Form SF - 299 SF - 299 Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and F

Special Use Administration

SF_299 v09-2012

DOI/BuRec - Private Sector - Application for Transporation & Utility Systems & Facilities on Federal Lands - Utilities

OMB: 0596-0082

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STANDARD FORM 299 (05/09)

Prescribed by DOI/USDA/DOT





OMB NO. 0596-0082


NOTE: Before completing and filing the application, the applicant should completely review this package and schedule a preapplication meeting with representatives of the agency responsible for processing the application. Each agency may have specific and unique requirements to be met in preparing and processing the application. Many times, with the help of the agency representative, the application can be completed at the preapplication meeting.

Application Number


Date Filed      

  1. Name and address of applicant (include zip code)

2. Name, title, and address of authorized agent if different from item 1 (include zip code)


3. Telephone (area code)




Authorized Agent


4. As applicant are you? (check one)

a. Individual

b. Corporation*

c. Partnership/Association*

d. State Government/State Agency

e. Local Government

f. Federal Agency

* If checked, complete supplemental page

5. Specify what application is for: (check one)

a. New authorization

b. Renewing existing authorization No.

c. Amend existing authorization No.

d. Assign existing authorization No.

e. Existing use for which no authorization has been received *

f. Other*

* If checked, provide details under item 7

6. If an individual, or partnership are you a citizen(s) of the United States? Yes No

7. Project description (describe in detail): (a) Type of system or facility, (e.g., canal, pipeline, road); (b) related structures and facilities; (c) physical specifications (Length, width, grading, etc.); (d) term of years needed: (e) time of year of use or operation; (f) Volume or amount of product to be transported; (g) duration and timing of construction; and (h) temporary work areas needed for construction (Attach additional sheets, if additional space is needed.)      

8. Attach a map covering area and show location of project proposal

9. State or Local government approval: Attached Applied for Not Required

10. Nonreturnable application fee: Attached Not required

11. Does project cross international boundary or affect international waterways? Yes No (if "yes," indicate on map)

12. Give statement of your technical and financial capability to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate system for which authorization is being requested.      

13a. Describe other reasonable alternative routes and modes considered.


b. Why were these alternatives not selected?


c. Give explanation as to why it is necessary to cross Federal Lands.


14. List authorizations and pending applications filed for similar projects which may provide information to the authorizing agency. (Specify number, date, code, or name)      

15. Provide statement of need for project, including the economic feasibility and items such as: (a) cost of proposal (construction, operation, and maintenance); (b) estimated cost of next best alternative; and (c) expected public benefits.


16. Describe probable effects on the population in the area, including the social and economic aspects, and the rural lifestyles.      

17. Describe likely environmental effects that the proposed project will have on: (a) air quality; (b) visual impact; (c) surface and ground water quality and quantity; (d) the control or structural change on any stream or other body of water; (e) existing noise levels; and (f) the surface of the land, including vegetation, permafrost, soil, and soil stability.      

18. Describe the probable effects that the proposed project will have on (a) populations of fish, plantlife, wildlife, and marine life, including threatened and endangered species; and (b) marine mammals, including hunting, capturing, collecting, or killing these animals.      

19. State whether any hazardous material, as defined in this paragraph, will be used, produced, transported or stored on or within the right-of-way or any of the right-of-way facilities, or used in the construction, operation, maintenance or termination of the right-of-way or any of its facilities. "Hazardous material" means any substance, pollutant or contaminant that is listed as hazardous under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., and its regulations. The definition of hazardous substances under CERCLA includes any "hazardous waste" as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and its regulations. The term hazardous materials also includes any nuclear or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq. The term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof that is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance under CERClA Section 101(14), 42 U.S.C. 9601(14), nor does the term include natural gas.


20. Name all the Department(s)/Agency(ies) where this application is being filed.


I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I am of legal age and authorized to do business in the State and that I have personally examined the information contained in the application and believe that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Applicant


Title 18, U.S.C. Section 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction.



This application will be used when applying for a right-of-way, permit, license, lease, or certificate for the use of Federal lands which lie within conservation system units and National Recreation or Conservation Areas as defined in the Alaska National Interest lands Conservation Act. Conservation system units include the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, National Wilderness Preservation System, and National Forest Monuments.

Transportation and utility systems and facility uses for which the application may be used are:

1. Canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, pipes, pipelines, tunnels, and other systems for the transportation of water.

2. Pipelines and other systems for the transportation of liquids other than water, including oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels, and any refined product produced therefrom.

3. Pipelines, slurry and emulsion systems, and conveyor belts for transportation of solid materials.

4. Systems for the transmission and distribution of electric energy.

5. Systems for transmission or reception of radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and other electronic signals, and other means of communications.

6. Improved right-of-way for snow machines, air cushion vehicles, and all-terrain vehicles.

  1. Roads, highways, railroads, tunnels, tramways, airports, landing strips, docks, and other systems of general transportation.

This application must be filed simultaneously with each Federal department or agency requiring authorization to establish and operate your proposal.

In Alaska, the following agencies will help the applicant file an application and identify the other agencies the applicant should contact and possibly file with:

Department of Agriculture

Regional Forester, Forest Service (USFS)

P.O Box 21628

Juneau, Alaska 99802-1628

Telephone: (907) 586-7847 (or a local Forest Service Office)

Department of the Interior

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Alaska Regional Office

709 West 9th Street

Juneau, Alaska 99802

Telephone: (907) 586-7177

Department of the Interior

Alaska State Office

Bureau of Land Management

222 W 7th Avenue #13

Anchorage, Alaska 99513

Public Room: 907-271-5960

FAX: 907-271-3684

(or a local BLM Office)

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) National Park Service (NPS)

Office of the Regional Director Alaska Regional Office,

1011 East Tudor Road 240 W. 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Anchorage, Alaska 99501

Telephone: (907) 786-3440 Telephone: (907) 644-3510

Note - Filings with any Interior agency may be filed with any office noted above or with the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Regional Environmental Office,r P.O. Box 120, 1675 C Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9513.

Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

Alaska Region AAL-4, 222 West 7th Ave., Box 14

Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7587

Telephone: (907) 271-5285

NOTE - The Department of Transportation has established the above central filing point for agencies within that Department. Affected agencies are: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Coast Guard (USCG), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).


Use of this form is not limited to National Interest Conservation Lands of Alaska.

Individual department/agencies may authorize the use of this form by applicants for transportation and utility systems and facilities on other Federal lands outside those areas described above.

For proposals located outside of Alaska, applications will be filed at the local agency office or at a location specified by the responsible Federal agency.


(Items not listed are self-explanatory)

7 Attach preliminary site and facility construction plans. The responsible agency will provide instructions whenever specific plans are required.

8 Generally, the map must show the section(s), township(s), and range(s) within which the project is to be located. Show the proposed location of the project on the map as accurately as possible. Some agencies require detailed survey maps. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions.

9 , 10, and 12 The responsible agency will provide additional instructions.

13 Providing information on alternate routes and modes in as much detail as possible, discussing why certain routes or modes were rejected and why it is necessary to cross Federal lands will assist the agency(ies) in processing your application and reaching a final decision. Include only reasonable alternate routes and modes as related to current technology and economics.

14 The responsible agency will provide instructions.

15 Generally, a simple statement of the purpose of the proposal will be sufficient. However, major proposals located in critical or sensitive areas may require a full analysis with additional specific information. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions.

16 through 19 Providing this information is as much detail as possible will assist the Federal agency(ies) in processing the application and reaching a decision. When completing these items, you should use a sound judgment in furnishing relevant information. Fore example, if the project is not near a stream or other body of water, do not address this subject. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions.

Application must be signed by the applicant or applicant's authorized representative.

EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Disclosure of the information is voluntary. If all the information is not provided, the application may be rejected.


The Federal agencies collect this information from applicants requesting right-of-way, permit, license, lease, or certification for the use of Federal lands. The Federal agencies use this information to evaluate the applicant's proposal. The public is obligated to submit this form if they wish to obtain permission to use Federal lands.


NOTE: The responsible agency(ies) will provide instructions






a. Articles of Incorporation

b. Corporation Bylaws

c. A certification from the State showing the corporation is in good standing and is entitled to operate within the State

d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing

e. The name and address of each shareholder owning 3 percent or more of the shares, together with the number and percentage of any class of voting shares of the entity which such shareholder is authorized to vote and the name and address of each affiliate of the entity together with, in the case of an affiliate controlled by the entity, the number of shares and the percentage of any class of voting stock of that affiliate owned, directly or indirectly, by that entity, and in the case of an affiliate which controls that entity, the number of shares and the percentage of any class of voting stock of that entity owned, directly or indirectly, by the affiliate.

f. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, describe any related right-of-way or temporary use permit applications, and identify previous applications.

g. If application is for an oil and gas pipeline, identify all Federal lands by agency impacted by proposal.


a. Copy of law forming corporation

b. Proof of organization

c. Copy of Bylaws

d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing

e. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by item "I-f" and "I-g" above.


a. Articles of association, if any

b. If one partner is authorized to sign, resolution authorizing action is

c. Name and address of each participant, partner, association, or other

d. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by item "I-f" and "I-g" above.

* If the required information is already filed with the agency processing this application and is current, check block entitled "Filed." Provide the file identification information (e.g., number, date, code, name). If not on file or current, attach the requested information.



Note: This applies to the Department of Agriculture/Forest Service (FS)

This information is needed by the Forest Service to evaluate the requests to use National Forest System lands and manage those lands to protect natural resources, administer the use, and ensure public health and safety. This information is required to obtain or retain a benefit. The authority for that requirement is provided by the Organic Act of 1897 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, which authorize the secretary of Agriculture to promulgate rules and regulations for authorizing and managing National Forest System lands. These statutes, along with the Term Permit Act, National Forest Ski Area Permit Act, Granger-Thye Act, Mineral Leasing Act, Alaska Term Permit Act , Act of September 3, 1954, Wilderness Act, National Forest Roads and Trails Act, Act of November 16, 1973, Archeological Resources Protection Act, and Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to issue authorizations or the use and occupancy of National Forest System lands. The Secretary of Agriculture's regulations at 36 CFR Part 251, Subpart B, establish procedures for issuing those authorizations.


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0082. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 8 hours hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) govern the confidentiality to be provided for information received by the Forest Service.

(Continued on page 2)

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