Form 5900-470 Template for Tier 3 Heavy-duty NMOG+NOx

Motor Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Economy Compliance (Renewal)


Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards

OMB: 2060-0104

Document [xlsx]
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FTP 120k NMOG+NOX Summary
FTP 150k NMOG+NOX Summary
SFTP 120k NMOG+NOX Summary
SFTP 150k NMOG+NOX Summary

Sheet 1: LDV,LDT1

Example Template - Federal Tier 3 Banking & Trading LDV/LDT1 Vehicle Table for One Model Year

EPA Form Number 5900-471
Manufacturer: ___________________________
Date: _____________

OMB Control Number 2060-0104

Expires XX/XX/XXXX
Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document

EPA ICR Number 0783.65 Pape Work Rediction Act Notice
This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection is estimated to average 18,244 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, Washington, DC, 20460 and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-1800), Washington, D.C. 20503. Include the OMB control number(s) in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

120K Averaging Set

NOTE: This 120K averaging set is not expected to be used by many manufacturers (if any). See 40 CFR 86.1805-17(d) and the preamble discussion of the Tier 3 final rule at 79 FR 23450-51, 23475, April 28, 2014; or obtain prior EPA approval before using the 120K averaging set in this spreadsheet.
150K Averaging Set

Emission Standard Total Production Fleet average compliance Fleet average standard Credits or Debits
Emission Standard Total Production Fleet average compliance Fleet average standard Credits or Debits

EPA: Any cell that is dark orange requires manufacturer input: 1. Input Manufacturer name and the date of submission at the top of this sheet then select model year in cell C12. Note: Select Small Volume Manufacturer in cell C14 if applicable. 2. Each row is specific to the test group input in column A. 3. Columns B, D, E, F, G, H, I and L must be completed for every test group. Column J must be completed if column I is "Yes." 4. If a test group is certified to the CARB Stand-alone SFTP provisions, input N/A in columns D and F (so that these test groups are not included in the fleet average SFTP calculation). 5. Enter Comments as needed in column Q. SFTP Calculations: Note that the 150K SFTP (NMOG + NOx) fleet average emission levels and credits are shown on the "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" tab. The SFTP 150K fleet average calculation is required to include data from all light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks (including all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs); ref. §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A). Thus, the SFTP fleet average calculations are performed on the "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" tab, using input data from both the "LDV/LDT1" tab and the "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" tab. Applicable Regulations: Applicable regulations and references to the preamble of the Tier 3 final rule are in the "mouse over" comment fields for some cells. Revisions: 1. May 1, 2018 - Revised the 150K SFTP (NMOG + NOx) calculations as described above. 2. May 1, 2018 - Revised the "SFTP 150K NMOG+NOx Summary" spreadsheet (tab) accordingly (to show one SFTP fleet average & credit calculation for all light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks (including all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs); ref. §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A). 3. June 1, 2018 - Added clarifying "Note" to cells F8 to J8 that EPA doesn't expect the 120K averaging set to be used by many manufacturers (if at all). 4. June 1, 2018 - Revised Test Group "H" FTP (NMOG+NOx) standard from Bin 125 to Bin 30---which resulted in the fleet average compliance level changing from 0.133 to 0.099 for the120K Averaging Set. 5. July 17, 2018 - Grouped all gold columns together. Password protected cells with calculations. To Print These Instructions: R cllick on the Instructions (cell A10) and click on "Show/Hide Comments. Then in Excel, go to Page Layout, Page Setup, Sheet and set Comments to "As displayed on sheet" and click OK. Then Print the Selection. Instructions

g/mi g/mi g/mi
g/mi g/mi g/mi

FTP (NMOG+NOx) 250,000 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4) and (b)(8)(i); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii); Note that the provisions of §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii) require separate averaging sets for LDV and LDT1 vehicles certified to 120K FTP and SFTP standards. 0.099 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(i) §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii); Note that the provisions of §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii) require separate averaging sets for LDV and LDT1 vehicles certified to 120K FTP and SFTP standards (and meeting NMOG + NOx fleet average standards which are 85 percent of the respective 150K fleet average NMOG + NOx standards). 0.073 (6,500)
FTP (NMOG+NOx) 283,840 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4) and (b)(8)(i); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(ii); 0.052 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(i) §86.1861-17(b)(1)(ii); 0.086 9,651

Select Model Year: 2017

SFTP (NMOG+NOx) 210,000 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(5) and (b)(8)(ii); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii); Note that the provisions of §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii) require separate averaging sets for LDV and LDT1 vehicles certified to 120K FTP and SFTP standards. #NAME? EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(B); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii); Note that the provisions of §86.1861-17(b)(1)(iii) require separate averaging sets for LDV and LDT1 vehicles certified to 120K FTP and SFTP standards. 0.103 #NAME?
SFTP (NMOG+NOx) EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(5) and (b)(8)(ii); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(ii); Note that the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A) require the SFTP fleet average emission level to be calculated together for all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs, except that vehicles meeting California's stand-alone SFTP standards are not included in the fleet average SFTP calculations. SFTP 150K Fleet Average Credits or Debits are calculated
for all LDVs, LDTs, MDPVs on the "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" Tab.

Small Volume under 86.1811-17(h)(1)? EPA: Small volume manufacturers cannot earn, bank or trade FTP credits until MY 2022; ref. 86.1811-17(h)(1)(iii). No

Test Group EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(i) Bin
(NMOG + NOx)
EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(5) SFTP
FEL standard
Test Group Useful Life Miles FTP
Useful Life of Averaging Set
Useful Life of Averaging Set
EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(ii) 150K Warranty per §86.1811-17(b)(4)(ii) EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(iii) 50-State Direct Ozone Reduction (DOR)
(LEV 3 regs)
If yes to DOR, CARB Approved Level Production
Comments FTP
NMOG + NOx standard

[Column B
Bin x 0.001]
Actual FTP NMOG + NOx Standard Level
[Derived from columns G, H, I, L]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation FTP
x Bin

J x M]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation SFTP
x Bin

J x C]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation FTP Intermediate calculation EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation SFTP Intermediate calculation

g/mi x1000 Mi (x 1000 Miles) (x 1000 Miles) Y or N Y or N g/mi # of Units g/mi g/mi g/mi g/mi

A 160 0.160 120 150 150 Yes No
39,458 Bin 160 120K Useful Life (included in 150K FTP & SFTP Averaging sets); [Formatted comments field cells to "wrap text" as shown in example comments for this cell.] 0.160 0.155 6115.99 6313.28 0.021547315388952 0.023891947941857

B 125 0.130 120 150 150 No No
0.125 0.125 2547.75 2649.66 0.008976007609921 0.010027361178915

C 20 0.020 150 150 150 Yes Yes 0.005 45,000
0.020 0.010 450 900 0.001585400225479 0.003405955881518

D 50 0.050 150 150 150 No No
0.050 0.050 3950 3950 0.013916290868095 0.014948361924441

E 0 0.000 150 150 150 Yes No
0.000 0.000 0 0 0 0

F 20 N/A 150 150 N/A No No
90,000 Meets CARB Stand alone SFTP standards ref. 86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(C) 0.020 0.020 1800

G 160 0.140 120 120 120 No No
0.160 0.160 19200 16800 0.0768 0.08

H 30 0.140 120 120 120 No No
0.030 0.030 2700 12600 0.0108 0.06

I 70 N/A 120 120 N/A No No
40,000 Meets CARB Stand alone SFTP standards ref. 86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(C) 0.070 0.070 2800


Example Template - Federal Tier 3 Banking & Trading LDT2/HLDT/MDPV Vehicle Table for One Model Year
EPA Form Number 5900-471
Manufacturer: ___________________________

OMB Control Number 2060-0104

Expires XX/XX/XXXX
Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document
EPA ICR Number 0783.65
This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

150K Averaging Set

Emission Standard Total Production Fleet average compliance Fleet average standard Credits or Debits

EPA: Any cell that is dark orange requires manufacturer input: 1. Input Manufacturer name and the date of submission at the top of this sheet then select model year in cell C11. . Note: Select Small Volume Manufacturer in cell C13 if applicable. 2. Each row is specific to the test group input in column A. 3.Columns B, D, E, F, G, H, I and L must be completed for every test group. Column J must be completed if column I is "Yes." 4. If a test group is certified to the CARB Stand-alone SFTP provisions, input N/A in columns D and F (so that these test groups are not included in the fleet average SFTP calculation). 5. Enter Comments as needed in column Q. SFTP Calculations: Note that the 150K SFTP (NMOG + NOx) fleet average emission levels and credits shown on this "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" tab are calculated from input data from both the "LDV/LDT1" and the "LDT2,HLDT,MDPV" tabs. The SFTP 150K fleet average calculation is required to include all light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks (including all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs); ref. §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A). Applicable Regulations: Applicable regulations and references to the preamble of the Tier 3 final rule are in the "mouse over" comment fields for some cells. Revisions: 1. May 1, 2018 - Revised the 150K SFTP (NMOG + NOx) calculations as described above. 2. May 1, 2018 - Revised the "SFTP 150K NMOG+NOx Summary" spreadsheet (tab) accordingly (to show one SFTP fleet average & credit calculation for all light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks (including all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs); ref. §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A). 3. July 17, 2018 - Grouped all gold columns together. Password protected cells with calculations. To Print These Instructions: R cllick on the Instructions (cell A9) and click on "Show/Hide Comments. Then in Excel, go to Page Layout, Page Setup, Sheet and set Comments to "As displayed on sheet" and click OK. Then Print the Selection. Instructions

g/mi g/mi g/mi

FTP (NMOG+NOx) 70,403 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4) and (b)(8)(i); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(ii); 0.120 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(i) and (b)(11) 0.101 (1,338)

Select Model Year: 2017

SFTP (NMOG+NOx) 264,243 EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(5) and (b)(8)(ii); §86.1861-17(b)(1)(ii); Note that the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(A) require the SFTP fleet average emission level to be calculated together for all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs, except that vehicles meeting California's stand-alone SFTP standards are not included in the fleet average SFTP calculations. #NAME? EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii)(B) and (b)(11) 0.103 #NAME?

Small Volume under 86.1811-17(h)(1)? EPA: Small volume manufacturers cannot earn, bank or trade FTP credits until MY 2022; ref. 86.1811-17(h)(1)(iii). No

Test Group EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(i) Bin
(NMOG + NOx)
EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(5) SFTP
NMOG + NOx standard
Test Group Useful Life Miles FTP
Useful Life of Averaging Set
Useful Life of Averaging Set
EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(ii) 150K Warranty per §86.1811-17(b)(4)(ii) EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(4)(iii) 50-State Direct Ozone Reduction (DOR)
(LEV III regs)
If yes to DOR, CARB Approved Level Production
Comments FTP
NMOG + NOx standard

[Column B Bin x 0.001]
Actual FTP NMOG + NOx Standard Level
[Derived from columns
G, H, I, L]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation FTP
x Bin

J x M]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation SFTP
x Bin

J x C]
EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation FTP Intermediate calulation EPA: Intermediate steps from §86.1860-17(b) equation SFTP Intermediate calulation

g/mi x1000 Mi x1000 Miles x1000 Miles Y or N Y or N g/mi # of Units g/mi g/mi g/mi g/mi

A 160 0.060 120 150 150 Yes Yes 0.004 50,000 LDT2 only; [Formatted comments field cells to "wrap text" as shown in the example comments for this cell.] 0.160 0.151 7550 3000 0.10723974830618 0.011353186271727

B 50 0.070 150 150 150 No No
15,403 LDT2 only 0.050 0.050 770.15 1078.21 0.010939164524239 0.004080372990013

C 30 0.070 150 150 150 Yes No
5,000 LDT2 only 0.030 0.025 125 350 0.001775492521626 0.001324538398368

Sheet 3: FTP 120k NMOG+NOX Summary

Example Template - Banking & Trading 120K Summary Table- FTP NMOG+NOX
EPA Form Number 5900-471
Manufacturer: _______________ Date:_______________
OMB Control Number 2060-0104

Expires XX/XX/XXXX
Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document
EPA ICR Number 0783.65
This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

EPA: Any cell that is blue or orange requires manufacturer input: 1. Update and resubmit this form every year for the FTP 120k NMOG+NOx Credits. 2. Fill in the Manufacturer name and the date of submission at the top of this sheet then select Model Year in cell D8. 3. Early Credits - Check the method used to calculate early credits in cells J10 or J11. Note that you can't use both methods. [Leave cells J10 and J11 blank if no early credits were earned.] 3.1 If you used the early credit method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(10) and (b)(11)(ix); put an "X" in cell J10 and fill in the "FinalResults" of the your Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator in cells H19, I19 and J20. The EPA Early Tier 3 Credits Calculator is available at Please supply EPA with a copy of your Early Tier 3 Credit calculator (and all supporting spreadsheets used to derive the input values for the Early Tier 3 Credit calculator) with your 2017 model year final AB&T report. [You may use these EPA templates to derive some of the 2015-2017 input values used in the Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator.] 3.2 If you used the early credit method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) and §86.1861 (comparing early Tier 3 NMOG +NOx certification bins to the early fleet average standards provided in paragraph §86.1811-17(b)(11)], put an "X" in cell J11 and fill in the values in rows 28, 32 and 39 (as shown in this example spreadsheet) based on the results determined from the LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet in this workbook. 3.3 You may delete any unused rows, enter appropriated data, and overwrite any formulas in the cells in these rows as needed. Note that some of the formulas in column G are password protected . 4. 2017 and Later Model Year (normal) Tier 3 Credits - Fill in the data in rows 39 and below as needed, e.g. based on the values from the LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet in this workbook. Note that the EPA Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator calculates Actual Tier 3 credits for the 2017 model year (if you used that early credit method). You may use referenced data from cells in other tabs of this workbook if you like, (as per cells D39 through F39 of this spreadsheet). 5. Comments - Please delete EPA comments (in this example) and add your own comments. Be descriptive. Include comments for all transfers. Revisions: 1. June 1, 2018 - Added the information in cells G8 through J11 so that manufacturers can indicate the method they used to calculate 2015-2017 Early Credits. Manufacturers can use 1) the method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(10) and (b)(11)(ix)---e.g. using the EPA Early Credits AB&T worksheet available on the web; or 2) the method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) and §86.1861 [comparing early Tier 3 NMOG +NOx certification bins to the early fleet average standards provided in paragraph §86.1811-17(b)(11)], but cannot use both methods. Revised 2015-2017 early credits accordingly. 2. June 21, 2018 - Added the Early Credit information in rows 14-20 and 47. Revised the formulas in cells G27, G31, G38-G39 to pick up appropriate early credit values in rows 19 and 20, etc. Revised 2015-2017 early credits. Deleted some rows which transferred early 2015-2016 credits to cover 2017 deficits (since there are no 2017 deficits in the current spreadsheet). Revised Instructions accordingly. To Print These Instructions: R cllick on the Instructions (cell C7) and click on "Show/Hide Comments. Then in Excel, go to Page Layout, Page Setup, Sheet and set Comments to "As displayed on sheet" and click OK. Then Print the Selection. Instructions

Select Model Year: 2017

Enter "X" to indicate method used to calculate 2015-2017 Early Credits:

Select Type of Report: Final Model Year Report
(Check only one)
J. Check one,
if applicable:

Select Program: EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(i) and §86.1805-17(d) The 120,000 mile useful life option is also discussed in the preamble to the Tier 3 final rule, page 79 FR 23475-76, April 28, 2014. Manufacturers may choose 120K useful life on a test group basis as outlined on page 79 FR 23475. 120k Useful Life
§86.1811-17(b)(10) & (b)(11)(ix)
(e.g. EPA Early Credit Calculator on web)

Small Volume? No
§86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) & §86.1861;
(Compare Bin to §86.1811-17(b)(11) Stds)

If using the §86.1811-17(b)(10) & (b)(11)(ix) method, enter the results from the EPA Early Credit Calculator on web here:

End of Model Year 2017 credit banks (Early Tier 3 and true Tier 3 credits)

Fleet Credit or (Debits)

Model Year MY15e MY16e MY17e and MY17

Capped / Settled Early Tier 3 bank 485 485 Not Applicable

Tier 3 bank


Fleet Average Compliance Level G. Credit (Debit)
[Calc from J10, J11, D,E,F]
Date Credits/ Debits were earned Date Credits will expire EPA: 40 CFR 86.1861-17(b)(4). Last Date When Credits can be Traded Comments

A. Date of Transaction B. Model Year C. Category EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)i) D. Applicable FTP Standards EPA: §86.1860-17(b) E.
Mfr FTP Compliance Level
EPA: §86.1860-17(b) F. Production Volume

gram/mi gram/mi units gram/mi

2015 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2015 EPA: Note: Although some of these early credits were generated by vehicles in HLDT and MDPV classes (for which the useful life is 15 years/150,000 miles) the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) allow early credits to be used interchangeably in the 120K or 150K averaging sets. For example, the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) read in part: "You may use these early credits interchangeably for vehicles certified based on a useful life of either 120,000 or 150,000 miles." LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 0 12/31/2015 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 2015 Early FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2016 2015 LDV/LDT1 0.100 0.020 23,090 1,847 12/31/2015 12/31/2023 12/31/2020 2015 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2015 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet. Note that test groups certified to Bin 70 or lower were certified to a 150,000 mile useful life; ref. 86.1811-17-(b)(11)(vii).

Total 2015 Early Credits Remaining: 1,847

2016 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2016 EPA: Note: Although some of these early credits were generated by vehicles in HLDT and MDPV classes (for which the useful life is 15 years/150,000 miles) the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) allow early credits to be used interchangeably in the 120K or 150K averaging sets. For example, the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) read in part: "You may use these early credits interchangeably for vehicles certified based on a useful life of either 120,000 or 150,000 miles." LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 0 12/31/2016 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 2016 Early FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2017 2016 LDV/LDT1 0.093 0.020 51,101 3,730 12/31/2016 12/31/2024 12/31/2021 2016 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2015 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet. Note that test groups certified to Bin 70 or lower were certified to a 150,000 mile useful life; ref. 86.1811-17-(b)(11)(vii).

Total 2016 Early Credits Remaining: 3,730

Total 2015-2016 Early Credits Remaining: 5,577

2017 Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 EPA: Note: Although some of these early credits were generated by vehicles in HLDT and MDPV classes (for which the useful life is 15 years/150,000 miles) the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) allow early credits to be used interchangeably in the 120K or 150K averaging sets. For example, the provisions of §86.1811-17(b)(10) read in part: "You may use these early credits interchangeably for vehicles certified based on a useful life of either 120,000 or 150,000 miles." LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 0 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022 2017 Tier 3 FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT1 0.073 0.099 250,000 #NAME? 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2021

2/6/2018 2017 Transfer - - - 10,000 12/31/2017 - - Purchased 10,000 2017 120K FTP credits from Manufacture B. (Credits were earned on 12/31/2017.)

Total 2017 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

2018 Credits:

5/1/2019 2018 LDV/LDT1


2018 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2018 Credits Remaining: 0

2019 Credits:

5/1/2020 2019 LDV/LDT1


2019 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2019 Credits Remaining: 0

Grand Total 2015-2019 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

Sheet 4: FTP 150k NMOG+NOX Summary

Example Template - Banking & Trading 150K Summary Table- FTP NMOG+NOX

Manufacturer: _______________________

Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document

This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

EPA: Any cell that is blue or orange requires manufacturer input: 1. Update and resubmit this form every year for the FTP 150k NMOG+NOx Credits. 2. Input Manufacturer name and the date of submission at the top of this sheet; then select Model yYear in cell D8. 3. Early Credits - Check the method used to calculate early credits in cells J10 or J11. Note that you can't use both methods. [Leave cells J10 and J11 blank if no early credits were earned.] 3.1 If you used the early credit method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(10) and (b)(11)(ix); put an "X" in cell J10 and fill in the "FinalResults" of the your Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator in cells H19, I19, J19 and J20. The EPA Early Tier 3 Credits Calculator is available at Please supply EPA with a copy of your Early Tier 3 Credit calculator (and all supporting spreadsheets used to derive the input values for the Early Tier 3 Credit calculator) with your 2017 model year final AB&T report. [You may use these EPA templates to derive some of the 2015-2017 input values used in the Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator.] 3.2 If you used the early credit method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) and §86.1861 (comparing early Tier 3 NMOG +NOx certification bins to the early fleet average standards provided in paragraph §86.1811-17(b)(11)], put an "X" in cell J11 and fill in the values in rows 28-29, 34-35, 40, 48-49 (as shown in this example spreadsheet) based on the results determined from the LDV/LDT1 and the LDT2,HLDT,MDPV spreadsheets in this workbook. 3.3 You may delete any unused rows, enter appropriated data, and overwrite any formulas in the cells in these rows as needed. Note that the formulas in column G are password protected) . 4. 2017 and Later Model Year (normal) Tier 3 Credits - Input data based on the correct model year as needed in rows 38 and below based on the LDV/LDT1 and the LDT2,HLDT,MDPV sheets in this workbook. Note that the EPA Early Tier 3 Credit Calculator calculates Actual Tier 3 credits for the 2017 model year (if you used that early credit method). You may use referenced data from cells in other tabs of this workbook if you like, (as per cells D38 through F39 of this spreadsheet). 5. Comments - Please delete EPA comments (in this example) and add your own comments. Be descriptive. Include comments for all transfers. Revisions: 1. June 1, 2018 - Added the information in cells G8 through J11 so that manufacturers can indicate the method they used to calculate 2015-2017 Early Credits. Manufacturers can use 1) the method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(10) and (b)(11)(ix)---e.g. using the EPA Early Credits AB&T worksheet available on the web; or 2) the method provided in §86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) and §86.1861 [comparing early Tier 3 NMOG +NOx certification bins to the early fleet average standards provided in paragraph §86.1811-17(b)(11)], but cannot use both methods. Revised 2015-2017 early credits accordingly. 2. June 21, 2018 - Added the Early Credit information in rows 14-20 and 47. Revised the formulas in cells G27, G33, G39, G47-G49, G51 to pick up appropriate early credit values in rows 19 and 20, etc. Revised 2015-2017 early credits. Revised the number of credits sold in row 50 (from 5000 to 50 credits sold). Revised Instructions accordingly. To Print These Instructions: R cllick on the Instructions (cell C7) and click on "Show/Hide Comments. Then in Excel, go to Page Layout, Page Setup, Sheet and set Comments to "As displayed on sheet" and click OK. Then Print the Selection. Instructions

Select Model Year: 2017

Enter "X" to indicate method used to calculate 2015-2017 Early Credits:

EPA Form Number 5900-471
Select Type of Report: Final Model Year Report
(Check only one)
J. Check one, if applicable:

OMB Control Number 2060-0104
Select Program: EPA: §86.1805-17(d) 150k Useful Life
§86.1811-17(b)(10) & (b)(11)(ix)
(e.g. EPA Early Credit Calculator on web)

Expires XX/XX/XXXX

Small Volume? No
§86.1811-17(b)(11)(ix) & §86.1861;
(Compare Bin to §86.1811-17(b)(11) Stds)

EPA ICR Number 0783.65

If using the §86.1811-17(b)(10) & (b)(11)(ix) method, enter the results from the EPA Early Credit Calculator on web here:

End of Model Year 2017 credit banks (Early Tier 3 and true Tier 3 credits)

Fleet Credit or (Debits)

Model Year MY15e MY16e MY17e and MY17

Capped / Settled Early Tier 3 bank 372 651 93

Tier 3 bank


Fleet Average Compliance Level G. Credit (Debit)
[Calc from J10, J11, D,E,F]
Date Credits/ Debits were earned EPA: §86.1861-17(b)(3) and (b)(4). Date Credits will expire EPA: §86.1861-17(b)(4). Last Date When Credits can be Traded Comments

A. Date of Transaction B. Model Year C. Category EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(i) D. Applicable FTP Standards EPA: §86.1860-17(b) E.
Mfr FTP Compliance Level
EPA: §86.1860-17(b) F. Production Volume

gram/mi gram/mi units gram/mi

2015 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2015 LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 372 12/31/2015 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 2015 Early FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2016 2015 LDV/LDT1 0.100 0.020 10,002 0 12/31/2015 12/31/2023 12/31/2020 2015 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2015 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet.

5/1/2016 2015 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV 0.119 0.050 1,000 0 12/31/2015 12/31/2023 12/31/2020 2015 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2015 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheet.

2015 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2015 Early Credits Remaining: 372

2016 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2016 LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 651 12/31/2016 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 2016 Early Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2017 2016 LDV/LDT1 0.093 0.020 21,784 0 12/31/2016 12/31/2024 12/31/2021 2016 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2016 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet.

5/1/2017 2016 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV 0.110 0.050 1,000 0 12/31/2016 12/31/2024 12/31/2021 2016 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2016 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheet.

2016 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2016 Early Credits Remaining: 651

2017 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 93 12/31/2017 12/31/2022 12/31/2022 2017 Early FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2018 2017 HLDT/MDPV 0.101 0.050 1,000 0 12/31/2017 12/31/2022 12/31/2022 2017 Early Tier 3 FTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see separate 2017 HLDT/MDPV spreadsheet.

2017 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2017 Early Credits Remaining: 93

Total 2015-2017 Early Credits Remaining: 1116

2017 Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT/MDPV Not Applicable 100 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022 2017 Tier 3 FTP Credits from attached EPA Early Credits AB&T work sheet; ref.

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT1 0.086 0.052 283,840 0 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022

5/1/2018 2017 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV 0.101 0.120 70,403 0 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022 LDT2 only

7/4/2018 2017 Transfer - - - (50) 12/31/2017 - - Sold 50 2017 150K FTP Credits to Manufacturer C (earned on 12/31/2017).

Total 2017 Credits Remaining: 50

2018 Credits:

5/1/2019 2018 LDV/LDT1


5/1/2019 2018 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV


2018 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2018 Credits Remaining: 0

2019 Credits:

5/1/2020 2019 LDV/LDT1


5/1/2020 2019 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV


2019 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2019 Credits Remaining: 0

Grand Total 2015-2019 Credits Remaining: 1166

Sheet 5: SFTP 120k NMOG+NOX Summary

Example Template - Banking & Trading 120K Summary Table- SFTP NMOG+NOX

EPA Form Number 5900-471
Manufacturer: _______________ Date:_______________

OMB Control Number 2060-0104

Expires XX/XX/XXXX
Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document

EPA ICR Number 0783.65
This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

Select Model Year: 2017

Select Type of Report: Final Model Year Report

Select Program: EPA: §86.1805-17(d) The 120,000 mile useful life option is also discussed in the preamble to the Tier 3 final rule, page 79 FR 23475-76, April 28, 2014. Manufacturers may choose 120K useful life on a test group basis as outlined on page 79 FR 23475. 120k Useful Life

Small Volume? No

Fleet Average Compliance Level G. Credit (Debit)
[Calc from D,E,F]
Date Credits/ Debits were earned EPA: 40 CFR 86.1861-17(b)(3) and (b)(4). Date Credits will expire EPA: 40 CFR 86.1861-17(b)(4). Last Date When Credits can be Traded Comments

A. Date of Trans-action B. Model Year C. Category EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii) D. Applicable SFTP Standards EPA: §86.1860-17(b) E.
Mfr SFTP Compliance Level
EPA: §86.1860-17(b) F. Production Volume

gram/mi gram/mi units gram/mi

2015 Early Credits:

5/1/2016 2015 LDV/LDT1 0.140 0.050 23,090 2,078 12/31/2015 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 2015 Early Tier 3 SFTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2015 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet. Note that test groups certified to Bin 70 or lower were certified to a 150,000 mile useful life; ref. 86.1811-17-(b)(11)(vii).

12/31/2017 2015 Transfer Not Applicable (2,078) 12/31/2017 - - Transferred to 2017 model year

Total 2015 Early Credits Remaining: 0

2016 Early Credits:

5/1/2017 2016 LDV/LDT1 0.110 0.050 51,101 3,066 12/31/2016 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 2016 Early Tier 3 SFTP Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see 2016 LDV/LDT1 spreadsheet. Note that test groups certified to Bin 70 or lower were certified to a 150,000 mile useful life; ref. 86.1811-17-(b)(11)(vii).

12/31/2017 2016 Transfer - - - (3,066) 12/31/2017 - - Transferred to 2017 model year

Total 2016 Early Credits Remaining: 0

Total 2015-2016 Early Credits Remaining: 0

2017 Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT1 0.103 #NAME? 210,000 #NAME? 12/31/2017 12/31/2022 12/31/2022

12/31/2017 2017 Transfer - - - 2,078 12/31/2015 - - Transferred from 2015 model year

12/31/2017 2017 Transfer - - - 3,066 12/31/2016 - - Transferred from 2016 model year

2/6/2018 2017 Transfer - - - 10,000 12/31/2017 - - Purchased 10,000 2017 120K SFTP credits from Manufacture B. (Credits were earned on 12/31/2017.)

Total 2017 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

2018 Credits:

5/1/2019 2018 LDV/LDT1


2018 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2018 Credits Remaining: 0

2019 Credits:

5/1/2020 2019 LDV/LDT1


2019 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2019 Credits Remaining: 0

Grand Total 2015-2019 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

Sheet 6: SFTP 150k NMOG+NOX Summary

Example Template - Banking & Trading 150K Summary Table- SFTP NMOG+NOX

Manufacturer: _______________________

Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Document

This document was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ). It is one of several intended to aid regulated parties in reporting Tier 3 and Cold NMHC Averaging, Banking and Trading (AB&T) information and calculating AB&T fleet average credits for light-duty vehicles and certain heavy-duty class 2b and 3 vehicles, ref. 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). It contains EPA's recommended format for manufacturers to report to EPA their end-of-year Tier 3 AB&T calculations, credits and other information with respect to the implementation of the AB&T provisions of the EPA Tier 3 final rule (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014) as amended (80 FR 9078, February 19, 2015; 80 FR 26463, May 8, 2015); ref. 40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 600, 1065, 1066. Use of this document is purely optional.
This document does not in any way alter or waive the requirements in EPA regulations. Although the calculations and formulas provided in this document are intended to assist manufacturers in the implementation of EPA regulations, this document does not establish or change the legal rights or obligations of manufacturers or others in complying with EPA regulations, including 40 CFR 86.1862-04(c). If an error or other discrepancy is found in this document, including the calculation formulas, please contact your EPA certification team member or Dave Good at (734) 214-4450 or by email at [email protected]. The regulations take precedence.

Select Model Year: 2019

Select Type of Report: Final Model Year Report

EPA Form Number 5900-471
Select Program: EPA: §86.1805-17(d) 150k Useful Life

OMB Control Number 2060-0104

Small Volume? No

Expires XX/XX/XXXX

EPA ICR Number 0783.65

Fleet Average Compliance Level G. Credit (Debit)
[Calc from D,E,F]
Date Credits/ Debits were earned EPA: 40 CFR 86.1861-17(b)(3) and (b)(4). Date Credits will expire EPA: 40 CFR 86.1861-17(b)(4). Last Date When Credits can be Traded Comments

A. Date of Trans-action B. Model Year C. Category EPA: §86.1811-17(b)(8)(ii) D.
Applicable SFTP Standards
EPA: §86.1860-17(b) E.
Mfr SFTP Compliance Level
EPA: §86.1860-17(b) F. Production Volume

gram/mi gram/mi units gram/mi

2015 Early Credits:

5/1/2016 2015 LDV/LDT/MDPV 0.140 0.061 11,002 869 12/31/2015 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 2015 Early Tier 3 Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see LDV/LDT1 and LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheets.

2015 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2015 Early Credits Remaining: 869

2016 Early Credits:

5/1/2017 2016 LDV/LDT/MDPV 0.110 0.061 22,784 1,116 12/31/2016 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 2016 Early Tier 3 Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see LDV/LDT1 and LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheets.

2016 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2016 Early Credits Remaining: 1,116

2017 Early Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 LDT2/HLDT/MDPV 0.103 0.100 1,000 3 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022 2017 Early Tier 3 Credits earned per 40 CFR 86.1811-17(b)(11); see LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheet.

2017 Transfer - - -
- - -

Total 2017 Early Credits Remaining: 3

Total 2015-2017 Early Credits Remaining: 1,988

2017 Credits:

5/1/2018 2017 LDV/LDT/MDPV 0.103 #NAME? 264,243 #NAME? 12/31/2017 12/31/2025 12/31/2022 LDV, LDT1 and LDT2 only. See 2017 LDV/LDT1 and LDT2/HLDT/MDPV spreadsheets.

7/4/2018 2017 Transfer - - - (5,000) 12/31/2017 - - Sold 5,000 2017 150K SFTP Credits to Manufacturer C (earned on 12/31/2017).

Total 2017 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

2018 Credits:

5/1/2019 2018 LDV/LDT/MDPV


2018 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2018 Credits Remaining: 0

2019 Credits:

5/1/2020 2019 LDV/LDT/MDPV


2019 Transfer - - -

- -

Total 2019 Credits Remaining: 0

Grand Total 2015-2019 Credits Remaining: #NAME?

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