Survey Matrix

PSTAP Longitudinal Survey Item Matrix 8-23.xlsx

Post Separation TAP Assessment Survey

Survey Matrix

OMB: 2900-0864

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Health and Relation
QoL and Feedback

Sheet 1: Objectives

Number Objective
1 Examine the relationship between attendance in TAP courses and the use of VA Benefits—controlling for demographic and contextual factors (for example, geographic region, age, education, etc.)
2 Analyze the effect of participation in TAP courses on the long-term outcomes of Veterans in the broad life domains of employment, education, health and social relationships, financial, and overall satisfaction and well-being—in particular, calculate change scores (such as income increase from T1 to T2), and estimate the effect of TAP and other transition activities on those scores, controlling for other factors.
3 Identify areas of improvement for TAP and the broader transition process to guide training and/or operational activities aimed at enhancing the quality of service provided to transitioning service members, Veterans, their families and caregivers.

Sheet 2: TAP

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
1a To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the VA TAP Benefits briefings?: Overall, the VA TAP Benefit briefings were beneficial in helping me gain the information and skills I needed to prepare me for my transition and post-military life. Scale 1 (Strongly Disagree); 2 (Disagree); 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree); 4 (Agree); 5 (Strongly Agree); Not Applicable TAP 1
1b To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the VA TAP Benefits briefings?: Overall, the courses provided the information I needed for a seamless transition to post-military life. Scale 1 (Strongly Disagree); 2 (Disagree); 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree); 4 (Agree); 5 (Strongly Agree); Not Applicable TAP 1
1c To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the VA TAP Benefits briefings?: Overall, I continue to use what I learned from the VA TAP Benefits and Services briefings. Scale 1 (Strongly Disagree); 2 (Disagree); 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree); 4 (Agree); 5 (Strongly Agree); Not Applicable TAP 1
1d To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the VA TAP Benefits briefings?: The information provided during the VA TAP Benefit briefings courses continues to assist me in my transition to civilian employment. Scale 1 (Strongly Disagree); 2 (Disagree); 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree); 4 (Agree); 5 (Strongly Agree); Not Applicable TAP, Employment 1
2a How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Apply for VA benefits Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Benefits 1,2,3
2b How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Prepare for changes in my economic situation after service Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Employment 1,2,3
2c How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Prepare for changes in my personal life Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Relationships 1,2,3
2d How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Avoid potential homelessness Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Housing 1,2,3
2e How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Apply for VA health care Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Health Care 1,2,3
2f How knowledgeable are you about the process needed to: Otain mental health counseling or assistance Scale 1 (Not knowledgeable at all); 2 (Not very knowledgeable); 3 (Moderately knowledgeable); 4 (Very knowledgeable); 5 (Extremely knowledgeable); Not applicable Health Care 1,2,3
3a In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Disability Compensation Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits 1,2,3
3b In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Education (e.g., post 9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery Bill, etc.) Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits, Education 1,2,3
3c In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Life Insurance (e.g., Veteran Group Life Insurance) Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits 1,2,3
3d In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Home Loans Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits, Housing 1,2,3
3e In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits, Employment 1,2,3
3f In the last 12 months have you applied for these VA benefits, or do you plan to apply in the future?: VA Health Care Select One No; Yes, you applied in the last 12 months; Yes, you plan to apply; Did not know about this benefit; Not sure Benefits, Health Care 1,2,3
4 In the past 12 months, how useful has the information you received during the VA TAP Benefits briefings? Select One a)Not useful
b)Somewhat not useful
d)Somewhat useful
e)Extremely useful
f)Not Applicable

Sheet 3: Employment

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
5a In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Managing my expectations about the salary earned in a civilian job. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Job Search 1,2
5b In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Knowing the steps in conducting a job search. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Job Search 1, 2
5c In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Understanding how my military experiences translate to civilian job requirements. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Job Search 1, 2
5d In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Adapting to differences between military and civilian workforce cultures, norms, and behaviors. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Relationships 1, 2
5e In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Interacting with civilians who are not familiar with the military. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Relationships 1, 2
5f In the last 12 months, how challenging have the following areas been for you as you continue your transition into civilian life?: Working with civilians who share different values from me. Scale 1 (Not at all challenging); 2 (A little challenging); 3 (Moderately challenging); 4 (Very challenging); 5 (Extremely challenging); Not Applicable; Prefer not to answer Employment, Relationships 1, 2
6 What is your current employment status? Select One a)Self-employed
b)Work for a business, non-profit, or government agency (not self-employed)
c)Not employed – pursuing education/training
d)Not employed – Retired and not pursuing further employment
e)Not employed – I want to work but cannot find a job
f)Not employed – I am currently taking time off (greater than 6 months)
g)Not employed – Other Reason Please Specify
h)Prefer not to answer
Employment, Job Status 2
7 Please describe your current employment Select One i)I work full-time (without an additional part-time job)
j)I work full time, and have an additional part time job
k)I don’t have a full-time job, I work part-time by choice
l)I work part-time at one job, but would like full-time employment
m)I work part-time at more than one job, but would like full-time employment
Employment, Job Status 2
8 Are you currently working in a permanent position or one that is temporary or seasonal? Select One a)Permanent
b)Temporary or Seasonal
Employment, Job Status 2
9 Do you currently work more than one job? Select One a)Yes
Employment, Job Status 2
10 Why do you work more than one job Select One a)By choice
b)Could not find a full-time job
c)Because one job did not provide enough for myself and/or my family
Employment, Job Status 2
11 In the last 12 months, did you receive a promotion or raise with your current employer? Select One a)Promotion
c)Did not receive a promotion or raise
Employment 2
12 How well does your current job match with the skills you have built through your military service? Select One a)Does not match skillset
b)Does not match skillset because I wanted to pursue a different line of work
c)Slightly matches
d)Somewhat matches
e)Considerably matches
f)Completely matches my skillset
Employment 2
13 During the last 12 months, have you engaged in any entrepreneurial activities? Select One a)Yes, own my own company and have ____ (list # of employees excluding myself)
b)Yes, have a side-business, gig, or work as a contractor (e.g., work for Uber, Task Rabbit, etc.)
c)Yes, have taken tangible steps to start a business during the last 12 months (by myself or with others)
Employment, Job Status 1, 2
14 In the last 12 months have you quit, resigned, or been laid off from a job? Select One a)Yes, I quit or resigned from a job
b)Yes, was let go from a job
c)Yes, I was laid off
Employment, Job Status 2
15 Please rank your top three reasons you quit or resigned? Rank 1,2,3 a)Higher pay
b)Better fit for my skills and abilities
c)Want a permanent position
d)Job satisfaction/better work environment
e)Something more interesting
f)More flexible schedule
g)Better training and educational opportunities
h)Better hours
i)Want more hours/full-time position
j)More opportunities for advancement
k)Shorter commute
l)Prefer not to answer
Employment, Job Status 2, 3
16 Are you actively looking for a new job? Yes/ No a)Yes
Employment 2
17 What are the primary reasons you are looking for another job Rank 1,2,3 a)Higher pay
b)Better fit for my skills and abilities
c)Want a permanent position
d)Job satisfaction/better work environment
e)Something more interesting
f)More flexible schedule
g)Better training and educational opportunities
h)Better hours
i)Want more hours/full-time position
j)More opportunities for advancement
k)Shorter commute
l)Prefer not to answer
Employment, Quality of Life 2, 3
18a In the past 12 months have you enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?: VA Health Care System (e.g., Select One Enrolled/ registered in the past 12 months; Enrolled/ registered prior to past 12 months; Used services in the past 12 months; Used services prior to past 12 months; Never used; Not Applicable Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3
18b In the past 12 months have you enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?: Department of Labor’s American Job Center Select One Enrolled/ registered in the past 12 months; Enrolled/ registered prior to past 12 months; Used services in the past 12 months; Used services prior to past 12 months; Never used; Not Applicable Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3
18c In the past 12 months have you enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?:VA Benefits Website (e.g., eBenefits) Select One Enrolled/ registered in the past 12 months; Enrolled/ registered prior to past 12 months; Used services in the past 12 months; Used services prior to past 12 months; Never used; Not Applicable Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3
18d In the past 12 months have you enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?: Commercial job site (e.g., Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.) Select One Enrolled/ registered in the past 12 months; Enrolled/ registered prior to past 12 months; Used services in the past 12 months; Used services prior to past 12 months; Never used; Not Applicable Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3
18e In the past 12 months have you enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?: USAJOBS (federal employment) Multiple Choice Enrolled/ registered in the past 12 months; Enrolled/ registered prior to past 12 months; Used services in the past 12 months; Used services prior to past 12 months; Never used; Not Applicable Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3
19 In the past 12 months, did you use any of these resources to assist in obtaining employment? Multiple Choice a)USAJOBS (e.g., federal jobs)
b)Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
c)Department of Labor’s American Job Center
d)U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes Fast Track
e)Commercial job site (e.g., Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.)
f)Private or non-profit sector (e.g., applying directly, through a recruiter, Veteran hiring initiative, etc.)
g)Other Please specify: ______________________________________________
Employment, Job Search 1, 2, 3

Sheet 4: Education

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
20 Are you currently in any education and/or training programs? Multiple Choice a)Education at a college or university, full-time
b)Education at a college or university, part-time
c)Technical or vocational training/obtain license or certificate, full-time
d)Technical or vocational training/obtain license or certificate, part-time
e)Other Please specify: ______________________________________________
Education 2
21 In the past 12 months, have you engaged in an apprenticeship or internship program? Multiple Choice a)Yes, apprenticeship
b)Yes, internship
Education 2
22 In the past 12 months, have you obtained any new degrees or certifications? Yes/ No a)Yes

23 Please select all degrees and certifications you have obtained in the last 12 months. Multiple Choice a)Trade/technical school certification/degree
b)Apprenticeship certification
c)Associate degree (e.g., AA, AS)
d)4-year college degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS)
e)Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MSW, MBA)
f)Professional degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
g)Doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, EdD)
h)Prefer not to answer
Education 2
24 Please rank the methods you are using to pay for your education/training? Rank a)___Student Loans
b)___GI Bill
c)___Working part-time or full-time
e)___Money from other sources (e.g., parents, relatives, savings, etc.)
f)___Other (e.g., VR&E, Target Foundation, etc.) Please specify: _____________________________________________
g)Prefer not to answer
Education, Finance 1, 2, 3
25 If you did not choose GI Bill above, why did you not use your GI Bill to pay for your education? Multiple Choice a)Transfer to another beneficiary
b)Saving it for future educational purposes
c)Have used all of my funds/eligibility
d)Did not know about GI Bill
e)Other, Please specify: _______________________________________
f)Not applicable
Education 1, 3
26 Does your current level of education allow you to pursue your career goals? Yes/ No a)Yes
Education 2, 3
27 Does your current level of education allow you to meet your personal salary goals? Yes/ No a)Yes
Education 2, 3

Sheet 5: Health and Relation

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
28 Do you have an ongoing physical health condition, illness, or disability (e.g., high blood pressure, pain)? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care, Quality of Life 2
29 Did you develop this condition within the last 12 months? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care, Quality of Life 2
30 Are you currently seeking treatment for your physical health condition(s)? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care 2
31 Do you have an ongoing mental/emotional health condition, illness, or disability (e.g., depression, anxiety)? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care, Quality of Life 2
32 Did you develop this condition within the last 12 months? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care, Quality of Life 2
33 Are you currently seeking treatment for your mental/emotional health condition(s)? Yes/ No a)Yes
Health Care 2
34 Select all of the healthcare resources in which you are currently enrolled? Multiple Choice a)Employer-provided health insurance (could be from your current or former employer, a family member’s current or former employer, or a union)
b)A plan you purchased through a healthcare exchange (e.g.,, State exchange, Affordable Care Act/“Obamacare”, etc.)
g)Other government assisted health plan
h)Something else Please specify: _______________________________________
i)Prefer not to answer
Health Care 1, 3
35 Of the healthcare resources selected above, please select your primary source of healthcare? Select One a)Employer-provided health insurance (could be from your current or former employer, a family member’s current or former employer, or a union)
b)A plan you purchased through a healthcare exchange (e.g.,, State exchange, Affordable Care Act/“Obamacare”, etc.)
g)Other government assisted health plan
h)Something else Please specify: _______________________________________
i)Prefer not to answer
Health Care 1, 3
36a Over the last three months, how satisfied have you been with: Your physical health Scale 1 (Very Dissatisfied); 2 (Somewhat dissatisfied); 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied); 4 (Somewhat satisfied); 5 (Very satisfied) Health Care, Quality of Life 2
36b Over the last three months, how satisfied have you been with: Your emotional/mental health Scale 1 (Very Dissatisfied); 2 (Somewhat dissatisfied); 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied); 4 (Somewhat satisfied); 5 (Very satisfied) Health Care, Quality of Life 2
36c Over the last three months, how satisfied have you been with: Your health care Scale 1 (Very Dissatisfied); 2 (Somewhat dissatisfied); 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied); 4 (Somewhat satisfied); 5 (Very satisfied) Health Care, Quality of Life 2
37 What is your marital status? Select One a)Living with a domestic partner
b)Never married
c)Married-first and only marriage
d)Married-second or later marriage
h)Prefer not to answer
Relationships, Family 2
38 Are you currently in a romantic relationship? Select One a)Currently in a relationship
b)Not currently in a relationship
c)Prefer not to answer
Relationships, Family 2
39 Are you a parent or have you served in a parenting role during the past three months (including both your own biological children and other children for whom you have parenting responsibilities)? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Relationships, Family 2
40a FAMILY: Considering the people to whom you are related by birth, marriage, adoption, spouse/significant other, etc.: How many relatives do you see or hear from at least once a month? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Family 2
40b FAMILY: Considering the people to whom you are related by birth, marriage, adoption, spouse/significant other, etc.: How many relatives do you feel comfortable with talking about private matters? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Family 2
40c FAMILY: Considering the people to whom you are related by birth, marriage, adoption, spouse/significant other, etc.: How many relatives do you feel close to such that you could call on them for help? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Family 2
41a FRIENDSHIPS: Considering all of your friends including those who live in your neighborhood: How many friends do you see or hear from at least once a month? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Friends 2
41b FRIENDSHIPS: Considering all of your friends including those who live in your neighborhood: How many friends do you feel comfortable with talking about private matters? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Friends 2
41c FRIENDSHIPS: Considering all of your friends including those who live in your neighborhood: c) How many friends do you feel close to such that you could call on them for help? Scale 0 (None); 1 (One); 2 (Two); 3 (Three or Four); 4 (Five thru Eight); 5 (Nine or more); Prefer not to answer Relationships, Friends 2
42a Please tell us a little about your sense of connection with others: How often do you feel that you lack companionship? Scale 0 (Never); 1 (Hardly Ever); 2 (Some of the Time); 3 (Often) Relationships, Quality of Life 2
42b Please tell us a little about your sense of connection with others: How often do you feel left out? Scale 0 (Never); 1 (Hardly Ever); 2 (Some of the Time); 3 (Often) Relationships, Quality of Life 2
42c Please tell us a little about your sense of connection with others: How often do you feel isolated from others? Scale 0 (Never); 1 (Hardly Ever); 2 (Some of the Time); 3 (Often) Relationships, Quality of Life 2

Sheet 6: Finance

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
43 Are you able to pay for all necessary expenses each month, such as mortgage/rent, debt payments, and groceries? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Income 1, 2, 3
44 Does your household have at least 3 months of your typical expenses set aside in case of an unexpected financial event? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Financial Planning 1, 2, 3
45 Does your household have the insurance coverage you and/or your family would need if an unexpected financial event were to occur (e.g., disability insurance, property insurance, and/or life insurance)? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Financial Planning, Benefits 1, 2, 3
46 Has your household begun to set aside money for retirement? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Financial Planning 1, 2, 3
47 Is your household more than one month behind on any debt payments (e.g., mortgage or credit card)? Select One a)No, my household is not more than one month behind in debt payments
b)Yes, my household is over one month behind in debt payments
c)Not applicable- my household does not have any debt
d)Prefer not to answer
Financial Planning, Income 1, 2, 3
48 What is your current living situation? Select One a)Rent an apartment, house, or room
b)Own an apartment or house
c)Live with a friend or relative and not paying rent
d)Live in a dormitory at school
e)Live in a medical or assisted living facility, such as a hospital or rehab center
f)Live in transitional housing (e.g., a halfway house)
g)Live in a car, on the street, or in a homeless shelter
h)Somewhere else Please specify: _______________________________________
i)Prefer not to answer
Housing 2
49 Are you currently concerned that you will lose your housing and be unable to find stable alternative housing? Yes/ No a)Yes
c)Prefer not to answer
Housing 2
50 How many people are supported by your HOUSEHOLD income, including yourself, your significant other (if you have one), and anyone else partially or fully supported by this income whether or not they live with you? Write-in a) ____ people
b)☐ Prefer not to answer
Finance 1, 2, 3
51a Please mark expected annual income range, including salary, as well as any retirement income such as your military retirement, any disability payments, real estate income, and any other sources of income, before taxes are taken out. If you are not sure, please make your best guess.: Your annual income Select one a) Less than $40,000
b) $40,000 - $70,000
c) $70,001 - $100,000
d) $100,001 - $130,000
e) $130,001-$160,000
f) $160,001 - $190,000
g) Greater than $190,001
h) Prefer not to answer
Finances 1
51b Please mark expected annual income range, including salary, as well as any retirement income such as your military retirement, any disability payments, real estate income, and any other sources of income, before taxes are taken out. If you are not sure, please make your best guess.: HOUSEHOLD
Include all sources of income from all earners in your household. If you do not have other sources of income, and you are the only earner, this may be the same as your income.
Select one a) Less than $40,000
b) $40,000 - $70,000
c) $70,001 - $100,000
d) $100,001 - $130,000
e) $130,001-$160,000
f) $160,001 - $190,000
g) Greater than $190,001
h) Prefer not to answer
Finances 1
52 During the past 12 months, did you receive unemployment compensation? Yes/ No a)Yes
Income, Employment, Job Status 2
53 How many weeks of unemployment did you receive? Write-in ______ Weeks Income, Employment, Job Status 2

Sheet 7: QoL and Feedback

Question # Question Response Type Response Options Topic(s) Objective(s)
54a The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: Thinking about your own life and personal circumstances, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Quality of Life 2
54b The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: How satisfied are with your quality of life?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Quality of Life 2
54c The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: How satisfied are you with your health?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Health Care 2
54d The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Relationships, Family, Friends 2
55e The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: How satisfied are you with feeling part of your community?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Relationships, Family, Friends 2
54f The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from 1 to 5.
1 means you feel no satisfaction at all and 5 means you feel completely satisfied.: How satisfied are you with your future security?
Scale 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Prefer not to answer Quality of Life 2
55 Thinking back to your transition process, is there anything else that VA could have done then or could be doing now to help you after your service? (1,000 characters) Write-in
TAP 1, 2, 3
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