Mandela Washington Fellowship Evaluation: Survey 5 – U.S. Community Members
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship evaluation! The purpose of the independent evaluation is to review the Fellowship’s effectiveness in meeting its goals and objectives during its first five years of implementation, 2014 - 2018, assess the Fellowship’s impact on Alumni and other stakeholders, and determine areas for improvement and growth.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to complete the survey in more than one session, you will only be able to return to your responses if you (1) use the same computer for each session, and (2) do not clear your cache or cookies.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may opt to withdraw from the survey at any time, choose not to answer select questions, or choose to not submit your survey responses.
By selecting the “I consent to participate in this survey” below, you are consenting to the following:
Aggregated responses or de-identified qualitative insights from open-ended questions may be included in the final report or publications resulting from the evaluation.
De-identified data files will be submitted to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State upon completion of the evaluation (without names or any contact information).
The data you provide may be reanalyzed at a later date for a follow-up study or other purpose approved by ECA.
Your contributions are confidential and no individual identities will be used in any reports or publications resulting from the evaluation unless the individual provides consent to the Evaluation Team.
If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or the Mandela Washington Fellowship more broadly, please reach out to the Evaluation Team at [email protected].
Please acknowledge if you consent to participate in this survey:
Answer Options
I consent to participate in this survey
I do not consent to participate in this survey [note: if ‘I do not consent’ is selected, survey will automatically close]
Survey Scope: Approximate completion time is about 20 - 25 minutes. Each stakeholder will answer questions customized to their experience with the Fellowship (e.g., different questions for home stay families vs. site visit organizations.)
Logistics: Distribute PDF version with email, so that respondents can see the survey questions in advance
Note: The Evaluation Team will develop suggestions regarding survey distribution (e.g., number of potential respondents, distribution among various stakeholders) for review and feedback.
Stakeholders: This survey aims to collect feedback from the following stakeholder groups.
Academic and Leadership Institute professional/peer collaborators: This group includes professionals who engaged with Fellows in a peer, mentor, or other professional capacity during the Fellowship. This group engaged with Fellows consistently during their fellowship (e.g., weekly).
Home stay host families/individuals: These are groups or individuals who hosted Fellows for a weekend or occasional dinners during their Fellowship.
Site visit organizations: These are organizations that the Fellows visited for a day or less to understand the organization’s mission, structure, and operations, understand how the organization’s efforts corresponded with other organizations working on similar topic areas, meeting senior leaders of the organization, and tour the facility and/or meet beneficiaries.
Community service organizations: This includes organizations that hosted Fellows for community service events and/or information sessions.
Survey Navigation:
Skip Logic: Respondents may not see all questions in this survey. Some questions use “skip logic”, where the question being posed to the respondent is dependent on their response to the previous question. The jumps between questions will be a seamless process for respondents.
Save & Continue: Prior to submission, respondents will be able to save survey responses and return to them later. Survey responses cannot be changed after submission. Additional instructions will be provided to respondents in the email invitation.
Section 1: Introduction Questions |
1 |
In which location did you first meet the Mandela Washington Fellow/s (hereafter referred to as “the Fellow/s”)?
Answer type: Drop down menu of Academic and Leadership Institute locations and “other” category to capture PDE cities |
2 |
Do you currently live in this location?
Answer type: Multiple choice (select one) Options:
3 |
To the best of your knowledge, which University did the Fellows you interacted with attend while in the U.S.?
Answer type: Drop down menu Options: All ALI Universities |
4 |
How did you hear about the Mandela Washington Fellowship?
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
Section 3: **Branch Prompt** |
5 |
Select the options that best describes your main interactions with the Fellowship and Fellow(s). Select all that apply.
Answer type: Multiple selection Options:
Section 4: **Only for Professional Contacts/Peer Collaborators** |
6 |
What year(s) did you engage with the Fellow(s) in your capacity as a peer collaborator, mentor, or other professional contact? Select all that apply.
Note: Peer collaborators, mentors, or other professional contacts include professionals who engaged with Fellows in a peer, mentor, or other professional capacity during the Fellowship. This group engaged with Fellows consistently during their fellowship (e.g., weekly).
Answer type: Multiple selection. Select all that apply. Options:
7 |
For the year(s) you were a peer collaborator, mentor, or other professional contact, how many total Fellows did you collaborate with on average?
Answer type: Select one
8 |
Describe your role as a peer collaborator, mentor, or other professional contact.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
9 |
How often did you personally interact with the Fellow/s) while they were in the United States?
Answer type: Multiple choice, Please select one
10 |
Do you agree with this statement: “I feel that you benefited personally from the experience of serving as a peer collaborator, mentor, or other professional contact”?
Answer type: Select one
If ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’, will continue to 11 If any other choice, will skip to 12 |
11 |
Based on your experience, what did you enjoy most or find most beneficial about being a Peer Collaborator, mentor, or professional contact for the Fellow(s)?
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
12 |
Do you agree with this statement: “I think that my local community has benefited from the Mandela Washington Fellowship”?
Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides.
Answer type: Select one
If ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘agree’, will continue to 12a |
12a |
Please provide a brief example or story of how your local community benefitted from hosting the Fellows.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
13 |
Have you stayed in touch with Fellows you have interacted with as a peer collaborator, mentor, or other professional contact?
Answer type: Multiple Choice Options:
If Yes, will skip to 13a |
13a |
If yes, select how frequently you stay in touch with the Fellows.
Answer type: Multiple choice. Options:
13b |
Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)
Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply
Section 5: **Only for Home Stay Hosts** |
14 |
What year(s) did you engage with the Fellow(s) as a home stay host?
Answer type: Multiple selection (Select all that apply) Options:
15 |
How many Fellows did you host for each year?
Answer type: Text box, answers from Q14 will carry forward |
16 |
Which of the following activities did you engage in with the Fellow(s)? Select all that apply.
Answer type: Multiple choice, Select all that apply
17 |
In the most recent year you engaged with the Fellows, how much time did you spend with them?
18 |
Do you feel that you and/or other members of your household benefited from interacting with the Fellow/s?
Answer type: Select one
If Yes, will continue to 18a for clarification If No, will skip to 19 |
18a |
Please give an example or story of how you and/or other members of your household benefitted from interacting with the Fellow(s).
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
19 |
Do you feel that your local community benefited from hosting the Fellows?
Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which you reside.
Answer type: Select one
If Yes, skip to 19a for clarification |
19a |
Please give an example or story of how your local community benefitted from hosting the Fellows.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
20 |
Have you stayed in touch with Fellows you have interacted with as a home stay family?
Answer type: Multiple Choice Options:
If Yes, will skip to 20a |
20a |
If yes, select how frequently you stay in touch with the Fellows.
Answer type: Multiple choice. Options:
20b |
Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)
Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply
Section 6: ***Only for Community Partner/Site Visit Organizations*** |
21 |
Briefly describe the mission of your organization.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
22 |
What year(s) did the Fellow/s visit your organization? Select all that apply.
Answer type: Multiple selection Options:
23 |
How many Fellows (on average) visited your site each year?
Answer type: Multiple choice, Please select one
24 |
What was the nature of the Fellow/s visit to your organization/company?
type: Multiple selection
25 |
Please provide one or more examples and/or stories of how your organization benefitted from the Fellow/s visiting your facility, office, etc.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
26 |
Have you stayed in touch with Fellows who visited your organization?
Answer type: Multiple Choice Options:
If Yes, will skip to 26a |
26a |
If yes, select how frequently you stay in touch with the Fellows.
Answer type: Multiple choice. Options:
26b |
Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)
Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply
Section 7: **Only for Community Service Organizations Visited** |
27 |
Briefly describe the mission of your organization.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
28 |
What year(s) did the Fellow/s participate in a community service activity at your organization?
Answer type: Multiple choice, Please select all that apply
29 |
Please describe the community service project that the Fellow/s participated in.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
30 |
Approximately how many Fellows (on average) participated in the community service project each year mentioned above?
Answer type: Multiple choice, Please select one.
31 |
Do you agree with this statement: “I feel that my organization benefitted from engaging and working with the Fellows”?
Answer type: Multiple choice, Please select one.
If ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Agree’, will skip to 31a for clarification |
31a |
Please provide one or more brief examples of how your organization benefitted from engaging and working with the Fellows?
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
32 |
Do you agree with this statement: “I feel that my local community benefited from engaging with the Mandela Washington Fellows”?
Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides.
Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select one.
Strongly disagree
If ‘Strongly Agree’ or ‘Agree’, will skip to 32a for clarification |
32a |
Please provide one or more brief examples of how your local community benefited from engaging with the Fellows.
Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides.
Answer type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
33 |
Have you stayed in touch with Fellows who participated in community service events at your organization?
Answer type: Multiple Choice Options:
If Yes, will skip to 33a |
33a |
If yes, select how frequently you stay in touch with the Fellows.
Answer type: Multiple choice. Options:
33b |
Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)
Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply
Section 8: Impressions/Suggestions |
34 |
Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Interacting with the Mandela Washington Fellows has helped me to learn more about Sub-Saharan Africa.”
Answer Type: Likert Scale Options:
34a |
Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.
Answer Type: Open-ended |
35 |
Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Interacting with the Mandela Washington Fellows has helped me to build stronger ties with people from Sub-Saharan Africa.”
Answer Type: Likert Scale Options:
35a |
Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.
Answer Type: Open-ended |
36 |
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the interactions you had with the Mandela Washington Fellowship?
Answer Type: Multiple choice, Please select one Options:
36a |
Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.
Answer Type: Open-ended |
37 |
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the interactions you had with the Fellows?
Answer Type: Multiple choice, Please select one Options:
37a |
Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.
Answer Type: Open-ended |
38 |
Please share any suggestions as to how you think the Fellowship can be improved going forward.
Answer Type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
39 |
Is there any other feedback you would like to share regarding your experience with the Mandela Washington Fellowship or how it impacted you?
Answer Type: Short answer (1000 characters) |
40 |
Please feel free to use the comment box below to share any web links (e.g., URLs) that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, videos, etc.)
Answer: Comment box |
40a |
Please feel free to upload any media that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, Institute artifacts, social media posts, etc.)
Answer: File upload option |
Basic Demographic Questions |
41 |
What is your current occupation and job title?
Answer: Short answer (100 characters) |
42 |
Which of the following best describes your current position?
Answer Type: Multiple selection Options:
43 |
What is the name and sector of your organization/business/agency?
Answer type: Short answer field + Multiple Selection
44 |
Please check option that best describes your gender: (OPTIONAL)
Answer type: Drop-down menu Options: |
45 |
The Guidehouse Evaluation Team will be conducting follow-up one-on-one interviews and group discussions with Reciprocal Exchange Alumni. If you are interested in participating, please provide your name and email address.
Answer type: Three short answer fields
46 |
The Guidehouse Evaluation Team is surveying community members across the U.S. about their experiences with the Mandela Washington Fellowship. Given your role, we would appreciate if you could help share this survey with other community members that interacted with the Fellowship and may be interested in sharing their experiences. The link is here: [TBD U.S. COMMUNITY MEMBER LINK]. Please feel free to copy this link and share with your contacts. |
Thank you for your participation in the Evaluation of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders! We greatly appreciate your time. If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to [email protected].
Burden Estimate: 25 minutes Expiration Date: XX-XX-XXXX |
PRA Statement Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: [email protected]. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |