30 Day FRN

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Weather Assistance Program (WAP)

30 Day FRN

OMB: 1910-5127

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Notices

MPL SPV, LP (51.72%), ACAP Sonora
Energy LLC (19.53%), and DKRW
Energy Partners LLC (16.09%). MPL
states that two of these entities, AVAIO
MPL SPV, LP and DKRW Energy
Partners LLC, increased their ownership
percentages by more than 10%, as
shown in Exhibit A to both the
Notification and Supplement.
Additional details can be found in
DECP’s Notification and Supplement,
posted on the DOE/FE website at:

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DOE/FE Evaluation
DOE/FE will review MPL’s
Notification and Supplement in
accordance with its Procedures for
Changes in Control Affecting
Applications and Authorizations to
Import or Export Natural Gas (CIC
Procedures).1 Consistent with the CIC
Procedures, this notice addresses MPL’s
authorization to export liquefied natural
gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement
(non-FTA) countries, granted in DOE/FE
Order No. 4312 (FE Docket No. 18–70–
LNG).2 If no interested person protests
the change in control and DOE takes no
action on its own motion, the proposed
change in control will be deemed
granted 30 days after publication in the
Federal Register. If one or more protests
are submitted, DOE will review any
motions to intervene, protests, and
answers, and will issue a determination
as to whether the proposed change in
control has been demonstrated to render
the underlying authorization
inconsistent with the public interest.
Public Comment Procedures
Interested persons will be provided 15
days from the date of publication of this
notice in the Federal Register in order
to move to intervene, protest, and
answer MPL’s Notification and
Supplement.3 Protests, motions to
intervene, notices of intervention, and
written comments are invited in
response to this notice only as to the
change in control described in MPL’s
Notification and Supplement. All
protests, comments, motions to
intervene, or notices of intervention
must meet the requirements specified by
DOE’s regulations in 10 CFR part 590.
Filings may be submitted using one of
the following methods: (1) Preferred
1 79

FR 65541 (Nov. 5, 2014).
Notification and Supplement also apply
to its existing FTA authorization, but DOE/FE will
respond to that portion of the documents separately
pursuant to the CIC Procedures, 79 FR 65542.
3 Intervention, if granted, would constitute
intervention only in the change in control portion
of this proceeding, as described herein.
2 MPL’s

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method: emailing the filing to fergas@
hq.doe.gov; (2) mailing an original and
three paper copies of the filing to the
Office of Regulation, Analysis, and
Engagement at the address listed in
ADDRESSES; or (3) hand delivering an
original and three paper copies of the
filing to the Office of Regulation,
Analysis, and Engagement at the
address listed in ADDRESSES. All filings
must include a reference to the
individual FE Docket Number(s) in the
title line, or Mexico Pacific Limited LLC
Change in Control in the title line.
Please Note: If submitting a filing via
email, please include all related
documents and attachments (e.g.,
exhibits) in the original email
correspondence. Please do not include
any active hyperlinks or password
protection in any of the documents or
attachments related to the filing. All
electronic filings submitted to DOE
must follow these guidelines to ensure
that all documents are filed in a timely
manner. Any hardcopy filing submitted
greater in length than 50 pages must
also include, at the time of the filing, a
digital copy on disk of the entire
MPL’s Notification and Supplement,
and any filed protests, motions to
intervene, notices of intervention, and
comments, are available for inspection
and copying in the Office of Regulation,
Analysis, and Engagement docket room,
Room 3E–042, 1000 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585.
The docket room is open between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
MPL’s Notification and Supplement,
and any filed protests, motions to
intervene, notices of intervention, and
comments, will also be available
electronically by going to the following
DOE/FE Web address: http://
Signed in Washington, DC, on February 9,
Amy Sweeney,
Director, Office of Regulation, Analysis, and
Engagement, Office of Oil and Natural Gas.
[FR Doc. 2020–03033 Filed 2–13–20; 8:45 am]

Revision of a Currently Approved
Information Collection for the
Weatherization Assistance Program
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of


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Notice and request for


The Department of Energy
(DOE), pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, intends to
extend for three years a currently
approved collection of information with
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). The information collection
request, Weatherization Assistance
Program, was previously approved on
February 28, 2017 under OMB Control
No. 1910–5127 and its current
expiration date is February 29, 2020.
The proposed collection will collect
information on the status of Grantee
activities, expenditures, and results, to
ensure that program funds are being
used appropriately, effectively, and
DATES: Comments regarding this
collection must be received on or before
March 16, 2020. If you anticipate that
you will be submitting comments, but
find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice,
please advise the OMB Desk Officer of
your intention to make a submission as
soon as possible. The Desk Officer may
be telephoned at (202) 395–4650.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the DOE Desk Officer, Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10102,
735 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503; and to Christine Askew, EE–5W,
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Ave. SW, Washington,
DC 20585, Email: Christine.Askew@
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to:
Christine Askew, EE–5W,
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Ave. SW, Washington,
DC 20585–1290, Phone: (202) 586–8224,
Fax: (202) 287–1992, Email:
[email protected].
are invited on: (a) Whether the extended
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information



Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Notices
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. This information collection
request contains: (1) OMB No.: 1910–
5127; (2) Information Collection Request
Title: ‘‘Weatherization Assistance
Program (WAP)’’; (3) Type of Review:
Revision of a Currently Approved
Collection; (4) Purpose: To collect
information on the status of grantee
activities, expenditures, and results, to
ensure that program funds are being
used appropriately, effectively and
expeditiously; per House Report 115–
929, DOE will begin tracking the
occurrence of window replacements,
which supports the reduction of leadbased paint hazards in homes; (5)
Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 57; (6) Annual Estimated
Number of Total Responses: 399; (7)
Annual Estimated Number of Burden
Hours: 1254; (8) Annual Estimated
Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost
Burden: $33,228.72.
Statutory Authority: Title V, National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Pub. L. 89–
665 as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.).
Signed in Washington, DC, February 5,
AnnaMaria Garcia,
Director, Weatherization and
Intergovernmental Programs, Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2020–03015 Filed 2–13–20; 8:45 am]

Western Area Power Administration
Provo River Project—Rate Order No.
Western Area Power
Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of rate order concerning
firm power formula rate.

The Assistant Secretary,
Office of Electricity, confirms, approves,
and places into effect, on an interim
basis, the firm power formula rate for
the Provo River Project (Provisional
Formula Rate). The existing firm power
formula rate under Rate Schedule Provo
River Formula Rate PR–1 is set to expire
on March 31, 2020. This rate action
makes no change to the existing formula
DATES: The Provisional Formula Rate
under Rate Schedule Provo River
Formula Rate PR–2 is effective on the
first day of the first full billing period
beginning on or after April 1, 2020, and
will remain in effect through March 31,
2025, pending confirmation and

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approval by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) on a
final basis or until superseded.
Steven R. Johnson, Colorado River
Storage Project (CRSP) Manager, CRSP
Management Center, Western Area
Power Administration, 299 South Main
Street, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT
84111, (801) 524–6372, email johnsons@
wapa.gov; or Mr. Thomas Hackett, Rates
Manager, CRSP Management Center,
(801) 524–5503, or email: [email protected].
November 2, 2010, FERC confirmed,
approved, and placed into effect the
existing formula rate, which is set to
expire on March 31, 2020.1 The existing
formula rate provides sufficient revenue
to recover annual expenses, including
interest expense, and repay capital
investments within the cost recovery
criteria set forth in Department of
Energy (DOE) Order RA 6120.2.
Legal Authority
By Delegation Order No. 00–037.00B,
effective November 19, 2016, the
Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) The
authority to develop power and
transmission rates to the Western Area
Power Administration’s (WAPA)
Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the
authority to confirm, approve on a final
basis, remand, or disapprove such rates
to FERC. In Delegation Order No. 00–
002.00S, effective January 15, 2020, the
Secretary of Energy also delegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Under Secretary of Energy. By
Redelegation Order No. 00–002.10D,
effective June 4, 2019, the Under
Secretary of Energy further delegated
the authority to confirm, approve, and
place such rates into effect on an
interim basis to the Assistant Secretary,
Office of Electricity. This rate action is
issued under the Redelegation Order
and DOE’s procedures for public
participation in rate adjustments set
forth at 10 CFR part 903.2
Following DOE’s review of WAPA’s
proposal, I hereby confirm, approve,
and place Rate Order No. WAPA–189,
which provides the firm power formula
rate for the Provo River Project, into
effect on an interim basis. WAPA will
1 FERC approved consecutive 5-year rate
extensions of the same formula rate in Docket Nos.
EF10–5–000 (133 FERC ¶ 62,112 (2010)) and EF15–
6–000 (151 FERC ¶ 62,223 (2015)), extending the
rate through March 31, 2020.
2 50 FR 37,835 (September 18, 1985) and 84 FR
5347 (February 21, 2019).

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submit Rate Order No. WAPA–189 to
FERC for confirmation and approval on
a final basis.
Dated: February 10, 2020.
Bruce J. Walker,
Assistant Secretary for Electricity.

Department of Energy
Assistant Secretary for Electricity
In the matter of: Western Area Power
Administration Rate Adjustment for the
Provo River Project, Firm Power
Formula Rate
Rate Order No. WAPA–189
Order Confirming, Approving, and
Placing the Firm Power Formula Rate
for the Provo River Project Into Effect
on an Interim Basis
The formula rate in Rate Order No.
WAPA–189 is established pursuant to
section 302 of the Department of Energy
(DOE) Organization Act (42 U.S.C.
By Delegation Order No. 00–037.00B,
effective November 19, 2016, the
Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) The
authority to develop power and
transmission rates to the Western Area
Power Administration’s (WAPA)
Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the
authority to confirm, approve on a final
basis, remand, or disapprove such rates
to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC). By Delegation
Order No. 00–002.00S, effective January
15, 2020, the Secretary of Energy also
delegated the authority to confirm,
approve, and place such rates into effect
on an interim basis to the Under
Secretary of Energy. By Redelegation
Order No. 00–002.10D, effective June 4,
2019, the Under Secretary of Energy
further delegated the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Assistant Secretary for Electricity. This
rate action is issued under the
Redelegation Order and DOE’s
procedures for public participation in
rate adjustments set forth at 10 CFR part
3 This Act transferred to, and vested in, the
Secretary of Energy the power marketing functions
of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior
and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) under
the Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32 Stat.
388), as amended and supplemented by subsequent
laws, particularly section 9(c) of the Reclamation
Project Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 485h(c)); and other
acts that specifically apply to the project involved.
4 50 FR 37,835 (September 18, 1985) and 84 FR
5347 (February 21, 2019).



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