Emergency Extension FERC-574

Emergency Extension FERC-574.pdf

FERC-574, Gas Pipeline Certificates: Hinshaw Exemption

Emergency Extension FERC-574

OMB: 1902-0116

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December 12, 2019
Dominic Mancini
Acting Administrator
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Office of Management and Budget
725 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20503
Re: Emergency Extension of the FERC-574 Information Collection
Dear Mr. Mancini,
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) and OMB's implementing regulations at
5 CFR1320.13, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) is
requesting a three-month extension for FERC-574 (Gas Pipeline Certificates: Hinshaw
Exemption, OMB Control No. 1902- 0116). The OMB expiration date is December 31,
2019; we are requesting an extension to March 31, 2020. FERC is requesting that OMB
issue its decision on this extension request by December 20, 2019.
FERC-574 includes the filing requirements under 18 CFR Part 152 and Sections 1(c),
4, and 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA). The NGA authorizes the Commission to accept
applications for exemption from natural gas pipeline companies. Natural gas pipeline
companies file applications with the Commission furnishing information in order to
facilitate a determination of an applicant's qualification for an exemption under the
provisions of NGA Section 1(c). If the Commission grants an exemption, the natural gas
pipeline company is not required to file certificate applications, rate schedules, or any other
applications or forms prescribed by the Commission. The exemption applies to companies
engaged in the transportation, sale, or resale of natural gas in interstate commerce if: (a)
they receive gas at or within the boundaries of the state from another person at or within the
boundaries of that state; (b) such gas is ultimately consumed in such state; (c) the rates,
service and facilities of such company are subject to regulation by a State Commission; and
(d) such State Commission is exercising that jurisdiction. 18 CFR Part 152 specifies the
data required to be filed by pipeline companies for an exemption.

Continuation of the FERC-574 is essential to the mission of the Commission.
Without this information, public harm is reasonably likely to result to applicants. The
public harm would be the unnecessary burden hours and cost imposed on applicants who
would have been exempted if they were able to file FERC-574. We are requesting this
emergency extension to ensure the critical information collection requirements in FERC574 remain valid during completion of the normal PRA renewal process that cannot be
completed before the current OMB expiration date of December 31, 2019.
The Commission has taken steps to consult with agencies and members of the public
by publishing a 60-day PRA Notice in Docket No. IC20-3-000 (84 FR 65148, November
26,2019). This notice solicits public comments on the FERC-574 which are due January 27,
Sections 1(c), 4, and 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) mandate the Commission issue
exemption for natural gas facilities. The Commission requires the FERC-574 information
for statutory purposes.
The enclosure provides additional background on the Commission's responsibilities
and the FERC-574.
Please have your staff contact Ellen Brown (202-502-8663) or Jolinda Murray (202502-8342) if they need additional information.


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

cc: Elke Hodson Marten, OMB
Sofie Miller, OMB
Christina Handley, FERC CIO


Background on the Commission's Responsibilities and FERC-574

18 CFR Part 152 and Sections 1(c), 4, and 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) authorize
the Commission to accept and review applications for exemptions. Natural gas pipeline
companies file applications with the Commission furnishing information in order to
facilitate a determination of an applicant's qualification for an exemption under the
provisions of NGA Section 1(c).

The Commission uses the information collected under FERC-574 to implement the
statutory provisions of Sections 1(c), 4, and 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA). Natural gas
pipeline companies file applications with the Commission furnishing information in order to
facilitate a determination of an applicant's qualification for an exemption under the
provisions of NGA Section 1(c). If the Commission grants an exemption, the natural gas
pipeline company is not required to file certificate applications, rate schedules, or any other
applications or forms prescribed by the Commission.
The exemption applies to companies engaged in the transportation, sale, or resale of
natural gas in interstate commerce if: (a) they receive gas at or within the boundaries of the
state from another person at or within the boundaries of that state; (b) such gas is ultimately
consumed in such state; (c) the rates, service and facilities of such company are subject to
regulation by a State Commission; and (d) such State Commission is exercising that
jurisdiction. 18 CFR Part 152 specifies the data required to be filed (FERC-574) by
pipeline companies for an exemption.
Continuation of the FERC-574 reporting requirements is critical to the mission of the
Commission. Without the FERC-574 application and requested exemption, the filers would
be harmed and subject to the unnecessary burden hours and cost related to filing certificate
applications, rate schedules, and other applications or forms. We are requesting this
emergency extension (to March 31, 2020) to avoid public harm and to ensure the critical
reporting requirements in FERC-574 remain valid until completion of the normal PRA
renewal process.

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