MHA Program Data Collection--Smaller Servicers

Troubled Asset Relief Program--Making Home Affordable Participants

Rural Dev-HAMP Data Dictionary - 08012016 Release_09012016.xlsx

MHA Program Data Collection--Smaller Servicers

OMB: 1505-0216

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RD-HAMP Data Dictionary
RD-HAMP Data Rules
Current Change Log

Sheet 1: RD-HAMP Data Dictionary

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1505-0216.  The time required to complete this information collection will vary significantly among servicers and is estimated to range from 4 to 413 hours per response.

M=Mandatory; C=Conditional; O=Optional
Ref ID Name of Data Point Description Calculation RD-HAMP Trial Set-Up RD-HAMP Trial Cancel RD-HAMP Official Set-Up Official Monthly Reporting RD-HAMP Official Cancel Condition Under Which Data Is Required Data Type/Data Length Allowable Values Associated Rules
DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date This is the date that the first trial payment is due. It is also the trial modification effective date. This date must be less than the trial loan submission date.

If exists Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date The date the first payment posted during the Trial period.

Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
DD19 1st Trial Payment Received Amount This is the actual amount of the Payment received from the Borrower to the Servicer for the 1st Trial payment.

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD20 Action Code A code reported by the lender to update the loan that indicates the action that occurred during the reporting period.

If there is an action Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
60. Payoff
63. Proprietary Remodification
DD21 Action Code Date The effective date of the action associated with the action code specified on the incoming transaction by the servicer. The action date is required for certain action codes.

If there is an action Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2032-01-15
DD24 Amortization Term After Modification The number of months used to calculate the periodic payments of both principal and interest that will be sufficient to retire a mortgage obligation.

Numeric(4,0) Data Range:
Min: 1
Max: 9999
DD26 Amortization Term Before Modification Represents the number of months on which installment payments are based under the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. Example: Balloon loans have a seven year life (Loan Term = 84) but a 30 year amortization period (Amortization Term = 360). Installment payments are determined based on the 360 month.

Numeric(4,0) Data Range:
Min: 1
Max: 9999
DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification Existing monthly payment for association dues/fees before modification immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This amount should reflect the monthly amount of association dues/fees required to be paid by the borrower. In addition, if a displaced borrower is requesting modification for the principal residence from which the borrower was displaced and the borrower is paying rent to live elsewhere, the rent amount should be included with any association dues.

If there are association fees that Servicer is withholding Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD31 Back Ratio After Modification The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25).

Numeric(6,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 9999
DD32 Back Ratio Before Modification The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25). Additionally, the value used in the trial loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the trial period plan terms, and the value used in the official loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the permanent modification terms.


Numeric(6,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 9999
DD33 Borrower Contributions If the borrower is contributing any amounts, they must be reported here.


If exists Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99

DD37 Borrower Execution Date For trial loan submission, this is the date that the borrower executed (signed) the trial documents if available. Otherwise it is the date of the first payment (through check, wire, or credit card).
For official loan submission, this is the date that the borrower signed the official loan modification documents.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-12-31
DD39 Borrower First Name The first name of the Borrower of record.

DD40 Borrower Last Name The last name of the Borrower. This is also known as the family name or surname.

DD43 Borrower Social Security Number The Social Security Number of the Borrower.

Text(9) Data Range:
Min: 000000001
Max: 999999998
DD55 Co-Borrower First Name The first name of the Co-Borrower of record.

If Co-Borrower on loan Text(100)
DD56 Co-Borrower Last Name The last name of the Co-Borrower of record.

If Co-Borrower on loan Text(100)
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number The Social Security Number of the Co-Borrower.

If available
Text(9) Data Range:
Min: 000000001
Max: 999999998
DD62 Date of Original Note The date the mortgage note was signed by the borrower.

Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 1950-01-01
Max: 2009-01-01
DD63 Delinquent Interest Delinquent interest for interest capitalization. It is the amount of delinquent interest from the delinquent loan's LPI date to the workout execution date.

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification Report the escrow amount expected in the first payment after loan modification. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagee, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD68 Escrow Payment Before Modification Report the monthly escrow payment amount calculated in the escrow analysis performed in conjunction with determining the borrowers eligibility for the most recent trial period plan for the modification being reported. The escrow analysis must be performed for all borrowers, including those that do not currently escrow for taxes and insurance. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagor, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any allowable escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.

If there is escrow amount that Servicer is withholding Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD72 First Lien Indicator Indicates if loan is first lien.

Boolean true/false LIR-43
DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification For Trial Loan Submission, this is a projection of the first payment due date after modification. First Payment Due Date After Modification should be the same as the anticipated Modification Effective Date.

For Official Loan Submission, this is the actual first payment due date. First Payment Due Date After Modification should be the same as the actual Modification Effective Date.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
DD75 Foreclosure Referral Date Provide the date that the mortgage was referred to an attorney for the purpose of initiating foreclosure proceedings. This date should reflect the referral date of currently active foreclosure process. Loans cured from foreclosure should not have a referral date.

DD76 Front Ratio After Modification The borrower's housing-debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's monthly housing expense divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 31.05). Monthly Housing Expense After Mod (DD112) / Monthly Gross Income (DD110) M

Numeric(6,2) Data Range:
Min: 0.01
Max: 9999
DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification The borrower's housing-debt-to-income ratio based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This is the borrower's monthly housing expense divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25). Additionally, the value used in the trial loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the trial period plan terms, and the value used in the official loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the permanent modification terms. Monthly Housing Expense Before Mod (DD113) / Monthly Gross Income (DD110) M

Numeric(6,2) Data Range:
Min: 31.01
Max: 9999.99
DD458 Government Agency Servicer Number The Government Agency unique Servicer identifier.

Text (30)
DD5 GSE Loan Number A unique identifier assigned to each loan by a GSE (Fannie or Freddie).

If GSE loan
DD6 GSE Servicer Number The Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac unique Servicer identifier.

If GSE loan Text(30)
DD8 HAMP® Servicer Number A unique identifier assigned to each Servicer that is participating in the HAMP program.
DD78 Hardship Reason Code Identifies the reason for the borrower's hardship, on their mortgage payment obligations.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Death of borrower
2. Illness of principal borrower
3. Illness of borrower family member
4. Death of borrower family member
5. Marital difficulties
6. Curtailment of income
7. Excessive obligation
8. Abandonment of property
9. Distant employment transfer
10. Property problem
11. Inability to sell property
12. Inability to rent property
13. Military service
14. Other
15. Unemployment
16. Business failure
17. Casualty Loss
18. Energy environment costs
19. Servicing problems
20. Payment adjustment
21. Payment dispute
22. Transfer of ownership pending
23. Fraud
24. Unable to contact borrower
25. Incarceration
DD82 Interest Payment Interest portion of the principal and interest.


Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: -999999999999999999.99
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD83 Interest Rate After Modification The interest rate in the month after loan modification. Report 4 decimal places. For example, 6.125% should be entered as 6.125.

Numeric(6,4) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 20
DD85 Interest Rate Before Modification The interest rate based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. Please report as rounded to nearest 8th (e.g. 4.120% should be rounded to 4.125% and entered as 4.1250). Report 4 decimal places.

Numeric(6,4) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 99.9999
DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification For Trial loan submission, this is the date the borrower's trial period payment was calculated using the standard modification waterfall prior to the start of the trial period.

For Official loan submission, this is the date when the Max Interest Rate After Modification was determined in conjunction with the preparation of the Modification Agreement.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
DD9 Investor Code Owner of the mortgage.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Fannie Mae
2. Freddie Mac
3. Private
4. Portfolio
DD525 Last Paid Installment Date This is the actual LPI date reported on the monthly reporting transaction.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2032-01-15
DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification For Trial, this is the anticipated LPI Date after modification. It should be one month before the anticipated Modification Effective Date.

For the Official Modification, this is the actual LPI Date after Modification. It must be one month before the Modification Effective Date.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification The due date of the last paid installment received on the loan immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date (DD17) for the modification being reported. This LPI Date should NOT reflect receipt of any Trial Period Plan payments that may have been remitted prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. Only regularly scheduled contractual payments under the terms of the original note, or a prior modification, should advance the LPI Date reported under DD89.

DD91 Length of Trial Period The length of the trial period.

Numeric(3,0) Data Range:
Min: 3
Max: 999
DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code A code that specifies the reason why a modification was not completed.


M If cancel Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Ineligible Mortgage
14. Trial Plan Default
15. Data Correction(Incorrect data)
16. Payor Request
17. Compliance Request
18. Submission Error Correction (Incorrect transaction type)
DD93 Loan Mortgage Type Code The code that specifies the type of mortgage being applied for or that has been granted.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
5 - RD-HAMP - Loans guaranteed by the Department of Agriculture (Rural Development)
DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount The amount of outstanding principal (interest bearing portion only) at the end of the prior month, after accounting for all payment activity.


Currency (20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD98 Maturity Date After Modification The maturity date of the loan after modification.

Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Max: 2062-12-31
DD99 Maturity Date Before Modification The date on which the mortgage obligation is scheduled to be paid off, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. Maturity Date is commonly called Balloon Date for balloon loans, for which scheduled amortization does not pay off the balance of the loan, so that there is a final, large "balloon" payment at the end.

Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 09-24-2010
Max: 12-31-2059
DD100 Max Interest Rate After Modification The interest rate cap for the loan.

Numeric(6,4) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 99.9999
DD105 Modification Effective Date For Trial, this is the anticipated Modification Effective Date of the official loan modification. This is the first day of the month following the month when the last trial payment is due.

For Official, this is the actual Modification Effective Date of the official loan modification. This will still be the first day of the month following the month when the last trial payment is due. The Modification Effective Date on the official loan submission must be earlier than or equal to the date the official loan transaction is submitted.


Date(CCYY-MM-DD) Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
DD108 Modified Loan Term-Officer Signature Date Servicer sign off at the officer level for the loan modification. This is the date the servicer's officer approved the loan modification. This column will be populated for modification cases that need reclassification. There is no conversion needed for existing cases.

DD109 Monthly Debt Payments excluding PITIA Total amount of monthly debt payments excluding Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance and Association Dues (PITIA).


Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD110 Monthly Gross Income Total monthly income in dollars for all borrowers on the loan.

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0.01
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property after modification. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Monthly Housing Expense After Modification = P&I After Modification + Escrow Payment After Modification (if exists) + Assoc Dues/Fees Before Modification (if exists) M

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification = P&I Before Modification + Escrow Payment Before Modification (if exists) + Assoc Dues/Fees Before Modification (if exists)


Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0.01
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD125 Other Contributions If there are any amounts contributed by the borrower due to Hazard Claims.

If there are amounts contributed by borrower Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99

DD459 Partial Claim Amount Supply the Mortgage Recovery Advance amount in the Partial Claim Amount attribute.

Currency (20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification The principal and interest amount after modification. P&I Payment After Modification = Monthly Gross Income * Front Ratio After Modification - Escrow Payment After Modification - Association Dues/Fees Before Modification (if exists) M

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD133 Principal and Interest Payment at 31% DTI Principal and Interest payable for a 31% Debt to Income ratio. This is equal to
i) 31% of the borrower's income less
ii) the Escrow Payment After Modification and the Association Dues.
For official, the most current verified income must be used.
P&I Payment at 31% DTI = Monthly Gross Income * 31% - Escrow Payment After Modification - Association Dues/Fees Before Modification (if exists) M

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification The scheduled principal and interest amount based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. P&I Payment Before Modification = Monthly Gross Income * Front Ratio Before Modification - Escrow Payment Before Modification (if exists) - Association Dues/Fees Before Modification (if exists)

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD137 Principal Payment Principal portion of the principal and interest remitted monthly.


Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: -999999999999999999.99
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD140 Product After Modification The mortgage product of the loan, after the modification.


Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
2. Fixed Rate
DD142 Product Before Modification The mortgage product of the loan, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
2. Fixed rate
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID A program type that will identify campaign types. The unique identifier of a Loan Workout Campaign.

Text(14) Enumeration:
HMP12 - Rural Development - HAMP
DD144 Projected Foreclosure Sale Date Projected date for foreclosure sale of subject property.

DD145 Property City The name of the city where the subject property is located.

DD148 Property Number of Units Number of units in subject property (Valid values are 1, 2, 3 or 4).

Numeric(4,0) Data Range:
Min: 1
Max: 4
DD149 Property Occupancy Status Code A code identifying the occupancy by the borrower of the subject property.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Vacant
2. Borrower Occupied
3. Tenant Occupied
4. Unknown
5. Occupied by Unknown
DD151 Property State The 2-character postal abbreviation of the state, province, or region of the subject property.

DD152 Property Street Address The street address of the subject property.

DD155 Property Usage Type Code A code identifying the current use of the property by the borrower. For HAMP, FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP this is determined at Loan Setup; for HAFA this is determined at the time of the HAFA Agreement Issue Date.

Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Principal Residence
2. Second or Vacation Home
3. Investment Property
DD161 Property Zip Code The code designated by the postal service to direct the delivery of physical mail or which corresponds to a physical location. In the USA, this can take either a 5 digit form (ZIP Code) or a 9-digit form (ZIP + 4).

Numeric (5 or 9)
DD165 Remaining Term Before Modification The remaining number of months until the loan will be paid off, assuming that scheduled payments are made, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This will equal lesser of 1. The number of months until the actual balance of the loan will amortize to zero; or 2. The number of months difference between the LPI date and the Maturity Date.

Numeric(4,0) Data Range:
Min: 1
Max: 9999
DD14 Servicer Loan Number The unique (for the lender) identifier assigned to the loan by the lender that is servicing the loan.
DD201 Servicing Fee Percent After Modification Percentage of servicing Fee after loan modification ( e.g. 0.25).


DD210 Submission Status The status of loan data being submitted.
Numeric(4,0) Enumeration:
1. Trial
3. Official
5. Trial Cancel
7. Official Cancel
DD678 Supplementary Assistance Code A code indicating the supplementary assistance provided to the borrower. This assistance may be provided to unemployed borrowers, principal reduction, funding to remove second liens, and programs that facilitate short sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure.

Numeric (4,0) Enumeration:
1. None
2. Hardest Hit Fund
3. No value existed prior to attribute introduction (Restricted - not valid for servicer input)
DD213 Term After Modification The remaining number of months until the loan will be paid off, assuming that scheduled payments are made. This will equal lesser of 1. the number of months until the actual balance of the loan will amortize to zero; or 2. the number of months difference between the LPI date and the Maturity Date. In this case, the Maturity Date is the Maturity Date after the modification and may be different from the original Maturity Date (before the modification).

Numeric(4,0) Data Range:
Min: 1
Max: 9999
DD15 Underlying Trust Identifier This is the shelf and series security identifier associated with the security supported by the loan. A shelf offering is an SEC provision allowing an issuer to register a new issue security without selling the entire issue at once. Additionally, this may be the CUSIP identifier associated with the security. The CUSIP number is the identification number assigned to a security by CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) for trading.

Only for Non-GSE Text (20)
DD222 Unpaid Principal Balance After Modification The unpaid principal balance of a loan after the loan modification. The unpaid principal balance after modification excludes any applicable forbearance amount and can also be referred to as Net UPB Amount.


Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0.01
Max: 999999999999999999.99
DD225 Unpaid Principal Balance Before Modification The unpaid principal balance of a loan is the contractual UPB based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This UPB should not reflect any accounting based write-downs.

Currency(20,2) Data Range:
Min: 0.01
Max: 999999999999999999.99

Sheet 2: RD-HAMP Data Rules

Legend: 08/01/2016 - Purple
ID Rule Details Associated Attributes BKFS Rule Type
LIR Rules

LIR-19 The reported HAMP® Servicer Number is mandatory and must be a valid number. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-20 Borrower First Name is mandatory and must be filled. DD39 Borrower First Name Yes Hard Stop
LIR-21 Borrower Last Name is mandatory and must be filled. DD40 Borrower Last Name Yes Hard Stop
LIR-24 Property Occupancy Status Code is mandatory and must be filled and must be = 2 - Borrower Occupied. DD149 Property Occupancy Status Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-25 Property Usage Type Code is mandatory and must be filled and must be = 1 - Principal Residence. DD155 Property Usage Type Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-27 Property Street Address is mandatory and must be filled. DD152 Property Street Address Yes Hard Stop
LIR-28 Property City is mandatory and must be filled. DD145 Property City Yes Hard Stop
LIR-29 Property Zip Code is mandatory and must be filled and must be 5 or 9 digits. DD161 Property Zip Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-33 Servicer Loan Number is mandatory and must be filled. DD14 Servicer Loan Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-34 Investor Code is mandatory and must be filled.
DD9 Investor Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-35 Submission Status is mandatory and must be filled and must be one of the following allowable values 1. Trial, 3. Official, 5. Trial Cancel, 6. Official Correction, or 7. Official Cancel. DD210 Submission Status Yes Hard Stop
LIR-36 Date of Original Note is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD62 Date of Original Note Yes Hard Stop
LIR-37 If Investor Code is Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the GSE Loan Number is mandatory and must be filled.

For 1MP, rule only applies if Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2 or HMP7.
DD5 GSE Loan Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-39 If Investor Code is PLS (Private), the Underlying Trust Identifier is mandatory and must be filled. DD15 Underlying Trust Identifier Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-43 First Lien Indicator is mandatory and must be filled and must have a value of True. DD72 First Lien Indicator Yes Hard Stop
LIR-45 Hardship Reason Code is mandatory and must be filled and must be one of the allowable values.
DD78 Hardship Reason Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-46 Monthly Gross Income is mandatory and must be filled and cannot be 0.
DD110 Monthly Gross Income Yes Hard Stop
LIR-47 Monthly Debt Payments excluding PITIA is mandatory and must be filled. DD109 Monthly Debt Payments excluding PITIA Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-50 Delinquent Interest is mandatory and must be filled. DD63 Delinquent Interest Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-51 Principal and Interest Payment at 31% DTI is mandatory and must be filled. DD133 Principal and Interest Payment at 31% DTI Yes Hard Stop
LIR-53 Modification Effective Date is mandatory and must be in a valid date format. DD105 Modification Effective Date Yes Hard Stop
LIR-54 Interest Rate Lock Date For Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification Yes Warning at Trial/Hard Stop
LIR-59 Amortization Term Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD26 Amortization Term Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-60 Back Ratio before modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD32 Back Ratio Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-61 Front Ratio Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-62 Interest Rate Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD85 Interest Rate Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-63 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-64 Maturity Date Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD99 Maturity Date Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-65 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled and cannot be 0. DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-67 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-68 Product Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD142 Product Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-69 Remaining Term Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD165 Remaining Term Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-70 Unpaid Principal Balance Before Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be greater than zero. DD225 Unpaid Principal Balance Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-71 Amortization Term After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD24 Amortization Term After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-72 Back Ratio After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD31 Back Ratio After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-73 Front Ratio After Modification is mandatory and must be filled and cannot be 0. DD76 Front Ratio After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-74 Interest Rate After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-75 For official modification, the LPI Date After Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-76 Maturity Date After Modification is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD98 Maturity Date After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-77 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification is mandatory and must be filled and cannot be 0. DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-79 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-80 Product After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD140 Product After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-81 Term After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD213 Term After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-82 Unpaid Principal Balance After Modification is mandatory and must be filled AND greater than 0. DD222 Unpaid Principal Balance After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-83 The First Payment Due Date After Modification is mandatory and must be populated and must be in a valid date format. DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-92 Date of Original Note (DD62) must be on or before 1/1/2009. DD62 Date of Original Note No Hard Stop
LIR-93 If Investor Code is Private or Portfolio, then the Fee Cap Amount cannot be 0. DD9 Investor Code
DD71 Fee Cap at Servicer Level
No Hard Stop
LIR-95 Amortization Term After Modification must be greater than or equal to Term After Modification. DD24 Amortization Term After Modification
DD213 Term After Modification
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-96 Default Bank Account must exist for the Servicer of the loan as of Modification Effective Date. DD105 Modification Effective Date
DD177 Servicer Bank Account Number
No Warning for Trial Mod
LIR-103 Maximum Interest Rate After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD100 Max Interest Rate After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-106 Borrower Execution Date is mandatory and must be filled and must be in a valid date format. DD37 Borrower Execution Date Yes Hard Stop
LIR-107 Borrower Execution Date must be greater than or equal to Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification. DD37 Borrower Execution Date
DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-108 For Official, the Interest Rate Lock Date must be before or on the (actual) Modification Effective Date. For Trial, the Interest Rate Lock Date must be before or on the (anticipated) Modification Effective Date. DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-110 Interest Rate After Modification must be less than or equal to the Maximum Interest Rate After Modification. DD83 Interest Rate After Modification
DD100 Max Interest Rate After Modification
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-112 Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2017. DD37 Borrower Execution Date No Hard Stop
LIR-116 Borrower Social Security Number is mandatory and must be filled and length must be 9 digits. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-117 Co-Borrower Social Security Number is optional, but if filled, length must be 9 digits. DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-118 Property State is mandatory and must be filled and must be one of the allowable values. DD151 Property State Yes Hard Stop
LIR-132 Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-133 Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-139 Currency attribute if provided, must be greater than or equal to 0. DD63 Delinquent Interest
DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification
DD110 Monthly Gross Income
DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification
DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification
DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification
DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification
DD136 Principal Forbearance Amount
DD139 Principal Write-down (Forgiveness)
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-150 If Investor Code is not Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the GSE Loan Number must be Null. DD5 GSE Loan Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-151 If Investor Code is not PLS (Private), Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the Underlying Trust Identifier must be blank. DD15 Underlying Trust Identifier Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-153 If the Investor Code is Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the GSE Servicer Number is mandatory and must be filled. DD6 GSE Servicer Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-155 Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel cannot have a corresponding cancelled trial loan in the HAMP system. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-156 Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official cannot have an existing corresponding trial loan in the HAMP system that is cancelled. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-162 Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial cannot have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-163 Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official cannot have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is already in Official status. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-164 Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel cannot have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-165 Escrow Payment After Modification is mandatory and must be filled. DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-166 Amortization Term After Modification must not be equal to 0. DD24 Amortization Term After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-167 Term After Modification must be greater than 0. DD213 Term After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-169 Attribute must be in valid date format, if provided. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date
DD75 Foreclosure Referral Date
DD108 Modified Loan Term-Officer Signature Date
DD144 Projected Foreclosure Sale Date
DD220 Trial Payment Posted Date
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-174 A loan cannot be submitted with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) associated to loan that already exists in the system as an Official FHA-HAMP, RD-HAMP, HAMP Tier 1, HAMP Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.

DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-177 For Trial Modification, the LPI Date After Modification must be one month before the (anticipated) Modification Effective Date.
For Official modification, the LPI Date After Modification must be one month before the (actual) Modification Effective Date.
DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-178 For Trial Modification, the First Payment Due Date After Modification must be equal to the (anticipated) Modification Effective Date.
For Official Modification, the First Payment Due Date After Modification must be equal to the (actual) Modification Effective Date.
DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-182 Maturity Date After Modification must be greater than Modification Effective Date. DD98 Maturity Date After Modification
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-183 1st Trial Payment Due Date must be less than Modification Effective Date. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-186 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-189 Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2017.

DD105 Modification Effective Date No Hard Stop
LIR-190 First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-193 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2017.

DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-194 Modification Effective Date must be the 1st day of the month. DD105 Modification Effective Date Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-195 First Payment Due Date After Modification must be the 1st day of the month. DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-196 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification must be the 1st day of the month. DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-197 Length of Trial Period must be greater than or equal to 3 months. DD91 Length of Trial Period Yes Hard Stop
LIR-198 Length of the Trial Period must be equal to the Modification Effective Date - First Trial Payment Due Date on official if provided and latest trial if not provided on official or Length of the Trial Period must be equal to the [Modification Effective Date - First Trial Payment Due Date on official if provided and latest trial if not provided on official ] - 1. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date
DD91 Length of Trial Period
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-199 If 1MP and If Product After Modification is 'Fixed Rate', Interest Rate After Modification must be equal to Maximum Interest Rate. DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Yes Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
LIR-200 If Loan Submission Status is 'Official', Modification Effective Date must be less than or equal to Loan Submission Date. DD105 Modification Effective Date No Hard Stop
LIR-201 If Co-Borrower Social Security Number is present, Co-Borrower First Name and Co-Borrower Last Name must be filled. DD55 Co-Borrower First Name
DD56 Co-Borrower Last Name
Yes Hard Stop

LIR-202 If Co-Borrower First Name is filled, Co-Borrower Last Name must be filled. DD55 Co-Borrower First Name
DD56 Co-Borrower Last Name
Yes Hard Stop

LIR-203 Default Bank Account must exist for the Servicer of the loan, effective in the same period as the Official Loan submission. DD177 Servicer Bank Account Number No Hard Stop
LIR-204 The Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification (DD135) must be greater than or equal to the Principal and Interest Payment After Modification (DD132) if the 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) is after 12/01/2011. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date
DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification
DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification
No Hard Stop
LIR-208 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification must be greater than Monthly Housing Expense After Modification.
DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification
DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-209 Borrower Social Security Number must be in 000000000 format. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-210 Co-Borrower Social Security Number must be in 000000000 format. DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-212 If Investor Code is Fannie Mae, GSE Loan Number must be numeric and must be 10 digits. DD5 GSE Loan Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-213 If Investor Code is Freddie Mac, GSE Loan Number must be 9 digits and must be numeric OR 12 digits and alphanumeric and can have embedded spaces. DD5 GSE Loan Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-215 Front Ratio Before Modification must be greater than 31%.

DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-217 Submission Status (DD210) of (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding existing Official loan in the HAMP system. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-218 Submission Status (DD210) of (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding loan in Official Mode, Active Payment Status in the HAMP system.

DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-220 If the Loan Submission Status is 'Official', 'Official Correction' or 'Official Cancel', submission must be made within the first 6 business days of each month. DD210 Submission Status No Hard Stop
LIR-222 Front End DTI Before Modification must be greater than Front End DTI After Modification. DD76 Front Ratio After Modification
DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-223 Difference between delivered Front End DTI After Modification and calculated Front End DTI After Modification must be less than or equal to 1%. DD76 Front Ratio After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-224 If Borrower Monthly Housing Expenses Before Modification and Borrower Monthly Gross Income Amount are greater than 0, calculated Front End DTI Before Modification must be greater than 31%.

DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-226 If an official loan is cancelled, do not allow an official submission after an official cancellation in the same reporting period. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-228 The Borrower Social Security Number must not be the same as the Co-borrower Social Security Number. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-230 If the Investor Code is Private or Portfolio, the GSE Servicer Number must be null. DD6 GSE Servicer Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-232 A Trial or Official loan is not allowed if the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches to any Social Security Numbers associated to loans that failed the Trial period (regardless of program) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-236 The difference between the submitted Front End DTI Before Modification and the system calculated Front End DTI Before Modification must be less than or equal to 1%.

DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-239 The absolute value of (submitted Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification - calculated Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification) / the calculated Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification must be less than or equal to 0.5%.

DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification
DD68 Escrow Payment Before Modification
DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification
DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-240 The absolute value of (submitted Monthly Housing Expense After Modification - calculated Monthly Housing Expense After Modification) / the calculated Monthly Housing Expense After Modification must be less than or equal to 0.5%. DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification
DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification
DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification
DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-242 The absolute value of (submitted Principal and Interest Payment at 31% DTI - calculated Principal and Interest at 31% DTI) / the calculated Principal and Interest at 31% DTI must be less than or equal to 0.5%. DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification
DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification
DD110 Monthly Gross Income
DD133 Principal and Interest Payment at 31% DTI
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-243 The absolute value of (submitted Principal and Interest Payment After Modification - calculated Principal and Interest Payment After Modification) / the calculated Principal and Interest Payment After Modification must be less than or equal to 0.5%. DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification
DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification
DD76 Front Ratio After Modification
DD110 Monthly Gross Income
DD132 Principal and Interest Payment After Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-247 The absolute value of (submitted Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification - calculated Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification) / the calculated Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification must be less than or equal to 0.5%. DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification
DD68 Escrow Payment Before Modification
DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification
DD110 Monthly Gross Income
DD135 Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-249 The submitted HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is associated with a servicer on the Do Not Board List and is not allowed. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number No Hard Stop at Trial
LIR-288 The servicer number/loan number being submitted for set-up has previously been disqualified from the program with the processing of a cancel transaction with Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code of 14-Trial Plan Default. DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code No Hard Stop
LIR-293 Loan Modification Fallout Reason of 14-Trial Plan Default is not permitted for an Official Cancel.
DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-294 Property Zip Code cannot be populated with zeros in the first four digits. DD161 Property Zip Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-295 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification cannot be greater than or equal to the First Trial Payment Due Date. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date
DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-296 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification cannot be before or equal to the Date of Original Note. DD62 Date of Original Note
DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-297 Date of Original Note must be after or equal to 1/1/1950. DD62 Date of Original Note Yes Hard Stop
LIR-298 The Property Zip Code must match to a zip code in the list of known zip codes. DD161 Property Zip Code No Hard Stop
LIR-306 Supplementary Assistance Code (DD678) is a mandatory field and must be filled. DD678 Supplementary Assistance Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-307 Supplementary Assistance Code (DD678) must be one of the following allowable values:
- None(1)
- Hardest Hit Fund(2)
- No value existed prior to attribute introduction(3)

Black Knight will block enumeration 3 as it is not for servicer use.
DD678 Supplementary Assistance Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-326 Co-Borrower Social Security Number(DD59) must be provided, if Co-Borrower First Name(DD55) or Co-Borrower Last Name(DD56) is present. DD55 Co-Borrower First Name
DD56 Co-Borrower Last Name
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-328 If the submitted Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches to multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence, it will be rejected. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-329 If the submitted Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches to multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence, it will be rejected. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-333 For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date Before Modification (DD99) must be on or before 12/31/2059. DD99 Maturity Date Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-334 Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2062, if provided.
DD98 Maturity Date After Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-335 Interest rate after modification '(DD83) must be less than 20%. DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-336 Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) should not have the same value in all 9 digits. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-337 Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) should not have the same value in all 9 digits, if provided. DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-338 Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) should not be populated with zeroes in the first 3 digits or middle 2 digits. DD43 Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-339 Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) should not be populated with zeroes in the first 3 digits or middle 2 digits, if provided. DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-340 For all Trial and Permanent Modifications, the Back Ratio Before Modification (DD32) should always be greater than or equal to the Front Ratio Before Modification (DD77). DD32 Back Ratio Before Modification
DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-341 For all Trial (if exists), and Permanent Modifications, the Back Ratio After Modification (DD31) should always be greater than or equal to the Front Ratio After Modification (DD76), if provided DD31 Back Ratio After Modification
DD76 Front Ratio After Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-377 Max Interest Rate After Modification (DD100) must be less than 20%. DD100 Max Interest Rate After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-378 Trial: 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be less than Modification Effective Date (DD105). DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-379 Official: 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18), if provided, must be less than Modification Effective Date (DD105). DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date
DD105 Modification Effective Date
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-382 For all Trial and Permanent Modifications, the Back Ratio Before Modification (DD32) must be greater than or equal to the Back Ratio After Modification (DD31), if it exists. DD31 Back Ratio After Modification
DD32 Back Ratio Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-385 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date No Hard Stop
LIR-386 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) is mandatory and must be filled. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date Yes Hard Stop
LIR-388 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be the first day of the month. DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date Yes Hard Stop
LIR-389 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date No Hard Stop
LIR-390 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) is mandatory and must be filled. DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date Yes Hard Stop
LIR-392 For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Received Amount (DD19) is mandatory and must be greater than or equal to 0. DD19 1st Trial Payment Received Amount Yes Hard Stop
LIR-393 For RD-HAMP, Amortization Term After Modification (DD24) must be less than or equal to the greater of (480 or Remaining Term Before Modification). DD24 Amortization Term After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-394 For RD-HAMP, Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD37 Borrower Execution Date No Hard Stop
LIR-395 For RD-HAMP, First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or after 9/24/2010.
DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-397 For RD-HAMP, Government Agency Servicer Number (DD458) is mandatory and must be provided. DD458 Government Agency Servicer Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-398 For RD-HAMP, the Government Agency Servicer Number (DD458) must be 9 digits (with no hyphens). DD458 Government Agency Servicer Number Yes Hard Stop
LIR-399 For RD-HAMP, Back Ratio After Modification (DD31) must be less than or equal to 55 percent. DD31 Back Ratio After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-401 For RD-HAMP, Interest Rate After Modification (DD83) must be greater than 0%. DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-402 For RD-HAMP, Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-403 For RD-HAMP, Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification No Hard Stop
LIR-404 For RD-HAMP, Length of Trial Period (DD91) is mandatory and must be filled. DD91 Length of Trial Period Yes Hard Stop
LIR-405 Loan Modification Fallout Reason code (DD402) is mandatory and must have one of the following values for RD-HAMP: (1) Ineligible Mortgage, (14) Trial Plan Default, (15) Data Correction (Incorrect data), (16) Payor Request, (17) Compliance Request, (18) Submission Error Correction (Incorrect transaction type).
DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-406 For RD-HAMP, Loan Mortgage Type Code (DD93) is mandatory and must be (5) RD-HAMP - Loans guaranteed by the Department of Agriculture (Rural Development) DD93 Loan Mortgage Type Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-407 For RD-HAMP, Loan Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or after 9/24/2010.

DD105 Modification Effective Date No Hard Stop
LIR-408 For RD-HAMP, Partial Claim Amount (DD459) must be greater than or equal to 0. DD459 Partial Claim Amount Yes Hard Stop
LIR-409 For RD-HAMP, Product After Modification (DD140) must be 2 (Fixed). DD140 Product After Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-410 For RD-HAMP, Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is mandatory and must be (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID Yes Hard Stop
LIR-411 For RD-HAMP, Program Type / Campaign ID (DD10) submitted does not match the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) on the existing Trial Active record. The existing trial must be canceled before a new program type code can be submitted. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID No Hard Stop
LIR-412 Loans with Investor Code (DD9) (1) Fannie Mae or (2) Freddie Mac are not participating in Treasury Rural Development - HAMP. DD9 Investor Code Yes Hard Stop
LIR-413 For RD-HAMP, Product Before Modification (DD142) must be (2) Fixed. DD142 Product Before Modification Yes Hard Stop
LIR-414 For RD-HAMP, Official Corrections are not currently allowed for Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) equal to (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP) DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-415 If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP and Submission Status (DD210) is (5) Trial Cancel or (7) Official Cancel, the corresponding loan in the HAMP system must also have a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP.

DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-416 For RD-HAMP, the submitted cancellation transaction must match an existing record with a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of (HMP-12) Rural Development - HAMP.
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-417 For RD-HAMP, If Property Number of Units (DD148) is 1, then Unpaid Principal Balance Before Modification (DD225) must be less than or equal to $729,750. DD148 Property Number of Units
DD225 Unpaid Principal Balance Before Modification
Yes Hard Stop
LIR-418 For RD-HAMP, Property Number of Units (DD148) is mandatory and must be 1. DD148 Property Number of Units Yes Hard Stop
LIR-449 Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 and Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) of another modification record where Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 in the submitted 1st Lien setup file is not allowed.
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-450 Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 and Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) of another modification record where Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 in the submitted 1st Lien setup file is not allowed. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
LIR-603 Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-604 Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-605 Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off) within the HAMP system is not allowed. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-606 Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD43 Borrower Social Security Number
DD59 Co-Borrower Social Security Number
No Hard Stop
LIR-611 If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, HMP12, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 or HMP30 and a matched GSE Standard Modification (Program Type (DD10) of SAI) exists (based on Investor Code (DD9) / GSE Loan Number (DD5) or HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) / Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination), the GSE Standard Modification must be in a Loan State Code (DD251) of Canceled. DD5 GSE Loan Number
DD9 Investor Code
No Hard Stop
LIR-735 If Submission Status (DD210) is (1) Trial or (3) Official and the Investor Code (DD9) is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio and the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP12 (RD-HAMP) and the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null, then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan on the Trial record must exist as the Transferee HAMP Servicer Number and Transferee Servicer Loan Number in the last successfully processed servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) is 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) equals 4 (AAA Approved). The last successfully processed deal shall be selected from all SVT deals where the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination exists as either the transferee or transferor and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) of the deal is 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) of the loan is 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action). DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD9 Investor Code
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD210 Submission Status
DD1056 SVT Deal State Code
DD1057 SVT Loan State Code
DD1058 SVT Investor Code Category
DD1064 SVT AAA Received Type Code
DD1106 Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code
No Hard Stop
LIR-738 The HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) of the submitted non-GSE loan with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP12 must be a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 1 (SPA), 3 (AAA) or 4 (Amended SPA). DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD9 Investor Code
DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD1106 Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code
No Hard Stop
LIR-739 If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification contains a non-zero dollar amount of compensation in Disbursement Suspense after an Official Cancellation, then a Trial resubmission with an Investor Code (DD9) change to or from GSE to non-GSE or to or from Fannie Mae to Freddie Mac is not allowed. DD9 Investor Code No Hard Stop
LIR-740 If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification is Trial Active and a non-zero dollar amount of compensation exists in Disbursement Suspense, then a Submission Status (DD210) of 3 (Official) is not allowed. DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID
DD210 Submission Status
No Hard Stop
OMR Rules

OMR-19 The reported HAMP Servicer Number must match the HAMP Servicer Number in the HAMP system. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD469 Second Lien HAMP Servicer Number
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-20 Servicer Loan Number is mandatory and must be filled. DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD470 Second Lien Servicer Loan Number
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-28 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance is mandatory and must be filled and must be greater than or equal to 0. DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount Yes Hard Stop
OMR-29 Last Paid Installment Date is mandatory and must be in a valid date format. DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Yes Hard Stop
OMR-30 Principal Payment is mandatory and must be filled. DD137 Principal Payment Yes Hard Stop
OMR-31 Interest Payment is mandatory and must be filled. DD82 Interest Payment Yes Hard Stop
OMR-35 Action Code (DD20) must be (60) Payoff or (63) Proprietary Remodification, if provided.

DD20 Action Code Yes Hard Stop
OMR-36 Action Code Date must be filled and in a valid date format when Action Code is populated. DD20 Action Code
DD21 Action Code Date
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-96 The Servicer Loan Number and the HAMP Servicer Number for which a payment is being reported must match to an existing Trial Record within IR2. DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD469 Second Lien HAMP Servicer Number
DD470 Second Lien Servicer Loan Number
DD493 OMR Processing Date
No Hard Stop
OMR-98 The HAMP Servicer Number is mandatory and must be filled. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD469 Second Lien HAMP Servicer Number
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-113 If Action Code Date is populated, Action Code is mandatory and must be filled. DD20 Action Code
DD21 Action Code Date
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-119 The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode. DD8 HAMP Servicer Number
DD14 Servicer Loan Number
DD469 Second Lien HAMP Servicer Number
DD470 Second Lien Servicer Loan Number
No Hard Stop
OMR-121 The reported Unpaid Principal Balance must be less than or equal to the Unpaid Principal Balance submitted at official modification setup. DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount No Hard Stop
OMR-122 If Action Code (DD20) is (60) Payoff, Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount (DD294) must be $0. DD20 Action Code
DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-123 The Action Code Date being reported must be a date less than or equal to today's date. DD21 Action Code Date Yes Hard Stop
OMR-124 The action code date must be greater than or equal to the LPI date being reported.

DD21 Action Code Date
DD525 Last Paid Installment Date
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-125 The reported LPI Date must be greater than or equal to the LPI Date after Modification. DD525 Last Paid Installment Date No Hard Stop
OMR-126 The reported LPI must be less than or equal to the loan Maturity Date After Modification.

DD98 Maturity Date After Modification
DD525 Last Paid Installment Date
No Hard Stop
OMR-133 If Action Code (DD20) is not (60) Payoff or not provided, Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount (DD294) must be greater than $0. DD20 Action Code
DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-140 Last Paid Installment Date must be the 1st of a month. DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Yes Hard Stop
OMR-147 The OMR was received after the current cycle close. Please resubmit for processing next reporting cycle. DD210 Submission Status
DD470 Second Lien Servicer Loan Number
No Hard Stop
OMR-148 Action Code Date (DD21), if provided, must be on or after the corresponding loan's Modification Effective Date (DD105). DD21 Action Code Date No Hard Stop
OMR-162 Action Code Date (DD21), if it exists, - Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be less than or equal to 3 months. Calculate using the format mm-yyyy for both dates. DD21 Action Code Date
DD525 Last Paid Installment Date
Yes Hard Stop
OMR-163 For RD-HAMP, the Action Code Date ( DD21) must be on or after 9/24/2010. DD21 Action Code Date Yes Hard Stop
OMR-164 For RD-HAMP, Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be on or after 9/24/2010.
DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Yes Hard Stop
OMR-184 If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be after the date that the corresponding loan completed its initial modification term.
DD20 Action Code
DD21 Action Code Date
No Hard Stop
OMR-186 If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification is provided, the corresponding loan must have completed its initial modification term. DD20 Action Code No Hard Stop
OMR-211 If Investor Code (DD9) on the corresponding loan is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio, Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or before 1/15/2032. DD21 Action Code Date No Hard Stop
OMR-213 If Investor Code (DD9) on the corresponding loan is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio, Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be on or before 1/15/2032. DD525 Last Paid Installment Date No Hard Stop

Sheet 3: Current Change Log

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 8/01/2016
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
4/28/2016 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-218
Rule Detail Submission Status (DD210) of (6) Official Correction or (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding loan in Official Mode, Active Payment Status in the HAMP® system. Submission Status (DD210) of (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding loan in Official Mode, Active Payment Status in the HAMP system.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 4/1/2016
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
1/21/2016 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-176
All - Rule Removed Front End DTI After Modification must be less than 32%. (removed)
1/21/2016 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-221
All - Rule Removed If Borrower Monthly Housing Expenses After Modification and Borrower Monthly Gross Income Amount is greater than 0, calculated Front End DTI After Modification must be less than 32%. (removed)
1/21/2016 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-735
Rule Detail If Submission Status (DD210) is (1) Trial and the Investor Code (DD9) is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio and the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP12 (RD-HAMP) and the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null, then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan on the Trial record must exist as the Transferee HAMP Servicer Number and Transferee Servicer Loan Number in the last successfully processed servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) is 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) equals 4 (AAA Approved). The last successfully processed deal shall be selected from all SVT deals where the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination exists as either the transferee or transferor and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) of the deal is 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) of the loan is 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action). If Submission Status (DD210) is (1) Trial or (3) Official and the Investor Code (DD9) is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio and the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP12 (RD-HAMP) and the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null, then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan on the Trial record must exist as the Transferee HAMP Servicer Number and Transferee Servicer Loan Number in the last successfully processed servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) is 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) equals 4 (AAA Approved). The last successfully processed deal shall be selected from all SVT deals where the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination exists as either the transferee or transferor and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) of the deal is 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) of the loan is 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action).
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-174
Rule Detail A loan cannot be submitted with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) associated to loan that already exists in the system as an Official FHA-HAMP, RD-HAMP, HAMP Tier 1 or HAMP Tier 2 where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.

A loan cannot be submitted with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) associated to loan that already exists in the system as an Official FHA-HAMP, RD-HAMP, HAMP Tier 1, HAMP Tier 2 or Streamline HAMP where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-603
Rule Detail Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.

Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-604
Rule Detail Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.

Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary LIR-605
Rule Detail Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed.

Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off) within the HAMP system is not allowed.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-606
Rule Detail Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed.

Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-611
Rule Detail If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, HMP12, HMP21, HMP22 or HMP27 and a matched GSE Standard Modification (Program Type (DD10) of SAI) exists (based on Investor Code (DD9) / GSE Loan Number (DD5) or HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) / Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination), the GSE Standard Modification must be in a Loan State Code (DD251) of Canceled.

If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, HMP12, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 or HMP30 and a matched GSE Standard Modification (Program Type (DD10) of SAI) exists (based on Investor Code (DD9) / GSE Loan Number (DD5) or HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) / Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination), the GSE Standard Modification must be in a Loan State Code (DD251) of Canceled.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-735
Rule Detail If the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) of the submitted non-GSE loan with a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP12 (RD-HAMP) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) /Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan must exist in the latest servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) = 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) = 4 (AAA Approved) and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) = 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) = 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action).

If Submission Status (DD210) is (1) Trial and the Investor Code (DD9) is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio and the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP12 (RD-HAMP) and the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null, then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan on the Trial record must exist as the Transferee HAMP Servicer Number and Transferee Servicer Loan Number in the last successfully processed servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) is 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) equals 4 (AAA Approved). The last successfully processed deal shall be selected from all SVT deals where the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8)/Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination exists as either the transferee or transferor and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) of the deal is 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) of the loan is 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action).
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-739
Rule Detail If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification contains a non-zero dollar amount of compensation in Disbursement Suspense after an Official Cancellation, then a Trial resubmission with an Investor Code (DD9) change to or from GSE to non-GSE or to or from Fannie Mae to Freddie Mac is not allowed.
If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification contains a non-zero dollar amount of compensation in Disbursement Suspense after an Official Cancellation, then a Trial resubmission with an Investor Code (DD9) change to or from GSE to non-GSE or to or from Fannie Mae to Freddie Mac is not allowed.
10/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-740
Rule Detail If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification is Trial Active and a non-zero dollar amount of compensation exists in Disbursement Suspense, then a Submission Status (DD210) of 3 (Official) is not allowed.

If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP30, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification is Trial Active and a non-zero dollar amount of compensation exists in Disbursement Suspense, then a Submission Status (DD210) of 3 (Official) is not allowed.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 9/1/2015
5/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD37 Borrower Execution Date Condition Under Which Data Is Required If Transaction Closing Date is provided and is prior to November 1, 2012 (removed)
5/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-92
5/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-449
All-New Rule
Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 and Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) of another modification record where Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 in the submitted 1st Lien setup file is not allowed.
5/29/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-450
All-New Rule
Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 and Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) of another modification record where Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, or HMP12 in the submitted 1st Lien setup file is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD21 Action Code Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2031-01-15
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2032-01-15
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD37 Borrower Execution Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-12-31
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-12-31
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2031-01-15
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2032-01-15
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD98 Maturity Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Max: 2061-12-31
Data Range:
Max: 2062-12-31
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD105 Modification Effective Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2017-09-30
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-92
Rule Details Date of Original Note must be less than or equal to 1/1/2009. Date of Original Note (DD62) must be on or before 1/1/2009.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-112
Rule Details Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2016. Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2017.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-174
Rule Details A loan cannot be delivered with the same borrower or co-borrower social security number as an official loan that already exists in the HAMP system. A loan cannot be submitted with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) associated to loan that already exists in the system as an Official FHA-HAMP, RD-HAMP, HAMP Tier 1 or HAMP Tier 2 where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-186
Rule Details Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2016. Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-189
Rule Details Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2016. Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-190

First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2016. First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-193
Rule Details Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2016. Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2017.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-204
Rule Details The Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification (DD135) must be greater than or equal to the Principal and Interest Payment After Modification (DD132). The Principal and Interest Payment Before Modification (DD135) must be greater than or equal to the Principal and Interest Payment After Modification (DD132) if the 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) is after 12/01/2011.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-232
Rule Details A Trial or Official loan is not allowed if the borrower or co-borrower social security number matches any social security numbers associated to loans that failed the trial period. (Government Monitoring/NPV Data Only Transaction where the Trial Fallout Reason Code that disqualifies the loan is populated.) A Trial or Official loan is not allowed if the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches to any Social Security Numbers associated to loans that failed the Trial period (regardless of program) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-249
Rule Details The transaction cannot be processed because the compensation cap allocation for the HAMP Registration Number associated with this Servicer Number has been reached. The submitted HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) is associated with a servicer on the Do Not Board List and is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-307
Rule Details Supplementary Assistance Code (DD678) must be one of the following allowable values:
- None(1)
- Hardest Hit Fund(2)
- No value existed prior to attribute introduction(3)
Supplementary Assistance Code (DD678) must be one of the following allowable values:
- None(1)
- Hardest Hit Fund(2)
- No value existed prior to attribute introduction(3)

Black Knight will block enumeration 3 as it is not for servicer use.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-328
Rule Details There cannot be multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security(DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number(DD59). If the submitted Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches to multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence, it will be rejected.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-329
Rule Details There cannot be multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security(DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number(DD59). If the submitted Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches to multiple active trial loans with the same Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) where the Property Usage Type Code (DD155) is (1) Principal Residence, it will be rejected.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-334
Rule Details Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2061, if provided. Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2062, if provided.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-385
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-389
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-394
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-395
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-402
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-403
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-407
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-603
All - new rule
Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-604
All - new rule
Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the 1st Lien setup file and HAMP system is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-605
All - new rule
Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-606
All - new rule
Any loan which has one or more modifications of Program Types HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following states is considered a modified loan for counting purposes: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off. Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial, (3) Official or (6) Official Correction where the Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) matches Borrower Social Security Number (DD43) or Co-Borrower Social Security Number (DD59) to 6 or more other modified loans (HAMP Servicer Number/Loan Number combination differing from the current submission with at least one modification of Program Types (DD10) HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27 HMP9 and HMP12 in any of the following loan states: Trial Active, Official Active Payment, Official Withdrawn, Official Disqualified or Official Paid Off.) within the HAMP system is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-735
All - new rule
If the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) of the submitted non-GSE loan with a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP12 (RD-HAMP) is a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 3 (AAA) or null then the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) /Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination of the submitted loan must exist in the latest servicing transfer deal where the SVT Investor Code Category (DD1058) = 2 (Non-GSE) and the SVT AAA Received Type Code (DD1064) = 4 (AAA Approved) and the SVT Deal State Code (DD1056) = 12 (Transferred) and the SVT Loan State Code (DD1057) = 6 (Transferred) or 7 (Transferred with Action).
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-738
All - new rule
The HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) of the submitted non-GSE loan with Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of HMP12 must be a servicer with a Servicer RD-HAMP SPA Status Type Code (DD1106) of 1 (SPA), 3 (AAA) or 4 (Amended SPA).
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-739
All - new rule
If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification contains a non-zero dollar amount of compensation in Disbursement Suspense after an Official Cancellation, then a Trial resubmission with an Investor Code (DD9) change to or from GSE to non-GSE or to or from Fannie Mae to Freddie Mac is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-740
All - new rule
If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP21, HMP22, HMP27, HMP9 or HMP12 and the latest associated modification is Trial Active and a non-zero dollar amount of compensation exists in Disbursement Suspense, then a Submission Status (DD210) of 3 (Official) is not allowed.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-116
All - rule removed The reported interest amount must match the HAMP internally calculated interest and the difference between the reported and the calculated values must be within the allowable tolerance. (removed)
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-117
All - rule removed The reported Principal amount must match the HAMP internally calculated Principal and the difference between the reported and the calculated values must be within the allowable tolerance. (removed)
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-135
All - rule removed Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or before 1/15/2031. (removed)
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-139
All - rule removed Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be on or before 1/15/2031. (removed)
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-211
All - new rule
If Investor Code (DD9) on the corresponding loan is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio, Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or before 1/15/2032.
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-213
All - new rule
If Investor Code (DD9) on the corresponding loan is (3) Private or (4) Portfolio, Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be on or before 1/15/2032.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 02/02/2015
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
4/30/2015 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-148
Rule Details If an Action Code (DD20) of (60) Payoff is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or after the corresponding loan's Modification Effective Date (DD105). Action Code Date (DD21), if provided, must be on or after the corresponding loan's Modification Effective Date (DD105).
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD20 Action Code Allowable Values Enumeration:
60 - Payoff
63 - Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term
60 - Payoff
63 - Proprietary Remodification
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 10.00
Max: 9999.99
Data Range:
Min: 31.01
Max: 9999.99
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification Definition The due date of the last paid installment received on the loan immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported.
The due date of the last paid installment received on the loan immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date (DD17) for the modification being reported. This LPI Date should NOT reflect receipt of any Trial Period Plan payments that may have been remitted prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. Only regularly scheduled contractual payments under the terms of the original note, or a prior modification, should advance the LPI Date reported under DD89.
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-35
Rule Details Action Code (DD20) must be (60) Payoff or (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term, if provided. Action Code (DD20) must be (60) Payoff or (63) Proprietary Remodification, if provided.
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-184
Rule Details If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be after the date that the corresponding loan completed its initial modification term. If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be after the date that the corresponding loan completed its initial modification term.
10/28/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-186
Rule Details If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term is provided, the corresponding loan must have completed its initial modification term. If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification is provided, the corresponding loan must have completed its initial modification term.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 04/28/2014
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
2/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-122
Rule Detail If the reported Unpaid Principal Balance is greater than 0, the Action Code cannot be 60 (payoff). If Action Code (DD20) is (60) Payoff, Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount (DD294) must be $0.
2/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-133
Rule Detail If the reported Unpaid Principal Balance is equal to 0, the Action Code must be 60 (payoff).
If Action Code (DD20) is not (60) Payoff or not provided, Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount (DD294) must be greater than $0.
1/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD20 Action Code Allowable Values Enumeration:
60. Payoff
60. Payoff
63. Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term
1/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-35
Rule Detail Action Code must be a valid allowable value. Action Code (DD20) must be (60) Payoff or (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term, if provided.
1/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-148
Rule Detail The reported Action Code Date should be greater than or equal to the Loan Modification Effective Date. If an Action Code (DD20) of (60) Payoff is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or after the corresponding loan's Modification Effective Date (DD105).
1/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-184
All - New Rule
If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term is provided, Action Code Date (DD21) must be after the date that the corresponding loan completed its initial modification term.
1/24/2014 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-186
All - New Rule
If an Action Code (DD20) of (63) Proprietary Remodification After Initial Modification Term is provided, the corresponding loan must have completed its initial modification term.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 11/25/2013
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
9/26/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-06-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
9/26/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-06-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
9/26/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR - 387
All - Rule Removed 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or before 06/30/2016.
9/26/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR - 391
All - Rule Removed 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or before 06/30/2016. (removed)
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-06-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-06-30
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-06-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-06-30
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD21 Action Code Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2029-01-15
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2031-01-15
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD37 Borrower Execution Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-12-31
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-12-31
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2029-01-15
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2031-01-15
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30

Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30

8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD98 Maturity Date After Modification Allowable Values Data Range:
Max: 12-31-2059
Data Range:
Max: 12-31-2061
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD105 Modification Effective Date Allowable Values Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2016-09-30
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-112
Rule Details Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2014.
Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-186
Rule Details Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2014. Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-189
Rule Details Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-190
Rule Details First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-193
Rule Details Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2014. Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-319
All - Rule Removed Investor Code (DD9) must be Portfolio(4) or Private(3), if Supplementary Assistance Code (DD678) is, Hardest Hit Fund(2)
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-334
Rule Details For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2059, if exists. Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2061, if provided.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-387
Rule Details For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or before 06/30/2014.
1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or before 06/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-391
Rule Details For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or before 06/30/2014. 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or before 06/30/2016.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-135
Rule Details The Action Code Date must be less than or equal to 1/15/2029. Action Code Date (DD21) must be on or before 1/15/2031.
8/22/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules OMR-139
Rule Details Last Paid Installment Date must be less than or equal to 1/15/2029. Last Paid Installment Date (DD525) must be on or before 1/15/2031.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 09/16/2013
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
8/7/2013 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-611
All - New Rule
If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is HMP1, HMP2, HMP7, HMP9, HMP12, HMP21, HMP22 or HMP27 and a matched GSE Standard Modification (Program Type (DD10) of SAI) exists (based on Investor Code (DD9) / GSE Loan Number (DD5) or HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) / Servicer Loan Number (DD14) combination), the GSE Standard Modification must be in a Loan State Code (DD251) of Canceled

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 04/01/2013
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
1/25/2013 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification Definition Existing monthly payment for association dues/fees before modification immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This amount should reflect the monthly amount of association dues/fees required to be paid by the borrower. Existing monthly payment for association dues/fees before modification immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This amount should reflect the monthly amount of association dues/fees required to be paid by the borrower. In addition, if a displaced borrower is requesting modification for the principal residence from which the borrower was displaced and the borrower is paying rent to live elsewhere, the rent amount should be included with any association dues.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 12/03/2012
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
12/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-139
Rule Detail Mandatory currency attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.
Currency attribute if provided, must be greater than or equal to 0.
12/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-169
Rule Detail Attribute must be in valid date format. Attribute must be in valid date format, if provided.
12/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD17 1st Trial Payment Due Date Allowable Values Min:2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Max: 2014-06-30
RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Allowable Values Min: 31.01
Max: 9999.99
Min: 10.00
Max: 9999.99
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary All All - new column added Associated Rules
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD18 1st Trial Payment Posted Date Allowable Values Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-06-30
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD26 Amortization Term Before Modification Definition Represents the number of months on which installment payments are based under the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. Example: Balloon loans have a seven year life (Loan Term = 84) but a 30 year amortization period (Amortization Term = 360). Installment payments are determined based on the 360 month. Represents the number of months on which installment payments are based under the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. Example: Balloon loans have a seven year life (Loan Term = 84) but a 30 year amortization period (Amortization Term = 360). Installment payments are determined based on the 360 month.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD29 Association Dues/Fees Before Modification Definition Existing monthly payment for association dues/fees before modification immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This amount should reflect the monthly amount of association dues/fees required to be paid by the borrower. Existing monthly payment for association dues/fees before modification immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This amount should reflect the monthly amount of association dues/fees required to be paid by the borrower.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD31 Back Ratio After Modification Definition The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. This includes Private Mortgage Insurance payments. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25).

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25).
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD32 Back Ratio Before Modification Definition The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. This includes Private Mortgage Insurance payments. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25). Additionally, the value used in the trial loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the trial period plan terms, and the value used in the official loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the permanent modification terms.

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
The borrower's total debt-to-income ratio based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This is the borrower's total monthly expenses, including PITIA and other debt expenses, divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 50.25). Additionally, the value used in the trial loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the trial period plan terms, and the value used in the official loan set up data submission should reflect the income information used to establish the permanent modification terms.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD37 Borrower Execution Date Allowable Values Data Range
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-12-31
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD62 Date of Original Note Allowable Values Max: 2009-01-01 Min: 1950-01-01
Max: 2009-01-01
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD67 Escrow Payment After Modification Definition Report the escrow amount expected in the first payment after loan modification. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagee, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance payments must be excluded.

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
Report the escrow amount expected in the first payment after loan modification. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagee, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD68 Escrow Payment Before Modification Definition Report the monthly escrow payment amount calculated in the escrow analysis performed in conjunction with determining the borrowers eligibility for a trial period plan. The escrow analysis must be performed for all borrowers, including those that do not currently escrow for taxes and insurance. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagor, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any allowable escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance payments must be excluded.

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
Report the monthly escrow payment amount calculated in the escrow analysis performed in conjunction with determining the borrowers eligibility for the most recent trial period plan for the modification being reported. The escrow analysis must be performed for all borrowers, including those that do not currently escrow for taxes and insurance. This is the amount of money that may be collected by the servicer as part of the regular monthly mortgage payment to cover, on behalf of the mortgagor, periodic payments of property taxes and hazard insurance. Any allowable escrow shortage payment amounts must be included. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD74 First Payment Due Date After Modification Allowable Values Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD76 Front Ratio After Modification Definition The borrower's housing-debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's monthly housing expense (principal, interest, taxes, insurance and association dues and any escrow shortage payment amount) divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance payments must be excluded. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 31.05).

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
The borrower's housing-debt-to-income ratio after modification. This is the borrower's monthly housing expense divided by their total monthly income. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist. Report to the 2nd decimal place (e.g. 31.05).
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification Allowable Values Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Data Range:
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Allowable Values Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD89 Last Paid Installment Date Before Modification Definition The due date of the last paid installment received on the loan immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. The due date of the last paid installment received on the loan immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD98 Maturity Date After Modification Allowable Values Max: 01-01-2059 Max: 12-31-2059
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD99 Maturity Date Before Modification Definition The date on which the mortgage obligation is scheduled to be paid off, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. Maturity Date is commonly called Balloon Date for balloon loans, for which scheduled amortization does not pay off the balance of the loan, so that there is a final, large ""balloon"" payment at the end. The date on which the mortgage obligation is scheduled to be paid off, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. Maturity Date is commonly called Balloon Date for balloon loans, for which scheduled amortization does not pay off the balance of the loan, so that there is a final, large ""balloon"" payment at the end.
Allowable Values Min: 09-24-2010
Max: 12-31-2058
Min: 09-24-2010
Max: 12-31-2059
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD105 Modification Effective Date Allowable Values Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2014-09-30
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD112 Monthly Housing Expense After Modification Definition The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property after modification. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance payments must be excluded

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property after modification. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD113 Monthly Housing Expense Before Modification Definition The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance payments must be excluded.

Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
The borrower's monthly housing expense for the subject property based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This must include principal, interest, taxes, insurance, association dues (PITIA), and any escrow shortage payment amount. Private Mortgage Insurance Payments do not exist.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD155 Property Usage Type Code Definition A code identifying the current use by the borrower of the property. A code identifying the current use of the property by the borrower. For HAMP, FHA-HAMP and RD-HAMP this is determined at Loan Setup; for HAFA® this is determined at the time of the HAFA Agreement Issue Date.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD165 Remaining Term Before Modification Definition The remaining number of months until the loan will be paid off, assuming that scheduled payments are made, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the Trial Period Plan Effective Date. This will equal lesser of 1. The number of months until the actual balance of the loan will amortize to zero; or 2. The number of months difference between the LPI date and the Maturity Date. The remaining number of months until the loan will be paid off, assuming that scheduled payments are made, based on the existing mortgage loan terms immediately prior to the most recent Trial Period Plan Effective Date for the modification being reported. This will equal lesser of 1. The number of months until the actual balance of the loan will amortize to zero; or 2. The number of months difference between the LPI date and the Maturity Date.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-112
Rule Details Borrower Execution Date must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. Borrower Execution Date (DD37) must be on or before 12/31/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-186
Rule Details Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification (DD87) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-189
Rule Details Loan Modification Effective Date must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. Loan Modification Effective Date (DD105) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-190
Rule Details First Payment Due Date After Modification must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. First Payment Due Date After Modification (DD74) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-193
Rule Details Last Paid Installment Date After Modification must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. Last Paid Installment Date After Modification (DD88) must be on or before 09/30/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-333
Rule Details For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date Before Modification (DD99) should be less than 01/01/2059. For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date Before Modification (DD99) must be on or before 12/31/2059.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-334
Rule Details For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) should be less than 01/01/2059, if exists. For all Trial and Official modification loans, Maturity Date After Modification (DD98) must be on or before 12/31/2059, if exists.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-387
Rule Details For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or before 12/31/2013. For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Due Date (DD17) must be on or before 06/30/2014.
8/3/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-391
Rule Details For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or before 12/31/2013. For RD-HAMP, 1st Trial Payment Posted Date (DD18) must be on or before 06/30/2014.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 9/4/2012
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary All All Trial Payment Reporting Column - Removed
Trial Payment reporting no longer accepted for RD-HAMP
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD219 Trial Payment Number All - attribute removed
Trial Payment reporting no longer accepted for RD-HAMP
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD220 Trial Payment Posted Date All - attribute removed
Trial Payment reporting no longer accepted for RD-HAMP
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD221 Trial Payment Received Amount All - attribute removed
Trial Payment reporting no longer accepted for RD-HAMP
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules LIR-415
Rule Details For RD-HAMP, the Cancellation was not accepted because it was not matched to the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) and Servicer Loan Number (DD14) of an existing active modification record. If Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) is (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP and Submission Status (DD210) is (5) Trial Cancel or (7) Official Cancel , the corresponding loan in the HAMP system must also have a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP.
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-19
All - rule removed The reported HAMP Servicer Number must match to the HAMP Servicer Number in the HAMP system. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-20
All - rule removed Servicer Loan Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-23
All - rule removed Trial Payment Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-26
All - rule removed Trial Payment Posted Date is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-27
All - rule removed Trial Payment Received Amount is mandatory and must be filled and must be greater than or equal to 0. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-96
All - rule removed The Servicer Loan Number and the HAMP Servicer Number for which a payment is being reported must match to an existing Trial Record within IR2. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-98
All - rule removed The HAMP Servicer Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-105
All - rule removed If the Investor Code is Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the GSE Servicer Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-106
All - rule removed If the GSE Servicer Number is populated, the GSE Loan Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-107
All - rule removed The GSE Loan Number reported in the trial payment reporting file must match the GSE Loan Number recorded for the loan in the HAMP system. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-108
All - rule removed The reported GSE Servicer Number in trial reporting must match the GSE servicer number recorded for the loan in the HAMP system. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-109
All - rule removed The Trial Payment Number must be greater than or equal to 2. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-110
All - rule removed If the GSE Loan Number is populated, the GSE Servicer Number is mandatory and must be filled. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-123
All - rule removed Trial Payment Posted Date must be less than or equal to 12/31/2013. (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-126
All - rule removed Trial Payment shall be rejected when there is an active HAFA Notification or HAFA Payment exisiting in the system (removed)
4/9/2012 RD-HAMP Data Rules PMT-133
All - rule removed For RD-HAMP, the Trial Payment Posted Date (DD220) must be on or after 9/24/2010 which is the Treasury Rural Development - HAMP program effective date. (removed)

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 1/30/2012
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD105 Modification Effective Date Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-200
Hard Stop
Hard Stop

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Data Dictionary Documentation Update for Previously Implemented Changes
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD21 Action Code Date Rule Type - Rule Update OMR-36
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD24 Amortization Term After Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-71
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD31 Back Ratio After Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-341
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD76 Front Ratio After Modification Rule Details - Rule added to Data Point
For all Trial (if exists), and Permanent Modifications, the Back Ratio After Modification (DD31) should always be greater than or equal to the Front Ratio After Modification (DD76), if provided
Rule Type - Rule added to Data Point
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD77 Front Ratio Before Modification Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point LIR-341
For all Trial (if exists), and Permanent Modifications, the Back Ratio After Modification (DD31) should always be
greater than or equal to the Front Ratio After Modification (DD76), if provided
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point LIR-341
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD8 HAMP Servicer Number Rule Details - Rule added to Data Point
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule added to Data Point
Hard Stop
Rule Details - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Trial Payment shall be rejected when there is an active HAFA Notification or HAFA Payment exisiting in the system
Rule Type - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Hard Stop
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-19
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD82 Interest Payment Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-74
Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Hard Stop


Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule Update

Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point
If 1MP and If Product After Modification is 'Fixed Rate', Interest Rate After Modification is equal to Maximum Interest Rate.

Interest Rate After Modification (DD83) must be less than or equal to Interest Rate Before Modification (DD85).
If 1MP and If Product After Modification is 'Fixed Rate', Interest Rate After Modification must be equal to Maximum Interest Rate.

2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD85 Interest Rate Before Modification Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point LIR-376
Interest Rate After Modification (DD83) must be less than or equal to Interest Rate Before Modification (DD85).
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-62
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD87 Interest Rate Lock Date for Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-54
Warning at Trial/Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Warning at Trial/Hard Stop

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Warning for Trial Loan Setup/Hard Stop for Official Loan Setup

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD9 Investor Code Rule Details - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
If Investor Code is Private or Portfolio, then the Fee Cap Amount cannot be 0.
Rule Type - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Hard Stop
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-34
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop


Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point LIR-226
If an official loan is cancelled, do not allow an official submission after an official cancellation in the same reporting period.
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD525 Last Paid Installment Date Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point

Rule Type - Rule Update
Hard Stop

Hard Stop(This is LPS=YES)

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-403
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD91 Length of Trial Period Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-404
For RD-HAMP: The Length of Trial Period (DD91) is mandatory and must be filled.
For RD-HAMP, Length of Trial Period (DD91) is mandatory and must be filled.
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-404
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code Rule Type - New Rule
Hard Stop
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point

Rule Type - Rule Update
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD294 Loan Unpaid Principal Balance Amount Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD105 Modification Effective Date Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-183
First Trial Payment Due Date must be less than Modification Effective Date.
1st Trial Payment Due Date must be less than Modification Effective Date.
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-407
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD459 Partial Claim Amount Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-408
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD137 Principal Payment Rule Details - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule removed from Data Point OMR-119
Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD140 Product After Modification Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-409
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-409
For RD-HAMP, the Product After Modification (DD140) must be 2 (Fixed).
For RD-HAMP, Product After Modification (DD140) must be 2 (Fixed).
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD10 Program Type/Campaign ID Rule Details - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel can not have a corresponding cancelled trial loan in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official can not have an existing corresponding trial loan in the HAMP system that is cancelled.

Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is already in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding existing loan in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (6) Official Correction or (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding loan in Official Mode, Active Payment Status in the HAMP system.
RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Rule Type - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Hard Stop
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-410
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-411
For RD-HAMP, The Program Type / Campaign ID (DD10) submitted does not match the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) on the existing Trial Active record. The existing trial must be canceled before a new program type code can be submitted.

For RD-HAMP, Corrections are not currently allowed for Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) equal to (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP)

For RD-HAMP, Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) must be (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP for this cancel transaction.
For RD-HAMP, Program Type / Campaign ID (DD10) submitted does not match the Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) on the existing Trial Active record. The existing trial must be canceled before a new program type code can be submitted.

For RD-HAMP, Official Corrections are not currently allowed for Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) equal to (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP)

For RD-HAMP, the submitted cancellation transaction must match an existing record with a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of (HMP-12) Rural Development - HAMP.
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD14 Servicer Loan Number Rule Details - Rule added to Data Point
The Loan for which the payment is being submitted in the official monthly reporting file cannot be inactive or in Trial Mode.
Rule Type - Rule added to Data Point
Hard Stop
Rule Details - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Trial Payment shall be rejected when there is an active HAFA Notification or HAFA Payment exisiting in the system
Rule Type - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-415
For RD-HAMP, the Cancellation was not accepted because it has not matched to the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) and Servicer Loan Number (DD14) of an existing active modification record.
For RD-HAMP, the Cancellation was not accepted because it was not matched to the HAMP Servicer Number (DD8) and Servicer Loan Number (DD14) of an existing active modification record.
Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-33
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
2/29/2012 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD210 Submission Status Rule Type - Rule Update LIR-35
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Rule Details - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official requires a corresponding active trial loan to exist in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel can not have a corresponding cancelled trial loan in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official can not have an existing corresponding trial loan in the HAMP system that is cancelled.

Submission Status (DD210) of (1) Trial can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (3) Official can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is already in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (5) Trial Cancel can not have an existing corresponding loan in the HAMP system that is in Official status.

Submission Status (DD210) of (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding existing Official loan in the HAMP system.

Submission Status (DD210) of (6) Official Correction or (7) Official Cancel requires a corresponding loan in Official Mode, Active Payment Status in the HAMP system.

If an official loan is cancelled, do not allow an official submission after an official cancellation in the same reporting period.
Rule Type - Previously implemented rule added to Data Dictionary
Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop

Hard Stop
Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-414
For RD-HAMP, Corrections are not currently allowed for Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) equal to (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP)

For RD-HAMP, Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) must be (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP for this cancel transaction.
For RD-HAMP, Official Corrections are not currently allowed for Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) equal to (HMP12) Rural Development - HAMP)

For RD-HAMP, the submitted cancellation transaction must match an existing record with a Program Type/Campaign ID (DD10) of (HMP-12) Rural Development - HAMP.

RD-HAMP Data Dictionary Changes - Revisions Effective Starting 7/25/2011
Publication Date Tab Ref ID Name of Data Point Field Old Value New Value
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD21 Action Code Date Allowable Value Data Range:
For 1MP & 2MPSM:
Min: 2009-03-04
Max: 2029-01-15

For FHA:
Min: 2009-08-15
Max: 2029-01-15

Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Data Range:
For 1MP & 2MP:
Min: 2009-03-04
Max: 2029-01-15

For FHA:
Min: 2009-08-15
Max: 2029-01-15

Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2029-01-15
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD24 Amortization Term After Modification Rule Details - New Rule
LIR-393 - For RD-HAMP, Amortization Term After Modification (DD24) must be less than or equal to the greater of (480 or Remaining Term Before Modification).
Rule Type - New Rule
Hard Stop
RD-HAMP Trial Set-Up O(Optional) M (Mandatory)
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD5 GSE Loan Number Rule Details - Rule Removed LIR-374
The GSE Loan Number (DD5) on a 1MP submission (trial, official loan setup, or official correction) with an Investor Code (DD9) of (2) Freddie Mac should not be found when compared to the most recent 1MP loan record that is not Trial Cancelled or Trial DQed within the same Investor Code (DD9) of (2) Freddie Mac unless it is matched to the same loan as the submission.

The GSE Loan Number (DD5) on a 1MP submission (trial, official loan setup, or official correction) with an Investor Code (DD9) of (1) Fannie Mae should not be found when compared to the most recent 1MP loan record that is not Trial Cancelled or Trial DQed within the same Investor Code (DD9) of (1) Fannie Mae unless it is matched to the same loan as the submission.
Rule Type - Rule Removed LIR-374
Hard Stop

Hard Stop
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD83 Interest Rate After Modification Allowable Values - update Data Range:
For 1MP:
Min: 0
Max: 99.9999

For SD 09-06:
Min: 1
Max: 99.9999

Min: 0.001
Max: 99.9999
Data Range:
Min: 0
Max: 99.9999

For SD 09-06:
Min: 1
Max: 99.9999
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD525 Last Paid Installment Date

Allowable Value Data Range:
For 1MP & 2MP:
Min: 2009-03-04
Max: 2029-01-15

For FHA:
Min: 2009-08-15
Max: 2029-01-15

Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2013-12-31
Data Range:
For 1MP & 2MP:
Min: 2009-03-04
Max: 2029-01-15

For FHA:
Min: 2009-08-15
Max: 2029-01-15

Min: 2010-09-24
Max: 2029-01-15
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD88 Last Paid Installment Date After Modification

Rule Details - Rule Removed OMR-140
Last Paid Installment Date must be the 1st of a month.
Rule Type - Rule Removed OMR-140
Hard Stop
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD93 Loan Mortgage Type Code Allowable Value Enumeration:
1 - FHA - Loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration
2 - VA - Loans insured by the Department of Veterans Affairs
3 - Conventional with PMI - Non-government insured mortgages insured by a private (non-government) insurer
4 - Conventional w/o PMI - Mortgages with neither government nor private mortgage insurance.
5 - RD-HAMP - Loans guaranteed by the Department of Agriculture (Rural Development)
1 - FHA - Loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration
2 - VA - Loans insured by the Department of Veterans Affairs
3 - Conventional with PMI - Non-government insured mortgages insured by a private (non-government) insurer
4 - Conventional w/o PMI - Mortgages with neither government nor private mortgage insurance.
5 - RD-HAMP - Loans guaranteed by the Department of Agriculture (Rural Development)*

*- Applies to RD-HAMP
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD402 Loan Modification Fallout Reason Code Rule Details - Rule Update LIR-405
Loan Modification Fallout Reason code (DD402) is mandatory and must have one of the following values for RD: (1) Ineligible Mortgage, (14) Trial Plan Default, (15) Data Correction (Incorrect data), (16) Payor Request, (17) Compliance Request, (18) Submission Error Correction (Incorrect transaction type).
Loan Modification Fallout Reason code (DD402) is mandatory and must have one of the following values for RD-HAMP: (1) Ineligible Mortgage, (14) Trial Plan Default, (15) Data Correction (Incorrect data), (16) Payor Request, (17) Compliance Request, (18) Submission Error Correction (Incorrect transaction type).
6/30/2011 RD-HAMP Data Dictionary DD161 Property Zip Code
Data Type/Data Length Text (9) Numeric (5 or 9)
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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