30 Day FRN

30 Day FRN 5-6-20.pdf

Clean Cities Vehicle Programs

30 Day FRN

OMB: 1910-5171

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 88 / Wednesday, May 6, 2020 / Notices
Endangered Species Act
No incidental take of ESA-listed
species is proposed for authorization or
expected to result from this activity.
Therefore, NMFS has determined that
formal consultation under section 7 of
the ESA is not required for this action.
Proposed Renewal IHA and Request for
Public Comment
As a result of these preliminary
determinations, NMFS proposes to issue
a Renewal IHA to Chevron for
conducting vibratory and impact pile
driving for removal and installation of
piles at the Long Wharf in San Francisco
Bay, California during the in-water
construction window of June 1 through
November 30, 2020, provided the
previously described mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting requirements
are incorporated. A draft of the
proposed and final 2019 IHA can be
found at https://
incidental-take-authorizations-undermarine-mammal-protection-act. We
request comment on our analyses, the
proposed Renewal IHA, and any other
aspect of this Notice. Please include
with your comments any supporting
data or literature citations to help
inform our final decision on the request
for MMPA authorization.
Dated: April 30, 2020.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–09630 Filed 5–5–20; 8:45 am]

Agency Information Collection
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Submission for Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) review;
comment request.

The Department of Energy has
submitted an information collection
request to the OMB for extension under
the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The information
collection requests a three-year
extension of its Clean Cities Vehicle
Programs Information Collection, OMB
Control Number 1910–5171.
DATES: Comments regarding this
proposed information collection must
be received on or before June 5, 2020.
If you anticipate difficulty in submitting
comments within that period, contact

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the person(s) listed below as soon as
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the following: DOE Desk
Officer, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10102,
735 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
And to: Mr. Dennis Smith, Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy (EE–3V), U.S. Department of
Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue
SW, Washington, DC 20585–0121, or by
fax at 202–586–1600, or by email at
[email protected].
Dennis Smith at Dennis.Smith@
ee.doe.gov or via 202–586–1791. Please
put ‘‘2020 DOE Agency Information
Collection Renewal-Clean Cities Vehicle
Programs’’ in the subject line when
sending an email.
are invited on: (a) Whether the extended
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of DOE, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of DOE’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
The Department of Energy is
proposing to extend an information
collection pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The approved
collection is being used for three Clean
Cities programmatic efforts. The first
initiative is the collection of information
for a voluntary plug-in electric vehicle
(PEV) questionnaire that assists
communities and DOE Clean Cities
coalitions in assessing the level of
readiness of their communities for
PEVs. The second effort is intended to
develop information that enables DOE
to review the progress of DOE’s National
Clean Fleets Partnership (Partnership).
The third effort is referred to as ‘‘Ride
and Drive Surveys’’. DOE is not
proposing to expand the scope of these
information collection efforts.
This information collection request
contains: (1) OMB No.: 1910–5171; (2)
Information Collection Request Title:
Clean Cities Vehicle Programs; (3) Type
of Review: Renewal; (4) Purpose: DOE’s
Clean Cities initiative has developed

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three voluntary mechanisms by which
communities, certain fleets, and the
purchasing public can get a better
understanding of their readiness for
plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), and to
help DOE’s Clean Cities coalitions
prepare for the adoption of these
vehicles review their progress in doing
so. The voluntary PEV Scorecard is
intended to assist communities and the
coalitions in assessing the level of
readiness of their communities for
PEVs. The principal objectives of the
questionnaire are to provide
respondents with an objective
assessment and estimate of their
respective community’s readiness for
PEVs as well as understand the
respective community’s goals related to
integrating these vehicles, and allow
communities to assess the magnitude of
gaps in their readiness to achieve their
goals. DOE intends the questionnaire to
be completed by a city/county/regional
sustainability or energy coordinator. As
the intended respondent may not be
aware of every aspect of local or
regional PEV readiness, coordination
among local stakeholders to gather
appropriate information may be
DOE expects a total respondent
population of approximately 1,250
respondents. Selecting the multiplechoice answers in completing a
questionnaire is expected to take under
30 minutes, although additional time of
no more than 20 hours may be needed
to assemble information necessary to be
able to answer the questions, leading to
a total burden of approximately 25,625
hours. Assembling information to
update questionnaire answers in the
future on a voluntary basis would be
expected to take less time, on the order
of 10 hours, as much of any necessary
time and effort needed to research
information would have been completed
For the Clean Fleets Partnership
information collection, the Partnership
is targeted at large, private-sector fleets
that own or have contractual control
over at least 50 percent of their vehicles
and have vehicles operating in multiple
States. DOE expects approximately 50
fleets to participate in the Partnership
and, as a result, DOE expects a total
respondent population of approximately
50 respondents. Providing initial
baseline information for each
participating fleet, which occurs only
once, is expected to take 60 minutes.
Follow-up questions and clarifications
for the purpose of ensuring accurate
analyses are expected to take up to 90
minutes. The total burden is expected to
be 125 hours.




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 88 / Wednesday, May 6, 2020 / Notices

For the DOE Clean Cities initiative
that involves the ride-and-drive surveys,
DOE has developed a three-part
voluntary survey to assist its coalitions
and stakeholders in assessing the level
of interest, understanding, and
acceptance of PEVs and alternative fuel
vehicles (AFV) by the purchasing
public. DOE intends the surveys to be
completed by individuals who are
participating in one of many ride-anddrive events. There are three phases to
the Survey: (1) Pre Ride-and-Drive; (2)
post Ride-and-Drive; and (3) a few
months/some time later to discern if the
respondent followed through with
acquisition of a PEV or another AFV.
Respondents provide answers in the
first two phases through a user-friendly
paper survey and on-line survey, and in
the third phase they answer questions
via an electronic interface, although a
paper survey may be used for those
lacking access to an electronic device or
The Surveys’ effort relies on
responses to questions the respondent
chooses to answer. The multiple-choice
questions address the following topic
areas: (1) Demographics; (2) Current
vehicle background; (3) How they
learned about ride and drive event; (3)
Perceptions of PEVs before and after
driving; (4) Post-drive vehicle
experience; (5) Purchase expectations;
(6) Follow-up survey regarding
subsequent behaviors; (7) Purchase
information; (8) Barriers; and (9) Future
intentions. The survey is expected to
take 30 minutes, leading to a total
burden of approximately 28,250 hours
(an increase 2,500 hours above the total
burden in hours for the two currently
approved collections).
(5) Type of Respondents: Public; (6)
Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents for all three information
collections: 16,300; (7) Annual
Estimated Number of Total Responses:
16,300; (7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 28,250 (25,625 for PEV
Scorecard, 125 for Clean Fleets
Partnership, and 2,500 for the Ride and
Drive Surveys); and (8) Annual
Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping
Cost Burden: There is no cost associated
with reporting and recordkeeping.
Statutory Authority: 42 U.S.C. 13233;
42 U.S.C. 13252 (a)–(b); 42 U.S.C.
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on April 30, 2020, by
David Howell, Program Director,
Vehicle Technologies, Office Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
pursuant to delegated authority from the
Secretary of Energy. That document

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with the original signature and date is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 1, 2020.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2020–09696 Filed 5–5–20; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. AC20–103–000]

Locke Lord LLP; Notice of Filing
Take notice that on April 28, 2020,
Locke Lord LLP submitted a request for
confirmation from the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
that the cost of specific electric wind
and solar generating equipment is
properly booked to Uniform System of
Accounts Nos. 343, 344 and 345, which
pertain to Production Plant.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 or 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
protests must be filed on or before the
comment date. On or before the
comment date, it is not necessary to
serve motions to intervene or protests
on persons other than the Applicant.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
‘‘eFiling’’ link at http://www.ferc.gov.
Persons unable to file electronically may
mail similar pleadings to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426.
Hand delivered submissions in
docketed proceedings should be
delivered to Health and Human
Services, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, Maryland 20852.

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In addition to publishing the full text
of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (http://
ferc.gov) using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. At this
time, the Commission has suspended
access to the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, due to the
proclamation declaring a National
Emergency concerning the Novel
Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19), issued
by the President on March 13, 2020. For
assistance, contact the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission at
[email protected] or call
toll-free, (886) 208–3676 or TYY, (202)
Comment Date: 5 p.m. Eastern Time
on May 28, 2020.
Dated: April 30, 2020.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2020–09657 Filed 5–5–20; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings #2
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER20–1607–001.
Applicants: PacifiCorp.
Description: Tariff Amendment:
Colstrip Trans System LGIA—
Concurrence Broadview Solar—Errata
Filing to be effective 4/9/2020.
Filed Date: 4/30/20.
Accession Number: 20200430–5287.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/21/20.
Docket Numbers: ER20–1710–000.
Applicants: Rochelle Municipal
Utilities, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: City
of Rochelle submits Revisions to CTOA
to be Removed as a TO to be effective
Filed Date: 4/30/20.
Accession Number: 20200430–5222.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/21/20.
Docket Numbers: ER20–1711–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Amendment to ISA, Service Agreement
No. 5466; Queue No. AC2–176 to be
effective 8/13/2019.



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File Modified2020-05-06
File Created2020-05-06

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