Form 0920-20LK NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

CDC/ATSDR Formative Research and Tool Development

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

Formative Assessment of the Information Needs of Adapting NIOSH-CPWR toolbox talks for Spanish-speaking construction workers: Phase 1

OMB: 0920-1154

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OMB No. 0920-1154
Exp.Date 01/31/2023

Evaluation of toolbox talks for Spanish-speaking construction workers
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
My name is _______. I have invited you here to take part in a research study with the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a research agency that is part of a federal
agency, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
I am not a federal government employee, and everything we talk about is confidential, as I will
explain below. I have contracted to carry out focus group conversations with immigrant, Latino,
construction workers with NIOSH.
First, let’s be sure you meet our SELECTION CRITERIA.
1. What is your origin?
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
Where ________________________________________ (n)
______________ (n)
Guatemala ______________ (n)
El Salvador ______________ (n)
_________ ______________ (n)
_________ ______________ (n)
_________ ______________ (n)
_________ ______________ (n)
_________ ______________ (n)
OTHER _________________ (not in Spanish-speaking Latin America): (thank you very
much for your time) ______________ (n)
2. What is your current work?
Construction Latino
Renovation Latino
Drywall Latino
Painting, brick/stone work Latino
IF OTHER: (thank you very much for your time)

______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)

3. What is your age?
Over 18
______________ (n)
Under 18 (thank you very much for your time)
______________ (n)
[If the participants do not meet the following criteria, currently working in construction, of
Latino origin and over age 18, then thank them for their time and explain that they do not fit our
Thank you. Let me explain a bit more before you agree to participate
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA

NIOSH	Toolbox	Focus	Group	Guide		

Evaluation of toolbox talks for Spanish-speaking construction workers
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Focus Group Consent
Before we get started, I want to make sure that everybody understands the purpose and
procedures of today’s focus group. This focus group is part of a study being conducted by the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), part of the CDC (Centers for
Disease Control), federal agencies. The purpose of today’s focus group is to get your opinion
about a safety training tool. The goal of the project is to improve the safety and health of Latino
construction workers.
Our conversation will take about an hour. We will make every effort to keep what you tell us
confidential: we will not record your name or link it, or any other identifying characteristics, to
anything you say.
However, since this is a focus group with a number of other participants, you need to be
aware that, although we ask all of you not to repeat anything or identify anyone in the
group, we cannot guarantee that other group members will not repeat something you
say. For this reason, we encourage you not to mention personal information, such as your
name or that of your employer.
The data—comments, quotes and behaviors--from this study may be used to write a research
paper or presentation; however, you will not be identified by name. I would like your permission
to tape the discussion, but only for my own use, in case I don’t understand something. I will
destroy the copy once I turn in my report.
Your participation is completely voluntary and you may refuse to participate. You may
discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are
otherwise entitled.
Do you agree to participate?

Yes ______ (n)

No _____ (n)

At the end of our conversation, I will give you a copy of this information sheet, as well as other
materials about worker and immigrant safety.
If you have any questions about the study you may call Donald Eggerth at (513) 533-8 505.
Thank you very much



Witness affiliation:




NIOSH	Toolbox	Focus	Group	Guide

Focus Group Guide
Evaluation of toolbox talks for Spanish-speaking construction workers
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
DATE: _______________
LOCATION: __________________________________.
START TIME: ____________________
Welcome to our project, and thanks for your help in understanding if these materials
are effective. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer. You all are the experts in
language, use, and in the work. We want to know what you think.
First, we have a few general questions about you all.
4. Gender
F ________________ (n)
M ________________ (n)
5. Ethnicity / origin
Latino/ Hispano
6. Ages
Less than 22 years
Over 60 years

_______ (n)

________________ (n)
(which) ________________ (n)
________________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)

7. Where (what country/region) were you born?
Spanish-speaking Latin America
______________ (n)
Other--Latin America
______________ (n)
___________________ (n)
______________ (n)

NIOSH	Toolbox	Focus	Group	Guide		

8. Your native (first) language is ____.
a. English
b. Spanish
c. Other – List
d. _________
e. _________

______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)

9. What is your educational background? (Circle One)
a. Primary (1-6)
b. Secondary (7-9)
c. Some high school
d. High school graduate or equivalent (GED)
e. Some college
f. College graduate
g. Post graduate
h. OTHER _________________________

______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)

10. What work were you trained to do, or what work did you do in home country
a. Ag
______________ (n)
b. Construction
______________ (n)
c. Services (driver, vendor, store, etc.)
______________ (n)
d. Profession (teacher, etc.)
______________ (n)
e. Other ______________________
______________ (n)
11. How many years have you been in the US? TOTAL
___________ (n)
___________ (n)
___________ (n)
___________ (n)
Other _____________________
___________ (n)
12. What do you do now?
f. Worker
g. Supervisor and Worker
h. Supervisor Only
i. Supervisor and Owner Only
j. Owner Only
k. Other ____________________
13. How long have you been working in this trade?
a. Less than 1 year
b. 1-5 years
c. 6-10 years
d. 11-20 years
e. Over 21 years
f. Other ________________

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

__________ (n)
__________ (n)
__________ (n)
__________ (n)
__________ (n)

______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)
___________ (n) __________ (n)

p. 4

14. How many workers currently work at your job site?1
Other _______________

______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)
______________ (n)

15. Have you ever had a work accident? If so, what:
_________________ (n)
a __________
__________________________________ (n)
__________ (n)
b __________
__________________________________ (n)
__________ (n)
c __________
__________________________________ (n)
__________ (n)
d __________
__________________________________ (n)
__________ (n)
e __________
__________________________________ (n)
__________ (n)
16. What do you know about workman’s comp?
Where the office is
17. Have you ever, or do you know someone who has filed?
Yes (I have) __________________________________________ (n)
Yes (I know someone) __________________________________ (n)
No __________________________________________________ (n)
Other ________________________________________________ (n)
18. What is the most dangerous thing about your work?

19. What kind of safety training have you had? (topics, who, hours, how frequent, etc.)

20. Is there a union on your site? YES _______ (n)

NO ________ (n)

21. Which one? ___________________________________________________________________
22. Are you a member?

YES _______ (n)

NO ________ (n)

Now, let’s move on to the actual materials we want you to help us with:

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

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TOOL KIT TALK 1 FALLS from extension ladders

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

p. 6

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide,

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23. Review the story, have you ever fallen? Or do you know someone who has?
• What happened?

24. How could it have been prevented? (see list of things to remember)
• Lift
• Scaffold
• Inspect
• Placement – base, cleat, tie off, extend

25. What can you do to prevent falls?

26. What was the purpose of this toolbox?

27. How easy or difficult was it to understand the task?

28. The most helpful part of our recent toolbox safety talks was
a. How the trainer presented the information
_____________ (n)
b. The technical details about how to do my work safely
_____________ (n)
c. The real-life stories about how other workers were not safe and got hurt
_____________ (n)
d. Pictures or drawings of what we talked about
_____________ (n)
e. Other:
________________________ (n)
29. Based on what you have learned in the recent toolbox talks, what are some specific ways
that the safety in your workplace can be improved?
30. Was the language or Spanish usage different from in your home country or what you

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

p. 8

TOOL KIT TALK 2 FALLS from roof

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

p. 9

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide

p. 10

31. Review the story
32. Have you, or do you know someone who has fallen from a roof?
33. How can these kinds of falls be prevented?
• What is the purpose of a lifeline?
• Fall protection required
• Not slide guards
• Inspect
• Weight
34. What was the purpose of this toolbox?
35. How easy or difficult was it to understand the task?
36. The most helpful part of our recent toolbox safety talks was _____
a. How the trainer presented the information
b. The technical details about how to do my work safely
c. The real-life stories about how other workers were not safe and got hurt
d. Pictures or drawings of what we talked about
e. Other:
37. Based on what you have learned in the recent toolbox talks, what are some specific ways
that the safety in your workplace can be improved?
38. If you were to receive this training, what would help you prove that you had been trained?

Thank you for your participation. Do you have any questions of us?
Here is some information about workplace safety, as well as a copy of the first page of my
question guides with my name as well as the name and number of the project coordinator.
Thank you.
END TIME: __________________

NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide ,

p. 11

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - NIOSH Toolbox Focus Group Guide 10June 2019.docx
File Modified2020-03-10
File Created2019-06-10

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