CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report

CDFI Program Awardee and NMTC Allocatee Annual Report

New_CDFI_TLR_Project Data 1559-0027.xlsx

CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Report

OMB: 1559-0027

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PRA Burden Statement 1559-0027

Sheet 1: PRA Burden Statement 1559-0027

Community Development Financial Institutions Program
CDFI Program Awardee and NMTC Allocatee Annual Report
OMB Approval Number 1559-0027

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this collection is 1559-0027. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to the Department of Treasury, CDFI Fund, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220.

Sheet 2: New_CDFI_TLR_Project

Label Originator Transaction ID TLR Submission Year Date Originated Original Loan/Investment Amount Purpose Transaction Type Loan Status Interest Rate Interest Type Points Origination Fees Amortization Type Equity-Like Features Term (in months) Guarantee by Third Party Forgivable Loan FA Program Type Client ID Investee/Borrower Type NAICS Code Date Business Established Entity Structure Minority Owned or Controlled Women Owned or Controlled Low Income Owned or Controlled Credit Score Gender Race Hispanic Origin Female- Headed Household First-Time Home Buyer Banked at Time of Intake Annual Gross Revenue from Business Oper. Low-Income Status Other Targeted Populations Desc. of Other Approved OTP - Targeted LITP End Users OTP End Users Desc. of Other Approved OTP-End Users IA End Users Total Project Cost Type of Jobs Reported Proj. Perm. Jobs to be Created/Financed Projected Jobs to be Created - Constr. Proj. Perm. Jobs Created Tenant Bus. Source of Job Estimates Source of Job Estimates - Other Community Facility Capacity of Educational Community Fac. Capacity of Childcare Community Facility Capacity of Healthcare Community Fac. Capacity of Arts Center Community Fac. Capacity of Other Community Facility Sq Ft of Real Estate -Total Sq Ft of Real Estate - Manufacturing Sq Ft of Real Estate - Office Sq Ft of Real Estate - Retail Housing Units - Sale Housing Units - Rental Affordable Housing Units - Sale Affordable Housing Units - Rental Other Impact (1) - Explain Other Impact (1) - Number of Units Other Impact (2) - Explain Other Impact (2) -Number of Units Year of HFFI Award HFFI-FA Activity Healthy Food Outlet Activity Healthy Food Outlet Activity - Other Food Desert Identifier Source Food Desert Identifier Source Other Healthy Foods Project Description Total Number of New Retail Healthy Food New Non-Retail Healthy Food Lending Actv Square Ft of New Healthy Food Outlets Square Ft of Non-Retail Food Outlets Target Market CDFI TLR Status User Submitted
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