0579-0088 2020 Summary of ICR Changes

0579-0088 2020 Summary of ICR Changes.xls

Domestic Quarantine Regulations

0579-0088 2020 Summary of ICR Changes

OMB: 0579-0088

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2020 DELTA 2017
.32-4, .38-7, .45-8, .50-8, .51-8, .52-7, .80-7, .81.9, .85-7, .87.8, .91.8 Request for Inspection and Limited Permit (State) (BSR, WW, IFA, Sugarcane, ELC, ALB, Med FF, Orient FF ,GM, PSB, Pink BW, GN) Limited Permit (State) PPQ 537 50 50 0.017 1 49 49 (0) 1 1 0.020 1
.32-4, .38-7, .45-8, .50-8, .51-8, .52-7, .80-7, .81-9, .85-7, .87-8, .91-8 Request for Inspection and Limited Permit (Business) (BSR, WW, IFA, Sugarcane, ELC, ALB, Med FF, Orient FF ,GM, PSB, Pink BW, GN) Limited Permit (Business) PPQ 537 400 5,600 0.017 95 3 (7,956) (121) 397 13,556 0.020 216
.38-5, .45-5, .80-4, .81-5 Request for Inspection and Federal Certificate (State) (BSR, GM, WW, IFA) Federal Certificate (State) PPQ 540 50 12,500 0.167 2,088 (6,181) (490,653) (98,544) 6,231 503,153 0.200 100,631
.45-5, .50-5, .51-5, .78-5, .80-4, .81-5, .87-5, .91-5, .92.5, .93-5 Request for Inspection and Federal Certificate (Business) (BSR, GM, WW, IFA) Federal Certificate (Farm) PPQ 540 3,098 77,450 0.167 12,934 755 30,007 3,445 2,343 47,443 0.200 9,489
.81-5, .85-4 Request for Inspection and Federal Certificate (Individual) (BSR, GM, WW, IFA) Federal certificate (Individual) PPQ 540 25 25 0.167 4 0 (38) (9) 25 63 0.200 13
.32-8, .45-8, .50-8, .51-8, .81-9, .85-7, .87-8, .91-8 Request for Sticky Back Certificate and Authorization to Apply (Business) (GM, PSB, ALB, Med FF, IFA, GN, Sugarcane, ELC, OFF, EAB) Sticky Back Certificate (Farm), (Business) PPQ 527 3,125 562,500 0.017 9,563 0 322,770 5,727 3,125 239,730 0.020 3,836
.84-4 Request for Inspection and Issuance of Limited Permit (State) (BSR, WW, IFA, Sugarcane, ELC, ALB, Med FF, Orient FF ,GM, PSB, Pink BW, GN) Limited Permit (State) PPQ 530 50 5,200 0.167 868 (5,150) 0 (172) 5,200 5,200 0.200 1,040
.32-8, .50-5, .51-5, .52-4, .53-5, .75-6, .81-5, .85-4, .95-5 Request for Inspection and Issuance of Limited Permit (Business) (BSR, WW, IFA, Sugarcane, ELC, ALB, Med FF, Orient FF ,GM, PSB, Pink BW, GN) Limited Permit (Farm) (Business) PPQ 530 359 8,616 0.167 1,439 0 406 (203) 359 8,210 0.200 1,642
.81-5 Request for Inspection and Issuance of Limited Permit (Individual) (BSR, WW, IFA, Sugarcane, ELC, ALB, Med FF, Orient FF ,GM, PSB, Pink BW, GN) Limited Permit (Individual) PPQ 530 20 20 0.167 3 0 0 (1) 20 20 0.200 4
.38-3 Request for Inspection and BSR Inspector Report (State) BSR Inspector Report (State) PPQ 543 10 200 0.500 100 0 0 0 10 200 0.500 100
.53-5; Appendix 111C4 Signature and Acceptance: Emergency Action Notification (Business) Emergency Action Notification (Business) PPQ 523 50 50 1.000 50 49 49 49 1 1 1.000 1
.81; Appendix 111C4 Receipt and Acceptance: Report of Violation (Business) (IFA) Report of Violation (Farm) (Business) PPQ 518 4 4 1.000 4 0 0 0 4 4 1.000 4
.51-5, .51-6, .92-6 Request for Inspection and Issuance: Compliance Agreements (State) (P. ramorum, IFA, GM, ALB, WW, GN) Compliance Agreements (State) PPQ 519 50 1,000 1.250 1,250 (661) (108,494) (135,618) 711 109,494 1.250 136,868
.32-4, .32-6, .45-8, .50-8, .51-5, .51-6, .52-7, .80-5, .85-5, .85-7, .92-6, .96-6 Request for Inspection and Issuance: Compliance Agreements (Business) (P. ramorum, IFA, GM, ALB, WW, GN) Compliance Agreements (Farm) (Business) PPQ 519 1,500 1,500 1.250 1,875 (962) (962) (1,203) 2,462 2,462 1.250 3,078
.45-4, .45-8 Notice of New Information: Documents Sent to State Plant Regulatory Official (Business) Documents Sent to State Plant Regulatory Official (Individual) (Not for Profit) Letter 265 39,750 0.170 6,758 (250) (18,045) (443) 515 57,795 0.170 7,201
.45-7, .81-8 Request for Inspection of Regulated or Outdoor Household Articles (State) (GM, IFA) Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles (State), Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles (State) None 50 10,000 0.030 300 (150) (11) (275) 200 10,011 0.030 575
.32-7, .38-5, .45-9, .50-7, .52-6, .80-6, .81-8, .91-7 Request for Inspection of Regulated or Outdoor Household Articles (Business) (GM, IFA) Inspections of Outdoor Household Articles (Business), Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles: issuance and Cancellation of Certificates (Business) (Farms) None 249 31,125 0.030 934 (128) 19,494 (825) 377 11,631 0.150 1,759
.48-4 Requirement to Notify: Notification of Unscheduled Flights (Business) Notification of Unscheduled Flights (For Profit) (Farm) None 410 410 0.166 68 405 360 61 5 50 0.170 7
.75-12 Requirements for Labeling using Certificates and Limited Permits (Business) Certificates and Limited Permits (Business) None 210 21,000 0.003 63 0 (490,350) (1,471) 210 511,350 0.003 1,534
.38-3 Requirement for Annual Report of Inspection and Freedom from Black Stem Rust to Maintian as Protected Area (State) (BSR) Protected Areas Statement (State) None 10 10 0.500 5 8 4 2 2 6 0.500 3
.45-1 Notice of Requirements to Become a Qualified Certified Applicator for Regulatory Pest Treatments and Controls (Business) Qualified Certified Applicator (QCA) Attend Workshop (Business) None 10 10 13.000 130 3 (4) (52) 7 14 13.000 182
.45-2, .50-3 Notice Establishing Areas Quarantined for Regulated Plant Pests (State) Temporary Designation of Generally Infested Areas (State) Letter 50 50 0.500 25 49 49 24 1 1 0.500 1
.45-4 Notice of Requirements to Move Regulated Articles in Interstate Commerce and Signature Certifying Acceptance (Individual) Conditions Governing the Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles From Generally Infested Areas (Signed Statement) (Individual) Letter 100 15,000 0.250 3,750 0 0 0 100 15,000 0.250 3,750
.48-5, .52-8, .80-8, .85-8 Disposal of Regulated Articles and Pests (Business) (JB, Pinkbw, WW, GN) Inspection and Disposal of Regulated Articles and Pests (Business) (Farm) None 1,162 38,927 1.000 38,927 0 21,863 21,863 1,162 17,064 1.000 17,064
.53-7 Post inspection Movement Notification of Regulated Articles (Move Notification) (Business) Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles (Move Notification) None 1 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.000 1
.81-7 Cancellation of a Certificate, Limited Permit, or Compliance Agreement (Business) Cancellation of a Certificate, Limited Permit, or Compliance Agreement (Farm) Letter 1 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.000 1
Appendix IIIC4 Written Appeal of Suspended Certificate for Imported Fire Ant Detection, Control, Exclusion, and Enforcement Program (Business) (IFA) Imported Fire Ant Detection, Control, Exclusion, and Enforcement Program (Written Appeal) Letter 1 1 1.000 1 (1) (1) (1) 2 2 1.000 2
Appendix 111D7 Written Warning of Imported Fire Ant Violation (State) (IFA) Imported Fire Ant Detection, Control, Exclusion, and Enforcement Program (Written Warning State) None 3 3 1.000 3 0 0 0 3 3 1.000 3
.92-5 Notice of Process for Issuance and Cancellation of Certificates (State) Issuance and Cancellation of Certificates (State) None 790 4,740 2.000 9,480 0 0 0 790 4,740 2.000 9,480
.92-5, .51-5 Notice of Process for Issuance and Cancellation of Certificates (Business) Issuance and Cancellation of Certificates (Farm); Issuance and Cancellation of Certificates and Limited Permits (Business) None 755 755 1.000 755 0 0 84 755 755 1.000 671
.32-6, .38-5, .50-5, .51-6, .75-12, .80-4, .87-5, .95-5 Process for Requesting Appeal of Decision to Cancel/Withdraw Compliance Agreements, Certificates, Limited Permits (Business) (ALB, BSR, PSB, CC, WW, SC, ELC, Oriental FF) Compliance Agreements and Cancellation (Written Appeal...) None 1 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.000 1
.38-5 Black Stem Rust (State) Black Stem Rust (State) None 50 3,450 0.200 690 45 3,105 621 5 345 0.200 69
.38-5 Black Stem Rust (Business) Black Stem Rust (Farm), Black Stem Rust Report (Business) None 208 624 2.000 1,248 (784) (11,760) (23,520) 992 12,384 2.000 24,768
.48-5 Recordkeeping Requirements: Aircraft Treatment Records (Business) (JB) Treatment Records (Business) (Farms) None
41,000 0 405 1,000
Appendix 111C4 Recordkeeping for Imported Fire Ant Enforcement Program (Business) (IFA) Imported Fire Ant Detection, Control, Exclusion, and Enforcement Program (Enforcement Recordkeeping) (Business) None
202 0 (1,799) (3,598)
.92-8 Recordkeeping Under Compliance Agreements for P. Ramorum (State) Attachment and Disposition of Certificates and Recordkeeping (State) None
10,000 0 (1,278) (121,959)
.92-8 Recordkeeping Under Compliance Agreements for P. Ramorum (Business) Attachment and Disposition of Certificates and Recordkeeping (Business) (Farm) None
191,000 0 (675) 182,307
.32-7, .38-5, .45-4, .50-7, .52-6, .80-6, .81-8, .85-7 Requirements for Labeling Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles from Generally Infested Areas (Business) Conditions Governing the Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles From Generally Infested Areas (Business) (Farms), Attachment and Disposition of Certificates and Permits (Farms), Attachment and Disposition of Certificates and Limited Permits (Business), Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles (Farms), Assembly and Inspection of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles (For Profit) None 175 875,000 0.010 8,750 (81) 816,106 7,202 256 58,894 0.030 1,548
.38-3 Notice of Requirements to Establish and Maintain Areas Protected from Black Stem Rust (Business) (BSR) Protected Areas (Business) (Farm) None 10 10 13.000 130 (15) (590) (170) 25 600 0.500 300
.45-4 Notice of Requirements to Move Regulated Articles in Interstate Commerce and Signature Certifying Acceptance (Business) Conditions Governing the Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles and Outdoor Household Articles From Generally Infested Areas (Signed Statement) (Business) Letter 21 2,667 0.250 667 0 0 (213) 21 2,667 0.330 880
.81-4 Requirements for Moving Soil Samples to an Approved Laboratory for Testing (Phone Call to Local PPQ Office) (State) (IFA) Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles From Quarantined Areas (Phone Call to Local PPQ Office) (State Local) None 50 250 0.500 125 27 181 (72) 23 69 2.850 197
.81-4 Requirements for Moving Soil Samples to an Approved Laboratory for Testing (Phone Call to Local PPQ Office) (Business) (IFA) Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles From Quarantined Areas (Phone Call to Local PPQ Office) (Non Profit) (For Profit) None 349 349 0.500 175 212 113 (106) 137 236 1.350 280
.92-10 Notice of Requirements for Treatment (Soil, Greenery, Debarking) (State) Treatments (Soil, Greenery, Debarking) (State) None 1 1 1.000 1 (53) (2,315) (2,546) 54 2,316 1.100 2,547
.92-10 Notice of Requirements for Treatment (Soil, Greenery, Debarking) (Business) Treatments (Soil, Greenery, Debarking) (Farm) None 2 2 1.000 2 (6) (10) (78) 8 12 10.000 80

Estimate Adjustment Subtotal

80,020 (168,814)

7 U.S.C. 7756 Submission of Test Plant List and Evaluation for Biological Control Program (State) (New)
None 20 20 1.000 20 20 20 20 0 0 1.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Submission of Test Plant List and Evaluation for Biological Control Program (Business) (New)
None 30 30 1.000 30 30 30 30 0 0 1.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Petition to Release Biological Agent (State) (New)
None 20 20 2.000 40 20 20 40 0 0 20.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Petition to Release Biological Agent (Business) (New)
None 30 30 2.000 60 30 30 60 0 0 2.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Application to Move Live Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds (State) (New)
PPQ 526 20 60 0.167 10 20 60 10 0 0 0.167 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Application to Move Live Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds (Business) (New)
PPQ 526 30 90 0.167 15 30 90 15 0 0 0.167 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Biological Control Work Plan (State) (New)
None 20 20 3.000 60 20 20 60 0 0 3.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Biological Control Work Plan (Business) (New)
None 30 30 3.000 90 30 30 90 0 0 3.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Cooperative Agreement (State) (New)
None 20 20 1.000 20 20 20 20 0 0 1.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Cooperative Agreement (Business) (New)
None 30 30 1.000 30 30 30 30 0 0 1.000 0
.301-1 Special Needs Request to Impose More Restrictive Regulatory Controls on Interstate Movement of Articles Regulated by USDA (State) (New)
None 50 50 1.000 50 50 50 50 0 0 1.000 0
7 U.S.C. 7756 Request for Property Access to Inspect, Confirm Presence, Treat, or Control Regulated Plant Pests and/or Regulated Articles (Individual) (New)
None 3,000 3,000 0.020 60 3,000 3,000 60 0 0 0.020 0

Discretionary Changes Subtotal

3,400 485


(11) (11)

Error in 2017 APHIS 71

(534) 1,799


82,875 (166,541)

82,875 (166,542)
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