Spreadsheet Changes (fine penalties) 7-17-19

Spreadsheet of Changes No 0581-0308 07-24-19.xlsx

Regulations and Related Reporting and Recording Requirements - FTPP, Packers and Stockyards Division

Spreadsheet Changes (fine penalties) 7-17-19

OMB: 0581-0308

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Justification of Change -04/02/19 Spreadsheet of Changes OMB No 0581-0308 7-17-2019

The corrections regarding the penalties is due to inflation adjustments per 9CFR statute 3.91(1)
Form No. Location of Change justification
1000 Application for Registration Pg 3, para 2, sentence 1 (instr.) fine currently states: ….not more than $750 for each violation and not more than $37.50 for each day it continues; Will change fine statement to: ….not more than $1,913 for each violation and not more than $96 for each day it continues.

Pg 3, Para 4 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 3, Para 5 (instr.) change from "and sign line 20" to "and sign line 21"
1100 Application for Registration Packer Buyer Pg 3, para 2, sentence 1 (instr.) fine currently states: ….not more than $750 for each violation and not more than $37.50 for each day it continues.

Will change fine statement to: ….not more than $1,913 for each violation and not more than $96 for each day it continues.

Pg 3, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 3, Para 6 (instr.) change from "line 14 through 18" to "line 14 through 20"
1200 Information to be Supplied in Connection with Posting Stockyard Pg 2, Para 3 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
1300 Change of Name iof Posted Stockyard Pg 2, Para 3 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 1400 Packer Inquiry Pg 2, After Certification, Section 7, (form) Clarify fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

pg 3 par 2, sentence 2 (instr.) line 2 currently states; (7U.S.C 222 (Section 402 of the Act); line 2 will be changed to: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 3, Para 4 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 3, Line 104/105 (instr.) Correct to read "Enter your mailing address. Enter street, city, county, state, and zip+4. This is the address where all correspondence, regular and certified from the Packers and Stockyards Division should be sent.
PSD 1500 Live Poultry Dealer Inquiry Pg 2, After Certification, Section 9 (form) Clarify fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 3, par 2, sentence 2 (instr.) line 2 currently states; (7U.S.C 222 (Section 402 of the Act) changed to "Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222)".

Pg 3, Para 4 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 3, Line 104/105 (instr.) Correct to read "Enter your mailing address. Enter street, city, county, state, and zip+4. This is the address where all correspondence, regular and certified from the Packers and Stockyards Division should be sent.
PSD 2000 Surety Bond Pg 3, para 3, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine will be changed to $28,061

Pg 3, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2100 Rider for General Use with Surety Bond Pg 1, line 10 (form) Change to read "The name, address, phone no. and email of the Trustee, if named, as given on the surety bond identified above, are changed

Pg 3, para 3, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine will be changed to $28,061

Pg 3, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 3, last 3 lines (instr.) correct "16" to "17"; "18" to "19"; "17" to "18"; "19" to "20"
PSD 2110 Claim for Livestock Sold on Commission Clause 1 Pg 4 Entered blank page for ease of printing

Pg 5, Para 3 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2120 Claim for Livestock Sold Clause 2, 3, 4 Pg 4 Entered blank page for ease of printing

Pg 5, Para 3 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2200 Trust Fund Agreement Form Pg 4, para 3, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine will be changed to $28,061

Pg 4, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2300 Trust Agreement Pg 4, para 3, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine will be changed to $28,061

Pg 4, para 9, sentence 2 (instr.) Correct to read "Include address, city, state, zip+4 and email"

Pg 4, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2400 Rider for General use with Trust Fund Agreement or Trust Fund Agreement Pg 4, para 2, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine will be changed to $28,061

Pg 4, Para 4 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

PSD 2500 Termination of Trust Agreement or Trust Fund Agreement Pg2, after Section 3 para2, sentence 2 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 3, Para 3 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2600 Letter of Credit Pg 4, para 3, sentence 1 (instr.) fine is currently stated as $11,000; fine changed to $28,061

Pg 4, Para 5 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 2610 Automatic Renewal Rider for Letter of Credit Pg 2, Para 4 (instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 3001 Annual Report of Dealer or Market Agency Buying on Commission Pg 2 Line 402 (form) correct "402" to "401"

Pg 3, line 508 (form) add paratheses between Invenstores and Total

Page 4, line 540 (form) add (Should equal line 520 minus 525)

Pg 4, line 604 (form) add (Totalof lines 601 through 603)

Pg 4, line 606 (form) add (Line 604 minus 605)

Pg 4, after Section 7 Certification, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 4, after Section 7 signature, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 4, after Section 7 signature, para 1 (form) Add include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 5 Para 2, Sentence 2 (instr.) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 5, para 2, sentence 4 (instr.) Add clarification after sentence 4: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Page 5, Para 3, Sentence 1 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 5 Para 3 Sentence 2 (instr.) Correct sentence to read "Forms and instructions are "

Page 5, Para 3, Sentence 3 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 7, Section separation, sentence 2 (instr.) Correct "… reported in section 5 of …" to "… reporrted ins section 4 of …"

Pg 7 line #303 (instr.) Add "a through e" in column 1

Pg 7 line #306 (instr.) Add "a through e" in column 1

Pg 7 #306, colume c (instr.) add: Total of 306e should equal 304e

Pg 8 Line 402 (instr.) remove "If not, skip lines 402-414 and go directly to Section 5"

Pg 8 between 402 and 403 (instr.) end of paragraph add "If 403 is not checked, skip lines 404-414 and go directly to Section 5"
PSD 3002 Annual Report of Live Poultry Dealers Pg 1, line 208 (form) add "if yes complete line 209"

Pg 2 line 309 (form) Correct "307 throught 312" to "310 through 314"

Pg 2 between lines 309 and 310 (form) Correct to read "If the answer to 307 is 'Yes' complete lines 308 through 312" to "If line 309 is checked, complete lines 310 through 314"

Pg 2, lines 310 - 313(315) (form) Correct line numbering

Pg 3, line 601 (form) Correct (..on line 619) to (..on line 618)

Pg 4 line 635 (form) correct to read "through 6340" to "through 634)" and add "(Should equal line 617 minus 630)"

Pg 4, line 703 (form) change from "Live Pooultry Purchases" to "Poultry Grow-Outs"

Pg 4, Line 704 (form) change from "Poultry Grow-Outs" to "Poultry Marketing Agreements"

Pg 4, line 705 (form) Change from "Other Purchases" to "Live Poultry Purchases"

Pg 4 line 713 (form) add (sum of lines 710 through 712)

Pg 4 line 718 (form) correct from (…615 through 717, enter …) to (… 715 through 717, enter …)

Pg 5, under Section 8 Certification, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 5, After Section 8, para 1 Sentence 2 (form) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 5, Section 8 para 1 (form) Add sentence 3 clarification to fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 5, After Section 8, para 1 Sentence 1 (form) remove "7 (U.S.C. 222)"

PG 6 Inserted blank page to prevent instructions from being printed on form pages.

Pg 7 para 2 sentence 4 (instr.) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 7, para 2, sentence 4 (instr.) Add clarification after sentence 4: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Page 7, Para 3, Sentence 1 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Page 7, Para 3, Sentence 3 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 8, line 210, 3 column (instr.) add "(if no skip lines 211 through 215)"

Pg 9, line 308, column C (instr.) correct to read "… box indicating if financial …"

Pg 9, line 309 (instr.) corrected to read "310 through 314"

Pg 9, line 313 and sentence 2 (instr.) corrected to read "315": "amount of livestock Account Payble" to "amount of Total Account Payable"

Pg 11, line 601, Sentence 2 (instr.) Remove "except the custodial account." Correct from "reported on line 619" to "reported on line 618"

Pg 13, line 703 (instr.) Change Subject to "Poultry Grow-Outs and Company Owned Farms";

Pg 13 Line 704 (instr.) Change Subject to "Poultry Procured under Marketing Agreement"

Pg 13 Line 705 (instr.) Change Subject to "Live Poultry Purchases"

Pg 13, line 711, sentence 1 (instr.) Add a comma between General & Sales
PSD 3003 Annual Report of Market Agency Selling on Commission Pg 2, line 612 (form) Add "(Line 607 minus 611)"

Pg 3 Line 701 (form) change "on line 722" to "on line 723""

Pg 3, Line 743 (form) change "(should equal line" to (Total lines"

Pg 3, line 743 (form) add "(should equal line 722 minus 738)"

Pg 4, Line 805 (form) add "(Total of lines 801 through 804)"

Pg 4 Line 807 (form) add "(Line 805 Less 806)

Pg 4, between Section 9 and para 1 (form) remove duplicated line, before and after para 1

Pg 4, Certification Section 9 Para 1 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 4, After signatures in Section 9 Certification, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 4, After signatures in Section 9 Certification, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 4, after signature, before para 1 (form) remove line separation

Pg 5, para 2, sentence 4 (instr.) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 5, para 2, sentence 4 (instr.) Add clarification after sentence 4: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Page 5, Para 3, Sentence 1 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 5, Para 3, Sentence 3 (instr.) Add "/844-303-0332"

Page 5, Para 3, Sentence 3 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 8 Line 501, Column c (instr.) Corrected to read: Check this box if another business provides clearing services for you. (You are cleared under the bond coverage of another entity)

Pg 8, Line 502 Column c (instr.) Corrected to read: If you checked the box on line 501, enter the name of the clearing agent (clearor).

Pg 8 Line 503 through 514 removed all columns (instr.) List the name of each clearee and the gross dollar value of lievestock purchased by each clearee during the reporting period, regardless of who paid for it, on lines 503-513 and total on line 514. Attached additional sheets if necessary. If you re not provideing clearing services, skip section 5 and go to section 6.

Pg 8 add Line 503 column a, b and c (instr.) 503; Are you a clearor; Check box if you are a clearor providing cleares services to people who are cleared under your bond coverage.

Pg 8 add Line 504/514 column a, b and c (instr.) 504 through 514; Clearee's name and dollar amount of livestock purchased; List the name of each Clearee, and gross dollar amount of livestock purchased by each clearee during the reporting period, regardless of who paid for it, on lines 504-513, and total on line 514. Attach additional sheet if necessary. If you are not providing clearing services, skip section 5 and go to section 6.

Pg 12 line 739, column b (instr.) add " "unincorporated" "

Pg 12 line 739, column c (instr.) Move "should equal line 722 less line 738). " to line 743 column c

Pg 12 line 740 , column b (instr.) add " "Incorporated" "

Pg 12 Line 743, column c (instr.) add "(should equal line 722 minus 738)"

Pg 12, Certification Line 902 (instr.) Correct sentence to read "The report must be signed by a responsible person".
PSD 3004 Annual Report of Packers Bottom of all pages (form) add "Form PSD 3004" "Expires 02/28/2021" "Page # of 15"

Pg 1 Para 2 (form) Change "… reported in Section 2 of Form 3005…" to "…reported in Section 3 of Form 3005…"

Pg 1, line 211 (form) Correct "If line 211" to "If line 210"

Pg 1, between lines 214 and 215 (form) Correct "… and percentage of ownership under lines…" to "…and percentage of owndership on lines…"

Pg 2, after line 311, sentence 1 (form) reword "For each entity listed on lines 308-311 enter the number of head slaughtered on lines 312-315"

Pg 3 before line 405 (form) Remove "Add additional banks is necessary." replace with "If necessary list additional banks on a separate Pg."

Pg 4 line 520 (form) change "Total Assets" to Total Other Assets"

Pg 4 Line 529 (form) change "(Total lines 527 and 528" to "(Total lines 527 and 528)"

Pg 5 line 542 (form) add "(Total of lines 536 and 541)"

Pg 5 line 603 (form) add "(Should equal line 404)"

pg 5 line 613 (form) add "(sum lines 610 to 612)"

Pg 5, Certification Section 7 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 6, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Add clarification of fine to include: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Pg 6, para 1, sentence 2 (form) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 6 Para 3/4 (form) Complete rewording

Pg 7, para 2, sentence 2 (instr.) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg 7, para 2, sentence 2 (instr.) Add clarification after sentence 2: Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222).

Page 7, Para 3, Sentence 1 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Page 7, Para 3, Sentence 3 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Pg 8 line 210 Column 2 (instr.) Change "… manufacturer on line 212." to "… manufacturer on line 211"

Pg 9 line 302/303 (instr.) fix alignment in instruction column

Pg 10, line 321, column c (instr.) Correct "in line 317 or 318" to read "in lines 319 or 320"

Pg 11 Line 412, column c (instr.) Correct "… box indicating financial institution …" to "… box indicating if financial institution …"

Pg 15, Certification Line 702 (instr.) Correct sentence to read "The report must be signed by a responsible person".
PSD 3005 Supplement to Annual Report of Packers Pg 1 after line 308, sentence 1 (form) Correct "business in the plant" to "businesses, at the plant"

Pg 1 after line 308, sentence 2 (form) Correct "plant in line 308-311" to "plant on lines 309 - 312"

Pg 2, paragraph 1, sentence 1 before line 313 (form) Correct to read "For each entity listed on lines 309-312 enter the number of head slaughtered on lines 313-316."

Pg 2 Para 1, sent 2 before line 313 (form) correct …316 to 317…..317 to 318 …… 318 to 319.

Pg2 -after line 332 (form) Change fine from $110 to $559

Pg2 -after line 332 (form) Add clarification after sentence 2 from "7(U.S.C. 222)" to "Section 10 of the FTC Act, made applicable by Section 402 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 222)."

Page 3, Para 3, Sentence 1 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

Page 3, Para 3, Sentence 3 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

PSD 4000 Weigher;s Acknowledment and Agreement Page 2, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 4200 Livestock Scale Test Report Page 3, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 4300 Monorail Scale Test Report Page 3, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 4400 Vehicle Scale Test Report Page 3, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 4500 Hopper Scale Test Report Page 2, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 5000 Reparation Complaint Page 3, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 6010 Statistical Report Comment Form Page 2, Para3, line 1 (form) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PDS 6020 Annual Assessment Reort Comments Page 2, after Thank you for your response line 2 (form) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"

PSD 7001 Status of Custodial Bank Account for Shippers' Proceeds Special Report Pg 3, Para 1, Sentence 1 (form) Change "$110" to "$559" and replace "7 (U.S.C. 222)" with "Section 10 of the FTC Act made applicable by Section 402 if the Act (7 U.S.C 222)

Pg 4, Para 2, Sentence 2 (instr.) Change "$110" to "$559".

Pg 4, Para 4 (Instr.) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 7002 Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Equity Special Report Pg 3, after Section 4, Para 1, Sentence 1 (form) Change "$110" to "$559" and replace "7 (U.S.C. 222)" with "Section 10 of the FTC Act made applicable by Section 402 if the Act (7 U.S.C 222)

Pg 3, after Section 4, Para 1, Sentence 2 (form) Add ")" to end of sentence.

Pg 4, Para 2, Sentence 2 (form) Change "$110" to "$559".

Pg 4, Para 4 (form) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
PSD 7003 Special Report for Review of Dealer, Market Agnecy and Packer Bonds Pg 2, after Section 3, Para 1 (form) Change "$110" to "$559" and replace "7 (U.S.C. 222)" with "Section 10 of the FTC Act made applicable by Section 402 if the Act (7 U.S.C 222)

Pg 3, Para 3, Sentence 2 (instr) Change "$110" to "$559"

Pg 3, Para 4 (form) Change in email address from "@ams.usda.gov" to "@usda.gov"
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