Agency Director Survey

OPRE Study: National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being Second Cohort (NSCAW III): Data Collection (Phase III - Caseworker Surveys) [Longitudinal Study]

Instrument 1 - Agency Director Survey_revised Sept 2020_Draft 2_Clean

Agency Director Survey

OMB: 0970-0202

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Agency Director Survey

The survey will begin immediately following completion of the consent form.

INTRO1 The first set of questions will ask about your role and primary job responsibilities.

Q1 Are you the person who oversees investigations or assessments in your child protective services (CPS) agency?

Shape1 1 Yes

Shape2 2 No

Q2 [IF Q1=2] Who oversees investigations or assessments in your CPS agency?


Q3 Do you feel as if you can provide accurate information about your agency’s structure, staffing, practices, and policies?

Shape3 1 Yes

Shape4 2 No

Q3a [IF Q3=1] What is your position within the agency?


Q3b [IF Q3=2] If not, who would you recommend that we contact?


Q3c [IF Q3=2] What is [your/your agency director’s] primary role or job responsibility?


EXIT1 [IF Q3=2] Thank you for your time. We will contact the person you recommended in Q3b to complete the rest of this survey.

INTRO2 The next set of questions ask about how child welfare services are provided within your county. All references to public agencies include state, county, local, or tribal agencies.

Q4 How many private child welfare agencies are there within your county?


Q4a Do you partner with any private agencies to carry out caseworker services? Caseworker services may include:

  • CPS investigations or assessments

  • Intensive in-home family preservation or reunification services

  • Other in-home services or case management

  • Foster care or out-of-home placement case management

  • Foster and adoptive home recruitment, training, licensure, or supervision

  • Therapeutic foster home recruitment, training, licensing, or supervision

  • Group care or group residential treatment services

Shape5 1 Yes

Shape6 2 No

IF Q4a = 2, SKIP TO Q6

Q4b How many private agencies do you partner with to carry out caseworker services?

_____________ NUMBER

Now we would like to learn more about how different caseworker services in your county are provided. The following questions will ask if services are provided….

  1. Primarily by your agency (or other public agencies within your county).

  2. Primarily by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies

  3. Both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

By “primarily,” we mean about 80% of the caseload.

Q5a Are CPS investigations or assessments in your county…

Shape7 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county (or other public agencies within my county),

Shape8 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies,

Shape9 3 Primarily provided by law enforcement (sheriffs, police, etc.),

Shape10 4 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies, or

Shape11 5 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and law enforcement (sheriffs, police, etc.).

Q5aa [IF Q5a=4 OR 5] For CPS investigations or assessments, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies (including law enforcement) within your county?

Shape12 1 Less than 25%

Shape13 2 25% - 49%

Shape14 3 50% - 74%

Shape15 4 75% or more

Q5ab [IF Q5a=4] For CPS investigations or assessments, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape16 1 Less than 25%

Shape17 2 25% - 49%

Shape18 3 50% - 74%

Shape19 4 75% or more

Q5ac [IF Q5a=5] For CPS investigations or assessments, what percentage of the caseload is covered by law enforcement within your county?

Shape20 1 Less than 25%

Shape21 2 25% - 49%

Shape22 3 50% - 74%

Shape23 4 75% or more

Q5b Are intensive in-home family preservation or reunification services in your county…

Shape24 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county,

Shape25 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies, or

Shape26 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

Q5ba [IF Q5b=3] For intensive in-home family preservation or reunification services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape27 1 Less than 25%

Shape28 2 25% - 49%

Shape29 3 50% - 74%

Shape30 4 75% or more

Q5bb [IF Q5b=3] For intensive in-home family preservation or reunification services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape31 1 Less than 25%

Shape32 2 25% - 49%

Shape33 3 50% - 74%

Shape34 4 75% or more

Q5c Are other in-home services or case management in your county...

Shape35 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county,

Shape36 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies, or

Shape37 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

Q5ca [IF Q5c=3] For other in-home services or case management, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape38 1 Less than 25%

Shape39 2 25% - 49%

Shape40 3 50% - 74%

Shape41 4 75% or more

Q5cb [IF Q5c=3] For other in-home services or case management, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape42 1 Less than 25%

Shape43 2 25% - 49%

Shape44 3 50% - 74%

Shape45 4 75% or more

Q5d Are foster care or out-of-home placement case management services in your county…

Shape46 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county,

Shape47 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies, or

Shape48 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

Q5da [IF Q5d=3] For foster care or out-of-home placement case management services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape49 1 Less than 25%

Shape50 2 25% - 49%

Shape51 3 50% - 74%

Shape52 4 75% or more

Q5db [IF Q5d=3] For foster care or out-of-home placement case management services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape53 1 Less than 25%

Shape54 2 25% - 49%

Shape55 3 50% - 74%

Shape56 4 75% or more

Q5e Are foster and adoptive home recruitment, training, licensure, and supervision services in your county…

Shape57 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county,

Shape58 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies, or

Shape59 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

Q5ea [IF Q5e=3] For foster and adoptive home recruitment, training, licensure, and supervision services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape60 1 Less than 25%

Shape61 2 25% - 49%

Shape62 3 50% - 74%

Shape63 4 75% or more

Q5eb [IF Q5e=3] For foster and adoptive home recruitment, training, licensure, and supervision services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape64 1 Less than 25%

Shape65 2 25% - 49%

Shape66 3 50% - 74%

Shape67 4 75% or more

Q5f Are therapeutic foster home recruitment, training, licensing, or supervision services in your county…

Shape68 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county,

Shape69 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies, or

Shape70 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private for profit and not-for profit agencies.

Q5fa [IF Q5f=3] For therapeutic foster home recruitment, training, licensing, and supervision services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape71 1 Less than 25%

Shape72 2 25% - 49%

Shape73 3 50% - 74%

Shape74 4 75% or more

Q5fb [IF Q5f=3] For therapeutic foster home recruitment, training, licensing, and supervision services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape75 1 Less than 25%

Shape76 2 25% - 49%

Shape77 3 50% - 74%

Shape78 4 75% or more

Q5g Are group care or group residential treatment services in your county…

Shape79 1 Primarily provided by my agency or other public agencies within my county

Shape80 2 Primarily provided by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies

Shape81 3 Provided both by the public child welfare agency and by private and not-for-profit agencies.

Q5ga [IF Q5g=3] For group care or group residential treatment services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by your agency or other public agencies within your county?

Shape82 1 Less than 25%

Shape83 2 25% - 49%

Shape84 3 50% - 74%

Shape85 4 75% or more

Q5gb [IF Q5g=3] For group care or group residential treatment services, what percentage of the caseload is covered by private for profit and not-for-profit agencies?

Shape86 1 Less than 25%

Shape87 2 25% - 49%

Shape88 3 50% - 74%

Shape89 4 75% or more

Some child welfare agencies are state administered while others are administered at the local county, city, or tribal level.

Q6 Is the public agency that you represent a state agency or a local county, city, or tribal agency?

Shape90 1 State

Shape91 2 County/City/Locality/Tribe

Q7 Does your agency serve more than one county?

Shape92 1 Yes

Shape93 2 No

Q7a [IF Q7=Yes] How many counties does your agency serve?

_____________ NUMBER

INTRO3 The next questions will ask about your relationship with the state’s central administration. By the state’s central administration, we mean the agency or department that oversees the child welfare system in your state.

How would you rate the state’s central administration in providing your agency with…

Q7b Technical assistance and support?

Shape94 1 Excellent

Shape95 2 Very Good

Shape96 3 Good

Shape97 4 Fair

Shape98 5 Poor



Q7c Articulating and monitoring the agency’s goals?

Shape100 1 Excellent

Shape101 2 Very Good

Shape102 3 Good

Shape103 4 Fair
5 Poor

Q7d Assistance in securing resources for your agency?

Shape105 1 Excellent

Shape106 2 Very Good

Shape107 3 Good

Shape108 4 Fair
5 Poor

Q7e On average, how often does your agency staff have meetings, either by phone or in-person, with staff at the state’s central administration?

Shape110 1 Once a day

Shape111 2 Once a week

Shape112 3 Twice a month

Shape113 4 Once a month

Shape114 5 Quarterly (four times a year)

Shape115 6 Once a year

Shape116 7 Never

Q7f How would you rate your overall relationship with the state’s central administration?

Shape117 1 Excellent

Shape118 2 Very Good

Shape119 3 Good

Shape120 4 Fair
5 Poor

INTRO4 The next set of questions are about your agency’s budget and staff.

Q8 How many congregate care facilities are in your agency’s jurisdiction? Congregate care facilities include group homes, residential treatment facilities, psychiatric institutions, and emergency shelters.

_____________ NUMBER

Q9 Please look at Card ##. Please estimate your agency’s total child welfare expenditures in the most recent fiscal year. Include all county, state, and federal expenditures.

Shape122 1 Under $1 Million

Shape123 2 Between $1 Million and $10 Million

Shape124 3 Between $10 Million and $20 Million

Shape125 4 Between $20 Million and $30 Million
5 Between $30 Million and $40 Million
6 Between $04 Million and $50 Million
7 Over $50 Million
8 Unable to estimate

Q10 How many staff within your agency conduct CPS investigations or assessments as their primary duty?

Shape130 1 5 or Fewer
2 6 to 20
3 20 to 50
4 50 to 100
5 Over 100

Q11 How many staff within your agency provide all other services (other than CPS investigations or assessments) as their primary duty?

Shape135 1 5 or Fewer
2 6 to 20
3 20 to 50
4 50 to 100
5 Over 100

Q11a How many staff within your agency provide intensive in-home family preservation or

reunification services as their primary duty?

Shape140 1 None

Shape141 1 1 to 5

Shape142 2 6 to 20

Shape143 3 20 to 50

Shape144 4 50 to 100

Shape145 5 Over 100

Q11b How many staff within your agency provide other in-home services or case management as their primary duty?

Shape146 1 None

Shape147 2 1 to 5

Shape148 3 6 to 20

Shape149 4 20 to 50

Shape150 5 50 to 100

Shape151 6 Over 100

Q11c How many staff within your agency provide foster care or out-of-home placement case management services as their primary duty?

Shape152 1 None

Shape153 2 1 to 5

Shape154 3 6 to 20

Shape155 4 20 to 50

Shape156 5 50 to 100

Shape157 6 Over 100

Q11d How many staff within your agency provide foster and adoptive home recruitment, training, licensure, or supervision services as their primary duty?

Shape158 1 None

Shape159 2 1 to 5

Shape160 3 6 to 20

Shape161 4 20 to 50

Shape162 5 50 to 100

Shape163 6 Over 100

Q11e How many staff within your agency provide therapeutic foster home recruitment, training, licensing, or supervision services as their primary duty?

Shape164 1 None

Shape165 2 1 to 5

Shape166 3 6 to 20

Shape167 4 20 to 50

Shape168 5 50 to 100

Shape169 6 Over 100

Q11f [IF Q5g=1 OR 3] How many staff within your agency provide group care or group residential treatment services as their primary duty?

Shape170 1 None

Shape171 2 1 to 5

Shape172 3 6 to 20

Shape173 4 20 to 50

Shape174 5 50 to 100

Shape175 6 Over 100

Q12a What is the average number of investigations/assessments per worker in your agency at any one time? Please respond with either the number of families per worker OR the number of children per worker.

Families per worker: _______ NUMBER


Children per worker: _______ NUMBER

Q12b What is the ratio of the number of supervisors to the number of investigation/assessment workers at your agency?

_____________ RATIO

Q12c How many direct service child welfare FTEs (e.g., investigators, case managers, intact family workers, etc.) do you currently have in your agency budget?

_____________ NUMBER

Q13 How many child welfare vacancies do you currently have in your agency?

_____________ NUMBER

[IF Q13>0] Of the number of child welfare vacancies you currently have in your agency, how many are due to…

Q14a Promotions within your agency?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14b Lateral transfers within your agency?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14c Voluntary resignations?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14d Involuntary dismissals?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14e Retirements?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14f Deaths?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14g Reductions in force?

_____________ NUMBER

Q14h Other? SPECIFY: ____________________

_____________ NUMBER

INTRO5 The next set of questions ask about the recruiting and hiring strategies employed at your agency.

Q15 Which of the following resources or strategies are used by your agency to recruit the workers who conduct investigations or assessments? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape176 1 Agency website
2 College placement offices
3 Community or college job fairs
4 Incentive program for current benefit or child support workers to become caseworkers
5 Incentive program for current staff who make referrals
6 Incentive program for parent partners, social service aides, or other paraprofessionals to become caseworkers
7 Internship program
8 Newspaper
9 Online job search engines
10 Open houses
11 Posters/brochures
12 Provide student stipends as part of a university partnership
13 Radio/television
14 Social media
15 Student loan payback programs
16 OTHER (SPECIFY): _________________________

Q16a Is a Human Resources (HR) department at your agency responsible for recruiting?

Shape192 1 Yes
2 No

Q16b [IF Q16a=2] Which department or job title is responsible for recruiting at your agency?


Q16c Is a Human Resources (HR) department at your agency responsible for hiring?

Shape194 1 Yes
2 No

Q16d [IF Q16c=2] Which department or job title is responsible for hiring at your agency?


Q17a Overall, how many months does it typically take to fill a position for investigation/assessment workers, starting from the time of a new vacancy or position requisition and ending with a filled position?

_____________ MONTHS

Q17b When hiring investigation/assessment caseworkers, which three skills listed below are the most critical for the applicant to possess?

Shape196 1 Active listening
2 Advocacy
3 Boundary setting
4 Client and family management

Shape200 5 Communication
6 Critical thinking
7 Documentation
8 Influencing/persuading

Shape204 9 Information gathering

Shape205 10 Organization
11 Partnering/Building collaborative relationships
12 Teamwork

Shape208 13 Time management

Shape209 14 Other (SPECIFY): ___________________

INTRO6 The next set of questions ask about caseworker training at your agency.

Q18a What is your agency’s current budget for training?

Shape210 1 Under $100,000

Shape211 2 Between $100,000 and $1 Million

Shape212 3 Between $1 Million and $2 Million

Shape213 4 Between $2 Million and $3 Million
5 Between $3 Million and $4 Million
6 Between $4 Million and $5 Million
7 Over $5 Million
8 Unable to estimate

Q18b What percentage of your training budget is funded under Title IV-E?

Shape218 1 Less than 20%
2 20% - 50%
3 More than 50%

Q18c Do you think the training budget is sufficient for your agency?

Shape221 1 Yes

Shape222 2 No

Q19 Which of the following does your agency routinely provide to new investigation/assessment workers during their first 6 months? Select all that apply.

Shape223 1 A more experienced caseworker who acts as a mentor or coach
2 A period of time when they shadow veteran workers before taking on cases themselves
3 A reduced caseload while they learn the work
4 Extra time with their supervisor
5 Pre-service training
6 Simulation labs where new assessment workers go into a house and role play with actors
7 In-field training from an experienced supervisor
8 Training to prepare for court
9 Other type of training (SPECIFY): _______________________

INTRO7 This next set of questions ask about your agency’s workforce polices.

Q20 Is your agency accredited by the Council on Accreditation?

Shape232 1 Yes

Shape233 2 No

Q21a Does your agency have a policy on the maximum number of cases assigned to investigation/assessment caseworkers?

Shape234 1 Yes

Shape235 2 No

Q21b [IF Q21a=1] What is the maximum number of cases that can be assigned to investigation/assessment caseworkers?


Q22 Are caseworkers at your agency required to have a Bachelor’s of Social Work (BSW) or Master’s of Social Work (MSW) from an accredited school of social work?

Shape236 1 Yes

Shape237 2 No

Q23 Are caseworkers hired at your agency required to have previous experience as a social worker or Child Welfare Services caseworker?

Shape238 1 Yes

Shape239 2 No

Q24a Does your agency have a set of best practices for retaining your staff?

Shape240 1 Yes

Shape241 2 No

Q24b [IF Q24a=1] Please look at CARD X. What types of retention strategies and practices do you engage in? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape242 1 A support work environment/Supportive supervision
2 Annual or Biennial culture/climate assessments
3 Bonus plans and other tools for recognizing outstanding performance
4 Caseload/Workload management
5 Clear career path
6 Competitive pay
7 Focus on inclusion of diverse members of workforce
8 Implementation of practice models or evidence-based practices to promote staff competence
9 Job redesign opportunities
10 Opportunities for advancement
11 Opportunities to participate in interventions aimed at helping staff cope with stress, burnout, or secondary trauma
12 Personalized benefits packages
13 “Stay Interviews”
14 Telework and flexible work options
15 Training, Professional development, and Mentoring opportunities
16 Use of technology to increase efficiency
17 Other (SPECIFY): _______________________

Q25a Does your agency have a set of best practices for hiring staff?

Shape259 1 Yes

Shape260 2 No

Q25b [IF Q25a=1] What types of hiring strategies and practices do you engage in? Select all that apply.

Shape261 1 Background Checks
2 Behavioral Interviewing: Discovering how the candidate acts in specific employment-related situations
3 Competency-based assessment
4 Psychological, ability, personality, or honesty testing
5 Skills assessment
6 Tests measuring analytic and/or writing skills
7 Tests on child welfare policies and procedures
8 Tests or tasks focused on decision-making, incorporating real-life scenarios, and vignettes
9 Other (SPECIFY): _______________________

Q26 Does your agency have strategies and goals in place for achieving a diverse mix of workers in your agency that reflects the diversity of the clients you serve?

Shape270 1 Yes

Shape271 2 No

Q26a What are the strategies and/or goals you have in place for achieving a diverse mix of workers in your agency?










Q26b Thinking about your roles and responsibilities broadly, what would you say are the top three job-related challenges you face?














INTRO8 This next set of questions ask about potential impacts on your agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q27 Since the COVID-19 pandemic, have you noticed an increase, decrease, or no change in each of the following...

Q27a Funding?


Q27b New caseworker applicants?


Q27c Time to fill position vacancies?


Q27d Caseworker retention rates?


Q27e Caseload volume?


Q27f New foster parent applicants?


Q27g Foster parent retention rates?


Q27h Number of child maltreatment reports?


Q27i Severity of child maltreatment reports?


Q27j Number of children entering foster care?


Q27k Number of child deaths related to abuse or neglect?


Q27l Service support requests from transition-age foster youth. For example, requests for housing, employment, or food?


Q28 [IF Q27a-Q27l=INCREASE OR DECREASE) Why do you think there has been an (FILL: INCREASE OR DECREASE) in (FILL: Q27a-Q27l PRACTICE)?










Q29 Has your agency developed any of the following practices or policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape272 1 Allowing staff to work off-site or from home

Shape273 2 Allowing staff to work flexible hours

Shape274 3 Virtual investigations

Shape275 4 Virtual monthly home visits

Shape276 5 Virtual court appearances

Shape277 6 Virtual staff training

Shape278 7 Virtual foster parent or kinship caregiver training

Shape279 8 Virtual interviews with prospective staff

Shape280 9 Virtual in-home educational oversight and supports for children

Shape281 10 Virtual services and supports (if yes, specify type of service)

Shape282 11 Virtual supervision

Shape283 12 Electronic record keeping

Shape284 13 Other (SPECIFY): _________________________

Q30 [FOR EACH Q29 PRACTICE ENDORSED] Does your agency plan to sustain the [FILL Q29 PRACTICE] developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Shape285 1 Yes
2 No

Q31 How technologically prepared was your agency to support virtual work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Shape287 1 Very Prepared

Shape288 2 Somewhat prepared

Shape289 3 Not very prepared

Q32 Has your agency been able to carry out the following functions in the work-at-home environment during the COVID-19 pandemic? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape290 1 Staffing child abuse hotlines

Shape291 2 Case investigation

Shape292 3 Shelter hearings (For example: the first hearing after a child’s removal for judicial determination)

Shape293 4 60-day hearings (For example: hearings for judicial determination of reasonable efforts to prevent removal)

Shape294 5 Caseworker visitation

Shape295 6 Contact between parents and their attorneys

Shape296 7 Contact between children and their attorneys

Shape297 8 Biological family visitation for children in out-of-home care

Shape298 9 Mental health service provision

Shape299 10 Substance abuse service provision

Shape300 11 Domestic violence service provision

Shape301 12 In-home educational oversight and supports

Shape302 13 Support for basic needs (For example: unemployment applications, public housing requests, or internet access requests)

Q33 [FOR EACH Q32 PRACTICE ENDORSED] How well did (FILL Q32 PRACTICE) function in a work-at-home environment?

Shape303 1 Very well

Shape304 2 Somewhat well

Shape305 3 Not at all well

Q34 Did the Disaster or Emergency Preparedness Plan that was in place in your state or jurisdiction prior to the COVID-19 pandemic include the child welfare system?

Shape306 1 Yes
2 No

Q35 [IF Q34=1] How adequately do you think this plan addressed child welfare system-relevant needs during the pandemic?

Shape308 1 Very adequately

Shape309 2 Somewhat adequately

Shape310 3 Not at all adequately

Q36 Is your state now revising its Disaster or Emergency Preparedness Plan to specifically address child welfare needs?

Shape311 1 Yes
2 No

Q37 [IF Q36=1] Is there a child welfare representative among the group of individuals responsible for revising the plan?

Shape313 1 Yes

Shape314 2 No

Q38 [IF Q36=1] What issues should be included in the revised plan to help your agency respond to the next disaster or emergency? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY)

Shape315 1 Managing child maltreatment investigations

Shape316 2 Procedures for court proceedings

Shape317 3 Providing social services and supports

Shape318 4 Flexible funding

Shape319 5 Other (SPECIFY): _________________________

Q39 [IF Q34=2] Has your state or local jurisdiction now taken steps to develop a Disaster or Emergency Preparedness Plan that includes the child welfare system?

Shape320 1 Yes
2 No

Q40 [IF Q39=1] Is there a child welfare representative among the group of individuals responsible for revising the plan?

Shape322 1 Yes

Shape323 2 No

Q41 [IF Q39=1] How adequately do you feel that this new or refined plan will address child welfare system-relevant needs?

Shape324 1 Very adequately

Shape325 2 Somewhat adequately

Shape326 3 Not at all adequately

Q42 [IF Q39=1] What issues do you believe will be covered by this plan to help your agency respond to the next disaster or emergency? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY)

Shape327 1 Managing child maltreatment investigations

Shape328 2 Procedures for court proceedings

Shape329 3 Providing social services and supports

Shape330 4 Flexible funding

Shape331 5 Other (SPECIFY): _________________________

Q43 [IF Q39=2] Why is child welfare not being included?










INTRO9 Finally, we’d like to learn more about [you/your agency director] with some questions about [your/their] background. If you are answering these questions on behalf of your agency director, please answer “Don’t Know” if you are not sure of the correct response.

Q44 What is the highest degree, diploma, or certificate that [you have/your agency director has] received?

Shape332 1 None

Shape333 2 High School Diploma or High School equivalency (GED)

Shape334 3 Vocational Tech Certificate/Diploma

Shape335 4 Associate Degree (For example: AA, AS, ASN)

Shape336 5 Bachelor’s Degree (For example: BA, AB, BS, BSW, BSN)

Shape337 6 Master’s Degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, Med, MSW, MBA)

Shape338 7 Graduate or Professional Degree (For example: MD, JD, PhD, EdD)

Shape339 8 DON’T KNOW

Q44a [IF Q27=5 OR 6 OR 7] [Do you/Does your agency director] have a degree in social work?

1 Yes

2 No


Q44b [IF Q28a=1] Which degrees [do you/does your agency director] hold in social work? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

1 BSW     


3 PhD or Doctor of Social Work


Q44c [IF Q28b=1] Did [you/your agency director] receive a Title IV-E stipend for [your/their] Bachelor’s degree?

1 Yes

2 No

Q44d [IF Q28b=2] Did [you/your agency director] receive a Title IV-E stipend for [your/their] Master’s degree?

1 Yes

2 No

Q44e [IF Q28b=2 OR 3] [Have you/Has your agency director] ever been licensed or certified by a state to independently practice social work at the Master’s degree level?

1 Yes

2 No


Q44f [IF Q28e=1] [Are you/Is your agency director] currently licensed or certified by a state to independently practice social work at the Master’s degree level?

1 Yes

2 No


Q45 What is [your/your agency director’s] sex?

1 Male

2 Female


Q46 In what year were [you/your agency director] born?

_____________ YEAR


Q47 [Are you/Is your agency director] of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape340 1 No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
2 Yes, Cuban
3 Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano/a
 4 Yes, Puerto Rican
5 Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin


Q48 Please look at CARD X. What is [your/your agency director’s] race? You may pick one or more groups from the card. [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]

Shape341 1 White
Shape342 2 Black or African American
3 American Indian or Alaska Native
4 Asian Indian
5 Chinese
6 Filipino
7 Japanese
8 Korean
9 Vietnamese
10 Other Asian
11 Native Hawaiian
Shape343 12 Guamanian or Chamorro
13 Samoan
14 Other Pacific Islander

Q49 How long [have you/has your agency director] been in this role?

Shape344 Shape345 YEARS

Shape346 Shape347


Q50 How long [have you/has your agency director] been employed by this agency?

Shape348 Shape349 YEARS

Shape350 Shape351


Q51 How long [have you/has your agency director] worked in the field of child welfare?

Shape352 Shape353 YEARS


Shape354 Shape355 MONTHS


Q52a [Have you/Has your agency director] ever had direct practice experience in working with a caseload of children and families?

Shape356 1 Yes

Shape357 2 No


Q52b [Have you/Has your agency director] ever had prior experience in managing a child welfare team or program as a supervisor or administrator?



Shape360 3 BOTH

Shape361 4 NEITHER


Q53 For [your/your agency director’s] current position, [were you/was he/was she] promoted into this role from within this agency?

Shape362 1 Yes

Shape363 2 No


Q53a [IF Q33 IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 5 YEARS] How has turnover for the investigation/assessment workers at your agency varied in the past 5 years? Would you say turnover has increased, decreased, or been relatively stable?

Shape364 1 Increased

Shape365 2 Decreased

Shape366 3 Been relatively stable

Q53b [IF Q38a=1] Please look at CARD X. What are the top three reasons staff from this unit have left?

Shape367 1 Agency downsizing/Staff layoffs
2 Availability and/or quality of training and job support
3 Availability of resources and services to support clients
4 Better pay and job prospects elsewhere

Shape371 5 Changes in personal and family circumstances

Shape372 6 Interpersonal conflict

Shape373 7 Job stress and worker burnout

Shape374 8 No promotion opportunities

Shape375 9 Not a good fit for the job

Shape376 10 Organizational climate
11 Paperwork

Shape378 12 Staff retired

Shape379 13 Staff were promoted or moved to another unit

Shape380 14 Staff were terminated/fired

Shape381 15 Workload

Shape382 16 Other (SPECIFY): __________________

Q54 This study also involves interviewing supervisors and caseworkers at your agency about

their work and experiences. To help us select a random sample of supervisors, we would like to collect the names and contact information of the supervisors employed by your agency. We will then randomly select one or more supervisors from this list and offer them the opportunity to participate. Their participation will be completely voluntary, and their responses will be kept private.

During the interviews with supervisors, we will ask for the names and contact information of the caseworkers who report to them and use that list to randomly select one or more caseworkers who will be offered an opportunity to participate.

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number


Email Address





















EXIT2 Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your feedback.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorDounoucos, Victoria
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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