70 Stat. 62


Trust Land Mortgage Lender Checklists

70 Stat. 62

OMB: 1076-0195

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PUBLIC LAW 449-MAR. 29, 1956


ST A T .

may be, in order to make an equal exchange. Tlie Secretary is authorized to use any land acquisition funds relating to the National Park
System for such purposes. The Secretary may consununate land
exchanges herein authorized upon such terms, conditions, and procedures as he may tind to be necessary or desirable in carrying out
the pin-poses of this Act: and in evaluating non-Federal properties
to l)e acquired hereunder, he is authorized to make such allowance as
he may find to be equitable for the value of any residential properties
that may be situated upon land to be acquired pursuant to this Act.
If expedient and in the public interest to do so, he may assist in the
removal of structures from ])roperty to be acquired hereunder through
the exchange procedure, and he may coo])erate with public or private
agencies and persons in the securing of housing for the aforesaid
grantoi-s who may require new housing acconnnodations or facilities
as a result of the land exchanges herein authorized.
SKC. 2, The Secretary is further authorized to transfer without compensation up to fifteen acres of the Colonial National Historical Park,
Virginia, to the (\mnnonwealth of Virginia for use by agencies of the
Commonwealth in the establishment of a State Park in furtherance of
the purposes of the (\)lonial National Historical Park.
Approved March 29, 1956.
Public Law 449

March 2 9 , 1956
[H. R. 4680]

Affirming that title to a certain tract of land in California vested in tlie State of
California on .Tannary 21, 1897.
Be it enacted ^y the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United' States of America in Congress assenihled, That all right, title,
and interest of the United States in and to tract 39, township 4 north,
range 18 east, Mount Diablo meridian, California, as identined on the
plat of survey approved August 5, 1931, by the United States Supervisor of Surveys and accepted on March 2,1932, by the Assistant (Commissioner of the General Land Office of the Department of the
Interior, vested in the State of California on January 21, 1897, the
date on which the original plat of survey of such lands was accepted
by the Commissioner of the General Land Office of such Department
under the school land grant made to such State by the Act entitled
"An Act to provide for the Survey of the Public Lands in California,
the granting of Preemption Rights therein, and for other purposes'",
approved March 3,1853 (10 Stat. 244), and that the United States has
not held any interest in such lands since the date on Avhich title to it
so vested in the State of California.
Approved March 29, 1956.
Public Law 450

March 29, 1956
[ H. R. 4802]

M o r t g a g e s and
deeds of trust.

To authorize the execution of mortj?ages and deeds of trust on indi\idual Indian
trust or restricted land.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the individual
Indian owners of any land which either is held by the United States
in trust for them or is subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the United States are authorized, subject to approval by the

TO S T A T . ]

PUBLIC LAW 452-MAR. 29, 1966

Secretary of the Interior, to execute a mortgage or deed of trust to
such huid. Such land sliall be subject to foreclosure or sale pursuant
to the terms of such mortgage or deed of trust in accordance with
the laws of the Stiite or Territory in which the land is located. For
the purpose of any foreclosure or sale proceeding the Indian owners
shall be regarded as vested with an unrestricted fee simple title to the
land, the United States shall not be a necessary party to the proceeding, and any conveyance of the land pursuant to the proceeding shall
divest the TTnited States of title to the land. All mortgages and
deeds of trust to such land heretofore approved by the Secietary of
the Interior are ratified and confirmed.
Approved March 29, 1956.
Public Law 451


To repeal the requirement for heads of departments and afiencies to report to
the Postmaster General the number of penalty envelopes and wrappers on
hand at the close of each fiscal year.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 301 of
the Penalty Mail Act of 1948, as amended (62 Stat. 1048; 39 U. S. C ,
sec. 321i), is hereby amended by striking out the second sentence
Approved March 29, 1956.

March 29, 1956
[H. R. 5856]

Penalty mail.

Public Law 452

To amend the copyright law to permit, in certain classes of works, the deposit of
photographs or other identifying reproductions in lieu of copies of published
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Reptei^cntatires of the
United States of Ameiica in Congress assemhled. That section 13 of
title 17, L^nited States Code, is amended to read as follows:
"§ 13. Deposit of copies after publication; action or proceeding for
"After copyright has been secured by publication of the work with
the notice of copyright as provided in section 10 of this title, there
shall be promptly deposited in the Copyright Office or in the mail
addressed to the Kegister of Copyrights, Washington, District of
Columbia, two complete copies of the best edition thereof then published, or if the work is by an author who is a citizen or subject of
a foreign state or nation and lias been published in a foreign country, one complete co])y of the best edition then published in such
foreign country, which copies or copy, if the work be a book or periodical, shall have been produced in accordance with the manufacturing
provisions specified in section 16 of this title; or if such work be a
contribution to a ])eriodical. for which contribution special registration is requested, one co])y of the issue or issues containing such contribution; or if the work belongs to a class specified in subsections ( g ) ,
( h ) , (i) or (k) of section 5 of this title, and if the Register of Copyrights determines that it is impracticable to deposit copies because of
their size, weight, fragility, or monetary value he may permit the
deposit of photographs or other identifying reproductions in lieu of

March 29, 1956
[H. R. 5876]

6i stat. 656.

61 Stat. 657.

61 Stat. 654.

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