VA Post-Separation Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Assessment– Draft 1/30/2018
Respondent Burden: 18.5 minutes
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is interested in learning how Servicemembers transition into civilian life after concluding their time in the military. Your responses will be used to make improvements to help Veterans transition to civilian life after their service. Your responses are voluntary, will be kept confidential (protected by law under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 522a and section 5701 of Title 38 of the United States Code), and will only be used for statistical purposes. The estimated time to complete this survey is 15-20 minutes. Please mail your survey in the enclosed business reply envelope by [date] so that your viewpoints can be captured. Thank you for your participation.
If you are in need of immediate assistance with a crisis, please call the VA Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1.
If you need assistance with this questionnaire or have questions about the assessment, please call the Assessment Help Line number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. Number will be created for execution.
If you need assistance with any VA program or have general VA questions, please call the VA Assistance Line: 1-800-827-1000.
Thinking back on the time when you were planning your separation from the military, the first series of questions are about the training you may have received under what is called the Transition Assistance Program, or “TAP.” The TAP curriculum, Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success), is comprised of several modules (or tracks or classes).
The following sections will address other aspects of your current situation with the end goal of improving support to you and current servicemembers who will follow you into civilian life when they leave military service.
Which TAP classes did you complete before you or your family member transitioned from the military or were released from active duty (If Reserve component)? Circle all that apply
Transition GPS 5-day course (If they select this, b-g would be indented when final and pre-populated in eSurvey)
VA Benefits Briefings (two classes outlining the VA benefits and services available, how to use them and how to apply)
Transition Overview (e.g., Resilient Transitions)
Personal Financial Planning for Transition (e.g., financial readiness)
Military Occupational Classification “MOC” Crosswalk (e.g., helps you be more marketable in the civilian sector)
Department of Labor Employment Workshop (e.g., career development skills such as interviewing, networking, and writing resumes)
Accessing Higher Education Track (e.g., how to achieve academic education success and finance education)
Entrepreneurship Track (e.g., SBA or “Boots to Business”)
Career Credentialing and Apprenticeship Track (CT3, previously called CTT or sometimes “career training track”)
None of the above Skip to #7
Don’t know
In what capacity did you attend TAP training? Circle all that apply
Servicemember (Active duty, Guard or Reserve)
Other family member
How did you complete the module(s)? Circle the answer that is closest to your experience
I took all or almost all in a traditional classroom setting
I took all or almost all virtually (e.g., online)
I took 3 to 4 of my modules/tracks in a classroom and 3 to 4 virtually
None of the above describes my experiences
only display
5 day course if selected above
When considering the
course information for each TAP module, how useful was the content
during your transition? Check
one box for each module
Not Useful 1 |
Somewhat Not useful 2 |
Neutral 3 |
Somewhat Useful 4 |
Extremely Useful 5 |
Not Applicable
To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about TAP?
Strongly Disagree 1 |
Disagree 2 |
Neither Agree or Disagree 3 |
Agree 4 |
Strongly Agree 5 |
Not Applicable
Thinking about your transition, what did you find helpful or what could be improved to better prepare you for civilian life? (1,000 characters)
The next few questions are about VA services and the information you received during your VA TAP classes.
I understand the VA benefits are available to:
Strongly Disagree 1 |
Disagree 2 |
Neither Agree or Disagree 3 |
Agree 4 |
Strongly Agree 5 |
Not Applicable
The VA benefits modules of TAP helped me transition to civilian life by providing information or resources on how to:
Strongly Disagree 1 |
Disagree 2 |
Neither Agree or Disagree 3 |
Agree 4 |
Strongly Agree 5 |
Not Applicable
Have you ever applied or do you intend to apply for any of these VA benefits?
No |
Yes |
I plan to apply |
Not applicable |
Did not know about this benefit |
Sometimes Servicemembers use a VA Benefits Advisor (VA Rep) for questions about benefits or career training.
Do you recall using a VA Benefits Advisor to follow up on concerns or obtain additional information after the TAP training? Circle one answer
No Skip to #12
Please rate your experience with the VA Benefits Advisor (VA Rep) on the following items as it relates to your transition. Check the appropriate box for each benefit
Unacceptable 1 |
Needs improvement 2 |
Average 3 |
Good 4 |
Outstanding 5 |
Not Applicable
The transition process is much more than just what you learned in the classroom. VA is not only interested in what you learned but more importantly, how the information you received is impacting your life as a civilian. Our goal is to make sure that we provide you the necessary information and support to make a successful transition from a military member to part of the civilian population.
To help us determine how we can better serve Veterans and transitioning Servicemembers, these next sections will be asking about some key life areas, such as employment, education, and training after separation, retirement, or release from active duty service as well as some health, financial, and social relationship questions.
Thinking about your transition to the civilian world, please rate the extent to which you found the following items challenging during the transition process on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is “Not at all challenging” and 5 is “Extremely challenging.”
Not at all challenging 1 |
A little challenging 2 |
Somewhat challenging 3 |
Considerably challenging 4 |
Extremely challenging 5 |
Not Applicable
Prefer not to answer
Did you obtain employment after your separation, retirement, or release from active duty service?
Circle one answer
Yes, self-employed
Yes, not self-employed
No, I am pursuing education/training before starting work Skip to #21
No, I retired and chose not to pursue further employment Skip to #21
No, I want to work but cannot find a job Skip to #19
No, I am taking extended time off (greater than 6 months, other than terminal leave) before starting work or school Skip to #24
No, other reason Please specify: ________________________________________ Skip to #21
Prefer not to answer
How long did it take you to find your current job? Circle one answer
1-2 months prior to separating
3-6 months
6 months to 1 year
More than 1 year
Are you currently working in a permanent position or one that is temporary or seasonal? Circle one answer
Temporary or Seasonal
Are you engaged in any entrepreneurial (e.g., starting your own business) activities?
Circle one answer that best describes your current activities
Yes, I own my own company and have ____ (list # of employees excluding myself)
Yes, I have a side-business/hobby I use to supplement my income
Yes, I have taken tangible steps to start a business during the last 12 months (by myself or with others)
your current employment:
the answer that best describes your current employment
I work full-time
I work
part-time Please select
By choice ☐
Because I could not find a full-time job
I work more than one job Please select one
☐ By choice ☐ Because I could not find a full-time job ☐ Because one job did not provide enough for my family
Including your current job(s), how many jobs have you had since you separated from the military?
__ __ jobs
☐ Prefer not to answer
Are you actively looking for a new job? Circle one answer
No Skip to #21
What are the primary reasons you are looking for another job? Circle all that apply
Higher pay
Better fit for my skills and abilities
Want a permanent position
Job satisfaction/better work environment
Something more interesting
More flexible schedule
Better training and educational opportunities
Better hours
Want more hours/full-time position
More opportunities for advancement
Shorter commute
Prefer not to answer
Have you ever enrolled, registered, or established a profile or online account with any of the following?
Circle all that apply
VA Health Care System (e.g.,
Department of Labor’s American Job Center
VA Benefits Website (e.g., eBenefits)
Commercial job site (e.g., Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.)
Other Please specify: ______________________________________________
Prefer not to answer
Did you ever gain employment support through any of these resources? Circle all that apply
USAJOBS (e.g., federal jobs)
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
Department of Labor’s American Job Center
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes Fast Track
Commercial job site (e.g., Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.)
Private or non-profit sector (e.g., applying directly, through a recruiter, Veteran hiring initiative, etc.)
Other Please specify: ______________________________________________
Education and training can be important to transition success and we’d like to know a bit about what educational/training activities you’ve done since leaving the military.
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or highest degree received. Circle one answer
High school equivalent (e.g., GED) or less
High school graduate
Trade/technical school
Some college
Associate degree (e.g., AA, AS)
4-year college degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS)
Master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MSW, MBA)
Professional degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, EdD)
Prefer not to answer
Are you currently in any education and/or training programs? Circle all that apply
Education at a college or university, full-time
Education at a college or university, part-time
Technical or vocational training/obtain license or certificate, full-time
Technical or vocational training/obtain license or certificate, part-time
Other Please specify: ______________________________________________
No Skip to #27
How are you paying for your education/training? Circle all that apply
Student Loans
GI Bill
Working part-time or full-time
Money from other sources (e.g., parents, relatives, savings, etc.)
Other (e.g., VR&E, Target Foundation, etc.) Please specify: _____________________________________________
Prefer not to answer
In the last 3 months of your post military education or training, how satisfied have you been with:
Very Dissatisfied 1 |
Somewhat dissatisfied 2 |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3 |
Somewhat satisfied 4 |
Very satisfied 5 |
Two very important life areas that impact your overall transition are your health and relationships since your transition. The next set of questions will help us determine if your needs are being met in your civilian life and how we can better prepare servicemembers during TAP.
Yes |
No |
Prefer not to answer |
Which of the following best describe your main sources of healthcare coverage? Circle one answer
Employer-provided health insurance (could be from your current or former employer, a family member’s current or former employer, or a union)
A plan you purchased through a healthcare exchange (e.g.,, State exchange, Affordable Care Act/ “Obamacare”, etc.)
Other government assisted health plan
Something else Please specify: _______________________________________
Prefer not to answer
Over the last 3 months, how satisfied have you been with:
Very Dissatisfied 1 |
Somewhat dissatisfied 2 |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3 |
Somewhat satisfied 4 |
Very satisfied 5 |
What is your marital status? Circle one answer
Living with a domestic partner Skip to #36
Never married
Married-first and only marriage Skip to #36
Married-second or later marriage Skip to #36
Prefer not to answer
Are you currently in a romantic relationship? Circle one answer
Currently in a relationship
Not currently in a relationship
Prefer not to answer
Are you a parent or have you served in a parenting role during the past three months (including both your own biological children and other children for whom you have parenting responsibilities)? Circle one answer
No Skip to #38
Prefer not to answer
How many children do you have in the following age categories (including both your own biological children and other children for whom you have parenting responsibilities)?
# of Children |
# of Children |
Under 5 years old |
Age 19 through 26 years old |
Age 5 through 12 years old |
27+ years old |
Age 13 through 18 years old |
Prefer not to answer |
FAMILY: Considering the people to whom you are related by birth, marriage, adoption, etc.
None 0 |
One 1 |
Two 2 |
Three or Four 3 |
Five thru Eight 4 |
Nine or more 5 |
Prefer not to answer |
FRIENDSHIPS: Considering all of your friends including those who live in your neighborhood
None 0 |
One 1 |
Two 2 |
Three or Four 3 |
Five thru Eight 4 |
Nine or more 5 |
Prefer not to answer |
Here we want to know how you are feeling since your transition to civilian life?
Never 0 |
Hardly Ever 1 |
Some of the Time 2 |
Often 3 |
The final area we’d like to ask you about is your financial situation. VA wants to understand if Veterans have enough income after separation to meet their basic needs. If you are not sure how to answer some of these questions, please just take your best guess.
Yes |
No |
Prefer not to answer |
Is your
household more than one month behind on your debt payments (e.g.,
mortgage or credit card)?
one answer
No, my household is not more than one month behind in debt payments
Yes, my household is over one month behind in debt payments
Not applicable- my household does not have any debt
Prefer not to answer
Are you currently concerned that you will lose your housing and be unable to find stable alternative housing? Circle one answer
Prefer not to answer
How many people are supported by your HOUSEHOLD income, including yourself, your significant other (if you have one), and anyone else partially or fully supported by this income whether or not they live with you?
__ __ people
☐ Prefer not to answer
What is your current living situation? Circle one answer
Rent an apartment, house, or room
Own an apartment or house
Live with a friend or relative and not paying rent
Live in a dormitory at school
Live in a medical or assisted living facility, such as a hospital or rehab center
Live in transitional housing (e.g., a halfway house)
Live in a car, on the street, or in a homeless shelter
Somewhere else Please specify: _______________________________________
Prefer not to answer
Please mark expected annual income range, including salary, as well as any retirement income such as your military retirement, any disability payments, real estate income, and any other sources of income, before taxes are taken out. If you are not sure, please make your best guess.
Income range |
YOUR Annual Income |
HOUSEHOLD Include all sources of income from all earners in your household. If you do not have other sources of income, and you are the only earner, this may be the same as your income. |
Less than $40,000 |
$40,000 - $70,000 |
$70,001 - $100,000 |
$100,001 - $130,000 |
$130,001-$160,000 |
$160,001 - $190,000 |
Greater than $190,001 |
Prefer not to answer |
Now we would like to ask some final questions about your overall satisfaction and well-being.
The following questions ask how satisfied you feel, on a scale from zero to 10. Zero means you feel no satisfaction at all and 10 means you feel completely satisfied.
No satisfaction at all |
Completely satisfied |
Prefer not to answer |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
The VA is interested in the welfare of Veterans and their families as they transition into civilian life. Would you be willing to take part in a longer term study to improve the transition process? You will be contacted no more than once per year. Circle one answer
If you would like to be contacted, please enter your preferred e-mail address, preferably a personal e-mail that will remain stable (e.g., [email protected]):
a) E-Mail Address: _____________________________________
b) I do not have an e-mail address
Thinking back to your transition process, is there anything else that VA could have done then or could be doing now to help you after your service? (1,000 characters)
If you are in need of immediate assistance with a crisis, please call the VA Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1.
If you need assistance with this questionnaire or have questions about the assessment, please call the Assessment Help Line number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. Number will be created for execution.
If you need assistance with any VA program or have general VA questions, please call the VA Assistance Line: 1-800-827-1000.
Thank you for completing this survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Baird, Jerry |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-14 |