Form 0920-1154 Interview Guide

CDC/ATSDR Formative Research and Tool Development

Attachment B_Interview Guide

Formative Research and Tool Development - "Strengthening hospital-based youth violence prevention

OMB: 0920-1154

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Attachment B: Interview Guide

OMB Control No. 0920-1154

Exp. Date 01/31/2023

The public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to - CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 ATTN: PRA (0920-1154).

HBVP Virtual EA Site Visit Key Informant Descriptions:

Lead Program Administrator: Responsible for providing oversight and program leadership. This person may be the hospital representative and a point of contact for current/future collaborations with CDC. Potential informants include: Medical Directors, Executive Directors, or other hospital administrators, as identified by the program point of contact. This individual should be able to help the virtual EA site visit team understand how the program fits within the hospital, the overall goals and objectives, fiscal information, staffing structures, and the roles of key partners and stakeholders.

HBVP Program Manager: Responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the HBVP program. This person could also serve as the Lead Program Administrator (see description above). If so, remove the role of a Lead Program Administrator from your virtual EA site visit. The two guides are the same. Potential informants include: medical directors, program directors or managers or other as identified by the program point of contact. This individual should be able to help the virtual EA site visit team understand how the program is implemented, including staffing, partnerships, implementation facilitators/barriers, reach to targeted patient population, program goals and objectives, how data are collected, monitored, measured, and reported, fiscal information, and the role and contributions of key partners and stakeholders.

Program/Other Staff: Responsible for delivering program services or supporting program implementation. Potential informants include, case managers, medical assistants/specialists, operations staff, data analysts, or other staff as identified by the program point of contact. These individuals may not be as informed about program implementation beyond their specific role. Therefore, their discussions may not cover as much information as the Lead Program Administrator or Program Manager.

Evaluator: Responsible for evaluating outcomes for the HBVP program. It is possible that the program does not work with an evaluator. If so, these individuals will be identified by the program point of contact and should be able to help the virtual EA site visit team understand any evaluation-related activities for the HBVP program.

Stakeholder/Partner: Responsible for partnering with and/or supporting the HBVP program in some capacity, as described by the program point of contact prior to the virtual site visit and/or the Lead Program Administrator/HBVP Program Manager during the virtual site visit. These individuals should help the virtual EA site visit team better understand their role in relation to the implementation of the HBVP program, how they contribute to the services that the HBVP provides as well as offer insights into how the HBVP program is implemented with respect to achieving their goals, objectives and intended outcomes.


Interviewer’s EA Virtual Site Visitor’s note: Throughout the interview, you may choose to refer to the preliminary program logic model, as appropriate. Ask about the logic model or, particularly, the stated activities and outcomes. Does the key informant feel it is an accurate representation of the program activities?

I. History

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Description

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. First let me ask you a little about the background of the program. Let’s start off with your telling us a bit about the history of the <<insert program name>>. From your perspective, how did it get started?

  • Who started the process?

  • Who was part of the development team?

  1. How long has it been in existence (i.e., number of years)?

  1. Was this adapted from an existing program? If yes, please describe the existing program and why it was adapted?

  1. Were you involved in the program’s development or part of the development team?

  • If so, what was your role?

  • What, if any, barriers were encountered in developing the program? How were these challenges addressed?

  1. [IF NOT PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM] How long have you been involved with the program? How did you originally get involved?

  1. How did the development team go about developing the program?

  • Was a needs assessment or similar data collection activity conducted? If so, how did it inform development of the program?

II. HBVP Program

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Design

  • Potential Impact

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Was the program based on information from scientific investigations that determined the program impacted violence or risk/protective factors for violence?

  • Specific recommendations, guidelines or other evidence?

  • Any particular model or theory?

  • Past experience? Please explain.

  • Other?

  1. What would you say are the goals of the program overall?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence prevention

  • Improve access to the social determinants of health

  • Link patients to community-based wrap around services

  • Other?

  1. What would you say are the desired outcomes? What changes do you expect to see for patients/participants and in the community as a result of implementing the program?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  1. What are the different components of the program?

  • If service component, what services are provided, both within your program and in the community?

  • For each component, what types of activities are conducted?

  • For each component, what would you say are the goals?

  • How does each component relate to the overall program’s goals and objectives?

  • What is the duration of the program? How long is the hospital-based/ED component in relation to the other components? Is the duration of the program sufficient to achieve the goals?

  1. What would you say are the strengths of the program?

  • What factors do you think positively affect the functioning and sustainability of the program?

  1. What, if any, barriers have been encountered in implementing and sustaining the program?

  • Political factors?

  • Financial factors?

  • Human resources?

  • What has been done to overcome these barriers?

  1. What kind of support do you receive from the <<parent organization>>?

  1. What other sources of support are important for implementing and sustaining the program?

  1. What kind of training or support did you receive to perform your role with this program?

  1. What kind of training or support is provided to others who work with the program?

  1. Has the program been modified since its adoption? If so, why?

  • What changes need to be incorporated, if any?

III. Community support and Partnerships

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Reach to Target Population

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you describe the community or population(s) that this program serves (i.e., youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age and their families)?

  • Describe the patient population (demographic information). From where are they enrolled?

  • Was the program adapted or tailored for this community? If so, how?

  1. Has the local community been involved in the program? If so, how?

  • How easy or difficult has it been to involve the community?

  1. Do you think that the local community has sufficient knowledge about this program? What efforts were/are made to inform them?

  1. How receptive does the target population(s) appear to be to the program?

  • In what ways have they reacted to or expressed interest in the program?

  • How is this information captured and documented?

  1. Are there any external, community partnerships or programs that support the implementation of the program or provide wrap-around services to program participants? If so, what type of support is provided?

  1. What types of benefits have you seen from partnering with these programs/organizations?

  • How has the target population(s) benefitted from these partnerships?

  • How as the community benefited from these partnerships?

  1. Have these partnerships been a burden to the program or target population(s) in any way? If so, how?

  1. In your opinion, who else (organizations or roles, not names) needs to be involved with the program?

IV. Evaluation

Relevant Assessment Criteria

    • Potential Impact

    • Evaluation Capacity

    • Options for Further Evaluation

    • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. Describe the plan for measuring and evaluating the implementation of the program.

  • What parts of this plan are being carried out at this time?

  • What data do you collect?

  • How do you access to the data?

  • Where are the data housed?

    1. What is the process of extracting data these systems?

  • How are they used to monitor and evaluate the program?

  • Who is responsible for measuring/monitoring implementation?

  • Are other staff members involved in data collection? How so?

  • Are data collected from community organizations that provide wrap-around services for your hospital-based youth violence prevention program participants?

    1. If yes, are these data included in monitoring and evaluation efforts?

  1. How are injury or violence-related outcomes for youth measured?

  • What data collection tools and activities are used for these measures?

  1. Has the program been modified to address injury or violence related outcomes for youth since its adoption and initial implementation? If so, what changes were made? What else needs to be incorporated into the program?

  1. What are the available data sources? [Note: sources related to this project]

  1. Describe the data collection methods used.

    • Do you have baseline data?

    • Do you intend to collect follow-up data? At what time? (pre-post or posttest only design)

    • Do you collect data at specified points over time (time series)? What length of time?

    • Do you follow a sample of participants over time (cohort study)? What length of time?

    • Do you have a comparison group?

  1. What data collection tools or instruments are used in your program? [Note: request to see copies of data collection tools, examples of de-identified or mock data outputs, data collection template, or evaluation reports]

  1. What type(s) of data collection system(s) do you use?

  • How do you get data out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting?

  • How often are data extracted or pulled out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting, and for what purposes?

  1. How do you analyze youth violence outcome data, especially as it relates to injury, re-injury; and mortality rates; and youth involvement in the criminal justice system?

  1. How would you define success for this program?

  • How has the definition of success changed over time for this program? Why?

  1. What does the evaluation activity tell you about the success of the program?

  1. Do you think that the program has been successful? How has it been successful?

  1. What additional evaluation measures would you like to assess?

  • What additional evaluation questions would you like to answer?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in evaluating the program?

  • What effect have political factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What effect have financial factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What specific strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. Who sees your evaluation reports? Do you provide feedback to <<parent organization>> or to your partners related to your findings (preliminary or outcome)?

  • Do you think that they find the evaluation results useful? Why do you think this way?

  • How do they use the information you provide?

  • Have you used these evaluation reports to acquire additional funding to improve and sustain your program?

  1. What have been some key lessons learned from your experience with the program?

  1. If you were to participate in a comprehensive or rigorous evaluation, would your program have the capacity to contribute to data collection activities?

  • What kind of assistance do you think you would need?

  • What types of resources (staff, data collection tools, data collection systems) are currently available?

V. Funding

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. How is the program funded?

  • Who funds the program and at what level?

  • What other financial resources does this program receive?

  • How much does the program cost to implement per participant per year?

Probe: How much have the program costs changed between initial start-up and current operating costs? How much does it cost to deliver each component of the program?

  1. Are non-monetary resources provided for the program (such as people’s time, equipment, etc.)? If so, what are they?

  1. Were there any changes made to the design or implementation of the program in response to the amount of funding received?

  1. Is the funding sufficient to support adequate staffing and other resources to carry out the program activities?

  • If not, what aspects of the program are affected by insufficient funding? How so?

  1. Are there any restrictions on the funding that affect the implementation and sustainability of the program?

  1. What is your sense of whether the program will continue to receive these resources over time?

  • What do you think would happen to the program if these resources were not available?

VI. Closing

EA Virtual Site Visitor’s note: If you have not already done so, ask the lead administrator or the HBVP Program Lead about the preliminary logic model. Does s/he feel it is an accurate representation of the program?

That wraps up my list of questions for you at this time. Do you have any questions for me? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS]

  • [IF NO QUESTIONS] “Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me. We appreciate and value your input!”


EA Virtual Site Visitor’s note: Throughout the interview, you may choose to refer to the preliminary program logic model, as appropriate. Ask about the logic model or, particularly, the stated activities and outcomes. Does the key informant feel it is an accurate representation of the program activities?

I. History

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Description

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. First let me ask you a little about the background of the program. Let’s start off with your telling us a bit about the history of the <<insert program name>>. From your perspective, how did it get started?

  • Who started the process?

  • Who was part of the development team?

  1. How long has it been in existence (i.e., number of years)?

  1. If yes, please describe the existing program and why it was adapted?

  1. Were you involved in the program’s development or part of the development team?

  • If so, what was your role?

  • What, if any, barriers were encountered in developing the program? How were these challenges addressed?

  1. [IF NOT PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM] How long have you been involved with the program? How did you originally get involved?

  1. How did the development team go about developing the program?

  • Was a needs assessment or similar data collection activity conducted? If so, how did it inform development of the program?

II. HBVP Program

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Design

  • Potential Impact

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Was the program based on information from scientific investigations that determined the program impacted violence or risk/protective factors for violence?

  • Specific recommendations, guidelines or other evidence?

  • Any particular model or theory?

  • Past experience? Please explain.

  • Other?

  1. What would you say are the goals of the program overall?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence prevention

  • Improve access to the social determinants of health

  • Link patients to community-based wrap around services

  • Other?

  1. What would you say are the desired outcomes? What changes do you expect to see for patients/participants and in the community as a result of implementing the program?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  1. What are the different components of the program?

  • If service component, what services are provided, both within your program and in the community?

  • For each component, what types of activities are conducted?

  • For each component, what would you say are the goals?

  • How does each component relate to the overall program’s goals and objectives?

  • What is the duration of the program? How long is the hospital-based/ED component in relation to the other components? Is the duration of the program sufficient to achieve the goals?

  1. What would you say are the strengths of the program?

  • What factors do you think positively affect the functioning and sustainability of the program?

  1. What, if any, barriers have been encountered in implementing and sustaining the program?

  • Political factors?

  • Financial factors?

  • Human resources?

  • What has been done to overcome these barriers?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in your work on with program?

  • What strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. What kind of support do you receive from the <<parent organization>>?

  1. What other sources of support are important for implementing and sustaining the program?

  1. What kind of training or support did you receive to perform your role with this program?

  1. What kind of training or support is provided to others who work with the program?

  1. Has the program been modified since its adoption? If so, why?

    • What changes need to be incorporated, if any?

III. Community support and Partnerships

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Reach to Target Population

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you describe the community or population(s) that this program serves (i.e., youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age and their families)?

  • Describe the patient population (demographic information). From where are they enrolled?

  • Was the program adapted or tailored for this community? If so, how?

  1. Has the local community been involved in the program? If so, how?

  • How easy or difficult has it been to involve the community?

  1. Do you think that the local community has sufficient knowledge about this program? What efforts were/are made to inform them?

  1. How receptive does the target population(s) appear to be to the program?

  • In what ways have they reacted to or expressed interest in the program?

  • How is this information captured and documented?

  1. Are there any external, community partnerships or programs that support the implementation of the program or provide wrap-around services to program participants? If so, what type of support is provided?

  1. What types of benefits have you seen from partnering with these programs/organizations?

  • How has the target population(s) benefitted from these partnerships?

  • How as the community benefited from these partnerships?

  1. Have these partnerships been a burden to the program or target population(s) in any way? If so, how?

  1. In your opinion, who else (organizations or roles, not names) needs to be involved with the program?

IV. Evaluation

Relevant Assessment Criteria

    • Potential Impact

    • Evaluation Capacity

    • Options for Further Evaluation

    • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. Describe the plan for measuring and evaluating the implementation of the program.

  • What parts of this plan are being carried out at this time?

  • What data do you collect?

  • How do you access to the data?

  • Where are the data housed?

    1. What is the process of extracting data these systems?

  • How are they used to monitor and evaluate the program?

  • Who is responsible for measuring/monitoring implementation?

  • Are other staff members involved in data collection? How so?

  • Are data collected from community organizations that provide wrap-around services for your hospital-based youth violence prevention program participants?

    1. If yes, are these data included in monitoring and evaluation efforts?

  1. How are injury or violence-related outcomes for youth measured?

  • What data collection tools and activities are used for these measures?

  1. Has the program been modified to address injury or violence related outcomes for youth since its adoption and initial implementation? If so, what changes were made? What else needs to be incorporated into the program?

  1. What are the available data sources [Note: sources related to this project]?

  1. Describe the data collection methods used.

    • Do you have baseline data?

    • Do you intend to collect follow-up data? At what time? (pre-post or posttest only design)

    • Do you collect data at specified points over time (time series)? What length of time?

    • Do you follow a sample of participants over time (cohort study)? What length of time?

    • Do you have a comparison group?

  1. What data collection tools or instruments are used in your program? (Request to see copies of data collection tools, examples of de-identified or mock data outputs, data collection template, or evaluation reports.)

  1. What type(s) of data collection system(s) do you use?

  • How do you get data out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting?

  • How often are data extracted or pulled out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting, and for what purposes?

  1. How do you analyze youth violence outcome data, especially as it relates to injury, re-injury; and mortality rates; and youth involvement in the criminal justice system?

  1. How would you define success for this program?

  • How has the definition of success changed over time for this program? Why?

  1. What does the evaluation activity tell you about the success of the program?

  1. Do you think that the program has been successful? How has it been successful?

  1. What additional evaluation measures would you like to assess?

  • What additional evaluation questions would you like to answer?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in evaluating the program?

  • What effect have political factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What effect have financial factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What specific strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. Who sees your evaluation reports? Do you provide feedback to <<parent organization>> or to your partners related to your findings (preliminary or outcome)?

  • Do you think that they find the evaluation results useful? Why do you think this way?

  • How do they use the information you provide?

  • Have you used these evaluation reports to acquire additional funding to improve and sustain your program?

  1. What have been some key lessons learned from your experience with the program?

  1. If you were to participate in a comprehensive or rigorous evaluation, would your program have the capacity to contribute to data collection activities?

  • What kind of assistance do you think you would need?

  • What types of resources (staff, data collection tools, data collection systems) are currently available?

V. Funding

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Do you know how the program is funded?

  • If so, who funds the program and at what level?

  • What other financial resources does this program rely on?

  • How much does the program cost to implement per participant per year?

Probe: How much have the program costs changed between initial start-up and current operating costs? How much does it cost to deliver each component of the program?

  1. Are non-monetary resources provided for the program (such as people’s time, equipment, etc.)? What are they?

  1. Were there any changes made to the design or implementation of the program in response to the amount of funding received?

  1. Is the funding sufficient to support adequate staffing and other resources to carry out the program activities?

  • If not, what aspects of the program are affected by insufficient funding? How so?

  1. Are there any restrictions on the funding that affect the implementation and sustainability of the program?

  1. What is your sense of whether the program will continue to receive these resources over time?

  • What do you think would happen to the program if these resources were not available?

VI. Closing

EA Site Visitor’s note: If you have not already done so, ask the lead administrator or the HBVP program lead about the preliminary logic model. Does s/he feel it is an accurate representation of the program?

That wraps up my list of questions for you at this time. Do you have any questions for me? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS]

  • [IF NO QUESTIONS] “Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me. We appreciate and value your input!”


EA Site Visitor’s note: Throughout the interview, you may choose to refer to the preliminary program logic model, as appropriate. Ask about the logic model or, particularly, the stated activities and outcomes. Does the key informant feel it is an accurate representation of the program activities?

I. History

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Description

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. How would you describe your role with the program?

  • Do you work alone or as part of a team? What do others help with?

  1. Were you involved in the program’s development or part of the development team?

  • If so, what was your role?

  • What, if any, barriers were encountered in developing the program? How were these challenges addressed?

  1. [IF NOT PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM] How long have you been involved with the program? How did you originally get involved?

II. HBVP Program

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Design

  • Potential Impact

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. What would you say are the goals of the program overall?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence prevention

  • Improve access to the social determinants of health

  • Link patients to community-based wrap around services

  • Other, please describe, _____________________________

  1. What would you say are the desired outcomes? What changes do you expect to see for patients/participants and in the community as a result of implementing the program?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  1. What are the different components of the program?

  • If service component, what services are provided, both within your program and in the community?

  • For each component, what types of activities are conducted?

  • For each component, what would you say are the goals?

  • How does each component relate to the overall program’s goals and objectives?

  • What is the duration of the program? How long is the hospital-based/ED component in relation to the other components? Is the duration of the program sufficient to achieve the goals?

  1. What would you say are the strengths of the program?

  • What factors do you think positively affect the functioning and sustainability of the program?

  1. What, if any, barriers have been encountered in implementing and sustaining the program?

  • Political factors?

  • Financial factors?

  • Human resources?

  • What has been done to overcome these barriers?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in your work on with program?

  • What strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. What kind of support do you receive from the <<parent organization>>?

  1. What other sources of support are important for implementing and sustaining the program?

  1. What kind of training or support did you receive to perform your role with this program?

  1. What kind of training or support is provided to others who work with the program?

  1. Has the program been modified since its adoption? If so, why?

  • What changes need to be incorporated, if any?

III. Community support and Partnerships

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Reach to Target Population

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you describe the community or population(s) that this program serves (i.e., youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age and their families)?

  • Describe the patient population (demographic information). From where are they enrolled?

  • Was the program adapted or tailored for this community? If so, how?

  1. Has the local community been involved in the program? If so, how?

  • How easy or difficult has it been to involve the community?

  1. Do you think that the local community has sufficient knowledge about this program? What efforts were/are made to inform them?

  1. How receptive does the target population(s) appear to be to the program?

  • In what ways have they reacted to or expressed interest in the program?

  • How is this information captured and documented?

  1. Are there any external, community partnerships or programs that support the implementation of the program or provide wrap-around services to program participants? If so, what type of support is provided?

  1. What types of benefits have you seen from partnering with these programs/organizations?

  • How has the target population(s) benefitted from these partnerships?

  • How has the community benefited from these partnerships?

  1. Have these partnerships been a burden to the program or target population(s) in any way? If so, how?

  1. In your opinion, who else (organizations or roles, not names) needs to be involved with the program?

IV. Evaluation

Relevant Assessment Criteria

    • Potential Impact

    • Evaluation Capacity

    • Options for Further Evaluation

    • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you define success for this program?

  • How has the definition of success changed over time for this program? Why?

  1. Do you think that the program has been successful? How has it been successful?

  1. What have been some key lessons learned from your experience with the program?

V. Funding

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Do you know how the program is funded?

  • If so, who funds the program and at what level?

  • What other financial resources does this program rely on?

VI. Closing

EA Site Visitor’s note: If you have not already done so, ask the informant about the preliminary logic model. Does s/he feel it is an accurate representation of the program?

That wraps up my list of questions for you at this time. Do you have any questions for me? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS]

[IF NO QUESTIONS] “Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me. We appreciate and value your input!”


EA Site Visitor’s note: Throughout the interview, you may choose to refer to the preliminary program logic model, as appropriate. Ask about the logic model or, particularly, the stated activities and outcomes. Does the key informant feel it is an accurate representation of the program activities?

I. History

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Description

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. How would you describe your role with the program?

  • Do you work alone or as part of a team? What do others help with?

  1. Were you involved in the program’s development or part of the development team?

  • If so, what was your role?

  • What, if any, barriers were encountered in developing the program? How were these challenges addressed?

  1. [IF NOT PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM] How long have you been involved with the program? How did you originally get involved?

II. HBVP Program

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Design

  • Potential Impact

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. What would you say are the goals of the program overall?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence prevention

  • Improve access to the social determinants of health

  • Link patients to community-based wrap around services

  • Other, please describe ______________________________________________

  1. What would you say are the expected outcomes? What changes do you expect to see for patients/participants and in the community as a result of implementing the program?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  1. What are the different components of the program?

  • If service component, what services are provided, both within your program and in the community?

  • For each component, what types of activities are conducted?

  • For each component, what would you say are the goals?

  • How does each component relate to the overall program’s goals and objectives?

  • What is the duration of the program? How long is the hospital-based/ED component in relation to the other components? Is the duration of the program sufficient to achieve the goals?

  1. What would you say are the strengths of the program?

  • What factors do you think positively affect the functioning and sustainability of the program?

  1. What, if any, barriers have been encountered in implementing and sustaining the program?

  • Political factors?

  • Financial factors?

  • Human resources?

  • What has been done to overcome these barriers?

  1. What kind of support do you receive from the <<parent organization>>?

  1. What other sources of support are important for implementing and sustaining the program?

  1. What kind of training or support did you receive to perform your role with this program?

  1. What kind of training or support is provided to others who work with the program?

III. Community support and Partnerships

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Reach to Target Population

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you describe the community or population(s) that this program serves (i.e., youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age and their families)?

  • Describe the patient population (demographic information). From where are they enrolled?

  • Was the program adapted or tailored for this community? If so, how?

  1. Do you think that the local community has sufficient knowledge about this program? What efforts were/are made to inform them?

  1. How receptive does the target population(s) appear to be to the program?

  • In what ways have they reacted to or expressed interest in the program?

  • How is this information captured and documented?

  1. Are there any external, community partnerships or programs that support the implementation of the program or provide wrap-around services to program participants? If so, what type of support is provided?

  1. What types of benefits have you seen from partnering with these programs/organizations?

  • How has the target population(s) benefitted from these partnerships?

  • How has the community benefited from these partnerships?

  1. Have these partnerships been a burden to the program or target population(s) in any way? If so, how?

  1. In your opinion, who else (organizations or roles, not names) needs to be involved with the program?

IV. Evaluation

Relevant Assessment Criteria

    • Potential Impact

    • Evaluation Capacity

    • Options for Further Evaluation

    • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. Describe the plan for measuring and evaluating the implementation of the program.

  • What parts of this plan are being carried out at this time?

  • What data do you collect?

  • How do you access to the data?

  • Where are the data housed?

    1. What is the process of extracting data these systems?

  • How are they used to monitor and evaluate the program?

  • Who is responsible for measuring/monitoring implementation?

  • Are other staff members involved in data collection? How so?

  • Are data collected from community organizations that provide wrap-around services for your hospital-based youth violence prevention program participants?

    1. If yes, are these data included in monitoring and evaluation efforts??

  1. How are injury or violence-related outcomes measured, especially for youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years?

  • What data collection tools and activities are used for these measures?

  1. Has the program been modified to address injury or violence-related outcomes since its adoption and initial implementation? If so, what changes were made? What else needs to be incorporated into the program?

  1. What are the available data sources to measure outcomes [Note: sources related to this project]?

  1. Describe the data collection methods used.

    • Do you have baseline data?

    • Do you intend to collect follow-up data? At what time? (pre-post or posttest only design)

    • Do you collect data at specified points over time (time series)? What length of time?

    • Do you follow a sample of participants over time (cohort study)? What length of time?

    • Do you have a comparison group?

  1. What data collection tools or instruments are used in your program? (Request to see copies of data collection tools, examples of de-identified or mock data outputs, data collection template, or evaluation reports.)

  2. What type(s) of data collection system do you use?

  • How do you get data out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting?

  • How often are data extracted or pulled out of this/these systems for analysis and reporting?

  • Who/where are these data usually reported to?

  1. How do you analyze youth violence outcome data, especially as it relates to injury, re-injury; and mortality rates; and youth involvement in the criminal justice system?

  1. How would you define success for this program?

  • How has the definition of success changed over time for this program? Why?

  1. What does the evaluation activity tell you about the success of the program?

  1. Do you think that the program has been successful? How has it been successful?

  1. What additional evaluation measures would you like to assess?

  • What additional evaluation questions would you like to answer?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in evaluating the program?

  • What effect have political factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What effect have financial factors had on the evaluation, if any?

  • What specific strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. Who sees your evaluation reports? Do you provide feedback to <<parent organization>> or to your partners related to your findings (preliminary or outcome)?

  • Do you think that they find the evaluation results useful? Why do you think this way?

  • How do they use the information you provide?

  • Have you used these evaluation reports to acquire additional funding to improve and sustain your program?

  1. What have been some key lessons learned from your experience with the program?

  1. If you were to participate in a comprehensive or rigorous evaluation, would your program have the capacity to contribute to data collection activities?

  • What kind of assistance do you think you would need?

  • What types of resources (staff, data collection tools, data collection systems) are currently available?

V. Funding

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Do you know how the program is funded?

  • If so, who funds the program and at what level?

  • What other financial resources does this program rely on?

  1. Are non-monetary resources provided for the program (such as people’s time, equipment, etc.)? What are they?

  1. Is the funding sufficient to support adequate staffing and other resources to carry out the evaluation?

  • If not, what aspects of the program are affected by insufficient funding? How so?

VI. Closing

EA Site Visitor’s note: If you have not already done so, ask the evaluator about the preliminary logic model. Does s/he feel it is an accurate representation of the program?

That wraps up my list of questions for you at this time. Do you have any questions for me? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS]

  • [IF NO QUESTIONS] “Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me. We appreciate and value your input!”


EA Site Visitor’s note: Throughout the interview, you may choose to refer to the preliminary program logic model, as appropriate. Ask about the logic model or, particularly, the stated activities and outcomes. Does the key informant feel it is an accurate representation of the program activities?

I. History

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Description

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. How would you describe your role with the program?

  • What types of services do you provide?

    1. Which populations do you primarily serve?

    2. For how long are your services provided to the program’s participants?

  • Do you work alone or as part of a team?

    1. What do others help with?

  1. Were you involved in the program’s development or part of the development team?

  • If so, what was your role?

  • What, if any, barriers were encountered in developing the program? How were these challenges addressed?

  1. [IF NOT PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM] How long have you been involved with the program? How did you originally get involved?

II. HBVP Program

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Program Design

  • Potential Impact

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. What would you say are the goals of the program overall?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence prevention

  • Improve access to the social determinants of health

  • Links patients to community-based wrap around services

  • Other, please describe _____________________________________?

  1. What would you say are the desired outcomes? What changes do you expect to see for patients/participants and in the community as a result of implementing the program?


  • Reducing violence related re-injury and mortality among program participants

  • Reduction/prevention of criminal activities

  • Reduction/prevention of community violence related mortality rates

  1. What would you say are the strengths of the program?

  • What factors do you think positively affect the functioning and sustainability of the program?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered in your work on with program?

  • What strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. What kind of training or support did you receive to perform your role with this program?

  1. What other sources of support are important for implementing and sustaining the program?

  1. What kind of training or support is provided to others who work with the program?

  1. Does your program currently have the resources and support that are needed to collaborate with the program, as intended?

    • If not, what additional resources or support are desired, and why?

III. Community support and Partnerships

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Reach to Target Population

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you describe the community or population(s) that this program serves (i.e., youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age and their families)?

  • Describe the patient population (demographic information). From where are they enrolled?

  • Was the program adapted or tailored for this community? If so, how?

  1. Do you think that the local community has sufficient knowledge about this program? What efforts were/are made to inform them?

  1. How receptive does the target population(s) appear to be to the program?

  • In what ways have they reacted to or expressed interest in the program?

  • How is this information captured and documented?

  1. What type(s) of support do your/your organization provide to this program?

  1. What benefits have you seen from partnering with this program?

  • How has the target population(s) benefitted from this partnership?

  • How has the community benefited from these partnerships?

  1. What, if any, barriers have you encountered while partnering with the program?

  • What effect have political factors had on the partnership, if any?

  • What effect have financial factors had on the partnership, if any?

  • What specific strategies have been used to overcome these barriers?

  1. In your opinion, who else (organizations or roles, not names) needs to be involved with the program?

IV. Evaluation

Relevant Assessment Criteria

    • Potential Impact

    • Evaluation Capacity

    • Options for Further Evaluation

    • Staff/Organizational Capacity

  1. How would you define success for this program?

  • How has the definition of success changed over time for this program? Why?

  1. Do you think that the program has been successful? How has it been successful?

  1. What have been some key lessons learned from your experience with the program?

V. Funding

Relevant Assessment Criteria

  • Implementation Feasibility

  • Sustainability

  • Replicability/Transferability

  1. Do you know how the program is funded?

  • If so, who funds the program and at what level?

  • What other financial resources does this program rely on?

  • Does your program receive funding to support your partnership with the program?

  1. Are non-monetary resources provided for the program (such as people’s time, equipment, etc.)? What are they?

  1. Is the funding sufficient to support adequate staffing and other resources to carry out the program/ activities?

  • If not, what aspects of the program are affected by insufficient funding? How so?

VI. Closing

That wraps up my list of questions for you at this time. Do you have any questions for me? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS]

  • [IF NO QUESTIONS] “Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me. We appreciate and value your input!”


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMullins, Khiya J. (CDC/DDNID/NCIPC/DVP)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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