate a LUCA liaison. The LUCA liaison, LUCA
reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials must sign the Confidentiality
Agreement. The Census Bureau will not deliver LUCA materials to a participant until we have
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received the completed and signed Confidentiality Agreement and the Confidentiality and
Security Checklist.
The Census Bureau’s Title 13 data, including addresses and latitude/longitude coordinate data
(structure points), cannot be used to create, update, nor modify a tribal, state, or local
jurisdiction’s address list or database.
A signature on the Confidentiality Agreement constitutes a legal agreement by each individual
to keep confidential Census Bureau Title 13 data and abide by the security guidelines outlined
below. While access to Title 13 materials is temporary, the commitment to keep the
information confidential is effective for a lifetime.


Security Guidelines

The LUCA liaison accepts the responsibility for protecting and safeguarding the LUCA materials.
The liaison must restrict access to the Census Bureau’s information covered under Title 13 to
those individuals who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement.

A4.1 Protecting Digital Title 13 Materials
Operating systems, programs, applications, and data are collectively referred to as Information
Technology (IT) systems in this document. Any IT systems used for LUCA participation must be
accessible only to those who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Your IT systems should
restrict the read, write, and delete functions to all Title 13 materials.
Digital Guidelines

Construct electronic security profiles to allow only the LUCA liaison and the LUCA reviewers to
access Title 13 materials. Test your security to ensure that access is restricted.


Use file encryption and passwords to protect all digital Title 13 materials at all times. Encrypt
files using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with key length of 256 bits.


Do not leave computers with Title 13 materials unattended. Log-off computers, lock terminals,
and lock the room when not in use.


Label all digital media and every printed page of any paper materials produced from Title 13
digital media with the following:

“This document contains information, the release of which is prohibited by Title 13,
U.S.C., and is for U.S. Census Bureau official use only. Wrongful disclosure or release
of information can be punished by fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474).”

Do not send backup digital media off-site. Store in a secured area. Do not mix, store, or back-up
LUCA data with other data.


Clear dedicated digital media containing Title 13 materials before reuse. Overwrite Title 13
digital data minimally three times using a commercial disk utility program.


Do not disclose precise or even anecdotal information about Census Bureau addresses or
locations to anyone who has not signed the Confidentiality Agreement.

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Password Guidelines
The IT systems must use logon routines that require a user-ID and password that conform to
the following guidelines:

Unique user-ID and password required for the LUCA liaison, the LUCA reviewers, and anyone
who has signed the Confidentiality Agreement.


Must consist of at least twelve, nonblank characters consisting of at least one alphabet letter
and either one number or one special character (for example: $,*, or &).


Reject passwords that are the same as the user-ID or that have been used within the last six


Disable passwords after three failed attempts.


Mask passwords.


Require password changes every 90 days or immediately, if compromised.


Require user to change an assigned password to a unique password the first time the user
accesses a new account.

A4.2 Protecting Paper Title 13 Materials

Do not leave Title 13 materials unattended. Secure all Title 13 materials in a locked room. If
possible, store Title 13 materials in locked desks or cabinets.


Copy only the Title 13 materials necessary to complete the LUCA review. Do not leave the copy
machine unattended while making copies. All copied materials containing Title 13 information
must bear the statement:

“This document contains information, the release of which is prohibited by Title 13,
U.S.C., and is for U.S. Census Bureau official use only. Wrongful disclosure or release
of information can be punished by fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474).”

Do not disclose precise or even anecdotal information about Census Bureau addresses or
locations to anyone who has not signed the Confidentiality Agreement.

A4.3 Reporting an Incident
If you discover that any Title 13 materials have been viewed by unauthorized persons or are
missing from your inventory, you must:

Contact the Census Bureau through the Census Incident Response Team (CIRT) at (301) 7633333 within 24 hours. You must provide the following information:
o Jurisdiction Name.
o Date and time of the incident.
o Name of the contact person.
o Phone number of contact person.
o Site address of incident.


Immediately secure all remaining materials. Prohibit any further access, by anyone, including
the LUCA liaison and anyone who signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Census Bureau staff will
contact your office within 48 hours with information on how to proceed.

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A4.4 On-site Visits
The Census Bureau may make an on-site visit to review a participant’s security procedures. The
Census Bureau will strive not to disrupt office operations. A visit may include a review of:

Storage and handling of Title 13 materials.


Employee access to Title 13 materials.


Physical safeguard of stored Title 13 materials.


IT Systems, including use of passwords.


Employee awareness of their responsibilities to Title 13 materials.

A4.5 Destruction of Census Bureau Confidential Materials
After the entire LUCA operation has concluded, all Title 13 materials must be destroyed
(preferred method) or returned according to the Census Bureau’s specific guidelines. The LUCA
liaison is required to verify the destruction or return of any Title 13 materials, both paper and
digital, including all paper copies, backup files, etc., by signing and returning the Destruction or
Return of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form. In addition, anyone who signed the Confidentiality
Agreement is required to sign this form once his or her participation in LUCA has ended. Should
any liaison, reviewer, or anyone who signed the Confidentiality Agreement leave before the
completion of LUCA, they must sign and date this form. If any liaison, reviewer, or anyone who
signed the Confidentiality Agreement is unable to sign and date the form, the current liaison
must sign and date on their behalf.
Only individuals who signed the Confidentiality Agreement are permitted to destroy Title 13

Never deposit Title 13 materials in a trash or recycle container, or dispose of information in a
landfill before destruction procedures are completed.


Destruction must prevent recognition or reconstruction of paper or digital Title 13 materials.
Use one of the following methods:
o Shredding or pulping.
o Chemical decomposition.
o Pulverizing (such as, hammer mills, choppers, etc.).
o Burning (facility approved by the Environmental Protection Agency).
o Clear dedicated digital media containing Title 13 materials before reuse. Overwrite Title 13
digital data minimally three times using a commercial disk utility program.
o Clearing or sanitizing all print servers and multi-function printing or scanning devices with
stored images or print files containing Title 13 data.
o Destroying CDs and DVDs using a shredder or other method suitable for rendering them unusable.

Note: Hand tearing is an unacceptable method of Title 13 materials disposal before destruction.

See the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 800-88, Revision 1,
Guidelines for Media Sanitization for further information on acceptable methods for digital
media and office equipment sanitization
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A4.6 Returning Census Bureau Title 13 Materials
After the entire LUCA operation has concluded, all Title 13 materials must be destroyed
(preferred method) or returned according to the Census Bureau’s specific guidelines. If you
decide to return the Title 13 materials rather than destroying them, follow these guidelines:

Ship the Title 13 materials, double-wrapping them by using an inner and an outer envelope (or
container), one within the other. These should be durable enough to prevent someone from
viewing or tampering with the enclosed materials.


Label both sides of the inner envelope (or container) with the notice:


Place the inner envelope (or container) into the outer envelope.


Use the mailing label that was included in the initial mail-out of materials. If you have
misplaced the mailing label, please contact the Census Bureau to have a replacement label sent
to you.


Include with the returned materials, a signed D-2012-Destruction or Return of Title 13, U.S.C.
Materials Form. Ensure that all reviewers and anyone with access to the Title 13 LUCA materials
signs this form.


If you do not use the mailing label, ship using a service that provides tracking information, such
as U.S. Postal Service trackable delivery, FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service.

Figure 6. Mailing Envelope Examples for Return of Title 13 U.S.C. Materials

Ship to the address shown above, and listed below, for the return of all LUCA Title 13 materials:
ATTN: Geography LUCA BLDG 63E
National Processing Center
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132

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Address Count List—This material was included as part of the Review Phase materials. It
identified the number of housing unit addresses and group quarters addresses on the Census
Address List for each census block within a jurisdiction.
Address range—The lowest and highest address numbers used to identify structures along each
side of a street segment that has city style addresses. Usually one side of the street has even
address numbers and the other side has odd address numbers.
Block to Map Sheet Relationship List— This material was included as part of the Review Phase
materials. It identified census block numbers and the Census Bureau large format map(s) on
which each block is located.
Boundary—A line, on a map, either invisible or coincident with a visible feature that identifies
the extent of a geographic entity, such as a census tract, city, county, or state. A boundary
marks the limits of an area.
Census Address List—This material was included as part of the Review Phase materials. The
Census Address List, extracted from the Master Address File (MAF) for review and update
during 2020 Census LUCA, contains all the residential addresses (city style and non-city style)
known to the Census Bureau for your government. It also contains census geographic codes
(state, county, census tract, census block) that indicate the location of each address. Many
addresses also contain latitude and longitude coordinates depicting the address location.
Census block—A census block is an area bounded by visible and/or invisible features shown on
Census Bureau maps. A census block is the smallest geographic area created by the Census
Bureau for which it collects and tabulates decennial census data. Census blocks are numbered
within census tracts and are uniquely numbered within census tracts.
Census block number—Census block numbers are a four-digit number. Census blocks are
numbered uniquely within each census tract.
Census Bureau—An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. Census Bureau
is the country's preeminent statistical collection and dissemination agency. It publishes a wide
variety of statistical data about people and the economy of the nation. The Census Bureau
conducts approximately 200 annual surveys and conducts the decennial census of the United
States population.
Census Bureau map—Any map produced by the Census Bureau. A Census Bureau map displays
geographic entities used in a Census Bureau sponsored census or survey for which the Census
Bureau tabulates data.
Census tract—A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county or statistically
equivalent entity delineated for data presentation. Designed to be relatively homogeneous
units with respect to population characteristics, economic status, and living conditions at the
time of establishment, census tracts generally contain between 1,000 and 8,000 people, with
an optimum size of 4,000 people. Delineated with the intention of being stable over many
decades, census tract boundaries generally follow relatively permanent visible features.
However, they may follow governmental unit boundaries and other invisible features in some
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instances; the boundary of a state or county (or statistically equivalent entity) is always a
census tract boundary.
Census tract number—Unique numbers to identify census tracts within a county or statistically
equivalent entity. Census tract numbers are a four-digit number followed by a decimal point
and a two-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the
number will contain a period with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. Leading zeros for census tracts, e.g.,
0001.00, are not shown on Census Bureau maps. This tract would appear as “1” on the paper
City style address—The Census Bureau’s definition of a city style address is an address
consisting of a house number and street or road name. For example, 201 Main Street is a city
style address. The address may or may not be used for the delivery of mail and may include
apartment numbers/designations or similar identifiers.
Confidentiality—The guarantee made by law (Title 13, United States Code) to individuals who
provide information about themselves or their business to the Census Bureau. This item refers
to the Census Bureau’s promise of nondisclosure of that information to others.
County—The primary legal division of most states. Most are governmental units with powers
defined by state law.
Detailed Feedback Address List—A comma-delimited text file, in .csv format, showing all
properly formatted address record updates submitted by the LUCA participant during the
Review Phase and a feedback processing code identifying the specific action taken by the
Census Bureau on that address record. This address list also identifies any address records not
commented on during the Review Phase that were deleted from the original Census Address
List by a different census operation or another level of government participating in LUCA.
Edges—All linear features contained in the MAF/TIGER database.
Edges shapefile—An Esri® shapefile of the linear features contained in the MAF/TIGER database
During the Review Phase, participants using digital map materials used the edges shapefile to
add, delete, or change linear feature attributes. During the Feedback Phase, participants use
the edges shapefile for reference only to review updates they made during the Review Phase or
other updates made since the Review Phase concluded.
Enumeration at Transitory Locations (ETL) operation—Provides coverage for locations where
people live in non-traditional housing that is transient or movable in nature. Most census
questionnaires are mailed, or hand-delivered by census personnel, to known addresses in the
Census Master Address File (MAF). However, due to changes in society, some people no longer
maintain a traditional residence (house, apartment, condo, etc.), and have decided to live in
boats, motorized recreational vehicles (RVs), trailers that are pulled by car or trucks, or any
other type of housing that is movable or mobile, including tents. For operational purposes, we
refer to these as “portable housing units.”
The type of Transitory Locations (TLs) that are included in the ETL are:

Recreational (RV) parks.

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Feature—Any part of the landscape, whether natural (such as, a stream or ridge) or man-made
(such as a road or power line). In a geographic context, features are any part of the landscape
portrayed on a map, including nonvisible boundaries of legal entities, such as city limits or
county lines.
Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS)—These are codes formerly known as Federal
Information Processing Standards codes, until the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announced its decision in 2005 to remove geographic entity codes from its
oversight. The Census Bureau continues to maintain and issue codes for geographic entities
covered under FIPS oversight, albeit with a revised meaning for the FIPS acronym. Geographic
entities covered under FIPS include states, counties, congressional districts, core based
statistical areas, places, county subdivisions, sub-minor civil divisions, consolidated cities, and
all types of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas. FIPS codes are assigned
alphabetically according to the name of the geographic entity and may change to maintain
alphabetic sort when new entities are created or names change. FIPS codes for specific
geographic entity types are usually unique within the next highest level of geographic entity
with which a nesting relationship exists. For example, FIPS state, congressional district, and core
based statistical area codes are unique within nation; FIPS county, place, county subdivision,
and sub-minor civil division codes are unique within state. The codes for American Indian,
Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas also are unique within state; those areas in multiple
states will have different codes for each state.
Feedback Address Count List— A comma-delimited text file, in .csv format, containing the
number of housing unit and group quarters residential addresses on the LUCA Review Phase
Census Address List and the current number of housing units and group quarters residential
addresses for each census block within the participant’s jurisdiction. This product accompanies
the Feedback Phase materials.
Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List—This material is included as part of the
Feedback Phase materials. It identifies census block numbers and the Census Bureau large
format map(s) on which each block is located.
Geocodes—Codes that place an individual address in its correct geographic location, which, in
census terms, includes the correct state, county, census tract, and census block codes. Because
the Census Bureau counts people where they live, geocodes provide information to Census
enumerators for locating an address. Accurate geocoding also ensures the Census Bureau
counts housing units, and the people associated with them, in the correct census geography.
Geographic Information System (GIS)—A computer system for the storage, retrieval, and
maintenance of information about the points, lines, and areas that represent the streets and
roads, rivers, railroads, geographic entities, and other features on the surface of the Earthinformation that previously was available only on paper maps.
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)—A self-contained GIS update and processing
package provided by the Census Bureau for participation in a variety of Census geography
programs, including 2020 Census LUCA. Pre-packaged to include all of the components for 2020
Census LUCA, the GUPS contains the Detailed Feedback Address List, Feedback Address Count
List, and TIGER Partnership shapefiles for the LUCA Feedback Phase. It contained the Census
Address List, address count list, and TIGER Partnership shapefiles for use during the LUCA
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Review Phase. GUPS allows the participant to add external geospatial data (shapefiles,
geodatabases, and imagery) for comparison and update purposes. Delivery of all data
(software, address list, address count list and shapefiles) is on DVD.
Governmental unit (GU)—A geographic entity established by legal action for the purpose of
implementing specified governmental functions. Most governmental units provide a number of
general government services and raise revenues (usually through taxing authority).
Group quarters (GQ)—A place where people live or stay normally owned or managed by an
entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents. These services may
include custodial or medical care as well as other types of assistance, and residency is
commonly restricted to those receiving these services. People that live in a group quarters are
usually not related. Group quarters include such places as college residence halls, residential
treatment centers, skilled nursing facilities, group homes, military barracks, correctional
facilities, workers’ dormitories, and facilities for people experiencing homelessness.
Highest elected official (HEO)—The person most responsible for the governmental activities of
a local government. This person receives the LUCA invitation letter, and must designate a LUCA
liaison, to participate in the 2020 Census LUCA Operation.
Housing unit (HU)—A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home, trailer, apartment, group
of rooms, or a single room occupied as a separate living quarters or, if vacant, intended for
occupancy as a separate living quarters. A separate living quarters is one in which one or more
occupants (or intended occupants, if vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the
building and have direct access to the living quarters without going through another living
quarters, such as from outside the building or through a common hall.
Living quarters—Any site where people live, stay, or could live. Living quarters are classified as
housing units or group quarters. They are usually found in structures intended for residential
use, but also may be found in structures intended for non-residential use as well as tents, vans,
shelters for people without housing, dormitories, barracks, and so forth, or they might not be
associated with a structure at all.
LUCA liaison—The main point of contact appointed by the highest elected official (HEO) of each
jurisdiction to review the Census Address List and maps against local records to identify
differences. This person, also known as the program primary liaison or designated liaison,
accepts responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and are ultimately responsible for
destroying (or returning) the materials. They must sign out of LUCA and submit the Destruction
or Return of Title 13 Materials Form (D-2012) after ensuring all LUCA reviewers sign the form as
LUCA reviewer—Individual(s) selected by the HEO or LUCA liaison to assist with conducting the
LUCA review. They accept responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and, like the liaison,
must sign out of LUCA and submit the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form (D2012).
Master Address File (MAF)—The Census Bureau’s nationwide database of all addresses and
physical/location descriptions known to the Census Bureau used to support many of the Census
Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing addresses and ZIP Codes, a MAF record also
contains geographic information about the location of addresses. The Census Bureau’s
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Geography Division regularly updates the MAF/TIGER database from various sources, including
the United States Postal Service (USPS) Delivery Sequence File (DSF) and other sources of
updates such as current surveys and locally provided sources.
MAF/TIGER Database (MTDB)—The Census Bureau’s nationwide geographic database, which
integrates the Master Address File (MAF) and Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding
and Referencing (TIGER) files.
Metadata—Describes the data content, coordinate system/projection, author, source, and
other characteristics of GIS files.
Minor civil division (MCD)—The primary governmental or administrative division of a county in
29 states and the Island Areas having legal boundaries, names, and descriptions. The MCDs
represent many different types of legal entities with a wide variety of characteristics, powers,
and functions depending on the state and type of MCD. In some states, some or all of the
incorporated places also constitute MCDs. MCDs are identified by a variety of terms, such as
town (in eight states), township, and/or district. They include both functioning and
nonfunctioning government entities.
Municipio— A type of governmental unit that is the primary legal subdivision of Puerto Rico.
The Census Bureau treats the municipio as the statistical equivalent of a county.
Non-city style address—An address that does not have a house number and/or street name or
may not include a complete house number and street name address. This includes rural route
and box number address and highway contract route addresses, etc., which may include a box
number, post office boxes and drawers, and general delivery.
Occupied housing unit—A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the usual place of
residence of the individual or group of persons living in it at the time of enumeration or if the
occupants are only temporarily absent; for example, away on vacation. Occupied rooms or
suites of rooms in hotels, motels, and similar places are classified as housing units only when
occupied by permanent residents, that is, individuals for whom the facility is their usual place of
Place—A concentration of population either legally bound as an incorporated place,
consolidated city, or identified by the Census Bureau as a census designated place.
Regional Census Center (RCC)—Temporary offices set up approximately two years prior to the
decennial census. The geographic staff from the Regional Offices are assigned to their
respective RCC and assist with the execution of various geographic operations as well as
provide support for the field operations conducted during the decennial.
Regional Office (RO)—One of six permanent Census Bureau offices distributed across the
nation. Regional offices are responsible for the Census Bureau’s field operations.
Shapefile—Digital representations of geographic features, such as roads and boundaries used
to create maps. A shapefile stores non-topological geometry and attribute information for the
spatial features in a dataset. The Census Bureau provides county-based shapefiles in Esri
shapefile format.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Street segment—The portion of a street or road between two features that intersect that street
or road, such as other streets or roads, railroad tracks, streams, and governmental unit
boundaries. The Census Bureau records the known address ranges for every street segment
with city style addresses.
Structure Point (map spot)—A dot on a Census Bureau map, used to show the location of one
or more living quarters. A maximum of four digits plus one alpha character is assigned within a
census block to each structure point. Structure points are stored in the TIGER database and are
protected by Title 13 U.S.C.
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER)—The Census Bureau’s
digital map, including the geographic coordinates and names of streets, water features, other
linear features, and boundaries for all jurisdictions and statistical areas that provide the
geospatial framework for collecting and tabulating census data. TIGER also contains the
structure coordinates of address records in the Master Address File (MAF) and address ranges
along street features used for geocoding MAF records to census geography.
Transitory locations (TL)—Movable or mobile housing, or portable housing units, including
boats, motorized recreational vehicles (RVs), tents, trailers that are pulled by cars or trucks, or
any other type of portable housing.
Vacant housing unit—A habitable structure containing living quarters that is not occupied. New
housing units not yet occupied are classified as vacant housing units if construction has reached
a point where exterior windows and doors are installed and final usable floors and a roof are in
place. Vacant units are excluded if they are open to the elements, or if there is positive
evidence, such as a sign on the house, that the housing unit is to be demolished or has been

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses
Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals
Respondent Guide
Instructions for Digital Address List Participants: Puerto Rico

This page intentionally left blank

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide




General Information .................................................................................................................... vi


Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions ......................................................................... vi


Confidentiality and Security ........................................................................................................ vi


Entity Identification Codes ......................................................................................................... vii


Respondent Guide Organization ............................................................................................... viii


Training and Support ................................................................................................................. viii

Feedback Materials....................................................................................................................... 1
Feedback Materials File Names and DVD Structure ..................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF Maps .............................................................. 2
1.2.2 Digital Address List and Digital Maps ........................................................................................... 4
Creating Working Copies of the LUCA Digital Files ....................................................................... 5
Converting Comma Delimited Text Files ...................................................................................... 6


Feedback Address Update Summary Report ................................................................................ 8


Detailed Feedback Address List .................................................................................................. 10

2.2.1 Understanding the Feedback Processing Codes ......................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Feedback Processing Code Examples ......................................................................................... 15

Feedback Address Count List ...................................................................................................... 17


Paper Maps, PDF maps, and Shapefiles...................................................................................... 19


Background ................................................................................................................................. 23


Deadline for Filing an Appeal...................................................................................................... 23


Procedures for Filing an Appeal.................................................................................................. 23


Supporting Documentation ........................................................................................................ 24


Preparing and Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office ............. 26

3.5.1 Preparing Appeals Material for Submission ............................................................................... 26
3.5.2 SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material.................................................................. 28
3.5.3 Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material.............................................................. 36

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Table 1: Entity Identification Codes ................................................................................................ vii
Table 2: Entity Types and Entity Codes on Map Materials ............................................................ viii
Table 3: Detailed Feedback Address List Field Names and Descriptions ....................................... 10
Table 4: Feedback Processing Codes .............................................................................................. 14
Table 5: Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions ........................................... 17
Table 6: SWIM Submission.............................................................................................................. 29

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 1. Digital Address List and Digital Map Participants - New Folder Example on a Local
Computer ......................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2. D-2201(SP) - Feedback Address Update Summary Report Example ............................... 9
Figure 3. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example ....................................................... 21
Figure 4. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example - Zoomed Section .......................... 22
Figure 5. Example of Folder with Appeals files for a Digital Address List and Digital Map
Participant ...................................................................................................................... 27

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



General Information

The 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) is a voluntary decennial
census operation. LUCA is the only opportunity prior to the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and
local governments (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) to review and update
the Census Bureau’s residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a
complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for
inclusion in the census. The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-430)
authorizes the LUCA operation. Refer to  for more information.
In accordance with the law, the LUCA Feedback Phase provides participating governments with
detailed feedback materials that document which local address updates the Census Bureau
processed. LUCA participants may dispute the processing results of certain addresses, only if
those addresses meet certain eligibility criteria. Participants must file their Appeal within 45
calendar days after the receipt of the feedback materials. Appeals filed after the deadline will
be denied. Filing an appeal is optional and is not a requirement of LUCA.


The final Federal Register notice is included with the feedback materials and is available
on the LUCA website, , for participants to consult before beginning their review.

Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions

The Census Bureau reviewed all addresses submitted by LUCA participants and processed those
meeting the defined criteria. In addition, the Census Bureau made necessary corrections and
updates to the census maps from the LUCA Review Phase submissions.


Confidentiality and Security

All of the requirements and guidelines for protecting the Census Bureau’s confidential Title 13,
United States Code (U.S.C.) materials followed for the LUCA Review Phase are applicable to the
LUCA Feedback Phase materials.1 All participants are required to sign a Confidentiality
Agreement Form in accordance with Title 13, U.S.C. to maintain the confidentiality of the
census address information they received from the Census Bureau for review. Participants are
required to have the means to secure the Census Address List containing Title 13 information.
Persons who signed the D-2005(SP) – Confidentiality Agreement Form for the LUCA Review
Phase are not required to sign the form again. However, anyone who will review or have access
to the confidential Title 13 feedback materials and has not already signed form D-2005(SP)
must read and agree to abide by the Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridads, included as
Appendix A, and must sign the Confidentiality Agreement Form before reviewing the materials.
A blank D-2005(SP) – Confidentiality Agreement Form is included in this respondent guide as

Title 13, U.S.C provides for the confidential treatment of census-related information, including individual addresses and map spots. Title
13 requires that all liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials abide by the Normas de Confidencialidad y
Seguridads. Title 13 also requires that the Census Bureau maintain the confidentiality for all of the information that it collects.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Appendix B. This form is also available on the LUCA website at
The Detailed Feedback Address List and the small format block maps are the Title 13 protected
materials included in the feedback materials that require a password to decrypt and open. This
case-sensitive password, different from the password used during the Review Phase, arrives
separately and prior to receiving the feedback materials. Keep the password letter, D-2280(SP),
secure for use in opening the materials as discussed in Section 1.3 and preparing any Appeals
materials for submission as discussed in Section 3.5.1.
Following the LUCA Feedback Phase or a possible Appeal, at the conclusion of the 2020 Census
LUCA operation, the LUCA liaison must verify the destruction (preferred) or return to the
Census Bureau all Title 13 materials and copies by signing and returning the D-2012(SP) –
Destruction or Return of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form. A blank form is included as Appendix C
and is available online on the LUCA website at . Additional information or assistance is available,
toll-free, by phone at (844) 344-0169 or by email at [email protected].


Entity Identification Codes

All entity codes, also known as the “EntityID,” appearing in the feedback materials have a twoletter code identifying the type of entity. See Table 1 for information regarding the entity
identification codes that combine the two-letter code with the two-digit or three-digit Federal
Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes.
Table 1: Entity Identification Codes


Entity Identification Code
ST (2 alpha) + (2 FIPS numeric)
CO (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + County (3 FIPS numeric)


Below are two examples showing the “EntityID” for local government entities.

State: ST72 (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.)
Municipio: CO72035 (Municipio de Cayey, Puerto Rico.)

All map related materials included in digital format on the participant DVDs have special codes
that differ from the “EntityID.” The abbreviation for the special map related coding is
“.” See Table 2 for information on the .

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Table 2: Entity Types and Entity Codes on Map Materials

 is entity type:
CS = Municipio (Puerto Rico)

 is entity code
Municipio = SSCCC
Where, SS = State FIPS code; CCC = County FIPS
code; MMMMM = MCD FIPS code; RRRR = AIR
Census code.

LUCAF20CS72035.pdf is an example of the LUCA Feedback Phase large format bundled .pdf for
Municipio de Cayey. Section 1.2 provides more detail on these materials and their location on
the DVDs.


Respondent Guide Organization

Use this respondent guide, the D-2232(SP), in conjunction with the 2020 Census Local Update
of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Digital Address List Format for Puerto
Rico (D-2032SP). The respondent guides do not repeat information between the phases (Review
and Feedback).
Hyperlinks appear as underlined, light blue text. Cross-reference links to other sections within
the document appear as bold blue text.


Training and Support

There are no workshops scheduled for the Feedback Phase; however, the LUCA website at
information regarding the use of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) as well as
other information that may assist with reviewing the feedback materials. In addition, the
Census Bureau’s LUCA Help Desk can assist with feedback related questions. The 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office, established as a separate, temporary federal entity by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), handles the Appeals process and all Appeal-related questions
Contact the LUCA Help Desk, toll-free, at (844) 344-0169 or email them at
[email protected]. Contact the Appeals Office, toll-free, at (888) 222-9907. Their
email address is located on the aforementioned LUCA website.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


This chapter provides introductory information on the materials participants receive as part of
the LUCA Feedback Phase, the file naming details, and the receipt of materials. It discusses the
set-up of a local computer and the proper way to open the address material without corrupting
its content.

For participants needing visuals and detailed examples, the D-2032(SP) - 2020 Census
Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Digital Address
List Format distributed during the LUCA Review Phase includes additional graphics and
information. Locate the respondent guide on the LUCA website,
, and
use it to supplement instructions in this material.

Feedback Materials
The Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials to eligible governments
beginning in July 2019 and ending in September 2019. Unless a participant declined feedback,
the Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials for jurisdictions that submitted
address updates after reviewing and applying each properly formatted address update to the
Census Address List and adding any new addresses not already included. The Census Bureau
will verify the participant suggested address updates (additions, corrections, deletions, etc.) to
ensure that all address updates and additions exist and that they are in the correct census
block. Participants that reviewed the Census Address List, agreed with its contents during the
LUCA Review Phase, and asked to receive feedback will also receive LUCA Feedback Phase
The Census Bureau provides feedback materials according to the final format that the
participant selected for the LUCA Review Phase. For digital address list participants, the
materials include:2


Feedback Address Update Summary Report — displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census
Bureau for all the address updates submitted by an entity.
Detailed Feedback Address List — shows all accepted (i.e., properly formatted) address record
updates submitted by the participant and a feedback processing code identifying a specific
action taken by the Census Bureau on that address record. This address list also identifies any
address records not commented on and deleted from the original Census Address List by a
different census operation or another level of government participating in LUCA.
Feedback Address Count List — contains the number of housing unit and group quarters
residential addresses on the LUCA Review Phase Census Address List and the current number of

For participants that either told us “no changes” on the D-2079(SP) or D-2084(SP) and had no records deleted by other LUCA
participants or other census operations OR for those that submitted a file that could not be processed and had no records deleted by
other LUCA participants or other census operations, there are no addresses to review or appeal. These participants receive a paper
insert, the D-2282(SP), that notifies them their Detailed Feedback Address List will be blank and explains why. A corresponding portable
document format (PDF) file,2020LUCA_FB_insert_pr.pdf, will be present on their DVD(s).

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide





housing unit and group quarters residential addresses for each census block within the
participant’s jurisdiction.
Feedback Block to Map Sheet Relationship List — identifies the large format parent map sheet or
sheets on which each census block is located. This product is for participants that selected either
paper or paper/Portable Document Format (PDF) maps. The sort for this product is by census
tract number and census block number in ascending order.
Feedback Maps — may include feature updates provided by the submitting entity, other LUCA
participants, and/or other updates found by the Census Bureau during other census operations.
The Census Bureau provides maps or shapefiles in the final format selected for the LUCA Review
Phase materials.
o Large format paper maps — large format (36”x32”) paper maps that may include one or
more sheets, for participants that selected the paper or paper/PDF maps. A bundled PDF of
the large format paper maps is included for paper/PDF map participants. Refer to the D2032(SP) - 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent
Guide; Digital Address List Format for details on these materials.
o PDF maps — files provided on a DVD that contain legal-size (8.5”x14”) small format block
maps including Title 13 map spots (address structure coordinates showing the location of
residential addresses) for participants that selected the paper/PDF maps.
o Shapefiles — created from the Master Address File (MAF)/Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) System (MAF/TIGER) for participants that
selected digital maps or Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS.) These are also
known as TIGER Partnership shapefiles.
Reference/instructional materials — include the Feedback Respondent Guide(s), Quick Start
Guide(s), Feedback Address Update Summary Report, various forms, and readme file(s). For
digital participants, the various materials are included in digital format on DVD and on the LUCA
website at . In
addition to being included in digital format on the DVD, the Feedback Address Update Summary
Report and the Quick Start Guides are included as hard copies.

Feedback Materials File Names and DVD Structure
The digital feedback materials arrive on DVD according to the final format used for the LUCA
Review Phase. 3 One DVD is the “Title 13 Data Disc” that contains the Detailed Feedback
Address List, and the second (if applicable) is the “Non-Title 13 Data Disc.” The following three
sections describe the information contained on each disc for the three digital address list and
map product formats. Details of the materials are in Chapter 2.

1.2.1 Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF Maps
Participants who selected the digital address list and large format paper/PDF maps product
preference receive one DVD, the Title 13 Data Disc. This DVD contains copies of the large
format maps along with other large format map information and the small format block maps
along with other small format block map related information in the “maps” folder and includes
the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List in the “shape” folder. The DVD also
has files in the root directory.

Some participants may have trouble with the extraction of the data disc materials due to administrative rights, application blockers, or
antivirus/security programs. Participants are encouraged to contact their own Information Technology staff first, and then contact the
LUCA Help Desk if problems persist.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide





The “maps” folder contains:
o 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe. It requires the same password used for extracting the
Detailed Feedback Address List to open and unzip this file.
 It extracts, LUCAF20BLK_.pdf (LUCA feedback small format block maps,
bundled pdfs) once extracted successfully. These are the current, 2010 tabulation blocks
within the participant’s entity.
 It extracts, BlockInfo_LUCAF20.txt – this is an entity based,
semicolon delimited text file that includes basic information for each block in the
participant’s entity.
 It extracts, BlockMap_Legend_LUCAF20.pdf – this is the small format block map legend.
o ReadMe.txt – contains a statement regarding use of Adobe Reader or Acrobat Professional
to properly open and view the .pdf maps. Download the free a portable document format
(PDF) software at .
o About_the_maps.pdf – contains tips for using the small format block maps and includes a
brief description of the map types and supplemental files. This also includes tips for printing
the small format block maps.
o LUCAF20.pdf – contains bundled .pdf file of the large format paper
o LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt – contains a list of all the blocks within the
participant’s jurisdiction and sheet or grid number(s) that identify the large format parent
sheet where the block is located. This file is in a semicolon text format.
The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use the password provided separately from the
feedback materials to open this zipped, encrypted file.
 It becomes the 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv once extracted
The root directory contains non-Title 13 materials:
o FB_Readmefirst5.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on the disc.
o 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – this is the Feedback Address Count List.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf – this is a portable document format
(PDF) file of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the
Census Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants
during the LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF)
file of this document, the D-2232(SP) - 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses
Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address
List Participants: Puerto Rico.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf – this is the D-2240(SP) - 2020 Census LUCA
Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs
and use of the files included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started
with the materials.
o _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf – this is the D-2005(SP) - Confidentiality
Agreement Form to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
o _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf – this is the D-2012(SP) - Destruction or Return of
Title 13 Materials Form to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13
materials as required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


1.2.2 Digital Address List and Digital Maps
Participants who selected the digital address list and the digital maps product preference
receive two data discs, the Title 13 Data Disc and the Non-Title 13 Data Disc, and a software
installation disc for the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS.)
The Title 13 Data Disc DVD contains the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List
in the “shape” folder.

The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use the password provided separately from
materials to open this zipped, encrypted file.
 It becomes the 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv once extracted

The Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD contains the shapefiles and Feedback Address Count List in the
“shape” folder and supplemental materials in the root directory.


The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe. No password is required to extract this file.
 It extracts the shapefiles, one folder for the state (e.g., the Commonwealth) and one for
the municipio or municipios.
 It extracts the 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – this is the Feedback
Address Count List.
The root directory contains:
o FB_Readmefirst6.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on both DVDs.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf – this is a portable document format
(PDF) file of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the
Census Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants
during the LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf – this is a portable document format (PDF)
file of this document, the D-2232(SP) - 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses
Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address
List Participants: Puerto Rico.
o 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf – this is the D-2233 - 2020 Census Local Update
of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions
for Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Participants.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf – this is the D-2240(SP) - 2020 Census LUCA
Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs
and use of the files included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started
with the materials.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf – this is the D-2242 - 2020 Census LUCA Feedback
GUPS Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the use of the files
included on the DVDs. It serves as a quick summary for getting started with the GUPS
o _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf – this is the D-2005(SP) - Confidentiality
Agreement Form to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
o _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf – this is the D-2012(SP) - Destruction or Return of
Title 13 Materials Form to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13
materials as required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Creating Working Copies of the LUCA Digital Files
The instructions in this section duplicate the information in the D-2240(SP) - 2020 Census LUCA
Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide. Use either this section or the Quick Start to begin the
review of the LUCA Feedback Phase materials. The Census Bureau recommends making a copy
of each of the files on the DVD(s) and placing them on the hard drive of a local computer that
complies with the Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridads. To keep work organized, create a
new folder, or new directory, on the hard drive of that locally compliant computer. Figure 1
displays an example of the newly created folder for a Digital Address List and Digital Map
participant. Until 2020 Census LUCA concludes, retain the DVD materials in a secure location in
the event reinstallation is necessary.
Title 13 Address Materials (all digital address participants)


Insert the Title 13 Data Disc DVD.
If there are files in the root directory of the DVD in addition to the “shape” folder, copy those
files into the new folder on the local computer.4
Double-click on the folder named “shape.”
After the folder opens, right click on the file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
and select Copy.
Open the new folder on the local computer. Right click and select Paste.
In the new folder, double-click the 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe.
A command prompt window opens. Enter the feedback password the Census Bureau sent
separately from the materials. The password does not appear on-screen as it is typed. Upon
successful entry of the correct password, the window shows the progress of extraction and
closes upon completion. Please note, if your jurisdiction did not receive its password letter, or if
the password is misplaced, please call (844) 344-0169 or email [email protected] for
o The Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List extracts into the new folder with the file name
To open the Detailed Feedback Address List properly, review Section 1.4, in this chapter.


Do not double-click the .csv file. Doing so corrupts various fields within the file.

Title 13 Map Materials (for digital address list and large format paper/PDF maps participants)

With the Title 13 Data Disc DVD still in the computer, Copy and Paste the “maps” folder into the
new folder on the local computer.
Open the new folder. Double-click the 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe.
A command prompt window opens. Enter the same password used to extract the Detailed
Feedback Address List. As with the earlier extraction of the Detailed Feedback Address List, the
password does not appear on-screen as it is typed. Upon successful entry of the correct
password, the window shows the progress of extraction and closes upon completion.
o The Title 13 PDF small format block maps extract into the new folder with files named

The root directory materials on the Title 13 Data Disc DVD exist only for participants receiving paper maps and PDF maps because they
only receive one DVD with their Feedback Phase materials. The specific materials are listed in Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Non-Title 13 Materials (for digital address list and digital map participants)

Remove the Title 13 Data Disc DVD and insert the Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD.
Copy and Paste the “shape” folder and all the files within the root directory of the DVD into the
new folder on the local computer.
Open the “shape” folder within the new folder on the local computer and double-click the
2020LUCA __FB_DISK2of2.exe.
A command prompt window opens that shows the progress of the file extraction and closes
upon completion. A password is unnecessary to extract this file.
o The digital maps (shapefiles) and the Feedback Address Count List,
2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv, extract with the execution of this file. The
shapefiles extract into the appropriate state and municipio folders.

Figure 1. Digital Address List and Digital Map Participants - New Folder Example on a Local Computer

Converting Comma Delimited Text Files
The .csv files described above are comma delimited text files. Most commercial spreadsheet
and database programs can open the .csv files (e.g., Microsoft® Excel®, Microsoft Access®, etc.)5
However, in order to read the file contents properly, participants must import the file rather
than opening it. The following set of bullets use Excel 2016® to describe the proper way to
open the .csv files.6

Open a new Excel spreadsheet.
Select the “Data” tab. Click on “Get External Data.” Select “From Text.”
Navigate to the folder on the local computer containing the Detailed Feedback Address List and
click on the file.

The Census Bureau does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific software to view its files. The program names included here
are only examples of programs that are able to read digital files.
6 Please note that instructions for importing the .csv files differs based on operating system and version of software used. Slight
variations likely exist between these instructions and other versions of Microsoft Excel. Consult the user manual for instructions.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



When the file highlights, select “Import” at the bottom of the screen.
The “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3” window opens in Excel, check the “My data has
headers” box and select “Next.”
In Step 2 of 3, select “Comma” for Delimiters. From the “Text qualifier” drop-down menu, select
“{none}.” Select “Next” at the bottom of the screen.
In Step 3 of 3, hold the “Shift” key and scroll to the end of the columns. The columns will
highlight black.
Select the “Text” radio button. Define all field types as Text, including numeric fields such as
census tract number, census block number, GEOID, ZIP Code, and so forth to account for leading
zeros that are important for accurate geocoding.
Click “Finish” at the bottom of the window.

Once the .csv opens, follow the record layout in Table 3 to name and define the sizes of the fields within
the Detailed Feedback Address List.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


This chapter provides information on the content within each feedback material and lays the
foundation for conducting a review of the materials. It devotes a section to describing the
detailed feedback processing codes and identifying which records are eligible for appeal based
on their feedback processing code.


Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The Census Bureau provides a printed copy of the D-2201(SP) - Feedback Address Update
Summary Report to participants with their feedback materials package and includes a digital
portable document format (PDF) copy on DVD. The report summarizes the Census Bureau
processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the LUCA
Review Phase. This report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all of
the address updates that the participant submitted and the total number of address records on
the original Census address list that were deleted by a different census operation or another
level of government participating in LUCA. See Figure 2 for an example of the report.
Section “A” of the report contains the total number of address records submitted to the Census
Bureau for the LUCA Review Phase, the total number of address records submitted that were
processed, and the total number of address records submitted without required information
and were not processed. Unprocessed addresses include those with blank or invalid action
codes, addresses submitted without geographic information such as the census tract and block
numbers or the latitude and longitude coordinates, or non-city style addresses without a map
spot or latitude and longitude coordinates. The total number of participant address records
submitted for processing (e.g., 100) equals the total number of address records processed (e.g.,
91) and the total number of address records not processed (e.g., 9.)

The total number of submitted address records processed by the Census Bureau (e.g.,
91 records in the case of Figure 2) equates to the number of records that appear in the
Detailed Feedback Address List.

Section “B” of the report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all the
processed address records submitted with valid action codes and map spot/coordinates (or
geocodes.) The total number of address records accepted as requested (e.g., 61) and the total
number of address records not accepted as requested (e.g., 30), equals the total number of
address records submitted and processed (e.g., 91) as shown in Section “A” of the report.
Section “C” of the report contains address records not commented on, but deleted from the
original Census Address List by a different census operation or another level of government
participating in LUCA. Review Section 2.2.1 for information on these deleted records.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 2. D-2201(SP) - Feedback Address Update Summary Report Example

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Detailed Feedback Address List

The Census Bureau provides the Detailed Feedback Address List to participants as part of their
feedback materials in order to see the disposition of each submitted address record processed
by the Census Bureau. Participants use the Detailed Feedback Address List to determine which
address records are eligible for appeal and denote them accordingly. This material shows all
usable address record updates submitted by the participant, processed by the Census Bureau,
and a feedback processing code identifying a specific action taken on that address record. In
addition, the list contains any addresses that were on the participant’s Census Address List
during the LUCA Review Phase, but subsequently deleted by a different census operation or
another level of government participating in LUCA.
Each address record has a maximum length of 941 characters and contains 32 fields of
information. Table 3 shows the maximum character length of each field, the field name, and a
description of the field.

The Detailed Feedback Address List is the only editable material for the LUCA Feedback
Phase and the “APPEAL_FLAG” field in the Detailed Feedback Address List is the only
editable field.

During the LUCA Review Phase, if participants determined the Census Address List was correct,
had no address updates, and returned either form D-2079(SP) – No Updates or Changes to
Addresses Form or D-2084(SP) – Submission Deadline Form indicating that they wanted to
receive the LUCA Feedback Phase materials, their Detailed Feedback Address List file contains
only the addresses deleted by a different census operation or another level of government
participating in LUCA. If there were no addresses deleted since the LUCA Review Phase, the
Detailed Feedback Address List file will be blank. A paper insert, the D-2282(SP), mentioned as
the footnote in Section 1.1, explains the blank file and notifies them that they do not have any
addresses eligible for appeal.
Table 3: Detailed Feedback Address List Field Names and Descriptions

máximo de




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Nombre del campo

Nombre del





Number assigned for each address
record present in the processed
Número de control único asignado
a cada dirección que hay en el
Archivo Maestro de Direcciones
(MAF.) This value will match the
LINE_NUMBER value for R03,
appeal-eligible, records. This allows
for the tracking of records that do
not have a MAFID assigned.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


máximo de

Nombre del campo






















10 4


11 15


U.S. Census Bureau

Nombre del


Blank field for participant to flag an
address for appeal by assigning a
“Y”. This is the only editable field
in the file.
Action code submitted by the
participant, during the LUCA
Review Phase, to update an
address: A, C, D, J, N.
Feedback processing code that
identifies the specific action taken
by the Census Bureau on each
address update submitted by the
participant: A01, A02, A03, R01,
R02, R03, X01.
IDENTIFICACIÓN Número único asignado por la
Oficina del Censo a cada entidad.
Código FIPS de estado de dos
dígitos para su jurisdicción. Por
ejemplo, 72.
Código FIPS de condado de tres
dígitos para su jurisdicción. Por
ejemplo, 035.
Consiste en seis dígitos con un
decimal entre el cuarto y el quinto
dígito, que consiste en un número
con una base de 4 dígitos,
incluyendo ceros iniciales, y un
sufijo numérico de 2 dígitos, con
ceros finales. Por ejemplo, 2602.02
y 0003.00.
Número de bloque de cuatro
dígitos de la tabulación del Censo
del 2010. A los bloques censales se
les asigna un número único de
BLOQUE CENSAL 0000 a 9999 dentro de un sector
censal, y se agrupan dentro de un
municipio y un estado. El primer
dígito del número de bloque censal
identifica el grupo del bloque.
Combinación de 15 dígitos del
IDENTIFICACIÓN código FIPS del estado, código FIPS
del municipio, sector y bloque, por
ejemplo, 720352602021002.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


máximo de

Nombre del campo

Nombre del

12 1



13 35



14 100



15 65



16 5



17 50



18 100



19 22



20 50



21 50



22 12



U.S. Census Bureau

Displays a ‘G’ if the address is a
group quarters, a 'T' if the address
is a transitory location, and nothing
if the address is a housing unit.
Número de dirección asignado, solo
o junto con un prefijo del número
de la dirección o un sufijo del
número de la dirección que
identifica una ubicación junto a una
vía pública o dentro de una
Nombre completo de la calle o
carretera. El nombre oficial de una
vía pública tal cual fue asignado por
una autoridad gubernamental o el
nombre alternativo (alias) que se
usa y se reconoce.
Descriptor o identificador dentro
de la estructura. Descriptor o
identificador dentro de la
Código postal de 5 dígitos para las
direcciones de correo de estilo
Nombre del vecindario o conjunto
de viviendas.
Nombre del complejo
(RESIDENCIAL) de apartamentos,
condominios o vivienda pública.
Descriptor e identificador del
Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de barrio (BO),
sector (SEC), barriada (BDA),
comunidad (COM) o parcela (PARC)
con el nombre geográfico.
Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de sector (SEC),
barriada (BDA), comunidad (COM)
o parcela (PARC) con el área
Número de kilómetro/hectómetro.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


máximo de

Nombre del campo

Nombre del

23 100


24 100


25 100



26 50



27 5



28 4



29 11



30 12



31 1



32 4



Nombre del alojamiento de grupo.
Nombre de la instalación de
alojamiento de grupo.
Descripción de la ubicación y
características físicas de un
Ruta rural y número de apartado o
ruta de contrato por carreteras y
número de apartado.
Código postal de 5 dígitos del
Servicio Postal de los Estados
Unidos para direcciones de correo
de estilo rural.
Número único asignado por la
Oficina del Censo para cada punto
en el mapa dentro de un bloque. La
numeración vuelve a empezar en
cada bloque.
Latitud de estructura de dirección,
que se completa solo si la Oficina
del Censo ha captado un punto de
estructura para la dirección.
Longitud de estructura de
dirección, que se completa solo si
la Oficina del Censo ha captado un
punto de estructura para la
Indicador de dirección de estilo
urbano o rural. Muestra “Y” para
direcciones de estilo urbano y “N”
para direcciones de estilo rural.
Blank. Only for Appeals Staff use.

To facilitate the participant’s feedback review, the Census Bureau provides the Detailed
Feedback Address List file sorted based on the following order of the FEEDBACK_CODE field:
X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, and R02. Within each feedback processing code, the GEOID field
provides another sort level. Performing this dual sort promotes the appeal-eligible records to
the beginning of the file while retaining a geographic organization for the address records.

2.2.1 Understanding the Feedback Processing Codes
The feedback processing codes in the Detailed Feedback Address List indicate the results of the
Census Bureau processing of participants records submitted during the LUCA Review Phase.
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Table 4 identifies the feedback processing code assigned to the records submitted by a
participant. The second column indicates if the code is eligible for appeal. The third column
gives the Census Bureau’s result of the processing, including information regarding the
acceptance or rejection of the participant’s update and a decision to include or exclude the
address from the 2020 Census.
Table 4: Feedback Processing Codes

















Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude
this address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction. This
address was not updated as part of your LUCA review, but
has been deleted from the 2020 Census Address List by
another level of government participating in LUCA or a
different census operation.
Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude
this address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and
rejects your LUCA update.
Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in
the same block, and accepts your LUCA update.
Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau
will include this address in the 2020 Census for your
jurisdiction in a different block, and accepts your LUCA
Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude
this address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and
accepts your LUCA update.
Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in
the same block, and rejects your LUCA update.
Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau
will include this address in the 2020 Census for your
jurisdiction in a different block, and rejects your LUCA

The FEEDBACK_CODE field of the Detailed Feedback Address List contains a code that specifies
if the Census Bureau accepted or rejected the action submitted by the participant. For example,
A01, A02, and A03 indicates the Census Bureau accepted the address update. These three
feedback processing codes are not eligible for appeal. Both A01 and A02 records remain in the
2020 Census enumeration universe and therefore are ineligible for appeal while the A03
reflects an accepted update that excludes an address from the 2020 Census enumeration
universe (i.e., accepted “D”, “N”, and “J” LUCA actions.)
The three “R” feedback processing codes (R01, R02, and R03) indicate the Census Bureau
rejected the updated addresses. Only the R03 is eligible for appeal. Both R01 and R02 records
remain in the 2020 Census enumeration universe and therefore are ineligible for appeal.
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


In addition to records submitted by a participant, the Detailed Feedback Address List may
include addresses that were in the Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase (not
commented on by the participant), but deleted by a different census operation or another level
of government participating in LUCA. These addresses receive an X01 feedback processing code
and are eligible for appeal.

Only addresses assigned with feedback processing codes of X01 or R03 are eligible for
appeal because they are not part of the 2020 Census enumeration universe.

2.2.2 Feedback Processing Code Examples
This section provides only a few examples for each feedback processing code. It documents the
most common scenarios encountered during the Census Bureau’s processing of LUCA Review
Phase submissions. This list of examples is not a comprehensive list of all the scenarios that lead
to the assignment of feedback processing codes.
X01 – Address removed from the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address
from the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction. Another level of government
participating in LUCA or a different census operation deleted the address. This address was not
updated as part of the participant’s LUCA Review Phase work. (Appeal eligible.)

If the Commonwealth deleted a record that no municipio commented on, then the affected
municipio would see this address as an X01.
If a participant did not update the address but an update from a different census operation
deleted it, the participant would see the address as an X01.

R03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction and rejects the LUCA update. (Appeal eligible.)


Participant adds an address (an A action) to an area where evidence of housing does not exist,
or the Census Bureau processing determines the address is not residential. The Census Bureau
rejects the A action and excludes it from the 2020 Census enumeration universe. This action
would receive an R03. The participant can appeal the address record for inclusion in the 2020
Census enumeration universe.
The Commonwealth corrects (a C action) the geocode of an address, but the municipio
participant marks the same address as non-residential (an N action.) The Census Bureau accepts
the municipio participant’s action, removes the address record from the 2020 Census
enumeration universe, and assigns the municipio participant’s record an A03. The
Commonwealth receives an R03 on their C action and can appeal the address record to reinstate
it into the 2020 Census enumeration universe.

A01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it where the
participant says.
Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau agrees.

A02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a different block.
This action would receive an A02.
Participant submits an address record as an add (an A action). The Census Bureau matches to
the same address in a different block within the participant’s jurisdiction. This action would
receive an A02.
Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a
different block. This action would receive an A02.

A03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction, and accepts the LUCA update. (Ineligible for

Participant submitted an address for deletion (a D action) because it no longer exists and the
Census Bureau agrees that the address no longer exists. The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census. This action would receive an A03.
Participant submitted that the building was non-residential (an N action) and the Census
Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF) agrees the record is a commercial record. This action would
receive an A03.
Participant submitted the address as out of their jurisdiction (a J action), an adjacent jurisdiction
added the same record (an A action), and the Census Bureau agrees with the A action in the
adjacent jurisdiction. The J action would receive an A03. The A action would receive either A01
or A02.

R01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)


Participant submitted a group quarters address record with an apartment unit number (an A
action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new address record as invalid. The Census Bureau will
enumerate the group quarters at the main address in the same block submitted by the
participant.7 This action would receive an R01.8
Participant misused the C action to change a house number or a within structure ID (WSID), both
un-editable fields. The participant needed to submit these as add/delete combinations rather
than changing the house number or WSID. This action would receive an R01.
Participant submitted the address for deletion (a D action) and the record is a known, valid
residential address from the USPS Delivery Sequence File (DSF). This action would receive an
Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an R01.
Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address in their jurisdiction from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an

R02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)

If the block differed, this record would receive the R02 feedback processing code.
During the LUCA Review Phase, the Census Bureau only requested the main address, group quarters name and facility name (if
applicable) of the group quarters records because the group quarters enumeration operations enumerate at the main unit, not each
individual unit within the group quarters. Records submitted with additional information, like apartment unit information, are invalid.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide



Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new
geocode keeping it in the original location. This action would receive an R02.
Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau chooses “third
block” (meaning the location is not where it was on the LUCA Review Phase materials, NOR
where the participant says, but the Census Bureau moved the record to a third block.) This
action would receive an R02.
This example involves two or more jurisdictions. The Commonwealth submitted a D action, but a
municipio submitted geocode change (a C action) on the same address. The Census Bureau
would reject the Commonwealth’s D action and keep the address in the 2020 Census in a
different block, the one submitted by the municipio. The Commonwealth’s action would receive
an R02. The municipio’s action would receive an A01.
Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is valid nonresidential address in a different block. This action would receive an R02.
Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a valid
residential address in a different block within their jurisdiction. This action would receive an





Feedback Address Count List

The Census Bureau provides the Feedback Address Count List to participants to show the
change in residential address block tallies between the LUCA Review Phase and the LUCA
Feedback Phase. The file contains the LUCA Review Phase tallies of residential addresses
(housing unit and group quarters) that were on the participant’s Census Address List and the
current number of residential addresses (housing unit and group quarters) in the Census
Address List for each census block within the jurisdiction. It is important to realize that tally
differences do not indicate lack of coverage. It could indicate a change to geocoding between
census blocks in your jurisdiction. The tally differences may also be the result of work
performed during other census operations. There is no direct link between change in tallies on
the Feedback Address Count List and appeal eligibility for individual address records on the
Detailed Feedback Address List.
Each record has a maximum length of 59 characters and contains nine fields of information. The
length for each record may vary. Table 5 shows the maximum character length of each field,
the field name, and a description of the field.
Table 5: Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions

máximo de

Nombre del campo

Nombre del









U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide

Código FIPS de estado de dos
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 72.
Código FIPS de estado de tres
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 035.


máximo de

Nombre del campo

Nombre del





















U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide

Consiste en un código de seis
dígitos con un decimal entre el
cuarto y quinto dígito, que
consiste en un número con una
base de cuatro dígitos, que
incluye ceros iniciales, más un
sufijo numérico de dos dígitos,
con ceros finales. Por ejemplo,
2602.02 y 0003.00
Número de bloque de tabulación
de cuatro dígitos del censo del
2010. Los bloques censales están
numerados de forma única
desde el 0000 al 9999 dentro de
un sector censal, que se
encuentra dentro de un estado y
un condado. El primer dígito del
número de bloque censal
identifica el grupo del bloque.
Combinación de 15 dígitos de los
y BLOCK por ejemplo,
Total number of addresses in the
census block identified as
residential housing units by data
in the MAF provided with the
participant’s original LUCA
Total number of addresses in the
census block identified as
residential housing units by data
in the MAF after processing the
participant’s LUCA submission
and other census operations.


máximo de






Nombre del campo

Nombre del





Total number of addresses in the
census block identified as
residential group quarters or
transitory locations by data in
the MAF provided with the
participant’s original LUCA
Total number of addresses in the
census block identified as
residential group quarters or
transitory locations by data in
the MAF after processing the
participant’s LUCA submission
and other census operations.

Paper Maps, PDF maps, and Shapefiles

The Census Bureau provides paper maps and/or PDF maps, or shapefiles during the LUCA
Feedback Phase, according to the final format that the participant selected for the LUCA Review
Phase. Participants use the maps for geocoding reference and for review of any map updates
submitted during the LUCA Review Phase. Maps may include feature updates provided by the
submitting entity, other LUCA participants, and/or other updates found by the Census Bureau
during other census operations. Map legends for both the large format maps and the small
format block maps closely resemble the legends used during the LUCA Review Phase, with
minor changes made to symbology to reflect appeal-eligible address records and the two types
of residential addresses (housing units and group quarters.) Blue circles or blue squares, that
represent housing units or group quarters respectively, show the appeal-eligible records while
gray symbols of the same style show records ineligible for appeal. For examples of a small
format block map (e.g., PDF maps) with updated map symbols, see Figure 3 and Figure 4.
To support the use of the large format maps, digital address participants receive a Feedback
Block to Map Sheet Relationship List text file that includes all the census blocks for the
participant’s jurisdiction and the map sheet(s) on which each census block is located. The sort is
in ascending order, by census tract number and census block number. Participants can open
this semicolon delimited text file using a simple text editor such as WordPad or Notepad or
import the file into a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
Refer to the D-2032(SP) 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA)
Respondent Guide; Digital Address List Format for Puerto Rico included with the original LUCA
Review Phase materials for details on the large format maps, small format block maps,
shapefiles, and the block to map sheet relationship list.9 This guide does not repeat all of the
map-related information in the D-2032(SP) since the feedback map materials are reference


Chapter 3, The LUCA Paper Maps and Chapter 5, TIGER Partnership Shapefiles provide detailed examples and information.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


material for geocoding purposes only. Locate a copy of the D-2032(SP) on the LUCA website at

U.S. Census Bureau

Participants may not submit map or shapefile updates during the LUCA Feedback Phase
due to 2020 Census operational scheduling.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 3. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Figure 4. LUCA Feedback Small Format Block Map Example - Zoomed Section
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


This chapter provides information on the process to appeal addresses while reviewing the 2020
Census LUCA feedback materials. The Federal Register notice on the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Process forms the basis for much of the content in this chapter. A copy of the Federal Register
notice is included in the feedback materials package or can be located on LUCA website at
The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office strongly recommends use of the Census Bureau’s
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) for filing an appeal. Use of this tool simplifies
the appeal submission work. Participants may use GUPS for reviewing the feedback materials
and appealing addresses even if they did not use it for their LUCA submission during the Review
Phase. A GUPS software installer DVD and respondent guide are included in the materials for
digital address list participants if a digital participant wishes to use GUPS.



To ensure that tribal, state, and local governments participating in 2020 Census LUCA have a
means to appeal the Census Bureau’s determinations, the Census Address List Improvement
Act of 1994 requires that the Administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (OIRA), acting through the Chief Statistician and in consultation with the Census Bureau,
develop an Appeals Process by establishing a temporary federal entity, the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office. This office will resolve any disagreements that may remain after participating
governments receive the Census Bureau’s LUCA Feedback materials and make a final decision
on the inclusion of appealed addresses. Participants must contact staff in the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office, not the Census Bureau, for specific appeal-related questions. Reach the Appeals
Staff toll-free, by phone, at (888) 222-9907.


Deadline for Filing an Appeal

The deadline for filing an Appeal is 45 calendar days after the date the participant receives their
feedback materials from the Census Bureau. The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office defines
“receipt” as the delivery date reported to the Census Bureau by the delivery service carrier.
In order to safeguard the confidential address materials covered by Title 13, the transmission of
an Appeal to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office must adhere to the Census Bureau's specific
guidelines for handling materials supplied with the feedback materials. The participant must
transmit its Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office following the instructions
outlined in Section 3.5, and should keep a record of the date of transmission of these materials
in case there are questions about the submission date. The participant may not submit any
materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office after the 45-day period has elapsed.
Upon receipt of an Appeal, the Appeals Staff will send a confirmation of receipt to the
participant. They also will notify the Census Bureau that a participant has filed an Appeal.


Procedures for Filing an Appeal

A participant is eligible to file an appeal if they returned address additions or corrections to the
Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase, or if they certified, after review, that the
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Census Address List was correct and required no updates. A participant may appeal the
following types of addresses:

Address deletions from the Census Address List by another level of government participating in
LUCA or by a different census operation that participants did not comment on during the LUCA
Review Phase. The Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the X01
feedback processing code in field 5 (FEEDBACK_CODE.) The 2020 Census enumeration universe
excludes these records.


Address additions and corrections provided during the LUCA Review Phase that the Census
Bureau processed, but denied and excluded in the 2020 Census enumeration universe. The
Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the R03 feedback processing
code in field 5 (FEEDBACK_CODE.)


Only the X01 and R03 address records are eligible for appeal.

As mentioned in Section 2.2, to facilitate the participant’s feedback review, the Census Bureau
provides the Detailed Feedback Address List file sorted based on the following order of the
FEEDBACK_CODE field: X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, and R02. Within each feedback
processing code, the GEOID field provides another sort level. Performing this dual sort
promotes the appeal-eligible records to the beginning of the file while retaining a geographic
organization for the address records. Participants may perform other sorts (e.g., by street name
or by solely by GEOID) of the Detailed Feedback Address List to group areas of records together
for review.
For each X01 and R03 coded address record on the Detailed Feedback Address List that the
participant believes should be reinstated in the Census Address List, insert a ”Y” in field 3
(APPEAL_FLAG) for that address record.


Supporting Documentation

The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office requires eligible participants to provide evidence of
existence and the location for appealed addresses. To this end, eligible participants must
provide the supporting documentation for all appealed addresses as specified below.
For the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals process, participants may apply the same set of supporting
evidence to a group of addresses. For example, participants may wish to supply one set of
supporting evidence for related addresses such as those associated with a single housing
development or complex if the set of supporting evidence substantiates the existence of the full
set of linked addresses. In other cases, a written description of a robust process to review and
verify the appeal-eligible addresses using highly accurate sources may support a set of
addresses. Participants must supplement this narrative with a selection of appealed addresses
associated with an exact location and proven with one of the evidence types listed below.
Eligible governments must submit the following supporting documentation with their Appeals:

A written narrative with an explanation of the eligible government’s position for why the
Appeals Staff should adopt their recommendation.
A detailed description of the address source(s) that helps to verify the existence of an address or
group of addresses. Eligible governments may incorporate the detailed description(s) into the

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written narrative or may supply separate address source documentation. For each address
source used to support the existence of address(s), the description should include the following:
o Date of the address source.
o Frequency of update of the address source (e.g., daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.)
o Methods used to update the address source.
o Quality assurance procedure(s) used in maintaining the address source.
o How the eligible government and/or originator of the source uses the information.
Evidence to support the existence of the appealed address. Participants must link the evidence
directly to a particular appealed address or particular set of appealed addresses. Useful types of
supporting evidence include:
o Documentation of on-site inspection and/or interview of residents and/or neighbors.
o Issuance of recent occupancy permit(s) for unit(s). Building permits are not acceptable, as
they do not ensure completed construction of the units.
o Provision of utilities (electricity, gas, sewer, water, telephone, etc.) to the residence. The
utility record must show that this is not a service to a commercial unit, or an additional
service to an existing residence (such as a second telephone line.)
o Provision of other governmental services (housing assistance, welfare, etc.) to residents of
the unit(s).
o Photography, including aerial photography or satellite imagery.
o Land use maps.
o Local 911 emergency lists, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.
o Tax assessment records, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.

For each address on the Detailed Feedback Address List that the participant is appealing,
write/key the APPEAL_FLAG from field 3 and MAFID from field 2 on the supporting
documentation to show the exact location in the document where the evidence for that
address is located. For example, if submitting property tax records that contain 30 tax records
per page, print (or key) “Y161200444” if the appeal-eligible record was MAFID 161200444 on
the Detailed Feedback Address List on the one tax record, among those 30 tax records, that
supports the appeal. Within a geographic information system (GIS) source, the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office suggests participants add a field (e.g., AppealFlag) to the attribute table to
enter the corresponding “Y” and MAFID information (e.g., “Y161200444”), then save/export
only the records with a value in that new field. This subset of the entire GIS source becomes the
supporting documentary evidence for the records flagged in the Detailed Feedback Address List.
Only submit documentation specific to the addresses being appealed, e.g., one property tax
record or one utility record for each appealed address or only those pages of a list with the
records for the appealed addresses appropriately marked. If a supporting document validates
the existence of multiple appealed records, participants must develop a method for linking the
supporting evidence to the appealed address or group of appealed addresses. Whatever the
method, the Appeals Staff must be able to determine which evidence supports which set of
addresses in order to process the appeal.
Note: The LUCA Feedback module of GUPS provides a built-in method for linking documentation for
one or more appealed addresses.

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Direct questions on the Appeals process to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office toll-free, by
phone, at (888) 222-9907. The LUCA website, , also lists their contact information.


Preparing and Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office

There are two methods for submitting the Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Office. Participants may submit the zipped Appeals material through the Secure Web Incoming
Module (SWIM), the official web portal for uploading materials, or participants may ship the
Appeals material to the Appeals Office. See Section 3.5.2 for instructions on using SWIM and
Section 3.5.3 for instructions on packaging and shipping the Appeals material.

3.5.1 Preparing Appeals Material for Submission
After completing the review of the LUCA Feedback Phase materials and flagging some records
for Appeal, return only the records in the Detailed Feedback Address List with a “Y” in the
APPEAL_FLAG field, field 3. To locate these records, sort the Detailed Feedback Address List on
the APPEAL_FLAG field and save only the records with a “Y” in that field as their own file. Name
the file (.xlsx, or .csv, or other digital
spreadsheet file formats.) Save this file, and others mentioned in the next two paragraphs, to
the new folder created for the working copies described in Section 1.3.
Convert any supporting documentary evidence into digital format, by either scanning or saving
if the material is already in digital format. Name the file(s) This file format (xxx) varies based on the source
of the information. If more than one supporting document is included, add a number after
“Evidence”; e.g., Evidence1of10, Evidence2of10, etc.
Note: Participants using a GIS source as supporting documentation must supply all GIS file components
(e.g., .dbf, .shp, .sbn, .sbx, .prj, .cpg, .xml, etc.) from their GIS source with the linked Appeals
record(s) annotated. Zip the complete suite of files into a separate file (e.g., For participants using SWIM to submit their
Appeal, do not include this “” file within the Appeals return submission .zip file.
SWIM will not accept a .zip file within a .zip file. Refer to Section 3.5.2 for instructions on
supplying GIS supporting documentation with SWIM.

Prepare a written narrative with the explanation of the participant’s appeal to the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office. Name the file This file format
(xxx) varies based on software used to create it. The narrative should outline the basis of the
appeal and the participant’s position for why the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office should
adopt the recommendations. The narrative should provide the contact information for the
appeal, including:

The name of the governmental jurisdiction filing the appeal.
The name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any) for the jurisdiction’s
contact person for the Appeal. Ensure this person is on the D-2005(SP) – Confidentiality
Agreement Form.

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Should participants not incorporate the source description(s) into the written narrative and
prepare separate documentation, the Appeals Office suggests participants name the source
description file(s) The file format varies
based on the source of the information (e.g., Microsoft Word® files, Microsoft Access or Excel
files, Notepad files, etc.) If more than one source description document is included, add a
number after “SourceDescription”; e.g. SourceDescription1, SourceDescription2, etc.
Zip the appealed records submission (, the
written narrative (, the source description(s), if not
included with the written narrative, (,
and the supporting documentary evidence file(s), except the GIS Evidence files,
( into the return .zip file for submission to the
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Name this file
See Figure 5 for an example of the folder for a Digital Address List and Digital Map participant
with the “Appeals” files included. There is no GIS supporting documentation .zip file shown in
Figure 5.
Password protect the file using the same casesensitive password provided with the feedback materials to unencrypt the 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe file. Contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for assistance if this
password is misplaced. Save the .zip file to a CD or DVD or stage for submitting using SWIM.

Figure 5. Example of Folder with Appeals files for a Digital Address List and Digital Map Participant

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Note: If a participant intends to ship the Appeals material and not use SWIM, a hard copy narrative,
source description(s), and supporting documentary evidence is acceptable. Converting to digital
format for burning onto the CD/DVD is not required. Refer to Appendix A for instruction for
protecting the Title 13 material during shipment.

3.5.2 SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material
Participants may use SWIM to upload their Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Office. The Census Bureau provided one SWIM registration token per LUCA participant with
their LUCA Review Phase cover letter. Another token is not included with the feedback
To determine whether an account exists, click “Forgot your password?” on the main SWIM
page and enter the email address to check for account existence. If SWIM does not locate an
account associated with the email address, it returns the following message, “No account
registered for this email. Go to Account Registration.” Choosing the Account Registration link
opens a window to establish a SWIM account.
Note: The components of the email and password of SWIM system accounts are case-sensitive. Make
note of the case-sensitive format used when establishing the SWIM account (e.g.,
[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected].) The Census Bureau
recommends the use of lowercase characters and recommends safe retention of this information
in a secure location for future reference.

SWIM allows four attempts to login before it temporarily locks the account for 15 minutes.
After the 15-minute lock expires, participants may try to login again or reset their password
using the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. Once selected, follow the prompts to
enter the case-sensitive email address and provide the security answer. If the security answer is
correct, the SWIM system sends a password reset link to the email account for use in resetting
the password. Once logged into SWIM, users can modify their password and security answer by
selecting the ‘Change Security’ link at the top, right-hand side of the page.
Participants continuing to experience logon issues should confirm use of the current internet
browser version (or one previous version.) If the browser version is older, upgrade to a newer
version. If problems with SWIM still occur, contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for
assistance. An additional SWIM token may be necessary to create another account.
The following list contains the file requirements for using SWIM:

File to upload must be .zip file format.
The .zip file may not include another .zip file as a component.
The .zip file must not be larger than 250 megabytes in size.

Refer to Table 6 for an example of using SWIM for submitting Appeals material to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office.

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Table 6: SWIM Submission


Action and Result

Step 1

Open a new browser window and enter the SWIM URL
The SWIM Please Login screen opens.

Step 2

For participants with an existing SWIM account, enter the email address and password
and then click the Login button. The Welcome screen opens. Go to Step 8.

Step 3

For participants without a SWIM account, have the 12-digit registration token provided
by the Census Bureau ready for account registration. Choose the Register Account
button after accessing the SWIM URL. The Account Registration screen opens.

All fields on the Account Registration screen are required.

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Action and Result

Step 4

Enter the registration token, name, phone number, agency or organization, email
address in the appropriate fields.

Step 5

Create a password using the following criteria:

Must be at least 8-characters in length.
Must have at least one uppercase character.
Must have at least one lowercase character.
Must have at least one number.
Must have at least one special character. Valid choices are as follows: #, !, $, *,
&,?, and ~.
Note: The comma shown in the previous list are for spacing purposes only. The comma
is not a valid special character for use in the password.
Step 6

Establish a security question. Click arrow to the right of the Security Question field and
select a question from the drop-down menu. Enter an answer in the Answer field. Click
the Submit button when finished. A Success screen opens to confirm the successful
creation of a SWIM account.

Step 7

On the Success screen, select Login to return to the SWIM Please Login screen (shown in
Step 1) to proceed with the login process.

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Action and Result

Step 8

Enter the email and password information and click the green Login button to log into
SWIM. The Welcome screen opens. If the account has uploaded other files for different
geography programs administered by the Census Bureau, a list of files previously
uploaded by the SWIM user displays, as shown in the example below. The list includes
the creation date of the file upload, the name of the file, and the corresponding size of
the .zip file.

Step 9

To begin a new upload, click the Start New Upload button at the bottom of the screen.

The “What Census program are you reporting data for?” screen opens. To ensure the
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office receives the submission, choose the Local Update of
Census Addresses Appeals radio button and click the Next button.

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Action and Result

Step 10

The “What type of LUCA Appeals entity are you reporting for?” screen opens.
Participants must select the level of geography that matches the type of entity they
represent. Municipio participants (e.g., CO72035) choose the County choice. If a
question arises about this choice, please contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169
for assistance.

Click the radio button for the entity type to upload and click the Next button. The choice
of County opens the Select a State and County screen.

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Action and Result

Step 11

Following the selection of the entity type to upload, the Select a .ZIP file to upload
screen opens. Click the +Add File button to launch the Choose File to Upload window
and navigate to the folder where the .zip file resides. Select the file and click Open.

IMPORTANT: Participants with GIS supporting documentation must attach their file with their file in order to supply the 2020 Census
Appeals Office with all of the documentation needed to review the Appeal. Participants
add the “” file by repeating the same procedure described in this step.
The ‘Shift’ key does not allow for the selection of multiple files.

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Action and Result

Step 12

Once the file upload completes, the Status field shows “Success.” The name of the file
appears in the File(s) field. Participants can add comments to the Comment section if
they choose. Click the Next button to proceed with the upload.

NOTE: If including, it will appear
beneath the File(s) section. To assist the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office, please
include a note about the Appeal itself and use of GIS supporting documentation in the
Comments section.
Step 13

The Thank You screen appears. It thanks the participant and indicates a forthcoming
email once transfer completes.

Step 14

Choose ‘upload form’ in the phrase “You may Log Out or return to the upload form to
submit more files” sentence to return to the Welcome screen and begin the upload
process again, if the participant is the liaison for more than one jurisdiction. If complete
with the upload process, choose Log Out.

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Action and Result
It is important to mention that SWIM sessions deactivate after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Participants taking longer than 15 minutes to upload a file must log back into the system
and start again. They receive a message noting the period of inactivity on the Login

When they reach the Welcome screen, a record listed with a Status of “In progress,
Continue?” appears with that day’s date in the Created On field. Participants can choose
the “Continue?” link to continue uploading or they can delete the item by choosing the
Delete button to the far right of the row.

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3.5.3 Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeals Material
Participants without internet access or those that do not wish to use SWIM may ship their
Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Appeals material may be included on
CD/DVD or as hard copy materials. Burn, or copy, the return submission, and the GIS supporting documentation,, if applicable, to a CD/DVD. As noted in Section
3.5.1, participants can submit hard copy written narrative and source description(s), as well as
any hard copy supporting documentation. To assist with recording the receipt of an Appeal
package, the 2020 Census Appeals Office requests the inclusion of a hard copy of the written
Follow these instructions to package and ship materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals

Double wrap the appeals material (CD/DVD and/or hard copy materials) using an inner and an
outer envelope (or container), one within the other. These should be durable enough to prevent
someone from viewing or tampering with the enclosed material.
Label both sides of the inner envelope (or container) with the notice:
Place the inner envelope (or container) into the outer envelope.
Do not label the outer envelope with the disclosure notice.
Ship using a service that provides tracking information, such as United States Postal Service
(USPS) trackable delivery, FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service. Retain the
tracking number as proof of delivery.

Ship to the following address for the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office:
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office
Attn: LUCA Appeals Staff
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132


U.S. Census Bureau

Use the address listed above to ensure delivery of the Appeals material to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office, as they operate separately from the Census Bureau.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


The Census Bureau must account for all Title 13 materials delivered to participants during both
the LUCA Review and Feedback phases, and any copies of those materials, to close out the
operation for 2020. It is the responsibility of the LUCA liaison to ensure the proper disposal of
the Title 13 materials. The designated liaison is required to verify the destruction or return of
any remaining Title 13 materials, both paper and digital (i.e., paper copies, backup files, etc.) by
signing and returning to the Census Bureau the D-2012(SP) – Destruction or Return of Title 13,
U.S.C. Materials Form enclosed with the feedback materials and found in Appendix C. The
destruction of materials is the preferred method rather than returning the materials to the
Census Bureau.

Please await a response from the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office on the status of the
appeal prior to destroying or returning the Title 13 material.

All LUCA reviewers and anyone with access to Title 13 materials (includes all persons who
signed the D-2005(SP) – Confidentiality Agreement Form) are required to sign and date the D2012(SP) form once the LUCA appeals process concludes. Should any liaison, reviewer, or
anyone with access to Title 13 materials leave before the completion of the LUCA operation,
they are required to sign out of the program by signing and dating this form. If any liaison or
reviewer leaves and fails to sign and date this form, the current liaison can sign out on their
Participants choosing to destroy their materials must return the D-2012(SP) as soon as possible
after the destruction of materials and must ensure the form contains all appropriate liaison and
reviewer signatures to close out 2020 Census LUCA. Use the enclosed, postage-paid envelope
to return the D-2012(SP). Participants choosing to return their materials, rather than destroy
them, must include this form with the materials and must follow the packaging and shipping
instructions in Appendix A to ensure the security of the Title 13 materials.

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Alojamiento—Cualquier sitio donde vivan, se queden o puedan vivir personas. Los alojamientos
se clasifican como unidades de vivienda o alojamientos de grupo. Normalmente, se encuentran
en estructuras diseñadas para uso residencial, pero también pueden encontrarse en estructuras
diseñadas para uso no residencial al igual que las tiendas de campaña, las camionetas, los
refugios para personas sin vivienda, los dormitorios, las barracas y demás, o puede que no
estén asociadas a ninguna estructura.
Alojamiento de grupo (GQ)—Un lugar donde viven o se quedan las personas, y que
normalmente es propiedad de por una entidad u organización que provee vivienda o servicios a
los residentes, o administrado por la misma. Estos servicios pueden incluir cuidado de
compañía o atención médica, así como otros tipos de ayuda, y la residencia generalmente es
solo para las personas que reciben estos servicios. Por lo general, las personas que viven en un
alojamiento de grupo no están emparentadas. Los alojamientos de grupo incluyen lugares
como residencias universitarias, centros residenciales de tratamiento, instalaciones de hogares
de ancianos con servicios médicos especializados, hogares de grupo, barracas militares,
instalaciones correccionales, dormitorios para trabajadores e instalaciones para personas sin
Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF)—Es una base de datos nacional de todas las
direcciones y las descripciones físicas/de ubicación que la Oficina del Censo sabe que son
usadas para respaldar muchos de sus programas. Además de contener las direcciones y los
códigos postales, un registro de MAF también contiene información geográfica sobre la
ubicación de las direcciones. La División de Geografía de la Oficina del Censo actualiza
periódicamente la Base de datos de MAF/TIGER desde varias fuentes, incluyendo el archivo de
secuencia de entrega (DSF) del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos (USPS) y otras fuentes de
actualizaciones como encuestas actuales y fuentes abastecidas localmente.
Base de datos de MAF/TIGER—Base de datos geográficos de todo el país de la Oficina del
Censo, que integra el Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF) y los archivos de Codificación y
Referencia Geográficas Integradas Topológicamente (TIGER).
Bloque censal—Un bloque censal es un área delimitada por rasgos visibles o invisibles que se
muestran en los mapas de la Oficina del Censo. Un bloque censal es el área geográfica más
pequeña creada por la Oficina del Censo para la que se recopilan y tabulan los datos del censo
decenal. Los bloques censales se numeran dentro de los sectores censales y llevan un número
único dentro de los sectores censales.
Codificación y Referencia Geográficas Integradas Topológicamente (TIGER)—El mapa digital
de la Oficina del Censo, que incluye las coordenadas geográficas y los nombres de las calles, los
rasgos de agua, otros rasgos lineales y los límites para todas las jurisdicciones y las áreas
estadísticas que proporcionan el marco geoespacial para la recolección y tabulación de los
datos censales. TIGER también contiene las coordenadas de estructura de los registros de

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direcciones en el Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF) y los rangos de direcciones a lo largo
de rasgos de calles usadas para geocodificar los registros del MAF a la geografía censal.
Condado—La división primaria legal de la mayoría de los estados. La mayoría son unidades
gubernamentales con poderes definidos por la ley estatal.
Confidencialidad—Garantía por ley (Título 13, Código de los Estados Unidos) para las personas
que proporcionan información sobre ellos mismos o sobre sus negocios a la Oficina del Censo.
Este punto hace referencia al compromiso de no divulgación de esta información por parte de
la Oficina del Censo.
Corte de direcciones—Los cortes de direcciones identifican las direcciones de estilo urbano en
cada lado de un límite, o en una intersección entre una calle con otra o con algún rasgo.
Detailed Feedback Address List—A comma-delimited text file, in .csv format, showing all
properly formatted address record updates submitted by the LUCA participant and a feedback
processing code identifying the specific action taken by the Census Bureau on that address
record. This address list also identifies any address records not commented on during the LUCA
Review Phase that were deleted from the original Census Address List by a different census
operation or another level of government participating in LUCA.
Dirección de estilo urbano—La definición de la Oficina del Censo de una dirección de estilo
urbano es una dirección que consiste en un número de casa y el nombre de una calle o
carretera. Por ejemplo, 201 Main Street es una dirección de estilo urbano. La dirección puede o
no ser usada para la entrega de correo y puede incluir números/designaciones de
apartamentos o identificadores similares.
Dirección de estilo rural—Dirección que no tiene un número de casa y/o nombre de la calle, o
puede no incluir un número de casa completo y la dirección con el nombre de la calle. Esto
incluye una dirección de ruta rural y número de apartado y las direcciones de ruta de contrato
de carreteras, etc., que pueden incluir un número de apartado, apartados y cajones de oficinas
postales, y envío general.
División civil menor (MCD)—Tipo de unidad gubernamental que es la subdivisión
gubernamental o administrativa principal de un condado en muchos estados. Las MCD están
identificadas por una variedad de términos, como pueblo (en 8 estados), poblado y/o distrito, e
incluyen entidades gubernamentales en funcionamiento y que no están en funcionamiento.
Edges—All linear features contained in the MAF/TIGER database.
Edges shapefile—An Esri® shapefile of the linear features contained in the MAF/TIGER
database During the Review Phase, participants using digital map materials used the edges
shapefile to add, delete, or change linear feature attributes. During the Feedback Phase,
participants use the edges shapefile for reference only to review updates they made during the
Review Phase or other updates made since the Review Phase concluded.
Feedback Address Count List— A comma-delimited text file, in .csv format, containing the
number of housing unit and group quarters residential addresses on the LUCA Review Phase
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Census Address List and the current number of housing units and group quarters residential
addresses for each census block within the participant’s jurisdiction.
Funcionario electo de más alto rango (HEO)—La persona más responsable de las actividades
gubernamentales de un gobierno local. Esta persona recibe la carta de invitación al programa
LUCA y tiene que designar a un enlace de LUCA para participar del programa LUCA del 2020.
Geocódigos—Códigos que ubican una dirección individual en su ubicación geográfica correcta
que, en términos censales, incluyen los códigos de estado, condado, sector censal y bloque
censal correctos. Debido a que la Oficina del Censo cuenta a las personas donde viven, los
geocódigos les proporcionan información a los enumeradores del Censo para localizar una
dirección. La geocodificación precisa también garantiza que la Oficina del Censo cuente las
unidades de vivienda y a las personas asociadas con ellas en la geografía del censo correcta.
Geographic Update Partnership Software (Software de Colaboración para la Actualización
Geográfica) (GUPS)—Un paquete autónomo de procesamiento y actualización de GIS
proporcionado por la Oficina del Censo para la participación en una variedad de programas de
geografía del Censo, incluyendo LUCA del 2020. Empaquetado previamente para incluir todos
los componentes para LUCA del 2020, el GUPS contiene la Lista de Direcciones de la Oficina del
Censo, la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones y los shapefiles de colaboración de TIGER. El GUPS le
permite al participante agregar datos geoespaciales externos (shapefiles, base de datos
geográficos e imágenes) con fines de comparación y actualización. La entrega de todos los
datos (software, lista de direcciones, lista de conteo de direcciones y shapefiles) se hace en
Límite—Una línea en un mapa, ya sea invisible o que coincide con un rasgo visible, que
identifica el alcance de una entidad geográfica, como un sector censal, una ciudad, un condado
o un estado. Un límite marca la delimitación de un área.
Feedback Lista de relación entre bloques y hojas de mapas—Una lista que identifica los
números de bloques censales y los mapas de formato grande de la Oficina del Censo en los que
se encuentra cada bloque.
LUCA liaison—The main point of contact appointed by the highest elected official (HEO) of each
jurisdiction to review the Census Address List and maps against local records to identify
differences. This person, also known as the program primary liaison or designated liaison,
accepts responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and are ultimately responsible for
destroying (or returning) the materials. They must sign out of LUCA and submit the D-2012(SP) Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form after ensuring all LUCA reviewers sign the form
as well.
LUCA reviewer—Individual(s) selected by the HEO or LUCA liaison to assist with conducting the
LUCA review. They accept responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and, like the liaison,

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


must sign out of LUCA and submit the D-2012(SP) - Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials
Lugares transitorios (TL)—Viviendas transitorias o móviles, o unidades de vivienda portátiles,
incluyendo embarcaciones, vehículos recreativos (RV) motorizados, tiendas de campaña y
remolques tirados por automóviles o camiones, o cualquier otro tipo de vivienda portátil.
Lugar—Una concentración de población ya sea legalmente vinculada como un lugar
incorporado o identificado por la Oficina del Censo como un lugar censal designado.
Mapa de la Oficina del Censo—Todo mapa producido por la Oficina del Censo. Un mapa de la
Oficina del Censo muestra entidades geográficas utilizadas en un censo o encuesta
patrocinados por la Oficina del Censo para los que la Oficina del Censo tabula datos.
Metadatos—Describen el contenido de los datos, el sistema/proyección de coordenadas, el
autor, la fuente, y otras características de los archivos del GIS.
Número de bloque censal—Census block numbers are a four-digit number. Census blocks are
numbered uniquely within each census tract.
Número de sector censal—Número único para identificar los sectores censales dentro de un
condado o de una entidad estadísticamente equivalente. Los números de los sectores censales
son números de 4 dígitos seguidos por un punto decimal y un número de 2 dígitos para los
sectores con sufijos, p. Ej. 1234.01. Para los sectores censales sin sufijo, el número tendrá un
punto con ceros agregados, p. Ej. 4567.00.
Oficina del Censo—Un organismo dentro del Departamento de Comercio de los EE. UU. La
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU es el principal organismo de recopilación y divulgación
estadística del país. Publica una amplia variedad de datos estadísticos sobre la población y la
economía de la nación. La Oficina del Censo realiza aproximadamente 200 encuestas anuales y
lleva a cabo el censo decenal de la población de los Estados Unidos.
Oficina regional—Una de las seis oficinas permanentes de la Oficina del Censo distribuidas por
la nación. Las oficinas regionales son responsables de las operaciones de campo de la Oficina
del Censo.
Programa de enumeración en lugares transitorios (ETL)—Proporciona cobertura para las
ubicaciones de las personas que viven en viviendas no tradicionales de naturaleza transitoria o
móvil. La mayoría de los cuestionarios del censo se envían por correo, o son entregados
personalmente por el personal del censo, a las direcciones registradas en el Archivo Maestro de
Direcciones (MAF). No obstante, debido a los cambios en la sociedad, algunas personas ya no
mantienen una residencia tradicional (casa, apartamento, condominio, etc.) y han decidido vivir
en embarcaciones, vehículos recreativos (RV) motorizados, remolques tirados por automóviles
o camiones, o cualquier otro tipo de vivienda que sea móvil o transitoria, incluyendo tiendas de

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


campaña. Con propósitos operativos, nos referimos a este tipo de viviendas como “unidades de
vivienda portátiles”.
Los tipos de lugares transitorios (TL) que se incluyen en la ETL son los siguientes:
1. Parques de RV.
2. Marinas.
3. Áreas de acampar.
Punto de estructura (punto en el mapa)—Un punto en un mapa de la Oficina del Censo, usado
para mostrar la ubicación de uno o más alojamientos. Se asigna un máximo de 4 dígitos más un
carácter alfabético dentro de un bloque censal para cada punto de estructura. Los puntos de
estructura se almacenan en la base de datos de TIGER y están protegidos por el Título 13 del
Código de los Estados Unidos.
Rasgo—Cualquier parte del paisaje, ya sea natural (como un arroyo o cerro) o artificial (como
una carretera o línea eléctrica). En un contexto geográfico, los rasgos son cualquier parte del
paisaje que se representen en un mapa, incluyendo los límites no visibles de las entidades
legales, como los límites de una ciudad o los límites de un condado.
Rango de direcciones—Los números más bajos y más altos de las direcciones usados para
identificar estructuras de cada lado de un segmento de calle que tenga direcciones de estilo
urbano. Generalmente, un lado de la calle tiene números de dirección pares y el otro lado tiene
números de dirección impares.
Sector censal—Una subdivisión estadística pequeña y relativamente permanente de un
condado o una entidad equivalente desde un punto de vista estadístico definida para la
presentación de datos. Diseñados para ser unidades relativamente homogéneas con respecto a
las características de la población, estado económico y condiciones de vivienda al momento de
establecerse, los sectores censales contienen entre 1,000 y 8,000 personas, con un tamaño
óptimo de 4,000 personas. Definidos con la intención de permanecer estables durante muchas
décadas, los límites de los sectores censales generalmente siguen rasgos visibles relativamente
permanentes. Sin embargo, pueden seguir límites de unidades gubernamentales y otros rasgos
invisibles en algunos casos; el límite de un estado o de un condado (o de una entidad
estadísticamente equivalente) es siempre el límite de un sector censal.
Segmento de calle—La parte de una calle o carretera entre dos rasgos que cruzan esa calle o
carretera, como otras calles o carreteras, vías del ferrocarril, arroyos y límites de unidades
gubernamentales. La Oficina del Censo registra los rangos de direcciones conocidas para cada
segmento de calle con direcciones de estilo urbano.
Series Federales de Procesamiento de Información (FIPS)—Son códigos anteriormente
conocidos como códigos de Estándares Federales de Procesamiento de la Información hasta
que el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología (NIST) anunció en el 2005 su decisión de
retirar los códigos de entidades geográficas de su supervisión. La Oficina del Censo aún
mantiene y emite códigos para las entidades geográficas cubiertas bajo la supervisión de FIPS,
pero con un significado modificado para el acrónimo FIPS. Las entidades geográficas cubiertas
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por las FIPS incluyen estados, condados, distritos electorales, áreas estadísticas basadas en
concentraciones, lugares, subdivisiones del condado, subdivisiones civiles, ciudades
consolidadas y todos los tipos de áreas indígenas de las Américas, nativas de Alaska y de Hawái.
Los códigos FIPS se asignan de manera alfabética de acuerdo con el nombre de la entidad
geográfica y pueden cambiarse para mantener el orden alfabético cuando se crean nuevas
entidades o se cambian los nombres. Los códigos FIPS para los tipos específicos de entidades
geográficas son por lo general únicos dentro del siguiente nivel más alto de entidad geográfica
con la que existe una relación de anidamiento. Por ejemplo, los códigos FIPS de estado, de
distrito electoral y de áreas estadísticas basadas en concentraciones son únicos dentro de la
nación; los códigos FIPS de condado, de lugar, de subdivisión de condado y de subdivisión civil
son únicos dentro del estado. Los códigos para las áreas de indígenas de las Américas, nativas
de Alaska y Hawái también son únicos dentro del estado; aquellas áreas que estén en múltiples
estados tendrán códigos diferentes para cada estado.
Shapefile—Representaciones digitales de los rasgos geográficos, como carreteras y límites
usados para crear los mapas. Un shapefile almacena información de geometría no topológica y
atributiva para los rasgos espaciales en un conjunto de datos. La Oficina del Censo proporciona
shapefiles del Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Sistemas Ambientales (Esri™) basados en los
Sistema de información geográfica (GIS)—Un sistema informático para el almacenamiento, la
recuperación y el mantenimiento de información sobre los puntos, las líneas y las áreas que
representan las calles y carreteras, los ríos, los ferrocarriles, las entidades geográficas, y otros
rasgos en la superficie de la Tierra (información que anteriormente estaba disponible solo en
los mapas impresos).
Unidad de vivienda (HU)—Una vivienda para una sola familia, townhouse (casa adosada), casa
móvil, remolque, apartamento, grupo de habitaciones o habitación individual ocupada como un
alojamiento separado o, si está desocupada, para ser ocupada como un alojamiento separado.
Un alojamiento separado es un alojamiento en el que uno o más ocupantes (o posibles
ocupantes, si está desocupado) viven separados de otras personas del edificio y tienen acceso
directo al alojamiento sin tener que pasar por otro alojamiento, como desde fuera del edificio o
a través de un pasillo común.
Unidad de vivienda ocupada—Una unidad de vivienda se clasifica como ocupada si es el lugar
residencial habitual de la persona o de un grupo de personas que viven en esta al momento de
la enumeración o si los ocupantes están temporalmente ausentes; por ejemplo, en otro lugar
de vacaciones. Las habitaciones ocupadas o conjunto de habitaciones en hoteles, moteles y
lugares similares son clasificados como unidades de viviendas solo cuando están ocupados por
residentes permanentes, es decir por personas para las que la instalación es su lugar
residencial habitual.
Unidad de vivienda vacante—Estructura habitable que contiene un alojamiento que no está
ocupado. Las unidades de viviendas nuevas que aún no están ocupadas se clasifican como
unidades de vivienda vacantes si la construcción ha alcanzado un punto en el que las ventanas
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y las puertas exteriores están instaladas y los pisos definitivos utilizables y el techo están
colocados. Las unidades vacantes están excluidas si están abiertas a los elementos, o si hay
evidencia positiva, como una señal en la casa, de que la unidad de vivienda será demolida o ha
sido condenada.
Unidad gubernamental (GU)—Una entidad geográfica establecida por medidas legales con el
propósito de implementar funciones específicas de gobierno. La mayoría de las unidades
gubernamentales proporcionan una cantidad de servicios gubernamentales generales y
recaudan ingresos (generalmente a través de una autoridad tributaria).

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide


Guía para los Participantes sobre la Fase de
Información (Feedback) y las Apelaciones del
Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones
Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020
Instrucciones para los Participantes que Usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones: Puerto Rico

Esta página se dejó en blanco intencionalmente.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Antecedentes ....................................................................................................................... vi

Información General


Procesamiento de la Oficina del Censo de los Envíos de LUCA


Confidencialidad y Seguridad .......................................................................................... vi


Códigos de Identificación de Entidad ............................................................................. vii


Organización de la Guía para los Participantes ............................................................. viii


Capacitación y Apoyo..................................................................................................... viii

Capítulo 1 Introducción a la Fase de Información y las Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del
2020 .................................................................................................................... 1

Materiales de la Fase de Información ............................................................................. 1


Nombres de los Archivos y Estructura de los DVD de los Materiales de la Fase de
Información...................................................................................................................... 3

1.2.1 Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Impresos en Formato Grande/PDF ............................... 3
1.2.2 Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales......................................................................... 4


Cómo Crear Copias de Trabajo de los Archivos Digitales de LUCA.................................. 5


Cómo Convertir Archivos de Texto Delimitados por Comas ........................................... 7

Capítulo 2 Revisando los Materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA del 2020 y los
Códigos de Procesamiento................................................................................... 9

Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información .......... 9


Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información ............................................ 12

2.2.1 Entendiendo los Códigos de Procesamiento de la Fase de Información............................... 16
2.2.2 Ejemplos de Códigos de Procesamiento de Fase de Información ......................................... 17


Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información ........................................... 19


Mapas Impresos, Mapas en Formato PDF y Shapefiles................................................. 21

Capítulo 3 Cómo Presentar una Apelación .......................................................................... 25

Antecedentes ................................................................................................................. 25


Plazo Límite para Presentar una Apelación ................................................................... 25


Procedimientos para Presentar una Apelación ............................................................. 26


Documentación de Respaldo ......................................................................................... 26


Preparando y Enviando Material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA
para el Censo del 2020................................................................................................... 28

3.5.1 Preparando el Material para el Envío .................................................................................... 28
3.5.2 Instrucciones para Enviar Material de Apelaciones a través de SWIM ................................. 30
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


3.5.3 Instrucciones para Enviar Material de Apelaciones por Correo Postal u Otro Servicio de
Entrega................................................................................................................................... 39

Capítulo 4 Cierre de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 ............................................................... 40
Apéndices ......................................................................................................................... 41
Apéndice A Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad ......................................................... A-1
Apéndice B Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad ................................................... B-1
Apéndice C Formulario de Inventario para Devolución o Entrega de Materiales de LUCA ... C-1
Apéndice D Glosario .......................................................................................................... D-1

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Tabla 1: Códigos de Identificación de Entidad .............................................................................. viii
Tabla 2: Tipos de Entidad y Códigos de Entidad en los Materiales de Mapas ............................. viii
Tabla 3: Nombres de Campos y Descripciones de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información ..................................................................................................................... 12
Tabla 4: Códigos de Procesamiento de la Fase de Información ................................................... 16
Tabla 5: Nombres y Descripciones de los Campos de la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase
de Información ................................................................................................................ 20
Tabla 6: Envío a Través de SWIM .................................................................................................. 32

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Figura 1. Participantes que usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales - Ejemplo de
una Carpeta Nueva en una Computadora Local .............................................................. 7
Figura 2. D-2201(SP) - Ejemplo del Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de
Información .................................................................................................................... 11
Figura 3. Ejemplo de un Mapa de Bloques de Formato Pequeño de la Fase de Información de
LUCA ............................................................................................................................... 23
Figura 4. Ejemplo de un Mapa de Bloques de Formato Pequeño de la Fase de Información de
LUCA- Sección Ampliada ................................................................................................ 24
Figura 5. Ejemplo de una Carpeta con Archivos de Apelaciones para un Participante que Usa la
Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales ............................................................... 30

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Información General

El Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020 es un
programa voluntario del censo decenal. LUCA es la única oportunidad previa al Censo del 2020
para que los gobiernos tribales, estatales y locales (incluyendo el Distrito de Columbia y Puerto
Rico) revisen y actualicen la lista de direcciones residenciales de la Oficina del Censo para sus
jurisdicciones. La Oficina del Censo depende de una lista de direcciones completa y precisa para
comunicarse con cada residencia y la población asociada para incluirlos en el censo. El
programa LUCA está autorizado por la Ley del 1994 para Mejorar la Lista de Direcciones
Censales (Ley Pública 103-430). Para obtener más información, consulte
En conformidad con la ley, la Fase de Información de LUCA proporciona a los gobiernos
participantes materiales detallados de la fase de información que documentan las
actualizaciones locales a las direcciones que la Oficina del Censo procesó. Los participantes de
LUCA que deseen disputar las determinaciones de la Oficina del Censo sobre las direcciones en
relación con sus envíos pueden apelar esas decisiones si cumplen con los requisitos específicos
de elegibilidad. Las apelaciones se tienen que presentar dentro del plazo de 45 días de recibir
los materiales de la fase de información. Las apelaciones que se presenten después del plazo
límite serán denegadas. La presentación de una apelación es opcional y no es un requisito de
IMPORTANTE: El aviso final del Registro Federal se incluye con los materiales de la fase de información
y se encuentra disponible en el sitio web de LUCA, , para que los participantes lo consulten
antes de comenzar su revisión.


Procesamiento de la Oficina del Censo de los Envíos de LUCA

La Oficina del Censo analizó todas las direcciones enviadas por participantes de LUCA y procesó
aquellas que cumplen con los requisitos establecidos. Además, la Oficina del Censo hizo las
correcciones y actualizaciones necesarias a los mapas del censo a partir de los envíos de la Fase
de Revisión de LUCA.


Confidencialidad y Seguridad

Todos los requisitos y pautas para la protección de los materiales confidenciales de la Oficina
del Censo protegidos por el Título 13 del Código de los EE. UU. que se siguieron en la Fase de
Revisión de LUCA se aplican a los materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA. 1 A todos los
participantes se les requiere que firmen un Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad de
acuerdo con el Título 13 del Código de los EE. UU. para mantener la confidencialidad de la

Título 13 del Código de los EE. UU. estipula tratamiento confidencial para la información relacionada con el censo, incluyendo las
direcciones individuales y los puntos en el mapa. El Título 13 requiere que todos los enlaces, revisores y toda persona con acceso a los
materiales protegidos por el Título 13 cumplan con las Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad. El Título 13 también requiere que la
Oficina del Censo mantenga la confidencialidad de toda la información que recopile.
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


información de las direcciones del censo que recibieron de la Oficina del Censo para su revisión.
A los participantes se les requiere que tengan los medios para garantizar la seguridad de la Lista
de Direcciones del Censo que contiene información protegida por el Título 13.
A las personas que firmaron el D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad para la
Fase de Revisión de LUCA no se les requiere que vuelvan a firmar el formulario. Sin embargo,
toda persona que revise o tenga acceso a los materiales confidenciales de la fase de
información protegidos por el Título 13 y que todavía no haya firmado el D-2005(SP) tiene que
leer y aceptar cumplir las Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad, que se incluyen como
Apéndice A, y tiene que firmar el Contrato de Confidencialidad antes de revisar los materiales.
En esta guía para los participantes se incluye un D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de
Confidencialidad como Apéndice B. Este formulario también está disponible en el sitio web de
La Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información y los mapas de bloques de formato
pequeño son materiales protegidos por el Título 13 que se incluyen en los materiales de
información y que requieren una contraseña para descifrarlos y abrirlos. Esta contraseña que
distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas (diferente de la contraseña utilizada durante la Fase
de Revision) se envía por separado y antes de que se reciban los materiales de la fase de
información. Guarde la carta con la contraseña, D-2280(SP), en un lugar seguro para usarla para
abrir los materiales según se explica en la Sección 1.3 y para preparar materiales para la
Apelación para su envío según se explica en la Sección 3.5.1.
Luego de la Fase de Información de LUCA o de una posible Apelación, cuando finaliza la
operación del LUCA para el Censo del 2020, el enlace de LUCA tiene que verificar la destrucción
(preferido) o la devolución a la Oficina del Censo de todos los materiales protegidos por el
Título 13 y sus copias mediante la firma y devolución del D-2012(SP) – Formulario de la
Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título13, Código de los EE. UU. Se
incluye un formulario en blanco como Apéndice C, que también está disponible por internet en
el sitio web de LUCA en . Se puede obtener información adicional o asistencia llamando gratis
al (844) 344-0169 o enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected].


Códigos de Identificación de Entidad

Todos los códigos de entidad, también conocidos como "EntityID”, que aparecen en los
materiales de la fase de información tienen un código de dos letras que identifica el tipo de
entidad. Consulte la Tabla 1 para obtener información sobre los códigos de identificación de
entidad que combinan el código de dos letras con los códigos de dos o tres dígitos de las Series
Federales de Procesamiento de Información (FIPS).

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Tabla 1: Códigos de Identificación de Entidad

Códigos de Identificación de Entidad

Total de


ST (2 alfabéticos) + (2 numéricos de FIPS)



CO (2 alfabéticos) + Estado (2 numéricos de FIPS) + Condado (3
numéricos de FIPS)


A continuación hay dos ejemplos que muestran el “EntityID” para entidades de gobierno local.

Estado: ST72 (Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico).


Municipio: CO72035 (Municipio de Cayey, Puerto Rico).

Todos los materiales relacionados con los mapas que se incluyen en formato digital en los DVD
de los participantes tienen códigos especiales que son distintos de los “EntityID.” La abreviatura
para la codificación especial relacionada con los mapas es “.” Consulte la
Tabla 2 para obtener información sobre .
Tabla 2: Tipos de Entidad y Códigos de Entidad en los Materiales de Mapas
 es el tipo de entidad:
CS = Municipio (Puerto Rico)

 es el código de entidad
Municipio = SSCCC
Donde: SS = Código FIPS de estado; CCC = Código FIPS
de condado; MMMMM = Código FIPS de MCD; RRRR =
Código AIR del Censo.

LUCAF20CS72035.pdf es un ejemplo de .pdf agrupado de formato grande de la Fase de
Información de LUCA para el Municipio de Cayey. La Sección 1.2 proporciona más detalles
sobre estos materiales y su ubicación en los DVD.


Organización de la Guía para los Participantes

Use esta guía para los participantes, el D-2232(SP), junto con la Guía para los Participantes del
Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020,
Formato de la Lista Digital de Direcciones para Puerto Rico (D-2032SP). Las guías para los
participantes no repiten la información entre las fases (Revisión e la Fase de Información).
Los enlaces aparecen como texto celeste, subrayado. Los enlaces de referencias cruzadas a
otras secciones en el documento aparecen como texto azul en negrita.


Capacitación y Apoyo

No hay talleres programados para la Fase de Información; sin embargo, el sitio web de LUCA en
información con respecto al uso del Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS), así como
más información que puede ayudar con la revisión de los materiales de la fase de información.
Además, el Centro de Ayuda de LUCA de la Oficina del Censo puede asistir con preguntas
relacionadas con la fase de información. La Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del
2020, establecida como una entidad federal temporal independiente por la Oficina de

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Administración y Presupuesto (OMB), maneja el proceso de Apelaciones y todas las preguntas
relacionadas con la Apelación.
Comuníquese con el Centro de Ayuda de LUCA, gratis, al (844) 344-0169 o envíeles un correo
electrónico a [email protected]. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Apelaciones, gratis,
al (888) 222-9907. La dirección de correo electrónico se encuentra en el sitio web de LUCA
anteriormente mencionado.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020




Este capítulo proporciona información introductoria sobre los materiales que los participantes
reciben como parte de la Fase de Información, los detalles de la denominación de los archivos y
el recibo de los materiales. Explica la configuración de una computadora local y el modo
correcto de abrir los materiales de direcciones sin dañar el contenido.
IMPORTANTE: Para los participantes que necesitan imágenes y ejemplos detallados, el documento D2032(SP) - Guía para los Participantes del Programa de Actualización Local de
Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020; Formato de la Lista Digital de
Direcciones distribuido durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, incluye gráficos adicionales
e información. Encuentre la guía para los participantes en el sitio web de LUCA,
, y
úsela para suplementar las instrucciones de este material.


Materiales de la Fase de Información

La Oficina del Censo proporcionará materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA a gobiernos
elegibles a partir de julio y hasta septiembre del 2019. A menos que algún participante haya
declinado recibirlos, la Oficina del Censo proporcionará materiales de la fase de información de
LUCA para jurisdicciones que enviaron actualizaciones a las direcciones luego de revisar y
realizar cada actualización de dirección en el formato adecuado en la Lista de Direcciones del
Censo y de añadir las direcciones nuevas que no estuvieran ya incluidas. La Oficina del Censo
verificará las actualizaciones de direcciones sugeridas por los participantes (adiciones,
correcciones, eliminaciones, etc.) para asegurarse de que todas las actualizaciones de
direcciones y adiciones existan y que se encuentren en el bloque censal correcto. Los
participantes que revisaron la Lista de Direcciones del Censo, estuvieron de acuerdo con su
contenido durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA y pidieron recibir comentarios, también
recibirán los materiales de la fase de información de LUCA.
La Oficina del Censo proporciona los materiales de la fase de información de acuerdo con el
formato final que los participantes seleccionaron para la Fase de Revisión de LUCA. Para los
participantes que usan la lista digital de direcciones, los materiales incluyen:2

Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información — muestra la
suma de las acciones que tomó la Oficina del Censo para todas las actualizaciones de direcciones
enviadas por una entidad.


Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información — muestra todas las actualizaciones de
registros de direcciones procesadas por la Oficina del Censo (es decir, tenían el formato
adecuado) que envió el participante, y un código de procesamiento de la fase de información

Para los participantes que nos dijeron "No hay cambios" en el formulario D-2079(SP) o D-2084(SP) y a quienes otros participantes de
LUCA u otras operaciones del censo no les eliminaron registros, O para aquellos que enviaron un archivo que no se pudo procesar y a
quienes no les eliminaron registros otros participantes de LUCA u otras operaciones del censo, no hay direcciones para revisar o apelar.
Estos participantes reciben un suplemento impreso, el D-2282(SP), que les notifica que su Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información estará en blanco y explica por qué. Sus DVD contendrán un archivo correspondiente en formato de documento portátil
(PDF), 2020LUCA_FB_insert_pr.pdf.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


que identifica la acción específica que la Oficina del Censo realizó en ese registro de dirección. La
lista de direcciones también identifica los registros de direcciones sobre los cuales no se hicieron
comentarios y que fueron eliminados de la original Lista de Direcciones del Censo por otra
operación del censo o por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA.

Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información — contiene el número direcciones
residenciales de unidades de vivienda y alojamientos de grupo en la Lista de Direcciones del
Censo de la Fase de Revisión de LUCA y el número actual de direcciones residenciales de
unidades de vivienda y alojamientos de grupo para cada bloque censal dentro de la jurisdicción
del participante.


Lista de Relación entre Bloques Censales y Hojas de Mapas de la Fase de Información —
identifica la hoja u hojas matrices de los mapas de formato grande donde se ubica cada bloque
censal. Este producto es para participantes que seleccionaron mapas impresos o mapas
impresos/Portable Document Format (PDF). Este producto se ordena conforme al número de
sector censal y al número de bloque censal, en orden ascendente.


Mapas de la Fase de Información — pueden incluir actualizaciones en los rasgos proporcionadas
por la entidad que los envíe, otros participantes de LUCA y/o otras actualizaciones que encontró
la Oficina del Censo durante otras operaciones del censo. La Oficina del Censo proporciona
mapas o shapefiles en el formato final seleccionado para los materiales de la Fase de Revisión de
o Mapas impresos de formato grande — mapas impresos de formato grande (36" x 32") que
pueden incluir una o más hojas, para los participantes que seleccionaron mapas impresos o
mapas impresos/PDF. Se incluye un PDF agrupado de los mapas impresos de formato
grande para los participantes que usan mapas impresos/PDF. Consulte el documento D2032(SP) - Guía para los Participantes del Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones
Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020; Formato de la Lista Digital de Direcciones para
obtener detalles sobre estos materiales.
o Mapas en formato PDF — archivos proporcionados en un DVD que contienen mapas de
bloques de formato pequeño de tamaño legal (8.5" x 14"), incluyendo puntos en el mapa
protegidos por el Título 13 (coordinadas de las estructuras de las direcciones que muestran
la ubicación de las direcciones residenciales) para los participantes que seleccionaron los
mapas impresos/PDF.
o Shapefiles — creados del sistema de Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF)/Codificación y
Referencia Geográficas Integradas Topológicamente (TIGER) (MAF/TIGER) para participantes
que seleccionaron mapas digitales o Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
(Software de Colaboración para la Actualización Geográfica). A estos archivos también se los
conoce como TIGER Partnership shapefiles (archivos de colaboración en formato shapefile
de TIGER).


Materiales de referencia/instrucción — incluyen la(s) Guía(s) para los Participantes para la Fase
de Información, Guía(s) de Inicio Rápido, Informe Resumido Sobre la Actualización de la Fase de
Direcciones, varios formularios y archivo(s) readme. Para los participantes que usan materiales
digitales, los distintos materiales se incluyen en formato digital en el DVD y en el sitio web de
LUCA en .
Además de ser incluido en formato digital en el DVD, los documentos de Inicio Rápido y Informe
Resumido Sobre la Actualización de Direcciones se incluye como material impreso en el paquete
de materiales de la Fase de Información.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Nombres de los Archivos y Estructura de los DVD de los Materiales de la
Fase de Información

Los materiales digitales del Fase de Información llegan en DVD de acuerdo con el formato final
usado en la Fase de Revisión de LUCA.3 Un DVD es el “Title 13 Data Disc” (Disco con Datos
Protegidos por el Título 13) que contiene la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información y el segundo (si corresponde) es el "Non-Title 13 Data Disc" (Disco sin Datos
Protegidos por el Título 13). Las siguientes tres secciones describen la información contenida en
cada disco para los tres formatos de lista digital de direcciones y productos de mapas. Los
detalles de los materiales se encuentran en el Capítulo 2.


Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Impresos en Formato Grande/PDF

Los participantes que seleccionaron la preferencia de producto de lista digital de direcciones y
mapas impresos de formato grande/PDF reciben un DVD, el Title 13 Data Disc. Este DVD
contiene copias de los mapas de formato grande junto con otra información sobre los mapas de
formato grande, y también los mapas de bloques de formato pequeño junto con otra
información relacionada con los mapas de bloques de formato pequeño en la carpeta “maps”, e
incluye la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información de la Oficina del Censo,
protegida por el Título 13, en la carpeta “shape”. El DVD también tiene archivos en el directorio

La carpeta “maps” contiene:
o 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe. Requiere la misma contraseña que se usó para extraer la Lista
Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información para abrir y descomprimir este archivo.
 Extrae LUCAF20BLK_.pdf (mapas de bloques de formato pequeño de la
fase de información de LUCA, pdf agrupados) una vez que se realiza la extracción
exitosamente. Estos son los bloques actuales de tabulación del 2010 dentro de la
entidad del participante.
 Extrae BlockInfo_LUCAF20.txt – este es un archivo de texto
delimitado por punto y coma basado en la entidad, que incluye información básica para
cada bloque en la entidad del participante.
 Extrae BlockMap_Legend_LUCAF20.pdf – esta es la leyenda para los mapas de bloques
de formato pequeño.
o ReadMe.txt – contiene una declaración con respecto al uso de Adobe® Reader® o Acrobat®
Professional para abrir correctamente y ver los mapas en formato pdf. Descargue el
software gratis de formato de documento portátil (PDF) en
o About_the_maps.pdf – contiene consejos para usar los mapas de bloques de formato
pequeño e incluye una breve descripción de los tipos de mapa y archivos suplementarios.
También incluye consejos para imprimir mapas de bloques de formato pequeño.
o LUCAF20.pdf – contiene un archivo .pdf agrupado de los mapas
impresos de formato grande.

Algunos participantes pueden tener dificultades para extraer los materiales del disco de datos debido a derechos administrativos,
bloqueadores de aplicaciones, o programas antivirus o de seguridad. Se recomienda a los participantes que primero se comuniquen con
el personal de tecnología de la información de sus propias organizaciones, y que después se comuniquen con el Centro de Ayuda de LUCA
si los problemas persisten.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt – contiene una lista de todos los bloques dentro
de la jurisdicción del participante y los números de hoja o cuadrícula que identifican la hoja
matriz de formato grande donde se encuentra el bloque. El archivo tiene formato de texto
delimitado por punto y coma.


La carpeta “shape” contiene:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use la contraseña que se le envió por separado de
los materiales de la Fase de Información para abrir este archivo comprimido y cifrado.
 Cuando se extrae, se convierte en 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv.


El directorio raíz contiene materiales no protegidos por el Título 13:
o FB_Readmefirst5.txt – proporciona explicaciones detalladas de las carpetas y archivos que
hay en el disco.
o 020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – esta es la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones
de la Fase de Información.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf – este es un archivo en formato de
documento portátil (PDF) del Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase
de Información impreso que resume el procesamiento que realizó la Oficina del Censo en los
registros de direcciones enviados por participantes durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf – este es un archivo en formato de
documento portátil (PDF) de este documento, el D-2232(SP) - Guía para los Participantes
para la Fase de Información y las Apelaciones del Programa de Actualización Local de
Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020; Instrucciones para los Participantes que
usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones: Puerto Rico.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf – este es el D-2240(SP) - Guía Digital de Inicio
Rápido para la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Contiene información
general sobre los DVD y el uso de los archivos incluidos en los DVD y sirve como resumen
breve para comenzar a usar estos materiales.
o _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf – este es el D-2005(SP) - Formulario de Contrato
de Confidencialidad que se debe usar si se actualizan los revisores o el enlace.
o _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf – este es el D-2012(SP) - Formulario de Destrucción o
Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 que se debe usar para confirmar la
destrucción (preferido) o devolución de todos los materiales protegidos por el Título 13,
conforme a lo requerido por ley, luego de que concluya LUCA para el Censo del 2020.


Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales

Los participantes que seleccionaron la preferencia de producto de lista digital de direcciones y
mapas digitales reciben dos discos de datos: el Title 13 Data Disc y el Non-Title 13 Data Disc, y
un disco de instalación sin cargo del Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).
El DVD Title 13 Data Disc contiene la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información de
la Oficina del Censo en la carpeta “shape”.

La carpeta “shape” contiene:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe. Use la contraseña que se le envió por separado de
los materiales para abrir este archivo comprimido y cifrado.
 Cuando se lo extrae, se convierte en

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


El DVD Non-Title 13 Data Disc contiene los shapefiles y la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información en la carpeta “shape”, y materiales suplementarios en el directorio raíz.



La carpeta “shape” contiene:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe. No se requiere una contraseña para extraer este
 Extrae los shapefiles, una carpeta para el estado (por ejemplo, el Estado Libre Asociado)
y una para el municipio o los municipios.
 Extrae el archivo 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv – esta es la Lista de
Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información.


El directorio raíz contiene:
o FB_Readmefirst6.txt – proporciona explicaciones detalladas de las carpetas y archivos que
hay en ambos DVD.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report_pr.pdf – este es un archivo en formato de
documento portátil (PDF) del Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase
de Información impreso que resume el procesamiento que realizó la Oficina del Censo en los
registros de direcciones enviados por participantes durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide_pr.pdf – este es un archivo en formato de
documento portátil (PDF) de este documento, el D-2232(SP) - Guía para los Participantes
para la Fase de Información y las Apelaciones del Programa de Actualización Local de
Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020; Instrucciones para los Participantes que
usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones: Puerto Rico.
o 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf – este es el documento D-2233 - Guía para los
Participantes para la Fase de Información y las Apelaciones del Programa de Actualización
Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020; Instrucciones para los
Participantes de Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital_pr.pdf – este es el D-2240(SP) - Guía Digital de Inicio
Rápido para la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Contiene información
general sobre los DVD y el uso de los archivos incluidos en los DVD y sirve como resumen
breve para comenzar a usar estos materiales.
o 2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf – este es el D-2242 - Guía de Inicio Rápido de GUPS
para la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Incluye información general
sobre el uso de los archivos incluidos en los DVD. Sirve como resumen breve para comenzar
a usar el software de GUPS.
o _D2005_Confidentiality_pr.pdf – este es el D-2005(SP) - Formulario de Contrato
de Confidencialidad que se debe usar si se actualizan los revisores o el enlace.
o _D2012_Destruction_pr.pdf – este es el D-2012(SP) - Formulario de Destrucción o
Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 que se debe usar para confirmar la
destrucción (preferido) o devolución de todos los materiales protegidos por el Título 13,
conforme a lo requerido por ley, luego de que concluya LUCA para el Censo del 2020.

Cómo Crear Copias de Trabajo de los Archivos Digitales de LUCA

Las instrucciones en esta sección duplican la información del documento D-2240(SP) - Guía
Digital de Inicio Rápido para la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Use esta
sección o el Inicio Rápido para comenzar a revisar los materiales de la Fase de Información de
LUCA. La Oficina del Censo recomienda hacer una copia de todos los archivos de los DVD y
guardarlos en el disco duro de una computadora local que cumpla con las Normas de
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Confidencialidad y Seguridad. Para mantener organizado el trabajo, cree una carpeta nueva o
un directorio nuevo en el disco duro de esa computadora local que cumpla con las normas. La
Figura 1 muestra un ejemplo de una carpeta creada recientemente para un participante que
usa la Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales. Hasta que concluya LUCA para el Censo del
2020, mantenga los materiales del DVD en una ubicación segura en caso sea necesario
Materiales de Direcciones Protegidos por el Título 13 (todos los participantes que usan
direcciones digitales)

Inserte el DVD Title 13 Data Disc.


Si hay archivos en el directorio raíz del DVD además de la carpeta "shape”, copie esos archivos a
la carpeta nueva en la computadora local.4


Haga doble clic en la carpeta llamada “shape”.


Después de que se abra la carpeta, haga clic con el botón derecho en el archivo llamado
2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe y seleccione Copy (copiar).


Abra la carpeta nueva en la computadora local. Haga clic derecho y seleccione Paste(pegar).


En la carpeta nueva, haga doble clic en 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe.


Se abre una ventana de línea de comandos. Escriba la contraseña que la Oficina del Censo le
envió por separado de sus materiales. La contraseña no aparece en la pantalla a medida que se
ingresa. Luego de que se ingrese la contraseña correcta, la ventana muestra el progreso de la
extracción y se cierra al finalizar. Tenga en cuenta que si su jurisdicción no recibió la carta con la
contraseña o si se extravía la contraseña, debe llamar al (844) 344-0169 o enviar un correo
electrónico a [email protected] para recibir ayuda.
o La Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información protegida por el Título 13 se
extrae a la carpeta nueva con el nombre de archivo


Para abrir correctamente la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información, vea la
Sección 1.4, en este capítulo.

IMPORTANTE: No haga doble clic en el archivo .csv. Hacerlo dañará varios campos en el archivo.

Materiales de Mapas Protegidos por el Título 13 (para participantes que usan la lista digital de
direcciones y mapas impresos en formato grande/PDF)

Con el Title 13 Data Disc DVD aún en la computadora, Copy (copie) y Paste (pegue) la carpeta
“maps” a la carpeta nueva en la computadora local.


Abra la carpeta nueva. Haga doble clic en 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe.


Se abre una ventana de línea de comandos. Escriba la misma contraseña usada para extraer la
Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información. Como en la extracción anterior de la
Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información, la contraseña no aparece en la
pantalla a medida que se ingresa. Luego de que se ingrese la contraseña correcta, la ventana
muestra el progreso de la extracción y se cierra al finalizar.

Los materiales del directorio raíz en el DVD Title 13 Data Disc existen solo para participantes que reciben mapas impresos y en formato
PDF porque ellos reciben solo un DVD con los materiales de la Fase de Información. Estos materiales específicos se mencionan en las
Secciones 1.2.1 y 1.2.2.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Los mapas de bloques en PDF de formato pequeño protegidos por el Título 13 se extraen a la
carpeta nueva con archivos llamados LUCAF20BLK_.pdf.

Materiales no Protegidos por el Título 13 (para participantes que usan la lista digital de
direcciones y mapas digitales)

Quite el DVD Title 13 Data Disc y coloque el DVD Non-Title 13 Data Disc.


Copy (copie) y Paste (pegue) la carpeta “shape” y todos los archivos raíz del directorio DVD a la
carpeta nueva en la computadora local.


Abra la carpeta “shape” dentro de la carpeta nueva en la computadora local y haga doble clic en
2020LUCA __FB_DISK2of2.exe.


Se abre una ventana de línea de comandos que muestra el progreso de la extracción de los
archivos y se cierra al finalizar. No es necesaria una contraseña para extraer este archivo.
o Los mapas digitales (shapefiles) y la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información, 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv, se extraen con la ejecución
de este archivo. Los shapefiles se extraen en las respectivas carpetas de estado y municipio.

Figura 1. Participantes que usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales - Ejemplo de una
Carpeta Nueva en una Computadora Local


Cómo Convertir Archivos de Texto Delimitados por Comas

Los archivos .csv anteriormente descritos son archivos de texto delimitado por comas. La
mayoría de los programas comerciales de hoja de cálculos y base de datos pueden abrir
archivos .csv files (por ejemplo, Microsoft® Excel®, Microsoft Access®, etc.). 5 Sin embargo, para
leer correctamente el contenido de los archivos, los participantes tienen que importar los

La Oficina del Censo no endosa ni recomienda el uso de ningún software específico para ver sus archivos. Los nombres de los programas
que se incluyen aquí son solo ejemplos de programas que pueden leer archivos digitales.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


archivos en vez de abrirlos. El siguiente conjunto de viñetas usan Excel 2016 para describir el
modo correcto de abrir archivos .csv.6

Abra una hoja de cálculo nueva de Excel.


Seleccione la pestaña “Data”. Haga clic en "Get external data" (Obtener datos de otras fuentes).
Seleccione “From Text” (Desde el texto).


Navegue a la carpeta en la computadora local que contenga la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de
la Fase de Información y haga clic en el archivo.


Cuando se resalte el archivo, seleccione “Import” (Importar) en la parte inferior de la pantalla.


Se abre la ventana “Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3” (Asistente para Importar Texto - Paso 1
de 3) en Excel; marque la casilla “My data has headers” (Mis datos tienen encabezados) y
seleccione “Next” (Siguiente).


En Step 2 of 3, seleccione “Comma” para Delimitadores. Desde el menú desplegable "Text
qualifier" (Calificador de texto), seleccione "{none}" (ninguno). Seleccione “Next” en la parte
inferior de la pantalla.


En Step 3 of 3, mantenga presionada la tecla "Shift" (Mayúsculas) y desplácese hasta el final de
las columnas. Las columnas se resaltarán en negro.


Seleccione el botón de opción “Text”. Defina todos los tipos de campo como Texto, incluso los
campos numéricos como el número de sector censal, número de bloque censal, GEOID
(identificación geográfica), ZIP Code (código postal), etc. para tener en cuenta los ceros iniciales
que son importantes para una geocodificación precisa.


Haga clic en "Finish" (Finalizar) en la parte inferior de la ventana.

Una vez que se abra el archivo .csv, siga el diseño de los registros de la Tabla 3 para asignar
nombres y definir los tamaños de los campos dentro de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información.

Téngase en cuenta que las instrucciones para importar los archivos .csv difieren en función del sistema operativo y la versión del
software que se usen. Es probable que existan pequeñas variaciones entre estas instrucciones y otras versiones de Microsoft Excel.
Consulte el manual del usuario para obtener instrucciones.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020




Este capítulo proporciona información sobre el contenido de cada material de la fase de
información y establece la base para realizar una revisión de los materiales. Dedica una sección
a describir los detallados códigos de procesamiento de la fase de información y a identificar
cuáles registros son elegibles para la apelación en función de su código de procesamiento de la
fase de información.


Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de

La Oficina del Censo proporciona una copia impresa del D-2201(SP) - Informe Resumen de la
Actualización de Direcciones de la Fase de Información a los participantes con el paquete de
materiales de la fase de información e incluye una copia en formato de documento portátil
(PDF) en DVD. El informe resume el procesamiento que realizó la Oficina del Censo en los
registros de direcciones enviados por los participantes durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA. EL
informe muestra la suma de las acciones que realizó la Oficina del Censo para todas las
actualizaciones de direcciones que enviaron los participantes y el número total de registros de
direcciones en la lista de direcciones original del Censo que fueron eliminadas por una
operación del censo distinta o por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA. Vea la Figura 2
para consultar un ejemplo del informe.
La Sección "A" del informe contiene el número total de registros de direcciones enviados a la
Oficina del Censo para la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, el número total de registros de direcciones
enviados que fueron procesados y el número total de registros de direcciones enviados sin la
información requerida y que no fueron procesados. Entre las direcciones no procesadas se
encuentran aquellas con códigos de acción en blanco o inválidos, direcciones enviadas sin
información geográfica tal como las coordinadas de latitud y longitud, o direcciones de estilo
rural sin un punto en el mapa o coordinadas de latitud y longitud. El número total de registros
de direcciones de los participantes enviados para el procesamiento (por ejemplo, 100) equivale
al número total de registros de direcciones procesados (por ejemplo, 91) y el número total de
registros de direcciones no procesados (por ejemplo, 9).
IMPORTANTE: El número total de registros de direcciones enviados que fueron procesados por la
Oficina del Censo (por ejemplo, 91 registros en el caso de la Figura 2) equivale al
número de registros que aparecen en la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de

La Sección "B" del informe muestra los totales de las acciones realizadas por la Oficina del
Censo para todos los registros de direcciones enviados con códigos de acción válidos y puntos
en el mapa/coordinadas (o geocódigos). El número total de registros de direcciones aceptados
según lo solicitado (por ejemplo, 61) y el número total de registros de direcciones no aceptados
según lo solicitado (por ejemplo, 30) equivale al número total de registros de direcciones
enviados y procesados (por ejemplo, 91) como se muestra en la Sección "A" del informe.
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


La Sección "C" del informe contiene los registros de direcciones sobre los cuales no se hicieron
comentarios y que fueron eliminados de la original Lista de Direcciones del Censo por otra
operación del censo o por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA. Consulte la Sección
2.2.1 para obtener información sobre estos registros eliminados.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Figura 2. D-2201(SP) - Ejemplo del Informe Resumen de la Actualización de Direcciones de

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información

La Oficina del Censo proporciona la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información a
los participantes como parte de los materiales de la fase de información para que vean la
resolución de cada registro de dirección enviado que fue procesado por la Oficina del Censo.
Los participantes usan la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información para
determinar cuáles registros de direcciones son elegibles para la apelación e indicarlos
acordemente. Este material muestra todas las actualizaciones a los registros de direcciones
utilizables enviadas por el participante, procesadas por la Oficina del Censo, y un código de
procesamiento de la fase de información que identifica una acción específica que se realizó en
ese registro de dirección. Además, la lista contiene todas las direcciones que estaban en la Lista
de Direcciones del Censo del participante durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA pero que fueron
eliminadas con posterioridad por otra operación del censo u otro nivel de gobierno que
participa en LUCA.
Cada registro de dirección tiene una longitud máxima de 941 caracteres y contiene 32 campos
de información. La Tabla 3 muestra la longitud máxima de cada campo, el nombre del campo y
una descripción del campo.
IMPORTANTE: La Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información es el único material editable
de la Fase de Información de LUCA y el campo “APPEAL_FLAG” en la Lista Detallada de
Direcciones de la Fase de Información es el único campo editable.

Durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, si los participantes determinaron que la Lista de
Direcciones del Censo era correcta, no tenían actualizaciones a las direcciones, y devolvieron el
formulario D-2079(SP) – No Hay Actualizaciones ni Cambios en las Direcciones o el formulario D2084(SP) – Plazo Límite de Envío indicando que querían recibir los materiales de la Fase de
Información de LUCA, el archivo con su Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
contiene solo las direcciones eliminadas por otra operación del censo u otro nivel de gobierno
que participa en LUCA. Si no se eliminaron direcciones desde la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, la
Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información estará en blanco. Un suplemento
impreso, el D-2282(SP), mencionado como nota al pie en la Sección 1.1, explica el archivo en
blanco y les notifica que no tienen direcciones elegibles para la apelación.
Tabla 3: Nombres de Campos y Descripciones de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
máximo de


Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Field Name (Nombre del


Nombre del



Número asignado a cada registro de
dirección que se encuentra en el envío

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


máximo de







Field Name (Nombre del




Nombre del



Número de control único asignado a
cada dirección que hay en el Archivo
Maestro de Direcciones (MAF). Este
valor coincidirá con el valor de
LINE_NUMBER para R03, registros
elegibles para la apelación. Esto
permite el rastreo de registros que no
tengan un MAFID asignado.


Campo en blanco para que el
participante indique una dirección que
se apelará, asignándole una "Y". Este
es el único campo editable en el


Código de acción enviado por el
participante, durante la Fase de
Revisión de LUCA, para actualizar una
dirección: A, C, D, J, N.





Códigos de procesamiento de
información que identifica la acción
específica que la Oficina del Censo
realizó en cada actualización de
dirección enviada por el participante:
A01, A02, A03, R01, R02, R03, X01.





Número único asignado por la Oficina
del Censo a cada entidad.





Código FIPS de estado de dos dígitos
para su jurisdicción. Por ejemplo, 72.





Código FIPS de condado de tres dígitos
para su jurisdicción. Por ejemplo, 035.


Consiste en seis dígitos con un decimal
entre el cuarto y el quinto dígito, que
consiste en un número con una base
de 4 dígitos, incluyendo ceros iniciales,
y un sufijo numérico de 2 dígitos, con
ceros finales. Por ejemplo, 2602.02 y


Número de bloque de cuatro dígitos de
la tabulación del Censo del 2010. A los
bloques censales se les asigna un
número único de 0000 a 9999 dentro
de un sector censal, y se agrupan
dentro de un municipio y un estado. El
primer dígito del número de bloque
censal identifica el grupo del bloque.





Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.



Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


máximo de









Field Name (Nombre del

Nombre del



Combinación de 15 dígitos del código
FIPS del estado, código FIPS del
municipio, sector y bloque, por
ejemplo, 720352602021002.


Muestra una ‘G’ si la dirección es un
alojamiento de grupo, una 'T' si la
dirección es un lugar transitorio y nada
si la dirección es una unidad de


Número de dirección asignado, solo o
junto con un prefijo del número de la
dirección o un sufijo del número de la
dirección que identifica una ubicación
junto a una vía pública o dentro de una



Nombre completo de la calle o
carretera. El nombre oficial de una vía
pública tal cual fue asignado por una
autoridad gubernamental o el nombre
alternativo (alias) que se usa y se
Descriptor o identificador dentro de la
estructura. Descriptor o identificador
dentro de la estructura.












Código postal de 5 dígitos para las
direcciones de correo de estilo urbano.





Nombre del vecindario o conjunto de





Nombre del complejo (RESIDENCIAL)
de apartamentos, condominios o
vivienda pública.





Descriptor e identificador del edificio.


Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de barrio (BO), sector
(SEC), barriada (BDA), comunidad
(COM) o parcela (PARC) con el nombre


Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de sector (SEC), barriada
(BDA), comunidad (COM) o parcela
(PARC) con el área geográfica.





Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.



Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


máximo de

Field Name (Nombre del

Nombre del






Número de kilómetro/hectómetro.





Nombre del alojamiento de grupo.





Nombre de la instalación de
alojamiento de grupo.





Descripción de la ubicación y
características físicas de un





Ruta rural y número de apartado o ruta
de contrato por carreteras y número
de apartado.





Código postal de 5 dígitos del Servicio
Postal de los Estados Unidos para
direcciones de correo de estilo rural.



Número único asignado por la Oficina
del Censo para cada punto en el mapa
dentro de un bloque. La numeración
vuelve a empezar en cada bloque.


Latitud de estructura de dirección, que
se completa solo si la Oficina del Censo
ha captado un punto de estructura
para la dirección.


Longitud de estructura de dirección,
que se completa solo si la Oficina del
Censo ha captado un punto de
estructura para la dirección.













Indicador de dirección de estilo urbano
o rural. Muestra “Y” para direcciones
de estilo urbano y “N” para direcciones
de estilo rural.





En blanco. Solo para uso del Personal
de Apelaciones.

Para facilitar la revisión de los participantes del material de información, la Oficina del Censo
proporciona el archivo de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información ordenado
en función del siguiente orden del campo FEEDBACK_CODE: X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, y
R02. Dentro de cada código de procesamiento de información, el campo GEOID proporciona
otro nivel de orden. Realizar esta doble ordenación coloca a los registros elegibles para la
apelación al principio del archivo, a la vez que se retiene una organización geográfica para los
registros de direcciones.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Entendiendo los Códigos de Procesamiento de la Fase de Información

Los códigos de procesamiento de la fase de información en la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de
la Fase de Información indican los resultados del procesamiento por parte de la Oficina del
Censo de los registros de los participantes que se enviaron durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA.
La Tabla 4 identifica el código de procesamiento de la fase de información asignado a los
registros enviados por un participante. La segunda columna indica si el código es elegible para
la apelación. La tercera columna da el resultado de la Oficina del Censo con respecto al
procesamiento, incluyendo información sobre la aceptación o rechazo de la actualización del
participante y la decisión de incluir o excluir la dirección del Censo del 2020.
Tabla 4: Códigos de Procesamiento de la Fase de Información
Código de

para la




Dirección FUERA del Censo: La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta
dirección del Censo del 2020 para su jurisdicción. Esta
dirección no se actualizó como parte de su revisión de LUCA,
sino que fue eliminada de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo del
2020 por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA u otra
operación del censo.



Dirección FUERA del Censo: La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta
dirección del Censo del 2020 para su jurisdicción y rechaza su
actualización de LUCA.


Dirección EN el Censo, Mismo Bloque: La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para su
jurisdicción en el mismo bloque y acepta su actualización de



Dirección EN el Censo, Distinto Bloque: La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para su
jurisdicción en un bloque distinto y acepta su actualización de



Dirección FUERA del Censo: La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta
dirección del Censo del 2020 para su jurisdicción y acepta su
actualización de LUCA.


Dirección EN el Censo, Mismo Bloque: La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para su
jurisdicción en el mismo bloque y rechaza su actualización de


Dirección EN el Censo, Distinto Bloque: La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para su
jurisdicción en un bloque distinto y rechaza su actualización
de LUCA.




El campo FEEDBACK_CODE de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
contiene un código que especifica si la Oficina del Censo aceptó o rechazó la acción enviada por
el participante. Por ejemplo, A01, A02 y A03 indican que la Oficina del Censo aceptó la
actualización de la dirección. Estos tres códigos de procesamiento de información no son
elegibles para la apelación. Los registros A01 y A02 permanecen en el universo de enumeración
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


del Censo del 2020 y por lo tanto no son elegibles para la apelación, mientras que el código A03
refleja una actualización aceptada que excluye a una dirección del universo de enumeración del
Censo del 2020 (es decir, acciones de LUCA aceptadas “D”, “N” y “J”).
Los tres códigos de procesamiento de la fase de información que empiezan con "R"(R01, R02 y
R03) indican que la Oficina del Censo rechazó las direcciones actualizadas. Solo el código R03 es
elegible para la apelación. Los registros con R01 y R02 permanecen en el universo de
enumeración del Censo del 2020 y por lo tanto no son elegibles para la apelación.
Además de los registros enviados por un participante, la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información puede incluir direcciones que estaban en la Lista de Direcciones del Censo
durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA (sobre la cual el participante no envió comentarios), pero
que fueron eliminadas por otra operación del censo u otro nivel de gobierno que participa en
LUCA. Estas direcciones reciben un código de procesamiento de la fase de información X01 y
son elegibles para la apelación.
IMPORTANTE: Solo las direcciones a las que se asignan códigos de procesamiento de información X01 o
R03 son elegibles para la apelación porque no son parte del universo de enumeración
del Censo del 2020.


Ejemplos de Códigos de Procesamiento de Fase de Información

Esta sección proporciona solo algunos ejemplos para cada código de procesamiento de la fase
de información. Documenta las situaciones más comunes que surgen durante el procesamiento
de los envíos de la Fase de Revisión de LUCA por parte de la Oficina del Censo. Esta lista de
ejemplos no es una lista completa de todos los escenarios que llevan a la asignación de códigos
de procesamiento de comentarios.
X01 – La dirección se quitó del Censo del 2020. La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta dirección del
Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante. Otro nivel de gobierno que participa en
LUCA u otra operación del censo eliminó esta dirección. Esta dirección no se actualizó como
parte del trabajo que se realizó en la Fase de Revisión de LUCA. (Elegible para la apelación.)

Si el Estado Libre Asociado eliminó un registro sobre el cual ningún municipio realizó
comentarios, entonces el municipio afectado vería esta dirección con el código X01.


Si un participante no actualizó la dirección sino que la actualización de otra operación del censo
la eliminó, el participante vería la dirección con el código X01.

R03 – La dirección no está en el Censo del 2020. La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta dirección del
Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante y rechaza la actualización de LUCA. (Elegible
para la apelación.)

El participante añade una dirección (una acción de código A) a un sector donde no hay evidencia
de que haya viviendas, o el procesamiento de la Oficina del Censo determina que la dirección no
es residencial. La Oficina del Censo rechaza la acción de código A y la excluye del universo de
enumeración del Censo del 2020. Esta acción recibiría un código R03. El participante puede
apelar para que se incluya el registro de dirección en el universo de enumeración del Censo del


El Estado Libre Asociado corrige (acción de código C) el geocódigo de una dirección, pero el
municipio participante marca la misma dirección como no residencial (acción de código N). La

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Oficina del Censo acepta la acción del municipio participante, quita el registro de dirección del
universo de enumeración del Censo del 2020 y asigna el código A03 al registro del municipio
participante. El Estado Libre Asociado recibe el código A03 en su acción C y puede apelar el
registro de dirección para que se lo reincorpore al universo de enumeración del Censo del 2020.

A01 – La dirección se encuentra en el Censo del 2020 en el mismo bloque. La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante en el mismo
bloque y acepta la actualización de LUCA. (No es elegible para la apelación.)

El participante añade una dirección (acción de código A) y la Oficina del Censo la acepta donde
dice el participante.


El participante actualizó un nombre de calle o un geocódigo (acción de código C) y la Oficina del
Censo está de acuerdo.

A02 – La dirección se encuentra en el Censo del 2020 en un bloque distinto. La Oficina del
Censo incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante en un
bloque distinto y acepta la actualización de LUCA. (No es elegible para la apelación.)

El participante añade una dirección (acción de código A) y la Oficina del Censo la acepta en un
bloque distinto. Esta acción recibiría un código A02.


El participante envía un registro de dirección para que se lo añada (acción de código A). La
Oficina del Censo ya tiene la misma dirección en un bloque distinto dentro de la jurisdicción del
participante. Esta acción recibiría un código A02.


El participante actualizó un nombre de calle o un geocódigo (acción de código C) y la Oficina del
Censo la acepta en un bloque distinto. Esta acción recibiría un código A02.

A03 – La dirección no está en el Censo del 2020. La Oficina del Censo excluirá esta dirección del
Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante y acepta la actualización de LUCA. (No es
elegible para la apelación.)

El participante envió una dirección para que se la eliminara (acción de código D) porque ya no
existe y la Oficina del Censo está de acuerdo de que la dirección ya no existe. La Oficina del
Censo excluirá esta dirección del Censo del 2020. Esta acción recibiría un código A03.


El participante dijo que el edificio no era residencial (acción de código N) y el Archivo Maestro
de Direcciones (MAF) de la Oficina del Censo está de acuerdo en que el registro es comercial.
Esta acción recibiría un código A03.


El participante dijo que la dirección está fuera de su jurisdicción (acción de código J), una
jurisdicción adyacente añadió el mismo registro (acción de código A) y la Oficina del Censo está
de acuerdo con la acción de código A en la jurisdicción adyacente. La acción J recibiría un código
A03. La acción A recibiría un código A01 o un código A02.

R01 – La dirección se encuentra en el Censo del 2020 en el mismo bloque. La Oficina del Censo
incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante en el mismo
bloque y rechaza la actualización de LUCA. (No es elegible para la apelación.)

El participante envió un registro de dirección de un alojamiento de grupo con un número de
unidad de un apartamento (acción de código A) y la Oficina del Censo rechaza el nuevo registro
de dirección como no válido. La Oficina del Censo enumerará el alojamiento de grupo en la

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


dirección principal en el mismo bloque que envió el participante.7 Esta acción recibiría un código

El participante usó inadecuadamente la acción de código C para cambiar un número de casa o
un identificador dentro de la estructura (WSID), ambos campos que no se pueden editar. El
participante debía enviar esta información como combinaciones de añadir/eliminar en vez de
cambiar el número de casa o el WSID. Esta acción recibiría un código R01.


El participante envió la dirección para su eliminación (acción de código D) y el registro es una
dirección residencial válida y conocida del USPS Delivery Sequence File (DSF) (Archivo de
Secuencia de Entrega del Servicio Postal de los EE. UU.). Esta acción recibiría un código R01.


El participante envió la dirección como no residencial (acción de código N) y el registro es una
dirección residencial válida y conocida del USPS DSF. Esta acción recibiría un código R01.


El participante envió la dirección como fuera de su jurisdicción (acción de código J) y el registro
es una dirección residencial válida y conocida en su jurisdicción del USPS DSF. Esta acción
recibiría un código R01.

R02 – La dirección se encuentra en el Censo del 2020 en un bloque distinto. La Oficina del
Censo incluirá esta dirección en el Censo del 2020 para la jurisdicción del participante en un
bloque distinto y rechaza la actualización de LUCA. (No es elegible para la apelación.)



El participante envió un cambio de geocódigo (acción de código C) y la Oficina del Censo rechaza
el nuevo geocódigo, manteniéndolo en la ubicación original. Esta acción recibiría un código R02.


El participante envió un cambio de geocódigo (acción de código C) y la Oficina del Censo elije
"tercer bloque" (lo que quiere decir que el lugar no está donde estaba en los materiales de la
Fase de Revisión de LUCA NI donde dice el participante, sino que mueve el registro a un tercer
bloque). Esta acción recibiría un código R02.


Este ejemplo comprende dos o más jurisdicciones. El Estado Libre Asociado envió una acción de
código D, pero un municipio envió un cambio de geocódigo (acción de código C) para la misma
dirección. La Oficina del Censo rechazaría la acción de código D del Estado Libre Asociado y
mantendría a la dirección en el Censo del 2020 en un bloque distinto, el que envió el municipio.
La acción del Estado Libre Asociado recibiría un código R02. La acción del municipio recibiría un
código A01.


El participante envió la dirección como no residencial (acción de código N) y el registro es una
dirección no residencial válida en otro bloque. Esta acción recibiría un código R02.


El participante envió la dirección como fuera de su jurisdicción (acción de código J) y el registro
es una dirección residencial válida en un bloque distinto dentro de su jurisdicción. Esta acción
recibiría un código R02.

Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información

La Oficina del Censo proporciona la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información a
los participantes para mostrar el cambio en las sumas de las direcciones residenciales por
bloque entre la Fase de Revisión de LUCA y la Fase de Información de LUCA. El archivo contiene
las sumas de la Fase de Revisión de LUCA de las direcciones residenciales (unidades de vivienda
y alojamientos de grupo) que había en la Lista de Direcciones del Censo del participante y el
Si el bloque fuera distinto, este registro recibiría el código de procesamiento R02.
Durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, la Oficina del Censo solicitó solo la dirección principal, el nombre del alojamiento de grupo y el
nombre de la instalación (si corresponde) de los registros de alojamientos de grupo porque las operaciones de enumeración de
alojamientos de grupo enumeran la unidad principal, no cada unidad individual dentro del alojamiento de grupo. Los registros que se
envían con información adicional, tal como la información de la unidad del apartamento, no son válidos.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


número actual de direcciones residenciales (unidades de vivienda y alojamientos de grupo) que
hay en la Lista de Direcciones del Censo para cada bloque censal dentro de la jurisdicción. Es
importante darse cuenta de que las diferencias en las sumas no indican que haya una falta de
cobertura. Podrían indicar un cambio en la geocodificación entre los bloques censales en su
jurisdicción. Las diferencias en las sumas también pueden ser el resultado del trabajo realizado
en otras operaciones del censo. No hay una conexión directa entre el cambio en las sumas de la
Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información y la elegibilidad para la apelación para
los registros individuales de direcciones en la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Cada registro de tiene una longitud máxima de 59 caracteres y contiene nueve campos de
información. La longitud de cada registro puede variar. La Tabla 5 muestra la longitud máxima
de cada campo, el nombre del campo y una descripción del campo.
Tabla 5: Nombres y Descripciones de los Campos de la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de
máximo de

Field Name (Nombre del

Nombre del campo






Código FIPS de estado de dos
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 72.





Código FIPS de estado de tres
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 035.


Consiste en un código de seis dígitos
con un decimal entre el cuarto y
quinto dígito, que consiste en un
número con una base de cuatro
dígitos, que incluye ceros iniciales,
más un sufijo numérico de dos
dígitos, con ceros finales. Por
ejemplo, 2602.02 y 0003.00



Número de bloque de tabulación de
cuatro dígitos del censo del 2010.
Los bloques censales están
numerados de forma única desde el
0000 al 9999 dentro de un sector
censal, que se encuentra dentro de
un estado y un condado. El primer
dígito del número de bloque censal
identifica el grupo del bloque.



Combinación de 15 dígitos de los
BLOCK por ejemplo,







Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


máximo de










Field Name (Nombre del





Nombre del campo



Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
unidades de vivienda residenciales
de acuerdo con los datos en el MAF
que se proporcionó con los
materiales originales de LUCA a los


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
unidades de vivienda residenciales
de acuerdo con los datos en el MAF
luego de procesar los envíos de
LUCA de los participantes y otras
operaciones del censo.


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
alojamientos de grupo residenciales
o lugares transitorios de acuerdo
con los datos en el MAF que se
proporcionó con los materiales
originales de LUCA a los


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
alojamientos de grupo residenciales
o lugares transitorios de acuerdo
con los datos en el MAF luego de
procesar los envíos de LUCA de los
participantes y otras operaciones
del censo.

Mapas Impresos, Mapas en Formato PDF y Shapefiles

La Oficina del Censo proporciona mapas impresos y/o mapas en formato PDF o Shapefiles
durante la fase de información, de acuerdo con el formato final que el participante seleccionó
para la Fase de Revisión de LUCA. Los participantes usan los mapas como referencia para la
geocodificación y para revisar las actualizaciones a los mapas enviadas durante la Fase de
Revisión de LUCA. Los mapas pueden incluir actualizaciones en los rasgos proporcionadas por la
entidad que los envíe, por otros participantes de LUCA y/o otras actualizaciones que haya
encontrado la Oficina del Censo durante otras operaciones del censo. Las leyendas de los
mapas tanto para los mapas de formato grande como para los mapas de bloques de formato
pequeño son muy similares a las leyendas usadas durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA, con
cambios menores en la simbología para indicar los registros de direcciones elegibles para la
apelación y los dos tipos de direcciones residenciales (unidades de vivienda y alojamientos de
grupo). Círculos azules o cuadrados azules, que representan unidades de vivienda o
alojamientos de grupo respectivamente, muestran los registros elegibles para la apelación,
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


mientras que símbolos grises del mismo estilo muestran registros que no son elegibles para la
apelación. Para ver ejemplos de un mapa de bloques de formato pequeño (por ejemplo, mapas
en formato PDF) con símbolos de mapa actualizados, consulte Figura 3 y Figura 4.
Para apoyar el uso de los mapas de formato grande, los participantes que usan la lista digital de
direcciones reciben una Lista de Relación entre Bloques Censales y Hojas de Mapas de la Fase
de Información que incluye a todos los bloques censales para la jurisdicción del participante y
la(s) hoja(s) del mapa donde se encuentra cada bloque censal. El orden es ascendente,
conforme al número de sector censal y al número de bloque censal. Los participantes pueden
abrir este archivo de texto delimitado por punto y coma usando un simple editor de texto como
WordPad o Notepad, o pueden importar el archivo a un software de hoja de cálculos tal como
Microsoft Excel.
Consulte el D-2032(SP) Guía para los Participantes del Programa de Actualización Local de
Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para el Censo del 2020, Formato de Lista Digital de Direcciones
para Puerto Rico que se incluye en los materiales de la Fase de Revisión de LUCA para obtener
detalles sobre los mapas de formato grande, los mapas de bloques de formato pequeño, los
shapefiles y la lista de relación entre bloques censales y hojas de mapas.9 Esta guía no repite
toda la información relacionada con los mapas que aparece en el D-2032(SP) debido a que los
materiales de la fase de información relacionados con los mapas son material de referencia solo
para fines de geocodificación. Encuentre una copia del D-2032(SP) en el sitio web de LUCA en
IMPORTANTE: Los participantes no pueden enviar actualizaciones a los mapas o a los shapefiles
durante la Fase de Información de LUCA debido a la programación operacional del
Censo del 2020.


El Capítulo 3, Los Mapas Impresos de LUCA y el Capítulo 5, TIGER Partnership Shapefiles proporcionan ejemplos e información
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Figura 3. Ejemplo de un Mapa de Bloques de Formato Pequeño de la Fase de Información de LUCA
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Figura 4. Ejemplo de un Mapa de Bloques de Formato Pequeño de la Fase de Información de LUCASección Ampliada

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020




Este capítulo proporciona información sobre el proceso de apelación de direcciones cuando se
revisan los materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. El aviso del
Registro Federal con respecto al Proceso de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 es la
base de gran parte del contenido de este capítulo. Se incluye una copia del aviso del Registro
Federal en el paquete de materiales de información y también se la puede encontrar en el sitio
web de LUCA en .
La Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 recomienda encarecidamente usar el
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) de la Oficina del Censo para presentar una
apelación. El uso de esta herramienta simplifica el trabajo de presentación de la apelación. Los
participantes pueden usar GUPS para revisar los materiales de información y apelar las
direcciones aunque no lo hayan usado para su envío de LUCA durante la Fase de Revisión. En
los materiales para los participantes que usan la Lista Digital de Direcciones se incluyen un DVD
para la instalación del software de GUPS y una guía para los participantes, si un participante
digital desea usar GUPS.



Para asegurar que los gobiernos tribales, estatales y locales que participan de LUCA para el
Censo del 2020 tengan un medio para apelar las determinaciones de la Oficina del Censo, la Ley
del 1994 para Mejorar la Lista de Direcciones Censales requiere que el Administrador de la
Oficina de Información y Asuntos Regulatorios (OIRA) de la OMB, actuando a través del Jefe de
Estadística y en colaboración con la Oficina del Censo, desarrolle un Proceso de Apelación al
establecer una entidad federal temporal, la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del
2020. Esta oficina resolverá los desacuerdos que queden luego de que los gobiernos
participantes reciban los materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA de parte de la Oficina
del Censo y tomen una decisión final con respecto a la inclusión de las direcciones apeladas. Los
participantes deben comunicarse con el personal de la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el
Censo del 2020, no con la Oficina del Censo, si tienen preguntas específicamente relacionadas
con las apelaciones. Comuníquese con el Personal de Apelaciones, gratis, por teléfono, al (888)


Plazo Límite para Presentar una Apelación

El plazo para presentar una apelación es dentro de 45 días calendario desde que el participante
recibe los materiales de la fase de información de la Oficina del Censo. La Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 define "recibo" como la fecha de entrega que el
servicio de entrega informa a la Oficina del Censo.
Para salvaguardar los materiales confidenciales de direcciones protegidos por el Título 13, la
transmisión de una Apelación a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 tiene
que cumplir con las pautas específicas de la Oficina del Censo para manejar los materiales que
se proporcionaron con los materiales de la fase de información. El participante debe transmitir
su material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020
siguiendo las instrucciones que figuran en la Sección 3.5, y debe mantener un registro de la
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


fecha de transmisión de estos materiales en caso de que haya preguntas sobre la fecha de
transmisión. El participante no puede enviar materiales a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA
para el Censo del 2020 después de que se haya vencido el periodo de 45 días.
Cuando se recibe una Apelación, el Personal de Apelaciones enviará una confirmación del
recibo al participante. También notificará a la Oficina del Censo que un participante ha
presentado una apelación.


Procedimientos para Presentar una Apelación

Un participante es elegible para presentar una apelación si envió adiciones o correcciones de
direcciones a la Lista de Direcciones del Censo durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA o si
certificó, luego de la revisión, que la Lista de Direcciones del Censo era correcta y no requería
actualizaciones. Un participante puede apelar los siguientes tipos de direcciones:

Eliminaciones de direcciones de la Lista de Direcciones del Censo por parte de otro nivel de
gobierno que participe en LUCA o por otra operación del censo sobre las cuales los participantes
no hayan proporcionado comentarios durante la Fase de Revisión de LUCA. Lista Detallada de
Direcciones de la Fase de Información identifica estas direcciones con el código de
procesamiento X01 en el campo 5 (FEEDBACK_CODE). El universo de enumeración del Censo del
2020 excluye estos registros.


Eliminaciones y correcciones de direcciones proporcionadas durante la Fase de Revisión de
LUCA que la Oficina del Censo procesó, pero que fueron denegadas y excluidas del universo de
enumeración del Censo del 2020. Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información
identifica estas direcciones con el código de procesamiento R03 en el campo 5


Solo los registros de direcciones con códigos X01 y R03 son elegibles
para la apelación.

Como se menciona en la Sección 2.2, para facilitar la revisión de los participantes del material
de la fase de información, la Oficina del Censo proporciona el archivo de la Lista Detallada de
Direcciones de la Fase de Información ordenado en función del siguiente orden del campo
FEEDBACK_CODE: X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, y R02. Dentro de cada código de
procesamiento de la fase de información, el campo GEOID proporciona otro nivel de orden.
Realizar esta doble ordenación coloca a los registros elegibles para la apelación al principio del
archivo, a la vez que se retiene una organización geográfica para los registros de direcciones.
Los participantes pueden realizar otras ordenaciones (por ejemplo, por nombre de calle o por
solo GEOID) de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información para agrupar áreas
de registros para la revisión.
Para cada registro de dirección con código X01 y R03 en la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información que el participante piense que debería reincorporarse a la Lista de
Direcciones del Censo, se debe colocar una "Y" en el campo 3 (APPEAL_FLAG) para ese registro
de dirección.


Documentación de Respaldo

La Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020 requiere que todos los participantes
elegibles proporcionen evidencia de la existencia y ubicación de las direcciones apeladas. A tal
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


fin, los participantes elegibles deben proporcionar documentación de respaldo para todas las
direcciones apeladas, como se especifica más adelante.
Para el proceso de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020, los participantes pueden
aplicar el mismo conjunto de evidencia de respaldo a un grupo de direcciones. Por ejemplo, los
participantes pueden proporcionar un conjunto de evidencia de respaldo para direcciones
relacionadas como en el caso de una única urbanización o complejo de viviendas si el conjunto
de evidencia de respaldo demuestra la existencia del conjunto completo de direcciones
vinculadas. En otros casos, una descripción escrita de un sólido proceso para revisar y verificar
las direcciones elegibles para la apelación usando fuentes altamente precisas puede respaldar a
un grupo de direcciones. Los participantes tienen que suplementar esta narración con una
selección de direcciones apeladas asociadas con una ubicación exacta y demostrada con uno de
los tipos de evidencia que se mencionan a continuación.

Una narración escrita con una explicación de la postura del gobierno elegible sobre por qué el
Personal de Apelaciones debería adoptar su recomendación.


Una descripción detallada de la(s) fuente(s) de la dirección que ayude a verificar la existencia de
una dirección o de un grupo de direcciones. Los gobiernos elegibles pueden incorporar la(s)
descripción(es) detallada(s) a la narración escrita o pueden proporcionar documentación aparte
sobre la fuente de la dirección. Para cada fuente de dirección que se use para demostrar la
existencia de la(s) dirección(es), la descripción debería incluir lo siguiente:
o Fecha de la fuente de la dirección.
o Frecuencia de la actualización de la fuente de la dirección (por ejemplo, a diario, por mes,
por trimestre, por año, etc.)
o Métodos usados para actualizar la fuente de la dirección.
o Procedimiento(s) de control de calidad usado(s) para mantener la fuente de la dirección.
o Propósito oficial de la fuente por parte del gobierno elegible y/u originador de la fuente.


Evidencia que respalde la existencia de la dirección apelada. Los participantes tienen que
vincular la evidencia directamente a una dirección apelada en particular o a un grupo en
particular de direcciones apeladas.
o Documentación sobre una inspección en el lugar y/o entrevista con residentes y/o vecinos.
o Emisión de un permiso reciente de ocupación para la unidad o unidades. No se aceptan los
permisos de construcción, ya que no aseguran que las unidades se hayan construido por
o Suministro de servicios públicos (electricidad, gas, alcantarillado, agua, teléfono, etc.) a la
residencia. El registro del servicio público tiene que mostrar que no se trata de un servicio a
una unidad comercial, ni de un servicio adicional a una residencia existente (tal como una
segunda línea telefónica).
o Suministro de otros servicios gubernamentales (asistencia para la vivienda, bienestar
público (welfare), etc.) a los residentes de la(s) unidad(es).
o Fotografía, incluyendo fotografía aérea o imágenes satelitales.
o Mapas sobre el uso del terreno.
o Listas locales para emergencias del 911, si distinguen las unidades residenciales de las
o Registros sobre tasaciones de impuestos, si distinguen las unidades residenciales de las

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Para cada dirección de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información que el
participante apele, se debe escribir en letra de molde/tipear el APPEAL_FLAG (Indicador de
Apelación de Dirección) del campo 3 y el MAFID del campo 2 en la documentación de respaldo
para mostrar la ubicación exacta en el documento donde se encuentra la evidencia para esa
dirección. Por ejemplo, si se envían registros de impuestos a la propiedad que contienen 30
registros de impuestos por página, escriba en letra de molde (o tipee) "Y161200444" si el
registro apelable era MAFID 161200444 en la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información en el registro de impuesto específico, entre los 30 registros de impuestos, que
respalda la apelación. Dentro de una fuente del sistema de información geográfica (GIS), la
Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo de 2020 sugiere a los participantes que agreguen un
campo (por ejemplo, AppealFlag) a la tabla de atributos para ingresar la información
correspondiente en "Y" y MAFID (por ejemplo, "Y161200444"), luego guardar/exportar solo los
registros con un valor en ese nuevo campo. Este subconjunto de toda la fuente de GIS se
convierte en la evidencia documental de apoyo para los registros marcados en la Lista
Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información.
Envíe documentación específica solo a las direcciones que se apelen, por ejemplo, un registro
de impuestos o un registro de servicios públicos para cada dirección que se apele o solo
aquellas páginas de una lista con los registros de las direcciones que se apelen debidamente
marcados. Si un documento de respaldo convalida la existencia de múltiples registros apelados,
los participantes tienen que asegurarse de identificar claramente cada registro apelado
específico para que el Personal de Apelaciones distinga los registros dentro de la
Para obtener detalles sobre la documentación de respaldo aceptable o los procedimientos para
las apelaciones, consulte el aviso del Registro Federal que se incluye en el paquete de los
materiales de la fase de información. Si aún quedan preguntas, comuníquese con la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Encuentre sus números de teléfono y direcciones
de correo electrónico en el sitio web de LUCA en .


Preparando y Enviando Material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020

Hay dos métodos para enviar material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para
el Censo del 2020. Los participantes pueden enviar materiales de Apelaciones comprimidos a
través de Secure Web Incoming Module (SWIM), el portal oficial de internet para cargar
materiales, o los participantes pueden enviar por correo postal (u otro servicio de entrega) el
material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones. Consulte la Sección 3.5.2 para obtener
instrucciones sobre cómo usar SWIM y la Sección 3.5.3 para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo
envolver y enviar por correo el material de Apelaciones.


Preparando el Material para el Envío

Luego de completar la revisión de los materiales de la fase de información de LUCA y de
identificar algunos registros para la Apelación, devuelva solo los registros en la Lista Detallada
de Direcciones de la Fase de Información que tengan una "Y" en el campo APPEAL_FLAG, el
campo 3. Para ubicar estos registros, ordene la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Información en el campo APPEAL_FLAG y guarde solo los registros con una "Y" en ese campo
en un archivo propio. Asígnele al archivo el nombre (.xlsx, o .csv, u otros formatos de archivo de
hoja digital de cálculos). Guarde este archivo, y otros que se mencionan en los dos párrafos
siguientes, en la carpeta nueva creada para las copias de trabajo que se describen en la Sección
Convierta cualquier documentación de respaldo a formato digital, ya sea escaneándola o
guardándola si el material ya está en formato digital. Asígnele al archivo (o a los archivos) el
nombre Este formato de archivo (xxx) varía en
función de la fuente de la información. Si se incluye más de un documento de respaldo, agregue
un número luego de "Evidence"; por ejemplo, Evidence1of10, Evidence2of10, etc.

Los participantes que utilicen una fuente GIS como documentación de respaldo deben
proporcionar todos los componentes del archivo GIS (por ejemplo, .dbf, .shp, .sbn, .sbx, .prj,
.cpg, .xml, etc.) desde su fuente GIS con el(los) registro(s) de apelaciones vinculado anotado.
Comprima el conjunto completo de archivos en un archivo separado (por ejemplo,
Appeal_2020LUCA_ Para los participantes que usan SWIM para
enviar su Apelación, no incluya este archivo "" dentro del archivo .zip de
envío de devolución de Apelaciones. SWIM no aceptará un archivo .zip dentro de un archivo
.zip. Consulte la Sección 3.5.2 para obtener instrucciones sobre el suministro de
documentación de respaldo GIS.

Prepare una carta introductoria electrónica que describa la apelación del participante a la
Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. Asígnele al archivo el nombre Este formato de archivo (xxx) varía en función del
software que se use para crearlo. La carta introductoria debe delinear el fundamento de la
apelación y la postura del participante sobre por qué la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el
Censo del 2020 debería adoptar las recomendaciones. La carta introductoria debe proporcionar
la información de contacto para la apelación, incluyendo:

El nombre de la jurisdicción gubernamental que presenta la apelación.


El nombre, dirección postal, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico (si la hay) de
la persona de contacto de la jurisdicción para la Apelación. Asegúrese de que esta persona
figure en el D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad.

Si los participantes no incorporan la(s) descripción(es) de la fuente a la narración escrita y
preparan documentación aparte, la Oficina de Apelaciones sugiere que los participantes le
asignen el nombre al (a los) archivo(s)
de descripción de la fuente. El formato del archivo varía en función de la fuente de la
información (por ejemplo, archivos de Microsoft Word®, archivos de Microsoft Access o de
Excel, archivos de Notepad, etc.). Si se incluyen más de un documento con la descripción de la
fuente, agregue un número luego de "SourceDescription" (Descripción de la fuente); por
ejemplo, SourceDescription1, SourceDescription2, etc.
Zip la presentación de los registros apelados (Appeal_2020LUCA_,
la narrativa escrita (Appeal_2020LUCA_, la descripción de la fuente, si
no se incluye con la narrativa escrita, (Appeal_2020LUCA_  .xxx), y el(los) archivo(s)
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


de evidencia documental de respaldo, excepto los archivos de evidencia GIS,
(Appeal_2020LUCA_ en el archivo .zip de devolución para enviarlo a
la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo 2020. Nombre este archivo Appeal_2020LUCA_ Consulte la Figura 5 para ver un ejemplo de la carpeta para un
participante en la Lista de Direcciones Digitales y el Mapa Digital con los archivos de
"Apelaciones" incluidos. No hay ningún archivo .zip de documentación compatible con GIS
mostrado en la Figura 5.
Proteja con contraseña el archivo usando la misma
contraseña que distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas que se proporcionó con los materiales
de la fase de información para descifrar el archivo 2020LUCA __FB_DISK1of2.exe.
Comuníquese con el Centro de Ayuda de LUCA al (844) 344-0169 para recibir asistencia si se
extravía esta contraseña. Guarde el archivo .zip a un CD o un DVD, o prepárelo para enviarlo
usando SWIM.

Figura 5. Ejemplo de una Carpeta con Archivos de Apelaciones para un Participante que Usa la Lista
Digital de Direcciones y Mapas Digitales



Si un participante tiene intención de enviar el material de Apelaciones por correo y no de usar
SWIM, se aceptan una carta narrativa, descripción de la fuente(s) y documentación de
respaldo impresas. No es necesario convertir el material a formato digital para guardarlo en el
CD/DVD. Consulte el Apéndice A para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo proteger el material
protegido por el Título 13 durante el envío por correo.

Instrucciones para Enviar Material de Apelaciones a través de SWIM

Los participantes pueden usar SWIM para cargar su material de Apelaciones a la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020. La Oficina del Censo proporcionó un token para
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


registrarse en SWIM a cada participante de LUCA junto con la carta introductoria de la Fase de
Revisión. No se incluye otro token con los materiales de la fase de información.
Para determinar si existe una cuenta, haga clic en “Forgot your password?” (¿Olvidó su
contraseña?) en la página principal de SWIM y escriba la dirección de correo electrónico para
verificar la existencia de la cuenta. Si SWIM no encuentra una cuenta asociada a esa dirección
de correo electrónico, aparece el siguiente mensaje: “No account registered for this email. Go
to Account Registration.” (No hay cuenta registrada para este correo electrónico. Vaya a
Inscripción de Cuenta.) Cuando se hace clic en el enlace Account Registration, se abre una
ventana para establecer una cuenta en SWIM.

Los componentes del correo electrónico y la contraseña de las cuentas del sistema SWIM
distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas. Tome nota del formato que distingue entre
mayúsculas y minúsculas cuando establezca la cuenta en SWIM (por ejemplo,
[email protected] o [email protected] o [email protected]). La Oficina del Censo
recomienda el uso de caracteres en minúscula y recomienda que se retenga esta información
en un lugar seguro para referencia futura.

SWIM permite cuatro intentos de inicio de sesión antes de bloquear la cuenta temporalmente
por 15 minutos. Luego de que se venza el bloqueo de 15 minutos, los participantes pueden
intentar iniciar una sesión otra vez o pueden restablecer su contraseña usando el enlace
"Forgot your password?" en la página de inicio de sesión. Luego de seleccionar esta opción, siga
las indicaciones para escribir la dirección de correo electrónico que distingue entre mayúsculas
y minúsculas y proporcione la respuesta de seguridad. Si la respuesta de seguridad es correcta,
el sistema SWIM envía un enlace para restablecer la contraseña a la cuenta de correo
electrónico para que se use al restablecer la contraseña. Una vez que inician sesión en SWIM,
los usuarios pueden modificar la contraseña y respuesta de seguridad al seleccionar el enlace
"Change Security" (Cambiar Seguridad) que se encuentra en la parte superior derecha de la
Los participantes que siguen teniendo problemas para iniciar la sesión deberían confirmar que
estén usando la versión actual del navegador de internet (o la versión previa). Si la versión del
navegador es más vieja, se debe actualizar a una versión más nueva. Si sigue habiendo
problemas con SWIM, comuníquese con el Centro de Ayuda de LUCA al (844) 344-0169 para
recibir asistencia. Tal vez sea necesario un token de SWIM adicional para crear otra cuenta.
La siguiente lista contiene los requisitos para los archivos para usar SWIM:

El archivo a cargar tiene que tener formato de archivo .zip.


El archivo .zip no puede incluir otro archivo .zip como componente.


El archivo .zip no puede tener más que 250 megabytes de tamaño.

Consulte la Tabla 6 para obtener un ejemplo de cómo usar SWIM para enviar material de
Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020.

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Tabla 6: Envío a Través de SWIM
Paso 1

Acción y Resultado
Abrir una ventana nueva del navegador y escribir el URL de SWIM
Se abre la pantalla de SWIM Please Login (Inicie una Sesión).

Paso 2

Para participantes que ya tienen una cuenta de SWIM, escribir la dirección de correo electrónico
y la contraseña, y luego hacer clic en el botón Login (Inicio de sesión). Se abre la pantalla
Welcome (Bienvenidos). Ir al Paso 8.

Paso 3

Para participantes sin una cuenta de SWIM, tener el token de inscripción de 12 dígitos
proporcionado por la Oficina del Censo a mano para inscribir la cuenta. Elegir el botón Register
Account (Inscribir Cuenta) luego de acceder al URL de SWIM. Se abre la pantalla Account
Registration (Inscripción de Cuenta).

Todos los campos de la pantalla Account Registration son obligatorios.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Acción y Resultado

Paso 4

Escribir el token de inscripción, nombre, número de teléfono, agencia u organización, dirección
de correo electrónico en los campos correspondientes.

Paso 5

Crear una contraseña usando los siguientes requisitos:

Tiene que tener al menos 8 caracteres.
Tiene que tener al menos una mayúscula.
Tiene que tener al menos una minúscula.
Tiene que tener al menos un número.
Tiene que tener al menos un carácter especial. Las siguientes son opciones válidas: #, !,
$, *, &, ?, y ~.

Nota: Las comas que aparecen en la lista anterior son solo para marcar espacios. La coma no es
un carácter especial válido para usar en la contraseña.
Paso 6

Establecer una pregunta de seguridad. Hacer clic en la flecha que está a la derecha del campo
Security Question (Pregunta de Seguridad) y seleccionar una pregunta del menú desplegable.
Escribir una respuesta en el campo Answer (Respuesta). Hacer clic en el botón Submit (Enviar) al
terminar. Se abre la pantalla Success (Éxito) para confirmar que se creó una cuenta en SWIM.

Paso 7

En la pantalla Success, seleccionar Login para regresar a la pantalla Please Login de SWIM (que se
muestra en el Paso 1) y pasar al proceso de inicio de sesión.

Paso 8

Escribir la información sobre el correo electrónico y la contraseña y hacer clic en el botón verde
Login para iniciar una sesión en SWIM. Se abre la pantalla Welcome. Si la cuenta ha cargado
otros archivos para distintos programas geográficos administrados por la Oficina del Censo, se
muestra una lista de archivos previamente cargados por el usuario de SWIM, como se muestra en
el ejemplo que hay a continuación. La lista incluye la fecha de creación de la carga del archivo, el
nombre del archivo y el tamaño correspondiente del archivo .zip.

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Paso 9

Acción y Resultado
Para comenzar una nueva carga, hacer clic en el botón Start New Upload (Comenzar Nueva
Carga) en la parte inferior de la pantalla.

Se abre la pantalla “What Census program are you reporting data for” (¿Para qué programa del
Censo está reportando datos?). Para asegurar que la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el
Censo del 2020 reciba el envío, elegir el botón de opción Local Update of Census Addresses
Appeals (Apelaciones de la Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales) y hacer clic en el botón
de opción Next (Siguiente).

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Paso 10

Acción y Resultado
Se abre la pantalla “What type of LUCA Appeals entity are you reporting for?”. Los participantes
tienen que seleccionar el nivel de zona geográfica que coincida con el tipo de entidad que
representan. Los Municipios participantes (por ejemplo, CO72035) elijen la opción County
(Condado). De haber preguntas sobre esta opción, sirva comunicarse con el Centro de Ayuda de
LUCA al (844) 344-0169 para recibir asistencia.

Hacer clic en el botón de opción para el tipo de entidad a cargar y hacer clic en el botón Next. La
opción County abre la pantalla Select a State and County (Seleccionar un Estado y un Condado).

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Paso 11

Acción y Resultado
Luego de elegir el tipo de entidad a cargar, se abre la pantalla Select a .ZIP file to upload
(Seleccionar un archivo .zip para cargar). Hacer clic en el botón +Add File (Agregar Archivo) para
abrir la ventana Choose File to Upload (Elegir Archivo a Cargar) e ir a la carpeta donde se
encuentre el archivo .zip. Seleccione el archivo y haga clic en el botón Open.

IMPORTANTE: Los participantes con documentación de respaldo GIS deben adjuntar su archivo
Appeal_2020LUCA_ con su archivo Appeal_2020LUCA_ para proporcionar a la Oficina de Apelaciones del Censo 2020 toda la documentación
necesaria para revisar la Apelación. Los participantes agregan el archivo ""
utilizando el mismo procedimiento descrito en este Paso. La tecla "Shift" no permite la selección
de varios archivos.

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Paso 12

Acción y Resultado
Una vez que se completa la carga del archivo, el campo Status (Estatus) muestra “Success”
(Éxito). El nombre del archivo aparece en el campo File(s) (Archivos). Los participantes pueden
agregar comentarios en la sección Comment (Comentario) si lo desean. Hacer clic en el botón
Next para continuar con la carga.

NOTA: Si se incluye Appeal_2020LUCA_, aparecerá debajo de la
sección "Files (s)". Para ayudar a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo 2020, incluya una
nota sobre la Apelación y el uso de la documentación de respaldo de GIS en la sección de
Paso 13

Aparece la pantalla Thank You (Gracias). Esta pantalla agradece al participante e indica que
recibirá un correo electrónico cuando se complete la transferencia.

Paso 14

Elegir "upload form" (cargar archivo) en la oración "You may Log Out or return to the upload
form to submit more files" (Usted puede cerrar la sesión o regresar al formulario de carga para
enviar más archivos) para regresar a la pantalla Welcome y comenzar el proceso de carga otra
vez, si el participante es el enlace para más de una jurisdicción. Si se completó el proceso de
carga, elegir Log Out (Cerrar Sesión).

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Acción y Resultado
Es importante mencionar que las sesiones de SWIM se desactivan luego de 15 minutos de
inactividad. Los participantes que tarden más de 15 minutos en cargar un archivo tienen que
iniciar sesión en el sistema otra vez y recomenzar. Reciben un mensaje que menciona el periodo
de inactividad en la pantalla Login.

Cuando llegan a la pantalla Welcome, un registro con el Status (Estatus) de "In progress,
Continue?" (En curso. ¿Continuar?) aparece con la fecha de ese día en el campo Created On
(Creado el día). Los participantes pueden elegir el enlace "Continue?" para continuar cargando o
pueden eliminar el registro al elegir el botón "Delete" (Eliminar) en el extremo derecho de la fila.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



Instrucciones para Enviar Material de Apelaciones por Correo Postal u Otro
Servicio de Entrega

Los participantes sin acceso a internet o aquellos que no deseen usar SWIM pueden mandar su
material de Apelaciones por correo a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020.
El material de apelaciones se puede incluir en CD/DVD o como material impreso. Grabe, o
copie, el envío de devolución, Appeal_2020LUCA_ y la documentación
de respaldo de GIS, Appeal_2020LUCA_, si corresponde, en un
CD/DVD. Como se señaló en la Sección 3.5.1, los participantes pueden enviar descripciones
escritas y de origen de la copia impresa, así como cualquier documentación de respaldo
impresa. Para ayudar a registrar el recibo de un paquete de Apelación, la Oficina de Apelaciones
del Censo de 2020 solicita la inclusión de una copia impresa de la narrativa escrita.
Siga estas instrucciones para empaquetar y mandar los materiales por correo a la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020:

Coloque una envoltura doble al material de apelaciones (CD/DVD y/o materiales utilizando un
sobre interno y otro externo (o contenedor), uno dentro del otro. Deben ser lo suficientemente
fuertes y resistentes como para evitar que alguien pueda ver o alterar el material que contenga.


Coloque una etiqueta a ambos lados del sobre interior (o contenedor) con la nota:


“DIVULGACIÓN PROHIBIDA POR EL Título 13 del Código de los EE. UU.”


Coloque el sobre interno (o contenedor) dentro del sobre externo.


No coloque la etiqueta con el aviso sobre la divulgación en el sobre exterior.


Envíe usando un servicio que proporcione información de rastreo, tal como trackable delivery
(entrega rastreable) del Servicio Postal de los EE. UU. (USPS) FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS)
o servicio similar. Conserve el número de rastreo como prueba de entrega.

Envíe los materiales a la siguiente dirección de la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo
del 2020:
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office
Attn: LUCA Appeals Staff
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132

IMPORTANTE: Use la dirección mencionada anteriormente para garantizar la entrega de los materiales
de Apelaciones a la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo del 2020, ya que esa
oficina opera por separado de la Oficina del Censo.

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020




La Oficina del Censo tiene que dar cuenta de todos los materiales protegidos por el Título 13
que se entregaron a los participantes durante las fases de Revisión y de la Fase de Información
de LUCA, y de todas las copias de esos materiales, para cerrar la operación del 2020. Es
responsabilidad del enlace de LUCA asegurarse de la eliminación adecuada de los materiales
protegidos por el Título 13. Se requiere que el enlace designado verifique la destrucción o
devolución de todos los materiales restantes protegidos por el Título 13, ya sean impresos
como digitales (es decir, copias impresas, archivos con copias de seguridad, etc.), y que firme y
devuelva a la Oficina del Censo el D-2012(SP) – Formulario de Inventario para la Destrucción o
Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13, Código de los EE. UU. que se incluyó con
los materiales de la fase de información y se encuentra en el Apéndice C. La destrucción de los
materiales es el método preferido, en vez de devolver los materiales a la Oficina del Censo.
IMPORTANTE: Se recomienda esperar la respuesta de la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA para el Censo
del 2020 sobre el estatus de la apelación antes de destruir o devolver el material
protegido por el Título 13.

A todos los revisores de LUCA y a toda persona con acceso a materiales protegidos por el Título
13 (incluyendo a todas las personas que firmaron el D-2005(SP) – Formulario de Contrato de
Confidencialidad) se les requiere que firmen y fechen el formulario D-2012(SP) una vez que
concluya el proceso de apelaciones de LUCA. Si un enlace, revisor o persona con acceso a
materiales de protegidos por el Título 13 se retira antes de la finalización de la operación de
LUCA, se les requiere que firmen la salida del programa al firmar y fechar este formulario. Si
algún enlace o revisor se retira y no firma y fecha este formulario, el enlace actual puede firmar
la salida en su nombre.
Los participantes que elijan destruir sus materiales tienen que devolver el D-2012(SP) lo antes
posible luego de la destrucción de los materiales y tienen que asegurarse de que el formulario
contenga todas las firmas adecuadas de los enlaces y revisores para cerrar la operación LUCA
para el Censo del 2020. Utilice el sobre adjunto con correo prepago para devolver el D2012(SP). Los participantes que elijan devolver sus materiales en vez de destruirlos tienen que
incluir este formulario con los materiales y seguir las instrucciones de empaquetamiento y
envío que se encuentran en el Apéndice A para garantizar la seguridad de los materiales
protegidos por el Título 13.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020



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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

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Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020




Alojamiento—Cualquier sitio donde vivan, se queden o puedan vivir personas. Los alojamientos
se clasifican como unidades de vivienda o alojamientos de grupo. Normalmente, se encuentran
en estructuras diseñadas para uso residencial, pero también pueden encontrarse en estructuras
diseñadas para uso no residencial al igual que las tiendas de campaña, las camionetas, los
refugios para personas sin vivienda, los dormitorios, las barracas y demás, o puede que no
estén asociadas a ninguna estructura.
Alojamiento de grupo (GQ)—Un lugar donde viven o se quedan las personas, y que
normalmente es propiedad de por una entidad u organización que provee vivienda o servicios a
los residentes, o administrado por la misma. Estos servicios pueden incluir cuidado de
compañía o atención médica, así como otros tipos de ayuda, y la residencia generalmente es
solo para las personas que reciben estos servicios. Por lo general, las personas que viven en un
alojamiento de grupo no están emparentadas. Los alojamientos de grupo incluyen lugares
como residencias universitarias, centros residenciales de tratamiento, instalaciones de hogares
de ancianos con servicios médicos especializados, hogares de grupo, barracas militares,
instalaciones correccionales, dormitorios para trabajadores e instalaciones para personas sin
Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF)—Es una base de datos nacional de todas las direcciones
y las descripciones físicas/de ubicación que la Oficina del Censo sabe que son usadas para
respaldar muchos de sus programas. Además de contener las direcciones y los códigos postales,
un registro de MAF también contiene información geográfica sobre la ubicación de las
direcciones. La División de Geografía de la Oficina del Censo actualiza periódicamente la Base
de datos de MAF/TIGER desde varias fuentes, incluyendo el archivo de secuencia de entrega
(DSF) del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos (USPS) y otras fuentes de actualizaciones como
encuestas actuales y fuentes abastecidas localmente.
Base de datos de MAF/TIGER—Base de datos geográficos de todo el país de la Oficina del
Censo, que integra el Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF) y los archivos de Codificación y
Referencia Geográficas Integradas Topológicamente (TIGER).
Bloque censal—Un bloque censal es un área delimitada por rasgos visibles o invisibles que se
muestran en los mapas de la Oficina del Censo. Un bloque censal es el área geográfica más
pequeña creada por la Oficina del Censo para la que se recopilan y tabulan los datos del censo
decenal. Los bloques censales se numeran dentro de los sectores censales y llevan un número
único dentro de los sectores censales.
Codificación y Referencia Geográficas Integradas Topológicamente (TIGER)—El mapa digital
de la Oficina del Censo, que incluye las coordenadas geográficas y los nombres de las calles, los
rasgos de agua, otros rasgos lineales y los límites para todas las jurisdicciones y las áreas
estadísticas que proporcionan el marco geoespacial para la recolección y tabulación de los
datos censales. TIGER también contiene las coordenadas de estructura de los registros de
direcciones en el Archivo Maestro de Direcciones (MAF) y los rangos de direcciones a lo largo
de rasgos de calles usadas para geocodificar los registros del MAF a la geografía censal.
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Condado—La división primaria legal de la mayoría de los estados. La mayoría son unidades
gubernamentales con poderes definidos por la ley estatal.
Confidencialidad—Garantía por ley (Título 13, Código de los Estados Unidos) para las personas
que proporcionan información sobre ellos mismos o sobre sus negocios a la Oficina del Censo.
Este punto hace referencia al compromiso de no divulgación de esta información por parte de
la Oficina del Censo.
Corte de direcciones—Los cortes de direcciones identifican las direcciones de estilo urbano en
cada lado de un límite, o en una intersección entre una calle con otra o con algún rasgo.
Dirección de estilo urbano—La definición de la Oficina del Censo de una dirección de estilo
urbano es una dirección que consiste en un número de casa y el nombre de una calle o
carretera. Por ejemplo, 201 Main Street es una dirección de estilo urbano. La dirección puede o
no ser usada para la entrega de correo y puede incluir números/designaciones de
apartamentos o identificadores similares.
Dirección de estilo rural—Dirección que no tiene un número de casa y/o nombre de la calle, o
puede no incluir un número de casa completo y la dirección con el nombre de la calle. Esto
incluye una dirección de ruta rural y número de apartado y las direcciones de ruta de contrato
de carreteras, etc., que pueden incluir un número de apartado, apartados y cajones de oficinas
postales, y envío general.
División civil menor (MCD)—Tipo de unidad gubernamental que es la subdivisión
gubernamental o administrativa principal de un condado en muchos estados. Las MCD están
identificadas por una variedad de términos, como pueblo (en 8 estados), poblado y/o distrito, e
incluyen entidades gubernamentales en funcionamiento y que no están en funcionamiento.
Edges—Todos los rasgos lineales que contiene la base de datos MAF/TIGER.
Edges shapefile—Un Esri® shapefile de los rasgos lineales que contiene la base de datos
MAF/TIGER durante la Fase de Revisión; los participantes que usan los materiales de mapas
digitales usaron el edges shapefile para añadir, eliminar o cambiar atributos de rasgos lineales.
Durante la Fase de Información, los participantes usaron el edges shapefile solo como
referencia para revisar las actualizaciones que hicieron durante la Fase de Revisión u otras
actualizaciones que se hicieron desde la conclusión de la Fase de Revisión.
Enlace de LUCA—El principal punto de contacto designado por el funcionario electo de más alto
rango (HEO) de cada jurisdicción para revisar la Lista de Direcciones y los mapas del Censo y
compararlos con los registros locales para identificar las diferencias. Esta persona, conocida
también como enlace principal del programa o enlace designado, acepta la responsabilidad de
salvaguardar los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 y es responsable en última instancia de
destruir (o devolver) los materiales. Tiene que firmar la salida de LUCA y enviar el D-2012(SP) Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 luego de
asegurarse de que todos los revisores de LUCA también firmen el formulario.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Funcionario electo de más alto rango (HEO)—La persona más responsable de las actividades
gubernamentales de un gobierno local. Esta persona recibe la carta de invitación al programa
LUCA y tiene que designar a un enlace de LUCA para participar del programa LUCA del 2020.
Geocódigos—Códigos que ubican una dirección individual en su ubicación geográfica correcta
que, en términos censales, incluyen los códigos de estado, condado, sector censal y bloque
censal correctos. Debido a que la Oficina del Censo cuenta a las personas donde viven, los
geocódigos les proporcionan información a los enumeradores del Censo para localizar una
dirección. La geocodificación precisa también garantiza que la Oficina del Censo cuente las
unidades de vivienda y a las personas asociadas con ellas en la geografía del censo correcta.
Geographic Update Partnership Software (Software de Colaboración para la Actualización
Geográfica) (GUPS)—Un paquete autónomo de procesamiento y actualización de GIS
proporcionado por la Oficina del Censo para la participación en una variedad de programas de
geografía del Censo, incluyendo LUCA del 2020. Empaquetado previamente para incluir todos
los componentes para LUCA del 2020, el GUPS contiene la Lista de Direcciones de la Oficina del
Censo, la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones y los shapefiles de colaboración de TIGER. El GUPS le
permite al participante agregar datos geoespaciales externos (shapefiles, base de datos
geográficos e imágenes) con fines de comparación y actualización. La entrega de todos los
datos (software, lista de direcciones, lista de conteo de direcciones y shapefiles) se hace en
Límite—Una línea en un mapa, ya sea invisible o que coincide con un rasgo visible, que
identifica el alcance de una entidad geográfica, como un sector censal, una ciudad, un condado
o un estado. Un límite marca la delimitación de un área.
Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de Información—Archivo de texto delimitado por
comas, en formato .csv, que contiene el número direcciones residenciales de unidades de
vivienda y alojamientos de grupo en la Lista de Direcciones del Censo de la Fase de Revisión de
LUCA y el número actual de direcciones residenciales de unidades de vivienda y alojamientos de
grupo para cada bloque censal dentro de la jurisdicción del participante.
Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información—Archivo de texto delimitado por
comas, en formato .csv, que muestra todas las actualizaciones de registros de direcciones con
formato adecuado que envió el participante de LUCA y un código de procesamiento de la fase
de información que identifica la acción específica que la Oficina del Censo realizó en ese
registro de dirección. Esta lista de direcciones también identifica los registros de direcciones
sobre los cuales no se hicieron comentarios en la Fase de Revisión de LUCA que fueron
eliminados de la original Lista de Direcciones del Censo por otra operación del censo o por otro
nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA.
Lista de relación entre bloques y hojas de mapas—Una lista que identifica los números de
bloques censales y los mapas de formato grande de la Oficina del Censo en los que se
encuentra cada bloque.
Lugar—Una concentración de población ya sea legalmente vinculada como un lugar
incorporado o identificado por la Oficina del Censo como un lugar censal designado.
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Lugares transitorios (TL)—Viviendas transitorias o móviles, o unidades de vivienda portátiles,
incluyendo embarcaciones, vehículos recreativos (RV) motorizados, tiendas de campaña y
remolques tirados por automóviles o camiones, o cualquier otro tipo de vivienda portátil.
Mapa de la Oficina del Censo—Todo mapa producido por la Oficina del Censo. Un mapa de la
Oficina del Censo muestra entidades geográficas utilizadas en un censo o encuesta
patrocinados por la Oficina del Censo para los que la Oficina del Censo tabula datos.
Metadatos—Describen el contenido de los datos, el sistema/proyección de coordenadas, el
autor, la fuente, y otras características de los archivos del GIS.
Número de bloque censal—Los números de bloque censales son números de cuatro dígitos.
Los bloques censales están enumerados en forma única en cada sector censal.
Número de sector censal—Número único para identificar los sectores censales dentro de un
condado o de una entidad estadísticamente equivalente. Los números de los sectores censales
son números de 4 dígitos seguidos por un punto decimal y un número de 2 dígitos para los
sectores con sufijos, p. Ej. 1234.01. Para los sectores censales sin sufijo, el número tendrá un
punto con ceros agregados, p. Ej. 4567.00.
Oficina del Censo—Un organismo dentro del Departamento de Comercio de los EE. UU. La
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU es el principal organismo de recopilación y divulgación
estadística del país. Publica una amplia variedad de datos estadísticos sobre la población y la
economía de la nación. La Oficina del Censo realiza aproximadamente 200 encuestas anuales y
lleva a cabo el censo decenal de la población de los Estados Unidos.
Oficina regional—Una de las seis oficinas permanentes de la Oficina del Censo distribuidas por
la nación. Las oficinas regionales son responsables de las operaciones de campo de la Oficina
del Censo.
Programa de enumeración en lugares transitorios (ETL)—Proporciona cobertura para las
ubicaciones de las personas que viven en viviendas no tradicionales de naturaleza transitoria o
móvil. La mayoría de los cuestionarios del censo se envían por correo, o son entregados
personalmente por el personal del censo, a las direcciones registradas en el Archivo Maestro de
Direcciones (MAF). No obstante, debido a los cambios en la sociedad, algunas personas ya no
mantienen una residencia tradicional (casa, apartamento, condominio, etc.) y han decidido vivir
en embarcaciones, vehículos recreativos (RV) motorizados, remolques tirados por automóviles
o camiones, o cualquier otro tipo de vivienda que sea móvil o transitoria, incluyendo tiendas de
campaña. Con propósitos operativos, nos referimos a este tipo de viviendas como “unidades de
vivienda portátiles”.
Los tipos de lugares transitorios (TL) que se incluyen en la ETL son los siguientes:
1) Parques de RV.
2) Marinas.
3) Áreas de acampar.

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Punto de estructura (punto en el mapa)—Un punto en un mapa de la Oficina del Censo, usado
para mostrar la ubicación de uno o más alojamientos. Se asigna un máximo de 4 dígitos más un
carácter alfabético dentro de un bloque censal para cada punto de estructura. Los puntos de
estructura se almacenan en la base de datos de TIGER y están protegidos por el Título 13 del
Código de los Estados Unidos.
Rasgo—Cualquier parte del paisaje, ya sea natural (como un arroyo o cerro) o artificial (como
una carretera o línea eléctrica). En un contexto geográfico, los rasgos son cualquier parte del
paisaje que se representen en un mapa, incluyendo los límites no visibles de las entidades
legales, como los límites de una ciudad o los límites de un condado.
Rango de direcciones—Los números más bajos y más altos de las direcciones usados para
identificar estructuras de cada lado de un segmento de calle que tenga direcciones de estilo
urbano. Generalmente, un lado de la calle tiene números de dirección pares y el otro lado tiene
números de dirección impares.
Revisor de LUCA—Persona seleccionada por el HEO o el enlace de LUCA para ayudar a llevar a
cabo la revisión de LUCA. Tiene que aceptar la responsabilidad de salvaguardar materiales
protegidos por el Título 13 y, como el enlace, tiene que firmar la salida de LUCA y enviar el D2012(SP) - Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13.
Sector censal—Una subdivisión estadística pequeña y relativamente permanente de un
condado o una entidad equivalente desde un punto de vista estadístico definida para la
presentación de datos. Diseñados para ser unidades relativamente homogéneas con respecto a
las características de la población, estado económico y condiciones de vivienda al momento de
establecerse, los sectores censales contienen entre 1,000 y 8,000 personas, con un tamaño
óptimo de 4,000 personas. Definidos con la intención de permanecer estables durante muchas
décadas, los límites de los sectores censales generalmente siguen rasgos visibles relativamente
permanentes. Sin embargo, pueden seguir límites de unidades gubernamentales y otros rasgos
invisibles en algunos casos; el límite de un estado o de un condado (o de una entidad
estadísticamente equivalente) es siempre el límite de un sector censal.
Segmento de calle—La parte de una calle o carretera entre dos rasgos que cruzan esa calle o
carretera, como otras calles o carreteras, vías del ferrocarril, arroyos y límites de unidades
gubernamentales. La Oficina del Censo registra los rangos de direcciones conocidas para cada
segmento de calle con direcciones de estilo urbano.
Series Federales de Procesamiento de Información (FIPS)—Son códigos anteriormente
conocidos como códigos de Estándares Federales de Procesamiento de la Información hasta
que el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología (NIST) anunció en el 2005 su decisión de
retirar los códigos de entidades geográficas de su supervisión. La Oficina del Censo aún
mantiene y emite códigos para las entidades geográficas cubiertas bajo la supervisión de FIPS,
pero con un significado modificado para el acrónimo FIPS. Las entidades geográficas cubiertas
por las FIPS incluyen estados, condados, distritos electorales, áreas estadísticas basadas en
concentraciones, lugares, subdivisiones del condado, subdivisiones civiles, ciudades
consolidadas y todos los tipos de áreas indígenas de las Américas, nativas de Alaska y de Hawái.
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


Los códigos FIPS se asignan de manera alfabética de acuerdo con el nombre de la entidad
geográfica y pueden cambiarse para mantener el orden alfabético cuando se crean nuevas
entidades o se cambian los nombres. Los códigos FIPS para los tipos específicos de entidades
geográficas son por lo general únicos dentro del siguiente nivel más alto de entidad geográfica
con la que existe una relación de anidamiento. Por ejemplo, los códigos FIPS de estado, de
distrito electoral y de áreas estadísticas basadas en concentraciones son únicos dentro de la
nación; los códigos FIPS de condado, de lugar, de subdivisión de condado y de subdivisión civil
son únicos dentro del estado. Los códigos para las áreas de indígenas de las Américas, nativas
de Alaska y Hawái también son únicos dentro del estado; aquellas áreas que estén en múltiples
estados tendrán códigos diferentes para cada estado.
Shapefile—Representaciones digitales de los rasgos geográficos, como carreteras y límites
usados para crear los mapas. Un shapefile almacena información de geometría no topológica y
atributiva para los rasgos espaciales en un conjunto de datos. La Oficina del Censo proporciona
shapefiles del Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Sistemas Ambientales (Esri) basados en los
Sistema de información geográfica (GIS)—Un sistema informático para el almacenamiento, la
recuperación y el mantenimiento de información sobre los puntos, las líneas y las áreas que
representan las calles y carreteras, los ríos, los ferrocarriles, las entidades geográficas, y otros
rasgos en la superficie de la Tierra (información que anteriormente estaba disponible solo en
los mapas impresos).
Unidad de vivienda (HU)—Una vivienda para una sola familia, townhouse (casa adosada), casa
móvil, remolque, apartamento, grupo de habitaciones o habitación individual ocupada como un
alojamiento separado o, si está desocupada, para ser ocupada como un alojamiento separado.
Un alojamiento separado es un alojamiento en el que uno o más ocupantes (o posibles
ocupantes, si está desocupado) viven separados de otras personas del edificio y tienen acceso
directo al alojamiento sin tener que pasar por otro alojamiento, como desde fuera del edificio o
a través de un pasillo común.
Unidad de vivienda desocupada—Estructura habitable que contiene un alojamiento que no
está ocupado. Las unidades de viviendas nuevas que aún no están ocupadas se clasifican como
unidades de vivienda desocupadas si la construcción ha alcanzado un punto en el que las
ventanas y las puertas exteriores están instaladas y los pisos definitivos utilizables y el techo
están colocados. Las unidades desocupadas están excluidas si están abiertas a los elementos, o
si hay evidencia positiva, como una señal en la casa, de que la unidad de vivienda será demolida
o ha sido declarada en ruinas (condenada).
Unidad de vivienda ocupada—Una unidad de vivienda se clasifica como ocupada si es el lugar
residencial habitual de la persona o de un grupo de personas que viven en esta al momento de
la enumeración o si los ocupantes están temporalmente ausentes; por ejemplo, en otro lugar
de vacaciones. Las habitaciones ocupadas o conjunto de habitaciones en hoteles, moteles y
lugares similares son clasificados como unidades de viviendas solo cuando están ocupados por

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Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


residentes permanentes, es decir por personas para las que la instalación es su lugar residencial
Unidad gubernamental (GU)—Una entidad geográfica establecida por medidas legales con el
propósito de implementar funciones específicas de gobierno. La mayoría de las unidades
gubernamentales proporcionan una cantidad de servicios gubernamentales generales y
recaudan ingresos (generalmente a través de una autoridad tributaria).

Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Guía Digital para los Participantes sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA para el Censo del 2020


2020 Census Local Update of Census
Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and
Appeals Respondent Guide
Instructions for Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Participants

This page intentionally left blank.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Background .......................................................................................................................... vi

General Information


Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions ............................................................. vi


Confidentiality and Security............................................................................................. vi


Entity Identification Codes.............................................................................................. vii


Respondent Guide Organization.................................................................................... viii


Training and Support ..................................................................................................... viii

Chapter 1 Introducing the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback and Appeals Materials and GUPS ..... 1

Feedback Materials .......................................................................................................... 1


Getting Started ................................................................................................................ 2


System and Hardware Requirements .............................................................................. 3


GUPS Installation and Help .............................................................................................. 4


How to Open GUPS and Start a New Project................................................................... 8


GUPS Toolbars Used During LUCA Feedback................................................................. 13

Chapter 2 Understanding the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Materials and the Feedback
Processing Codes ................................................................................................ 21

Feedback Address Update Summary Report ................................................................. 21


Detailed Feedback Address List ..................................................................................... 24

2.2.1 Feedback Processing Codes ...................................................................................... 25
2.2.2 Feedback Processing Code Examples ........................................................................ 26

Feedback Address Count List ......................................................................................... 28


Feedback Maps - Shapefiles .......................................................................................... 29

Chapter 3 Using GUPS to Review the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Materials and File An
Appeal ................................................................................................................ 30

Background .................................................................................................................... 30


Deadline for Filing an Appeal ......................................................................................... 30


Procedures for Filing an Appeal ..................................................................................... 30

3.3.1 Researching Appeal-Eligible Records ........................................................................ 32
3.3.2 Flagging a Record in the Detailed Feedback Address List for Appeal ....................... 34
3.3.3 Supporting Documentation ....................................................................................... 34 Attaching Supporting Documentation ............................................................................................37

3.3.4 Executing the Appealed Address Document Review Tool ........................................ 39
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office ....................... 43

3.4.1 SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeal Materials ................................................ 43
3.4.2 Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeal Materials ............................................ 51
Chapter 4 2020 Census LUCA Closeout ................................................................................ 53
Appendix A

Confidentiality and Security Guidelines ........................................................ A-1


Introduction .................................................................................................................. A-1


Title 13, U.S. Code ......................................................................................................... A-1


The Confidentiality Agreement..................................................................................... A-1


Security Guidelines ....................................................................................................... A-2

A4.1 Protecting Digital Title 13 Materials ........................................................................ A-2
A4.2 Protecting Paper Title 13 Materials ......................................................................... A-3
A4.3 Reporting an Incident ............................................................................................... A-3
A4.4 On-site Visits............................................................................................................. A-3
A4.5 Destruction of Census Bureau Confidential Materials ............................................. A-4
A4.6 Returning Census Bureau Title 13 Materials ............................................................ A-5
Appendix B

Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005) .................................................... B-1

Appendix C

Destruction or Return of Title 13 U.S.C. Materials Form (D-2012) .................. C-1

Appendix D

Glossary ....................................................................................................... D-1

Appendix E

Importing the Review Phase LUCA Submission ............................................. E-1

Appendix F

Reviewing the Feedback Address Count List ................................................. F-1

Appendix G

Importing Local Data into GUPS .................................................................... G-1

Appendix H

Detailed Feedback Address List File Layout ................................................... H-1

Appendix I

Feedback Address Count List File Layout ........................................................ I-1

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 1: Entity Identification Codes ............................................................................................... vii
Table 2: GUPS Hardware and Software Requirements .................................................................. 4
Table 3: Installation of the GUPS Application ................................................................................. 5
Table 4: Open GUPS and Start a New Project ................................................................................. 8
Table 5: Standard Toolbar Buttons, Names, and Functions/Descriptions ................................... 15
Table 6: LUCA Feedback Toolbar Buttons, Names, and Functions/Descriptions ......................... 18
Table 7: Feedback Processing Codes ............................................................................................ 25
Table 8: SWIM Submission............................................................................................................ 45
Table 9: GUPS Layer Menu - Add Layer Sub-Menu......................................................................G-2
Table 10. Detailed Feedback Address List File Layout, Field Names, and Descriptions ..............H-1
Table 11. Nombres de Campos y Descripciones de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
Información ..................................................................................................................................H-3
Table 12. Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions ....................................... I-1
Table 13. Nombres y Descripciones de los Campos de la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información...................................................................................................................... I-2

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Figure 1. GUPS Toolbars Available in LUCA Feedback .................................................................. 14
Figure 2. GUPS Panels and Toolbars for LUCA Feedback ............................................................. 14
Figure 3. GUPS Legend/Layers for LUCA Feedback ...................................................................... 20
Figure 4. Detailed Feedback Address List Layer Symbology ......................................................... 20
Figure 5. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201) Example ................................... 22
Figure 6. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201SP) Example for Puerto Rico ...... 23
Figure 7. Detailed Feedback Address List Appeal Button ............................................................. 31
Figure 8. Remove Appeal Flag Warning Message......................................................................... 31
Figure 9. GUPS Map View with Full Extent Zoom and One Record Selected for Appeal ............. 32
Figure 10. GUPS Map View with Zoomed Extent and One Record Selected for Appeal .............. 33
Figure 11. Flagging Record for Appeal and Address Appeal Documentation Pop-Up ................. 34
Figure 12. Add Documentation Window ...................................................................................... 37
Figure 13. Document List with Documentation Attached ............................................................ 38
Figure 14. Document List without Documentation Attached ...................................................... 38
Figure 15. Add Documentation Using Green Plus Sign in Document List .................................... 39
Figure 16. Appealed Address Document Review Tool Button...................................................... 40
Figure 17. Add Documents Button on Appealed Address Document Review Window ............... 40
Figure 18. Upload Documentation Window within Appealed Address Document Review Tool . 41
Figure 19. No Appealed Addresses without Documentation Window......................................... 41
Figure 20. Export to Zip Button Showing LUCA Feedback Export Window .................................. 42
Figure 21. LUCA Feedback (LUCAFB) Contact Information Window ............................................ 42
Figure 22. Export to Zip Confirmation Window ............................................................................ 43
Figure 23. Export to Zip Resulting Folder ...................................................................................... 43
Figure 24. Mailing Envelope Examples for Return of Title 13 U.S. C. Materials .......................... A-5
Figure 25. Import LUCA Submission Button ................................................................................ E-1
Figure 26. LUCA Submission Tab .................................................................................................. E-1
Figure 27. Feedback Address Count List Example ....................................................................... F-1
Figure 28. GUPS Layer Menu and Sub-Menus .............................................................................G-1

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



General Information

The 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) is a voluntary decennial
census operation. LUCA is the only opportunity prior to the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and
local governments (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) to review and update
the Census Bureau’s residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a
complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for
inclusion in the census. The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-430)
authorizes the LUCA operation. Refer to  for more information.
In accordance with the law, the LUCA Feedback Phase provides participating governments with
detailed feedback materials that document which local address updates the Census Bureau
processed. LUCA participants may dispute the processing results of certain addresses, only if
those addresses meet certain eligibility criteria. Participants must file their Appeal within 45
calendar days after the receipt of the feedback materials. Appeals filed after the deadline will
be denied. Filing an Appeal is optional and is not a requirement of LUCA.


The final Federal Register notice is included with the feedback materials and is available
on the LUCA website, , for participants to consult before beginning their review.

Census Bureau Processing of LUCA submissions

The Census Bureau reviewed all addresses submitted by LUCA participants during the LUCA
Review Phase and processed those meeting the defined criteria. In addition, the Census Bureau
made necessary corrections and updates to the census maps from the LUCA Review Phase


Confidentiality and Security

All of the requirements and guidelines for protecting the Census Bureau’s confidential Title 13,
United States Code (U.S.C.) materials followed for the LUCA Review Phase are applicable to the
LUCA Feedback Phase materials.1 All participants are required to sign a Confidentiality
Agreement Form in accordance with Title 13, U.S.C. to maintain the confidentiality of the
census address information they received from the Census Bureau for review. Participants are
required to have the means to secure the Census Address List containing Title 13 information.
Persons who signed the D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement Form for the LUCA Review Phase
are not required to sign the form again. However, anyone who will review or have access to the
confidential Title 13 feedback materials and has not already signed the form must read and
agree to abide by the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines, included as Appendix A, and must
sign the Confidentiality Agreement Form before reviewing the materials. A blank D-2005 –
Title 13, U.S.C provides for the confidential treatment of census-related information, including individual addresses and map spots. Title
13 requires that all liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials abide by the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.
Title 13 also requires that the Census Bureau maintain the confidentiality for all of the information that it collects.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Confidentiality Agreement Form is included in this respondent guide as Appendix B. This form is
also available on the LUCA website at .
The Detailed Feedback Address List is the Title 13 protected material included in the feedback
materials that requires a password to decrypt and open. This case-sensitive password, different
from the password used during the Review Phase, arrives separately and prior to receiving the
feedback materials. Keep the password letter (D-2280) secure for use in opening the materials
as discussed in Section 1.5 and preparing any Appeals materials for submission as discussed in
Section 3.4.1.
Following the LUCA Feedback Phase or a possible Appeal, at the conclusion of the 2020 Census
LUCA operation, the LUCA liaison must verify the destruction (preferred) or return to the
Census Bureau all Title 13 materials and copies by signing and returning the D-2012 –
Destruction or Return of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form. A blank form is included as Appendix C
and is available online at the LUCA website at . Additional information or assistance is available,
toll-free, by phone at (844) 344-0169 or by email at [email protected].


Entity Identification Codes

All local government entity codes, also known as the “EntityID,” appearing in the feedback
materials have a two-letter code identifying the type of entity. County, place, and minor civil
division codes include the state 2-digit Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) numeric
code. Minor civil divisions also include the county 3-digit FIPS numeric code. See Table 1 for
information regarding the entity identification codes.
Table 1: Entity Identification Codes

Entity Identification Code



ST (2 alpha) + (2 FIPS numeric)



CO (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + County (3 FIPS numeric)



PL (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + FIPS Place (5 FIPS


Minor Civil Division (MCD)

MC (2 alpha) + State (2 FIPS numeric) + County (3 FIPS numeric)
+ FIPS MCD (5 FIPS numeric)


Below are four examples showing the “EntityID” for local government entities.

State: ST01 (state of Alabama).


County: CO42085 (Mercer County, Pennsylvania).


Place: PL0100124 (Abbeville city, Alabama).


Minor Civil Division: MC4208567472 (Salem Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania).

Tribal government entity codes contain a unique 12-character alphanumeric identification code
assigned by the Census Bureau that identifies the tribe and its associated geographic area. An
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


example of a 12-character tribal identification code, TR0013TA0185, where TR0013 is the 6character tribal code that represents the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute
Reservation and TA0185 is the 6-character tribal geographic area code that represents Benton
Paiute Reservation, the geographic area associated with the Utu Utu Gwaitu Pauite Tribe. This
12-character code is the “EntityID” for tribal governments.


Respondent Guide Organization

GUPS is a customized geographic information system (GIS) provided by the Census Bureau.
Based on an open-source platform known as QGIS, GUPS is an easy-to-use software designed to
meet the needs of LUCA Feedback participants without extensive GIS experience. It replaces
the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) from 2010 LUCA. For more information on QGIS,
refer to .
Use this respondent guide, the D-2233, in conjunction with the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent Guide; Instructions for Using the Geographic
Update Partnership Software (D-2033) as well as the 2020 Census Local Update of Census
Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital
Address List Participants (D-2232). The respondent guides do not repeat all of the information
between the phases (Review and Feedback).
Hyperlinks appear as underlined, light blue text. Cross-reference links to other sections within
the document appear as bold blue text.


GUPS continues to evolve through updates and revisions. As a result, some
discrepancies between the appearance of individual screens or buttons in this guide
may differ from the actual software received with the feedback materials. Other
variations in color or styles may also exist.

Training and Support

There are no workshops scheduled for the Feedback Phase; however, the LUCA website at
information regarding the use of GUPS as well as other information that may assist with
reviewing the feedback materials. In addition, the Census Bureau’s LUCA Help Desk can assist
with feedback related questions. The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office, established as a
separate, temporary federal entity by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), handles
the Appeals process and all Appeal-related questions.
Contact the LUCA Help Desk, toll-free, at (844) 344-0169 or email them at
[email protected]. Contact the Appeals Office, toll-free, at (888) 222-9907. Their
email address is located on the aforementioned LUCA website.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




This chapter provides introductory information on the materials participants receive as part of
the LUCA Feedback Phase. It discusses how to get started with the GUPS by providing the
system and hardware requirements, walking the participant through the installation process,
and opening GUPS to start a new project. The Census Bureau strongly encourages participants
to reference both the LUCA Review Phase and LUCA Feedback Phase respondent guide
materials while working with the GUPS during the LUCA Feedback Phase.


The Census Bureau continues to revise and update GUPS to enhance the participant’s
experience during the LUCA Feedback Phase. As a result, some discrepancies between
the individual screens used in the examples within this respondent guide and the actual
GUPS software may occur. Variation could exist in the colors used for the symbology
within GUPS and as well as the graphics that appear on the buttons (e.g. icons).

Feedback Materials

The Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials to eligible governments
beginning in July 2019 and ending in September 2019. Unless a participant declined feedback,
the Census Bureau will provide LUCA Feedback Phase materials for jurisdictions that submitted
address updates after reviewing and applying each properly formatted address update to the
Census Address List and adding any new addresses not already included. The Census Bureau
will verify the participant suggested address updates (additions, corrections, deletions, etc.) to
ensure that all address updates and additions exist and that they are in the correct census
block. Participants that reviewed the Census Address List, agreed with its contents during the
LUCA Review Phase, and asked to receive feedback also receive LUCA Feedback Phase
The Census Bureau provides feedback materials according to the final format that the
participant selected for the LUCA Review Phase. For digital address list participants and GUPS
participants, the feedback materials include:2

Feedback Address Update Summary Report — displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census
Bureau for all the address updates submitted by an entity.


Detailed Feedback Address List — shows all processed (i.e., properly formatted) address record
updates submitted by the participant and a feedback processing code identifying a specific
action taken by the Census Bureau on that address record. This address list also identifies any
address records not commented on and deleted from the original Census Address List by
another LUCA participant or other census operation.

For participants that either told us “no changes” on the D-2079 or D-2084 and had no records deleted by other LUCA participants or other
census operations or for those that submitted a file that could not be processed and had no records deleted by other LUCA participants or
other census operations, there are no addresses to review or appeal. These participants receive a paper insert, the D-2282, that notifies
them their Detailed Feedback Address List will be blank and explains why. A corresponding portable document format (PDF) file,
2020LUCA_FB_insert.pdf, will be present on their DVD(s).

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Feedback Address Count List — contains the number of residential housing unit (HU) and group
quarters (GQ) addresses on the LUCA Review Phase Census Address List and the current number
of HU and GQ residential addresses for each Census block within the participant’s jurisdiction.


Feedback Maps — may include feature updates provided by the submitting entity, other LUCA
participants, and/or other updates found by the Census Bureau during other census operations.
o Shapefiles — created from the Master Address File (MAF)/Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) System (MAF/TIGER) for participants that
selected Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). These are also known as TIGER
Partnership shapefiles.


Reference/instructional materials — include the Feedback Respondent Guide(s), Quick Start
Guide(s), Feedback Address Update Summary Report, various forms, and readme file(s). For
GUPS participants, the various materials are included in digital format on DVD and on the LUCA
website at . In
addition to being included in digital format on the DVD, the Feedback Address Update Summary
Report and the Quick Start Guides are included as hard copies.


Getting Started

This section includes information needed to use the GUPS. It offers a description of the system
and hardware requirements to use the GUPS application and gives specific instructions for how
to install GUPS using the GUPS Software Installation DVD.
The LUCA Feedback Phase materials package for GUPS participants includes three discs: a GUPS
software installation disc and two data discs. The “GUPS Software Installation Disc” DVD
prompts participants, through an installation wizard, to install the software and load the
feedback materials.
Note: The Census Bureau updated GUPS since the completion of the LUCA Review Phase. Participants
utilizing GUPS for the LUCA Feedback Phase must install the updated version during the LUCA
Feedback Phase.

Before beginning the installation, use Table 2 below to check the local computer to verify that it
has the capabilities needed to run GUPS. GUPS will prompt participants to insert the data discs
in a specific sequence. For participants without access to a CD/DVD drive, please contact the
LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for assistance with GUPS installation.
The “Non-Title 13 Data Disc” DVD contains the supplemental materials in the root directory and
the shapefiles and Feedback Address Count List in the “shape” folder.

The root directory contains:
o FB_Readmefirst6.txt – this provides detailed explanations of folders and files on both DVDs.
o 2020LUCA__FB_summary_report.pdf – this is a portable document file (PDF)
version of the printed Feedback Address Update Summary Report that summarizes the
Census Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants
during the LUCA Review Phase.
o 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf – this is the portable document file (PDF)
version of this document, the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation
(LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for Digital Address List

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide







2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf – this is the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions
for Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Participants.
2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_digital.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital
Quick Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the DVDs and use of the files
included on the DVDs and serves as a quick summary for getting started with the materials.
2020LUCA_FB_quick_start_gups.pdf – this is the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Quick
Start Guide. It includes high-level information regarding the use of the files included on the
DVDs. It serves as a quick summary for getting started with the GUPS software.
_D2005_Confidentiality.pdf – this is the Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005)
to use if updating reviewers or the liaison.
_D2012_Destruction.pdf – this is the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials
Form (D-2012) to use to confirm destruction (preferred) or return of all Title 13 materials as
required by law after 2020 Census LUCA concludes.

The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe.
 GUPS extracts the shapefiles and the Feedback Address Count List from this .exe file.


Refer to the 2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Quick Start Guide (D-2242) for software
installation and the initial setup for the review of LUCA Feedback Phase materials.

The “Title 13 Data Disc” DVD contains the Census Bureau’s Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address
List in the “shape” folder.


The “shape” folder contains:
o 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe.
 When prompted within GUPS, use the password provided separately from materials to
open this zipped, encrypted file.

System and Hardware Requirements

Participants can use GUPS on a desktop PC or a network environment. Table 2 lists the
hardware and software requirements to install and run GUPS. Also included are the software
requirements to submit files through the SWIM website.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 2: GUPS Hardware and Software Requirements
Free Disk Space Needed to
3.3 GB

Operating System
To run GUPS, participants need one of the following
Windows® operating systems:

supported by
Internet Explorer®

Disk Space Needed to Store


Windows 7®


Windows 8®

Google Chrome®

Shapefile sizes vary. To view
the size of the shapefiles,
select a file/ folder, right-click,
and choose Properties in the
drop-down menu. The Files
Properties box opens and
displays the file/folder sizes.
Select multiple files/ folders in
the list to view their
properties via the same


Windows 10®

Mozilla Firefox®

4 GB minimum; 8GB or more
recommended for optimal


Apple Safari®

Mac OS X® users must secure a license for Microsoft
Windows and use a Windows bridge. The suggested
bridge software is Boot Camp®, which comes preinstalled on all Mac computers. See instructions for
using Boot Camp at:

Note: SWIM
supports the two
most recent
version of each of
these major

Important: Boot Camp requires a restart of the
computer to set up the bridge. Be sure to print the
instructions provided at the URL above before installing
Boot Camp.

Note: Depending on the Windows OS version, the GUPS dialog boxes may have a different appearance
than the screenshots contained in the respondent guide, however, the content is the same.


GUPS Installation and Help

Participants with previous versions of GUPS installed on their computer for use with other
Census Bureau programs must install this updated version for use in the LUCA Feedback Phase.
Please update the GUPS by using the “GUPS Software Installer Disc” DVD provided with the
LUCA Feedback Phase materials. To complete the installation of the current version, follow the
steps in Table 3. Refer to Appendix A for information on computer and password requirements
while using GUPS and Title 13 confidential data.
For supplemental information on functions within GUPS that are specific to QGIS, refer to the
QGIS manual located at . The
QGIS manual offers helpful information on several actions not described in this guide, including
working with user-provided data layers and creating customized coordinate systems. For
questions concerning technical matters with the GUPS application, please call the LUCA Help
Desk at (844) 344-0169 or email [email protected].

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 3: Installation of the GUPS Application

Action and Result

Step 1

Place the GUPS software installer DVD into the local computer’s CD/DVD drive. Depending on the
version of Windows, a Windows protected your PC pop-up box may appear. To continue, click
“More info,” then select “Run anyway.”

Step 2

Other computers may show a pop-up window that asks, “Do you want to run this file?”, “Do you
want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this
computer?”, or a similar query, click ‘Run,’ ‘Yes,’ ‘Allow,’ or an option that allows you to proceed
with installation. The software should begin to run automatically.
Be aware some participants may experience issues with installation because of administrative
rights and privileges on their local computer systems. Work with the local Information Technology
(IT) support staff to understand the settings that prevent the installation of external software prior
to contacting the Census Bureau for assistance.

Step 3

If the software does not run automatically, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the CD/DVD drive,
and double-click on the file named SETUP-10.0.x-x.bat. The name of this file may vary slightly, but
it will be the only setup .bat file available. If the software still does not run properly, contact your
local System Administrator for assistance first before contacting the Census Bureau’s LUCA Help
Desk, as many problems with installation of GUPS involve local hardware security permissions.

Step 4

When the installer opens, the Welcome to the QGIS 3.4.4 ‘Madeira’ Setup Wizard screen appears.

Before proceeding, close all other open programs or applications. Once other programs and
applications are closed, click the Next button.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 5

The License Agreement screen appears.

Read the License Agreement and click the I Agree button to continue.
Step 6

The Choose Install Location screen opens.

The Browse button on this screen allows participants to browse the local computer for an
installation location. The Census Bureau recommends the installation of the GUPS application to
the default location: (C:\QGIS344) to prevent installation errors or issues. To begin the installation,
click the Next button.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 7

The Choose Components screen opens.

‘QGIS’ in the Select components to install field is grayed out since it is the default. Participants
do not need to select it, click the Install button to continue.
To review a previous screen or reread the license agreement, click the Back button (each screen
contains this button). This returns participants to the previous screen.
Step 8

U.S. Census Bureau

The software takes approximately five to 10 minutes to install. When it finishes installation, the
Completing the QGIS 3.4.4 ‘Madeira’ Setup Wizard screen opens. Click the Finish button.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 9

To complete the installation, click the Close button at the bottom of the GUPS Install Setup:
Completed Setup Wizard screen. Once the application installs, QGIS will be added to the All
Programs Start Menu list.

The installer software includes additional open source software packages. Although included, LUCA
Feedback does not use these packages.


How to Open GUPS and Start a New Project

To open the GUPS application and begin the LUCA Feedback Phase review, follow the steps in
Table 4 below. Before beginning, note that if you feel comfortable with the system, but you do
not want to make all your changes in one session, save your changes then close the system.
When you open GUPS later, it will allow you to reopen the project and continue working.
Table 4: Open GUPS and Start a New Project

Action and Result

Step 1

Double-click the QGIS Desktop icon on the desktop or navigate to QGIS from the Start Menu, All
Programs choice and select QGIS Desktop 3.4.4. The QGIS splash screen appears. (Note: QGIS
provided the open-source platform for building GUPS).

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 2

Wait until the application loads. (An older computer may require a few minutes). When the GUPS
application has successfully loaded, the GUPS main page opens, and the QGIS Tips! box appears.

Note: Since the QGIS provided the open-source platform for building GUPS, you may see
references to QGIS in several locations within the GUPS application.
To view QGIS system tips, click the Next button to read the first tip. Use the Previous and Next
buttons to navigate within tips. To skip the tips, click the checkbox in the bottom left-hand corner
that states, “I’ve had enough tips, don’t show this on start up any more!”
Step 3

U.S. Census Bureau

To begin a GUPS project, close the QGIS Tips! box by clicking the OK button. The box closes and the
Map Management dialog box opens, as shown below.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 4

In the Map Management dialog box, use the drop-down menu next to the Program field to select
the program, ‘LUCA Feedback. ‘LUCA Feedback’ populates the field. (Alternatively, if reopening a
previously started project, select the Open Recent drop-down. From there, select any previously
started project).

Step 5

After selecting the Program, the Select Data Folder, Directory or Location box opens. Select
CD/DVD from the drop-down menu.

After selecting CD/DVD, GUPS prompts participant to insert a CD/DVD. First insert the Title 13
Data Disc that contains the Detailed Feedback Address List (extracts and decrypts the

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 6

After inserting the Title 13 Data Disc and selecting the OK button, GUPS prompts for the
encryption key, distributed in the D-2280-Password letter separate from the LUCA Feedback Phase

After inputting the encryption key and selecting the OK button, GUPS prompts to insert the next
DVD, the Non-Title 13 Data Disc (DISK2of2), that contains the Feedback Address Count List and
shapefiles for your jurisdiction. Select the OK button after inserting the DVD. If the data does not
load, check the local computer to determine if it has enough hard drive/disk space. Participants
need at least 3.3 GB free on the local hard drive during the installation to house the software itself
along with the address data and shapefiles.
REMINDER: Title 13, U.S.C. protects the address data in the Detailed Feedback Address List.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 7

Once the Non-Title 13 Data Disc (DISK2of2) data has loaded, the Entity Type, Entity Name, and any
counties associated with your jurisdiction display in the Map Management window. The examples
below show an MCD and Place participant.

Check the box next to the county/counties to start reviewing, and select the Open button.
If your entity is in multiple counties, it may be helpful to perform your review of each county
individually to enhance performance.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 8

The Map View, Detailed Feedback Address List, and Feedback Address Count List display on screen.

For troubleshooting assistance related to opening the Feedback Phase materials, call the LUCA
Help Desk at (844) 344-0169.


GUPS Toolbars Used During LUCA Feedback

Please note the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent
Guide; Instructions for Using the Geographic Update Partnership Software (D-2033) included
with the original LUCA Review Phase materials, provides additional insight to GUPS menus and
toolbar buttons, as well as button functionality and examples. This material, the (D-2233), does
not repeat the level of detail documented in the D-2033. This guide does provide the details for
the LUCA Feedback specific buttons necessary to review the feedback materials and file an
appeal. Locate the D-2033 on the LUCA website at .
After successfully opening GUPS and the LUCA Feedback Phase materials from the DVDs,
Figure 1 illustrates the various toolbars that appear. Should these toolbars not appear, or if
additional toolbars appear that are unnecessary to perform a review of the LUCA feedback
materials, participants can right-click in the gray area to the left of the toolbars to open a Panels
and Toolbars menu as shown in Figure 2. For LUCA Feedback, participants need to enable the
Geographic Review, Imagery, Import/Export, and QC toolbars and the two panels shown,
Address Count List Panel and Detailed Feedback Address List Panel.
The top row of buttons shown in Figure 1, known as the Standard toolbar, relate to specifically
to QGIS and GUPS functionality. There are three sets of toolbars within the Standard toolbar,
each set separated by two vertical columns of gray dots. The first series of five buttons belongs
to the Project toolbar, the next series of 12 buttons belongs to the Map Navigation toolbar,
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


and the final four buttons belong with the Attributes toolbar. Table 5 defines the purpose of
each button on the Standard toolbar. It is included in this guide because some of the buttons
no longer match the documentation within the aforementioned D-2033.
The second row of buttons, known as the LUCA Feedback toolbar, are specific to LUCA
Feedback. The first six buttons belong with the Geographic Review toolbar, the next button
belongs with the QC toolbar, the third series of three buttons belong with the Import/Export
toolbar, and the last two buttons belong with the Imagery toolbar. Table 6 defines the purpose
of each button on the LUCA Feedback toolbar.

Figure 1. GUPS Toolbars Available in LUCA Feedback

Figure 2. GUPS Panels and Toolbars for LUCA Feedback

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 5: Standard Toolbar Buttons, Names, and Functions/Descriptions


Project Toolbar Grouping

Save Project

Click the Save button to save the current project, including any change to
the layer properties, projection, view extent, and layers.

Style Manager

Click the Style Manager button to change the symbols used for markers,
lines, fills, and the color ramp. Note: The Census Bureau urges caution
when altering the preset symbology because preset symbology identifies
appeal-eligible records; however, the option is available by using the Style
Manager tool.

Map Management

Click the Map Management button to choose the participant program in
GUPS and the county to update. GUPS automatically loads a set of default
data layers for the chosen program.

GUPS Data Settings

Warning! This tool deletes files and folders permanently! Click the GUPS
Data Settings button to open the GUPS Data Settings window. Click the
Options drop-down menu and select Clean by Project.

From the list that returns, check the box to the left of the project name to
select it for deletion. Click OK to continue. GUPS displays a warning
message to confirm the action removes files and folders permanently.
Clean-ups of the current session (highlighted in red in the choices list) cause
GUPS to close.

Click OK to proceed with deletion.
Select Feature(s)

U.S. Census Bureau

Click the Select Feature(s) button to select layer features in the Map View
with a single click, dragging a box, and drawing a freehand polygon. It also
allows participants to select features by radius or by geography.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




Map Navigation Toolbar Grouping

Pan Map

Click the Pan Map button to re-center the map in the Map View at the
location clicked in the map while preserving the map scale.

Pan Map to Selection

Click the Pan to Map Selection button after selecting a feature on the map
(or in the attribute table) to re-center the map based on the selected

Zoom In

Click the Zoom In button to increase the map scale after clicking on the
map and to display the map in Map View at a larger scale.

Zoom Out

Click the Zoom Out button to decrease the map scale after clicking on the
map and to display the map in Map View at a smaller scale.

Zoom Full

Click the Zoom Full button to display the map at the full extent of the

Zoom to Selection

Click the Zoom to Selection button after selecting a feature on the map (or
in the attribute table) to view the feature at the scale of the selected
feature. This button is extremely useful after selecting a record in the
Detailed Feedback Address List. It zooms to the selected record at the
current Map View extent.

Zoom to Layer

Click the Zoom to Layer button after selecting a layer in the Table of
Contents to display the map at the extent of the selected layer.

Zoom Last

Click the Zoom Last button to return to the previous zoom extent.

Zoom Next

Click the Zoom Next button to move forward to the next zoom extent.

New Bookmark

Click the New Bookmark button to create, name, and save geographic
locations in the Map View for future reference.
To create and save a geographic location, first zoom to the location to
bookmark and then select New Bookmark. The Geospatial Bookmarks
window opens.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




Click on a row named New bookmark, backspace over the name “New
bookmark” to delete the name, and enter a descriptive name for the
bookmark (255-character limit). Click the Close button to add the new

Show Bookmarks

Click the Show Bookmarks button to view and manage the bookmarks.

To zoom to a bookmark, click on a bookmark name in the Geospatial
Bookmarks dialog box and then click the Zoom to button.

The Map View zooms to the bookmark. To delete a bookmark, click a
bookmark name and click the Delete button.

Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen at its current extent.

Attributes Toolbar Grouping
Identify Features

U.S. Census Bureau

Click the Identify Features button, change the Mode to ‘Layer selection’
and then click on the feature on the map (road, map spot, river, etc.) to
identify the feature. The selected feature appears in red in the Map View
and the results appear in the Identify Results window.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide





Select Feature(s) by

Click the Select Feature(s) Value button to select layer features in the
map window by value, by all features, or by selecting all features not
already selected (e.g., Invert Feature Selection).

Deselect Features
from All Layers

Click the Deselect Features from All Layers button to deselect the
selected features in all layers in a single action.


Click the Measure button to measure the distance between two or more
points, an area, or an angle on a map.

Table 6 describes the toolbar used to review the feedback materials and to file an appeal.
Table 6: LUCA Feedback Toolbar Buttons, Names, and Functions/Descriptions


Geographic Review Toolbar Grouping

Display All

Click the Display All Names button to display the primary and alternate names
for a street. It also shows the MTFCC for other linear features such as streams,
railroads, non-visible features.
To check for the name of a street feature, click the Display All Names button and
then click on the street on the map. The selected feature highlights in light blue
and the Display All Names dialog box opens showing the primary name in the
Prim. Name field and the alternate name, if one exists, in the Alt. Name field. To
see all alternate names, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Alt. Name
field. If no alternate name exists, ‘NULL’ appears in the Alt. Name field.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide





Show Label

Click the Show Label On/Off button to turn on and off the map spot labels from
the Detailed Feedback Address List.

LUCA Submission
Address List

Click the LUCA Submission Address List button to activate the LUCA Submission
Address List in the legend and to reopen it if the participant closed it. This button
works after the participant imports the LUCA submission using the Import LUCA
Submissions button.

Address List

Click the Detailed Feedback Address List button to activate the Detailed
Feedback Address List in the legend and to reopen it if the participant closed it.

Address Count

Click the Feedback Address Count List button to activate the Feedback Address
Count List in the legend and to reopen it if the participant closed it.


Click the Show/Hide Legend button to hide the legend/layer list. Click it again to
show the legend/layer list.
QC Toolbar Grouping

Review Tool

Click the Appealed Address Document Review Tool button to perform a quality
check on the appealed records to ensure all have supporting documentation
Import/Export Toolbar Grouping

Import LUCA

Click the Import LUCA Submissions button to import a participant’s LUCA
submission exported during the Review Phase from GUPS. Participants must
navigate to the folder where their LUCA submission is located, click on the zip file
and enter the Review Phase password found in the D-2080 letter in order to
import the data.

Export to Zip

Click the Export to Zip button to create the .zip file containing all required data
for submission to the 2020 Census Appeals Office.

Print Map to File

Click the Print Map to File button export a printable map in .pdf, .png, .tif, or
jpeg format.
Imagery Toolbar Grouping

Internet Map

Click the Internet Map Service button to load a GIS map service from the
internet into GUPS to assist with overlaying external source visuals/data.
Note: An internet connection is required for this button to function.

Add Imagery

Click the Add Imagery button to add either United States Geological Survey
(USGS) or Esri® imagery to overlay the working county shapefiles. Remove
imagery using the same button.

The legend depicts all of the layers that appear when GUPS opens with feedback materials and
will display the original LUCA submission if participants choose to import it into the project. See
Figure 3 for a visual of the legend with the Detailed Feedback Address List symbology (e.g.,
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


lucafb20_MC2500119295_feedbackaddr), the original submission symbology (e.g.,
lucafb20_MC2500119295_submission), and other layers.

Figure 3. GUPS Legend/Layers for LUCA Feedback

The symbology used for Detailed Feedback Address List records that have associated map spots
to provide a distinctive way to determine address records that are eligible or ineligible for
Appeal. See Figure 4 that illustrates the symbols and shading used to help participants
differentiate between appeal-eligible and appeal-ineligible address records.

Figure 4. Detailed Feedback Address List Layer Symbology


U.S. Census Bureau

Hollow blue circles that represent housing units or hollow blue squares that represent
group quarters show the appeal-eligible records while hollow gray symbols of the same
style show the appeal-ineligible records. Filled in shapes (e.g., solid blue circles or solid
blue squares) denote address records flagged for appeal in the Detailed Feedback
Address List.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




This chapter provides information on the content within each feedback material and lays the
foundation for conducting a review of the materials. It devotes a section to describing the
detailed feedback processing codes and identifying which records are eligible for appeal based
on their processing code.


Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The Census Bureau provides a printed copy of the Feedback Address Update Summary Report
(D-2201) to participants with their feedback materials package and includes a digital copy, in
the form of a portable document format (PDF), on DVD. The report summarizes the Census
Bureau processing performed on the address records submitted by participants during the
LUCA Review Phase. This report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all
of the address updates that the participant submitted and the total number of address records
on the original Census address list that were deleted by a different census operation or another
level of government participating in LUCA. See Figure 5 for an example of the report and see
Figure 6 for an example of the report translated for use by Puerto Rico participants.
Section “A” of the report contains the total number of address records submitted to the Census
Bureau for the LUCA Review Phase, the total number of address records submitted that were
processed, and the total number of address records submitted without required information
and were not processed. Unprocessed addresses include those with blank or invalid action
codes, addresses submitted without geographic information such as the census tract and block
numbers or the latitude and longitude coordinates, or non-city style addresses without a map
spot or latitude and longitude coordinates. The total number of participant address records
submitted for processing (e.g., 100) equals the total number of address records processed (e.g.,
91) and the total number of address records not processed (e.g., 9).

The total number of submitted address records processed by the Census Bureau (e.g.,
91 records in the case of Figure 5 or Figure 6) equates to the number of records that
appear in the Detailed Feedback Address List.

Section “B” of the report displays the tallies of actions taken by the Census Bureau for all the
processed address records submitted with valid action codes and map spot/coordinates (or
geocodes). The total number of address records accepted as requested (e.g., 61) and the total
number of address records not accepted as requested (e.g., 30), equals the total number of
address records submitted and processed (e.g., 91) as shown in Section “A” of the report.
Section “C” of the report contains address records not commented on, but deleted from the
original Census Address List by a different census operation or another level of government
participating in LUCA. Review Section 2.2.1 for information on these deleted records.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Figure 5. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201) Example

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Figure 6. Feedback Address Update Summary Report (D-2201SP) Example for Puerto Rico

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Detailed Feedback Address List

The Census Bureau provides the Detailed Feedback Address List to participants as part of their
feedback materials in order to see the disposition of each submitted address record processed
by the Census Bureau. Participants use the Detailed Feedback Address List to determine which
address records are eligible for appeal and denote them accordingly. This material shows all
usable address record updates submitted by the participant, processed by the Census Bureau,
and a feedback processing code identifying a specific action taken on that address record. In
addition, the list contains any addresses that were on the participant’s Census Address List
during the LUCA Review Phase, but subsequently deleted by a different census operation or
another level of government participating in LUCA.

The Detailed Feedback Address List is the only editable material for the LUCA Feedback
Phase. The “APPEAL_FLAG,” which corresponds to the “Appeal?” field in GUPS, is the
only editable field in the Detailed Feedback Address List.

Each address record in the stateside version of the Detailed Feedback Address List .csv file has a
maximum length of 657 characters and contains 26 fields of information. In the Puerto Rico
version of this file, each address record has a maximum length of 941 characters and 32 fields
of information. Refer to Appendix H for tables that show the maximum character length of
each field, the field name, and a description of the field. Table 10 describes the stateside file
while Table 11 describes the Puerto Rico file.
GUPS ingests the Detailed Feedback Address List .csv file during the initial load process
described in Section 1.5 and displays it within the software for participants to review. Four of
the 26 fields do not display within GUPS. Those four fields are the LINE_NUMBER, ENTITY,
MAPSPOT, and APPEAL_CODE. For the remaining 22 fields, GUPS translates the field names
shown below into very similar, if not identical field names displayed within GUPS. Regardless of
the field names, only one field, “APPEALS_FLAG,” is editable. As previously mentioned, the
“APPEALS_FLAG” field in the .csv file corresponds to the “Appeal?” field within GUPS.
During the LUCA Review Phase, if participants determined the Census Address List was correct,
had no address updates, and returned either form D-2079 – No Updates or Changes to
Addresses Form or D-2084 – Submission Deadline Form indicating that they wanted to receive
the LUCA Feedback Phase materials, their Detailed Feedback Address List file contains only the
addresses deleted by a different census operation or another level of government participating
in LUCA. If there were no addresses deleted since the LUCA Review Phase, the Detailed
Feedback Address List file will be blank. A paper insert (D-2282), mentioned as the footnote in
Section 1.1, notifies them that they did not have any addresses eligible for appeal.
To facilitate the participant’s feedback review, the Census Bureau provides the Detailed
Feedback Address List file sorted based on the following order of the FEEDBACK_CODE field:
X01, R03, A01, A02, A03, R01, and R02. Within each feedback processing code, the GEOID field
provides another sort level. Performing this dual sort promotes the appeal-eligible records to
the beginning of the file while retaining a geographic organization for the address records.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Feedback Processing Codes

The feedback processing codes in the Detailed Feedback Address List indicate the results of the
Census Bureau processing of participants records submitted during the LUCA Review Phase.
Table 7 identifies the feedback processing code assigned to the records submitted by a
participant. The second column of the table indicates if the code is eligible for appeal. The third
column gives the Census Bureau’s result of the processing, including information regarding the
acceptance or rejection of the participant’s update and a decision to include or exclude the
address from the 2020 Census. Participants can click on a Feedback Code in GUPS and the
software opens a pop-up window with the definitions listed below.
Table 7: Feedback Processing Codes





Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction. This address
was not updated as part of your LUCA review, but has been deleted
from the 2020 Census Address List by another level of government
participating in LUCA or a different census operation.



Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and rejects your
LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will include
this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in the same
block, and accepts your LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in a
different block, and accepts your LUCA update.



Address OUT of the Census: The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction, and accepts
your LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Same Block: The Census Bureau will include
this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in the same
block, and rejects your LUCA update.



Address IN the Census, Different Block: The Census Bureau will
include this address in the 2020 Census for your jurisdiction in a
different block, and rejects your LUCA update.

The FEEDBACK_CODE field of the Detailed Feedback Address List (e.g., “Feedback Code” in
GUPS) contains a code that specifies if the Census Bureau accepted or rejected the action
submitted by the participant. For example, A01, A02, and A03 indicates the Census Bureau
accepted the address update. These three feedback processing codes are not eligible for
appeal. Both A01 and A02 records remain in the 2020 Census enumeration universe and
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


therefore are ineligible for appeal while the A03 reflects an accepted update that excludes an
address from the 2020 Census enumeration universe (i.e., accepted D, N, and J LUCA actions).
The three “R” feedback processing codes (R01, R02, and R03) indicate the Census Bureau
rejected the updated addresses. Only the R03 is eligible for appeal. Both R01 and R02 records
remain in the 2020 Census enumeration universe and therefore are ineligible for appeal.
In addition to records submitted by a participant, the Detailed Feedback Address List may
include addresses that were in the Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase (not
commented on by the participant), but deleted by a different census operation or another level
of government participating in LUCA. These addresses receive an X01 feedback processing code
and are eligible for appeal.


Only addresses assigned with feedback processing codes of X01 or R03 in the Detailed
Feedback Address List are eligible for appeal because they are not part of the 2020
Census enumeration universe.

Feedback Processing Code Examples

This section provides only a few examples for each feedback processing code. It documents
some of the most common scenarios encountered during the Census Bureau’s processing of
LUCA Review Phase submissions. This list of examples is not a comprehensive list of all the
scenarios that lead to the assignment of feedback processing codes.
X01 – Address removed from the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address
from the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction. A different census operation or another
level of government participating in LUCA deleted the address. This address was not updated as
part of the participant’s LUCA Review Phase work. (Appeal eligible.)

If a state participant deleted a record that no nesting entity participants (county, minor civil
division, place, and American Indian Area) commented on, the nesting entity participants would
see this address as an X01.


If a participant did not update the address but an update from a different census operation
deleted it, the participant would see the address as an X01.

R03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction and rejects the LUCA update. (Appeal eligible.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) to an area where evidence of housing does not exist,
or the Census Bureau processing determines the address is not residential. The Census Bureau
rejects the A action and excludes it from the 2020 Census enumeration universe. This action
would receive an R03. The participant can appeal the address record for inclusion in the 2020
Census enumeration universe.


A county participant corrects (a C action) the geocode of an address, but the place participant
marks the same address as non-residential (an N action). The Census Bureau accepts the place
participant’s action, removes the address record from the 2020 Census enumeration universe,
and assigns the place participant’s record an A03. The county participant receives an R03 on
their C action. The county can appeal the address record to reinstate it into the 2020 Census
enumeration universe.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


A01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it where the
participant says.


Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau agrees.

A02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and accepts the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)

Participant adds an address (an A action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a different block.
This action would receive an A02.


Participant submits an address record as an add (an A action). The Census Bureau matches to
the same address in a different block within the participant’s jurisdiction. This action would
receive an A02.


Participant updated a street name or geocode (a C action) and the Census Bureau accepts it in a
different block. This action would receive an A02.

A03 – Address is not in the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will exclude this address from the
2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction, and accepts the LUCA update. (Ineligible for

Participant submitted an address for deletion (a D action) because it no longer exists and the
Census Bureau agrees that the address no longer exists. The Census Bureau will exclude this
address from the 2020 Census. This action would receive an A03.


Participant submitted that the building was non-residential (an N action) and the Census
Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF) confirms the record is a commercial record. This action
would receive an A03.


Participant submitted the address as out of their jurisdiction (a J action), an adjacent jurisdiction
added the same record (an A action), and the Census Bureau agrees with the A action in the
adjacent jurisdiction. The J action would receive an A03. The A action would receive either A01
or A02.

R01 – Address is in the 2020 Census in the same block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in the same block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)

Participant submitted a group quarters address record with an apartment unit number (an A
action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new address record as invalid. The Census Bureau will
enumerate the group quarters at the main address in the same block submitted by the
participant.3 This action would receive an R01.4


Participant misused the C action to change a house number or a within structure ID (WSID), both
un-editable fields. The participant needed to submit these as add/delete combinations rather
than changing the house number or WSID. This action would receive an R01.

If the block differed, this record would receive the R02 feedback processing code.
During the LUCA Review Phase, the Census Bureau only requested the main address, group quarters name and facility name (if
applicable) of the group quarters records because the group quarters enumeration operations enumerate at the main unit, not each
individual unit within the group quarters. Records submitted with additional information, like apartment unit information, are invalid.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Participant submitted the address for deletion (a D action) and the record is a known, valid
residential address from the USPS Delivery Sequence File (DSF). This action would receive an


Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an R01.


Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a known,
valid residential address in their jurisdiction from the USPS DSF. This action would receive an

R02 – Address is in the 2020 Census in a different block. The Census Bureau will include this
address in the 2020 Census for the participant’s jurisdiction in a different block, and rejects the
LUCA update. (Ineligible for appeal.)



Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau rejects the new
geocode keeping the address in the original location. This action would receive an R02.


Participant submitted a geocode change (a C action) and the Census Bureau chooses “third
block” (meaning the location is not where it was on the LUCA Review Phase materials, NOR
where the participant says, but the Census Bureau moved the record to a third block). This
action would receive an R02.


This example involves two or more jurisdictions. A state participant submitted a D action, but a
county participant submitted geocode change (a C action) on the same address. The Census
Bureau would reject the state’s D action and keep the address in the 2020 Census in a different
block, the one submitted by the county. The state’s action would receive an R02. The county’s
action would receive an A01.


Participant submitted the address as non-residential (an N action) and the record is valid nonresidential address in a different block. This action would receive an R02.


Participant submitted the address as out of jurisdiction (a J action) and the record is a valid
residential address in a different block within their jurisdiction. This action would receive an

Feedback Address Count List

The Census Bureau provides the Feedback Address Count List .csv file to participants to show
the change in residential address block tallies between the LUCA Review Phase and the LUCA
Feedback Phase. The file contains the LUCA Review Phase tallies of residential addresses
(housing unit and group quarters) that were on the participant’s Census Address List and the
current number of residential addresses (housing unit and group quarters) in the Census
Address List for each census block within the jurisdiction. It is important to realize that tally
differences do not indicate lack of coverage. It could indicate a change to geocoding between
census blocks in the jurisdiction. The tally differences may also be the result of work performed
during other census operations. There is no direct link between change in tallies on the
Feedback Address Count List and appeal eligibility for individual address records on the Detailed
Feedback Address List.
Each record has a maximum length of 59 characters and contains nine fields of information. The
length for each record may vary. Refer to Appendix I for tables that show the maximum
character length of each field, the field name, and a description of the field. Table 12 describes
the stateside file while Table 13 shows the structure for the Puerto Rico file. The fields and
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


character counts remain the same for both the stateside and the Puerto Rico Feedback Address
Count List files.
GUPS ingests this Feedback Address Count List .csv file during the initial load process described
in Section 1.5 and displays it within the software for participants to review. As with the Detailed
Feedback Address List, GUPS translates the field names shown below into very similar, if not
identical field names displayed within GUPS.


Feedback Maps - Shapefiles

Participants use the shapefiles for geocoding reference and for review of any map updates
submitted during the LUCA Review Phase. Shapefiles may include feature updates provided by
the submitting entity, other LUCA participants, and/or other updates found by the Census
Bureau during other census operations. GUPS ingests these shapefiles file as part of the initial
load process described in Section 1.5 and displays them in the GUPS Map View for reference

Participants may not submit shapefile updates during the LUCA Feedback Phase due to
2020 Census operational scheduling.

Refer to the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Respondent
Guide; Digital Address List Format (D-2032) included with the original LUCA Review Phase
materials for details on shapefiles. Neither this guide, nor the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide; Instructions for
Digital Address List Participants, (D-2232) repeat that information since the shapefiles are
reference materials for geocoding purposes only. Locate a copy of the D-2032 on the LUCA
website at .

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




This chapter provides information on the process to appeal addresses while reviewing the 2020
Census LUCA feedback materials. The Federal Register notice on the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals
Process forms the basis for much of the content in this chapter. A copy of the Federal Register
notice is included in the feedback materials package or can be located on LUCA website at



To ensure that tribal, state, and local governments participating in 2020 Census LUCA have a
means to appeal the Census Bureau’s determinations, the Census Address List Improvement
Act of 1994 requires that the Administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (OIRA), acting through the Chief Statistician and in consultation with the Census Bureau,
develop an Appeals Process by establishing a temporary federal entity, the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office. This office will resolve any disagreements that may remain after participating
governments receive the Census Bureau’s LUCA feedback materials and make a final decision
on the inclusion of appealed addresses. Participants must contact staff in the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office, not the Census Bureau, for specific appeal-related questions. Reach the Appeals
Staff toll-free, by phone, at (888) 222-9907.


Deadline for Filing an Appeal

The deadline for filing an Appeal is 45 calendar days after the date the participant receives their
feedback materials from the Census Bureau. The 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office defines
“receipt” as the delivery date reported to the Census Bureau by the delivery service carrier.
In order to safeguard the confidential address materials covered by Title 13, the transmission of
an Appeal to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office must adhere to the Census Bureau's specific
guidelines for handling materials supplied with the feedback materials. The participant must
transmit its Appeals material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office following the instructions
outlined in Section 3.4 and should keep a record of the date of transmission of these materials
in case there are questions about the submission date. The participant may not submit any
materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office after the 45 calendar day period has elapsed.
Upon receipt of an Appeal, the Appeals Staff will send a confirmation of receipt to the
participant. They also will notify the Census Bureau that a participant has filed an Appeal.


Procedures for Filing an Appeal

A participant is eligible to file an Appeal if they returned address additions or corrections to the
Census Address List during the LUCA Review Phase, or if they certified, after review, that the
Census Address List was correct and required no updates. A participant may appeal the
following types of addresses:

Address deletions from the Census Address List by another level of government participating in
LUCA or by a different census operation that participants did not comment on during the LUCA

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Review Phase. The Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the X01
feedback processing code. The 2020 Census enumeration universe excludes these records.

Address additions and corrections provided during the LUCA Review Phase that the Census
Bureau processed, but denied and excluded in the 2020 Census enumeration universe. The
Detailed Feedback Address List identifies these addresses with the R03 feedback processing

The following five steps summarize the Appeals process for eligible governments:
1. Research the X01 and R03 records to determine if any require reinstatement into the
Census Address List for the 2020 Census.
2. Within GUPS, select the address record to Appeal from the Detailed Feedback Address
List. Flag the record for Appeal by using the Appeal button in the heading area of the
Detailed Feedback Address List. See Figure 7 for a visual of the Appeal button and its
placement in the heading area of the Detailed Feedback Address List. This action inserts
the letter “Y” in the Appeal? field within GUPS. Use the Remove Appeal button to
remove the “Y” from a record flagged for appeal. Removing a flag from an Appealed
record serves up a confirmation message as shown in Figure 8. Please use caution when
removing an Appeal flag because it does remove the supporting documentation
attached to the selected record.

Figure 7. Detailed Feedback Address List Appeal Button

Figure 8. Remove Appeal Flag Warning Message

3. Attach supporting documentation to each record, or groups of records, flagged for
Appeal. Section outlines the various ways to attach supporting documentation.
The Show Documents button in Figure 7 opens a Document List alongside the Map
View that displays the Appealed records and any associated documentation. Examples
of the Document List appear in Figure 13 and Figure 14.
4. At the conclusion of the feedback materials review, prior to exporting the data for
submission, participants may launch the Appealed Address Document Review Tool
button in the LUCA Feedback Toolbar to check the Appealed records for supporting
documentation. Participants may use this tool to attach supporting documentation
rather than attaching documentation as records are flagged for Appeal. See Section
3.3.4 for more information on this tool.
5. Export the Appealed records and the associated supporting documentation to a zip file
using the Export to Zip button in the LUCA Feedback Toolbar. This process stages the
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


.zip file for submission to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. See Section 3.3.4 for
more information on this tool.
The next sub-sections illustrate the five aforementioned steps to the Appeals process.


Researching Appeal-Eligible Records

For ease of review and identification, the Detailed Feedback Address List opens with the
Appeal-eligible records, the X01s and R03s, promoted to the top. Participants may re-sort the
Detailed Feedback Address List using any of the column headings. For example, they may resort by GEOID without regard to Feedback Code to organize geographically or they may re-sort
by Street Name and House # to organize alphabetically. Regardless of the view displayed in the
Detailed Feedback Address List, only the X01 and R03 are eligible for Appeal.
A single click on an address record in Detailed Feedback Address List selects the record,
highlights it in the Map View (if there is a corresponding map spot), and selects the census
block in the Feedback Address Count List. If Move Selection to top is checked in the Feedback
Address Count List, then the census block associated with the selected address record
promotes to the top of the list of census blocks. See Figure 9 for a visual of GUPS with a full
extent Map View with one record selected in the Detailed Feedback Address List and the census
block promoted to the top of the Feedback Address Count List.

None of the forthcoming examples display any Title 13 data.

Figure 9. GUPS Map View with Full Extent Zoom and One Record Selected for Appeal

Double-clicking on the address record in Detailed Feedback Address List duplicates the same
actions, except the Map View zooms to the map spot, if one exists. Should participants
encounter problems with double-clicking to zoom, they can use the Zoom to Selection button
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


on the Standard toolbar with the record selected in the Detailed Feedback Address List as
detailed in Table 5. See Figure 10 for a visual of a zoomed Map View. The selected record’s map
spot is turquoise rather than the hollow blue circle to denote its selection.

Figure 10. GUPS Map View with Zoomed Extent and One Record Selected for Appeal

If participants select multiple addresses in the Detailed Feedback Address List, then GUPS only
selects the addresses in the Detailed Feedback Address List and highlights the map spots in the
Map View. GUPS does not select the census blocks in the Feedback Address Count List. If
participants select multiple records, they must use the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons to zoom
rather than double clicking the records or using the Zoom to Selection button.
Participants are encouraged to utilize their Review Phase sources, as well as any additional
address source materials that may assist with determining whether to flag any of the X01 or
R03 records for Appeal. Refer to Appendix E for information that discusses importing a
participant’s Review Phase LUCA submission into the LUCA Feedback GUPS project. Refer to
Appendix G for information on importing local data such as GIS files, web mapping services, or
locally sourced imagery. To enable imagery programmed within GUPS, refer to Table 6 for the
use of the buttons within the Imagery Toolbar grouping in the LUCA Feedback toolbar. Each of
these three methods for adding in reference information may prove useful to visualize the
Detailed Feedback Address List records and/or the census blocks containing the X01 and R03
address records.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Participants may refer to Appendix F for information regarding the review of the Feedback
Address Count List. While it does not have a direct effect on filing an Appeal, it may be of
interest to participants to see the updated census block counts within the GUPS environment.


Flagging a Record in the Detailed Feedback Address List for Appeal

If research supports flagging an address record for Appeal, with the address selected in the
Detailed Feedback Address List, click the Appeal button as illustrated in Figure 7. Once flagged,
GUPS adds a “Y” to the Appeal? field and prompts a participant to add documentation. See
Figure 11 for a visual.

Figure 11. Flagging Record for Appeal and Address Appeal Documentation Pop-Up

GUPS requires no further action for flagging a record than use of the Appeal button. Should
participants discover an address record flagged for Appeal in error, they utilize the Remove
Appeal button to remove the Appeal flag from the record.


Supporting Documentation

The third step discussed in Section 3.3 involves supporting documentation. The 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office requires eligible participants to provide evidence of existence and the
location for appealed addresses. To this end, eligible participants must provide the supporting
documentation for all appealed addresses as specified below.
For the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals process, participants may apply the same set of supporting
evidence to a group of addresses instead of requiring unique documentation for each address.
For example, participants may wish to supply one set of supporting evidence for related
addresses such as those associated with a single housing development or complex if the set of
supporting evidence substantiates the existence of the full set of linked addresses. In other
cases, a written description of a robust process to review and verify the appeal-eligible
addresses using highly accurate sources may support a set of addresses. Participants must
supplement this narrative with a selection of appealed addresses associated with an exact
location and proven with one of the evidence types listed below.

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Eligible governments must submit the following supporting documentation with their Appeals:

A written narrative with an explanation of the eligible government’s position for why the
Appeals Staff should adopt their recommendation. The Appeals Office suggests participants
name the file This file format (xxx) varies based on
software used to create it. The narrative should outline the basis of the appeal and the
participant’s position for why the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office should adopt the
recommendations. It should provide the contact information for the appeal, including:
o The name of the governmental jurisdiction filing the Appeal.
o The name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any) for the
jurisdiction’s contact person for the Appeal. Ensure this person is on the D-2005 –
Confidentiality Agreement Form.


A detailed description of the address source(s) that helps to verify the existence of an address or
group of addresses. Eligible governments may incorporate the detailed description(s) into the
written narrative or may supply separate address source documentation. For separate
documentation, the Appeals Office suggests participants name the file(s) The file format varies based on the
source of the information (e.g., Microsoft Word® files, Microsoft Access® files or Microsoft
Excel® files, Notepad files, etc). If more than one source description document is included, add a
number after “SourceDescription”; e.g. SourceDescription1, SourceDescription2, etc. For each
address source used to support the existence of address(s), the description should include the
o Date of the address source.
o Frequency of update of the address source (e.g., daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.).
o Methods used to update the address source.
o Quality assurance procedure(s) used in maintaining the address source.
o How the eligible government and/or originator of the source uses the information.


Evidence to support the existence of the appealed address. Participants must link the evidence
directly to a particular appealed address or particular set of appealed addresses. Convert
supporting documentary evidence into digital format if it is in printed/hard copy format. The
Appeals Office suggests participants name the supporting evidence file(s) This file format (xxx) varies based on the source of
the information. If more than one supporting document is included, add a number after
“Evidence”; e.g., Evidence1, Evidence2, etc. Useful types of supporting evidence include:
o Documentation of on-site inspection and/or interview of residents and/or neighbors.
o Issuance of recent occupancy permit(s) for unit(s). Building permits are not acceptable, as
they do not ensure completed construction of the units.
o Provision of utilities (electricity, gas, sewer, water, telephone, etc.) to the residence. The
utility record must show that this is not a service to a commercial unit, or an additional
service to an existing residence (such as a second telephone line).
o Provision of other governmental services (housing assistance, welfare, etc.) to residents of
the unit(s).
o Photography, including aerial photography or satellite imagery.
o Land use maps.
o Local 911 emergency lists, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.
o Tax assessment records, if they distinguish residential from commercial units.

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For each address on the Detailed Feedback Address List that the participant is appealing,
write/key the Appeal? flag and MAFID on the supporting evidence documentation to show the
exact location in the document where the evidence for that address is located. For example, if
submitting property tax records that contain 30 tax records per page, print (or key) the “Y”
Appeal? flag and MAFID (e.g., “Y161200444” if the appeal-eligible record was MAFID
161200444 on the Detailed Feedback Address List) on the one tax record, among those 30 tax
records, that supports the appeal. Utilize GUPS to attach the supporting documentation to the
appealed records as described in Section
Within a GIS source, the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office suggests participants add a field
(e.g., AppealFlag) to the attribute table to enter the corresponding “Y” and MAFID information
(e.g., “Y161200444”), then save/export only the records with a value in that new field. This
subset of the entire GIS source becomes the supporting documentary evidence for the records
flagged in the Detailed Feedback Address List. Because GIS sources include more than one file
component, do not attach the GIS source using GUPS. See the important note below for specific
guidance on submitting GIS source documentation.
Only submit documentation specific to the address records or group of address records being
appealed, e.g., one property tax record or one utility record for each appealed address or only
those pages of a list with the records for the appealed addresses appropriately marked.
Whatever method a participant chooses to associate source material with their appealed
records, it is crucial for the Appeals Staff to be able to determine which evidence supports
which address records or set of address records in order to process the appeal.

Participants using a GIS source as supporting documentation must supply all GIS file
components (e.g., .dbf, .shp, .sbn, .sbx, .prj, .cpg, .xml, etc.) from their GIS source with
the linked Appeals record(s) annotated. Zip the complete suite of files into a separate
file (e.g., Do not attach this
“” file using GUPS because SWIM will not accept a .zip file within a .zip
file and the process for adding all the files unzipped is burdensome. Refer to Section
3.4.1 for instructions on supplying GIS supporting documentation.

If participants intend to use the Secure Web Incoming Module (SWIM), detailed in Section
3.4.1, to submit their Appeal, they must attach the written narrative and source description
documents to at least one of the Appealed records. Because an Appeal may include multiple
records and multiple pieces of supporting documentation, it is very important to name the
written narrative and source descriptive documents in the manner describe in the bullets
above. Doing so enables the Appeals Staff to locate the file within the .zip file created by GUPS
and submitted for your jurisdiction.

Participants using SWIM to submit their Appeal must attach the written narrative and
source description(s) files to at least one of the Appealed records in GUPS otherwise
those materials will not be included in the .zip file created with the GUPS export.

If a participant intends to ship the Appeal materials and not use SWIM, a hard copy of the
written narrative and source description(s) is acceptable. Burning the materials onto the
CD/DVD with the GUPS exported .zip file (and file if applicable) is not required.
Refer to Section 3.4.2 for instructions for protecting this material during shipment.
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Direct questions on the Appeals process to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office toll-free, by
phone, at (888) 222-9907. The LUCA website, , also lists their contact information. Attaching Supporting Documentation
Participants can add supporting evidence documentation as records are flagged for Appeal, or
as they work a series of records that use the same evidence/source. They may also choose to
add documentation prior to finalizing the Appeal with the execution of the Appealed Address
Document Review Tool as described in Section 3.3.4.
Note: If using GIS files as supporting documentation, do not attach the files to the Appealed records
using any of the three options mentioned above. The file mentioned in the previous section is
submitted separately instead of linked to records in GUPS.

To add documentation after flagging a record, choose “Yes” in Figure 11, navigate to the
location of the documentation, select the supporting evidence file, and choose “Open” as
shown in Figure 12. To add documentation later, choose “No” in Figure 11.

Figure 12. Add Documentation Window

Once a document is associated with a record flagged for Appeal, the linked file appears in a
Document List, as first mentioned in Section 3.3. This file is available for future linkages to
other flagged records. Additionally, participants can link more than one file of supporting
evidence to an Appealed record by selecting the Appealed record and choosing Upload New
File. In that instance, more than one file would appear in Figure 13.
Below are two examples of the Document List that appears to the left of the Map View after
flagging at least one record for Appeal. Figure 13 shows a MAFID with associated
documentation while Figure 14 shows a MAFID without associated documentation.

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Figure 13. Document List with Documentation Attached

Figure 14. Document List without Documentation Attached

If participants delay associating the supporting documentation when they flag a record or group
of records for Appeal, they can open the Document List, identify the records without a
document associated (e.g., Figure 14), and choose the green “plus” sign in the Document List to
launch an Upload Documentation window as shown in Figure 15. Participants may either
associate an existing document by checking the proper document listed in the Upload
Documentation window and selecting Add Existing File or by choosing Upload New File and
following the on-screen instructions to navigate to the directory location of the documentation.

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Figure 15. Add Documentation Using Green Plus Sign in Document List

The last manner of associating supporting documentation is to run the Appealed Address
Document Review Tool to identify the records without documentation. The next section,
Section 3.3.4, explains the tool and associating supporting documentation.
Note: If the same supporting documentation attaches to more than one Appealed record, the
documentation’s linkage to the other records is preserved should the Appeal? flag be removed
from one record using the Remove Appeal button.


Executing the Appealed Address Document Review Tool

Some participants may find the task of associating supporting documentation easier by allowing
GUPS to identify each MAFID without attached documentation. The next few examples
illustrate the use of the Appealed Address Document Review Tool button, its associated
windows, and actions to link documentation.
Once a participant’s review of the feedback materials concludes and records are flagged for
Appeal, select the Appealed Address Document Review Tool button as shown in Figure 16. It is
not necessary to display the Document List, but it is shown in this illustration.

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Figure 16. Appealed Address Document Review Tool Button

Select a record from the list and then select the Add Documents button as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Add Documents Button on Appealed Address Document Review Window

If no previous documentation has been uploaded, the Upload Documentation window
launches, as shown in Figure 18 that allows participants to choose existing documentation or to
upload a new file in order to associate the documentation with the Appealed record.

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Figure 18. Upload Documentation Window within Appealed Address Document Review Tool

As participants associate supporting documentation with Appealed records, use of the Refresh
button, shown in the Appealed Address Document Review window, drops the record from the
list and leaves only records needing documentation. The list does not auto-refresh once
participants attach documentation to records. If participants have multiple records supported
by the same source, they may utilize the Shift key on the keyboard to select more than one
MAFID from the Appealed Address Document Review window, and then choose the document
to attach to all records at once.
Once all records contain attached documentation, the execution of the tool will return a pop-up
message, as shown in Figure 19, which informs participants that no Appealed records exist
without supporting documentation.

Figure 19. No Appealed Addresses without Documentation Window

Once participants are satisfied with their review of the Detailed Feedback Address List X01 and
R03 records and attachment of supporting documentation, they can proceed with generating
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the .zip files to submit to the 2020 Census Appeals Office. Select the Export to Zip button on
the LUCA Feedback toolbar. The selection of this button opens a LUCA Feedback Export
window as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Export to Zip Button Showing LUCA Feedback Export Window

Participants have three choices: Export, Document Review, and Cancel. If participants want to
run the Appealed Address Document Review Tool prior to exporting the file, they may select
the Document Review button shown above; otherwise, choose the Export or Cancel choices.
With the Export button selection, a LUCA Feedback (LUCAFB) Contact Information window
opens like the one shown in Figure 21. Several fields of information are required to accompany
the .zip file. These include First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Email.
There is also a check box regarding whether the person listed in the form is the LUCA Liaison.

Figure 21. LUCA Feedback (LUCAFB) Contact Information Window

When the export process completes, GUPS returns an Export to Zip window that confirms
creation of the .zip files and the file location. The window allows the participant to choose
whether to open the folder where the file is stored, by choosing Yes, or to dismiss the window,
by choosing No. See Figure 22 and Figure 23 for examples of these windows. There is no GIS
supporting documentation .zip file shown in Figure 23. In addition to the program (e.g.,
2020LUCAFB), Entity ID (e.g., MC2500119295), and reference either the “return” or the “return
documentation” files, the file naming convention for the .zip file includes a date (yyyymmdd)

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and timestamp (hhmmss) to prevent unintentional overwriting of data with the execution of
this tool.

Figure 22. Export to Zip Confirmation Window

Figure 23. Export to Zip Resulting Folder



Make note of the file name and directory location listed in Figure 22 in order to be able
to locate the file for submission to the 2020 Census Appeals Office. Participants must
submit both files to provide the complete GUPS generated submission.

Submitting Appeals Material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office

There are two methods for submitting the Appeals material generated using GUPS to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office. Participants may submit the zipped Appeals material through the
SWIM, the official web portal for uploading materials, or participants may ship the Appeals
material to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Refer to Section 3.4.1 for instructions on
using SWIM and Section 3.4.2 for instructions on packaging and shipping the Appeals material.


SWIM Instructions for Submitting Appeal Materials

Participants may use SWIM to upload their appeal material to the Appeals Staff. The Census
Bureau provided one SWIM registration token per LUCA participant with their Review Phase
cover letter. Another token is not included with the feedback materials.
To determine whether an account exists, click “Forgot your password?” on the main SWIM
page and enter the email address to check for account existence. If SWIM does not locate an
account associated with the email address, it returns the following message, “No account
registered for this email. Go to Account Registration.” Choosing the Account Registration link
opens a window to establish a SWIM account.

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Note: The components of the email and password of SWIM system accounts are case-sensitive. Make
note of the case-sensitive format used when establishing the SWIM account (e.g.,
[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]). The Census Bureau
recommends the use of lowercase characters and recommends safe retention of this
information in a secure location for future reference.

SWIM allows four attempts to login before it temporarily locks the account for 15 minutes.
After the 15-minute lock expires, participants may try to login again or reset their password
using the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. Once selected, follow the prompts to
enter the case-sensitive email address and provide the security answer. If the security answer is
correct, the SWIM system sends a password reset link to the email account for use in resetting
the password. Once logged into SWIM, users can modify their password and security answer by
selecting the ‘Change Security’ link at the top, right-hand side of the page.
Participants continuing to experience logon issues should confirm use of the current internet
browser version (or one previous version). If the browser version is older, upgrade to a newer
version. If problems with SWIM still occur, contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 for
assistance. An additional SWIM token may be necessary to create another account.
The following list contains the file requirements for using SWIM:

File to upload must be .zip file format.


The .zip file may not include another .zip file as a component.


The .zip file must not be larger than 250 megabytes in size.

Refer to Table 8 for an example of using SWIM for submitting Appeal materials to the Appeals

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Table 8: SWIM Submission
Step 1

Action and Result
Open a new browser window and enter the SWIM URL .
The SWIM Please Login screen opens.

Step 2

For participants with an existing SWIM account, enter the email address and password and then
click the Login button. The Welcome screen opens. Go to Step 8.

Step 3

For participants without a SWIM account, have the 12-digit registration token provided by the
Census Bureau ready for account registration. Choose the Register Account button after
accessing the SWIM URL. The Account Registration screen opens.

All fields on the Account Registration screen are required.

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Action and Result

Step 4

Enter the registration token, name, phone number, agency or organization, email address in the
appropriate fields.

Step 5

Create a password using the following criteria:

Must be at least 8-characters in length.


Must have at least one uppercase character.


Must have at least one lowercase character.


Must have at least one number.


Must have at least one special character. Valid choices are as follows: #, !, $, *,
&, ?, and ~.

Note: The comma shown in the previous list are for spacing purposes only. The comma is not a
valid special character for use in the password.
Step 6

Establish a security question. Click arrow to the right of the Security Question field and select a
question from the drop-down menu. Enter an answer in the Answer field. Click the Submit
button when finished. A Success screen opens to confirm the successful creation of a SWIM

Step 7

On the Success screen, select Login to return to the SWIM Please Login screen (shown in Step 1)
to proceed with the login process.

Step 8

Enter the email and password information and click the green Login button to log into SWIM. The
Welcome screen opens. If the account has uploaded other files for different geography programs
administered by the Census Bureau, a list of files previously uploaded by the SWIM user displays,
as shown in the example below. The list includes the creation date of the file upload, the name of
the file, and the corresponding size of the .zip file.

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Step 9

Action and Result
To begin a new upload, click the Start New Upload button at the bottom of the screen.

The “What Census program are you reporting data for?” screen opens. To ensure the Appeals
Staff receives the submission, choose the Local Update of Census Addresses Appeals radio
button and click the Next button.

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Step 10

Action and Result
The “What type of LUCA Appeals entity are you reporting for?” screen opens. Participants must
select the level of geography that matches the type of entity they represent. County participants
(e.g., CO48001) choose the County choice. Minor Civil Division (MCD) participants (e.g.,
MC2500119295) choose MCD, as shown in the screenshot below. Incorporated Place participants
(e.g., PL4800010) choose the Place choice. If a question arises about this choice, please contact
(844) 344-0169 for assistance.

Click the radio button for the entity type to upload and click the Next button. The choice of Minor
Civil Division (MCD) opens the Select a State, County, and Minor Civil Division (MCD) screen.

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Step 11

Action and Result
Following the selection of the entity type to upload, the Select a .ZIP file to upload screen opens.
Click the +Add File button to launch the Choose File to Upload window and navigate to the GUPS
data directory where the two .zip files reside.

Select one file and click Open. The ‘Shift’ key on the keyboard does not allow for the selection of
multiple files, so to add the second file, repeat the same process, click the +Add File button,
select the second file, and click Open.
IMPORTANT: Participants with GIS supporting documentation must attach their
“” with their other two GUPS exported files in
order to supply the 2020 Census Appeals Office with all of the documentation needed to review
the Appeal. Participants add the “” file by repeating the same procedure
described in this step.

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Step 12

Action and Result
Once the file upload completes, the Status field shows “Success”. The name of the files appear in
the File(s) field. Participants can add comments to the Comment section to assist the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office. Click the Next button to proceed with the upload.

Note: If including, it will appear beneath the
File(s) section along with the other two GUPS exported .zip files.
Step 13

The Thank You screen appears. It thanks the participant and indicates a forthcoming email once
transfer completes.

Step 14

Choose ‘upload form’ in the phrase “You may Log Out or return to the upload form to submit
more files” sentence to return to the Welcome screen and begin the upload process again, if the
participant is the liaison for more than one jurisdiction. If complete with the upload process,
choose Log Out.

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Action and Result
It is important to mention that SWIM sessions deactivate after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Participants taking longer than 15 minutes to upload a file must log back into the system and
start again. They receive a message noting the period of inactivity on the Login screen.

When they reach the Welcome screen, a record listed with a Status of “In progress, Continue?”
appears with that day’s date in the Created On field. Participants can choose the “Continue?” link
to continue uploading or they can delete the item by choosing the Delete button to the far right
of the row.


Shipping Instructions for Submitting Appeal Materials

Participants without internet access or those that do not wish to use SWIM may ship their
materials to the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office. Appeal materials may be included on
CD/DVD or as hard copy materials. Burn, or copy, the two GUPS exported files, and to a CD/DVD. If
using GIS supporting documentation, burn the
to the same CD/DVD.
If participants attached the written narrative and source descriptions to one record as
requested in Section, then those materials are automatically included within the
“return_documentation” exported .zip file from GUPS. There is no need to burn those digital
copies onto the CD/DVD. However, to assist with recording the receipt of an Appeal package,
the 2020 Census Appeals Office requests the inclusion of a hard copy of the written narrative.

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Follow the following instructions to package and ship materials to the 2020 Census LUCA
Appeals Office:

Double wrap the appeal materials (CD/DVD and/or hard copy materials) using an inner and an
outer envelope (or container), one within the other. These should be durable enough to prevent
someone from viewing or tampering with the enclosed material.


Label both sides of the inner envelope (or container) with the notice:


Place the inner envelope (or container) into the outer envelope.


Do not label the outer envelope with the disclosure notice.


Ship using a service that provides tracking information, such as United States Postal Service
(USPS) trackable delivery, FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service. Retain the
tracking number as proof of delivery.

Ship to the following address for the Appeals Staff:
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office
Attn: LUCA Appeals Staff
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132

U.S. Census Bureau

Use the address listed above to ensure delivery of the Appeals material to the 2020
Census LUCA Appeals Office, as they operate separately from the Census Bureau.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




The Census Bureau must account for all Title 13 material delivered to participants during both
the LUCA Review and Feedback Phases, and any copies of those materials, to close out the
operation for 2020. It is the responsibility of the LUCA liaison to ensure the proper disposal of
the Title 13 material. The designated liaison is required to verify the destruction or return of
any remaining Title 13 materials, both paper and digital (i.e., paper copies, backup files, etc.) by
signing and returning to the Census Bureau the D-2012 – Destruction or Return of Title 13,
U.S.C. Materials Form enclosed with the feedback materials and found in Appendix C. The
destruction of materials is the preferred method rather than returning the materials to the
Census Bureau.

Please await a response from the Appeals Office on the status of the appeal prior to
destroying or returning the Title 13 material.

All LUCA reviewers and anyone with access to Title 13 materials (includes all persons who
signed the D-2005 – Confidentiality Agreement Form) are required to sign and date the D-2012
form once the LUCA appeals process concludes. Should any liaison, reviewer, or anyone with
access to Title 13 materials leave before the completion of the LUCA operation, they are
required to sign out of the program by signing and dating this form. If any liaison or reviewer
leaves and fails to sign and date this form, the current liaison can sign out on their behalf.
Participants choosing to destroy their materials must return the D-2012 as soon as possible
after the destruction of materials and must ensure the form contains all appropriate liaison and
reviewer signatures to close out 2020 Census LUCA. Use the enclosed, postage-paid envelope
to return the D-2012. Participants choosing to return their materials, rather than destroy them,
must include this form with the materials and must follow the packaging and shipping
instructions in Appendix A to ensure the security of the Title 13 materials.

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Federal law, under Title 13 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), requires the U.S. Census Bureau
to maintain the confidentiality of the information it collects. The Census Bureau takes this
responsibility very seriously. Respondents place their trust in the Census Bureau each time they
complete a survey or an interview. This trust in confidentiality is critical to the success of the
Census Bureau’s mission to collect and report the most accurate data possible. To uphold the
law, the Census Bureau requires that any individuals with access to Title 13 materials adhere to
the prescribed confidentiality and security guidelines.


Title 13, U.S. Code

Chapter 1, Section 9 of Title 13, U.S. Code states: “Neither the Secretary, nor any other officer
or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof, or local
government census liaison, may, except as provided in section 8 or 16 or chapter 10 of this title.
1) Use the information furnished under the provisions of this title for any purpose
other than the statistical purposes for which it is supplied; or
2) Make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or
individual under this title can be identified; or
3) Permit anyone other than the sworn officers and employees of the Department or
bureau or agency thereof to examine the individual reports.”
In 1994, under Public Law 103-430, the U.S. Congress amended Chapter 1 of Title 13 to allow
the local government census liaison to review and update the Census Bureau’s address
information for their jurisdiction. Although the amendment allows official local government
access, the amendment reaffirmed the confidential nature of the Census Bureau’s address
information. Census information protected under Title 13 includes:

Everything on a completed or partially completed questionnaire or any information obtained in
a personal or telephone interview.


Individual addresses maintained by the Census Bureau, including those shared with
governments through the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA).


Digital or paper maps with latitude/longitude coordinate data that identify the location of living
quarters (structure points).


The penalty for the wrongful disclosure or release of information protected by Title 13 is a fine
of not more than $250,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, as set by
Section 214 of the Code and the Uniform Sentencing Act of 1984.

Title 13 U.S.C. does not apply to generalized address information, such as address range data
available in the Census Bureau’s digital products or address counts by census block.


The Confidentiality Agreement

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To participate in LUCA, a government must designate a LUCA liaison. The LUCA liaison, LUCA
reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials must sign the Confidentiality
Agreement. The Census Bureau will not deliver LUCA materials to a participant until we have
received the completed and signed Confidentiality Agreement and the Confidentiality and
Security Checklist.
The Census Bureau’s Title 13 data, including addresses and latitude/longitude coordinate data
(structure points), cannot be used to create, update, nor modify a tribal, state, or local
jurisdiction’s address list or database.
A signature on the Confidentiality Agreement constitutes a legal agreement by each individual
to keep confidential Census Bureau Title 13 data and abide by the security guidelines outlined
below. While access to Title 13 materials is temporary, the commitment to keep the
information confidential is effective for a lifetime.


Security Guidelines

The LUCA liaison accepts the responsibility for protecting and safeguarding the LUCA materials.
The liaison must restrict access to the Census Bureau’s information covered under Title 13 to
those individuals who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement.

A4.1 Protecting Digital Title 13 Materials
Operating systems, programs, applications, and data are collectively referred to as Information
Technology (IT) systems in this document. Any IT systems used for LUCA participation must be
accessible only to those who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Your IT systems should
restrict the read, write, and delete functions to all Title 13 materials.
Digital Guidelines

Construct electronic security profiles to allow only the LUCA liaison and the LUCA reviewers to
access Title 13 materials. Test your security to ensure that access is restricted.


Use file encryption and passwords to protect all digital Title 13 materials at all times. Encrypt
files using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with key length of 256 bits.


Do not leave computers with Title 13 materials unattended. Log-off computers, lock terminals,
and lock the room when not in use.


Label all digital media and every printed page of any paper materials produced from Title 13
digital media with the following:
“This document contains information, the release of which is prohibited by Title 13, U.S.C.,
and is for U.S. Census Bureau official use only. Wrongful disclosure or release of information
can be punished by fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474).”


Do not send backup digital media off-site. Store in a secured area. Do not mix, store, or back-up
LUCA data with other data.


Clear dedicated digital media containing Title 13 materials before reuse. Overwrite Title 13
digital data minimally three times using a commercial disk utility program.


Do not disclose precise or even anecdotal information about Census Bureau addresses or
locations to anyone who has not signed the Confidentiality Agreement.

Password Guidelines
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The IT systems must use logon routines that require a user-ID and password that conform to
the following guidelines:

Unique user-ID and password required for the LUCA liaison, the LUCA reviewers, and anyone
who has signed the Confidentiality Agreement.


Must consist of at least twelve, nonblank characters consisting of at least one alphabet letter
and either one number or one special character (for example: $,*, or &).


Reject passwords that are the same as the user-ID or that have been used within the last six


Disable passwords after three failed attempts.


Mask passwords.


Require password changes every 90 days or immediately, if compromised.


Require user to change an assigned password to a unique password the first time the user
accesses a new account.

A4.2 Protecting Paper Title 13 Materials

Do not leave Title 13 materials unattended. Secure all Title 13 materials in a locked room. If
possible, store Title 13 materials in locked desks or cabinets.


Copy only the Title 13 materials necessary to complete the LUCA review. Do not leave the copy
machine unattended while making copies. All copied materials containing Title 13 information
must bear the statement:
“This document contains information, the release of which is prohibited by Title 13, U.S.C.,
and is for U.S. Census Bureau official use only. Wrongful disclosure or release of information
can be punished by fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474).”


Do not disclose precise or even anecdotal information about Census Bureau addresses or
locations to anyone who has not signed the Confidentiality Agreement Form.

A4.3 Reporting an Incident
If you discover that any Title 13 materials have been viewed by unauthorized persons or are
missing from your inventory, you must:

Contact the Census Bureau through the Census Incident Response Team (CIRT) at (301) 7633333 within 24 hours. You must provide the following information:


Jurisdiction Name.


Date and time of the incident.


Name of the contact person.


Phone number of contact person.


Site address of incident.


Immediately secure all remaining materials. Prohibit any further access, by anyone, including
the LUCA liaison and anyone who signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Census Bureau staff will
contact your office within 48 hours with information on how to proceed.

A4.4 On-site Visits
The Census Bureau may make an on-site visit to review a participant’s security procedures. The
Census Bureau will strive not to disrupt office operations. A visit may include a review of:
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Storage and handling of Title 13 materials.


Employee access to Title 13 materials.


Physical safeguard of stored Title 13 materials.


IT Systems, including use of passwords.


Employee awareness of their responsibilities to Title 13 materials.

A4.5 Destruction of Census Bureau Confidential Materials
After the entire LUCA operation has concluded, all Title 13 materials must be destroyed
(preferred method) or returned according to the Census Bureau’s specific guidelines. The LUCA
liaison is required to verify the destruction or return of any Title 13 materials, both paper and
digital, including all paper copies, backup files, etc., by signing and returning the Destruction or
Return of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials form. In addition, anyone who signed the Confidentiality
Agreement is required to sign this form once his or her participation in LUCA has ended. Should
any liaison, reviewer, or anyone who signed the Confidentiality Agreement leave before the
completion of LUCA, they must sign and date this form. If any liaison, reviewer, or anyone who
signed the Confidentiality Agreement is unable to sign and date the form, the current liaison
must sign and date on their behalf.
Only individuals who signed the Confidentiality Agreement are permitted to destroy Title 13

Never deposit Title 13 materials in a trash or recycle container, or dispose of information in a
landfill before destruction procedures are completed.


Destruction must prevent recognition or reconstruction of paper or digital Title 13 materials.
Use one of the following methods:
o Shredding or pulping.
o Chemical decomposition.
o Pulverizing (such as, hammer mills, choppers, etc.).
o Burning (facility approved by the Environmental Protection Agency).
o Clear dedicated digital media containing Title 13 materials before reuse. Overwrite Title 13
digital data minimally three times using a commercial disk utility program.
o Clearing or sanitizing all print servers and multi-function printing or scanning devices with
stored images or print files containing Title 13 data.
o Destroying CDs and DVDs using a shredder or other method suitable for rendering them unusable.

Note: Hand tearing is an unacceptable method of Title 13 material disposal before destruction.

See the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 800-88, Revision 1,
Guidelines for Media Sanitization for further information on acceptable methods for digital
media and office equipment sanitization

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A4.6 Returning Census Bureau Title 13 Materials
After the entire LUCA operation has concluded, all Title 13 materials must be destroyed
(preferred method) or returned according to the Census Bureau’s specific guidelines. If you
decide to return the Title 13 materials rather than destroying them, follow these guidelines:

Ship the Title 13 materials, double-wrapping them by using an inner and an outer envelope (or
container), one within the other. These should be durable enough to prevent someone from
viewing or tampering with the enclosed material.


Label both sides of the inner envelope (or container) with the notice:


Place the inner envelope (or container) into the outer envelope.


Use the mailing label that was included in the initial mail-out of materials. If you have
misplaced the mailing label, please contact the Census Bureau to have a replacement label sent
to you.


Include with the returned materials, a signed D-2012-Destruction or Return of Title 13, U.S.C.
Materials Form. Ensure that all reviewers and anyone with access to the Title 13 LUCA materials
signs this form.


If you do not use the mailing label, ship using a service that provides tracking information, such
as U.S. Postal Service trackable delivery, FedEx, United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service.

Figure 24. Mailing Envelope Examples for Return of Title 13 U.S. C. Materials

Ship to the address shown above, and listed below, for the return of all LUCA Title 13 materials:
ATTN: Geography LUCA BLDG 63E
National Processing Center
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47132

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Address breaks—Address breaks identify the city style addresses on each side of a boundary or
at an intersection of street with another street or another feature.
Address Count List—The Address Count List identifies the number of housing unit addresses
and group quarters addresses on the Census Address List for each census block within a
Address range—The lowest and highest address numbers used to identify structures along each
side of a street segment that has city style addresses. Usually one side of the street has even
address numbers and the other side has odd address numbers.
Block to Map Sheet Relationship List—A list identifying census block numbers and the Census
Bureau large format map(s) on which each block is located.
Boundary—A line, on a map, either invisible or coincident with a visible feature that identifies
the extent of a geographic entity, such as a census tract, city, county, or state. A boundary
marks the limits of an area.
Census Address List—The Census Address List, extracted from the Master Address File (MAF)
for review and update during 2020 LUCA, contains all the residential addresses (city style and
non-city style) known to the Census Bureau for your government. It also contains census
geographic codes (state, county, census tract, census block) that indicate the location of each
address. Many addresses also contain latitude and longitude coordinates depicting the address
Census block—A census block is an area bounded by visible and/or invisible features shown on
Census Bureau maps. A census block is the smallest geographic area created by the Census
Bureau for which it collects and tabulates decennial census data. Census blocks are numbered
within census tracts and are uniquely numbered within census tracts.
Census block number—Census block numbers are a 4-digit number plus up to two alpha
character suffix, if applicable, e.g. 3001A or 2002AA. Suffixes, boundary changes as well as
added features within the given block that split the original block.
Census Bureau—An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. Census Bureau
is the country's preeminent statistical collection and dissemination agency. It publishes a wide
variety of statistical data about people and the economy of the nation. The Census Bureau
conducts approximately 200 annual surveys and conducts the decennial census of the United
States population.
Census Bureau map—Any map produced by the Census Bureau. A Census Bureau map displays
geographic entities used in a Census Bureau sponsored census or survey for which the Census
Bureau tabulates data.
Census tract—A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county or statistically
equivalent entity delineated for data presentation. Designed to be relatively homogeneous
units with respect to population characteristics, economic status, and living conditions at the
time of establishment, census tracts generally contain between 1,000 and 8,000 people, with
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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


an optimum size of 4,000 people. Delineated with the intention of being stable over many
decades, census tract boundaries generally follow relatively permanent visible features.
However, they may follow governmental unit boundaries and other invisible features in some
instances; the boundary of a state or county (or statistically equivalent entity) is always a
census tract boundary.
Census tract number—Unique numbers to identify census tracts within a county or statistically
equivalent entity. Census tract numbers are a 4-digit number followed by a decimal point and a
2-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the number
will contain a period with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. Leading zeros for census tracts, e.g., 0001.00,
are not shown on Census Bureau maps. This tract would appear as “1” on the paper maps.
City style address—The Census Bureau’s definition of a city style address is an address
consisting of a house number and street or road name. For example, 201 Main Street is a city
style address. The address may or may not be used for the delivery of mail and may include
apartment numbers/designations or similar identifiers.
Confidentiality—The guarantee made by law (Title 13, United States Code) to individuals who
provide information about themselves or their business to the Census Bureau. This item refers
to the Census Bureau’s promise of nondisclosure of that information to others.
County—The primary legal division of most states. Most are governmental units with powers
defined by state law.
Edges shapefile—All linear features in the MAF/TIGER database are contained in the edges
Enumeration at Transitory Locations (ETL) operation—Provides coverage for locations where
people live in non-traditional housing that is transient or movable in nature. Most census
questionnaires are mailed, or hand-delivered by census personnel, to known addresses in the
Census Master Address File (MAF). However, due to changes in society, some people no longer
maintain a traditional residence (house, apartment, condo, etc.), and have decided to live in
boats, motorized recreational vehicles (RVs), trailers that are pulled by car or trucks, or any
other type of housing that is movable or mobile, including tents. For operational purposes, we
refer to these as “portable housing units.”
The type of Transitory Locations (TLs) that are included in the ETL are:

Recreational (RV) parks.





Feature—Any part of the landscape, whether natural (such as, a stream or ridge) or man-made
(such as a road or power line). In a geographic context, features are any part of the landscape
portrayed on a map, including nonvisible boundaries of legal entities, such as city limits or
county lines.
Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS)—These are codes formerly known as Federal
Information Processing Standards codes, until the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announced its decision in 2005 to remove geographic entity codes from its
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


oversight. The Census Bureau continues to maintain and issue codes for geographic entities
covered under FIPS oversight, albeit with a revised meaning for the FIPS acronym. Geographic
entities covered under FIPS include states, counties, congressional districts, core based
statistical areas, places, county subdivisions, sub-minor civil divisions, consolidated cities, and
all types of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas. FIPS codes are assigned
alphabetically according to the name of the geographic entity and may change to maintain
alphabetic sort when new entities are created or names change. FIPS codes for specific
geographic entity types are usually unique within the next highest level of geographic entity
with which a nesting relationship exists. For example, FIPS state, congressional district, and core
based statistical area codes are unique within nation; FIPS county, place, county subdivision,
and sub-minor civil division codes are unique within state. The codes for American Indian,
Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian areas also are unique within state; those areas in multiple
states will have different codes for each state.
Geocodes—Codes that place an individual address in its correct geographic location, which, in
census terms, includes the correct state, county, census tract, and census block codes. Because
the Census Bureau counts people where they live, geocodes provide information to Census
enumerators for locating an address. Accurate geocoding also ensures the Census Bureau
counts housing units, and the people associated with them, in the correct census geography.
Geographic Information System (GIS)—A computer system for the storage, retrieval, and
maintenance of information about the points, lines, and areas that represent the streets and
roads, rivers, railroads, geographic entities, and other features on the surface of the Earthinformation that previously was available only on paper maps.
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)—A self-contained GIS update and processing
package provided by the Census Bureau for participation in a variety of Census geography
programs, including 2020 LUCA. Pre-packaged to include all of the components for 2020 LUCA,
the GUPS contains the Census Address List, address count list, and TIGER Partnership shapefiles.
GUPS allows the participant to add external geospatial data (shapefiles, geodatabases, and
imagery) for comparison and update purposes. Delivery of all data (software, address list,
address count list and shapefiles) is on DVD.
Governmental unit (GU)—A geographic entity established by legal action for the purpose of
implementing specified governmental functions. Most governmental units provide a number of
general government services and raise revenues (usually through taxing authority).
Group quarters (GQ)—A place where people live or stay normally owned or managed by an
entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents. These services may
include custodial or medical care as well as other types of assistance, and residency is
commonly restricted to those receiving these services. People that live in a group quarters are
usually not related. Group quarters include such places as college residence halls, residential
treatment centers, skilled nursing facilities, group homes, military barracks, correctional
facilities, workers’ dormitories, and facilities for people experiencing homelessness.
Highest elected official (HEO)—The person most responsible for the governmental activities of
a local government. This person receives the LUCA invitation letter, and must designate a LUCA
liaison, to participate in the 2020 LUCA Operation.
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Housing unit (HU)—A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home, trailer, apartment, group
of rooms, or a single room occupied as a separate living quarters or, if vacant, intended for
occupancy as a separate living quarters. A separate living quarters is one in which one or more
occupants (or intended occupants, if vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the
building and have direct access to the living quarters without going through another living
quarters, such as from outside the building or through a common hall.
Living quarters—Any site where people live, stay, or could live. Living quarters are classified as
housing units or group quarters. They are usually found in structures intended for residential
use, but also may be found in structures intended for nonresidential use as well as tents, vans,
shelters for people without housing, dormitories, barracks, and so forth, or they might not be
associated with a structure at all.
LUCA liaison—The main point of contact appointed by the highest elected official (HEO) of each
jurisdiction to review the Census Address List and maps against local records to identify
differences. This person, also known as the program primary liaison or designated liaison,
accepts responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and are ultimately responsible for
destroying (or returning) the materials. They must sign out of LUCA and submit the Destruction
or Return of Title 13 Materials Form (D-2012) after ensuring all LUCA reviewers sign the form as
LUCA reviewer—Individual(s) selected by the HEO or LUCA liaison to assist with conducting the
LUCA review. They accept responsibility for safeguarding Title 13 materials and, like the liaison,
must sign out of LUCA and submit the Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form (D2012).
Master Address File (MAF)—The Census Bureau’s nationwide database of all addresses and
physical/location descriptions known to the Census Bureau used to support many of the Census
Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing addresses and ZIP Codes, a MAF record also
contains geographic information about the location of addresses. The Census Bureau’s
Geography Division regularly updates the MAF/TIGER Database from various sources, including
the United States Postal Service (USPS) Delivery Sequence File (DSF) and other sources of
updates such as current surveys and locally provided sources.
MAF/TIGER Database (MTDB)—The Census Bureau’s nationwide geographic database, which
integrates the Master Address File (MAF) and Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding
and Referencing (TIGER) files.
Metadata—Describes the data content, coordinate system/projection, author, source, and
other characteristics of GIS files.
Minor civil division (MCD)—The primary governmental or administrative division of a county in
29 states and the Island Areas having legal boundaries, names, and descriptions. The MCDs
represent many different types of legal entities with a wide variety of characteristics, powers,
and functions depending on the state and type of MCD. In some states, some or all of the
incorporated places also constitute MCDs. MCDs are identified by a variety of terms, such as
town (in eight states), township, and/or district. They include both functioning and
nonfunctioning government entities.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Municipio— A type of governmental unit that is the primary legal subdivision of Puerto Rico.
The Census Bureau treats the municipio as the statistical equivalent of a county.
Non-city style address—An address that does not have a house number and/or street name or
may not include a complete house number and street name address. This includes rural route
and box number address and highway contract route addresses, etc., which may include a box
number, post office boxes and drawers, and general delivery.
Occupied housing unit—A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the usual place of
residence of the individual or group of persons living in it at the time of enumeration or if the
occupants are only temporarily absent; for example, away on vacation. Occupied rooms or
suites of rooms in hotels, motels, and similar places are classified as housing units only when
occupied by permanent residents, that is, individuals for whom the facility is their usual place of
Place—A concentration of population either legally bound as an incorporated place or
identified by the Census Bureau as a census designated place.
Regional Census Center—Temporary offices set up approximately two years prior to the
decennial census. The geographic staff from the Regional Offices are assigned to their
respective RCC and assist with the execution of various geographic operations as well as
provide support for the field operations conducted during the decennial.
Regional Office—One of six permanent Census Bureau offices distributed across the nation.
Regional offices are responsible for the Census Bureau’s field operations.
Shapefile—Digital representations of geographic features, such as roads and boundaries used
to create maps. A shapefile stores non-topological geometry and attribute information for the
spatial features in a dataset. The Census Bureau provides county-based shapefiles in Esri
shapefile format.
Street segment—The portion of a street or road between two features that intersect that
street or road, such as other streets or roads, railroad tracks, streams, and governmental unit
boundaries. The Census Bureau records the known address ranges for every street segment
with city style addresses.
Structure Point (map spot)—A dot on a Census Bureau map, used to show the location of one
or more living quarters. A maximum of 4-digits plus one alpha character is assigned within a
census block to each structure point. Structure points are stored in the TIGER database and are
protected by Title 13 U.S.C.
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER)—The Census Bureau’s
digital map, including the geographic coordinates and names of streets, water features, other
linear features, and boundaries for all jurisdictions and statistical areas that provide the
geospatial framework for collecting and tabulating census data. TIGER also contains the
structure coordinates of address records in the Master Address File (MAF) and address ranges
along street features used for geocoding MAF records to census geography.

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Transitory locations (TL)—Movable or mobile housing, or portable housing units, including
boats, motorized recreational vehicles (RVs), tents, trailers that are pulled by cars or trucks, or
any other type of portable housing.
Vacant housing unit—A habitable structure containing living quarters that is not occupied. New
housing units not yet occupied are classified as vacant housing units if construction has reached
a point where exterior windows and doors are installed and final usable floors and a roof are in
place. Vacant units are excluded if they are open to the elements, or if there is positive
evidence, such as a sign on the house, that the housing unit is to be demolished or has been

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




Participants that submitted their Review Phase LUCA submission using GUPS may import their
submission using the Import LUCA Submission button as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Import LUCA Submission Button

After selecting the Import LUCA Submission button, follow the on-screen instructions for
importing the file. Participants must navigate their computer to the directory location of their
original LUCA GUPS submission. For those that do not recall the directory location of the LUCA
submission file, perform a search on the computer for a file that ends with
“*”. If the computer used for the Feedback Phase review differs
from the one used during the Review Phase, consider performing your feedback review on the
Review Phase computer or move the file from the Review Phase computer to the Feedback
Phase computer, following Title 13 precautions outlined in the Confidentiality and Security
Guidelines (D-2004).
Once the file is located and selected, GUPS prompts a pop-up window that requests the
Encryption Key similar to the window prompted when opening the feedback materials. Refer to
Step 6 in Table 4 for a visual of this pop-up window.
Please note that the password used to import the original LUCA submission differs from the
password used to open the feedback materials. Locate the original password used during the
Review Phase on the D-2080 letter received just prior to the receipt of the Review Phase
materials. Contact the LUCA Help Desk at (844) 344-0169 to assist with determining the Review
Phase password if it has been misplaced.
Once imported, the LUCA submission file opens as a separate tab along the bottom of the GUPS
window that allows participants to toggle between the Detailed Feedback Address List and the
LUCA Submission. See Figure 26 for a visual showing both tabs.

Figure 26. LUCA Submission Tab

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While GUPS allows for importing the participant’s LUCA submission, it does not provide for a
comparison between the original LUCA submission and the Detailed Feedback Address List.
Participants must manually compare the information in each material to determine records
that were/were not processed. For records that were not processed, no further action can
occur during the Feedback Phase. A participant’s focus must return to reviewing the X01 and
R03 records in the Detailed Feedback Address List.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




The Feedback Address Count List contains all of the census blocks for your jurisdiction whether
or not the census blocks have address records contained in the Detailed Feedback Address List.
The default sort for the Feedback Address Count List is by GEOID; however, participants can use
each field within the file to re-sort the data. For instance, participants can sort using the “Cur #
HUs” field to group the largest (or smallest) current housing unit counts. They can check the
“Move Selection to top” choice to promote selected block(s) to the top. See Figure 27 that
illustrates the top heading area of a sample Feedback Address Count List.

Figure 27. Feedback Address Count List Example

Participants can use this product to identify census blocks with a change in housing unit and
group quarters counts between the Review Phase and the Feedback Phase. While GUPS does
not promote the census blocks with differences in counts to the top of the list, participants can
locate the census blocks with X01 and R03 records in the Detailed Feedback Address List, and
use the Feedback Address Count List to navigate to those blocks in the Map View. When
participants double-click on a census block record in the Feedback Address Count List, the Map
View in GUPS zooms to the census block and highlights it.
As mentioned in Section 2.3, tally differences between the Review Phase and Feedback Phase
do not indicate lack of coverage. It could indicate a change to geocoding between census blocks
in your jurisdiction. The tally differences may also be the result of work performed during other
census operations.

U.S. Census Bureau

There is no direct link between change in tallies on the Feedback Address Count List and
appeal eligibility for individual address records on the Detailed Feedback Address List.
Only records in the Detailed Feedback Address List with a Feedback Processing Code of
X01 or R03 are eligible for Appeal.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide




Participants reviewing the LUCA feedback materials may find it useful to upload their own
geographic information system (GIS) files or other address source information into GUPS to use
as a reference. This may prove beneficial to participants since GUPS provides all the standard
GIS software capabilities. This section explains the GUPS menus used to import locally sourced
To add imagery, geodatabase data, web-mapping services, or other data layers into GUPS, use
the Layer menu from the Menu bar that falls just above the Standard toolbar. See Figure 28 for
a visual of the Layer menu and its sub-menus.

Figure 28. GUPS Layer Menu and Sub-Menus

GUPS supports numerous vector data formats, including those supported by the OGR library
data provider plugin, such as Esri shapefiles, MapInfo MIF (interchange format), and MapInfo
TAB (native format). It also supports PostGIS layers in a PostgreSQL database as well as
SpatiaLite layers.
Participants that want to upload their GIS files, utilize the Add Layer sub-menu as described
below in Table 9.
Note: Participants may only upload one user-provided data at a time. If uploading multiple data layers,
GUPS will only allow uploading one layer at a time.

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Table 9: GUPS Layer Menu - Add Layer Sub-Menu

Action and Result

Step 1

Navigate to the Add Vector Layer selection within the Layer menu and Add Layer sub-menu as
shown in Figure 28. The Data Source Manager window opens with the Vector window active.

Step 2

For the Encoding section, the default value is System. If an error message displays when opening a
file, use the drop-down to select UTF-8. UTF-8 populates in the Encoding field after selection.

Step 3

Click the three dots to the right of the Vector Dataset(s) selection box in the Source section and
navigate to the directory where the shapefile or geodatabase is located.

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Step 4

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Action and Result
Left-click the file to upload, click the Open button to fill the Vector Dataset(s) selection box, and
then click the Add button. The shapefile (or geodatabase) adds to the Table of Contents and into
the Map View.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Step 5

Action and Result
Reposition the placement of the newly added vector dataset in the Table of Contents, so the
vector dataset overlays the pre-loaded GUPS content by moving it into the “edges” group.

Enable/disable the newly added vector dataset as necessary by checking on/off the layer in the
Table of Contents.
The Data Source Manager window provides additional tools for importing different types of local
data, including Web Mapping Services. Follow the instructions in Steps 6-11 to add a Web Mapping
Service to the LUCA Feedback GUPS project.

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Step 6

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Action and Result
Navigate to the Add WMS/WMTS Layer sub-menu beneath the Layer menu as shown in Figure 28.
The Data Source Manager window opens with the WMS/WMTS window active.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 7

Click the New button. The Create a New WMS/WMTS Connection window opens.

Step 8

In the Name field of the Create a New WMS/WMTS Connection window, type a name for the web
mapping service. In the URL field, type the URL for the service. If the service requires a user name
and password, type them in the fields within the Authentication section, Basic tab. Leave other
WMS/WMTS Options blank. Click OK. The service appears in a drop-down menu for web mapping
services just below the Layers tab within the Data Source Manager, WMS/WMTS window.
Note: If working inside a firewall, the software may prompt users to enter a user name and
password to obtain resources from outside the firewall.

Step 9

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Click the Connect button beneath the Name of the service.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 10

After the connection is established, the available layers appear in the ID/Name/Title/Abstract
box. Click on a layer to display, then click the Add button.

Step 11

The WMS adds to the map in Map View and to the Table of Contents.

Note: When the WMS is added, it displays over the top of other layers selected for Map View. To
make it display below these layers, click on the WMS layer and, while holding down the mouse
button, drag it to the bottom of the Table of Contents.
In addition to Web Mapping Services, another common source to add is local imagery. Follow the
instructions in Steps 12-13 to add locally source imagery to the LUCA Feedback GUPS project.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Action and Result

Step 12

Navigate to the Add Raster Layer sub-menu beneath the Layer menu as shown in Figure 28. The
Data Source Manager window opens with the Raster window active.

Step 13

Provide the Source type and the Source information. To add a raster file, navigating to the
directory location of the imagery raster file. Select Open and then click the Add button. The file
loads into GUPS and can be re-positioned within the Table of Contents for visibility purposes as
mentioned with other added layers. To add a raster protocol, provide the Protocol and any
necessary Authentication in the appropriate sections of the Data Source Manager window and
click the Add button.

If participants do not have access to a web mapping service, have a poor Internet connection,
or work under a restrictive firewall, GUPS provides a way to add imagery (e.g., a county or state
imagery dataset). To add imagery files using the programmed tools within GUPS, refer to
Table 6 for the use of the buttons within the Imagery Toolbar grouping in the LUCA Feedback

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Table 10. Detailed Feedback Address List File Layout, Field Names, and Descriptions




Field Name

Field Description


Number assigned for each address record present in
the processed submission.




Unique control number assigned by the Census Bureau
to each address in the MAF. This value will match the
LINE_NUMBER value for R03, appeal-eligible, records.
This allows for the tracking of records that do not have
a MAFID assigned.




Blank field for participant to flag an address for appeal
by assigning a “Y.” This is the only editable field in the




Action code submitted by the participant, during the
LUCA Review Phase, to update an address: A, C, D, J,




Feedback processing code that identifies the specific
action taken by the Census Bureau on each address
update submitted by the participant: X01, R03, A01,
A02, A03, R01, or R02.




Unique number assigned by the Census Bureau to
each entity.




Two-digit current state FIPS code.




Three-digit current county FIPS code.


Consists of a six-digit code with a decimal between the
fourth and fifth digit, contains a four-digit base
number, including leading zeroes, plus a two-digit
number suffix, with trailing zeroes. For example,
1234.01 and 0003.00.






Four-digit 2010 Census tabulation block number.
Census tabulation blocks are numbered uniquely from
0000 to 9999 within a census tract, which nest within
a county and a state. The first digit of the census block
number identifies the block group.




15-digit combination of STATEFP, COUNTYFP, TRACT,
and BLOCK, e.g. 010090054001009.

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Field Name

Field Description


Displays a ‘G’ if the address is a group quarters, a ‘T’ if
the address is a transitory location, and is blank if the
address is a housing unit.




Housing unit or group quarters assigned address
number, alone or with an address number prefix
and/or address number suffix that identifies a location
along a thoroughfare or within a community.




Full street or road name. The official name of a
thoroughfare as assigned by a governing authority, or
a used and recognized alternate (alias) name.




Within structure descriptor or identifier, such as APT 5
or 1st FL FRN.




Five-digit United States Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code
for city style mailing address.




Name of group quarter (Dobbs Hall) or name of
transitory location (Mermaid’s Marina).




Name of group quarter facility (University of Illinois).




Description of the location and physical characteristics
of a living quarters (RED RANCH W/WHITE SHUTTERS).




Rural Route and Box number or Highway Contract
Route and Box number.




Five-digit USPS ZIP Code for non-city style mailing




Unique number assigned by the Census Bureau for
each map spot within a block. Numbering starts over
in each block.




Address structure latitude, populated only if the
Census Bureau has captured an address structure
point for the address.




Address structure longitude, populated only if the
Census Bureau has captured an address structure
point for the address.




Displays “Y” if city style address, an “N” if non-city
style address.




Blank. For Appeals Staff use only.

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2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 11. Nombres de Campos y Descripciones de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de
máximo de









Field Name (Nombre del



Nombre del



Número asignado a cada registro de
dirección que se encuentra en el
envío procesado.


Número de control único asignado a
cada dirección que hay en el Archivo
Maestro de Direcciones (MAF). Este
valor coincidirá con el valor de
LINE_NUMBER para R03, registros
elegibles para la apelación. Esto
permite el rastreo de registros que
no tengan un MAFID asignado.


Campo en blanco para que el
participante indique una dirección
que se apelará, asignándole una "Y".
Este es el único campo editable en
el archivo.


Código de acción enviado por el
participante, durante la Fase de
Revisión de LUCA, para actualizar
una dirección: A, C, D, J, N.


Códigos de procesamiento de
información que identifica la acción
específica que la Oficina del Censo
realizó en cada actualización de
dirección enviada por el
participante: A01, A02, A03, R01,
R02, R03, X01.








Número único asignado por la
Oficina del Censo a cada entidad.





Código FIPS de estado de dos dígitos
para su jurisdicción. Por ejemplo, 72.





Código FIPS de condado de tres
dígitos para su jurisdicción. Por
ejemplo, 035.

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máximo de











Field Name (Nombre del

Nombre del



Consiste en seis dígitos con un
decimal entre el cuarto y el quinto
dígito, que consiste en un número
con una base de 4 dígitos,
incluyendo ceros iniciales, y un sufijo
numérico de 2 dígitos, con ceros
finales. Por ejemplo, 2602.02 y


Número de bloque de cuatro dígitos
de la tabulación del Censo del 2010.
A los bloques censales se les asigna
un número único de 0000 a 9999
dentro de un sector censal, y se
agrupan dentro de un municipio y un
estado. El primer dígito del número
de bloque censal identifica el grupo
del bloque.



Combinación de 15 dígitos del
código FIPS del estado, código FIPS
del municipio, sector y bloque, por
ejemplo, 720352602021002.



Muestra una ‘G’ si la dirección es un
alojamiento de grupo, una 'T' si la
dirección es un lugar transitorio y
nada si la dirección es una unidad de


Número de dirección asignado, solo
o junto con un prefijo del número de
la dirección o un sufijo del número
de la dirección que identifica una
ubicación junto a una vía pública o
dentro de una comunidad.








Nombre completo de la calle o
carretera. El nombre oficial de una
vía pública tal cual fue asignado por
una autoridad gubernamental o el
nombre alternativo (alias) que se usa
y se reconoce.





Descriptor o identificador dentro de
la estructura. Descriptor o
identificador dentro de la estructura.

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


máximo de

Field Name (Nombre del

Nombre del






Código postal de 5 dígitos para las
direcciones de correo de estilo





Nombre del vecindario o conjunto
de viviendas.





Nombre del complejo (RESIDENCIAL)
de apartamentos, condominios o
vivienda pública.





Descriptor e identificador del


Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de barrio (BO), sector
(SEC), barriada (BDA), comunidad
(COM) o parcela (PARC) con el
nombre geográfico.








Nombre de un área geográfica que
típicamente delimita un vecindario.
Incluya el tipo de sector (SEC),
barriada (BDA), comunidad (COM) o
parcela (PARC) con el área





Número de kilómetro/hectómetro.





Nombre del alojamiento de grupo.





Nombre de la instalación de
alojamiento de grupo.





Descripción de la ubicación y
características físicas de un





Ruta rural y número de apartado o
ruta de contrato por carreteras y
número de apartado.


Código postal de 5 dígitos del
Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos
para direcciones de correo de estilo



U.S. Census Bureau


2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


máximo de







Field Name (Nombre del










U.S. Census Bureau

Nombre del



Número único asignado por la
Oficina del Censo para cada punto
en el mapa dentro de un bloque. La
numeración vuelve a empezar en
cada bloque.


Latitud de estructura de dirección,
que se completa solo si la Oficina del
Censo ha captado un punto de
estructura para la dirección.


Longitud de estructura de dirección,
que se completa solo si la Oficina del
Censo ha captado un punto de
estructura para la dirección.


Indicador de dirección de estilo
urbano o rural. Muestra “Y” para
direcciones de estilo urbano y “N”
para direcciones de estilo rural.
En blanco. Solo para uso del Personal
de Apelaciones.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide



Table 12. Feedback Address Count List Field Names and Descriptions



Field Name

Field Description




Two-digit state FIPS code.




Three-digit county FIPS code.


Consists of a six-digit code with a decimal
between the fourth and fifth digit, contains a
four-digit base number, including leading zeroes,
plus a two-digit number suffix, with trailing
zeroes. For example, 1234.01 and 0003.00






Four-digit 2010 Census tabulation block number.
Census blocks are numbered uniquely from 0000
to 9999 within census tract, which nest within
state and county. The first digit of the census
block number identifies the block group within
the census tract in which the block falls.




15-digit combination of STATEFP, COUNTYFP,
TRACT, and BLOCK fields. For example


Total number of addresses in the block identified
as residential housing units by data in the MAF
provided with the participant’s original LUCA


Total number of addresses in the block identified
as residential housing units by data in the MAF
after processing the participant’s LUCA
submission and other census operations.


Total number of addresses in the block identified
as residential group quarters and transitory
locations by data in the MAF provided with the
participant’s original LUCA materials.


Total number of addresses in the block identified
as residential group quarters and transitory
locations by data in the MAF after processing the
participant’s LUCA submission and other census





U.S. Census Bureau





2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Table 13. Nombres y Descripciones de los Campos de la Lista de Conteo de Direcciones de la Fase de
máximo de

Field Name (Nombre
del campo)

Nombre del campo






Código FIPS de estado de dos
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 72.





Código FIPS de estado de tres
dígitos. Por ejemplo, 035.


Consiste en un código de seis dígitos
con un decimal entre el cuarto y
quinto dígito, que consiste en un
número con una base de cuatro
dígitos, que incluye ceros iniciales,
más un sufijo numérico de dos
dígitos, con ceros finales. Por
ejemplo, 2602.02 y 0003.00



Número de bloque de tabulación de
cuatro dígitos del censo del 2010.
Los bloques censales están
numerados de forma única desde el
0000 al 9999 dentro de un sector
censal, que se encuentra dentro de
un estado y un condado. El primer
dígito del número de bloque censal
identifica el grupo del bloque.



Combinación de 15 dígitos de los
BLOCK por ejemplo,


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
unidades de vivienda residenciales
de acuerdo con los datos en el MAF
que se proporcionó con los
materiales originales de LUCA a los


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
unidades de vivienda residenciales
de acuerdo con los datos en el MAF
luego de procesar los envíos de
LUCA de los participantes y otras
operaciones del censo.











U.S. Census Bureau




2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


máximo de





U.S. Census Bureau

Field Name (Nombre
del campo)



Nombre del campo



Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
alojamientos de grupo residenciales
o lugares transitorios de acuerdo
con los datos en el MAF que se
proporcionó con los materiales
originales de LUCA a los


Número total de direcciones en el
bloque censal identificadas como
alojamientos de grupo residenciales
o lugares transitorios de acuerdo
con los datos en el MAF luego de
procesar los envíos de LUCA de los
participantes y otras operaciones
del censo.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide


Form D-2240

Quick Start—Digital Address Materials
2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback Phase
Getting Started
Open (or print) the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) Feedback and Appeals Respondent Guide located on the
enclosed DVD(s). Refer to the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines, included as an appendix in the respondent guide, to ensure the protection of
the U.S. Census Bureau’s Title 13 U.S.C. information.
1. First, create a new folder (or new directory) on a computer that meets the requirements outlined in the Confidentiality and Security
2. Insert the Title 13 Data Disc DVD into the CD/DVD drive of the computer. Contents vary depending on the final format of the LUCA Review
Phase materials, but one of the following three windows (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, or Figure 3) will open.
Digital Address List and Large Format Paper
Maps (No PDF Maps)

Digital Address List and Large Format
Paper/PDF Maps

Digital Address List and Digital Maps

Figure 3: Title 13 Data Disc DVD for
Digital Address List and Digital Maps
participants (refer to Sections I and III to
proceed with setup)

Figure 2: Title 13 Data Disc DVD for Digital
Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF
Maps participants (refer to Sections I and II to
proceed with setup)

Figure 1: Title 13 Data Disc DVD for Digital
Address List and Large Format Paper Maps
participants (refer to Section I to proceed with

3. If there are files or folders in addition to the “shape” folder, copy them into the new folder created earlier. IMPORTANT: Do not copy the
“shape” folder from this DVD.
4. Double-click on the “shape” folder from the DVD. Right-click on the file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe and select Copy.
5. Open the new folder created in Step 1, right-click, and select Paste.
6. Remove the Title 13 Data Disc DVD and proceed to Section I for instructions to extract the Detailed Feedback Address List.
The LUCA Feedback Phase package for some participants may include a printed insert (D-2282) that explains the absence of records on their Detailed
Feedback Address List. If this occurs, a corresponding file (2020LUCA_FB_insert.pdf) will be present on their DVD(s). This file is absent from the
images included in this quick start guide because it is not present for all participants.
I. Extracting the Detailed Feedback Address List
(instructions for all three product preferences)

Figure 4: 2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe
on the hard drive

U.S. Census Bureau

1. Open the new folder created earlier and double-click on the file named
2020LUCA__FB_DISK1of2.exe shown in Figure 4.
2. A command prompt window opens. Enter the password the Census Bureau
mailed separately from the LUCA Feedback Phase materials. This password
differs from the password used during the Review Phase. The password does
not appear on-screen as it is typed. The command prompt window shows the
progress of file extraction and closes upon completion of the file extraction. If
the password is misplaced or the password letter was not received, please call
(844) 344-0169 or email [email protected] for assistance.
3. The Census Bureau’s comma-delimited Detailed Feedback Address List text file
extracts into the new folder. The file name is
2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list.csv. This is Title 13 U.S.C.
material. Protect it accordingly.
4. For instructions on converting comma-delimited files, refer to Chapter 1 in the
respondent guide.

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide


Form D-2240

Extracting the PDF Maps (instructions for the Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF Maps product preference)
In addition to large format paper maps, participants who
chose the Digital Address List and Large Format Paper/PDF
Maps product preference receive the Census Bureau’s
small format block maps as Portable Document Format
(.pdf). These are Title 13 U.S.C. material. Protect them

Figure 5: The “maps” folder

Figure 6: The “maps” folder contents

1. From the new folder created earlier, double-click
on the “maps” folder shown in Figure 5 and a list of
files opens as shown in Figure 6.
2. To extract the PDF small format block maps,
double-click on the file named
2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe as shown in Figure 6.
3. A command prompt window opens. Enter the same
password used to extract the Detailed Feedback
Address List. As with the earlier extraction, the
password does not appear on-screen as it is
typed. The window closes upon completion of the
file extraction.
4. Once extracted, a list of files opens, including all of
the PDF small format block maps for the
participant’s jurisdiction as shown in Figure 7.
5. To use and print the PDF small format block maps,
refer to Chapter 2 in the respondent guide.

Figure 7: The extracted
“maps” folder

III. Extracting the Digital Maps (instructions for the Digital Address List and Digital Maps product preference)
In addition to a Title 13 Data Disc containing the Detailed Feedback Address List and a Non-Title 13 Data Disc containing the shapefiles and
Feedback Address Count List, participants who chose the Digital Address List and Digital Maps product preference receive a software installer disc
containing the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). The respondent guide and quick start guide for GUPS are included on the NonTitle 13 Data Disc DVD should participants choose to use GUPS for their LUCA Feedback Phase review.
1. Insert the Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD into the CD/DVD drive of the computer.
2. When the window opens showing the DVD contents, Copy and Paste all of the
contents into the new folder created earlier, including the “shape” folder. Remove
the Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD.
3. From the new folder, double-click on the folder named “shape” as shown in Figure 8.
4. Double-click on 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe as shown in Figure 9.
5. A command prompt window opens showing the progress of the file extraction and
closes upon completion. Unlike the DISK1of2.exe file extraction, this one does not
require a password.
6. The digital maps (shapefiles) and the Feedback Address Count List,
2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv, extract into the “shape” folder.
7. As shown in Figure 10, the shapefiles extract into individual folders for the state and
each county in which the participant’s jurisdiction is located.
8. To use the shapefiles, refer to Chapter 2 in the respondent guide.
Figure 8: After copying Non-Title 13 Data Disc DVD
to the hard drive

Figure 9: The “shape” folder contents

Figure 10: After extracting 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe

If questions remain regarding Getting Started, consult the respondent guide first, and then call or email the LUCA Help Desk staff at (844) 344-0169
or [email protected]. Locate the 2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office contact information on the LUCA website at

U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census LUCA Feedback Digital Quick Start Guide




Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. anticipa enviar pronto los materiales de la Fase de
Información para el Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para
el Censo del 2020. Los participantes pueden anticipar recibir los materiales de la Fase de
Información dentro de las próximas dos semanas.
Para garantizar la seguridad, los datos protegidos por el Título 13 se encuentran en archivos
cifrados de extracción automática. Los datos protegidos por el Título 13 incluyen la versión
digital de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información y PDF de los mapas de
bloques censales de formato pequeño. Para abrir estos archivos, ingrese la contraseña que se
muestra abajo, que distingue mayúsculas de minúsculas. El archivo “FB_Readmefirst#.txt”
incluido en los DVD con los materiales contiene una lista de archivos e instrucciones para
abrirlos. Además, la Guía de Inicio Rápido también incluye instrucciones para abrir los
materiales digitales.
Si usted no recibe los materiales de la Fase de Información de LUCA dentro de las próximas
dos semanas o si tiene problemas para abrir alguno de los materiales en los DVD, por favor
llame al 1-844-344-0169 o envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected].

Su Contraseña es:

Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
1201 E 10th St
Jeffersonville IN 47134-0001
Penalty for Private Use $300
D-2280(SP) (05-14-2019)

2020 LUCA - Building 63-D


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

The U.S. Census Bureau has enclosed 2020 Census Local Update of Census
Addresses Operation (LUCA) feedback materials for review. In accordance with the
Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-430, the Census
Bureau provides your government the opportunity to review the Census Bureau’s
LUCA feedback materials, and if necessary, file an appeal with the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office.
Participants must file their appeal within 45 calendar days from the date of receipt of
the feedback materials. Participants may only appeal addresses that were previously
commented on during the LUCA Review Phase, addresses deleted during other
Census Bureau operations, or addresses deleted by another level of government
participating in LUCA. Additional new addresses or address changes will not be
accepted during the appeals process. If the Census Bureau was informed that your
government had no address updates, your government may only appeal addresses
deleted during other Census Bureau operations, or by another level of government
participating in LUCA.
When you unpack the feedback materials, please:

Review the enclosed packing slip to ensure receipt of all appropriate materials.
Review the Quick Start and Respondent Guides for instruction on completing
the review of the feedback materials and, if warranted, filing an appeal with the
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office.

The LUCA feedback materials are in the final format selected for the LUCA Review
Phase and contain information that is confidential under Title 13, United States Code.
All liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 information must abide by
the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. If your government has staff who have not
previously completed and signed the Confidentiality Agreement Form (D-2005), please
ensure that they do so before reviewing the feedback materials and return this form
using the enclosed postage-paid envelope. The LUCA liaison for your government
may also email your signed form to the Census Bureau at
[email protected]. The Confidentiality Agreement Form is also available
on the LUCA website, and a form is included on the enclosed disc(s) for participants
that elected to receive digital LUCA materials.

Please destroy (preferred method) or return to the Census Bureau all confidential LUCA
Title 13 materials (and any copies) after reviewing the materials, or, if submitting an
appeal, after the conclusion of the appeal process. LUCA liaisons must verify the
destruction or return of all confidential Title 13 materials by signing the Destruction or
Return of Title 13, United States Code Materials Form (D-2012) found in this package,
and also on disc for participants receiving digital materials. The LUCA liaison must
ensure that all reviewers and those with access to the Title 13 materials sign this form.
If anyone with access to Title 13 materials is no longer available to sign and date this
form, the current LUCA liaison must sign on their behalf.
If you have any questions regarding LUCA feedback, please contact us by email at
[email protected], by phone at 1-844-344-0169, or visit the LUCA website
at .
For specific questions regarding the appeal process, please contact the 2020 Census
LUCA Appeals Office via email at [email protected], or by phone at

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs

D-2281 (06-17-2019)



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está adjuntando para revisión los materiales de la Fase
de Información para el Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones Censales (LUCA) para
el Censo del 2020. De acuerdo con la Ley de 1994 para Mejorar la Lista de Direcciones del
Censo, la Ley Pública 103-430, la Oficina del Censo da a su gobierno la oportunidad de revisar
los materiales de la fase de información de LUCA de la Oficina del Censo y, de ser necesario,
presentar una apelación ante la Oficina de Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo del 2020.
Los participantes deben presentar su apelación dentro de un plazo de 45 días calendario de
la fecha de recepción de los materiales de la fase de información. Los participantes pueden
presentar apelaciones para direcciones sobre las que se hicieron comentarios durante la Fase
de Revisión de LUCA, direcciones eliminadas durante otras operaciones de la Oficina del
Censo o direcciones eliminadas por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA. No se
aceptarán nuevas direcciones adicionales o cambios de dirección durante el proceso de
apelaciones. Si se informó a la Oficina del Censo que su gobierno no tiene actualizaciones de
direcciones, su gobierno solo podrá apelar direcciones eliminadas durante otras operaciones de
la Oficina del Censo o por otro nivel de gobierno que participa en LUCA.
Cuando abra el paquete con los materiales de la fase de información, por favor:

Revise la lista de empaque adjunta para asegurarse de haber recibido todos los
materiales que correspondan.
Revise la Guía de Inicio Rápido y la Guía para los Participantes para las
instrucciones sobre cómo completar la revisión de los materiales de la fase de
información y, si corresponde, cómo presentar una apelación ante la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo del 2020.

Los materiales de la fase de información de LUCA están en el formato final seleccionado para
la Fase de Revisión de LUCA y contienen información que es confidencial en virtud del Título
13 del Código de los Estados Unidos. Todos los enlaces, los revisores y aquellos con acceso
a la información protegida por el Título 13 deben acatar las Normas de Confidencialidad y
Seguridad. Si su gobierno tiene personal que no completó y firmó previamente el Contrato de
Confidencialidad (D-2005), por favor asegúrese de que lo hagan antes de revisar los materiales
de la fase de información y devuelva este formulario en el sobre con franqueo pagado. El
enlace de LUCA para su gobierno también puede enviar el contrato firmado por correo
electrónico a la Oficina del Censo a [email protected]. El Formulario del Contrato
de Confidencialidad también está disponible en el sitio web de LUCA, y en los discos adjuntos
se incluye un formulario que pueden completar los participantes que optaron por recibir
materiales de LUCA en formato digital.

Por favor, destruya (método preferido) o devuelva a la Oficina del Censo todos los materiales
confidenciales de LUCA protegidos por el Título 13 (y sus copias) después de revisar los
materiales o, si presenta una apelación, después de la conclusión del proceso de apelación.
Los enlaces de LUCA deben verificar la destrucción o devolución de todos los materiales
confidenciales protegidos por el Título 13 firmando el Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución
de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos (D-2012) que se
encuentra en este paquete y también en los discos para los participantes que reciben
materiales digitales. El enlace de LUCA debe asegurarse de que todos los revisores o las
personas con acceso a los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 firmen este formulario. Si
aquellos con acceso a los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 ya no está disponible para
firmar y fechar este formulario, el enlace actual de LUCA podrá firmarlo en su nombre.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la Fase de Información de LUCA, por favor comuníquese con
nosotros por correo electrónico a [email protected], por teléfono al
1-844-344-0169 o visítenos en el sitio web de LUCA
Para preguntas específicas sobre el proceso de apelación, comuníquese con la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA del Censo del 2020 por correo electrónico a [email protected]
o por teléfono al 1-888-222-9907.

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Director Asociado para Programas del Censo Decenal
Documentos adjuntos

D-2281(SP) (06-17-2019)


Por favor, tenga presente que ninguna dirección es elegible para Apelaciones de
LUCA por su gobierno. Sin embargo, su gobierno está recibiendo la Lista de Conteo
de Direcciones de la Fase de Información, el Informe Resumido de Direcciones de la
Fase de Información y los mapas de la fase de información para revisión. Si su
gobierno participó en LUCA con materiales digitales de direcciones, el archivo digital
de la Lista Detallada de Direcciones de la Fase de Información que se encuentra en
el disco de la Fase de Información no contiene direcciones para revisar.
Tenga presente que no hay direcciones elegibles para apelar en su jurisdicción por
uno de los siguientes motivos:

La Oficina del Censo no pudo procesar sus actualizaciones en el formato que
envió. Intentamos contactarnos con usted, pero no pudimos comunicarnos para


Durante la fase de revisión de LUCA, usted envió el Formulario No Hay
Actualizaciones ni Cambios en las Direcciones (D-2079) o el Formulario del
Plazo Límite de Envío (D-2084) sin actualizaciones para la lista de direcciones
de la Oficina del Censo. Solo las direcciones eliminadas durante otras
operaciones de la Oficina del Censo o por otro nivel de gobierno que participa
en LUCA son elegibles para una apelación. En su jurisdicción, ninguna
dirección fue eliminada por otras operaciones de la Oficina del Censo ni por
otro nivel de gobierno.

Por favor destruya o devuelva a la Oficina del Censo todos los materiales
confidenciales protegidos por el Título 13, incluidas las copias que puedan existir.
Los enlaces de LUCA deben verificar la destrucción o devolución de los materiales
protegidos por el Título 13 firmando el Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de
Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos (D-2012).
Consulte las Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad (D-2004) para obtener
instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo destruir o devolver los materiales confidenciales
protegidos por el Título 13.
La participación de su gobierno en LUCA está ahora completa.

Thank you for your participation in the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 Census Local
Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA). The deadline to file an appeal with the
2020 Census LUCA Appeals Office has ended. Your government’s participation in
LUCA is now complete.
At this time, you are required to destroy (preferred method) or return to us your LUCA
Title 13 materials in accordance with the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. This
includes any copies that you have made. LUCA liaisons must verify the destruction or
return of all confidential Title 13 materials by signing the attached D-2012 – Destruction
or Return of Title 13, United States Code Materials form. Ensure that all reviewers and
those with access to the Title 13 LUCA materials sign this form. If anyone with access
to Title 13 materials is no longer available to sign and date this form, the current LUCA
liaison must sign on their behalf.
This form is also available on the Census Bureau’s LUCA website. A fillable form is
located on your feedback DVD if you elected to receive digital feedback materials. Mail
this form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope or you may scan your completed,
signed form, and email it to us at [email protected].
If you choose to return the materials to the Census Bureau, double-wrap the materials
and use the mailing label that was included with the initial mail-out of materials. If you
have misplaced the mailing label, please contact the Census Bureau to have a
replacement label sent to you. Complete, sign, and enclose the Destruction or Return of
Title 13, United States Code Materials form with your return materials.
If you have any questions regarding LUCA, please contact us via email at
[email protected], by phone at 1–844–344–0169, or you can visit our
website at .

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs

Gracias por su participación en el Programa de Actualización Local de Direcciones
Censales (LUCA, por sus siglas en inglés) para el Censo del 2020 de la Oficina del Censo
de EE. UU. Se ha vencido el plazo para presentar una apelación con la Oficina de
Apelaciones de LUCA, de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto de los EE. UU. La
participación de su gobierno en LUCA ahora está completa.
En este momento, se requiere que usted destruya (método preferido) o nos devuelva los
materiales de LUCA protegidos por el Título 13 conforme a las Normas de Confidencialidad
y Seguridad. Esto incluye todas las copias que hizo. Los enlaces de LUCA tienen que
verificar la destrucción o devolución de todos los materiales confidenciales protegidos por
el Título 13 mediante la firma del formulario D-2012 – Formulario de Destrucción o
Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos.
Asegúrese de que todos los revisores y aquellos con acceso a los materiales de LUCA
protegidos por el Título 13 firmen este formulario. Si alguien con acceso a los materiales
protegidos por el Título 13 ya no está disponible para firmar y fechar este formulario, el
enlace actual de LUCA tiene que firmar en su nombre.
Este formulario también se encuentra disponible en el sitio web de LUCA de la Oficina del
Censo. En su DVD de información (feedback) se encuentra un formulario rellenable si optó
por recibir materiales digitales de información. Envíe este formulario por correo en el sobre
adjunto con franqueo prepagado o puede escanear su formulario completado y firmado y
enviárnoslo por correo electrónico a [email protected].
Si usted decide devolver los materiales a la Oficina del Censo, empaque los materiales en
envoltura doble y use la etiqueta de correo que se incluyó en el envío inicial de los
materiales. Si ha extraviado la etiqueta de correo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo para que se le envíe una etiqueta de reemplazo. Complete, firme y adjunte el
Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del
Código de los Estados Unidos cuando devuelva los materiales. Asegúrese de que todos los
revisores y personas con acceso a los materiales de LUCA protegidos por el Título 13
firmen este formulario. Si alguien con acceso a materiales protegidos por el Título 13 ya no
está disponible para firmar y fechar este formulario, el enlace actual de LUCA puede firmar
en su nombre.
Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con LUCA, por favor comuníquese con nosotros por
correo electrónico a [email protected], por teléfono al 1–844–344–0169 o
puede visitar nuestro sitio web en .

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Director Asociado para los Programas del Censo Decenal
Archivo adjunto



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

The U.S. Census Bureau recently sent you an email regarding the destruction or return
of the confidential Title 13 address materials used for the 2020 Census Local Update of
Census Addresses Operation (LUCA). By signing the Confidentiality Agreement form to
participate in LUCA, you agreed to destroy or return all Title 13 materials upon
completion of LUCA. To date, we have no records on file certifying that these Title 13
materials were either destroyed or returned to the Census Bureau. If you have already
destroyed or returned the materials, and returned the Destruction or Return of Title 13,
United States Code Materials form (D-2012), please disregard this letter.
Within one week of receiving this letter, please return a completed and signed
Destruction or Return of Title 13, United States Code Materials form (enclosed),
certifying that you have complied with your obligation to destroy or return to the Census
Bureau all Title 13 confidential materials, including any copies you or any other
reviewers have made. This form is also available on the Census Bureau’s LUCA
website. If you elected to receive digital feedback materials, a fillable form is located on
your DVD. Mail this form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope or scan the completed,
signed form to [email protected].
If you choose to destroy the materials, please review the destruction requirements in
the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.
If you choose to return the Title 13 LUCA materials to the Census Bureau, please
review the return requirements in the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. If you
have misplaced the mailing label, please contact the Census Bureau to have a
replacement label sent to you. Complete and sign the Destruction or Return of Title 13,
United States Code form and ensure that all reviewers and those with access to the
Title 13 materials sign this form. If anyone with access to Title 13 materials is no longer
available to sign and date this form, the current LUCA liaison must sign on their behalf.
If you do not perform these actions, the Census Bureau may preclude your government
from receiving access to Title 13 confidential materials for future Census Bureau

The only authorized use of any address materials sent to you under Title 13, United
States Code, Section 16, is for verification of "the accuracy of the address information
of the Census Bureau for census and survey purposes." Any other use or publication
of Title 13 materials may subject an individual(s) to a fine of up to $250,000,
imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.
If you have any questions relating to the legal aspects of this matter, please call
Melissa Creech at 301-763-9844. If you have questions regarding LUCA, please
contact us via email at [email protected], by phone at 1-844-344-0169,
or you can visit our website at
Thank you for your cooperation and for participating in the effort to make the 2020
Census a success.

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs
cc: HEO or Tribal Chair

D-2288 (06-17-2019)



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Recientemente, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. le envió un correo electrónico
sobre la destrucción o devolución de los materiales de direcciones confidenciales
protegidos por el Título 13 usados para el Programa de Actualización Local de
Direcciones Censales (LUCA, por sus siglas en inglés) para el Censo del 2020. Al
firmar el formulario de Contrato de Confidencialidad para participar en LUCA, usted
aceptó destruir o devolver todos los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 al
completarse LUCA. Hasta la fecha, no tenemos documentación en nuestros archivos
certificando que estos materiales protegidos por el Título 13 fueron destruidos o
devueltos a la Oficina del Censo. Si usted ya destruyó o devolvió los materiales, y
devolvió el formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el
Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos (D-2012), por favor ignore esta carta.
Dentro del plazo de una semana de recibir esta carta, por favor devuelva el formulario
de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del Código
de los Estados Unidos (adjunto) completado y firmado certificando que usted ha
cumplido con su obligación de destruir o devolver todos los materiales confidenciales
protegidos por el Título 13 a la Oficina del Censo, incluidas todas las copias que usted
o algún otro revisor haya hecho. Este formulario también se encuentra disponible en el
sitio web de LUCA de la Oficina del Censo. Si usted optó por recibir materiales
digitales de información (feedback), hay un formulario rellenable en su DVD. Envíe este
formulario por correo en el sobre adjunto con franqueo prepagado o escanee el
formulario completo y firmado y envíelo a [email protected].
Si usted decide destruir los materiales, por favor lea los requisitos para tal destrucción
en las Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad.
Si usted decide devolver a la Oficina del Censo los materiales de LUCA protegidos por
el Título 13, por favor lea los requisitos para tal devolución en las Normas de Confidencialidad y Seguridad. Si ha extraviado la etiqueta de correo, por favor comuníquese con
la Oficina del Censo para que se le envíe una etiqueta de reemplazo. Complete y firme
el Formulario de Destrucción o Devolución de Materiales Protegidos por el Título 13 del
Código de los Estados Unidos y asegúrese de que todos los revisores y aquellos con
acceso a los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 lo firmen. Si alguien con acceso a
los materiales protegidos por el Título 13 ya no está disponible para firmar y fechar este
formulario, el enlace actual de LUCA puede firmar en su nombre.

Si usted no realiza estas acciones, la Oficina del Censo podría impedir que su gobierno
reciba acceso a materiales confidenciales protegidos por el Título 13 para futuros
programas de la Oficina del Censo.
El único uso autorizado de todos los materiales de direcciones que se le enviaron a
usted en virtud de la Sección 16 del Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos es para
verificar “la precisión de la información de las direcciones de la Oficina del Censo para
fines del censo y encuestas”. Cualquier otro uso o publicación de materiales protegidos
por el Título 13 puede someter a la(s) persona(s) a una multa de hasta $250,000,
encarcelamiento por no más de 5 años, o ambas cosas.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los aspectos legales de este asunto, póngase en contacto
con Melissa Creech al 301-763-9844. Si tiene preguntas acerca de LUCA, por favor
comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico a [email protected], por
teléfono llamando al 1-844-344-0169, o puede visitar nuestro sitio web en
Gracias por su cooperación y participación en el esfuerzo por hacer que el Censo del
2020 sea un éxito.

Albert E. Fontenot, Jr.
Director Asociado para los Programas del Censo Decenal
Documento adjunto
cc: Funcionario electo de más alto rango (HEO)

D-2288(SP) (06-17-2019)

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_ReadMeFirst2 file:
Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the ReadMe, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, Block to Mapsheet Relationship, and Title 13
Small Format Block Maps (zipped and encrypted) files	

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Paper Respondent Guide
D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with Title 13 small format
maps to support their LUCA Feedback review.
--------------1. Folder named "maps"
-The "maps" folder contains a file named 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe; this is a zipped and encrypted file
containing PDF small format block maps showing updated mapspots and road features. To extract this file, double-click
with the left mouse button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to
decrypt this file.
Additionally, the "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-About_the_maps.pdf - provides tips for using the small format block maps and a brief description of the map
-LUCAF20.pdf - images of the printed large format maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
------------2. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv. This file contains the
number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census
Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address
Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,

XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land - 12 digits
------------3. Feedback Paper Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_paper_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------4. D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
-The D-2005 is an agreement for any new staff reviewing Title-13 address information.
-The D-2005 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------5. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------6. D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
-The D-2241 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2241 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------7. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_ReadMeFirst2U file:
Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the Readme, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, and Block to Mapsheet Relationship files	

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Paper Respondent Guide
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
D-2282 Feedback Insert

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with maps and data to
support their LUCA Feedback review.
--------------1. Folder named "maps"
The "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-LUCAF20.pdf - Large format images of the printed maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
------------2. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv. This file contains the
number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census
Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address
Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed_address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land - 12 digits

------------3. Feedback Paper Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_paper_respondent_guide.pdf.
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------4. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------5. D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
-The D-2241 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2241 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------6. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------7. D-2282 Feedback Insert
-The D-2282 explains the no change status of your submission and why there are no addresses to review.
-The D-2282 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_ReadMeFirst3 file:
Non-Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles (zipped)

Feedback Paper Respondent Guide
D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with partnership shapefiles
to support their LUCA Feedback review.
----------------------------------------------------------------------DATA DISC
---------------1. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe; this is a zipped form of the
Census Feedback Address Count List and Partnership shapefiles. To extract the files, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe).
The Census Feedback Address Count List file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for
each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file.
The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address Count List is:
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed_address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
The Partnership shapefiles will extract into multiple folders. A folder named "SS" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code
corresponding to the state where the entity is located; e.g., Maryland is 24) will contain all state level shapefiles. A
separate folder, or folders, named "SSCCC" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code and "CCC" is the county FIPS code
corresponding to the county where the entity is located; e.g., Montgomery County, Maryland is 24031) will contain all
county level shapefiles. If your entity resides in multiple states or counties you will have corresponding folders for each
of those locations.

The Census Bureau provides shapefiles as a reference for locating addresses, and for reviewing your jurisdiction’s linear
(street) features.
--------------2. Feedback Paper Respondent Guide - File Named: 2020LUCA_FB_paper_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------3. D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
-The D-2005 is an agreement for any new staff reviewing Title-13 address information.
-The D-2005 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------4. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------5. D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
-The D-2241 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2241 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------6. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_ReadMeFirst3U file:
Non-Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles (zipped)
2. Feedback Paper Respondent Guide
3. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
4. D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
5. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
6. D-2282 Feedback Insert
The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with partnership shapefiles
to support their LUCA Feedback review.
----------------------------------------------------------------------DATA DISC
---------------1. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe; this is a zipped form of the
Census Feedback Address Count List and Partnership shapefiles. To extract the files, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe).
The Census Feedback Address Count List file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for
each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file.
The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address Count List is:
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_address_detailed_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
The Partnership shapefiles will extract into multiple folders. A folder named "SS" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code
corresponding to the state where the entity is located; e.g., Maryland is 24) will contain all state level shapefiles. A
separate folder, or folders, named "SSCCC" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code and "CCC" is the county FIPS code
corresponding to the county where the entity is located; e.g., Montgomery County, Maryland is 24031) will contain all
county level shapefiles. If your entity resides in multiple states or counties you will have corresponding folders for each
of those locations.
The Census Bureau provides shapefiles as a reference for locating addresses, and for reviewing your jurisdiction’s linear
(street) features.

--------------2. Feedback Paper Respondent Guide - File Named: 2020LUCA_FB_paper_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Paper Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------3. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------4. D-2241 Paper Quick Start Guide
-The D-2241 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2241 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------5. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
------------6. D-2282 Feedback Insert
-The D-2282 explains the no change status of your submission and why there are no addresses to review.
-The D-2282 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst4 file:
Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the Readme, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, and Block to Mapsheet Relationship
2. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List (zipped and encrypted)

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data.
----------------1. Folder named "maps"
The "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-About_the_maps.pdf - provides tips for using the small format block maps and a brief description of the map
-LUCAF20.pdf - Large format images of the printed maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
----------------2. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA_FB__DISK1of2.exe; this is a zipped and
encrypted form of the Detailed Feedback Address List. To extract the address list, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, you must enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to decrypt the
The Detailed Feedback Address List file contains all of the addresses reviewed by your jurisdiction and processed by
Census during the LUCA review phase. The Detailed Feedback Address List is a comma delimited .csv file. The
naming convention for the Census Address List is: 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,

XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed_address_list.csv where xxxx is the
Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
----------------3. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv. This file contains the
number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census
Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address
Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
Please see naming convention information above.
---------------4. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------5. D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
-The D-2005 is an agreement for any new staff reviewing Title-13 address information.
-The D-2005 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------6. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title 13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------8. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst4U file:
Title 13 Data Disc
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the Readme, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, and Block to Mapsheet Relationship files	

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
D-2282 Feedback Insert

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data.
----------------1. Folder named "maps"
The "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-LUCAF20.pdf - Large format images of the printed maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
----------------2. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv. This file contains the
number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your jurisdiction. The Census
Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the Census Feedback Address
Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land - 12 digits

---------------3. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------4. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------5. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------6. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2282 Feedback Insert
-The D-2282 explains the no change status of your submission and why there are no addresses to review.
-The D-2282 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst5 file:
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the Readme, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, Block to Mapsheet Relationship, and
Title 13 Small Format Block Maps (zipped and encrypted) files	
2. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Title 13 Detailed Feedback Address List (zipped and encrypted)

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data.
----------------1. Folder named "maps"
-The "maps" folder contains a file named 2020LUCAFB_BlockMaps.exe; this is a zipped and encrypted file
containing PDF small format block maps for updating mapspots and road features. To extract this file, double-click with
the left mouse button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to
decrypt this file.
Additionally, the "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-About_the_maps.pdf - provides tips for using the small format block maps and a brief 	 description of the map
-LUCAF20.pdf - Large format images of the printed maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
--------------2. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA_FB__DISK1of2.exe; this is a zipped and
encrypted form of the Census Detailed Feedback Address List. To extract the address list, double-click with the left
mouse button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, you must enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to
decrypt the file.
The Census Detailed Feedback Address List file contains all of the addresses currently recorded by the Census Bureau
for your jurisdiction. The Census Detailed Feedback Address List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming
convention for the Census Address List is: 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list

The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
--------------3. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
-This file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your
jurisdiction. The Census Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the
Census Feedback Address Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
--------------4. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Named: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------5. D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
-The D-2005 is an agreement for any new staff reviewing Title-13 address information.
-The D-2005 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------6. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------8. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer	 does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Disc
This Disc contains the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst5U file:
1. Folder named "maps"
-Within this folder are the Readme, About the Maps, Large Format Maps, and Block to Mapsheet Relationship

Feedback Address Count List
Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
D-2282 Feedback Insert

The purpose in distributing this digital data Disc is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data.
----------------1. Folder named "maps"
The "maps" folder contains:
-ReadMe.txt file - explains the different components contained in the folder.
-LUCAF20.pdf - Large format images of the printed maps you received.
-LUCAF20_BLK2MS.txt - Block to mapsheet relationship file containing a list of all
blocks within your jurisdiction, and the sheet or grid number(s) that identify the parent sheet where the block is located.
--------------2. Feedback Address Count List - File Name: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
-This file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census block within your
jurisdiction. The Census Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the
Census Feedback Address Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
XX = 2 character, alpha entity type:
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_countlist.csv where xxxx
is the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits

--------------3. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Named: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA
Feedback materials.
-The Feedback Digital Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer does
not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------4. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------5. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------6. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2282 Feedback Insert
-The D-2282 explains the no change status of your submission and why there are no addresses to review.
-The D-2282 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Discs and
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Installation Disc
These Discs contain the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst6 file:
Title 13 Data Disc (Disc 1)
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the T-13 Detailed Feedback Address List (zipped and encrypted)
Non-Title 13 Data Disc (Disc 2)
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles (zipped)

Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide
D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2242 GUPS Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report

GUPS Installation Disc (Disc 3)
1. Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
The purpose in distributing the digital data Discs is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data. These Discs contain the data files needed to electronically review LUCA
Feedback data, including users of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). All participants receiving a
digital address list and shapefiles will receive a GUPS installation Disc. Participants who did not specifically select to
use the GUPS are welcome to use it; however, entities with over 300,000 addresses must understand that GUPS
performance may be affected by the size of their address list.
----------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 1
--------------1. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA_FB__DISK1of2.exe; this is a zipped and
encrypted form of the Detailed Feedback Address List. To extract the address list, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, you must enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to decrypt the
The Detailed Feedback Address List file contains all of the addresses reviewed and processed during the LUCA review
phase for your jurisdiction. The Detailed Feedback Address List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention
for the Census Address List is: 2020LUCA__FB_detailed_address_list
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,

XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_list.csv where xxxx is
the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
----------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 2
--------------1. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe; this is a zipped form of the
Census Feedback Address Count List and Partnership shapefiles. To extract the files, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe).
The Feedback Address Count List file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census
block within your jurisdiction. The Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming
convention for the Feedback Address Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
Please see above for naming convention information.
The Partnership shapefiles will extract into multiple folders. A folder named "SS" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code
corresponding to the state where the entity is located; e.g., Maryland is 24) will contain all state level shapefiles. A
separate folder, or folders, named "SSCCC" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code and "CCC" is the county FIPS code
corresponding to the county where the entity is located; e.g., Montgomery County, Maryland is 24031) will contain all
county level shapefiles. If your entity resides in multiple states or counties you will have corresponding folders for each
of those locations.
The Census Bureau provides shapefiles as a reference for locating addresses, and for reviewing your jurisdiction’s linear
(street) features.
--------------2. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The 2020 LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the
LUCA Feedback materials. The Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer
does not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------3. Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf
-The GUPS Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA Feedback
materials using the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).
--------------4. D-2005 Confidentiality Agreement Form
-The D-2005 is an agreement for any new staff reviewing Title 13 address information.
-The D-2005 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.

5. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.
-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------6. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2242 GUPS Quick Start Guide
-The D-2242 provides a brief overview of how to use the GUPS software.
-The D-2242 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------8. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 3
--------------1. Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
This Disc contains the installation software for the Geographic Update Partnership Software.
Additionally, this Disc contains a readme.txt with general GUPS installation instructions.

2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) - Feedback Computer Readable Data Discs and
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) Installation Disc
These Discs contain the following items in addition to this FB_Readmefirst6U file:
Title 13 Data Disc (Disc 1)
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the T-13 Detailed Feedback Address List (zipped and encrypted)
Non-Title 13 Data Disc (Disc 2)
1. Folder named "shape"
-Within this folder is the Feedback Address Count List and Shapefiles (zipped)

Feedback Digital Respondent Guide
Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide
D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
D-2242 GUPS Quick Start Guide
D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
D-2282 Feedback Insert

GUPS Installation Disc (Disc 3)
1. Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
The purpose in distributing the digital data Discs is to provide LUCA Feedback participants with an electronic method
of reviewing the LUCA Feedback data. These Discs contain the data files needed to electronically review LUCA
Feedback data, including users of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). All participants receiving a
digital address list and shapefiles will receive a GUPS installation Disc. Participants who did not specifically select to
use the GUPS are welcome to use it; however, entities with over 300,000 addresses must understand that GUPS
performance may be affected by the size of their address list.
----------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 1
--------------1. Folder named "shape"
- The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA_ _FB_DISK1of2.exe; this is a zipped and
encrypted form of the Detailed Feedback Address List. To extract the address list, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe). When prompted, you must enter the password (sent in a separate mailing) to decrypt the
The Detailed Feedback Address List file for your jurisdiction contains 0 address records. The Census Bureau is
providing this Detailed Feedback Address List file with 0 address records so that participants can still use GUPS to
review their LUCA Feedback features, since GUPS requires an address list file and shapefiles to load a project. The
Census Address List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming convention for the Census Address List is:
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,

XX = 2 character, alpha entity type
yyyyyyyyyy = the variable length, numeric entity code depending on the type of entity.
ST = State, 2 digits
CO = County, 5 digits
PL = Place, 7 digits
MC = Minor Civil Division (MCD), 10 digits
The naming convention for a tribal file is 2020LUCA_TRxxxxTAyyyy_FB_detailed _address_list.csv where xxxx is
the Tribal Name code and yyyy is the Tribal Area code.
TR/TA = American Indian Reservation or Off-Reservation Trust Land, 12 digits
----------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 2
--------------1. Folder named "shape"
-The "shape" folder contains a file named 2020LUCA__FB_DISK2of2.exe; this is a zipped form of the
Census Feedback Address Count List and Partnership shapefiles. To extract the files, double-click with the left mouse
button on the executable (.exe).
The Feedback Address Count List file contains the number of housing units and group quarter addresses for each census
block within your jurisdiction. The Feedback Address Count List is a comma delimited .csv file. The naming
convention for the Feedback Address Count List is: 2020LUCA__FB_address_countlist.csv.
The  is in the form of XXyyyyyyyyyy,
Please see above for naming convention information.
The Partnership shapefiles will extract into multiple folders. A folder named "SS" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code
corresponding to the state where the entity is located; e.g., Maryland is 24) will contain all state level shapefiles. A
separate folder, or folders, named "SSCCC" (where "SS" is the state FIPS code and "CCC" is the county FIPS code
corresponding to the county where the entity is located; e.g., Montgomery County, Maryland is 24031) will contain all
county level shapefiles. If your entity resides in multiple states or counties you will have corresponding folders for each
of those locations.
The Census Bureau provides shapefiles as a reference for locating addresses, and for reviewing your jurisdiction’s linear
(street) features.
--------------2. Feedback Digital Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_digital_respondent_guide.pdf
-The 2020 LUCA Feedback Digital Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the
LUCA Feedback materials. The Respondent Guide is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If your computer
does not already have software to read a PDF file, please download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------3. Feedback GUPS Respondent Guide - File Name: 2020LUCA_FB_gups_respondent_guide.pdf
-The GUPS Respondent Guide provides instructions and examples for your review of the LUCA Feedback
materials using the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).
--------------4. D-2012 Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials Form
-The D-2012 certifies you have completed your LUCA Feedback review and that you have returned or destroyed
all Title-13 materials.

-The D-2012 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
--------------5. D-2240 Digital Quick Start Guide
-The D-2240 provides a brief overview of how to complete your LUCA Feedback review.
-The D-2240 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------6. D-2242 GUPS Quick Start Guide
-The D-2242 provides a brief overview of how to use the GUPS software.
-The D-2242 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------7. D-2201 Feedback Address Update Summary Report
-The D-2201 summarizes the results of Census data processing of your LUCA submission.
-The D-2201 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------8. D-2282 Feedback Insert
-The D-2282 explains the no change status of your submission and why there are no addresses to review.
-The D-2282 is in PDF format. If your computer does not already have software to read a PDF file, please
download a PDF reader from the internet.
---------------------------------------------------------------------DISC 3
--------------1. Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
This Disc contains the installation software for the Geographic Update Partnership Software.
Additionally, this Disc contains a readme.txt with general GUPS installation instructions.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2019-06-24
File Created2019-06-24

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