50 Cfr 92-6

50 CFR 92-6.pdf

Alaska Native Handicrafts

50 CFR 92-6

OMB: 1018-0168

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Code of Federal Regulations
Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries
Volume: 9
Date: 2019-10-01
Original Date: 2019-10-01
Title: Section § 92.6 - Use and possession of migratory birds.
Context: Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries. CHAPTER I - UNITED STATES FISH AND
SUBSISTENCE HARVEST IN ALASKA. Subpart A - General Provisions.

§ 92.6

Use and possession of migratory birds.

You may not sell, offer for sale, purchase, or offer to purchase migratory birds, their
parts, or their eggs taken under this part, except as provided in this section.
(a) Giving and receiving migratory birds. Under this part, you may take migratory birds
for human consumption only. Harvest and possession of migratory birds must be
conducted using nonwasteful taking. Edible meat of migratory birds may be given to
immediate family members by eligible persons. Inedible byproducts of migratory birds
taken for food may be used for other purposes, except that taxidermy is prohibited,
and these byproducts may only be given to other eligible persons or Alaska Natives.
(b) Authentic native articles of handicraft or clothing. (1) Under this section, authentic
native articles of handicraft or clothing may be produced for sale only from the
following bird species:
(i) Tundra swan ( Cygnus columbianus ).
(ii) Blue-winged teal ( Anas discors ).
(iii) Redhead ( Aythya americana ).
(iv) Ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris ).
(v) Greater scaup ( Aythya marila ).
(vi) Lesser scaup ( Aythya affinis ).
(vii) King eider ( Somateria spectabilis ).
(viii) Common eider ( Somateria mollissima ).
(ix) Surf scoter ( Melanitta perspicillata ).
(x) White-winged scoter ( Melanitta fusca ).
(xi) Barrow's goldeneye ( Bucephala islandica ).
(xii) Hooded merganser ( Lophodytes cucullatus ).
(xiii) Pacific loon ( Gavia pacifica ).

(xiv) Common loon ( Gavia immer ).
(xv) Double-crested cormorant ( Phalacrocorax auritus ).
(xvi) Black oystercatcher ( Haematopus bachmani ).
(xvii) Lesser yellowlegs ( Tringa flavipes ).
(xviii) Semipalmated sandpiper ( Calidris semipalmatus ).
(xix) Western sandpiper ( Calidris mauri ).
(xx) Wilson's snipe ( Gallinago delicata ).
(xxi) Bonaparte's gull ( Larus philadelphia ).
(xxii) Mew gull ( Larus canus ).
(xxiii) Red-legged kittiwake ( Rissa brevirostris ).
(xxiv) Arctic tern ( Sterna paradisaea ).
(xxv) Black guillemot ( Cepphus grylle ).
(xxvi) Cassin's auklet ( Ptychoramphus aleuticus ).
(xxvii) Great horned owl ( Bubo virginianus ).
(2) Only Alaska Natives may sell or re-sell any authentic native article of handicraft or
clothing that contains an inedible byproduct of a bird listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this
section that was taken for food during the Alaska migratory bird subsistence harvest
season. Eligibility under this paragraph (b)(2) can be shown by a Tribal Enrollment
Card, Bureau of Indian Affairs card, or membership in the Silver Hand program. All
sales and transportation of sold items are restricted to within the United States. Each
sold item must be accompanied by either a certification (FWS Form 3-2484) signed by
the artist or a Silver Hand insignia. Purchasers must retain this documentation and
produce it upon the request of a law enforcement officer.
(3) Sales by consignment are allowed. Each consigned item must be accompanied by
either a certification (FWS Form 3-2484) signed by the artist or Silver Hand insignia.
All consignees, sellers, and purchasers must retain this documentation with each item
and produce it upon the request of a law enforcement officer. All consignment sales
are restricted to within the United States.
(4) The Office of Management and Budget reviewed and approved the information
collection requirements contained in this section and assigned OMB Control No. 10180168. We use the information to monitor and enforce the regulations. We may not
conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. You may send comments on
the information collection requirements to the Information Collection Clearance Officer,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, at the address listed at 50 CFR 2.1(b).
[82 FR 34270, July 24, 2017]

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File Modified2020-03-19
File Created2020-03-19

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