OCSE 157 Child Support Annual Data Report - Beginning 10/1/2021

OCSE-157 Child Support Enforcement Annual Data Report

Attachment B - In Use Beginning Oct 1 2021 - OCSE 157 Form and Instructions

OCSE-157 (Two versions - one to be used through 9/30/2021; one to be used beginning 10/1/2021)

OMB: 0970-0177

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OCSE-157 (2022)
NOTE: This version of the form OCSE-157 and Instructions will be in use for FY 2022
beginning October 1, 2021 (Report Due Date--10/30/22)


State officials will use the OCSE-157 to report statistical and some financial information on
their child support program to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This
information will enable the Secretary of HHS to comply with sections 409, 452(a) and (g),
458, and 469 of the Social Security Act (the Act). The Act requires the Secretary to establish
standards for an effective Child Support Enforcement program, to establish minimum
organization and staffing requirements, and to make an Annual Report to the Congress on
program activities. Information submitted by states will also enable HHS to compute
individual state incentive, penalty, and outcome measures to be used in evaluating state
performance in running a child support program. The authority to collect this information is
also set forth in regulations at 45 CFR 302.15(a).
1. Submission
State IV-D (child support) agencies complete the OCSE-157 report for each Federal Fiscal
Year ending September 30. States are required to submit this report electronically through the
Online Data Collections (OLDC) system.
2. Due Dates
The report is due within 30 calendar days after the last day of the fiscal year. Each year all states
must submit complete, accurate reports by October 30. States may revise previously submitted
reports by submitting new ones. Initial reports are due by October 30 of each year and revised
reports are due no later than December 31 of each year. Revisions will not be accepted after
December 31 to allow OCSE time to properly and accurately compute the annual incentive
payments earned by each state.
3. Resubmitting Reports for Prior Fiscal Years
Resubmitted reports with corrected data for previous fiscal years must also meet the
December 31 deadline and must be submitted by using OLDC. Revised data will only be
used if needed to determine a state’s percentage point increase over the previous year or, if
needed, to calculate a reliable paternity measure.


4. Consequences of Reporting Unreliable Data
States must not estimate counts for reporting on the OCSE-157. Actual numbers must be reported.
The Act requires that state-submitted data, used to calculate incentive measures, be reliable and
complete. Data to calculate individual state incentive measures will be taken from several of the
OCSE-157 line items. These lines will be audited for completeness and reliability and include:
Lines 1 and 2 for the Support Order measure; Lines 5 and 6 or 8 and 9 for the Paternity
Establishment measure; Lines 24 and 25 for the Current Support measure; and Lines 28 and 29 for
the Arrears Support measure. Refer to OCSE-AT-01-01 and Section 458 of the Act for detailed
information on incentive formulas and requirements.
States must have an audit trail available that consists of the case information used to compile the
line items mentioned above that will be used to calculate incentive measures. If audit results find
that data needed to compute an incentive measure are incomplete or unreliable, the state will
not be eligible for an incentive payment for measures which use these data and the amounts
otherwise payable to the state under Title IV-A may be reduced by 1 to 5 percent.
5. Internal Edits
OCSE will perform the following edits on data received from states and encourages states to check
their data against these edits before sending in their reports:
Line 1a < Line 1
Line 2h < Line 2
Line 1b < Line 1
Line 2i < Line 2
Line 1c < Line 1
Line 2a+2b+2c+2d+2e+2f+2g+2h+2i is not equal to Line 2
Line 1d < Line 1
Line 3 < Line 1
Line 1e < Line 1
Line 5 < Line 4
Line 1f < Line 1
Line 7 < Line 4
Line 1a+1b+1c+1d+1e+1f +1g is not equal to Line 1
Line 10 < Line 9
Line 2a < Line 2
Line 18a < Line 18
Line 2b < Line 2
Line 21a < Line 21
Line 2c < Line 2
Line 22 < Line 21
Line 2d < Line 2
Line 23 < Line 22
Line 2e < Line 2
Line 29 < Line 28
Line 2f < Line 2
Line 2g < Line 2
6. Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) Reporting
It is important that state officials remember to check the appropriate bracket (IV-D or Statewide) on
the "Section B" line of the OCSE-157, to indicate the PEP measures by which the state chooses to
be evaluated. The option can be changed later; however, for calculation purposes, “like” data must
be compared from year-to-year.


For example, if a state uses the IV-D PEP in Years 1 and 2 and decides to use the Statewide PEP in
Year 3--the state must also provide OCSE with Statewide data for Years 1 and 2, so that yearly
increases and decreases can be determined using comparable data. If the state elects to change their
option, the new data submitted will be audited and the state will be required to provide an audit trail
for the new paternity data.
7. Online Reporting
The Administration for Children and Families developed the Online Data Collection (OLDC) System
to allow states to submit their OCSE-157 reports electronically through the HHS Website. The web
address for accessing the online system is https://www.grantsolutions.gov.
For GrantSolutions access, complete the Grantee User Account form found on the GrantSolutions
website. If you have any questions about the OCSE-157, contact the Division of Performance and
Statistical Analysis at [email protected].
8. Signature
The OCSE-157 must be electronically signed and dated by the Director of the state's Title IV-D
program. For purposes of online reporting, each state Child Support Director will be assigned a
special ID and password. Approving the electronic OCSE-157 under these IDs and passwords
indicates that the appropriate person has reviewed and approved the report. Signatures on the
OCSE-157 forms submitted by using OLDC indicate that the state Director has verified the
report and is certifying that the information provided on the report is accurate, to the best of his
or her knowledge and belief.
9. Public Reporting
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 7.0 hours per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed,
and reviewing the collection of information.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for
this report is 0970-0177. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
request for information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to ACF Reports Clearance
Officer, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 330
C Street SW, Washington, DC 20201, or by email to [email protected].


The following definitions of terms apply when completing Form OCSE-157.
Case Inventory Definitions
IV-D Case - A parent (mother, father, or alleged father) who is now or eventually may be
obligated under law for the support of a child or children receiving services under the state Title
IV-D program.
A parent is reported as a separate IV-D case for each family with a dependent child or children
that the parent may be obligated to support. If both parents are liable or potentially liable for
support of a child or children living with a relative or caretaker receiving services under
the Title IV-D program, each parent is considered a separate IV-D case.
1. Current Assistance IV-D Case - A case where the children are: (1) recipients of Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act or (2)
entitled to Foster Care maintenance payments under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. In
addition, the children's support rights have been assigned by a caretaker relative to a state, and a
referral to the state IV-D agency has been made.
a. TANF IV-D Case - A case where the children have been determined to be eligible for
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) under Title IV-A of the Social
Security Act, the children's support rights have been assigned by a caretaker relative to a
state, and a referral to the state IV-D agency has been made. A TANF case is reported as
a current assistance case.
b. Foster Care IV-D Case - A case involving children entitled to Foster Care
maintenance payments under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, for whom a referral to
the state IV-D agency has been made. A Foster Care case is reported as a current
assistance case.
2. Former Assistance IV-D Case - A case where the children formerly received Title IV-A
(AFDC or TANF) or Title IV-E Foster Care services.
3. Never Assistance IV-D Case - A case where the children are receiving services under the
Title IV-D program, but are not currently determined to be eligible for and have not previously
received assistance under Titles IV-A or IV-E of the Social Security Act.
A never assistance case includes cases where the family is receiving IV-D services as a result of
a written application for IV-D services, including cases where the children are receiving state
(not Title IV-E) Foster Care services, or cases in which they are Medicaid recipients not
receiving additional assistance. Tribal and international cases are considered never assistance
cases if the case status is unknown.


a. Medicaid-Only IV-D Case - A case where the children have been determined eligible
for or are receiving Medicaid under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, but who are not
current or former recipients of aid under Title IV-A or IV-E of the Act. A Medicaid-Only
case is reported as a never assistance case.
4. Arrears-Only IV-D Case - A IV-D case in which the only reason the case is open is to collect
child or medical support arrearages owed to the state or to the family. Do not include judgments
under state laws that create a debt owed to the state by the noncustodial parent for public
assistance paid for that parent’s child or children (laws of general obligation).
5. State-Tribal IV-D Case - A case under the state’s IV-D program received from, or sent to, a
Tribal IV-D program for case processing.
6. International IV-D Case - An international IV-D case under the state’s IV-D program
received from, or sent to, a foreign country under the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007
on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Hague
Child Support Convention country), a foreign country that has entered into an agreement under
Section 459A of the Social Security Act with the United States (a Foreign Reciprocating Country
or FRC), or a foreign country with which the state has entered a reciprocal agreement. An
application from a resident of a foreign country applying directly with a state must not be
counted as an international IV-D case.
7. Interstate IV-D Case - A IV-D case in which the noncustodial parent lives and/or works in a
different state than the custodial parent and child(ren) that has been referred by an initiating state
to a responding state for services. An interstate IV-D case also may include cases in which a
state is seeking only to collect support arrearages, whether owed to the family or assigned to the
8. Intergovernmental IV-D Case - A case in which the noncustodial parent lives and/or works
in a different jurisdiction than the custodial parent and child(ren) that has been referred by an
initiating agency to a responding agency for services. An intergovernmental IV-D case may
include any combination of referrals between states, tribes, and countries. An intergovernmental
IV-D case also may include cases in which a state agency is seeking only to collect support
arrearages, whether owed to the family or assigned to the state.
Services Definitions
Child Support Order - The legal establishment of: (1) an amount of money that is due and
owed by a parent for the support of the parent’s children; and/or (2) the responsibility to provide
medical support, as defined below, for those children. This amount or responsibility must be
established by court order or administrative process, voluntary agreement (in states where such
agreements are filed in the court or agency of the administrative process as an order and are
legally enforceable), or other legal process. This includes a judgment for child support arrears.
This does not include judgments under state laws that create a debt owed to the state by the
noncustodial parent for public assistance paid for that parent’s child or children (laws of
general obligation).
Disbursement - The actual process of dispensing or paying out the collection.

Distribution - The identification and allocation or apportionment of a support collection to
current and past-due support, as applicable, of a specific case or individual.
Health Care Coverage - Health care coverage includes any health care coverage for a child or
children in a IV-D case. This includes: (1) private health insurance, such as employment-based
insurance and individually purchased health insurance policies including those purchased
through state and federal healthcare marketplaces; and (2) publicly funded health care coverage
including Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), other state coverage plans,
and coverage through Tricare or the Indian Health Service.
Medical Support - Medical support for a child or children in a IV-D case includes: (1) health
care coverage (see above); (2) cash medical support, including payment of health insurance
premiums and co-payments; and (3) payment of medical bills (including dental or vision care).
Paternity - The legal establishment of fatherhood for a child, either by court determination,
administrative process, or voluntary acknowledgment. A paternity acknowledgment involves the
legal establishment of fatherhood for a child through a voluntary acknowledgment signed by
both parents as part of an in-hospital or other acknowledgment service. Paternity resolved refers
to all children born within a marriage, legitimized by marriage or adoption, and children with
paternity established or acknowledged.
The OCSE-157 report was developed to obtain information on the status and accomplishments of
each state's Child Support Enforcement program. The form contains nine sections: A-Case
Inventory; B-Paternity Establishment; C-Services Required; D-Services Provided; E-Medical
Support; F-Collections Due and Distributed; G-Staff; H-Medical Support Continued; and
I-Noncooperation and Good Cause.
Each section’s introduction and line item information give specific details related to that section
or line. Particular attention must be given to the time period for counting the line items--during
the fiscal year or on the last day of the fiscal year, and whether reporting is required in the
individual status columns (b through d) or just the total column (a). With the exception of
Section B-Paternity Establishment Lines, 5-10, all open good cause cases must be included in the
In this section, report the number of IV-D cases in the state's inventory in each of three status
categories in columns: (b) current assistance cases; (c) former assistance cases; and (d) never
assistance cases. It is not necessary to report in column (a) in the case inventory section, with the
exception of arrears-only and international cases. Totals will be determined at OCSE using the
information provided by states for columns (b) through (d).
Remember, a IV-D case is a parent (mother, father or alleged father) who is or may be liable for
support. A parent is reported as a separate case for each family with a dependent child or
children that the parent may be obligated to support. See definition section of this document. If
there are multiple alleged fathers for one child, only one case is to be reported.

Report all IV-D cases open at the end of the fiscal year. If a parent has more than one child in
the same family and any of the children are currently receiving assistance, report the case as a
current assistance case.
Include both cases sent to and received from other states in the count. County-to-county
transfers of cases and multiple county involvements in cases within a state must not be reflected
in case inventory counts. A case must be counted only once within a state.
When IV-D services continue to be provided to former IV-A or IV-E recipients, change status to
a former assistance case. Also, report as a former assistance case any former IV-A or IV-E case
in which the family has declined continued IV-D services, but there are arrearages assigned to
the state.
States must report information on spousal support cases when a child in a IV-D case is
involved. Once the child is emancipated or otherwise no longer involved, it becomes the state’s
option whether or not to continue servicing or reporting spousal cases.
However, there had to have been child support ordered for the child involved at one time to be
reported. If the state decides to continue servicing and reporting on these cases, the state must be
consistent in what it does and report the case on all lines that apply.
Line 1 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year, or September 30.
Include cases open at end of the fiscal year as a result of requests for assistance received from
other states, tribal IV-D programs, or foreign countries with a federal-level or state-level
agreement with the reporting state, tribe, or country. Include open cases that were referred to
another state, tribal, or foreign country child support program. Do not include tribal and
international cases reported on Line 3. Cases for which the 60-day case closure notice has been
issued must be included in the count for Line 1, unless the case has been officially closed.
Cases received on standard interstate forms from other states are counted as open IV-D cases
only if specific action is required on the part of the responding state's IV-D agency and the
activity required qualifies for Federal Financial Participation (FFP).
Report under columns (b), (c), and (d) for Lines 1, 1a, 1b, 1d, and 1e. Report only under column
(d) for Line 1c, and report only under column (a) for Lines 1f and 1g.
Line 1a – Interstate Cases Initiated in This State Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year initiated in this state and sent
to another state. Report a case only once (on this line), even if the case was sent to both a state
and a tribe, or country. Do not include cases only sent to a tribe or foreign country since these
are not interstate cases. Cases included on this line are a subset of and must be counted on Line


Line 1b – Interstate Cases Received From Another State Open at the End of the Fiscal
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year received from another state.
Report a case only once (on this line), even if the case was received from both a state and a tribe
or country. Do not include cases only received from a tribe or a foreign country since these are
not interstate cases. These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 1.
Line 1c – Medicaid-Only IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of Medicaid-Only IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year. Report
these cases under column (d). These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 1.
IV-D cases that were previously on assistance and are now receiving Medicaid are considered
former assistance cases and are not reported on this line.
Note: If a parent in a Medicaid-Only IV-D case declines full child support services, the case must
be reported on Line 1, and on Line 2 only if the case has an order. The collections due and
received information must be reported on financial lines, if the case has a cash medical support
or other cash collection.
For example, if a state has a Medicaid-Only IV-D case with an order for $100 a month to be
paid to the custodial parent (CP) toward a child’s health insurance and the state receives the full
payment from the noncustodial parent (NCP), that case and collection must be reported on Lines
1, 2, 24, and 25.
Line 1d – State-Tribal IV-D Cases Initiated in This State Open at the End of the Fiscal
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year initiated in this state and
referred/sent to a tribal IV-D program for action. Report a case only once (on this line). Cases
included on this line are a subset of and must be counted on Line 1. Cases reported on this line
must not be reported on Line 3.
Line 1e – State-Tribal IV-D Cases Received From a Tribal IV-D Program Open at the End
of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year referred/received from a tribal
IV-D program. Report a case only once (on this line). These cases are a subset of and must be
counted on Line 1. Cases reported on this line must not be reported on Line 3.
Line 1f – International IV-D Cases Initiated in This State Open at the End of the Fiscal
Report the number of international IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year initiated in
this state and referred/sent to a Hague Child Support Convention country or a federal or state
reciprocating country. Report these cases under column (a). Report a case only once, even if
the case was sent to more than one country. Cases included on this line are a subset of and
must be counted on Line 1. Cases reported on this line must not be reported on Line 3.

Line 1g – International IV-D Cases Received From Another Reciprocating Country Open
at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of international IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year received
from a Hague Child Support Convention country or a federal or state reciprocating country.
Report these cases under column (a). Report a case only once, even if the case was received
from more than one country. These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 1. Cases
reported on this line must not be reported on Line 3. An application from a resident of a foreign
country applying directly with a state must not be counted as an international IV-D case.
Line 2 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year with Support Orders Established
Report the number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have support orders
established. Cases reported on Line 2 are a subset of and must be included on Line 1. Include
cases with orders entered prior to the case becoming a IV-D case, as well as cases with orders
established by the IV-D agency. Include judgments for arrears, regardless of whether there is a
payment schedule or an order for ongoing support. Do not include judgments under state laws
that create a debt owed to the state by the noncustodial parent for public assistance paid for that
parent's child or children (laws of general obligation).
Remember, count cases only once, regardless of the number of orders. Do not include voluntary
support agreements on this line unless the agreements are legally enforceable in the reporting
state. Include all cases--both cases sent to and received from other states, tribes and countries.
Cases for which the 60-day case closure notice has been issued must be included in the count for
Line 2, unless the case has been officially closed.
Report under columns (b), (c), and (d) for each item, except for Line 2d, that must be reported
under column (d) only and Lines 2e, 2h, and 2i that must be reported under column (a) only.
Include all cases received from or sent to another state or jurisdiction that have an order for
support, regardless of when or where the order was established.
Line 2a – Interstate Cases Initiated in This State with Support Orders Established Open at
the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a support order
established or a judgment for arrears that this state referred to another state. Do not include
judgments under laws of general obligation. These cases are a subset of and must be counted on
Line 2.
Line 2b – Interstate Cases Received From Another State with Support Orders Established
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a support order
established or a judgment for arrears that this state received from another state. Do not include
judgments under laws of general obligation. These cases are a subset of and must be counted on
Line 2.


Line 2c – Cases with Orders Established with No Amount of Cash Support Open at the
End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have an order established,
but no amount of cash support is included in the order. This must include zero dollar orders and
orders that were established for health care coverage only. Do not include judgments under laws
of general obligation. These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 2.
Line 2d – Medicaid-Only IV-D Cases with Orders Established Open at the End of the
Fiscal Year
Report the number of Medicaid-Only cases with orders open on the last day of the fiscal year
that have a support order established or a judgment for arrears. Do not include judgments under
laws of general obligation. Report these cases under column (d). These cases are a subset of and
must be counted on Line 2. IV-D cases that were previously on assistance and are now receiving
Medicaid are considered former assistance cases and are not reported on this line.
Line 2e – Arrears-Only IV-D Cases with Orders Established Open at the End of the Fiscal
Report the number of IV-D arrears-only cases open on the last day of the fiscal year. Include
cases for which there is no current support assigned to the state or owed to the family. Cases
reported on this line must: 1) have no current child support or current medical support order in
effect on the last day of the fiscal year; and 2) have a positive arrears balance on the last day of
the fiscal year.
Do not include judgments under state laws that create a debt owed to the state by the
noncustodial parent for public assistance paid for that parent's child or children (laws of general
obligation). These cases are a subset of and must be counted in Line 2.
Line 2f – State-Tribal IV-D Cases Initiated in this State with Support Orders Established
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a support order
established or a judgment for arrears that have been referred/sent to a Tribal IV-D program.
These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 2.
Line 2g – State-Tribal IV-D Cases with Support Orders Established Received from a
Tribe Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a support order
established or a judgment for arrears that were referred/received from a Tribal IV-D program.
These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 2.


Line 2h – International IV-D Cases with Support Orders Established Initiated in This State
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of international IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a
support order established or a judgment for arrears that this state referred to a Hague Child
Support Convention country or a federal or state reciprocating country. Report these cases under
column (a). These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 2. Do not include cases in
which an application was received directly from a resident of a foreign country on this line.
Line 2i – International IV-D Cases with Support Orders Established Received From
Another Country Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of international IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have a
support order established or a judgment for arrears that the state referred/received from a Hague
Child Support Convention country or a federal or state reciprocating country. Report these cases
under column (a). These cases are a subset of and must be counted on Line 2. Do not include
cases in which an application was received directly from a resident of a foreign country on this
Line 3 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year for Which the State has No Jurisdiction
Report the number of open cases on the last day of the fiscal year over which the state has no
jurisdiction. This includes cases that involve an individual over whom the IV-D agency has no
civil jurisdiction (e.g., subject matter, territorial, or personal jurisdiction) available to pursue or
effectuate any child support actions.
Cases that do not meet the definition of “international IV-D Case” (meaning they involve
individuals in countries that are not a Hague Child Support Convention country, or where there
is no federal or state reciprocating agreement) and for which the state is not able to take actions
necessary to establish paternity, establish a child support order, or enforce the order, must be
included on this line. Also, non-IV-D tribal cases for which the state has no jurisdiction must
also be reported on this line.
These cases most often involve a noncustodial parent who resides in the civil jurisdictional
boundaries of another country or an Indian Tribe, which the state or United States has no
reciprocal agreement, and no income or assets of this individual are located or derived from
outside that jurisdiction. However, these cases remain open for IV-D purposes and are
periodically monitored to determine if there is a change in circumstances that could lead to
further action.
Non-jurisdiction cases reported on this line must not be reported in any other section and on any
other line on this report. Please note that the accuracy of this information is subject to audit


Some of the out-of-wedlock birth and paternity information provided in this section will be used to
compute a state’s Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) for incentive and penalty purposes.
States are to report the number of children in each line item and not the number of cases. Include
children in both initiating and responding interstate and tribal or international IV-D cases, as
A paternity can only be counted once. States must use the date the paternity order, paternity
affidavit, or voluntary acknowledgment was signed or the date the paternity was recorded by
vital statistics as the paternity establishment date.
At state option, adopted children and children born out-of-wedlock whose parents marry each
other, may be counted as having paternity established. OCSE’s Action Transmittal AT-11-12
clarifies that states have the option to report an adoption on both Lines 6 and 9, regardless of
birth circumstances. An adoption is equivalent to a paternity establishment, and the adoption
date is equivalent to the paternity establishment date. Children over age 18 may be counted on
all lines in this section, except Lines 8, 9, and 10. However, if a child turned 18 during the
reporting year, that child must also be included in the count for these lines.
For incentive and penalty purposes, states have the choice of being evaluated on a PEP that
includes all the children in their caseload (the IV-D PEP) or all the children in their state (the
Statewide PEP). Check the appropriate bracket (IV-D or Statewide) on the "Section B" line of the
OCSE-157. The option can be changed later. However, for calculation purposes, “like” data
must be compared from year-to-year. For example, if a state uses the IV-D PEP in Years 1 and 2
and decides to use the Statewide PEP in Year 3, the state must also provide OCSE with statewide
data for Years 1 and 2 so that yearly increases and decreases can be determined using comparable
data. Report the data only under column (a) in Section B: Paternity Establishment.
Line 9 reporting is optional ONLY for states not using the Statewide PEP for incentive and
penalty purposes. However, all states that can report these data are urged to do so. These data
will not be audited for states not using the Statewide PEP.
According to Section 452(g) of the Social Security Act, for purposes of calculating a state's
paternity establishment percentage, “the total number of children shall not include any child who
is a dependent child by reason of the death of a parent, unless paternity is established for that
child.” Therefore, states must not include such children on Lines 5 through 10, unless paternity
has been established for the child.
Section 452(g) of the Act further states that the total number of children shall not include “…any
child with respect to whom an applicant or recipient is found by the state to qualify for a good
cause or other exception to cooperation pursuant to Section 454(29).” Therefore, states must not
include such children on Lines 5 through 10.
The Federal Fiscal Year is the preferred method of reporting. However, as long as “like”
data are used and compared from year-to-year, calendar or state fiscal year data are
acceptable. This exception applies to Lines 8, 8a, 9, and 10 only--all other lines in this
section must be reported by the Federal Fiscal Year.

Line 4 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Report the total number of children in IV-D cases open at the end of the Federal Fiscal Year
reported on Line 1. If there is more than one alleged father for a child, count the child only once.
All children over age 18 may be included in the count, at the state’s option.
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Current Federal Fiscal Year Who
Were Born Out-of-Wedlock.
Report the number of children in the IV-D caseload, in cases open at the end of the current
Federal Fiscal Year, who were born out-of-wedlock. Report the information for the current
reporting year
Line 5a – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Prior Federal Fiscal Year Who
Were Born Out-of-Wedlock.
Report the number of children in the IV-D caseload in cases open at the end of the prior Federal
Fiscal Year who were born out-of-wedlock. Report the information for the prior reporting fiscal
This number must be the audited (if applicable) data taken from Line 5 of the state’s prior year’s
OCSE-157 report. If the state did not pass the audit for Line 5 in the prior year, the state may
submit a corrected number on Line 5a and the state’s data for this line will be re-audited for data
reliability, if the data are needed for incentive or penalty purposes.
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Fiscal Year with
Paternity Established or Acknowledged
Report the number of children born out-of-wedlock in the IV-D caseload in cases open at the end
of the Federal Fiscal Year who have paternity established or acknowledged. States have the
option of including paternities established or acknowledged for cases that closed during the
Federal Fiscal Year. Paternity does not have to have been established by the IV-D agency.
OCSE’s Action Transmittal AT-11-12 clarifies that states have the option to report an adoption
on both Lines 6 and 9, regardless of birth circumstances. An adoption is equivalent to a paternity
establishment, and the adoption date is equivalent to the paternity establishment date.
Line 7 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year with Paternity
Report the number of children in the IV-D caseload open at the end of the fiscal year with
paternity resolved. Include all children born within a marriage, legitimized by marriage or
adoption, and children with paternity established or acknowledged.
Line 8 – Children in the State Born Out-of-Wedlock During the Current Year
Report the total number of children in the state who were born out-of-wedlock during the year.
Report the information for the current reporting year. This may include children born out-ofwedlock in another state who are living in the reporting state.

States who are unable to obtain the necessary out-of-wedlock birth information for the current
reporting year may leave this line blank. However, they must report the prior year’s information on
Line 8a.
Line 8a – Children in the State Born Out-of-Wedlock During the Prior Year
Report the total number of children in the state who were born out-of-wedlock during the prior
year. Report the information for the prior reporting year. This may include children born outof-wedlock in another state who are living in the reporting state.
This number must be the audited (if applicable) data taken from Line 8 of the state’s prior year’s
OCSE-157 report. If the state did not submit data for Line 8 or did not pass the audit for Line 8 in
the prior year, the state may submit a corrected number on Line 8a and the state’s data for this
line will be audited or re-audited, as appropriate, for data reliability--if the data are needed for
incentive or penalty purposes.
Line 9 – Children in the State with Paternity Established or Acknowledged During the
Year (Optional)
Report the number of minor children in the state who were born out-of-wedlock for whom
paternity has been established or acknowledged during the year.
OCSE’s Action Transmittal AT-11-12, clarifies that states have the option to report an adoption
on both Lines 6 and 9, regardless of birth circumstances. An adoption is equivalent to a paternity
establishment, and the adoption date is equivalent to the paternity establishment date.
In addition, as long as the reporting state established paternity, the child or children did not have
to be born in the reporting state. Although reporting on this line is optional for states using the
IV-D paternity establishment percent, they are strongly encouraged to report this information.
Line 10 – Children in the State with Paternity Acknowledged During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of children in the state born out-of-wedlock, for whom paternity has been
acknowledged during the fiscal year. This includes acknowledgments after genetic testing, but
before adjudication, if applicable.
Include children with paternity acknowledged through the state's voluntary in-hospital
acknowledgment program and other acknowledgment processes. This count is a subset of and
must be included on Line 9.
In this section, report the number of IV-D cases (Line 12) or children in IV-D cases (Line 13)
open at the end of the fiscal year that need the specific service listed. In interstate cases both the
initiating and responding state report services required.


Under Section C, report the information by case status under columns (b) through (d). A parent
responsible for the support of children of more than one custodial parent is counted as a separate
case for each. For example, a parent responsible for supporting children of three custodial parents
would be counted as three cases needing an order.
Line 11 – Reserved. No entries.
Line 12 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year Requiring Services to Establish an
Report the number of IV-D cases open at the end of the fiscal year that need services to establish
a support order.
Line 13 – Children Requiring Paternity Determination Services in Cases Open at the End
of the Fiscal Year
Report the number of children in IV-D cases open at the end of the fiscal year requiring paternity
Count all children whose paternity has not been established, including children in the process of
having paternity established. If there is more than one alleged father for a child, count the child
only once.
In this section, report the number of cases and children in which services were successfully
provided at any time during the fiscal year. Count each service that a case received.
If a case changed status during the fiscal year (e.g., from an assistance to a former assistance
case), report the case status as of the end of the fiscal year. In interstate cases, both the initiating
and the responding states report the service that either provided.
In Section D, report under column (a) only for Line 14 and report under columns (b) through (d)
for Lines 16 through 20.
Line 14 – Title IV-A Cases Closed During the Fiscal Year Where a Child Support Payment
Was Received
Report all cases terminated from TANF during the fiscal year in which there was any child
support collection in the month of termination. Report the information for the fiscal year in
which it is received from the IV-A agency, regardless of when the termination actually took
The month of termination is the last month for which a grant is paid. Include a case in the count
for this line whenever the case was terminated from TANF and a child support payment was
received in the same month--even if the payment was received after the case was terminated.
Line 15 – Reserved. No entries.

Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established or
Acknowledged During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of children in cases in the IV-D caseload for whom paternity was established
or acknowledged during the fiscal year. A paternity established or acknowledged prior to a case's
referral to IV-D is not to be counted in this item. If more than one child is included in a single
paternity action, each child is counted separately. If a paternity determination action includes an
order for support, the paternity is counted on Line 16 and the support order is counted on Line 17.
Line 17 – Cases with Support Orders Established During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases in which support orders were established by the IV-D agency during
the fiscal year. Include support orders established for medical support.
A support order established before the case became a IV-D case or an order that has been
modified, must not be counted.
Also, do not include judgments under state laws that create a debt owed to the state by the
noncustodial parent for public assistance paid for that parent’s child or children (laws of general
A single support order for payment of current support and arrearages is counted as the
establishment of one support order. If an order includes medical support and child support, it
must be counted only once.
If the state established a new order for a subsequent child, that establishment must be counted on
Line 17. The count must not include modifications including those made to add health insurance to
the order.
Line 18 – Cases with Collections During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases for which one or more collections were made during the fiscal year.
Each case must be counted only once, regardless of the type or number of collections made for
that case during the fiscal year. For example, if a federal or state tax refund offset collection was
made during the fiscal year, as well as a regular collection, report one case with a collection.
Include cases where no support order is established but a voluntary payment was made. Include
cases received from another state, tribe, or country with a collection during the fiscal year.
Line 18a –Intergovernmental IV-D Cases Received From Another State with Collections
during the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases received from another state, tribe, or country for which one or more
collections were made during the fiscal year. The number reported on this line is a subset of and
must be included in the number reported on Line 18.


Line 19 – Interstate IV-D Cases Sent to Another State during the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases sent to another state during the fiscal year. This is the number of
cases for which referrals were made, not the actual number of requests made with respect to a
particular case. For example, if referrals were sent to multiple states for the same case, this
would be reported once. Report a case submitted for location, establishment of paternity or
support order, enforcement of support, or any other IV-D activity.
Line 20 – Interstate IV-D Cases Received From Another State During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases received from another state during the fiscal year. Each case must be
counted only once, regardless of the number of requests received for one case during the fiscal
As explained in the definition section, medical support includes: (1) health care coverage (see
definition); (2) cash medical support, including payment of health insurance premiums and copayments; and (3) payment of medical bills (including dental or vision care). This support may
be provided by either parent, or any other person, such as a stepparent.
Arrears-only cases must not be included in the count, so exclude all cases from all line totals in
this section in which the only reason the case is open is to collect child or medical support
arrearages assigned to the state or owed to the family.
In Section E, Medical Support, report totals in column (a) only.
Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year in Which Medical Support is Ordered
Report the number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year for which medical support
is ordered. As stated above, this includes: (1) health care coverage (see definition); (2) cash
medical support, including payment of health insurance premiums and co-payments; and (3)
payment of medical bills (including dental or vision care). Include IV-D cases where either parent
or any other person is ordered to provide the medical support. Cases where the amount of cash
medical support is ordered as $0 may be counted on Line 21. Do not include arrears-only cases on
this line.
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year in Which Medical Support is Ordered
and Provided
Report the number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year for which medical
support was ordered and provided at any time during the fiscal year. This includes: (1) health
care coverage (see definition); (2) cash medical support, including payment of health insurance
premiums and co-payments; and (3) payment of medical bills (including dental or vision care).
Include cases where either parent, or any other person, such as a stepparent, actually provided the
medical support. Cases reported on Line 21a are a subset of and must be reported on Line 21.

Line 22 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year Where Health Care Coverage is
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year where health care coverage is
ordered. Do not include orders for cash medical support or payments of medical bills where there
is no health care coverage ordered. Cases reported on Line 22 are a subset of and must be
counted on Line 21.
Line 23 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year Where Health Care Coverage Ordered
and Provided
Report the number of cases open on the last day of the fiscal year in Line 22 for which health care
coverage was provided. Count only one order per case. Do not include orders for cash medical
support or payments for medical bills (where there is no health care coverage insurance). The
health care coverage may be provided by either parent, or any other person, such as a stepparent.
These cases are a subset of, and must be counted on Line 22.
In this section, report the amount of collections due and the amount of collections that were
distributed and disbursed in the fiscal year. These amounts must be computed monthly and the total
of all months reported at the end of the year. Include cash medical support payments and support
due in open cases and cases that closed during the fiscal year. For purposes of this report, report
distributed collections when disbursed. For the purpose of this form, to be considered distributed a
collection must be both distributed and disbursed.
Report amounts due and distributed for both initiating and responding state, tribal, and
international cases, except for Lines 26 and 27, which only the initiating state will report. If the
initiating state has no order within the state, but there is an order in a responding state, the
initiating state must report the amount due in the other state. If there is an order in both the
initiating and the responding states, each state must report consistent with its own order.
Amounts due and collected for spousal support, childcare, medical support, and other cash
payments must be included in the amounts reported in Section F, if they are included in the child
support order.
For cases that changed status during the fiscal year (i.e., never assistance to current assistance) a
state may report the case status as of when the collection was received or as of the end of the
fiscal year, as long as the state does it consistently one way or the other.
For purposes of counting arrears on the OCSE-157, an arrearage occurs the month that the
payment is missed. Also, under Section 466(a)(9) of the Act, a state must enact laws and use
procedures requiring that any payment or installment under a support order is a judgment by
operation of law, without the need for further court action.
This section includes judgments for arrears. This does not include judgments under state laws
that create a debt owed to the state by the noncustodial parent for public assistance due and
collected for that parent's child or children (laws of general obligation).

If a state recovers cost or fees from a collection, report the total amount of the collection rather
than the net amount sent to the family on Lines 25 and 27.
Report under columns (b) through (d) for Lines 24 through 27 and only under column (a) for
Lines 28 and 29.
Adjustments made during the reporting year from previous periods must not be included in the
amounts reported on Lines 24 through 27. Likewise, cases with prior year adjustments must not
be reported on Lines 28 and 29.
Line 24 – Total Amount of Current Support Due for the Fiscal Year
Report the total amount of current support due based on a legally established child support order
for the fiscal year for all IV-D cases. Include total voluntary collections as amounts due when there
is no child support order in effect at the time of receipt. The current support due must be
computed monthly and the total of all months reported at the end of the year. Do not include
current amounts due on arrears. Future payments cannot be reported on this line.
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed and Disbursed as Current Support During
the Fiscal Year
Report the total amount of support, including future payments, distributed and disbursed as current
support during the current reporting fiscal year for all IV-D cases. This includes: (1) collections
received and distributed in any previous fiscal year and disbursed in the current reporting fiscal
year as current support; (2) collections received in any previous fiscal year and distributed and
disbursed as current support in the current reporting fiscal year; or (3) collections received and
disbursed in any previous fiscal year and distributed during the current reporting fiscal year as
current support.
The above collections must be reported on Line 25 for the fiscal year during which the collection
meets the condition of being distributed (i.e. both distributed and disbursed) as current support.
The amount distributed and disbursed as current support must be computed monthly and the total of
all months reported at the end of the year. Voluntary payments are considered current support and
must be reported here when there is no child support order in effect at the time of receipt.
If a state recovers costs or fees from a child support collection, the state must report the total
amount of the collection rather than the net amount sent to the family. All other fees, such as tax
offset, application, and genetic testing fees must not be included in the amounts for this line.
Interest payments also must not be reported on this line.
Line 26 – Total Amount of Arrears Due for All Fiscal Years
Report the total amount of arrears due and unpaid as of the end of the fiscal year for all fiscal
years, including the fiscal year covered by the report. Interest and penalties on arrearages may be
included. Only the initiating state is to report arrears due for intergovernmental cases.

Line 27 – Total Amount of Support Distributed and Disbursed as Arrears During the Fiscal
Report the total amount of support distributed and disbursed this fiscal year as arrearages. The
amounts reported must include judgments ordered and paid this fiscal year for prior year support.
Only the initiating state is to report the amount of arrears distributed for intergovernmental cases.
Line 28 – Cases with Arrears Due During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of IV-D cases with arrears due during the fiscal year. Include cases closed
during the fiscal year with arrearages.
Line 29 – Cases Paying Toward Arrears During the Fiscal Year
Report the number of cases that made at least one payment toward arrears during the fiscal year.
Report the total number of IV-D cases in which payments of past-due child support were received
during the fiscal year, and part or all of the payments were distributed and disbursed to the family
to which the past-due child support was owed (or, if all past-due child support owed to the family
was, at the time of receipt, subject to an assignment to the state, part or all of the payments were
retained by the state).
In other words, count those cases where all of the past-due support was disbursed to the family
because all support was owed to the family, or all of the past-due support was retained by the
state because all support was assigned to the state.
However, if some of the past due support was assigned to the state and some was owed to the
family, only count those cases where some of the support actually was disbursed to the family.
This means that in never assistance cases, all payments go to the family, so states must count all
cases with any payments applied to past-due support and paid to the family. In current assistance
cases, all support is assigned to the state, so states must count all cases with payments applied to
past-due support and retained by the state. However, in former assistance cases, if some past-due
support was owed to the family at the time of the collection, states must only count the case if
some of the collection was applied to past-due support and paid to the family.
Report the total number of staff providing IV-D child support services employed on the last
working day of September of the reporting year. Report these numbers in full-time equivalent
(FTE) figures (divide the total number of hours worked by all part-time staff by 2080 hours). This
makes staffing figures reported by states with varying staffing patterns comparable.
For Section G, report under column (a) only.


Line 30 – Full-time Equivalent Employees of State and Local Title IV-D Offices on the Last
Working Day in the Fiscal Year
Report the total number of FTE staff employed by the state and local IV-D agencies. Do not
include any staff working under cooperative agreements (see Line 31) or for privatized IV-D
offices (see Line 32).
Line 31 – Full-time Equivalent Employees under Contract, Interagency, or Cooperative
Agreements on the Last Working Day in the Fiscal Year
Report the total number of FTE staff employed by an agency (public or private) working under a
cooperative agreement, employed contractor, or interagency agreement with the IV-D agency.
Do not count any staff counted on Lines 30 and 32.
Line 32 – Full-time Equivalent Employees of Privatized IV-D Offices on the Last Working
Day in the Fiscal Year
Report the total number of FTE staff employed by privatized IV-D offices. Do not include any
staff already counted on Lines 30 or 31.
Report the number of cases with health care coverage on Line 35 and amount of cash medical
support on Line 36. Only initiating states must report on Lines 35 and 36.
Line 33 – Reserved. No entries.
Line 34 – Reserved. No entries.
Line 35 – Cases with Health Care Coverage Received From any Source
Report the number of IV-D cases open at the end of the fiscal year in which health care coverage
was received from any source at any time during the fiscal year for at least one child on the case.
Cases do not need an order to be included on this line.
Line 36 – Amount of Cash Medical Support Received that was Assigned to the State
Report the amount of cash received in IV-D cases from medical support payments that are
assigned to the state under the Medicaid program during the fiscal year. This must include all
assigned cash medical payments, including cash for health insurance policies, doctor bills, as well
as contributions toward Medicaid.
Report the number of cases open at the end of the fiscal year in which an applicant for or recipient
of TANF has refused to cooperate in identifying and locating the noncustodial parent. Also report
the number of cases in which the refusal is based on good cause as determined by the state.

For Section I, report only under column (b).
Line 37 – Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year in Which There is a Determination of
Report the number of IV-D TANF cases open at the end of the fiscal year in which a
determination was made that the custodial parent refused to cooperate with state agencies in
identifying and locating the noncustodial parent.
Line 38 – Cases Open During the Fiscal Year with Good Cause Determinations
Report the number of cases open during the fiscal year in which it was determined by the state
that the custodial parent had good cause for refusing to cooperate with state agencies in
identifying and locating the noncustodial parent.


Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Form Approved
OMB No. 0970-0177
Expires: 3/31/2022


(This report consists of three pages. Do not report in shaded areas.)












1. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
a. Interstate Cases Initiated in This State
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
b. Interstate Cases Received From Another State
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
c. Medicaid-Only IV-D Cases
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
d. State-Tribal IV-D Cases Initiated in This State
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
e. State-Tribal IV-D Cases Received From a Tribal IV-D
Program Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
f. International IV-D Cases Initiated in This
State Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
g. International IV-D Cases Received from Another
Country Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
2. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year With Support
Orders Established
a. Interstate Cases Initiated in This State With Support
Orders Established Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
b. Interstate Cases Received From Another State With Support
Orders Established Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
c. Cases With Orders Established With No Amount of Cash Support
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
d. Medicaid-Only IV-D Cases With Orders Established
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
e. Arrears-Only IV-D Cases With Orders Established
Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
f. State-Tribal IV-D Cases Initiated in This State With Support
Orders Established Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
g. State-Tribal IV-D Cases With Support Orders Established
Received From a Tribe Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
h. International IV-D Cases With Support Orders Established
Initiated in This State Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
i. International IV-D Cases With Support Order Established
Received From Another Country Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
3. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
for Which the State Has No Jurisdiction

FORM OCSE-157 (2022)








Select PEP Option: [ ] IV-D





[ ] Statewide

4. Number of Children in IV-D Cases Open at the
End of the Fiscal Year
5. Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Current Federal
Fiscal Year Who Were Born Out-of-Wedlock
a. Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Prior Federal
Fiscal Year Who Were Born Out-of-Wedlock
6. Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the
Fiscal Year With Paternity Established or Acknowledged
7. Children in the IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
With Paternity Resolved
8. Children in the State Born Out-of-Wedlock
During the Current Year
a. Children in the State Born Out-of-Wedlock
During the Prior Year
9. Children in the State With Paternity Established
or Acknowledged During the Year (Optional)
10. Children in the State With Paternity Acknowledged
During The Fiscal Year

11. Reserved

12. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Requiring Services to Establish an Order
13. Children Requiring Paternity Determination Services
in Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year

14. Title IV-A Cases Closed During the Fiscal Year Where a
Child Support Payment Was Received
15. Reserved
16. Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity
Was Established or Acknowledged During the Fiscal Year
17. Cases With Orders Established During the Fiscal Year
18. Cases With Collections During the Fiscal Year
a. Intergovernmental Cases Received From Another State
With Collections During the Fiscal Year
19. Cases Sent to Another State During the Fiscal Year
20. Cases Received From Another State
During the Fiscal Year

21. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
in Which Medical Support is Ordered
a. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided

FORM OCSE-157 (2022)






22. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Where Health Care Coverage is Ordered
23. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year
Where Health Care Coverage is Ordered and Provided





24. Total Amount of Current Support Due
for the Fiscal Year
25. Total Amount of Support Distributed and Disbursed as Current
Support During the Fiscal Year







26. Total Amount of Arrears Due for All Fiscal Years




27. Total Amount of Support Distributed and Disbursed as Arrears
During the Fiscal Year




28. Cases With Arrears Due During the Fiscal Year
29. Cases Paying Toward Arrears During the Fiscal Year

30. Full-time Equivalent Employees of State and Local
IV-D Offices on the Last Working Day in the Fiscal Year
31. Full-time Equivalent Employees Under Contract, Interagency, or
Cooperative Agreement on the Last Working Day in the Fiscal Year
32. Full-time Equivalent Employees of Privatized
IV-D Offices on the Last Working Day in the Fiscal Year

33. Reserved
34. Reserved
35. Cases With Health Care Coverage Received From any Source
36. Amount of Cash Medical Support Received that was Assigned
to the State


37. Cases Open at the End of the Fiscal Year in Which There
is a Determination of Noncooperation
38. Cases Open During the Fiscal Year With Good Cause
Paperwork Act Notice: State agencies are required to provide the information requested to receive a grant award under the provision of Title IV, Part D (Sections 452 and 469) of the
Social Security Act (42 USC 652 and 669). This is public information and is published in an Annual Report to Congress. The responses to this collection are mandatory. This information is
not considered confidential, therefore, no additional safeguards are considered necessary beyond that customarily applied to routine government information.
Reporting Burden Notice: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 7 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding either this burden estimate or other aspect of this request for information to: the Administration for
Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation at [email protected].
This is to certify the information provided on this report is accurate to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Signature: Director, Title IV-D

Agency Name

Typed Name, Title


FORM OCSE-157 (2022)


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMorales, Melody (ACF)
File Modified2020-04-07
File Created2020-04-07

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