CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report

CDFI Program Awardee and NMTC Allocatee Annual Report

CDFI TLR Guidance 2019_1559-0027

CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report

OMB: 1559-0027

Document [pdf]
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Community Development Financial Institutions Program
CDFI Program Awardee and NMTC Allocatee Annual Report
OMB Approval Number 1559-0027
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 hours per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control
number for this collection is 1559-0027. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information to the Department of Treasury, CDFI Fund, 1500
Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220.

U.S. Department of Treasury
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund

Transactional Level Report
Data Point Guidance
August 2019


Table of Contents

Getting Started (Manual entry, CSV File upload & XML File upload) …………………………………………………………………………………3
AMIS Allocation Profile and Who to Contact for Help……………………………………………………………………………………………………..12
Understanding the Data Point Boxes....................................................................................................................................13
CDFI Transaction Level Report - Data Point Guidance..........................................................................................................15
CDFI TLR Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50
Consumer Loans/Investments Originated Table………………………………………………………………………………………………………………59
Certifying CDFI TLRs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..62


Getting Started
Transaction Level Reports are now in AMIS. For an overview of the data field changes made review the “CIIS to AMIS
Crosswalk Guidance CDFI TLR” guide.

AMIS provides two ways users can create their Transaction Level Report (TLR): 1) Manual entry of your
Transaction Level Report (TLR) through the AMIS User Interface (UI); 2) Upload of multiple TLR records
through either a CSV file template or an XML schema.
Manual Entry
To begin your CDFI Transaction Level Report (TLR), log into the CDFI Fund’s Awards Management Information System
(AMIS) and click on the “CDFI TLR” tab. Click the “Create New CDFI TLR” button to begin.
*Note: the user can also create a CDFI TLR via the “CDFI TLR” related list located on the Organization’s page.

Enter your organizations name in the “Organization Name” field and click the “Next” button and to go to the CDFI TLR
detail page and fill out the information based on the data points listed in the guide. You can click the search icon to
search the list of organizations you are associated with.


CSV File Upload
Preparing CSV file for upload:

Please use the “General” format for all data values in the CSV file.
You will need to successfully upload your CDFI TLR Project before you can upload the associated addresses.

Date Cell Formatting:
Common Question: I have uploaded my file, but it says that I have not provided a response for this date
column/date column is in the incorrect format. I see my date entered; how do I fix it?
The most common fix is to make sure the date column is formatted correctly. When entering an answer into a cell
that requires a date, make sure to format the cell as below. This can be done by right clicking on the cell(s).
Although it may not fully appear as if it is in the correct format (March 3, 2014 will appear as 3/3/2014 as opposed
to 03/3/2014), rest assured, this is correct.

To create multiple CDFI TLR records at one time, AMIS allows users to upload files to create those TLR records. To get
started, click on the "TLR Import/Export/Certify" tab in the menu bar.

Use the "Select an Organization" to select the organization that you are creating the CDFI TLR records for.


Click the “New CDFI TLR.csv” link to download the template

Open the CSV file
Take a moment to review what each row represents:
Row 1 = Labels (aka fields)
Row 2 = Type of field
Row 3 = Options to choose from when filling out the labels, if applicable
Row 4 = Help Text

Starting from Column B, use row 5 and on in the CSV file to fill out your answers for the labels (fields) in row 1.

Use the help text on the CSV sheet in row 4 as needed to fill out your data.


After you Save the File, back on the AMIS portal, click the "Import New CDFI TLR" Link.

Click the "Choose File" button and select the CSV file for the CDFI TLR that you entered data for
Click the "Upload File" button

Note: It may take several moments for the upload to complete. Once the upload is complete you will be notified via the
"Status" column whether it was 100% successful or if there were validation errors.
If you made any errors while filling out the CSV, you will receive an email with the error records and the errors
themselves. You will also be able to view these files on the AMIS portal itself, click on the links under the "Errors
Column". If you did not make any errors, the file went through successfully.



If errors were made, open both the error file and the error records file. The error file lists the fields that did not pass
validation which caused the file to not be uploaded. The error file will state the “Row”, “Originator Transaction ID”,
“Error”, and “Fields” to help the user better understand what they need to fix. Below you can see an example:

The error records file will contain the actual records the user tried to upload. This is the file that will need to be edited
for the errors listed in the error file and then re-uploaded. Only re-upload those transactions having errors in the error
file. Do not re-upload the whole original file again. Below you can see an example:

Note: If you receive the following error on the Originator Transaction ID field “This Identifier already exists. To update,
please use a different link” on your CDFI TLR upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.
The same process is used to upload CSVs for the CDFI TLR Address and Consumer Loans/Investments Originated. Please
refer to descriptions and images below for guidance on which links to use for each.
TLR Address:

To create CDFI TLR Address records, follow the above steps using the “New CDFI TLR Address.csv” link to
download the template

And use the “Import New CDFI TLR Address” link to upload the data that you entered. Make sure the
Originator Transaction IDs in the address file match with the Originator Transaction IDs in the TLR file.

Note: If you receive the following error “Please enter another CDFI TLR Address as this is already in use” on your CDFI
TLR Address upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.

Consumer Loans/Investments Originated:
To create Consumer Loans/Investments Originated records, follow the above steps using the “New Consumer Loans
Investments Originated” Link to download the template

And use the “Import New Consumer Loan/Investments Originated” link to upload the data you entered.

Note: If you receive the following error “This FIPS code is already in use for this year” on your Consumer
Loans/Investments Originate” file upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.
If you are having trouble with the CSV upload, at the top of the page is a link to “CDFI Import/Export Guidance”.


XML File Upload
To create multiple CDFI TLR records at one time, AMIS allows users to upload files to create those CDFI TLR records in an
XML file. To get started click on the “TLR Import/Export/Certify” tab in the menu Bar.

Use the "Select an Organization" to select the organization that you are creating the CDFI TLR records for.

Click the “CDFI TLR XML Schema.xsd” link to download the XML Schema to use when generating an XML file.

After you fill out and save the file, back on the AMIS portal, click the “Import XML CDFI TLR” link.

Click the "Choose File" button and select the XML file for the TLR Project that you entered data for
Click the "Upload File" button


Note: It may take several moments for the upload to complete. Once the upload is complete you will be notified via the
"Status" column whether it was 100% successful or if there were validation errors.
If you made any errors while filling out the XML, you will receive an email with the error records and the errors
themselves. You will also be able to view these files on the AMIS portal itself, click on the links under the "Errors
Column". If you did not make any errors, and the file went through successfully.


If errors were made, open both the error file and error records file. The error file lists the fields that did not pass
validation which caused the file to not be uploaded. The error file will state the “Type”, “ID Field”, “IDs”, “Error”, and
the “Error Fields” to help the user better understand what needs to be fixed. Below you can see an example:

The error records file will contain the actual records the user tried to upload in the form of an XML file. This is the file
that will need to be edited for the errors listed in the error file and then re-uploaded. Below you can see an example:

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Note: If you receive the following error on the Originator Transaction ID field “This Identifier already exists. To update,

please use a different link” on your CDFI TLR upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.
The same process is used to upload XML Files for the Consumer Loans/Investments Originated. For Consumer
Loans/Investments Originated you will use the links pictured below.
Click the “Consumer Loans Investments Originated.xsd” link to download the XML Schema to use when generating an
XML file.

Click the “Import XML Consumer Loans/Investments Originated” to upload the XML file.

Note: If you are having trouble with the XML upload, at the top of the page is a link to “CDFI Import/Export Guidance” or
refer to the “XML Vendor Guide for NMTC & CDFI TLR NACA”.

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AMIS Award Profile
The CDFI Fund’s Awards Management Information System (AMIS) is an enterprise-wide business system, built on a
commercial off-the-shelf product called Salesforce that has been customized to meet the CDFI Fund’s specific
needs. AMIS will support all CDFI Fund programs through each phase of the programs’ life cycle.
The AMIS Portal is available for users to register organizations and users, update organization profiles, submit CDFI
certification applications, and initiate service requests, such as General Inquiries (e.g., program questions, IT issues) and
Change Requests (e.g., Material Events, amendments).
Please begin by reading the AMIS Quick Start Guide, which provides guidance for firsttime users on how to log in, set your password, verify your profile, and begin using AMIS. For additional information,
please see the Getting Started – Navigating AMIS training manual and the AMIS FAQs .
For AMIS IT support, please submit a General Inquiry service request. Alternatively, you may contact us at
[email protected] or (202) 653-0422.

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Understanding the Data Point Boxes
Below is a diagram of how to read and understand the data point boxes listed in the section CDFI Transaction Level
Report – Data Point Guidance.

Each data point is color coded.
Mandatory – A response must be provided or the TLR will not be accepted.
Conditionally Required – This field will become enabled and require an answer based on a response in a
previous field.
Optional – Not required to provide a response although it is recommended.

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Example 2:

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CDFI Transaction Level Report-Data Point Guidance
Note: For the crosswalk guide on the CDFI TLR field level changes from the previous round refer to the “CIIS to AMIS
Crosswalk Guidance CDFI TLR”.
What should be on your CDFI TLR:


Only CDFI/NACA FA award recipients are required to file a CDFI TLR report.
Include ALL NEW loans and investments originated during the reporting period, NOT just loans and investments
associated with a FA award
For entities that pass-through FA awards to their affiliates, only the affiliates are required to report the affiliates’
lending activities within the affiliates’ AMIS accounts. For example, if a Bank Holding Company receives a FA
award and pass it through to its affiliate to utilize the award, only the affiliate is required to report on its own
lending activities within its own account in AMIS.
Reported loans and investments have to be arm’s-length transactions.
Exclude loan purchases
Exclude any New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) activity that was funded by Qualified Equity Investments (QEIs)
Exclude any Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) activity that was funded by CMF awards
Credit Unions and Banks will need to report Consumer Loans originated during the reporting period in the
separate Consumer Loans/Investments Originated table.
Know your Organization’s reporting period because only loans/investments originated during the reporting
period are accepted. Reporting period is not a calendar year. Mostly, it is your Organization’s fiscal year but not
always. Check and confirm the reporting period before filing a CDFI TLR report.
Only report the data that are required. If a data point is not required, leave that data field blank. Consult
validation rules of each data field in order to determine what is required and what is not required.
Unless the guidance indicates otherwise, always report data at the time of origination.

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Organization Name
Use the lookup function to identify and report the Organization associated with Loan or Investment origination

Mandatory Field
Organization must match an Organization that the user filling out the TLR is associated with.
Response must be text

TLR Submission Year
Choose one of the pre-defined values. The system will auto-populate the current and previous Fiscal Year of the CDFI
TLR available.


Date Originated

(Column C)

Report the date that a legally binding note was signed by the borrower/investee in favor of the lender/investor.

Mandatory Field
Date Originated must be prior to the current date and the Organization’s Fiscal Year End Date.
Response must be mm/dd/yyyy

Original Loan/Investment Amount

(Column D)

Report the amount of the loan/investment. The amount should be a non-zero positive whole number.

Mandatory Field
Original Loan/Investment Amount cannot be zero
Original Loan/Investment Amount cannot be greater than $50,000 if Purpose = MICRO
Response must be numeric

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(Column E)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and identify the primary purpose of the financial note. If there are
multiple purposes (for example, a loan funding both the purchase of a fixed asset and a facility improvement), select
the purpose with the largest percent of the transaction.

Mandatory Field
Credit Unions and Banks will need to report Consumer Loans originated during the reporting period in
the separate Consumer Loans/Investments Originated table.
Credit Unions and Banks continue to report loans other than consumer loans in the TLR.
If Investee Type = CDFI then Purpose must = OTHER
If Investee Type = IND then Purpose must = CONSUMER, HOMEPURCH, or HOMEIMP

Please select one of the following:
Consumer – Loan is a personal (secured or unsecured) loan to one or more
individuals for health, education, emergency, credit repair, debt consolidation, or
other consumer purposes. Personal loans for business purposes should be identified
as Business loans and personal loans for home improvement or repair should be
identified as Housing loans. Note: Banks and Credit Unions will receive a validation
error if they select Consumer as the Purpose and will be directed to fill out the
Consumer Loans/Investments Originated table instead.
Non-Real Estate Business: Financing to for-profit and nonprofit businesses with more
than five employees or in an amount greater than $50,000 for a purpose that is not
connected to the development (including construction of new facilities and
rehabilitation/enhancement of existing facilities), management, or leasing of real



Non- Real Estate Microenterprise: Financing to a for-profit or non-profit enterprise
that has five or fewer employees (including the proprietor) with an amount no more
than $50,000 for a purpose that is not connected to the development (including
construction of new facilities and rehabilitation/enhancement of existing facilities),
management, or leasing of real estate.
Home Purchase-Loan is for the purchase of a primary residence.


Home Improvement – Loan is for the renovation or other improvement of an owneroccupied home.


Real Estate – Construction/Permanent/Acquisition w/o Rehab – Commercial:
Financial Note is for predevelopment financing, construction or permanent financing,
or acquisition without rehabilitation of office, retail, manufacturing, or community
facility space. Include mixed-use real estate that combines both commercial and
residential use.


Real Estate – Construction–Housing-Multi Family: Financial Notes is for
predevelopment financing, or construction of multifamily housing.

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Real Estate – Construction–Housing-Single Family: Financial Note is for
predevelopment financing, or construction of single family housing.


Real Estate–Rehabilitation–Commercial: Financing is to rehabilitate office, retail,
manufacturing, or community facility space. Financial Note may include acquisition
costs. Include mixed-use real estate that combines both commercial and residential
uses. Exclude acquisitions without rehabilitation.


Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing – Multi Family: Financing is to rehabilitate or
acquire multifamily housing.


Real Estate – Rehabilitation – Housing – Single Family: Financing is to rehabilitate or
acquire single family housing.


Other: Financial note purpose does not match any of the purposes defined above.
Loans/Investments to other CDFIs should be reported as “Other”.

Transaction Type

(Column F)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the type of transaction for the financial note. For Loan
Guarantee, CDFI recipient is a guarantor for this loan. For Loan Loss Reserve, CDFI recipient is using the FA award to
provide loan loss reserve for this loan. For Capital Reserve, CDFI recipient is using the FA award to leverage this loan.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:
Term Loan

Equity Investment
Line of Credit


Debt with Equity


Loan Guarantee


Loan Loss Reserve


Capital Reserve



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Loan Status

(Column G)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the status of the loan/investment at the reporting period

Mandatory Field

Please select one of the following:
Active – a loan/investment was open, on-the-books at the reporting period end.

Closed in good standing – a loan or line of credit that was paid in full (not refinanced)
or an equity investment that has been exited at the reporting period end.
Sold – a financial note was off-the-books but not paid in full at the reporting period
end. It was done due to a transfer to another entity.


Charged off - a financial note was off-the-books but not paid in full at the reporting
period end. It was charged off due to delinquency of borrower.


Refinanced - a financial note was off-the-books but not paid in full at the reporting
period end. It was refinanced due to changes of loan features.


Restructured – a financial note was open, on-the-books at the reporting period end. It
was done in response to or to prevent a loan default.

Originator Transaction ID

(Column B)

Your Organization should assign a unique identifier to each loan/investment. The identifier can be a combination of
both letters
 and numbers and should start with a letter. It should not contain any special characters such as, but not
limited to, commas and exclamation points. Do not use names, social security numbers or any other personally
identifying information in creating Originator Transaction ID.

Mandatory Field
Each Originator Transaction ID must be unique to each loan or investment. Duplicate Originator
Transaction ID’s will cause errors in the file.
Note: If you receive the following error “This Identifier already exists. To update, please use a different
link” on your CDFI TLR upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.
Response must be text - up to 20 characters

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Interest Rate

(Column H)

Report the interest rate charged to the borrower at origination.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC, or DEBTEQTY
Enter the percentage as a whole number (i.e. if the Interest Rate is 2.5%, enter 2.5)
Interest Rate must be equal to or greater than zero if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC or DEBTEQTY
Response must be in numeric format up to 3 decimal places

Interest Type

(Column I)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the type of interest at origination.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC, or DEBTEQTY

Please select one of the following:



(Column J)

Report the points charged to the borrower at origination. Exclude origination fees.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM or DEBTEQTY
Report the points as a percentage of the original loan amount. Report it as a number rather than with
the percentage sign (i.e. if the point at origination is 2.5%, enter 2.5)
“Points” must be between 0 and 100.
Response must be in numeric format up to 3 decimal places

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Origination Fees

(Column K)

Report the total loan origination fees, including processing, credit report, and other fees that borrowers have to pay
at origination. Exclude points. “Origination Fees” should be a positive whole number. However, if there are no fees
charged, enter zeros.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC, or DEBTEQTY
Origination Fees must be less than Original Loan/Investment Amount
Response must be in numeric format up to 2 decimal places

Amortization Type

(Column L)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report how the financial note is amortized at origination.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC, or DEBTEQTY.

Please select one of the following:

Fully Amortized – Amortization schedule includes both interest and principal
payments throughout the life of the loan.


Partially Amortized – Amortization schedule includes some principal payments
throughout the life of the loan, with a larger principal payment at maturity.


Non-Amortizing – Amortization schedule includes interest only payments with a
single principal payment at maturity.



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Equity-Like Features

(Column M)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the type of equity-like feature. If a loan has more than one
equity-like features, choose the one appearing first in the loan agreement.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = DEBTEQTY

Please select one of the following:
Convertible Debt – Loan agreement specifies an option to convert all or part of the
loan amount to equity

Performance Based Interest Rate – Loan’s interest rate adjusts based on the
borrower’s performance.


Royalties – Loan has a royalty participation that gives the investor the right to a
percentage of the borrower’s sales or profits.


Warrants – Loan agreement gives the investor the right to purchase the portfolio
company’s stock at a later date at a pre-negotiated price.


Other – Loan Agreement specifies an equity-like feature not described above.

Term (in months)

(Column N)

Report the term of a loan at origination. Enter the full term, not the remaining term of the financial note. “Term”
must be a non-zero positive number and more likely between 1 and 360 months. If the term is in days rather than
months, report as a portion of the month. For example, if the term is 15 days, report as 0.5 month.

Term must be greater than zero if Transaction Type = TERM
Response must be in numeric format

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Guarantee by Third Party

(Column O)

If any portion of the loan is guaranteed, choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the source. Exclude
performance guarantees.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, LOC, or DEBTEQTY

Please select one of the following:
Small Business Administration (SBA)

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)


Other Federal Government Source


Personal Guarantee





Forgivable Loan

(Column P)

Report whether the loan or investment agreement stipulates that some or all of the outstanding balance of the loan
or the equity may be converted to a grant upon meeting specified conditions. Enter “No” if the information is either
unknown or not applicable.

Conditionally required if Transaction Type = TERM, EQTYINV, LOC, or DEBTEQTY





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FA Program Type

(Column Q)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the FA Program Type of the loan/investment. If a
loan/investment is used to satisfy Persistent Poverty Counties objective, then select “PPC-FA”. If a loan/investment is
used to satisfy Healthy Food Financing Initiative objective, then select “HFFI-FA”. If a loan/investment is used to
satisfy People with Disabilities objective, then select “DF-FA”. For other objectives, select “FA”. Only one option is
allowed for each transaction.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:

Persistent Poverty Counties Financial Assistance


Healthy Food Financing Initiative Financial Assistance


Disability Funds Financial Assistance
Other Financial Assistance

Client ID

(Column R)

Your Organization can create and report a unique identifier to help distinguish which clients/projects (investees,
borrowers, or projects) are associated with which loans or investments. A client/project ID can be associated with one
or more loans/investments. The identifier can be a combination of both letters and numbers and should start with a
letter. It should not contain any special characters such as, but not limited to, commas and exclamation points. Do
not use names, social security numbers or any other personal identifying information in creating Client ID.

Mandatory field
Response must be text up to 20 characters

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Investee/Borrower Type

(Column S)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the transaction is a loan/investment in an individual,
a business or a CDFI certified by CDFI Fund. Loans/investments in nonprofit entities or non-certified CDFIs should be
reported as “BUS”.

Mandatory field
If Purpose = CONSUMER, HOMEPURCH or HOMEIMP then Investee Type must = IND
If Investee Type = CDFI then Purpose must = OTHER
If Purpose is not CONSUMER, HOMEPURCH, HOMEIMP, or OTHER then Investee Type must = BUS

Please select one of the following:





(Column T)

Report the 6-digit North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Code that reflects investee/borrower’s nature of
business/activity. Currently, NAICS Version 2017 is used. To determine the NAICS code for the business financed, go
to and use the keyword search.

Conditionally required if Investee Type=BUS or CDFI
Response must be numeric

Date Business Established

(Column U)

Report the date formal papers were filed to establish the investee’s/borrower’s business or the date the first sales

Conditionally required if Investee Type = BUS or CDFI
Date Business Established cannot be after Date Originated
Date Business Established must be prior to current date
Response must in the format of mm/dd/yyyy

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Entity Structure

(Column V)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the investee’s/borrower’s business or government structure.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = BUS or CDFI

Please select one of the following:
Non-Profit or Not-for-Profit – Based on the IRS categorization for tax purposes

For-Profit – Based on the IRS categorization for tax purposes


Tribal or Village Government – Entity is a tribal or village government, whether or not
it has been federally recognized


Other – All other structures that do not fit the descriptions above, such as a
government or quasi-government entity (i.e. a water authority)

Minority Owned or Controlled

(Column W)

Report whether the investee/borrower is more than 50% owned or controlled by one or more minorities. If the
business is a for-profit entity, report whether more than 50% of the owners are minorities. If the business is a
nonprofit entity, report whether more than 50% of its Board of Directors are minorities. Enter “No” if the
information is either unknown or not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type=BUS or CDFI

Please select one of the following:


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Women Owned or Controlled

(Column X)

Report whether the investee/borrower is more than 50% owned or controlled by one or more women. If the business
is a for-profit entity, report whether more than 50% of the owners are women. If the business is a nonprofit entity,
report whether more than 50% of its Board of Directors are
 women. Enter “No” if the information is either unknown
or not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type=BUS or CDFI

Please select one of the following:


Low-Income Owned or Controlled

(Column Y)

Report whether the investee/borrower is more than 50% owned or controlled by one or more low-income persons. If
the business is a for-profit entity, report whether more than 50% of the owners are low-income persons. If the
business is a nonprofit entity, report whether more than 50% of its Board of Directors are low-income persons. “LowIncome” is defined as having family income is equal or less than 80 percent of the Area Median Family Income. Enter
“No” if the information is either unknown or not applicable.
• Conditionally required if Investee Type=BUS or CDFI
Please select one of the following:




Credit Score

(Column Z)

Report the most recently collected credit score of the primary investee(s)/borrower(s). If there are more than one
investee/borrower, use the credit score of the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary
investee/borrower, use the average credit score. Primary investee/borrower is the one who maintains the largest
ownership share of a business. If investee/borrower does not have a credit score or does not want to provide one or
is not applicable, enter “999”.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = IND or BUS
Credit Score cannot be less than 300 or greater than 850
Response must be numeric
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(Column AA)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the gender of the investee(s)/borrower(s). If there is more
than one investee/borrower, select the gender of the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary
investee/borrower, and at least one is male and one is female, report BOTH. If the primary investee/borrower is a
business then the response should be based on gender of the individual who maintains the largest ownership share of
a business. Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
Do Not Know

Both Male and Female
Do Not Know


(Column AB)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the race of the investee(s)/borrower(s). If there is more than
one investee/borrower, select the race of the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary
investee/borrower, select the race of one of them. If the investee/borrower is of mixed race, select “other”. If the
primary investee/borrower is a business then the response should be based on the individual who maintains the
largest ownership share of a business. Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type= IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
American Indian

Alaskan Native




Black or African American


Native Hawaiian


Other Pacific Islander





Do Not Know

Do Not Know
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Hispanic Origin

(Column AC)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the investee/borrower is Hispanic or Latino. If there
is more than one investee/borrower, respond for the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary
investee/borrower, report whether any of the investee’s/borrowers are Hispanic or Latino. If the primary investee or
borrower is a business then the response should be based on the individual who maintains the largest ownership share
of the business. Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
Do Not Know

Do Not Know

Female-Headed Household

(Column AD)

Report whether the primary investee/borrower is a single or separated woman who will be the primary support for a
household that includes at least one dependent or other qualifying individual as allowed by IRS regulation. Enter “Do
Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
Do Not Know

Do Not Know

29 | P a g e

First-Time Home Buyer

(Column AE)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report whether the homebuyer is a first-time homebuyer ( ie. The
homebuyer has
 not owned a home during the three-year period preceding the CDFI-assisted purchase of a principal
 If more than one investee/borrower, respond for the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than
one primary investee/borrower, report whether at least one investee/borrower qualifies as a first-time homebuyer.
Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Purpose = HOMEPURCH

Please select one of the following:
Do Not Know

Do Not Know

Banked at Time of Intake

(Column AF)

Report whether the investee/borrower has a bank or credit union account at the time of intake. If more than one
investee/borrower, respond for the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary investee/borrower,
report whether at least one investee/borrower was banked at the time of intake. Enter “Do Not Know” if the
information is not applicable.

Conditionally required if Investee Type = IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
Do Not Know

Do Not Know

30 | P a g e

Annual Gross Revenue from Business Operations At Time of
Loan/Investment Origination
(Column AG)
Annual Gross Revenue from Business Oper.
Report the investee’s/borrower’s annual gross revenue during the most recent 12-month period prior to Loan or
investment origination for which the information is available. This is the total gross revenue before tax, depreciation,
trading loss, and other expenses. Therefore, the amount should be a positive number. However, if there is no
revenue, especially for new businesses, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Investee Type=BUS or CDFI
Response must be numeric

Low-Income Status

(Column AH)

Compliance Check

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the income status of the investee/borrower. If there is more
than one investee/borrower, respond for the primary investee/borrower. If there is more than one primary
investee/borrower, select the income status of the highest income primary investee/borrower. If the primary
investee/borrower is a business, then the response should be based on the status of the individual who maintains the
largest ownership share of a business. Area Median Family Income (AMFI) for an investee/borrower depends on the
metropolitan/nonmetropolitan designation of the county where the investee/borrower resides. If the
investee/borrower lives in a metropolitan county, then use the greater of either the metropolitan or national
metropolitan AMFI. If the investee/borrower lives in a nonmetropolitan county, then use the greater of either
the statewide or national non-metropolitan AMFI. Enter “Do Not Know” if the information is not applicable.

Conditionally Required if Investee Type = IND or BUS

Please select one of the following:
Select this option if investee/borrower’s family income is less than 30 percent of the
Extremely Low-Income
Area Median Family Income.
Very Low-Income

Select this option if investee/borrower’s family income is equal or greater than 30
percent and less than 50 percent of the Area Median Family Income.


Select this option if investee/borrower’s family income is equal or greater than 50
percent and equal or less than 80 percent of the Area Median Family Income.


Select this option if investee/borrower’s family income is greater than 80 percent and
less than 120 percent of the Area Median Family Income.


Select this option if investee/borrower’s family income is equal or greater than 120
percent of the Area Median Family Income.

Do Not Know

Do Not Know
31 | P a g e

Other Targeted Populations

(Column AI)

Compliance Check

Report whether the transaction serves another Targeted Population (OTP) as defined in the CDFI’s Certification or
Assistance Agreement.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:
African American/Black
American Indian
Native Alaskan
Native Hawaiian
Native Pacific Islander
Hispanic Origin
People with Disability
Other Approved OTP

Description of Other Approved OTP

(Column AJ)

Desc. Of Other Approved OTP
If “Other Approved OTP” was selected above, report the description of that targeted population.

Conditionally required if the user answered, “Other Approved OTP” for “Other Targeted
Response must be text

32 | P a g e

End Users:
Loans to businesses: End users are third party entities. For example, CDFI X (first party) makes a loan to Business Y
(second party), then Business Y (second party) hires Entities Z (third party). If the majority of the Entities Z (the third
party) are low- income as defined in the Low-Income Status section, then select “YES” for LITP End Users. If the
majority of the Entities Z (the third party) belong to an “other target populations”, then select “YES” for OTP End
Users. If the majority of the Entities Z (the third party) live in investment areas as defined by the CDFI Fund, then
select “YES” for IA End Users.
Loans for Facilities and Multi-family Housing: Reporting End Users for OTP, LITP or IA designated loans to fund
facilities or multi-family housing or apartments should reflect the majority of the demographic or socioeconomic
characteristics of the target population.

LITP End Users

(Column AK)

Compliance Check

Report whether the transaction serves Low-Income Targeted Population (LITP) End Users as defined in the CDFI’s
Certification or Assistance Agreement. “Low-Income” is defined as having family income is equal or less than 80
percent of the Area Median Family Income.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:



Not Applicable

33 | P a g e

OTP End Users

(Column AL)

Compliance Check

Report whether the transaction serves Other Targeted Population (OTP) End Users as defined in the CDFI’s Certification
or Assistance Agreement.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:
African American/Black
American Indian
Native Alaskan
Native Hawaiian
Native Pacific Islander
Hispanic Origin
People with Disability
Other Approved OTP

Description of Other Approved OTP-End Users

(Column AM)

Desc. Of Other Approved OTP-End Users
If “Other Approved OTP” was selected above, report the description of that targeted population.

Conditionally required if the user answered, “Other Approved OTP” for “OTP End Users-CC”.
Response must be text

34 | P a g e

IA End Users

(Column AN)

Compliance Check

Report whether the transaction serves Investment Area (IA) End Users. Consult the “CDFI Program 2011-2015 ACS
Eligible Investment Areas” table for identifying eligible investment areas (IA) Census tracts -
Mandatory field


Please select one of the following:



Not Applicable

Total Project Cost

(Column AO)

Report the total cost of the project being funded by the reported loans/investments. The amount should be non-zero
positive whole number.

Not applicable if Purpose = CONSUMER, HOMEPURCH, or HOMEIMP
Total Project Cost must be greater than or equal to Original Loan/Investment Amount
Response must be numeric

How to report impact data: (number of jobs, people served by community facilities, square footage of commercial
real estate projects, housing units, and others)

Report a Gross number of units, not Pro-rated one. For example, if a construction project, where your financing
only makes up 20 percent of the total, creates 100 housing units, report 100, not 20.
If impact data of a project is reported, always and also report its client/project ID and the total project cost.
If multiple loans finance the same project, make sure impact data, ID, and the total cost of that project are the
same for those loans involved. For example, if Loan A ($100,000) and Loan B ($300,000) finance the same
Project Z, which costs $1million to build and that project creates 100 housing units, report as shown below:
Transaction ID
Loan A
Loan B


Client ID

Total Project Cost

Housing Units

Project Z




Project Z



35 | P a g e

How to convert jobs to permanent full-time equivalent (FTE):
Full-Time Equivalent Jobs – One FTE is a 35-hour or more work week
Part-Time Employees – When calculating FTE’s, part-time employees should be combined (i.e. 2 part-time employees
that each works 17.5 hours equals one FTE)
Permanent Jobs – Employers expect to hire employees for at least one year
Temporary Jobs – When calculating permanent jobs, temporary jobs should be combined (i.e. 2 temporary
employees that each has a contract to works for 6 months equals one permanent job.
Direct Jobs – CDFI A provides a loan to Business B. Due to this financing, Business B is able to hire Individual X.
Individual X is an example of a direct job.
Indirect Jobs - CDFI A provides a loan to Business B. Due to this financing, Business B is able to buy more supplies
from Business C. Due to a need of more supplies, Business C hires Individual Y to produce more supplies. Individual Y
is an example of an indirect job.
Jobs Created – CDFI A provides a loan to Business B. Due to this financing, Business B is able to hire Individual X.
Individual X is an example of a job created.
Jobs Retained – Business B plans to lay off Individual Y. However, due to a new loan from CDFI A, Business B cancels
that laying-off plan. Individual Y is an example of a job retained.
Report a Gross number of jobs, not Pro-rated one. For example, if a construction project, where your financing only
makes up 20 percent of the total, creates 10 jobs. Report 10, not 2.

Type of Jobs Reported

(Column AP)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and indicate whether the types of jobs being reported are direct or direct
and indirect.

Conditionally required if Purpose = BUSINESS, MICRO, or any Real Estate option

Please select one of the following:
Direct jobs

Direct jobs and Indirect jobs

Do Not Know

Do Not Know

36 | P a g e

Projected Permanent Jobs to be Created at Business Financed
Proj. Perm. Jobs to be Created/Financed

(Column AQ)

Report the number of permanent full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs, both created and retained, projected to be created
in the business due to this financing. The job number should be a non-zero positive number. However, if there are no
jobs created, enter zeros. Exclude construction jobs. Include direct and indirect jobs. If “DIRECT” was selected above,
then only report direct jobs. If “DWINDIRECT” was selected above, then report both direct and indirect jobs. Convert
both temporary and/or part-time jobs into permanent and/or full-time jobs before reporting.

Conditionally required if Purpose = BUSINESS or MICRO
Response must be numeric

Projected Jobs to be Created-Construction

(Column AR)

Projected Jobs to be Created-Constr.
Report the number of permanent full-time equivalent (FTE) construction jobs, both created and retained, projected
to be created due to this financing. The job number should be a non-zero positive number. However, if there are no
jobs created, enter zeros. Include direct and indirect jobs. If “DIRECT” was selected above, then only report direct
jobs. If “DWINDIRECT” was selected above, then report both direct and indirect jobs. Convert both temporary and/or
part-time jobs into permanent and/or full-time jobs before reporting.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

Projected Permanent Jobs to be Created at Tenant Businesses
Proj. Perm. Jobs Created Tenant Bus.

(Column AS)

Report the number of permanent full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs, both created and retained, projected to be created
in businesses located at the property financed. The job number should be a non-zero positive number. However, if
there are no jobs created, enter zeros. Exclude construction jobs. Include direct and indirect jobs. If “DIRECT” was
selected above, then only report direct jobs. If “DWINDIRECT” was selected above, then report both direct and
indirect jobs. Convert both temporary and/or part-time jobs into permanent and/or full-time jobs before reporting.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

37 | P a g e

Source of Job Estimates

(Column AT)

Choose one of the pre-defined values below and report the source of the job estimates reported.

Conditionally required if Purpose = BUSINESS, MICRO, or any Real Estate option

Please select one of the following:
New hires that the project business expects to be able to make as a result of the new

Estimates based on state or local wage data and projected wage and salary
expenditures attributable to project financing
Estimates based on economic impact modeling systems such as IMPLAN, RIMSII, or


Estimates based on developers “rules of thumb” about jobs created by type of
business and square-footage built.


Other – Please provide further explanation in Source of Job Estimates – Other

Source of Job Estimates – Other

(Column AU)

If “OTHER” was selected above, provide further explanation for what the source of job estimates is.

Conditionally required if Source of Job Estimates = OTHER
Response must be text

Community Facility

(Column AV)

Report whether the project financed is a community facility.

Mandatory field

Please select one of the following:
Don’t Know

Don’t Know

38 | P a g e

Capacity of Educational Community Facility

(Column AW)

Capacity of Educational Community Fac.
If the project financed includes an educational facility, report the projected number of students served per year. The
estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if the number is not known, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Community Facility = YES
Response must be numeric

Capacity of Childcare Community Facility

(Column AX)

Capacity of Childcare Community Fac.
If the project financed includes a childcare facility, report the projected number of children served per year . The
estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if the number is not known, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Community Facility = YES
Response must be numeric

Capacity of Healthcare Community Facility

(Column AY)

Capacity of Healthcare Community Fac.
If the project financed includes a healthcare facility, report the projected number of patients served or visits per year.
The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if the number is not known, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Community Facility = YES
Response must be numeric

39 | P a g e

Capacity of Arts Center Community Facility

(Column AZ)

Capacity of Arts Center Community Fac.
If the project financed includes an arts center, report the projected number of people served or visits per year. The
estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if the number is not known, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Community Facility = YES
Response must be numeric

Capacity of Other Community Facility

(Column BA)

Capacity of Other Community Fac.
If the project financed is a community facility that serves a purpose other than education, childcare, healthcare, or
arts, report the projected number of people served or visits per year. The estimate should be a non-zero positive
whole number. However, if the number is not known, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Community Facility = YES
Response must be numeric

Square Feet of Real Estate – Total

(Column BB)

Sq FT of Real Estate – Total
Report the total number of gross square feet that are projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or acquired with

funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if there is not
any square footage, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be greater than or equal to Square Feet of Real Estate – Manufacturing + Square Feet
of Real Estate – Office + Square Feet of Real Estate - Retail
Response must be numeric

40 | P a g e

Square Feet of Real Estate – Manufacturing

(Column BC)

Sq Ft of Real Estate – Manufacturing
Report the total number of gross square feet of manufacturing space that are projected to be constructed,
rehabilitated, or acquired with funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole
number. However, if there is not any square footage, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

Square Feet of Real Estate – Office

(Column BD)

Sq Ft of Real Estate – Office
Report the total number of gross square feet of office space that are projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or
acquired with funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if
there is not any square footage, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

Square Feet of Real Estate – Retail

(Column BE)

Sq Ft of Real Estate – Retail
Report the total number of gross square feet of retail space that are projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or
acquired with funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if
there is not any square footage, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

41 | P a g e

Housing Units – Sale

(Column BF)

Report the total number of for-sale housing units that are projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or acquired with
funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if there are no
units, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

Housing Units – Rental

(Column BG)

Report the total number of rental housing units that are projected to be constructed, rehabilitated, or acquired with
funding from the transaction. The estimate should be a non-zero positive whole number. However, if there are no
units, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Response must be numeric

Affordable Housing Units – Sale

(Column BH)

Of the total Housing Units - Sale reported above, 
report the number that are projected to be affordable housing units.
The estimate should be a positive whole number. However, if there are no units, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Affordable Housing Units – Sale must be less than or equal to Housing Unit – Sale
Response must be numeric

Affordable Housing Units – Rental

(Column BI)

Of the total Housing Units – Rental reported above, report the number that are projected to be affordable housing
units. The estimate should be a positive whole number. However, if there are no units, enter zero.

Conditionally required if Purpose = any Real Estate option
Affordable Housing Units – Rental must be less than or equal to Housing Units – Rental
Response must be numeric

42 | P a g e

Other Impact (1)-Explain

(Column BJ)

If the Organization measures a community development impact(s) that is not covered above, Users may report this as
an “Other Impact”. Include only quantitative impacts that the CDFI has measured during the reporting period.

Cannot exceed 150 characters
Response must be text

Other Impact (1)-Number of Units

(Column BK)

Report the number of units accomplished for this impact during the reporting period.

Conditionally required if Other Impact (1) – Explain = explanation reported
Response must be numeric

Other Impact (2)-Explain

(Column BL)

If the Organization measures a community development impact(s) that is not covered above, Users may report this as
an “Other Impact”. Include only quantitative impacts that the CDFI has measured during the reporting period.

Cannot exceed 150 characters
Response must be text

Other Impact (2)-Number of Units

(Column BM)

Report the number of units accomplished for this impact during the reporting period.

Conditionally required if Other Impact (2) – Explain = explanation reported
Response must be numeric

43 | P a g e

Additional HHFI Guidance:
Please note that HFFI-FA awardees are responsible for splitting up and reporting separately HFFI Activity transactions
that include non-HFFI Activity purposes, have multiple HFFI Activity types (both retail and non-retail HFFI activities)
or have multiple locations. Awardees may use either the total dollar amount targeted toward each financing purpose
(or location) or total square footage of each activity (or location) financed to prorate the transaction.
Example 1: A $1M loan for the development of a mixed-use facility comprising 4,000 square feet of HFFI retail space,
3,000 square feet of residential units and 3,000 square feet for a healthy food production facility should be reported
as 3 separate transactions. Each transaction must have a unique Originator Transaction ID. The following examples
show select fields from the CIIS TLR and use the square footage prorating method.

Example 2: A $2M loan for capital improvements for the purpose of expanding healthy food offerings at 2 grocery
stores in 2 different locations should be reported as 2 separate transactions. Each transaction must have a unique
Originator Transaction ID.

Year of HFFI Award

(Column BN)

Report the fiscal year of the HFFI-FA award being used to finance this transaction. The fiscal year of the HFFI-FA
award can be found in the CDFI Program Assistance Agreement under Date of Notice of Award (Performance Period
Start Date). In the event an awardee has several HFFI awards, the awardee must link each HFFI transaction to the
HFFI-FA award used to fund the transaction in a manner that will allow the awardee to meet the minimum
deployment goals set forth for each award in the CDFI Program Assistance Agreement.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be numeric (4 places)

44 | P a g e

HFFI-FA Activity

(Column BO)

Report whether the type of HFFI-FA Activity is Retail or Nonretail. The CDFI Program Assistance Agreement defines
eligible HFFI activities as follows: Eligible HFFI Activities require that the majority of the HFFI-supported loan or
investment must be devoted to offering a range of Healthy Food choices, which may include, among other activities,
investments supporting an existing retail store or wholesale operation upgrading to offer an expanded range of
Healthy Food choices, or supporting a non-profit organization that expands the availability of Healthy Foods in
underserved areas. Healthy Foods include unprepared, nutrient-dense foods and beverages as set forth in the
USDA/HHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, including whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fat free
or low-fat dairy foods, lean meats and poultry (fresh, refrigerated, frozen or canned). Healthy Foods should have low
or no added sugars, and be low- sodium, reduced sodium, or no-salt-added. (See USDA Dietary Guidelines:

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Please review the terms of your Assistance Agreement for further instruction.

Please select one of the following:
Commercial sellers of healthy foods including, but not limited to, a grocery store,
mobile food retailer, farmers market, cooperative, corner store, bodega or a store
that sells other food and non-food items along with a full range of healthy foods. A
healthy food retail outlet might also be an existing retail store that upgrades to offer a
full range of healthy food choices, or a nonprofit organization that expands the
availability of healthy foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, in underserved
areas. Exclude restaurants and other prepared food sellers.

Any activity financed by the Awardee that supports the production, distribution, sale
or consumption of healthy foods that does not fit the description of a retail project
above. Include restaurants and other prepared food sellers.

45 | P a g e

Healthy Food Outlet Activity

(Column BP)

Report the specific type of Healthy Food Activity.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA

Please select one of the following:
Grocery Store – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL

Mobile Food Market – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL


Farmers Market – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL


Cooperative – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL


Corner Store – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL


Bodega – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL


Production – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = NONRETAIL


Distribution – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = NONRETAIL


Sale – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = NONRETAIL
Consumption – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = NONRETAIL
Other – can only be chosen when HFFI-FA Activity = RETAIL
Not Applicable

Healthy Food Outlet Activity-Other

(Column BQ)

If you selected ‘OTHER’ in the previous question, provide a description of the specific type of healthy food activity

Conditionally required if Health Food Outlet Activity = OTHER
Response must be text

46 | P a g e

Food Desert Identifier Source

(Column BR)

Report the source of the methodology used to identify the Food Desert where the HFFI-FA Activity is taking place.
The CDFI Program Assistance Agreement defines Food Deserts as distressed geographic areas where either a
substantial number or percentage of residents has low access to a supermarket or large grocery store.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA

Please select one of the following:
USDA Economic Research Service (ERS):


Food Desert Identifier Source-Other

(Column BS)

If you selected ER’ in the previous question, provide a description of the Food Desert Identifier Source that shows the
project location has been identified as a place having low access to a supermarket or grocery store through a
methodology that has been adopted for use by another
 governmental or philanthropic healthy food initiative. The full
Food Desert definition is detailed in the CDFI Program
 Assistance Agreement.

Conditionally required if Food Desert Identifier Source = OTHER
Response must be text

Healthy Foods Project Description

(Column BT)

Provide a detailed description of the HFFI Activity and include as much detail as is necessary to show that it
with the HFFI Deployment Goal restrictions in the CDFI Program Assistance Agreement. The CDFI Fund
 reserves the
right to request additional supporting documentation.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be text

47 | P a g e

Total Number of New Retail Healthy Food Outlets
Total Number of New Retail Healthy Food

(Column BU)

Report the total number of distinct new retail Healthy Food outlets. Exclude Retail Healthy Food Outlets that existed
prior to receiving HFFI-FA financing.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be numeric

Total Number of New Non-Retail Healthy Food Lending Activities
New Non-Retail Healthy Food Lending Actv

(Column BV)

Report the total number of distinct new Non-Retail Healthy Food Activities which may include production, distribution
or other eligible non-retail healthy food lending activities. Exclude Non-Retail Healthy Food Activities that existed prior
to receiving HFFI-FA financing.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be numeric

Square Footage of New Retail Healthy Food Outlets

(Column BW)

Square Footage of New Healthy Food Outlets
Report the total square footage of new Healthy Food Retail Outlets. Exclude square footage of Retail Healthy Food
Outlets that existed prior to receiving HFFI-FA financing.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be numeric

48 | P a g e

Square Footage of New Non-Retail Healthy Food Outlets

(Column BX)

Square Ft of Non-Retail Food Outlets
Report the square footage of new non-retail Healthy Food Retail Outlets. Exclude square footage of Non-Retail
Healthy Food Activities that existed prior to receiving HFFI-FA financing.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA
Response must be numeric

Target Market

(Column BY)

Report the method used to determine that the project location is within the Target Market of the HFFI-FA Awardee.

Conditionally required if FA Program Type= HFFI-FA

Please select one of the following:
The project is located in an Investment Area.

The project is located in a census tract where at least 50% of the population is
comprised of members of the Targeted Population.
Not Applicable

49 | P a g e

CDFI TLR Address
Manual Entry
To add a CDFI TLR Address, simply locate the “CDFI TLR Address” related list on the CDFI TLR and click “New CDFI TLR
Address”. If another address needs to be recorded in the case of multiple address transactions, just repeat this step.
CDFI TLR Project report and CDFI TLR Address report go together. In other words, if you include a loan in the CDFI TLR
Project report, then you need to include its address(es) in the CDFI TLR Address report.

You will be directed to the following page to enter information for the CDFI TLR Address:

50 | P a g e

Note: If PURPOSE = COMSUMER, HOMEPURCH, HOMEIMP only provide the FIPS Code. Address and X-Y Coordinate
will not be accepted.
The following data points will be collected in the UI, XML, and CSV:

Project Street Address Line

(Column C)

Compliance Check

Report the location of the business or other real estate for which the loan or investment is being used. Only enter the
address number and street name, nothing else. For example, “357 Bluff Rd”. P.O. Box addresses are not accepted.
Unit/Suite # can only be entered on “Project Street Address Line 2” below.

Response must be text

Project Street Address Line 2

(Column D)

Report the second line of the project’s street address such as Unit/Suite #, if necessary.

Optional field
Response must be text

Project City

(Column E)

Compliance Check

Report the project’s city.

Response must be text

Project State

(Column F)

Compliance Check

Report the two-letter state abbreviation.

Response must be text
51 | P a g e

Project Zip Code 5

(Column G)

Compliance Check

Report the five-digit zip code.

Response must be numeric

Project Zip Code +4

(Column H)

Report the four-digit zip code extension

Optional field
Response must be numeric

52 | P a g e

How to find X-Y coordinate and the FIPS code for a single address:

Log in and open the CDFI Information Mapping System (CIMS)--
2. Enter a single address line such as “1801 L St NW, Washington, DC, 20036” in the highlighted Search Box.

3. Click “Zoom To” to zoom in on that address.

53 | P a g e

4. X-Y coordinate can be found below. X-coordinate is a negative number and Y-coordinate is a positive

54 | P a g e

5. FIPS code can be found below by clicking on a nearby area around that address. A correct FIPS code should
have 11 digits. If it has only 10 digits, then there should be a leading zero.

55 | P a g e

How to find X-Y coordinates and the FIPS codes for multiple addresses:
Please consult on Pages 38-44 of the guidance below.

56 | P a g e

FIPS Code – refers to the 11-digit Federal Information Processing Standards codes. The FIPS Code is a combination of
the State, County, and Tract Code. To find a FIPS Code visit
The results of the geocode system display as:
When entered into AMIS, FIPS Codes should appear as: 11001010700

As of June 25, 2014, AMIS has updated with the most recent census data. Please use the most current census
information when obtaining and reporting FIPS Codes.

Project FIPS Code

(Column I)

Compliance Check
Report the project’s 11-digit FIPS Code. If in the case that the FIPS code has only 10 digits, enter a leading “0” to the
code to make it 11 digits. For csv uploading, please save the code in custom format in order to keep that leading “0”. If
loan purpose is consumer, home purchase, or home improvement, only provide the FIPS Code. Do not provide
address and X-Y coordinate. For banks and credit unions, do not report the FIPS codes of consumer loans here
because they are already reported in the separate Consumer Loans/Investments Originated report.

Mandatory field
Response must be numeric

Project X-Coordinate

(Column J)

Compliance Check
Report the Projects X-Coordinate. It should be a negative number such as -77.04201.

X-Coordinate must be between -60 and -180 and reported to five (5) decimal points.
Response must be numeric

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Project Y-Coordinate

(Column K)

Compliance Check
Report the Projects Y-Coordinate. It should be a positive number such as 38.90397.

Y-Coordinate must be between 17 and 72 and reported to five (5) decimal points.
Response must be numeric

Note: If you receive the following error “Please enter another CDFI TLR Address as this is already in use” on your CDFI
TLR Address upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.

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Consumer Loans/Investments Originated Table
The Consumer Loans/Investments Originated Table captures information on all consumer loans and
investments the Organization originated during the reporting period. This table only applies to banks and
credit unions.
Exception for Banks and Credit Unions: Credit Unions and Banks will now need to report consumer loans on
‘Consumer Loans/Investments Originated’ tab instead of the TLR. Only Consumer loans should be provided in
this table if Institution Type = Credit Union and Bank. Banks and Credit Unions are still required to report loans
other than consumer loans in the TLR. Once the Consumer Loans/Investments Originated table has been
certified the user is no longer able to make edits.

Explanation of the Data Points for Consumer Loans/ Investments Originated Table
Fiscal Year: Mandatory Field
CDFI’s reporting period fiscal year during which loans/investments were originated. This is not the same as
“TLR Submission Year”. For example, if your Organization’s Fiscal Year ends on 12/31, then you should select
“Fiscal Year=2017” for loans originated between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017 and “Fiscal Year=2018” for loans
originated between 1/1/2018 and 12/31/2018.
Purpose: Mandatory Field
Consumer - Loan is a personal (secured or unsecured) loan to one or more individuals for health, education,
emergency, credit repair, debt consolidation, or other consumer purposes. Personal loans for business
purposes should be identified as Business loans and personal loans for home improvement or repair should be
identified as Housing loans.
FIPS Code: Mandatory Field
Distinct FIPS code or Census tract -11-digit code where the first two digits represent a state. The first five digits
represent a county. The last six digits represent a tract. User will receive an error if they use the same FIPS
Code for two different Consumer Loans/Investments Originated records within the same fiscal year. In other
words, FIPS codes must be unique within the same fiscal year for each Organization.

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Total Originated Amount: Mandatory Field
The total dollar amount of loans or investments originated in the Census tract during the reporting period. User
needs to aggregate the total amount of loans per the Census tract.
Total Originated Number: Mandatory Field
The total number of loans or investments originated in the Census tract during the reporting period. User
needs to aggregate the total number of loans per the Census tract.
LITP Amount:
Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans serving an approved Low-Income Targeted
Population (LITP) as defined in the CDFI’s Certification or Assistance Agreement. User needs to aggregate the
total amount of loans per the Census tract.
LITP Number:
Of the Total Originated Number, enter the number of loans serving an approved Low-Income Targeted
Population (LITP) as defined in the CDFI’s Certification or Assistance Agreement. User needs to aggregate the total
number of loans per the Census tract.

OTP Amount:
Of the Total Originated Amount, enter the amount of loans serving an approved Other Targeted Population
(OTP) as defined in the CDFI’s Certification or Assistance Agreement. User needs to aggregate the total amount
of loans per the Census tract.
OTP Number:
Of the Total Originated Number, enter the number of loans serving an approved Other Targeted Population
(OTP) as defined in the CDFI’s Certification or Assistance Agreement. User needs to aggregate the total number
of loans per the Census tract.
Organization: Mandatory Field
Use the lookup function to identify and report the Organization associated to the Consumer Loans/Investments
Origination record.

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Note: If you receive the following error “This FIPS code is already in use for this year” on your Consumer
Loans/Investments Originate” file upload, please contact the AMIS Help Desk at [email protected] for help.

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Certifying CDFI TLRs
To certify your CDFI TLRs, navigate to the “TLR Import/Export/Certify” tab and select the name of your organization from
the “Select an Organization” drop-down field and click the “Certify CDFI TLR” button. Adjacent to the “Certify CDFI TLR”
button will be displayed the earliest Fiscal Year available for certification. Upon clicking the “Certify CDFI TLR” button
the user will be directed to the Certification Statement page and must fill out two fields. Once the user has filled out the
Certification Statement and clicked “Certify”, all CDFI TLRs, addresses, and Consumer Loans/Investments Originated
needing certification that pass all validations will be certified.

Note: The “Certify CDFI TLR” button also certifies Consumer Loans/Investments Originated records.
Certification of CDFI TLRs can also be done on each individual record by clicking the “Certify & Submit” button located at
the top and bottom of the CDFI TLR Project page.

Note: Once “Certify & Submit” or “Certify CDFI TLR” have been clicked to certify the CDFI TLRs, the user will be directed to
a page to review the Certification Statement. Once the user has acknowledged they have reviewed the Certification
Statement by filling out two fields, the CDFI TLR will be certified. Once certified, user no longer can edit the data.

information pertaining to certification. They are just minimized for fitting the entire page in the image.

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To view the status of your CDFI TLRs, navigate to the “CDFI TLR” tab and from the “View:” drop-down field select “All”
and click “Go!”. You will be directed to a page that lists all of your organizations CDFI TLRs along with the “CDFI TLR
Status”, “CDFI TLR Date Time Submitted”, and “User Submitted” fields.
After the Transaction Level Report (CDFI-TLR) is submitted to the CDFI Fund, the CDFI Fund will review the report and
send any questions to the Recipient if the data reported is deemed not complete and accurate. If the Recipient fails to
respond to such questions within the CDFI Fund’s required timeframe, the report will be considered not submitted.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorHart, Chantal
File Modified2020-04-29
File Created2020-04-29

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