30-day FRN

0648-0652 30-day 84 FR 70959 2019-1226.pdf

Marine Recreational Information Program Fishing Effort Survey

30-day FRN

OMB: 0648-0652

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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2019 / Notices
individual, or received after the end of
the specified period, may not be
considered. All comments received are
a part of the public record and will
generally be posted for public viewing
on www.regulations.gov without change.
All personal identifying information
(e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential
business information, or otherwise
sensitive or protected information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous submissions (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous).
Adrienne Lohe at the above address, by
phone at (301) 427–8442 or
[email protected].
notice announces our review of the
following loggerhead sea turtle DPSs:
The endangered Mediterranean Sea
DPS, the endangered Northeast Atlantic
Ocean DPS, the endangered North
Indian Ocean DPS, the endangered
South Pacific Ocean, the threatened
Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS, the
threatened South Atlantic Ocean DPS,
the threatened Southeast Indo-Pacific
Ocean DPS, and the threatened
Southwest Indian Ocean DPS (76 FR
58868; September 22, 2011). It does not
include the North Pacific Ocean DPS
review, which we initiated in 2016 (81
FR 70394; October 12, 2016). Section
4(c)(2)(A) of the ESA requires that we
conduct a review of listed species at
least once every 5 years. This will be the
first review of the Northwest Atlantic
Ocean and foreign loggerhead DPSs
since they were listed in 2011. The
regulations in 50 CFR 424.21 require
that we publish a notice in the Federal
Register announcing species currently
under active review. On the basis of
such reviews under section 4(c)(2)(B),
we determine whether any species
should be removed from the list (i.e.,
delisted) or reclassified from
endangered to threatened or from
threatened to endangered (16 U.S.C.
1533(c)(2)(B)). As described by the
regulations in 50 CFR 424.11(e), the
Secretary shall delist a species if the
Secretary finds that, after conducting a
status review based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available: (1) The species is extinct; (2)
the species does not meet the definition
of an endangered species or a threatened
species; and/or (3) the listed entity does
not meet the statutory definition of a
species. Any change in Federal
classification would require a separate
rulemaking process.
Background information on all DPSs
of loggerhead is available on the NMFS

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website at: https://
Public Solicitation of New Information
To ensure that the reviews are
complete and based on the best
available scientific and commercial
information, we are soliciting new
information from the public,
governmental agencies, Tribes, the
scientific community, industry,
environmental entities, and any other
interested parties concerning the status
of all loggerhead DPSs other than the
North Pacific Ocean DPS. Categories of
requested information include: (1)
Species biology including, but not
limited to, population trends,
distribution, abundance, demographics,
and genetics; (2) habitat conditions
including, but not limited to, amount,
distribution, and important features for
conservation; (3) status and trends of
threats to the species and its habitats; (4)
conservation measures that have been
implemented that benefit the species,
including monitoring data
demonstrating effectiveness of such
measures; (5) need for additional
conservation measures; and (6) other
new information, data, or corrections
including, but not limited to, taxonomic
or nomenclatural changes and improved
analytical methods for evaluating
extinction risk.
If you wish to provide information for
the reviews, you may submit your
information and materials electronically
or via mail (see ADDRESSES section). We
request that all information be
accompanied by supporting
documentation such as maps,
bibliographic references, or reprints of
pertinent publications. We also would
appreciate the submitter’s name,
address, and any association,
institution, or business that the person
represents; however, anonymous
submissions will also be accepted.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
Dated: December 18, 2019.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–27700 Filed 12–23–19; 8:45 am]

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35).
Agency: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Title: Marine Recreational Information
Program Fishing Effort Survey.
OMB Control Number: 0648–0652.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Request: Regular.
Number of Respondents: 114,868.
Average Hours per Response: 5
Burden Hours: 9,687.
Needs and Uses: Marine recreational
anglers are surveyed to collect catch and
effort data, fish biology data, and angler
socioeconomic characteristics. These
data are required to carry out provisions
of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act (16
U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), as amended,
regarding conservation and management
of fishery resources.
Marine recreational fishing catch and
effort data are collected through a
combination of mail surveys, telephone
surveys and on-site intercept surveys
with recreational anglers. The Marine
Recreational Information Program
(MRIP) Fishing Effort Survey (FES) is a
self-administered, household mail
survey that samples from a residential
address frame to collect data on the
number of recreational anglers and the
number of recreational fishing trips. The
survey estimates marine recreational
fishing activity for all coastal states from
Maine through Mississippi, as well as
Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
FES estimates are combined with
estimates derived from complementary
surveys of fishing trips, the AccessPoint Angler Intercept Survey, to
estimate total, state-level fishing catch,
by species. These estimates are used in
the development, implementation, and
monitoring of fishery management
programs by NOAA Fisheries, regional
fishery management councils, interstate
marine fisheries commissions, and state
fishery agencies.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
This information collection request
may be viewed at reginfo.gov. Follow




Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2019 / Notices

the instructions to view Department of
Commerce collections currently under
review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to OIRA_Submission@
omb.eop.gov or fax to (202) 395–5806.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, Commerce
[FR Doc. 2019–27746 Filed 12–23–19; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XV151]

Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico;
Southeast Data, Assessment, and
Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 67 Assessment
Webinar II for Gulf of Mexico vermilion

The SEDAR 67 stock
assessment process for Gulf of Mexico
vermilion snapper will consist of a
series of data and assessment webinars.
DATES: The SEDAR 67 Assessment
Webinar II will be held January 23,
2020, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Eastern
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
via webinar. The webinar is open to
members of the public. Those interested
in participating should contact Julie A.
invitation providing webinar access
information. Please request webinar
invitations at least 24 hours in advance
of each webinar.
SEDAR address: 4055 Faber Place
Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC
A. Neer, SEDAR Coordinator; (843) 571–
4366; email: [email protected].
of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
Caribbean Fishery Management
Councils, in conjunction with NOAA
Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commissions
have implemented the Southeast Data,
Assessment and Review (SEDAR)
process, a multi-step method for

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determining the status of fish stocks in
the Southeast Region. SEDAR is a multistep process including: (1) Data
Workshop, (2) a series of assessment
webinars, and (3) A Review Workshop.
The product of the Data Workshop is a
report that compiles and evaluates
potential datasets and recommends
which datasets are appropriate for
assessment analyses. The assessment
webinars produce a report that describes
the fisheries, evaluates the status of the
stock, estimates biological benchmarks,
projects future population conditions,
and recommends research and
monitoring needs. The product of the
Review Workshop is an Assessment
Summary documenting panel opinions
regarding the strengths and weaknesses
of the stock assessment and input data.
Participants for SEDAR Workshops are
appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South
Atlantic, and Caribbean Fishery
Management Councils and NOAA
Fisheries Southeast Regional Office,
HMS Management Division, and
Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
Participants include data collectors and
database managers; stock assessment
scientists, biologists, and researchers;
constituency representatives including
fishermen, environmentalists, and
NGO’s; International experts; and staff
of Councils, Commissions, and state and
federal agencies.
The items of discussion during the
Assessment Webinar are as follows:
1. Using datasets and initial
assessment analysis recommended from
the data webinars, panelists will employ
assessment models to evaluate stock
status, estimate population benchmarks
and management criteria, and project
future conditions.
2. Participants will recommend the
most appropriate methods and
configurations for determining stock
status and estimating population
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this group for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
action during this meeting. Action will
be restricted to those issues specifically
identified in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the intent to take final action
to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
The meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to the

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Council office (see ADDRESSES) at least 5
business days prior to each workshop.
Note: The times and sequence
specified in this agenda are subject to
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: December 19, 2019.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–27808 Filed 12–23–19; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35).
Agency: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Title: Gulf of Mexico Electronic
OMB Control Number: 0648–0543.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Request: Regular (extension of
a currently approved information
Number of Respondents: 1,410.
Average Hours per Response: 3.
Burden Hours: 4,230.
Needs and Uses: The MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act authorizes the Gulf of
Mexico Fishery Management Council
(Council) to prepare and amend fishery
management plans for any fishery in
waters under its jurisdiction. The
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) manages the commercial
shrimp fishery in Federal waters of the
Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) under the Fishery
Management Plan for the Shrimp
Fishery of the Gulf.
The electronic logbook (ELB)
regulations for the Gulf shrimp fishery
may be found at 50 CFR 622.51(a)(2).
These regulations require vessel owners
or operators issued a Federal
commercial permit for Gulf shrimp to
participate in the NMFS-sponsored ELB
reporting program. There are
approximately 1,410 valid or renewable
Federal permits to commercially harvest
shrimp from Federal waters in the Gulf.
Reporting through a vessel’s ELB, such
owners or operators must provide
information regarding the size and
number of shrimp trawls deployed, the



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File Modified2019-12-24
File Created2019-12-24

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