DOE F 413.7 HIA Application

Programs for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings

413.7 HIA Application 2019.xlsx

Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) Program

OMB: 1910-5184

Document [xlsx]
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Form Information
Application Tracker & Checklist
General Information
Land, Design, and Quality
Business, Sales & Marketing
Bonus Options
Affordable Only
Answer Key

Sheet 1: Form Information

DOE HQ F 413.7

OMB Control #: 1910-5184

Exp. Date: 10/31/2019

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 8 Hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other apsect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Office of the CHief Information Officer, Records Management Division, IM-23, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5184), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washigton, DC 20585-1290 and to the office of Management and Budget (OMB), OIRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5184), Washginton, DC 20503.

Sheet 2: Instructions

Sheet 3: Application Tracker & Checklist

2019 Housing Innovation Awards Application Tracker & Required Documents Checklist
Application Tracker
General Information (REQUIRED) INCOMPLETE
Land, Design & Quality Construction (REQUIRED) INCOMPLETE
Business, Sales, & Marketing (REQUIRED) INCOMPLETE
Bonus Options OPTIONAL
Application Portal Required Documentation Checklist
Application Form with ALL required sections completed
DOE ZERH verification form and certificate (PDF).
IAP Certificate
A minimum of 10 photographs (JPG 0.5 to 10 MB file size)
One High-Res Front Elevation Image in Good Lighting (2400-4800ppi)
Finished elevations (a minimum of 3 photographs)
Finished interiors (a minimum of 3 photographs)
Home under construction showing significant energy-efficiency details (a minimum of 3 photographs)
Other Photographs (optional)
Floor plans (simple drawings as JPGs or PDFs)
Optional (but highly encouraged) – Home Owner Quotes
Optional (but highly encouraged) – video or audio home owner testimony
Optional (but highly encouraged) – utility bills or actual performance data
Optional (but highly encouraged) – links to videos, pdfs of other program certifications and awards, and other attachments I have listed in the narrative.
Have I successfully completed and/or uploaded all required documentation? Not Yet!
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By submitting this application form and the required documentation, including photographs and floor plans, I hereby give permission to DOE and its contractors to use the materials for press alerts, case studies, the Tour of Zero, the Housing Innovation Awards website, the DOE Building America Program and other DOE websites, articles, and promotions as appropriate.

Sheet 4: General Information

2019 Housing Innovation Awards Application Form
Application Category

Project Name

Project Location
Street Address



Zip Code

Applicant Information
Company Name

Contact Name





Project Information

ZERH Compliance Path

Be sure to answer all questions in this section.
Completion Date

Application Category INCOMPLETE
Climate Zone

Local Code Equivalent

Project Location INCOMPLETE
Housing Type

Applicant Info INCOMPLETE
Conditioned Square Feet

# of Bedrooms

Other Certifications INCOMPLETE
# of Baths

Performance Info INCOMPLETE
# of Floors Above Grade

*Note: If a specific section does not apply to your project, please type N/A in the answer field.

Finished Basement (Y/N)

PV System

Other Certifications


IBHS Fortified Home

ZERH Quality Man. Guidelines


LEED for Homes


EPA WaterSense

Other Local/National Programs Type N/A if none

Peformance Information

Without PV With PV- Type N/A if none

HERS Index

Annual Utility Costs

Energy Cost Savings

Energy Savings

Incremental Costs


1) Check DOE ZERH Verification report or other ratings

2) Projected based on HERS software analysis; check DOE ZERH verification report or other ratings

3) Provide in kWh, Therms, MMBtus, Gallons, etc (please specify)

4) Only include upgrade costs required to achieve ZERH certification without incentives. This is not

the overall cost of the project for non-relevant upgrades (examples: expensive finishes added for design only

the overall cost of the project for non-relevant upgrades (examples: expensive finishes added for design only

with no required performance characteristics.)

without PV utility costs + cost savings

6)To protect privacy, please avoid using owner/occupant name as project name

Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 5: Performance

Above-Grade Walls Be sure to answer all questions in this section.
Which best describes the above-grade wall type of this home?
Above Grade Walls INCOMPLETE
Did you use advanced framing techniques? If so, please check all that apply.
What is the total R-value of this home's above-grade walls? Enter a value.
Please describe the wall construction layers from interior to exterior (Example): __ inch drywall; __ inch studs at __ inch on center with ___ inches ____type of wall cavity insulation or __ inch ICF or SIP or CMUs etc.; sheathing type, housewrap or other weather-resistant barrier type, ____ inch EPS/XPS/poly iso rigid foam; drainage plane; and siding.
Foundation and Below Grade Walls INCOMPLETE
Ventilation INCOMPLETE
Water Conservation INCOMPLETE
Energy Management INCOMPLETE
Optional: Please add any other details it would be helpful to know about above-grade walls
*Note: If a specific section does not apply to your project, please type N/A in the answer field.


Roof construction?

Roof design?

Cladding type?

Is the roof ENERGY STAR cool roof certified?

Please describe the roof construction layers from the interior to the exterior:

Optional: Please add any other details it would be helpful to know about the roof


Is this home’s attic vented or unvented?

Insulation Type 1


Inches Installed


Insulation Type 2

R-Value (If No Selection please type N/A)

Inches Installed (If No Selection please type N/A)

Location (If No Selection please type N/A)

Insulation Type 3

R-Value (If No Selection please type N/A)

Inches Installed (If No Selection please type N/A)

Location (If No Selection please type N/A)

Did you use raised heel energy trusses?

Radiant Barrier included?

Please describe any other details about the attic below. (If applicable, include number of inches for energy trusses.)

Foundation & Below-Grade Walls

Which best describes this home's type of foundation?

Which best describes this home's below-grade walls?

Please describe the basement or crawlspace wall construction layers from the interior to the exterior, identifying all applicable layers (Example): __ inch drywall; __ inch studs at __ inch on center; __ inches open-cell/closed -cell spray foam; ___ inches rigid foam; __ inch ICF, poured concrete, or precast concrete; ______ water proofing; ___ inches rigid foam; dimpled plastic drain mat; or SIP or CMUs etc.; sheathing type, housewrap or other weather-resistant barrier type, rigid foam thickness and type, drainage plane, and siding. Total R-value: R-__

Optional: Please add any other details it would be helpful to know about the foundation and below-grade walls.


How many layers of glass do most windows in this home have?

What is the U-value(s) of the windows?

What is the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(s) (SHGC) of the windows?

Does the U-value and/or SHGC value vary depending on what direction the windows are facing?

Do the windows have low emissivity coatings?

Are the windows filled with a gas?

What type of frame was used on most of the windows?

What style are the windows in the home?

Were any shading devices or dynamic glazing included?

Optional: Please add any other details it would be helpful to know about the windows.

Air Sealing

Record the result of the whole-house blower door air leakage test in air changes per hour at 50 Pascals pressure differential (ACH50).

Please describe wall, attic, and floor air sealing strategies in detail for the above-grade walls, below-grade walls, attic floor or ceiling, and foundation.


What type of ventilation system does this home have?

Describe any additional sensors or controls (ex. timers, humidity sensors).

List filter MERV ratings and filter locations.

Provide any additional relevant details.

Hot Water

Please answer the following three questions about the home's primary water heater.

(1) How many gallons of water does the hot water heater hold? Please enter 0 if the system is tankless or instantaneous.

(2) What type of water heater?

(3) What is the efficiency of the unit? Please record units in AFUE, EF, or COP.

Does this home have a back-up water heater? If so, what kind?

Does this home have combined heating and domestic hot water?

Does this home have a solar thermal water heating system?

Please describe the water heating system in detail. Topics to include: type and efficiency, location


What is the primary HVAC system in this home?

Which best describes the primary heating system of this home?

Please fill in the blanks of the selected choice above for the home's primary heating system.

Does this home have a secondary heating system?

Which best describes the secondary heating system of this home?

Please fill in the blanks of the selected choice above for the home's secondary heating system. (Type N/A if no selection)

Does the home make use of passive solar design?

Does this home have air conditioning?

Please fill in the blanks (if applicable) of the selected choice above for the home's AC unit. (Type N/A if none)

Which best describes the duct system in this home?

Compact duct design?

Ducts in conditioned space?

Please describe the HVAC, air conditioning unit, duct design, and any passive solar design for the home.


What percent of uses the following lighitng types? (Please exclude appliance lighting)



Other, please explain below.

Does any of the lighting have controls?

Does this home incorporate any daylighting strategies?

Please record the details of daylighting strategies here. Type N/A if none.

Optional: Please add any other details it would be helpful to know about the windows.


List all ENERGY STAR qualifying appliances.


How many kilowatts (KW) of solar photovoltaics was installed on this home? Enter 0 if no solar was installed.

If no solar photovoltaics were installed, what steps were taken to make this home solar ready?

Does this home have battery storage?

If PV was installed, indicate location.

Please record details about PV and battery. Type N/A if none.

What type of PV was installed?

Was solar water heating installed on this home? If yes, what type of system was installed? Type N/A if no selection.

Water Conservation

Does this home have low-flow plumbing fixtures?

Does this home have any WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures?

Please list WaterSense Certified products. Type N/A if none.

Is the whole house WaterSense certified?

What type of hot water plumbing design is used?

Please record compact plumbing design pipe type. Type N/A if none.

Is there a recirculation pump on any of the plumbing lines?

What water-saving features does your landscaping incorporate?

Does this home have a water recycling system?

Does this home have a rain water collection system?

Does this home incorporate any storm water management practices?

If applicable, please describe water recycling, rain water collection systems, or storm water management practices. Type N/A if none.

Energy Management

If your home has an energy management system, please describe it here (smart thermostats, smart lighting, smart appliances, Wi-Fi connected, PV tracking, etc.)


Does this home have an electric vehicle charging station?

Does this home incorporate any aging-in-place or universal design features?

If yes, please explain them here. Type N/A if none.

Please list any low emission products are used in this home (ex. Low-/no-VOC, no formaldehyde). Type N/A if none.

Please list other indoor air quality systems and solutions implemented in this home. Type N/A if none.

Please list any sustainable or recycled products are used in the home? Type N/A if none.

Are there any other energy efficient or sustainable features of the home you would like to mention? Type N/A if none.

Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 6: Land, Design, and Quality

Land Development (REQUIRED) Be sure to answer all questions in this section.
Describe any site issues addressed to locate a zero energy ready home on this property. Discuss topography and site constraints, solar orientation, landscaping sonsideration related to energy efficiency, site water runoff issues, and landscaping for water conservation. (Note: all sites have unique characteristics. Even if you are building on a home owner’s lot with no choice about site, consider how you dealt with or optimized site-specific conditions.)
Land Development INCOMPLETE
Quality Construction INCOMPLETE
*Note: If a specific section does not apply to your project, please type N/A in the answer field.


Describe the home’s architectural style (e.g., traditional colonial, modern). Note how the home’s design impacted the energy-efficiency and performance of the home. Include discussion of climate-specific design features, regional design factors, natural comfort factors, disaster resistance, sustainable materials, etc. Include ways that you have integrated energy/performance features into aesthetic or architectural design. Discuss considerations in design process to maximize energy efficiency (apart from renewable energy). Discuss considerations in design process for cost-effective achievement of performance goals.

Quality Construction (REQUIRED)

What quality management practices did you employ to ensure minimum defects and waste while incorporating proven advanced technologies? Examples: Pre-construction team meetings; comprehensive construction documents; quality management plan; training; material waste management; etc. (Note: If you have official quality assurance program)

Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 7: Business, Sales & Marketing

Business Metrics (REQUIRED) Be sure to answer all questions in this section.
How did you measure the business results of your investment in Zero Energy Ready Homes? Explain your comprehensive business model for Zero Energy Ready Homes. Examples: Incremental cost of construction above code; time-to-sale; number of home buyer visitors; media coverage; customer satisfaction surveys; actual energy billing data. (Note: for affordable or non-profit projects these may be different. Discuss any analysis ofcost optimization while acheiving performance goals. Consider the metrics that you track to identify success in your programs or that fit within your organization’s mission).
Business Metrics INCOMPLETE
Sales, Marketing, and Consumer Education INCOMPLETE
*Note: If a specific section does not apply to your project, please type N/A in the answer field.

Sales, Marketing, and Consumer Education (REQUIRED)

What marketing and sales solutions did you employ to address the energy efficiency and performance of this home? How do you communicate high performance to your buyers? Give specific examples of how you market the Zero Energy Ready Home brand (Note: for affordable housing this might include creative examples such as training for occupants on how to optimize their home.) If your buyers seek you out, discuss ways that your marketing or messaging creates the demand. Examples: Sales training; displays; warranties; sales data comparisons to standard construction; tours; articles; videos home owner’s manuals; marketing techniques; social media. Note: Attaching examples of marketing materials in the application portal or linking to videos is recommended.

Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 8: Bonus Options

Your Story: This section will help us with details collected for the Tour of Zero profiles. It is also a way to help tell why your unique approach is a success. All reponses are optional but strongly encouraged.
How many homes a year do you build?
In what cities/states?
What types of homes do you build (percentage of each is helpful):
single-family detached/duplex/multi-family;
Any gut rehab or remodeling?
When did you start building?
When did you become a partner with the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Program?
How many DOE ZERH certified homes have you constructed?
How many certified homes do you currently have planned?
Have you made a commitment to certify all of your homes to the DOE ZERH?
If yes, when did you make that commitment?
Have you participated in other certification programs in the past (or do you currently)?
Are you committed to those programs?
Do you teach or participate in any builder, contractor, or home owner education activities?
As a ZERH home builder, how are you using this home and others you build to educate the public/industry?
What do you like about the DOE ZERH program?
Do you have suggestions to improve the DOE ZERH program?
What is your biggest challenge with energy-efficient high-performance construction?
What is the biggest reward?
Home owner (or occupant) Testimony: Has the house been occupied?  If so, provide any testimony or quotes from the home owner or occupant about their experience living in a Zero Energy Ready Home. Testimony of occupant experience as it relates to performance (e.g. comfort, health, durability, efficiency) of the home is especially helpful. Feedback on how the home is actually performing, or quotes from occupants can earn you bonus points. Plain text may be submitted here. Files must be uploaded to the Application Portal. Please indicate here whether you have uploaded any files.
Home Owner Video or Audio testimonial: A quote from an occupant is informative, but hearing from that occupant directly can be a powerful marketing message. Links to home owner testimonial videos or audio testimonials can earn you bonus points. If you have a video or audio recording, please provide a link here or in a word document. Files must be uploaded to the Application Portal. Please indicate here whether you have uploaded any files.
Actual Utility Bills (or monitored performance data): If the home is occupied, please ask the home owner for utility bills. If you or another organization are monitoring the home’s energy use, please provide energy usage data. Files must be uploaded to the Application Portal. Please indicate here whether you have uploaded any files.
Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 9: Affordable Only

Affordable Housing (Required only for Affordable Housing Category): Please answer the following questions relating to the affordability of your project: Be sure to answer all questions in this section.

Location Characterization
Affordable Housing INCOMPLETE

Urban Suburban Rural (note: this could be a drop down or check box)
Please describe any workforce training initiatives included in the project (Partnerships with formal programs to use the project to train local workforce). Type N/A if none.

Describe the funding mechanism for this project including any formal program or incentives (Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Qualified Allocation Plans, charitiable organizations, donations, volunteer efforts). Type N/A if none.

Please describe any income eligibility requirements for purchasing this home (Percent of local household median income; specific income caps; workforce housing requirements, etc.) Type N/A if none.

Please descirbe any other aspects of this project's approach that specifically focus on affordability. Provide examples that clearly demonstrate appropriateness for this category. (List local market conditions such as whether the home is an in area of persistent poverty; discuss mechanisms such as green appraisers or energy efficient mortgage products; if applicable, discuss the use of market rate projects to subsidize affordable project; discuss any development housing affordability requirements related to the project; discuss ways that lower energy costs are leveraged to deliver a better product to the occupant)

Back to Application Tracker

Sheet 10: Answer Key

Compliance Path Climate Zone Category Code General EnergyStar Application Category Housing Type Orientation PV
Performance 1 Custom Buyer 2006 IECC Yes v3.0 Affordable Single-Family Detached North Owned
Prescriptive 2 Custom Spec 2009 IECC No v3.1 Custom (Buyer) Single-Family Attached (Townhome) South Leased

3 Affordable 2012 IECC

Custom (Spec) Multi-Family East N/A

4 Multi-family 2015 IECC


5 Production Other





Above Grade Walls

Wall Type Inputs Advanced Framing Inputs
Roof Type Input Angle of Roof Input

2x4, 16” o.c 24" On Center Stud Spacing
Truss Flat Roof

2x4, 24” o.c. Single Top Plates
Rafter Gabled Roof

2x6, 16” o.c. 3-Stud Insulated Corner
SIPs Hip Roof

2x6, 24” o.c. 2-Stud Corner with Drywall Clips
Other (Explain Below) Shed roof

Double Wall Open/Insulated Headers
No selection Other (Explain Below)

Staggered Stud Ladder Blocking at Interior Wall Intersections

No selection

SIPs Conventional Framing Only
Cladding Input ENERGY STAR input

Insulated Concrete Foam (ICF) Not Applicable (CMU, AAC, SIPs)
Asphalt, composite, rubber, or architectural shingles Yes, ENERGY STAR cool roof certified

Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Other (Explain Below)
Cement tile No

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) No Selection
Metal No selection

Concrete Panels

TPO (for flat roofs)

Post and Beam

Other (Explain Below)

Panelized or Modular

No selection

Other (Explain Below)

No selection

Foundation and Below Grade Walls

Attic Venting Inputs Vented Attic Inputs
Foundation Inputs Below-Grade Wall Inputs

Vented Attic Not applicable
Insulated Basement Poured concrete

Vented Above Roof Deck Blown-in Fiberglass
Uninsulated Basement ICF

Unvented (Hot Roof) Blown-in Cellulose
Vented Crawlspace CMU

Unvented, Vaulted Ceilings Batt Fiberglass
Unvented Crawlspace Pre-cast concrete (Superior Walls?)

Other (Explain Below) Open-cell spray-foam on attic floor
Pier Foundation Other (Explain Below)

No Selection Closed-cell spray-foam on attic floor
Slab on grade No selection

Other (Explain Below)
Other (Explain Below)

No selection N/A No selection

Energy Trusses Inputs Radiant

Yes, ___ inches (please record inches below) Yes

No No

No selection No selection


Window Pane Inputs Direction Inputs
Emissivity Inputs

Double-pane Yes
Yes, low-e

Triple-pane No
Yes, low-e2 (coated on 2 sides)

No selection No selection
Yes, low-e3 (coated on 3 sides)


No selection

Gas Inputs Design
Frame Inputs Shading

Yes, argon-filled Fixed
Vinyl Fixed awnings

Yes, krypton-filled Casement
Wood Interior motorized blinds

Other, please explain below. Double-Hung
Aluminum-Clad Wood Exterior motorized blinds

No Single-Hung
Fiberglass Within-window louvers

No selection Sliding
Other No shading

No selection No selection


Dyanmic Glazing

No selection


Ventilation System Inputs




Controlled central fan with fresh air intake and timered exhaust (Balanced).

Fresh air intake with exhaust fans not timered to fresh air (Unbalanced).

Supply Only

Other (Explain Below)

No selection

Hot Water

Type Backup
Combined H&HW Inputs

Heat pump Heat pump
Yes, Please explain below

Ground-source heat pump Ground-source heat pump

Electric tank (non-heat-pump) Electric tank (non-heat-pump)
No selection

Electric tankless Electric tankless

Gas tank Gas tank

Gas tankless Gas tankless

Propane tank Propane tank

Propane tankless Propane tankless

Wall-hung boiler, gas Wall-hung boiler, gas

Wall-hung boiler, propane Wall-hung boiler, propane

Solar Thermal, type _________ (Record type below) Solar Thermal, type _________ (Record type below)

Other (Explain Below) Other (Explain Below)

No selection No backup

No selection

Solar Thermal Inputs Backup

Yes, Please explain below Heat Pump

No Gas

No selection Propane

Electric (Non-Heat Pump)

Solar Thermal

No Backup

No selection


1 HVAC Type Inputs
Passive Solar Inputs

Heat Pump Central Air-Source Heat Pump, ___ HSPF, ___ SEER
Yes, please explain below.

Gas Furnace Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump, ___ HSPF, ___ SEER, ___# indoor air handlers, ___# outdoor compressors

Propane Furnace Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pump, ___ HSPF, ___ SEER, ___# indoor air handlers, ___# outdoor compressors
No selection

Electric (Non-Heat Pump) Ground-Source Heat Pump with ___ central air handler, ___ radiant, ___COP

Other (Explain Below) Air-to-Water Heat Pump with ___ central air handler, ___ radiant, ___COP

Hydronic Radiant Heating Gas Furnace, ____ AFUE

No Selection Electric Furnace

Boiler with __ hydroil, ___ radiant floor heat, ___ wall radiators; ___AFUE

Yes Electric Baseboard

No Passive Solar Design ___ % of space heating provided

Other (Explain Below)

No selection

AC Inputs Ducts System Inputs
Compact Ducts Inputs

Yes, Air Conditioner Unit, ___ SEER Rigid metal
Yes, please explain below.

Yes, Heat Pump, ___ SEER or ___ EER Flex duct

Yes, Evaporative Cooling Fiberboard ducts
No selection

Yes, Other (please explain below) Small-diameter high-velocity

No No Ducts

Other (Explain Below)

No selection No selection


Lighting Controls Inputs Daylight
Battery Inputs PV Location Inputs PV Type Inputs

Motion Sensors Sky Lights, please record number below
Yes, please record KW capacity below. Rooftop Panels

Daylight Sensors Solar Tubes, please record number below
No Other, please explain below. Shingles

Timers Automated Window Blinds
No selection No selection Thin Film

Lighting controls integrated with home automation or energy management system No

Pole-Mounted Tracking

Other, please explain below. No selection

Roof-Mounted Tracking

No selection

Other, please explain below.

No selection

Water Conservation

Low-Flow Inputs WaterSense Fixtures Inputs
Certified Inputs

Water Recycling Inputs Storm Inputs Water Recycling
Yes, low-flow fixtures Showerhead
Yes, WaterSense Certified

Yes, please explain below. Yes, please explain below. Yes, please explain below.
Yes, low-flow fixtures that are WaterSense labeled Faucets

No No No
No Toilets
No selection

No selection No selection No selection
No selection Exterior irrigation

No selection

Recirc. Inputs Plumbing Type
Landscaping Inputs

No Central manifold with PEX piping
Drought-resistant landscaping

Yes, pump activated by button
Metal pipe with trunk and branch
Moisture sensing irrigation

Yes, Pump activated by a motion sensor
Compact plumbing design, pipe type _____ (Please record pipe type below)
Drip irrigation

Yes, Pump uses "smart" programming Recirculation
Smart or predictive irrigation

No selection Other (Explain Below)
No selection

No Selection

Water Recycling Inputs Storm Inputs
Water Recycling

Yes, please explain below. Yes, please explain below.
Yes, please explain below.

No No

No selection No selection
No selection


EV Inputs Aging Inputs

Yes Yes, please explain below.

No No

No selection No selection

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