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2019-07-19 CoE Proposed New Policy & ICR 84 FR 434994 .pdf

Center of Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education Annual Applications for Designation

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OMB: 2133-0549

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jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices

Federal grant program for States,
authorized at 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(6), FTA
proposes to amend the information
collection activities to focus only on the
activities of SSOAs and RTAs to report
information to FTA. Activities included
in the previous information collection
request that are not specifically related
to FTA information collection are
removed from this information
collection request and are addressed in
the Regulatory Impact Assessment
developed for the final rule
implementing 49 U.S.C. 5329(e). This
proposed change aligns with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, United States Office of Personnel
Management, Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) Guide, Version 2.0, 2011.
The revised information collection
request includes the annual report FTA
requires from SSOAs, the burden of
which has been reduced substantially
through the development of a web-based
system that replaces the existing
spreadsheet-based process and provides
direct interface with the National
Transit Database. It also includes the
FTA’s grant management reporting
requirement and the triennial audit
program, which requires information
from both SSOAs and RTAs. Further,
the information collection reflects
requirements for SSOAs and RTAs to
respond to FTA directives and
advisories, and SSOAs participation in
monthly teleconference calls with FTA.
Finally, the information collection
request includes RTA event
notifications to FTA.
With these changes, the total burden
hours have decreased from 586,443
hours for the previous information
collection request to 16,365 representing
an overall decrease of 570,078 hours.
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 96 respondents.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 16,365 hours.
Frequency: Annually.
Comments are Invited On: Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; the accuracy of
the Department’s estimate of the burden
of the proposed information collection;
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
A comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it

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within 30 days of publication of this
notice in the Federal Register.
Nadine Pembleton,
Director Office of Management Planning.
[FR Doc. 2019–15364 Filed 7–18–19; 8:45 am]

Maritime Administration
[Docket Number MARAD–2018–0088]
RIN 2133–ZA03

Centers of Excellence for Domestic
Maritime Workforce Training and
Education Designation Program
Guidance: Proposed New Policy and
Information Collection Request
Maritime Administration, DOT.
Notice and request for


This notice provides
interested parties with the opportunity
to comment on the Maritime
Administration’s (MARAD) new
program designating eligible and
qualified training entities as Centers of
Excellence for Domestic Maritime
Workforce Training and Education
(CoE). The National Defense
Authorization Act of 2018 (the Act),
provided the Secretary of
Transportation with the discretionary
authority to designate eligible and
qualified entities as CoEs. CoE
designations will serve to assist the
maritime industry in obtaining and
maintaining the highest quality
workforce. On May 31, 2018, MARAD
published a notice in the Federal
Register seeking public comment
regarding the development of a guide for
applicants seeking CoE designation.
MARAD received a total of eighteen
comments which have been considered
and are examined in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below. Now,
MARAD is proposing to implement a
voluntary program to identify and
recommend qualified training providers
for CoE designation. MARAD invites
public comment on this new program
and its application guidance.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before September 17, 2019. MARAD
will consider comments filed after this
date to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by DOT Docket Number
MARAD–2018–0088 by any of the
following methods:
• Website/Federal eRulemaking
Portal: Go to http://
www.regulations.gov. Search ‘‘MARAD–

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2018–0088’’ and follow the instructions
for submitting comments on the
electronic docket site.
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Room W12–
140, Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except on Federal holidays.
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number for this rulemaking.
Note: All comments received will be
posted without change to http://
www.regulations.gov including any personal
information provided.

Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to http://
www.regulations.gov and search using
‘‘MARAD–2018–0088’’ or go to Room
W12–401 of the Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal Holidays.
may contact Nuns Jain, Maritime
Administration, at 757–322–5801 or by
electronic mail at [email protected].
You may send mail to Nuns Jain at
Maritime Administration, Building 19,
Suite 300, 7737 Hampton Boulevard,
Norfolk, VA 23505. If you have
questions on viewing the Docket, call
Docket Operations, telephone: 202–366–
9317 or 202–366–9826.
the enactment of the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2018, Public Law
115–91 (the ‘‘Act’’), codified at 46
U.S.C. 54102, MARAD developed a
procedure to recommend to the
Secretary the designation of eligible
institutions as Centers of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education (CoE). Pursuant to the
Act, the Secretary of Transportation may
designate certain eligible and qualified
training entities as CoEs and may
subsequently execute Cooperative
Agreements with CoE designees.
Authority to administer the CoE
program is delegated to MARAD in 49
CFR 1.93(a).
Qualified training entities seeking to
be designated as a CoE need to apply to
MARAD. MARAD has developed this
notice to provide interested parties with
comprehensive agency guidance on how
to apply for CoE designation and how
the CoE program will be administered.
Applications should include
information to demonstrate that the
applicant institution meets certain
eligibility requirements, selection



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices
criteria, and qualitative attributes
consistent with Section 3507 of the Act.
Accordingly, MARAD is now
proposing to implement a voluntary CoE
designation program to assist the
maritime industry in obtaining and
maintaining the highest quality
workforce consistent with the criteria
set forth in the Act. Once all comments
are considered, MARAD will publish
the final CoE Program Policy in the
Federal Register and on its websitewww.marad.dot.gov/CoE.

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Prior Federal Action
As the first step in developing a CoE
policy, MARAD issued a notice
requesting comments on its proposed
application process entitled Centers of
Excellence for Domestic Maritime
Workforce Training and Education, 83
FR 25109 (May 31, 2018). In response to
the notice, we received 18 written
comments summarized immediately
below. The unabridged comments are
available for review electronically at
www.regulations.gov by searching DOT
Docket Id ‘‘MARAD–2018–0088’’ or by
visiting the DOT Docket, Room PL–401,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except for
Federal Holidays.
Comments on the Notice
MARAD received comments from 13
different commenters proposing a total
of 29 suggested changes and/or
clarifications to our definitions section.
Where not in conflict with the explicit
language of the statute, we have made
those recommended changes to our
MARAD received comments from 10
different commenters proposing a total
of 19 suggested changes and/or
clarifications to the eligibility criteria,
designation criteria and designation
attributes. We have made those
recommended changes which were not
in conflict with the explicit language of
the statute.
MARAD received one comment
recommending that the MARAD
approval process for temporary use of
training ships, as a form of specific
federal assistance to designated CoEs
under a Cooperative Agreement, include
consultation with the relevant State
Maritime Academy. Our approval
process for third -party requests for use
of training ships already includes this
consultation with the relevant State
Maritime Academy.
MARAD received one comment
requesting clarifications regarding the
timeline for the CoE application process
and the application preparation time
which would be provided to interested

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applicant training institutions. We have
incorporated these clarifications.
MARAD received one comment
recommending that a formal bonding of
the competencies trained in industry
and military is necessary to better
crosswalk the skills of the workforce
and serve the transition from military to
mariner. We agree. The draft guide
included a provision encouraging CoEs
to award students credit for prior
experience, including military service.
MARAD received one comment
recommending the CoE designation
renewal process like that of the
Maryland Higher Education
Commission (MHEC). This revised
policy provides for annual CoE
designations and does not include a
renewal process.
MARAD received one comment
inquiring if grant writers will be needed
to prepare CoE applications. We do not
expect that training institutions will
need grant writers to prepare their CoE
designation applications.
MARAD received one comment
suggesting that electronic filing of
applications using an enterable forms
database will be the least burdensome
method to evidence application
qualification. We partially agree and
have included provisions to encourage
electronic submission of applications.
However, we do not have the resources
at this time to create an online CoE
application form and online database.
MARAD received one comment
recommending that institutional
administration of the career programs
offered should be simplified with
standard format data entry facilitated by
web-based and smart-phone technology
to reduce administrative burden. We do
not have the resources at this time to
develop and implement such
MARAD received one comment
recommending that a MARAD website
should be established to share CoE
information, references, case studies
and lessons learned. We agree and will
establish a CoE section on the MARAD
MARAD received one comment
recommending that MARAD compile
and provide a particular set of labor data
that specifically outlines the needs of
the United States Maritime Industry. We
do not have the resources at this time to
implement this recommendation.
MARAD received one comment
recommending that the CoE program be
expanded, beyond the items specifically
authorized by the statute, to include:
a. Development of maritime industry
cluster maps to include central
organizations such as shipyards, ports

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and harbors along with support
b. Development of expectations and
incentives for public-private
partnerships between state, maritime
community, maritime industry, trade
associations and foundations.
c. Provisions to include foreign
We have noted the recommendations
but do not have the resources at this
time to implement them.
MARAD received and has noted two
comments supporting other comments.
MARAD received one comment
endorsing a particular training
institution and nine comments
providing background information
about the commenters and/or their
organizations. We have noted these
comments. However, the government’s
designation decision will be based upon
our evaluation of the information
submitted in each application to
demonstrate compliance with the
designation criteria.
MARAD received one comment
stating that the CoE program for afloat
and ashore careers can help provide
pathways and career technical
education that sustains and improves
the US maritime industries and
economy. We agree.
MARAD received one comment from
the Offshore Marine Service Association
strongly supporting the CoE program as
improving the competency of the
maritime industry, providing better
pathways to good-paying U.S. jobs and
recognizing the important roles that
Community Colleges and Technical
Colleges play in this process. We agree.
MARAD received one comment
which did not pertain to the CoE
Federal Register Notice and requires no
action on our part.
Proposed Policy
The agency is requesting public
comment on the following proposed
policy which describes the process
through which MARAD proposes to
exercise its discretionary authority to
designate qualified applicants:
How To Be Designated a Center of
Excellence for Domestic Maritime
Workforce Training and Education
The Secretary of Transportation,
acting through the Maritime
Administrator, may designate certain
eligible and qualified training entities as
Centers of Excellence for Domestic
Maritime Workforce Training and
Education (CoE) and may subsequently
execute Cooperative Agreements with
CoE designees. The Maritime




Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Administration (MARAD) has
developed the CoE Program to provide
interested parties with comprehensive
agency guidance on how best to apply
for CoE designation. However,
conformity with this CoE applicant
guidance, except where explicit in the
statute, is voluntary only. MARAD will
review and consider all applications it
receives and may contact applicants
with questions to assist in reviewing
their applications.
Eligible training entities seeking to be
designated as a CoE are welcome to
apply with MARAD. The application
should include information to
demonstrate that the applicant
institution meets certain eligibility
criteria, designation requirements, and
attributes consistent with 46 U.S.C.
Key Terms
The following list of key terms are
either directly taken from the statute or
have been developed by MARAD and/
or from comments received from the
public during our earlier notice and
comment period. The list is intended to
assist applicants by providing context
and insight into the approval process. If
you believe that your institution
qualifies for CoE designee status under
an alternate interpretation or by
qualifications not otherwise clearly
articulated in the statute, please provide
a cogent justification for any such
alternative and it will be given due
consideration during our review.
a. ‘‘Afloat Career’’ is a term developed
by MARAD to mean a career as a
merchant mariner compensated for
service aboard a vessel in the U.S.
Maritime Industry.
b. ‘‘Arctic’’ as explicitly stated in the
statute means all United States and
foreign territory north of the Arctic
Circle and all United States territory
north and west of the boundary formed
by the Porcupine, Yukon, and
Kuskokwim Rivers; all contiguous seas,
including the Arctic Ocean and the
Beaufort, Bering, and Chukchi Seas; and
the Aleutian chain. [Section 112 of the
Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984,
codified at 15 U.S.C. 4111];
c. ‘‘Ashore Career’’ is a term
developed by MARAD to mean a shorebased compensated occupation in the
United States Maritime Industry.
d. ‘‘Community or Technical College’’
is interpreted by MARAD to mean an
institution of higher education that—
1. admits as regular students, persons
who are beyond the age of compulsory
school attendance, or are enrolled in a
high school and concurrently are
participating in a dual credit or similar
program, in the State in which the

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institution is located or in an adjoining
State or region; and
2. has primary focus on awarding
Associate (or equivalent) degrees; and
3. provides an educational program
that is acceptable for full credit toward
a bachelor’s or equivalent degree or that
may culminate in a professional or
technical certificate or credential,
stackable certificates and credentials,
and/or two- year degree;
e. ‘‘Maritime Training Center’’ is
interpreted by MARAD to mean a
training institution that
1. does not grant baccalaureate or
higher levels of academic degree; and
2. is not a ‘‘Community or Technical
College’’; and
3. provides a structured program of
training courses to prepare students
and/or enhance their skills for Afloat
Careers and/or Ashore Careers in the
United States Maritime Industry.
f. ‘‘Mississippi River System’’ is
interpreted by MARAD to mean the
mostly riverine network of the United
States which includes the Mississippi
River, and all connecting waterways,
natural tributaries and distributaries.
The system includes the Arkansas,
Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Red, Allegheny,
Tennessee, Wabash and Atchafalaya
rivers. Important connecting waterways
include the Illinois Waterway, the
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, and
the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway;
g. ‘‘Operated by, or under the
supervision of a State’’ is interpreted by
MARAD to mean operated by or under
the supervision of a public entity of a
State government or one of its
subdivisions, as well as, county
governments, and city or local
1. ‘‘operated by’’ a State is interpreted
by MARAD to mean that the State
controls or provides direct oversight to
the Maritime Training Center through:
i. A State charter process, or other
equivalent documents and system; and
ii. a State oversight body.
2. ‘‘under the supervision of a State’’
is interpreted by MARAD to mean that
the State oversees in some manner the
Maritime Training Center through:
i. Accreditation or similar review,
validation, and approval by a public
entity of the State government or one of
its subdivisions as well as, county
governments, and city or local
governments; or
ii. Registration approval by a State
Apprenticeship Agency (SAA), in
accordance with 29 CFR part 29, of an
apprenticeship program offered by the
Maritime Training Center to qualified
students from the public; or
iii. Other means which demonstrate to
MARAD that the State is supervising the

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educational process for which a CoE
designation is sought.
h. ‘‘State’’ is interpreted by MARAD
to mean a State of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, American
Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and any other territory or possession of
the United States.
i. ‘‘United States Maritime Industry’’
is a term developed by MARAD that
includes all segments of the maritimerelated transportation system of the
United States, both in domestic and
foreign trade, coastal and inland waters,
as well as non-commercial maritime
activities, such as pleasure boating,
marine sciences (including all scientific
research vessels) and all of the
industries that support such uses,
including, but not limited to vessel
construction and repair, vessel
operations, ship logistics supply,
berthing, port operations, port
intermodal operations, marine terminal
operations, vessel design, marine
brokerage, marine insurance, marine
financing, chartering, maritime-oriented
supply chain operations, offshore
industry and maritime-oriented research
and development.
Applicant Information
1. Who is eligible to apply for
designation as a Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education (CoE)?
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Under the statute, an educational
institution that provides training and
education for the domestic maritime
workforce is eligible to apply so long as
it meets the following criteria:
a. An institution located in a State
that borders on at least one of the
following bodies of water:
1. Gulf of Mexico;
2. Atlantic Ocean;
3. Long Island Sound;
4. Pacific Ocean;
5. Great Lakes;
6. Mississippi River System;
7. Arctic; or
8. Gulf of Alaska.
b. The institution is either:
1. A Community or Technical College;
2. A Maritime Training Center—
i. Operated by, or under the
supervision of a State; and
ii. With a maritime training program
in operation in its curriculum on 12/12/
2. How does MARAD interpret the
selection criteria for CoE designation?
I. Assuming no alternative
qualifications are provided, MARAD



jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices
will consider applicants eligible for
designation if they can demonstrate
compliance with all of the following
a. The academic programs offered by
the institution include:
1. One or more Afloat Career
preparation tracks in the United States
Maritime Industry, and/or
2. One or more Ashore Career
preparation tracks in the United States
Maritime Industry.
b. Applicant institutions offering
Afloat Career and/or Ashore Career
tracks have been accredited as follows:
1. ‘‘Community or Technical
Colleges’’ hold current accreditation of
the institution from a Regional
Accreditation Agency or a Nationally
Recognized Agency on the list of
Accrediting Agencies approved by the
U.S. Department of Education.
2. ‘‘Maritime Training Centers’’ hold
current accreditation—
i. either of the institution, from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education; or
ii. of the maritime training program
offered by the institution from:
A. the State Apprenticeship Agency
(SAA) in accordance with 29 CFR part
29, or
B. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency, or
C. the United States Coast Guard
(USCG), or
D. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
c. As applicable, maintain USCG
approval for the merchant mariner
training program and/or merchant
mariner training course(s) offered by the
d. Provide data and statistics to
demonstrate institutional and/or
program effectiveness. This should
include, but is not limited to,
recruitment data, past/current
enrollment (trends), attrition rates,
student program completion data, postprogram job and placement statistics (to
the extent available to the institution),
and program effectiveness feedback
from students, faculty, alumni, and
other stakeholders.
e. As applicable, maintain
authorization and/or endorsement of the
program and/or course(s) by an
applicable professional society or
industry body (including, but not
limited to Welding, Electrician,
Electronics, Maritime Construction,
Maritime Logistics, Maritime Systems,
etc.) to issue industry accepted

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certifications that reflect professional
recognition of the level of educational or
technical skill achievement.
II. Additional factors to be considered
may include the following qualitative
attributes fostered by the institution:
a. Supporting workforce needs of the
local, state, or regional economy;
b. Building Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM)
competencies of local/future workforce
through maritime programs to meet
emerging local, regional, and national
economic interests;
c. Promoting diversity and inclusion
among the student body;
d. Offering a broad-based curriculum
and stackable credentials where
e. Engaging and/or collaborating with
the maritime industry including, but not
limited to employers, associations, and
other industry organizations or partners;
f. Engaging and/or collaborating with
employer-led maritime training
practices and programs through Sector
Partnerships as authorized in the 2014
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act Section 3(26).
g. Engaging and/or collaborating with
local and regional maritime high
schools with maritime, maritime
related, Career Technical Education
(CTE) or STEM programs;
h. Engaging and/or collaborating with
maritime academies and other
institutions or organizations for
advanced proficiency and higher
i. Conducting other significant
domestic maritime workforce
development related activities.
3. What agreement may MARAD
execute with a designated CoE?
The Maritime Administrator, or
designee, may enter into a cooperative
agreement with a CoE to support
maritime workforce training and
education, including but not limited to
efforts of the CoE to:
1. Recruit, admit and train students;
2. Recruit and train faculty;
3. Expand or enhance facilities;
4. Create new maritime career
5. Award students credit for prior
experience, including military service;
6. Expand and improve employer-led
maritime training practices and
programs through the establishment of
Sector Partnerships as authorized in the
2014 Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act Section 3(26);
7. Conduct such other CoE activities
that are determined by MARAD to
further maritime workforce training and

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4. What specific assistance may MARAD
offer to a designated CoE under a
Cooperative Agreement?
By entering into a cooperative
agreement, MARAD may be able to offer
the following types of assistance:
1. Donation of surplus equipment to
CoEs that also meet the requirements of
46 U.S.C. 51103(b)(2)(C);
2. Temporary use of MARAD vessels
and assets for indoctrination, training,
and assistance, subject to availability
and approval by MARAD and the
Department of Defense when applicable.
For any CoE requests relating to
temporary use of a MARAD Training
Ship operated by a State Maritime
Academy, the MARAD approval process
will include consultation with that
3. Availability of MARAD subject
matter experts to address students when
feasible; and
4. Funding, to the extent such funds
are properly appropriated and made
available for this purpose.
Implementation and Administration
MARAD will evaluate the applicant’s
supporting documentation and either
approve or disapprove the request for
designation. During the evaluation of
the application and the supporting
documentation. MARAD may request
clarifications or additional information
from the applicant. Upon approval, the
Maritime Administrator or his/her
designee will make a designation.
MARAD will thereafter publish the
CoE’s name and contact information on
its website. After issuance of the
designation, MARAD may enter into a
cooperative agreement with the CoE.
5. When and where should I submit my
application for designation?
a. MARAD will publish notifications
in the Federal Register and on our
website at the beginning of March each
year seeking applications on or before
June 1. This should provide applicants
a minimum of 60 days to prepare and
submit their applications.
Note: The first CoE application period is
anticipated to occur sometime soon after the
agency receives the required Office of
Management and Budget information
collection number. Accordingly, the first CoE
application period to be noticed may occur
outside the proposed March–June time frame.

b. An eligible training entity seeking
designation as a CoE may submit
applications, including all supporting
information and documents, by email to
[email protected] or by mail
addressed as follows: Department of
Transportation, Maritime
Administration, Deputy Associate




Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices

Administrator for Maritime Education
and Training, Attention: CoE
Designation Program, 1200 New Jersey
Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20590.
6. How will I know the outcome of my
designation request application?
MARAD will notify each applicant of
the status of their designation request.
During the evaluation period, MARAD
may request clarification or additional
information from the applicant.
7. Does my CoE designation expire?
CoE designations are identified by
year (e.g., X has been designated a
Center of Excellence for Domestic
Maritime Workforce Training and
Education for 2020). Successful
applicants can apply each year for
How To Apply for a CoE Designation
8. What should be included in my CoE
Designation Application?
Special Instructions: To assist
MARAD in its review of your
application and to ensure that your
application is identified as complete,
your institution should provide only
concise and relevant information and
supporting documentation to adequately
demonstrate your eligibility and
compliance with the statutory
designation criteria. To that end,
MARAD encourages your institution to
ensure that each responsive section and
each page of any document or enclosure
in your application clearly references
the question number(s) and section(s)
listed in this guidance and or the
statute. See the below examples:
Example 1. ‘‘Mar Ex’’ is eligible for the
CoE program as a community college.
(Q10, Section I(c)). Please find enclosed
our Articles of Incorporation, Certificate
of Status, State supervision and
validation document. (Q10, Section
Example 2. ‘‘Mar Ex’’ is enclosing the
following supporting documents to
demonstrate that our Maritime Training
Center offers Afloat Track programs and
that we are State accredited. (Q10,
Section I(e)(2)): U.S. Department of
Education Accrediting Agency XYZ
accreditation (Q10, Section I(e)(2)(i)).

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Information To Include in Your
Including the following information
will greatly assist our review process:
a. Letter applying for CoE designation
from the Chief Executive of the
applicant institution.
b. Applicant contact information
1. Legal name of applicant institution
and address.

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2. Chief executive’s name, position
title, address, phone number(s) and
3. Points of contact (POC) name(s),
position titles, phone number(s), emails.
c. Indicate if the applicant institution
is claiming eligibility for the CoE
program as a ‘‘Community or Technical
College’’ or ‘‘Maritime Training Center’’,
and submit the following supporting
information and documents:
1. Charter, Articles of Incorporation,
Certificate of Incorporation, or
equivalent, if applicable.
2. Certificate of Status (also known as
Certificate of Existence or Certificate of
Good Standing), a document issued by
a state official (usually the Secretary of
State), if applicable.
3. State operation or State supervision
validation documents, if applicable.
4. Non-Profit certification, if
5. Accreditation approval letter(s)
from an accrediting agency(ies).
6. Approval letter from a State
Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in
accordance with 29 CFR part 29, if
7. Approval letter from the State’s
Department of Education or equivalent
State agency, if applicable.
8. Approval letter from the United
States Coast Guard (USCG), if
9. ISO 9001 or other quality
management certification (Maritime
Training Centers only), if applicable.
10. Data and statistics to demonstrate
institutional effectiveness. This should
include, but not be limited to,
recruitment data, past/current
enrollment (trends), attrition rates,
student program completion data, and
post-program job and placement
statistics (to the extent available to the
institution), and program effectiveness
feedback from students, faculty, alumni,
and other stakeholders.
d. Indicate that the applicant offers
one or more Afloat Career preparation
tracks and/or one or more Ashore Career
preparation tracks in the United States
Maritime Industry and submit the
following supporting information:
1. Program summary;
2. A description of applicable courses
offered (only relevant maritime related
program-specific pages from the
3. If applicable, letters of
authorization and/or endorsement of the
course/program and/or course(s) by an
applicable professional society or
industry body (including, but not
limited to Welding, Electrician,
Electronics, Maritime Construction,
Maritime Logistics, Maritime Systems,
etc.) to issue industry accepted

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certifications that reflect a
professionally recognized level of
educational or technical skill
achievement; and
4. Any other relevant supporting
Note: Applicant institutions offering both
Ashore and Afloat Career tracks are
encouraged to submit supporting information
for both tracks.

e. Applicant institutions offering
Afloat Career and/or Ashore Career
tracks should indicate that they have
satisfied accreditation requirements, as
set forth below:
1. ‘‘Community and Technical
Colleges’’ hold current accreditation of
the institution from a Regional
Accreditation Agency or a Nationally
Recognized Agency on the list of
Accrediting Agencies approved by the
U.S. Department of Education.
2. ‘‘Maritime Training Centers’’ hold
current accreditation—
i. either of the institution from a
Regional Accreditation Agency or a
Nationally Recognized; Agency on the
list of Accrediting Agencies approved
by the U.S. Department of Education; or
ii. of the maritime training program
offered by the institution from one or
more of the following:
A. A State Apprenticeship Agency
(SAA) in accordance with 29 CFR part
29, or
B. the State’s Department of
Education or equivalent State agency, or
C. the United States Coast Guard
(USCG), if applicable; or
D. other appropriate external review
body which is specifically authorized to
review and validate post-secondary
education programs and is acceptable to
f. All applicant institutions may
submit a brief narrative statement for
one or more qualitative attributes
fostered by the institution to accomplish
the following:
1. Support the workforce needs of the
local, state, or regional economy;
2. Build the STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math)
competencies of local/future workforce
to meet emerging local, regional, and
national economic interests;
3. Promote diversity and inclusion
among the student body;
4. Offer a broad-based curriculum and
stackable credentials, where applicable;
5. Engage and/or collaborate with the
maritime industry, including, but not
limited to employers, associations, and
other industry organizations or partners;
6. Engage and/or collaborate with
employer-led maritime training
practices and programs through Sector
Partnerships as authorized in the 2014



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 139 / Friday, July 19, 2019 / Notices
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act Section 3(26);
7. Engage and/or collaborate with
local and regional maritime high
schools with maritime, maritime
related, Career Technical Education
(CTE) or STEM programs;
8. Engage and/or collaborate with
maritime academies and other
institutions or organizations for
advanced proficiency and higher
9. Conduct other significant domestic
maritime workforce development
related activities.
g. All applicant institutions may
provide any relevant endorsements,
awards, recognition and significant
accomplishments in support of their
Specific Issues for Comment
In addition to seeking general
comments on the above proposed new
policy, the agency is requesting public
comment on the following issues:
1. Whether the proposed policy is
clear, appropriate and adequate?
2. Whether CoE designation will
enhance the maritime industry’s ability
to identify workforce resource
3. Whether and to what extent the
proposed application process is overly
burdensome and how it may be
simplified; and
4. Whether the proposed process
raises specific legal or practical issues
for the program participant or the
maritime industry, the specific nature of
those issues, and how such issues might
be addressed by MARAD.

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Policy Analysis and Notices
Consistent with the Administrative
Procedures Act and Department of
Transportation rulemaking policy,
MARAD is publishing this guidance as
a proposed policy in the Federal
Register to indicate how it plans to
exercise the discretionary authority
provided by Section 3507 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of
2018, Public Law 115–91 (December 12,
2017). Nothing in this notice or in the
proposed policy itself requires MARAD
to exercise its discretionary authority
under 46 U.S.C. 54102. This proposed
policy would establish a voluntary
program in which successful applicants
may be designated as a Center of
Excellence for Domestic Maritime
Workforce Training and Education
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed policy would establish
a new requirement for the collection of
information for all program participants.

VerDate Sep<11>2014

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The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) will be requested to review the
information collection requirements
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Section 3501, et seq.).
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act, this document
announces MARAD’s intentions to
request public comments regarding the
collection of information arising under
this proposed policy.
Copies of this notice and information
collection request may be obtained from
the Office of Security, MAR–420, Suite
W25–308, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590.
Title of Information Collection:
Centers of Excellence for Domestic
Maritime Workforce Training and
Education Program.
OMB Control Number: Pending.
Form Number: None.
Expiration Date of Approval: Three
years following approval by the Office
of Management and Budget.
Summary of Collection of
Information: Entities seeking to obtain
designation as a Center of Excellence for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education (CoE). Entities seeking
CoE designation must submit certain
information described in the proposed
policy and application procedures. No
form is required to make a submission.
However, all information described in
the application procedures will be
required to be submitted as described
therein and is necessary for the proper
review of the applicant’s qualifications.
Need for and Use of the Information:
The information collected will be used
to analyze whether applicants have the
qualifications to meet the programmatic
requirements of Section 3507 of the
National Defense Authorization Act,
2018. This policy is necessary to
establish an understanding between
MARAD and the applicant/training
entity that certain terms must be met to
hold a CoE designation. Without this
information, MARAD would not be able
to offer the benefit of its CoE
designation program to applicants. In
addition, CoE designation will facilitate
the training and education of a domestic
maritime workforce essential to meeting
the nation’s current and projected
economic and national security needs.
Description of Respondents: As
defined by statute, Community Colleges,
Technical Colleges and certain Maritime
Training Centers with a maritime
training program in operation on
December 12, 2017.
Annual Responses: Once the Program
is implemented, the agency anticipates
between 75–100 submissions each year.
Designation is a one-time event
identified by year. However, the agency

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does anticipate the collection of
information annually from the same
estimated number of training entities
seeking annual designation.
Annual Burden: 24 hours per program
(Authority: The National Defense
Authorization Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115–91
(December 12, 2017), 46 U.S.C. 54102)

* * *
Dated: July 16, 2019.
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2019–15406 Filed 7–18–19; 8:45 am]

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
[Docket No. PHMSA–RSPA–2004–18757]

Pipeline Safety: Request for Special
Permit; TransCanada/Columbia
Pipeline Group
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
ACTION: Notice.

PHMSA is publishing this
notice to seek public comment on a
request for special permit renewal,
seeking relief from compliance with
certain requirements in the federal
pipeline safety regulations. At the
conclusion of the 30-day comment
period, PHMSA will review the
comments received from this notice as
part of its evaluation to grant or deny
the special permit renewal request.
DATES: Submit any comments regarding
this special permit request by August
19, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Comments should reference
the docket number for the specific
special permit request and may be
submitted in the following ways:
• E-Gov website: http://
www.Regulations.gov. This site allows
the public to enter comments on any
Federal Register notice issued by any
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management System:
U.S. Department of Transportation,
Docket Operations, M–30, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: Docket Management
System: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMARAD-2018-0088-0020.pdf
File Modified2020-03-13
File Created2019-09-24

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